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4¥ hy - 708 Le : Quny_Vorga + - Flurp_Mecuanics ME S440 1 ee - Homework _ - a = ae a} [Prove thatthe {ola bole constant : the hea cay aad thei a —* conduction ot had ly fonees — | Soltion = - - .— fi inyisid Th wilh ne heat —condurtion or a AILS shess “terms drop-out and_all heat flux t en__as 3- ——_] se ty = Pay) ] at ay 2% The foto! entha He Bert bye Land. Ellshl ene = = tad uP a de The ghar —¢9.vabion can_| 1 _wrilten Os. agCH- "k) , 98(H-FE)Y [pay _ & +t OL BEN OAy +— Yi | _ os O3(%e) 4 8H — 9 (pay) =~ 9(Phy) ot ot a gy My afk - OP y ey — oO ot ot D4) DSH y Qgujh - OP ot any ot - | By chain role += 32s wat 4 $j 2 ABE = OP a ax) ot Mn OS OSuj \s OP | Dt ae OK at ( “¢ DH OP Becawe, 8 s2SW = 0 Dt ot L ot a4 fg De [pee] Becouse IP 20. a 20_as Fl as Flow ic sleady] | pee ee Ht, total enthalp is__constant along a ‘teaming. Py D rs) | teblem | _continved -— tll Vehicle velecily = Mach Sua = 5 speed of Sound - i Ambient temperature = 120K, 5 o | Ba verbies for air — Kotha (p= t602 The), Re 287 T]he Ik. Ag [Speed of sound is given by c= NRF a from purl a His constant. oo He b> tv" = Constant. H.= total en He = clog on_(or lsh ).-enlhal p Ve = _ueloci s at _ck at _ stagnation ont. | fon” peint_= © peint_of interest along steam bn y= Velorit pail of interest along ingadlan ctreemline - a He, = Hy - - a i halve = h tly? a z GTottyt= GT, +12 [2 b= GT] i Substituting Vie 15p¢ = S216 RT = 15s [he 287¥ 20 = 3293-4213 m jsec | T= 120K lg Cp = loor = > To = 1y,* 4 T 2 cP = 5533473 k | oO (P.1.0) Problem 2 2 | - m\ Se 4 a Fao, (90-8) 7 ey 26 L . x oe te fo | | elution -- vortex A - let - bs any point onthe int the Pra Tel ihe ndited—vtlotsty den | wall. Vorte x. The induced. velocity at. PR due to vorle 7 | Vas an [het [Fem the Cour verti above, we can “ucile- the horizontal | companends of Va = |_component if vel locily, _ £08, (Se-0) SS - (Pi-e.) Vp --?7 Sn B Va Vax on {wt 2* Now TT an Vpy oe nh 2 he "S Vo ~T 2 | 20 (Uh 2°) | [Vertical component Va_Gos 8 Pet an {pz Vay = Vy sia (1-6) © r h 2n yhu2* yh® rk Da os 20 (he 27) (2.7.0) low. Wy h exercise for i @ ~The indeced_ velority al_P due to vorler, B is:- Yee? 2n {naz — i | Fron the Figure we can wile horizontal and _vectical components of Ve qr [bc izonfal companenls. ft locity a Nox = Tce» (40-0). way - nthe naan - f L ~ | [Nea 27 ‘ne = - ie an {naz Vey tT Zz Vise 20 {wyz? Th2® a = Ngne at T= 7 7 on C23) Fl (R40 } Ver ital Component cof Me oy = Ve_sin (0-8) 2 = Vp cos © — = Te | ante nee ee Fi Vey = Uh q | 25 Cher 27) 4 2m Ch 2) — on (h'a2*) oO Resultant Vertical components 2- Vay | Vey= Vay > Yay 7h Th = 2th ex an (he) 2n(hu2*) an (ha 2*) j= Them, veleuly tory. peint_P onthe _wall_dve | image is paralle) tothe wall. 0 foo vorler ond its image is par pens isa “steeamline, ———! = Ma wwe calculate circulation around the contour \s__SAown . 4 T= $adi J 2 AT= f a. dl Bs, or = Was ~ van+ U,os+ van = =U, aS + uzas. f= uu infinifosi i jon box =Ug-by = RO- 350 | : f= 2 [AP ~ -220- msec ras (P10) Bobln 2 conlined if [The visewosity hos diffused the vortex sheet it icant “really infinite sinnally thin but h thirknes | an= lem = 0-0l m From Stokes Theorem +- 47 = foda = Suds AT = AR = —UWjaS =A + 4, aS AMAR swans (U,-u,)as 2 Wan as = (u,-4)) 45 (y= (u.-4)) __ Aan 120-350 = -23000 pst second.“ O04 >A 7 = Show thatthe —vorte palh i sven bul := - ee coaktant: oes oye Solution “(Consider model the — flow’ in _vorlires as shown aux Ls. the corner . n Con orlices, 6), 6) % wS .— be sh Ww as N- - Ve 1x6 Va Tn dluced__elocities are: [em Vv: TT On 2% Aux —} fe V2 0 —_T 2c) ney An torah” Vy =v! - i an. 24 Any. Now finding herizonlal and vertic. ot the resslant velocity dve. te _the induced velocities Ve = = Vy = Ny sin 8. | =e Pp. wT y 4ny An bet Gage vio an EG) oir | a Aue nfo farey™ __| >-Ppr. x fotfs ) «ep an laGeay® | to (er9)— E Heoblem 4 _condinued 5 Path line £ the vorlex a given by fe dt at 7 o du. 7 1 at qe y ben) | | Problem 5 [Bist-Savact law for three dimensional vortex Filament d= T Jag, ten J an | Teel] Consider an infinite vordex line that form with the Bhrowgh the %-y-z origin and ii —+ a_height line — Z_oxis 4 | La - J | 7 Boal ia | nia T os 7 Zz al Expression for induced velocity dir at pei oo Pe ocainds ich jys0 2-0 due fo clement Lo vortex Ine dl centered al origin x=, y=0 land 2-0 | a Oo —— # For_dl centered at (0,0,0) Cc = hI \y=r' | Preble 5 canfinved |." Using dist Sct a a — : so a an __| > _T dine j [ats in = db sina | - A h> - 7 av= Vidi * - [sine = ZH sin 0 | - an h> - Zz 2 J [HilGenern! expression forthe velocily at plh,0,0 clue to ' olement of verter temal line” dla localed at 2= Zo along the vortex [ine — | for al - _| centered at [>,0, 20) lp-F'J= yh 2e - —_E Using Bist= Savail Law, LY’ a — d= 0 [dle te | an l [r= '|* = 7 _| = T disine [dy Tw = dling] An (haze) 2 _ t _ : at = Tah (prey | Tategrate the induced velocity ex pression, -falong. entire _vorter_lne (from z= le z-+0 ae ere 0. = Cho de an tha2*)” “= let z= htang —dz= hsete de . 3 Ws wa Th hsecte . dle. | an CAWtatoye Tz = ( TR sero dp. J 4m h3 (sec¥o) =I This is well Known a - - aT 2nh fle aif — fof Mal Jp Be Tro la rang in ee 4 - ot 0, on 0 —is__moving ata co 7 velocity - | The induced velocities at A_® B are, @ vet Vaal ah 20h. [=> Mt och instant _ vortices: move in a_direction _| _perpendi cv lor fo__the line connecting, them whac contr vortices with nat be. velocity “Twos VN = T/nh* Crs hh]! o Tvs Boh Tf we vo in Eulerian frame we pokice that point O _ilself ic movin ato | | irection _ This means that the ver Fic s are i _I|rolating ih cirele arou yoint O as wel] Se arkling deus bake | ( There fore the mation of —_vorticec ould be hown below »~ Ty Cj Foot ‘ py fo ot | A | oy OR f Vortec) i 2 vf | Problem 6 continued i Consider 4 0 circuit around the twe vortices —_| [os shown helow , a | here the cireuil fences th aoc 4 te nee Ce, Qype 7 a = aches the | EO eu _path Lcontribution of one side of | path "cancels thatof the other side Hs. line “inde th 8) Flow is barolre pie OL Frame 38 pon- cotaling L The circulation is constant over time. Jf ‘circylation downstream _s — Dreier 220. Oe Se ME 5440 Fluid Mechanics Solutions for Homework 3 1 Problem 1 * Prove that the total enthalpy is constant along a streamline for a steady inviseid flow with no heat conduetion or body forces. Using this fact, compute the temperature at the stagnation point for a space capsule re-entry vehicle traveling at Mach 15 in air where the ambient temperature is T = 120K. Use the following values for air: y = 14, Cp = 1002J/kg/K, R = 287J/kg/K Note that the Mach number is the velocity divided by the speed of sound. The speed of sound of a gas is given by c= V/7RT where R is the gas constant for air. Under these conditions the energy equation reads OPE | OpBuy Opus a a On; 2n Since the flow is steady we have: Op _ oF =o ® ‘and bringing the right hand side over to the left, we get z dousB+8) _ or, ‘which can be written in terms of the total enthalpy Has: OpujH 8n; Using chain rule differentiation we get: oH 3s mee + we =0 (5) ‘The second term vanishes due to the mass conservation equation which reads, for steady inviscid flow: 10} leaving us with: ‘This is equivalent to the statement that H is constant along a streamline. To see this, one can rewrite this as DH 0H. OH De te, ~9 (8) since the flow is steady and thus oH Rn ) For a capsule in a flow at Mach 15, the total enthalpy far away (freestream total enthalpy) is equal to the enthalpy at the stagnation point on the capsule (where velocity = 0). Thus wwe have: OpT oe + wu =C,T, (10) which gives: 1 ip Te Trt 9G Us a) 1 2 Ty = Ton + 5 Machis1 RT (12) or 1 2 T.=Tay hi + aoc (a3) using the definition of Mach number and speed of sound. Plugging in the numbers gives: - 1_ig 1, = softs pyghtt x 14x28] ay Ty = 5533K (18) 2 Problem 2 Consider a point vortex of strength T at a distance h from a vertical wall. Calculate the velocity induced by this vortex at an arbitrary point on the wall. (Write this in terms of I, hh, and z the coordinate of the point along the wall). Determine the vertical and horizontal components of this induced velocity. Repeat this excercise for an image vortex behind the wall. Determine the resultant horizontal and vertical velocities at the wall due to both the primary and image vortices and show that the wall must be a streamline. For a point along the wall at z, the total distance from the vortex is a= VPFE (16) and thus the velocity at that point induced by the vortex is Usa an) ‘This velocity vector forms an angle a with the horizontal axis such that z 080 = Fao (as) sina= —h ag) Ere Thus, the horizontal and vertical velocity components are r Oniere (20) Tz 0 e+e) ey) and r h -__.« 22) » lye ye * Jie (22) Th ° = Es (23) ‘The image vortex is placed at -h behind the wall and has opposite rotation (-I). Thus, the velocities induced by the image vortex are: Tz us ee (24) and Th . = pe +2) (5) The total induced velocity of both vortices is thus: u=0 (26) and Th 7A 7) proving that the wall is a streamline, since the velocity at any point x slong the wall is vertical, and thus aligned with the wall. 3 Problem 3 Modern jet engines have two jet exhausts, the outer core and the inner core. The outer core is slower cool air (turbofan bypass) and the inner core is a fast hot exhaust gas flow. At the rear of the engine, the inner core has a velocity of 350 meters per second, while the outer core has a velocity of 120 meters per second, If we model this slip stream as a vortex sheet, what is the strength of the vortex shect (in terms of circulation per unit length) ? If we assume that viscosity has diffused the vortex sheet so it is not really infinitesimally thin, but has a thickness of 1 cm, what is the average vorticity in the vortex sheet ? Be sure to give answers with correct dimensional units. ‘The strength of the vortex sheet is given by. av ds The average vorticity is given by setting the integral of vorticity over the area of integra- tion equal to the cireulation around the contour. J faa fads=r (29) Assuming the area of integration is given by a rectangle of thickness An = lem and some arbitrary length As, the vorticity integral can be approximated by the average vorticity times the area, and the circulation by the average vortex sheet, strength times the length. ‘This gives: = Au = 350 — 120 = 230m/see (28) a & aA = fae (30) AsAn = oo (31) di a= fe (32) Putting in the values with correct units yields: _ _ 280m/see & Dim. (33) @ = 23000 1/sec (34) 4 Problem 4 Consider the flow in a 90° corner, confined by the walls @ = 0 and 6 = 90°. Consider a point vortex at a distance x and y from the walls. Show that the vortex path is given by: constant (35) Hint: Use three image vortices to model the flow in the corner. The path lines of the vortex are given by 4 =u and 4 = v where u and v are the velocity components in x and y respectively at the vortex location. Show that 4 = % = = and then integrate to get the answer. ‘The are 3 image vortices have the following strengths and locations: © Vortex 1: Tat x-y © Vortex 2; Tat xy @ Vortex 3: Tat xv We first compute the horizontal and vertical velocities induced by these three vortices on the vortex at cy: uy (36) uw (37) uy (38) & (39) Us (40) w= (4) ‘The calculation of velocities induced by the third vortex is similar to that derived in Problem 2 previously. Summing these three velocities together we get Tx? 2) eet = ase Ea) (2) (43) and the streamline is given as: (4) which is solved using separation of variables as: [%-f-S+0 (45) giving: (46) Slr = a 5 Problem 5 Recall the Biot-Savart Law for a three-dimensional vortex filament. ote dee ang [te Consider an infinite vortex line that forms a straight line through the x-y-2 origin and is aligned with the z axis. © Write an expression for the induced velocity dif at a point p with coordinates x=h, y=0, 2=0 due to the element of the vortex line di centered at the origin x—0, y-0, z=0. (47) «Write a more general expression for the induced velocity at p (x=h, y=0, 2=0) due to ‘an clement of the vortex line dif located at z = z, along the vortex line. Using this general form, integrate the induced velocity expression along the entire vortex line (from z = —o to x = +00 ) to obtain the well known expression for the induced velocity at p due to a point vortex in two dimensions. Hint 1: Because 7,,- is the unit vector in the r-r’ direction, the cross product can be evaluated as: di x T,y = dlsin? (48) where @ is the angle between the vortex line and the r ~ 1! vector. Hint 2: Use the following integsal : J Gaybape@= = aE In the first case, the vectors are as follows (using i,j, to denote unit basis vectors in xayye respectively): (49) (50) (51) Thus the induced velocity becomes: ai = DSExi (52) In the second case we have: ‘Thus the induced velocity becomes: o £ hdl aes (59) Integrating from z = —oo to z = +00 to get the total induced velocity (noting that di=dz for this purpose) we get. (60) (61) ‘Taking the limits we get u (2) us (63) which is the familiar 2D result. for a point vortex 6 Problem 6 Consider two vortices of equal strength I (and equal direction of rotation) a distance h apart in a uniform flow of velocity u=U, v=0. Determine the motion of this vortex pair. What is the total circulation for a contour drawn around both vortices ? How does this circulation change as the vortex pair flows downstream ? ‘The first part of this problem was cone in class with the exception that the background flow was zero. Now just add the vortex motion onto the constant freestream background flow to get the final motion. The total circulation around the vortex pair is 20. This circulation is constant as the vortices flow downstream by Kelvin’s theorem, 10

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