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Transportation Audit for the Meriam Library

Chrissy Hedges
Taylor Weber
Roxanna Ambriz
Katelyn Alegria
Destinee Compagno
Zoe Willett-Esparza
California State University, Chico

Research Topic


Our proposed research topic is to create a transportation audit for the Meriam Library.
The idea is to collect data on the transportational resources located near and in order to get to the
Meriam Library, specifically identifying the nearby bike racks, parking, food, and restroom
access. Aside from collecting data on transportation near the building, we must track the foot
traffic, drinking faucets, places to sit, windows and natural light, and noise levels inside of the
building. Using the data collected, we will determine whether items like faucets and restrooms
are excessive and must be reduced or vice versa determining that more bike racks and closer bus
stops should be implemented near Meriam Library.
The purpose of this research is to find how people use the different kind of
transportations to get the Meriam Library. We will be looking at what transportation options they
have to get to the Meriam library. For example, the bus, a car, a bicycle, walk, and other
transportations. The research were doing is to measure how many people take certain option to
get to the Meriam library. We also want to find out what kind of transportation is used more to
get from point A to point B. Knowing point B is the Meriam library.
When constructing any building many factors are taken into consideration. Quite
importantly, an individual's ability to access and enjoy amenities offered. The Meriam library
offers bike racks for individuals who bike, a parking lot for those who drive, and a nearby bus
stop for individuals who take the bus. These transportation amenities are necessities, however,
the effects transportation has are in question. 15% of global Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions
are attributed to the transportation sector (Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, 2016) and noise pollution has
a wide range of effects, in fact, Noise emanating from the movement of transport vehicles


affects human health, through an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Dr. Jean-Paul
Rodrigue, 2016). Not only does transportation affect humans but also animals and although many
factors are taken into consideration when a building is built, the efficiency of Meriam Libraries
amenities is going to be peered at closely in this proposal.
We are measuring the amount of carbon that was needed to create the Meriam Library at
California State University, Chico. In this realm of research, we are looking into the
transportation amenities nearby. We are going to gather information and conduct research in
order to see what is in and nearby the library. We will see how close the bike racks are outside, as
well as bathrooms inside and nearby and how far the nearest bus stop is. We will also measure
noise levels on each floor and the amount of drinking faucets in the building. We will observe the
effect of natural light in the library as well. With this research in mind we will be able to further
our knowledge on the Meriam Library and create a plan to make it more sustainable.

Although transportation provides positive aspects useful to life, it also has its negative
impacts as well. The emissions from greenhouse is a huge contributor to climate change. One of
the largest sources of U.S. greenhouse gas emission is the transportation sector. A study taken in
2014 from the Environmental Protection Agency, found that approximately 26% of total
greenhouse gas emissions was from transportation. The rate had been increasing exponentially
since the study began in 1990. All together automobiles account for an estimated amount of
nearly one-fifth of emissions in the United States (Michaels, 2016). The US transportation sector
produces a gross estimate of more than thirty percent of all emissions, this is more than any other
sector. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, about five pounds comes from the
extraction, production, and delivery of the fuel, while the great bulk of heat-trapping emissions


more than 19 pounds per galloncomes right out of a cars tailpipe. According to Greenhouse
Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle, a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.7
metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Three factors in the vehicle can change this number:
fuel, fuel economy, and number of miles driven per year. While people are doing many different
things to reduce the amount of oil used, oil related emissions are predicted to rise in the up and
coming years. This is due to the heavy use of unconventional oils such as tar sand and tight oil.
First, we will start by getting a foot traffic count in the library to get a general idea of
how many individuals use the library on a daily basis. In addition, we will also look at the
amenities that are provided for these individuals including available parking, bike racks, bus
stops, bathrooms, seating, and drinking faucets. The Oregon Health Sciences University released
an article on effective ways in conducting an environmental audit in ones library. We will be
following their methods of asking individuals and faculty members on campus specific
questions. These questions will primarily focus on heating, office supplies, lighting, and
transportation. Once we have gathered enough data we will analyze it and focus on areas that are
high in carbon emissions. We will collaborate to find a solution to lower these numbers.
8. Timeline
1. Wednesday 10/05: Destinee makes phone call/interview to Meriam Library, in
order to find inventory in the building.
2. Wednesday 10/05: Destinee contacted/emailed the building manager to find more
on the inventory of the building.
3. Thursday 10/06: Entire group take inventory of bike racks, restrooms, food
access, parking spaces, and bus stops near and outside the library.


4. Thursday 10/06: Entire group will track the flow of foot traffic, drinking faucets,
places to sit, windows and natural light, and noise levels inside the library.

"Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle." EPA. Environmental Protection
Agency, 25 Mar. 2016. Web. 07 Oct. 2016.
Norton, J. (2007). A How-To: Conduct an Environmental Audit in Your Library.
Or. Libr. Assoc. Q. OLA Quarterly, 13(4), 7-11. doi:10.7710/1093-7374.1177
"Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation." EPA. Environmental Protection
Agency, 30 June 2016. Web. 07 Oct. 2016.
Michaels, Seth D. "Car Emissions and Global Warming." Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p.,
23 Apr. 2016. Web. 07 Oct. 2016.

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