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The U.S.

Presidential Election of 2016:

The Means (Corruption) Are Justified by the End (Power)
By Humberto Gmez Sequeira-HuGS | Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The atom bomb was no 'great decision.' It was merely another powerful weapon
in the arsenal of righteousness.
Harry S. Truman tried to convert the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into a good that
he did to the people of Japan becauseas a Christian and President of the United Stateshe
was righteous and, therefore, the bomb was his messenger of righteousness. However, the
bomb was built with his consent and the consent of the Democratic Party and Republican Party,
knowing that it was an explosive great enough to destroy the whole world. Yet they decided to
use it because their enddemonstrating the Robber Barons new weapon to the other imperialist
robbersjustified the killing of thousands of innocent persons.

Detail from Corrupt Legislation (1896) by Elihu Vedder. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building,
Washington, D.C. Wikipedia

Trumans end was the same as the Robber Barons end: The conquering and pillaging of
Japan; not the imparting of a lesson on righteousness to the Japanese people, particularly the
women who were raped by their soldiers. His attempt to baptize the bomb as a force for good
was the reaffirmation of the mentality that the original Robber Barons who stole the country

instituted: The means (killing) are justified by the end (stealing). This is the morality, the law, and
the cornerstone of the Robber Barons free enterprise system or capitalism.
The Robber Barons built capitalism by killing American Indians to steal their land and
enslaving African persons to force them to work and steal the wealth that they produced. With
the power that they acquiredconverting the plasma of their victims into moneythey hired the
statesmen who constitutionalized their loot as their property.
Corruption was established by the Robber Barons as a condition for the achievement of
the end of capitalism and the Government that defends it as democracy. Their character is the
virus with which they have contaminated the generations of Democrat and Republican politicians
who have administered the peoples Government as their means to achieve their end. With the
help of their political lackeys in the Government and propaganda machine, the Robber Barons
have replaced the people as the inspiration, the means, and the end of Government.
Furthermore, they have enthroned themselves as the end of democracy and converted the
peoples Government into their court.
The peoples elected Democrat and Republican Government Officials have repudiated
the peoples aspirations of freedom, equality, prosperity, truth, justice, and peace as their values
and replaced them with the Robber Barons values: selfishness, avarice, corruption, hate,
aggressiveness, opulence, sterility, and vainglory. Therefore, they use the power of the
Governmentwhich is sustained by the people with their toil and taxto defend the Robber
Barons interests: private ownership of the country; private ownership of the financial system;
theft of the wealth that the working class produces; suppression of the peoples prosperity;
exportation of jobs; free trade agreements; and making war to globalize their power and profits.
The luxurious President, Senators, and Representativeswho feed from the peoples
Treasurycondone the Robber Barons crimes against the people, lie, and punish those who
tell the truth. The army under their command spies, censors, persecutes, represses, and
incarcerates those who disagree with the Robber Barons proposition, la Louis XIV, that they
are the State.
Corrupting the Government, the Robber Barons have converted democracy into a class
dictatorship whose operators are dedicated to satisfying their needs of national and global
domination. The subjugation of the people to their power as the mere tribute payers and the
conversion of the Public Treasury into their war fund is part of the wars that they are making to
conquer and pillage the rest of the world. This is the reason their Democrat and Republican
courtiers curtail the peoples constitutional rights; reduce the welfare budget; increase the
military budget; approve their free trade agreements; conduct their covert wars; order the
overthrow of foreign governments; order the killing of the heads of foreign states; and have
converted themselves into parts of an automated government machine that produces lies,
patriotic and religious pretensions, imperial vainglory, brutality, obscurantism, intimidation, social
conflict, and decadence.
Trumans hypocrisy is the Robber Barons and their Democrat and Republican courtiers
method for making the people believe that their corruption is justified by democracy. Keeping
the peoples mind subjugated to the acceptance of lie as truth; corruption as honesty;
impoverishment as enrichment; dictatorship as democracy; slavery as freedom; and war as

peace is the objective of the Robber Barons propaganda machine operators. Hillary Diane
Rodham Clinton and Donald John Trump are just the twin masks of the root of the corruption of
the consciousness of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the Government, democracy,
the electoral system, the media, the clergy, the intelligentsia, and the academia. The root is free
enterprise or capitalism, a system that requires the exploitation of human beings and the Earth;
and competition and war to produce the surplus value with which the Robber Barons sustain
their imperial power and sterile lifestyle.

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