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Stephan von Stepski-Doliwa


The way this book came into being is a most unusual thing and probably the
most difficult thing I have experienced on my path of spiritual progress. This
path began in 1981 a date that I can only now state clearly. At the time I
was merely surprised but did not see any connection.
I was in Gainesville, Florida, where I studied Structural Integration, an indepth form of massage, developed by Ida Rolf.
During the course we were encouraged to listen more and more to our
intuition and feelings, still knowing exactly how to massage, but switching
off our thinking and letting our hands do their own thing.
This was when I suddenly heard a voice from inside me which told me
exactly what to do. I was surprised as I could not explain the existence of this
voice or the fact that it always gave me the solution which invariably led to
success. Countless occurrences followed in which this inner voice guided,
protected and taught me.
It was also surprising to me that I had heard this voice so suddenly as during
this time I was not particularly religious or spiritual. I had lived my life as a
narrow-minded intellectual who eked out his life as a bio-energetic-analytical
I received the book The Angels Answer by Gitta Mallasz. I liked the look of
it but never found the time to read it. After some time I had still not looked
at the book I was regularly woken every night and could go back to sleep
only after I had read in this book for approximately one hour.
One night I woke up and switched on the light and wanted to read when a
being of light manifested itself in my room. First I was scared, but as soon
as I saw its loving expression all my anxiety was swept away. The being said,
You are chosen. You will be protected. We are always here for you! then
blessed me and left. I was speechless and shocked. Eventually I fell back to
sleep and the next morning thought I had only been dreaming.
My surprise was even greater when the woman who slept in the room next to
mine asked, Who was with you last night? I heard a voice in your room ...
Soon after this I had a number of profound experiences of Jesus. I
experienced Jesus in the form of a warm light in my heart and felt an
insatiable longing for Him. I prayed urgently to be permitted to find a living

Soon after that I was given the book Sai Baba The Holy Man and
Psychotherapist by S. Sandweiss. This book triggered a longing within me so
strong that I found myself seated at Sai Babas feet two months later and I
realized that He was the goal of all my longing.
In the ashram I had profound experiences; however, Sai Baba never spoke a
word to me personally. Also in the following visits I never got an interview.
He spoke to me through my inner voice and made it clear that He was this
voice. He was the leader who had accompanied me through all these years as
my inner voice. He was the omniscient one who gave me the grace to hear
this voice more and more clearly and to learn to rely on it fully.
As soon as I returned from my first trip to Puttaparthi my life changed
fundamentally. Bit by bit Sai Baba changed the method of my therapy. He
opened completely new ways for me. These ways were the answers to many
questions which I had been thinking about for years.
Despite all this, I did not receive happily Sai Babas instructions which I
heard within me. Sai Baba requested me to deal more precisely with body
exercises and to focus particularly on interpersonal communication.
This was surely very right and helpful, as even my patients wanted exercises.
Many of them were not willing to go along with my development. This put
me in many difficult situations, as I knew I had to follow my inner voice and
yet I needed to do my patients justice.
There were many terrible moments in which I felt miserable and once I lost
five kilos during a three day seminar. Nevertheless, I always followed the
recommendations of the voice and so everything went well in the end.
When I next travelled to Sai Baba, I asked for His blessings to be able to
work as a therapist for couples as I felt inadequate in this respect. Sai Baba
fulfilled this wish and led me to Constanze who, with His guidance, I married.
Today we work together as therapists. Through Sai Babas directions and
Constanzes love and knowledge we have been able to help many couples and
felt guided and secure ourselves in many difficult situations.
Despite all the evidence of Sai Babas guidance via the inner voice, the
question of whether I was hearing Him correctly i.e. whether I was not giving
myself answers just to say they were His directions, still bothered me (oh, Im
constantly thinking!).
To remove these doubts Sai Baba gave Constanze and me a house which we
needed to restructure in order to create therapy and work rooms. First Sai
Baba got rid of every architect we involved. He said He is the architect and
that we should ask Him.
This did not mean that from here on everything went well on the contrary!
Everything seemed to go wrong initially! This is when we realized something
substantial: Despite the fact that only I heard the voice, Constanze had all the
faith. Whenever something seemed to go wrong I kept asking myself if I had

heard something incorrectly. Constanze, however, stayed with her belief and
was always right.
The problems were always resolved in some mysterious way and it became
evident that Sai Baba had made the right decision. This gave me confidence
and faith that what I was hearing was indeed correct.
On New Years Day 1992, Sai Baba told me that he would dictate a thought
for each day and that a book should result from that. He started immediately.
He gave me the date and the content for that day. Despite the fact that He
dictated the pages at random order (October 18, June 5, July 17, etc.), He
never stated a date twice. Nevertheless, I was constantly afraid of two things:
first that the dates would still overlap, and second that I would lose my
hearing before all the texts for 366 days were dictated.
To relieve me of these fears, Sai Baba called me to see Him. Just as I had
arrived in Puttaparthi and Whitefield, respectively, the messages streamed at
such a high pace that I had difficulty recording everything. Within 14 days I
had written 310 pages!
During this time Constanze wanted to remove all doubts in regard to the voice
I was hearing. She held out a letter to Sai Baba in which she asked Him to
take it only if it is true that He is speaking through my inner voice. Sai Baba
took the letter and gave us a rose which now decorates our altar.
In May/June, 1992, we returned to Sai Baba and I wrote the remaining pages.
Sai Baba blessed the book during Darshan and just as the last page was
completed He granted our group an interview the first time that Sai Baba
spoke to me in person! What a gift!
Even though Sai Baba had removed all my doubts about the authenticity of
my inner voice I was surprised when He asked me to sign Sai Baba after
the introduction of the book. I found it presumptuous to do that and refused.
He insisted and said it should be clear from the beginning who the author of
the book is, namely He and not I.
When I had completed typing the book, Sai Baba said to me that I should take
it to Puttaparthi and correct it there. I took it along to the temple area and
discussed every correction with Him via my inner voice.
While doing this, and also later with the lecturers, I noticed that some of the
sentences were not entirely correct from a grammatical point of view and that
they sounded clumsy. When I asked Sai Baba whether I should change them
He replied: No, dont change them. Those that notice the clumsiness will
have to think! Therefore some of the sentences must be read several times
before they can be fully understood.
When I had completed the corrections, we were granted another interview. I
asked Sai Baba personally whether the book was all right and if so would He
bless it. He looked at me in such a loving way that I had no further desires
and He said, I bless it.

During February, 1994, I took the first bound copy of the book and when I
gave it to Him he blessed it and smiled at me for a long time.
On February 22, 1994, our group was granted an interview during which Sai
Baba signed the book and said I could now publish it.
We were all very happy.


Normally I speak in Telegu. I have incarnated in this region of India as it

provides the ideal conditions for my coming.
Telegu is a harmonious and soft language which is ideal to express my
teachings. My message is simple and clear. I am communicating it to you
with all the love I feel for you.
Often My teachings are initially translated into English and then into German.
In this process they sometimes lose some of the shine of My love, and
sometimes it is lost entirely.
Without this love My message is like a flower without water. It loses its
beauty, then its fragrance, until eventually it becomes unsightly. The beauty
and the fragrance are typical of a rose without them it would hardly be
recognized as one.
Similarly, My message loses its content by the lack of direct warmth which
can easily be the case with multiple translations. In order to ensure that My
teachings reach your country (Germany) with all the love necessary for you, I
have chosen the form of dictation via the inner voice.
I wanted to give you a book in which you would be able to find something
every day which would help you on your way to perfection. Therefore, you
can read this book daily and be delighted by it.
You may also use it as an oracle or answer book. To do this, sit down quietly
and formulate a clear question. Then open the book the page you look at
first has the answer for you.
I have created this book in order to accompany you with My love throughout
the year. These are My teachings given to you so that you may find happiness
and fulfilment your happiness is my life.

Sathya Sai Baba



am the Lord of the Universe. I have created the sky and the earth, the

and the fire, with one word. This word was the expression of My love.
My love is omnipotent and omnipresent. Every being in the universe, no
matter how small, is nourished by it. I am omnipresent through this love
particularly as it can not forget anyone. You keep forgetting this. You suffer
from your being separate from God.
But God is in you, below you, above you and around you. God is constantly
in direct contact with you. Notice His touch.
Notice His unlimited love and you will be enchanted more and more.
His love will become your love. One river, one stream, one sea, one ocean of
You will be the center of this love. You and all other souls. There is only this
center once you experience this godly love. You are this center and you are


esterday you read about My Creation. This is a good opportunity to think

about time.
Maybe you have asked yourself what came first: the sky or the water, the
earth or the fire.
You must know that during Creation there was no such thing as time. No
before or after. No first and later. All was simultaneous as the expression of
one single thought. My thoughts are pure will with instant realization.
There is no such thing as time for Me. No now and no later. No here and no
there. Everything is simultaneous, complete and forever for Me. You,
however, are constantly thinking about time. And never have time. Once you
have time, you kill it. And once it is dead, you miss it. Appreciate your life as
a unique chance which may never appear like this again. Make use of every
second. Be there for others and serve them whenever the opportunity arises.
Then you will have time for yourself and will be able to feel the touch of my


nimals are suffering all over the world as well as in your immediate

environment because of you. Think about your diet. People accumulate

lots of negative karma due to their bad eating habits.
Eating meat is a great sin. Eating fish is a great mistake. Countless animals
suffer because of your wrong diet. Many of you use the results of J. C. Boses
studies, which showed that plants are reactive living beings too, to justify
your wrong eating habits.
Of course plants are living beings. Animals, however, are equipped with a
nervous system and a limited ability to think, and plants do not have. That is
why animals scream and cry when they are killed and plants do not. Therefore
do not compare animals with plants, as that represents incorrect logic.
Instead, change your diet. Stay away from meat and fish as much as possible.
Then you can do much, very much, for the improvement of this world.


himsa, nonviolence is the inmost breath of life. Ahimsa is the deepest

expression of love which is the essence, the source of all life.

Live in nonviolence and you will notice that you are coming closer to Me.
Viveka, discrimination, is just as important as nonviolence. Sometimes you
will need to show strength to be nonviolent.
There are many karate schools in the West these days which teach this
fighting technique. Almost all fail to understand the spirit and goal of karate.
In the early ages in Japan when virtue was the sign and the goal for human
life, karate was used to help others and to avoid a fight. The karate fighter
should appear so strong that his opponent want to do without the fight.
Love is the energy which, combined with discrimination, gives you the
capability to set your boundaries in a loving way, with power and to the right
extent in order for you to be able to live in nonviolence. Practise love. Train
your discrimination. Ask Me for help in difficult situations. Always
remember: I am always here for you.


ne important lesson you need to learn on Earth is to love yourself. The

right love towards yourself is crucial for your development on all levels.
Many people have great difficulties today because they do not love
themselves. Instead they inflate themselves and try to protect themselves
through arrogance or egoism.
The right love towards yourself means realizing and valuing the divinity
within you.
No one who has not at least felt divinity within is able to love or value
The divine within you gives you love and modesty through the power of its
perfection. It also eliminates arrogance and carelessness towards others.
The divine is the right composition with which you must confront the world.
This will let your life bloom and smell like a rose.


od and mankind are always linked. This relationship is interdependent.

The day of the three holy kings makes this obvious.

The wise ones prayed and asked God for help and the Lord appeared. His
appearance in turn drew the wise from the East.
Always remember that God hears and acts upon all your prayers but not
always in the way man imagines.
Believe Me, I fulfill every wish, but only in a way that avoids it colliding with
My love.
I can only fulfil wishes which in some way are of service to the one who
wishes. It is My love that lets Me bridge the discrepancy between the longing
of your hearts which I feel and the blueprint of your development which I
My love enables you always to find a way out of even the greatest difficulties.
Recognize the appropriate meaning of these difficulties. They are stumbling
blocks which teach you to walk more and more safely towards Me.
The comet above the crib which led the wise ones is a reminder that I may let
you stumble but I will never let you fall. Control your impatience and you
will see that this is exactly the way it is.


here are no such things as insurmountable difficulties. There are only

wrong views.
You can see from this that there are no problems which I cannot solve. I am
God and I know it. You are God too but you do not know it. That is the
difference. That creates your difficulties.
Make contact with the divine. Devote everything you do to Me. Offer it to Me
with the following words: Lord, I offer to you this action (i.e. driving,
cleaning, teaching, eating, etc.). You are the offering, You are the one making
the offering. Offered by You, Lord, to the holy fire which You are, Lord.
Only he who is one with You in all can reach You.
I am the all penetrating cosmic consciousness which appears in living beings
and manifests as their inhaling and exhaling. Amen.
Trust me. Ask Me for help and you will see that everything will fall into
All you need is trust and patience: trust that I will surely help you. Patience to
wait for the right time when all things on earth will be effortlessly


arriage is a holy institution which should teach you to open your hearts,

to develop love and to practice the willingness to make sacrifices.

The idea that one needs multiple partners to gain experience is quite common
in many countries today but very wrong. People are not test subjects and by
the way animals should not be either.
What is being taught and learned today is not how one should get married but
how to avoid marriage. Many people have countless relationships in this Kali
age (the current age) and what is the result? Broken marriages!
In order to live a good marriage you dont need many partners. Instead you
should have high values which lead to a change of focus from yourself to
others. Ask, what does the other need? What makes him happy? What can I
do to understand him?
The desolate condition of your relationship does not mean the marriage is
dead as some will claim. Rather, it shows that you are so entangled with
your ego that there is no room left for another person.


ost of you have a diet that is completely wrong. On the one hand you

give eating much too much attention while on the other you completely
underestimate its importance.
You love to eat lots of good food. Most of the illnesses which are getting out
of hand result from incorrect diet and particularly from the fact that you are
eating too much. Most of all, you are eating the wrong food.
Stay away from meat and fish as much as you possibly can. Eat moderately,
eat slowly and offer the food to God before you begin eating (re: 7th of
January). He will bless the food for you which will multiply its strength.
Instead of thinking about lots of rich meals, consider how much extra energy
you are getting from your meal.
You are thinking a lot about poisons and heavy metals. Of course these are
problems. They document how man is overexploiting nature.
More important than these poisons are the energies you receive from others
via your food.
The emotions of the shopkeeper you bought your vegetables from, those of
your baker or of the chef in a restaurant are equally transferred into your
system via the food.
These are the things you should care about when having a meal.
In most cases you are not able to grow your own vegetables or even cook
your own meals especially if you eat in cafeterias.
Therefore, chant the Gayatri-Mantra (see Appendix) before eating. It will
dissolve the negative energies and will make it a blessed meal for you.


he body is of great value. You are to care for it and look after it.

it to be a miracle which I have created so that you may live out your
The fact that everyone has exactly the body which matches his karma, is
another miracle. No human has a body that does not match him.
Like everything on earth, the body also has two sides: a positive and a
negative one. The body has negative characteristics which binds you to the
world. In combination with the power of the thought it can produce many
desires which in the end cause you many problems.
Therefore the right way to handle the body is to appreciate it as a wonderful
tool but not to get attached to it and through it to the world.
Always remember that your body has its time and that it will fade away. Do
not look at this thought with fear or even bitterness but prepare now for the
light which will receive you when you leave your body.


oney is necessary in this world. However, you should only have as

much money as you need to satisfy important needs.

You should also have money to help others. This is the best thing you could
possibly do with money, to bring joy to others.
Of course you should be able to make yourself happy, too. I think little of
ascetic people who pretend that they are there only for others, but who walk
through life full of bitterness and grief.
Beware of too much money. It can easily make you proud and hardhearted. In
addition, lots of money creates lots of worries. Live a simple life. Find joy in
little things. Always keep your eyes and ears open for the beauty of nature.
Cultivate your love for your fellow man.
This will always ensure that you have plenty of friends, which costs no
money at all.
Also, know that money is a great illusion which promises happiness. Believe
me, money does not provide happiness at all. Otherwise the happiest people
in history would not have been very poor.
Beware of the false allure of money. Stick to my teachings and always
remember that all money, including yours, belongs to Me.
If you take this advice to heart and ask Me for help, your relationship with
money will be a happy one.


lways live in Dharma, right conduct, i.e. according to the divine laws.

You can live only in truth if you live in Dharma.

If you do not live in right conduct you will be tempted to lie sooner or later.
However, Sathya, truth, is the best protection. There is no better protection
than Dharma and Sathya.
You will object that sometimes it is of great disadvantage to tell the truth.
Socrates lost his life because he told the truth as did the brother and sister
Many have lost all their belongings, for example Ramakrishna
Paramahamsas father.
But its not about that. Always remember that the reason you are on Earth is
to realize God. The world has no other purpose.
What have Socrates, Ramakrishnas father and the brother and sister Scholl
lost? Very, very little.
They have, however, received My infinite blessings.


hy do you worry? You do not need to worry I am looking after you.

Of course there are difficulties. Life would be boring without

difficulties, from which you can learn.
My loved ones, do not worry but recognize all difficulties as opportunities
which I give you so that you may learn. This is not the only reason that
difficulties exist. You must always be aware that there are problems which
come to you to help or even save you.
Just look at the story of a man who was driving his car to the airport and had a
punctured tire. He was furious and argued with Me as it meant he would miss
a very important appointment. When he finally arrived at the airport his plane
was gone.
He was completely depressed and quarreled with himself and with God.
He was shocked when he heard that his plane had crashed.
Now he thanked the Lord that he had missed that plane.
He was blessed to be saved and to find out about it.
I help and save you so many times that you can really trust Me when I say to
you that I have enfolded you in My care.


ou keep countless animals in cages, some cramped in incredibly small

What makes you do this? Do you think animals have no feelings? Do you
think they dont suffer?
This would mean ignoring their inner being.
Animals are anatomically similar to humans. They love, they feel, they suffer,
they have social relationships just as you do. They communicate with each
other in their own languages. How can you ignore this when you look into the
eyes of an animal? Why dont you recognize Me in them?
You like Me to take care of you, which I like doing. Dont you want to take
care of animals a little yourself?
Of course it is My aim that someday you will treat animals and humans
equally with respect.
But right now I am not expecting this much from you. I just ask you to
question yourself whenever you see an animal in a cage, a stable or an
apartment whether that animal is feeling well.
If it is feeling well then be happy with that. But if it is not feeling well, then
pray for it and send light to it for about two or three days.
Let these sentences flow to your heart as that already makes Me happy.


he best method to open your heart is to repeat the name of the Lord (re:

27th of February) and to sing songs of praise. You should always carry
His name on your lips. It fills you with happiness and in the long run will
make your tongue taste sweet.
You should also sing as often as you can, at least once a week, preferably on a
Thursday. When many people worldwide sing on this day a tremendous
energy is set free which helps clean the Earths atmosphere.
The singing neednt be perfect. You neednt be a gifted singer but you should
do it from the heart. Perfectionism is an obstacle since often it is more closely
linked to your ego than to your love.
As long as you are not offending anyone you may sing just as it comes from
your heart. The Lord who resides in your heart knows exactly what you mean
even if your singing is not particularly tuneful. He cares about feelings, not
perfect singing.
However, I should mention that a song which is nicely sung and which comes
from the heart makes Me particularly happy.


othing is imperfect. Everything is perfect. Even the things that seem

obviously wrong, the things you argue over, are perfect because they
teach you. That is the perfection of the imperfect: it is there for you to learn.
The perfection of the imperfect exists in the measure that I created it in order
to teach you something.
You can always see Me behind all imperfect things if you just change the
point of view.
Do not be angry over things which are imperfect or have failed. Always
remember that I created them especially for you to learn. The whole world,
and your existence on Earth has only this one purpose: that you may learn the
lessons you need to learn.
This is the perfection of the imperfect: it teaches you that nothing is perfect in
the outer world. The perfect things in Maya (the visible world) are simply a
poor imitation of your inner perfection.
See your perfection. Love it and the outer world will be perfect, too.


he present time is saturated with sexuality. Your entire life and your

are directed towards sexuality.
That is why you do not understand Me when I say that you should be more
careful with your sexuality.
You think that I want to take something precious away from you. You think
that I do not know of the importance of sexuality.
Believe Me that I know you better than you could possibly grasp because I
know the consequences.
Remember that everything in life has its price no exceptions. The price of
sexuality is that it attaches you not only to your own body but also to the body
of someone else.
On the one hand this is something nice but on the other it is a problem, too.
It is nice because the body is a miracle and it is good if you enjoy it.
The problem is firstly that the body ages and secondly that sexual desires
cannot be satisfied. The more you live out your sexuality, the more you desire
Why do you think your relationships are so unstable? Because they are based
on sexuality and passion, and sexual desires constantly strive for new things.
Thereby you create many dependencies, which will require you to be reborn.
Therefore live out your sexuality at its proper time with love and ethics. Then
I can lead you from happiness to even more happiness and the consequences
of your deeds will bless you.


he one who believes in coincidences does not believe in God. Whoever

does not believe in God cannot recognize My loving providence.

Cant you see that I create, cause and preserve all? Cant you feel the
sweetness of My love flowing from your heart? This sweetness is My mercy
which teaches you humility and deep respect the best protection against
arrogance and pride, which are poison to the soul.
Do you have difficulties seeing through coincidences? Then think about how
couples come together, how people find their jobs or how they find their way
to Puttaparthi (Sai Babas place of birth and main residence).
You find it difficult to understand My immensity. Give yourself a break: stop
trying to do the impossible in wanting to understand Me. Search and find Me
in your heart. Then you will be able to feel the delicate web I create to ensure
your happiness.
That is why I do not permit coincidences to occur. Coincidences are
unpredictable, whereas My actions to ensure your happiness follow
mathematical precision.


he word sin is an irritating word to many. I have come to save and to

guide you. I use the word sin quite frequently and you ask yourself
why I do that.
The word sin irritates you because you have the wrong perception of it. You
fear the vicious god of revenge who will punish you if you are naughty.
Believe me, the opposite is the case. I do not punish. It is you who is punishes
It is said, Sinned in thought, word and deed. What does that mean? It means
that you have thought, spoken and acted in a way that may or actually is
harming yourself and others. Sin is an action which always includes harm to
yourself and to others.
If you hit someone, chances are that you will be hit in return. God does
nothing in this case. It is you yourself who is creating an unavoidable reaction
which literally comes straight back to you.
Incorrect mental behavior, such as thinking ill of someone, quickly leads to
bad language which again may quickly lead you to actions such as hitting.
Therefore the sin can already be found in the thought.
Do not feel irritated by the word sin, learn that you are all connected and that
little causes can have great effects. Do not believe that God is vicious. Focus
on the truth that I unite you all in love and protect you. That is why karma is
the mirror of My justice into which you look.


am always with you. I am the air that you breathe, the bread that you

and the water that you drink.
I am the bed in which you sleep, the blanket with which you cover yourself
and the pillow you rest your head on.
I am the light which shines for you, the burning candle, the glowing bulb, the
flickering match.
I am the electricity which makes the weakest bulb glow and the greatest
machine operate.
I am the earth on which you walk, I am the water which separates the
continents and I am the sky above you.
I am the stars, I am their shining and I am your eyes which see all of this. I
am the fascination with which you watch the firmament.
I am every feeling, every thought. I am every value.
I am the Lord, your God who has created all this. I only ask one thing from
you: know that I am all this and that I am always with you. Know that there is
nothing which could separate you from Me.
You are blessed with bliss because we are one.


ll you need is faith and confidence then everything will fall into place.

Have faith that I am always with you and that I bless your life. Have
faith that nothing happens which is not for your benefit.
My endeavor is your development. My endeavor is your happiness.
Everything else is just secondary and illusion on your path.
What is the greatest obstacle to your faith and confidence?
Your impatience.
Your impatience is the scourge of your life. Because of it you get entangled in
the diverse, colorful mesh of Maya (outer world of illusion).
Your impatience is also the reason for your worries and problems. What is
your impatience based on?
It is based on lack of faith and confidence!
That is how the beginning comes to the end and so on. Everything has its
time. Therefore, ask to find the right time for every action and have faith that
I will help you. For I am time and I am your action. I am you and you are Me.
If you act in this way your actions will be Dharma righteous. What is the
meaning of having this knowledge about truth? This knowledge is the best
remedy against impatience, lack of faith and faltering confidence.


any ask themselves whether God really exists. They even travel far into

outer space and what do they find? God is nowhere. They cannot
even write it properly. It is not God is nowhere, but God is now here!
This is typical of all people who definitely do not want to see something: they
falsify reality until it fits their own theory.
Why would someone travel to space just to find that God is not there?
If only he had stayed home and consciously looked out the window once
just once!
Do you think the way a bird flies is not a miracle? Or the way a tree grows?
Just look at the tiny acorn a gigantic tree can grow from it.
The gigantic oak tree is already inside the acorn in the form of My love and
My will.
How can the world be a miracle? the infidel doubtfully asks.
My question is the opposite: how do you manage not to see these miracles?
How can you board a spaceship without asking whether it is My will that you
return to Earth?
This is another miracle: how can you be so successful for so long despite the
fact that you do not ask yourself all this?
Do you know why this is possible?
Because in previous lives you believed and lived exactly the opposite. At that
time God was your life and God was your goal.
Because of this connection to Me from previous lives you are able to be an
atheist more or less successfully.
This is the miracle in which you no longer now believe. You have forgotten
your previous lives and you have forgotten God.
I can never forget you. Never. As soon as you understand this you will know
how the gigantic oak tree fits into the little acorn.


veryone is talking about emancipation in the West. In particular women

are emancipating themselves. Companies, groups and even cities are all
emancipating themselves.
However, the question about emancipation is, from what to what?
There is only one kind of emancipation for human beings which is of
importance: the path from man to God. Everything else is of secondary
importance and can be more or less ignored.
Or do you believe that living in a small town which has emancipated itself
into a metropolis will help you when you die?
Do you think it is of importance that you have emancipated yourself as a
woman or if as a man you live together with an emancipated woman?
As mentioned already the only emancipation of importance is the
transformation from human to God. Love, truthfulness, righteousness, inner
peace and nonviolence express this state.
Many people in the West and the East think they are emancipated, but they
are not at all they are misled.
Open your eyes and finally recognize how dramatically you have been led
astray. Check everything and everyone against the five values: Prema, Sathya,
Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa (love, truth, righteousness, peace and
You can measure everything and everyone using these values. They are the
guarantee for your true emancipation, the emancipation to your Self.


t is time for men to wake up.

Men in the West have been asleep for a few centuries. They get entangled
in wars and struggle for power on many levels. In doing so they harm society
A man should be led by great and holy values; he must be committed to God
in order for his life to become meaningful; he must learn to fight for ideals
rather than for the joy of power; and he must again become the man of his
Todays men are often not available for their wives or their children or even
themselves. They live with animal instincts and enjoy change.
That is the reason for all their suffering and fighting.
The Western man must therefore first learn one thing: for he who loves
change there is principally one change which is of importance: the change
from attachment to the world and the body to attachment to the soul and God.
The suffering of society which expresses itself in the form of heartlessness,
egoism, crime and other terrible acts can come to an end only if man comes to
Every man must feel responsible for the misery in the community he lives in.
No one can point to others. Everyone who is not actively engaged is guilty.
Seva, service to the needy, is the best way to make an immediate start.


ou are always searching for protection. You worry about your neighbor-

hood, about a secure door lock and the possibility of an alarm system.
I am telling you all these are insufficient to find the security you seek. (This
does not mean you should be careless with your belongings, on the contrary!)
What I am saying is that physical security measures will never replace My
love and My protection.
No lock is as safe, no wall as thick, no door as strong as My care, My love
and My mercy.
How do you get it?
The most secure way is through your love. The greater your love for your
neighbor is, the greater will be the love I wrap around you to protect you.
Truth and righteousness constitute another path. They represent the safest
protection second to love.
Truth and righteousness are impregnable fortresses. If, however, enemies
should somehow enter this fortress, stay with truth and righteousness, and
your enemies will have to leave.
You ask why? Because your steadfastness draws My love. It cleanses all
negative things and puts a protective coat of divine security around you.


here is no such thing as an insoluble situation. Never limit your thinking

to one life only. There is not only one life. You have lived so many lives
already, you should know. However, you forget the individual lives. This is
necessary; otherwise, your memories might put great weight on you or even
put too great a strain on you.
Always believe in the fact that My eternal justice will balance all. No one is
disadvantaged, no one is given preferential treatment. There is no injustice in
the world nor in the entire universe.
Heed this: the more ignorant someone is, the more quickly and absolutely he
will judge. Do not blindly believe all appearances, they can easily lead you
Rather, believe that there are no insoluble problems for Me. If you do not
know your way out, pray. Pray from the heart and I will help you in this life
just as in your many other lives, too.


ddictions have become widespread. This is part of the Kali Age (the

current age), as it is characterized by addictions as well as by many other

Addictions always indicate the imminent decline of a human being.
Addictions always start small and end up big and terrible: first you own the
bottle, then the bottle owns you and finally you are a dead loss.
First you smoke one cigarette, then ten, twenty, etc.
First you watch the news for fifteen minutes, then one, two, three movies and
finally youre in front of the TV from morning till night.
First you take one tablet, then five, ten, etc.
Overall, addictions do not create happiness at all because they all have one
thing in common: they stun you and weaken your body and mind.
Man is often numb because he can not take the world in many cases the
world he himself has created!
But you are on earth to become conscious and awake. To numb yourself is
exactly the opposite.
If you cant do without your drug then at least take care of your relationship
with God. Repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and ask for
His blessings can have the result that you see Him as your drug. Believe
Me, of all addictions this would be by far the happiest and most blessed.


am time. I am the basis of all. Time flows through Me.

I have created time yet stay untouched by it.

Time is within Me, yet I am outside of it. Time cannot exist without Me, but I
can exist without time.
My relationship to time is the exact opposite of yours: I decide what happens
within time. For you, however, time is the ultimate measure.
Time rules Maya, the outer world. Therefore, it could be called an illusion.
This attitude towards time is critical as it could lead to sluggishness and waste
of time.
Your life consists of time. Your destiny develops between birth and death.
Make use of the time you have been granted. Do not waste a moment, not a
second. Always remember that not a moment of your life will come back.
Once it has passed, it is gone for eternity.
The same applies to your life. If you waste your life it is lost and will never
come back in the same way.
Make use of your life. Be active. Be happy. Help others. This is the path that
joins time and eternity.


he holy and the wise have prayed. Therefore I have come. This demon-

strates the power of prayer to you.

If you do your duty and pray I will do Mine and answer.
This is a chain nothing and no one can break.
In the Bible I have clearly said that I am God the Father. The word father in
Hebrew stands for God.
I am your father. I am your mother. I am your brother and your sister. I am
your beginning, your life, your goal.
Did your mother recognize you when she gave birth to you? Did your father
recognize you when he held you in his arms?
What about your partner, did he or she say, There you are again when you
met them again in this life?
I, however, was with you through all those lives.
I am the mother. I am the father. I am the friend who never leaves your side.
I am the eternal one who is always there for you, the one who never deceives
you but takes the deception from you.
So what is your task in all of this?
To believe this truth and to live it more and more.
One human being, one prayer, one God, one love.


ou honor the body as you should honor God. This is a reversal of reality

which has led you into the dead end in which you find yourself today.
The body is not God, but the temple of God.
Do not honor the stone in which Gods image has been carved. Rather you
should honor God whose image is in the stone.
The body is a highly distinct machine. It is a miracle.
I have come to teach you who God is, who you are and what the meaning of
your body is because you consciousness is not focused on these crucial
Respect the body as the manifested word of God. View it as the temple of
God which you should care for and look after in order for it to be worthy of
Do not confuse the temple with the soul who is its visitor.
You see, this is how impolite you are when you say that the body is
tantamount to God or to the soul. Firstly you are confusing the house with its
owner and secondly with its tenant.
So it is not surprising that you are hitting your head against a wall instead of
finding the owner.


oday is the last day of January a strong month. The winter months are

all strong December, January, February, March.

At times you have great difficulties with the world since you see events
completely differently from what they actually are. You love summer and flee
from winter, just as you love coffee and flee from meditation despite the fact
that the one strengthens you and the other weakens you.
In India the sun, Surya, is rightly honored as a God. The sun is the symbol for
serving and for Nishkaama Karma acting without seeing the fruits of your
The sun is giving, giving, giving. It expects no thanks, nor any service or
gift in return. The sun gives as giving is its entire existence.
One who is given too much will become sluggish. The people who are spoiled
by the sun are often sluggish.
They flee from work, they flee from responsibility, they flee from the struggle
for truth and development.
The one who is sluggish but still wants to progress will be at a crossroads
sooner or later: either to work or to risk the loss of Sathya, truth, and Dharma,
What do you learn from that?
Do not trust appearances. Do not get attached to Maya, illusion.
Do not flee from difficulties as they give you strength. This will allow you to
live in Sathya and Dharma and to experience true mercy.



e careful with all information you receive. The Romans were wiser than

you. They knew the importance of information. They recognized the

gods in all they experienced and therefore honored them.
Because today you only see matter which limits you.
Therefore remember the etymological root of the word information. It is
derived from the Latin verb informare which means to form inside.
Every piece of information forms your insides. Be wary of where, through
whom and through what you inform yourself.
Many people love sensations, strong feelings and negative things. Stay away
from these, they make your life restless.
Be sceptical with all media. Virtually none of them are focused on providing
you with positive inner formation.
Care about your inner self and the way (informare appears again here) that
you relate to God.
He tells you that the world has been created for the best. All sensations are
just the very outer surface and you and the world are actually in deep
tranquillity and happiness.
Can you bear this silence?
You see, that is the question, that is the entire problem.


epression is very common nowadays.

In many cases depression signals a distance from God which is

There are people who are obsessed by this illness to a degree that they need
professional assistance. That is good as it helps them and teaches them
humility because they recognize that they cannot make it on their own.
Those who do not consult help should concentrate on God.
They should pray regularly, meditate (re: 25th of July) and repeat the name of
the Lord (re: 27th of February).
In doing so they should ask God for patience and endurance. He will surely
answer their pleas, but they must try hard.
To rest and to wait for things to happen to leave it to God is not the
right way to obtain help. They must themselves try hard to get this help
from within or from a specialist. They must grasp it, act upon it and be
willing to feel that I am always close to them.
That is the best medicine also for depression.


am telling you that your parents are God, and you think, Oh God, how can

they be God with all the things theyve done to their children? How can
that be?
In saying this you are overlooking a great deal.
No matter how bad your mother might have been to you, she still carried you
below her heart for nine months and gave you your body.
From your father you have inherited things, too.
Your body is precious and you have it thanks to your parents.
No matter how bad they are, your parents have created your destiny for this
life. You should be thankful for that, too. Be thankful, but do not get attached
to them.
If you are angry with them for a long time this shows that you are attached to
them and that you have not understood the coherence of life. Your parents are
just instruments, because you have created the suffering you are experiencing
through your actions in previous lives. No one but yourself is responsible.
Therefore, accept everything you have received from your parents gratefully
and learn from it it is all about you. Learn, learn, learn. Ask the Lord for
guidance, and a terrible childhood can turn into a splendor.
Everything is prepared for you.


he analogy of your body being a boat with which you are crossing the

river of life is very old, but apt.

If you do not take care of the boat it may cost you your life. A leak in the
middle of a great river can be very dangerous. Respect your body, love and
care for it, but always accept it as a boat.
What would you think of a boatsman who, having arrived at the far river
bank, carried his boat home to have his lunch just to carry it back to the river?
You would wonder, wouldnt you?
What would you think, however, if you talked to this man, and he told you
that he is the boat and that there was no difference between him and the boat?
It would not take much to be very surprised.
Do you now understand why I am always trying to make you understand that
you are not the body, that you are not the boat?
I have always said you should travel with little luggage, but an entire boat ...?


here is no God apart from Me.

Nevertheless, there are countless religions which honor various forms of

They simply represent different paths, that is all. Every religion must be
focused on the ONE God as there is nothing else.
The fighting and competition between religions is based purely on ignorance
and egoism, which inevitably lead to power struggles.
Any religion which expresses or even publicly claims power is ill. If one
wanted to say that religion and power are compatible, one could also talk of
the compatibility of fire and water.
I have created the different religions so that souls can have different
experiences. That is their task.
The fact that most religions focus on how to gain an advantage over the others
instead of thinking how they could lead the individual closer to God is a great
mistake and sin which must and will end.
No particular religion is more valid than another, but all must be cleansed so
that they can once again complete their tasks in love.
This is due to happen soon. The light of God will be seen in the many
religions, and it will heal the wounds of the world like soothing balm.


hy do you think so much?

Do you believe it will help you?

Thinking is an aid, but only for as long as it takes you to make certain
progress. Then you will stop thinking all by yourself because you will
discover that there are better tools.
However, before you reach this state of higher consciousness you need to be
very careful in your thinking.
I will explain this with the following example.
Imagine you are travelling quite a bit in regions where there is not a lot of
public transportation available.
If you purchase a car to cover the distances quickly and comfortably which
had taken so much time and energy previously, no one will think of this as
being unusual.
But if you are so impressed by your car that you live only for it, that would
seem strange, wouldnt it?
The same applies to thinking.
Appreciate that it serves you in many good ways, but do not allow it to
become too important. Thinking is an aid, but it is not God.
If you have difficulties limiting your thinking, repeat the name of the Lord
(re: 27th of February). That is the best way to put thinking into its correct
place: it is the ideal means to realize God.
This is the ultimate goal. A goal many forget because they are too busy


ou close your eyes when you are inside a church or when you are

or meditating in front of an altar.
In both cases you are sitting in front of holy images or statues which should
inspire you. Nevertheless, you close your eyes.
You do this because you are diverting your attention from the outside to the
inside as you are searching for God within you.
This little example will show you the way: search for God, do not search for
fulfillment in the outer world you will never find it there. Instead you are at
great risk of becoming lost.
Search for God within you. He is your breath. He is your soul. He is your
body. He is the link between these three.
Inhale and think of God. Exhale and think of God and slowly but surely you
will find what you have been demanding and searching for so long: suddenly
all the many, many lives you have lived make sense. Suddenly the path, goal
and meaning have become one.
This one is inside you. You are it. It is God.


nce there were three men.

The first man was a murderer, the second a notorious liar and the third
was an honest man.
The first man committed a murder and created circumstances which put both
the liar and the honest man under suspicion.
Both were arrested and questioned. As they were both innocent, they denied
having committed the murder.
No one believed the second man, who was known to be a liar, and therefore
he was sentenced.
The third man, who was known to be an honest man, was believed, and he
was freed soon after.
This story teaches us how Sathya, truth, protects us. Life is full of surprises.
You never know what you might face tomorrow. You may be innocently
charged for something and have no one on your side but the power of truth
which you have built-up previously.
You can build this power by telling the truth and being known to be honest.
The consequences of this positive karma will follow you and will be there to
protect you whenever you seriously need help, as did the second man.
If, however, you have not built anything up, if you have not made any
deposits into your karma account, you will not be able to withdraw
anything from this account in the event of an emergency.
Start to make deposits into this account today. Tell the truth and be righteous.
This capital and the resulting interest are values no one can take from you.
It is also the only capital which envelopes, protects and strengthens you.


esponsibility and the ability to make decisions are fundamental elements

in life. Together with love and the willingness to make sacrifices they
form the indispensable pillars of marriage. No marriage can be successful
without these four bases.
Always remember that you will reap what you have sown. This is the basic
principle of life from which no one can escape.
Do you believe you could cheat on someone without that coming back to
you? If you are thinking about it, give it up today as it is very dangerous.
Look at marriage in the right way. In the future someone will treat you the
way you treat your partner today. If, for example, you leave him/her because
of another and break his/her heart, you will experience exactly the same thing
sooner or later.
Also, stop thinking you can solve a problem by fleeing from it. This will only
provide a delay in what you need to learn. The situation you are fleeing from
today will return because it has to do with your karma and must be overcome
at some stage.


e always aware that everything you experience and that happens to you is

for the best.

Surely there will be things, which happen to you during your lifetime which
you will be convinced are not at all good for you and indeed catastrophic.
What we call catastrophes are nonexistent. There are only events, which I
have sent to you either to change your direction dramatically or to open your
eyes finally.
In the long run there is really nothing that can be to your disadvantage.
Everything has its meaning and this meaning can only be positive as it is My
undivided love for you.
Consider the many events that you have experienced which initially seemed
terrible and unbearable to you. How many remain today? How many of them
turned into bliss?
How many of those which you initially thought were catastrophes saved you
from a real catastrophe!
Many things in life do not go your way. Dont be bothered by this, rather
remember the many times it was and is for the best.
Be assured that My unlimited love constantly enfolds you and that I will do
anything to ensure your happiness.
If all things went according to your will, your unhappiness would be here to
What you call a catastrophe is my abrupt interference with the rudder to avoid
the final misfortune.
Today you can only believe all this. One day you will see the links.


ife consists of a never-ending series of joy and grief. This is the

of life, but it can also present difficulties.
I would like to explain this using an example.
If someone is healthy he wanders through life without even recognizing or
being thankful for the great gift of health he holds.
On the other hand, he may be as fit as a fiddle yet still suffer from grief and
worry from morning till night. Should this person be involved in an accident
and lose his ability to walk, he would be even sadder. Since he would want to
recover, he would try hard and after some time and effort he would walk
again, initially on crutches, then with a limp but without external help. Finally
he would be able to walk as before.
He would now be in the same situation he was in before the accident had
occurred. This time, however, he would be overflowing with happiness and
feel as if he had achieved a great thing.
What does this example teach us?
Consciousness is the meaning of life. If you really know the gifts which
accompany your life this knowledge alone will fill you with happiness and
free you from the chains of joy and grief.
Wherever happiness is found there is no room for joy and grief. This is the
great freedom within you.


say, Your body is the temple of God, Your life is invaluable, There

are no insoluble difficulties!

You may answer, Maybe. But there is suicide. How does that measure
against Your statement of insoluble difficulties? If a difficulty really could
have been solved why would someone throw his life away?
Your objection is clever, justified and, in relation to that, important. There are
souls that have difficulties getting inside the body and staying in it. They flee
from the physical world and have many dreams of the next world.
The self of every human dreams of the next world. The self remembers
exactly the happiness it experienced there and wants to get it back by all
means. This longing is particularly strong within some people. For them it is
difficult to incarnate fully. For them suicide seems to be a good way to get
away from problems.
This illusion drives them to choose death. However, as soon as they have
thrown their life away they experience how difficult it is and how much help
they need to gain entrance to the next world because of their suicides. They
have difficulties finding their way around the place they longed to be.
Once they are born again they find themselves confronted with exactly the
same problems from which they fled in that previous life, and which caused
them to throw their life away. They thereby learn firsthand that flight and
especially suicide is no solution and that they must confront all difficulties
they come up against sooner or later.
Looking at it this way, really no situation is too difficult if you recognize that
the outer world, Maya (illusion, outer world), is not the final meaning and
purpose, if you recognize problems as crucial opportunities for growth, and if
you always remember to obtain help from Me in difficult situations.
Just try it once and you will notice: you grow while your problems shrink.
You realize that I am always, always at your side.


ou say, Money rules the world.

I object and ark, How long?

Money is a strong energy. Money is necessary in life, particularly in the
Western countries.
However, you are giving money far too much importance. You even believe
money makes one happy.
This is particularly crazy.
Money does not make you happy. On the contrary, it often makes people
Wealthy people in many ways have more difficult lives than the poor, even
though the exact opposite seems to be the case. This is the fault of Maya (the
outer world), the great entertainer, who fools you and does not let you see the
true context.
Wealthy people are of course able to afford big houses, comfortable cars and
fancy furniture. They can travel to distant and luxurious places for holidays,
and they can employ people to do many things for them.
All of this may sound very nice and enticing. However, wealth is a great
danger as it can disconnect you from your inner life. Therefore, rich people
easily become impoverished. On the outside they still have everything, but
inside they feel cold and empty.
This cold emptiness can be filled only with love and humanity. But this is
exactly what the rich often lack. Love and humanity cannot be found through
money and external things as we are often told today. It can be found through
willingness to sacrifice and through suffering, to which the Lord gives a
Whether you are rich or poor, enjoy your life by changing your focus from
yourself to your neighbor more and more.
Your true wealth is your ability to make your neighbor happy.
This is an energy that lasts forever.


have said many times that jealousy is one of the attributes you should stay

away from as far as possible. But in some cases you entirely misunderstand
what I mean by that.
The jealousy I mean is based on someone envying the attention someone else
is receiving from his parents, friends, partner or from Me.
This envy, or rather this resentment, will sooner or later cause problems and
conflicts as it has the fatal tendency to set the soul on fire.
Therefore, you must gain control over this feeling as soon as possible because
it can weaken you substantially.
The jealousy you constantly deal with is a completely different one, but it is
not the one I mean. It is the jealousy which results from the lack of moral and
ethics in your countries.
For example, someone will have had countless relationships before he meets
his current partner. He has shared his intimacy here and there as if it were
something public. This kind of behavior creates jealousy, which, by the way,
is being strongly denied.
I dont mean this kind of jealousy when I say you should keep away from
jealousy, just as I do not mean this kind of life either. Your form of
relationships leads to pain. Jealousy is just a part of that. I keep saying: do not
separate from your partner, no matter what happens. By separating you create
damage which in some cases may mean that the pain and wounds cannot be
healed even in an entire lifetime.
On the other hand, your relationships are often subject to extreme egoism so
that separation is really the only means by which people can escape the
arbitrariness or even the brutality of their partners.
Cultivate your vicinity with God. Allow love to grow in your heart more and
more. Repeat His name (re: 27th of February), stick to My principles of
morals and ethics and you will be blessed with the right partner and a
satisfying life.


t present there are many souls on earth who, in the course of various

incarnations, think they have experienced the fact that no one would take
care of them if they didnt take care of themselves.
For this reason there are many greedy people around who try to grab
everything they can get their hands on.
The current time is very advantageous for them as it provides the opportunity
to make a fortune very quickly. Once the greedy have fulfilled their desires
for possession they are all disappointed. They thought that with enough
money everything would be better.
Most of all, money which is earned at the cost of many others creates lots of
Therefore, the greedy soon experience that, apart from a few conveniences,
many things in their lives have become difficult or even worse.
They have not only taken possession of lots of money but, in some cases, of
major problems.
They now need to administer their possessions which can be very exhausting.
They are constantly afraid of losing their wealth and experience exhausting
days and sleepless nights. This drains their energy, which consciously or
unconsciously causes them to feel dissatisfied.
In other words, they are living a terrible life for which they have worked so
hard and which they are protecting with at least similar efforts.
Why are they doing this? Because they have lost faith in God. They do not
recognize that they are working themselves more and more deeply into these
difficulties. How can they escape from this vicious circle of lack of faith,
greed, fear and finally loss? By recognizing that it is a vicious circle, having
faith in God, by asking Him for help and being patient. Surely the Lord will
help them as it is his concern that they become free from their useless


hanti, inner peace, is a sign of Gods blessing.

Shanti is the exact opposite of what is around you: the cities are being
submerged by traffic. The noise is deafening and the many different lights
and colors blind the vision. The many smells, which arise everywhere, irritate
the nose.
How can you find inner peace under such circumstances? Remember your
Godliness and let the light, the positive in you, emerge. Let it grow day by
day to become greater and greater. With this light and positive energy you
create a new energy field around you which will attract other, more open
souls who have already progressed further on their path to Shanti.
Your inner change creates changes on the outside. You meet people who in
return have an impact on your inner self. What happens to your environment?
The cars are still moving, the light advertisements are still blinking, the
chimneys are still smoking and turning the sky gray.
However, you now experience it differently.
You have made contact with inner order. You have recognized and
experienced that there is a source of deep peace within you.
That makes all the difference and it will in the long run change the outer
world, too.
This is the power of peace. This is the power of silence. Shanti.


nce there was a man who hated his wife. He said nasty things to her,

came home only when he wanted to and made it clear to her that he was
not interested in her at all.
One day she left him and moved to a far away city with another man.
The man should have been happy now as he was relieved from his terrible
Not at all. He found no peace, he thought about her day and night and swore
What does this story tell us?
People love to get attached to or chained to one another the tighter the
Hate and revenge are ideal chains which allow them to bind themselves
together for several lives.
Beware of these chains.
Do not get attached to other people enter into relationships. Dissolve the
attachment to your family too, and turn it into a liberating relationship.
Know that everything on earth has its time and must end at some stage.
If you wish to contact others, do it with love. Love grants freedom. Love
grants room for development for yourself and others which in return creates
It is a clear signal of being dependent and attached to someone if you think of
a person from morning until night, and if you are thereby distracted from
performing your duties and your work.
You are not free and suffering will be inevitable. Make use of the suffering to
free yourself. Make use of every difficulty as a gift and opportunity to
recognize and eliminate attachments. Know that you are a bird whose nature
it is to fly.
Chains do not let you fly. Chains keep you from living your nature.
Therefore be light, be lovingly, be free and freeing.


ouls experience complete happiness in the next world.

It is therefore very painful for them to enter another body, i.e., to be

In order to ease the falling out of heaven, I have created the long
preparatory time in the womb.
During this time of growth the child is cared for completely. It is warm, fed
perfectly and has constant contact with the mother.
After birth this changes.
Scientists refer to the inter-uterine phase the time the child spends in the
womb as the ideal time in the life of every person, a time to which he
constantly longs to return. This conclusion is wrong. Man does not long for
the inter-uterine condition but for the happiness he experienced in the
previous world.
Everything else is just a poor imitation. One could compare this with the
reflection of the moon in a water barrel. The light in the barrel comes from
the moon, not from the barrel. The moonlight itself originates from the sun
and is just reflected.
Socrates was right when he taught: Soma sema Your body is a grave.
You enter the body to live out your experiences, to learn about sacrifice and
service to your neighbor.
This is the entire meaning of your life on earth in a body. One thing is
irrefutably true: no matter which level of development you might be on, you
will never experience happiness (through the body) in the way it awaits you
in the next world.


ove all animals as if they were your brothers and sisters. Love all plants

if they were your cousins. You are closely connected to all beings
through your body.
You can learn so much from the animals and the plants, too.
Just look at trees for example. Their prosperity and their development depend
on their location. The same seed will grow into a different tree in the
mountains than at the sea. Despite this dependency the trees are faithful and
trust in the divine order.
Animals already begin to behave differently. Animals are less constant than
plants: they walk, fly and swim around.
Animals are able to surrender in a way that most humans these days are not
able to.
For example, you can see this surrender when animals are taken to the
slaughterhouse. Do you think they dont know where they are being taken?
Of course they know. However, they surrender to their destiny. The most
restless being of all is man at least on a certain level of his development.
Man wants to think everything through. He wants to change and improve and
creates turmoil in everything around him.
Man must find the way from outer man to inner man, from Maya to Deva,
from the world to God.
Who is he then? True human. Perfect and related to all beings from the heart.


exuality is a very important energy, a divine power. It not only ensures

continuance of the species, it also binds beings to each other.

However, sexuality is also a very dangerous energy. It can be tremendously
damaging. Mankind is building lots of negative karma through sexuality
Therefore, be careful with your sexuality. Live it with a partner you are going
to stay with. Live it in marriage. Marriage provides the safe framework which
protects you from many dangers.
Offer your sexuality to God (re: 7th of January), then you will not only be
protected but also made happy.
If you are faithful, and love and respect your partner, then you can happily
share your sexuality with him/her.
Happiness, fortune and relaxation should always be part of your life. These
should be the pillars of your sexuality.


ou dream of freedom and think you can do whatever you like or

just comes to your mind.
At the same time you wonder why, despite all the freedom, you have not
found what you are looking for most: Ananda, happiness and satisfaction.
Inside, you have a clear vision or rather a clear memory of how Ananda feels
since you have experienced it well enough in the other world. You are
searching for this happiness.
Your freedom cannot be indiscriminate. It searches for divine happiness,
which is your nature.
Also, you cannot just do what you want to. You cant listen to the singing of a
bird and make noise at the same time.
You are searching for Ananda. Therefore, you need to choose the path that
leads to it. In German there is a saying that All roads lead to Rome. Based
on this you could travel from Munich to Rome via Tokyo but what a detour
this would be!
Recognize that your freedom consists of experiencing and grasping the divine
order in its full splendor. Stick to this order, as God is its only measure.
I am your happiness. I know all the interconnections. That is why I can
continuously save, free and guide you. Your freedom is to want to follow the
divine order and to recognize that it is full of love.
Only then are you free and happy.


he greatest danger on your spiritual path is your ego.

Of course you ask, Why? and I answer mysteriously, Because it is so

important. What does that mean?
Your ego is of great service to you on your way to self-realization, just as is
your thinking. Your ego and your thinking provide the opportunity to develop
strength, which allows you to think through actions before you actually
perform them. This allows you to avoid many mistakes.
This combination gives you power. That is why you are so attached to both
your ego and your thinking and you would like just to hold on to them.
However, it is the character of the ego to draw all power and to rule
complacently. It does this in such a skillful way that you dont even notice
how it is making you fulfill its desire for power and glory more and more.
It is part of My love and respective care that I protect you from your ego and
its take-over.
I therefore let it grow as long as it will help you on your way up.
Should it cease to be your protector and start to become a tyrant and jail
house attendant of your soul, i.e., your Self, I will create situations which will
destroy your ego more and more.
This process is painful for you because you have become used to identifying
with your ego. You then also quarrel with Me.
The weaker your ego gets and the clearer your thinking becomes, the more
you recognize that your quarrelling is useless. You then recognize that the
one you are quarrelling with is yourself.
You see, that is what your ego was hiding. Thats what gave it power and
took the sweetness of happiness away from you.


lthough you people in Germany in particular have a highly developed

health system, more and more people are becoming ill.

I will tell you why: to focus only on the body and material things makes you
You are a being of light. Your true source is the light of love. What is it you
keep yourself busy with? With clumsy matter which only seems lively
because the soul is moving it.
How different is the body from a very precisely functioning machine? How
good is even the best machine without power? No good at all!
Those who take care of the machine and neglect to connect it to power, are
pretty simple-minded, wouldnt you agree?
By doing so they will surely not get the machine to work. The body lives
through the soul. The soul lives through God. If you separate yourself from
the source you become ill just like a machine will not operate if it is
disconnected from power.
Think of God. Repeat His name (re: 27 February). Always relate the body to
the soul and link the soul to the SOURCE. This is the best preventative
medicine, the best way to secure your good health.


he Lord in the form of a good shepherd of mankind is an old image in the

This portrait is of great significance as it documents the role of God, which is
to care for mankind, or rather for all creatures.
I really care for all creatures no matter how tiny and remote.
Sometimes you hear of cruelties that make your heart stop beating and you
ask yourself how I can allow these things to happen.
You must consider in all of this that I did not create the world in order to act
in it. I do that only in emergencies. Apart from that, the world is for souls in
order for them to progress towards God within it.
I am only the witness who sees and notes everything but does not act.
My task is to ensure a balancing justice and that in the end everything works
out for the best. No one who understands the overall connections would be
able to blame Me for one single act of injustice.
Injustice is not part of My nature, and therefore I cannot acquire it.
In this instance I am actually the good shepherd who cares for his herd.
You, however, are not dumb sheep, you are souls which are on their way to
find out that they are Me, that they are God, that they themselves are the


asically you think you are pretty perfect.

Others have problems. Others have negative sides. You, however, are
only pure light and the shining sun.
As soon you come to Puttaparthi (Sai Babas place of birth and main
residence) and are forced to live together with others in large halls with very
little space for yourself, you are annoyed with everyone, including Me. You
are surprised about that, arent you? You would have never thought of
yourself like that!
Just like many others, you too misunderstand My teachings and think that if
you are seen to be holy you have achieved much.
Hypocrisy is a major self-deception.
Everything you experience is of importance. Let the positive feelings blossom
and their fragrance shall expand more and more. Do not send away the
negative feelings, you would only empower them by doing that.
Rather, focus on transforming them. Remember that everything is light. My
light is the source in even the most negative things even if you are not able
to see it.
Everything comes from Me, everything is Me, that is why you can see Me in
everything. Hypocrisy is the exactly the opposite.
Hypocrisy means to look away, not to confront. To see Me in everything,
however, means to open your eyes and to look very precisely.
That is why seeing and conscious love are the exact opposite of hypocrisy.


verything has been prepared for you. You have everything you need to

make the necessary steps in your life.

It is your responsibility to take advantage of all the opportunities which
constantly surround you.
Open yourself and see that life is full of happiness. Let all the positive things
that are so eagerly waiting for you reach you.
These are not meaningless words. This is the full reality. If you allow more
light to penetrate yourself, i.e., your life, you will meet people who are on a
higher level of consciousness who thereby will bring even more light into
your life.
This is what the Bible means by He who has, to him will be given. If you
open yourself to the light, more and more light will come to you. Inevitably.
Therefore, dont be a prince or a princess. What I mean is dont think you
can lean back and wait to be served.
I have prepared everything for you. Everything is here. Everything is perfect.
You just need to make it yours. Through your experiences you need to turn
your life into the unmistakable unit which undoubtedly belongs to you.
Everything else must be seen as wasted opportunities.
Therefore, dont be a prince, dont be a princess. Rather, become the wise
king who administers his kingdom well with wisdom and love and a focus on
To administer is the key. As mentioned before, everything is prepared. You
just need to administer your life actively with what you have. Then you will
have administered your life meaningfully.


uring this year I will keep reminding you to repeat the name of the Lord.

During the current, Kali age, this is the best way to realize God, i.e., to
achieve liberation from rebirth and death.
When repeating the name of the Lord, your thinking, your feeling, your
longing and your desires are focused on God.
If you think God, you become God. If you feel God, your feeling becomes
love and your desires become merciful. To do this with the name of the Lord
on your lips destroys mountains of karma.
By repeating the name of the Lord you become the creator of your destiny:
nothing negative can get a hold of you because you are thinking good, seeing
good, hearing good and doing good.
How should you repeat the name of the Lord?
Choose a form of God which you feel particularly comfortable with and use
an OM before it.
OM is the sound of creation from which everything came. It therefore
connects you to everything, most importantly to God. If for example you
choose Jesus Christ you should repeat OM Jesus Christ. OM when
inhaling and Jesus Christ when exhaling.
To intensify this meditation, visualize an image and link your name of God to
this image. Once you have chosen a name for God, stay with it.
Do not change it again. This would confuse you and lead nowhere. Stay with
the name you have decided on. Enjoy His sweetness and be guided by Him.
Everything else is His job. Have faith in this and you are free right from the


o not worry. He who worries is living wrongly.

Arrange your life in a way that you do not have to worry. If you still
worry then know that you are thinking incorrectly.
Give up the illusion that you own a single thing in life. All the things you
claim to be yours: your body, your thinking, your ego, your acquaintances,
your friends, your partner, your children, your belongings all are loans.
How could you call a picture that was loaned to you and is hanging in your
home your own property? Dont you think the owner would feel at least
affected if he heard?
I am affected but I am not affected.
I am not affected because I am not attached to the world and because I know
that you are suffering from illusion and therefore are claiming something
which in reality is not yours.
I am affected because I know that this attitude of yours will create great
worries, disappointments, grief and suffering for you.
Therefore, it is my desire that you appreciate everything as a loan and that
you realize that nothing on earth is of lasting value. Everything comes and
However, love, responsibility and duty, combined with freedom, last because
they are divine.


oday is a gift of the universe. You receive this gift once every four years.

It is a gift that you notice. You notice and judge everything, which is
unusual. You tend to overlook that everything around you is a gift from Me to
You consider your body to be yours. The same applies to your mind. You
identify with these two to such a degree that it makes you think they are your
This is a big error and also a big obstacle on your spiritual path.
Identifying with your body and your thinking is nothing other than identifying
with your ego.
I keep telling you that you need to give up your ego because it is fragile and
inconstant and in addition it creates many difficulties.
The best relationship you could possibly have with your body and your
thinking is to appreciate them as gifts from Me to you which you are entitled
to enjoy and administer temporarily. They are, however, bound to time and
will fade.
What remains is your happiness. The happiness of knowing that I am
everything and that I have given everything to you, that I am always linked to
you in the form of, and through My gifts to you.
If you think this way there will be no more swaying in your life, but just more
joy, joy, joy.
This joy nourishes thankfulness, which unnoticeably transforms your ego into
the divine self.



ont mourn for yesterday. There is no such thing as yesterday. There is

also no tomorrow. Yesterday was and therefore is not. Tomorrow will be

and therefore is not yet. The only thing that IS, is now!
Live in the now, occupy it, make use of it. By this means you can experience
a successful today even after an entirely unsuccessful yesterday.
Do not constantly think about what you could have done differently. If you
think like this you risk believing you could have done it differently. You were
not able to do it differently because you did not know. You experienced what
you did in the past in order to learn what you needed to learn.
Dont cry over spilt milk. There is no such thing. Not a drop gets lost in the
universe. Everything remains because everything has a meaning as it was
created by My will of creation.
Your task therefore is to recognize this meaning and to fill your life with it.
The more you manage to be conscious, the more you live now and the more
the equation You = I is valid.


ddictions constitute a big problem. Countless people are destroyed by

Alcohol is the worst drug because it is the most widespread. Beware of
alcohol, as it is particularly treacherous. It starts with a glass here and a glass
there, and all of a sudden alcohol has become a fixed component in your life.
And one day there is only alcohol, which dissolves you and deletes your
identity. The German saying, You have become a bottle, describes this fact
Therefore, beware of alcohol and recognize it as a great enemy. I know how
many terrible things have been done because alcohol makes people lose their
inhibitions. I know how much bad karma people have accumulated because
they have fallen for alcohol, and I also know how many people have lost all
their possessions because of this poison.
Should you initially have difficulties foregoing alcohol, just remember My
truth: alcohol and success cancel each other out. Do not gloss over things.
Dont lie to yourself, accept this truth, and make the first step by saying to
yourself, I will not drink today. Repeat this every day.
Recognize that you are addicted because you cannot do without alcohol. Ask
the Lord for help and at the same time seek professional help.
Do everything to become free from this terrible addiction. Only if you help
yourself am I able to assist you further.


veryone is talking about the destruction of your environment these days.

Everyone talks about it. Many blame mankind; many blame God. Many
point fingers but dont lift a finger to help stop the deterioration.
Its no good blaming others. Blaming others makes you small.
Recognize yourself as God. Believe firmly that you and God are one and
the world will change dramatically.
If you blame God for the deterioration of the world you are demonstrating
how little you know about the deeper context.
Many people in the West and the East! are blinded and poisoned by a
subtle negative ideology. This ideology haunts the minds of millions of
people and determines their philosophy of life.
One of the tasks of My mission is to destroy this ideology which claims that
the world has been created badly.
The world was created FROM Gods love INTO Gods love. It is eternal and
perfect. Nothing can destroy it. What you are seeing today are just small
changes on the surface not even worth mentioning.
However, your thinking and thereby your vision are extremely poor: you are
unable to recognize the divinity in the world. You cant smell it because of
the stench, you cant hear it because of the noise, and you cant see it because
of the concrete. This has nothing to do with the world but only to do with you.
Turn your focus away from the world. Look at the divine world within you.
Find Me within your heart and you will see how divine, how immaculately
beautiful the world is, perfect just as the day I created it. Recognize how
perfect you are. Dedicate yourself to God and consciously live your divinity.
This is the greatest service you can do the world.


lato was a wise man. Socrates was a great teacher to him. Still, I prefer

philosophy of his student Aristotle because he recognizes God as the
creator of all beings. Platos heaven of ideas plays down the role of God.
Plato does not call God the final essence of being. He calls it Agathon, the
final good.
He uses the term God only for the ideas which depend on and are explained
by this Agathon.
This is an ingenious theory but a dangerous statement. A certain skepticism
towards God, which plays a major role in future centuries, is already
noticeable with Plato. This example of a highly delightful teacher of the
Western world shows this: a small error in the beginning creates a great one
in the end.
Many people get carried away with their initial enthusiasm and fail to think of
the consequences. They are surprised when whatever they had overlooked
during their enthusiastic start, suddenly comes into effect later on. Therefore,
be very careful with every beginning.
Think of the consequences of everything you think, say and do. Remember
the Greek saying: He who has the beginning has achieved half already.
Offer your thinking, talking and actions to God (re: 7th of January). Do
everything with Gods name on your lips (re: 27th of February).
Then the result will be sacred.


verything has its time. You cant smell a green bud and expect it to be

fragrant. You cant milk a calf and expect to take home milk. You cant
expect a whelp to be a watchdog when it is only two months old. Everything
has its time.
Everything needs its time for its own development.
If you act out of time you will either fail or be required to invest much more
energy than if you were to wait for the right moment. That is why to act in
Dharma, in righteousness, means to act in and with the right time. Patience
and the ability to wait are the salt of life.
Even the best meal tastes stale without salt. Just a pinch of salt turns a
tasteless dish into a wonderful meal. It takes so little to make such a great
Practice patience and learn to wait. Control your impatience, as it is one of
your greatest enemies. Impatience does not allow things to mature.
Impatience provides nothing, but takes everyones time for development.
Impatience will inevitably lead to failure sooner or later. Impatience is the
source of all negativity. Therefore, instead of thinking negatively, fight your
Adapt to the golden rhythm of life and everything will be easy and crowned
by success.


hat do you think is the most important and also the most dangerous

thing in your life?

No, it is not the atomic bomb, which they claim is securing peace and in
reality is threatening all. It is also not the car which transports so many people
from one place to another and in doing so destroys the health and the lives of
countless others.
No, it is none of these.
The most important and the most dangerous is your will.
Your will can turn your life into heaven or hell. Everything in your life
depends on your will, your willingness.
Your will is endlessly powerful, it cannot be overrated and it should not be
underestimated even though you do so, so often.
The will turns a kitchen hand into a millionaire and a millionaire into a
kitchen hand.
Why is your will so powerful?
Because your will derives from My will and My will created the sky and the
earth, fire and water, flora and fauna. It was one thought, one word, one act:
one intention which immediately turned to action.
My will always becomes action immediately. I live the unity of thoughts,
words and deeds. This unity creates My omnipotence.
You are connected to this omnipotence. You are the creator of your life. Your
will decides what your life will be like and what you will be.
Connect to the divine will. Recognize the light everywhere. Realize the light.
Become light and live in light, which means to live the five values Prema,
Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa (love, truth, righteousness, peace and
nonviolence) and your will too will be as Mine. The immediate unity of
imagination and being.


am in eternal happiness. Nothing saddens me. Nothing worries me. I do

what needs to be done and am filled with happiness. If I were not

established in happiness it could sadden Me to see how small you make
I gave you everything. You are omniscient. You are omnipotent. You are full
of happiness. But how do you live? As if you were a worm which has been
taken from its element.
In various life times you have accumulated habits which you dont want to let
go of anymore. In most cases they have not even brought you fortune. Simply
because they are habits, you have come to love and value them.
It is My primary task to destroy these old habits as they bind you to failure
and rebirth like chains.
Secondly, I want to make you aware of the unsolvable contradiction of which
you are the victim: on the one hand you suffer from life on earth and on the
other you are getting more and more attached to it.
The more you get attached to it, the more you suffer.
I will help you to get rid of your chains, but you must make a change in your
thinking. You need to reach a stage where you float through life as light as a
bird and become attracted only by the sweetest of nectars, just like humming
Humming birds move their wings incredibly fast and therefore can stand still
in the air. Their attention is always focused on the sweetest nectar.
You should do the same: no matter in which direction you are going, always
have the Lord in mind, and life will hold the sweetest nectar ready for you,


oday many celebrate Womens Day. At least that is something.

Basically, however, women should be celebrated on every day of the

Women form tomorrows society. They raise the children who are the
decision makers of tomorrow. Therefore, womens role in society cannot be
rated highly enough.
If women fail to perform this high duty of being there for the children and the
family, the decline of mankind is inevitable.
One reason for the worldwide desolate condition of todays society is that
women no longer identify themselves with their role.
They strive after men. They want to be equal to them and thereby entirely
forget who they are. They are the unwavering point of stability in the family
and society. They should be examples for dignity, sublimity and virtue. They
should know that they are the heart of human society and especially close to


he greatest problem man faces today is his lack of self-esteem. Man

does so much, runs after the most absurd things and so-called pleasures,
because he does not have the slightest idea who he is.
In most cases there is only one escape from this entanglement with the outer
world, with Maya: suffering. Suffering shows you that you have run into a
dead end.
Therefore, welcome the suffering, as it wants to teach you something. The
simplest lesson which you obtain from suffering in this age is to repeat the
name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and to do good. And if you cant do
good then at least dont do bad.
The more you repeat the name of the Lord, the closer you come to Him, do
you see? Everything is contained in these three words: you to Him. By
repeating the name of God, I becomes you and you becomes God. This is the
best remedy for lack of self-esteem.


our relationships consist more of separation than being together. You

think it is right and that you have a right to separate if you do not feel
good in a relationship anymore. This view is entirely wrong. There should be
no trial relationships. The institution I created for man and woman to be
together is marriage.
I have created marriage because it is the only form of living together which is
appropriate for both man and woman.
Todays casual forms of living together reflect mans low level desires. Man
especially loves changing relationships. He is usually much less attached to
children than the woman.
Separations create wounds which sometimes do not heal through several life
times (yes, I want this to be clearly underlined).
Couples are usually together for many life times. If they lose each other
through a mistake of one or both, it might happen that they lose sight of each
other in future lives.
They will then try to rebuild with great effort what they have lost with the
other partner. This can be a very painful process.
Always keep in mind that sooner or later they must conclude their karma


IDS came into your lives because of your negative rapport with sexual-

ity. Sexuality is a holy, a divine possession. However, you are degrading

it, just like everything else, to a consumer product.
AIDS is not transferred only by sexual contact, but also by needles and
infusions. Of course this puts not only the sick but also the doctors at great
risk. Doctors should take this threat very seriously. No one becomes ill with a
sickness, which he has not created with his own karma. In many cases todays
doctors are creating unlimited amounts of negative karma for themselves.
To want to help, to sympathize with someone, to want to sacrifice and to help
their neighbor, are qualities sometimes entirely unknown to them. They are
only interested in money and power.
This is of great danger to the patients but also to the doctors. They are
heading straight for the suffering which they are treating with so little love.
They think it doesnt matter to them, as their colleagues would surely help
them when they needed them.
But who says that the poor mother who is totally at the will of their cutting
coolness did not think the same way in her last life?


o live in Dharma, righteousness; in Sathya, truth; in Prema, love; in

Shanti, peace; and in Ahimsa, nonviolence, should be your goal.

Act righteously, speak the truth, treat those around you with love, keep your
thinking peaceful and treat all living beings nonviolently and your being will
be filled with happiness. These five values should be the main connecting
thread in all your actions.
Always keep them in mind and constantly strive for them, even if you feel
you cant immediately fulfil them entirely. Why do you think this way? Why
do you think you can not live with all consequences?
Do not reduce yourself. He who belittle himself is also lazy. And he who is
lazy will be disappointed at some stage. One who is disappointed is not
Strive for total happiness. Recognize the tremendous power within you.
Believe Me, you have it I have given it to you.


ife consists of so-called contradictions.

One example is that on the one hand you should act and on the other you
should let go.
How can you act if you should basically restrain yourself?
Some people seem to think they can solve this paradox by not doing anything
at all anymore. They live by the motto: God will take care of it.
What a strange image of God they have!
Why does a farmer need a cow if he himself can give milk?
Why does a guard need a dog as a helper if he himself likes to bark? You
think I have given you all these gifts so that in the end I can do everything
Myself? If that were so, those who say creation simply happened by chance
and that it had no sense and use would actually be right.
You and your realization are the goal of creation. That is why your actions are
of fundamental importance.
It is equally important, however, to let go in order not to become entangled in
Maya, the outer world of illusion, by your actions.
You can find the balance between acting and letting go by offering your
actions to Me (re: 7th of January) and always visualizing that I am the one
By this means the so-called contradiction of acting and letting go dissolves
from it-SELF.


id you notice what happened during Darshan (blessing by the look of a

holy person) today?

I threw sweets and one fell through your hands. An Italian man picked it up
and wanted to give it to you. Before you took it you asked him if he had one
himself. When he said no, you gave him the sweet.
He was happy and so was I.
And what happened then? I threw sweets again and this time three hit your
Why your head? Because you should understand the rule: if you give once
from the heart, it will be returned many times.
That is the great secret of life which the wise and holy continuously proclaim
and you dont want to believe. You believe that to have is more blissful than
to give.
Believe Me, this idea is entirely wrong.
My hands, for example, have never taken anything. My hands only give, give,
give. They therefore are always filled, and I live in constant happiness and am
free from worries and grief.
Whenever you want to keep something for yourself and think you can not
give, ask yourself if you are really happy, if your life is really fulfilled.
If that is not the case then start to give. Give more and more and your life will
fulfil itself. Remember: not a single dust particle is lost in the universe.


llnesses, from which you constantly flee, provide great opportunities for

Illnesses are for man what shedding skin is for snakes.
You must make progress and therefore your soul decides to take on an illness.
The illness is like an engine which moves you forward.
For this reason you should be very careful when it comes to suppressing
illnesses. That could make you even more ill. Not, as many suspect, because
the old illness is now even stronger but because the soul is now even more
eager for development.
What if that following illness leads to death? you ask.
You must know that there is a part of your soul which constantly longs for the
next world. It remembers very well the happiness it experienced there. This
part also lets the baby cry after birth because it knows life on earth means
suffering. That is why this part of your soul, your self, livens up when your
body and thereby your ego go down.
The easiest method to harmonize these two souls within you is to do
something good, practice Japa (repeating the name of the Lord: re 27th of
February) and to offer everything to Me. I will take care of the rest.


o you know what wisdom is?

Wisdom is knowing if, when and how to act. Based on this it is obvious
that wisdom has been considered to be one of the highest virtues since ancient
But who is really wise? Hardly anyone. There are not even many who strive
for wisdom.
Ancient Greek society had a great number of friends (Philoi) of wisdom
(Sophia) who formed their own rank it would be interesting to research how
many of them actually achieved wisdom.
Wisdom is a high virtue, but not easy to achieve. What to do? Just give up?
That would be cowardly and therefore is out the question!
Then what?
Its much easier than you think! Firstly find out whether you really want to
find wisdom and, if so, what you want to stake for it.
Then base your life on the five values I teach: Prema, Sathya, Dharma, Shanti
and Ahimsa (love, truth, righteousness, peace and nonviolence). In addition,
repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and you will surely make
great progress on your way to wisdom.
Every distance can be covered quickly at supersonic speed!


always say that suffering opens the heart.

There are people who try to prove the opposite. It seems as if they have
become hardhearted through the suffering.
It may sound as if I am hardhearted Myself when I say the following: there
are people who decide to suffer. They are attached to their suffering and just
want to hold on to it.
They literally enjoy suffering. They therefore use their suffering as an excuse
to be able to continue to live their egoism. They seem to live by the motto:
better to suffer than to be there for others.
These people must get entangled in suffering until they finally sincerely ask
for help.
Then I send them a person who will help open their hearts.


ou must learn to discriminate when humanity, performance or both are

There are situations when humanity is essential, for example when a person is
suffering and his soul needs someone to feel his pain with him.
Performance is important when, for example, a pilot is flying a plane.
Whether he is a very sensitive person is of secondary importance in this
instance. It is important that he knows how to handle the plane and that he
brings you to your destination safely.
For a doctor, however, both humanity and performance are indispensable. He
must feel for his patients and at the same time diagnose correctly, know the
appropriate remedy and prescribe it.
Many misunderstand My teachings and focus only on humanity. As we can
see, this may be a great error which could cost you your life in extreme
If you have doubts as to what you should do, always remember that the ability
to discriminate is of principal importance to Me. That means: think first, ask
Me for help and then decide.


rges are important to secure your life. You must eat and drink to nourish

your body. Sexuality is important to ensure the species lives on.

Therefore, satisfaction of these urges creates lust. Lust was introduced to
ensure that urges were satisfied.
With all this you must remember that urges bind you to your body and to your
You are connected to the animal kingdom via your urges. Animals live their
entire lives to satisfy their urges. You can recognize their ego by observing
how vehemently they protect their food or their territory.
In other words, you live the parts of you that connect you to animalhood
through your urges. Thats the one problem with urges: they chain you to the
instinctive and the primal within you.
The other problem is that urges are always linked to desires. If you are very
hungry you are eager to eat; if you are thirsty you experience the same
feelings. It is the same way with sexuality.
Man differs from animals firstly by his ability to discriminate, then by his
ability to think things through, thirdly by the fact that he can do without and
finally that he can differentiate between good and bad.
The more you live your urges and desires, the less you are able to apply these
four skills. This means that if you follow your desires entirely, you become
unable to discriminate or to think things through or even to do without or to
discriminate between good and bad.
Today mankind in many parts of the world has reached a point where desires
have taken over in a dangerous way and so ethics have lost their importance
Desires must therefore suppressed. Ethics and morals must be uplifted. The
spiritual path must be found again.
This is My mission. That is why I will help you all to reach the Golden Age.


ow do you recognize a clever person? By his circumspection.

The clever person analyses how things work and then tries to integrate
his actions into the flow of things in a harmonious way.
This is the recipe of his success.
That too is the reason for My success.
I am in the heart of all living beings. I am the nature of all things. I know
when the moment has come in which everything will fall into place with ease.
What does that mean? Patience is essential for clever and successful actions.
Patience is half no, more than half of the distance. Without patience nothing
can succeed. Patience makes you able to wait for things, beings and people.
Patience is therefore the royal stairway to success.
Practice patience whenever you can. Be happy that you can wait. Be happy
that you can wait. Be happy that you can wait.
Did it already take too long for you because I repeated the same sentence
three times before continuing?
Oh, what I wanted to say ... wait a minute!


our world is dominated by power, by negative power.

Negative power means that someone uses his special possibilities and
abilities to satisfy his own interests and desires to the detriment of others.
Apart from being harmful, this form of power also demonstrates the shortsightedness of the doer.
Negative power always collapses sooner or later. Negative power is built on
sand and also creates consequences which could last through several lives.
Positive power is the power of love. Love is the greatest power. The world
was created in and through love. Nothing can stop love.
Have faith in this, and locked doors and hearts will open for example by the
fascinating power of a single loving smile.
That is the power of the lotus blossom.


n your country you have fast and punctual trains, modern planes,

cars, houses and streets which are excellently built.
Your stores are filled with everything one could possibly imagine.
One could think I am talking about a fairyland, but what a pity! It is missing
Your hearts are closed. They are on ice. Usually one puts on ice what one
plans to use some time later.
When do you want to use your hearts?
Which opportunity are you saving them for?
What strange ideas do you have of love?
Do you really think it becomes less when you let it flow freely? Do you think
a teacher will leave his classroom with less knowledge than he had when he
went inside just because he has passed his knowledge on to his students?
What a crazy idea that would be! Love is like knowledge. Live it and it
To live in love in your country is not always easy, but therefore even more
If someone looks at you in a strange way just because you have given him a
friendly smile, stay with it.
Smile at the next one in the same friendly way.
If someone talks to you in an unfriendly way dont let that distract you from
your decision to live love more and more.
Initially it might all seem futile. However, this impression is completely
wrong. Believe Me and not the impression.
Your love does not get lost.
I see it and multiply it by tens no, by hundreds.
Through your help, love will win in your country, too fragrant as a blossom,
light as a cat and strong as an elephant.


or the time being I enjoy asking you questions.

Life is a question and answer game. I love life. I love the game called
life. To live means to love.
My question today is: do you know what your task is? The answer is: to see
Me everywhere.
(I must admit this is a strange game where I ask a question and give the
answer at the same time!)
But back to life. You sometimes feel alone. You dont know how to decide.
You hesitate because you feel torn back and forth and you would like to talk
to someone about your doubts.
You feel alone. Why dont you ever talk to Me? I am always at your side. I
am always with you, yet you are looking for someone to talk to! Dont you
think thats strange?
If you just werent so blind that you constantly overlook Me, one would even
find your behavior impolite. Actually, to put it bluntly, the fact that you
overlook Me in that way is not the idea of politeness! Start making contact
with Me. Talk to Me. Ask Me. Spend your time with Me. You will see, your
life will change fundamentally in the long run.
In addition, you would make Me very happy.
And what is the reason for My happiness? The fact that I see that you are
coming home, you are finding your Self.


f you already feel morose when you get up in the morning, be assured that

you are living wrongly.

Suffering, nuisances and disappointments are part of your development. Life
itself consists of a never-ending sequence of joy and sorrow.
The emphasis is on sequence.
However, if you are always sad, depressed and morose then you are doing
something fundamentally wrong.
Life is flowing. Life must stream.
Anger, pride and all negative feelings block the flow. They take power over
you because they disconnect you from the flow of life.
That is why they are bad for you.
Desires are also negative feelings.
Western ideology teaches you to consider desires and their satisfaction as the
highest virtue.
This teaching is very dangerous, and I will tell you why.
Desires as such are not bad if they are experienced with love.
Without love, however, desires are very dangerous.
If you lust for food and drink you will harm your health in the long run.
If you desire sexual experiences, especially with different partners, you are
harming your physical and psychological wellbeing. In addition, you close
your heart more and more. Sexuality without love is a dead experience. He
who searches for this has closed his heart.
Sexuality without love inflates your ego and undermines your dignity. If,
however, you desire your spouse and join together in love and offer that to
God (re: 7th of January), your desire will bring bliss into your body, your soul
and your mind, through this love.


nly the outcome, the end of all is of meaning. The end demonstrates

whether something went well or badly.

In order to achieve a good end the beginning is important and the progress is
You may for example be born with very bad karma and still always try hard.
Despite the fact that your life started under very difficult circumstances you
can achieve your goal because of your effort.
Thats what it was like for the Pandavas in the time of Krishna. They came to
earth with bad karma. They worked hard to find the right way. They suffered
a lot, always stayed with Krishna and were successful.
The Kauravas, however, had a much better starting position than the
Pandavas. Nevertheless, they did not care about virtue and ethics; they did not
care about God and did not recognize Krishnas holiness.
They were beaten by the Pandavas, who were fewer in numbers, because
Krishna wanted it that way and because their effort and the righteousness of
the Pandavas needed to be rewarded.
Effort leads to righteousness (Dharma), righteousness leads to truth (Sathya),
truth leads to peace (Shanti), peace leads to nonviolence (Ahimsa) and
nonviolence leads to love (Prema). And all these together lead to the GOAL.


any tribes of American Indians had high ethics, respected nature and

lived in love.
Nevertheless, they were destroyed by the white man.
The majority of the Indians lived in love, many of the whites in hatred still
it seemed the latter had won.
How does this tie in with My teaching, love always wins?
You can never understand the divine plan if you dont consider the teaching
of reincarnation. Without reincarnation life has no meaning and creation,
including the creator, are cruel.
This cant be right, as God is pure love.
In order to explain the above seeming inconsistencies, I would like to begin
with the end of each body.
Because of reincarnation death is not absolute. Death is the border between
one condition of being and another. You enter the state of death and drop off
your body. You come to life and pick up a new body.
The so-called poor Indians died and their suffering was compensated tens
and hundreds of times for example by being able to stay in the next world,
the happiness for a very long time.
Many of the white, however, killed the Indians mercilessly in their greed.
They disrespected these people because of the color of their skin.
They, too, died eventually.
In their next life many of them returned to the same country which they had
conquered in such a merciless way in their previous incarnation as black
slaves and had to suffer the same brutality they themselves had spread just
Live in love. Die in love, and you are free of all entanglements apart from
the entanglement with Me.


ontrol your tongue. The tongue has not been compared to a snake so

many times without a reason. The tongue can twine around you. The
tongue can fascinate you. The tongue can bite fast as lightning.
The tongue is a valuable possession. Therefore, be very careful with it.
Think before you speak, and consider that everything you say may have farreaching consequences. One wrong word and your soul may be wounded for
an entire lifetime. So, what should you do with your tongue? Think about
every word and continuously stutter?
Of course not. Rather, become more thoughtful in the usage of your tongue.
Dont just blab to yourself, think what you want to say.
Be silent rather than hurt someone.
Most importantly, you should connect your tongue to your heart.
When you talk, friendly and warm rays should beam from your eyes. Your
manner of speech should be soft and loving. It should welcome and caress the
one addressed in a hearty way.
If you talk this way the world will be at your feet.
Another thing: Loving speech is also the best environmental conservation!


armony is crucial in life. The entire universe is built on harmony.

Everything revolves around Me in a harmonious way. I am the center of

everything. I live in perfection. I love perfection.
Look at a tree. Can you see how harmoniously its top has grown? Look at a
wild animal. Do you recognize the harmony and dignity of its movements?
Look at a landscape. Have you noticed that all colors, be they as different as
they possibly could, match together harmoniously with all seasons?
Find Me in your heart. Discover the complete harmony within yourself and
let it flow into your life more and more.
For example, dress harmoniously. Care for the combination of your clothes
and their colors.
Care for your food. How do you combine and prepare your meals? Do your
plates, your dishes, your table look harmonious?
What about your furniture? Do the furniture match? And the pictures?
What are your friends like? Do they suit you? Do they help you on your
spiritual path? Are they there to help you in bad times? Harmony is divine.
You can recognize this by the mere fact that it isnt expensive to create.
You just need to find harmony in your heart, then it will spread to all your
inner and outer furniture, your relationship, your friends, your work.
Your life will be filled with harmony. Filled with God and blessed.


eath equalizes all. The greatest power, the greatest pomp, the greatest

knowledge, the most perfect beauty, all lose their meaning when it
comes to death.
And what is death? The final bill of life. You will die just as you have lived.
Nothing in your life happens by chance. Not your birth. Not the encounters in
your life. Not your death. Everything has to do with you, your actions and the
consequences of these.
You are the smith of your destiny. Everything else is only effect. If you board
the train to Paris, you arrive in Paris. You dont have to know how to operate
a locomotive. You dont even have to know the direction or the route. You
buy a ticket and step into and the train will do the rest.
Its like that in life, too. If you chose the train to God, all you need is a ticket,
which is Namasmarana, repetition of the name of the Lord (re: 27th of
February). God does everything else.
If you decide for the world (Maya), then things are different. Here too there
are trains, but no direct ones. There arent any rail-through coaches either.
Why? Because the direction in Maya constantly changes.
Maya is characterized through the constant more and less. The traveler
therefore constantly changes his direction.
Until he comes to a one way station where his direction is again
fundamentally changed.
This new destination consists in acknowledging that he must sooner or later
catch the train that leads out of Maya.
It is of great importance that he takes this train before death makes that
decision because one does not die nicely when travelling through MayaLand!


ou know when Socrates lived.

You know when Francis of Assisi lived.

You know when Goethe lived.
You know when Aurobindo lived.
Do you know their teachings, too?
Have you thought a single one through, found it good and put it into practice?
Youre trying?
Dont try. Do.
What good is knowledge of history if it doesnt have an impact on your life.
Why do you learn about the teachings of wise ones if you do not put them
into practice them?
Pure book knowledge is only a burden. Its bad because it is dangerous! Pure
book knowledge which you do not put into practice inflates your ego. You
start to think you are smarter and speak better than others.
Empty book knowledge separates you from others by your arrogance and
turns you to dust.
This kind of burden-knowledge builds a fort around you. You live by the
motto: knowledge is power. This saying is true and demonstrates the danger
of empty knowledge.
Through this knowledge you gain power over others but lose control of
The enemies, like pride, anger, greed, envy, jealousy and attachment will be
well fed. All you need to do is spend lots of time discussing things and trying
to be right, then they will liven up.
Actually you do not need to know much. The holy man Francis of Assisi was
not a scholar. But he knew one truth, which he practised: You should love all
beings and serve them.
He lived by the principle that there should be integrity between thought, word
and deed. He attained this integrity to a degree where even wild animals could
sense his love and returned it.
This is the truth, this is the essence of all books and all knowledge.


nce there lived a man whose wife loved him very much. She was always

there for him, she took care of the household and lovingly raised the
The man loved and respected his wife. He worked hard to support his family.
Years passed by.
Suddenly the man changed. He longed for a different life.
His wife did not understand him. She tried to give him everything she could.
Why is he so discontented? she asked herself.
Then the woman noticed that he did not love her anymore and that he wanted
to leave her. She suffered so badly from that that she soon after died of a
broken heart.
Now the man was finally free.
He lived all the things he could not do while his wife was still alive. He met
with friends, drank lots and got to know other women. This went on for a
Then he noticed that the old discontent was coming up again. He did not like
his friends anymore. The same with the girlfriends. He did not like his work
anymore and many other things, too. Only now he noticed what wrong he had
done his wife and that she was not responsible for his dissatisfaction at all. He
regretted his actions and went to her grave and cried bitterly.
What does this story tell us? Dont blame others for your well being or your
Believe Me, I know many million destinies: It always depends on the one
who is dissatisfied.
But be assured: Discontent is one of the illnesses I have come to heal.



pril, April (April fool), thats the name with which in Germany various

jokes are answered or excused on this day.

This day, therefore, is a good opportunity to think about jokes.
You Germans could do with more fun. You are too serious. Lots of things are
so difficult with you. Have you forgotten that life is fun?
So: Have fun, laugh, be happy and give up the idea that you can buy
cheerfulness through performance and money. There is no such store.
But how does one make jokes in the correct way?
Basically, all jokes which make the other person feel that he is liked and
respected are all right.
I refuse sarcasm and cynicism. People who use them are living on the backs
of others and are hiding behind a mask of seeming superiority and well
hidden cowardice instead of letting essential warmth and heartiness flow.
Therefore, only enjoy jokes which make not only you but also the person
across from you happy.
If you are joking with someone and he withdraws, consider that you might
have hurt him. Explain your good intentions and build a bridge between the
two of you.
If you really had bad intentions with your joke, then apologize.
In no case may you trivialize your behavior as being just a joke. If the other
is hurt it is no longer a matter of a joke but of an injury.
Dont say: ... you are touchy! Instead ask yourself if you have been rude.
This question is much more important than any remark about the other
which in any case isnt right! Therefore:
Make many jokes today. Have lots of fun. I bless you, so that you may reach
and open many hearts.


o celebrate Easter by eating a lamb is like if the fire brigade celebrating

anniversary by burning down a house or the coast guard by sinking a
Christ did not eat meat. He was connected to all living beings too strongly in
order for Him to do that.
It also totally contradicts the lesson of love he taught.
Christ knew the deeper connections exactly. He knew it would destroy a
society in the long run if they ate meat. But, just as Mohammed, he had no
chance against the tradition of eating meat.
This holds a great amount of tragedy. Christ came to spread love, peace and
brotherhood amongst the people. Their habits of eating, however, remained
more or less unchanged.
This is one of the reasons why Christianity worldwide today has so little
spirituality and love to offer: Eating meat activates aggressive tendencies
within you. No wonder that almost all nations involved in both World Wars
were Christians and all were meat eaters.
To eat meat is a great sin. Firstly, a highly developed animal is killed which
offends the law of Ahimsa, nonviolence, that I teach.
Secondly, the consumption of meat always leads to an increase of the
aggressive potential which is latently present in every person.
This combined with the respective negative ideology must lead to conflicts.
Therefore, erase the idea of celebrating Easter by eating lamb or other meat.
It would be a knife in Christs heart. Rather, try to be like Him, try to develop
respect and deep love for all living beings, on this day of festivity.
Then Easter really is a holiday worth celebrating.


our objective as a human being is to live, to have experiences, to serve

others and to be happy.

Only the Lord may judge as He alone knows the connections. Only He who
knows many lives of a person can assess what he is like.
In most cases you dont even have insight about one single lifetime. So what
do you know? How do you want to judge?
Instead of judging I recommend that you see the good in others. In doing so
you should not fall for everything in a blind and naive way. You should much
rather train your vision so that you can see good qualities in others more
People are different. Thats out of the question. There are people whom I
would recommend you stay away from as they can harm you. You must
however, keep in mind that this has much to do with you. If you were
different you would not get entangled in the difficulties of these people and
you could experience much happiness with them.
What I am trying to say is that you can love-good many people. By
approaching them from heart to heart and showing them that you see the good
in them and that you appreciate them, with patience you can change them
Therefore I recommend: Do not judge, as in most cases you will judge
wrongly anyway. Rather, approach your neighbor with knowing love love
which knows of the difficulties of human development and because of that is
able to overlook so many dark sides.
And because it knows that in order to overlook something one cannot be


our plus four equals eight. Eight is the number of becoming. Becoming

always means change. That is why the number eight lying on its side is
the symbol of marriage.
You can do what you want, but marriage will change you. For those who
want to live comfortably this must be an alarming thought.
Those who want to progress in their development will find marriage a good
prerequisite for that. Marriage is the ideal millstone for your ego and
therefore exactly the right thing in this time.
Man and woman cannot live together if each thinks only of his or her own
interests. Without cooperation every marriage will become hell.
It depends largely on you what your relationship will be like. If you have
difficulties, ask yourself what you can change.
If you have no answer, ask your partner: He or she will surely know. For
many life seems so strenuous, so difficult, so troublesome. Of course, some
destinies are difficult. Even the most difficult destinies could be eased with
love. The core difficulty is always the ego, egoism.
Your ego, i.e., egoism, makes life difficult for you. Therefore, thankfully
receive all difficulties you may have with your partner as they provide you
with opportunities to reduce your ego and thereby to make life easier for you
in the long run.


moking destroys your health. Smoking blunts your feelings. Smoking and

God exclude each other. If you practice Namasmarana (repetition of the

name of the Lord, 27th of February) and smoke afterwards, you delete all the
good virtues you have raised by repeating the name of the Lord.
Smoking makes you receptive to all the negative forces around you. Smoking
weakens you so that the negative can easily enter and influence you. This puts
you under pressure, which is the reason why many smoke more and more
with time.
Smokers believe they enjoy life even more. The truth is that they do not enjoy
life more but actually much less. They close themselves to the subtle divine
energy which is inherent in them and is just waiting to unfold itself.
If you continue to smoke you will not make much progress even in your
meditation. Furthermore, you risk giving up meditation entirely because all
the crazy thoughts you have taken in during your smoking are on your mind.
Therefore, decide to quit smoking today! Wait no longer! Always say to
yourself, Not today whenever you want to smoke. Ask Me for help. Repeat
the name of the Lord and always remember:
I will help you. But here too, as always, I can only help you if you want, i.e.,
do something.


ou need your ego in order to survive on earth. If you have realized God,

you have only 21 days to live as your body is not sufficiently cared for
by you.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa survived his realization of God only because his
nephew cared for him in a self-sacrificing way.
The ego is therefore required for the maintenance of the body. At the same
time, the ego is its greatest enemy. Many souls have lost their bodies because
of their egos! Just think of the countless stupid duels which took place
because of so-called dishonoring. Or think of the wars and what else there
has been and still is to strengthen the power of the ego.
The danger is that the ego primarily looks after itself and only involves the
body once its own interests have been reconciled.
As it too ends with death just as the body it too makes an effort to avoid death
and to extend life on earth as long as possible.
In addition the ego is an obstacle to self-realization. The self and the ego have
fundamentally different goals.
The self wants to realize God and to minimize life on earth.
The ego, however, loves to lose itself in Maya. It therefore creates karmic
entanglement all over in order to be tightly bound to life on earth.
If these entanglements become inextricable, a holy being or Avatar appears,
gives direction, cuts the bindings, dissolves karma.
This is the moment the self emerges and eagerly turns toward God.
The loneliness, the self has experienced inside the body dissolves in a mist of
tears. That is why many people cry when they are close to God. The tears are
the sigh of relief of the self.


here is only one choice: God or the world. On this, a short story. A

woman wanted to visit Me in Puttaparthi (Sai Babas place of birth and

main residence). She was afraid to catch some dangerous disease during her
stay in India.
She asked Me for guidance. I told her in a dream that she would be protected
if she went to the village no more than three or four times. (Despite the
closeness of the village to the Ashram, a completely different energy
dominates there. Inside the Ashram the focus is on spiritual values, in the
village it is on money!)
The energy in the village may dissolve the fine, positive vibration which
results from being close to Me. Therefore, I continuously emphasize going to
the village as little as possible.
The woman in question loved to be in the village. She had come to know a
few shop owners with whom she enjoyed chatting. She also purchased nice
items from them which further intensified their friendship, particularly from
the shop owners side.
She had been to the village four times already when she saw a necklace she
particularly liked. However, she did not have enough money with her to buy
it immediately.
She returned to the Ashram, picked up the necessary money and went back to
the village again.
It was late and she had to hurry in order to get some food still at the canteen.
She had no time to wash her hands with soap and therefore bacteria entered
her body together with the food.
The next day she was ill and stayed ill for an entire week.
She had come to see Me. The desire to own a necklace had resulted in her not
seeing me for 7 out of her 19 days. All because of a necklace!
However, she learned lots in this week and was therefore able to open herself
in a way that was new to her.
It was My grace which she was able to receive because she knew what it was
about and why one comes to Me: There is only one alternative God or the


arma is a crucial concept in My teachings. It means that everything you

do has consequences.
If you do good the consequences are good; if you do bad they will be bad.
This teaching is simple and can be verified everywhere.
If you cook using poor ingredients the meal will also be poor. If you do not
care about the cooking time and if the food burns then you will either have to
throw everything away or have a meal that tastes very bad.
That is the teaching of karma: As you act so will you live.
There is nothing mysterious, scary or vague about it. You can track the law of
cause and effect throughout the entire creation. No wonder then that it also
determines your own actions.
I would like to say something else about the teachings of karma: Always
know that you are the acting one. You create your destiny. With your actions
you write the Akasha-Chronic into the heavenly book of all lives.
And you therefore can delete everything, too.
Do good, think good, speak good, see good. Be good and all negative
consequences from earlier lives will be wiped away.
Be assured that this is the case. Just as I always try to slow you down when
you are writing negative actions, I also help you erase them.


lmost always Easter falls within the month of April. As you know,

is a changing holiday. Typically, Easter is on the first Sunday after the
full moon after the start of the spring season.
This has a symbolic meaning. Spring is the season in which vegetation
blossoms again.
There is a known connection between the moon and the rhythm of life on
Easter therefore by definition is a celebration of revival.
But there is more: The eggs, which play such an important part at Easter, are
a symbol of fertility as countless species reproduce via eggs.
The egg represents wonder. It is the wonder of life that is meant.
Therefore, do not stay with materialism. Think about the wonders of life.
Take Easter and the colorful eggs that go along with it to realize that deep
inside you, deep in your soul, rest wonderful, colorful and flashing eggs.
Therefore, think about the Easter rabbit, too which is another symbol of
fertility. Rabbits are known to be very reproductive.
Maybe your thinking will lead you to the most important Easter rabbit, the
one who brings all the wonderful eggs of life.
He cannot be seen because he rests deep in your heart and can only be found
with your inner vision.


amilies all over the world today are living in shocking conditions. Argu-

ments, disputes, separations are the daily agenda.

Do not believe that you can find ongoing happiness and peace if you do not
search and find these in your home.
However, some families have broken up to a stage where they think there is
hardly a chance of finding a common path again.
In such a case it is legitimate to withdraw temporarily from your family to
follow your path and clarify your feelings.
This should not become a permanent situation. Try to introduce peace to your
feelings. Get rid of your negativity. Always remember that anger or even hate
can easily hurt you and tire you to those you think you want to come free
Appreciate the difficulties in your family as opportunities to practice cheerful
In the beginning this is not easy. But in the long run it creates increasing
happiness because it enables you to develop support for your life from the
difficulties in your family.


very day is divine, especially this one. I would like to tell you what life

Earth is about.
Prior to creation everything was in Me. Embedded in the Absolute Being,
beyond Becoming, which is so typical for the universe and Earth. The
countless souls result from creation, parts of Me outside of Me.
These souls are perfect. They are helpful and live in truth, right conduct,
peace and love. (I did not want to repeat it constantly, but you could put the
word perfect in front of each of these characteristics.)
They are extremely close to Me. They are directly identified with Me.
However, they have no self-consciousness and sympathy. This means they
see only Me and know nothing about themselves.
In order to procure self-consciousness and empathy I created the world and
with it the ego.
The ego is the engine of self-awareness. It is very important but it tends to
proliferate: The vehicle of the soul which should lead to the Self becomes the
dungeon of the soul.
Therefore, one of My major objectives in this incarnation is to limit or even
destroy the ego in order to free the Self. The Self can then find itself and
know that it has found itself. It no longer confuses itself with Me, but
consciously feels itself getting close to Me and eventually it merges with Me.
Self-awareness then, after many lives, is inseparable from the Self.
My Self experiences the same enhancement as yours: Imagine My Self as
being a great, all-encompassing coat of feathers.
With every soul which reaches self-awareness and sympathy two eyes shining
with love and knowledge appear on each feather.
You see, thats how the world sparkles.


he holy institution of marriage exists to enable two persons to walk a

common path of life.

It is a pity that you see so little, otherwise you would understand what a
miracle it is and how the Lord is caring for you.
Your partner is not meant for you for just one life or even a few years or
months, as is often the case today. Your partner is with you for many life
times. I arrange things for you to meet your partner from your previous life
when you are reborn. This meeting means quite a lot.
Your partner must look the way you would like him/her to look. He or she
must be of an appropriate age to match yours, he or she must fit you in many
ways and he or she must be found by you.
I arrange for all of that in your karma.
Cant you be a bit more loving and understanding with this person?
With every difficulty you experience know that it has nothing to do with your
partner, it is you. The difficulty results only from the fact that there is
something for you to learn.
Do not unnecessarily extend the series of your lives by avoiding difficulties.
Thank your partner that through him/her you are receiving the opportunity
and grace to learn what you need to learn. Thank your partner for this
blessing and be cheerful.
Thankfulness and cheerfulness are the best fuel for the vehicle called


hat is it that links you to another person?

What links you to a cow?

What links you to a tree?
What links you to a stone?
There is only one answer to these questions: Everything!
I am the source of all. The only difference is primarily of external nature, a
far-reaching illusion by Maya.
I deliberately say primarily external nature because there is also an internal
difference. This is the level of experienced consciousness. The higher the
incarnation is, the higher the ability to experience self-awareness and
sympathy is. That is the difference between the forms of appearance of the
However, basically all are the same.
This knowledge is the major formula and with its aid you should go through
life as if you were equipped with a motto.
Believe Me, it is only a question of your viewpoint when you experience
difficulties. Difficulties are nothing but an indication that you have reached
the boundaries of your love ability and consciousness.
Thats all.
Therefore, do not condemn yourself when you have difficulties that is the
worst thing you could do.
Respect and love yourself in the right way. Arrogance, for example, is
nothing but lack of self-esteem.
Find your self-esteem. Find it more and more. Then all problems will dissolve
all by themselves.
And why? Because the more you really find yourself, the more you discover
Me. That is the solution.


t rains a lot in your country (Germany). In Salzburg (city in Austria),

the rain sometimes pours from above like strings one refers to string
Some draw connections between the weather and the emotional condition of
the people. They say that a lot rain leads people towards depression.
The sun, however, is referred to as the one that makes you happy.
I see it differently: Rain is blessing, sun makes idleness bliss.
Everything on Earth has its price.
Appreciate the rain as the great food of nature. Thanks to the rain we may
experience the lush green, the colorful flowers and the rippling river.
If the rain still puts you in an overcast mood, use this opportunity to
investigate your inner self.
How can you be disturbed by the rain in front of your eyes if you have
discovered the sun inside your heart?
For the one who has discovered his heart there are no sad days no matter if
it is raining or the sun is shining.
This sounds almost trivial, but this is how trivial the way to your liberation is.
A single drop of rain cannot touch it.


ears are a serious problem. Not only because they are so wide spread

today but also because it is difficult to deal with them.

It seems that fear is necessary and helpful. In taking a closer look, however,
one recognizes that fearful people see themselves confirmed in their fears. In
addition, they often experience negative situations which further increase
their fears.
In most cases fears do not protect. Rather, they create negative images of the
world which eventually return to the one who has created them.
Instead of being led by fears, ask God for guidance. Ask him for the strength
in soul required to trust his guidance. You will notice that your life will
change dramatically.
Always remember that I created the universe and that at any given time I can
change the sky to earth and the earth to sky. Do you really think I am not able
to protect you?


ankind today is developing more toward a tiger than toward God. Many

people have become man-eaters. Today, man is mans greatest

One reason for this is the loss of morale and sustainable values. Many do not
want to care for others any more. Many do not want to be responsible for their
neighbors. Self-fulfillment at the expense of others seems to be the ideal for
many. Unfortunately, they do not notice that this ideal leads nowhere.
Another reason for the animal-like characteristics of many people is that they
eat meat, in many cases a lot of meat.
To eat meat is a great sin. Eating meat activates the destructive forces in
oneself and in others.
The wise ones in earlier centuries lived in the forest together with wild
animals. It was their love that tamed the most dangerous animals to a degree
where they were like lambs to them.
If these wise ones who were closely connected with God had eaten meat, the
tigers would have torn them to pieces and even God could not have helped
them in the long run.


value punctuality. It is a direct expression of self-esteem and thereby

respect towards others.

Self-esteem is very important because no one can respect others if he doesnt
respect himself.
To say the opposite would be like saying that a truncated tree would carry
particularly big fruits in the next season. Time is life. Life is time.
Time wasted is life wasted. If you are not punctual you are making others
wait. You are wasting their time.
Do you have the right to do that? Of course not. What thief has a right to take
his loot!
Therefore, always consider: If you make someone wait because you are not
being punctual, you are not respecting their time and therefore your own time
and life, too.
Not being punctual leads to hurry and excuses which can reach the state of
Therefore, always remember My saying: Haste makes waste. Waste makes
Respect yourself and others. That is the way to happiness.


y radiation is love. My life is love. My action is love.

If you cannot see that, it is because you must open your heart.
Love recognizes love.
Difficulties open the heart.
I am always your mirror. I change my face every moment according to the
face I see. However, I dont see faces, I see only hearts. Your face is the
mirror image of your heart. My face is the mirror for you in order for you to
see your heart.
Open your heart. Welcome difficulties, pain and suffering and open your
heart even more.
You will see that My face is full of love, light and mercy because yours is.


aster and Christmas are special festivals of love.

At Christmas the redeemer came to save mankind. At Easter He

sacrificed himself for mankind. On the cross he took upon himself the sins of
When you read this you could think that God is bloodthirsty and needs
sacrifice in order to forgive mankind its sins.
This view was predominant for many primitive peoples. They thought that
God could be appeased by sacrifices of animals or even humans.
What is it you want to sacrifice? What do you own that you think you could
sacrifice to God?
The only sacrifice you can really make is the sacrifice of your ego. That is
what the crucifixion of Christ represents.
Crucify your ego. Sacrifice it on the altar of love. Open yourself for love.
This would be the highest gift to Me. You sacrifice your ego and I give you
your Self.


exuality is an important and divine energy which you should enjoy for

yourself or in the boundaries of your marriage.

Today many think only of sexuality without thinking about it once. They
think sexuality is merely the fulfilment of ones own lust and possibly that of
Sexuality is a very far-reaching energy which creates attachments which are
equally far-reaching.
It is an illusion to think that you could simply sleep with a person and the next
day everything is over.
I tell you: nothing is over. These attachments can last many life times.
Since today you like practical or material examples, I ask you to think
about the consequences of sexuality.
You trust your so-called contraceptives. I say that there are no contraceptives
that can avoid procreation of a child that is, destined to be born.
Sexuality, therefore, always has to do with life or with death if you do not
want the child. The latter holds consequences which should not be
Therefore, respect your sexuality, be responsible and loving with it and also
with that of your partner.
Only then can you find the happiness you are looking for. Only then are you
happy. Only then are you free.


ankind today can be roughly separated into two classes: those who read

and those who watch television. (The fact that some do both is not
important for the thought of this day.) Television should be treated with great
care if at all.
Of course there are interesting shows, such as cultural documentation, for
Do not underestimate the danger of TV. All shows, especially movies are
based on excitement. Excitement is the one thing you have more than
enough of in the Western world. You are literally addicted to excitement. It is
poison for you, because excitement leads to tension. Tense persons have great
difficulty finding themselves.
Another problem has to do with reading. Some people read great amounts of
literature. What for? So that they know more about less, as someone once
It is totally wrong because it inflates your thinking instead of calming it
Read less, but read good books and apply their teachings into your life.
Always remember that everything you see, hear and feel enters you and
influences you. Therefore, just as with your diet, avoid taking in poison. It
could harm you.
And all that despite the fact that you thought you had just watched a film,
just read a book!


hat can you do if you are ill?

Consult a good doctor. If necessary, let him give you some

medication to support your recovery process. In most cases it should not be a
substance that suppresses the symptoms. However, there are cases where one
needs to attack the disease organism with strong substances.
The widespread preference for antibiotics is dangerous. In many cases
diseases are suppressed without you learning the least from them.
Diseases initiate development processes and provide you with an opportunity
to correct misbehavior.
Therefore, use the illness as a time to think quietly about yourself. Think hard
what it is you need to learn, i.e., what the disease is trying to show you.
Disease does not merely result from bacteria or viruses in your body but from
confusion and negativity in your thoughts. This is an issue the allopathic
medicine does not give enough attention.
Therefore, cleanse your thoughts.
Repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and ask for help and
guidance. You will surely see that a new path will appear.
Do this even if you are not ill, because this will assist also in your


here is nothing I can not do.

Why dont you join me? You think Im joking? Not at all!
I am God. You are God. The only difference between us is that I know that I
am God.
I say: If I am with a man I am a man, if I am with a woman I am a woman, if I
am with a child I am a child. If I am alone I am God.
What does that mean? I totally adapt to every person, every animal, every
plant, every stone.
I am one with all from My heart because I love to serve.
This is the secret: Love your duties. Do what you need to do with devotion
and your omnipotence will grow unstoppably day by day.


he one characteristic you could never overdevelop is that of tactfulness.

Tactfulness demonstrates a persons maturity.

Do not believe the psychologists who say this is purely subject to ones
A souls tactfulness is obtained through ones maturity. This maturity reflects
how open your heart is.
The more loving a person is, the further he has progressed in finding his Self.
Love and mature and extended knowledge represent enlightenment.
Tactfulness is the shining of a matured heart. Once you have achieved it, no
experience can take it from you again.
Tactfulness is the hearts knowledge of the vulnerability others. It is the
caution with which your heart treats another being.
Tactfulness is the light that connects two persons without it being obtrusive.
It is just that which makes tactfulness special: that its effect is mainly that it
stays unnoticed, it does not want to be noticed. If you are there for others and
do not want to be noticed, you have gone far. Your actions are the blessings
of your life.


o act when action is required, to pause when you should wait, that is a

sign of mercy.
Start your day with love. Fill your day with love. End the day with love. That
is the way to God.
But why?
Because love opens you and others. The more open you are the more you can
come into contact with the harmony within you.
Through love you recognize that your own harmony is identical with that of
all people around you, all beings and all things.
When you are in harmony, your actions are harmonious, i.e., you are in
Dharma, you are righteous. You pause or act whenever it is appropriate.
Therefore your actions will be successful.
That is mercy.


oday I want to introduce you to two important characteristics so that you

can consciously think about them and then practice them more and more.
These are: decision-making and consistency. I will talk about them jointly as
they are inseparable and belong in exactly that sequence.
Decision-making is important as it adds tremendous value to your life. If you
can not make decisions you end up carrying more and more weight around
with you. More and more is waiting for a decision to be made. In the long run
that creates disease.
Some things solve themselves but that does not give you the satisfying
feeling of relief and strength that a good decision would.
Therefore think. Ask God for advice and help. Take your time. Do not make
quick decisions just to get rid of them. Offer your actions to God (re: 7th of
January) and then decide.
If you have made a decision following this process, stay with it. Do not
vacillate. Thoughts like if only I had, if only, wear you down and make
you feel bad. They possibly also make you hesitate even more the next time.
Therefore, think well. Take your time. Ask God for help. Then decide and
stay with it.
Consistency is just as important as the decision itself.
There are situations when you make wrong decisions. If there is an
opportunity to correct that decision, you should of course do it.
If a correction is not possible, offer the consequences of your action to Me.
Bear everything calmly or even with equanimity. Do not quarrel, be obedient
to My will.
Just look at it from a totally different perspective: Do you have difficulties?
Great! You have a great opportunity to practice important characteristics like
endurance, patience and trust. What bliss!


he spiritually developed person is humble.

This does not mean they cannot handle power, influence and similar
Show-offs, however, demonstrate that they are far from knowing their own
value. They boast because they do not believe in themselves nor in their
They think that if they speak out loud enough about how great they are, at
least others will believe what they themselves do not believe.
Those who have come to know themselves better are therefore humble and do
not show off. They know that they need to convince only one person, and that
is themselves.
They also know that showing off is time wasted in a double sense: firstly you
must come up with great stories, spread them and remember them. Then, if
someone takes your word and happens to notice that if at all -only a fraction
of what you have said is true, you need to justify yourself for a long time.
Therefore do not magnify your image. Not enough is always better than too
And one more thing: Why are you worrying? Trust that the value I know will
always come through and that a wrong one is of no use at all.
You cant beat that argument for being humble, right?


epression is a widespread disease from which you should stay away or

cure yourself immediately.

There are circumstances in life which will make you sad. This is typical for a
certain condition of consciousness.
Depressions are, however, a dull state of mind, like musty water.
Pour it out, you cant use it.
What is the best treatment for this condition? You will hardly believe it:
unless you find a good person to help you it becomes acute suffering.
Suffering makes conscious. Depression is a condition of unconsciousness. A
depressive person does not know the value of life. However, if he falls ill and
must fear for the existence of his body, he develops a new perspective. He
sees things differently.
See and appreciate the gift of life. Gratitude is the very best remedy against
countless dark conditions of the soul.


ou can recognize the culture of a people by its rituals or its manners.

can also see it by its eating habits.
The eating habits of many peoples are shocking. Many of them hardly have
any meals without meat or fish. Vegetarian dishes are still quite exotic for
many people.
Always remember: you become what you eat. Many substances enter your
body via your food. I am always surprised that countless people do not seem
to care what they are eating.
If you eat meat, you develop animal characteristics and suffering.
Also, you will not progress past a certain level in your spiritual development.
If someone claims something else they are simply demonstrating that they do
not understand the greater connections.
Looking at it from this angle the culture of a people is specifically expressed
in its cooking. I think a society that thinks of vegetarian cooking as normal is
highly developed.
Vegetarian eating will spread more and more. The level of consciousness will
rise and attitudes will change dramatically.
Right now many peoples are at a dead end.
A drastic change in their thinking on all levels, including their diets, will save
This must happen soon as there is not much time left.


here is nothing more valuable than contentment.

You think that bliss is higher. That is correct, but you must cover a long
path of purification and strengthening in order to achieve it.
Contentment however can be achieved today by changing your attitude.
Consider everything as Gods gift to you. Be grateful for what you have. And
see how much you have.
Never compare yourself with those who have more than you. Instead, see
those who have much less, and see how many there are!
If you compare yourself with those who have more, this can generate envy,
discontent and ingratitude qualities which consume your soul, and therefore
I call these the inner enemies of man.
If, on the other hand, you compare yourself with those who have less than
you, gratitude will emerge from within you.
Gratitude is a most important feeling. Without gratitude you cannot progress
on your spiritual path.
Only the one who is grateful can move closer to God, as he sees the unlimited
gifts the Lord has given to him. This opens his heart.
Gratitude and contentment are tightly linked. True gratitude always comes
with contentment. Contentment for its part opens the door to gratitude.
Be content, thank the Lord for all he has given to you and soon the gateway to
happiness will open for you.



o be able to work is bliss. Life without work is senseless and worthless.

eats you up.
Enjoy everyday that you are able to work. Be happy that you have a body
with which you can design your life.
With everything you do, your attitude toward it is most important. Do not
seek the negative, otherwise you will start to find it everywhere.
Appreciate the beautiful and the positive. Think about how Christ walked past
a horrible carcass of a dog, which filled everyone else with revulsion. He,
however, saw the dogs shining teeth and spoke: Look, how wonderful his
teeth are shining white like pearls.
Christ had a positive view of things. You must find this view inside yourself
in order for every action to become meaningful and fulfilling to you.
Every action creates karma, i.e., every action has consequences. Devote your
work to the Lord (re: 7th of January) and imagine that He is acting through
you. Then every action will be easy and it will not attach you to the world, as
the Lord takes responsibility for the consequences.


n todays age, the Kali-Yuga, pride is a widespread characteristic.

Everyone is proud of something: his name, his wealth, his titles, his
knowledge, his power.
Many cannot admit to themselves just how proud they are.
I keep saying this: avoid pride. Many agree superficially but deep inside they
doubt My statement.
That is why I want to tell you why I keep emphasizing that you should control
your pride.
Pride creates exactly the opposite of what you are hoping it does. Pride does
not strengthen you, it weakens you, and it does it on many levels.
Through pride you lift yourself above others and make yourself
unapproachable. Love cannot flow between you and others. However, love is
what ties life and the entire universe together.
Pride is like a knot in this link which prevents energy from flowing.
Life is exactly this flowing. Life is movement. Life is warm and creates
connections. With your pride you stand on a marble pedestal and below you
life is moving your life.
And where are you? Cant you feel how cold your feet are becoming from
standing on this motionless marble pedestal?
You see, that is why I recommend you avoid pride.


othing happens by chance. Neither on earth nor in the entire universe.

Many things seem to be happening by chance in order for you to be able

to decide with your own free will. The world is a great play. You are an actor,
and I am the director.
Therefore, do not believe that anything happens by chance.
I have created the so-called chance in order to conceal Myself behind it. The
more someone is entangled in Maya (outer world, illusion), the more
successful I am.
There are even scientists who claim the entire world is a product of chance
as if something so precise could have happened by chance!
Every planet has its place and its purpose.
Every person, every being, every stone on earth is at exactly the location
which is best for its development.
Here, too, there is no room for even the slightest chance. All souls are equally
important to Me. How could I not care for just one of them as they are all
parts of My self?
Not a single one is neglected by Me. Not one goes lost. Realize that God is in
everything and behind everything.
Understand that the entire universe is the realization of a great plan and have
faith that I will care for you.
Be happy. Dont worry.


have no desires. If I had one desire it would be that you too would be

without desires.
Being free from desires is not only the key to total happiness, it is the
grasping of this happiness with both hands.
Your being free from desires is My goal. That is why I give you what you
want so that you can want what I have to give you.
On this, a short story: Once there were a man and a woman who had reached
a stage of inner peace through meditation and japa (repetition of the name of
the Lord, re: 27th of February). However, neither believed what I always say:
a lot of money creates a lot of worries.
They wished for a house in order not to be at their landlords mercy.
I gave them a house, which was what they wanted, but it also needed some
Soon they had so many worries that they found it difficult to sleep at night.
They were busy with their house from morning to night.
One day they felt that their situation was so hopeless that they wrote to Me in
I helped them again.
They have learned that only the spiritual path can bring Ananda and Shanti,
happiness and inner peace, and that material things create many problems.
Free yourself from Maya, from illusion. Use what you have as if it were a
loan from me. Always be willing to give it away again without any feelings
of grief.
That is the greatest wealth.


our destiny is determined by your actions in previous lives.

The consequences of your actions will always follow you. That is why it
is so important to do good things. Firstly, good deeds create good
consequences and secondly, they delete the consequences of bad deeds.
Visualize the consequences of your actions as seeds which lie in the ground
ready to sprout. If you water them they will sprout, i.e., if you do bad things
you are watering the seeds of earlier lives. These seeds then sprout and grow
and you must bear the consequences.
Good deeds, however, cover these seeds with soil so that they cant sprout.
The consequences which follow you are there, but they have no effect
because they cant sprout.
That this is the way it is and that you know it, that is bliss.


odays ideology can be described in two sentences: Do what you want.

Live your lust.

Amazingly enough, people who do not know what they are talking about
come up with theories which hold consequences they simply cannot grasp.
No wise person would say such ridiculous things.
What does Do what you want mean? It means nothing. To really do what
you want firstly you need to know your self and secondly you need to
understand what it really is you want. In other words: the less knowing,
immature or inexperienced a person is, the more difficult it is for him to
decide what he actually wants or what is really good for him.
Today most people base their decision on their fluctuating feelings, one day
this way, the next day another way. This only leads to despair.
To do what comes to ones mind indiscriminately is extremely dangerous as
is living based on the lust principle.
The many problems the world is suffering from today stem from these false
Therefore I say: Fulfill your duties. Fulfill them with joy. Offer them to God
(re: 7th of January). Do not hesitate in your decisions. Always consider how
you can help others or make them happy and your life will be a flowerbed.


any people embark on long journeys to come to visit Me. In addition,

the overseas (those that come from overseas), as they are called here,
must put up with lots of new things.
Once they have arrived they often have to sleep in halls together with eighty
or more people.
They are required to sit on the floor for long periods of time, which they are
also not used to doing. This is very difficult for many of them.
They bear all of this and even return.
It is My love which compensates them many times for their troubles. My love
is the balm which heals their injured souls. Through My love they blossom
and find their way back to themselves.
Do not try to stand out based on performance. Performance lifts you but it
does not connect you.
In your country everything is based on performance. The consequences of this
are competition, coolness, heartlessness, envy and egoism.
Live in love. Surround yourself and all you come into contact with, with love.
Let every day become a festival of love, then you are fulfilling the destiny I
have given you.


hen was the last time you looked at a leaf?

When did you last enjoy the fragrance of a flower or fruit?

When did you listen to the splashing of a stream?
You cant say that you are living if you do not have eyes and ears for nature.
Nature is perfect. Open yourself toward it and you will be able to participate
in its perfection more and more.
How do you best experience nature? By making contact. Talk to the plants
and the trees. Try to understand what it is the stream wants to tell you.
Dream while smelling the fragrance of a flower.
Think about the constant renewal in nature. Inhale nature and your life will
splash about happily just like the stream which lovingly waved goodbye when
you left.


t is your job to be happy and contented.

If you are not, you are not fulfilling your destiny as a human being.
Being happy is part of the nature of mankind, just as having a mind and
walking upright are.
How do you become happy? By opening your heart.
How do you open your heart? By finding its key and unlocking it.
How would this continue in a fairy tale? The hero or the heroine would
experience many things which in the end would teach him or her what they
needed to be happy.
It is exactly the same when it comes to opening your heart.
The first and crucial step is that you feel that your heart is closed.
This is the crucial first step and without it you will achieve nothing.
Then the learning experiences follow. They consist of the fact that you
recognize everything, absolutely everything, as a step toward finding the key
to your heart.
Thankfully accept joy and sorrow. Learn as much as you possibly can from
both. This means understand with the mind and feel with the heart. Bear the
contradiction, which will continuously appear between the two. Often the
paradox is the logic of the heart. If something is particularly painful, use the
mind to understand the underlying issues fully. This insight helps your heart,
which can then stay open or open up even more.
What is it you should learn?
That God loves you and that His love expresses itself in everything that you
This knowledge opens the heart.


idiness and cleanliness are basic characteristics of all living creatures.

Look at how clean and tidy animals are, the perfection with which they
build their nests and how much time they spend caring for themselves.
Cleanliness and tidiness go along with dignity.
A stag appears majestic because, apart from everything else, he is so clean.
However, a pig that wallows in mud does not appear majestic.
Keep your life tidy. Keep even the most remote areas tidy. Untidiness
consumes energy. Many depressive people are untidy.
Keep all your things clean. Cleanliness distinguishes a person.
However, cleanliness must come from inside.
Therefore, sing the Gayatri-Mantra (see appendix) at least nine times a day.
Meditate regularly and repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February).
Fast once a week. Fasting cleanses the body and the mind (psyche?).
Eat satwic and balanced foods. This means not too hot, nor too salty, nor too
sweet, nor too much.
See to it that your clothes are always clean and tidy.
Dont do this under pressure, rather take it easy and be playful and still do


e supple and lithe on your path through life.

A strong and stiff tree will be broken by the storm. However, a hollow
blade of grass is flexible and survives even the toughest of storms without
As mentioned, the blade of grass is hollow. This characterizes both its
flexibility and its stability.
Empty yourself. Give up your desires. Recognize that they can not fulfill you
and you will become flexible.
Desires make you ridges. They focus you on one goal which you feel you
must achieve.
This closes you off from the fine energies of your self.
The self is flexible. The ego with its desires is ridges. Look at your desires.
Decide what you really need, what will make you happy with little effort and
what is superfluous.
Filter out extraneous things well. Make yourself light. Become flexible and
follow the many bends of life.


othing is impossible. You must remember this!

You are a part of the omnipotence which created the entire universe.
You are not only a part, you are God.
Dont let this frighten you away. Dont think, Ill never make it! Believe
deeply that everything is possible.
When you notice that your powers are not fully developed, ask Me for help. I
will not only guide you, I will make the impossible possible for you.
All I need from you is your faith and your virtue. In time your trust and your
love will grow at the same rate your doubts, your fears and your distrust
Do you understand what that means? Faith, virtue and love are characteristics
of the self.
Fears, doubts and distrust are characteristics of the ego.
That is why the ego is limited and why it limits you.
The self, however, is the epitome of boundlessness. The self can turn water
into fire and the earth into sky. Nothing is impossible for the self, i.e.,
boundless love.
If you live love, you become part of the immensity. You become immensity.


any think it is pure chance when they meet a partner with whom they

have a good relationship.

I say: there is no chance in the entire universe.
So-called chance is rather a sign that God has acted without exposing himself.
This always happens when God distinctly but unnoticed gives your destiny
This applies to relationships in the same way. During your entire life you do
not meet a single person by chance. Meeting someone always has a reason
and purpose. Or do you believe you received your parents by accident?
You meet your partner when the time is right. And you meet the partner that
is right for you.
There is no such thing as a wrong partner.


here are no problems for those who have surrendered to God. They can

walk through fire and will feel nothing. They can go without food and
drink for days and not feel uncomfortable. Instead, they are still happy
because they know that God is looking after them.
This means that the more worries you have and the more pressure life puts on
you, the greater the distance is between yourself and God.
I keep saying: I look after those who surrender themselves entirely to Me.
I have kept My word without exception.
You do not need all those useless burdens of fulfilled and unfulfilled desires.
They only sell up your ego.
Give up these burdens. You will lose nothing. On the contrary: you thereby
gain your real freedom.
Freedom does not mean to be able to obtain anything one wants.
You are only really free if you can let Me guide you. That is the essence, the
meaning of all the paths and detours you have traveled on for many lives.
To find God inside yourself, to be guided by God, to realize God, that is the
meaning of your existence on Earth.


hose who have reached wisdom have gone a long way. They have

experienced lots, have understood lots and have realized lots, too. They
have received the Lords mercy due to their straightness. He knows the
difference between good and bad. He knows those moments when everyone
who wants to be successful must act.
What can you do to progress on your path if you are not wise?
Repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February), live your life based on the
five human values Prema, Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa (love, truth,
right conduct, peace and nonviolence) which will facilitate your progress.
How can you act correctly if you cannot entirely oversee the way things go, if
at all?
Ask the Lord for guidance and you will notice that your life changes.
The predecessor of wisdom could be called decisiveness coupled with
Do not get entangled in hesitation, it will only weaken you. Proceed carefully,
do not hurry. Look for signals along the way. Ask Me for help and then
decide and stick to the decision you have made. Then you will surely reach
the goal.


ou praise Me when things are going your way. You blame Me when

things are not the way you think they should be.
Dont you know that you are blaming the wrong one?
I am not at all responsible for your destiny apart from the fact that I
constantly ease it for you.
You alone are the creator of your destiny. No one but you locks you into the
chains which tie you to the consequences of your actions.
You experience today what you created yesterday. You create today what you
will experience tomorrow. I contribute nothing to your destiny. I am only a
silent witness.
But, you are the creator of your destiny. You are God. Act good today, speak
good, think good, and your life will be different tomorrow.
There is no better protection than to be good: you may still run into
difficulties from previous lives. In the long run you will softly glide through
life, secure and protected.
Light and effortless. Everything else is a detour.


ake a look at a mole. The poor thing is blind. Look at a fish. The poor

thing is dumb. Look at a snake. The poor thing is deaf.

Poor? Why poor? All three of them are totally happy. Think about the saying
to feel good like a fish in a bowl.
However, man can see, speak and hear, he still is often unhappy. Why?
Because he has a great gift animals do not have: thinking.
Why does thinking make him unhappy if it is actually a great gift?
Because thinking can be heaven or hell for man.
Thinking is really what one might call a strange force.
It can destroy your life or lead you to heaven.
If man is led by thoughts he will be unhappy.
That is the kind of hell thinking can create if it is not carefully led.
If you dont lead your thinking it will control you more and more in the long
run. That is the reason for the many different forms of sorrows which you are
Be careful with your thinking. Dont just think what comes to your mind.
Think only good. Think of God.
If you cant do that, then at least dont think bad things. But always remember
that your thinking is your destiny.


ou can be successful in life only if you give up thinking of yours and

In reality these do not exist anyway. They are pure reflections of Maya.
You were born without belongings and you will leave earth the same way.
The one thing you do bring with you and also take with you when you go is
the wealth of your soul. Everything else is just illusion which comes and
Material things and their temporary nature are wonderful learning objects for
They are there to pose the question to you how far you have come on the
track of the imperishable, the self within you.
Have you found your truth? Can you live in truth? Are you actually searching
for your truth?
Dont try to hush things up. Wanting to hush things up is a waste of energy.
Death reveals everything.
No one can die lying. Death is the truth that shows you how you have lived.
Think about the things around you. Do they ever pretend to be imperishable?
What do you do? Do you know that you are the holy, imperishable Self?


esires are important because they maintain your life.

If they take a dominant position, however, they are a fatal danger for
man. They activate physical desires, which under these circumstances have
exactly the opposite effect they were meant to have. In these cases they
destroy human communities. Physical desires characterize animals. This is
where they are right and good.
Animals have almost no power.
However, man has immense powers. Just think of the atom bomb with which
man has the power to destroy the entire earth. No animal could do that.
A great deal of power requires a great deal of ethics. If this is not the case this
power will quickly turn into a demonic danger.
Exactly that was the threat in this century.
Man had degraded to wild brutes and at the same time held destructive
powers like never before.
That is why I incarnated Myself to save the world.
I will save the world, especially through My educational program.
Mankind must be led to new ideals. It must recognize that it has been on a
dead end street.
My part is to guide you. Your part is to recognize that you are not part of the
animal world but the all encompassing light.
This realization and your growing closer together with God will let you
experience that all the joy you are looking for is to be found in Me, meaning
in you, and never in the animal world or physical desires.


o be vain about ones family is a sign of great immaturity and lack of

What do you know about the souls who were incarnated in your family? Who
says that the boy in school whom you despise today because he comes from a
low family is not your late grandfather whom you admire so much? Or that
the highly praised aunt is not a criminal today?
Who says that you are not exactly that particular ancestor in your family you
always despised most?
Who says that you were not the hangman of Boston or the prostitute of the
Reeperbahn (famous red-light zone in Hamburg) on whose descendants you
think you can look down today.
Beware of judgments, they are almost always prejudice. Admit that you know
This makes you free. The less you judge and the more you understand, the
more you open the way to your self.
A sign that you have found your self is that you do not judge any more at all,
you only see.
Despite the fact that then you really can see, you no longer see families.
Amazing, isnt it?


uddha was a great teacher from whom you can learn countless things. He

taught that loving and respecting all living beings and giving up all
desires is the way to liberation.
He was so occupied with the search for truth that He gave up all belongings
and conveniences in order to find enlightenment. Just this entitles Him to sit
amongst the gods.
Most of all the love and sympathy He felt for all other beings characterized
Like a lighthouse which lets ships find their way into the safe harbour even in
the darkest of nights, He gives direction.
Buddha is also a shining example because He not only taught integrity of
thought, word and deed, but He also fully lived it.
This integrity consisted of love, willingness to sacrifice, service to mankind
and shining virtue.
The worldly path is easy in the beginning but difficult in the end.
The spiritual path is difficult in the beginning just to become easier and
If ever you feel that the efforts of the spiritual path may put too much
pressure on you, remember Buddha.
Visualize His smile shining with happiness and you will surely find courage,
power and confidence.


hat you really need in life is self-esteem. It is the key to many doors in

your soul.
Self-esteem or self-respect will give you the inner power which lets you act
decisively, steadily and enduringly.
Decisiveness and continuity will make you successful in your life. Your selfesteem will ensure that your ego does not inflate itself because of this success.
If you respect yourself you respect others, too. Also, your self-esteem is
infectious and therefore others seek your company.
You see, self-esteem is very important for you, but how do you achieve it if
you havent got it?
The correct answer is: by respecting others.
This answer holds a paradox, as it does not explain how to do that, especially
if you do not respect yourself.
The answer we are looking for, therefore, must be a different one, a more
practical one.
One who has no self-esteem does not respect himself. That is the problem.
Therefore, appreciate your qualities in small steps. Try to find one positive
characteristic about yourself and be happy about it everyday for just a few
Recognize how many people have a more difficult life than you and thank
your Creator.
From today on, cease to compare yourself with people you find superior for
whatever reasons.
To compare yourself with them, especially with your low opinion of
yourself, will eat your soul up and weaken you even more.
Develop faith that the Lord has created you perfectly for your task and that
He will give you everything you need. This too will strengthen your selfesteem.
Once you have practised this for a while, begin to meet others initially with
appreciation and finally with more and more respect. You will see: the more
you respect others, the more you respect yourself.
Namaste. (The divine in Me greets the divine in You.)


keep saying that nothing is impossible for Me.

Do you actually know why?

Because even the biggest problems can be solved with patience, love and
Look at the life of Christ. The patience He applied. How patiently He
listened. How lovingly He waited for someone to understand Him.
His understanding was just as unlimited as His patience. He was able to meet
even those who lived the exact opposite of His teachings with His great love
and thereby reach and change them.
The love of Christ is incomprehensible. Only by experiencing it can one feel
how far-reaching it is.
Dont think that Christ is dead and that you are not comparable to Him.
Never think that way, as you become what you think.
Always think that Christ is in you and that His life cannot have been without
a purpose. Be convinced that you will find Him and all the qualities that
describe Him inside yourself.
Always remember: you are the light of lights.


he industrialized nations are exploiting particularly the countries of the

so-called third world. The industrialized nations have all the power to do
that and therefore the weaker countries must obey. Its a game of cats and
mice where the mice always lose.
This is a very reprehensible.
No man has the right to exploit others or to enslave them no matter if this is
done outright hidden behind clever contracts.
However, the countries of the third world carry major responsibilities
themselves. Particularly those people in leadership positions have given up
their cultural inheritance and are striving for the empty form of Western life.
They have no feeling of responsibility or ethics.
They are leading their country into ruin particularly through corruption,
which I class as a special form of criminality.
The people too are responsible. People are always responsible for the leaders
it has. No one can be excluded from this.
Look into your heart. Introduce love and inner peace to yourself. Let this love
and inner peace flow in your family, from your family to your neighborhood,
from your neighborhood to your community, from your community to the city
and from the city across the entire country.
Fulfill your duties well and be there for others.
That is the best you can do for your country.
If the government is still bad, then at least you are not responsible.


reside here in India and see, hear and protect you even in the most remote

places of the world. How does that work? How is that possible?
Its not the eyes that see. Its not the ears that hear. Its not the tongue that
tastes. They dont do any of these, it is the Atman, your divine Self.
Actually, it is exactly the opposite from what you think: you think that your
senses extend your circle of influence. Based on this you think a blind or deaf
person is limited in his abilities.
My answer is: that need not be the case, on the contrary. Some blind or deaf
persons develop abilities through which they are able to experience much
more than the so-called healthy ones.
The fact that you cant experience or know everything around you is not a
reflection of your true boundaries. It simply shows that there are still many
dams, many breaks and limitations between your current consciousness and
your full potential.
The more you eliminate these blockages, the more you come into contact with
your true Self, the Atman.
In order for the body to come into existence, the Atman must shield its
powers, which leads to the birth of the ego. In some way the ego is a barrier
in front of the Atman which enables the body to live.
You do not need to remove or give up these barriers from one day to the next.
First strengthen yourself so that you can reach and bear the Atman.
As said, you do not need to achieve this immediately, but you can start
thinking today about the fact that these barriers are superfluous!


verything depends on your relationship to God.

God accompanies you across the great sea, which is life. However, there
are times when your contact with God can be difficult, somewhat cooled
down or even very damaged.
Dont let this scare you or drive you away. All human relationships are
subject to ups and downs. So is the relationship to God.
There is nothing unusual about this.
Do you know why this is not unusual?
Because Gods relationship to mankind never sways, never loses intensity.
Nor would or even could God ever turn away from mankind.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa once used a nice image that describes God tied to
man just like the cow is tied to its calf.
It is of no relevance whatsoever if one or the other has progressed further on
his spiritual path and therefore feels closer to God or more distanced from
However, it is relevant that Gods relationship to man is like the one of the
cow to its calf.
God gave you your life and your body. He feeds you. He continuously
protects you against the take-overs of evil forces which you would otherwise
be subject to without a chance.
Just imagine if the calf would be angry with its mother, give her an angry and
disappointed look and run away. What do you think the cow would do? Of
course, she would go after the calf.
If your relationship to God ever comes under pressure, dont worry. God will
never leave you, as He loves you in ways which even the most loving mother
is unable to.
You simply cannot imagine.
That is the whole problem. There is no other.


o through your life like a bird and always have a happy song on your

Wake up with this song. Spend the day with your song on your lips, in
your mind and in your heart. End the day with your song.
Find a song to honor God and let it adorn your life as singing adorns a bird.
I ensure you that your life will become light as a bird, smooth and powerful.
Have you ever held a bird in your hand? Do you remember how light it feels?
Did you see its eyes? These deep eyes with the great light which harmonize
so well with the sky?
That is what one single song does to you so soft and yet so vast.


keep saying the world is not real. At the same time I think it is a great

teacher, that is why I feel it is very important.

What is the common denominator of these statements?
To explain to you what I mean, I would like to start from a completely
different angle.
In the next world there are two fundamentally different forms of being, the
Surya-Loka and the Chandra-Loka.
The first one is the principle of the sun. Those souls that reach it have
achieved Moksha, the final liberation, and are not reborn again.
Under the Chandra-Loka, the principle of the Moon, the soul stays until its
credit of good deeds is used up. Then it is reborn. (I must, however, say that
some souls are reborn earlier in order to benefit from the blissful actions of an
Avatar so that they may achieve Moksha through him).
Both Lokas are characterized by ongoing happiness.
However, on Earth everything is different. On Earth everything depends on
ones point of view, whether something is fortune or misfortune. If, for
example, someone dies, this is a painful experience for the bereaved.
For the dead, however, it is bliss. Trough death they can experience unlimited
happiness in the next world and possibly even avoid accumulating negative
karma which might keep them busy for many life times.
Death can be bliss for the bereaved, too: on the one hand for egoistic reasons
if the dead person had been a burden or else a selfish autocrat, or on the other
hand, for reasons which stem from the Self, for example, if the dead person
had suffered from great pain then death was a relief. Also some bereaved are
able to see that death is liberation for every person.
You must always remember that nothing happens to anyone by chance, nor
does someone die out of misfortune. Everyone has his time. Nothing
happens by chance.
This is where the unreality of the world starts and ends.
Your feelings are of such importance to you that you are not interested, at
least not primarily, in the deeper meanings. That often lets you see the world
as brutal and God as being tough. Nothing in the world is of any value as
such. Everything is transient. Everything depends on ones point of view and
the intentions.


The world is unreal because it hides my bliss-bringing intentions in such ways

that you can easily fall prey to your feelings.
The veil will be lifted sooner or later and you will then understand the deeper
meaning and realize the bliss that has always been with you.


o-called self-realization is a real buzzword in the West.

You speak of the Self and mean the ego. Self-realization, therefore, in
most cases is actually an ego-trip to use another buzzword.
Relationships and families are in desolate condition because of this
misinterpretation of self-realization. Everyone betrays everyone, everyone
leaves everyone because they want to realize themselves.
There is not a single promise that is still valid. There is no duty that is worth
being fulfilled. Self-realization is the all-demanding God, everything else is
subordinated to it.
What does this achieve?
Disappointment, tears, suffering. That is the result of this totally uncontrolled
self-realization. When you buy something you are initially skeptical if
someone gives you much more for much less money than everyone else,
right? The same applies to your personal development. As with all things, you
only come as far as your stake will take you. Your stake determines your way.
So-called self-realization is available for nothing. One only needs to do
what one wants.
However, finding the Self is a very strenuous and exhausting process.
Since you dislike effort and enjoy comfort it is simple to catch you with
easy solutions. What I dont understand: when you are buying shoes and
find a pair that is particularly cheap you become skeptical and start
investigating the reason for the low price. You do this when it comes to shoes
where it is only about a little more or less money.
You dont want to do this when it comes to your soul and your life? That is
really crazy.
Give up the illusion that you could get your development for free. There is no
such thing. Everything has its price.
One price of self-realization is simply that you perceive this.


oday is your birthday!

You ask yourself why I say this.

I ask you: why dont you know yourself? Dont you know that every day is
your birthday?
You dont know it? Strange, because you are accepting My gifts every day.
Sometimes you even say thank you very nicely. I am always happy when My
gifts make you feel good.
Just one more thing: if it is your birthday every day then it must be Mine
every day, too.
So I would like to express one wish: be happy just a bit more. Imagine that
your happiness starts out very small in your heart and then grows bigger and
bigger. Let this happiness stream through your chest, your arms, hands, your
head and finally through your entire body.
Send your happiness to your relatives, friends and enemies in the form of
warm, yellow light. Send it to the whole world.
Can you see now how every day is a birth-day? birth of the Self. The Self
lives by giving, by happiness and by the shine of your love in the eyes of your
fellow man.
That is why giving is the way to bliss.
So soft but so strong.


our body is a tool. It is particularly perfect, but still a tool.

The body does not carry your identity. The soul does that. The body is
only a coating.
Computers are highly specialized tools. Would you think that a computer is
you? It would be crazy if a person with his unlimited possibilities identified
himself with such a limited machine!
Mankind is constantly doing exactly this.
People think they are the little temporary box whose fragility threatens them
You are not the computer. You are the one using it. Without you the computer
would be just a useless box which would sit in a corner and not be of any use
to anyone.
You are the Atman. You are the immortal, eternal soul. The entire reason
your body exists is for you to achieve Self-realization, Self-awareness.
It has no other purpose.
Only if the soul realizes the Atman can it achieve bliss.
The body, however, is only a reflection.



o you think you are ugly on the outside? Be happy! You do not have the

worries that some people with somewhat more attractive faces have. For
example, if someone spends time with you, you can be sure that the reason is
not only your looks.
Also, you are not tempted to play with those who are attracted by your looks.
You are not disappointed as easily as people who identify mainly with their
bodily appearance.
Every appearance, every physical form is subject to change. Acquaintances at
this level are not very stable and often very hurtful. Good looks often lead to
arrogance, hardheartedness and loneliness.
Many people in the world strive for beauty and keep getting entangled in
superficial relationships. This is the reason they are so confused, lonely and
Dont trust anyone who focuses strongly on his or her looks. Who knows
what they will do when they see your soul! Dont trust yourself if you are
doing the same. Who knows what you are doing to others without noticing it,
only because the delicate-mindedness in you is no longer controlling your
You see, I am totally right when I say that you should be happy if you are not


ohammed was a wise and holy man with a great heart. Because of that

He made great efforts to give mankind safe and simple guidelines with
which they could come closer to God.
With Islam, the Prophet started a religion which brings bliss to many millions
of people.
However, Mohammed was not able to change two things, which ultimately
must lead to difficulties: polygamy and eating meat. Both were totally normal
during His time and to argue against these would have been extremely
difficult especially as the struggle for power about His teachings started,
which unfortunately is typical for many religions.
Mohammed was a great friend of mankind who always saw the good and
wanted to help everyone selflessly.
Through His work Islam contains a great treasure of wonderful teachings,
which must finally must recognized and lived in their full potential. This
would bring peace to this particularly endangered region of the world.
The West is very negative towards Islam. Beware of prejudice. It not only
harms you but also weakens the whole world. Islam is a perfect religion just
as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or Hinduism are to name just a few.
Recognize Islam as holy teachings which you should respect just as your own
religion and from which you can always learn a lot.


ou love sensations: fast cars, great adventures, exciting films, fantastic

What do they give you? Nothing.
Believe Me, these are all failed developments which you dont question
because they are so widespread.
However, one would not say that the plague is not a disease just because
everyone had it.
Dont trust sensation as life really is silence, peace and perfection.
Life actually flows quietly. Where to? To Me.
It comes from Me, it comes to Me and I always accompany it. Nothing in the
world happens without Me being present. I am in complete calmness.
You must achieve this silence as it, not that hectic pace, is your goal.
Look at this truth and together with Me, check how much silence you have
already achieved.
The more your life is dominated by sensations, tension or, as you say, stress,
the more you have distanced yourself from the path that is meant for you and
your Self, the path your Self continuously longs for. Dont believe in illusions
or that it will be all right. This illusion is a greater or lesser detour because
there is no other goal but silence, peace and the Self that you are.


hose, who dont believe in God are closing their eyes. They walk through

life as if they were blind and constantly need to look out that they dont
bump into things they have not seen.
There are two possibilities in life, but only one way.
You decide either for God or for the world.
If you decide for God, He will guide you and shorten the path and the time
you need to come to Him.
On the other hand you can decide for the world, for Maya.
What happens then? Sooner or later you will find yourself entangled in Maya
to a degree that you see no way out.
This is the irrefutable law. This is the moment you turn within and search for
You are very surprised to find Him at your side. Always. Also in Maya. What
is Maya? The path that leads the unknowing to Me.


omen in the West are emancipating themselves. They think emancipa-

tion is being equal to men.

This means the Western women are actually not emancipating themselves,
they are losing themselves.
How can a woman want to become like a man? How can a woman emulate a
man who has lost himself long ago?
Women in the West are completely disoriented. They believe in money, sex
and bodies. This results in lust, desires, fear, anger, attachment, hatred and
Women therefore are being destroyed from the inside out and still feel they
are doing the right thing.
What a tragedy!
Women are the sun of mankind. They are characterized by love, dignity,
devotion and chastity.
Woman is the sun that lets man melt like butter. A women therefore should be
careful with her charm. If she provokes mans desires she is making the butter
melt. She may get caught in complications which could deeply hurt her tender
Therefore I keep saying: one heart, one partner and one sexuality. This is the
best way to let the body blossom, through love and obligation.


here is no hell in the next world. There is only happiness and love.

Hell is on earth and you are forging it yourself with your actions and
their consequences.
The term hell itself is wrong. The image of hell created in the Western world
suggests eternal damnation.
There is no such thing as eternal damnation.
There are only difficult, sometimes very difficult situations on earth which
you must go through in order to learn.
Your actions show where you are. Based on your level of development, I then
create the respective situations for you to learn what you need to learn so that
eventually all of you may reach final liberation.
What will you be freed from? From the chains that attach you to the world.
The process of liberation takes so long because you have such difficulties
believing this. Through many lives you must live and experience that your
search for happiness in the world is absurd and that everything you are
longing for is within you.
This is so simple, so clear, so true. Still, its so difficult for many to believe.


have come especially to help couples and families. They need help

urgently. In most cases around the world, they have lost what is required
for a family to be happy.
You think freedom is the highest value. As soon as you feel limited in any
way, you think youre imprisoned and start to revolt. If this happens more
often you start to become defensive.
Who ever said that the freedom to do what you want is a high value?
I surely havent!
I say: Freedom is when you like to do what you must do. What is it you need
to do regarding your family?
A man must stay with his wife. A woman must stay with her husband. A
couple must care for each other and for the children.
If you can do that, you are free. If you cant do it, you do not have the wrong
partner, as you often seem to think these days, you simply have not yet
opened the most important door of your heart.
Do you want to know what I consider to be real freedom? An open heart.
How do you get that? By investing everything, to do what you must do, with


keep saying that you should travel with little luggage.

Lots of luggage means lots of attachments.

You need this and that in order to feel well. If you dont have these things you
are unhappy.
You are becoming dependent on these things, and your happiness or sorrows
are controlled by them.
This is not only unwise, it is also crazy, i.e., you have wrong values or ideas.
Things are not good partners for life. They often dont last, get lost or are
even stolen.
Therefore always use them as if it were the last time. Be thankful that you
have them, but also always be ready to give them up at any time. Always
remember that nothing on earth lasts. Everything is just on loan bubbles
which could burst any moment.
If you are attached, you will get wet every time a bubble bursts. Therefore,
keep some distance. Look at your environment with interest, respect and, as
mentioned, with thankfulness, then you cant experience negative surprises.
And one more thing: bubbles can also burst because you have come so close
to them that your nose is touching them.


ust sing: God is here. God has come for me. I am God. We are forever

Sing it to your own tune. Keep singing it until your heart starts to widen.
Keep singing it, and your heart will widen more and more.
Sing, sing. Your heart now fills half of your chest.
Sing, sing, sing and now it fills the whole of it.
Sing, sing and it reaches from your shoulders to your hips.
Sing, sing, sing and your heart reaches from your head to your legs and feet.
Now your heart expands from the inside to the outside. It embraces you. You
are embedded in your heart, your love, your most inner and most powerful
Sing, sing. Your heart expands further. Your heart encompasses your partner,
your family, your friends, your enemies, your neighbors, your city, your
country the whole world. All a song, all you, all God.


ou are making life far too difficult for yourself.

For example, you come to visit Me. You have had to travel a long
distance to come to Me in India. Instead of resting, absorbing My energy and
refuelling, you put yourself under continuous pressure.
You would like to have a good seat for Darshan (blessing by looking at a holy
person). You want Me to take the letter you are holding out for Me. You want
Me to look at you and hope for a smile. You want an interview. You want
to be close to Me.
You want, you want, you want you want to make life difficult for yourself.
You are upset because things are not happening just as you thought they
Because of that you think I have total power.
I have the total power of total love.
Make it easy for yourself. Leave it to Me.
You have come this far in your development because I have guided and
protected you and you, even if you havent noticed it.
In countless situations I have showed you that I know best what you need
only, you often have not noticed this.
My love is the foundation of granite on which you can build. My power is
your protection.
Therefore, come to Me and for the first time in your life learn how to enjoy a
holiday properly. Lean back, leave everything to Me. Visualize that
everything that happens here or anywhere is only for your good.
Dont think Actually, I thought it would be different. Rather say, This is
the way it is. I had thought of it differently, but apparently God is fulfilling a
wish which I was not even aware of. How incredibly courteous and
considerate of Him!
Believe Me, it is like this for your entire life: God is your most perfect friend
and servant. Therefore you can let go, relax and let Him carry you through
life. Light as a feather in Gods hand.


isease, poverty and grief are often difficult to bear. However, they are

never as painful and far-reaching in their negative consequences as

ignorance is.
Ignorance is the most terrible disease a person can have.
In the Middle Ages alchemists searched for the stone that would turn metal
into gold by just touching it. They were clever people, but they did not find it.
The ignorant person seems to have found a stone with the opposite power.
Instead of turning everything to gold it produces lead. That is the tragedy of
the ignorant person: everything he/she touches eventually becomes heavy,
musty and dark yes, poison just as the heavy metal lead.
Many people become unhappy just because of their ignorance! Many say, If
only I had known earlier!
But did you really want to know? Did you really search for knowledge?
Remember that the main difference between the Sophists and Socrates was
that he kept saying I know that I know nothing. The Sophists however
claimed to have great knowledge but in conversations with Socrates
demonstrated that they actually knew nothing. Those who show off and
without much qualifications think to have understood a complex problem, are
almost always under the firm influence of ignorance.
Stay away from this most dangerous disease. Appreciate every little piece of
knowledge. Collect these pieces like pearls and free yourself from this
dungeon bit by bit.


ith every breath you say So Hum, He I. Your breath, this

special manifestation of the divine, remembers throughout your life

from whom you originated: from Him, the great source which creates and
maintains all life.
You are continuously repeating He I, not knowing it and also not thinking
of the following: all fears, worries, big and small problems only exist only
because you have not yet fully understood and grasped the meaning of So
The divine Atman continuously flows through you. It keeps you alive. It
cleans you. It fills you with energy. It heals your illnesses.
How can you have fears and worries at all if you are aware of this He I?
Know that worries and fears cannot be where God is.
Feel God in your breath, feel God within you and be happy and free.


hy can a bird fly, a fish swim and a dog run?

Because God wants it that way. That is the whole reason.

Natural laws are of secondary importance. Natural laws may explain
something or say something else is going to happen, but if God does not want
it to happen, it will not happen.
Gods actions are difficult for mankind to comprehend.
God creates and knows before creation that it will be perfect. He then goes on
to the next thing. He does not sign His deeds. He lets them look like
It is because God stays in the background in such a way that man often makes
errors in his conclusions. Nowhere can a signature be found, not even a small
g. Nothing is mentioned, not even in the smallest corner.
God behaves similarly to many religious artists who also did not sign their
works because they were convinced that the main thing was that their work
was perfect. Apart from that, they knew that the experts of that time looked at
the works very closely and could immediately see who had made them.
Therefore, everyone who walks through nature should ask himself why he
does not immediately see who the creator behind these works is.
In other words: how do you want to achieve your own perfection if you do
not recognize the perfection around you? How do you expect to find the
treasure within you if you do not recognize its reflection on the outside?
Appreciate all the wonders around you so that you may live the wonder you
are as soon as possible.


keep repeating in My teachings that ignorance is a terrible disease. Apart

from lots of negativity, it creates discord among people.

The Christian looks down on the Jew and the Jew looks down on Moslem and
so forth.
What is the reason for this silly way of thinking in classes, nationalities and
You only use judgment as a barrier between yourself and others, because you
know nothing.
If that for example you could remember that in your last life you were a Jew,
three lives prior to that a Moslem and five lives earlier a Hindu and in another
life a Negro in Morocco, things would look quite different.
To assist you in dealing with ignorance I want to offer you a rule: If you
assume that you have not experienced various religions and races in previous
lives, then you are a young soul and must learn to contain yourself and to
remain silent. If, however, you assume that you have experienced most of the
religions and races which is the case with most of you then see others as
images of yourself as you were in previous lives.
This does not mean that you are superior in your development or better in any
way. Look at others in a loving and interested way. Listen closely to them. Do
not try to change things how could you change them if you dont even know
who you are? Rid yourself from all prejudice and negative images.
What are different opinions, races, peoples, religions?
Temporary appearances of the one eternal Atman, which you are, just as all
the others, are.


earch for your inner voice, follow it and your life will take on a totally

Your inner voice comes from your heart and originates from your Self. This
Self is God.
Find your inner voice and you will have found God as your guide who is
always there for you and who will guide you in every situation in life.
For Arjuna, Krishna was this voice. Arjuna in his strength of mind had
recognized this and followed it wholeheartedly. Whatever Krishna said,
Arjuna did. Whatever Krishna accepted, Arjuna accepted, too. The things
Krishna forbade, Arjuna forbade, too. Arjuna carried out every one of
Krishnas instructions. He did not think, he just followed the directions of his
divine friend, and his actions were powerful and of great impact.
Find your inner voice and test it. Ask God for help not to be led astray. He
will help you. Then, follow your inner directions and your life will be filled
with light.


sk the Lord and you will find the partner that suits you. If you still

alone, ask yourself if you are really looking for a partner or what it is
your Karma is teaching you.
Believe Me, the most important thing to Me is your happiness. If you remain
unhappy there is something you still need to learn which is why I cant
change your destiny.
But even if I change it, this does not necessarily mean that you will be happy
for all times.
A man once prayed for years that I may give him a woman.
I gave him a woman. He then asked Me for a child, then for another, a third
and finally a fourth.
He received all of this.
Soon he was suffering so much due to his family that he had no greater desire
than to be without a wife and children.
Think closely about what you wish. You dont know yourself enough to know
what you really need.
Trust that the Lord who knows you since the beginning of time will give you
exactly what is good for you.
Everything else is only your imagination of what you call happiness.


ntil recently this day used to be a national holiday in Germany. Now the

3rd of October is the Day of Unity in Germany. The first one resulted
from the suffering that the rebellion in East Germany had failed. The second
one from joy that the two German states were reunited. Both days together
reflect the essence of life.
Always remember that life is a never-ending sequence of suffering and joy.
That is the law of the outer world.
In Sanskrit the outer world is called Maya. Maya means illusion. Everything
that is unstable and subject to change is illusion.
The only way you can survive this constant change and suffering is by turning
within. Inside yourself, this precious treasure you carry within, you find
eternal peace and lasting happiness.
This happiness is totally different from the one of the outer world. It begins
very subtly, very carefully. It can grow very fast and pull you along with it.
Most people flee from this mighty power. They say they are looking for
happiness in the outer world because that is where it is said to be found. The
truth is that they fear the power of the happiness that resides inside
themselves and is just waiting to be discovered.


ont rely on superiority.

You may be superior today.

How long will you remain in that position?
How long were you the opposite?
The world is characterized by change, nothing lasts, nothing stays.
Or is there something that stays?
Yes, everything you achieve for your soul follows you from one life to
Just look at a genius like Mozart. He designed his musical talents over several
lives only to live them out in creative perfection within just a few years.
However, he did not learn much about humanity and had to die at a young
His special abilities kept him from the necessary spiritual development.
Einstein also was a genius. He did not use his special abilities to avoid
himself and others but to progress spiritually in even more diverse ways.
Einstein was a wise soul who did not know of feelings of superiority and did
not want to know.
He knew about the perils of life, the unstableness and the illusion.
He therefore found strength in his faith and used his time on earth to intensify
his contact with God.
Was he a genius? Was he superior to many?
How trivial these questions are.
Deep in his heart he was happy and content.
That was important. That stayed.


IDS is a terrible disease. It is also a reflection of how far you have come

Your sexual morals have reached a shocking low.
Your health system is almost entirely based on money.
You think about the threat of AIDS. I say you should be thinking about what
a terrible place you have let this world become and how you have let yourself
You are in such a desolate condition that the Lord Himself had to incarnate in
order to protect you from your final and self-chosen destruction.
Of course I will succeed in saving you and healing the world.
However, you will have to change your thinking dramatically. Therefore,
receive the Lords bliss, change your thinking and start implementing it


here is absolutely no reason for you to worry or be sad. I have been

for you since the beginning of the world. Why should I not be doing that
today too?
I assure you that I always strive for the best for you and that I always achieve
it. You are worth much more to Me than your life and your wellbeing are
worth to you.
I never take away an object or even a person without having a really
important reason for it. My reason is always the wellbeing of you and others.
I always weigh these.
I would like to tell you what I mean by using an example.
A man and a woman lived happily together for many years. The woman was
very happy and came to visit Me often, and I appreciated her love and openheartedness. She was very close to Me. The man came to Me more for
reasons of curiosity. He was a successful business man who cared for his
family in a loving way.
The day came when his karma required him to fall extremely ill. The woman
suffered tremendously fearing she might lose him. His condition got worse
day by day. She prayed to Me with so much love and despair that I had to
help her.
God weighs the circumstances.
I extended her husbands life and she was extremely grateful. What was she
grateful for? What happened then was exactly what I wanted to protect her
from. What seemed tough was pure care and what appeared to be help was
really very tough.
The man recovered, fell in love with another woman and left his family.
The woman had lost two things: her husband and her faith in him.
Her faith in God, her love and her prayers however had achieved something
remarkable: She understood that God organizes everything for the best and
that she can trust Him entirely come what may.
She has reached the goal.


n truth, evil does not exist. The enlightened person, who has attained

illumination no longer sees evil. Instead he is able to observe how God
uses all conceivable means in order to guide man.
No matter how terrible a deed is on one level, on another level it is a blessing.
The evil actions committed by the demons at the end of this century (or even
millennium) are indisputable.
However, seen from a higher viewpoint, they have also accomplished good:
they caused God to incarnate, they led humanity into the drags of society and
millions were able to learn through their experiences that they had to get off
the path which led them into darkness. In addition they fulfilled their karma.
No one is ever hurt unless he has previously hurt someone else. Whatever evil
you commit today, the same will be done to you tomorrow. The world is
governed by the Law of Talion: As you do unto others so it will be done to
This is the determining modification of the saying: Do unto others as you
would have others do unto you!
Furthermore, these demons will go their own way. They will live through so
many incarnations that even they will be so penetrated by good that they will
see, hear and do only good.
Thus they descended into the deepest darkness in order to become a light in
the world.
And what does this mean? Be happy, because in reality there is no evil.
There is only spiritual growth. Which means the necessary steps you have to
take to reach happiness.


t is a sign of My presence on earth and one goal of My mission that you

make contact with your inner voice.

I therefore say that when you come to India you should not search for an
interview with Me, you should search for inner view.
You are divine. The core of your self is the divine perfection which is
omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
It is My goal to put you in touch with your divinity. To remove all stains from
this all-encompassing light within you so that it may shine again with its full
brightness. Many who make contact with their core do not notice how their
inner voice connects to their ego.
They start to use what they hear inside to enforce their interests outside.
Even more, they use My name to give all of this more importance.
For example, they would say, Baba said that I should not have dealings with
you, Baba said that what you are doing is not good, Baba said that you
must do this for me.
People who speak like this are under firm control of their egos and have no
intention at all of taking responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions.
They should be aware of the fact that they are totally misusing My name.
No one may use Me or My name to gain power over others or to enforce their
I warn you to never do this as you will open the doors widely to the
arbitrariness of your ego.
How should you then deal with your inner voice?
Carefully introduce your feelings. For example, you can say: I have asked
myself what would be right in this situation and I have received this answer
for myself.
You may only carefully introduce My name if you ask the person opposite to
you if they would like you to ask Me, or if they ask you for an answer from
Me in a direct way. You could then say: I can hear .... or The answer I
receive is ....
If you use the contact to your inner voice in such a careful way it will bring
bliss to you. Obey these guidelines as you inner voice is just waiting to fill
your life with bliss, light and love.


created the world and I created the cosmic laws. It was My will that there

would be gravity on earth just as I decided over the tides and the different
melting temperatures of the metals and minerals.
I created all of this and therefore could have done it differently, too. The
perfection I aimed for determined My selection. Everything had to fit together
so that every part but also the whole would be perfect.
This has happened. Why should I change the laws then? Is it possible to
improve something that is perfect? Of course not.
Still I intervene with the laws of nature. For example, when I want to help or
even save a believer. In such a case I change everything so that it will be for
their best. In most cases it is My wish that My help stays unnoticed from
others apart from the person in question and it is not always noticed even by
It is the nature of a father that he does not publicize what he does for his
children. His children have a right to his help. Why should he then speak
about it?
The relationship between God and believers is just like this. God gives and
the believer receives his help as mercy.
Nonbelievers play a part in this too as they cover Gods actions by calling
them coincidences without thinking any further.


here is an Indian saying that goes: If you meet Buddha when youre

travelling, kill him.

This saying sounds terrible and taken literally it is, terrible.
If you understand it properly it reveals great wisdom.
Dont you for example ask yourself how it can be that I accept and support all
the different religions despite the fact that in some points they make very
differing, sometimes even contrary statements?
The answer is that it depends only on the point of view.
The Christian, the Hindu and to some extent the Buddhist religions teach their
followers that they should decide on an image of God, pray to it and come
closer to God this way.
The Jewish religion, Islam and the extreme Buddhism teach that one should
not visualize God as He is beyond description.
So, whats right? you might ask. The answer is: both.
In the beginning you need an image of God. You must experience that God is
your friend, your true father and your most loving mother. That He is always
there for you and that He is eternal love.
Sooner or later the image will appear to be limiting to you. This is when you
kill the Buddha, i.e., you must rid yourself of the image in order to come
closer to the content.
This explains the opposition to images of God in both the Jewish and Islam
However, this moment should not come too early. Only when your heart is
filled with the visible God will you have the power to search and find the
invisible one.
If you kill your image too early, you may experience difficulties in
realizing God, as your heart is not yet loaded enough to be automatically
drawn by the magnet God.
Everything has its time. Patience is the bliss of time. The path to God is paved
almost exclusively with love, patience and trust.


ou are doing much too much! What does the Tao Te Ching teach us?

Dont do and everything will be done. What does that mean? For
example, just lean back and let God be a good man?
Surely not. Laotse was an enlightened and also very hard-working person. He
knew that God does not favor laziness.
What he meant was the following: Dont consider yourself and your doings so
important. Try to stand beside yourself. Let your life take its path. How many
people, for example, ruin their health by trying to eat 800% healthier? Act,
but dont be grim. Take it easy. Dont enforce things. Flow smoothly with the
stream of events. Integrate yourself into the happenings.
That is Dharma, righteous acting. If you can live in Dharma the time will
come when your character will be challenged and you must swim upstream or
stand still like a rock. You must, however, first be able to flow with the
stream of life in order to learn how to handle your life.
Not to act means to let go. What do you want to let go of if you have nothing?


odays contraceptives and the resulting changing of partners are harming

society on a big scale.

Every broken marriage creates broken hearts. In order for society to blossom
it needs happy hearts in happy people.
Contraceptives only make sense within a marriage, which commits both
partners. Family planning is important, but it should not extend into egoism.
The fact that some couples accept abortion as a means of birth control shows
how far down mankind has come in this age.
Sexuality always deals with the possibility of creating a new body. This,
however, is not under your control. If a child is to be born, only your ethics,
not your contraceptives, could stop this from happening.
This should not keep you from enjoying your sexuality, you should just do it
more consciously.


he chicken lays eggs. The sheep produces milk and wool. The cow gives

unlimited amounts of milk and in some areas of the world the cow
could also be killed for meat so it also gives its life.
The plants produce oxygen, decorate the world and contain wonderful
The rivers, the seas and the oceans provide the world with water, create the
climates and add great beauty to the world.
The earth is the soil for everything to grow on.
The sun brings light and warmth.
All do this without asking for payment. No one receives or takes anything.
Only man markets everything. Everything is seen only in categories of
money. What does this lead to? One natural disaster after another. One
catastrophe after another. One loneliness, one depression after another.
Learn from the world. Learn from God. Both serve selflessly. Both are in
continuous peace and happiness.
Give up your wrong calculations. The equation lots of money = lots of
happiness is just as silly as lots of food = lots of happiness. Lots of food
will ruin your physical health, lots of money your mental one.
Only a person who can be happy without lots of money can live well with lots
of money.
Thank the world that gives endlessly and serves you in such a trusting way.
Recognize this service and appreciate it. Think what it is you can do for the
world, how you may serve it, what your gift to the world and God may be.
Know that divinity means wanting to serve without needing to.


ive in truth. Truth is a truly strong power which can free you from all

pressures, all difficulties and even death itself.

To live in truth does not mean merely to tell the truth, not to change facts or
not to leave people in the dark.
Truth also means physical truth. How much are you stuck in your past? How
heavily are you still influenced by what happened in your childhood? What
have you taken from your parents or your childhood that is not yours?
How is your relationship to your parents? Can you be truthful with them? Are
you polite when you meet them and then talk badly and get upset after you
have left them?
Sort out your relationship with your parents or with your entire family. Heal
your wounds, free yourself from anger. There are plenty of good techniques
which can help you work on your feelings.
Whatever you decide, do something. Your aim is to recognize that your
parents have no part of your destiny. You have created your parents with your
karma, no one else.
Or do you believe that the holy man Francis of Assisi and Hitler will have the
same parents in their next lives?
If that were the case, the world would really be lost and in fact would have
ceased to exist long ago.


here are dumb and smart people. Which group do you think you belong

to? I consider dumb those who do little or nothing for themselves. For
Me the smart ones are those, who study divine teachings, think them through
and put them into action.
Unfortunately, many, many people are dumb, that is lazy. Laziness is a
particular form of dumbness as lazy people think they can avoid having to do
things by postponing them.
No one can hide. Everyone must develop himself. Those who waste time are
wasting lifetime. That is dumb.
Your lifetime is limited. Make use of it. Ask the Lord to give you the
challenges which will allow you to grow and progress most in your
If you should think that doing nothing is a gift, give up that thought today.
Doing nothing is a burden that will wear anyone down in the long run. Also it
opens you to many negative characteristics and addictions.
Work is bliss. Action is the ultimate chance to develop yourself. Be happy for
everything you can do. Especially if it is for others. To help others, to comfort
others or to be there for others, that is the happiness you can achieve on earth.
To do good is being smart. It will give you all the things you are looking for
Be smart, go with God, and God will bless you with even more wisdom.
This summarizes in one formula the path of light which all are looking for.


am against psychotherapy in many cases. I support the common opinion

that many therapists require treatment themselves and therefore are not
really of help but actually of substantial danger to their patients.
The therapists I am talking about are not clear in their feelings or in their
heads. They have not developed their love and live according to unacceptable
ideals. They should really be treated, as I know how unhappy they are in their
There are therapists whose work I like and support. I send people who need
help to them. These therapists are helpers in My mission.
Why am I talking about this? Because some devotees are under wrong
impressions. They live according to the motto God will take care of it. That
is right to some extent as I do help where ever I can.
But you must do something, too. You must develop yourself.
That is why I say there are three categories of devotees. The first group dont
do enough. They waste their time and with that their life by waiting for daddy
to come and take care of things for them. They dont come very far.
The others do too much. They run where ever there is something interesting
to see. They try out almost all methods that are offered to them and study one
or the other theory. In other words, they are always on the run, never find
peace and waste all their energy searching and not finding.
The third group are my favorite. They search seriously. They challenge, think,
feel and pray for the right decision and then act accordingly.
In addition, they socialize with good people. If they make a decision they stay
with it. If they run into difficulties they are not put off, they pray and trust in
Gods help.
These are the devotees who, if required, work hard on themselves. They
consult specialist help to resolve issues. They dont believe that God must or
will take care of everything for them. That is why I help them and they find
exactly the help they need on their path.



nter the world today with the intention to see and hear only positive

Give no attention to the things you do not like, that offend your esthetical
feelings or that dont comply with your moral standards.
See and hear only the beautiful, good and perfect.
Many people behave like addicts. They complain particularly about the things
they cant stop doing themselves.
People complain about the environment or the world as such. They forget that
they are on earth only because they are so attached to it.
See and hear only the perfect things and become free this way.
To hear and see the good and the beautiful means to actively open oneself to
new energies. This means that you change your view and make a conscious
choice for the positive while leaving the negative aside.
Just try it, and you will see how much of the so-called hidden God you
immediately recognize.
Know that God is always visible.
It depends solely on your point of view.


tay centered. Dont be tempted by extremes. Extreme feelings cause

Dont trust the emotional high; it can quickly lead you to misfortune.
Excessive joy, anger and hatred are bad for your soul. They take you out from
the center.
Beware of passionate feelings toward a person. Passion always leads to
disappointment because passion is like riding the wild horse named Maya
(outer world, illusion). One day it will throw you off and youll be lucky if
you land in a swamp. Because if you land on hard stony ground, you might
just break all your bones or your neck. You would not be the first one.
Stay centered.
If you want to be effusive, than be it towards God. He can handle it. He is the
only one who never disappoints you, even if He sometimes doesnt act the
way you wish.
Stay centered therefore means: learn to wait, be patient, dont rush things.
A person who rushes things gets lost in those things. To let go is the most
important prerequisite for right conduct. Offer your actions to Me (re: 7th of
January) and act knowing that I am the source of your will, your energy and
all your abilities.
Stay centered. This means act while imagining that I am acting and offer the
results of your actions to Me.
This will give you success, peace and freedom.


hat do you have your ego for? To find your Self. So, what do you do?

You let it take you anywhere as if you were a dog on a leash.

Therefore I recommend something else to you.
Consciously enjoy your ego. Think, I am I. Feel deep inside that you are
you and no one else absolutely unique and fantastic. Feel this more and
When you feel this, dont let go of it again. Hold on to your feeling and really
let it become your feeling.
If you practice this for a while you will notice yourself (!) that you want to go
Now change the exercise and say I am He. This will give you a whole new
charge of energy.
After a while change the exercise to I and He are one.
Stay with this exercise and you will notice that it changes by itself. You will
only be able to think about Him.
All duality is left behind.
Ganesha has only one tooth left (re: 7th of September).


atch what you are thinking. Your thoughts are a great treasure and

a much greater threat.
By thinking things through you can put yourself on the path to God and stay
there. With the aid of thinking you can check everything to see whether it
helps you or harms you, if it is pure or impure, or if it is holy or sinful.
The ability to think as in Viveka, discrimination, is the greatest gift God gave
man for him to realize himself. Thinking is an enormous power. If you
control it properly it will make your life holy. If you dont control it or control
it wrongly, it could cost you your life.
So, how can you control it well?
Focus your thinking on God. Repeat the name of God (re: 27th of February),
recite the Gayatri-Mantra (see appendix), meditate (re: 25th of July). Think
Positive thinking is an enormous power. By thinking positively you can
change the future to your benefit and even avoid the consequences of negative
Dont falter if you find it difficult initially. Your karma has a role to play as
well. Dissolve your karma. The Gayatri-Mantra and Namasmarana
(Repetition of the name of God) are the best means to free you from negative
Take control of your life. Make it positive by means of spiritual practices.
They will definitely change your life for the better.
Appreciate every failure as an incentive to do better. Repeat, repeat, repeat
the name of the Lord. Do this and God is on your side.
Namasmarana inevitably draws God to you, and once God is with you
negativity cannot harm you. You will think positively and happily intervene
with your destiny.
Remember, it is Gods will that you be successful. He really does everything
to make you successful.
Your success is His joy.


esires follow you through your stay on earth.

Desires are created because you are born with one very strong desire:
your self longs for the happiness you have experienced in the other world.
This desire causes your ego to seek this happiness in the present world.
It searches for a lifetime and it does this for many lives.
This search has a meaning. It sharpens your consciousness.
By experiencing and thinking things through, one day you come to a point
where you search and find the happiness within, not in the outer world.
Once you have found it your desires and your seeking stops. It is a long way
and Maya (outer world) constantly tries to convince you that you can find
everything you are looking for in the world. The result of which are ties that
bind you to the world.
I am not saying that everything the world has to offer is bad. As usual, the
problem is not the world, it is you, i.e., your thinking.
Thinking means attachment to material things. Thinking creates the ties,
which sooner or later cause suffering because all worldly things are transient.
At one point they will disappear. If you are attached you will then experience
this loss as pain.
Therefore the golden rule is: enjoy your life. Enjoy everything beautiful the
Lord has given you. Use it and enrich your life.
However, do not become attached to things or people. Live in a way that you
could give up anything at any time without the slightest bit of pain.
Always know: God has given it to me. He is omnipotent. If He takes it back
then all that I should feel is gratefulness that I was permitted to have it for
such a long time.
Enjoy the world and always be aware that enjoyment and letting go belong
together. Those who cant let go cant enjoy because they constantly fear loss.
Love life. Love the preciousness surrounding you. Love God who gave all
this to you. Be happy that He has also given you the ability to let go as this
allows you to enjoy without having to suffer in the end.


he so-called industrialized countries hold the power on earth. They are

almost exclusively Christian countries. Also almost all countries

involved in the First and Second World War were Christian.
This clearly shows how much the teachings of Christ have lost their meaning
i.e. its heart, in these countries.
Christ taught the strength, the power of the heart. In the journey from then to
today only the power remained.
Another problem is that what remained of Christs teachings was manipulated
with time. For example, the teachings of karma and rebirth were lost entirely.
This means a big loss for countless people. The extent of this loss is hard to
describe with words. It means that millions and millions of people will first be
led into ignorance and then into misfortune.
Many would have acted differently if they had known that their deeds would
produce major consequences which could not simply be erased with a prayer,
two church visits or a large donation!
All of the seducers who over the centuries have led people into misfortune,
found the confrontation through with they learned about suffering in people
like Hitler, Stalin and other Demons.
Do not exploit others. Your body doesnt live forever: it might be white today
and your account black. Tomorrow and in your next life it might be the other
way around and you will have to suffer yourself what you are doing to these
people today.


ot to believe in previous lives is not only foolish, it is also heartless. The

worst thing is that it creates a totally wrong image of God.

Could you imagine I would be so pitiless as to expose a soul to damnation or
even eternal damnation? How could this be compatible with My limitless
love? You are I and I am you. How could I want to lose a part of Myself?
That is impossible.
Everyone will be saved. I have repeatedly said that, and I stand firm by My
word. Believe in it. I will inevitably lead you to liberation.
Dont be frightened by the cruelty you might see, hear or even experience in
the world.
Everything will be returned tenfold.
Without suffering your heart would remain closed. Without your suffering
you would be the worst enemy not only to others but mostly to yourself.
Now youre asking, Why does the world have to be so brutal? Could God
not have arranged this in a different way?
The answer is: No. God has no choice as long as mankind has its own free
Free will determines that man must learn through suffering. The free will
which mankind does not want to miss out on, means that he can and will not
learn through teachings but only through experiencing and living.
God must satisfy this human wish because if He interfered here, free will
would only be a meaningless word. Sound and smoke. Karma and rebirth
exist to enable everyone to learn from his own mistakes.
Everyone therefore has his chance to learn what he must learn Despite
having a totally free will.
Because this is how it is, I can say that everyone will be saved.
The plan of creation is perfect and everyone is protected by My love.


od always works very precisely. God never does things incompletely. In

addition He creates everything in a perfect, harmonious and aesthetic

The fact, that the aesthetic sense no longer exists today and that your arts can
no longer be called that shows how distant you are from God. You have gone
so far away that God Himself has had to incarnate to save you.
Without Gods help the world could not have been saved.
This is a signal which shows in what a bad situation the world finds itself I
must however admit that this is not the first time the world is at such a point.
Which is why God hasnt come for the first time. He knows the way.
Back to art. I say, Art comes from heart. Your hearts have closed. They are
walled in by your over-mighty ego which does with you what ever it wants to.
You call yourselves free people. I say, You are slaves of your ego, which has
total control over you. It blinds you to the extent that you dont even notice
you are looking at the ugliest products of some confused heads and actually
call them art.
No wonder so many of you have no appreciation for the beauty and perfect
aesthetics of nature.
Nature is looked at with the heart, and nowhere is there a sign that tells you
what to think of it.
Nature is very simple. It fits exactly inside your heart.


he essence of everything is divine light, i.e., love focused on one goal.

The core of every stone, every metal is light. All you need to do is clean
certain metals or polish certain stones and they start to shine. They shine
because the light is inside them. If there were no light inside them they would
absorb the light from outside and not shine.
The basic structure of everything, absolutely everything you see on earth is
That is why I find it so easy to change or materialize anything.
I actually have the light in My hand. This light creates whatever I want. It has
no choice.
Remember all this when you enter your body consciousness or are in it: you
are light. You therefore are not your body. Your body is transient. You are
not. Your bodies have not survived a single death. You have survived
countless ones.
Respect, protect and care for your body. Identify with what you really are:
unlimited light the essence of all.


oday people are judged and classified according to their performance.

Someone could be the worst bastard, but if he performs well in his job
then he is all right.
To judge someone by his performance is extremely foolish and dangerous.
The performance of a person with regards to quantity, that is how much they
do, is of secondary importance. Only their character is most important.
Character is a mixture of knowledge and kindness.
Both knowledge and the heart have developed over many lives. They
characterize a person.
That is why parents and society should do everything to promote the character
of the children, the students. The character of todays children is the future
destiny of a country.
Therefore take care of your character. That is the most important. Also take
care of the development of character in those close to you. Receive them with
love. Know what is important to them, where they need to be understood and
where they need to learn about boundaries, what you need to protect them
from and what you must confront them with.
The aim of character is that you understand how to deal with yourself and
your fellow man. The core of character is made of love and respect and
teaches you to treat others in a way that they can retain and further develop
their own tenderness which is their strength.


elf-realization is the most common box office hit today. Anyone can

simply write this buzzword on their store signs and enjoy incredible
There are masses of false Gurus and Prophets out there, and they are being
nourished by your blindness and laziness.
You love to live comfortably but at the same time in an exciting and amusing
way. This is ideal for self-realization, which is actually nothing else but a
realization of the ego.
The wrong teachers also realize themselves by drawing three times!
First they draw you to them with cheap slogans and false glimmer. Then they
draw your money from you. And finally they become so famous thanks to
your coming and your money that they draw even more people. This spreads
their deceitful slogans even wider.
Life is wonderful. Work is bliss.
If you cant see both of these then dont be surprised if you fall for todays
Dont fool yourself. Dont just take the seemingly easiest way, it will surely
not be the best. Dont fear work or strain, rather appreciate them as Gods
gifts to you through which you can realize yourself.
This time in the real sense.


irtue is the breath of the universe. In the universe everything happens in

great harmony. Virtue is harmony. People who do not live with the
virtues Prema, Sathya, Dharma, Shanti and Ahimsa (love, truth, right conduct,
peace and nonviolence) are not in harmony with themselves or their
In the universe nothing happens by chance. Not in an egocentric or even
egoistic way. Nothing happens without it being in perfect harmony with my
Virtue is your breath, too. Did you know this?
Did you know that without virtue you would not be able to live.
Everything in your life happens only because I wish it like for you and
because My will and My love ensure your life.
All this is expressed in your breath. Your breath is the manifestation of the
divine right through you.
Therefore, as long as you are breathing, with every single breath you are
expressing that you are connected with Me.
And when you leave your body one day, it will be only with the last breath
that you notice that you are Me.
Based on this knowledge, consciously live in virtue today. Live the divine
order which is inherent in you. Live it and you will reach Me before you leave
your body.


e silent, be silent, be silent.

Cant you see how much you talk?

Even when you think you are not talking much, you are still saying too much.
You talk so much that you convince even yourself that through your talking
you are giving something to others.
You are not giving, you are taking.
The person who talks a lot is wasting their own time but also that of others.
Talking a lot is not a sign of social but rather of unsociable behavior.
On the other hand you might think that you are often silent.
You may seem to be the silent one. What you are doing is not being silent, it
is your inability to talk when it is appropriate however, you can talk
someone into the ground when you really should be silent.
The silence I mean comes from the awareness of the power of words.
There is a time when this power should be directed outwards. At other times
it should remain within you.
If you confuse these times the energy gets lost.
I could say much more, but now is a time to be silent.


uring this century many customs, garbs and crafts have been lost.

You think you need to clean up because you feel that these old ways of
thinking have brought you the misfortune of two terrible wars, apart from
many other things.
It is correct that some things had to be rethought and changed. However, I do
not favor revolution. I teach evolution. Evolution is revolution without the
R as in revenge and then remorse.
Revolution almost always means bloodshed. Human blood is very, very
precious. If it is shed this always leads to bindings far into later lives.
Therefore, I am always opposed to any abrupt or radical change. It either
doesnt last or it creates strong opposition which then hinders progress.
I support careful and smooth solutions which stem from love, knowledge and
One does not need to tear down an entire house only to reposition a few walls.
Try first to understand and love what you want to change. Always look for
the simplest way, which will activate the least oppositional forces.
To pretend to be strong is always a sign of ignorance. Ignorance is weakness.
You should be strong, be patient, be careful, loving and prudent.
It will take time, sometimes lots of time. Because of this the outcome will be


n this world almost everyone fights: members of government and provin-

cial government, mayors, neighbors, relatives, parents and children.

What are you doing to change this so that peace may finally return to the
world? Or are you one of those who fear the atom bomb but at the same time
take every opportunity to pour oil into the fire by expressing their negativity,
aggressiveness and their lack of faith?
The world will not be destroyed. I vouch for that.
After his victory over the Galls, the Roman emperor Julius Caesar said,
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, saw and won.
With Me the sequence is different. I saw, therefore I came. My coming alone
is already the victory of light over negative forces.
However, I have not come to destroy all those who do not follow the path of
God. It is My goal to re-educate as many as possible.
Therefore, dont believe in the end of the world. Instead, take advantage of
My power and transfer your negativity. Spread love and peace around you.
Make your spouse, your children, your environment happy and there will
really be a bomb explosion in the world. An explosion of love.


pen your heart more and more. Let all people around you feel your love.

Remember: freedom is the ability to love.

Those who cant love are not free even if they feel and claim the opposite.
Love gives you life. Love gives you energy. Love gives you the omnipotence
you deserve.
Without love you are stiff, dark, cold and transitional. With love you flow
within yourself, through yourself, through all those you love.
Love is the breath of God. Love is God. God is love.
The love you feel for others, the love that draws you to your partner like
magic, is only a reflection of Gods love.
Be aware of how strongly you feel drawn to some people and remember that
that love is just a fraction of the divine love. Realize how happy you are when
your love is returned to you. This happiness is just a fraction of the endless
happiness of God.
The love of God is endless, all-encompassing and blissful. Therefore, love
more and more. Open yourself more and more to this all- encompassing love,
and you will feel that this love is what you have always been searching for:
unlimited happiness.


understand your problem. You cant believe because you do not know,

you dont know because you dont believe.
You have tried to escape from this seemingly unsolvable circle which is so
typical for mankind by wanting to grasp, prove and understand everything
with the help of science.
That is a hopeless effort.
How do you expect to be able to differentiate more from less? How could
you, if you have never seen a chicken before, explain the hen from the egg?
Instead of racking your brains, just let go.
Start by praying every now and then. I will surely answer.
Try to trust that I am there for you more and more day by day. My word has
been given to you throughout many lives.
Why dont you ever ask Me to keep it? Why dont you challenge Me? If you
are still hesitant, remember this: we have very similar goals; the aim of your
life is to learn trust. My task is to help you.
Just one more thing: I have chosen this task at My own free will, and I love it.


ou say knowledge is power. I ask, Power for what?

The answer I then receive from you is usually pretty brief: Power to do
what one wants. To be able to tell others what to do, etc.
That might be the case, but what do you need such power for? What does it
give you to be able to do what you want? Is your freedom still good for you
when you are drunk and want to jump from tenth floor?
Oh, you think it is something else when someone is drunk!
Do you actually know people who are not drunk? Most people are drunk from
their desires and do not know at all what they are doing.
For Me, knowledge is power only when it provides you with the key to the
treasure chest of happiness, only when it shows you the path to this treasure
inside you. All other knowledge is just skilful hiding of ones own
In other words: the one kind of knowledge leads you to OM, the other to


oday I would like to explain to you why I keep emphasizing the impor-

tance for you of living without attachments. Note: without attachments,

not without relationships.
Close your eyes. Relax. Let go of all thoughts, give them to Me.
Now imagine a person with whom you are particularly connected.
Can you see him? Think carefully what it is that binds you to him. Look
closely at it.
Now materialize it, i.e., visualize it in the form of a rope, chain, pole, wooden
beam or light, etc.
Allow these bindings to become heavier and heavier.
Can you feel how heavy these bindings are?
Memorize this experience!
Now let them become lighter and lighter, thinner and thinner and finally
dissolve them entirely.
Now come back.
You see, thats what I meant by the weight and the danger of attachments.
If you understand how strong you are attached to others are you will also see
how you can virtually be drawn from one life to the next by these
Therefore, free yourself. Become light.
You are a bird with golden wings, not a heavy weight truck. Become aware of
this, fly straight into the sky and become one with the sun.


let no one down. This promise reaches into all areas, also into your marital

I always try to give you the partner who fits to you. However, I need your
love, your sacrifice, your responsibility, your commitment, your virtue and
your faith.
If you lack one of these pillars in a relationship, My gift to you will be
You must always look at your partner as My gift to you. I have given him or
her to you so that you are not alone throughout your life. Before doing silly
things, think what your family means to you and what the loss of it would do
to you.
Think of every single step that takes you away even just one centimeter from
you family. The dynamics of the world of emotions could easily turn
centimeters into kilometers.
Also remember two things: firstly, a glass breaks easily and is very difficult to
Secondly, there are many, many people today who live from one relationship
or actually from one separation to another.
And what do they say at the end of their lives? I am disappointed.
Dont be misled by deceitful illusions. Maya (outer world) is diverse.
Follow the old wisdom: only continuous steadfastness leads to happiness.


he teaching Krishna communicated to Arjuna was basically that the main

task of mankind is to realize its Self, even if that means having to fight
against ones own family.
Arjuna was a very firm believer who respected the laws of religion
Destiny decided that he had to fight against his teachers as well as his
stepfather. He found this outrageous.
Krishna, however, taught him that there is only one thing one must do: follow
Gods word. If you go with God you will be successful. If you go against God
you lose.
What does this mean for your life? Follow to My instructions and put them
into action. If your family is opposed, dont try to convince them. Control
yourself and if necessary keep a distance.
Never try to change someone who does not want to change. If someone does
not want to learn something and you still try to instruct them, then this is
nothing else but one ego fighting another.
There may be situations where your inner voice tells you that you should
withdraw entirely from your family.
Never do this in anger, it would only bind you to them.
Respect your family as you would God because they created your destiny.
Recognize what you have learnt through them because you needed to learn it.
Be grateful and become free this way.


nce upon a time there was a boy who lived in poor but happy circum-

stances. His parents respected God, loved each other and the children.
They were friends with all the people in their village. As mentioned before,
they were poor and the boy had big dreams.
He told his parents about his dreams and, clever as they were they said that he
could never fulfill them in the village but only in a big city. They also
explained to him that one needed much money, which they did not have, to go
to a city. Therefore, he should become a farmer just like his parents. They
were not rich but had everything they needed and even more, they were
content and happy.
The little boy was not satisfied with this. One day he packed up his traps,
wrote his parents a loving farewell note and left.
He came to the city and felt lost, alone and unsure. Soon the little money he
had taken along was used up, and he had to take any kind of work just to be
able to feed himself. In order to save money for accommodation he found a
quiet place to sleep in the open.
Then the miracle happened. He found a job, which enabled him to progress.
His dream came true. He became rich. He had made it.
Everything had turned out just has he had imagined it.
Still, one part of his dream remained unfulfilled. Where was the great
happiness he had thought would be so colorful? The happiness he knew from
Couldnt he have apart from the fact that he was earning (and spending)
more money stayed home?
He gave up his work and returned home. He greeted his parents, livened up
through their love and became a farmer.
The realization of his dream had presented a great gift to him: to see what he
already had, when he was still dreaming in a totally unfulfilled way.


odern technology has without a doubt found and developed great

things. At the same time it is largely responsible for the deterioration

of customs and the shocking decline of faith.
Science is telling you that everything is material. This is a major error with
dramatic consequences.
I tell you: nothing is material. Everything is pure spirit. Everything consists of
one word from Me. My word, My will, My love are the essence of
The matter, science has jumped at so furiously, is actually just sound and
smoke, pure Maya (outer world, illusion). Therefore the science of Maya is
nothing else but Maya.
The more someone gets entangled in Maya and searches for happiness there,
the more he turns away from God.
This is exactly what is happening. Supported by science, people are looking
for happiness in the outer world and are becoming more and more entangled.
The results are loneliness, hardness, egoism and violence. These are typical
signs that mankind places more meaning in Maya than in God.


od is the yardstick. Let him take your hand and lead you through the

There is a law which today has been forgotten: if you turn to God, He will
help you cope with the world.
If you turn to Maya (outer world, illusion), God withdraws and patiently waits
until you turn back to Him.
If you turn to Maya you will become entangled. It is Mayas objective to
entangle you. The inevitable consequence is suffering.
Therefore let God take your hand. Reach out your hand and you will feel the
love and care with which He will take it.
He will safely guide you through your life and you will learn something very
important: you are never alone again, He is always at your side, always there
for you.
One person, one God, one being.


ore than half of the year has passed by now. I have given you many

theoretical and practical view points.

Today I wish to explain to you how you can meditate. Sit down in a quiet
place preferably twice daily for 20 to 30 minutes.
It is important you always do it at the same time so that it becomes a habit. It
is important that it becomes a habit, as that will ensure regularity.
Light a candle and sit in front of it. Look at the flame for a while and imagine
that it can pass its light on to many, many candles without reducing its own
Once you have looked at the light long enough, close your eyes and imagine
that the flame is pouring its light from your forehead between your eyes.
Then guide it to your heart where it opens the lotus blossom of your heart
Let this light stream through your entire chest and feel how this light is
cleansing and loving.
From here go to your neck and head and let the light calm and cleanse your
From the head direct the light to your heart, your shoulders and arms down to
your hands and fingertips.
Then let the light flow from your heart to your abdominal area and fill it as
well as your entire pelvis area. Exhale all worries and pressures and inhale the
pure, bright light.
Guide the light further to your legs and feet and from here up over your back
which you should never forget to your skull where your crown chakra is
Be aware that your entire body is filled with the light, i.e., is made of light,
which shines to the outer edge of your aura.
Now from your crown chakra send the light to your relatives and friends.
Wrap light around them.
Also include your enemies.
Following that, expand your light over your entire city, your country, your
continent and the whole world.
Your light now goes to minerals, plants, animals and humans.
Expand it over all invisible beings which are around and in the world.
Let your light shine into the universe and enjoy the distance. After a while
collect your light and let it return via the crown chakra back to the lotus


blossom in your heart. Keep this flame inside you as a constant source of
energy which you can always draw on and feed from.
Ask God to bless and guide you.
Then open your eyes and have a happy day.


ou have been listening to My teachings for some time now and are

how they can be reconciled with religions like Christianity, Buddhism or
I am not teaching a new religion. I am teaching nothing new. I am teaching
the core of all teachings. I am the substance of all teachings. The meaning of
any religion is to reach Me
I created the world. I created mankind. I know what the world needs, I know
what you need in order to finally reach your goal.
I tell you Christians that Jesus was different in some points from you have
been taught. There is no difference between Mine and Christs teachings.
Christ knew and taught the laws of karma and the sequence of death and
rebirth. He clearly spoke of eternal life as He consciously knew of the life in
the next world and therefore could speak about it.
He did not speak about hell as He knew that it does not exist. He spoke of the
chains which every person creates for himself through ignorance which then
creates consequences to which he would be tied.
Christ was a strict vegetarian. He hardly ever ate cooked items like beans or
vegetables. Mainly He ate berries, roots, fruit and seeds. He did not drink
What I am saying is: never look at what splits religions, look only at what
unites them.
Buddha, Mohammed, Christ, Zoroaster were God-Persons who promoted
divine teachings and liberated many, many people.
Consider but dont judge. Take the path to God which your religion teaches
and once you see God in every person and in every thing, you will have
actualized the teachings. Everything else is secondary.


t is typical for man to feel continuously alone and unprotected. This is

because his point of view things and also because he sees so little.
Many people dont see the many gifts which have been given to them at all
and that each gift is a miracle. You dont appreciate many things simply
because you dont see and understand them.
Every life is accompanied by many miracles. Over and over again divine
forces intervene to protect your life, to divert threats away from you or to
save you from dangerous situations.
This can sometimes happen several times in one day without you noticing
anything at all.
Therefore change your opinion: whenever something in your life happens
which makes you feel sad or hurts you, dont give this much attention but
take it as an opportunity to remind yourself how often you have been saved
and that you are always, always being protected.


irginity is a term which is completely misunderstood by many people.

For example, when Buddha and Christ were born, virginity was
important to demonstrate the purity of the mother of a God-Person.
Purity should not mean that a woman has never had physical contact with her
This would mean that a married woman is always is less pure than an
unmarried woman, which is absurd.
The mother of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and My mother, Easwaramma,
both had already given birth to three children before they became pregnant
through the light of God.
They were totally pure. That is why the Lord chose them. Today all concepts
are unclear and all morals or ethics are distorted. Today no one cares about
virginity, chastity or purity.
People simply (not exactly simply but repeatedly) live out their thoughts or
whatever crosses their path.
This kind of lifestyle is the worst thing a woman can do to herself. The soul
of a woman is particularly tender, sensitive and open. She therefore must live
with great care, circumspection and clarity in order not to be harmed.
Women should therefore look at the examples given by the holy women of
the history of mankind: Sita, Rada, Maria, Easwaramma. They were perfect
wives and perfect mothers. They were perfect in their bodies and their souls.
They were on earth and perfectly pure, i.e., they lived in Shanti, peace, and
Ananda, happiness because they were surrounded by perfect love.


t is time I had a word with some parents. Some parents have moved from

one extreme to the other.

What is happening today is the complete opposite of the so-called Prussian
style of raising children, in which they were chased with hatred, received
beatings, intimidation and humiliation, physical and mental injuries.
Children today are permitted to do almost anything sometimes even this
little almost disappears entirely. In such cases children dominate the lives
of their parents or their environment. Children become the almighty lords,
who can do whatever they want.
What kind of parents are those that let their children grow up like this,
without any boundaries at all? There are only very few responsible parents
who confuse freedom with arbitrariness and development with laissez-faire.
Children need guidance. Children need lots and lots of love. Love also means
defining clear boundaries for them. Children must respect their parents and all
adults. Respect does not mean fear or obedience until death. Respect is
deference which the youth should have for elders. This deference develops
automatically if children are raised with a close relationship to God.
At the same time the elders should respect the youth and not treat them like
Consider that you never know which soul is in the young body you are
looking at. It could be the soul of a holy person or a great master.
Children should accept adults as wise teachers. Adults should respect children
as being maturing souls, who have just come from God and still strongly
radiate His energy.
Live in respect. Respect each other. Feel the love that connects all of you. All
should feel love and deep respect for God. That is the best remedy for all
difficulties which might occur amongst you.


wonder why you make life so difficult for yourself.

Life is joy and fortune. Everything else is only distraction.

Do you have worries? Sing the name of the Lord.
Are you in grief? Sing the name of the Lord.
Are you unsuccessful? Sing the name of the Lord.
Do you want to achieve more? Sing the name of the Lord.
Would you like to improve the world? Sing the name of the Lord (re: 27th of
And what will happen now? I give you the very best medicine for even the
worst of diseases, and what do you do? You dont believe in it! Why not?
Because it sounds too simple!
That is exactly your problem: you think the world is so difficult and so
complicated. That eventually this typed thinking prevails and the world
presents you with lots of difficulties.
Its exactly what you expect and you would not accept anything else.
Therefore dont complain. Thank the world that it fulfils your wish and
becomes so complicated!
You actually dont want the world to be that complicated? You dont want to
worry? You really want peace, joy and fortune?
Strange, I am listening closely, but I cant hear you repeat the name of the


ou follow My teachings, you repeat the Name of the Lord (re: 27th of

February), you chant the Gayatri-Mantra (see appendix), and yet you
have the feeling that your life is not moving ahead or even worse, you think
things are getting more and more difficult.
Dont be disappointed. Trust Me when I say that this is a completely normal
process. When you turn more towards your Self, your ego creates all kinds of
obstacles to get you off this path.
Your ego knows that the path to your Self means a loss of power for itself.
Therefore it works against your spiritual development with all means, for
example by challenging your patience. Impatience makes you blind and
unable to see what you have achieved so far. This blindness creates a vicious
circle. You dont see what you have achieved so far and this in turn makes
you impatient. This impatience makes you even blinder and so forth.
Failure and renewed power of your ego are preprogrammed through this.
Therefore, beware of your impatience as it is one of the great powers which
can prevent you from reaching, i.e., realizing your Self.
However, dont fight your impatience. Instead, take it by the hand like a little
child, who is seeking attention. Accept it as a part of you, but a part which
you dont need to overemphasize or identify with.
Always trust that God will help you and that you will definitely be successful.
Be happy. You have achieved the goal long ago.



oday many mistaken spiritual ideas exist, which harm you more than

One of these ideas is that you have chosen your entire life from birth.
This theory can be justified, but at the same time it is wrong.
It is right that you create your destiny with your actions and their
consequences. Your actions show which level of consciousness you have
reached. The consequences you will experience create the framework for your
However, the theory that you have chosen your life is wrong because in the
next world there is no you or I which could have chosen. You are assuming
something exists that in fact doesnt and therefore could not have acted.
Therefore, it is not you who chooses your life, it is God who provides you
with it according to your actions in earlier lives.
All this happens in harmony with the all-encompassing cosmic plan, the
details of which constantly change because some situations develop
differently because of the free will of mankind.
In the end everything happens exactly how God had intended it. This is the
guarantee that not a single soul gets lost and each gets its chance to develop.
Why am I talking about you not having chosen your life and that you have
received it based on your previous actions? The difference doesnt seem to be
I am doing this because the idea results in an expansion of the ego: I have
chosen this life. Look what I can do!
There is a major difference in the way you might view the situation based on
the fact that life is Gods gift. Every individual could say: I have received
this life in order to learn based on my earlier actions. I want to make the best
possible use of this great opportunity to grow. I thank God that He has given
me this chance.
This is the correct way of thinking in regards to anything you experience in
Once you think this way there are no more terrible situations, but only gifts,
which should enrich you.


ction is necessary in life. If you do nothing, you get lost. Work is bliss.

Therefore choose a job in which you can do lots of good things for
others. The more you are there for others, the more your life will be enriched.
If you dont feel enriched, check your attitude. If things dont come from the
heart, they dont go out to the heart and also dont return.
Your attitude toward your work is essential. Dont look for things you enjoy,
enjoy whatever your task may be.
Nothing is worse than people who do their work being grumpy, unfriendly
and without enthusiasm. This is extremely harmful. It will damage your
health either directly or via addictions like alcohol and nicotine.
Negative attitude toward ones own work is responsible for the fact that many
people are unhappy, unstable and ill.
They think leisure time is everything, whereas actually work is everything. I
never have even a single day off. I work day and night, on Sundays and
holidays. I am the happiest person of all as I can serve millions of people and
living beings.
Serve, help, be there for others, and you will participate in My continuous


ome people secure their homes like forts. They put bars on their windows,

arm the front door, lock the back door, install motion detectors and alarm
I would like to clarify one thing: I support security, carefulness and deliberate
actions. People who handle their belongings in a careless or thoughtless way
risk to lose them.
I oppose the thinking behind some of this striving for security.
As said before, you should protect your belongings. You should not
encourage thieves to seek their luck through your carelessness.
However, dont think that alarm systems and locked doors and windows will
protect you from your karma.
Do you think you could earn and keep money while not conforming with
Sathya and Dharma, truth and righteousness, and Prema, Shanti and Ahimsa,
love, peace and nonviolence?
Dont fall for this dangerous and sick thought!
Money that is earned unethically will either create unhappiness for you or you
will lose it quickly or both.
Stolen money has the characteristic of quickly getting into the hands of
thieves, lawyers, doctors or therapists. In other words, it either creates
problems for you or it makes you ill.
Protect your belongings. This is a necessity.
The best protection apart from practical prevention lies in your spiritual
prudence, which is to live in Prema, Dharma, Sathya, Shanti and Ahimsa.
This will bless your life and you will be protected by all Gods.


e careful with money. Money comes and goes. Ethics, however, come

and grow.
There are five possibilities of how your relationship to money and to God can
be. First: You are in this world and have no money. Second: You are in this
world and have money. Third: You turn away from the world and turn toward
God and you lose money. Fourth: You turn toward God and you make
money. Fifth: You turn toward God and you do not make more money.
Superficially there seems to be no major difference between the path through
the world to money and the path via God. However, if you look closer you
will see that these are fundamentally different: If you are in the world, money
has you instead of you having it.
Therefore the real change is often affected by God pushing you to the brink of
ruin in order for you to change your thinking so that you become free.
If it is appropriate for your karma and your development, God will later bless
you with money after He is sure that your relationship with money has
Remember that you can never be successful forever even if it seems like it.
Therefore always apply this sequence in your values: First comes God,
secondly your partner and children, thirdly your job and fourthly your
Never change this sequence, because without God in your heart money is a
poison which slowly eats your soul without you noticing it at all.


arriage is holy. Did you know this?

Do you know why marriages take place in churches? You might

think to receive Gods blessings through the priest. That is right, but it is only
part of the truth. The other part is that by going to church to get married, you
realize that marriage is just as holy as the church itself.
I often say that the body is the temple of God and marriage even more so as
here we are dealing not only with one but with two, three, four bodies
depending on the number of children of course.
Marriage is holy because in the security of it two people find each other,
which is a major achievement. In addition, tomorrows generation, in the
form of children, grow under the protection of marriage.
People who destroy marriage destroy the new generation.
Only an insane person would enter a church with a hammer and destroy the
altar, the baptismal font and the cross.
Recognize the holiness of marriage. Keep and protect it and do everything to
meet the requirements of this holy place.


ife consists of ups and downs.

Just because life moves up and down this does not mean you need to
follow these movements. Does every person who visits the amusement park
obligated to get on the roller coaster? Of course not!
Do not get entangled in negativity. It is the biggest roller coaster in life.
If you find yourself often fighting, arguing and getting angry with others,
recognize this as an alarming signal. You are obviously still carrying around a
lot of negativity from this and from earlier lives.
Free yourself from this dangerous burden. If necessary, ask for professional
help. In some cases it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help but rather of
good sense and humility.
Otherwise, when you feel angry withdraw. Dont continue to allow yourself
to become entangled. Drink a glass of cold water in small sips and then enter
the following meditation:
Imagine that you are a thistle, full of thorns and aggression.
Live your thistle side. Live out your negativity in your imagination.
Once you feel you have done enough of this, imagine that you are a rose. You
are beautiful and have a wonderful fragrance. However, you still have big,
strong thorns.
Concentrate on the thorns first.
If you feel you have concentrated on the thorns long enough, focus on the
buds and let them blossom to their full beauty.
When you have experienced this long enough, imagine that you are a lotus
See how your roots are stuck deeply in the mud. Your bud, however, rises
above the surface of the water and is immaculate. Let the purity of the lotus
enter you. Fill yourself with it more and more.
Imagine that this lotus flower is made of pure, bright, clear light and that this
wonderful light flows in you: perfectly peaceful, perfectly happy, perfectly
Now imagine your heart is a lotus flower that has only blossomed half way.
Let it open and feel how more and more love fills your heart. This love
expands until you are filled entirely by it.
Now you are only love and you can feel how much divine bliss streams into
All one all God.


our perceptions of evil and negative things are incomplete in most cases

or even simply wrong.

I instruct you always to think good, see good, hear good and speak good.
Comply with My instruction, as it will give you worldly and spiritual
But what should you do with the negative?
First you must recognize that there are no evil things. All is God. It is only
your opinion or your application that decides about good and bad. Imagine
that you have bad thoughts.
You can cultivate these thoughts and even be happy with them. This will
sooner or later surely harm you.
You can ignore these thoughts, but this might lead to repression.
It is best if you approach them openly and honestly and use them as guides.
Find out how they came about, i.e., where their roots are and how far they
Encircle them and rip them out entirely.
That is what I mean when I say you should eliminate bad thoughts from the
roots up.
If you do this you confirm the truth that everything is in your hands, that you
are the creator of your destiny. Nothing bad can happen to you and you cant
harm anyone, once you know your true value.
This is the goal of all knowledge.


here is no revengeful God and there is no bad God. There is only I. I am

full of love and bliss.

I have created the world in a way that no one gets lost, even if their actions
are despicable.
They will be purified by the consequences of their actions. Sooner or later
they will recognize that there is only one path: the path of love.
Therefore there actually is no negative karma. You are confronted with
consequences of earlier actions which teach you what you have to learn. The
so-called negative karma is like grades in school which indicate how much
you know and are able to put into practice.
Therefore there is really only the one path which is determined by divine
This path frees you. Consciously take it and you will no longer be attached to
the world. You are only close to Me.
That is what you have been searching for all those lives. This is the unlimited
happiness you couldnt find in the world.
I am this happiness.
Everything else just leads to it.


any doctors, scientists and industries like the chemical or pharmaceuti-

cal ones should beware of My anger. When I speak of the demons of

today I include them.
Many of them ignore the suffering of their fellow man in a totally merciless
way. Their main goals are to increase their profits and expand their power.
This attitude is a dead end with no escape and no future.
This heartlessness and brutality must and will end.
I have come to help the weak and unprotected.
I always stand by My resolutions and My word.
The exploitation of mankind by humans has reached a level which is no
longer bearable. It is My will to spread love, cooperation and spiritual
knowledge across the world.
Institutions that take advantage of human suffering in order to make a profit
have only two options: either to change their thinking or to disappear.
I find the fact that some doctors are involved in this process of exploitation
particularly reprehensible. This shows how low human society as a whole has
I have come to give everyone several chances to change his thinking in
addition to the grace to recognize these chances.
However, some are so blinded that only experience will change them.
This explains the wise saying: Karma lets the blind see.


anguage consists of content which is communicated with the aid of

words. The core of the words is the meaning they express.

Anything that involves meaning should be handled with care. For example,
something that is quite common in another country could be extremely
offensive in yours, and vice versa. It simply has a different meaning.
In Germany you call the four-legged animal that guards the house and
sometimes keeps you company dog. Children might say wuf wuf. When
you use the word dog everyone knows what you mean, which is exactly
where the difficulties begin. Everyone actually has a different idea of a dog,
in spite of the fact that they are using the same word. One person thinks of a
small poodle, another of a large one. Someone thinks of a German shepherd
and another thinks of a St. Bernard or a mongrel.
Even though everyone has used the word dog, everyone has a different idea of
This fact is very important when you are talking to someone. Never assume
that they associate the words the same you do.
Therefore, find out what significance people to whom you relate, give to the
words which you use.
No matter how different their ideas might be from yours, never judge, instead
respect them because their point of view stems from their lives experiences.
Acknowledge every person with respect and care (notice how easily these
two words can be seen as being the same whereas I, of course, mean two
different things do you see?).
Never try to convince anyone, instead ask yourself what you can learn from
him. This attitude will automatically find expression in the friendliness of
your way of speaking and the patience of your nature.


here was once a man who enjoyed fishing in his spare time he also did

not care much about the meaning of life. Therefore he did not care that
the fish died to satisfy his pastime.
One day according to the classical example found in many fairy tales he
caught a very big fish. The fish spoke to him: If you free me I will fulfill
your most ardent wish!
I wish to be incredibly rich, said the man immediately. All right, it is
fulfilled, the fish replied. There is a table at your house. If you open the
drawer of this table three times in a row it will be filled with money after the
third time. The fish went on, However, your wish will be granted on two
conditions. First, dont forget me, and second, find out who I am! The fish
disappeared and the fisherman went home totally happy. He found the table
and opened the drawer three times and after the third time found it completely
filled with money.
This is how he became a rich man. He bought houses and properties. He had
many employees. He married and had several children.
The more time passed by and the richer he became, the more he forgot about
the fish and the question of who he was.
In the beginning of his wealthy period the two conditions were sometimes
still on his mind. Later he tended actually to become angry simply by the
thought of the fish. He thought it was presumptuous and self-justifying.
Actually quite annoying what this fish expected from me, the man would
Time went on and he needed more and more money to pay for all his wishes.
He was a very rich man with corresponding commitments.
One day an earthquake destroyed all his belongings, including the wonder
table. He was left with only his bare life. He wandered across his properties
with a confused mind and finally fell to the ground and slept. The fish
appeared in his dream and said: You have totally forgotten me and my
conditions. You only lived for your own interests and even thought I was
being selfish because I imposed the condition on you to remember me. You
fool. I gave these conditions to you as additional gifts. You would have been
safe as long as you had thought about me. And if you had investigated further
you would have found out that I could only be your creator, the one who gave
and gives you everything.
Now you have lost everything. You have taken a detour. Detours can be

shortcuts if you learn through them. If I see your suffering and your sincere
intentions, I am full of bliss for you ...


ook at the wind and how easily it blows across the world.

Nothing ties it, nothing holds it. It streams past whatever is motionless
smoothly. Sometimes very softly, sometimes very strongly.
Sometimes it will take something along. For a short time. However, in the end
it lets go of everything.
In the long run it takes nothing with itself. It ties nothing to itself. The wind is
free and yet helpful for all and necessary for the survival of the world.
Today you have your Christian name.
When will I be able to call you wind and you will look at Me and come?


ountless people who are seeking help come to Me. Seeking help in

some cases is not the correct term. They are not looking for help, rather
they are looking for someone who will do everything for them, solve all
problems and take all responsibility.
It is My task to help you so that you may help yourself. I am not a self-serve
shop for those who are lazy or want to reach the goal without making an
I offer you the highest goals: Sat, Chit, Ananda being, consciousness, bliss.
What do you have to offer Me?
Discipline, industriousness, virtue, love and trust. If you apply these and
count on Me you can still reach the highest goal in this life.
It is entirely in your hands, not in your lap.


elf-esteem is the salt of life.

There are various flavors life should have in order for it to be well
spiced. Of these self-esteem is the most important. Salt can turn a bland dish
into a tasty meal.
The effect of self-esteem is similar. Today most people suffer from all kinds
of mental difficulties because they lack self-esteem or self-worth.
A strong feeling of self-worth is the best remedy against mental problems.
What creates this most important self-esteem?
The experiences of several lives.
You must learn through experience that everything has a meaning and that
God is on your side. Then nothing can upset you.
Since this means dealing with your self-esteem this inevitably means dealing
with the Self, i.e., the God in you.
This God can only be found by each individual for himself.
God can give directions, God can console and ease the path.
But you must walk the path.
Therefore, search for God in your immediate environment, especially in
nature. Recognize how everything in nature serves selflessly. Through nature
find yourself, i.e., your inner self and from there move on to serving others.
Ask God for guidance and you will surely find the shrine in your heart in
which your Self and therefore your self-esteem shines.


verything has its time.

There are times in which you must be active and others when you
should rest.
There are times in which you should go and others when you must stay
seated. It is the same with learning and acting, speaking and remaining silent,
eating and fasting.
The right balance is Dharma, righteousness, the essence of life.
A wise person knows this balance. He has a feeling for things because he has
come to know himself.
A wise person is wise because he is able to wait just as he is able to remain
He observes the things around him with great interest. He acts only when he
knows that the right time has come. That is the secret of his success.
Learn patience. Dont act simply because you cant wait.
You can also tell that you are impatient by the fact that on the one hand you
talk too much and on the other hand remain silent when you should talk.
Learn to fast. Fasting does not just relate to the taking in of food
Fasting is a process of cleansing and strengthening by avoiding the intake of
food. It is particularly through food that you receive many energies that create
strain and restlessness not the best prerequisites to achieving patience.
If you need to make a decision, for example, sit in front of your altar at home
and ask for inner guidance. Visualize the situation you will get involved in.
Imagine how everything will develop and offer it to God (re: 7th of January).
Perhaps you will not be able to let yourself go with the flow of things when
you practice this initially.
Continue practising. Try to find your mistakes. Find the right time for you
and your environment. Put yourself into the flow of events and you will be


he body is a very precious possession. Care for it and look after it. Keep

it clean inside and outside. This means: dont eat foods which pollute
you, for example, meat, fish, refined flower, sugar and so on.
Repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and sing the GayatriMantra (see appendix).
Keep your body clean on the outside by washing it regularly and dressing it in
proper clothes.
The things that today are done to the body, mainly in the West, are often
shocking. People work with machines and weights for hours and torture
themselves and their bodies just to add or keep another rounded muscle.
Or they practice sports which have been proven to be unhealthy just because
they are trendy or are said to be fun.
Everything which is fun and harms your body at the same time is an addiction
and should be treated as such.
Bodybuilding, as those activities I referred to earlier are called, makes
muscles increase in size.
If it is done in excess it stiffens the body. Energy does not flow any more. The
body is no longer a wonderful tool with which you can do all sorts of things,
but it is a cage packed with muscles with you locked inside.
What do you need all these muscles for? Are you a work horse?
Care for your body. Practice exercises which support its liveliness. Be
assured: half an hour of meditation (re: 25th of July) twice per day would help
you and your body more than these so-called exercises which are being
practised and promoted today. They also dont do their promoters any good,
and I feel the golden noses, that their profit has given them, dont suit them


irtue is always the best protection. Without virtue success cant last.

If you think you have examples of the contrary then be assured that you
are being blinded by illusion.
I know the hearts of people and the consequences they get entangled in and
therefore I repeat, Without virtue, no success. This is not different in
marriage. Without love, fidelity, truth, care, patience and sacrifice there
cannot be any happiness here, either. Arguing is very common in most
marriages today. Despite the fact that there are even instructions in how to
argue correctly, I tell you that arguing is wrong.
During arguments it is easy to inflict deep wounds, therefore one should not
use this means carelessly.
Of course, some people need to argue. I know that. However, they need to
know that this should not be a permanent state. It should be a transition to a
more loving way.
Marriages depend on clarifications. Without clarifications every relationship
will decay.
It therefore must be your aim to learn to clarify without the need to argue.
This is the path of love which leads to peace.


our life is filled with aggression to the extent that you dont even think

about the danger of aggressive feelings.

In the West these are almost as widespread as the air you breathe. This is a
clear sign how low your culture, your morals and your ethics have come. I
blame mainly the film industry, and television in particular, for this
catastrophic development.
Filmmakers want to make money. What is the easiest way to make money?
By addressing the animal tendencies in mankind. That is why unworthy
sexual behavior and terrible aggressions were slowly but surely declared
acceptable topics.
This negative development was done so carefully that hardly anyone noticed
his soul being polluted and what enormous danger he was exposing himself
If you are experiencing lots of aggressiveness, work on those aggressions so
that they may lose their control over you. Always keep in mind that it must be
your goal to live entirely without aggression: in peace with yourself and
therefore with your fellow man and your environment.
See and respect God in everything and in all people, repeat His name (re: 27th
of February), and you will feel how your life changes. Happiness and peace
will enter you, and you will experience the unity of creation more and more.
This is peace. This is bliss. This is the fulfillment of your life which you have
been searching for unsuccessfully long enough, somewhere else.


uring summer when it is hot, you long for a cool spot and appreciate

every refreshment.
During winter when it is cold, and ice and snow take the country in their grip,
you think about the warmth of summer and then forget how you longed for
the coolness of winter.
What I am describing here is a very important mirror image of your behavior.
People always long particularly for what they dont have. They rarely
appreciate what they do have.
This behavior first creates discontent and finally unhappiness.
Enjoy every day. Recognize it and everything that you experience as a
miracle. Look at everything that happens as if it were made just for you. Be
Be thankful, happy and contented that is the best you can do for yourself,
your environment and the whole world. Enjoy it when you perspire.
Enjoy it when you are freezing. Enjoy being alone. Enjoy having company.
Enjoy having difficulties.
Always know that everything is God and that God constantly responds to you.
Do you understand? God comes toward you!
How often do I need to repeat it before you finally believe it, see it, feel it?


leanliness is divine.

Tidiness is bliss.
Keep your environment clean and tidy, this is crucial for your inner and outer
Plan for days of the week in which you clean and tidy up your home. This is
very important.
Did you know that disorder drains energy?
One untidy drawer drains approximately one quarter of an hour of energy of
one day. One closet between half an hour and one hour, an untidy flat or
house leaves hardly any energy at all.
Disorder creates depression. Dirt creates disease. Therefore be tidy and clean.
Think of animals and plants around you and how many of them are clean or
even have a wonderful fragrance.
Keep clean inside, too.
On the bodily level this can be done, by being satwic, i.e., speaking and
eating in a harmonious way, and, for example, fasting for one day of the
And on the spiritual level by repeating the name of the Lord (re: 27th of
February), reciting the Gayatri-Mantra (see appendix) and meditating (re:
25th of July).
If you follow these inner and outer cleansing methods you will easily be able
to cut out all stimulants like tea and coffee entirely because you will be full of


here are no failures in life. There is only the question of whether you can

draw helpful conclusions from what you have experienced or not.

Your mind is your destiny. The mind judges. The mind differentiates between
good and bad, helpful or harmful.
Therefore, focus the mind on God so that you may benefit from everything
that happens to you in the best way.
With My teachings and My love in your heart, nothing serious can happen to
you on earth.
The essence of everything is the meaning, because everything has a meaning.
There is nothing on earth without a meaning, the same way as nothing
happens to you without meaning.
If you believe in coincidences or in meaningless events, then this only shows
how little you understand about life. Dont be fooled by the fact that some
things develop differently than you thought they would. Firstly, this is for
your best, and secondly, it is a good opportunity to find out what deeper
meaning there might be.
Instead of thinking about meaningless and useless things as you often tend
to do focus your mind: think about God and try to find Him and the effect
of His actions in everything that happens to you, within you and around you.
This can turn even the most trite things into the most meaningful ones.


ou meditate daily (re: 25th of July), you repeat the name of the Lord (re:

27th of February), and yet you have the feeling that nothing is changing
for you.
Do you actually believe that things can change? Just a little story about that:
Once upon a time there was a little boy who loved turtle doves. He bagged his
parents until they finally gave him a pair.
He was very happy. Every free minute he had he sat in front of the big loft
and, full of happiness, looked at his turtle doves.
Then they built a nest. The little boy was beside himself, he was so happy: he
dreamt that they would breed and soon he would have more turtle doves to
watch and admire. Every time he came to the loft he looked into the nest to
see if he could find an egg.
One day there were two eggs there. The boy thought: Soon I will have two
more beautiful turtle doves. Once they have grown up they will breed, too he
went on dreaming. I will soon have six, then eight, ten, twelve a whole
turtle dove colony, which will happily live in a very big cage filled with
beautiful bushes.
The days went by.
He continuously checked the nest to see what had happened in the meantime.
He did not notice that he was creating so much disturbance that he prevented
the turtle doves from breeding and that the eggs could not hatch because of
the irregular breeding.
Learn a lesson from this little boy who did not know better. Have faith that
everything will take its flow.
You dont need to look, check, compare constantly. Trust that the divinity
you are connected to will automatically lead you to where you need to come
Have faith, be happy, and many, many wonderful turtle doves will decorate
your sky.


ankind today has countless fears. They fear this and are concerned

about that.
Fears are a warning signal you should take seriously. If you are afraid then
you need to ask yourself what you are doing wrong.
Desires create fear and grief. Reduce your desires and your fears will
Be careful about what you eat. People who eat meat develop fears. Firstly you
absorb the fears of the animals with the meat. Secondly you develop
aggressive tendencies within yourself which also create fears whether you
notice it or not.
You cannot inflict so much suffering on the animal world and expect not to be
effected. The universe is one unit. If you behave wrongly this will inevitably
come back to you.
Love animals and you will also find love for yourself. Love guarantees
happiness and a deep feeling of security. Love is the best way to find inner


ou often wrangle that there is so much suffering in the world. You keep

asking yourself why I created the world in a way that there would be so
much suffering.
You misunderstand the suffering. Firstly, suffering is necessary in order for
you to grow. Without suffering there is no growth. People think the happiness
they find in the outer world is their friend. Instead, they should be very
critical of it. Lots of happiness in the outer world makes you sluggish,
egoistic and dull. Suffering opens the heart and teaches you humility and deep
Also, suffering always emerges where love does not flow. People who suffer
have something to learn. The whole purpose of life is to learn to love. Life
has no other meaning.
Love is life and to live is love. Not loving means not living. Suffering is the
midwife who introduces you to life.
But always remember: these words are meant to help you understand your
own suffering, not to judge others because of theirs. Condemning means not
to love, which means not to live.


here can you find God?

The correct answer is: in your heart.

But what should you do, if you cant find Him there?
Then search for Him in your partner.
If you cant find Him there, look for Him in your children. If you still cant
find Him there, there is no easy solution for you.
You are ill, and one of many who today cant find the path to liberation
through their marriages or through their children.
Believe Me, the path you often choose today, i.e., to leave your partner and to
battle your way through alone or with your children, is in most cases the
wrong solution for you and the children.
Flee from your partner only in the most extreme situation of distress. Try to
learn the lessons he is presenting you with, if you can bear it.
Children need both father and mother. With only one of them, it is like going
through life with only one arm and one leg.
Find your children. Find your partner. Then you will find yourself. Then you
will find God.


he sensitive French mathematician and philosopher Pascal spoke of the

logique du coeur, the logic of the heart. He fully understood what life
is about.
All mathematics, all analytical thinking, lead nowhere if you are not living
from the heart.
Analyse the world. Analyse the circumstances around you. Analyse and
examine God, too. Then, make a decision by giving up thinking. Make the
logic of the heart your first priority in life.
Without love your life is a desert. You may count and analyse exactly how
many million grains of sand there might be in this desert, in which you will
die of thirst if you dont find an oasis.
The oasis is love. Love creates life. Love provides growth. Love lets things
blossom. Love nourishes. Love sustains. Love lets things prosper.
Dont think about the sand. Dont analyse the desert. Even the most perfect
analysis of sand does not provide you with water. Instead come to the oasis
and drink.


appiness, cheerfulness and contentedness result from the connection to

This sentence has a far-reaching meaning, which is why I want to expand on
All happiness you experience comes from God, from the Atman. What you
continue to believe, i.e., that the world brings happiness, is a total illusion
which Maya (outer world, illusion) creates.
All feelings are within you. Nothing new comes in or goes out. The things you
experience simply activate feelings which are already inherent in you. You
experience joy or grief because what you have experienced on the outside
touches these feelings.
That is why I keep saying that you must cleanse your feelings. If you dont
have grief, pain, hatred and anger in you then they cant be activated.
Remember: you are God, you are the Atman. Happiness and bliss are part of
your nature.
The phrase happiness, cheerfulness and contentedness result from the
connection to God therefore also means that you should be very critical
about which friends you open up to and share your time with.
God is not only happiness, cheerfulness and love. God is also ethics, because
ethics protect you from damage.
Therefore stick with the divine order. Respect your neighbor as you respect
yourself. Love yourself and your neighbor in the same way, and you will find
the happiness you have always searched for.
A soft, fine, bright light. The fragrant flower of your heart.


othing weakens you more than ignorance. A heart attack, cancer or the

loss of a leg combined are not as terrible as ignorance. It is as dangerous

as a hungry crocodile. If you do nothing about it and fail to make every effort
to ban it from your life, it will sooner or later ruin you.
All suffering, all disappointments, all pain can be blamed on this terrible
No external enemy can be as dangerous to you as ignorance, which you
because of ignorance are even empowering.
You are empowering ignorance by telling yourself you are knowledgeable,
even omniscient, powerful and superior to all others.
Aided by this illusion, ignorance can play its deadly game with you and make
you fail.
Ignorance and catastrophe go together like water and humidity, fire and
warmth. There is no escape.
Beware of ignorance. Pray for knowledge. Chant the Gayatri-Mantra (see
appendix), repeat the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and meditate
(re: 25th of July). Dont confuse worldly knowledge like natural sciences with
the kind of knowledge I am referring to here.
The knowledge I am speaking about is the answer to the question, who are
you, where have you come from, and where are you going. You are free if
you have found the answers to these questions and really embedded them into
your soul. Ignorance can never again reach you.


ou have chosen the spiritual path and now expect that everything will

It is not at all like that.
First of all you must accept that the spiritual path is much more difficult than
the worldly one. However, in the long run it becomes easier and easier.
The worldly path is exactly the opposite. In the beginning everything is easy
and as time goes by things keep becoming more difficult.
The spiritual path has its dangers, too. The big danger here is your ego.
The more progress you make spiritually, the more your ego feels endangered
and comes up with all kinds of things to avoid the loss of power.
The more you grow, the more dangerous this threat becomes. This danger
cannot be taken seriously enough as it has brought down even some of the
highest Yogis.
Therefore, find a teacher, of whom you know that he not only knows all the
cliffs but has also successfully mastered them and therefore can guide you.
Otherwise ask God Himself for guidance. He will surely take you by the hand
and guide you past all those cliffs.
He is the safest guide, as the path itself must obey His orders and help you to
realize His grace.


hy should you think positively and not worry?

Arent pessimists much more successful than optimists?

It would seem to be so.
Pessimists are always right. If they fail in something, they can be happy
simply because they were right with their negative predictions.
If they are successful, they are still happy, despite the fact that they had
predicted failure, because they benefit from the outcome.
Optimists, however, seem to be poor fools. If they fail they are not only
disappointed but also have to bear the fact that they were so convinced things
would work out.
In other words: they carry an enormous risk.
Looking at it this way, one should ask why there are not many, many more
It is because pessimism is contrary to life.
God is the ultimate optimist. He is always right when He says that everything
will turn out for the best in the end.
He has been watching the development of the world for ages and has always
been right: it is developing strictly according to His plan.
This means that the unconsciously embedded divine plan in the core of every
being is being unwrapped more and more, year by year, day by day, second
by second. Its brightness is increasing at the same time. The success of the
optimists is also increasing. In other words; what can go wrong if God
Himself cares so much for the world and looks after it as if it were the apple
of his eye?
Everything will turn out of the best, the Lord guarantees that. Therefore let go
of your fears. Your strength and your success lie in your faith and your trust.
Imagine that you spend your day with God at your side. Hold His hand
tightly, despite the continuous changes of life. Trust that He wants only the
best for you, and that you will experience His bliss immediately.


he sun is setting. A day is ending. This happens every day.

You should consciously use the end of every day. Ask yourself what
new things you have experienced and what you have learned and found out.
Have you, for example, noticed more clearly today what a miracle your life
is? Did you feel how much love surrounds you?
Never, ever believe in the negative. In the long run, the negative has no power
at all. The negative things you experience are only there to show you what
you have still to learn in order to see and appreciate the good things around
The negative things are the measure of where you stand and what you need to
do. It has no other justification. If you are experiencing lots of negative
things, ask yourself what you need to learn.
How do you best learn? By seeing what you have and being contented!
See the light around you. See the unlimited love which you are embedded in.
See this more and more every day. Then, every day will show you its
meaning and what a gift it is.



any of you are living as if nothing were happening and as if nothing

would ever happened.

Cant you hear the cracking of the beams that support your sick living style?
Change your way of looking at things. Change your vocabulary. Change your
behavior. Big changes can be seen coming clearer and clearer.
There will be a time when there will be no turning back. This is the time
which the Bible refers to as sifting the chaff from the wheat.
I will execute this separation. I will appear as the judge of the entire universe.
I will eradicate those who undermine or fight against the divine order.
The disorder will be erased and the new order will emerge like glistening
Change your way today! Turn toward the Lord, as there is no other way.


have come to show you the way to God. This way is the way of love.

It therefore includes all living beings.

The Kali-Yuga is the age of violence.
Today there are many forms of violence. Wars are the most obvious.
Fighting, theft, murder, rape and arguing, envy, resentment and many more
are part of the daily routine.
It suits this age that lots of meat is being eaten. Eating meat is violence as
well. People who eat meat have others slaughter for them. Those eating are
subject to the same karma as the butcher.
However, there are also more hidden forms of violence, like, for example,
superficial friendliness, which is meant to hide underlying aggressions.
Hypocrisy is also a form of violence because it is meant to show others;
Look, how far I have come ... and you are still down there!
There is also a form of violence, which captures easily todays spiritual
aspirants: they focus totally on God and thereby overlook and dont care
about anyone and anything around them.
This is the reversal of reality. To love God and at the same time ignore ones
neighbor is just as bad as standing in front of a king, telling him how much
one admires him with the most beautiful words, while hitting him with a stick
the same time.
The king will surely not listen to the praise for long.
Therefore, watch how others react to you. You should not make yourself
dependent on them, but also you should not ignore them. Stay balanced.
Listen without becoming attached. Appreciate your neighbor as your mirror
without expecting their confirmation.
Free yourself, but always remember that only love can really free you.
Apart from love there is only illusion.
Illusion is always after attachment and involvement.


n your culture the term Avatar God in the form of man does not exist

because you did not require it in earlier times.

People can only form concepts about things and beings which exist and with
which they have dealings.
Avatars are not born in Western countries, only in India.
Because of todays communication and transportation, and the desire of the
Avatar to manifest Himself worldwide, the term and its underlying meaning
have spread over the entire world.
The Avatar, or to use your language God Himself, comes to the world to
save it from the threatening danger of its destruction.
God is honoring a promise He made in the beginning of creation: He will save
the world from evil.
God has always honored His word and will continue to do so into the most
distant future.
Why am I telling you all this today? I want you to be active on the outside.
Fulfill your duties with love and responsibility.
Lean back inside: why should you worry if God Himself promises that He
will always protect you and even come to the world to save you?
Consciously take these words in and let them fill you entirely with divine


pirituality is widespread today. That makes Me happy, because spiritual-

ity is the only possible and real path.

What I dont like however, are the many theories, that have nothing to do
with this path, yet have been mixed into it.
In other words: questions about spirituality are being discussed with so little
distinction that it literally invites misunderstandings.
One example of this is the statement that you yourself have chosen your life
and its circumstances. This is wrong, as it is not you who chooses your life, it
is God who gives it to you according to your karma.
Claiming there is nothing that is bad and that all negativity depends on ones
state of consciousness creates another misunderstanding.
In other words: if you were at a higher level of consciousness you would not
experience the things you today feel are negative as negative.
This theory is sometimes taken another step further. It then actually says that
there is nothing evil at all, only necessary steps in development.
This statement must be clearly differentiated, otherwise it is very dangerous.
Firstly, there is of course nothing evil at Gods level. Here, everything is
light, everything is God, everything is one. At Gods level there is also no
The duality of me and you, inside and outside, light and dark, good and bad
dominate the human world.
Of course there is evil at this level. However, you should remember one
thing: the difference between good and bad is almost solely the intention.
Someone could, for example, kill a pig to relieve it from pain.
Another does the same, but this time not to help the pig, but to eat it.
One time the action is good, another time it is bad.
There are people with very bad intentions. That is why Rama and Krishna
came to save the world from them. And it is for the same reason that the
Avatars have come and are coming in this century.
The fact that there is only good at a higher level is an important indication
for you: be careful with your opinions, check your intentions, as you will
always be confronted with the consequences of your actions.
You will be cleansed from evil until you become light enough, bright enough,
that you can forever stay where there really is no evil.
There is only good in heaven because there are guards who keep evil away.
That is why it stays attached to duality. If you tied to duality, the good and the

bad will remain your kingdom until Gods blessing frees you.


would like to talk about autumn today. Not to put it in evidence by

talking about it, but to train your vision.

The fixed setting of the seasons is correct from a scientific point of view, but
looking at it from lifes point of view it often seems arbitrary.
Life is pulsating movement, which does not fit into fixed rules. In some cases,
living beings, who are somewhat outside of the norm because they are
particularly beautiful, strong or clever have the greatest opportunities to
Autumn starts this month and that means nature is preparing for its resting
period. How does it do it? It blossoms again in multiple colors.
Go outside into nature during this time and enjoy its splendor and the colors
which fit together most harmoniously.
Nature enters its resting period and blossoms in joy.
Take a lesson from this. You too, should withdraw in joy from the juicy
summer life and turn within. Celebrate your focus on your heart, your inner
light, like a great event. Be happy that you have reached this point. This also
means: be happy that you are aging. Dont let your head hang; blossom!
Nature teaches you all this. Go to nature, go to it, and through it to yourself
and inside yourself.
Find this splendid play of colors inside yourself and know that you have
reached the goal.


rotagoras, the Greek, created the Homo-Mensura-Saying which says

that man is the measure of all things.

This statement found its peak in German idealism and also particularly in
Marxism was unable to function for a number of reasons. Firstly, Marx was
not a particularly knowledgeable and loving person, both are bad
prerequisites to call a helpful idea into life.
Secondly, there was no room for God in Marxism. In addition, the dictates of
force with brutality and extreme contempt for mankind were enforced in all
the states in which this ideology was allegedly being tested.
The statement man is the measure of all things is wrong because not man
but God is the measure.
A person who considers himself to be only human, is losing himself rather
than seeing or finding himself.
Marxism produced ample examples of this.
Think of yourself as God and you are much, much closer to your goal. You
are then also protected against all mindless acts of godless people.
God does not allow you to think of Him and at the same time not adhere to
his order obeying His order.
By repeating the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February) and keeping His
image in mind, you not only extinguish negative karma but also create
positive karma for the future.
This is the true measure.


any Hindus ask God Ganesha for assistance when they undertake

something. Ganesha has a human body and an elephant head. In

addition he has four, sometimes six hands. In one he holds one of his tusks, in
the other a hatchet, a rope in the third and a bowl of rice in the fourth.
What does all this mean?
The elephant head delivers the explanation. The elephant can pick up small
and large things with its trunk. The trunk therefore is the symbol for thinking,
as you are able to move, i.e., analyse, the smallest but also the largest things
with your thoughts.
The broken tusk symbolizes the victory of duality, for example of God and
the world. It is pointing out to us, the truth that everything is one.
The hatchet is there to cut the ties which bind you to the world. With the rope,
God ties you to Him.
The bowl of rice symbolizes the complete nourishment you receive from God
on all levels which leads you to God.
Therefore God Ganesha expresses the following: Free yourself from your
attachments. Stick to God and His orders. Overcome the duality of you and I,
mine and yours. Come close to God and your actions will be successful
because your thinking will be led by the right leader.
This leads to another attribute of Ganesha: often a mouse which he controls is
displayed below him.
The mouse is the symbol of desires and it is well known that desires multiply
just as quickly as mice do.
You will be successful if you control your desires. If you ride your desires
instead of them riding you, you can afford a fat belly like Ganesha filled
with peace and contentedness.


t is correct that the so-called industrialized countries are using their power

to build wealth for themselves while creating poverty and misery for the
weaker countries.
Whenever two people have difficulties with each other, it is almost never the
case that one of them is to blame entirely while the other is totally innocent.
India is a country in the so-called third world. In many regards India is a
developing country or a colonial state. The British are also responsible for the
difficulties today. Debits and credits are pretty well balanced for them: they
have taken a lot, but also given a lot.
The main responsibility lies with the Indians and their leaders. The people,
i.e. the intellectual, the spiritual and the political leaders have almost entirely
forgotten or manipulated the old knowledge. Only fractions of the wonderful
treasure of Indian theology and philosophy remain.
This is the reason for Indias weakness and the reason for the weakness of
any other country.
Power is transient. Only the spirit through which Gods breath streams
survives hundreds and thousands of years, just as in the case of India.
This breath manifests itself in the form of Prema, love, Dharma,
righteousness, Sathya, truth, Shanti, peace and Ahimsa, nonviolence.
Everything else is just hollow illusion, which never lasts.


hen I created the world, I also fixed the plan of its development.

Humans have free will. Therefore they can do whatever they wish,
within given limits.
Because of this free will, I must constantly change the execution of My plan. I
must adjust it to the circumstances you are creating.
The goal remains unchanged: not a single soul gets lost.
Have faith that you will be saved. My love for you is unbreakable. No power
in this world could keep Me from standing by you.
You are blessed.
Right from the beginning.


ever work just for the money. People who work only for the money lose

Shanti, their inner peace, Sathya, truth, Dharma, righteousness, Prema,

love and eventually also Ahimsa, nonviolence.
Even when you are in extreme distress and really need to work in order to
secure a living, do not accept unethical jobs and dont work only for the
money. Always try to find a meaning in your work. Search for a way that will
make you enjoy doing it, otherwise you lose yourself.
If you have a choice, look for a job in which you can do some good for the
community and in which and by which you live.
Dont just work in your job, also work on yourself in order to enjoy more and
more what you need to do.
Do not focus on the fruit of your actions. Imagine that God is acting through
you and that you are doing his work by serving the community in which you
Offer all your actions to Him (re: 7th of January) and ask Him to guide you
and to accept the fruits and the consequences of your actions.
Thank God for His guidance and bliss at the end of your work.
Be assured: if you offer your work to God in this way, He will bless it and
give you happiness and fulfillment.


any things are quite different in reality than they might appear to you.

You think some types of food are good for you whereas they really
harm you.
You think that some forms of conversation are good for you because they are
entertaining. I know that they actually harm you.
Likewise with your body. You think a beautiful body is a gift, a less
appealing one a challenge or even a burden.
I say exactly the opposite: a beautiful body is mostly a challenge, in many
cases even a burden. A not so beautiful one is a gift.
Why do I say that? Because I see how many people become entangled
because of their bodies every day.
Beautiful people have a far greater tendency for arrogance, cold feelings,
selfishness and egoism than less good-looking or even ugly people.
Mainly beautiful women, but also good-looking men, are more often subject
to disappointments. They are often seen because of their bodies, not because
of their souls. This makes them embittered and hard.
They may have the most beautiful bodies, but their souls are not being
nourished and are fading accordingly.
What happens when they age and they begin to lose what they feel is their
most important possession their physical beauty? This is when desperation
starts eating away at the soul.
Less attractive people have gone through this process when they still had
energy left and when they had more time left. Therefore they have this capital
to draw on when they are older.
Think about death. Think about the transient nature of your body and be
happy. Be as happy as if you had just barely avoided a great disaster. Be
happy because it has just worked out again. It was all just illusion. You will
not die. You are not your body.


elf-realization, that is realization of your Self, i.e., the divine in you,

Ego-realization also exists and is being marketed as self-realization.
Everyone is talking about this wrong self-realization.
What is the result? Relationships are destroyed, families broken. Society is on
the brink of ruin.
Good businessmen are continuing to preach so-called self-realization, because
they know exactly how to get to their fellow man: it is their laziness and their
tendency to be attracted by everything that is exciting and thrilling.
Beware of simple solutions, especially if you are required to pay lots of
money for them. They are all cheap, even if they cost a lot of money.
Life is not cheap. You have earned your current life through many, many
births and deaths. Human life is particularly difficult to achieve and therefore
it is a very special thing.
Dont stagnate in your development by avoiding tests which should help you
make progress.
Dont search for solutions by fleeing, rather analyse what it is you can change
within yourself.
Do you really want to realize yourself? Ask yourself if you are prepared to
give and how much. Check yourself. Are you really giving as much as you
If you can answer all these with a yes, ask yourself what it is you are giving.
These are the best answers to the question about true self-realization.


ife is full of changes. First happiness then grief, and after grief comes

Therefore be happy if you have to work hard for something. The joy you will
reap when you have completed it will be great.
Things that come easily will fade quickly. Things you really have to work
hard for, will provide lasting joy.
Stamina is the virtue everyone who strives for happiness should possess.
On the one hand happiness is a gift from Me to you. On the other hand it has
always been earned.
Always remember that the world is totally fair, when you are working hard.
No one receives things they have not earned either in this or in an earlier
The universe is materialized justice. Therefore it cant be any different.


hepherds use a so-called Judas Goat to lead the herd to the slaughter-

house. The herd remains there, whereas the Judas Goat goes free and is
rewarded. Then it leads the next herd to its death.
One day the Judas Goat will be old. What happens then? It is rewarded by
being slaughtered, too. A younger goat takes its place.
What does this example tell us? Beware of bad company, even if it seems
very promising. There may be many visible advantages, but one day you too
will surely be betrayed. Those who betray others will one day betray you.
Cheating just as lying, can quickly become habits which one hardly even
recognizes. Therefore dont trust people who harm others irrespective of
whether the victims are people or animals.
Try hard to be with and among good people. Rather stay alone than be in bad
company. As difficult as it might be initially, in the end, spending time with
good company always pays.
Your goal is the Absolute Good.


nce there was a woman who had a terrible husband. He did not care for

the family, he hit her and the children, he spent a large portion of his
income for alcohol and spent his free time in bad company.
The woman, however, was a great believer. She prayed a lot and in addition
did everything she could to make sure her children could, as far as possible,
grow up in a orderly and safe home.
The womans friends advised her that she should leave her husband. They
said an end to fear is better than fear without end.
The woman answered, No, he is my husband. God has given him to me. He
will know why. Maybe I was a man in my last life and treated him like he is
treating me now.
I think of my life as a learning process. If God permits my husband to hit
me, then He will know why. I will continue to discharge my duties, and pray
and wait.
And that is exactly what happened. She stayed firm with her belief that God
would help her when the time was right.
One day the man once again left a bar drunk and walked into the street and
was hit by a car.
He was seriously injured and was taken to hospital where he had to lie in bed
with a plaster cast for weeks. The woman came to visit him every day and
asked what he needed and helped wherever she could.
The man suffered heavily. This is how Gods mercy manifested itself,
because the man could see every day what a wonderful wife he had and how
lovingly she cared for him.
His heart opened and while crying in love and affection, he begged her for
pardon and promised he would change his life drastically.
He recovered and honored the promise he had made.
Just one more thing: you think this is a fairy tale. You are wrong. It is reality
that I have created, observed, heard and dictated.
Have faith in My mercy, be patient, pray for the things you wish to achieve,
and I will do everything to make it happen.
No fairy tale, but your reality.


lways remember that everything you see, hear and feel is like food.

It enters you and influences you.

Therefore be careful what enters you.
Dont listen to people who talk badly about others. Otherwise, you will
partake in their negative karma.
Dont socialize with people who blaspheme against God or have no respect
for holy or spiritual teachers.
If you frequent them, your destiny will become connected to theirs and you
will be harmed.
Beware of bad films, particularly those that spread aggressiveness, brutality,
irresponsible sexual behavior and immorality.
Whatever you see and hear can remain within you for years and influence
Therefore: see good, hear good, eat good, occupy your thinking with good
thoughts and your life will develop to a beauty you never would have thought


oday, many people have great fears and doubt themselves. This has to do

with this current age.

In other epochs these difficulties did not exist.
The cure for these problems lies as is almost always the case in understanding
and love. If you accept someone from your heart, with all his fears and
doubts, he will open his own heart, which will bring about great change.
Love is crucial in life. Not of less importance is the recognition of what the
underlying cause of a symptom is. Awareness means growth. Growth is all
this world is about.
With regard to fears and self-doubts, one needs to realize that the issue is an
ego problem. People who have these sorts of difficulties strongly identify
themselves with their egos and, despite the fact that they say they feel small
and helpless, they act superior to others. In addition, they are strongly
dependent on the opinions of others, which also comes from the ego.
Most importantly, being fearful means not to trust in God. Therefore these
people are tempted to do everything themselves, which again inflates the ego.
Make use of this knowledge that I am giving you. Never use it to judge
others, but only to learn yourself or to help others to carefully gain more
knowledge about them Selves. This will guarantee you My blessings.


ou think that food, drink and sexuality are important.

The things you will do to satisfy your desires for these! You are
accumulating lots of negative karma in doing so!
Who tells you that satisfying these urges is beneficial or that it will bring you
Who says that? Why do you believe in it so firmly?
Why dont you review your experiences in these fields and put them in
relation with your expectations of happiness.
If you are satisfied, then I ask you: how do you know this is the happiness
you are really looking for?
I tell you: the happiness you get by satisfying your urges is only a poor
imitation of the happiness you have experienced in the other world, the
happiness you are desperately searching for.
Therefore consider the following: by satisfying your urges you are only going
around in circles. You are completely entangled in Maya (outer world,
illusion). Thats all.
True happiness is inside you. It is I.
If you cant believe this, then be assured that you are still running in circles
and that it is My job to make you realize this with all My love.
That is what the Avatar has come to earth for.


he beginning of everything is crucial. In the beginning, you are setting

parameters for the whole thing, whatever it is.
The old Greeks used to say, He who has the beginning, has half already.
Therefore be careful with the beginning, because it determines the whole.
The beginning of a relationship is crucial. Dont be influenced by early
feelings or decisions; the consequences may follow you beyond one lifetime.
If you meet a person you like, take time lots of time.
Withdraw to pray and ask God to guide you, to protect you and to let you do
the right things.
He alone knows your path of life. He knows the yearning of your heart. He
alone can protect you from mistakes.
Search for silence and you will hear His voice within, which will guide you.
Therefore, children too should make contact with their inner voices so that
they may find the right guidance when it comes to such an important decision
as marriage.


rayer is one of the most important things you can do to benefit from your

stay on earth.
However, the primary focus of prayer is not that you receive something based
on your begging, but that you develop a stronger relationship with God.
All worldly gifts you receive through praying are nothing else but bait or
sweets to bring you in contact with the power of prayer.
This contact is structured into five levels:
First people do not pray at all.
Then they pray in emergencies.
Thirdly they pray more and more for others and themselves, whenever they
feel it could be good for themselves.
Fourthly they pray for others even if they themselves will not benefit from
that at all.
And finally, they pray only for others.
The step that follows cant really be counted as part of the previous steps.
This is when people dont pray anymore at all because they can make
decisions and act directly based on the power of their perfection.
Pray, pray, pray. This is the best exercise to practice the best virtues and to
achieve lasting proximity to God.


here is a time for everything, including sexuality.

Have you ever asked yourself why sexuality in most relationships slowly
fades with time?
Because it is supposed to fade!
You dont want to accept this, particularly in this age when you separate from
your long-standing partner just to rekindle your sexuality with someone else.
This is a sin, towards the abandoned partner and towards yourself.
What is a sin? A sin is foolishness, which is based on ignorance.
The fact that sexuality fades with time is a gift from God to mankind. It
should help you let go of the body more and more and to prepare for death.
The more you live your sexuality when you are old, the more you are
attaching yourself to the body and the more difficult you will find it to leave
Therefore the spiritual rule is to live in a so-called platonic relationship with
your partners consent from the age of sixty or sixty-five onward.
Combined with the repetition of the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February),
this is the best method to let go of the body slowly and to come closer and
closer to God.


keep emphasizing that you should not have so many desires. Desires are

not good for you because they bind you to the world and thereby to death
and rebirth.
The rule is, the more desires, the more ties.
Therefore, the question must be, How should you deal with the desires you
already have?
The answer is to look closely at them and ask yourself with every single one
of them if it is really important.
If you are in contact with your inner voice, then ask it if it would approve or
disapprove if you fulfilled one or another desire.
Do this with every desire. This will surely help you.
If you cant hear your inner voice, or just not clearly enough for you to have
faith in it, ask God for guidance.
Sit down in a quiet place and find peace. Repeat the name of God and wait for
an answer.
You will receive it within 20 minutes.
Always remember that you are not alone.
Have faith that I will help you.
Simply knowing this will take all the pressure from you. This will stabilize
you, and the outer world will not be able to influence you so much. This in
return will have a positive impact on your inner peace, which will result in a
decrease of your desires.
Desires and Shanti, inner peace, dont go together. Desires want to be
fulfilled; this creates turbulence.
Dont be pressured. Search for Shanti, make contact with Me and the problem
with your desires will develop to your advantage more and more.


ife has developed slowly. You have grown over a long period of time

through many, many lives. Gods love has made sure that you did not get
lost. Gods patience has created your space.
There is some merit in the saying a good thing takes time. This is cosmic
law. Things that will have value grow slowly, sometimes with great effort.
Only God can create and dissolve with one movement of the hand. You must
first reach God before you can change your life just as quickly.
Until then, patience is your teacher and time your tool.
Therefore be careful if someone or something promises a quick fix. There are
no quick fixes. Everything has its time. Whatever you save here, you will
need to spend somewhere else.
Always remember that patience should be the essence of your actions.
Patience is almost the entire success of your life. Patience and the knowledge
of when and how to act are the basis of Dharma, right conduct. Quick fixes
are meant to avoid patience dont they thereby avoid all success?
Take time when making decisions.
If someone is pressuring you, be suspicious. Who knows, they might actually
be more interested in their own success rather than yours.
To demonstrate carefulness and patience does not mean to become passive,
on the contrary.
In particular it means to act mainly inside and little on the outside. Then to
become active outside and inside after the decision has been made.
This means to act outside but still be in contact with the inside, because
success is based on Shanti, inner peace.


here are times in life when you think you are haunted by misfortune:

everything you touch goes wrong.

Believe Me, in the end there is no such thing as failure for people who are on
a spiritual path.
What I am saying may sound exaggerated and unrealistic, but it is simply the
I organize all things so that your path has no obstacles.
This is where the key to what I am saying lies: I am talking about your
spiritual development whereas you are thinking of your worldly success.
Your worldly success can not develop in a linear way. There are always some
drawbacks, unplanned incidences or surprises.
This is good because the ups and downs always bring you back in touch with
your inner self.
Your spiritual path can be linear.
Youre asking how this can be achieved?
By recognizing what is happening to you in the world by understanding the
lessons of life, putting into practice these lessons and not repeating the same
mistakes again.
If you live this way, your life will be a celebration in which every new event
is a new peak.
You dont believe this? You have the right not to, but that does not justify not
trying it!


any people from Europe or the USA are shocked when they come to

India and are confronted with the traffic: everyone is blowing their
horn, all are driving around like crazy. People pass when cars are coming
towards them, they approach intersections without caring about right-of-way
rules or rights other participants in traffic might have.
Driving through Bombay in a taxi is comparable to driving through hell.
Strangely enough, considering how wildly people drive, the number of
serious accidents is surprisingly low. Also, very few people are hurt. It hardly
ever happens that drivers shout at each other.
Why is that? Because all are required to think and feel.
If a driver in India wants to overtake, he blows his horn. If the driver of the
car in front of him can see the traffic ahead and sees that it is free, he signals
with his hand. If the process of passing takes too long, he, as well as the car
coming towards them, will slow down.
In the middle of this mess, all are cooperating, and helping each other.
In the West there are rules for everything. In Germany everything is
controlled. What happens? Everyone is simply concerned only about his own
If they are right and the other party is wrong, the other must pay. This kind
of heartlessness and brutality costs thousands of people their lives and even
more their health!
The right of the stronger person, the right of the one who has the law on his
side, is an ancient right. It does not surprise Me at all that drivers in the West
threaten each other with guns or even worse shoot at each other!
Keep away as far as possible from this way of thinking. Instead, see your
brother, your sister, your father or your mother in any other driver. Meet them
with love.
This is the best for your security and that of others and this will decrease the
number of accidents.
It is also the best way to end the terrible arguing that is going on in so many
streets around the world.
Offer each trip to God (re: 27th of February). Ask Him to direct your car.
Drive carefully. Leave in time. Drive slowly and you will arrive safely.


ou talk quite a bit about your health system or prevention of health.

Honestly, I cant see much of health at all. Your health system and its
underlying philosophy are ill. This is particularly obvious with doctors.
Many doctors behave as if they were a cross between bank directors and
butchers. Most of them are primarily motivated by money, reputation and the
fact that they need enough time for their leisure and their careers. Their
patients are the last on their list of priorities.
Sacrifice, service to their fellow man or even love can not be found here. It is
terrible that these people have power!
No wonder they work in hospitals and not in health clinics.
What is missing in most Western countries is love.
Particularly in Germany people think that performance can replace love.
This is just as silly as trying to bring a dead person back to life by talking
nicely to them!
Instead of trying to replace love with performance, doctors should realize that
disease indicates lack of love.
Ill persons need love, understanding and attention. Doctors will be able to
help their patients only if they understand this.
They need to understand that replacing love with technical knowledge is like
building an excellent gear box for a car while forgetting the engine.
Without love and contact with God there will be no healing, even if the
technical means are the most sophisticated ones. There is no healing, only
Doctors need to know this. The earlier the better, because they will have to
learn this.


odays date is made up of 27 and 9. Two plus seven equals nine. Nine

nine is eighteen. One plus eight is nine.
The sum of todays date equals twice the divine number nine.
The number nine symbolizes the divine, because even if it is multiplied many
times, its sum equals nine (9 x 8 = 72, 7 + 2 = 9, etc.).
I would like to draw your attention to something very special on this day:
many people think the earth is close to a major catastrophe. Things are bad
everywhere and they think that it is too late for any help.
The world is at a crucial point, that is true. On the other hand, the world has
never been blessed as much as it is currently. Many wonderful souls are on
earth to do good for the world, the people and the uplifting of consciousness.
This is a real gift to the world!
There has never before been a time when such an army of heavenly forces has
worked for all humanity or all beings.
You are therefore living in a unique time.
You have a wonderful chance that may never come again in this form.
Make use of this opportunity. Follow the teachings of holy persons. Never
doubt that I will help you.
Follow My instructions. Make use of the enormous spiritual power which is
currently on earth and you will achieve things you would have never thought


here is nothing you need to worry about.

The Golden Age is not just here in a figurative sense, it is literally at

your finger tips.
The time of fight, hate, envy and all other forms of wild egoism will end and
make room for worldwide peace, love and sacrifice.
Strictly speaking, the Golden Age is not at your fingertips, it is in your heart
just waiting to be lived.
You are the New Age. You are the great opportunity of this world; dont
underestimate yourself.
One of the most negative traits of the ego is that it leads to incorrect selfjudgement, which is always based more or less on an inferiority complex.
Find yourself. Find your worth by recognizing yourself.
The Golden Age is not based on the idea that conditions in the world change,
but that people change.
You are the Golden Age. You are the future you are searching for and that I
see and love.


he holy man, Socrates, defined and explained ethics in a wonderfully

simple and at the same time comprehensive way.

He simply said: He who knows what is good will do it!
Initially this quote totally makes sense. Looking at it closer though, what
seems wrong (e.g. why is someone not exercising even though he knows that
it is healthy?), in the end turns out to be a great wisdom.
In other words: the quote behaves in a way which is typical for deep
perceptions: you need to let it melt in your mouth in order to get the full
Socrates recognized both a worldly and a heavenly truth in his great
Evolution was created only for souls to develop from unconscious to
conscious action.
Archangels, for example, always act in line with divine law. That is all they
It is the same with the souls who come to earth. Babies are full of love, joy
and light. As time goes by and according to their karma and bad company
they learn how to commit sins. Just as the archangels they did not know what
is good, they just did it automatically. They were not even aware of good a
circumstance described also in the Bible by the image of Adam and Eve and
the apple. It is only in the world and through the world that souls learn to
differentiate consciously between good and evil and to live accordingly.
You see, this is the meaning of life so many are questioning and some are
searching for: to know good in a way that it is always striven for and
Everything else is only the path leading to this.
Socrates knew this, otherwise he could not have drunk from the poisonous
cup so calmly. He knew that it is not only important to live in truth, but that it
is also crucial to die in truth. He did just that. That is why his thoughts and his
actions still shine today.


ont be angry at least not that much!

The crucial equation for you is little anger = lots of happiness.

Anger is always home made.
Anger almost always results from disappointment. Disappointment comes
from wrong judgement of circumstances and expectations associated with
How often do you think of someone: they would not do that! and then they
do it! Or you think, Im sure they will do this! and they dont!
Expectations create hope. Unfulfilled expectations produce grief and anger.
Therefore, always see all other people as a mirror image of yourself.
Whatever you dislike about them is also inherent in you.
You either have the same deficiencies they do or you are at least similar to
them in that you are unable to assess them correctly.
If you cant assess others, you dont know yourself.
So, what is it that upsets most people? If someone who pretends to be
something he is not!
If he insists, this can almost drive people crazy.
And why is that so? Because most people have difficulties knowing who they
If you get angry with someone, immediately think that you can or must learn
something from him. Make use of the energy anger expresses and think about
what it is you should be learning.
If you do this, you will notice that in the end you can thank every person you
are angry with for the countless insights you have been given because this
particular mirror was held in front of you.



any people reject or even get angry about the idea that God watches

over all their actions. They either feel that their privacy is being
interfered with or they think that this is a fairy tale made to frighten them.
They are wrong. I am omnipresent and see and hear everything. Nothing is
overlooked, not even in the most remote corners of the world.
Your idea of God is completely wrong. His powers are so enormous that even
all the scientists of the world together could not grasp them.
I am the omnipotent, limitless ruler of all worlds. My word is not only a
command, it is action, i.e., creation.
However, My most noble trait is My love. This love is with you, always and
It is because of My love that I enjoy My omnipresence. My love always
guides Me to wherever you are. My omnipotence allows Me to guide and
protect you wherever you permit Me to.
You really cant say that I am interfering with your privacy, because
everything you think, say and do is totally put in my trust.
You should never forget: since the beginning of time, you and I are one.


exuality is the theme of this age.

Sexuality is such a big topic because your view of it is wrong.

You totally underestimate this divine energy. That is why you dont respect it.
People who dont respect sexuality will be destroyed by it in the long run.
This may sound histrionic, but it is simply the truth you dont like to hear.
Let Me tell you: you are inhibited when it comes to sexuality your excessive
hunger for sex is nothing but compensation.
You are inhibited because of your karma, you have had bad leaders and
teachers for centuries, who convinced you that sexuality is something
negative and bad.
Sexuality is a powerful, divine energy which one should enjoy. People who
fear sexual feelings have something to learn.
What they often need to learn is to open their hearts.
Changing partners is exactly the wrong thing here.
You should experience sexuality with yourself or with one single partner.
Offer it to God (re: 7th of January) and you will be blessed.
Masturbation is totally natural provided the fantasies are too.
Therefore be careful with your fantasies to avoid attachment to negative
things. Negative thoughts can quickly lead to negative actions.
This means: be true also in your fantasies.
Live according to the motto: one partner, one heart, one sexuality.
This will allow you to enjoy sexuality so that you might give it up entirely to
make room for other energies within you when you are 60 or 65 years old.
This sounds like a paradox, but it is not. Instead, it should indicate to you that
sexuality is not the ends but only the means.


ive your sexuality with your partner and be true to him.

Adultery always has catastrophic consequences, as does experiencing

your sexuality without the blessing and security of marriage.
AIDS was introduced to the world because your thinking is so dramatically
materialistic and you dont believe in mental or spiritual explanations.
It should teach you that the misuse of sexuality can be, deadly.
Always remember that people injure themselves mostly through their tongues,
that is verbally or sexually. Therefore always be careful to treat your partner
in a caring, loving and respectful way.
If you comply with this and live your sexuality with one person, then you will
be able to float on clouds of bliss.


any people misunderstand Me and think that I am fundamentally

against psycho therapy.

Merely the stereotype in that statement is contrary to My nature.
I therefore wish to clearly differentiate: I reject any form of therapy,
regardless of how successful it is, if it is not performed in conjunction with
ethics and spirituality.
Therapy without ethics is worse than no therapy. Therapy without spirituality
does not deliver lasting results and therefore makes the patient dependent on
his therapist.
I support therapy combined with ethics and spirituality as taught by the Vedas
already thousands of years ago. Because of their materialistic life style, it is
more difficult for Westerners than it is for people in the East to embark on a
spiritual path without running into mental problems.
Not because this is the nature of a spiritual path, but because existing
problems now come to the surface in the form of truth.
Care for your spiritual development. Care for your physical and mental
health. Beware of illusions. They ultimately lead to hard heartedness and
hinder you in your progress.
Seek professional help if you find that you are repeatedly pushed to the limit.
Ask Me for support and you will meet people who will teach you what you
need to learn.


pen your eyes with regards to rebirth.

If you dont recognize the cosmic laws that directly govern you, you can
never be satisfied on earth.
Particularly the teaching of rebirth can give you this satisfaction as it opens
your view to the endless love of God which you are part of.
The teaching of rebirth lets you understand that Gods plan enables you to
meet the people with whom you may fulfill your karma, i.e., learn something,
in many lives. This takes place under continuously changing circumstances in
many different locations.
Also consider that it is a function of the ego not to believe in rebirth. The ego
strongly rejects this thought as it correctly assumes that there is no rebirth for
The ego exists in one life and dissolves at the end of that life. Therefore the
ego cant believe in rebirth.
The Self, however, is not subject to death and creation. The Self is always
there. The Self knows of the many lives you have lived.
The closer you come to your Self, you inevitably make more contact with
your previous lives.
This is the plain truth about your existence. Use it to gain more clarity about
Never use it to accuse others of their blindness or their ego.
If you were to do this, you automatically would have no justification, as this
would show that your ego is greater than theirs.


reedom is an important concept in human life.

Man loves his freedom and does everything to maintain or even expand
However, in most cases what he thinks is his freedom is actually his prison.
To many people freedom means to be able to do whatever they like, i.e., to
satisfy their desires as quickly and as extensively as possible.
In other words: they want to be free in order to become slaves of their desires.
Desires tend to become self-sufficient and to multiply.
So-called freedom becomes less and less, the cage smaller and smaller. This
may sound like a paradox, but this is the way to more freedom.
Because of the increasing feeling of imprisonment you eventually feel that
you have gone out on a tangent. This process can take several lives. One day
you will long for true freedom.
You will then search for a deeper truth and find the divine law which says
that true freedom can be found by turning away from the worldly and by
devotion to God.
Simply finding this truth gives you more freedom.
You still arent free, as you still dont know who you are, where you have
come from and where you are going.
That is why in this period you live by laws others have set out.
You will only really be free when you eliminate the duality, the separation
between yourself and God. Only when you dissolve illusion and not only see
but also experience that you are the God by whose laws you live.


nowledge about the power of love is the path to true happiness.

Happiness is the true nature of mankind.

That is why man strives for knowledge.
If the search for knowledge is focused on the world, it slowly inflates not only
your thinking but also your ego. This eventually leads into a dead-end.
True knowledge is focused on God and is recognizable by the fact that you
know things from the heart. This type of knowledge is old fashioned today
and is hardly acknowledged by the established sciences.
This however is the only knowledge that leads to lasting success.
True knowledge is successful because it comes from one heart to another
heart. It hardly ever is rejected, because it knows, when, how and where to
Actions of the heart are not spectacular. On the contrary, they are
characterized by modesty.
So-called scientific knowledge loves sensations and makes use of every
opportunity to be conspicuous.
The knowledgeable person will see the weakness of knowledge expressed
particularly in this.
The more you are disconnected from your heart, the less useful is your
knowledge because it does not help you.
The human heart is the most valuable diamond in the world. Its purity is
strong enough to fill all other gems with light.
Love your heart. Love your love. Love all beings on earth and your life will
be pure bliss.


cience is the golden calf of the Kali Age.

In Biblical times, cattle were a symbol of wealth that were cared for and
even protected. Today, science and its associated technology have taken this
Science has freed you from the incursion of the churches. Science has
extended your life expectancy. Science has brought you wealth.
When I say you, I of course mean those people in the so-called
industrialized countries. The others pay the bill for your wealth and luxury.
One could even say you live by the motto: better to be beautiful, rich and
healthy than ugly, poor and ill.
You have wealth, the others have your rubbish.
These are the two faces of science which are typical for everything created by
Thinking is egotistical and egocentric in its nature. It thinks only about itself,
to a point where it totally overlooks all others.
That is why you all enjoy your wealth without being bothered by feelings of
On the contrary, the more you think about yourself, the better you can enjoy.
This result of your scientific revolution conflicts with the divine order.
Therefore it will not last.
The world, including its treasures, belongs to all. Sharing is the motto of the
new age.
Justice is the nature of God. This will let all flourish in love.
Appreciate every person as your brother or sister.
Start to help others wherever you can. Start today.
This is the best service you could do for others but also for yourself.


eople are asking what Gods task is. They wonder.

My task is very easy to describe: give, give, give.

I do not want anything from anyone or the world. I have no desires. I am free
of desires and completely happy.
Whatever difficulties I might have, would be that people are always trying to
understand Me.
There is nothing to understand about Me. I am Ananda Svarupa, embodiment
of blissfulness.
Come to Me. Experience My proximity. Let me open your heart and without
a single thought you will experience who I am.


hatever I desire will happen. No power can stop My will. No one can

fight and win against Me.

I can turn the sky into earth and earth into sky with one movement of My
hand. The entire universe rests in My hand.
Still, you have your own free will.
It is only really free when it is aimed at wanting and doing good. People who
do bad are not free, they are slaves of their false desires.
You are not free if you do good because you fear My punishment or the
punishment of the people. However, you are accumulating positive karma
with your actions. This will let you grow.
If you do good because your heart would not let you do otherwise, you are
free and particularly close to Me. You are free to desire, choose and do good.
This will free you from the chains that bind you to death and rebirth.


nce there was a woman who had a boyfriend, which is common among

you. She lived with him for a while and then separated.
Soon she had a new boyfriend. She lived a while with him too and then
This was repeated a few more times until she met a man whom she actually
was not interested in but because of her many relationships and separations
she was very vulnerable inside and thought she needed a man who would
comfort her. He seemed to be doing this, but otherwise, she did not really like
He comforted her and time passed.
She kept thinking about separating. That time, however, had passed. It was no
longer that easy for her to separate as it had been years ago.
Then she became pregnant. First she was in despair. Then she was resigned.
Finally she accepted her destiny. This man is good at comforting me, and
she needed plenty of comforting. Particularly now, that a family was created
and she still had not made up her mind and was unhappy.
This happens all the time. Once it is a woman, once it is a man. Often there
are both.
So, what does this story tell you?
Relationships are not there for testing. A relationship requires both a decision
and Gods blessings these two are inseparable!
Choose your first partner well. Think about it long and thoroughly. Ask God
for help.
Once you have thought about it well and have asked for blessings for your
decision, know that difficulties go with relationships just as salt goes with
Ask God for help when you get lost. Dont easily give up the decision you
have made.
You will see, it will bring you bliss as opposed to what the above mentioned
woman experienced.


irtue is the true core of life. Socrates, who was a wise man and I would

say a holy man, taught: He who knows good will do it.

He recognized the nature of life. You do wrong because of ignorance. You
think you might get something out of not complying or even acting against
divine law. This is wrong thinking which will create difficulties for you.
I have created the world in a way that those who act against My laws always
have a chance to learn. This is the meaning of karma.
Karma is like writing a business letter and asking your boss to correct it. If he
is a good boss, he will point out the mistakes which you must then correct
The law of karma is exactly the same. You make mistakes and later in this or
in another life are confronted with these mistakes again so that you may learn.
Karma is not some terrible institution, as some people think.
Karma is a very precise miracle which is solely aimed at making you change
your way of thinking.
So, what is it you need to learn? To act in a good way, because the entire
universe is penetrated by goodness and from the heart totally positive towards


arriage is very special. You should respect and protect it.

Marriage creates a framework within which man and woman

flourish and can develop. Marriage must be filled with love and security.
Marriage without love and security is like a plant without soil. With its roots
in the air it will soon die.
The alternative, which is very popular in the West, namely to live together
without being married, is very bad.
Man and woman should never live together without a clear promise and
Living together without the promise of marriage is like riding a wild horse: it
may go well. However, chances that it will not go well are extremely high.
The injuries involved with this are usually deep, in some cases very deep.
Trial relationships are a big mistake. If there is no love, a trial will not help
either. If there is love, simply saying that this is a trial is an offence.
Love always means security, commitment and the willingness to sacrifice.
Everything else is just wearing the coat of love.
One can see that this coat is just worn for camouflage, if it does not cover the
other think of the other.


f there is one thing that scourges mankind that is ignorance. It is easily

capable of turning the best ideas, the nicest words or the most perfect
achievements into catastrophes.
Of all the enemies man may have, ignorance is the worst. It is the cause of all
other negative traits like arrogance, hatred, envy, pride, dishonesty and many
Ignorance inflates your wrong idea of yourself. It makes you believe that you
are particularly clever, cunning and superior to all.
Ignorance does not care about virtue: it thinks that traits like modesty,
restraint, patience, intelligence and wisdom might be good for others, but are
obstacles for itself.
This is how you can recognize ignorance. It will encourage you to leave the
path of these important virtues. It makes you believe that you are superior to
all and therefore dont need to obey anyone or anything.
Remember that whenever you are tempted to think like this your greatest
enemy is working on you.
Say no to ignorance. Hold on to the path of knowledge and you will surely be
successful. I can always directly help you wherever there is knowledge or the
desire for knowledge.


our health is very important. Take care for your health. Your reap what

you sow. Are you trying to live an orderly life? Do you take care of your
food? Are you repeating the name of the Lord (re: 27th of February)?
These are all important factors to maintain and improve your health. Why?
Because together they create peace and harmony.
Shanti, inner peace, is the connection of the streams of life within your body.
Even though they flow and move, they do this in Shanti, in peace and
Shanti is the perfect connection of Yin and Yang. Shanti is the power that
keeps all diseases away from you or lets you cope with them easily.
Shanti is the condition when body, mind and soul are in harmony. That is why
Shanti is the best guarantee for good health. Bacteria or viruses dont make
you sick and medicine doesnt cure you. It is your mind in conjunction with
your inner peace or stress which creates disease or wellbeing. They are the
creators of your destiny, your health and your wellbeing.


ctors have a hard life, still so many people want to become actors! Many

are already!
Acting is the job in the Kali-Yuga age. Actors in this age can really let their
feelings go astray. They can live out their sensuality to their hearts content
and will even be paid and become famous for it.
What a great job!
But be careful! The world is not made in a way that allows you to live out
your primitive desires without care and be happy with that. This never works.
It has never worked and will never work.
This is the way it is today, too.
People are living out their feelings and urges without control and expect to be
happy. What do they get? Dissatisfaction, depression and bitterness the
typical diseases of this time!
Dont sell yourself for that low a price. Why do you noble person want to
play on such a cheap stage? Remember that all people are lords. You too.
Dont be fooled into playing cheap pranks.
Instead, play on My stage. Accept Me as director. I will remove your mask
and you will be surprised what a shining face you have. You, a prince on
Gods stage.


ou are living on low flame.

The kind of jokes that fit you are about an elephant and a mouse. The
elephant kept getting into trouble because he felt like a mouse but reality of
course kept knocking him back to the fact that he was an elephant.
You are not a mouse. You are also not an elephant. You are not just human.
You are the all-encompassing light which puts life into the entire cosmos.
You are omnipotent, you are omniscient. You are pure love.
Stop limiting yourself. Start to look for this light inside you, right now and
find it.
Dont rest until you have found it.
Thankfully accept every difficulty, as it is there only to strengthen you so that
you may bear more and more, and eventually grow into your very own
Dont be surprised about the many miracles holy persons and Avatars have
performed, you would be accepting them as unexplainable.
You yourself are the greatest miracle. You can perform these miracles, too.
The only real miracle today is possibly the fact that you are not doing it.
Why not?
Start saying, I am the light of the universe, I am omniscient power, I am allencompassing love several times a day, possibly out loud.
Repeat these sentences over and over again, and you will notice that you will
come to where you belong, to your source, your true meaning.


umans are surrounded by positive forces which help and protect them.

Also humans must fight many enemies. Illusions are among these
Countless people have lost all their belongings, their fortunes and health
simply because they have fallen for their illusions.
Therefore, always check if what you are thinking is correct.
Is it realistic? Is it helpful and beneficial only for you? Are you required to
step over many others, disappoint them or hurt them to reach your goal?
The more your actions are dominated by your personal interests, the more
likely you are to be following an illusion.
To enforce your will upon others, particularly people who are dependent on
you, who need you, who trust you or who are weak is always a path against
Never go down this path, it will surely not take you to the goal you are
dreaming of.
Give up your illusions. Limit yourself and find inner strength. Let the light
that connects you with all your fellow men be your main thread. You will find
everything, things that not even your greatest illusions could have imagined.


keep saying that the most crucial questions for mankind are: who am I?

Where have I come from? Where am I going?

The answer is: man is God on his way to realize that he is God.
This means: You are creating your destiny. You are not just a leaf in the wind
of life. You are the creator of your life.
People dont believe these answers. This is the entire problem. This is the
problem of this age.
Psychology has discovered the unconscious and has developed many methods
of healing based on this.
The unconscious is almost always considered as impetuous energy, the source
of problems or some magical potential.
At the same time, the unconscious is where divinity can be found within you.
The unconscious is not only a collection of impetuousness, indifference or
even disease, it is also the boundary where divinity touches the psychic and
physical forces of life.
The famous find yourself of the Delphi Oracle therefore means that you
should find God within and recognize him as your nature.
This is when you consciously realize that you are continuously creating your
destiny from your unconscious.


any people wonder today that it was common in the past to arrange

Almost no one today would accept any recommendations when it comes to
selecting a partner.
(Who would want to say anything anyway, with the number of partners
people have today!)
This only reflects the poor image you have of God.
Do you really think I would allow your karma to be worse than what you
deserve? Never!
You will always find your partner according to your karma, no matter which
circumstances there are whenever you are on earth.
I have created time. I created the circumstances, I created you.
What should keep Me from giving you what you deserve?


ntil recently there were two super powers which divided the world into

two halves: the capitalist and the communist blocks. Both were
convinced of the correctness of their view or their ideology that they did not
hesitate at all to enforce it with by all means, even the worst.
What was the difference between the two systems? Actually none. Both were
based on the exploitation of people. Both had striven for total power using the
most horrible means.
The early collapse of the communists was predetermined because they wanted
to establish a community without God. This is as absurd as planning a car
without an engine, a bicycle without wheels or a lake without water.
The communist leaders were particularly cruel. Those who do not fear God or
even love Him are prepared to do anything.
The capitalists still need to learn their lesson. They believe that money is the
comprehensible form of God.
They must learn that money is energy and therefore an excellent basis to
assess performance, involvement and abilities.
A community that is based on money alone will fail because of its lack of
The new order is coming. It is the order of the heart.
The guidelines for the coming world rule will be love, willingness to
sacrifice, understanding, happiness and contentedness.
Global consciousness will increase. The feeling of unity will become allencompassing.
The boldest dreams will come true.
God is this dream that will come true.
Therefore be happy if you are changing your way of thinking, if you are
changing inside out as that will be your ticket for the Golden Age.


uring these months that I am accompanying you day by day in the form

of this book, I keep repeating that your spiritual development is the

entire meaning of your life on earth.
It is your spirituality which determines whether your life is meaningful or
meaningless. If you focus mainly on the fulfillment of your worldly desires
and your goal and your endeavors become your occupation with the world,
you have more or less wasted your life.
You have become entangled in Maya (outer world, illusion), and it has
swallowed you. You can hardly say that you exist because you would have
difficulties explaining who you are and what your mission is, if at all.
If, however, you choose a spiritual path, you are still not safe from Mayas
clutches. It will be after you on all levels of your development and the risk of
falling is great.
Therefore, search for a strong and experienced guide who will lead you safely
because he has succeeded on this path himself.
If you cant seem to find such a guide, turn directly to God and ask Him for
guidance. He will surely guide you in fact He has promised this in all holy
books of this world.
If you have found a guide, check him out. Test him. Do as Vivekananda did
with his teacher Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He wanted to know if it is true
that Ramakrishna was allergic to money and therefore laid a coin under his
mattress. Ramakrishna could not sleep and was upset. When he found out that
Vivekananda was testing him, he was not angry, but happy instead. A good
student must test his teacher in the beginning.
Once the student has made a decision, he must obey the teachers instructions
and not put himself above him by deciding what to follow and what not. What
does he need a teacher for if he knows everything better anyway?
How should the teacher protect the student from his own ego under such
Devotional obedience is modesty, which is: the best protection on the spiritual


o you know why you have feet? To embark on pilgrimages to Gods

Do you know why you have hands? To pray to God.
And your eyes? To see God.
And your lips? To talk to God.
And your ears? To hear Him.
Have you ever thought of yourself in this way, totally focused on God?
Looking at it this way means merely that you are the embodiment of love
which is focused on the source of this love.
What does this mean in a practical sense? you want to know.
Love manifests itself on multiple planes in countless different facets.
I will pick one point of view which should make the above clearer in a more
practical sense, too.
At the spiritual plane, love is an all-encompassing flow which connects the
nature of all souls with God. It is therefore particularly sweet and pleasing.
At the material plane, love expresses itself mainly in care, responsibility and
Love therefore is inseparably connected with service to your fellow human
Do you see? This is where the circle closes. Service to your fellow human
being takes you directly to God because your entire body is performing
nothing else but service to God: you go to God, you see God, you talk to God,
you hear God, you touch God.
All you. All one. All God.


ont rush.

I created the saying: Haste makes waste. Waste makes worry.

Dont pressure yourself, instead do everything in its time. People who rush
have poor time management.
I never rush and always achieve what I have planned to.
I could in some way surely achieve more. In terms of effectiveness it would
be much less.
What I mean is that in some cases I wait for a long time until the time is right
and only then do I act.
This way I achieve more with less effort.
People who rush are impatient. People who are impatient cannot stand
Silence frightens them. Therefore they overload their lives to the extent that
they can just barely finish things and surely dont experience silence.
People who live like this are wasting enormous amounts of time and energy
and, most of all, they have no chance to develop themselves.
Therefore they must first find tranquillity. Illness is often an important step
Only when you are restricted to lie in bed or you are so weak that you can
hardly move does the source of silence within you have a chance to make
itself known.
It will confront you with what you have always been fleeing from. Initially
you will be reluctant and will reject it.
Sooner or later you will learn that there is no other way than to give up haste
and to turn within. Everything else is only a waste of energy which brings you
nothing but noise.


teach that satisfaction and freedom can be found as soon as one likes to do

what needs to be done.

According to todays ideology this sounds rather frightening as it teaches that
one is free if one can choose whatever one wants to do.
My answer to this is: in all cases this ideology lacks evidence that even just
one single person has achieved long-term happiness, thinking like this.
There is not one case!
The truth is: your attitude, your connection with the source within you,
determines your destiny.
Today, many people are ego-focused to an extent where they are unable to be
satisfied. They have adopted a view point which always lets them find the
famous hair in the soup.
The soup tastes good until then. Once the hair is spotted, everything changes.
Beware of this attitude. Take the hair out and enjoy the soup just as before.
Be aware that you are only able to make such a fuss about a hair because the
Lord has blessed you with so much food that you can freely choose.
If you were living at the edge of starvation you could not even afford this
thought. You probably would not even notice the hair but thankfully eat the
Dont spend time on the difficulties you come up against in life. Instead
realize how blessed you are and how much has been given to you on all
Be happy over every hair you find and take it as an opportunity to see how
many gifts you have been given.


here once was a boy who came from a poor family. His father earned just

enough money to provide the very minimum for the family.

Everything was very limited, yet there was enough.
When the boy was fourteen his father was made dismissed. All of a sudden
the family did not even have the very basics anymore.
The boy had not yet learnt anything with which he could earn money, still he
wanted to help the family.
Therefore he went out to beg, which was very difficult for him, but he helped
the family survive.
This went on for several years.
When he was twenty a dream came true for him. He felt as if he were in a
fairy tale.
He met a foreign family who loved him and bought him a car so that he could
earn himself a living as a taxi driver. In addition, they transferred enough
money to him every month, which meant he survived the initial difficulties of
his new career.
Now he was a small business man. He was independent from one moment to
the next. However, he still could not give up his habit: he continued to beg.
He still felt like one of the poorest of the poor.
He still feared that he might starve. He thought that money is the solution to
all problems.
Consider that life forms your habits and those of others, and habits tend to
Therefore, be careful which habits you take on. This means, only let things
that are good, helpful and necessary become habits.
Beware of bad habits. They quickly take control over your life, and one day
you could face major difficulties when wanting to free yourself from these
Also, remember the young boy whenever bad habits of others bother you:
maybe they were confronted with difficult circumstances in their lives which
made them incapable of changing their habits even if they wanted to.


appiness is awaiting you in the next world and what are you doing?

You are trying your best to attach yourself to this world!

There are even people who have their bodies frozen because they are
suffering from an incurable disease and hope to survive this way.
All this is happening only because they are attached themselves to their
bodies and the respective life and also because they dont believe in
reincarnation or My love.
The truth is that the world is a more or less difficult camp in which you are to
learn love, sacrifice, service to your neighbor, truth and right conduct. Believe
Me, the world has no other value.
Maya (outer world, illusion) requires that you search and think you will find
happiness and fulfillment on earth. Merely your body makes this a very
difficult task. It limits you because of its constant changes and its
susceptibility to all kinds of diseases.
You have become so used to it that you think you must accept everything not
to lose.
Why all this effort? Why all the worries about your body?
All that counts is that you live in Prema, love, Sathya, truth, Dharma,
righteousness, Shanti, peace and Ahimsa, nonviolence. You need not worry
about anything else. I always give you exactly the body you need for what
you need to experience on earth in each life. Be assured: it is always perfect
every time and for each one of you.


ou keep wrangling with your life and Me. You then get the feeling that

nothing is going like you want it to.

Everything is too slow, too cumbersome. You think you are moving further
away from your goal instead of making progress toward it.
Of course it is typical for you to go through phases in which you must find out
if you are on the right path in your life and your development.
Some people doubt so strongly and intensively that they must ask themselves
what is wrong with themselves, their path or their development.
If you find yourself continuously wrangling with yourself, God and the world,
sit at a quiet place maybe in front of an altar and ask yourself if you have
actually made the decision to reach your goal.
If you find that this is not clear to you, step back and ask yourself if you
actually know what you want or are looking for.
In order to find something, you must first know what you are looking for.
You must be clear about your goal even in order just to aim at it.
You must also decide that you want to reach it.
If you dont meet this criteria then all your efforts in the long run will be
meaningless and worthless because you will not have the energy necessary to
reach the goal you have set for yourself.
In other words: How can you pack for a journey if you have no idea where it
will take you, how long it will be, which way to take, what kind of weather to
expect or even if you really want to go there?
Clarify your goal, make a decision because only then God will be able to
bless you with the power and the endurance necessary for your path.


n the past century there lived a man who together with his son made a

from trading furs.
The man loved his son very much. He also cared much for his daughter- inlaw and looked forward to being a grandfather soon.
One day the father and his son were out in a remote city to sell some of their
When it got dark they set up their camp near a gentle cliff. Suddenly they
were robbed.
The man knew that the thieves would take the furs and kill him.
He immediately kicked his son over the edge and saved his life this way. He
himself was killed by the bullets of the thieves.
What does this story tell us?
The thieves or murderers represent the negative opinions of life of these two
People who exploit animals to make profit will eventually suffer the same
treatment they have given these animals.
Because of his love and willingness to sacrifice, the man was able to save the
life of his son, who had accumulated less negative karma than he had.
His own life, however, could not be saved.
Through this, the man has built up good karma which will help him in his
next life.
Good deeds, together with insight, stop the consequences of your negative
actions from catching up with you.
Therefore be thankful for everything you can learn. Be happy about your life.
Be happy about everything you see and try to understand it.
Knowledge combined with an open heart is the basis for what your true core
is seeking: liberation itself.


ove, or in other words: the Self, gives and forgives.

The ego takes and forgets.

Love and forgiveness are the nature of all relationships.
To make mistakes is part of the learning process of humans, as it is in
No relationship is possible without forgiveness.
I would even say it vice versa: mistakes in relationships happen only to force
you to learn to open your heart.
If you look closely, you will notice that the mistakes that happen are exactly
the ones required for your development.
Therefore, always see what you are getting and always know that it is many
times more than what you see.
Always remember that contentedness belongs to the Self and dissatisfaction
to the ego.
The more ego you have, the more difficult your life will be, and particularly
your death.
Therefore, always note dissatisfaction as a warning signal which means you
must urgently do something. In most cases this means that you need to change
your attitude.
The truth is that there is no reason for dissatisfaction apart from the fact, that
you dont see how much you are taking and how much you are forgetting.
Give and be contented, then the flow, life and love will be yours.


reat truth are often expressed in the form of paradoxes or in other

seemingly contradictory ways.

Zen-Buddhism does this by using so-called Koans.
Koans are sentences which initially seem meaningless. Only when looking
closer at them can one find their deeper meaning.
If, for example, you think about clapping one hand, you sooner or later find
yourself in a dead end.
This is the goal of Koans. It not only demonstrates, but lets us experience that
the process of thinking is not capable of grasping the final truth.
The heart, intuition, is able to span even the greatest contradictions and
paradoxes and solve them.
So why is it that the greatest truths are expressed in paradoxes?
Because the whole of creation is a paradox.
The world seems to be made of never-ending multiplicity. It only seems like
this because of Maya (outer world, illusion).
Actually, the world is not multifarious, it is perfect unity: the one God that is
reflected as many in the mirror of Maya.
Love life, as it is your chance to find the One God in this multiplicity, by
realizing that you are both this multiplicity and this unity.
That is the whole secret. That is your entire power.



he month of November is known for fog. The atmosphere cools off. The

warm earth steams. Fog develops.

Try to avoid fog in your life and if it appears let it clear.
What are the best remedies against fog? Viveka, discrimination, and Dharma,
If you have these two, you will sooner or later automatically acquire Sathya,
truth, Prema, love, Shanti, peace and Ahimsa, nonviolence, too.
This will not only clear the initial fog, it will shine a bright light onto you.
Study holy books. Take in their teachings through Viveka and put them into
practice with the aid of Dharma.
Let your life become a flower, of which the stem is Viveka, the blossom
Dharma and the fragrance Prema.
These virtues not only give your life a special shine, they are also your best
The Pandavas lived according to divine virtues. That is why Krishna could be
with them, lead them, protect them and even bring them victory over their
enemies, the Kauravas.
If they had not lived in Dharma and in all the other virtues, they could have
had all the powers of the Kauravas Krishna would not have been able to help
them and they would have lost.
Go with God, i.e. go with the power which is inherent in you and which you
can develop through right actions. Then you will be successful in any
situation, even the most hopeless, as knowledge and virtue are already
Everything else is just a question of karma and time.


t some time the most important question for all people will be: how can

there be an omnipresent God who is always there for me when I always

feel so helpless and alone?
This question is asked wrongly. To be correct it would need to be reversed to:
how can it be that there is an omnipresent God who is always there for me
and I dont notice it?
Always remember: in every question lies the answer.
You have turned your first question upside down. That is why you cannot find
a satisfactory answer.
The question isnt if God exists or not, but why you dont feel Him or wonder
that you are not feeling Him.
If you ask the question wrongly, you are giving God the responsibility for it.
God is really innocent.
You have built the wall between yourself and Him, and it will stay there until
you experience that your point of view is wrong.
You will then notice that you are the creator of your destiny and that you have
the power that you envy others for.
I therefore keep saying: beware of envy or appreciate it as a hint that you still
have not understood how great your worth is.
Not to see your worth is time wasted. Not to know your value is the wall you
keep banging your head against.
This is the answer to the initial question: you are not alone. You are making
yourself feel lonesome.


ll are one, all are equal, all are perfect. Always remember this. Never

forget it.
All the unfamiliar and the difficult to understand or even annoying things you
think you see in others, are just the surface. Actually all are nothing but
illusion, which of course affects you but only because you are still
entangled in it.
Death, which you fear so much, is an important lesson in this respect. You
have already experienced it so many times. Maya (outer world, illusion)
requires that you fear it. In regards to life this is actually correct. If you did
not fear death, at the slightest difficulty you would flee to it and learn nothing.
Death is very important in many respects. Firstly it solves situations in which
you would accumulate lots of negative karma. Secondly it takes away your
old dress and gives you the opportunity to receive a new one.
Thirdly it is an important teacher.
Death teaches you that you are all equal, that in reality no one is better or
worse. You are all chosen by Me. I have no preference. This does not mean
that I dont act differently with everyone.
You see, that is the miracle of life: you are all equal. You must all die. But
everyone has his own life which is unique, and every life is a miracle.
Therefore accept death with more composure and trust. I am always with you.
You either merge with Me after death or you are reborn. Be assured, I will
give you exactly the life that suits you perfectly.


he peoples and governments of the world must rethink entirely. They

must achieve positive national esteem and a worldwide brotherhood and

sisterhood of mankind.
Nationalism with heart and ethics is important for every country as people
need a home in which they can feel safe and for which they will stand up.
Casual living together is the reason for the countless problems you have to
cope with.
Nationalism promotes customs, dress, songs, festivals and many other ways
through which divinity expresses itself in the world.
National thinking must always be closely linked with heart, reason and ethics,
otherwise it will lead to catastrophe.
Foreign things must be respected just as domestic things, even if they remain
Foreigners should be treated with at least the same respect and friendliness as
local people bad enough that I need to mention this at all!
The knowledge of unity of all people of all countries must be spread to every
Dont think that this is nonsense. Start to practice this way of thinking today
and put it into practice, because I want you to be in the new world I will


eware of entanglements.

One form of attachment occurs if people meet too strongly on a purely

emotional level.
They then feel drawn to each other surprisingly strongly. They really
understand each other, everything is so easy, sooo great, unbelievable
and intensive!
Just these descriptions show that a karmic encounter is about to happen.
People feel comfortable and understood because they know each other from
one or more previous lives.
Because of this, particular caution is required.
Attachments happen between people of the same sex and people of different
For the latter, stick to My recommendation: close with the heart, distant with
the body.
Attachments are the nature of your body. The reasons for a body to come into
existence are attachments and their karmic consequences. They require rebirth
and therefore the creation of a body.
Attachments also create intense, passionate feelings which are typical
instincts which again are the survival mechanism of the body.
What I mean with My recommendation beware of attachments is that you
should become very wary whenever you run into a situation as described
Dont get drawn into deep feelings without continuously taking time to think.
Dont see passion as your goal, rather search for love and inner peace.
This does not mean that you should not have deep feelings. You should just
beware of emotional whirls which draw you into situations where you are in
danger of losing yourself.


keep saying that if you take one step toward Me, I will take one hundred

steps toward you.

This is a fundamental truth which in itself has many facets. For example, God
always cares for people, constantly looking after them and always ready to
come closer to them.
The sentence also expresses the freedom God gives people. It reads: if you
take one step. Because of their free will, people must demonstrate that they
are willing to make contact with God consciously. If they dont do this, God
remains in the background.
This is where another facet can be seen: God never exposes himself. God
holds back and therefore can be overlooked any time and by anyone.
It is really just like a motion picture. First you see the actors. They dominate
the action. Some play their roles in such an excellent way that naive
spectators think they actually are the role they are playing. If, for example, an
actor plays the role of a doctor, people write to him and ask him for a
diagnosis or a recommendation!
However, most of the people in the audience know that what they are seeing
is just a play. Very few, however are interested in the director. They know
that in many cases actors are created by a director. Transferring this to the
relationship between God and man means: God is the director and because of
his job must operate from the background.
Your relationship to Him expresses itself in how you are able to recognize
His actions.
You may think that the actors are real people for many lives and therefore you
will respond to them accordingly.
One day, for some coincidence your interest will be awakened and you will
want to look backstage. This is the moment when God will come toward you.


eople travel quite a bit today. This has the advantage that lots of ex-

changes happen which is also being supported by the media to an extent

which in previous centuries could not have been imagined even by the
greatest visionary.
Apart from all the obvious advantages, like improved communication
between peoples, there is also a major disadvantage.
Germans, for example travel to Thailand, meet a partner there in most cases
this is a woman and then return to Germany with them.
This is of course not done only by Germans. Japanese go to Italy, Indians to
the United Kingdom and French to Canada. There are unlimited possibilities.
What is happening here is uprooting of people and watering down of cultures.
I support the boundaries of countries, provinces, communities and cities. I
support the individuality of every piece of land. Diversity is divine.
That is why I also support societies which consist of many layers.
In the West you have deleted the various layers because the upper were
exploiting the lower, disrespecting them and not giving them any rights. Such
a structure of society is Godless and must go down.
I take it from a reality that people are on different levels of their development.
Therefore the higher ones must care for the lower ones, like a father for his
The higher ones are responsible for the wellbeing of society. This must be
their first priority as a member of the community. However, today no one
feels responsible.
A person in a leadership role can more or less do what ever they want. The
greatest risk they face is not being elected again.
Under these circumstances, a society of many layers is like hell. I want to
bring heaven to earth, as good as it is possible.
I want to see that all people come to the place where they can best develop
themselves based on their capabilities and their development.
I want to see the powerful be the friends of the powerless, the rich to care for
the poor. I will not rest until this is achieved.


ou make yourself incredibly small. You think you are a nobody who

basically cant achieve anything and also could not do any harm.
On the other hand, you promote yourself to balance the negative image you
have of yourself.
The whole thing is as absurd as if an elephant believed it was a mouse and
found particular joy in promoting itself to others as a little kitten.
Dont make yourself small. Instead, appreciate yourself as the embodiment of
happiness, wisdom and omnipotence.
These three can be seen in the language you use.
There is no way that you could be too small to spread joy or hurt someone
with your words.
The power of language demonstrates your high rank.
Dont make yourself small, dont live your ego. Instead, realize the power
inside you.
Think, before you speak. Learn to enjoy being silent. Find your inner voice.
Talk to it. Ask it when to talk and when to remain silent.
You only need to do few things for you to feel your great abilities inside.
Dont wait for tomorrow, or for sometime today, start right now.
Everything else is a total waste of energy.


our free will enables you to decide for God or for Maya (outer world,

If you decide for Maya, you have decided for your ego. If you decide for God,
you have decided for your Self.
There are no other alternatives.
Strictly speaking, there is no alternative at all as the Self must be saved. You
are not your ego. You are your Self, and immortal.
If you decide for Maya with your free will, you will have the opportunity to
have experiences and learn.
The objective of Maya is to reflect to you those situations which are
necessary for your development.
Maya is the greatest teacher. Everything is God and Maya. That is why Maya
represents an educational detour: based on your free will you turn away from
God toward Maya, and what happens? You come back to God, only you dont
see Him because He is hidden behind the many faces of Maya.
That is why you can never get lost: wherever you might go, God is always at
your side and will carefully take you back to you.


verything is transient. The only thing that stays is your You and that is

Your I to which you are so attached, has only one task: to take you to this
You. Once your I has become You, it will sooner or later become one
with Me.
So what does this You mean? It is your changed view which turns your
focus to the person in front of you and lets you see his value.
Who is this person?
Someone or something that you really love.
If you love someone and really want to be close to him and meet his Self with
your Self, then that will open you to your You.
This is the moment in which you recognize your you.
That is the whole secret.
That is why I keep repeating that you are God. God is this You inside you.
God is the core you circulate around.
So you live many lives entangled in the world with its many tentacles which
your I gets caught in so easily and then does not want to let go of any more.
Suddenly you sit up and burst into laughter because you see how blind you
were and how wrong your views were.
This is the moment when God breaks through to you. Very carefully, in order
not to frighten you. His strength becomes stronger and stronger. Until you
reach the point when you no longer see the outer world or your I but only
your You which is Me. This is when you have reached the destination of
your long journey. You realize that I was always at your side, in the form of
this You which you are.


trictly speaking, free will should mean that you can do whatever you

want to. This is right, but it is also wrong. Particularly in this century
there were people who did terrible things. Apparently they were free. No one
stopped them.
That is right and still wrong.
It is right that they were able to do terrible things, but only because at the
same time there were souls on earth whose karma connected them with that of
these demons in either a positive or negative way. That is why the one gained
power and the other needed to suffer.
You have free will. However you are not free to choose the consequences of
your actions. I do that.
You will always reap what you sow. This is the justice of the world.
Mercy is often expressed in the fact that the consequences are eased to help
you understand and open your heart.
And what do you understand? That your will is only really free when you can
and want to do only good, consciously and out of conviction.


hilosophers like to talk about ethics. They differentiate between ethics

and morals.
They take morals from Latin word mores, customs, and ethics from the
Greek word ethos meaning way of thinking or character.
They think ethics need to be justified which is why they try to produce
evidence just think of Socrates saying He who knows good, will do it!
They see customs as being more based on the habits and traditions of a people
and therefore something for ethnologists to look into. I often use the word
morals, however not in this dictate.
I support the opinion that the customs of a people must be pure in order for
their mentality to also be based on purity.
Customs are even taught to small children and by practice become habits.
Therefore I emphasize the necessity of teaching children correct customs right
from early age so that they may take them in along with the mothers milk.
I therefore recommend and this is where ethics come in that you think
today which parts of your behavior are positive and in-line with My
Keep these.
Ban the negative habits from your life even if you have come to like them
otherwise they might bring you down one day.
Hold on to the positive, the moral or ethical and dont sway once you have
made a decision. Ask God for help, and you will be able to free yourself from
even your heaviest chains. Bad habits are not an expression of freedom, rather
of slavery for many lives.


urely you will have noticed how the face of an actor can totally change

from one film to the next just by the application of some good make-up.
Quite a lot of ones own outer appearance can be hushed up, touched up and
There are people who know how to use an angel face while their heart is of
Therefore, beware of the outer appearance. Dont ever think you can see from
a persons tip of the nose what he feels in his heart. It would not be the first
time for you to be fooled.
What can you do to protect yourself from surprises? There is only one really
secure remedy: ask the Lord for protection and mercy that you may get to
know your heart. People who know their own hearts cannot be fooled any
more, because people who know their own hearts, know all others as well.
Looking at it this way, all the disappointments and everything that appears
negative are very helpful: they show you how much of your own heart you
know or how much you are fooling yourself, thinking that you know
something which you know nothing about.


et go. Let go of your desires. Decide to think about every desire you have

today and if possible, push it aside.

Always remember that you are the embodiment of happiness and that actually
you need nothing. You have everything you need. You are perfect.
What else do you need?
Your desires are almost exclusively just illusions.
Wrong promises of happiness which you could never find this way.
How can you, for example, find apples by searching in a field of carrots?
The happiness you are looking for is within you: it has been waiting for
many, many lives to be discovered by you.
And what do you do? You are digging in the ground for apples and other
Lift your vision and you will notice that all fruit is nicely prepared and easy to
reach just in front of your eyes.
Therefore let go and gain.
Gain everything. There is no other way to gain more than to let go.
Letting go means finding yourself. You are what you are looking for.


hy do you make your life so difficult? Why do you want to do

everything yourself?
Why dont you let God care for you?
The difference between the path with and the path without God is the same as
that between wanting to travel with your own effort or in the greatest comfort.
Imagine that you have walked all the way from Europe to India with a pack
on your back, a bag in one hand and a suitcase in the other. What an effort!
Instead, I have guided you during your journey to here.
You departed by plane. You had a pleasant flight. You landed in New Delhi
where you could stretch your legs a bit.
Then you went to Goa. You spent the time before your connecting flight in an
idyllic bay.
You meditated in the plane before take off. You were so tired that you fell
asleep. You woke up during the flight and asked the stewardess when the
plane would take off.
You had not noticed the take off. You also did not notice the strange and
shrill sound obviously coming from one of the engines, which frightened
many people.
In Bangalore a taxi was waiting for you. The hotel reservation also worked
out fine as did the continuation of your journey to Puttaparthi where you
arrived just in time for Darshan (blessing of a holy person). Would you have
rather done all this by foot?


here are you running to?

What, to where all the others are looking for self-realization?

Have you asked what it costs?
If you answer with a sum of money then it cant be the self-realization I
My self-realization can not be bought in a shop.
My self-realization requires sacrifice and renunciation, effort and stamina,
belief and trust.
With Me the Self does not pay, only the ego must limit itself.
With the common, modern self-realization the ego gains major success
while the Self loses.
So where are you running to? To the ego or to the Self?
You must first decide what you want before you enter a shop. You cant just
walk into any store just because you feel like you need something and want to
buy it.
Imagine you need rice. Because you are not thinking you enter a plumbers
shop and return home with a piece of pipe. Would this help anyone?
No one apart from the plumber!
Therefore, check yourself first and find out if and what you are looking for.
Ask yourself what you are willing to invest to reach your goal.
Then ask God for help. He will help you. But dont forget to help Him, too,
with your discrimination and your staying power.


eath scares you because you dont prepare yourself for it. If you have a

tool which you urgently need and it breaks, this will seriously affect you.
If you dont need a tool, it will just lie around and get lost and you might not
even notice it.
It is the same with the body and death. Through death you give up all the
things that are connected with the body. The body is your tool, which you
urgently need for some time. Eventually it loses its importance more and
This is the deeper meaning of the aging process which results in continuous
fading away of the body. It should help you to turn away from your body and
toward God.
Begin repeating the name of God (re: 27th of February) today, do good, and
death will not disturb the happy smile on your lips.


ont make yourself small. Dont blame anyone else but yourself for your

I keep repeating: you are God. Look at your life, your destiny. You have
created it. Dont suffer from it, change it. You have the power to do this.
No one apart from you can change your destiny. The fact that humans have
control of their destiny is divinity in mankind.
Animals are at their destinys mercy. They live somewhere in a certain way
and really cant do much about it.
Humans are able to change their lives fundamentally from one day to the next.
Dont make yourself small. Instead, open your eyes. Take control of your
destiny. Give it a positive direction.
Recognize divinity in the world and find God within you.
This is how big you are already today.


o discharge your duties is half of your life and almost all of your

In your country you have difficulties with this because you have had bad
During this century you as a people have been disappointed so badly that you
will not believe anything at all.
All you want is to earn money, be independent and do whatever you want.
People who are disappointed always need to ask themselves: how could this
happen to me?
For example, Hitler was able to be successful because you followed him.
What was your opinion of Jews? What is it today? What about the way you
treat foreigners?
At that time you chose a leader who took you by your negative feelings and
opinions and your drilled sense of discharging ones duties.
This is not at all what I mean when I speak of discharging your duties.
I mean discharging of duties based on love.
Through love you learn to like and perform your duties well.
Through love you learn to be open toward all people.
Through love you can experience the unity of all hearts.
This is what I mean when I speak of discharging ones duties: to be there for
others out of love.
To be thankful that you can give.
I cant emphasize it enough: to be able to give is mercy.


od is full of love and the world is perfect.

You ask yourself how I can say this while there is suffering that can be
seen everywhere.
I repeat that humans at least on a certain level should not judge because
they simply cannot see the big picture well enough.
Gods reality stretches from eternity to eternity. Your view oversees very
little and changes from one day to the next. How can you expect to have a
clear overview?
The most clever thing you can do is first to listen to what I am saying and
then to check My statements. In other words: try to look at the world without
I say: creation ensures that in the end all living beings find bliss and mercy.
My love and My sense of justice eliminate all other options.
No matter how strange, unjust, unfair or even terrible something might seem,
trust that justice and love are being expressed even though you are unable to
see their roots.
You ask: how can you recognize the roots? Through humility. Humility
means that you close yourself to the so-called obvious and open yourself to
the seemingly incomprehensible.
The same way as you open your eyes in order to see so, you must open
yourself for the deepest truth to be able to see and comprehend the big
Humility in this respect is the express which takes you to the source of Being
on the fastest way.


o you know what it means if you argue a lot?

It means that you cannot cope with yourself.

People who argue a lot should always ask themselves what they are doing
There are people who have almost no alternations in their behavior: they
either argue or they resign themselves and let everything happen.
Both ways are wrong.
The goal is to live in total harmony with ones self and ones environment.
This is not just a dream, it is possible if you reduce your desires, particularly
your subconscious ones.
Once you are in an argument, make use of the situation not to convince
someone else of something but to realize that there are lots of things you still
need to learn to understand.
The goal is that you interact with others in love and peace. That you are able
to make clear in a friendly way what you want and what you dont want.
And that you clearly know that you can stand up for this.
Unfriendliness creates friction. Friction is a waste of energy.
Friendliness, however, is the oil without which everything comes to a halt in
the long run.


he weakness of mankind is that it does not create or maintain unity

between thoughts, words and deeds.

A person who lives this unity is successful because he lets his energy increase
He then lives in Sathya, truth, Dharma, righteousness, Prema, love, Shanti,
peace and Ahimsa, nonviolence. Through these values his energy connects to
divine energy. Nothing can stop him, nothing can threaten him. Success is
sure for him.
People give up the unity of thoughts, words and deeds because they fall for
illusions or are tempted by worldly desires.
Humans love to believe that satisfying worldly desires will deliver the
happiness they are looking for.
They have experienced divine happiness in the other world and are looking
for it on earth, by all means and everywhere.
The world is created in a way that this happiness cannot be found here and so
they are forced to ask further.
This continuous asking is the path which leads to liberty. With everything you
experience you should ask: Is this it? Is that it? Only stay and accept it if
the answer comes from within, your inner Self, and tells you that it is what
you have been looking for.
Leave everything else alone because it represents one of the many detours on
your path.
These detours are reflections of your ego.
Your goal, however is your Self.


am active from morning to night and from night to morning. Do you know

why? Because I am in My peace.

What does that mean? I will tell you.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle, in close alignment with his teacher Platon,
set up a theory which is called Mesotes teaching, which says that the opposite
of something negative is negative, too.
He taught that the positive is the higher center part, which connects the two.
He explains this with an example of foolhardiness and cowardliness. Both are
out of balance because one has too much and the other not enough of the
same thing. Being cowardly is fearing too much, whereas being foolhardy is
not fearing enough. However, bravery represents the perfect balance, the
golden mean between the two.
Most people shift between the negative poles of sluggishness and a hectic
way of life. Both are states of mind which consume mental energy.
Deep wisdom is often expressed in paradoxes, in contradictions, because the
truth lies in it-Self, in which the logic and thereby the contradiction are
One paradox I really mean is: do you want to be lazy? Do you want to rest?
Then do lots!
Do you know why this is not absurd? Because those who are lazy can not
remain lazy in the long run. Life does not permit this. That is why they are
often forced to catch up on things in very short spaces of time, which makes
them suffer from great stress. They are virtually forced to perform twice or
three times the effort.
Manage your time. Delay nothing. Decide. Act. Offer the consequences to Me
and you will act but still be in peace.


ont doubt God. Dont doubt the fact that He is pure love. Doubting God

means that you doubt yourself. You have not yet recognized your true
nature. You are entangled to Maya (outer world, illusion), and you know it
unconsciously, but you know it.
This unconscious knowledge requires that you find someone to blame either
others or God.
But look: God cannot be blamed, as He gave you everything you need, in
love. He is your breath. He is your life. He is all your belongings. He has
given all this to you. You are constantly dealing with God you just dont
(yet!) know it.
You cannot offend God. You cannot hurt Him. You are only hurting yourself.
If you seek to blame others, you are losing an important opportunity to learn.
Of course I could arrange your life in a way that you would always come up
against the same things. But you must understand, you must learn. I can give
you the opportunity to learn. But despite all My love and all My power, I
cannot do the learning for you. Only you can learn, only you can draw
conclusions from your experiences. I cannot do this for you.
But I can help you with it. Can you see that I am constantly doing this?


abies come directly from the other world. Therefore they are full of love

and trust. They live exclusively in the here and now, i.e., they are totally
grounded in their Self.
Babies sleep a lot because this allows them to continue to enjoy their
closeness with God.
Their bodies have round and pleasing forms and are soft and flexible. The
skin is smooth without wrinkles.
The more time passes by, the more new structures are created which are
important for life on earth: thinking, the I-consciousness and the difference
between yours and mine are developed.
The body hardens.
This process continues until death. The older a person becomes, the stiffer his
body usually gets.
This means: flexibility is youth and life. Stiffness stands for old age and
Maintain your flexibility. Avoid stiffness.
Find the child in you and find your game. Play a little every day and reverse
the process this way.
Instead of becoming stiffer and stiffer, become more and more playful, softer
and lighter.
The outside is always a reflection of the inside. The more playful you
become, the more contact you make with the child, with your soft, smooth
and loving sides, the more flexible your body will be.
Softly follow the deep paradoxes to the seeming contradictions of life.
Recognize the great truths because you are able to look at them with the wide
open, innocent eyes of a child.
Therefore die young, because you were able to grow old while playing with
the child within you very flexibly because the stiffness of the aging process
could not find a grip in you.
Full of brightness and full of bliss.


have already said once in this year (re: 22nd of June), part of My mission

is that many people make contact with their inner voices.

I send messages to those that can hear Me via their inner voices, to console
them in difficult situations, or for them to be able to feel close to Me even if
they cannot visit Me in India.
At the same time I hand out notes at the Ashram saying that no one can claim
to have received a message from Me. With this contradiction I want to avoid
the possibility of an ego battle in the form of my Baba versus your Baba.
To refer to ones inner voice can become a quite complex power game in
which no one accepts responsibility for what they think, say or do.
This is a game I of course do not want to support in any way.
If you have contact with your inner voice, appreciate this as a great blessing
which accordingly you must treat very carefully.
Never use your inner voice to assume any form of untrue or unfair advantage.
Treat the voice like a secret which you should not impose onto others, but
instead keep to yourself.
Or in other words: the more careful you are with your inner voice, the greater
is the probability that I support what you are hearing.
Namaskar. (The Divine in Me greets the Divine in you.)


ife is a blessing. Every life.

Because you do not have enough background knowledge, some things

appear to be terrible to you and you think God is cruel.
Of course you should open your heart and help the needy. But to have a heart
for those who are poor and are suffering does not mean to quarrel with God
and the world.
Look at the destiny of the opponents of the Pandavas, the Kauravas.
Krishna became incarnate and every step of His Avatarship was
predetermined right from the beginning. His mission included the destruction
of the Kauravas.
Looking at it this way, the Kauravas had no chance at all.
The negotiations that Krishna himself had with them also need to be looked at
under these circumstances.
He knew that the negotiations would not be fruitful because it was supposed
to come to a war with the victory of the Pandavas.
The Kauravas were not willing to compromise. Krishnas visit seemed
Seemed because, strictly speaking, something totally different had
happened: not only did Krishna act in Dharma, right conduct, which requires
to make every effort to avoid a war as long as possible.
Krishna also gave His Darshan (blessing of a holy person) to the Kauravas.
They saw the Lord from close up. They were able to speak with Him, hear
His lovely voice and experience His divine energy.
This was the great mercy Krishna gave to the Kauravas.
They were defeated and killed in the battle. The experience of Krishnas
presence stayed with then and continued to have an impact on them.
They were therefore reborn under totally different circumstances and many of
them reached Moksha, final liberty, after two to three lives.
Try always to see the good in everything. If you find you are unable to do
this, try harder or just accept good without analysing it.
Dont be afraid, you will not fail, as Gods mercy is everywhere particularly
with those who apply their courage to find and realize good.


nce upon a time there were a man and a woman who were married and

got on well with each other. They worked hard to build a small business.
It just would not work. For some time they were close to giving up.
They had great faith and therefore went to a wise man to ask him for advice.
The man listened to their concerns and recommended they should meditate
(re: 25th of July) twice a day at the same time and always eat at the same time
every day. In addition they should fast once a week. They should come back
after three months.
The man and the woman returned home totally puzzled. They had hoped for
some more interesting advice, something like a revelation. Now they were
told to meditate and to eat on time. What a strange recommendation!
Both were old souls and knew of the humility for wise people.
They followed the advice, and ... would you believe it, their business started
to be successful and it grew continuously!
Three months later they returned to the wise man. He reconfirmed their
doings and asked them to return again after three months.
This continued for many months. Their business became more and more
The two kept returning to the wise man to enjoy his presence and because
they finally wanted to know what the reason for his recommendations was.
After two years he said to them: You are now settled in your new habits and
therefore I will tell you why I asked you to meditate and eat regularly. You
had no rhythm and no order in your lives. That weakened you. Without order
and rhythm one cant achieve anything in the long run.
Punctuality is outer order. Fasting is inner and outer order.
Meditation initially relates to inner order but in time it radiates to outer order.
You had no success because you had no order in your lives.
You did have humility and modesty crucial virtues which worked as inner
order and saved you from failure.
Stay with your new rhythm the wise man continued, keep your life in order.
Rhythm and order are prerequisites for Gods blessing to come upon you.


n old Chinese analogy is the comparison of oak with bamboo.

The oak tree stands with strong roots in the ground, a strong trunk and a
big crown. It looks like a fort. No wonder oak wood is considered to be
particularly hard and resistant.
Bamboo is completely different. Its trunk is much slimmer. Its leaves
constantly rustle in the wind. Also, it grows particularly fast compared with
the oak tree.
But what happens when snow falls?
The oak tree stands strong and unshaken until it breaks.
Bamboo will bend and allow the snow to fall off. This way it can stand even
the strongest snow storms.
What does this comparison tell you?
Life is full of great changes, some of which can put you under great pressure.
Sometimes it is important to withstand the unfavorable. Other times the stiff
firmness of the oak is exactly the wrong thing. The outside pressure would be
too much and you would break.
In such cases it is important for you to bend and be flexible and to avoid the
pressure so that it cant break you.
It is worth mentioning that the bamboo does not move from its position. It
remains standing because it can bend.
These images are of great meaning to many Germans. Germans are capable
and steadfast. However, they lack flexibility and lightness.
Not the oak tree but the bamboo should be the ideal of Germans. They could
learn from the bamboo that one can hold a position without pushing against
all pressures that arise or fighting back every burden.
The typical German thinks that if he does not resist pressure in a strong way,
this in itself is a weakness.
Go with God. Strive for your Sadhana, your spiritual development, and you
will know from your heart when to be like the oak tree and when you need to
bend like the bamboo.
Sometimes very steadfast, other times very smooth both times anchored


n my incarnation as Shirdi Baba and also in My current one I have

a lot to create and spread psychology in the West.
I have particularly helped Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung to make the
discoveries by chance which became the basis of their teachings.
Consciousness in the West needed to change. The Prussian method of raising
children needed to be overcome.
As all traditional sciences were not able to develop something fundamentally
new, psychology needed to be introduced or at least promoted and based on
new principles through psychoanalysis.
Freuds psychoanalysis in particular is atheistic. Freud was a great skeptic.
This was an ideal prerequisite for his work as a researcher. It made him
constantly question his own prerequisites.
However, it was a disadvantage for his philosophical views.
Freud was able to heal because he had a great heart and a clear mind.
Many analysts and other psychologists or therapists have neither one nor the
During this incarnation I will therefore turn psychology around again. The
connection between good, promising techniques and clear spiritual focus must
be made.
Any treatment without a tie to God is dangerous. Any psychotherapy without
focus on God is irresponsible.
What can it expect to treat, if it does not know that God is, who God is, where
God is or how to get to Him?
The so-called sciences are wasting enormous amounts of time and money
trying to prove everything with mathematical precision. These are all sand
pit games.
Only your spiritual dimension can give you what you are looking for:
knowledge of the whole.



oday the holy month of December begins, during which you celebrate

birth of Christ.
During this time a special light comes to earth. The spiritual world is
preparing the birth of the Redeemer. It does this every year over again, to the
joy of all creatures.
Christ came and darkness had to withdraw to a great extent. His physical stay
on earth was very short, but His impact will stay for eternity.
His power is Gods power. It can never be extinguished.
The important thing for you is that you open yourself to this eternal energy
and that you let it flow inside you and thereby free your love. Christ is love.
Christ is life, and life is love.
If you want to live like Christ you need to devote yourself to Him because
only devotional love can affect change.
Dont fear the cross. Everyone who has a body must sooner or later give it up.
If you let the Christ in your heart take you by the hand, then death is nothing
but a transformation from light to light, from love to love, from knowledge to
All this is already within you. You just need to discover it.


he descent of great holy people or God-Humans is announced long in

advance. God sends messengers who prepare mankind for the great
This is just one aspect of the announcements.
The other aspect is in the teachings and bearing of God. He wants to
document His total unity of thoughts, words and deeds, this way.
God has no thought which does not become a reality.
God does not waste thoughts. God does not dream. Gods dream would be
reality because His vision is always connected with will, and His will is
always connected with reality.
God as the total reality can not think unreal things, as for Him thought, word
and deed are one.
Take God as a measure and unite thoughts, words and deeds in your life, too.
Make no promise that you cant keep. Remain silent rather than saying
something that is wrong. Practice the paradox of talking by remaining silent.
People talk far too much. They lose lots of inner, or spiritual, energy.
People who lose inner strength, lose their self-worth. People who lose their
self-worth tend to try to compensate this with substitutional actions.
One of these substitutes is to talk a lot.
To talk a lot is a viscous circle which weakens the inner strength more and
Therefore remain silent and give through your silence. Be present and remain
silent. Dont be unfriendly or impolite. Answer if it is necessary for others.
Then retreat to your silence.
Speak if you really want to give something with your words.
Otherwise remain silent.
Concentrate on your Self and fill it with Shanti, inner peace. This is the most
beautiful thing you can give your environment. Silence precedes patience,
patience precedes right action, right action creates success and success means
self-worth. Self-worth leads to self-realization and self-realization to peace.
This is the divine circle which does not close in itself but in Ananda,
happiness: closed in silence, open in self-realization, clear focus in happiness.


e are coming closer to the time when snow will fall or already has

fallen in Northern Europe.

Snow has a great symbolic meaning. It demonstrates how a region can be
transformed completely within a very short period of time. Even if it was
unsightly before, the snow will cover it and make it bright and pure.
What does this mean to you and your aspirations to find self-realization?
Become pure as snow, then everything you come into contact with will be
pure, too.
Remember Krishna when He went to the enemies of the Pandavas, the
Kauravas, for the last peace negotiations. The Pandavas were frightened and
wanted to keep Him from doing this. However, Krishna had decided to go,
and He went.
And what happened? The break between the Pandavas and the Kauravas was
final and the war was inevitable. Still, not one of the Kauravas would have
dared to hurt Krishna, even in the least. He was too holy, too pure for anyone
to do Him harm. His purity was so great that it deeply touched the hearts of
the Kauravas.
Take a lesson from Krishna or the countless holy persons who have turned
away the bad with their purity. Become as wonderfully pure and bright as


oes God have a chance with you?

Are you fair in keeping your balance of credit and debit?

How much do you load on God and how little do you thank Him for what He
gives you?
In many cases you tend to take the things He gives you for granted.
If something does not go the way you want it, you blame Him.
And what about yourself? Do you look at yourself equally critically?
The answer is: yes. What you see in God is nothing else but the poor opinion
you have of yourself.
You dont like yourself. You dont respect yourself. You dont see what you
are accomplishing.
You constantly criticize yourself and seek the praise you cant give yourself
and are therefore not getting from others.
You make yourself totally dependent on others in your constant search for
praise. This of course weakens you even more.
If you cant see your own worth, then at least see the worth of others or of
Recognize how much others or God are giving you.
Open your vision for others and dont feel bad, just be thankful.
Gratitude is the greatest cure for all kinds of illnesses be they physical or
Gratitude enlightens that side of your ego which is trying to undermine your
self-worth, which is where the confusion in your psychological bookkeeping
comes from.


keep saying that God is love.

Do you actually know why I say that?

Because it is the truth, for one thing, but particularly to make you aware of
something special: you have your time for your development.
God does not punish you. God does not rush you. God does not try to press
you into a form that does not fit your nature.
I continuously draw your attention to the dangers that lie in thinking. Do you
know why?
Because it is false thinking that convinces you that God would punish or
judge you.
God cant do any of this, on the contrary. He is constantly trying to protect
you from damage.
It is really you who creates everything just the way you then experience it.
The world is a machine of miracles. It creates the exact conditions which
are necessary for you to learn what you need to learn, in order to realize your
true destiny.
You are God. You are the creator of the universe, the creator of the world.
You create everything for yourself, until you realize that you are God.
God accompanies you on your path with all His love so that you dont harm
You see, already now you have reached a point where your thinking fails: the
God accompanies and protects you, this God is you.
Do you now understand it when I say that God is just the mirror image?
Understanding this is the path and the goal combined.


ou enjoy all kinds of small gifts the big ones however you ignore!

So, St. Nicholas comes with his big sack, and what do you take? A few
There is so much strength, so much fulfillment in your heart, but what do you
do? You follow any kind of worthless glitter. See the precious gifts you have.
Only then can you give from the heart. Only then, can you openly interact
with others. Only then, will you be able to smile even in the most difficult
situations. Only then will your happiness be permanent.
If you make yourself small, you inevitably run into power games and fighting.
This will make you what psychologists call bad-winners.
However, if you see yourself as great, you experience your strength and
dignity. You do not need to fight or beg for respect and influence through
underhanded means.
In other words: if you make yourself small you are deciding to crawl.
If, however, you decide to accept your true being, you will see that the
perfection you envy others for is within you, and you open yourself for the
The shine will be yours all by itself.


t is the time of advent, the time before the descent of the Lord.

God promised mankind that He would never leave them, that He would
always be there for them, that He would save them.
For this reason God sent many holy persons and prophets and also came
Himself several times to save mankind or even the whole world.
The time of advent should remind you that God never breaks His promises
nor forgets them. God always honors His word.
What about your promises?
Do you make them with the firm intention of keeping them? Are promises
holy enough for you always to think about them and never to forget them?
Promises tie. They are contracts on subtle levels. There will always come a
day when they will be claimed, either by the person you made them to or by
God, who witnessed you making them.
Therefore be careful what you promise. Think beforehand if you can and
want to honour it.
If you have any doubts, explore and address these as they might be important
hints you should not ignore.
Curses have even more far-reaching dimensions than promises. Curses
challenge God to be your witness. A promise can be dissolved with the
consent of the person you made it to.
A curse cannot be dissolved by yourself as God does not change His opinion
Therefore be very, very, very careful with curses as they might come back to
you like a boomerang and slaughter you.
The rule is always the same and I keep repeating it: speak little, think what
you want to say, and when you say something, do it in a way that thoughts,
words and deeds are in unity.
Then you will always be protected.


identify myself with the Self. You identify yourself with your body and

your ego.
I am always happy and contented. You are often unhappy and almost always
I am in constant peace. You have difficulties sitting still for a moment and not
speaking, not to mention not thinking.
My knowledge of the Self, My silence and My contentedness allow Me to
judge. I know the connections. I know the deeper reasons.
However, you judge by what you see, not by what is, because you know
neither yourself nor what is.
Just look at Judas, for example.
You judge him as a traitor of Christ.
You are wrong. Judas was not a traitor, instead he loved Christ tremendously.
He just did not understand and therefore was fainthearted.
He thought of Christ as the new king, a holy king who would rule over both
the worldly and heavenly powers.
Judas thought he could speed up the effect of Christ by forcing Him to show
His true power.
He had not understood Him.
Christ was too great, too incomprehensible for Judas mind.
He therefore could not imagine that Christ would submit himself to his
tormentors without a struggle.
This was like the end of the world for Judas: he lost the person he loved more
than anything else. At the same time he lost the illusion of creating a new
Judaea as he had imagined it.
That is why he committed suicide.
However, he found Christs mercy and achieved final liberation two lives
Take a lesson from this story.
Dont judge. You dont know the connections. Instead, learn from the story of
Judas that it can be very dangerous to want to enforce ones own opinion and
to force others to find their happiness.
Stay with the commandment which binds even God and all Angles: only
restrict a person in his free will in emergencies.
And be very careful with what you call an emergency.


any of the people who come to India to see Me become ill, sometimes

very ill. You then complain. You argue with Me because you blame
Once again, the same thing happens, as it does so often: you dont see that
you are the creator of your destiny.
I look after you with all My solicitude.
I let you experience in a few days or weeks what normally would take you
years or even lives.
In many cases I even spare you one death and one rebirth.
In addition I dont let you suffer unnecessarily, instead I fulfill My motto: the
lives of those who come to God start again from the beginning.
I have given many, many people a new life, a new goal, a new purity.
I have given virginity back to more than one woman.
If you come to Me and become ill, you must appreciate this as a great gift.
You are trading at a very attractive exchange rate with Me: a little illness for a
major disease, a major illness for a lot of unbearable pain and death.
Make contact with Me and always know that I am life, your life. I am
interested in your development, your progress, your happiness.
They are My goal.
You mean they are your goal, too?
This is exactly where the problem lies. You dont know who you are, you
dont know what you need.
You embark on the most dangerous adventures thinking they will take you
closer to your happiness and then you are surprised when you suffer.
It therefore is My goal that you do not suffer one second too much and that
you reach your goal, your happiness, your contentedness as soon as possible.


vatars, incarnations of God, are born only in India, as this is where they

can find the intellectual and spiritual environment they need to express
For example, in many Western countries I would have surely been taken to a
psychiatric clinic where I would have had to argue with doctors during my
transition from the little Sathya Narayana to Sathya Sai Baba, instead of
living My transition in front of everyone.
Avatars must have sixteen distinct characteristics when they are born. They
must be omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. They must be able to
decide over life and death, write in the Akasha-Chronic (book of all lives on
earth) and be able to grant Moksha (final liberation).
An Avatar does not obtain any new characteristics during His life on earth.
He has everything from the beginning, He is the descended God.
As such He comes to India, however He is not Indian.
He may have been there particularly for Hindus as Rama and Krishna, or as
Shirdi Baba for both Hindus and Moslems. He does not belong to any
particular religion.
How could this be possible? How could the omnipresent, all- encompassing
God suddenly restrict Himself to just one religion, which would make this
religion better than others?
This would be absurd.
An Avatar is there for all people, irrespective of their religion.
He is even there for atheists and helps them, like all others, avoid becoming
entangled in Maya (outer world, illusion).
What I am doing in this incarnation has not been done by an Avatar before: to
be known to many millions of people around the world, to teach them, to
guide them and to correct them.
This task fell into my incarnation because the whole of humanity, not just a
part of it, has gone off the right path.
Therefore, receive My blessings. Be happy and trust that you will be saved.
I will return to you the key of the treasure chest of blissfulness, which you
had lost on your way.


oday, I would like to talk about something that very few people, if any,

think about. How is it for the fathers of God-Humans? How did Joseph
or the father of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or the husband of My mother deal
with the fact that the child their wives bore was actually not fathered by
It was not an easy fact to accept that their wives were pregnant from a Higher
Power. -This by the way, has nothing to do with the concept of virginity. I
for example, was my parents fourth child.
The love and trust these men had for their wives was so great that they were
able to accept this circumstance and the childs supernatural fathering as a gift
and honor.
Gods plan is always complete. There is nothing He does not consider;
nothing that has no meaning.
The supernatural fathering of God-Humans, from the fathers perspective, is
there to demonstrate something important: life is full of changes. Every
change includes an opportunity for happiness or unhappiness.
If you live in confusion, unfaithfulness or lies, a difficult or doubtful situation
will bring you down.
If, however you live in love, faith and sincerity the divine child will come to
you, and you will be able to accept this enormous gift open-heartedly.
Then there will no longer be difference between man or woman, mother or
father, child or adult. All is one. All is God. All is You. All am I.


nly people who do good are free and can free themselves.

Those who do bad can not claim to be free. They are only slaves to their
dark urges, which dominate them and create karma which will cause them to
suffer for a long time.
Human birth is very, very valuable. You have lived through many
incarnations to achieve it.
Once you have achieved it, you normally do not lose it again.
Demons, however, such as the ones who appeared the 20th century, have to
return to the animal world. Were they able to choose? They were not, neither
when they were acting nor when they were suffering the consequences of
their actions.
Every living being searches for happiness. Therefore you are free when you
are able to act according to goodness. Then you will inevitably be happy.
All other things else are only detours during which God and high souls help
even though you often dont even notice their actions.
Christ came, and almost no one recognized Him. Moderately He walked His
path, just like every enlightened being and only few followed Him.
Humans become attached to the world, to Maya (outer world, illusion) to a
degree, to which they lose the ability to see and feel true reality entirely. They
think that the changing illusionary world is real and consider God on earth to
be unreal. Instead of crucifying the reason for their blindness, namely their
ego, they crucify God.
But dont be afraid. You cant really crucify God. He stays at your side,
unchanged. He takes your hand, and when the time has come, carefully and
safely guides you back home.
This is the other meaning of advent.


od has chosen mankind and will never break His faith to them.

The descent of Christ is a sign of this indestructible faith and love.

Christ came to bring the light of this love into a world which was
characterized by power, greed and brutality.
Today the same situation is present, the difference being that mankind has
developed a destructive potential which threatens the existence of the entire
The Lord came to the world to avoid its destruction, to teach the path to
happiness and peace and to document His faith.
In such blessed times, you need to ask yourself: how is it with your faith?
Are you faithful to your partner and the people around you? Or do you
believe the widespread, silly opinion that it is only important to be faithful to
oneself and that everyone else is of lesser importance?
What would happen to you if God thought this way, too?
So, be careful with such thoughtless statements.
The core of every partnership requires faithfulness. Your relationships are so
bad because you think you can omit faithfulness.
What you reap from this is nothing but problems, dissatisfaction and pain.
The flame of love in the heart, which connects two people, must be treated
with great care as it may otherwise go out from one moment to the next, or it
may spread to a surface fire which can almost not, if at all, be controlled.
Think about your relationship to God. Remember that you are God and
behave like Him. In critical situations, ask yourself: What would God do
now? and always remember His indestructible faithfulness.
Then, nothing wrong can blind you.


he outer world is on the one hand Maya, illusion, but on the other hand

also a yardstick. It is able to show you exactly where you are. If you have
many problems you cant figure out, if you are disappointed in others or often
fail in your endeavors, this shows you that you dont know yourself, that you
have only made little contact with your core, your heart.
I often repeat that Maya (outer world, illusion) is purely a reflection. This
neither means that it is not real nor that it has no meaning. The outer world is
your great teacher. You cannot learn better than through life.
Experience is the best teacher as it lets you feel what is good or harmful for
But be careful: to experience the right things you need correct guidance.
The opinion that one needs to experience everything at least once is
particularly dangerous or do you want to be raped, tied to a stake or lie
under a guillotine?
Focus on God and thank the world for all that you can experience through it.
Examine everything you experience with the help of the divine teachings.
Learn from this and your life will be full of bliss.


o misfortune, no matter how big, will remain a misfortune forever if you

free yourself from your terrible enemy: ignorance. Every event can add
to your wealth and eventually contribute to your happiness, if you use it to
conquer your ignorance.
Ignorance is like a terrible smell. You can pour any amount of perfume on it
but it will continue to stink sometimes the mixture will make it even worse.
Ignorance cannot be covered with make-up. It always comes through, just
like a cough or a fat belly. No matter what you do, you cannot suppress them.
Therefore the first thing is to realize that ignorance is the hostage of your life.
All further steps follow automatically.
Unfortunately, many people love their ignorance so much that they do
everything to hold on to it. Ignorance and success do not fit together and
therefore loss, suffering and catastrophe are preprogrammed.
Therefore never follow ignorance. All it does is make you suffer and
eventually it will make the statement: If only I had known!
When you say this, ask yourself if you really wanted to know. Were there
really no signs indicating that it might end this way?
Dont think of yourself as a mole in an empty room. Dont think of yourself
as totally helpless. Instead, think of yourself as an intelligent being who was
given all options to choose from.
Think of yourself as a creator and you will be one.


ature is free because it follows Gods order. That is why everything it

does or does not do is correct.

I am closely connected to nature and it to Me.
Therefore I will talk about winter today, even if it starts later according to the
Just look and see how often it snows before winter has started and how often
you dont have a white Christmas.
Winter is the last season of the year and the first of the new year! Winter
represents the beginning as well as the end of development.
Your life should be structured just like a year: spring time is represented by
the years of youth from birth to 20 years of age. Summer is the time of
blossoming from 20 to 40 years. Autumn shows the decline of the bodys
power from 40 to 60. Winter shows the body narrowing down from 60 to
According to this order, a person is very vigorous and I-conscious up until
his twentieth year. In the summer of his life he usually has a partner and
children and develops the YOU. During autumn the focus on God should
become more and more important.
In winter, man and woman should live together like brother and sister and
walk the spiritual path together.
In winter one should find warmth inside, not outside.
To grow old with dignity and happiness, a person must have unfolded the
love in his heart, which fills and warms him. You cant just start looking for
this warmth in winter. It can get very cold if you only go looking for wood
and a stove once it has started to snow.
It could happen that you cant find one or the other and must freeze.
Therefore take care of your relationship to your heart right from your early
days, the spring of your life: care for your relationship to God. If you plan
ahead, you will not have to freeze, and instead you can sit in the warmth quite
comfortably. All bright, at His side.


ature is perfect. You can see this when you look at how it deals with

creating new life: this takes place mainly in hidden, totally protected
The shell of an egg surrounds the chicken. The womb protects a baby.
Why does nature do this? Why is that a sign of its perfection?
It does this to allow the growing being to have its time to mature and to make
those crucial steps of its development without outside influences interfering.
Learn to appreciate nature as a teacher. Observe it. Learn its laws and apply
them in your life.
Always ask yourself: What does that mean? What can I learn from it?
The protection nature grants to new forms of life teaches you how to handle
things which are totally new to you and are still developing.
If you are creating something, dont make it public until it has gone through
those crucial steps of its development. Otherwise, external energies could
destroy it.
Remember the chicken in the egg or the embryo in the womb. Without their
protection they would be utterly unable to live, despite the caring of their
Everything needs its time. Everything needs its development. If you try to
skip stages of development, everything could fail.
Whatever you create, whatever you become, it needs its time to mature. Once
it has had this, it can be displayed to the public.
If it has not had its time, it will either fall over with the first criticism or it lets
it bounce off which will limit its progress substantially.
Therefore, treat yourself and your achievements lovingly and remember that
in this context love means care, protection, respect and patience.
If you live this fourfold love, then success is yours.


ife lives from renewal.

Life belongs to the young and new. The old dies.

Your life is much longer than that of most other beings. Therefore you must
find renewal within yourself.
This renewal, which is the core of your life, is in your heart.
Your age is determined by how much or how little contact you have with your
If you dont understand what is new, you dont have a heart of youth, your
heart is closed, you are old.
Therefore ask yourself: can you communicate with a child in a way that the
child feels you have understood what it is saying?
Can you make contact with an ill person?
Is there a smile in your eyes?
Can you be in harmony with music?
Can you dream in the murmuring of leaves?
If you can do this, than your heart is open and your life full of energy.
Always remember that the great change will come.
Therefore be open-minded for the new.
Dont be afraid. Fear makes you stiff. Fear makes you inflexible and old.
Open yourself for new things. Welcome the new divine liveliness which is
streaming through the world. Allow it to stream into you, even if you have the
feeling that your life might change completely.
Appreciate this change as your rescue for which the Gods of the highest
heavens have prayed.
I have come to save you. I am this perfect new thing which your Self has been
awaiting for many lives.
Nothing old or stiff can survive where I am.
I am the open heart. I am the source of eternal youth. I am the love you are
looking for and which flows through you.


love the month of December with its special spiritual strength.

I love the lovely light which was given the world through Christs birth
and which gives the month of December its depth.
On this, a little story: Once upon a time there was a girl who was very lonely.
She had no one who she thought loved her. She felt no warmth and had no
toys to spend time with.
So she went outside into the snow and built a snowman. She discussed all her
worries with him. She cuddled him and let her tears run down his cold face.
This snowman became the center of this girls life.
The sun climbed higher day by day and the girl knew that one day her
snowman would melt.
She loved him even more because of this.
She was convinced that her love could protect him from everything.
She decided to give the snowman all the love she was capable of giving. She
did this for days, and the sun continued to climb higher.
Suddenly the snowman was embraced by bright light. He melted from one
moment to the next and the girl found herself face to face with a shining,
young man.
She had lost her snowman. What had happened was exactly what she had
tried to turn away. Still, she was full of joy.
In a fairy tale one would say she met her prince. However, in life this means
that her love brought her heaven on earth and that her devotion was honored
with the greatest perfection.


ave you ever asked yourself why Christmas is at the end of the year?

Christmas time is a highly spiritual time during which there are special
energies on earth. You can now fill up on energy for the entire year.
Christmas is also the time of review.
You must ask yourself how you have used this year, what progress you have
made in your spiritual development.
Were you close to God throughout this year? Did you experience Him as you
constant companion and feel His presence?
If you can answer these questions with yes, then you have lived a great year
and Christ really was born for you on Christmas Eve and He rose from the
dead on Easter after experiencing, suffering, transcending and uplifting the
I therefore wish for you that Christ is born more and more for you each year.
May He bless your heart with love and knowledge.
Dont stagger. Go toward Christ and never forget: you are chosen. You are
the Christ you will meet.


here are only ten days left to December 31st, the end of the year.

How have you been during this year? Have you been as happy as I wish
you would be?
Always remember: life is joy. People who are not happy are living the wrong
There is so much you could be happy about!
Even when you are ill, there is so much in you that is healthy which you
could be happy about.
Instead of just getting up carelessly in the morning, greet your organs: brains,
lungs, heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, etc. and thank them for their selfless
service. Promise them that you will repeatedly think about them throughout
the day and that you will be happy that they are there.
Be happy with the people around you. If you have difficulties with them,
think what it is you can learn from these difficulties and be happy about the
opportunity you have been given to learn something.
Even if you have difficulties with the people around you, be happy that you
are not alone. Dont live under the illusion that you could live much better
alone. You surely could not even more, you would not be able to fulfil your
If you do not have difficulties, dont just take it for granted, be happy, be
happy and thankful.
Change your way of thinking: dont get upset about people, animals or things
which dont behave the way you expect.
Instead, think about the things that could have happened to you, how difficult
you life could have been and the misfortunes you have been protected from.
Be aware that for every one rescue you notice, there are a thousand you dont
Be happy, be happy. You have all the reason in the world to be. You have
received great gifts.
There is actually no room for anything else but joy.


hat has changed for you during this year? In which aspects have you

You can best answer these questions by observing your way of speaking. If it
has become quieter, softer and more from the heart, then you have made
progress. If not, you have not developed or may have hardened.
Use this holy Christmas time to open your heart and connect your speech with
your loving heart.
You think that aggressiveness is your best protection? How wrong! What did
Christ say? He who hurts with the sword will be killed by the sword!
Love, not aggressiveness, is your best protection. There is no better.
This does not mean that you should not defend yourself or show others their
boundaries. It should happen in a friendly way, without sharpness or
Live lightly. Be a feather and your speech the wind it floats on.
Avoid all hard and heavy things.
Always remember: a feather that floats is free. A feather that lies on the
ground risks being stepped on. Suddenly it is no longer a feather, just dust in
the street.
What a pity. And just because there was a lack of a little bit of wind, a little
bit of lightness, a little bit of poetry, a little bit of heart.


ecognize My love for you. Recognize that I am always with you. That it

is My duty to protect you and to do everything so that you can

experience what you need to.
Know that my understanding and leniency for you are limitless.
You should drink this knowledge. It must penetrate deep inside you.
Do you know why? For you to know finally how precious you are.
Knowing your own great value is the best prerequisite you can have to be able
to approach your fellow man in a lenient and understanding way.
If you have difficulties with someone, remember that you are all on the same
Being on the road means to be blind in one eye, or the other.
Your respective blindness leads to attachments.
Attachments always mean that you have something to learn, that you are
blind in one way or the other.
Remember how much God loves you and how much He does to allow you to
go your way successfully.
Respect your neighbor as your travel companion who is stumbling along the
way together with you, because he too has not thought about switching on the
powerful torch that every one of you is holding in his hand.
This lamp is the knowledge of your own value.
Why are you so upset that he has not switched on his lamp?
Would he actually need a light if your own lamp were shining?


oday is Christmas Eve. The night in which Joseph and Maria wandered

around seeking for shelter as Maria was in the final stages of her
pregnancy. Maria sat on the donkey and Joseph led it.
But no one offered them shelter which is why they had to settle for a small
shed which normally served as a feeding place for grazing cattle.
This is where Maria gave birth to the Redeemer.
Christ came to change the world and to help millions of souls. His perfection
was evident already at His birth.
In order to realize God within yourself, you must put order in your soul. Your
capacity for discrimination, which is symbolized by Joseph, should lead your
animal desires, symbolized by the donkey. The animal instincts then no
longer control your soul, instead they faithfully and humbly carry your love,
Maria, who is pregnant with your Self.
Once your Self, namely Christ, is born, a comet appears. This means you are
in the light, the light comes to you.
What does it mean that Maria and Joseph could not find shelter? People have
great difficulties with elevated souls. Especially at night, when all material
things lose importance and spiritual things gain power, they fear the divine
light just as happened to the shepherds when they saw the angels.
For this not just to be an interpretation of the story of Christmas, I have one
question for you: how did you react when God knocked on your door?
Please dont say He hasnt been there yet, as I have seen Him every day.


esus was born this night. Through Him a great light came to earth. In

to save the world the Lord again applied His perfect love and gave His
mercy to millions of souls.
Today we celebrate this wonder-full birthday which is an opportunity for us
to think about what Christs actions tell us, must tell us.
I would like to shed some light on one of Christs actions which is not
commonly thought about.
The world was in a barbaric state when He came. The crucifixion itself shows
that there were terrible souls on earth at that time.
Christ came and helped all. Even those who never saw or heard of Him were
touched by His powers.
He also led many souls to such heights that they achieved liberty and were not
However, the world would have needed exactly these souls in order to lift its
Christ therefore gave many souls such love that they were able to progress in
their development to stages they would have otherwise needed hundreds of
years to achieve.
To give the elevated souls relief and the low ones growth He chose the cross
the symbol for the barbaric state of consciousness of that time.
He knew that through His crucifixion He would reach even the most locked
up souls for hundreds of years.
This was a sign of His unlimited love which is so wonderful that you should
not only celebrate it once a year, but several times every day: the great love of
God who came only for you and is still there.


anguage distinguishes people.

This sentence is valid in two ways.

On the one hand it is part of being human to use precise and logical language
which allows them the expression of everything.
On the other hand, a person is characterized by the way he speaks.
Is his language soft or sharp, does he use words carefully or aggressively, is
his expression cultivated or primitive?
Cultivate your language. Care for it like a special flower which needs
particular care and respect. Speak in a way that lets love be the binding link
between syllables and words.
Always remember that love is what is important. More important than any
logic. Love always understands. However, logic can act in connecting but
also in separating ways.
Beware of know-it-all attitudes of quibbling and sincerely try to understand
the people you talk to from your heart.
If you do this, your language will become softer and more loving all by itself,
i.e., it will fulfill its entire meaning and purpose.


oday is the 27th of December (or 12/27) two plus seven is nine. Nine is

the divine number. It is divine because one can multiply as many times
as one wants and the sum of the digits will always equal nine: 9 x 2 = 18 = 1
+ 8 = 9; 6 x 9 = 54 = 5 + 4 = 9 etc.
Twelve stands for the world. Twelve months make up the year or the signs of
the zodiac.
The sum of the digits of twelve is three. Three is the number that includes all
numbers prior to it: 1 + 2 = 3.
From a numbers point of view, 27/12 (or 12/27) means: God contains the
whole world.
I choose this day to introduce Myself as the author of this book.
I am Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Avatar of this age. I have come to save the
world from the threat of destruction.
I have not come to save the good and destroy the bad, as in previous
incarnations. Instead, My task is to teach, to console and to lead.
It is My goal to spread the holy teachings of the Vedas, the Shastras and
Puranas over the entire world.
These teachings are not totally new to the West, they are the core of all
I have not come to start a new religion. All religions are perfect for the souls
that follow them. They just need to be refilled with holiness and energy.
This is My objective and one goal of this book.
Follow My teachings, trust that I will redeem you. Be full of Ananda, full of
divine happiness.
This is the goal of My threefold Avatarship.


od has no desires. God floats in eternal happiness.

If He had one desire, then this would be that you have no desires.
The only way to increase the level of His happiness, if it were at all possible,
would be for you to finally see the way the Lord cares for you, the way He
plans everything for you, how much He is concerned with your development,
your wellbeing and your security.
God knows all connections. God resides in your heart and therefore knows all
your feelings and thoughts. This automatically makes Him your leader.
Consider this: God has been at your side for many, many lives. He is always
there for you. You walk on the spread out carpet of His love and neither see
nor hear Him. As soon as something happens which is different from what
you had envisaged (believe Me, it is for your best!); you argue with God,
whom you know nothing about, whom you dont even know.
Christ was born three days ago. I would be delighted if you could let Him
revive in your heart so that you can notice how I constantly hold your hand
and how My vision embeds you in My heart.


e are coming closer to the end of this year. A year during which I have

showed you the way to liberation day by day.

Take this path, and you will find everything you have always been searching
for. Your Self knows exactly what it is searching for. You just have not found
it because your ego got in the way.
The goal I am pointing you at is Moksha, final liberation from the chains that
tie you to rebirth and death.
The irrefutable law says: whoever is born must die. But, it also says: whoever
lives his life according to My teachings and laws will die in the sense that he
will leave his body, but he will attain eternal unity with Me.
Therefore, free yourself from all attachments. Free yourself on all levels.
This means free yourself from the attachments to your past in the sense that
past experiences still concern you.
Free yourself in the present from quarrelling and quibbling and from anger,
hatred, envy, jealousy, pride and all those vipers that poison your soul.
Examine My teachings thoroughly and then follow them without judging.
Sharpen your intellect and stay in truth.
Beware of arrogance, which makes you believe you are always right and
could look down on others.
Also, free yourself from the attachments to the future by not worrying about
things still to come.
Offer everything to Me. Discharge your duties. Consecrate your life to God
and be happy. You can see whether much you are on the right path by how
happy you are.
I bless you.


t is of great importance that you keep asking yourself where you stand.

What has happened to your development? How did you use this year?
Do you know how you can best measure your progress? By your
Thank your parents for giving you your body. Thank your partner for sharing
his life with you. Thank your children for their love and the things you can
learn through them. Thank your teachers that you can learn so much through
Thank your friends for accompanying you in your life.
Thank your neighbors that you did not have to live alone in the region and
that they repeatedly performed one or the other favor for you.
Thank your community, your city, your region and your home country that
they have looked after you in so many ways.
Thank your enemies for showing you a mirror image which let you recognize,
where you stand.
Also thank the world, the sun, the moon, the stars and the entire universe for
their selfless service which basically enable your existence.
And thank God, as He is all this. He created it for your wellbeing. He is
always there for you and has guided, protected and accompanied you, during
this past year just as in many, many other lives.
How does the song Praise the Lord go?: Have you not felt this?
Feel your thankfulness and you feel God the meaning of your various lives.


oday is the last day of the year. A year in which I have accompanied you

during every second. Have you noticed this?

You often celebrate this last day with lots of Champagne, heavy, non-satvic
(impure) food, and even more, in questionable company.
People who end the year this way have not used it. They have not understood
nor implemented My teachings.
Believe Me, there is really only one thing that is worthy of being celebrated
on this last day of the year: that you have realized that I am the good which
you should be doing.
This good does not just lie around somewhere, possibly in a far away country.
It is inside you. You are it.
If you were not able to recognize this during this past year, then celebrate the
end of the year by intending to find and to lift this treasure within you, during
the coming year.
This decision and its respective implementation will really make this day a
Ask the Lord for help, hold on tight to Him and your decision, and you will
see that you will have more reason to celebrate at the end of each year.


Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

Let us meditate on the Om, the original sound of God, from which the three
levels: the coarse earthly, the fine ethereal and the finest -heavenly (Bhur
Bhuvah Svah) have originated.
Let us praise (Varenyam) the highest incomprehensible Divine being (Tat),
the creative and life-giving power, which also expresses itself in the sun
Let us meditate (Dhimahi) on the streaming (Bhargo) light (Devasya) of God,
which destroys all darkness, all ignorance and all lack of virtues.
Oh Lord, we ask you dearly (Yonah Prachodayat) that Your light may
brighten our souls (Dhi).
The Gayatri Mantra is a very powerful Vedic Mantra which is many thousand
years old.
It helps dissolve negative karma. It protects and purifies (even food) and leads
to enlightenment.
Sai Baba recommends to chant it at least three times, better still nine times
every day.
The Gayatri Mantra may also be chanted using a Japamala (necklace
consisting of 108 beads).
It can be chanted any number of times. However, it is important that the
number can be divided by three.


, without seeing the fruits
of your actions
(Nishkaama Karma)
and letting go
, right
Adam and Eve
Adjust to God
Agathon (the final good)
, golden age
, new
, present
Age, ages
Aggressiveness by
eating meat
Ahimsa (nonviolence)
, Gods
, highest

(20.4.), 26.6.
11.2., 25.9.
21.1., 8.4., 25.4., 25.6., 29.6., 15.8.
31.1., (2.7.), 10.9.

refer to consequences of action
refer to Dharma
16.10., 6.11.
27.1., 2.3., (5.4.), 21.4., 29.6., 2.8.
27.2., 21.8., 30.11., 14.12., 16.12.
7.12., 12.12.
19.3., 28.9., 21.10.
(1.9.), 28.9., 8.10., 21.10.
refer to Kali-age
17.1., 11.9., 21.9., 17.11., 25.11., 16.12., 18.12.
18.8., 2.9., 16.9., 22.12.
2.4., 23.8.
4.1., 23.1., 12.3., 25.3., 2.4., 15.5., 12.7., 3.8.,
8.9., 10.9., 27.10., 1.11., 22.11.
11.3., 19.6., 3.10.
18.10., 28.10., 9.12.

Akasha-Chronic (heavenly
book of all lives)
Alarm system
Ananda (blissfulness)
, kill
, plants, humans
Appearance, bodily
Assisi, Francis of
(Soul, divine self)
Atomic bomb
, liberation from
, suffer through
through sexuality
to the parents
to things
Avatar (incarnation of God)

8.4., 10.12.
25.1., 3.8.
27.1., 2.3., 26.7., 2.8.
21.2., 4.5., 28.7., 13.8., 2.12., 27.12.,
refer to blissfulness
29.9., 8.12., 24.12.
12.3., 24.3., 30.3., 6.8., 30.9., refer to rage
24.1., 19.3.
3.1., 8.1., 14.1., 19.3., 10.5., 17.5., 19.5., 27.6.,
29.10., 12.12.
3.1., 2.4., (27.6.), 29.10.
19.2., 27.6.
1.6., 11.9. refer to Maya
4.3., 23.11.
15.6., 21.7.
5.1., 30.3., 13.4., (2.5.), 1.6., 11.9., 14.10.,
7.4., 26.11.
30.3., 28.6.
22.1., 30.11., 10.12.
25.5., 31.5., 12.6., 14.6., 27.8.,
refer to soul
6.3., 19.5.
10.1., 24.1., 17.2., 30.3., 10.4., 5.7., 19.7.,
12.8., 7.9., 22.9.,5.11., 23.12.
(6.4.), 29.12.
17.1., 20.2., (19.3.), 20.4., 21.9.
28.2., 8.6.
5.9., 16.12.
6.4., 11.4., (19.5.), 28.5., 19.6., 3.9., 4.9., 18.9.,
17.10., 27.11., 30.11., 10.12., 27.12.

, good and
Bad, the
Be serious
Beauty, bodily
Become conscious
and ending
of a relationship
Beginning of spring
Being alone
Being one with God
, Christs
, human
Blade of grass
of a holy person (Darshan)
of God
Blissfulness (Ananda)


15.3., 29.9., 25.11.

22.4., 15.10.
8.4., 10.10., 12.10., 12.12.
14.9., (16.9.)
19.3., 15.5., 7.8., 4.9., 29.9.
(14.9.), (16.9.)
(16.9.), 18.8.
4.9., 31.8.
1.6., 11.9.
(4.3.), 25.3.
23.3., 16.6., 27.7., 2.11., 21.12.
3.3., (3.7.), 1.10., (6.10.), (23.10.)
29.1., 24.2., 26.2., 1.9., 29.9.
28.1., 18.2.
1.12., 19.12., 20.12., 24.12., 25.12.
(20.4.), 26.6.
14.3., 10.6., 15.11., 27.11.
27.1., (9.9.), 11.10., 20.11., 28.11.
5.2., 3.4., 12.12., 23.12.
20.1., 11.2., 12.2., 18.2., 21.2., 7.3., 26.3.,
30.4., 4.5., 28.5., 29.6., 28.7., 13.8., 27.8.,
7.10., 9.10., 27.10., 14.11., 22.11., 2.12.,
27.12., 28.12.

Bodily appearance

and soul
as temple of God
, care for the
, identification with the
, transient nature of the
, way how to deal with the
Body consciousness
Book knowledge
Book of all lives
Book, this
, holy
, push to the limit
, set
of God
Bridge building
British people in India
Brother- and sisterhood
of mankind

1.6., 11.9.
10.1., 17.1., 30.1., 3.2., 4.2., 12.2., 18.2., 29.2.,
15.3., 19.3., 6.4., 1.5., 25.5., 31.5., 9.7., 11.9.,
21.9., 15.10., 27.10., 5.11., 17.11., 25.11.,
7.2., 23.2., 31.5.
30.1., 12.2., (23.10.)
29.2., 8.12.
10.1., 11.9.
8.4., 10.12.
22.10., 1.11.
4.1., 29.7., (22.12.)
7.2., 27.2., 12.6., 12.7.
(2.4.), 4.11.
21.5., 24.6., 26.7., 28.7.
2.6., 24.6., 26.7.

for God

10.4., 3.11.
25.1., 17.8., 23.10.
13.1., 25.1., 22.2., (14.5.), (26.5.), (20.6.),
(7.7.), (15.7.), (24.7.), 6.11., 15.11., 9.12.,

for the body

Catastrophe in life
Catastrophe, worldCause and effect
Chains, inner
(principle of the moon)
of feelings
of partner
of the world
Chaser, J.
Child, children
, inner
Chit (awareness)
Choice of partner

Christs birth
Christians, Christianity
Christmas Eve
Circumspection through
Claiming power of

10.2., 28.8.
19.1., 8.4., refer to Karma
24.4., 15.5., 22.6., 26.11., 13.12.
17.2., 12.11.
24.1., 20.3., 4.4., 18.6., 1.9., 18.12.
8.1., (14.2.), 24.3., 26.6., 2.10., (11.10.)
3.3., 21.6., 1.9., 24.12.
10.7., 12.11.
5.6., 28.7.
24.1., 8.3., 10.3., 20.4., 29.7., 5.8., 25.8.,
16.12., 18.12., 30.12.
3.2., 24.4., 28.6.
13.8., refer to awareness
2.4., 1.5., 23.5., 6.7., 26.7., 28.7., 1.12., 8.12.,
12.12., 13.12., 20.12., 22.12., 24.12., 25.12.,
1.12., 19.12., 20.12., 24.12., 25.12.
2.4., 2.6., 14.6., 24.6., 26.7.
19.4., 20.12., 22.12., 24.12.
5.8., 8.10.
27.1., (5.4.), (2.8.)
28.6., 17.8.

Closeness to God
, harmony of
Coherence of life
Combatant sport
Comet above the crib
Communication between
Company, bad and good
Condemn others
Connection to God
Consciousness (Chit)
because of decisions

10.5., (16.8.), 20.8.
20.3., 29.6.
14.2., 7.9., 20.9., 9.10., 10.10., 25.11., 26.11.,
3.2., 10.2., 21.2., 24.2., (3.3.), 2.4., 3.4., 29.4.,
9.5., (20.5.), 28.5., 21.6., 20.11., 8.12., 28.12.
18.1., 3.5., 13.5., (28.5.), 23.6., 21.8., 6.11.,
4.4., 21.5., 29.5., 11.10., 15.11.
14.9., (16.9.)
23.5., 17.9., 23.12.
(3.4.), (20.5.), 24.8., (17.9.), 8.12.
11.2., 5.7., 13.8., 30.11.

of actions

of sexuality
to God
to your own heart
Contempt for mankind
Control your tongue
Cooperation in your marriage
Cosmic laws
, act of
, perfection of
Creation of the world
, God as
, man as
Crucifixion of Christ
Cultural heritage
Culture, cultures
of a nation

(19.1.), 8.2., (21.3.), 8.4., 26.4., 1.5., 5.5., 16.5.,
6.6., 6.7., 26.7., 1.8., 8.8., (17.8.), 4.9.,
(19.9.), 29.10., 11.11., 23.11., 12.12., refer to
17.1., 20.4.
26.4., 22.5.
(7.1.), 23.3., 26.5., 18.6., 6.11.
14.12., 16.12., 18.12.
6.9., (7.11.)
20.4., 26.6.
13.3., 9.5., 31.10., 23.11., 25.11.
12.2., 4.4.
1.4., 23.11.
13.3., 1.10., 20.11.
1.1., 2.1., (6.3.)
(3.3.), (11.4.), 13.6., (21.6.), 23.6., 20.11.
4.3., 13.6., 23.6., 11.8.
5.12., 15.12.
24.1., 24.5.
19.4., 1.12., 12.12., 20.12., 25.12.
18.8., 7.11.

Damnation, eternal
Danger on your
spiritual path
Darshan (blessing
of a holy person)

Decay of a human being

, consequences of a
, free
Delphic Oracle
(find yourself)
of a therapist
of alcohol
, free from
Desires, wishes

, responsibility for the
Destruction of the world

14.3., 10.6., 15.11., 27.11.
28.1., 26.3., 29.3., 20.4., 18.5., 28.5., 28.6.,
11.9., 21.9., 22.9., 10.10., 3.11., 17.11.,
25.11., 1.12., 9.12., 29.12.
1.12., 19.12.
9.2., 26.4., 15.5., 23.9., 11.10., 23.11.
9.11., 8.12.
26.4., (22.5.)
19.1., 17.12., refer to Unity of thoughts, words
and deeds
9.8., 11.11., 12.12.
17.1., 17.2.
2.2., 28.4., 10.5., (20.8.), 16.10.
2.12., 7.12., 10.12., 13.12.
17.1., 19.3., 24.3., 19.5., 5.6.
4.5., (11.5.), 9.10., 28.12.
6.1., 10.1., 11.5., 21.5., 5.7., (22.7.), 23.8., 7.9.,
22.9., 6.10., 10.10., 14.11., 22.11. refer to
28.1., 3.2., 4.4., 17.5., 25.10., 27.11.
(3.2.), 29.3., (31.3.), (8.4.), (5.5.), 16.5.,
(28.6.), (1.8.), (19.10.), 2.11, (18.11.),
(3.3.), (21.6.), 13.12.
11.8., 12.12.
5.1., 21.1., 4.4., 3.5., 29.5., 10.6., 29.6., 30.6.,
13.10., 22.10., 7.11., 9.11., 25.12., 30.12.

of the soul
, spiritual (Sadhana)
through illness
, time for
to God
Dharma (right conduct,

as indicator
, development through
in the family
, learn through
with the partner
Director, God as
Diversity, divine
number nine
Divinity in mankind
Do good

24.2., 15.3., 1.8., 25.12.

29.4., 22.10., 29.11.
15.3., 22.4., 9.12.
5.3., 5.12., 17.12.
23.4., 5.6., 1.12., 19.12.
3.3., 21.6., 6.10.
12.1., 21.1., 23.1., 25.1., 31.1., 8.2.,
5.3., 12.3., 25.3., 11.4., 25.4., 15.5.,
25.6., 12.7., 3.8., 15.8., 8.9., 10.9.,
23.9., 27.10., 1.11., 22.11., 27.11.
23.1., 28.5., 30.10., 3.11., 25.11., 29.12.
6.1., 7.1., 13.1., 31.1., 12.2., 17.2., 18.4.,
17.10., 25.10., 23.12.
24.2., 15.3., 1.8., 25.12.
(6.1.), 13.1., 21.12.
4.4., 12.4.
8.3., 26.3., 10.5., 5.6., 6.12., 16.12.
2.7., 28.8., 30.9., 13.11., 13.12.
15.2., 31.3., 30.4., 19.8., 16.10., 30.10.
10.5., 20.8., 1.9.
(13.4.), (31.10.), 4.11., 7.11.
(13.4.), (31.10.), 4.11., 7.11.
5.4., 2.10., 22.11.
12.1., 25.1., 29.9., 6.10., 12.10., 29.12.
27.9., 27.12.
21.2., 30.8., 1.9., 6.9., 8.10., (16.12.)
25.5., refer to Atman
5.1., 7.2., 3.3., 12.5., 21.6., 22.6., 19.10., 18.11.
9.3., 8.4., 5.5., 29.6., 29.9., 10.10., 29.10.,
11.11., 12.11., 17.11., 12.12., 31.12.
11.3., 18.3., 9.8., 26.9.

Doing nothing
Doubt yourself
to God
Driving a car

23.3., 12.5., 28.10.
(22.1.), 24.11.
(6.3.), 25.9.
27.1., 2.3., (5.4.), 21.4., 29.6., 2.8.,
refer to addictions
3.7., 4.9., 7.9., 6.10.

Earths atmosphere
Easter bunny, Easter eggs
(mother of Sai Baba)
Eating fish
Eating habits
, negative karma through
Eating meat
from a lamb

1.1., 2.1.
2.4., 9.4., 19.4., 20.12.
28.7., (11.12.)
3.1., 9.1., 29.4., 16.8.
2.4., 29.4.
3.1., 9.1., 2.4., 16.4., 29.4., 2.6., (26.7.), 16.8.,
23.8., 2.9.
29.7., 30.11.
25.3., 16.11.
8.1., 15.1., 15.3., 19.3., 24.3., 30.3., 4.4., 6.4.,
11.4., 11.5., 12.5., 25.5., 22.6., 3.7., 5.7., 8.7.,
21.7., 31.7., 1.8., 29.8., 17.9., 28.9., 5.10.,
7.10., 30.10., 8.11., 9.11., 16.11., 22.11.,
26.11., 4.12., 12.12., 29.12.

and control
, identification with the
, victim of the
Eight, the number
Einstein, A.
Emptiness, inner
, beginning and
of the world
of the year
, inner e. of man
Energy, take in
through food
through smoking
Energy, divine
Enslave of people
Environmental catastrophe
Environmental destruction
Equality of all man

29.2., 17.9., 8.12.
5.1., 24.1., 5.2., 17.3., 7.5., 23.7., 11.9., 28.9.,
11.7., 12.9.
7.9., 17.10., 8.11.
23.1., 5.6.
11.4., 13.4., 21.5., 27.11.
(4.3.), 25.3.
15.7., 27.12.
20.12., 21.12., 31.12.
25.1., 16.4., 30.12.
(5.3.), 30.4., (14.10.), (18.10.)
5.4., 2.10., 22.11.
5.4., 26.6., 3.7., 5.7., 19.8., 8.10.
24.4., 21.5., 25.6., 12.12.
9.3., 26.3., 6.4., 5.6., 18.9., 22.12.
3.3., 21.6.
3.4., 28.4.
1.7., 8.7.
2.1., 20.11.
17.1., 28.1., 14.2., 19.3., 25.3., 26.3., 19.5.,
24.5., 26.6., 28.7., 4.8., 18.8., 27.8., 29.9.,

Evil thoughts
Evil, the
Existence of God,
question of the
Exploitation of mankind
Extreme feelings

4.10., (12.10.), 4.11., 12.11.

21.8., 14.12., 15.12.
7.8., 4.9., 3.12.
14.7., 29.9.
(22.1.), (2.11.)
18.9., 30.9.
9.11., 14.12., 23.12.
24.5., 9.8., 21.10., 7.11.

of God to mankind
to the partner
, duty in the
, separation from the
Fantasy, sexual
Fathers of God humans
Fear, fears
of loss
of sexual feelings
, extreme
, negative
Festival, festivals
Find yourself
(Delphic Oracle)

4.7., 21.8.
18.1., 21.1., 12.5., 17.7., 20.7., 13.8., 30.8.,
15.9., 16.11., (28.11.)
(9.2.), 20.2., 17.8., (2.10.), (3.10.), 13.12.
8.3., 10.4., 20.5., 24.5., 29.5., 28.6., 20.7.,
21.7., 12.9., 11.10.
31.3., 10.4., 20.7.
10.5., 15.8., 20.8., 28.11.
29.1., 3.2.
15.4., 12.5., 5.6., 12.6., 29.7., 23.8., 17.9.,
10.10., (3.11.), 23.11., 18.12.
15.2., 5.7.
9.1., 5.4., 10.4., 28.5., 28.6., 2.10., 16.10., 5.11.
25.2., 24.3., 19.11.
2.4., 9.4., 19.4., 4.11.
10.4., 15.7., 17.8., 21.11., 26.11.
19.10., 14.11.

Fish, story about a
, eating and drinking
, fish
, good and plenty
, harmony of
, meat
, satvic (pure, balanced)
, vegetarian
Force others to their
Foreigners, foreign things
Former lives
Francis of Assisi
Free decision
Free will

, deceptive
Freud, S.
Friend, God as
, apparently
Fruits of your actions
Fulfillment (satisfaction),
worldly desires
Fulfillment of lust
Full moon

1.1., 2.1.
11.5., 25.6., 25.11., 29.11.
9.2., 12.2.
8.4., 10.5., 27.6., 15.8., 16.8., 18.9., 28.11.,
31.12., refer to nutrition
3.1., 9.1., 29.4., 6.8.
3.1., 9.1., 2.4., 16.4., 29.4., 2.6., (26.7.), 16.8.,
23.8., 2.9.
10.5., 20.8., 31.12.
29.4., 26.7.
22.1., (26.1.), 3.2., 12.2., 8.4., 5.5., 16.5., 20.5.,
14.6., 7.7., 5.10., 5.11.
30.3., 28.6.
9.11., 8.12.
3.5., 6.5., 7.7., (18.7.), 1.8., 9.9., 10.10., 14.10.,
29.10., 6.11., 9.11., 11.11.
11.2., 17.2., 21.2., 20.4., 14.5., 7.6., 16.7.,
12.8., 6.10., 25.10., 6.11., 12.11., 12.12.,
22.3., 4.11., 21.11., 22.12.
28.3., 27.8., 30.12.
31.1., 2.7., 10.9.
(18.9.), (16.10.), 22.10., 22.11.

Furniture, harmony of


, life as a
German, Germany
Give and take
from God
Goal of life
as addiction
as creator
as director
as friend
as guide
as judge
as measure
as mirror
as savior
as someone to talk to
as the you within you

3.7., 7.9.
9.1., 10.5., 4.7., 31.7., 16.8., 20.8., 28.8.,
23.2., (22.3.), 1.4., (7.5.), 17.6., 25.9., 26.9.,
(19.11.), 29.11.
31.1., 30.5., 27.6., 12.9., 9.10., 30.10., 19.11.,
4.1., 17.7.
20.1., 29.1., 23.4., 4.6., 3.9., 6.9.
4.3., 13.6., 23.6., 11.8.
15.6., 29.8., 7.9., 22.10., 28.12.
21.2., 24.7., 6.9., 2.12.
18.4., 5.12.
13.1., 19.5., 19.6., 23.6., (7.7.), (15.7.), 3.9.,
9.9., 7.12., 18.12., 27.12.

as witness
, asking G. for guidance
, asking G. for help
, bad (heretical)
, be one with
, being separate from
, closeness to
, connection to
, contact to
, devotion to
, doubts to
, find
, focus on
in all
is love
is nowhere
, meet
of revenge, bad
or the world
, path to
, picture of
, realize
, through thinking
, relationship to
, repeat the name of
, role of
, searching for
, trust in
, want to understand
, wish to
, you are
God humans
, descent of
, fathers of
, mothers of
, procreation of

24.2., 16.5., 7.12.
3.2., 15.4., 22.4., 15.5., 14.8., 29.8., 22.9.
27.1., (12.2.), 15.2., 5.4., 22.4., (4.10.), 11.10.,
12.11., 16.11., 31.12.
19.1., 8.8.
3.3., (3.7.), 1.10., (6.10.), (23.10)
14.2., 7.9., 20.9., 9.10., 10.10., 25.11., 26.11.,
7.1., 23.3., 26.5., 18.6., 6.11.
3.3., 21.6., 6.10.
27.2., 21.8., 30.11., 14.12., 16.12.
1.1., 20.1., 23.4., 3.5., (14.8.), (19.8.)
1.10., 5.12.
19.1., 8.8.
7.4., 4.6., 4.8., 9.11.
23.1., 5.2., 25.4., 4.6., 24.6., 4.7., (8.8.), 2.9.
27.2., 24.6., 7.7.
27.2., 24.12.
27.1., 26.5., 29.7., 20.9., 6.11., 13.12., 16.12.
refer to Namasmarana
24.2., 11.4., 9.10.
7.2., 14.8., 25.8.
7.1., 21.1., (10.6.), (20.6.), 13.8., (30.8.), 15.9.,
(10.6.), 16.6.
5.12., 13.12.
28.7., 11.12.
27.1., (9.9.), 11.10., 20.11., 28.11.


existence, asking for

faithfulness to man


relationship to man
Godfather (I am)
Goethe, J. W. v.
Golden Age
Golden middle
and bad
Good, the
see the g. in all

13.1., 25.1., 22.2., (14.5.), (26.5.), (20.6.),
(7.7.), (15.7.), (24.7.), 6.11., 15.11., 9.12.,
(22.1.), (2.11.)
12.5., 14.5., 15.5., 10.9., 1.10., 22.10., 15.11.
13.8., 24.11.
18.1., (12.5.)
refer to Avatar
1.1., 3.3., 18.4., 7.5., 21.6., 16.7., 1.10., 5.10.,
23.12., 25.12., 28.12.
3.3., 19.3., 21.6., 22.6., 30.6., 26.11.
6.3., (12.5.), 1.10., (10.10.), 10.12.
1.10., 9.11., 10.12.
26.3., 3.5., 30.8., 9.9., 5.10., 11.12.
29.2., 30.4., (17.5.), 30.5., 4.7., (27.7.), 1.8.,
11.8., 21.9., (9.12.)
15.4., 27.7.
26.5., (6.11.)
2.1., 6.3., 26.4., 13.6., 2.12.
30.1., 1.10.
19.3., 28.9., 21.10.
19.3., 15.5., 7.8., 4.9., 29.9.
4.3., 7.8., 31.8., 4.9., 14.9., 16.9., 12.10., 31.12.
1.7., 27.11.

Good, the
final (Agathon)

Growing being, the
Guidance of God
, ask for
, God as
, spiritual

24.5., 4.11., 7.11.
12.1., 13.1., 18.1., 25.1., 7.4., 12.4., 25.4., 5.5.,
29.6., 11.8., 18.8., 10.9., 15.9., (25.10.),
11.11., 13.11., 19.11., 20.11., 26.11., 27.11.
3.2., 29.2., 12.4., 28.4., 30.4., 8.6., 27.6., 21.7.,
19.8., 10.9., 19.11., 4.12., 21.12., 30.12.
15.2., 30.3.
12.5., 14.5., 15.5., 10.9., 1.10., 22.10., 15.11.
3.2., 15.4., 22.4., 15.5., 14.8., 29.8., 22.9.
15.6., 29.8., 7.9., 22.10., 28.12.
(8.9.), 8.10., (24.11.), (9.12.)

, bad
, and good

through giving
, force others to find their
, searching for
of depression
, contact to your own

7.3., 14.9., (16.9.), 26.10., 12.11., 28.11.

14.9., 12.11.
11.1., 15.1., 17.1., 18.1., 13.2., 1.4., 12.4.,
17.6., 30.7., 8.8., 18.8., 24.8., 27.8., 13.9.,
30.9., 7.10., 21.10., 25.10., 19.11.
21.2., 19.5., 6.6., 5.7., (22.7.), 23.7., 18.9.,
27.10., 14.11., 12.12.
11.1., 17.3., 1.6., 4.10.
28.3., 25.4., 12.7., 15.10., 21.11.
17.2., 10.4., 5.6., 2.7., 29.7., 28.9., 14.10.,
18.1., (20.5.), 14.10.
11.2., 23.2., 5.4., 4.10., 15.10., 21.12.
23.2., 19.6., 26.9.
9.5., 9.6., 2.10., 7.10., 9.10., 4.11., 5.11., 30.11.
14.12., 16.12., 18.12.

, logic of the
, open
, through suffering
, power of the
, sing from your
, to know your
in the West
, ask God for
, get
through God
Highest goal
Hindus, Hinduism
Hitler, A.
people, descent of
three wise men
Hostility to foreigners
Human being
as mans greatest enemy
as measure of all things
, animals, plants
, objective as a

9.5., 26.8.
8.1., 15.1., (22.3.), 18.4., 9.5., 11.11., 27.11.,
18.12., 22.12.
17.3., 7.7.
15.1., (9.6.)
24.1., 9.8.
22.3., 7.5., 25.9.
3.6., 23.11.
17.5., 6.6., 26.7., 7.11.
27.1., (12.2.), 15.2., 5.4., 22.4., (4.10.), 11.10.,
12.11., 16.11., 31.12.
13.8., 24.11.
2.11., 15.12.
2.6., 14.6., 24.6., 10.12.
28.6., 6.7., 19.11.
29.1., 6.4., 12.10.
22.10., 1.11.
2.12., 7.12.
2.6., 27.9., 27.12.
8.2., 17.8.
(4.11.), 19.11.
19.2., 27.6.
23.3., 3.4., 9.5., 19.5., 21.7.
18.3., 13.2.
18.1., 2.2., 24.8., 20.11., 28.11.
25.2., 2.9.

I am (God father)

20.1., 29.1.

I, the
Idealism, German
with the body
with the ego
, Judgement out of
, development through
, suppression of
through alcohol
through karma
through wrong diet
Illusion, Illusions

Image of God
Images, negative
Immensity of God
Imperfection, the
, of God
Individuality of
every piece of land
Industrial countries
Inferiority feeling
Influence, bad

25.11., 16.12.
24.1., 16.4., 19.5., 30.6.
29.2., 8.12.
29.2., 17.9., 8.12.
3.3., 24.3., 6.5., 21.6., 21.10., 25.10.
11.6., 21.6., 28.8., 21.9., 12.10., 14.10., 15.12.
23.2., 7.4., 22.4., 28.4., 11.6., 12.6., 26.9.,
15.10., 24.10., 4.12., 21.12.
15.3., 22.4., 9.12.,
15.3., 22.4.
11.1., 28.1., 9.2., 12.2., 1.3., 3.6., 4.10., 18.10.,
14.11., 22.11., 14.12.,
refer to Maya (outer world)
14.2., refer to envy
27.2., 24.6., 7.7.
18.1., (12.5.)
18.5., (10.11.)
6.1., 21.1., 5.3., 31.7., 24.10.
12.2., 26.3., 13.4., 12.12.
refer to Avatar
31.1., 25.5., 10.6., 3.9., 8.9., 25.9., 9.12., 10.12.
24.5., 6.7., 8.9., 8.10.
17.9., 28.9.
(9.2.), (3.10.), 11.12., (13.12.)
18.8., (16.9.)

Initial enthusiasm
Injury of the soul
Inside, turn to
Instincts, animal
Interview with Baba
Islam, Moslems

(9.2.), (10.3.), (27.3.), (1.4.), (28.6.), 3.10.,
(11.10.), 13.10.
26.1., 24.2., 20.11.
17.2., (12.11.)
15.6., 22.6., 19.9., 22.9., 8.11., 26.11.
24.1., 19.3.
2.6., 14.6., 24.6., 26.7., 10.12.

Jews, Judaism
from the elephant and
the mouse
Journey of life
, excessive
Judas goat
God as
judging of others
Judgment out of ignorance
Jung, C. G.

refer to Namasmarana
14.2., 30.3., 30.4., 7.5., 28.9., 14.10., 2.11.,
6.12., 29.12.
refer to Christ
2.6., 14.6., 24.6., 19.11.
2.8., 10.9.
11.12., 24.12.
11.1., 29.2., 1.4., 30.5., 30.7., 27.8., 22.11.,
26.7., 20.11.
3.4., 20.5., 24.8., (17.9.), (5.10.), 8.12.
19.1., 24.1., 24.2., 13.9., 8.10., 11.11., 20.11.

Kali-age, Kali-Juga
(the current age)

by choice of your partner

, destroy negative
, illness through
in the relationship,
through eating habits
Kauravas, the
Killing of animals
is power
, true

8.1., 27.1., 27.2., 2.5., 2.9., (17.9.), (21.9.),

8.10., 16.10.
19.1., 10.1., 8.2., 9.2., 20.2., 2.3.,10.3., 25.3.,
6.4., 8.4., 1.5., (5.5.), (16.5.), 28.5., 4.7., 6.7.,
7.7., 26.7., (1.8.), 4.8., 8.8., 9.8., 2.9., 4.9.,
6.9., 16.9., 18.9., 5.10., 10.10., 12.10., 29.10.,
3.11., 5.11., 11.11., 12.12., 21.12.
25.3., 1.11., 27.11., 3.12., 15.12.
3.1., 2.4., (27.6.), 29.10.
21.1., 29.3., 24.4., 11.6., 28.8., 7.10., 14.10.,
29.10., 1.11., (15.12.)
30.3., 18.7.
7.10., (14.10.)
25.3., 15.6., 21.7., 4.9., 1.11., 27.11., 3.12.,

Laws of nature
Layers of society

through difficulties
through suffering
Leisure time

27.3., 10.8., (1.9.), 8.11., 22.12. 26.12.,

refer to talk
13.6., 23.6., 17.12.
28.1., 31.1., 12.3., 25.6., 29.6., 12.9., 23.11.,
13.1., 16.1., 3.2., 6.6., 16.6., 27.6., 31.8., 30.9.,
4.10., 5.10., 12.10., 29.10., 3.11.,
9.11.,24.11., 5.12., 14.12., 21.12., 23.12.
(6.1.), 13.1., 21.12.
9.3., (28.4.), 7.7.

Lesson, to learn
Let go
, acting and letting go
Levels of development
, final
from attachment

10.6., 25.6., 2.7., 5.7., 12.8., 14.11.
(27.2.), 21.5., 6.6., 28.6., 29.10., 22.11.
refer to Moksha
(6.4.), 29.12.
12.1., 17.4., 14.9., 11.12.
20.4., 2.5., 5.9., 15.10., 30.10., 3.11., 25.11.,
27.11., 1.12., 9.12.
as a chance
as a game
as a gift of God
, be active in
, choose your
1.8., 4.9.
in the now
, make l. difficult
10.6., 15.11.
, meaning of
12.1., (24.1.), 18.2., (1.8.), 24.8., 29.9.
, paradox of
13.3., 23.11., 25.11.
, previous
22.1., (26.1.), 3.2., 12.2., 8.4., 5.5., 16.5., 20.5.,
14.6., 7.7., 5.10., 5.11.
, salt of
5.3., 14.8.
, signification of l. on earth 11.4.
1.11., 1.12., 6.12., 19.12.
, all-encompassing
19.5., 17.10.

, be connected through
, bringing l. in your life
, godly
, send
Live together
, casual
without being married
Loan from God
of the heart
Look, your own
, all-encompassing
as the way to God
, Gods
, knowing
, missing
, power of
towards your partner
towards yourself
Love-good, someone

9.7., 24.12.
12.8., 29.11., 22.12.
(10.3.), 4.11.
(10.3.), 13.10.
23.11., 26.12.
9.5., 26.8.
6.4., 1.6., 23.7., 2.11., 19.12.
1.6., 13.11.
refer to Prema
25.4., 2.9.
1.1., 3.3., 18.4., 7.5., 21.6., 16.7., 1.10., 5.10.,
23.12., 25.12., 28.12.
20.7., (17.8.)
4.2., 8.6.
19.3., 5.6.
13.2., 8.10.

Magic potential
Main objective of mankind
Make life difficult
and woman
, objective of a
Man eater, the man as
, brother- and sisterhood of

10.6., 15.11.
23.1., 8.3., 10.3., 7.6.
24.1., 5.6., 16.12.
(2.4.), 4.11.

, divinity of
, equality of
, exploitation of
, unity of

5.1., 7.2., 3.3., 12.5., 21.6., 22.6., 19.10., 18.11.

24.5., 9.8., 21.10., 7.11.
(21.10.), 3.11., 4.11., (19.11.)
28.7., 24.12.
8.1., 9.2., 20.2., 10.3., 4.4., 12.4., 20.4., 13.5.,
26.6., 5.8., 17.8., 25.8., 19.9., 3.10., 13.10.,
20.10., refer to relationship, partnership
4.4., 12.4.

, cooperation in
, holiness of
, problems in
Marx, K.
of a soul
, time to mature
Maya (outer world, illusion) 16.1., 21.1., 28.1., 31.1., 7.2., 12.2., 13.2.,
16.2., 28.2., 9.3., 13.3., 29.3., 3.5., 4.5., 18.5,
4.6., 17.6., 2.7., 5.7., 20.7., 23.7., 24.7.,
(2.9.), 18.9., 22.10., 27.10., 31.10., 3.11.,
9.11., 24.11., 10.12., 12.12., 14.12.
, from M. (world) to Deva 19.2.
Meaning of existence,
2.1., (16.1.), (24.1.), 10.2., 11.2., 18.2.,
meaning of life
14.5., (28.5.), (1.8.), 24.8., 29.9., (5.10.),
(12.10.), 22.10., (27.10.)
Meaning, all has a
10.2., 1.3., 21.8.
Measure, God as
21.2., 24.7., 6.9., 2.12.
1.2., 7.11.
Medical therapy
19.10., 30.11.
Medicine, allopathic
22.4., (15.10.)
31.1., 2.2., 27.2., 5.4., 4.5., 10.5., 4.7., 25.7.,
16.8., 20.8., 22.8., 28.8., 28.11.
against negativity
, instruction
(27.2.), (25.7.)
Messages of God
, finding the

21.8., 30.11., 29.12.
10.1., 22.1., 9.4., 13.6., 27.7., 17.10.
18.4., 5.12.
3.3., 19.3., 21.6., 22.6., 30.6., 26.11.
5.1., 27.4., 22.10., 28.11., 12.12.
2.4., 2.6., 26.7.
27.2., 28.5., 6.6., 27.11., 10.12.,
(25.12.), 29.12.
11.1., 13.2., 1.4., 4.5., 27.6., 3.8., 4.8., 10.9.,
12.9., 21.10., 26.10., 16.11., 19.11.
, problems, worries through 11.1., 15.2.
Moon principle
14.2., 19.3., 1.7., 28.7., 10.9.,
(16.9.), 12.11.
, loss of
16.4., (18.8.)
2.6., 14.7., 20.10., 12.11.
Moslems, Islam
2.6., 14.6., 24.6., 26.7., 10.12.
29.1., 3.2., 28.7.
Mothers of God humans
28.7., 11.12.
7.9., 17.10., 8.11.
21.4., 3.6., 18.8.
, bad
Mozart, W. A.

, golden
, hold the
, dull state of
Mirror, God as
Misanthrope, ascetics
Missing love
Mission of God
(final liberation)

(repetition of the
name of the Lord)
Nation, Nations

15.1., 27.1., 2.2., 6.2., 14.2., 27.2., 15.3., 9.3.,

29.3., 5.4., 22.4., 4.5., 10.5., 15.5., 4.7.,
30.7., 31.7., 16.8., 18.8., 20.8., 22.8., 28.8.,
6.9., 21.9., 22.9., 15.10., 17.11.
14.6., 4.11., 12.11.

Negative sides
Negative, the
meditation against
New age
New, the
Nicotine, smoking
Nine, the godly number
Nishkaama karma (Acting,
without looking for the
fruits of your actions)
Now, live in the

8.5., (27.6.), 8.7., 5.9., 16.12., 17.12.

25.2., 24.3., 19.11.
5.3., 22.4., 4.7., 2.10.
25.1., 1.2., 5.3., 5.4., 10.4., 15.4., 7.8., 31.8.,
4.9., 13.11., 23.11.
(1.9.), 28.9., 8.10., 21.10.
27.1., 5.4., 2.8.
27.9., 27.12.
31.1., (2.7.), (10.9.)

refer to Ahimsa
1.3., 25.11.
4.4., 27.9., 27.12.
3.1., 9.1., 25.6., (16.8.), 20.8., 23.8., (11.9.),
15.10., refer to food

Oak, acorn
Objective, objectives
as a family
as a human being

22.1., 29.11.
23.3., 3.4., 9.5., 19.5., 21.7.

Objective, objectives
as a man
as a woman
of god
of decisions
of food
of sexuality
of work
Offering prayer
Old, the
OM (sound of creation)
of God
Omnipresent of God
Open the heart
through suffering
Other world
Outer appearance
Outer world, illusion

24.2., 11.4., 9.10.
9.2., 5.6., 20.7., 13.10., 23.10.
7.1., 4.3., 13.3., 15.3., 26.4., 6.5., 2.7., 15.8.,
10.9., 25.9.
20.2., 24.3., 2.10.
23.4., 8.11.
6.3., (12.5.), 1.10., (10.10.), 10.12.
1.10., 9.11., 10.12.
8.1., 15.1., (22.3.), 18.4., 9.5., 11.11., 27.11.,
18.12., 22.12.
17.3., 7.7.
12.2., 18.2., 21.2., 15.3., 26.3., 28.5., 6.6., 5.7.,
26.7., 1.8., 18.9., 27.10., 22.11., 25.11.
refer to Maya

Pandavas, the
Paradox, the
, being faithful to your
, difficulties with the
, Relationship to the
, separation from the
, ties to the
Partner, partnership

14.2., 18.4., 28.8., 9.12., 13.12.

25.3., 9.5., 1.11., 27.11., 3.12.
13.3., 31.10., 23.11., 25.11.
13.5., 7.6., 29.7., 30.12.
(9.2.), 20.2., 17.8., (2.10.), (3.10.)
4.4., 12.4.
(9.2.), 14.2., 20.7., (25.8.), (15.9.), 21.9., 11.10.
24.1., 29.1., 9.2., 20.2., 10.3., 20.4., 13.5., 5.6.,
7.6., 16.6., 20.7., 25.8., 21.9., 2.10., 3.10.,

Pascal, B.
, spiritual
to God
, to be on the
, worldly
of creation
of ones duty
Personal interest
Philosophy, Philosopher
, Indian
Plan of creation
Plan of God
Plants as diet
Plants, animals, humans
Platonic relationship
Point of view
, positive
Poison for the soul
Poison in the food
Position of leadership
point of view

11.10., (13.10.), 20.10., 13.12., 16.12.,

refer to marriage, relationship
17.1., 2.7., 5.11.
1.3., (28.6.), 29.12.
22.2., 19.3., 28.3., 30.4., 21.5., 29.8., (2.9.),
24.9., 4.10., 22.10., 16.12.
23.1., 5.2., 25.4., 4.6., 24.6., 4.7., (8.8.), 2.9.
29.8., 24.9.
7.1., 2.2., 15.2., 5.3., 20.3., 26.4., 23.5., 2.7.,
10.8., 15.8., 17.8., 15.9., 23.9.
22.9., 15.10, 23.11., 2.12., 8.12.,
refer to Shanti
5.1., 16.1., (19.2.), 3.6., 3.11., 14.11., 6.12.,
17.12., 24.12.
(3.3.), (11.4.), 13.6., (21.6.), 23.6., 20.11.
18.3., 1.4., 7.5., 10.7., 26.9., 21.10.
(29.1.), (8.3.), 24.5., 3.9., 19.11.
4.3., 16.3., 6.9., 12.11., 30.11.
26.3., 3.5., 30.8., 9.9., 5.10., 11.12.
19.2., 27.6.
4.3., 23.11.
18.1., (21.4.)
2.6., refer to change of partner
(24.5.), 7.11.

, see in others
Positive, the
Possibilities of learning
and ego
, knowledge is
of distinction
of love
of peace
of peace
of the heart
of words
of your will
, positive and negative
, spiritual
the ego
Praise, search for
, power of
Prema (love)

Present, presents
, Gods

4.7., 30.8.
16.2., 1.5., 1.7., 12.11., 23.11.
13.2., 8.9., 11.6., 26.10., (7.11.), (27.11.)
24.1., 27.4., 17.5., 19.5., 24.5., 6.7., 18.7., 9.8.,
8.9., 21.10., 2.11., 7.11., 8.11., 11.11., 26.11.
30.3., 18.7.
refer to Viveka
(27.3.), 13.7., (3.10.), (8.11.)
7.8., 27.9., 2.12., 19.12.
6.4., 31.7.
6.1., 26.1., 29.1., 2.2., 20.6., 17.7., 28.8., 15.9.,
19.9., 20.9.
6.1., 26.1., 29.1., (2.2.), 20.6., 17.7., 28.8.,
15.9., 19.9., 20.9.
6.1., 29.1.
20.5., 2.6., 14.6.
23.1., 9.2., 13.2., 12.3., 22.3., 25.3., 26.3., 3.4.,
11.4., 2.5., 15.5., 12.7., 16.7., 20.7., 29.7.,
3.8., 13.8., 26.8., 8.9., 10.9., 26.9., 7.10.,
13.10., 17.10., 21.10., 23.10., 27.10., 30.10.,
1.11., 5.11., 22.11., 1.12., 19.12., 26.12.
20.9., 6.12.
29.2., 30.4., (17.5.), 30.5., 4.7., (27.7.), 1.8.,
11.8., 21.9., (9.12.)

Present, presents
, life as
Present, live in the
Pressure, outside
Preventative medicine
Principle of the sun
, cosmic
, divine
of life
, growing by
, psychic
through money
, unsolvable
of a child
of God human
, protect

11.1., 18.1., 24.3., 30.3., 2.5., (20.5.), 5.6.,
14.10., 29.12.

23.6., 5.10.
12.1., 25.1., 29.9., 6.10., 12.10., 29.12.
7.1., 13.1., 21.1., 12.2., 12.6., 4.11., 13.12.,
6.9., 4.10.
26.1., (12.2.)

20.4., 26.6.
9.8., 29.10.
3.9., 13.10., 2.12., 7.12.
(28.2.), (18.5.), (3.8.)
(25.1.), 3.8.
12.1., 25.1., 8.2., 15.4., 16.5., 10.6., 23.8.,
22.10., 1.11., 17.12., 22.12.
, Gods
15.4., 27.7., 13.11.
Psychological problems
6.9., 4.10.
(24.4.), 19.10., 30.11.
30.6., 4.10., 30.11.
17.4., 28.11.
19.1., 10.10.
Puranas (holy teachings)
Purification, inner and outer 20.8.
3.12., 9.12., 30.12.
of a woman

Qualities, positive
Quick solution

18.1., 25.2., 7.4., 15.11.

26.12., 29.12.

Raising children
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
, father of
, mother of
Readiness to help
Reading as addiction
Realization of God

Reborn through
Red Indian
Relationship, relationships

, beginning of
between God and human
on trial
, platonically
to God
to the parents
Religion, Religions

24.3., 10.4., 28.6., 2.7., 29.12., refer to anger
(29.7.), (12.11.)
4.9., 10.12.
6.4., 26.5., 28.7., 22.10.
12.1., 11.12.
(26.1.), 12.2., 18.2., 7.3., 26.3., 12.4., (20.5.),
28.5., 6.7., 7.7., 26.7., 22.9., 5.10., 10.10.,
27.10., 3.11., 5.11., 27.11., 9.12., (12.12.),
25.12., 29.12.
19.4., 1.12., 24.12.
8.1., 17.1., 14.2., 17.2., 10.3., 4.4., 29.5., 20.7.,
17.8., 12.9., 21.9., 11.10., 13.10., 30.10.,
(5.11.), 13.12.,
refer to marriage, partnership
6.1., 26.5., (6.11.)
27.1., 26.5., 29.7., 20.9., 6.11., 13.12., 16.12.
5.2., 2.6., 14.6., 24.6., 26.7., 10.12., 27.12.
9.4., 8.5., 18.12.

15.1., 27.1., 2.2., 6.2., 14.2., 27.2., 15.3., 9.3.,

29.3., 5.4., 22.4., 4.5., 10.5., 15.5., 4.7.,
30.7., 31.7., 16.8., 18.8., 20.8., 22.8., 28.8.,
6.9., 21.9., 22.9., 15.10., 17.11.,
refer to Namasmarana
Resign, let everything happen 21.11.
11.10., 28.10., 18.11., 31.12.
18.1., 29.7., 10.8., 24.8.
for animals and humans
for others
20.2., 17.4., 20.4., 21.5., 22.5., (2.6.), 8.6.,
29.7., 10.8., 27.8., 16.9., 3.10.
for yourself
13.4., 17.4., 22.5., 14.8.,
refer to self esteem
20.4., 24.5., 22.6., 20.7., 3.9., 23.10., 7.11.,
for the own destiny
(3.2.), 29.3., (31.3.), (8.4.), (5.5.), 16.5., (28.6.),
(1.8.), (19.10.), 2.11., (18.11.), (9.12.)
Rest, take a rest
19.6., (21.6.), 9.8., 12.10., (30.10.)
Right conduct
refer to Dharma
Repetition of
the name of the Lord

the ego
Sacrifices of humans
Sacrificing animals
(spiritual development)
Salt of life
Santa Clause
Sat, Chit, Ananda (being,
awareness and bliss)

8.1., 9.2., 18.2., 11.3., 19.3., 21.5., 20.7., 16.8.,

(26.9.), 28.9., 13.10., 21.10., 27.10., (16.11.)
(29.4.), 22.10., 29.11.
5.3., 14.8.

Sathya (Truth)

Sathya Sai Baba

, animal
Satisfying your urges
Satwic food (pure and
well balanced)
Savior, God as
Scholl, brother and sister
for God
for happiness
for praise
measures, material
See positive

, divine
Self awareness
Self esteem
Self realization
Self respect

12.1., 23.1., 25.1., 31.1., 8.2., 12.3., 25.3.,

11.4., 15.5., 18.5., 28.6., 12.7., 3.8., 8.9.,
10.9., (29.9.), 4.10., 27.10., 1.11., 22.11.
10.12., 27.12.
11.1., 21.2., 30.4., 19.8., 27.8., 31.8., 5.10.,
21.10., 25.10., 30.10., 8.12.
10.5., 20.8., 31.12.
13.1., 19.5., 19.6., 23.6., (7.7.), (15.7.), 3.9.,
9.9., 7.12., 18.12., 27.12.
3.5., 17.7., 23.7., 5.9., 7.10., 8.10., 30.11.
7.2., 14.8., 25.8.
21.2., 19.5., 6.6., 5.7., (22.7.), 23.7., 18.9.,
27.10., 14.11., 13.12.
5.9., 16.12.
25.1., 3.8., 25.9., 13.10.
25.1., (3.8.)
23.1., 12.2., 29.2., 15.3., 6.4., 11.4., 11.5.,
12.5., 18.5., 20.5., 30.5., 3.6., 15.6., 3.7., 5.7.,
31.7., 14.8., 5.10., 30.10., 9.11., 16.11.,
22.11., 23.11., 25.11., 2.12., 8.12., 18.12.,
24.12., 29.12.
25.5., refer to Atman
11.4., 13.4., 31.5.
9.3., 22.5., (7.8.), 14.8., (2.11.), 2.12.,4.12.,
(6.12.), (23.12.), refer to self respect
22.2., 6.4., 16.4., 29.5., 31.5, 4.7., 11.7., 12.9.,
16.11., 2.12.
13.4., 17.4., 22.5., 14.8., refer to self esteem
4.4., refer to egoism
1.2., 3.6., (7.10.)

by wounds
from god
from the family
from the partner
, the chaff from the wheat
Sequence of joy and sorrow
Service to the needy (Seva)
Sexual moral
Sexual phantasies
and AIDS
, attachment through
, consequences of
Shanti (inner peace)

Shastras (holy teachings)
Shirdi Baba
Showing off
Significance of words
Signs of the zodiac

10.3., 11.10.
31.3., 10.4., 20.7.
(9.2.), 14.2., 20.7., (25.8.), (15.9.), 21.9., 11.10.
2.1., 31.1., 27.6., 2.8., 8.10.
24.1., (13.2.), 18.2., 11.3., (3.4.), 21.5., 14.8.,
26.9., 23.10., 27.10.
refer to service to the needy
20.2., 19.3., 24.3., 20.4., 5.6., 26.6., (18.8.),
16.9., 18.9., 2.10., 3.10.
11.3., 19.6., 3.10.
17.1., 20.2., (19.3.), 20.4., 21.9.
17.1., 20.4.
21.9., (2.10.)
23.1., 16.2., 12.3., 25.3., 11.4., 4.5., 15.5.,
24.5., (3.6.), 12.7., (15.7.), 28.7., 3.8., 17.8.,
18.8., 8.9., 10.9., 22.9., 23.9., 28.9., 5.10.,
27.10., 1.11., 5.11., 22.11., 2.12.
24.2., 24.12.
30.11., 10.12.

, bear the
, power of
Sing songs of praise
to praise the Lord
Small, make yourself s.
Smoking, nicotine
So Ham (He I)
Solutions, quick
Someone to talk to
, God as
, the way how to deal with
body and
of a woman
Sound of creation (OM)
Source of all
development (Sadhana)

3.6.,13.7., 24.10, 8.11, 2.12.

1.2., 24.10.
3.1., 19.1., 5.2., 2.4., 16.4., 21.9.
15.1., (27.5.), 9.6.
1.1., 2.1., 17.5., 7.11.
3.3., 7.3., 12.3., 21.6., 18.11., 6.12.
27.1., 5.4., 2.8.
12.6., 13.6.
24.1., 8.3., 12.9., 21.10., 7.11.
12.1., 18.2., 4.3., 30.3., 11.6., 29.9., 12.10.,
27.5., 4.11.
18.1., 30.1., 24.2., 15.3., 24.4., 25.5., 31.5.,
1.8., 15.10., 11.11., refer to Atman
7.2., 23.2., 31.5.
8.9., 15.10.
29.4., 22.10., 29.11.
22.2., 19.3., 28.3., 30.4., 21.5., 29.8., (2.9.),
24.9., 4.10., 22.10., 16.12.
7.8., 27.9., 2.12., 19.12.
2.4., 4.7., 4.9., 4.10., 22.10., (30.11.)

Stalin, J.
Staying power
Story of creation
Structure of society

, learn through suffering

through attachments
Suffering and joy
Sun (Surya)
in the heart
Suppression of illness
Surya (Sun)
(Principle of the sun)
Swear, Swears
Symbol of fertility

2.2., 26.4., 13.9., 28.10., 16.11.
11.5., 25.11., 18.12.
4.1., 30.8., 6.12.
23.2., 23.7.
20.3., 22.5., 30.8., 23.9., 7.10., 15.12.
24.1., 3.2., 13.2., 17.2., 9.3., 11.3., 15.3., 17.3.,
18.4., 28.4., 29.4., 24.7., 24.8., 28.8., 20.11.,
9.12., 15.12.
9.3., (28.4.), 7.7.
11.2., 24.3., 9.5., 17.6., 13.9.
12.2., (8.12.)
31.1., 16.12.
31.1., 14.4.
1.4., 18.6.
15.3., 22.4.
31.1., 14.4.
10.8., 3.9., 26.12.

Taking and Giving
Tao Te King

27.3., 13.7., (3.10.), 8.11., 2.12., 7.12., 22.12.,
refer to language

Teacher, master
Teaching of Christ
Teachings, holy
Temple of God, body as
The five values

Theology, Indian
Theory, wrong
Therapist, psychotherapy
Things, attachment to

, negative
, positive
, realize God through
Third world
, bad
Three, the number
, all has its
for development
of your life
to mature
To be (Sat)
To be happy
Trading furs
Traditional costumes

28.5., 29.8., 3.11., 9.11., 14.12., 17.12., 30.12.

26.7., refer to Christ
2.7., 27.9., 27.12.
(26.9.), 8.10.
30.1., 12.2., (23.10.)
21.4., 3.6., 15.8.
23.1., 6.3., 12.3., 16.3., (25.3.), 15.5., 12.7.,
(3.8.), (8.9.), (10.9.), (1.11.), (27.10.), The
30.6., 4.10., 30.11.
28.2., 8.6.
10.1., 19.1., 22.2., 28.2., 29.2., 3.3., 21.4.,
17.5., 21.6., 4.7., 5.7., 26.8., 16.9., 7.10.,
8.10., 31.10., 25.11., 2.12., 21.12.
5.3., 22.4., 4.7., 2.10.
4.7., 30.8.
24.5., 8.9., (8.10.)
19.1., 5.4., refer to unity of thoughts, words
and deeds
10.5., 20.8., 28.11.
2.1., 21.1., 28.1., 17.4., 27.9., 20.10.
21.1., 5.3., 24.6., 15.8., 21.9., 23.9., 24.10.,
5.3., 5.12., 17.12.
24.10., 23.11.
2.1., 28.1., 17.4., 29.6., 24.10., 2.11.
14.7., 4.11.
14.7., 4.11., 12.11.

of the body
Travel to Puttaparthi
True knowledge
in God
in Gods guidance
, lack of
Turtle doves
Twelve, the number

18.5., 28.5., 10.11.

10.1., 11.9.
19.2., 11.5.
7.10., (14.10.)
26.4., 12.5., 22.5., 3.11., 25.11., 11.12.
7.1., 13.1., 21.1., (10.6.), (20.6.), 13.8., (30.8.),
(15.9.), 17.9., 29.12.
refer to Sathya

Unconscious, the
Unhappy, being
by avoiding
by laziness
of all human beings
of thoughts, words
and deeds
Unpunctual, being
Unreality of the world
Urge, urges

28.4., 19.10.
21.10., 29.10., 18.11.
13.2., 17.5., 24.9., 15.12.
(21.10.), 3.11., 4.11., (19.11.)
6.3., 30.3., 21.5., 22.11., 2.12., 7.12.
1.1., 22.1., 3.5., 13.9., 12.10., 17.10.
19.3., 19.5., 5.6., 16.10., 5.11., 12.12.

Value of the person
in front of you
Value, own
Values, the five

8.1.,24.1., 16.4.
7.8., 2.11., (2.12.), 4.12., (6.12.), 23.12.,
refer to self esteem
23.1., 6.3., 12.3., 16.3., (25.3.), 15.5., 12.7.,
(3.8.), (8.9.), (10.9.), (1.11.), 27.10., 22.11.

Various form of God

Vedas (holy teachings)
Vegetarian food
View of life, negatives
Virtue, virtues
(power of distinction)
Voice, inner
Voluntary death

4.10., 27.12.
29.4., 26.7.
23.7., 2.9., 6.9.
28.7., 9.12., 11.12.
4.1., 8.3., 25.3., 12.5., 21.5., 20.7., 12.7., 13.8.,
17.8., 13.9., 12.10., 14.10., 28.11.
22.4., 15.10.
4.1., 18.3., 19.3., 4.7., (21.8.), (29.9.),
24.10., 1.11., 16.11., 24.12.
15.6., 22.6., 19.9., 22.9., 8.11., 26.11.
12.2., (8.12.)

Wake up
Watching TV
as Gods gift
West, countries in the

West, women in the

Where do I go to?
Who am I?
Whole, the
Wideness, God as
, Gods
, power of
, free
Wise, the

24.1., 2.9., 27.11.
17.4., 24.10.
27.1., 21.4., 18.8.
1.1., 2.1.
13.2., 15.2., (27.6.), 11.8., 8.9., 8.10.
13.2., (22.3.), 24.3., (7.5.), 29.5., 2.6., 5.6.,
18.8., 3.9., 25.9., 26.9., 13.10., 7.11., 30.11.,
10.12., 27.12.
(6.10.), 19.10.
(6.10.), 19.10.
24.2., 16.5., 7.12.
6.3., 26.4., 13.6., 2.12.
2.1., 3.5., 6.5., 7.7., (18.7.), 1.8., 9.9., 10.10.,
14.10., 29.10., 6.11., 9.11., 11.11.
31.1., 16.12.
16.3., 15.5., 12.10., 8.11.
29.1., 16.4., (25.6.), 28.11.

, fulfillment of a
to God
Wishes, desires

Wishful thinking
Woman, women
and man
in the West
, holy
, pureness of
, role of w. in society
, soul of a
, womens day
Word, words
, Gods
, keep your
, manifested w. of God
, power of
, change of
, destruction of the
, from the w. (Maya) to
God (Deva)

(10.6.), 16.6.
6.1., 10.1., 11.5., 21.5., 5.7., (22.7.), 23.8., 7.9.,
22.9., 6.10., 10.10., 14.11., 21.11., 22.11.,
refer to desires
23.1., 10.3., 5.6., 7.6., 9.12.
24.1., 5.6.
19.1, 8.11., 2.12., 26.12., refer to unity of
thoughts, words and deeds
(27.3.), 13.7., (3.10.), (8.11.)
31.1., 1.5., 29.6., 2.8., 10.9.
3.3., 21.6., 1.9., 24.12.
(3.3.), (21.6.), 13.12.

or God
rule, coming
Worldly desires, satisfying
Worldly path
through money
Wrong, the

7.4., 4.6., 4.8., 9.11.
(18.9.), (16.10.), 22.10., 22.11.
29.8., 24.9.
13.1., 21.1., 11.2., 28.2., 17.4., 4.5., 14.5.,
12.6., 30.8., 24.10.
11.1., 15.2.

Year of age
Yin and Yang
You, the

10.11., 16.12.
25.11., 18.12.



Explanations for the index

Standard in brackets
Bold in brackets


Meaning of the keyword

keyword is in the text
keyword is the main theme or topic
keyword is mentioned only in context
keyword is mentioned in context only,
however it is the main emphasis

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