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ar,e 'cleaning up' and 'integration'.

Which is the third?
-^ja?controlling ,
p\ evaluation
ic: initiative
J . programme
7 iWith reference to Anke van Hal's 'The Merger of interest' why is a sustainable leader not suitable as
a target group?
(a) they serve as an exa_mpJMther than as a group that needs a change in approach.
\ they are usually too conservative to deal with change.
^ j . a sustainable leader is generally too strong-headed to work with.
\ . a sustainable leader only wants to learn from 'primitive' sustainability which refers back to
former days.
* 8 Sociologist and urban scientist Richard Florida talks of today as 'The Great Reset', a period
in history in which old values and working methods come t o an end and space arises for new

What indicates this according to Florida?
2 a. Climate changes ask for a real turnaround.
b. The depletion of natural sources, especially oil, leave no other choice.
c. Similarities with earlier periods in history, such as the great depression.
d. The political situation in developed countries.
9 What characterises the "GWL site" in Amsterdam?
if It is an autarkic neig&ourhood.
----7 !(b|. It is a oar-free eco-neighbourhood.
V c ; 'lt is a "do-it-yourself houses neighbourhood.
It is a zero-energy neighbourhood.



10 Anke van Hal states with 'the IVierger of interests': The large-scale application of
sustainability measures becomes possible through the right party providing the rigf
incentive at the right moment.
In the context'of this sentence what is of the utmost impQrtanGe.,.for the 'right incentiye'?
x^^: The availability of subsidy.'

/ I ^ h e quality of communication.
\A. ^
crThe cultural background of the leader. \
clf Obviously unimpqrtantthingalike the weatheT on a meeting-day.
11 DifTackauf discusses greenwashing.
What is greenwashing?
^ k The way that modern day washing-machines use less energy.
Companies that pretend to be sustainable in order to increase profit.
i4. Wash your clothes by hand.
tt. Placing nature inside buildings, for example
City/' ,

Part I Exam AR2A015 | 2/8

- a^^reeLry
o:'self repairinq


- also vita, according ,o Uytenhaak.

^ -^



;C. money
M-'sustainability ^^3? S t ,

V b.e



based approach

V c e n v i r o n m e m a l a p p r o a c h ^
ViA ^ ^
d. social sustainability
"^^^nanical air conditioning
b. radical modernisation in building
, , / the architectural debate
--O^d. the climate as design factor

Part I Exam AR2A015 | 3/8

T M 0960!"''""' * ""lei^iiSJHiaiM "

v o * designed by Skidmore, Owin

Referring to tlie article by Kees Kaan (reader) this is an example of....

..a. bioclimatic architecture
''h- climate autism
G.'sustainable building
' d. vernacular architecture
19 Kas Oosterhuis describes in his article several strategies to achieve-sustafnable buildinos
One of them is the use of diagrid structures.
3 >
Why do networked diagrid structures,contribute to sustainable buildings?
. ^ : ^ \ a ) less materials are used for the same performance.
(; [s
i f less energy will be used when the building is in use.
, ^

j : ^ the diagrid structure increases the biodiversity.

, ,.
,C; the diagrid structure provide a healthy indoor climate.
"''"^''^ '"^

20 Doepel Strijkers Architects developed a concept for the ground floor of the HAKA buildinq in
' Rotterdam.
In what way is the design of HAKA sustainable?
The design is energy neutral.
' b. The design is C2C ( cradle).
Xc.lhe design process uses the right balance between people and planet.
,'d,: The design is outstanding in the local field of water and energy innovation.
2.1' What has been the main design feature of the climate system,for the Hotel Amstelkwartier designed
by Architectenbureau Paul d e m i t r and Mulderlauw Afcffitecten?
..Vthe use of phase changing materials (PCM).
..^b.'the orientation on the sun.
> : the energy storage combined with electric cars.
' 'V ^ d l t h e presence of hotel guests.
22 In t h r e a d e r Job Rops describes sustainable design as a search for a balance between ctiltu^l
ecological and....
-"^ra1-chltectural values
^r(bip)climatic values
, c.-economical values
,; ^. d) social va lues
c-i ^ l4n

% a r t I Exam AR2A015 | 4/8

: 23 In the reader Arjan van Timmeren states that one way of addressinq the como\^^Hu
- ^ a n development In the present circ'umstances


^ B ^ w h a t is a risl< of this according to van Timmeren?

* > P ' a n s are not tied together in an integrated approach. v x V

b; the marl<et is profit driven.

' '
p.^ertification programs hardly cover any aspects of urban (property-) development
,^.^'aesthetic values are lost.
S c c o T n S "'^'^^

^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ " - V -n Canberra (architect: Rudy Uytenhaak) need to take

northem sun at 8 2 - large temperature,differences; prevailing desert wind

p. souiem sun at 62; large temperature diflirehces; prevailing coastal wind


I^ .

^ r n o r t h e m sun at 82; constant temperatures; prevailing coastal wind

' d. southem sun at 62; constant temperature differences; prevailing desert wind.
25| A c c o j ^ i n g ^ ^ ^


Those are:
.a-Eneipy roof; Watf roof; Stra# bale roof
r ^ ' ^ E nEnergy
e r g y roof; Green roof; Greenhouse
Crarric rof;
roof; Green'roof;
Green roof; Re^^
Reed roof "
dfCircle/foof; Par^[5^)lic roof; Ropf with a slope of > 45

^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^



that combines


f. a. the binding of flue gases.

^ ^ J ; a^ancedventilation..; "
'J 'c. th e reuse" of wastewater,
id. cooling.



" j f f - '

'-^ ^

- g;;^5^==~''gj;pr;,

X - ' ' ; ^ - - - ' ^ - r - ^

' 2 7 \ M T a t ^ s ( ^ of solar cavity housing?

^ ' P a tie-free cavity wall is necessary.
/CiTa^itioQal heating is not necessary.,



' 2 8 W. Tomasec divided the environment into three components

Thelntegrated Design philosophy adds a fourt'Smponent, namely
. ^ t h e biotic component.
-. j
^ . ^ e conceptual component.


Q h e physical component. v^^)h^;c-X

rthe anthropogenic component!
, ;




" ' '

i , ' \uH'\\rA


* ^he formula of Ehhich and Ehdfeh

e ^ ' ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ " "^^^re and the environment that does not exceed the available environmental

a pressure on nature and the environment that exceeds the available environmental buffer
^c. an increase of the available environmental buffer. >5 dr'meet the needs of future generaBonsr^"" "'" "

Part I Exam AR2A015 | 5/8

30 Jon Kristinsson made a design for the town hall in Lelystad.

^y^The town liail in Leiystad is not oriented towards the south, why not? 1
a. In this way, more urban spatlality was achieved. >/
"^'/' b. In this way, the design is more energy efficient.
' ^ In this way, the rainwater from the parabolas drains more easily into the canal.
ji,^^This i,s done due to the future possibility of windmills on the site.
31 What is the direct solar radiation in the Netherlands on a sunny summer day?
M 2500 w/m'
'-ia. 5000 w/m'
3 2 On a dry summer day, the moisture concentration o f t h e air Is 1S g/m^ a key design
parameter in the theory of 'Integral Design'.
How much g/m' moisture does the air contain on a
jyiAter day?
^^r-lhe same amount as on a dry summer day.
4 j.
1 -"Fix,'?
/ i '. about twice as much as on a dry summer' day.
,d..'more than four times as mch as on a dry summer day.


^) W


"33 In "Integrated Sustainable Design" Kristinsson advocates applying the conce^^^^

addition t o energy...
"What fits into this strategy?
-a: applying high caloric energy processes for producing heat.
)|^'rciecrease the price of fossil energy.
Of switching from oil to gas for room heating,
^ d . exploiting waste energy,
v*:-^ <'lM-- A ^v''*'
34 An example of exergy is:
a. the use of energy cascading.
if^p. the use of high calorific energy for room heating.
c. the use of a HR+ 107 boiler for households.
\fdd. highly Insulated homes with electric heating.
35 When is the sun exactly in the south on a winter's day in the Netherlands?
| b i 12:40
j^f 13:40



^ *

36 How does colloidal foil work?

^^Sy sticking colloidal foil between two glass plates they break more slowly at the occurrence of a
point load.
bffcolloidal foil repels 80% ofthe sunlight allowing for a substantial saving in energy
,c:'at temperatures below freezing, the foil becomes hot and prevents the pipes from freezing.
d!pn heating above 30 C, the foil becomes milky white and minimizes any direct sunlight.

Part I Exam AR2A015 | 6/8

6 'Wi^, ^\ ^'^'H'^
.a/focusing sunlight on fiat plate collectors.
p j e punfication of gray water through helophyte filters,
c/construction fitting for fluorescent lighting.
f '^'^^'^Q
condensation on the inside of the surrounding glass.

^ ' " ^ P'^*-^
Venlo, which is, according to
r . T
r ' " ^ ' ^" '
sustainable buildings in the Netherlandr
. cer^tion'^lRlrf''' '^"^'^ ^'^^^^'-"^^'^
- ' ^ - - ' - ^ - '-ei'ent

l^^>. m

'^"^^'^'^g''s'^t'n prevented him from applying all sustam

-e/ ex.stmg classifications of sustainable building are still based on existing technologies C



f ^
" r ? "
^''^ '"""""^^'^^
^^"^ ^^--^ ^^^d are not currently optimised
d. to get a higher rank in this system the building should be moved to a tropical climate
S h e i n T b y 20^5^^ ^'^"^ ' ' ' ' '

^^^^^^ ^^^^^^-^

'"n the
1 !^

d. 3.5to5C


i k







r L l e ^ l ^ ' T ^ - ' ^ ' " ' ^ ^ ^ - - . " - ^ S y houses in Schiedam (architect Kristinsson)?
TTS hea i o s ! t r " '
.'s approximately equal to the heat loss through transmission.
^ The heat oss through ventilation is significantly larger than the heat loss through transmission
heat loss through ventilation is significantly s^naHer than the heat loss thro gh tr'nrission
no heat
heat loss
loss through
f f i r n n n i i ventilation
w<=>nt!i=f[nn in +i.^^'rr:r-_
^ transmission.
^l?There is
is no
these houTes

f ^"



41 What is the average groundwater temperature in the Netherlands?

a.'5 to 6C
. 'A
M 8 to 9C
---^^lioto i r e
,4. 12 to 13C

"'. ].../, ;




How is geothermal energy used in this design?

as the air conditioning system,
-bf as a means of heat recovery in the heating installation,
.cr to heat tap water.
" S ^ . p r e - h e a t ventilation air.
H ^ ^ : : o ^

Devenierfree^ooling roots were applied.



'"fr^^^d radiation to pass through
polyethylene cushions on the roof buffer daytime heat and cool down again at night
J^. the air conditioning transports excess heat to the free-cooling roof from there the r o o f r . i . o o o
heat through small diaphragms, without additional energy loss
S n s to shi'n ' ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' " ^

^--^^f^- -

automatically if the sun

Part I Exam AR2A015 | 7/8

44 A Breathing Window combines,1-fresh airandhufnidifiisation.

t l ^ ' f c / f r e s h air and fi^sat recovery.

.d: heat recovety ai^I ele5fk;ity prdtluction

4 5 W . . p e , c e . e of b , , o , . c^n be s a v e . a p p , 3 B . e . . , w i n d o w ,

a 15% w


^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o ' ^ P ' e t e l y made out of wood.


4 7 At what temperature Will colloidal f o i l - - ^ - ^ . - ^ - '^'"^

start reflecting sunlight?
^a?-30 C or lower
>f-10 C


^-10 c
- ^ d:;30> C o r higher
48 All human activities cost energy
^"/.^^'^ many Watt's are fypical/y
used by a human being each hour?

^ P a r t l E x a m AR2A015 | 8/8

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