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Dear Future President,

One-quarter of the carbon dioxide made from the use of non renewable resources like, coal, oil
and gas doesn't stay in the air, but instead is dissolved into our ocean. Since the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution, 525 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere has dissolved into our oceans,
currently around 22 million tons per day (nearly 30 percent more acidic since the Industrial era). These
facts are simply unacceptable and a clear violation our rights to life and the pursuit of happiness, due to
poor air quality we are forced to breath day to day (right to life), and the variety of sea life we are
accustomed to observing/consuming simply disappearing (right to the pursuit of happiness). It is in
extreme times like these that we must remember that, we the people are in charge of protecting our safety
and happiness/ abolishing a government that threatens our future and security. Our Government needs to
invest into the future of the United States by the repopulating phytoplankton at an exponential rate to
rejuvenate our oceans and atmosphere. This is our one shot of redemption for centuries of decimation
towards our planet. Ocean acidification and Air pollution both have negative effects on humanity. Air
Pollution is the cause of Not only does air pollution affect the animal life but human life alike.
According to Eschooltoday, Short-term air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals
with asthma and emphysema. while long-term health effects may possibly include, chronic respiratory
disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Ocean
acidification limits our food resource and is disbalancing the natural food chain. This is important because
though one species might not be affected, another might become a replacement for the other and that
includes the others predators. These situations cause species to go extinct and this cycle of extinction
could possibly destroy a keystone species. A keystone species is a species that is largely depended in its
ecosystem and would change it drastically if it were to disappear. Some might argue that the ocean
already naturally become more acidic due to the carbon dioxide released from volcanic sources and that
many species in these areas are already adapting to withstand the low pH levels. Well though this is true,
humanity has speed up the process of this natural effect so dramatically that the species in these
environments cant adapt fast enough. Though at first glance at these two issues, reversing the effects of
them may seem hopeless, phytoplankton may be a solution. Repopulating this species to extreme
population sizes may just produce enough oxygen to rejuvenate our oceans and atmosphere.
Phytoplankton is a microorganism that photosynthesis, that takes CO2 and turns it into oxygen.
Phytoplankton produces between 50% to 90% of the world's oxygen currently. The population of
phytoplankton has dropped 40% since the 1950s, because of human caused ocean pollution. The United
States needs to populate phytoplankton exponentially and start reversing human caused damage to the

environment. If this issue is not addressed soon, humans and animals alike will face devastation. Our most
effective shot at redemption is reestablishing a healthy phytoplankton population. This simple act can help
reverse the most destructive aspects of climate change, and therefore reverse humanity's increasing
nosedive towards extinction. If we want to reverse negative effects to our atmosphere and oceans caused
by us, we must change how we look at nature. Not to be strip mined and exploited, but to be appreciated
and worked with in conjunction with humanity, aiming for a better future. This act is humanitys first
truly symbiotic relationship. When the power and efficiency of nature is combined with the precision of
human technology, we can achieve great things. Changing our mindset is the first step towards changing
our actions, and our actions create vast amounts of change. Repopulating this species is our only shot to
redeem decades of decimation of our oceans and atmosphere.

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