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Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

Rachel Lord
Wesleyan College

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

The dispositions that a moral and ethical educator should possess are the following: the ability to
abide by all laws, the passion to be a model educator in and outside of the classroom, the desire
to be an honest individual, and the respect for the conceptual framework. Educators should
respect everything in life and have compassion towards everything in life as well. The truth is, no
human being is perfect, but the code of ethics is what every teacher needs to teach by, believe,
and adhere to on a daily basis. The reason why an educator should possess all of these qualities
and live them out on a daily basis is because the rules and laws keep educators, school personnel,
and our students safe. The conceptual framework helps to foster an environment in which
students will grow and have a willingness to learn (The Code of Ethics for Educators).

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

I can do no other than be reverent before everything that is called life. I can do no other
than to have compassion for all that is called life. That is the beginning and the foundation of all
ethics. This quote by Albert Schweitzer, to me, sums up what the code of ethics is about for
educators. Simply worded, educators should respect everything in life and have compassion
towards everything in life as well. The truth is, no human being is perfect, but the code of ethics
is what every teacher needs to teach by, believe, and adhere to on a daily basis. Overall, being an
ethical professional is about abiding by all laws, being a model educator in and outside of the
classroom, being honest, and valuing the conceptual framework that helps to mold and shape our
students into well rounded individuals (The Code of Ethics for Educators).
First, being an ethical educator is about abiding by all federal, state, and local laws. Laws
are in place to ensure the safety of individuals and to create accountability among educators.
Standard one states that, as an educator, there must be legal compliance. This means that
educators cannot be convicted of any felonies, sexual offenses, drugs, etc. This standard ties in
well with standard two and three as well. Standard two states that educators should maintain a
professional conduct with students at all times and standard three states that educators should
refrain from using alcohol or drugs while in professional practice. Standard seven states that
educators must keep the confidentiality concerning school personnel and students. Standard eight
states that educators need to uphold the contract was agreed upon at the beginning of the career
unless otherwise approved by the employer. Unfortunately, most rules and laws are put into place
because there has been someone, at some point in time, who has committed each of these
actions. To me, each of these standards will be simple to abide by on a daily basis. I have had a
huge passion for kids since I was in early high school. I would never want to jeopardize my
opportunity to educate students because my actions were questionable. I will be an educator who

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

adheres to laws and professional conduct on a daily basis because I believe in each of these
standards whole heartedly and I want the best for my students (The Code of Ethics for
Moreover, being an ethical professional is about being a model educator in and outside of
the classroom. This include standard ten that says that educators should uphold their dignity and
integrity of the education profession. This standard, to me, means I should respect myself enough
to be an honest and moral professional in the classroom and person outside of the classroom. I
believe that my actions speak louder than anything else I will ever write or say. I will live out
being a moral educator every day and show my students what it looks like to have self-respect. I
know that if my students seem me doing the right thing on a daily basis with a genuine smile on
my face they will look up to me. I want to a be a model for my students and allow them to see,
through me, that no one is perfect, but we can all strive to be a genuinely good person every
single day (The Code of Ethics for Educators).
Next, being an ethical professional is about being honest. A multitude of the standards
deal with being an honest professional in order to be fair, safe, and trusted. Standard four goes
over solely being honest on a daily basis for the good of and betterment of others. Standard five
and six go hand in hand as well stating that educators should be able to be trusted with public
funds, property, gifts, gratitudes, favors, and additional compensation. Educators should never
misuse schools funds, solicit parents or colleagues, or do anything involving money that may be
frowned upon by the schools system. In order to avoid anything involving money that is disliked
by the school system there must be a willingness to become educated o the proper procedures
when it comes to anything involving money in the education profession. As a future educator, I
will make sure to always be trustworthy with money and uphold all the rules of the school

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

system involving money outside of the school system as well (The Code of Ethics for
Furthermore, being an honest professional has to do with honestly upholding the report
and testing requirements within the school system. When an educator is privy to information that
may harm a student, violate the code of ethics, or endanger anyone in the school system the
educator must report this information with ninety days. I believe sometimes educators feel as
though they are breaking trust between themselves and a student when they have to report
information regarding a students personal life. Although the student may not understand at the
time, as educators we have to know in our hearts that we may be the only one who cares about
the future of a students life and it is worth in for the student to be mad if they are in some way
saved from any future harm. That is an educators duty to the students the cross their paths on a
yearly basis. We as educators owe it our students to be their voice and fight for them when they
are in danger. Equally, as an educator, it is our duty to administer state mandated tests in a fair
manner. I believe that scores are a product of my teaching. Test scores help me to see what I need
to improve on as an educator or where I may have failed. Also, test scores can bring to the light
learning disabilities or a specific content area a student is struggling in. Although tests are not
most peoples favorite part of the learning or teaching experience, tests are required and
necessary in order to better ourselves as educators and help our students succeed (The Code of
Ethics for Educators).
Lastly, being an ethical professional is about valuing the conceptual framework that helps
to mold and shape our students into well rounded individuals. Wesleyans conceptual framework
is about valuing our students ability to learn in different ways, appreciating their diversity, and
creating an environ that fosters their learning and development. Personally, I believe that every

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

student has a unique learning style to offer to the classroom and a different rate at which the
students develop mentally, physically and socially. As an educator, its my job to allow these
students the freedom to learn in their own way and in their own time. This doesnt mean I am
going to allow students to be lazy, but I am not going to push a student to tears over learning a
particular math problem if he is not developmentally ready. Instead, I would find different
methods of teaching that skill, practice with the student, and take the learning at a pace the
student is comfortable with. If students are pushed to do something in the classroom they will
develop a negative connotation toward learning altogether. Its our job as an educator to impact
students in such a way that it ignites their love of learning (CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
CONTRACT: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions).
With that being said, students are not going to be willing to learn within the classroom if
they do not feel welcome or accepted. As an educator, it is our job to create an environment and
classroom climate where our students feel welcome and accepted by everyone around them. Like
I have stated before, no one is perfect, but I believe if I pour love into my classroom and students
every single day that they will want to invest the same into their classmates. I have traveled and
experience meeting people from all over the world and I have learned that every person has
something unique and beautiful to offer. I love learning about diversity and different cultures and
I want to make that known in my classroom. I understand that even within the small city of
Warner Robins, Georgia there is still a vast amount of diversity that comes into the school
systems. I will be willing to educate myself about the diverse learning needs of the different
students within my classroom to better suit their educational experiences (CONCEPTUAL
FRAMEWORK CONTRACT: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions).

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

Moreover, I believe in having a positive classroom climate to allow students to be able

to comprehend subject matter and develop a better student/teacher relationship. My lesson plans
will show a clear learning objective that is paired with learner outcomes, activities, classwork,
and assessments for my students. Classrooms should be inviting and show positive
encouragement on the walls through art or quotes to illustrate to students that they are welcome
when they walk in. An extension of my positive atmosphere will be holding each of my students
to high standards. I will do this because I know students can succeed and meet the requirements.
None of my students will be left behind because I believe all students can succeed, regardless of
the conditions I am teaching in or the homes the students come from. It is my job, as a teacher, to
make sure each student does their best in the classroom. I will make sure I work to the best of my
ability and spend my time wisely so that every student has equal opportunity to succeed in the
classroom. Also, I value maintaining positive relationships not only with my students, but my
colleagues, principle, and parents. In doing so, I will devote my time to helping in any way I can.
My hope through doing all of this for my students is to kindle my students desire to learn more
and ignite their intrinsic motivation (Gunning, 2013) (Lord, 2016, p. 4).
Additionally, I will model for my students there are different ways to assess student
ability. Through hands on assessments, oral communication, reading, and singing I believe my
students will be able to demonstrate to me that they understand and comprehend various content
areas. I will assess my students based on multiple assessments, such as: class participation,
homework, class assignments, group work, progress, quizzes, tests, oral evaluations, and
projects. I do not believe in assessing students in one way because students do not have only one
learning style. Through teaching this way, I hope to allow students the opportunity to gain

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

knowledge that will be valuable in their daily lives and future (Gunning, 2013) (Lord, 2016, p.
Furthermore, I want my students parents to know I value their opinions and their
childrens development in school. I will reflect on my own teaching, but I also will give my
students parents the same courtesy to help me reflect and better myself as an educator. I will do
this by frequently welcoming student and parent feedback. Even at the young age of five and six
our students have treasured feelings and ideas. I plan to take those ideas and feelings into
account by having a time weekly or monthly that I check in with students one on one. In doing
this, I will be giving my students responsibility. Students appreciate the ability to have a part in
what goes on in the classroom. The parents will have an online communication outlet with me
where they can collaborate with me and other parents or send a private message. I will make sure
the parents of my students know they are always welcome in my classroom. Also, I will look
back on my own lessons and assess myself on what I can improve on and what needs to stay the
same. This way, I am not only reflecting on my own teaching, but I am gaining valuable
feedback that will help me to better my teaching in the future. (Lord, 2010. P. 11).
In all, the dispositions that a moral and ethical educator should possess are the following:
the ability to abide by all laws, the passion to be a model educator in and outside of the
classroom, the desire to be an honest individual, and the respect for the conceptual framework.
(The Code of Ethics for Educators). The reason why an educator should possess all of these
qualities and live them out on a daily basis is because the rules and laws keep educators, school
personnel, and our students safe. The conceptual framework helps to foster an environment in
which students will grow and have a willingness to learn. For me, the code of ethics is something
that fits with my personal beliefs and experiences. I love helping people and I genuinely want to

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

do the right thing on a daily basis so that my students are in the best environment possible to
succeed in their education.

Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay


Gunning, T. (2013). Creating literacy instruction for all students (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson
Lord, R. (2016) Personal Education Philosophy. Unpublished manuscript, Wesleyan College.
The Code of Ethics for Educators. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2016, from
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK CONTRACT: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. (n.d).
Retrieved November 3, 2016, from
Albert Schweitzer Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved November 03, 2016, from

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