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September 13, 2016

Mike Segrest

Town Manager
Town of Mead
I have be~n requestt d to put into wntll1g an incident I reported to you that ha,)pened On
September lOul at the Community Day and Sug;)rbeet Festival.
On Saturday, Septerr bel' 10, 2016 at approximately 4:30-5:00 P:'l, I was at the entrance
to the Beer Garden t;dkll1g to the Rotary representative who was checking ids ....:hen the
Mayor came up from behl/1d me, and "chest bumped" mt:' III the back as rf'dcheLi over the
top of me anel sc.lid "I need to get some raffle n~kets." I hdd a table in front of mt:' SO I was
pllshed into the tabl!,. I stepped aside and looked at him and he did not acknowledge me
at all, nor did he saymythmg to me. He completely ignored me. I knew he had been
drinking JS I had Seen him in the beer garden for some time. I took the incident as
intentIOnal and very inappropridtE' and as a sIgn ot intimIdation as he completdy
towered Over IlIt:'.

If you have any additional questlOlls, please lIet





lown of M8itd -141 Thlid ;tree: P. O. Box 626 - Mead. Colorado dO$42-0516 ' 970S:J5A47" -


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