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7th ICSE Linear Equations worksheet

Q1. For each of the following word problems, translate the verbal sentence into an
equation and solve for the missing number.
(a) Five times a number increased by seven is 37. Find the number.
(b) The difference between twice a number and 3 is 2. Find the number.
(c) Ten less than two-thirds of a number is 4. Find the number
Q2. Translate each of the following verbal sentences into equations and then solve
for the number.
(a) If 9 is added to one-half of a number, the result is 20. Find the number.
(b) The difference between four times a number and 6 is 18. Find the number.
(c) If 6 is added to two-sevenths of a number the result is 11. Find the number.
(d) Seven less than three-halves of a number is 22. Find the number

Q3. Translate each of the following verbal phrases into equations and then solve for
the number described.
(a) The sum of four times a number and six times a number increased by eleven is
(b) Four less than three times a number increased by six times the same number is
(c) Three times a number subtracted from 4 less than seven times a number is 28.
Q4. Micky is creating a rectangular garden where she wants the length to be 5 feet
more than twice the width.
(a) If the width is represented by x,
then write an expression for the
length in terms of x. Label this
expression on the diagram.
(b) Write an expression for the
perimeter of Mickys garden in
simplest terms of x.
(c) If Micky has 85 feet of fencing
with which to surround her garden, what should be the width, x, of the garden
Q6. Translate each of the following verbal sentences into an equation and then solve
for the
number described.
(a) Eight times a number is 36 more than twice the same number.
(b) If three times a number is increased by 24, the result is six times the same
(c) If three times a number is increased by 22, the result is 14 less than seven times
the same number.

7th ICSE Linear Equations worksheet

Q7. A square and a rectangle
are shown alongside with side
lengths in terms of x. The
perimeter of the rectangle is
123 more than the perimeter
of the square. Find the value
of x.

Q8. Translate each of the following sentences into an equation and then solve for
the number described.
(a) Ten times a number increased by six is four times the same number increased
by 24.
(b) Eight times a number increased by 12 is eight less than three times the same
(c) Nine more than two-thirds of a number is one more than the same number
Q9. An isosceles triangle and a square are shown
alongside with their side lengths given in terms of
x. If the perimeter of the triangle is 27 more than
the perimeter of the square, find the value of x
Q10. Translate each sentence below into an
equation and solve for the number described.
(a) Three times the sum of a number and four is 45.
(b) Four times the difference of a number and two is four more than six times the
Q11. Write an equation for each of the following sentences and solve for the
described number.
(a) Seven times the sum of a number and six is 49.
(b) Three-halves of the difference of a number and two is one more than twice the
same number.
Q12. Which of the following is the solution to the equation
(1) 9
(2) 5
(3) 4
(4) 17

4(x-1)= 3(2x-6)+4 ?

Q13. Airtel advertises service for 3 rupees per minute plus a monthly fee of
Rs299.5. If Akashs phone bill for October was Rs389.5, find the number of minutes
he used.
Q14. Sheel was shopping at a book sale where all books were selling at the same
price. He bought six science fiction books and eight mysteries. He also decided to
buy two posters for Rs22 each. In total, Sheel spent Rs870. What was the price of
a single book?
Q15. Rachna and Sabrina go to different local gyms. Rachna pays Rs350 per month
and a one-time registration fee of Rs1500. Sabrina pays only Rs250 per month but

7th ICSE Linear Equations worksheet

had to pay a Rs7500 registration fee. After how many months will Rachna and
Sabrina have spent the same amount on their gym memberships?
Q16. Unnati has an older sister and a younger sister. Her older sister is one year
more than twice Unnatis age. Unnatis younger sister is three years younger than
she is. The sum of their three
ages is 26. Find Unnatis age.
Q17. A sale at a local grocery store was offering all fruit at the same price per kg.
Vichi bought 1.5 Kg of peaches and 3.5 Kg of plums. She used one Rs50 off
discount coupon and ended up spending exactly Rs 500. What was the price per kg
for the fruit that Vichi bought?
Q18.Waman purchased three DVDs and one music CD. The CD cost Waman
Rs129.9. If he paid the same amount for each DVD and spent a total of Rs429.9,
how much did each DVD cost?
Q19. At the market, Saloni bought a bunch of bananas for Rs35 per Kg and a pizza
for Rs499. The total for Salonis purchase was Rs604. How many Kgs of bananas
did Saloni buy?

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