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Week 3

In this week I teach the students. After that, I was prepared many things for my next and
final evaluation. I was focused on the point that my MCT was written it for me and tried to
change it to be better and get a good mark. I have changed the reward system from group
to individual. I did reward system about a cupcake; each cupcake has a student name.
Students must follow the rules to get points. During my second evaluation, my MCT observe
that students become better than first evaluations. They lessen to my instructions, didn't be
noisy I was tried to use a bill to get their attention and complete our activities. Students
were excited to do the different kinds of activities. The strength points that I get that, using
different kinds of activities to make them enjoy doing it, get their attention back during
each activity by using a bell. Also, I was used a small board to make all students work and
learn how to write the numbers. The things that I have to improve it that, make groups
include just three or four students. In my next teaching, I will try to divide the groups to
three students.

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