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Answer Key to SSC CGL Tier II Quant

Live Leak










Ans. D


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Ans. C

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Ans. A


41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

Ans. D
Ans. B








81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

Ans. D

71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Ans. D

61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Ans. C

91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

Ans. D

1. Let the greatest number = N

As the remainders are 4 and 12,

1|P age

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Ans. C

the closest multiples of 283 and 570 that are divisible by N will be 283 4 =
279, and 570 12 = 558

The greatest number that divides 279 and 558 is their HCF.
As 558 = 279 2,
HCF of 279 and 558 = 279.
N = 279
As 279 leaves a remainder 6, when divided by 3 prime numbers
The closest multiple of all 3 prime factors = 279 6 = 273
By prime factorizing 273,
We get prime factors as 3, 7 and 13.
Thus, the largest prime factor is 13.

2. Let the two numbers be x and y, where x > y.

Now, according to the question,
x + y = 45 .(1)
And, (x y) = 45 (1/9) = 5 (20
From equation (1) and (2), we get,
x = 25 and y = 20.
Now, LCM of 20 and 25 = 100
Hence, the required LCM of the two numbers is 100.

3. Let the average money spent by 9 members be x

Amount spent by 9th member = x + 20
2|P age

Also, Money spent by all members / 9 = average money spent

(40 8 + x + 20)/9 = x
320 + x + 20 = 9x
340 = 8x
x = 340/8 = 42.5
Money spent by 9th member = x + 20 = 42.5 + 20 = 62.5
4. Average = sum of observations/number of observations
If the average of m, m + 2, m + 4 and 2m + 4 is 20

= 20

5m + 10 = 80
5m = 80 - 10
m = 70/5 = 14
Hence first number, m = 14
Second number, m + 2 = 14 + 2 = 16
Third number, m + 4 = 14 + 4 = 18
Fourth number, 2m + 4 = 2 14 + 4 = 32
Product of all numbers = 14 16 18 32
= 129024

5. In a class of 52 students number of boys is less than the number of girls by 2

Suppose the number of boys is x
So the number of girls = 52 - x
3|P age

As number of boys is less than the number of girls by 2

That means,
(52 - x) x = 2
52 - 2x = 2
2x = 50
x = 25
So number of boys 25
Number of girls (52 - 25) = 27
The average weight of all students is 59 kg
The total weight of all the students = 59 52 = 3068 kg
Average weight of boys is 62 kg
Total weight of boys = 62 25 = 1550 kg
So the total weight of girls = Total weight of all students Total weight of boys
= 3068 - 1550 kg
= 1518 kg
So the average weight of girls = 1518 Kg/27 = 56.2222 Kg 56 Kg
Hence the answer is 56 Kg

6. Average = (sum of observations)/(total no. of observations)

Given, average age of senior players at present = 33 years
sum of age of senior players at present = 33 3 = 99 years
sum of age of senior players 3 years ago = 99 (3 + 3 +3) = 90 years
4|P age

Let sum of present ages of youngsters be y and sum of present ages of

remaining 8 players be x.

sum of remaining 8 players age 3 years ago = x 3 8 = x 24

Given, average age of a cricket team of 11 players is the same as it was 3
years back because 3 of

the players whose current average age is 33 years were replaced by 3


x + y = x 24 + 90
y = 66 years
Average age of 3 youngsters = y/3 = 66/3 = 22 years

7. Average = (sum of observations/number of observations)

Let the third number be a.
Given, second number is two times the third number.
Second number = 2a
First number is thrice the second number.
Third number = 3 2a = 6a
Given, average of the numbers is 36

= 36

3a = 36
a = 12

5|P age

First number = 6a = 72
8. The given series is:
12 = 1,
32 = 9,

52 = 25,
72 = 49,
92 = 81,

112 = 121

The next odd number is 13.

? = 132

? = 169
9. Above series pattern as follows 2 = 12 + 1,
6 = 22 + 2,
12 = 32 + 3,
20 = 42 + 4,
30 = 52 + 5,
42 = 62 + 6,
56 = 72 + 7,
next number in series will be
82 + 8 = 72

10. Let,
Speed of the man at still water = x km/hr
6|P age

Speed of the stream = y km/hr

Speed of the man in the direction of stream = (x + y) km/hr
Speed of the man in the opposite direction of stream = (x y) km/hr
Given, Distance covered = 20 km
Time taken to cover in the direction of stream = 5 hour
Time taken to cover in the opposite of stream = 6
Speed = Distance /Time

hrs = 6.25 hour

Speed of the man in the direction of stream = 20/5 = 4 km/hr

x + y = 4 ..(1)
Speed of the man in the opposite direction of stream = 20/6.25 = 3.2 km/hr
x y = 3.2.(2)
(1) + (2)
x + y + x y = 4 + 3.2
2x = 7.2
x = 3.6 km/hr

11. Simplifying

( )

( )

= =2

12. Relative Speed of Jeep with respect to car = Speed of Jeep - Speed of Car =
90 -75 = 15kmph

Relative Distance = 3 km
Relative Distance = Relative Speed Time
3 = 15 Time
7|P age

Time = (1/5) hr. = (1/5) 60 = 12 minutes

13. Given, for every rupee that A gets, B gets 50 paise and for every rupee that B
gets, C gets 120 paise.

As share = 2 Bs share
Cs share = 1.2 Bs share
Total amount to be divided = Rs. 50400
As share + Bs share + Cs share = Rs. 50400
Bs share(2 + 1 + 1.2) = 50400
Bs share = Rs. 12000
14. Speed = distance/time
Let distance covered by him at 30 km/hr is x and other is also x, then
Time taken = 10 hr
10 = x/30 + x/70
x/21 = 10
x = 210 km
Now since distance = x + x = 210 + 210 = 420 km
15. The given expression:

For simplification we are assuming a = 157 & b = 153

The above expression can be rewritten as:

8|P age

We know that, a3 b3 = (a b)(a2 + a b + b2)


Putting the values of a & b we get,

16. The ratio of two number is4:3. Such that numbers are 4x and 3x, where x is
the constant

Product of HC.F. and L.C.M. is 2028 .

H.C.F. L.C.M. = product of numbers
2028 = 4x 3x = 12x2
x2 = 2028/12 = 169
x = 13
Sum of the two numbers is 4x + 3x = 7x = 7(13) = 91

17. Avg Speed of a Journey = (Total Distance travelled) (Total time Taken)
Let the total Distance Travelled = x km
One-fourth of Journey = x/4 km
one- Third of Journey = x/3 km
Remaining Journey = x - x/4 - x/3 = 5x/12 km
Speed Time = Distance
For One-fourth Journey Time Taken = t1 hrs
9|P age

Distance Travelled = x/4 km

Speed = 45kmph
t1 = x/180 hr
For One-Third Journey Time Taken = t2 hrs
Distance Travelled = x/3 km
Speed = 60kmph
t2 = x/180 hr
For Remaining Journey Time Taken = t3 hrs
Distance Travelled = 5x/12 km
Speed = 75kmph
t3 = x/180 hr
Total time = t1 + t2 +t3 = x/180 3 = x/60 hr
Avg. Speed Total Time taken for the Journey = Total Distance Travelled
Avg. Speed (x/60) = x
Avg. Speed = 60kmph

18. Let the speed of the train be X km/h and the length of the train be L km.
Given: The train crosses the man standing on platform in 10 seconds. Thus, in
this 10 seconds the train travels a distance equal to its length.
We know that, Distance = Speed time

10 | P a g e

. (1)

Also, given that train crosses 50m platform in 14 seconds. Thus,

Distance travelled by train to cross the platform = Length of the platform +
length of train


Putting the value of L from eq (1), we get

X = 45 km/h
Hence, the speed of the train is 45 Km/h.

19. On solving the exponential (1024)0.16 (4)0.2

(1024)0.16 (4)0.2 = ((4)5)0.16 (4)0.2 = (4)0.16

20. The value of

Multiplying Numerator and denominator by 3

= 1.633

21. Let the speed of the train be S km/s.

We know that, Speed = Distance/time

11 | P a g e

(4)0.2 = 40.8

+ 0.2

= 4

= 0.03 Km/seconds
Given that train passes a telegraph post in 4 seconds. We know that,
Distance travelled while crossing the telegraph post = Length of the train
And, Distance = Speed time
Length of the train = S time taken to cross the post
= 0.03 4 Km
= 0.12 Km
= 120 m
Hence, the length of the train is 120 meters.

22. Let the marked price of the article be Rs. X which costs him Rs. 450
Given, Cost price = Rs. 450
Gain percentage = 20%
Discount percentage = 10%
We know that,

Selling price = X (1 10/100)

= 0.9X
We also know that,
0.9X = C.P. (1 + 20/100)
C.P = 0.75X
Since C.P. is Rs. 450.
12 | P a g e

450 = 0.75X
X = Rs. 600
The market price is Rs. 600

23. The ratio of investments of two partners is A and B is 11 : 12 respectively and

the ratio of their profits is 2 : 3 respectively. If A invested the money for 8

Let investment of A is 11a and investment of B is 12a for x months. Where a

is any constant.

Then ratio of their profits

= (11a 8) : (12a x)
= 88 : 12x
According to the question this ratio is 2 : 3.
88/12x = 2/3
24x = 88 3
x = 11
Hence, B invested his money for 11 months.

24. By selling an article for Rs. 144, a person gained such that the percentage gain
equals the cost price of the article.


CP2 = (144 CP) 100

13 | P a g e

CP2 = 14400 100CP

CP2 + 100CP - 14400 = 0
CP2 + 100CP - 14400 = 0
CP2 + 180CP 80CP - 14400 = 0
CP (CP + 180) 80CP (CP +180) = 0
(CP + 180) (CP 80) = 0
CP = -180, 80
Neglect the negative value
CP = 80
25. A man sells two articles for Rs. 5000 each neither losing nor gaining in the
deal. If he sold one of them at a gain of 25%.
SP of each article = Rs. 5000
SP of first article = 125% of CP
5000 = (125/100) CP
CP of first article = Rs.4000
There is a profit of Rs. 1000 on first article.
Then, according to the question,
There should be loss of Rs. 1000 on second article.
SP of second article is also Rs 5000
CP of second article = SP + loss
= 5000 + 1000
= Rs.6000
14 | P a g e


Loss% on second article = (1000/6000) 100

= 16 %

26. Let the length of scale be x metres

Let the cost price per meter cloth be Rs. 100
Trader advertise to sells cloth at Rs. 95/metre
But actually he sells x meters for Rs. 95, and gains 20% profit
Cost price of 1 meter length of cloth is 100.
Cost price of x meter length cloth = 100x
Cost Price + Profit = Selling Price
100x + 20% of 100x = 95
100x + 20x = 95
120x = 95
x = 0.79 0.80 m
Length of scale is 0.80 meter.

27. A shopkeeper gives 12% additional discount on the discounted price, after

giving an initial discount of 20% on the labeled price of a mobile. If the final
sale price of mobile is Rs 704.

Let the labeled price of the mobile be Rs x.

x (80/100) (88/100) = 704
x = 1000
15 | P a g e

Hence, the labeled price of the mobile is Rs 1000.

28. Let the number of questions attempted correctly be X and those attempted
wrong be Y.
Total question attempted= 75
X + Y = 75


Also total score is 125. Since 4 marks is awarded for every correct answer and
1 marks is lost for every wrong answer. Thus
(X 4) +(Y (-1)) = 125
4X Y = 125


Adding (1) and (2) both sides, we get

5X = 200
X = 40
Hence total number of questions attempted correctly is 40.

29. Since the three traffic lights glow simultaneously at 10 : 15 : 00 AM so they

will again glow simultaneously after a time period which will be equal to the
L.C.M of three individual time period given.

Thus to find L.C.M of 24, 36 and 54 we find factors of all three numbers as
shown below:

24 = 2 2 2 3
36 = 2 2 3 3
54 = 2 3 3 3
16 | P a g e

L.C.M = 2 2 2 3 3 3
i.e. L.C.M = 216
Hence after 216 seconds or 3 minutes and 36 seconds, the lights will again
glow simultaneously.

At 10:18:36 AM the three lights will again glow simultaneously.

30. Let, the sum of the money is Rs x

According to the question,
Rs x is sufficient to pay As wages for 21 days and Bs wages for 28 days.
As wages for 1 day = x/21
Bs wages for 1 day = x/28
Let, the same money is sufficient to pay the wages of both for y days.



y = 12 days

31. If A does twice as much more as B in a given time, rate of A is twice that of

Let, rate of work of B = x per day

17 | P a g e

Rate of work of A = 2x per day

Rate of A and B working together = x + 2x = 3x per day
So, work = 7 3x = 21x units
Time taken by A to do this work = 21x/2x = 10.5 days.

32. Given,
3 men can do the work in 12 days
Part of work 1 man can do in 12 days = 1/3
Part of work 1 man can do in 1days = 1/(3 12) = 1/36
5 women can do the work in 12 days
Part of work 1 woman can do in 12 days = 1/5
Part of work 1 woman can do in 1days = 1/(5 12) = 1/60
Let, 6 men and 5 women take x days to finish the work

6 +

(x/6) + (x/12) = 1
(2x + x)/12 = 1
3x = 12
x = 4 days.

33. Let,
Cost price = Rs. X

18 | P a g e


The profit is 440% of the cost

Profit = 4.40x
Selling price = Cost price + Profit
Selling price = x + 4.40x = 5.40x
If the cost increases by 35%, cost price becomes
= x + 0.35x = 1.35x
But the selling price remains same
Profit = Selling price Cost price = 5.40x 1.35x = 4.05x
Required percentage = (4.05x/5.40x) 100 = 75%

34. Let, Cost price = x

Shopkeeper marks his goods 40% above cost price
As, M.P = C.P + discount
Marking price = x + 0.40x = 1.40x
After allowing 60% discount
As, S.P = M.P - Discount
Selling price = 1.40x (1.40x) 0.60
= (1.40x) 0.40 = 0.56x
Loss = Cost price Selling price
= x 0.56x
= 0.44x
Percentage loss = (0.44x/x) 100 = 44%
19 | P a g e

35. Given expression is a2 4a 1 = 0

Dividing by a, we get
a 4 - 1/a = 0


Squaring both the sides and using the formula (a b)2= a2 + b2 2ab, we get

= 18

= 16

We have to find the value of




= 18+ 3(4)
= 18 + 12
= 30
36. Initial amount of wine = 60 liters.
After replacing 10 liters of wine with water
There is 50 liters of wine and 10 liters of water.
Wine to water ratio = 5: 1
10 liters of this mixture is removed and replaced by water.
Amount of wine removed from the mixture = (5/6) 10 = 25/3 liters.
Amount of water removed = (1/6) 10 = 5/3 liters.
Final amount of wine in the mixture = 50 25/3 = 125/3 = 41

20 | P a g e


37. x2 + y2 + z2 = 2(x y z) 3
x2 + y2 + z2 - 2x + 2y + 2z + 3 = 0
(x2 - 2x + 1) + (y2 + 2y + 1) + (z2 + 2z + 1) = 0
We can write,
(x - 1)2 + (y + 1)2 + (z + 1)2 = 0
So, x 1 = 0 x = 1;
y + 1 = 0 y = -1;
z + 1 = 0 z = -1
Hence, 2x 3y + 4z = (21) {3 (-1)} + {4 (-1)} = 2 + 3 4 = 1.

38. Let one number be m.

The sum of two numbers is 15
Therefore, the other number will be (15 - m).
The sum of their squares is 113
m2 + (15 - m)2 = 113
m2 + 225 2m + m2 = 113 (using the formula (a b)2 = a2 + b2 2ab )
2m2 2m 112 = 0
m2 m 56 = 0
Solving for m and using quadratic formula, we get

21 | P a g e

m = 8, -7
Taking only positive number of m, i.e. m = 8, we get the other number to be 7.
Thus, the product of two numbers is 56.

39. Given,
A invested Rs. 12,000 for 8 months
And, B invested Rs. 16,000
Let, B invested for x months
Ration of profit of A and B
= (12000 8): 16000x
= 96000: 16000x
Given, Profits of A and B are equal
96000 = 16000x
x = 96000/16000 = 6 months

40. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b)



+ = 3

33 =

22 | P a g e



+ 33

Given, x154 + x148 + x78 + x72 + x26 + x20 + 1



= 0 + 0 + 0 + 1
= 1
41. Let the sum be Rs. x
Then compound interest =


(C.I. = Amount - Principal)

Where, r is the rate of interest
n is the no. of years
If interest was payable half-yearly,
. =


(Here n = 4 and r=10 because 20% annual interest is paid half yearly i.e., 10%
interest is paid 4 times in 2 years)
If interest was payable annually,
. =


Difference between interests when payable half-yearly and annually = 482

x[(1.1)4 (1.2)2] = 482



= 482
= 482

x[ 1.4641 1.4400] =482

x 0.0241 = 482
23 | P a g e

x = 20,000

Pythagoras theorem:
Hypotenuse2 = perpendicular2 + base2
a2 b2 = (a + b) (a b)
Given, AB touches the circle C2
Its a tangent to circle C2
AOD = 90
We know that, perpendicular drawn on chords from the centre bisects the

Circle C1 of radius (3 + 1) cm and radius of C2 is (3 - 1) cm.
From the figure,
OD = (3 1) cm and OA = (3 + 1) cm
Thus in right angled triangle OAD:
Applying Pythagoras theorem, we get
24 | P a g e

OA2 = OD2 + AD2

AD2 = (3 + 1)2 - (3 1)2
AD2 = (23) (2)
AD = 2 43
AB = 2AD
AB = 4 43

43. Given, Present value = Rs. 50000

Since, the value of machine depreciates at the rate 10% every year
Its value after 1 year =

50000 = 50000

5000 =

. 45000

4500 =

. 40500

Its value after 2 years =


45000 = 45000

Alternate:As we know that, if the value of machine depreciates by R% every year, then
the value of machine after t years will be:=

Here, P = future value of machine

P = current value.
Here P = 50000 and P= ?, R = 10%, t = 2
= 50000 1

= 50000

44. The pump can fill the tank in 3 hours

25 | P a g e

. 40500

Part of tank filled by the pump in 1 hour = 1/3

Let, the leak can drain all the water in x hours
Part of tank leaked by the drain in 1 hour = 1/x
Given, Because of a leak pump took 3

to fill the tank


16/15 - 16/5x = 1

16/5x = 16/15 1 = 1/15

5x = 16 15
x = 48 hours

45. Let the total income of the person = Rs. x

We know that, Income = Savings + Expenditure
It is given that, Savings = 8925
Expenditure = (0.15x) + (0.65 (1 - 0.15) x) = 0.15x + 0.65 0.85x
=0.15x + 0.5525x = 0.7025x
x = 8925 + 0.7025x
0.2975x = 8925
x = 30000
46. Given, pipe A can fill a tank in 4 hours.
in one hour A can fill 1/4th of the tank.
Pipe B can fill the tank in 6 hours.
in one hour B can fill 1/6th of the tank.
Given, they are opened on alternative hours, and pipe A is opened first
After 4 hours, volume of tank filled = 2 () + 2 (1/6)

26 | P a g e

after 4 hours, volume of tank filled = 1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6

Volume of tank empty = 1 5/6 = 1/6
4 hours have passed thus its the turn of pipe A to be opened.
Number of hours taken by pipe A to fill 1/6th of the tank =
Number of hours taken by pipe A to fill 1/6


of the tank = 2/3

Total time taken to fill the tank = 4 + 2/3 = 14/3 hours

Total time = 4


47. Let the number of additional men required be n

Given, 200men complete quarter of a work in 50 days.
In 1 day, part of work completed by 200 men

In 1 day, part of work completed by 1 man


Now, the work has to be completed in 150 days.

Number of days left = 100 days
Number of men after 50 days = 200 + n
Part of work left = 1 = 3/4
In 100 days, part of work completed by (200 + n) men

100 (200 + )

In 100 days, part of work completed by (200 + n) men

If the work is completed in 150 days, then

27 | P a g e

200 + n = 300
n = 100
48. Initial amount of milk = (12/13) 33 = 396/13 liters and initial amount of water
= (1/13) 33 liters.

Say W liters of water is added to make the ratio 11: 2

Water in the final mixture = 33/13 + W liters and amount of milk 396/13

Ratio of milk to water in final mixture =


2 396 = 11 (33 + 13W)

792 = 363 + 143W
143W = 792 363 = 429
W = 429/143 = 3 liters.
3 liters of water is added to the initial mixture

49. Price increased by 50%.

Let the price of a commodity be 100.
After 50% increase the price = 100 + 50 = 150.
Expenditure = Price Consumption
100 = 150 Consumption
Consumption = 100/150 = 2/3.
28 | P a g e

The difference = 1 (2/3) = 1/3.

So, the consumption must be reduced by 1/3.

50. Present population is 50,000. It has been increasing by 4%.

So, after 1 year, population = 50,000 +
After 2 years, population = 52,000 +

50,000 = 52,000.
52,000 = 54,080

51. Property of circumcentre

In any XYZ, if O be circumcentre(where perpendicular bisectors of all three
sides meet) of XYZ.
Then, XOZ = 2Y
ZOY = 2X
YOX = 2Z

29 | P a g e

Now, in ABC
S is the circumcentre of ABC and A = 50
BSC = 2A
= 2 50
= 100
Now in BSC,
BCS = CSB (as, BS and CS are radius of the circumcentre and angles
opposite to the equal sides are equal)

Sum of all angles of a triangle = 180

BSC + BCS + CSB = 180
100 + 2BCS = 180
30 | P a g e

2BCS = 80
BCS = 40


We have to make a graph for this question,

Firstly, we will find intersection of 5x + 7y = 35 and 4x + 3y = 12.
5x + 7y = 35 . . . . . . eq (1)
4x + 3y = 12 . . . . . . .eq (2)
Multiply eq (1) by 4
20x + 28y = 140 . . . . . . eq (3)
Multiply eq (2) by 5.
20x + 15y = 60 . . . . . . .eq (4)
Subtracting eq (4) from eq (3), we get
13y = 80
y = 80/13

31 | P a g e

Putting this value of y in eq (1), we get

5x + 7 (80/13) = 35
5x = 35 7 (80/13)
5x = (455 560)/13
x = (-21/13)
Intersection point = {(-21/13), (80/13)}
Now, we have to find out the intersection of 5x + 7y = 35 on x axis
Putting y = 0 in this equation, we get
5x = 35
x = 7
Now, we have to find out the intersection of 4x + 3y = 12 with x axis
Putting y = 0 in this equation, we get
4x = 12
x = 3
4x + 3y = 12 cuts x axis at 3.
We know, Area of = (base height)
Area of ABE =
= 160/13


32 | P a g e



We know that,
tan = perpendicular/base
In triangle ADB
B = 60
Tan(B) = AD/BD
tan(60) = AD/BD
3 = AD/BD------------1
In triangle EBD,
Tan(EBD) = ED/BD
tan30 = ED/BD
1/3 = ED/BD-----------2
Dividing eq 1 by eq 2 we get,

AD : ED = 3 : 1
ED = AD/3
AD = ED + AE

33 | P a g e

AD AD/3 = AE
AE = 2AD/3

= 2/1
AE : ED = 2 : 1
Thus E divides AD in the ratio 2 : 1


In the figure two circles of same radius are shown [circle with center A &
center B]

If the radius of both circles are r then,

AC = AD = BC = BD = AB = r
[Because all the straight lines mentioned above refer to the radius of circle with
center A or center B]

Now, ABC & ABD are equilateral triangle.

CAB = 60 & BAD = 60 [because all angles of an equilateral triangle are


34 | P a g e

CAD = 60 + 60 = 120
For CAD, AC = AD = r
We know that the sum of three angles of a triangle = 180
CAD + ACD + ADC = 180
120 + 2 ACD = 180
ACD = 30
ADC = 30
Now, CD = CO + OD
CD = [AC cos ACD] + [AD cos ADC]
[AOC & AOD are right angled triangle.]
CD = r cos30 + r cos30

CD = 3r
The length of the common chord is 3r.

55. Given, Marks Hari gets = 183

He fails by 27 marks
Passing marks = 183 + 27 = 210
Again, passing marks is 35% of the maximum marks
0.35 Maximum marks = 210
Maximum marks = 210/0.35 = 600
35 | P a g e

56. Formula to be used,

SI = (P R t)/100, A = P + SI
SI = Simple interest
A = Amount
P = Principal
R = rate %
t = time in years
Given, a sum of money at simple interest doubles in 12 years.
A = 2P
P + SI = 2P
SI = P
t = 12 years
SI = (P R t)/100
P = (P R 12)/100
R = 100/12 = 8.3%

57. Given,
sin2 = cos3
cos2 cos = sin2

36 | P a g e

(cos2/ sin2) = 1/ cos

cot2 = 1/ cos


Given expression is,

cot6 cot2
Using (1)
= (1/cos3) - (1/ cos )
= (1 cos2)/ cos3
Using the property: 1 cos2 = sin2
= sin2 / cos3
sin2 = cos3
= 1

58. We know that amount of each installment


Here, P = Principal Amount

n = number of installments,
R = rate of interest
x = amount of each installment
Here, P = Rs. 1272
R = 4%
n = number of installments = 4

37 | P a g e

. 300

59. Given expression is,



Using the property: sin2x = 1 cos2x


cos4 (1 cos2) = cos2( cos2 +2cos2 cos4)

cos4 cos4 cos2 = cos4 + 2 cos2 cos2 cos2 cos4
cos4 2 cos2 cos2 + cos4 = 0
(cos2 cos2)2 = 0
cos2 cos2 = 0
cos2 = cos2


Using the property: cos2x = 1 sin2x

1 sin2 = 1 sin2
sin2 = sin2
Given expression is,
38 | P a g e


Using (1) and (2)

= cos2 + sin2
Using the property: sin2x + cos2x = 1
= 1

60. Given: Inner radius, r = 7 cm

Outer radius, R = 14 cm and height of cylinder = 20 cm.
We know that, Volume of cylinder = radius2 height
Outer volume of the given cylinder = 142 20
= 12320 cm3
Also, Inner volume of the cylinder = 72 20
= 3080 cm3
Required volume = Outer volume Inner volume
= 12320 3080
= 9240 cm3

61. Angle rotated by hour hand in an hour = 30.

Angle traced in 2
= 30 =

i.e., 9/4 hours

Angle rotated by minute hand in 60 mins = 360.

Angle rotated in 15 mins =

15 = 90.

Required angle = 90

39 | P a g e

= 22


The angle of elevation of the top of the tower is and on moving (h/2)
towards the tower it becomes .
In the figure,
Height of tower = AB = h
CD = h/2
From ACB
tan = Perpendicular/base
tan = AB/BC
From figure BC = BD + CD
tan = h/(BD + CD)
cot = 1/ tan
cot = (BD + CD)/h
40 | P a g e

From ADB
tan = Perpendicular/base
tan = AB/BD
tan = h/BD
cot = 1/ tan
cot = BD/h
We have to find the value of cot cot
cot cot = (BD + CD)/h BD/h
= (BD + CD BD)/h
= CD/h
Putting CD = h/2
63. We know that sin = cos (90 )
sin 39 = cos (90 39) = cos 51

= 1_________________(1)

Similarly we can say, sin 69 = cos 21

As, sin2 + cos2 = 1
sin2 21 + sin2 69 = sin2 21 + cos2 21 = 1 ___________
Again we know that tan cot = 1
As tan = cot (90 )
41 | P a g e


tan 79 = cot (90 79) = cot 11

tan 11 tan 79 = tan 11 cot 11 = 1 _____________ (3)
tan 31 tan 59 = tan 31 cot 31 = 1 _______________ (4)
The given expression:

+ 2 tan 11 tan 31 tan 45 tan 59 tan 79

3(sin 21 + sin 69)

+ 2 (tan 11 tan 79) (tan 31 tan 59) tan 45

3(sin 21 + sin 69)

= 1 + 2 3 [Using the data (1), (2), (3), (4) & tan 45 = 1]

= 0
64. Given that, a b > 0
That means either a, b both are positive or both are negative.
As, the point (a, b) lies in the third quadrant so we can say a, b both are

If a is negative then a must be positive.

Similarly, if b is negative then b must be positive.
Now, (-a, -b) must lie in first quadrant (quadrant I) as both a & -b are positive.

65. Given that,

The ratio of the volumes of water and glycerine in 240 cc of a mixture is 1 : 3.
Volume of water in the mixture = x
Volume of glycerine in the mixture = 3x
42 | P a g e

x + 3x = 240
4x = 240
x = 60 cc.
Volume of water in the mixture = 60 cc.
And Volume of glycerine in the mixture = (3 60) cc = 180 cc.
Let, x cc of water is added to the mixture.
According to the question,
(60 + x)/180 = 2/3
180 + 3x = 360
3x = 180
x = 60 cc
66. Formula: Area of a circle = r2
Where, r = radius of the circle
Circumference of a circle = 2r
Where, r = radius of the circle
And Perimeter of equilateral triangle = 3(side)
A copper wire is bent in the form of an equilateral triangle and has area 1213

Let a cm be the length of the equilateral triangle

Area of equilateral triangle = (3/4) (side)2
43 | P a g e

(3/4) (a)2 = 1213

(a)2 = 121 4
a = 22 cm
As, the same wire is bent into the form of circle
Therefore, circumference of circle = perimeter of equilateral triangle
2r = 3a
2(22/7)r = 3 22
r = (21/2) cm
Now, we need to find the area enclosed by the circular wire = r2

= (693/2)
= 346.5 cm2

67. Circumference of a circle = d,

d = Diameter of the wheel.
Given, d = 98 cm = 0.98 m.
Circumference of the wheel = 0.98 m = 3.14 0.98 m = 3.08 m.
Number of revolutions = Distance traveled/ Circumference of the wheel
= 1540/3.08
= 500.

44 | P a g e

Formula to be used,
Volume of rectangular box = length breadth height
Given, Rectangular sheet of metal is 40 cm by 15 cm
Original length = 40 cm
Original breadth = 15 cm
Now, each square of side 4cm are cutoff from the corners,
From the figure:
Remaining length = 40 2 4 cm = 32 cm
Remaining breadth = 15 2 4 cm = 7 cm
Now the remainder is folded to form an open rectangular box.
Height of open rectangular box will be the length of side of the square cutoff
from the corners.
Height = 4cm
Length = 32 cm
Breadth = 7 cm
Volume of the open rectangular box = 32 7 4 cm3
Volume of the open rectangular box = 896 cm3
45 | P a g e

ABC is isosceles, right-angled with ABC = 90 and AB = BC

Using Pythagoras theory,
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
AC2 = 2AB2

[ AB = BC] .1

Perimeter = 2p
AC + BC + AB = 2p
AC + 2AB = 2p

[ AB = BC]

AC = 2(p AB)
Squaring both sides
AC2 = 4(p2 2p AB + AB2) (2)
Using (1) and (2)
2AB2 = 4(p2 2p AB + AB2)
2p2 4p AB + 2AB2 = AB2
AB2 4p AB + 2p2 = 0

46 | P a g e

) (

= 2 2

Side of a triangle always should be lesser than the Perimeter(2p).

AB = 2p p2
Area of triangle = (1/2) Height Base
Area of the given triangle,
= (1/2) AB BC
= (1/2) AB2 [ AB = BC]
= (1/2) (2p p2)2
= (1/2)( 4p2 + 2p22 2 p22)
= 3p2 - 22 p2
= (3 22)p2 sq. unit

70. We know that, if a, b and c be the side of a triangle. The area is given by



), Where,

Given, The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4

Let, Sides of the triangles are a = 2x, b = 3x and c = 4x
According to the question,
2x + 3x + 4x = 18
9x = 18
x = 2
Sides are, a = 2 2 cm = 4 cm
b = 3 2 cm = 6 cm
47 | P a g e

c = 4 2 cm = 8 cm
s = (4 + 6+ 8)/2 = 18/2 = 9






= 9 5 3 1
= 315 cm2

We know that,
Interior angle of a regular polygon with n sides =

Exterior angle of a regular polygon with n sides = 360/n.

As per problem,





180n 360 = 2 360

180n = 3 360
n = 6

Since, OX and OY are perpendicular and also radii of circle.
From, the area of triangle =
r2 = 2 32 = 64.
r = 8.
48 | P a g e

= 32

The area of circle = r2 = 64

Height of cone = 14 m
Base area = 346.5 m2
Base area = r2
346.5 = (22/7) r2
r2 = (346.5 7)/22
r2 = 110.25
r = 10.5
Slant height (l) of cone =

Where, r is radius of cone and h is height of cone


10.5 + 14

= 110.25 + 196
l = 306.5
l = 17.50
Surface area of cone = rl

49 | P a g e



10.5 17.50

22 10.5 17.50 100

75 7

Length of cloth = 770 m

As shown in figure:

Since AD and BC are parallel and AM & AM is drawn perpendicular to BC

from A and D respectively. Thus,
AM || DM
Let AM = DM = d
Hence, AMMD forms a rectangle of sides 5m and d meters.
Also since AM and AM is perpendicular to BC thus they form two right angle
triangles AMB and DMC respectively.

Thus, total area of trapezium = Area of rectangle AMMD + area of triangle

AMB + area of triangle DMC

We know that, Area of rectangle = length width

And, area of triangle = base height
50 | P a g e

Total area of trapezium

= 5 d + 2 d + 2 d
= 7d m2
Given, area of trapezium = 35 m2
7d = 35
d = 5 m
Since triangle DMC is right angle triangle thus applying Pythagoras theorem i.e.
hypotenuse2 = base2 + height2
CD2 = 22 + d2
CD2 = 4 + 25
CD = 29 m

As shown in figure, P and Q are mid points of chord AB and AC respectively.

51 | P a g e

Theorem: In a circle radius passing through the mid-point of the chord is

perpendicular to that chord.

Hence, in figure OP and OQ are perpendicular to AB and AC respectively.

Hence, APO and AQO is 90 both.
In quadrilateral APOQ sum of all internal angles is 360. i.e.
APO + AQO + PAQ + POQ = 360
Given, BAC = 32, thus
90 + 90 + 32 + POQ = 360
POQ = 148
Also, ROS = POQ (The lines OP and OQ is extended to R and S)
Or, ROS = 148
Now, since ROS and RTS have same arc RS but one subtend angle at

centre of the circle while other at a point T anywhere on the remaining part of
circle. Thus according to the theorem:

Theorem: The angle subtended by an arc at the centre of a circle is twice the
angle subtended by the same arc at any other point on the remaining part of
the circle.

RTS = 148/2
= 74
Hence, RTS = 74

Area of a circle = (radius)2
52 | P a g e

The sum of their area is 130 sq cm

Let radius of circles be r1 and r2 respectively
r12 + r22 = 130
r12 + r22 = 130 . . . . . . eq (1)
Two circles touch externally. And, the distance between their centers is 14 cm.
r1 + r2 = 14 . . . . . . .eq (2)
On squaring both sides
(r1 + r2)2 = 142
r12 + r22 + 2r1r2 = 196
130 + 2r1r2 = 196
2r1r2 = 66. . . . . . . . eq (3)
Using eq (1) and eq (3)
r12 + r22- 2r1r2 = 130 66
(r1 - r2)2 = 64
r1 - r2 = 8 . . . . . . ..eq (4)
On adding eq(2) and eq (4)
2r1 = 22
r1 = 11
Using this value in eq (2)
11 + r2 = 14
r2 = 3

53 | P a g e

Radius of small circle = 3cm

We know that A + B + C = 180
A + B C = (180 C) C
= 180 2C.
B + C - A = 180 2A
sin 2(A + B C) = sin 2(180 2C)
= sin (360 4C)
= - sin(4C)
= 1

[ given]

sin(4C) = -1 = sin270
4C = 270
tan(B + C A) = tan(180 2A) = 3
tan(180 2A) = 3 = tan 60
180 2A = 60
2A = 180 60
54 | P a g e


2A = 120
A = 60
We know that
A + B + C = 180
B = 180 (A + C)
= 180

60 +

B = 180 (60 + (135/2))

B = 180 (255/2)
B = (360 - 255)/2
B = 105/2.
= 52

78. It is the property of obtuse angled triangle.


55 | P a g e


We know that
ABC + CBE = 180
ACB + ACF = 180
Given, CBE = ACF = 130
ABC = 180 - CBE
= 180 130
= 50
ACB = 180 - ACF
= 180 130
= 50
Sum of interior angles of a triangle = 180
ABC + ACB + BAC = 180
100 + BAC = 180
BAC = 80
56 | P a g e

BAC + GAB = 180

GAB = 100

Given, BC2 = 16, CA2 = 9

BC = 4, CA = 3
D is a point on AB.
So, let AD = x
BD = 5 x [ AB becomes 5 by 32 + 42 = 52]
And let CD = y.
ACD and BCD are right angled triangles
x2 + y2 = (3)2
x2 + y2 = 9 .eq(1)
57 | P a g e

(5 x)2 + y2 = (4)2
(5 x)2 + y2 = 16 ..eq(2)
Subtract eq(1) from eq(1)
We get,
(5 x)2 - x2 = 16 9 = 7
25 10x + x2 - x2 = 7
18 = 10x
x = 9/5
Put this in eq(1)
y2 = 9 x2
y2 = 9 (9/5)2
y2 = 9 (81/25)
y2 = 144/25
y = 12/5
CD = 12/5.
Let k kg of both the alloys are taken initially
Then, weight (in kg) of tin in first alloy = (1/3) k kg
Weight (in kg) of iron in first alloy = (2/3) k kg
Weight (in kg) of tin in second alloy = (2/5) k kg
Weight (in kg) of iron in second alloy = (3/5) k kg
58 | P a g e

If the two alloys are mixed in the proportion of 3 : 4 respectively(by weight)

Total weight of tin in newly formed alloy = 3(weight of tin in first alloy) +
4(weight of tin in second alloy)

Total weight of tin in newly formed alloy =3 + 4

= k + 8k/5
= (13k/5) kg
Total weight of iron in newly formed alloy = 3(weight of iron in first alloy) +
4(weight of iron in second alloy)

Total weight of iron in newly formed alloy =3


= (2k + 12k/5)
= (22k/5) kg
The ratio of tin and iron in the newly formed alloy =
= 13 : 22

Let the multiplying factor be x.
Materials = 3x, Labor = 4x and Overheads = 2x
Given that, materials cost = Rs.33.60
As per sum,
33.60 = 3x
x = 11.20
Labour = 4x = 4(11.20) = 44.80
59 | P a g e

Overheads = 2x = 2(11.20) = 22.40

Cost of article = 33.60 + 44.80 + 22.40 = 100.80.

Volume =

Given, square base diagonal = 1152 m.

The side of the square =

= 24

The base area = 24 24 = 576 m2

Finally volume = (576 6)/3 = 1152 m3.

One face of a cube is a square.
Let the side of the cube be a.
Perimeter of one face = perimeter of a square = 4 a
Given, perimeter of one face = 20cm
4a = 20cm
a = 5cm
Volume of a cube = a3
Volume of the given cube = 53
= 125 cm3

60 | P a g e

Let A = 4x and B = 5x.

Difference of their squares is 81.
B2 A2 = 81
(5x)2 (4x)2 = 81
25x2 16x2 = 81
9x2 = 81
x2 = 9
x = 3
the value of A = 4x = 4(3) = 12.
86. As PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Thus, sum of opposite angles = 180
PSQ + PQR = 180
130 + PQR = 180
PQR = 50
Now, In PQR
QP is diameter of circle
Any triangle formed in a circle having diameter as one side is always a right
angled triangle and the angle opposite to the diameter of the circle is right.
QRP = 90
61 | P a g e

QRP + RPQ + PQR = 180
90 + RPQ + 50 = 180
RPQ = 40

In triangle ABC
Sum of all angles = 180
i.e ABC + BCA + CAB = 180
65 + BCA + 40 = 180
BCA = 75.
As, D and E are two mid points of sides AB and AC respectively.
DE is parallel to BC.
Thus, DEA = BCA (corresponding angles)
DEA = 75
As, AC is a straight line
DEA + DEC = 180
62 | P a g e

75 + DEC = 180
DEC = 105

Total no of people from north zone = 410 + 1220 + 1640 + 620 + 950
= 4840
Total no of people from south zone = 1450 + 1120 + 420 + 350 +50
= 3390
Total no of people from east zone = 310 + 830 + 710 + 540 + 430
= 2820
Total no of people from non-west zone = people from (north +south +east) zone
= 4840 + 3390 + 2820
= 11050
Number of people from non-west zone who takes coffee only once a week =
620 + 540 + 350
= 1510
Percentage of people from non-west zone who take coffee only once a week =
= 13.66% 14


63 | P a g e

Total number of people surveyed who take coffee more than 3 times a day =
410 + 310 + 700 + 1450
= 2870
The total number of people who do not take coffee at all = 950 + 430 + 620 +

= 2050
The ratio of the total number of people surveyed who take coffee more than 3
times a day to the total number of people who do not take coffee at all is =
2870 : 2050
= 1.4 : 1
Number of people of south zone who take coffee at least once a day = 1450

= 2570
Total Number of people of south zone = 1450 + 1120 + 420 + 350 + 50
The percentage of people of south zone who take coffee at least once a day


= 75.81%
Formula- volume of circular cylinder = r2h
Where, r = radius and h = height.
Volume of sphere = (4/3)r3
64 | P a g e

Where, r = radius
Let the radius and height of right circular cylinder be r and h respectively.
Let radius of sphere is R.
The radius of the cylinder and the diameter of the sphere are equal.
Therefore, r = 2Req(1)
The volumes of a right circular cylinder and a sphere are equal.
r2h = (4/3)r3
3r2 h = 4R3
3r2 h = 4(r/2)3
3r2 h = 4(r3/8)
6r2 h = r3
6h = r


h : r = 1 : 6

Volume of each brick = length breath height
= 25 12.5 8
= 2500 cu cm
Bricks are arranged in an area measuring 20 cu. M
= 20 100 100 100 cu cm
65 | P a g e

Number of bricks used =

20 100 100 100
= 8000
1 1 1

( , , )

( , , )

( , , )

Rs. 555 was to be divided among A, B and C in the ratio of Click and drag to

LCM of (4, 5, 6) = 60
Therefore Rs 555 was to be divided among A, B and C in the ratio of
1 1 1

4 5 6

60 60 60

4 5 6

15 : 12 : 10
Share of C when Rs 555 was to be divided among A, B and C in the ratio of
15 : 12 : 10

15 + 12 + 10

= (10/37) 555
= Rs 150
But by mistake it was divided in the ratio of 4 : 5 : 6
Share of C when Rs 555 was to be divided among A, B and C in the ratio of
4 : 5 : 6

66 | P a g e


= (6/15) 555
= Rs 222
The amount in excess received by C = Rs (222 150)
= Rs 72


Let the height of the tower be h meter

From figure
tan 30 =





Given, their present ages are in the ratio 5:7
Let the present ages of A and B be 5a and 7a.
18 years ago, their ages were 5a 18 and 7a 18
67 | P a g e

Given Eighteen years ago ratio of As and Bs age was 8 : 13

65a 234 = 56a 144

9a = 90
a = 10
Present age of A = 5a = 50 years

7 sin = 24cos
tan = 24/7
sec = (1 + tan2) =


cos = 1/sec = 7/25

14 tan 75 cos 7 sec
= 14 (24/7) 75 (7/25) 7 (25/7)
= 48 21 25
= 2
The ratio of the length of man and his shadow is equal to the ratio of the

length of pole and its shadow as they are casting their shadow from the same

68 | P a g e

130 420

420 169

X = 546 cm

Total funds received by NHAI = 29952 + 11486 + 5252 + 4910 + 6000 =57600

Total funds received from Market Borrowing = 29952 crores.

Thus the angle corresponding to total funds is 360.
The centre angle corresponding to Market Borrowing =


The centre angle corresponding to Market Borrowing = 187.2

From the pie chart expected amount to be received by External Assistance =
Rs. 11486 crores

Amount actually received = Rs 9695 crores

Shortage of funds = 11486 9695 = Rs. 1791 crores
Market borrowing amount = 29952 crores
Thus, % by which market borrowing should increase so that no shortage of
funds =


% increase from market borrowing = 5.98% 6%

69 | P a g e

% commission earned by the outsourced agency = 10%

Amount by which the outsourced agency supports the project = 4910 crore
Amount collected as toll by the outsourced agency = 4910 + 10% of 4910

Amount collected as toll by the outsourced agency = 5401 crores.

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70 | P a g e

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