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fuzzy systems :

Fuzzy systems are widely applied in knowledge elicitation and designing

regulators, forecasting and
modeling, control and decision-making, etc.
Afuzzy model can be formulated either based on experts knowledge, or using
observed data, or using si- multaneously the knowledge and data. A fuzzy system
based on a fuzzy model is a universal approximator. Creation of an approximating
object description is subdivided into the following steps: choosing a model
structure, estimating model parameters, choosing an approximation quality
criterion and an optimization method for the chosen criterion.
We will consider a singleton fuzzy system containing n input variables and m
fuzzy rules, each of them having the form:

There are several known types of MF: triangular, trapezoidal, Gaussian, and
parabolic, each function is
defined by a special set of parameters. Without loss of generality, we consider
triangular membership func- tions for which it is necessary to have three

The fuzzy model proposed by Takagi and Sugeno [2] is described by fuzzy IFTHEN rules which represents local input-output relations of a nonlinear system.
The main feature of a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model is to express the local dynamics
of each fuzzy implication (rule) by a linear system model. The overall fuzzy model
of the system is achieved by fuzzy blending of the linear system models.

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