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from the Supreme Court of the United States:

The idea prevails with someindeed, it found expression in arguments at the barthat we have in this country substan-
tially pr practically two national governments; one maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions [17 limited enumer-
ated powers]; one to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument, by exercising such powers as
other nations of the earth are accustomed to exercise [unlimited power].
Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244,381 (A.D. 1901) (emphasis and bracketed text added)

Government One - Government Two -

Where you believe you live. Where you actually live.
The true name is United States of America
The United States of America self described, never voted on by the People, apparently created by Congress in 1948, first appears
Dixon v. United States, 1 Brock 177,7F. Cas.761 (A.D.1811) given by Chief in Blacks Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition, page 1534, apparently operates as a democracy,
Justice John Marshall. It is a republic, combining State and National government, under the United States Constitution, a mere statute, statutized by Congress in An Act to provide
created by We the People, Citizens of the several sovereign States in Union, by Two spheres of politi- a government for the District of Columbia, 16 Stat. 419, Sec. 34, page 426, on Feb. 21, 1871.
their Constitution of the United States of America, March 4, 1789.
cal government that Exercises unlimited, or plenary power, under Art. IV, Sec. 3, Cl. 2 of the Constitution as
Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting
This Constitution is Paramount Law, exercising 17 limited enumerated Powers do not overlap. the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States. This Power is for US territories!
delegated by the people. In this political sphere, Banks emit only Federal Reserve Notes, i.e, commercial negotiable instru-
ments. Mere USE OF commercial paper SUBJECTS all users to the U.C.C. and Congress com-
Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States of America states, mercial power.
No State shall...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin at ender in Payment of
Debts So, how can the People be separated from their Sovereignty, their unalienable Rights, their terri-
tory and their government and be converted into this alternate political right hand sphere? Only
Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America states, by deception! The words in the law dictionaries have gradually been changed and the People
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican have accepted it.
form of Government
Process For example, the Constitution of Nevada (October 31, 1864), ARTICLE
VIJudicial Department, Sec. 18, says: The style of all process shall be The In this political sphere, the federal government and all the state governments apparently all oper-
ate as democracies. Democracy, democracy, democracy is all you hear on television and radio.
State- members of the American State- In the Constitution the term state ProcessIn this political sphere, in 28 USC Section 108, Nevada, all process ACTUALLY runs
confederacy only are the states most frequently expresses the combined in the name of STATE OF NEVADA, in spite of the Constitution of Nevada.
contemplated in the constitution idea of people, territory, and govern-
and the word state excludes ment a political community of free state, in Blacks Law Dictionary, Seventh These state are presumed to be populated by federal
from the term the signification at- citizens, occupying a territory of defined Edition, The political system of a body citizens, or U.S. citizens, merely residing, in federal
tached to it by the writers on the law boundaries, and organized under a gov- of people who are politically organized; states, enumerated but not defined and having no
of nations Hepburn and Dundas v. ernment sanctioned and limited by a the system of rules by which jurisdiction boundaries, in 28 USC sections 81 through 111
Ellzey, 6 U.S. 445 (A.D. 1804) written constitution state of Texas v. and authority are exercised over such a (including the District of Columbia, which is not one
White, 74 U.S. 700 (A.D. 1868) body of people. This definition says of the States of the Union). They are referred to as
nothing about the sovereign People of the administrative divisions on and as
State of Nevada. and all prosecutions shall be conducted in the name and by the sovereign several States in Union. territories on both official govern-
authority of the same. [i.e., in the name of the People.] ment web sites.

all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain is evident that they [U.S. citizens] have not the political rights which are vested in citizens of
unalienable Rights The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 the States. They are not constituents of any community in which is vested any sovereign power of
government. Their position partakes more of the character of subjects than of citizens. They are
The word people of the United States and citizens are synonymous terms, and subject to the laws of the United States, but have no voice in its management. If they are allowed
mean the same thing. They both Describe the political body who, according to our to make laws, the validity of these laws is derived from the sanction of a Government in which
republican institutions, form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct they are not represented. Mere citizenship they may have, but the political rights of citizens they
the government through their representatives. They are what familiarilycall the cannot enjoy People v. De La Guerra, 40 Cal. 311, 342 (A.D. 1870) (emphasis added) [in
sovereign people, and every citizen is one of this people, and a constituent other words, You are a SUBJECT, and have NO rights, but what are granted. By your mas-
member of this sovereignty. Dred scott v. Sanford. 60 U.S.393, 405 (A.D. 1856) ter]
[In other words you are a sovereign with unalienable rights .]

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