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Name : Ema Nur Rahmah

Class : LT-3E
: 09

Definition of Diode
Diodes (Diode) is the Active Electronic Components which is made of a
semiconductor material that allows unidirectional flow of current. In general,
diode has two electrodes. They are Anode (+) and cathode (-). The working
principle of diode is can pass the current from p-type(anode) to n-type (cathode),
but cannot flow in reverse direction.
Symbols of diode

Diodes symbolized by drawing arrows on the ends of the transverse stripe. The
symbol actually is as a representative of the workings of the diode itself. At the base
of the arrows is also known as the anode (positive pole = P) and on the tip of the
arrow is referred to as the cathode (negative pole = N)

Type Diode
a) Light Emiting Diode
LED Emiting Diodes or well known as LED are diodes that can produce light,
and has different color of light like red, green, yellow, and other.
b) Photo Diode
Photo Diodes is the reverse of LED, this diodes are need a light for doing their
function, this type is a light-sensitive diodes, which work on the specific areas.
This diode usually use for sensor.
c) Varactor Diode
This type of diode are unique, because the diode has a capacity that can vary
according to the size of the applied voltage to this diode, for example, when
the applied voltage is large, then its capacity will decrease, inversely if given

low voltage the diode will have greater capacity, these diodes are reverse
d) Rectifier Diode
Rectifier diode applied as rectifier at current or voltage, such as alternating
current (AC) is rectified to produce a direct current (DC).
e) Zener Diode
This type of diode has a fuction for aligning, both received and issued, in
accordance with the capacity of the diode
Materials Diode
The Material use as diode are a semiconductor material, such as germanium
and silicon.
Germanium diode has properties such as:
1. have a small physical form
2. Used to circuits which large power output
3. Resistant to high voltage max 500 volts
4. Resistant to large current max 10 ampere
5. Voltage lost only 0.7 volt.
Silicon diode has properties such as:
1. have a small physical form
2. Often they use in adapter circuit as a rectifier, can also be used as a electronic
3. Resistant to a large current of about 150 amperes max
4. Resistant to high voltage max 1000 volt
Diode Function
Diode has many function like :
As the rectifier on the diode bridge component.
As a voltage stabilizer on the zener diode components.
As a safety or fuse.

As a voltage multiplier.
As an indicator for a series of LED (Light Emiting Diode).
Can be used as a heat sensor on the application range of the power amplifier.
As a light sensor on the photo diode components.
As part of the VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) on varactor diode

Characteristics Diode

a) Forwad Bias
Forward bias is a characteristic of diodes when the anode terminal of diodes
connected with the positive of power supply and negative to the catode. So
that the current can pass to the diode.
b) Reverse Bias
Reverse bias is a characteristic of diodes when the anode terminal of diodes
connected with the negative of power supply and positive to the catode. So
that the diodes is blocking the current.
Application Diode
Application of diode is most often found as a rectifier. Rectifier means changing
the alternating current (AC) into direct current (dc). Most electronic equipment
requires resources in the form of direct current. For power requirements and a
small voltage is usually sufficient to use a battery or batteries, but for more than
the required power supply in the form of a rectifier.
The kind of rectifier are half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, full wave rectifier
with a bridge system.

1. Half wave Rectifier

In the half wave rectifier, input voltage with alternating current passing
through the rectifier diodes,so output through positive of sine signals and
inhibit the phase of negative signals. So the output of the half-wave
rectifier has a lot of ripple
Calculation of the DC voltage output from the half wave rectifier phase
according to the current conditions on and off the output waveform. At the
time of the positive phase, the diodes pass the current so that the output
voltage when it is equal to Vmax of the input signal. Then when the
negative phase, the diodes do not pass so the output voltage in this
phase is equal to zero.
2. Full wave Rectifier
At the secondary CT Transformer has 2 signal output that occurs at
the same time, and have same amplitudo but opposite phase. When the
input voltage (primary voltage) at the positive cycle, AO point occurs
positive cycle while OB point occurs negative cycle. Consequently, D1
have forward bias while D2 have reverse bias. So the current pass
through D1 to load and back to the center tap point.
When the input voltage (primary voltage) at the negative cycle, AO
point occurs negative cycle while OB point occurs positive cycle.
Consequently, D2 have forward bias ehile D1 have reverse bias. So the
current pass through D2 to load and back to the center tap point.
From the explanation of the workings of the full wave rectifier shown
at this type is voltage that occurs in the load have the same polarity
regardless of diodes which deliver due to the current flowing through the
same direction so that it will form a full wave rectified signal as shown in
the graph below
3. Full wave rectifier with bridge system
In the diode bridge, there are only two diodes are delivering current
to each cycle of the AC voltage while the two other diodes act as an
insulator during the same cycle
When the positive cycle of the AC voltage, current flows through the
diode B to the load and back to the diode C. At the same time anyway,
diodes A and D experienced a reverse biased so that no current
streaming or both of these diodes act as an insulator.
Meanwhile, when the negative cycle of the AC voltage, current flows
through the diode D to the load and back through the diode A. Since the
diodes B and C undergo the reverse bias current can not flow in both
this diode.
Both of these things happen continuously until the load voltage is
obtained in the form of a full wave that has been rectified (DC voltage)

Types Of Diode

Led diode

Photo diode

Rectifier diode

Varactor diode

Zener diode

Characteristic of Diodes

1. Forward bias

Application of diodes
1. Half wave Rectifier

2. Reverse bias

2. Full wave rectifier

3. Full wave rectifier with bridge system

Contoh rangkaian penyearah setengah gelombang digambarkan pada ilustrasi

gambar dibawah ini. Tegangan input dengan arus bolak-balik melewati satu dioda
penyearah kemudian pada outputnya tampak melewatkan "gunung" dari sinyal sinus
dan menghambat fase "lembah"-nya. Hal ini mengakibatkan keluaran dari
penyearah setengah gelombang memiliki banyak riak (riple) dan membutuhkan
kapasitor yang besar untuk meng-"halus"-kannya.

Perhitungan tegangan DC keluaran dari penyearah setengah gelombang mengacu

pada kondisi saat fasa on dan off pada gelombang output. Pada saat fase positif,
dioda menghantar sehingga tegangan keluaran saat itu sama dengan Vmax dari
sinyal input. Kemudian saat fase negatif, dioda tidak menghantar sehingga tegangan
keluaran pada fase ini sama dengan nol.

In the half wave rectifier, input voltage with alternating current passing through the
rectifier diodes,so output through positive of sine signals and inhibit the phase of
negative signals.
so the output of the half-wave rectifier has a lot of ripple
Calculation of the DC voltage output from the half wave rectifier phase according to
the current conditions on and off the output waveform. At the time of the positive
phase, the diodes pass the current so that the output voltage when it is equal to
Vmax of the input signal. Then when the negative phase, the diodes do not pass so
the output voltage in this phase is equal to zero.
2. Full wave rectifier
pada bagian sekunder trafo CT mempunyai 2 sinyal output yang terjadi
secara bersamaan, mempunyai amplitudo yang sama namun
berlawanan fasa. Saat tegangan input (tegangan primer) di siklus positif,
pada titik AO terjadi siklus positif sementara pada titik OB terjadi siklus
Akibatnya D1 akan mengalami bias maju sedangkan D2 mengalami bias
mundur sehingga arus akan mengalir melalui D1 menuju ke beban dan
kembali ke titik center tap.
Saat tegangan input (tegangan primer) berada pada siklus negatif, pada
titik AO akan terjadi siklus negatif sementara pada titik OB akan terjadi
siklus positif. Akibatnya D2 akan mengalami panjaran maju (forward bias)

sedangkan D1 mengalami panjaran balik (reverse bias) sehingga arus

akan mengalir melalui D2 menuju ke beban dan kembali ke titik center
Dari penjelasan cara kerja penyearah gelombang penuh jenis ini terlihat
bahwa tegangan yang terjadi pada beban mempunyai polaritas yang
sama tanpa memperdulikan dioda mana yang menghantar karena arus
mengalir melalui arah yang sama sehingga akan terbentuk gelombang
penuh yang disearahkan seperti ditunjukkan pada grafik sinyal berikut
Penyearah Gelombang jembatan
Penyearah gelombang penuh dengan jembatan dioda (dioda bridge)
Pada dioda bridge, hanya ada 2 dioda saja yang menghantarkan arus
untuk setiap siklus tegangan AC sedangkan 2 dioda lainnya bersifat
sebagai isolator pada saat siklus yang sama.
Saat siklus positif tegangan AC, arus mengalir melalui dioda B
menuju beban dan kembali melalui dioda C. Pada saat yang
bersamaan pula, dioda A dan D mengalami reverse bias sehingga
tidak ada arus yg mengalir atau kedua dioda tersebut bersifat sebagai
Sedangkan pada saat siklus negatif tegangan AC, arus mengalir
melalui dioda D menuju beban dan kembali melalui dioda A. Karena
dioda B dan C mengalami reverse bias maka arus tidak dapat
mengalir pada kedua dioda ini.
Kedua hal ini terjadi berulang secara terus menerus hingga
didapatkan tegangan beban yang berbentuk gelombang penuh yang
sudah disearahkan (tegangan DC). Grafik sinyal dari penyearah
gelombang penuh dengan jembatan dioda (dioda bridge) ditunjukkan
seperti pada gambar berikut
Jembatan dioda (dioda bridge) tersedia dalam bentuk 1 komponen
saja atau pun bisa dibuat dengan menggunakan 4 dioda yang sama
karakteristiknya. Yang harus diperhatikan adalah besar arus yang
dilewatkan oleh dioda harus lebih besar dari besar arus yang
dilewatkan pada rangkaian.

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