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Email :
Mobile : +62-87770101990


G.R.M. Ismail I. Ishaq, Ph.D.

Founder & Teaching Reiki Master
Indonesian Reiki Foundation (1998)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Reiki Therapy ..

2. A Short List of Reiki Therapy Spas in the World .

3. A Short List of Reiki Tuition Fees in the World

4. Introduction to Brainwave Entrainment

5. A Short List of Brainwave Entrainment (Binaural Beat) MP3



6. The Need to Train Sales Department Staffs & Spa Therapists

Reiki Therapy & Brainwave Entrainment Recording.


7. Building the Image of the Regional Reiki & Brain Wave Entrainment
Training Center ....


8. Conclusion


9. Reiki Certificates & Hypnotherapy Diploma..


9. Referrals...........................................................................


10. Appendix A Binaural Beat ..


The idea of offering this Creating a Regional Reiki & Brain Wave Entrainment
Training Center, a Non-Budgetary Business Plan Overview is inspired by the
following facts:
1. Only approximately 10%-15% of the Spa industry, especially those of
the 4-Star and above hotels worldwide offer Reiki Therapy as part of
their services. In general, their services are limited to the traditional
massage therapy, aromatherapy, foot reflexology, shiatsu, meditation, yoga
2. It is more unlikely that the majority of the Spa industry including those of the
international chain hotels have enough introductory knowledge, and least to
say the adequate awareness of the benefits of Reiki as one of the available
holistic ( physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ) healing modalities.
Reiki healing has been employed by a number of hospitals in the U.S.A.
There should be no doubt and fear about employing Reiki Therapy in
Spas. Reiki Therapy can be administered singly or together with the
standard therapies.
3. Reiki Therapy is already employed in some Spas throughout the world, thus
Reiki Therapy is a reliable source of revenue to the Hotel & Spa
industries. On the other hand there is an imbalance of Reiki Therapy
between the spa & hotel industries.
4. NOW would be the right momentum to establish A Regional Reiki &
Brain Wave Entrainment Training Center that aims at providing Reiki
Therapy Training and Brainwave Entrainment Recording to Spa
Therapists & Sales staffs in the hotel & spa industries.

September 3, 2009
G.R.M. Ismail I. Ishaq, Ph.D.

Introduction to Reiki Therapy

Reiki (Therapy) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that
also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on
the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us
to be alive. If one's "life force energy" ( also known as Chi, Ki, Manna or Prana ) is
low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more
capable of being happy and healthy.
The preparation for a Reiki session/treatment is much like a massage. The client
will enter a dimly lit room with soft, relaxing music and lay down on a massage
table. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner places her hands on the
client, allowing Ki (energy) to flow. As the energy flows, it induces muscle
relaxation, allowing stress to release and the natural cellular processes of oxygen
exchange and toxin release to flow more freely. The result. deep relaxation and
inner peace.
Reiki sessions/treatments are excellent for stress reduction, anxiety, fatigue, pain
relief, emotional clarity & focus, inner peace & harmony and more including distant
healing (contact us for more information on distant healing). Reiki practitioners are
also well-known to treat people who have diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.
Although Reiki is not a cure or medical treatment for such (or any) diseases, Reiki
sessions/treatments allow relaxation and calming.
As holistic medicine becomes increasingly popular, Reiki Therapy is being hailed
as a treatment for helping body, mind, and spirit. This makes it very different from
traditional allopathic medicine, which typically only addresses the disease itself.
In fact, Reiki Therapy is being used and taught in some hospitals and hospices in
various states in the USA. Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York is using
Reiki as a complement to treatment. The Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania
(HUP) Medical School, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, Marian General
Hospital, and the California Pacific Medical Center all offer Reiki to their patients.
There is a Reiki clinic at the Tucson Medical Center in Arizona, Reiki is used at the
Portsmouth Regional Hospital in New Hampshire; in Cleveland, hospitals are
considering setting up a Reiki clinic.. In Vermont, there is already a
Complementary Medicine clinic, which is part of Windsor Hospital where Reiki
Therapists are working. A recent newspaper article indicates that there are at least
65 Reiki practitioners among the doctors and nurses at Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center. New hospitals are being added to this list almost daily
Only Reiki Therapy, among the standard forms of Spa services (massage
therapy, aromatherapy, shiatsu, foot reflexology etc), enables one to also
perform self healing and distance healing.

Another advantage of Reiki Therapy worth noting is the fact that the healing
practice on the clients does not require any physical energy exertion by the
therapist. In other words, a Reiki Therapist can heal as many clients as he or
she wishes without feeling exhausted.

A Short List of Reiki Therapy Spas in the World

1. Karma Kandra Resort Bali, Indonesia
Cost of a Reiki Therapy session: 60 minutes USD145++
2. Four Seasons Hotel, Singapore
3. Post Ranch Inn ( California, USA
Cost of a Reiki Therapy session: 1 hour USD130, 1.5 hours USD185
4. Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa British Columbia, Canada
5. Sol and Luna Lodge & Spa - Urubamba, Peru
6. Abac Restaurant Hotel Barcelona, Spain
7. The Brandshatch Place Hotel & Spa Kent, UK
Cost of a Reiki Therapy session: 45 minutes GBP50
8. Maya Spa, Wellness Center Tulum, Mexico
Cost of a Reiki Therapy session: 30 minutes USD40, 60 minutes USD80
9. Madinat Jumeirah - Jumeirah, UAE
Cost of a Reiki Therapy session: 30 minutes AED190, 50 minutes AED320

With the above few examples of Reiki Spas in the world, this should incite us
to act swiftly and take the lead in establishing A Regional Reiki Training
Center for the Hotel & Spa industries because such institution does not exist
yet. This would make Reiki Therapy evenly available in the hotel & spa
industries and create new equal employment opportunities.

A Short List of Reiki Tuition Fees in the World

1. Usui Reiki I GBP150 , Usui Reiki II GBP180
2. Usui Reiki I GBP 125 & Usui Reiki II GBP300
3. Usui Reiki USD150 I & Usui Reiki II USD250
4. Usui Reiki Master USD875
5. Usui Reiki I USD375, Usui Reiki II USD400, Usui Reiki Master USD650
6. Karuna Reiki Master GBP500
7. Karuna Reiki Master USD875

The above data is gathered to give a general idea of the expected Reiki
tuition fee we could reasonably charge our Reiki Therapy Training and
Brainwave Entrainment Recording for Sales Department Staffs & Spa
Therapists programs per student / participant. The real tuition fee would be
slightly more expensive because a lot hands-on practiced will be employed.
Please note that Usui Reiki or Traditional Reiki is likened to a general practitioner
in the allopathic medicine, dealing with the catch all daily holistic problems.
Karuna Reiki deals with the deeply rooted mental and emotional cases.

Introduction to Brainwave Entrainment

Our brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity
to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending
signals at once produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain,
which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment (such as an EEG),
measuring electricity levels over areas of the scalp.
The combination of electrical activity of the brain is commonly called a brainwave
pattern, because of its cyclic, "wave-like" nature.
Brainwave Frequencies
With the discovery of brainwaves came the discovery that electrical activity in the
brain will change depending on what the person is doing. For instance, the
brainwaves of a sleeping person are vastly different than the brainwaves of
someone wide awake. Over the years, more sensitive equipment has brought us
closer to figuring out exactly what brainwaves represent and with that, what they
mean about a person's health and state of mind.
Here is a table showing the known brainwave types and their associated mental


Associated Mental State

Wide awake. This is generally the mental state most
people are in during the day and most of their waking


12hz - 38hz


8hz - 12hz

Usually, this state in itself is uneventful, but do not

underestimate its importance. Many people lack sufficient
Beta activity, which can cause mental or emotional
disorders such as depression, ADD and insomnia.
Stimulating Beta activity can improve emotional stability,
energy levels, attentiveness, concentration and in some
cases may even increase your IQ!
Awake but relaxed and not processing much information.
When you get up in the morning and just before sleep,
you are naturally in this state. When you close your eyes
your brain automatically starts producing more Alpha

Since Alpha is a very receptive, absorbent mental state,
you can also use it for effective self-hypnosis, mental
reprogramming, Super / Accelerated Learning and
Light sleep or extreme relaxation.


3hz - 8hz

0.2hz - 3hz

Theta can also be used for hypnosis, Super /

Accelerated Learning and self-programming using prerecorded suggestions or subliminal affirmations.
Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of
brainwaves. When your dominant brainwave is Delta,
your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal
clocks. You do not dream in this state and are completely

Brainwave Entrainment
Brainwave Entrainment refers to the brain's electrical response to rhythmic sensory
stimulation, such as pulses of sound ( please also refer to Appendix A Binaural
Beat ) or light.
When the brain is given a stimulus, through the ears, eyes or other senses, it emits
an electrical charge in response, called a Cortical Evoked Response. These
electrical responses travel throughout the brain to become what you "see and
hear". This activity can be measured using sensitive electrodes attached to the
When the brain is presented with a rhythmic stimulus, such as a drum beat for
example, the rhythm is reproduced in the brain in the form of these electrical
impulses. If the rhythm becomes fast and consistent enough, it can start to
resemble the natural internal rhythms of the brain, called brainwave. When this
happens, the brain responds by synchronizing its own electric cycles to the same
rhythm. This is commonly called the Frequency Following Response (or FFR).
Brainwave Entrainment has been used to help with:
Behavior Modification
Energy and vitality

Intuition and personal insight
Focus and attention
Promoting long-term mental and emotional growth
And much, much more

The product of Brainwave Entrainment Recording is an MP3 or

The application of Brainwave Entrainment into specific wholistic healing ( )
approach is what I define as Sound Technology Healing.


A Short List of Brainwave Entrainment (Binaural Beat)

MP3 Sources
1. Monroe Institute -
2. Mind Technology -
3. Centerpointe Research Institute -
4. Mind Sync -
5. Unexplainable Store
6. Relaxation-Cds -
7. Genius Brain Power

I have the technology to produce Brainwave Entrainment MP3s to enhance

not only Reiki Therapy but also other Spa healing modalities.


The Need to Train Sales Department Staffs & Spa

Therapists Reiki Therapy & Brainwave Entrainment
Since Reiki Therapy is relatively a new Spa service / menu, there is a need to train
Reiki Therapy & Brainwave Entrainment Recording to both the Sales Department
staffs and the Spa Therapists of the hotel & spa industries in the entire region in
The Sales Department need to be trained Reiki Therapy as part of their product
knowledge in selling Reiki Therapy to the hotels & spas guests. Last and most
importantly, is of course the need to train Spa Therapists since they are the ones
who would be serving the guests / clients. The training program for this purpose is
called Reiki Therapy Training for Sales Department Staffs & Spa Therapists.
Since Brainwave Entrainment could enhance the mood and energy of spa clients
through sound in the form of MP3, the Brainwave Entrainment Recording
program is considered a unique course never taught to spa therapists
anywhere in the world. This program could be packaged together with the Reiki
Therapy Training for Sales Department Staffs & Spa Therapists program,
offered separately or as a Sound Chakra Healing program.
All programs will be conducted in English and would take a duration of one week
for each objective i.e. Reiki & Brain Wave Entrainment, encompassing the theory
and hands on practice.


Building the Image of the Regional Reiki & Brain Wave

Entrainment Training Center
To socialize the presence of the Regional Reiki & Brain Wave Entrainment
Training Center, whatever eventually this institution will be called, a website will
need to be setup along with regular advertisements placed in the regional
newspapers and disbursement of flyers / brochures.
This Regional Reiki & Brain Wave Entrainment Training Center will also need to
have its own Reiki Spa and Reiki Healing Clinic. This spa cum clinic will serve as
both the Reiki Training Centers lab during the regular 1 week Reiki Therapy
training and as a service to the public. Thus, it would also become another
source of income. Special discounts and gift certificates will be given away to
attract clients.
Within the first 3 months of this Reiki & Brain Wave Entrainment Training Centers
Spa operation, a feedback sheet on Reiki Therapy will be distributed to the spa
clients. Then data collected from the feedback sheets will be tabulated or
processed as supporting data for all Sales campaigns.
The second and most important step is to create a Sales campaign for the
availability of the Reiki Training Centers Reiki Therapy Training and
Brainwave Entrainment Recording for Sales Department Staffs & Spa
Therapists programs to the Hotel & Spa industries. This could take form
among others, by inviting Sales & Spa Managers from the various hotels and spas
of the region to attend in-house presentations.
Another form of introducing the Regional Reiki Training Center and earning
another big source of revenue is to run regular Reiki Therapy and Sound
Chakra Healing workshops that could come in different forms or titles like Reiki
Healing or Stress Management for Executives.
Likewise, Reiki and Sound Chakra Healing workshops could be sold
regularly to other hotels and spas on a profit sharing basis. The Reiki Therapy
workshops could come in the following initial courses and expand to other healing
courses in the future:

Intensive Usui Reiki Levels I & II

Usui Reiki Master
Intensive Karuna Reiki I & Karuna Reiki Master I
Intensive Karuna Reiki II & Karuna Reiki Master II
Sound Chakra Healing

As a form of After Sales Services and maintaining a long and warm relationship
among the Reiki Therapist graduates and hotel workshops participants, a Reiki
Therapy mailing list will be made available to discuss any Reiki Therapy issues.

Reiki Therapy combined with the unique program of Brainwave Entrainment
Recording that have never been offered elsewhere in the world to Spa
Therapists, is a profitable source of revenue to the Hotel & Spa industries;
especially to this Regional Reiki Training Center in South East Asia. The
revenues generated from this Business Overview come from:

Reiki Therapy Training for Sales Department Staffs & Spa

Therapists, Brainwave Entrainment Recording & Sound Chakra
Healing programs to the Hotel & Spa industries in the region.

In-house Reiki Therapy & Sound Chakra Healing Spa services.

Regular in-house Reiki Therapy & Sound Chakra Healing workshops

and / or in collaboration with other hotels & spas on a profit sharing basis.


Reiki Certificates
Hypnotherapy Diploma









---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Lori George <>
Date: Jun 9, 2006 11:35 PM
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
To: Ismail Ishaq
To whom it may concern:
I am a Reiki Master Teacher from the United States I have been teaching since 1995 and
had a website for many years teaching and introducing the principles of Reiki. I met Ismail
through e-mail correspondence in 1997. He wrote me with questions about Reiki from my
website. We corresponded as teacher and student for about six months and then on
March 4, 1998, I initiated him as a Reiki Master. He then founded the Indonesian Reiki
Foundation and initiated over 5,000 students over a period of years. We continued to
correspond during that time. I was impressed with Ismails command of the English
language and his ability to make jokes and understand all of the healing jargon that we
used as we constantly debated in depth about Reiki.
In 2003 Ismail invited me to teach a series of Reiki Master workshops in Indonesia. Since
I spoke only English, he would be translating everything for me. I spent 6 weeks traveling
in Indonesia with Ismail, presenting workshops in many cities. Using an entirely new
method of initiation we called Yin Yang Reiki, myself, being female(Yin), and a Christian
turned Buddhist from the United States, and Ismail, the Indonesian Master from the other
side of the world, being a moslem male (Yang). The workshops, which were held in major
hotels, were translated into Indonesian by Ismail as I spoke. During question and answer
sessions, he would listen and then translate each question and answer. We did group
initiations, both of us worked on each person at the same time, going around a group.
These were very powerful initiations and the workshops highly successful, more than 180
people became Reiki Masters. During this time, Ismail arranged everything for me and he
spoke such perfect English that I often forgot that it was his second language.
We have continued to be good friends and collaborate on many matters, always in
English. I highly recommend Ismail as both a Reiki Master and as a speaker and teacher
of English.
Dolores Lori George,
Reiki Master Teacher


---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Lawton R. Smith <>

Date: Jun 3, 2006 5:57 PM
Subject: An email of recommendation
To: Ismail Ishaq
To Whom It May Concern:
I have known Mr. Ismail Ishaq since 1997. We have communicated at various times over
the years by email, instant messaging, and by phone. His skills with the English language
are at the expert level. I find that communicating with him is not only a great pleasure, but
also very comfortable, with his immense knowledge of the various idioms and subtleties of
I have exchanged Reiki attunements with Mr. Ishaq, so I understand his Reiki skills and
teaching style. He is trained and attuned by me as a traditional Usui Reiki Master. He has
subsequently trained and attuned me as a Prema Reiki Master, which system he created
himself after much study and practice. He also has founded The Indonesian Reiki
As a teacher, he is thorough, skilled and knows his subjects in great depth. As a Reiki
teacher and practitioner, he ranks among the best that I have known, both in skill and in
Over the years, I have come to know that Ismail is dependable, honest, proficient in what
he does, ethical, and a man of his word. I know that he will carry out whatever plans and
obligations that he has. He would be a great addition to any business or professional
enterprise. His abilities and training, as well as his sensitivity would be very well suited to
the Spa industry.
If there is anything that requires more information, please feel free to contact me.
Lawton R. Smith
Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher
Email -
Home Page -


---------- Forwarded message ---------From: medwards520 <>

Date: May 31, 2006 6:34 AM
Subject: Letter of Recommendation
To Whom It May Concern:
Mr. Ismail Ishaq happens to be the Founder & Reiki Master of The Indonesian Reiki
Foundation. I met him online at a Reiki message-board site around 1998. We have
remained in contact during the ensuring years. I find that his English is very good. His
ideas regarding Reiki are very clear, precise, and easy to understand. He took me on as a
student despite the great distance between us. I lived in New York City, in the USA while
he resides in Indonesia. Without my studies with Mr. Ishaq, the writing of my book, Reiki,
Yoga, Meditation and Yagyas: Techniques for Living in the New Millennium would not have
been possible.
Although we havent met in person, I believe Mr. Ismail Ishaq would be an asset with any
company that hires him. He is the right man for this particular endeavor. He has many
years of experience working with Reiki. Nowadays, with the ever increasing popularity of
Reiki and other energy healing systems, we find that people become teachers or Reiki
Masters and they dont have much experience with the modality they plan to teach. I cant
think of a better qualified Reiki Master than Mr. Ishaq. His knowledge as I have previously
stated was extremely helpful during the writing of my book. I hope this letter will assist his
efforts as he seeks employment with this hotel.
Marc Edwards


---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Adam & Rachel <>

Date: May 14, 2006 9:50 AM
Subject: Endorsement
To whom it may concern.
Please be aware Ive had the pleasure and experience of working together with Ismail over
12 months to build a network in Indonesia, via a VoIP company called Ubifone.
He was instrumental in translating the website into Indonesian, arranging and running
meetings and motivating people to act.
Together we built a large and successful network in Indonesia in a very short period of
With his multi-lingual talents, he was also the obvious choice as the liaison between
Ubifone management and the Indonesian members.
His talents certainly revolve around communicating to members in large numbers, so I
would have no hesitation in recommending Ismail for a training role with your company.
Yours faithfully
Adam Simth
Ubifone TimeSolution
Perth Australia.


---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Mills <>

Date: May 7, 2006 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: Application of Ismail Ishaq for Soma Life Marketing Trainer
Ladies & Gentlemen;
Mr. Ismail Ishaq has copied me with his application to work with your organization, and I
note that he has mentioned me as a reference.
With this note I would like to express my endorsement of Mr. Ishaq's application.
I have known Mr. Ishaq for several years (not sure exactly how long in fact). Although we
have not worked together beyond a few translation matters, on which I may say we were
more than satisfied with his work product, we have kept in touch and I am aware of some
of his activities, although certainly not all.
Mr. Ishaq's command of English is excellent. He seems to have a natural talent for
languages, and I understand he speaks others as well; but as I, myself, am not versed in
others than English and Indonesian I cannot comment on these.
He seems a natural leader. He has excellent presence when leading a group and has
many followers in healing techniques, all of whom that I have spoken with seem devoted
to him and have great respect for him, his advice, intelligence and ideas. Clearly he has
good charisma and a good rational and clear approach.
I note some of the other qualifications you require in your posting. From my limited
experience with Mr. Ishaq, I would certainly confirm that his is an excellent public speaker,
as alluded to above, he seems in excellent health, very youthful and energetic, he certainly
has a positive outlook, is indeed an attention-getter, when he wishes. He is also a good
listener, not someone that needs to be "on" at all times, but respectful of others' views as
well). He has indeed a pleasing personality and seems very intelligent and has good selfconfidence, in that he can assert himself when he has something to say, but does not try
to hoard the spotlight when he does not (which latter I usually assume indicates insecurity
rather than the image attempted to be projected.) Mr. Ishaq seems comfortable when he
is in the spotlight and just as comfortable when others are in that role.
Mr. Ishaq indicates that he enjoys traveling, and I can only say that this has been evident
from prior conversations. On several occasions when we corresponded by email he has
mentioned, quite happily it seems, that he was writing from elsewhere than Jakarta.
When I have grumbled that I am fed up with airplanes and airports, he amicably replied
that he doesn't mind that so much as it gives him the opportunity to explore new places
and sometimes new cultures, which he enjoys and from which he learns much.
I hope that this meager view of Mr. Ishaq is helpful in your evaluation of his application.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need additional information, although, as
I mentioned, I no not have much more for my own part.
My contact details are at the bottom of this email. Note that Mr. Ishaq mentioned the
former name of my law firm, which is now known as KarimSyah, as Sani left the firm.
Just for some background, ours is a highly respected law firm, both locally and
internationally, and I myself am well known and respected in international, as well as


Jakarta, legal circles, and am listed as one of the world's leading lawyers in Dispute
Resolution and Finance restructuring and Insolvency.
Thank you for your kind attention and I do hope that Mr. Ishaq's application is given
appropriate consideration, as I believe he would be an asset to any organization or
endeavor to which he applies his talents.
Very Truly Yours;
Karen Mills
J.D., F. CIArb, F. SIArb, F. HKIArb
Chartered Arbitrator
KarimSyah Law Firm


Appendix A Binaural Beats

What Are Binaural Beats ?

Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary
nucleus of each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory
impulses, originating in opposite ears, below 1000 Hz and which differ in frequency
between one and 30 Hz (Oster, 1973).For example, if a pure tone of 400 Hz is presented
to the right ear and a pure tone of 410 Hz is presented simultaneously to the left ear, an
amplitude modulated standing wave of 10 Hz, the difference between the two tones, is
experienced as the two wave forms mesh in and out of phase within the superior olivary
nuclei. This binaural beat is not heard in the ordinary sense of the word (the human range
of hearing is from 20-20,000 Hz). It is perceived as an auditory beat and theoretically can
be used to entrain specific neural rhythms through the frequency-following response
(FFR)--the tendency for cortical potentials to entrain to or resonate at the frequency of an
external stimulus. Thus, it is theoretically possible to utilize a specific binaural-beat
frequency as a consciousness management technique to entrain a specific cortical rhythm.
The Discovery of Binaural Beats
Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by a German experimenter, H. W. Dove. The
human ability to "hear" binaural beats appears to be the result of evolutionary adaptation.
Many evolved species can detect binaural beats because of their brain structure. The
frequencies at which binaural beats can be detected change depending upon the size of
the species cranium. In the human, binaural beats can be detected when carrier waves
are below approximately 1000 Hz (Oster, 1973). Below 1000 Hz the wave length of the
signal is longer than the diameter of the human skull. Thus, signals below 1000 Hz curve
around the skull by diffraction. The same effect can be observed with radio wave
propagation. Lower-frequency (longer wave length) radio waves (such as AM radio) travel
around the earth over and in between mountains and structures. Higher-frequency (shorter
wave length) radio waves (such as FM radio, TV, and microwaves) travel in a straight line
and cannot curve around the earth. Mountains and structures block these high-frequency
signals. Because frequencies below 1000 Hz curve around the skull, incoming signals
below 1000 Hz are heard by both ears. But due to the distance between the ears, the
brain "hears" the inputs from the ears as out of phase with each other. As the sound wave
passes around the skull, each ear gets a different portion of the wave. It is this waveform
phase difference that allows for accurate location of sounds below 1000 Hz(9). Audio
direction finding at higher frequencies is less accurate than it is for frequencies below 1000
Hz. At 8000 Hz the pinna (external ear) becomes effective as an aid to localization. In
summary its the ability of the brain to detect a waveform phase difference is what enables
it to perceive binaural beats.
How It Works On the Brain
When signals of two different frequencies are presented, one to each ear, the brain
detects phase differences between these signals. "Under natural circumstances a
detected phase difference would provide directional information. The brain processes this
anomalous information differently when these phase differences are heard with stereo


headphones or speakers. A perceptual integration of the two signals takes place,

producing the sensation of a third "beat" frequency. The difference between the signals
waxes and wanes as the two different input frequencies mesh in and out of phase.
Because of these constantly increasing and decreasing differences, an amplitudemodulated standing wave -the binaural beat- is heard. The binaural beat is perceived as a
fluctuating rhythm at the frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs.
Evidence suggests that the binaural beats are generated in the brainstems superior
olivary nucleus, the first site of contra lateral integration in the auditory system (Oster,
1973). Studies also suggest that the frequency-following response originates from the
inferior colliculus (Smith, Marsh, & Brown, 1975)" (Owens & Atwater, 1995). This activity is
conducted to the cortex where it can be recorded by scalp electrodes.
Altered States
Binaural beats can easily be heard at the low frequencies (< 30 Hz) that are characteristic
of the EEG spectrum (Oster, 1973). This perceptual phenomenon of binaural beating and
the objective measurement of the frequency-following response (Hink, Kodera, Yamada,
Kaga, & Suzuki, 1980) suggest conditions which facilitate entrainment of brain waves and
altered states of consciousness. There have been numerous anecdotal reports and a
growing number of research efforts reporting changes in consciousness associated with
binaural-beats. "The subjective effect of listening to binaural beats may be relaxing or
stimulating, depending on the frequency of the binaural-beat stimulation" (Owens &
Atwater, 1995). Binaural beats in the delta (1 to 4 Hz) and theta (4 to 8 Hz) ranges have
been associated with reports of relaxed, meditative, and creative states (Hiew, 1995), and
used as an aid to falling asleep. Binaural beats in the alpha frequencies (8 to 12 Hz) have
increased alpha brain waves (Foster, 1990) and binaural beats in the beta frequencies
(typically 16 to 24 Hz) have been associated with reports of increased concentration or
alertness (Monroe, 1985) and improved memory (Kennerly, 1994).
Passively listening to binaural beats may not spontaneously propel you into an altered
state of consciousness. Ones subjective experience in response to binaural-beat
stimulation may also be influenced by a number of mediating factors. For example, the
willingness and ability of the listener to relax and focus attention may contribute to
binaural-beat effectiveness in inducing state changes. "Ultradian rhythms in the nervous
system are characterized by periodic changes in arousal and states of consciousness
(Rossi, 1986;
Shannahoff-Khalsa, 1991; Webb & Dube, 1981). These naturally occurring shifts may
underlie the anecdotal reports of fluctuations in the effectiveness of binaural beats.
External factors are also thought to play roles in mediating the effects of binaural beats"
(Owens & Atwater, 1995). The perception of a binaural beat is, for example, said to be
heightened by the addition of white noise to the carrier signal (Oster, 1973), so white noise
is often used as background. "Music, relaxation exercises, guided imagery, and verbal
suggestion have all been used to enhance the state-changing effects of the binaural beat"
(Owens & Atwater, 1995). Other practices such as humming, toning, breathing exercises,
autogenic training, and/or biofeedback can also be used to interrupt the homeostasis of
resistant subjects (Tart, 1975).


Synchronized brain waves

Synchronized brain waves have long been associated with meditative and hypnogogic
states, and audio with embedded binaural beats has the ability to induce and improve
such states of consciousness. The reason for this is physiological. Each ear is "hardwired"
(so to speak) to both hemispheres of the brain (Rosenzweig, 1961). Each hemisphere has
its own olivary nucleus (sound-processing center) which receives signals from each ear. In
keeping with this physiological structure, when a binaural beat is perceived there are
actually two standing waves of equal amplitude and frequency present, one in each
hemisphere. So, there are two separate standing waves entraining portions of each
hemisphere to the same frequency. The binaural beats appear to contribute to the
hemispheric synchronization evidenced in meditative and hypnogogic states of
consciousness. Brain function is also enhanced through the increase of cross-colossal
communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Various Uses of Audio With Embedded Binaural Beats
Uses of audio with embedded binaural beats that are mixed with music or various pink or
background sound are diverse. They range from relaxation, meditation, stress reduction,
pain management, improved sleep quality, decrease in sleep requirements, super
learning, enhanced creativity and intuition, remote viewing, telepathy, and out-of-body
experience and lucid dreaming. Audio embedded with binaural beats is often combined
with various meditation techniques, as well as positive affirmations and visualization


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