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Vanessa Joseph

ENC 2135
Annotated Bibliography
Ausubel, F. M. (2014). Twists and Turns: My Career Path and Concerns About
the Future. Genetics, 198(2), 431-434. doi:10.1534/genetics.114.169102
The author of this reference discusses his career path and concerns for the future of biological
research. He does include headings, but this is not a regular research paper format, this too is
more of a personal article. The sources are cited in MLA format and though there are no
diagrams there is a picture of the writer provided. This was not scientifically written the
sentences are lengthy.
Budd, A., Corpas, M., Brazas, M. D., Fuller, J. C., Goecks, J., Mulder, N. J., & ...
Blomberg, N. (2015). A Quick Guide for Building a Successful Bioinformatics
Community. Plos Computational Biology, 11(2), 1-11.
In this source the author discusses the way to form a bioinformatic community and formats this
with an abstract and introduction, but rather than giving an apparatus he heads the sections
according to what is in a bioinformatic community; there are procedures on how to form the
community and a conclusion conclusion. It is in APA format, however the sentences are very
detailed, but there are no diagrams included.
Chater, C., & Gray, J. (2014). New Phytologist next generation scientists. New
Phytologist, 204(4), 736-737. doi:10.1111/nph.13142

This another article without headings that denotes how phytology may be the another realm for
molecular biologist to enter. It uses the MLA format and has long drawn out sentences about the
introduction of this field. There are some photos in the article, but there are no diagrams or
Cheeseman, K. French, D., Cheeseman, I., Swails, N., and Thomas, J. (2007). Is
there any common curriculum for undergraduate biology majors in the 21st
century? Bioscience, 57(6), 516-522. dos:1. Retrieved from
http://jstor/stable/10.1641/b570609 dos:1
This is interesting because it talks about a common biology curriculum, even though in order to
get ahead in my preferred field I need to specialize; it also reminds me that in order to eventually
find a career I also need to remain open-minded and diverse skill wise. This article is a transcript
so I cannot see any visuals, however there are subheadings and it comes with an abstract.
Donovan, K. and Schmitt, E. (2014). Service learning in science education: A
valuable and useful endeavor for biology majors. Bios, 85(3), 167-177. Retrieved
This source gives a new aspect to a biology major which is teaching and it complements one of
the interviews I did on a a biology high school teacher. The 11page source has visuals as well as
subheadings that are somewhat sensational. I think it is a good source to use as and ideal for
goals and things to consider when getting my degree.
Perlman, S. (2015). Research Driven by Curiosity: The Journey from Basic
Molecular Biology and Virology to Studies of Human Pathogenic Coronaviruses.
Plos Pathogens, 11(7), 1-3. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005023

This source demonstrates how molecular biology can be used for farthing basic research, but
rather than being written as a research paper, its more of a journal article. There are no sources to
be formatted, nor are there any headings. Although there also is not any diagrams the writers
photo is within the article.
Wake, M. (2008). Integrative Biology: Science for the 21st Century. BioScience,
58(4), 349-353. doi:1. Retrieved from doi:1
In the article author discuses the study of biology as a way into integrative biology careers. It
makes use of the APA format and has an abstract, however there are no subheadings. The
sentences are longer than those found in more scientific papers and since this was a transcript
rather than a scan from JSTOR there was no diagrams or media provided.
The Biology Major. Retrieved from
This source was unique and interesting because it is a professional article that tells of that should
be the goals and out comes of biology majors. It is divided into 3 concrete sections and subtitled.
Thompson, M.E., Rothman, Jackson, Morse, Steele, Gulick, Chandra, Shih,
Toney, Thompson, N. How to Go to Graduate School in Biology. Retrieved from
This is a professional article with multiple personal examples of how people have taken
advantage of undergrad opportunities as well as advisors giving advice to other students. The
article has a table of contents which gives the headers of each section e.g. Undergraduate
Preparation and Types of Programs and How to Chose One.

Wake, M. (2008). Integrative Biology: Science for the 21st Century. BioScience,
58(4), 349-353. doi:1. Retrieved from doi:1
In the article author discuses the study of biology as a way into integrative biology careers. It
makes use of the APA format and has an abstract, however there are no subheadings. The
sentences are longer than those found in more scientific papers and since this was a transcript
rather than a scan from JSTOR there was no diagrams or media provided.

Literature Review
This portion of my sources are focused more around the job opportunities aspect of my
Investigative Paper. Of the 5 sources that are annotated 4 of them are academic articles, while the
first is formatted as an academic research paper. There were not many research papers that
focused on the types of careers that would stem from a biology major, nonetheless a biology
major with a molecular focus. However the articles are very suitable because they are more
personal and give a wide range of ideas that can stem focusing on cellular and molecular biology.
On the surface the four academic articles structures were also very similar, however with further
inspection they did have some differences. For instance Twists and Turns: My Career Path and
Concerns About the Future and New Phytologist next generation scientists use the MLA
format rather than APA, and Research Driven by Curiosity: The Journey from Basic Molecular
Biology and Virology to Studies of Human Pathogenic Coronaviruses did not even use any
sources throughout the paper. These three articles dig deeper into what it means to incorporate a
molecular biology background and to applicable careers. Also they focus more on the idea that
particular field(s) that they discuss rather the actual background. Amongst three Twists and
Turns: My Career Path and Concerns About the Future and Research Driven by Curiosity: The
Journey from Basic Molecular Biology and Virology to Studies of Human Pathogenic
Coronaviruses are most similar because the of the authors self-reflection that is intertwined
within the articles. New Phytologist if anything is an article that is meant to sensationalize
the idea of that career path rather give the personal feel the prior two did.
In a sense Integrative Biology: Science for the 21st Century and A Quick Guide for
Building a Successful Bioinformatics Community are the oddball sources. Although
Integrative Biology was article as well, it does not just discuss one particular focus. It also

reads more scientifically than the other article and, like before mentioned, is not in MLA, but
APA format. The four articles being discussed demonstrate the flexibility in which articles can be
written; they can be written to sensationalize, tell personal stories, but overall they are generally
very informative.
A Quick Guide for Building a Successful Bioinformatics Community is written as a
research paper which is interesting because its not a science experiment. This is definitely the
first time Ive seen a paper like this. However it is very useful and I felt it was important to
include because it brings homage to the concept of discourse communities. This is the only
reference in this section that does not necessarily give an example of a possible career that would
coincide with molecular biology. Instead it discusses the community formed by all biologist
which includes. To further explain, it is written as a research paper in that it has an abstract,
introduction, and conclusion. However what would be the apparatus portion, is broken up into
subtitles like Communities, Networks, and Organizations and Benefits of Participating in
Bioinformatics Communities: Opportunities for Collaborative Research, Professional
Development, Education, and Training which in are used to form the community. The the next
section which would be like the method lists off steps to putting together the Bioinformatics
community. This source is unique and gives a new perspective to the biology community.
I think the latter source is going to be most helpful for me to understanding life in my
field, but the others provide different positions that I could hold since all of them will have to
deal with the bioinformatics community. Altogether from pulling these sources as my favorites of
all the ones I bookmarked I think I want to look into more scholar based essays that have been
reviewed. I want my Investigative Essay to include actual examples of what my field produces

rather just include papers about the field, so this has definitely helped focus my next set of

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