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SYN OPSIS ON PRE FLT BR IEFIN G MADE BY FARU K (a ny informa tion & query conta ct at palashbima n@gmail.

R aft B777-200:
1L/1R--- (65-81)
2L/2R--- (57-71)
3L/3R--- (51-63)
4L/4R ---(60-75)

Raft AB310:
1L/1R--- (67-83)
3L/3R--- (67-83)
B737-800NG: (56-84)

R aft B777-300
1L/1R (65-81)

B777-300 ER (pax seat : 35J /C + 139+123 +122)

Halon (05) :1L,2R,3L,4L,5R.
Water(05) : 1R,2L,3R,4R,5R.
L/J(adult) 25:5(5F O/HBIN, 5(4L), 5(4R), 10(5L).
L/J(infant)43: 618(5F O/H bin), 25(5L
O 2(18) : Nose Tail(2/2+2/2-+1/1+1/1+3/3)
PBE, CrewL/J , Flashlight : in each crew J/S (17)
FAK : 1R(01), 3R(01), 4R(02),5L(01)
Daily FA: Fwd-(01) Mid-1(02), Mid-2(01),Aft-(01)
EMK (01): last O/H bin 52 HJ
Infant seat belt (30):2L(15), 4L(15).
Extension seat belt (20):1L(10), 4L(10).
Pr e Flight C heck of Door B777:
- (Green)Slide Arming/Disarming Lever in Disarm
- (Green)Pressure Gauge of the EPAS should be in
Green zone
- (Red)Redline of the Door should be continuous and
- (Green)Pressure Gauge of the Slide/Raft should be in
Green zone
- (Black)Flap's Color of the Girt bar should be Black

AB-310(pax seat : 25J/C +196)

H alon(0 3): 1L ,2 L,3 L.
W ater(0 3): 1R,2 R,3 R.
L /J-ad u lt (1 2): 2 R(0 6 ), 3 R(0 6 ).
L /J-in fant (1 0) : 2L (0 5),3 L(0 5 ).
O 2 (0 5 ):( 1/1+1/0+1 /1)
PBE(0 6 ):(1 /1+1 /1+1 /1)
FA K(0 3):1 R,2 R,3R.
E M K(0 1): J /C O /B BIN A /C-R
M egap h one (0 2 ): 1L ,2L .
E L T(0 2 ): 1 L, 2 L .
In fan t b elt(1 0): 2R(0 5),3 R(0 5 )
E x ten s ion b elt (12): 2R(0 6),3 R(0 6 ).
Pr e F l igh t Ch eck of d oor( AB -310) :
-- Door w arning s y stem
-- Slide Press ure is in Green Z one
-- Pneumetic bottle press ure gauge = T he Chart
reffering from Tem perature c hart (Ty pe A only )
In dic atio n in the C ab i n fo r L A V s mo k e/ F ire
(A B-310) :
--R ed Light Outside the LAV w ill c ome ON
--LAV FIRE pbsi in corres s ponding area w ill ON
--H igh - Low c him e in the c abin
--C APT C all button in All c abin interc om w ill ON

ELT frequency:
Civilian: 121.5 mhz
Military : 243 mhz
Satellite : 406 mhz

Equipm ent s inside OFC R

02 Halon
04 PBE
01 Flash Light
Equipm ent s in C ockpit:
# 01 Halon # 01 Fire Axe
# 01 PBE
# 02 Escape Rope
# 02 Fire Fighting Gloves
# 02 QuickDon mask
# 02 Smoke googles
# 04 CrewL/J
# 02 FlashLight

Slide inflation t ime:

B777 -300:06 SEC
AB 310: 05 SEC
B737NG: 05 SEC

O 2 dur at ion:
B777-300: 22 min
B777-200: 22 min
AB310: 13 min
B737NG:12 min

Flt deck door :

B777: 12345 ENT.
AB310: # ENT.
B737: 12345 ENT.

B777-200ER (pax seat : 12J /C+21+173+113)

Halon(03): 1R, 2R,4R
Equipment s in C ockpit:
Water(03): 1L, 2L, 4L
01 HalonExtingusher
L/J-(adult)(10): last O/H bin A/C-R
01 Fire Axe
L/J-infant(15): 1Ldoor stowage compt.
01 PBE
O2 (17): 2/2+1/2+3/1+5/4(03 extraat 4L) 02 Escape Rope
PBE(07):1L/1R, 2L/2R, 4L/4R.
01 Fire Fighting Gloves
FAK(04): 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R( each one )
04 Oxygen mask
EMK(01) : 1L stowage compt.
04 CrewL/J (02+02)
Megaphone(02): 1R,4R.
ELT(02):1L inside raft,4R inside raft.
Infant seat belt(15): 1L(05), 4R(10)
Extension seatbelt (05):1L(05)

* Manual inflation Handle for 8 typical Door's Slide is located in the Right side of the Door threshold. For
3L & 3R Manual Inflation Handle is at the upper AFT portion of Door frame.
* Water Shut OFF valve above 2L door stops waterflow in ALL the JCL and two Lav at 2L & 2R. A
* Water Shut OFF valve beside MID 1 Galley stops water flow in All YCL
* We can shut off watersupply of Whole A/C by the Water Shut off switch in 5R crew control panel
* PA ALT & CI ALT (Cabin Intephone) is located in the panel above 1L Jump Seat
* PA Direct Access is located inside the Handset cradle at of 1L, 2L, 4L interphone
* Cabin Doors has Flight Lock wich works when Aircraft's speed greater than 80 NM
* Emergency Light Test PBSI is at 1L & 5R crew panel. In Pre Flight Check Cabin Crew will Press it all
Emeergency Light will illuminate for appx 1 min.
* Emergency Light switch (Guarded OFF) in 1L Crew Panel
* If OFCR door is blocked than there is a Hatch which can be opened from inside. It is located infont of
the OFCR seat at A/C Right.
AB-310 (S2-ADK)(24+198)
737-800 NG pax = 162 (12 + 150) S 2-AFL, S2 -AFM
H alo n (4): 1L /1R,3 L/3R
O2 ( 5):(1 /1 +0 /0 +2 /1 )
T orch (8): (3/1+ 0/0+ 2/2 )
PBE (6 ):(1 /1+0 /0+2 /2)
L /J ad ult(5 ): 2 L O /H b in
L /J in fan t (20 ): 2L (10 ), 2R(1 0)
In fan t belt(20 ): 1R-10 ,3 R-1 0
E xten s io n belt(10 ): 1R-5 ,3 R-5
Po wer meg a (2 ):1 L ,2L
E LT(2 ): 1 L ,2 L .
FAK :(1L -2 ,3 L -1 ), EM K:(1R-1 ),
D aily u se firs t aid :(1 R-1 ).

Fire Figh ting G lov es 0 2 Pair

PBE 04 (2/0 + 1/1 )
H alo n 03 (1L -2+ 3 R-1 )
W ater 01 (3R)
E LT 01(1 st O /H b in-1 L ),0 1- fw d O /W
Po wer Meg ap h o ne 0 2(1L +3L )
O2 - 06 (2/0 +2/2 )
E x tra Ad ultL ife J acket 0 9(AFT )
E x ten s ion Seat Belt 0 5 (1R)
In fan t Life Jack et 17 (1 R) Infan tSeat
Belt 17 (1 R)

Crew L ife J ack et1 0 ( 0 4 + 06 )

CKPT call-2,A ttdn call-5 5, A nou ncemen t-8,
E merg ency -22 2 .
PSP:1 4 ,1 5,16 ro w PaxE mer briefing .
Raft(0 3 )- fwd ceiling, 1 2TH O /H b in-R, aft cab in
ceiling .
Co ck p iteq u ipmen t list B73 7 :
Fire A x e01
PBE-0 1
H alo n-01
Q D mask + L/J-04 .
T o rch - 02 # Fire fig hting g loves - 01 p air.

Overwing Exit ( Type III ) has escape slide only. Look for Slide Ready Indicator Tube tocheck Ramp & Slide infladted
or not.
If anyone tryto open a Door from outside the Aircraft, first door will be disarmedautometicallythen it will open in
Manual Mode.
Red Pyramid in the Door will Flash if Cabin DifferiancialPressude is > = 2.5 MB
To check Landing Geardown & Locked see through Inverted T marking window
To check Flaps & Slats see through Pyramid marking window
There is no water type Extingusher in S2-ADK

Bomb Thr eat Pr ocedur e : To check for an anti-lift switch or lever, slide a string or stiff card, such as the safety leaflet under the bomb without disturbing the device. If the
string or card cannot be slipped under the bomb it mayindicate that an anti-lift switch or lever is present. Orif it is without anti-lift switch following procedure should be
donePrepare LRBL before moving the suspect device. Disarm slide. Build up a platform of "hard materials"carry on baggage) from the floor upwards to the centre of the
door. Place at least 10 inches of materials soaked in, on top of this platform. If it is safe to move the device, carry it to LRBL inthe exact attitude found. Placethe device
against the door and stabilize it on the wetted materials on the platform. Arrange plastic sheets under and around the device. Form a blast wall by packing wetted blankets,
pillows or clothing at least 10 inches around and on top of the device. Then cover the remaining area with soft materials such as seat cushions . Stabilize the wall witha
netting improvised from string, panty hose etc. If it is not possible to move the bomb, then it should be surrounded withwetted material and other blast absorbent material
such as seat cushions and carry on baggage. Move passengers as far from the bomb location as possible. Remove all bottles of oxygen and fire extinguishers in the vicinity.
Relocate passengers at least 4 rows of seats away from the device. If there areinsufficient vacant seats, it is recommended that passengers near bomb location must be given
pillows and blankets to protect their heads.
Cabin Crew Standby At Stn(Emergency situation; e.g. abnormal landing or rejectedtake-off) -Flight crew is uninjured and able to make decisions/react-P/A system is
operative- Further instructions will follow -Cabin crew is alert waiting for further instructions Evac via L/R side OR all doors OR pls be seated cabin,crew resume
Emergency, Emergency Get Down, Get Down Unexpected emergency, no time available for preparation.( Warningfrom a flight crew of an unexpected emergency with
no time available to prepare.) Cabin crew member shout repeatedly: Bend down, Bend down
Cabin Crew Report To Cockpit Immediately Any One Incapacitate.
PurserTo Cockpit Immediately Emergency Imminent CIC Proceed Flt Deck Take NITS Briefing.
Rapid Decompression Emergency Decent (Cabin crew member shall -Grab mask -Sit down -Hold on) Cabin Crew Decent Completed (cabin crew may leave their
seats to attend to crew then others and toilet with portable oxygen).
InFlight Fire BringHalon tostate location) Phrase used over P/A system to call for backup cabin crew to bring additional firefighting equipment and assist as
necessary - cabin crew that finds the fire starts fighting the fire Backup cabin crew- informs flight crew of location and type of fire/ nature of smoke - assembles
firefighting equipment - assists in fire fighting - keep flight crew informed.
Sterile fligh t d eck :
T ake-o ff: From the time Cab in Secu reis given to th e Co mman der u ntil th e
fas ten s eat b elt s ign is s w itch ed o ff after take-o ff.
L and in g:From the time Cab in Secu reis given to the Comman d er u ntil the
fas ten s eat b elt s ign is s w itch ed o ff.
Y ello w Str eam er : Need s to pu ll in crew and lav O 2 u n it.
O 2 Reg ulation: wh enever A /C flies ab ov e 10 0 00 ft.
L /J R eg ulatio n : 5 0 NM /93 k m away fro m o ffs hore & 3 0 min co ntin uo u sly
R a ft R egu latio n: 4 0 0 N M/7 40 k m aw ay from offs h ore & 1 2 0 min co ntin uo u sly
N .B. T o u s e Ad ult life jack et fo r Ba b y make h ole in o n e b o yon cych amb er o r deflate b oyo n cy
ch amb er.

STS (silent 30sec) :

B- brace for impact
D- door operation
E- evac command
E- evac route
P- pax control.

Pilot incapacitat ion:

Pull the incapacitated crew upright and support, stand
behind the seat. Unlockthe seat and pull seat and
incapacitated crew rearward. Lock seat. Ifthe seat will not
move back, request assistance from the pilot in control. If
required remain on flight deck to control the incapacitated
crew; checkif first aid/oxygen required, loosen necktie,

"Cabin crew standby at stations" Please be seated. Cabin crew resume normal."
"Evacuate aircraft, Evacuate aircraft!"or, Evac (L/R) Evac(L/R)".
1. a planned landing on unprepared surface or
2. a planned ditching on a water body.
3. planned landing with abnormal gear configuration
Inunplanned situation: In situations of fire/smoke inside cabin. Crackedopen
fuselage or aircraft ending up on water body after a landing or rejected takeoff,
immediate automatic evacuation shall be effected. Inthese unplanned situations
when the automatic evacuation is warranted,the CIC should attempt to establish
communication with ckpt. If a cockpit announcement has been made follow the
T er m s U s ed F req u en tly:
NITS br iefing:
PIC = Pilot in Co mmand
N-nature of emergency.
CM L= Cab in M aintenan ce L O G
AM L = Aircraft Main tenance Lo g
T-time available
HIL = H old Item List
S-spcl instruction.
LM C = Las t Mo men t Ch ang e
PIL = Pax In formatio n L ist
FCOM = Fligh t Crew O p erating M an u al
SA FA= Safety A s ses s men to f Fo reign
Airlin es

Br ace com mand:2 min before land 1500 ft---- attn cabin crew at stn(given by f/o)
20 sec before land 200 ft------brace,brace,head down, stay down.

F ive I r on Bou n d R u le:

Judge situations quickly & adequately

Take proper counter action
Be expedient
Be conscious, self-possessed & calm
Maintain order & co-operation

R a ng e of E LT :
H o rizo n tal 2 50 miles ,
V ertical3 0, 00 0 feet
D u ratio n : 48 co ntin uou sly
Bu zzer op erates & L ED
flas hes au to matically

Refu elin g R egu latio n: Fas ten Seat Belts igns mus t b e O ff, No Smo k ingsign s mu st b e O n to geth er with in terio r ligh tin g to en ab le emerg en cy
exits to b e id entified. * Cab in crew mus t be p rep ared for an immed iate emergen cy ev acu atio n .* A Pas s en ger. A ddress . is to b e made b riefing
p as seng ers: n o tto smo ke any time o n g ro u nd. *to remain s eated , bu t w ith s eat belts /harnes ses u n fas tened , un til th e fu ellin g has been co mp leted . *
n ot to o p erate an y electricaleq u ipment. * T h e s en io r cab in crewmemb er s h ould be p ositioned in the v icin ity o f th e main d o or b eing u sed for
p as seng er emb ark ation .* O ther emergen cy ex it d oors mu s tb e gu arded b y crew wh o sh all ready to ev acu ate th e p ax w itho ut d elay in cas e o f
emergen cy.

W at er type
Effect: BeatingCooling
Saturation Displacement
of O2.Range: 120
Ft,Duration: 3045 sec
,Weight: 07 lb / 3.10 kg

L a nd L an d ing Co m ma n d:
Ev acuate
Release (Op en) y o ur s eat b elt
Get o ut o f y o ur s eat
Co me th is w ay / E XIT ov er h ere
Leav e ev ery thin g beh ind
Mo v e Fas ter
Stan d Back
Yo u two Stay at th eBo ttom
J ump an d Slide
Walk .Ju mp an d Slide ( fo r O//W o n ly)



A2(1R )

E LT if F/O in cap .
Daily us e FA bo x
T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(1-5 ) rig ht

O2 Duration: 15 min
Capacity: 90 ltrService

Wa ter L a nd in g co mm an d :
E v acu ate
Releas e (O p en ) y our seat belt
G et o u t of y our s eat
Co me this w ay / EX IT o v er h ere
L eave every thin g b eh ind
M o ve Fas ter
Stand Back
Step in to raft (W alk & Step into raft .. for O/W)
Step in , mo v e o u t
D o n
t ju mp
In flate Life J ack et O uts ide

Pow ermega if cap t in cap .

T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(1-5 ) left

T orch 1 L /1R
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets
ABP fw d cab in.
FAK at 2 L
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(6-1 8 ) left

FAKat 2L
(20-30) left

B2(2R )

FAK at 2 R
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(6-1 8 ) rig ht


T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(19 -2 8) right
T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(19 -2 8) right

FAKat 2R
Food, water, blankets.
(20-30) right
PBE at 3L
(31-40) left

C 3(3R )

C 1(4L)

C 2(4R )


D2(5R )


Powermega if capt incap.
Food, water, blankets.
(1-12) left
Daily use FA box
Food, water, blankets.
(1-12) right
ELT if F/O incap.
Food, water, blankets.
(1-12) L/R
Food, water, blankets.
(14-24) left
FAK at 2R
Food, water, blankets.
(14-24) right
Food, water, blankets.
(14-24) L/R

PBE at 3R
(31-40) right

Food, water, blankets.
(25-36) L/R
Food, water, blankets.
(25-36) left
Daily use FA box
Food, water, blankets.
(25-36) right

T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(29 -4 0) left

Power mega
(41-52) left

T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(29 -4 0) right

(41-52) right

Pow ermega
T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(41 -5 2) left
Daily us e FA bo x
T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(41 -5 2) right

PBE ... B/E H oo d for 7 77 -3 00 E R & 2 00 ER :

Pre-Flig htCh eck :
-Securely Sto wed in p rop er L o catio n
-Temper In d icato r is intact
-Co n tain er n o td amag ed
-Ch eck v alid ity T ag
Op eratio n :
-Op en th e Bo x & tak e ou t the v acu um p ack
-Tear at the n otch of the v acu u m p ack
-Tak eo u t th e PBE an d U n fold it
-Sp read n eck seal with b o th h and s and p ut
th e ho od o v er H ead
-Startth e Ch lorate Can dle
-Place th e O ron asal M as k again st th e Face
-Ad jus t the PBE Ho od

T orch
Foo d ,w ater, b lan kets.
(41 -5 2) L /R

M a in tena n ce E qu ip men t:
-In flatio n Pu mp
-Cano p y & Can o py rod
-Bailing b u cket
-Repairing Clamp
-Scou t Kn ife, -Spo n ge.
-H eav ing line w z Flo tation rin g (7 5 ft)
-Sea an cho r-Ty p ical bu ilt in -With Lan yard

Sig na ling E qu ip men t:

-Flash ligh t
-W his tle
-Flare ligh t (Smo ke & Flair)
-Sign al Mirror (Helio grap h)
-Sea D y e M ark er
-Parach ute Flare

S2 -AHO, S2-AHV ( as per CML)

Halon (02): 1L-(01), 2L-(01)
Water (02): 1L-(01), 2R-(01)
O 2 (06) : 1L- (02), 2L-(02), 2R-(02)
PBE (06):1L-(02), 2L-(01), 2R-(01)
Power mega (02) : 1L-(01), 2L-(01)
Spare seatbelt(12) : 1L-(BCL-05, EYCL-05) ,
O/W(L)-(02), 2L-06)
Infant seatbelt(10) : 1L-(04), 2L-(06)
Extension Belts(12) : 2L-(05)
Transmeter : O/W(L)- (01)
Infant L/J(17) : 1L-(05 + 05), 2L- (07)
Adult L/J(10) : 1L-(05), 2L-(05)
Crew L/J & Torch : 1L-(02), 2L-(02), 2R- (02)
Demo kit (04) : 1L-(02), 2L-(01), 2R- (01)

FAK (01):1L-(01)
EMK (01): 1L-(01)
UPK(01) : 1L(01)
L/J :02 =02
PBE : 01
Torch: 02
CrashAxe : 01
O2 Box : 01+01
Halon: 01
Fire gloves : 02

M o ve Pax at leas t1 0 0 meters aw ay A /C in Bo mb thre

W e
v e 10 p ints o f Bloo d. Lo ss o f 4 p ints resu lts in Death.
W e
v e 88 p ints o f W ater. Lo ss o f 22 p ints res u lts D eath .
Bo dy temp eratu re is 94 0 F to 106 0 F (98.4 0 F).
Ratio o f CPR & MT M is 4:1 or 5 :1 if 2 p erso n & 15 :2 if
1 p erso n.
CPR s h ou ld be con tinued fo r up to 4 0 min .

Halon Ext inguisher

Range: 4 6 feet Weight: 04
lbDuration: 10 sec.
In Decompression :
When Cabin Altitude exceeds 10000 ft
Cabin Light will come ONfull bright
Five Hi chime
No Smoking / Fasten Seat Belt signs illuminate & corresponding chimes sound
the Decompressionpop-up window appears on the CMS display
Oxygen Mask Will drop down automaticallyby Flight Deckaction if cabin altitude
exceed14000 ft (Airbus & 737) or 13500 ft (777)

Power mega if capt incap
Food, water, blankets.
(1-19) left
ELT if F/O incap.
Dailyuse FA box
Food, water, blankets.
(1-19) right
Food, water, blankets
ABP (1-19) L/R



Flash Light :
Duration: 04 hrs, Shelf life: 04
yrs, Installedlife: 2-4 yrs. Led
indicator flash every3 to 6 sec

Su rv iv al E qu ip men t:
-Firs t A id k it
-Charm Ratio n
-Sea W ater des alting tab let
-W ater Co n tain er
-Surv ival Boo k let

Powermega if capt incap. (1L)
Food, water, blankets.
(1-10) left
ELT if F/O incap.
((1R )
Dailyuse FA box
Food, water, blankets.
(1-10) right

(O/W -L)
Food, water, blankets.
(11-20) left
(O/W -R)
Food, water, blankets.
(11-20) Right

Food, water, blankets.
(21-31) left
Dailyuse FA box.
Food, water, blankets.
(21-31) right

P BE ..Sco tt Smo k e H o od (AB-310 ):

Pre Flight ch eck :
-Securely s towed in p ro p erlo catio n
-H u midity in dicator will b e light Blu e no t Pin k
-Co ntainer n ot d amag ed
-Ch eck the v alid ity tag
O p eration :
-O p en the Box & tak e o u t th e vacu um pack
-T ear at th e no tch o f the v acu u m p ack
-T ake o ut th ePBE
-Pu ll& detach th e actuating ring
-E n su re O2 is flo win g b y hearing the ru shin g s o un d
-D o n th e PBE & Pu ll th e s kirt
V alidity :1 0 yrs
D u ratio n: 1 5 min .
F A A r efu ellin g ru le :
No s mo k ing s ign will b e O N & no bod y will s mo ke
Seat belt s ign will be O FF_ all s eat b elt w ill b e O p en
Fwd & A ft d o or w ill b e o p en w ith s teps
On e crew each w ill s tand at th e Fw d & Aft d oor
N .B. Other crew w ill b e in formed & vigilant in cabin
All E lectron ic Gad get will be O FF

K AN A D 40 6 :
T h eE L T co ns is ts o f :
-A n an ten na w h ich h as to b e man ually erected
-O N / OFF / T E ST togg les w itch
-A Flo at
-A Lan yard / moo ring L ine w ith a s n ap h o ok .
O p eration In W ater :
-Releas e th eA n ten n a fro m its s towag eh o le
-A ttach th e Lan yard with th e sn ap h o ok to th e Raft or L ife J ack et
-Slide the lock ing Pin to hav e free acces s to th e Sw itch
-Pull an d s lide the T ogg le s w itch to O N p o sitio n
-Place the E LT in W ater
O p eration o n L and :
-Releas e th eA n ten n a fro m its s towag eh o le
-Place the E LT up rig ht in an area free of o bstru ctio ns o n th e high es t gro u nd .
-Slide the lock ing Pin to hav e free acces s to th e Sw itch
-Pull an d s lide the T ogg le s w itch to O N p o sitio n
N .B... Kan ad 40 6 E LT b eaco n is to b e man ually trigg ered ( no t auto matic w h ether in L an d or w ater). T o
s witch O FF Pull and Slide To ggle s witch to OFF Po s ition .
Bo th E LT tran s mit a digital d istress s ign al to s atellites that are a part o f CO SPA S / SA RSAT

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