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By Warren Bilkey, M.D.





Chapter 1. Four Examples of Pain

From Muscle Spasm Cain Reaction
Chapter 2.

Test Yourself


Chapter 3. How it all works, Muscle spasm,

Physiology, & Treatment


Chapter 4.



Chapter 5. Why the Serratus Anterior

Muscle is Special


Chapter 6. Empowerment, Energetics and

Personal Growth



Self-treat Muscle Spasm Chain Reaction is about a new

concept in pain. Its what this book is about: how to know
if you have it, and what you can do to cure it.
Muscle spasm chain reaction is an unrecognized yet
common cause of difficult pain conditions - those that
dont get better with medical and chiropractic treatments.
Muscle spasm chain reaction can cause pain almost anywhere
in the body: headache, back pain, neck pain, chest pain,
pelvic pain, abdominal pain, even pain that radiates into
the limbs.
It turns out body-wide pain can result from a simple
cause: a chain reaction of muscles going into spasm,
starting out with a few peculiar neglected culprit muscles.
When you know how a problem develops, you can control it.
Fortunately, in this case, the control and the cure can be
done at home through deceptively simple self treatment
The foundation of this book lies in my medical
specialty training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
But more than that, the book arises from years of trial and
error experience working with patients whose needless pain
and suffering outlasted everything modern medicine,
surgery, and chiropractic treatment could throw at it.
Years of post specialty training in alternative medicine
and in chronic pain management have taken me, perhaps
unfortunately, a long way from standard medical education.
Straying from tradition and the usual way of doing things
has opened the way to a new perspective, and a new
treatment for difficult pain problems.
This book is arranged in six parts or chapters. The
first chapter covers four case histories from my files,
which are representative of the nature of pain problems my
patients have had, and have overcome through successful
treatments based on the muscle spasm chain reaction
concept. Each case was a failure as far as routine
health care is concerned. The pain problems of these four
people cover pain from the head to the toes, chronic and
Chapter two reviews the essentials of a brief selfexamination to learn if the concepts of the book apply to
you. Chapter three covers muscle spasm, pain radiation
from muscle to distant body areas, how you can know muscle

from nerve pain, and what muscle spasm chain reaction is

all about.
Chapter four covers treatments to break the muscle
spasm chain reaction; treatments that can be done at home
without need for drugs, therapists, or doctors. Chapter
five discusses the special physiology of one peculiar
muscle which is the key to the chain reaction phenomenon,
the principle offender. This may help you understand a
root cause of your problem so you can control the condition
permanently. The final chapter relates the concepts of
this book with the newly accepted tenants of alternative
medicine and personal empowerment.
Read on!

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