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Case Study #1: Congressman Campaigns to Stop the Madness of US Support for Saudi

Bombing in Yemen
Congressional representatives Ted Lieu campaign to stop US support for Saudi bombing
in Yemen is a great campaign. I respect his stand to go against Obama administration officials.
Being that Ted Lieu served in the Air Force, he has a great understanding of the law of war. He
tells the Intercept You cant kill children, newlyweds, doctors, and patients those are exempt
targets under the law of way and the coalition has been repeatedly striking civilians. The thing
that bothers me the most just like Ted Lieu, is that the US is providing the Saudi Arabians with
the weapons. It is not as if they do not see way they are doing with the weapons they are putting
a lot of innocent people in danger. They are committing war crimes by targeting hospitals,
schools and, mostly anything with civilians. This is also bad because it is promoting terrorists to
go out and commit crimes on civilians.

Case Study #2: False Promises

This case study was very sad and disturbing. It explains the false promises of the death
penalty. It tells the story of James Thimm being murdered, and how his family the murder
victims felt during the whole court process. His sister shows a lot of emotion throughout the
article explaining how she felt throughout the whole process and what she did in order to help
the situation for the better. A white supremacist cult leader named, Michael Ryan who was
sentenced to die in 1986 but was still alive on death row at the year 2015, killed the murder
victim James Thimm. As James Thimm grew up he began to be attracted to religious cult leader
Michael Ryan in his late teens and decided to move to the cults farm in Rulo. Soon after James
began to question Michael Ryan who declared James as the devil and ordered him punished.
Over three days he was brutally tortured by Ryan and his followers. In August 1985 Thimms
body was discovered by a raid of law enforcement. He had broken bones and had been partially
skinned, buried next to him was the son of two cult members, five year old Luke Stice who were
also killed by Ryan. At the train other cult members said that Thimm was chained, whipped,
stabbed, shot in the fingers and forced to have sex with a goat. This murder has been very
disturbing to read. When the cult members were asked why they participated in these things they
stated that they have been brainwashed.
Miriam Thimm Kelle is James Thimms sister who has encountered a lot of stress
following the murder of her brother. She has been trough it all following the hearing and feeling
hopeless as to what will happened to the murderer of her brother. She has never been for the
death penalty but she was eager to figure out what the verdict would be. Being that Nebraska was
the first red state to end the death penalty in forty years who knows what would have happened.
As the process went on she undertook a lot of stress. She started to go around speaking to others
about the murder of her brother and how it has affected her family, no one really understand the
pain that murder victims families go through during the whole process. I think it was great for
her to get out and express her feelings about the situation even though it was one of the hardest

things she could have done. I think it allowed people to respect her and help her along the way
during her difficult times.

Case Study #3 The Next Big Fight for the ProChoice Movement
In this article the choice of the Illinois Republican Henry Hyde was taking into action for
the better by Representative Barbara Lee. Henry Hyde made it his effort to undercut the Roe v
Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion. He wanted to limit the abortion procedure by
putting restrictions on the procedure that targeted low income African American women who
relied on health care insurance such as Medicaid. Barbara Lee felt hurt that a man was put in the
position to make decisions that affected women rights and also their healthcare decisions. Many
people were also affected by the abortion ban such as those dependent of public insurance like
military service members, Native Americans, and federal employees. There has been many
attempts to repeal this bans but none have quite pulled through even Bill Clinton tried in 1993.
I do not believe in abortion but I do believe that women should be able to make their own
healthcare decisions. A man should not be able to dictate what a woman wants to do to her body.
He does not not understand what women go through when making a decision such as that. Also
targeting low income women seems to be unfair because they are not put in a position finically to
take care of the procedure and other healthcare bills that may follow the procedure. I just think
that it is unfortunate that women have to go through that, sometimes they have to make decisions
that will benefit them in the long run. I feel like it is bad when women have kids and are not in
the position to take care of the child physically, emotionally, and financially, most of the time the
mother is forced to raise a child on her own that also puts a lot of stress on her as a single mother.
She has to work and support the child, find a babysitter and also have a stable house to stay. I
think all of these things are thoughts that go through a women head when she is making a
decision to go through with the abortion procedure.
Case Study #4: Four Animal Welfare Case Studies
Case #1- I do believe that animals should seek immediate euthanization by law. It is unfortunate
that animals provide us with so much food and things of that nature but they are always treated
without care. Most of the time when animals are in desperate need the response is that we do not
have the funds to help the animal or it may die eventually. It is sad that animals are not cared for
as much as possible when they are constantly taking out of their habitat and put on farms to tend
to our needs.
Case#2- It is unfair for the animals to go through the procedure of dehorning which is a very
painful treatment. I do think that we should be able to put an animal through pain just for our
benefits. I think we worry too much about ourselves when it comes to things. We are so worried
about money and how much space the horns of the animals take up. I think the process of
dehorning is degrading and wrong to put animals through it is also unfair.

Case#3- I think the United States should stunned animals before slaughtering them. I say this
because it takes less seconds for the animal to react to what is actually going on in kosher
slaughter I feel like the procedure is longer and painful.
Case#4- I do believe that continuous confinement of sows should be prohibited by law because it
is unfair. It put the animals in a uncomfortable situation that should not be allowed. Farrowing
crates should just be made bigger for the animals so that small animals are not crushed and killed
and bigger animals are able to move around at their own risk.
Case Study #5 Solitary Confinement
This was my first time reading about American prisoners spending twenty-three hours a
day in solitary confinement. Gabriel Eber does a great job explaining how horrible prisoners held
in solitary confinement are being treated. They are being neglected behind closed doors and are
suffering from many different things such as illness, stress and, suicidal thoughts. In the
beginning of the article, Eber explains the horrible conditions of a mens prison called the East
Mississippi Correctional Facility. He tells a story on a man held in solitary confinement seeking
for help from the correctional officers. The correction officers took plenty of time to tend to the
man and were too late. By the time they finally opened the unit sell the man had collapsed on the
floor and pink phlegm shoots from his mouth. I have respect for Eber and how he fights for the
prisoners even though they are considered to be criminals and have done bad things to others. He
states, we all should care what goes on inside prison walls. The system, he says, is built on a
rehabilitation model, not a torture model. I believe that is a really good point because if
prisoners are constantly being treated wrong, constantly taunted with bad thoughts of killing
themselves how can we in the community expect them to abide by what is considered to be
morally right if they are released from jail. They have already committed crimes that someone
that is considered morally right would never considered doing. I believe the best way for them to
understand the wrongfulness in their actions is if people seek out and actually try to help them
with their problems. Being that they are convicted criminals does not mean they should not have
the right to seek medical attention if needed.
Throughout the article many health conditions have been neglected or not attended to
properly. As explained in the American Journal of Public Health, Solitary Confinement and the
Risk of Self-Harm Among Jail Inmates is a study in 2014 that analyzed medical records. In
these records it shows that more than 134,000 New York City jail prisoners help in solitary
confinement were strongly associated with risk in self-harm such as head banging on walls to
suicide attempts. These prisoners suffer from these things because they are held in cells as small
as bathrooms without any human interaction from twenty-three to even twenty-four hours a day.
Colorado Corrections Department Director Rick Raemisch has promised to reform solitary
confinement in his state after he spent twenty hours in an isolation cell. He said the experience
left him feeling twitchy and paranoid He admits that many of the prisoners who get thrown in
solitary confinement already have mental problems and isolating them makes their problems
worse. As a human being I believe your health is a big factor and should be attended to no matter
your circumstances. I do not think anyone should be neglected medical attention just because
they are criminals, gang bangers or, drug dealers.
I do believe solitary confinement can be justified, the bigger picture is to help the people
in prison that are dealing with mental problems and may need extra help. Study shows that

prisoners with mental problems held in solitary confinement only make matters worse. In this
article I can see the prisoners as an example of amoralist. They have reason for doing what they
did and they lack any reason for doing what is considered to be the moral duty. As for Eber his
integrity shows how he does not only care about himself. He wants to do what is considered to
be morally right and help out the best way he can. It seems like he tries to find the good in the
negative when it comes to the prisoners held in solitary confinement. Being held in solitary
confinement has caused health conditions to increase because they are not getting the medical
attention they need. The health problem is something that can be fixed and the next step in
helping the problems with solitary confinement.
Case Study #6 Should Be Prostitution Be A Crime
I totally disagree with prostitution because you have women out on the streets selling
their bodies for money and drugs which is unethical. Even though women are making their own
decisions by deciding to do this, I think we should take more action in trying to stop it. I do not
think it should be ignored and not talked about because it is plenty of ways to make money and I
do think selling your body should be in the category. I have visited Las Vegas where prostitution
is allowed and its sad seeing women all along the strip. I believe that if prostitution was a crime
women would still try to do it, but if they get caught at least they are out of the street. Dealing
with prostitution can carry a lot of diseases around which is unhealthy.
In the case study I felt bad for Meg Munoz because of the fact that her ex-boyfriend was
blackmailing her in order to get money for himself. I hate the fact that she enjoyed being an
escort because it helped her buy clothes and spend money on entertainment. She considered her
job to be reckless but she had no problem with it because it was helping her make a living. I am
glad that the small faith group Abeni was able to help her escape prostitution for good.

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