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FI Exercise for ECC Financials

(with New General Ledger)
This exercise is designed to help you expand
on what you have learned in the FI courses
and to see the technical view. It uses
connected examples to do this. All of the
steps are documented in great detail so that
you can process all of the examples
separately. At certain points, you are
specifically required to consult your mentor
or another experienced colleague so that you
also learn how to use this essential
component of your future work (=
questioning colleagues).
You want to reconstruct the various business processes for a company for a fiscal year in the
ECC System. Firstly, you have to make all the settings described in Unit 1 (general
Customizing) in a SAP ERP 2005 system (for example, Q4A, client 990). Ask your mentor
which system you should use. In the subsequent units, in addition to some further settings,
you have to reproduce business transactions in order to learn about the ECC System. The
business transactions do not always reflect commercial and tax law as they are only designed
to demonstrate methods.
Some particularly important statements are underlined or denoted by "Caution". When you
come to these statements, we recommend that you discuss the issue with your mentor or
another experienced colleague (how, when, why, ...). Instructions in >> red << require you to
check the settings or changes that you have made and generally indicate the technical view.
The documents that you post (and clear) in Unit 2 are used in subsequent units (for example,
by the payment and dunning programs) and are therefore prerequisites for processing the
tasks in Units 3-6. Do not post any documents other than those specified in the tasks until you
have completed the FI exercise. Otherwise, your results may not agree with those expected
from the exercise. However, if you still want to execute other postings, you should create a
separate company code for this.



General Customizing..........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Activating the New General ledger Accounting.............................................................................................5
1.2 Creating a Company Code..............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Selecting a Fiscal Year Variant........................................................................................................................5
1.4 Maintaining Global Company Code Data.......................................................................................................6
1.5 Defining a Leading Ledger.............................................................................................................................6
1.6 Defining and Activating a non-Leading Ledger..............................................................................................7
1.7 Defining a ledger group..................................................................................................................................7
1.8 Defining and Assigning Scenarios..................................................................................................................8
1.9 Creating a Chart of Accounts..........................................................................................................................8
1.10 Assigning the Company Code to the Chart of Accounts...............................................................................9
1.11 Maintain Controlling area.............................................................................................................................9
1.12 Assign Company Code to Controlling Area................................................................................................10
1.13 Standard settings for Profit Centre Accounting..........................................................................................10
1.13.1 Create Profit Centre group..................................................................................................................10
1.13.2 Create Dummy Profit Centre................................................................................................................11
1.13.3 Create Profit Centres............................................................................................................................11
1.14 Creating Account Groups............................................................................................................................11
1.15 Defining the Retained Earnings Account....................................................................................................12
1.16 Copying and Assigning a Field Status Variant............................................................................................12
1.17 Defining Business Areas.............................................................................................................................13
1.18 Defining Segments......................................................................................................................................13
1.19 Maintain segments in a Profit centre...........................................................................................................13
1.20 Creating G/L Accounts................................................................................................................................14
1.21 Creating Terms of Payment.........................................................................................................................22
1.22 Creating Customer/Vendor Accounts..........................................................................................................23
1.22.1 Defining Account Groups....................................................................................................................23
1.22.2 Creating Customer and Vendor Accounts............................................................................................24
1.23 Defining Tax on Sales and Purchases Accounts..........................................................................................28
1.24 Defining the Accounts for Cash Discount...................................................................................................29
2 Posting and Clearing........................................................................................................................................30
2.1 Predefined Document Types.........................................................................................................................30
2.2 Defining Number Ranges for Document Types............................................................................................31
2.3 Defining Document Types............................................................................................................................31
2.3.1 Defining Document Types for non-leading Ledger for Entry View......................................................32
2.3.2 Defining Document Types for non-leading Ledger for General Ledger View......................................33
2.4 Predefined Posting Keys...............................................................................................................................33
2.5 Open and Closed Posting Periods.................................................................................................................34
2.5.1 Defining a Variant for Open Posting Periods.........................................................................................34
2.5.2 Opening Posting Periods........................................................................................................................34
2.5.3 Assigning Company Codes to Variants..................................................................................................35
2.6 Tolerances......................................................................................................................................................35
2.6.1 Defining Tolerance Groups for Employees............................................................................................35
2.6.2 Defining Tolerances for Customers........................................................................................................36
2.7 Document Splitting and Inheritance..............................................................................................................36
2.7.1 Extended document splitting..................................................................................................................37
2.7.2 Document splitting characteristics.........................................................................................................37
2.7.3 Classify document types for Document Splitting..................................................................................38
2.7.4 Activate Document Splitting and Inheritance........................................................................................38
2.7.5 Classify GL accounts for document splitting.........................................................................................38
2.8 Special General Ledger Transactions............................................................................................................39
2.9 Tasks: Posting...............................................................................................................................................39
2.9.1 Customer Invoice (F-22)........................................................................................................................40
2.9.2 Item Display (FBL5N) and Balance Display (FD10N, FS10N)............................................................40
2.9.3 Vendor Invoice (F-43)............................................................................................................................42
2.9.4 Vendor Invoice (FB60)...........................................................................................................................43
2.9.5 Vendor Credit Memo (F-41)...................................................................................................................43
2.9.6 Vendor Credit Memo (FB60).................................................................................................................44

2.9.7 Customer Invoice (FB70).......................................................................................................................45

2.9.8 Customer Invoice in Foreign Currency (F-22)......................................................................................46
2.9.9 Vendor Net Invoice (F-43).....................................................................................................................46
2.9.10 Customer Invoice (FB70).....................................................................................................................47
2.9.11 Park Vendor Invoice (F-63)..................................................................................................................48
2.9.12 Park (FB70) and Post (FV70) Customer Invoice.................................................................................48
2.9.13 Completing a Parked Document (FBV2).............................................................................................49
2.9.14 Posting Parked Documents (FBV0).....................................................................................................50
2.9.15 Reversing Accounting Documents (FB08)..........................................................................................50
2.9.16 Documents in Leading Ledger and non-Leading Ledger (FB50)........................................................51
2.9.17 Documents for non-Leading Ledger (FB50L).....................................................................................52
2.10 Tasks: Clearing...........................................................................................................................................52
2.10.1 Manual Clearing (F-44).......................................................................................................................52
2.10.2 Automatic Clearing..............................................................................................................................53
2.10.3 Payment Receipt with Clearing (F-28)................................................................................................53
2.10.4 Outgoing Payment with Clearing (F-53).............................................................................................54
2.10.5 Outgoing Payment with Clearing and Manually Issued Check (F-53)................................................55
2.10.6 Payment Differences (F-28).................................................................................................................56
2.10.7 Clearing in Foreign Currency (F-28)...................................................................................................57
2.10.8 Resetting Clearing (FBRA)..................................................................................................................57
3.1 Settings for tax on sales and purchases.........................................................................................................59
3.2 Automatic Transfer Posting of Tax Payable..................................................................................................59
3.3 Tasks: Taxes.................................................................................................................................................59
3.3.1 Invoice Receipt with Input Tax (F-43)...................................................................................................59
3.3.2 Outgoing Invoice with Output Tax (F-22).............................................................................................60
3.3.3 Transfer Tax Payable with Batch Job.....................................................................................................61
Payment Program.............................................................................................................................................63
4.1 Defining the House Bank..............................................................................................................................63
4.2 Configuring the Payment Program...............................................................................................................64
4.3 Specifications for the Paying Company Code..............................................................................................64
4.4 Define minimum amounts for incoming and outgoing payments:................................................................64
4.5 Configure maximum cash discount:.............................................................................................................65
4.6 Defining Payment Methods..........................................................................................................................65
4.7 Creating New Payment Methods..................................................................................................................65
4.8 Bank Selection..............................................................................................................................................68
4.9 Payment Currency.........................................................................................................................................69
4.10 Checking Payment Block Reasons.............................................................................................................70
4.11 Defining Check Number Intervals..............................................................................................................71
4.12 Tasks: Payment Program............................................................................................................................71
4.12.1 Supplementing Payment Methods in Customer/Vendor Accounts......................................................71
4.12.2 Paying Vendor Open Items...................................................................................................................72
4.12.3 Paying Customer Open Items..............................................................................................................77
Dunning Program.............................................................................................................................................80
5.1 Company Codes To Be Considered by the Dunning Program......................................................................80
5.2 Configuring the Dunning Program...............................................................................................................81
5.3 Creating the Dunning Procedure...................................................................................................................81
5.4 Specifying the Dunning Levels.....................................................................................................................81
5.5 Defining the Dunning Charges......................................................................................................................82
5.6 Defining the Minimum Amounts for Interest Calculation............................................................................82
5.7 Defining Dunning Block Reasons.................................................................................................................82
5.8 Tasks: Dunning Program..............................................................................................................................83
5.8.1 Adding the Dunning Procedure in Customer Accounts.........................................................................83
5.8.2 Dunning in Dunning Level 1.................................................................................................................83
5.8.3 Dunning in Dunning Level 2.................................................................................................................86
Closing Operations...........................................................................................................................................88
6.1 Defining the Financial Statement Version.....................................................................................................88
6.2 Creating the Financial Statement Version.....................................................................................................89
6.3 Creating the Items.........................................................................................................................................89
6.3.1 Create asset............................................................................................................................................89
6.3.2 Creating Liabilities.................................................................................................................................90
6.4 Creating Profit and Loss Statements.............................................................................................................91

6.5 Tasks: Closing Operations............................................................................................................................92

6.5.1 Checking Data Consistency...................................................................................................................93
6.5.2 Creating Financial Statements...............................................................................................................94
7 Appendix..............................................................................................................................................................94
7.1 Document Display.........................................................................................................................................95
7.2 Overview of Transactions Used....................................................................................................................96
7.3 Overview of Tables Used..............................................................................................................................98


General Customizing

1.1 Activating the New General ledger Accounting

The new general ledger is activated automatically in initial installations.
Now check the activation flag is set in your client. The activation flag is set in each client.
Navigation: Transaction FAGL_ACTIVATION
Deactivating the new general ledger will result in system-wide changes to the application
menu and screens and customizing paths.
1.2 Creating a Company Code
The company code is the smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set
of accounts can be drawn up for the purposes of external reporting. Create a separate
company code for your company, TEST Inc. Use the first four letters of your last name as the
name for the company code (XXXX).
>> Look at the entries in table T001 now (that is, before you create the company code). How
does the system react to your query? <<
Once you have created the new company code, you will see a corresponding entry in table
T001 (look at the table using transaction SE16).
Now create the company code (XXXX) for TEST Inc.
Navigation: Transaction OX02
- Edit New entries
- Company code: XXXX
- Company name: TEST Inc.
- City: (option)
- Country: DE (Germany)
- Currency: EUR (EURO)
- Language: EN (English)
Save your entries and enter the address data in the dialog box that appears.
1.3 Selecting a Fiscal Year Variant
In order to maintain the global company code data (see following section), you have to select
a fiscal year variant. To do this, look at the default variants provided by SAP: You can either
use Implementation Management Guide (IMG, transaction SPRO) or enter the transaction
Navigation: Transaction SPRO Financial Accounting(New) Financial Accounting
Global Settings(New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods Maintain Fiscal Year
Variant (Maintain Shortened Fiscal Year)
Alternatively: Transaction OB29

In order for you to be able to process the tasks in the individual units, the processes must all
be in the same fiscal year, and this fiscal year must be identical to the calendar year. In order
for you to be able to work with special periods, the most suitable variant is K4.
>> Why is there a shortened fiscal year (R1)? Why do you need special periods? If necessary,
ask your mentor. <<
1.4 Maintaining Global Company Code Data
You have to maintain the following additional company code data: You can either enter the
transaction directly, or you can navigate through the SAP Reference Implementation
Management Guide (IMG).
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings(New) Global Parameters for Company Code
Enter Global Parameters
Alternatively: Transaction OBY6

Click on company code XXXX.

Goto Details
Fiscal year variant: K4
Propose fiscal year: (Select)
Define default value date: (Select)

>> Table T001 should now contain the new company code. Check the entries in the individual
table fields and ask your mentor or another experienced colleague if you are unclear about
anything. <<
1.5 Defining a Leading Ledger
SAP provides the leading ledger OL and summary table FAGLFLEXT with the standard
The leading ledger manages the local currency (currencies) that is (are) assigned to the
company code.
The leading ledger uses the fiscal year variant that is assigned to the company code.
The leading ledger uses the posting period variant that is assigned to the company
Special features of the leading ledger:
There is exactly one leading ledger in each client.
Only the values from the leading ledger are posted on to CO in the standard system.
Check Leading flag is activated for ledger 0L
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Define Ledgers for
General Ledger Accounting

1.6 Defining and Activating a non-Leading Ledger

The ledger solution in the new general ledger is used as an alternative display for parallel
financial reporting.
Parallel financial reporting means that a companys financial statements have to be created in
accordance with different accounting rules. This is because a local view (GAAP in the US) is
not longer sufficient by itself in a globalised world of creditors (bank, shareholders) and
business partners. An internationally recognized accounting standard is increasingly in
demand (e.g. IFRS).
Different accounting rules can still be modeled using the account based solution in the new
general ledger. In addition to accounts, the new general ledger also lets you use different
ledgers to save the different valuation approaches (LEDGER SOLUTION).
Create non-leading ledger XX
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Define Ledgers for
General Ledger Accounting
1.7 Defining a ledger group
Check the ledger group XX was created automatically.
A ledger group is a combination of ledgers for the purpose of applying the functions and
processes of general ledger accounting to the group as a whole. When posting, for example,
you can restrict the update of individual postings to a ledger group so that the system only
posts to the ledgers in that group.
When a ledger is created, the system automatically generates a ledger group with the same
name. In this way, you can also post data to an individual ledger or access it when using
functions where you can only enter a ledger group and not ledgers.
Representative Ledger of a Ledger Group
The system uses the representative ledger of a ledger group to determine the posting period
and to check whether the posting period is open. If the posting period for the representative
ledger is open, the system posts in all ledgers of the group, even if the posting period of the
non-representative ledgers is closed. Each ledger group must have exactly one representative

If the ledger group has a leading ledger, the leading ledger must always be identified
as the representative ledger.

If the ledger group does not have a leading ledger, you must designate one of the
ledgers as the representative ledger. If the ledger group has only one ledger, this ledger
is then the representative ledger. If the ledger group has more than one ledger, the
system checks during posting whether the representative ledger was selected correctly.
This check is based on the fiscal year variant of the company code:

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)

Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Define Ledger Group

Assign non-leading ledger XX to company code XXXX

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Define and Active
Non-Leading Ledgers
1.8 Defining and Assigning Scenarios
A scenario defines which fields are updated in the ledgers (in the general ledger view) during
a posting.
6 standard scenarios provided by SAP.
Cost centre update (FIN_CCA).
Preparation for consolidation (FIN_CONS)
Business area (FIN_GSBER)
Profit centre update (FIN_PCA)
Segmentation (FIN_SEGM)
Cost of sales accounting (FIN_UKV)
You can not define your own scenarios.
Assign scenario FIN_GSBER, FIN_SEGM and FIN_PCA to ledger L0.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Assign Scenarios and
Customer Fields to Ledgers
1.9 Creating a Chart of Accounts
Before you can create accounts in your company code, you must assign the company code to
a chart of accounts, since an account master record contains chart of account-specific data (for
example, account number, name, balance sheet account/profit and loss account, and so on), as
well as company code-specific data (such as currency, tax category, type of reconciliation
account, and so on). In order for you to get a good overview, TEST Inc. should use a chart of
accounts that you create.

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)

General Ledger Accounting(New) Master Data G/L Accounts Preparations Edit
Chart of Accounts List
Alternatively: Transaction OB13.

Edit New entries

Chart of accounts: XXXX (use the same name as for the company code)
Description: Chart of accounts for TEST Inc.
Maintenance language: English
Length of G/L account number: 6
Controlling Integration: Automatic creation of cost elements

>> What is the entry in the data field KTOPL in table T001? Compare with the following
section. <<
1.10 Assigning the Company Code to the Chart of Accounts
You now have to tell the system that company code XXXX will use chart of accounts XXXX.
Navigation: Transaction OB62.

Enter chart of accounts XXXX for your company code XXXX and save.

>> Check the entries in table T001 again, paying particular attention to field T001-KTOPL.<<
1.11 Maintain Controlling area
Navigation: Transaction SPRO Enterprise structure Definition Controlling
Maintain controlling area Maintain controlling area
Alternatively: Transaction OX06.
Basic data
-Name : XXXX (ZFIE )
-CoCd -Co area : Controlling area same as company code.
-Currency type 10.
-Currency : EUR.
-Chart of accounts: XXXX.
-Fiscal year variant : K4.
-Cost standard hierarchy: 0001
Activate controlling area indicators
Navigation: Transaction SPRO Controlling General Controlling Organization
Maintain controlling area Maintain controlling area Activate components/control
Alternatively: Transaction OKKP.
Activate components
- Cost centres.
- Order Management
- Commitment Management.
Profit centre accounting
Sales orders
Cost objects
Real Estate Management
All currencies should be activated


1.12 Assign Company Code to Controlling Area

Navigation: Transaction SPRO Enterprise structure Assignment Controlling
Assign company code to controlling area.
Assign company code XXXX ( ZFIE ) to controlling area XXXX (ZFIE ).
Alternatively: Transaction OX19.
1.13 Standard settings for Profit Centre Accounting
Profit Centre Accounting and All currencies must be activated for the relevant years in the
controlling area (this has been completed when maintaining the controlling area).
The prerequisite for this function is that you have already specified the name of the standard
hierarchy when you defined the settings for this controlling area.
Assign a standard hierarchy to the controlling area in EC-PCA.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO Controlling Profit Centre Accounting Basic settings
Controlling Area Settings Maintain Controlling Area Settings
Alternatively: Transaction 0KE5
Controlling area: XXXX (ZFIE )
Standard Hierarchy XXXX(P001 )
PCTR Local Currency type : 90
Profit centre local currency: EUR
Valuation View: Legal Valuation
1.13.1 Create Profit Centre group
Navigation: Transaction SPRO Controlling Profit Centre Accounting Master Data
Profit Centre Define Profit Centre group
Alternatively: Transaction KCH1
Create profit centre group XXXX for controlling area XXXX .
1.13.2 Create Dummy Profit Centre
Navigation: Transaction SPRO Controlling Profit Centre Accounting Master Data
Profit Centre Create Dummy Profit Centre
Alternatively: Transaction KE59.
Create dummy profit centre XXXXDUMMY


1.13.3 Create Profit Centres

Navigation: SAP easy menu Accounting Controlling Profit Centre Accounting
Master Data Profit Centre Individual processing Create
Alternatively: Transaction KE51.
Profit Centre XXXX
CO area :
Enter a name
Enter a responsible person
Profit centre group: P001
Click on the activate button.
Create Profit Centre XXXX2
1.14 Creating Account Groups
When you create a G/L account, you must define an account group in the master record. The
account group defines the range for the account number.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Master Data G/L Accounts Preparations
Define Account Groups
Alternatively: Transaction OBD4
Edit New entries
Enter the following data (the column From account remains empty) and do not forget to save.
Chart of
Fixed assets accounts
Materials management accounts
G/L accounts
Liquid funds accounts
P&L accounts
If you want to subsequently change the entries that you have saved here, check with your
mentor first.
1.15 Defining the Retained Earnings Account
In the G/L account master record, you must also specify whether the account is a balance
sheet account or a profit and loss statement account. If it is a profit and loss statement
account, you must specify a type of profit and loss statement account. This controls which
account (retained earnings account) the balance is carried forward to at the change of fiscal
year. For TEST Inc., all profit and loss statement account balances are carried forward to
account 950000, Stockholders' equity. Define the retained earnings account as follows:


Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Transaction SPRO SAP

Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New) General Ledger Accounting(New)
Master Data G/L Accounts Preparations Define Retained Earnings Account
Alternatively: Transaction OB53.

Chart of accounts: XXXX <enter>

P&L statement account type: X, Account: 950000

Making this Customizing setting does not mean that you have created account 950000. In the
"Accounting configuration", you merely note which account is to be used as retained earnings
1.16 Copying and Assigning a Field Status Variant
You must define a field status group in the company code-specific data of each G/L account
master record. When you enter a document, the field status group controls which fields are
displayed and which fields are ready for input/are required entry fields. You can of course
define several field status groups that can then be summarized in a field status variant. You
must assign the company code to a field status variant so that the system knows which
variant to use. Since it would be very time-consuming to create your own field status variant,
use the existing variant 0001.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings(New) Ledgers Fields Assign Company Code
to Field Status Variants
Alternatively: Transaction OBC5.

In the company code XXXX line, enter field status variant 0001.

>> Look at the field status variant 0001 and the corresponding field status groups:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings(New) Ledgers Fields Define Field States
Variants Alternatively: Transaction OBC4.
In the column FStV, select the variant 0001 and in the selection field Dialog Structure,
doubleclick on the folder Field status groups.
Ask your mentor about the relation between field status groups and field status variants. <<
1.17 Defining Business Areas
A business area is an organizational unit within accounting that represents a separate area
of operations or responsibilities in a business organization.
In a client, you can set up several business areas to which the system can assign the postings
made in all company codes defined in this client. To ensure consistency in document entry,
you should give business areas the same name in all company codes
Define business area XXX1 and XXX2

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Enterprise Structure Define

Business Area
1.18 Defining Segments
The segment field is one of the standard account assignment object available in mySAP ERP
to run analyses for objects below company code level.
Segments can be used to meet international accounting rules (IRFS, US GAAP) regarding
segment reporting.
The ERP system enables you to assign a segment in the master data of the profit centre.
The segment is posted automatically when the profit centre is posted to
Define segments XXXXA and XXXXB
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Enterprise Structure Define
Deriving a segment
The ERP system enables you to assign a segment in the master data of the profit centre.
The segment is posted automatically when the profit centre is posted to. There is no dummy
Segment posting as in the profit centre logic if the profit centre does not have a segment,
there is no segment account assignment either.
Customers can develop their own derivation solutions through a user exit (BADI):
1.19 Maintain segments in a Profit centre
SAP Easy access menu:
Accounting Controlling Profit Centre Accounting Master Data
Profit Centre Individual processing Change
Profit centre: XXXX1
Assign Segment XXXXA
Activate the change.
Proceed as above for Profit Centre XXXX2 and Segment XXXXB.
1.20 Creating G/L Accounts
You have now carried out all of the preparations required to enable you to create G/L accounts
in the chart of accounts and the company code. You can create the accounts separately in the
chart of accounts (transaction FSP0) and the company code (FSS0). However, we recommend
that you combine the two:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
General Ledger Accounting(New) Master Records G/L Accounts G/L Account
Creation and Processing Edit G/L Account (Individual Processing) Edit G/L Account

Alternatively: Transaction FS00


Overview of the accounts that you have to create:

Account Name
010000 Machines
110000 Citibank
140000 Customers (reconciliation account)
154000 Input tax
160000 Vendors (reconciliation account)
175000 Tax on sales/purchases
193000 Cash discount clearing with the net procedure
195000 Receivables/payables from/to tax office
210000 Deduction for wear and tear
223000 Interest expense
226000 Cash discount expense
273000 Interest received
276000 Cash discount received
400000 Raw materials consumption
800000 Sales revenue
950000 Stockholders' equity
Caution: However, if you find that creating all the G/L accounts individually is too tedious,
you can also create G/L accounts "With reference". If you do this however, note that some of
the settings in the reference account are different to those that you require for the FI exercise.
We therefore strongly recommend that you create all accounts without reference, even though
it is quite tedious.
Define the following data in the accounts:
Account 010000 Machines
>> Look at the entries for account 010000 in table SKA1 (G/L account master data, block A =
chart of account-specific master data) and SKB1 (G/L account master data, block B =
company code-specific master data) before you create the account. What do the database
tables SKA1 and SKB1 show (tip: Transaction SE11)? <<
- Account number: 010000
- Company code: XXXX
In the line Company code, click on the
symbol to create the account data.
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: Fixed assets accounts
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Machines
- G/L account long text: Machines in XXXX Test Inc.
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Only balances in local currency: (Select)
- Tax category: Only input tax allowed
- Posting without tax allowed: (Select - must be selected so that depreciation can be posted)
- Reconciliation account for account type: Assets
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G007 (Asset accounts (without accumulated depreciation))


>> Look at the entries in table SKA1:

What are the entries in fields SKA1-XBILK and SKA1-KTOKS?
What is the significance of these fields? If necessary, ask your mentor!
Look at the relevant entries in table SKB1:
What are the entries in fields SKB1-FSTAG, SKB1-MITKZ, SKB1-WAERS, SKB1XSALH? What is the significance of these fields? Make sure that you know what a
reconciliation account is - if necessary, ask your mentor!
What does Only balances in local currency mean?
Where have you already entered this information? <<
Account 110000 Citibank
- Account number: 110000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data (see above)
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: Liquid funds accounts
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Citibank
- G/L account long text: Citibank
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Only balances in local currency: (Select)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G005 (bank accounts (obligatory value date))
- Relevant to cash flow: (Select)
- House bank: DEUBA
- Account ID: GIRO
- Save (you can skip the warnings that the house bank and account ID do not exist with
<enter>; you create the house bank and the account ID later).
>> Look at the entries for this account in table SKB1:
What are the entries in fields SKB1-HBKID, SKB1-HKTID, and SKB1-XKRES?
What is the significance of these fields? Ask someone about the importance of the field
Account 140000 Customers (Reconciliation Account)
- Account number: 140000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description

Account group: G/L accounts

Balance sheet account: (Select)
Short text: Accounts receivable
G/L account long text: Accounts receivable

Tab page: Control data

- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Tax category: * (All tax types allowed)
- Recon. account for acct type: Customer
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G067 (Reconciliation accounts)
>> Look at the entries for this account in table SKB1:
What is the entry in field SKB1-MWSKZ?
What is the significance of this field?
What is a reconciliation account? <<
Account 154000 Input Tax
- Account number: 154000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: G/L accounts
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Input tax
- G/L account long text: Input tax
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Only balances in local currency: (Select)
- Tax category: < (Input tax)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
- Post automatically only: (Select)
Account 160000 Vendors (Reconciliation Account)
- Account number: 160000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: G/L account
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Accounts payable
- G/L account long text: Accounts payable

Tab page: Control data

- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Tax category: * (All tax types permitted)
- Recon. account for acct type: Vendor
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G067 (Reconciliation accounts)
Account 175000 Tax on Sales/Purchases
- Account number: 175000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: G/L account
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Tax on sales/purchases
- G/L account long text: Tax on sales/purchases
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Only balances in local currency: (Select)
- Tax category: > (Output tax)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
- Post automatically only: (Select)
Account 193000 Cash Discount Clearing (Net Procedure)
- Account number: 193000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: G/L accounts
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Cash discount clearing
- G/L account long text: Cash discount clearing with the net procedure
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Only balances in local currency: (Select)
- Tax category: - (Input tax only allowed)
- Open item management: (Select)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 101 (cash discount clearing)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))

Post automatically only: (Select)

Account 195000 Receivables/Payables from/to Tax Office

- Account number: 195000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: G/L account
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Rec./pay. tax office
- G/L account long text: Receivables/payables from/to tax office
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Open item management: (Select)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 016 (Settlement periods)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G041 (Tax office clearing accounts)
>> Look at the entries for this account in table SKB1:
What are the entries in fields SKB1-XKRES and SKB1-XOPVW?
What is the significance of these fields?
Ask someone about the importance of the field SKB1-XOPVW! <<
Account 210000 Deduction for Wear and Tear
- Account number: 210000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: P&L accounts
- P&L account: (select, since it is an expense account)
- Short text: Deduction for wear and tear
- G/L account long text: Deduction for wear and tear
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
>> Look at the entries for this account in table SKB1:
What is the entry in field SKB1-ZUAWA?
What is the significance of this field? <<

Account 223000 Interest Expense

- Account number: 223000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: P&L accounts
- P&L account: (select, since it is an expense account)
- Short text: Interest expense
- G/L account long text: Interest expense
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
Account 226000 Cash Discount Expense
- Account number: 226000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: P&L accounts
- P&L account: (Select)
- Short text: Cash discount expense
- G/L account long text: Cash discount expense
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Tax category: + (Output tax only)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
Account 273000 Interest Received
- Account number: 273000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: P&L accounts
- P&L account: (Select)

Short text: Interest received

G/L account long text: Interest received

Tab page: Control data

- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Line item display: Select
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
Account 276000 Cash Discount Received
- Account number: 276000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: P&L accounts
- P&L account: (Select)
- Short text: Cash discount received
- G/L account long text: Cash discount received
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Tax category: - (Input tax only permitted)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
Comment: If you select the indicator Posting without tax allowed, when you clear an invoice
and deduct cash discount, the cash discount amount including input tax is posted to the
revenue account and the input tax is therefore not adjusted.
>> Discuss this comment with your mentor. <<
Account 400000 Raw Materials Consumption
- Account number: 400000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: Materials management accounts
- P&L account: (Select)
- Short text: Raw materials consumption
- G/L account long text: Raw materials consumption
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)

Tax category: - (Input tax only)

Line item display: (Select)
Sort key: 001 (posting date)

Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest

- Field status group: G003 (Material consumption accounts)
Account 800000 Sales Revenue
- Account number: 800000
- Company code: XXXX
Create account data:
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: P&L accounts
- P&L account: (Select)
- Short text: Sales revenue
- G/L account long text: Sales revenue
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Tax category: + (Output tax only)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G029 (Revenue accounts)
Account 950000 Stockholders' Equity
- Account number: 950000
- Company code: XXXX
Tab page: Type/Description
- Account group: G/L accounts
- Balance sheet account: (Select)
- Short text: Stockholders' equity
- G/L account long text: Stockholders' equity
Tab page: Control data
- Account currency: EUR (EURO)
- Only balances in local currency: (Select)
- Line item display: (Select)
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)
Tab page: Create/Bank/Interest
- Field status group: G001 (General (text, assignment))
>> You have now created the account that you will use as the retained earnings account (see
the section Defining the Retained Earnings Account). <<

1.21 Creating Terms of Payment

TEST Inc. agrees the following terms of payment with its customers and vendors:
Payable within 10 days with 2% cash discount or 30 days net.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing
Invoices/Credit Memos Maintain Terms of Payment
Alternatively: Transaction OBB8

Edit New entries

Payment terms: XXXX
Sales text: 10 days 2%, 30 days net

Field Account type:

Customer: (Select)
Vendor: (Select)

Field Default for baseline date:

Document date: (Select)

Field Payment terms:

Percentage No. of days


1.22 Creating Customer/Vendor Accounts

TEST Inc. has three customers and two vendors. You have to create master records with the
previously defined details in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. You can enter
address and bank details (bank key, account number, and so on) as required, but you must
specify them. The payment program needs this data, for example to create a check or transfer.
Select <enter> to proceed to the next screen.
1.22.1 Defining Account Groups
Before you can create the accounts, you have to define account groups. These control which
input fields are displayed and which entries are optional or required.
Define Accounts Receivable account group:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Customer Accounts Master Data
Preparations for Creating Customer Master Records Define Account Groups with Screen
Layout (Customers)
Alternatively: Transaction OBD2.
Click on the line for the group KUNA
- Edit Copy as ...

Account group: KXXX

Name: Customer of TEST Inc. <enter>

Define Accounts Payable account group:

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Master Data
Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Records Define Account Groups with Screen
Layout (Vendors)
Alternatively: Transaction OBD3.
Click on the line for the group LIEF
- Edit Copy as ...
- Account group: LXXX
- Name: Vendor of TEST Inc. <enter>
- Save
1.22.2 Creating Customer and Vendor Accounts
The name of the customer and vendor accounts can be alphanumeric. The naming convention
is that the first 4 characters of the account numbers are the name of the company code,
followed by a 2 digit number, and then ending with D (for customer) or K (for vendor).
Create a customer master record:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Master records Create
Alternatively: Transaction FD01.
Create a vendor master record:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Master records Create
Alternatively: Transaction FK01.
>> Look at the entries for account XXXX01D in tables KNA1 and KNB1 now (that is, before
you create the account). Why do you need the database tables KNA1 and KNB1 (tip:
Transaction SE11 - short text)? <<
Customer XXXX01D
Customer XXXX01D is simultaneously a vendor. That is, you assign a customer account
(XXXX01D) and a vendor account (XXXX01K - you create this later) to him.
The open items are to be cleared against each other automatically. In the field Vendor in the
customer master record, enter the account number of the vendor (XXXX01K). Select the
indicator Clearing with vendor. When you create vendor XXXX01K later, in the field
Customer, enter the account number XXXX01D, and select Clearing with customer. Ignore
the warning that vendor XXXX01K does not exist by pressing <enter>
You must maintain the following details for customer XXXX01D.
Create Customer: Initial Screen
- Account group: Customer of TEST Inc.

Customer: XXXX01D
Company code: XXXX

Tab page: Address

Search term 1/2:
Postal code/city:
Language: English

Tab page: Control data

Vendor: XXXX01K
VAT registration No.: DE123456789 (number is assigned by the tax authority)
Ignore the warning that vendor XXXX01K does not exist by pressing <enter>.

Tab page: Payment transactions

- Country: DE
- Bank key: 12345678
- Bank account: 12345678
- Account holder: (maintain as required)
- Collection authorization: (Select)
- Financial institution: (maintain as required)
Goto Company code data
Tab page: Account management
- Reconciliation account: 140000
- Sort key: 001 (posting date)

Tab page: Payment transactions

Terms of payment: XXXX
Clearing with vendor: (Select)


>> Look at the entries in table KNA1:

What are the entries in fields KNA1-KUNNR and KNA1-KTOKD?
What is the significance of these fields?
Look at the entries in table KNB1:
What are the entries in fields KNB1-AKONT, KNB1-ZUAWA, and KNB1-ZTERM?
What is the significance of these fields?
Where does the information in KNB1-ZTERM come from? <<
Vendor XXXX01K
Customer XXXX01D is also vendor XXXX01K. Proceed in the same way as when you
created customer XXXX01D, that is, enter XXXX01D in the field Customer, and set the
indicator Clearing with customer.
Create Vendor: Initial Screen

Vendor: XXXX01K
Company code: XXXX
Account group: LXXX <enter>

Search term 1/2:
Postal code/city:
Language: English <enter>

Control data
Customer: XXXX01D <enter>

Payment transactions
Country: DE
Bank key: 12345678
Bank account: 12345678
Account holder: (maintain as required)
Name of financial institution: (maintain as required) <enter>

Account management
- Reconciliation account: 160000
Accounting payment transactions
- Terms of payment: XXXX
- Clearing with customer: (Select)


>> In the same way as for the customer data, the vendor data is written into tables LFA1 and
LFB1. Look at the entries in table LFA1:
You can probably guess which data is stored in fields LFA1-LIFNR and LFA1-KTOKK.
The same applies for table LFB1:
Fields LFB1-AKONT, LFB1-ZUAWA, and LFB1-ZTERM correspond to the fields KNB1AKONT, KNB1-ZUAWA, and KNB1-ZTERM. <<
Customer XXXX02D
Create customer XXXX02D with the following details:
Create Customer: Initial Screen
- Account group: Customer of TEST Inc.
- Customer: XXXX02D
- Company code: XXXX

Tab page: Address

Search term 1/2:

Postal code/city:
Language: English

Tab page: Control data

VAT registration No.: DE345678901

Tab page: Payment transactions

Country: DE
Bank key: 23456789
Bank account: 23456789
Account holder: (maintain as required)
Financial institution: (maintain as required)

Goto Company code data

Tab page: Account management
- Reconciliation account: 140000
- Sort key: 004 (Branch account)

Tab page: Payment transactions

Terms of payment: XXXX


Customer XXXX03D
Customer XXXX03D is a branch of XXXX02D. TEST Inc. delivers to branch XXXX03D,
but the head office XXXX02D pays for the deliveries. In the master record of branch
XXXX03D, enter the account number of the head office (XXXX02D) in the field Head office.
Create Customer: Initial Screen
- Account group: Customer of TEST Inc.
- Customer: XXXX03D
- Company code: XXXX

Tab page: Address

Search term 1/2:
Postal code/city:
Language: English

Tab page: Control data

VAT registration No.: DE987654321

Goto Company code data

Tab page: Account management
- Reconciliation account: 140000
- Sort key: 004 (Branch account)
- Head office: XXXX02D

Tab page: Payment transactions

Terms of payment: XXXX


Vendor XXXX02K
Create a master record for vendor XXXX02K with the following details:
Create Vendor: Initial Screen
- Vendor: XXXX02K
- Company code: XXXX
- Account group: LXXX <enter>

Search term 1/2:
Postal code/city:
Country: DE
Language: English <enter>

Control data
VAT registration No.: DE543210987

Account management
- Reconciliation account: 160000
Accounting payment transactions
- Terms of payment: XXXX


1.23 Defining Tax on Sales and Purchases Accounts

By entering a tax code, for example, when you post an invoice, you can determine what
percentage of tax on sales and purchases is contained in the posting amount. If you do not
specify the tax amount explicitly, the system calculates the appropriate tax amount, and, using
the tax code, it determines the account that the tax is to be posted to (account determination!).
TEST Inc. only uses tax codes A0, A1, V0, and V1, and posts the tax amounts to accounts
154000 Input tax and 175000 Tax on sales and purchases. The tax codes already exist, but
you have to define the corresponding accounts, that is, you have to create a link between the
tax codes and the accounts (for the account determination).
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings(New) Tax on Sales/Purchases Posting Define
Tax Accounts
Alternatively: Transaction OB40.

Double click on the line Output tax (transaction: MWS)

In the dialog box that appears, enter the chart of accounts (XXXX).
If necessary, select Tax code, and then save.

Enter the following items:

Tax code
A0 (not relevant for tax)
A1 (Output tax 16%)

G/L account

Go back using the green arrow.

Double click on the line Input tax (transaction: VST)

In the dialog box that appears, enter the chart of accounts (XXXX).
If necessary, select Tax code, and then save.

Enter the following items:

Tax code
V0 (not relevant for tax)
V1 (Domestic input tax 16%)

G/L account


1.24 Defining the Accounts for Cash Discount

As you have already defined, TEST Inc. always makes payment after deducting maximum
cash discount. In order for the payment program to be able to post the cash discount postings,
you have to define the accounts for cash discount expense and revenue in the system.
Cash discount received
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Accounts for Cash Discount Taken
Alternatively: Transaction OBXU

Chart of accounts: XXXX <enter>

Do not change the rules, just save.
Account: 276000

Cash discount expense

Navigation: Transaction SPRO Financial accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Incoming Payments
Global Settings Define Accounts for Cash Discount Granted
Alternatively: Transaction OBXI

Chart of accounts: XXXX <enter>

Do not change the rules, just save.
Account: 226000

Cash discount clearing with the net procedure

For invoices posted net, the system is to post the difference between the cash discount
originally determined and cash discount actually taken to the cash discount clearing account.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming
Invoices/Credit Memos Define Accounts for Net Procedure
Alternatively: Transaction OBXA

Chart of accounts: XXXX <enter>

Do not change the rules, just save.
Account: 193000



Posting and Clearing

2.1 Predefined Document Types

In order to differentiate between different types of business transactions, each document is
assigned a document type. Since the document type refers to the entire document, it belongs
to the document header information. Document types are usually denoted with two characters
(for example, DZ for a customer payment). You can look at the predefined document types
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Types Define
Document Types for Entry View
Alternatively: Transaction OBA7.
The document type controls which types of account you can post to with each document. For
example, in pure G/L account documents (document type SB), you cannot post to customer or
vendor accounts.
In addition to this account control, the document type also determines which document
number the system assigns internally. An interval of document numbers is assigned to each
document type. The system uses this interval to assign a document number to the document to
be posted. This interval (number range) is defined in the next section.
If you have to reverse a document, a reversal document is created. The document type for this
(reversal document type) is already defined in Customizing.
>> Look at the entries for document type KZ (vendor payment) in table T003. Which
accounts can you post to using this document type?
What is the corresponding number range?
Which document type is defined for reversal documents? We will return to the types of
reversal (classic and negative reversal) in task 2.15. <<
2.2 Defining Number Ranges for Document Types
When you create a document, it receives a document number - this number can be assigned
externally or internally by the system. The interval of sequential numbers is called the number
range. The number range also has a number to identify the interval. There is a number range
for every document type. You have to create number ranges before you can post business
transactions. For TEST Inc., all document numbers are to be assigned internally except for
number range 03.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Number Ranges
Documents in Entry View Define Document Number Ranges for Entry View
Alternatively: Transaction FBN1.

Company code: XXXX



Edit Insert interval


From number

To number
0399999999 Ext. (Select)

<enter>. Make appropriate entries for each number range.


Define document number ranges for General Ledger View

Number ranges for documents in the General Ledger view may only be issued internally by
the system. Do not set the External Number Assignment indicator for any of your ranges.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Number Ranges
Documents in Entry View Define Document Number Ranges for General Ledger View
Please, proceed as above and customize the same number range as for Entry View.
2.3 Defining Document Types
This documentation describes the special procedure for setting up document types for New
General Ledger Accounting.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Types Define
Document Types
The above is standard customizing.
If you work with a leading ledger and with non-leading ledgers, proceed as follows:
Since the majority of postings has the same effect in all ledgers, define in this IMG activity
the document types for the entry view for postings that affect all ledgers. Also assign a
number range to the document types.
In the case of postings that do not have the same effect on all ledgers, proceed as


Postings only for the leading ledger:

Define a separate document type for these postings. Assign a unique number
range to this document type.
Document Type SX, Closing Postings, Number Range 91

Postings for non-leading ledgers:

You make these settings under Define Document Types for Entry View in a

2.3.1 Defining Document Types for non-leading Ledger for Entry View
Under Define Document Types for Entry View, you make the document type settings for
postings in the entry view that affect all ledgers and for postings to the leading ledger.
You work with a leading ledger and with non-leading ledgers.

To define document types for postings to non-leading ledgers, proceed as follows:

Set up a separate document type for these postings. Assign a unique number range to this
document type for each ledger.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Types Define
Document Types for Entry View in a Ledger
Document Type SA, Closing Postings, Ledger SZ, Number Range 05
Document Type KR, Ledger SF, Number Range 19.
Document Type KG, Ledger SF, Number Range 17.
Document Type DR, Ledger SF, Number Range 15.
Document Type DG, Ledger SF, Number Range 14.
By segregating the ledger-related postings (here, for the non-leading ledgers) in a separate
number range, you ensure the contiguous assignment of document numbers at the ledger level
for each number range.
Within a ledger group, the representative ledger determines the document types and number
ranges applied. For this reason, you cannot perform this IMG activity for a ledger group


2.3.2 Defining Document Types for non-leading Ledger for General Ledger View
In this IMG activity, you define for non-leading ledgers the document types for the
documents in the General Ledger view. At the same time, you assign for each document type
a number range to be applied in the assignment of document numbers:

You do not need to make these settings for your leading ledger because, in the case of
this ledger, the document number in the entry view always corresponds to the
document number in the general ledger view.

You only have to make these settings for any non-leading ledgers that have a fiscal
year variant that differs in at least one company code from the fiscal year variant of
the leading ledger in this company code. In this case, the document number in the
entry view does not correspond to the document number in the general ledger view
and you have to define a separate document type with document number assignment
for the general ledger view.

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)

Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Types Define
Document Types for General Ledger View
In our exercise, we dont need to customize the above.
2.4 Predefined Posting Keys
Each item in a document (document line item) documents the posting of an amount to the
debit or credit side of an account. The posting key determines the account type, the
assignment to the debit or credit side, and restricts the type of business transaction. You can
look at the predefined document types using
Navigation: Transaction FBKP Object Posting keys
The following table provides you with an overview of the intervals of the most important
posting keys:
Account type
Customer account 01 ... 09
Vendor account
21 ... 29
G/L account
GR/IR account

11 ... 19
31 ... 39

2.5 Open and Closed Posting Periods

When you post a document, the system checks whether the period you have specified can be
posted to. You can only post to "open" periods. In the variant for open posting periods, you
specify an interval of periods that are open. You cannot post to a period that is not included in
this interval. First you have to create the variant.


2.5.1 Defining a Variant for Open Posting Periods

A variant for open posting periods has the same name as the company code. In this case
therefore, it is variant XXXX.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods
Posting Periods Define Variants for Open Posting Periods
Alternatively: Transaction OBBO.

Edit New entries

Variant: XXXX
Name: Variant XXXX

2.5.2 Opening Posting Periods

For TEST Inc., only the fiscal year 2006 is to be released for posting. In addition to the 12
regular periods, there are four special periods, 13 to 16. The same posting periods are opened
for all account types.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods
Posting Periods Open and Close Posting Periods
Alternatively: Transaction OB52.

Edit New entries:

Variant: XXXX
A: + (Account type)
From period 1: 1
Year: 2006
To period: 1: 12
Year: 2006
From period: 2: 13
Year: 2006
To period: 2: 16
Year: 2006


2.5.3 Assigning Company Codes to Variants

You now have to assign the company code to the variant.

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)

Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods
Posting Periods Assign Variant to Company Code
Alternatively: Transaction OBBP.

In the line Company code XXXX, enter the variant XXXX.


2.6 Tolerances
2.6.1 Defining Tolerance Groups for Employees
If you tried to post a document now, the system would issue an error message stating that
there are no amount authorizations for company code XXXX. This means that you have to
define amount limits up to which an employee can post a document, enter document items in
customer and vendor accounts, account for cash discount, and limits up to which payment
differences can be accepted. You determine these amount limits in tolerance groups, and
assign employees to the tolerance groups. You can also define tolerances without a tolerance
group. These tolerances then apply for each employee not assigned to a tolerance group.
TEST Inc. does not need different tolerance groups. You can therefore specify tolerances
without entering a tolerance group; do not make an entry in the Group field.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Tolerance Groups Define
Tolerance Groups for Employees
Alternatively: Transaction OBA4.

Edit New entries

Group: (remains empty)
Company code: XXXX
Amount per document: 1,000,000,000,000
Amount per open item account item: 1,000,000,000
Cash discount per line item: 5 (percent)
Amount Percentage

Revenue 1000
Expense 1000


Cash discount
adjustment to


2.6.2 Defining Tolerances for Customers

If you try to access the open item list when posting an incoming payment manually, the
system would issue the following error message: Entry XXXX missing in table T043G. This
means that you have to define permitted payment differences and tolerances for payment
advice notes.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments
Manual Incoming Payments Define Tolerances (Customers)
Alternatively: Transaction OBA3.

Edit New entries

Company code: XXXX
Tolerance group: (remains empty)



Percent Adjust Discount By


Only grant partial cash disc: (Select)

Outst. receiv. from

Outst. payable from




2.7 Document Splitting and Inheritance

IMPORTANT: This chapter is currently for information purpose, you dont have to define
the customizing for Document Splitting as we dont have special exercises for this until
now. Please check if document splitting itself is activated for your client (see part: Activate
Document Splitting and Inheritance), if yes, please deactivate it for your created company
code explicitly via the following menue path:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Business transactions Document splitting
Activate Document splitting Deactivation per Company Code
2 types of splitting:
1.Passive Splitting
During clearing (during a payment, for example), the account assignment of the items to clear
are inherited to the clearing line items. This step is not customized.
2.Active (rule-based) split:
The system splits documents due to splitting rules. Splitting rules can be configured.
3.Clearing lines/zero balance formation by document:
The system creates new clearing lines automatically to achieve a split. You can control this
process with the zero balance flag.
2.7.1 Extended document splitting
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Business transactions Document splitting
Extended document splitting
Define splitting method (In this activity, you can define your own method for
document splitting. A splitting method contains the rules governing how the individual
item categories are dealt with. ). Method 0000000012 is standard.
Define Splitting rule (In this activity, you can define the rules for document splitting).
Define splitting rules. This is customized already.
Assign Document splitting method. In this activity, you can replace the splitting
method provided in the SAP standard delivery (containing the splitting rules for the
different business transactions) with a user-defined splitting method.
Define Business Transaction variant.

In this activity you can define business transaction variants for the document split
business transactions.
This is useful for the following purposes:

For a business transaction, you have defined exactly which item categories can be
posted. With a business transaction variant you can restrict the business transaction
further by excluding further item categories from those permitted. When you post a
document, the system can check, using the business transaction variant, whether the
posting is permitted. If an item category is not permitted, the system rejects the
When you define a variant, you also have to define the relevant Split Rules.

You assign the business transaction variants to a document type in the activity Classify
Document Types for Document Split

2.7.2 Document splitting characteristics

After you have defined how you want the system to split the document (with the splitting
rules), you now have to define which characteristics to use for splitting .
.Business area.
.Profit centre.
Customize Business Area, Profit centre and Segment as splitting Characteristic .The zerobalance and mandatory field flags have to be set for the segment and business area
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Business transactions Document splitting Define
Document Splitting Characteristics for General Ledger Accounting.
You should always set the zero balance flag if you plan to use the characteristics to create
financial statements. The balance of the involved entities is then always zero for every posting
Ensuring entity balancing.
2.7.3 Classify document types for Document Splitting
Every business transaction that is entered is analyzed during the document splitting process.
In this process, the system determines which splitting rule is applied to the document. In order
that the system can determine the splitting rule, you must assign a business transaction variant
to each document type.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Business transactions Document splitting
Classify Document Types for Document splitting
The above is standard customizing.


2.7.4 Activate Document Splitting and Inheritance

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Business transactions Document splitting
Activate Document Splitting.
Please dont do this!
Inheritance ensures that the corresponding account assignment objects are projected to the
petty cash and tax line items.
Make sure that you have flagged inheritance for splitting method 0000000012.
2.7.5 Classify GL accounts for document splitting
The document splitting requires all accounts assigned to an item category. You can maintain
the configuration with the IMG activity 'Classify G/L Accounts for Document Splitting' or
transaction gsp_lz2
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Business transactions Document splitting
Classify accounts for document splitting
Classify document types for document splitting.
When customizing the above, please make sure that you fill in the item category field
otherwise error GLT2076 will be triggered. Make sure that you customize all the above GL
accounts for document splitting.
2.8 Special General Ledger Transactions
Down payments, payment requests, interest requests, bills of exchange, individual value
adjustments, and so on are special general ledger transactions. These are normally (!) posted
in the general ledger, not in the reconciliation account specified in the vendor or customer
master record, but in a separate special general ledger account. The special general ledger
accounts are displayed separately in the financial statements.
There is a special G/L indicator for each special G/L transaction. You specify this when you
post a document. One of the things that the special G/L indicator does is determine the
relevant special G/L account.
>> Look at the predefined special G/L indicators and their meaning. Can you find the
examples mentioned above (down payments, payment requests, and so on)?
Navigation: Transaction FBKP: Object Special general ledger
Ask your mentor about the meaning of special G/L transactions. <<
TEST Inc does not use separate accounts for its special G/L transactions, instead it uses
accounts 140000 (customers) and 160000 (vendors).
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Down Payment
Received Define Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments

Alternatively: Transaction OBXR.


Doubleclick on the line with the entry Down payment in the column Special G/L
Chart of accounts: XXXX <enter>
Reconciliation account: 140000
Special G/L account: 140000
Save (Ignore the warning that you should enter different accounts by pressing <enter>).

Proceed as for "Down payment request".

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Down Payment
Made Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments
Alternatively: Transaction OBYR.

Doubleclick on the line with the entry Down payment request in the column Special G/L
Chart of accounts: XXXX <enter>
Reconciliation account: 140000
Special G/L account: 140000
Save (Ignore the warning that you should enter different accounts by pressing <enter>).

2.9 Tasks: Posting

Caution: You can find an overview of all documents to be posted in the Document display in
the appendix.
2.9.1 Customer Invoice (F-22)
On January 10, 2006, customer XXXX03D buys goods to the value of EUR 5000, excluding
tax on sales/purchases from TEST Inc. Terms of payment: Payment within 10 days, 2% cash
discount, or payment within 30 days without deduction.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-22.

Document date: 10.01.2006

Posting date: 10.01.2006
Document type: DR (customer invoice)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 01 (customer, debit, invoice)
Account: XXXX03D <enter> (Ignore the warning that the period has to be adjusted to the
posting date by pressing <enter>).
Amount: 5,800.00
Calculate tax.
Payment terms: XXXX
Posting key: 50 (G/L account, credit, credit posting)
Account: 800000 (sales revenue) <enter>

Amount: 2,500
Tax code: A1
Profit centre:XXXX1 (ZFI1)
Account: 800000 (sales revenue) <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: A1
Profit centre:XXXX2(ZFI2)
Post (= save)

System message: Document 1800000012 was posted in company code XXXX.

>> Where does the system take this document number from?
Look at the document posted with transaction FB03. Can you understand the amount of EUR
800 that was posted to account 175000? If necessary, ask your mentor.
Why was the tax posted automatically to account 175000?
Look at items 1 and 2 in the document and compare them with the entries in table BSEG.
Which Customizing settings control the "assignment"? <<
2.9.2 Item Display (FBL5N) and Balance Display (FD10N, FS10N)
You have posted a customer invoice to account XXXX03D. Display the open items for this
account, that is, those line items that have not been cleared yet.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Account Display/change line items
Alternatively: Transaction FBL5N

Customer: XXXX03D
Company code: XXXX
Open items: (Select)
Open at key date: <F4, F2> (This key sequence selects the current system date)
Normal items: (Select)
Execute <F8>

Make sure that you can see the line items in the standard display variant:
- Settings Layout Choose
- In the column Layout, click on the entry 1SAP (standard local currency).
>> Can you confirm the popup regarding Branch / Head Office? Please deactivate the
indicator: Also list line items from head office. Do you understand why the line item for
account XXXX03D is not displayed? Look at the line items and balances of account
XXXX02D. <<
Now display the customer balances:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Account Display balances
,Alternatively: Transaction FD10N

Customer: XXXX03D

Company code: XXXX

Fiscal year: 2006
Execute <F8>

The popup that says Balances from account XXXX03D are managed at head office
XXXX02D is displayed. Its same problem as above: Branch-head office relationship! Look
at the balances for the head office.
>> The data for the customer balance display is taken from table KNC1. Look at the entries
for customer XXXX02D (head office) in this table (transaction SE16):
GJAHR: 2006
Which field contains the entry for the document posted above?
What is the significance of this field? Ask your mentor!
Make sure you understand the different meaning for transaction figures and account balance.
Discuss the differences with your mentor!
Since the customer accounts (and vendor accounts) are only managed in the subledger, their
account balances have to be reflected by a reconciliation account (type: G/L account) in the
general ledger.
Caution: A customer reconciliation account reflects the cumulative customer balances, and
the vendor reconciliation account reflects the cumulative vendor balances.
>> What is the name of the reconciliation account for XXXX02D?
Why can you not post directly to this account? Ask your mentor! <<
The balances reflected in the reconciliation account are written in table FAGLFLEXT.
>> Look at the entries in table FAGLFLEXT:
RYEAR: 2006
RACCT: 140000
What is the significance of the fields with the names TSLVT, TSL01 .... TSL16,
HSLVT, HSL01 ... HSL16 and KSLVT, KSL01 ... KSL16 ?
What is the significance of the field RTCUR? Where does the entry EUR in this field come
from? <<
You can display the transaction figures and balances (as for customer accounts) with
transaction FS10N:
Account number: 140000
Company code: XXXX
Fiscal year: 2006 <enter>
>> The data displayed in FS10N is taken from table FAGLFLEXT. <<
2.9.3 Vendor Invoice (F-43)
On January 15, 2006, TEST Inc. buys goods from XXXX02K for EUR 11,600, including 15%
tax on sales and purchases.

Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting

Accounts payable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-43.

Document date: 15.01.2006

Posting date: 15.01.2006
Document type: KR (vendor invoice)
Period: 01
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 31 (vendor, credit, invoice)
Account: XXXX02K <enter>
Amount: 11,600.00
Calculate tax.
The system proposes terms of payment since these have been defined in the master record
for XXXX02K.
Posting key: 40 (G/L account, debit, debit posting)
Account: 400000 <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: V1
Profit centre : XXXX1
Post (Document 1900000007)

>> You can see the document type in the document header: Look at the document using
transaction FB03 and click on the symbol
. The data listed there is taken from table
Look at the content of table BKPF for the document you have just posted. What is the
significance of the fields BKPF-BLART, BKPF-TCODE, and BKPF-GLVOR? If necessary,
ask your mentor. <<
Comment: The data saved in the document header (table BKPF) reflects properties that are
valid for the entire document. The document header does not contain properties that only refer
to specifications in a line item (for example, account number, amounts).
2.9.4 Vendor Invoice (FB60)
On January 15, 2006, TEST Inc. buys goods from XXXX01K for EUR 5,800, including tax
on sales and purchases. Use
transaction FB60 to post the vendor invoice.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Invoice
Alternatively: Transaction FB60.

Company code: XXXX

Transaction: Invoice
Vendor: XXXX01K
Invoice date: 15.01.2006
Posting date: 15.01.2006
Amount: 5,800.00
Currency: EUR
Calculate tax.

G/L account: 400000 <enter>

Amount in document currency: 2,500
Tax code: V1 (Domestic input tax 16%)
Profit centre:XXXX1
G/L account: 400000 <enter>
Amount in document currency: *
Profit centre:XXXX2
Tax code: V1 (Domestic input tax 16%)
Post (Document 1900000008)

2.9.5 Vendor Credit Memo (F-41)

The goods delivered by XXXX02K were damaged and some must be returned. On
22.01.2006, TEST Inc. receives a credit memo for EUR 580, including 15% tax on sales and
purchases, to be posted with invoice reference.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Credit memo-general
Alternatively: Transaction F-41.

Document date: 22.01.2006

Posting date: 22.01.2006
Document type: KG (vendor credit memo)
Period: 01
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 21 (customer, debit, credit memo)
Account: XXXX02K <enter>
Amount: 580.00
Calculate tax.
Invoice reference: 1900000000 / 2006
Text: (maintain as required)
Posting key: 50 (G/L account, credit, credit posting)
Account: 40000 <enter> (skip warning that the data was copied with <enter>)
Amount: 250
Tax code: V1
Profit centre:XXXX1
Account: 40000 <enter> (skip warning that the data was copied with <enter>)
Amount: *
Tax code: V1
Profit centre:XXXX2
Post (Document 1700000005)

>> The line item details are written in table BSEG. Look at the table content for the document
you have just posted. What is the significance of the following fields?
mentor. <<


2.9.6 Vendor Credit Memo (FB60)

On January 25, 2006, TEST Inc. receives another credit memo - this time from vendor
XXXX01K for EUR 5,800, including 15% tax on sales and purchases. Post this credit memo
without invoice reference using
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Credit Memo
Alternatively: Transaction FB65.

Company code: XXXX

Transaction: Credit memo
Vendor: XXXX01K
Document date: 25.01.2006
Posting date: 25.01.2006
Amount: 5,800.00
Currency: EUR
Calculate tax.
Tax code: V1 (Domestic input tax 15%)
(The system proposes terms of payment since these have been defined in the master
record for XXXX02K).
- G/L account: 400000 <enter>
- Amount in document currency: *
- Profit centre: XXXX1
- Post (Document 1700000006)
>> Think about which line items the document you have just posted contains. Which posting
keys were used? Where did the system get this posting key from?
Check whether your answers are right - look at the document in the document display (FB03).
If you have any questions, ask your mentor. <<
2.9.7 Customer Invoice (FB70)
On January 26, 2006, customer XXXX02D buys goods from TEST Inc to the value of EUR
1,160, including 16% tax on sales and purchases. Post again with
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice
Alternatively: Transaction FB70.

Company code: XXXX

Transaction: Invoice
Customer: XXXX02D
Document date: 26.01.2006
Posting date: 26.01.2006
Amount: 1,160.00
Currency: EUR
Calculate tax.
Tax code: A1 (Domestic output tax 16%)
(The system proposes terms of payment since these have been defined in the master
record for XXXX02D).
G/L account: 800000 <enter>
Amount in document currency: *

Profit centre:XXXX2
Post (Document 1800000013)

>> The complete data for the line items are written in table BSEG. In addition, when you post
the document, some of the customer data is written in the index table BSID. The index tables
have a different combination of key fields to table BSEG. This means that in some cases,
access to the database is considerably faster than via table BSEG. Look at the BSID entry for
item 1 in the document you have just posted:
Transaction SE16 with table name: BSID
GJAHR: 2006
BELNR: 1800000013
Look at the entries and compare them with the entries in table BSEG.
In the same way as the customer data, data that is posted to G/L accounts managed on a line
item(!) basis is also written in the index table BSIS. Look at item 2 for the document that you
have just posted in table BSIS (account 800000 is managed on a line item basis - compare it
with the corresponding Customizing setting in the section Creating the G/L Accounts). The
system only writes entries in table BSIS if the G/L account in question is managed on a line
item basis, otherwise, no index entry is written. <<
2.9.8 Customer Invoice in Foreign Currency (F-22)
On January 29, 2006, customer XXXX02D buys goods from TEST Inc to the value of USD
1,000, with no tax on sales and purchases.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-22.

Document date: 29.01.2006

Posting date: 29.01.2006
Document type: DR (customer invoice)
Period: 01
Company code: XXXX
Currency: USD
Posting key: 01 (customer, credit, invoice)
Account: XXXX02D <enter>
Amount: 1,000.00
Calculate tax.
Posting key: 50 (G/L account, debit, debit posting)
Account: 800000 <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: A0
Profit centre :XXXX1.
Post (Document 1800000019).


>> Look at the balance display for customer XXXX02D (transaction FD10). In the line for
January, doubleclick on the amount in the Debit column. Now look at the line item display.
This display is not created from the entries in table BSEG but from the entries in table BSID
(open items).
What do the symbols in the far-left column signify? Ask your mentor.
Compare the account balance at the end of the line item display with the transaction figures in
table KNC1. What do the entries in the fields UM01S and UM01U mean?
Now look at the transaction figures in the reconciliation account (table FAGLFLEXT with
RACCT 140000). Which field in this table is different for the two items displayed?
Can you understand the entries in tables FAGLFLEXT and KNC1? If necessary, ask your
mentor. <<
2.9.9 Vendor Net Invoice (F-43)
On January 17, 2006, TEST Inc buys goods to the value of EUR 4,640, including 16% tax on
sales and purchases, from vendor XXXX01K. The cash discount is to be posted in the
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-43.

Document date: 17.01.2006

Posting date: 17.01.2006
Document type: KN (Vendor net invoice)
Period: 01
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 31 (vendor, credit, invoice)
Account: XXXX01K <enter>
Amount: 4,640.00
Calculate tax: (Select)
Posting key: 40 (G/L account, debit, debit posting)
Account: 400000 <enter>
Amount: 2,300
Tax code: V1
Profit centre :XXXX1
Amount: *
Tax code: V1
Profit centre :XXXX2
Post (Document 0100000007)

>> Look at the document you have just posted in the document display (transaction FB03).
Can you understand which amounts were posted, why, and to which account? If necessary,
ask your mentor. <<


2.9.10 Customer Invoice (FB70)

On January 31, 2006, customer XXXX01D buys goods to the value of EUR 6,000, excluding
tax on sales/purchases from TEST Inc. Post an invoice document with
FB70, amount EUR 6,000, plus 16% output tax.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice
Alternatively: Transaction FB70.

Company code: XXXX

Transaction: Invoice
Customer: XXXX01D
Document date: 31.01.2006
Posting date: 31.01.2006
Amount: 6,960.00
Currency: EUR
Tax amount: 960.00
Tax: A1 (Output tax 16%)
G/L account: 800000
Amount in document currency: *
Profit centre: XXXX1.
Post (Document 1800000015)

2.9.11 Park Vendor Invoice (F-63)

Test Inc. receives a vendor invoice for the value of EUR 11,6000, including tax on sales and
purchases. The colleague responsible for the postings is on vacation today. You do not know
which P&L account the offsetting posting must be posted to and so you park the document
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Document Parking Invoice parking - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-63.

Document date: <F4, F2> (This key sequence selects the current system date)
Posting date: <F4, F2>
Document type: KR (vendor invoice)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 31 (vendor, credit, invoice)
Account: XXXX02K <enter>
Amount: 11,600.00
Calculate tax.
Document Park (Document 1900000009)

>> The system has already assigned a document number to the document, but the document
has not been posted yet. Look at the document display for this document.
Look at the document line items for this document in table BSEG. No entries? The vendor
line item of this parked document is stored in table VBSEGK. The document header data,

stored in table VBKPF, show in field VBKPF-TCODE not the entry F-63 but FBV1. What is
the significance of transaction code FBV1? If necessary, ask your mentor. <<
2.9.12 Park (FB70) and Post (FV70) Customer Invoice
Your colleague is still on vacation! Therefore, park the invoice that the accounting department of Test Inc. has received today for customer XXXX01D for EUR 23,2000 using
transaction FB70.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice
Alternatively: Transaction FB70.

Company code: XXXX

Transaction: Invoice
Customer: XXXX01D
Document date: <F4, F2>
Posting date: <F4, F2>
Amount: 23,200.00
Currency: EUR
Calculate tax.
Tax code: A1 (Domestic output tax 16%)
G/L account: 800000 <enter>
Amount in document currency: *
Profit centre:XXXX2.
Park (Document 1800000016)

Your head of department urgently requires the complete accounting data for customer
XXXX01D. When you tell the head of department that invoice 1800000004 is only parked,
since your colleague is on vacation, he asks you to post the parked document. You post the
parked document using
transaction FV70.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document Parked documents Post/Delete - single screen
Alternatively: Transaction FV70

Document Select parked document

Dialog box Select parked document

Company code: XXXX
Document number: 1800000016
Fiscal year: 2006

Document Save as completed (Document 1800000016)


2.9.13 Completing a Parked Document (FBV2)

For the parked document in task 2.11, another colleague tells you which P&L account to use
for the offsetting posting. Add the missing data in the parked document 1900000002.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document Parked documents Change
Alternatively: Transaction FBV2

Posting key: 40 (G/L account, debit, debit posting)

Account: 400000 <enter>
Amount: 5,000
Tax code: V1
Profit centre :XXXX1.
Posting key: 40 (G/L account, debit, debit posting)
Account: 400000 <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: V1
Profit centre :XXXX2.
Text: Parked document changed
Document Complete (Document 1900000009)

>> The document is now complete, but it has still not been posted. You now have to carry out
the posting explicitly (see next task). Check this statement by looking for entries of this
document in table BSEG. Look then for corresponding entries in tables VBSEGK and
VBSEGS. If you pay attention to the posting key (field BSCHL) you can certainly reproduce
which entry is stored in table VBSEGK and which is stored in table BSEGS. <<
2.9.14 Posting Parked Documents (FBV0)
The document that you parked in task 2.11 and completed in task 2.13 still has to be posted.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document Parked documents Post/Delete
Alternatively: Transaction FBV0

Company code: XXXX

Document number : 190000009
Fiscal year: 2006 <enter>

>> Look at the results in the document display and compare with corresponding entries in
table BSEG. Are there still entries in tables VBSEGK and VBSEGS ? <<
2.9.15 Reversing Accounting Documents (FB08)
On January 10, 2006, customer XXXX03D buys goods from TEST Inc to the value of EUR
5000, excluding tax on sales and purchases. Terms of payment: Within 10 days, 2% cash
discount, or within 30 days with no deduction.


Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting

Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-22.

Document date: 10.01.2006

Posting date: 10.01.2006
Document type: DR (customer invoice)
Period: 01
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 01 (customer, debit, invoice)
Account: XXXX03D <enter> (Ignore the warning that the period has to be adjusted to the
posting date by pressing <enter<).
Amount: 5,800.00
Calculate tax.
Terms of payment: XXXX
Posting key: 50 (G/L account, credit, credit posting)
Account: 800000 (sales revenue) <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: A1
Profit centre:XXXX1.
Post (Document 1800000017)

Oh gosh!!! You had already posted this invoice in task 2.1. You now have to reverse document
>> In order to understand what the reversal does, look at the document you have just posted
(1800000017) in the document display (FB03) and look at the transaction figures for account
800000 with the balance display (FS10N). Note the posting key in the document display and
the debit/credit values in the balance display for period 1/2006. <<
Document reversal:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document Reverse Individual reversal
Alternatively: Transaction FB08.

Document number: 1800000017

Company code: XXXX
Fiscal year: 2006
Reversal reason: 03 (Actual reversal in current period)
Post (Document 1800000018)

>> Look at the document display for the reversal document 1800000018 and the updated
balance display for account 800000.
You will see that the debit amounts from document 1800000017 and the credit amounts in
document 1800000018. For each posting key in document 1800000017, there is a
corresponding reversal posting key in the reversal document (you can find the reversal
posting key as follows:
Transaction FBKP Object Posting key

Doubleclick on the posting key used in the document 1800000017.

You can see the corresponding reversal posting key in the field Additional properties).
Look at the document headers in the document display (FB03) and the table fields BKPFSTBLG and BKPF-STJAH for both documents 1800000017 and 1800000018. Make sure you
understand the meaning of the table fields (tip: F1 help).
Caution: In addition to this classic reversal, R/3 also supports the negative reversal. Discuss
the features of the negative reversal with your mentor - ask him/her to explain the effect of the
negative reversal on the transaction figures!
Now update the balance display and compare the debit and credit values in account 800000
for period 1/2006. Both values should increase by EUR 5,000 after the reversal posting. Can
you understand these changes? If necessary, ask your mentor. <<
2.9.16 Documents in Leading Ledger and non-Leading Ledger (FB50)
In this part, wed like to confirm the difference between the documents posted in Leading
Ledger and non-Leading Ledger.
Post the document like document: 1800000013/ZFIE (please check it in Q4A, client 990).
PK Account Amount Profit centre
01 160000
50 800000
50 175000
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
General LedgerPostingEnter GL document
Alternatively: Transaction FB50

Document date: 10.01.2006

Posting date: 10.01.2006


Press General Ledger View and check if profit centre and segment are updated or not:
In Entry view
Item1 Profit centre: ZFIE2, Segment: ZFIEB
In General Ledger View (ledger: L0)
Item1 Profit centre: ZFIE2 Segment: ZFIEB
> due to scenarios setting ,scenario FIN_PCA and FIN_SEGM have been assigned to ledger
In Other Ledger (ledger: ZF)
Item1 Profit centre: Blank, Segment: Blank (the business are and segment will be blank if
the scenario assigned to this ledger does not include FIN_PCA and FIN_SEGM).
> due to scenarios setting

2.9.17 Documents for non-Leading Ledger (FB50L)

This transaction is used to create a GL document for a ledger group.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
General Ledger Posting Enter GL account document for Ledger group
2.10 Tasks: Clearing
2.10.1 Manual Clearing (F-44)
Account XXXX01K contains the vendor credit memo 1700000006 (task 2.6) and the vendor
invoice 1900000008 (task 2.4), with EUR 5,800 debit and EUR 5,800 credit respectively.
Look at these (open) items in the line item list (FK10) (in the line January, doubleclick on the
entry in the column DC balance). The credit memo is a positive value (credit amount) in the
column Amount in DC, and the invoice is a negative value (debit amount). In the Status
column, both entries are still open. Clear these items manually:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Account Clear
Alternatively: Transaction F-44.

Account: XXXX01K
Company code: XXXX
Clearing date: <F4, F2>
Currency: EUR
Normal OI: (Select)
Additional selections: None
Click on

All open items for this vendor are now activated! Firstly, deactivate all the items displayed by
selecting all items (click on
) and deactivating them (click on
In order to select only those items that you want to clear, first click on each item, and then
click on
To carry out the clearing, click on
- Post (Document 0100000008)
Caution: The clearing transaction with F-44 posts a clearing document that, from Release
4.0, consists of a document header with no line items. This clearing document is the link
between the cleared documents.
Comment: If you want to display the selected items as inactive from the beginning next time
you carry out manual clearing, click on the button Editing options. Select the entry Selected
items initially inactive, and then save.
>> Look at document 0100000008 in the document display. What is the document status in
the document header, and what does this mean (compare with the corresponding entry in table


Look at the invoice document 1900000008 in the document display and doubleclick on the
posting item 1 (vendor item). In the Clearing line, you can see the clearing date and the
document number of the clearing document. Check these details with the entries in table
BSEG. In which table fields is this information stored? <<
2.10.2 Automatic Clearing
If you have a lot of clearing transactions or documents to be cleared, manual clearing can
require a lot of work and be quite time-consuming. You can therefore carry out clearing
automatically with program SAPF124. Read the documentation for SAPF124:
Transaction: SE38
- Program: SAPF124
- Documentation: (Select)
- Click on
2.10.3 Payment Receipt with Clearing (F-28)
On January 19, 2006, customer XXXX02D pays the invoice posted in task 2.1 for branch
XXXX03D (document 1800000012), deducting 2% cash discount. The amount of EUR 5,684
is credited to the bank account.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Incoming payments
Alternatively: Transaction F-28.

Document date: 19.01.2006

Posting date: 19.01.2006
Document type: DZ (customer payment)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR

Field Bank data

Bank account: 110000
Amount: 5,684.00
Field Selection of open items
Account: XXXX02D
Account type: D
- Standard OIs: (Select)

Click on the item with document number 1800000012 and activate this item. The amount
in the field Not assigned should be 0.00.
In the menu, choose Document Simulate to check the incoming payment document.
This document should be cleared simultaneously with the invoice document 1800000012.
Post (Document 1400000003).

Comment: Clearing transaction F-28 does not post a separate clearing document! Instead,
the clearing information (clearing date, clearing document number) is written in the document

posted later. This later document thereby takes over the function of the clearing document.
The last document posted therefore receives its own document number as clearing document
In table BSEG, look at the entries in field BSEG-AUGBL for documents 1800000012 and
1400000003. Discuss this logic with your mentor.

Since account XXXX02D is automatically managed on an open item basis as a customer

account (and therefore also on a line item basis), when you posted document 1800000012, an
index entry was written in table BSID for posting item 1 (compare also task 2.7). In the
clearing transaction, the entries for the cleared items for customer account XXXX02D in table
BSID are moved into table BSAD (that is, entries are written in BSAD and deleted from
BSID). Now check the entries for documents 1800000012 and 1400000003 in account
XXXX02D in tables BSID and BSAD (transaction SE16). In particular, look at the clearing
information in these tables. <<
The index entries are moved for each account managed on an open item basis. For vendor
accounts, during clearing the entries are moved from BSIK to BSAK and for G/L accounts
managed on an open item basis, from BSIS to BSAS. If a G/L account is only managed on a
line item basis, and not on an open item basis, entries are only written in table BSIS. Clearing
is therefore not possible and entries are not moved from BSIS to BSAS.
>> Ask your mentor about reconciliation accounts managed on an open item basis. <<
2.10.4 Outgoing Payment with Clearing (F-53)
On February 19, 2006, your vendor XXXX01K telephones to say that he has not yet received
the payment for his invoice of January 17, 2006 (task 2.9). You post a manual outgoing
payment for EUR 4,640.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Outgoing payment Post
Alternatively: Transaction F-53.

Document date: 19.02.2006

Posting date: 19.02.2006
Document type: KZ (vendor payment)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR

Field Bank data

Bank account: 110000
Amount: 4,640.00
Field Selection of open items
- Account: XXXX01K
- Account type: K
- Standard OIs: (Select)

Process open items


Click on the item with document number 0100000007 and activate it.
Post (Document 1500000002)

>> Which document items does clearing document 1500000002 contain? Can you understand
the document items? <<
2.10.5 Outgoing Payment with Clearing and Manually Issued Check (F-53)
On February 28, 2006, TEST Inc. clears the invoice from vendor XXXX02K from January
15, 2006 (document 1900000007, see task 2.3). A manually issued check for the amount of
EUR 11,600 is sent to the vendor to pay for the goods ordered.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Outgoing payment Post
Alternatively: Transaction F-53.

Document date: 28.02.2006

Posting date: 28.02.2006
Document type: KZ (vendor payment)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR

Field Bank data

Bank account: 110000
Amount: 11,600.00
Field Selection of open items
Account: XXXX02K
- Account type: K
- Standard OIs: (Select)

Process open items

Click on the item with document number 1900000007 and activate it.
Post (Document 1500000003)

The manually issued check is not posted here. You can however use the payment program to
print checks simultaneously when you clear items. Unit 4 (payment program) contains an
example of this.
2.10.6 Payment Differences (F-28)
On February 15, 2006, TEST Inc. receives a payment for EUR 5,568 from customer
XXXX01D. It uses this payment to clear the open customer invoice from January 31, 2006
for EUR 6,690 (see task 2.10). The customer notifies TEST Inc. that he will not be paying the
full amount for the goods delivered as some were damaged in transit. He deducts EUR 1,392.
Post the difference as a residual item.
In order to post this residual item, you first have to define a reason for the payment difference
in the system (has not been considered in Customizing up to this point). Define an appropriate
difference reason:

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)

Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments
Incoming Payments Global Settings Overpayment/Underpayment Define Reason
Alternatively: Transaction OBBE

Company code: XXXX

Edit New entries
Short text: Damages in transit

Now you can carry out the clearing.

Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Incoming payments
Alternatively: Transaction F-28.

Document date: 15.02.2006

Posting date: 15.02.2006
Document type: DZ (customer payment)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR

Field Bank data

Bank account: 110000
Amount: 5,568.00
Field Selection of open items
- Account: XXXX01D
- Account type: D
- Standard OIs: (Select)

Process open items

Click on the item with document number 1800000015 and activate it.
- Reason code: ZXX
- Doubleclick on the field Difference postings.
- Post (Document 1400000004)
2.10.7 Clearing in Foreign Currency (F-28)
On February 19, TEST Inc. receives a payment from customer XXXX02D in the amount of
USD 1,000 for the invoice issued in task 2.8 (document 1800000019).
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Incoming payments
Alternatively: Transaction F-28.

Document date: 19.02.2006


Posting date: 19.02.2006

Document type: DZ (customer payment)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: USD

Field Bank data

Bank account: 110000
Amount: 1,000.00
Field Selection of open items
- Account: XXXX02D
- Account type: D
- Standard OIs: (Select)

Process open items

Click on the item with document number 1800000019 and activate it.
- Post (Document 1400000005)
2.10.8 Resetting Clearing (FBRA)
On March 3, 2006, vendor XXXX02K returns the check that you sent him on February 28,
2006 (see task 2.20). He would prefer a transfer for the invoice from January15, 2006
(compare task 2.3). Since you are working with
R/3, it is no problem to reset the
Before you can reset clearing, you first have to define a reason for the reversal in the system
(has not been considered in Customizing up to this point). Define an appropriate reversal
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Adjustment
Posting/Reversal Define Reasons for Reversal

Edit New entries

Reversal reason: XX
Text: Other payment method
Alt.pos.dt: (Select)

>> Before you reset clearing, look at the table fields BSEG-AUGDT and BSEG-AUGBL, and
BKPF-STBLG and BKPF-STJAH for documents 1900000007 and 1500000002. <<
Now you can reset the clearing.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document Reset cleared Items
Alternatively: Transaction FBRA

Clearing document: 1500000002


Company code: XXXX

Fiscal year: 2006

Dialog box Reversal of clearing document

Resetting and reverse

Dialog box Reversal data

Reversal reason: XX
Posting date: 03.03.2006 <enter>
The system posts the reversal document 1700000007.
The clearing in invoice document 1900000007 was reset, the vendor item now appears as
an open item again (compare transaction FBL1N).
The clearing information in payment document 1500000002 was replaced. The clearing
document for 1500000002 is now the reversal document 1700000007.
>> Compare the above named table fields (BSEG-AUGDT, BSEG-AUGBL, and BKPFSTBLG, BKPF-STJAH) after you have reset clearing for documents 1900000000,
1500000001, and 1700000002. Can you understand the new entries? If necessary, ask your
Can you find document number 1900000000 again now in the vendor line item display
(transaction FBL1N) under the open items? <<



3.1 Settings for tax on sales and purchases

You have already set up the G/L accounts to which input tax (account 154000) and output tax
(account 175000) are to be posted in Customizing (unit 1). You have also defined a link
between the tax codes and the accounts, so that the automatic account determination
automatically uses the corresponding accounts when you enter a tax code during posting.
Caution: Some tax terms are used synonymously. The following applies:
Tax on sales/purchases = value added tax = output tax - input tax
Input tax = incoming tax

3.2 Automatic Transfer Posting of Tax Payable

At the end of a month (quarterly for small companies), you have to report the tax on sales and
purchases payable to the tax authority in the form of an advanced return for tax on sales and
purchases. The tax payable is the difference between input and output tax amounts posted for
the previous month/quarter. At TEST Inc., you want to transfer post the tax payable
automatically instead of manually. For simplicity, TEST Inc. does not use a separate tax
payable account. Instead, it posts the tax payable to clearing account 195000
(Receivables/Payables from/to Tax Authority).
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Tax on
Sales/Purchases Tax Returns Define Accounts for Automatic Tax Payable Transfer Posting
Alternatively: Transaction OB89.

In the dialog box that appears, enter the following:

Account: 195000

Chart of accounts: XXXX

3.3 Tasks: Taxes

3.3.1 Invoice Receipt with Input Tax (F-43)
On March 20, 2006, TEST Inc. receives an invoice from vendor XXXX02K for EUR 2,320
for the raw materials that have been ordered and already delivered. Output tax (16%) of EUR
320 is displayed on this vendor invoice. Since from TEST Inc.'s view, this is an incoming
invoice, the output tax displayed on the invoice is treated as input tax!
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-43.

Document date: 20.03.2006


Posting date: 20.03.2006

Document type: KR (vendor invoice)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 31 (vendor, credit, invoice)
Account: XXXX02K <enter>
Amount: 2320.00
Calculate tax.
Posting key: 40 (G/L account, debit, debit posting)
Account: 400000 <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: V1 (Domestic input tax 16%)
Profit centre : XXXX1
Post (Document 1900000010)

>> Look at the entries for these three line items in table BSEG: The system has written the
input tax in the third document item automatically. Compare the fields BSEG-BUZID, BSEGMWART, BSEG-MWSKZ, and BSEG-KTOSL for the three line items and make sure you
understand them (tip: F1 help). Note that the entry in field BSEG-KTOSL contains the
account determination transaction key (compare the section Defining the Tax on
Sales/Purchases Accounts in Unit 1). <<
3.3.2 Outgoing Invoice with Output Tax (F-22)
On March 24, 2006 TEST Inc. sends an invoice for goods to the net value of EUR 6,500 to
customer XXXX01D. The tax on sales of purchases of 16% (output tax) to be paid over to the
tax authority for this net goods value is also requested from the customer and displayed
separately on the outgoing invoice. The invoice amount is therefore EUR 7,540.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Document entry Invoice - general
Alternatively: Transaction F-22.

Document date: 24.03.2006

Posting date: 24.03.2006
Document type: DR (customer invoice)
Company code: XXXX
Currency: EUR
Posting key: 01 (customer, debit, invoice)
Account: XXXX01D <enter> (Ignore the warning that the period has to be adjusted to the
posting date by pressing <enter<).
Amount: 7,540.00
Tax: 1,040.00
Terms of payment: XXXX
Posting key: 50 (G/L account, credit, credit posting)
Account: 800000 (sales revenue) <enter>
Amount: *
Tax code: A1 (Output tax 16%)
Profit centre:XXXX2
Post (Document 1800000020)

>> The complete tax information is written in table BSET. For the third line item, compare
the entry BSEG-HWBAS with BSET-HWBAS and the entry BSEG-DMBTR with BSETHWSTE (but see the note below first!). The field HWBAS contains the (net amount =) base
amount (in local currency) to which the tax is to be applied. The fields BSEG-DMBTR and
BSET-HWSTE contain the tax amounts (in local currency). Note that for each tax code that
appears in the document, there must be at least one entry in table BSET (Exception: All tax
base amounts (debit and credit amounts) with the same tax code in the document balance to
zero - in this case there is no BSET entry).
Caution: BSEG-BUZEI (=3 for document 1800000007) is not identical to BSET-BUZEI (=1
for document 1800000007). The field BUZEI in table BSET is not identical to the document
item number of the document posted (BSEG-BUZEI). The numbering BSET-BUZEI is
independent of the document item numbering BSEG-BUZEI and is assigned separately from
the system. Usually, all tax amounts in the document are summarized per tax code in one item
in table BSET. If there are several tax codes in one document, the entries are assigned to
tables BSEG and BSET uniquely using field TXGRP (BSEG-TXGRP = BSET-TXGRP). <<
3.3.3 Transfer Tax Payable with Batch Job
For the first quarter of 2006, you have to report the tax payable to the tax authority using an
advance return for tax on sales and purchases. Report RFUMSV00 for creating the advance
return for tax on sales and purchases also posts the tax payable posting to clearing account
195000 - the posting is stored in a batch input session. Execute the report in the background.
Transaction SE38:
- Program: RFUMSV00
- Program Execute Direct (<F8>)

Company code: XXXX

Fiscal year: 2006

Field General selections:

Posting date: 01.01.2006 to 31.03.2006

Field Further selections:

Fiscal period: 01 to 03
Select output tax: (Select)
Select input tax: (Select)

Field Tax payable posting:

Batch Input required: (Select)
Document type of postings: AB
Posting date: 31.03.2006
Due date for tax payable: <F4, F2>

Field Output lists:

Output tax: Line items: (Select)
Output tax: Total: (Select)
Input tax: Line items: (Select)
Input tax: Total: (Select)
Tax difference: Line items: (Select)

See the note below!


Program Execute in background

Dialog box Background print parameters

Output Device: (any value)

Dialog box Start Time


You can check whether the job you started is (still) running via the job list (System Own
jobs). The output of report RFUMSV00 is written in a spool file. You can look at this in
transaction SP02 once the job has finished.
Caution: You must run the batch input session today, since the due date was set for today.
Otherwise, set the due date for a date in the (near) future.
>> The advance tax return that report RFUMSV00 creates lists all line items that belong to
the output tax, that is tax-relevant data from the line items with BSET-KTOSL = MWS. This
data is listed split according to the tax code (see column Tx). The corresponding tax totals are
then listed separately again in an additional block.
Then the line items for the input tax are listed, that is, data from the specified period with
BSET-KTOSL = VST. They are also sorted by tax code. In the same way as for the output tax,
the tax totals for the input tax are also listed separately.
The block Tax difference: Line items lists inconsistencies in the tax calculation. RFUMSV00
calculates the tax amounts again from the base amounts and the tax (percentage) rates and
compares them with the tax amounts posted (this block is only listed if you have selected the
item Tax difference: Line items in the field Output lists).
The block at the end of the list, Batch input session RFUMSV00, shows the information saved
in the batch input session that is to be used to execute the tax payable transfer posting. The
listing shows what the line items of the transfer posting document will look like.
Program RFUMSV00 reads all the data from table BSET ! <<
Process the batch input session to execute the transfer posting to the clearing account 195000.
>> In order to check the transfer posting, look at the transaction figures for accounts 154000,
17500, and 195000 in period 3/2006 (transaction FS10N). Once you have run the batch input
session, the tax payable transfer posting should lead to amount changes in these accounts you have just calculated the corresponding amounts using report RFUMSV00. <<
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Tools Administration Monitor
Batch input
Alternatively: Transaction SM35.
Session: RFUMSV00

Click on the line that has your user name in the column Created by.
Session Process in background
Choose (green check icon)
Via System Own jobs, check when your background job is complete.
>> Make a note of the transaction figures for the three accounts above for period 3/2006.
Update the balance display for account 195000 and doubleclick on the debit item in period
3/2006. As a result of the line item display configured for account 195000 (see unit 1
Creating G/L Accounts), the document is listed for the tax payable transfer posting
(document XXXXX). Doubleclick on the line with this document number and then go to the
. Compare the amounts posted with the updated transaction
figures. <<


Payment Program

4.1 Defining the House Bank

You define the details of your own bank(s) as house bank(s). For each bank account, you have
to define an account ID and a G/L account. For TEST Inc., use the existing account 110000
(Citibank) as the G/L account - house bank DEUBA and account ID GIRO have already been
entered in this G/L account. However, you still have to maintain the data for house bank
DEUBA and account ID GIRO as follows:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Bank Accounting Bank Accounts Define House Banks
Alternatively: Transaction FI12.
Company code: XXXX (in the dialog box that appears)

Edit New entries

House bank: DEUBA
Bank country: DE
Bank key: 98765432

Dialog box Bank data

Bank name: Citibank
Maintain the other parameters in the Address field and save the dialog box.
In the selection field Dialog structure, doubleclick on the folder Bank accounts.

Edit New entries

Company code: XXXX
House bank: DEUBA
Account ID: GIRO
Name: Current account
Bank account: 110111112
General ledger: 110000
Currency: EUR

4.2 Configuring the Payment Program

The payment program is capable of processing both outgoing and incoming payments. The
normal payment methods, such as transfer, check, bill of exchange, direct debit, and so on are
already defined with the appropriate forms in the system. For the automatic processing of
payment transactions, the payment program requires certain information that you have to


4.3 Specifications for the Paying Company Code

The payment program has to know which company codes are involved in the payment
transactions, and which company codes are used to process the payments.
Company code XXXX is involved in the payment transactions and is also the paying
company code. The payment program is to cover incoming payments of at least 1 EUR, and
outgoing payments of at least 5 EUR. Maximum cash discount should also be considered.
4.4 Define minimum amounts for incoming and outgoing payments:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program
Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Paying company codes
Edit New entries
Paying company code: XXXX
Minimum amount for incoming payment: 1.00
Minimum amount for outgoing payment: 5.00
Field Forms
Form for payment advice note: F110_D_AVIS
Field Sender details
- Text ID: FIKO
- Letter header: Payments - XXXX
- Footer: Payments - XXXX
- Signature text: XXXX
- Sender: TEST Inc.


4.5 Configure maximum cash discount:

Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program
Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP All company codes
Edit New entries
Company code: XXXX
Paying company code: XXXX
Field Cash discount and tolerances
- Max. cash discount: (Select)
- Save


4.6 Defining Payment Methods

The payment method (transfer, check, bill of exchange, direct debit, and so on), is the way a
payment is made. Payment methods can also contain terms (for example, for amount limits
and foreign payments) for the payments.
You now have to define which payment methods are permitted for company code XXXX in
TEST Inc. Since the most important payment methods already exist in the system, you can
copy them into XXXX from another company code. Find a reference company code that has
at least payment methods E, C, and U (possibly company code 0001).
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program
Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Payment methods in company code
>> What is the significance of the payment methods E, C, and U? <<
In your reference company code, click on the items (payment methods) that you want to copy
(at least payment methods E, C, and U):
Edit Copy as ...
- Paying company code: XXXX <enter>
- (the payment method to be copied is proposed automatically)
- Continue with the next payment method proposed, always entering company code XXXX
and <enter>.
- Once you have copied all the payment methods, a list of the payment methods copied into
company code XXXX appears.
- Save
4.7 Creating New Payment Methods
Now create the new payment methods 0 and 1. Payment method 0 is to be used for payments
by check that do not exceed EUR 1000. Payment method 1 is to be used to collect invoice
amounts from your customers.
Caution: If payment methods 0 and 1 have not been defined in the country of TEST Inc.'s
company code, you first have to make the required settings.
>> Do you know which Customizing setting you used to assign a country (country ID) to
company code XXXX? <<
If payment method 0 is not defined in the country of TEST Inc.'s company code (Germany),
navigate as follows:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program
Configure Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Payment methods in country

Use payment method C as reference payment method:

- Select the line with payment method C in country DE (field in far left column)
- Edit Copy as ...
- Country: DE
- Payment method: 0
- Name: Check
Field Payment method for
Outgoing payments: (Select)
Field Classification of payment method
Check (Select)
Field Details required in master record
Street, PO box, or postal code: (Select)
Field Posting specifications
Document type for payments: ZP
Document type for clearing: ZV
Field Payment medium
Use classic payment medium programs (RFFO*): (Select)
- Payment media program: RFFOUS_C
- Name of print dataset: LIST1S
- Key in coding line: 01 <enter>
- Save
If payment method 1 is not defined in the country of TEST Inc.'s company code (Germany),
navigate as follows:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments
Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program
Configure Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Payment methods in country
Use payment method E as reference payment method:
- Select the line with payment method E in country DE (field in far left column)
- Edit Copy as ...
- Country: DE
- Payment method: 1
- Name: Bank collection
Field Payment method for
Incoming payments: (Select)
Field Classification of payment method
Debit memo (Select)
Field Details required in master record

Bank details: (Select)

Collection authorization: (Select)
Field Posting specifications
Document type for payments: ZP
Document type for clearing: ZV
Field Payment medium
Use classic payment medium programs (RFFO*): (Select)
Payment media program: RFFOD__U
Name of print dataset: LIST3S
- Key in coding line: 05
- Save
You have now defined payment methods 0 and 1 for country Germany. To create the new
payment methods in your company code, proceed as follows:
For new payment method 0:
.... Outgoing Payment Automatic Outgoing Payment Payment Method/Bank
Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Payment methods in company code

Select the line with payment method C in company code XXXX (field in far left column)
Edit Copy as ...
Paying company code: XXXX
Payment method: 0
Maximum amount: 1000.-- EUR
Foreign vendor/customer permitted: (Select)
Foreign currency permitted: (Select)
Foreign bank permitted: (Select)
Optimization by postal code: (Select)

Field Form Data

Form for payment media: F110_D_SCHECK
Drawer on the form: (maintain as required)
For new payment method 1:
.... Incoming Payment Automatic Incoming Payment Payment Method/Bank
Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Payment methods in company code

Select the line with payment method E in company code XXXX (field in far left column)
Edit Copy as ...
Paying company code: XXXX
Payment method: 1

Minimum amount: 1,-- EUR

Maximum amount: 999,999,99.-- EUR
Foreign vendor/customer permitted: (Select)
Foreign currency permitted: (Select)
Foreign bank permitted: (Select)
Optimization by postal code: (Select)

Field Form details

- Form for payment media: F110_D_UEBERWEIS
- Next form: F110_D_DTA
- Issuer on the form: (maintain as required)
- Save
4.8 Bank Selection
You have not yet defined which bank is to be used for making the payments. TEST Inc. is to
use Citibank exclusively for payment transactions. In the section Defining the House Bank,
you have already maintained all the bank data required for house bank DEUBA. Now you just
have to make some control settings for the payment program with regard to the house bank.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting(New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program
Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions
Alternatively: Transaction FBZP Bank determination

Click on company code XXXX

Firstly, specify house bank DEUBA for each payment method. Even though TEST Inc. has
only one house bank, enter 1 in the field Ranking Order.
In the selection field Dialog structure, doubleclick on the folder Order.
Edit New entries
Payment method: C
Currency: EUR
Rank order: 1
House bank: DEUBA
Complete the entries with the same details for payment methods 0, 1, U, and E.
For each payment method, you now have to determine the account at the house bank from
which the payments are to be made. TEST Inc. only has one account at Citibank, so that the
setting is simple. The bank subaccount is the account number from the chart of accounts.
In the selection field Dialog structure, doubleclick on the folder Bank accounts.
Edit New entries
- House bank: DEUBA
- Payment method: C
- Currency: EUR
- Account ID: GIRO

Bank subaccount: 110000

Complete the entries with the same details for payment methods 0, 1, U, and E.
You now define the amount limits that the payment program can use for payments from this
account. The payment program only makes payments if the cumulative net amount of all
payments does not exceed the amount limit of the house bank account concerned.
In the selection field Dialog structure, doubleclick on the folder Available amounts.
- Edit New entries
- House bank: DEUBA
- Account ID: GIRO
- Days: 1 (Days to value date)
- Currency: EUR
- Available for outgoing payment: 99,999.999.00
- Planned incoming payment: 99,999,999.00
- Save
>> You have already defined the addresses and bank details of the customers and vendors that
the payment program requires in Unit 1 (General Customizing), in the section Creating
Customer/Vendor Accounts. In this section, you also defined terms of payment for the
customers and vendors of TEST Inc. Return to this section and look at your settings for the
terms of payment in the accounts that you created again. You may remember: You had
already defined terms of payment XXXX in Unit 1 (General Customizing) in the section
Creating Terms of Payment. What conditions did you define with these terms of payment?
4.9 Payment Currency
If documents were posted in different currencies, you may want to use only selected
currencies for payment. From Release 4.5A, you can assign a payment currency to an open
item (in addition to the document currency). You can also clear invoice items with different
currencies and pay them in one payment currency.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Rules for Changing Documents
Document Change Rules, Line Item
Alternatively: Transaction OB32
For customer accounts:
Edit New entries
Field name: BSEG-PYCUR
Account type: D
Company code: XXXX
Field is modifiable: (Select)
For vendor accounts:
Edit New entries
- Field name: BSEG-PYCUR

Account type: K
Company code: XXXX
Field is modifiable: (Select)

4.10 Checking Payment Block Reasons

Since the payment program selects the items to be paid automatically, it may be that
individual items are proposed for payment by the payment program, but TEST Inc. does not
want to pay the open item for a specific reason. In such cases, you can set a payment block for
selected items. In order to set a payment block, check the following settings:
For outgoing payments:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Proposal Processing Check Payment Block
Reasons (Default)
Item with block indicator A (blocked for payment)
Change in payment/proposal: (Select)
For incoming payments:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments
Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Proposal Processing Check Payment Block
Reasons (Proposal)
Item with block indicator A (blocked for payment)
- Modifiable in payment/proposal: (Select)
- Save
4.11 Defining Check Number Intervals
When TEST Inc. issues checks to its vendors, instead of printing the document number of the
payment document as the check number, it wants to use separate numbering. You therefore
have to define a check number interval in Check Management.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Check Management Define
Number Ranges for Checks
Alternatively: Transaction FCHI

Paying company code: XXXX

House bank: DEUBA
Account ID: GIRO

Goto Change
Edit Create...

Dialog box Create Lot

Lot number: 0001
Check number: 00001
Payment method list: 0C <enter>


4.12 Tasks: Payment Program

4.12.1 Supplementing Payment Methods in Customer/Vendor Accounts
In the section Defining Payment Methods, you defined the payment methods permitted in
the company code and the country of the company code of TEST Inc. (USA). In addition, note
that an open item can only be cleared by the payment program if the payment method that the
payment program is to use to pay open items is specified in the item itself or in the master
record of the vendor or customer.
Change the master data of vendors XXXX01K and XXXX02K. Navigate as follows:
Vendor XXXX01K:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Master records Change
Alternatively: Transaction FK02.

Change Vendor: Initial Screen

Vendor: XXXX01K
Company code: XXXX
Company code data
Payment transactions: (Select) <enter>
Field Automatic payment transactions
Payment methods: 01CU
- Save
Vendor XXXX02K:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Master records Change
Alternatively: Transaction FK02.

Change Vendor: Initial Screen

Vendor: XXXX02K
Company code: XXXX
Company code data
Payment transactions: (Select) <enter>
Field Automatic payment transactions
Payment methods: 0CU

>> If the system has accepted your changes correctly, you will find the entry 01CU in table
field LFB1-ZWELS for vendor XXXX01K and the entry 0CU in table field LFB1-ZWELS
for vendor XXXX02K. <<
4.12.2 Paying Vendor Open Items
TEST Inc. pays its liabilities to vendor XXXX02K using the payment program. You want to
create a proposal run and subsequently a payment run.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Periodic Processing Payments
Alternatively: Transaction F110.

Date of execution: (Enter the current date)

ID: XXXX1 <enter>

Tab page Parameters

Posting date: (Enter the current date)
Documents entered by: (Enter the current date)
Company codes: XXXX
Payment methods: 0
Next posting date: (Enter tomorrow's date)
Vendor: XXXX02K
Tab page Additional log
Due date check: (Select)
Payment method selection in all cases: (Select)
Line items of the payment documents: (Select)
Accounts payable: XXXX02K <enter>
Tab page Status
Edit Proposal Schedule Proposal

Dialog box Schedule proposal

Start immediately: (Select) <enter>
Payment run Status

Look at the proposal list as soon as the message Payment proposal created appears in the field
Status (continually update the display via Payment run Status or click on

Edit Proposal Proposal list

Program: RFZALI00 <enter>

>> The items selected for payment, listed at the end of the proposal list, are taken from table
REGUP. Look at the entries in this table using transaction SE16 and compare them with the
items listed in the proposal list. Make sure you understand the fields REGUP-ZTERM,

Make a note of the total amount to be paid (last amount in the column Net currency).
>> The vendor master data required for making the payment (for example, name and address
of vendor) appears directly above the payment items. The master data is read from table
REGUH. Look at the table entry for your proposal run in this table (LAUFD is the date of the
proposal run (date of execution) and LAUFI is the ID parameter (XXXX1)). Field REGUHXVORL was set to X, since the run that you just executed was only a proposal run. Make sure
Why does the field REGUH-VBLNR have such a strange entry (F110000001)?
If necessary, ask your mentor. <<
In the header of the proposal list, you will see a reference to an error code under the heading
Payment proposal list for proposal run:
Err. No. Error text
-----------------------------------------------------------006 No valid payment method found
-----------------------------------------------------------You will see the same error code (006) at the end of the line for each payment item listed
(Column: Error). Evidently there was a problem with the validity of payment method 0.
Check the log of the proposal run to see if you can find further information about the problem.

List Exit

Edit Proposal Display log

When you look at the log, you will see the following message:
> Payment method 0 is being checked
> Payment amount is not within permitted limits (0.00 - 1,000.00)
> No valid payment method exists
Note for vendor XXXX02K/paying company code XXXX ...
... Payment not possible due to error reported
>> You may remember: In the section Defining Payment Methods, you defined the payment
method 0 for Germany by copying payment method C to payment method 0. You then
assigned this payment method to company code XXXX and defined the following restriction:
Maximum amount: 1,000 EUR. Return to this section and remind yourself of this setting.
Compare it with the net amount defined for payment that you noted from the proposal list.
This amount exceeds the maximum amount of EUR 1,000. The payment program therefore
refuses payment (see above: ... Payment not possible due to error reported ). <<
Payment method C has a minimum amount of EUR 0.00 and a maximum amount of EUR
500,000.00. The proposal run should therefore not encounter any problems. Try to carry out a
proposal run with payment method C without any errors. End the log view with

Job log Exit


and delete the above proposal run before you execute a new one:

Payment run Status

Edit Proposal Delete
In the dialog box Delete proposal that appears, confirm with Yes.

Now start a new proposal run, this time with

Tab page Parameters
Posting date: (Enter the current date)
Documents entered by: (Enter the current date)
Company codes: XXXX
Payment methods: 0C
Add the payment method C !
- Next posting date: (Enter tomorrow's date)
- Vendor: XXXX02K



When you look at the proposal list after the payment proposal has been created, error code
006 should no longer appear in the items to be paid. This proposal run (without errors!) now
lists the relevant amounts (gross amount, payment amount, cash discount, ...) sorted by
business areas, countries, currencies, payment methods, and banks. Take some time to look at
the list in more detail.
>> Ask your mentor if you are unsure about anything. <<
List Exit
Compare it with the log of the proposal run:

Edit Proposal Display log

As you read through the log, you can see how the payment program first found the invalid
payment method 0, but then carried out the payment attempt successfully using payment
method C. The line items for the clearing document are specified at the end of the log in the
block Additional log: Posting documents. These line items have to be posted as a result of the
payment (= clearing open items). The payment program executes this posting automatically in
the payment run (= update run).

Job log Exit

Now execute the payment run:


Edit Payment Schedule Payments

Start immediately: (Select) <enter>

Look at the clearing document posted by the payment transaction in the document display
(transaction FB03) as soon as the message Posting requests: 1 created, 1 completed appears in
the field Status (continually update the display using Payment run Status). You can see the

number of the clearing document (0500000000) in the log of the payment run (Edit
Payment Display log).
>> Compare the entries in table field REGUH-VBLNR for the proposal run and the payment
Look at the payment document (0500000001) in the document display (transaction FB03).
Which document type is specified in the document header? Which setting did the payment
program use to select this document type?
What information is coded into the document header text (compare BKPF-BKTXT with
Caution: If you specify a payment method explicitly when you post documents, the payment
program uses this specification regardless of which payment method is defined in the master
record of the vendor/customer. If you entered payment method 0 explicitly when posting open
invoices for vendor XXXX02K, the payment program would use payment method 0 even if
the (net) payment amount exceeds EUR 1,000.00.
Schedule a print and then execute it.
For print program RFFOUS_C you have to specify a variant. You create this variant now.
Transaction SE38:
- Program: RFFOUS_C
- Goto Variants
- Variant: XXXX_ZLWEG_C
- Click on

Program run date: (remains empty)

ID feature: (remains empty)
Paying company code: XXXX
Payment methods: C
House bank: DEUBA
Account ID: GIRO
Check lot number: 0001
Currency key: EUR
Print checks: (Select)
Printer: (Enter your printer here - ask you mentor if necessary).
Print immediately: (Select)
Filler for digits in words: (remains empty)
Number of test prints: 0
Payment document validation: (Select)
Texts in recipients language: (Select)
Currency in ISO code: (Select)
Edit Attributes
Meaning: Check printout variant C
Protect variant: (Select)
Variant Exit

Variant Exit

You now define variant XXXX_ZLWEG_C in the print program. You want to carry out the
check printout immediately.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Periodic processing Payments
Alternatively: Transaction F110.

Date of execution: (Enter the current date)

ID: XXXX1 <enter>

Tab page Print and data media

In the line Program RFFOUS_C:
Return to the tab page Status.
Edit Payment Schedule print
- Start immediately: (Select) <enter>
- Job name: (In the proposal for the name, replace the question mark with 1, or enter the
name F110-JJJJMMTT-XXXX1-1, where you replace JJJJMMTT with the current date).
The system does not issue a message informing you that the check has been printed. Do not
worry yet, look at what the printer outputs.
>> Call up the document display (transaction FB03) for the payment document and look at
the data for the corresponding check: Environment Check information (or use transaction
Check Management (called up implicitly by print program RFFOUS_C) has stored the
check information displayed in table PAYR. Compare the check data displayed with the table
PAYR-RWBTR, and PAYR-ZALDT. Note that there are also print programs without check
management (for example RFFOD_S). <<

4.12.3 Paying Customer Open Items

TEST Inc. collects its receivables from customer XXXX01D by bank collection using the
payment program. Firstly you want to create a variant (XXXX_ZLWEG_1) for the print
Transaction SE38:
- Program: RFFOD__U
- Goto Variants
- Variant: XXXX_ZLWEG_1
- Click on

Program run date: (remains empty)

ID feature: (remains empty)
Paying company code: XXXX

Payment methods: 1
House bank: DEUBA
Account ID: GIRO
Currency key. EUR
Data medium exchange: (Select)
Printer: (Enter your printer here - ask you mentor if necessary).
Print immediately: (Select)
Print payment summary: (Select)
Printer: (Enter your printer here - ask you mentor if necessary).
Print immediately: (Select)
Number of file extensions: 12
Structure of file extensions: 2
Output medium: 0
Filler for digits in words: *
Number of sample prints: 0
Number of items in payment summary: 1
Payment document validation: (Select)
Texts in recipient language: (Select)
Currency in ISO code: (Select)
Edit Attributes
Name: Debit memo variant 1
Protect variant: (Select)
Variant Exit
Variant Exit

>> Ask you mentor about the importance of the payment document check. <<
Now execute the proposal run:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Periodic processing Payments
Alternatively: Transaction F110.

Date of execution: (Enter the current date)

ID: XXXX2 <enter>

Tab page Parameters

Posting date: (Enter the current date)
Documents entered by: (Enter the current date)
Customer items due by: (Enter the current date)
Company codes: XXXX
Payment methods: 1
Next posting date: (Enter tomorrow's date)
Customer: XXXX01D
Tab page Additional log
Due date check: (Select)
Payment method selection in all cases: (Select)
Line items of the payment documents: (Select)
Accounts receivable: XXXX01D

Tab page Print and data media

In the line Program RFFOD__U:
Variant: XXXX_ZLWEG_1
Tab page Status
Edit Proposal Schedule Proposal
Dialog box Schedule proposal
Start immediately: (Select) <enter>
- Payment run Status
Look at the proposal list as soon as the message Payment proposal created appears in the field
Status (continually update the display via Payment run Status).

Edit Proposal Proposal list

Program: RFZALI20 <enter>

In task 4.2 you used program RFZALI00. You will see the difference immediately...
Caution: Even though you have not defined a payment method in the master record of
customer XXXX01D (see task 4.1), and you did not specify a payment method when you
posted the selected documents, the payment program is prepared to pay the selected open
customer items. How can this be? In task 4.2, the payment program refused to make payment
because no valid payment method had been defined in the master record. The reason for this
apparent contradiction is due to the fact that Clear with vendor XXXX01K is selected in the
master record of customer XXXX01D. In such cases, the customer payment methods are read
from the master record of the corresponding vendor.
>> Look at the master record of customer XXXX01D again (transaction FD03 - Goto
Company code data - Tab page Payment transactions). In the field Automatic payment
transactions, you will see the selected line Clearing with vendor. Look at the master record
for vendor XXXX01K (transaction FK03 - select the line Control in the field General data).
Customer XXXX01D is specified in the field Account control. You may remember: You made
these settings in Unit 1 in the section Creating Customer and Vendor Accounts.
Since payment method 1 is read for customer XXXX01D from the master record of the
corresponding vendor XXXX01K, in task 4.1, it was sufficient to define payment method 1 in
the master record of vendor XXXX01K and not in the master record of customer XXXX01D.
Look at the entries in table REGUH for this proposal run. What do you notice when you
compare fields REGUH-LIFNR and REGUH-KUNNR? <<
The documents in the proposal list include document number 1800000020 (posting item 1 of
this document). You posted this item in task 3.2 in connection with the outgoing invoice sent
to customer XXXX01D. Customer XXXX01D had a problem with this invoice. Your
department manager tells you not to pay this item, since TEST Inc. has not finally clarified the
situation. You therefore define a payment block for this item: You can set this by using the
proposal processing. Go back with

Goto Back

and start proposal processing:


Edit Proposal Edit

Dialog box Accounting clerk

All clerks: (Select) <enter>
Doubleclick on the line with customer XXXX01D.
Doubleclick on the line with document number 1800000020.
Dialog box Change line items
Field Block
Payment block: A (blocked for payment)
Continue (green check icon)
Go back with
Goto Back
and check whether the message Payment proposal was edited appears on the tab page Status.
When you look at the proposal list,

Edit Proposal Proposal list

Program: RFZALI20 <enter>

You will see that setting the payment block for document 1800000020(more precisely, posting
item 1) was taken into account by the payment program and included in the list.
Now execute the payment run:

Goto Back
Edit Payment Schedule Payments
Start immediately: (Select) <enter>

Look at the clearing document posted by the payment run in the document display
(transaction FB03) as soon as the message Posting requests: 1 created, 1 completed appears in
the field Status (continually update the display with Payment run Status). You can see the
number of the clearing document (200000000X) in the log of the payment run (Edit
Payment Display log). Compare it with the document items in the log.
>> Compare the amount specified in the log with the amounts in fields REGUH-RBETR and
REGUH-RWBTR. What is the significance of these fields (tip: F1 help)? How are these
amounts connected with the amounts entered by the system in fields REGUP-DMBTR,
REGUP-WRBTR, and REGUP-PSWBT? If necessary, ask your mentor. <<
Now print the debit memo form:
Return to the tab page Status.

Edit Payment Schedule print

Start immediately: (Select) <enter>
Job name: (In the proposal for the name, replace the question mark with 1, or enter the
name F110-JJJJMMTT-XXXX2-1, where you replace JJJJMMTT with the current date).

The system does not issue a message informing you that the form has been printed. Do not
worry yet, look at what the printer outputs.


Dunning Program

5.1 Company Codes To Be Considered by the Dunning Program

You can use the dunning program to send dunning notices to overdue customers
automatically. Firstly, you have to tell the system which company codes are to be considered
for the dunning program. The dunning program is to use the dunning texts used by company
code 0001 (the texts for dunning procedure 0001).
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning
Dunning Procedure Define Dunning Procedures
Alternatively: Transaction FBMP

Environment Company code data

Edit New entries
Company code: XXXX
By dunning area: (Select)
Reference company code: 0001
Goto Back

Since TEST Inc. wants to configure only one central point for dunning notices in company
code XXXX, you do not define a subdivision into different dunning areas.
5.2 Configuring the Dunning Program
You access the settings for controlling the dunning program via
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning
Dunning Procedure Define Dunning Procedures
Alternatively: Transaction FBMP
The dunning program is controlled by various different settings, and these are described in the
following sections.
5.3 Creating the Dunning Procedure
The dunning procedure that TEST Inc. wants to use to dun its customers should be as follows
(navigation as specified above in the section Configuring the Dunning Program):

Dunning procedure Create

Dunning procedure: XXXX
Name: 4 level dunning procedure, every 10 days
Dunning interval in days: 10
Number of dunning levels: 4
Minimum number of days in arrears (account): 7
Line item grace periods: 2

Standard transaction dunning (Select)

Reference dunning procedure for texts: 0001
Without saving, go to Specifying the Dunning Levels.

5.4 Specifying the Dunning Levels

You now have to specify the dunning levels in more detail.

Goto Dunning levels

Dunning level
Days in arrears
Calculate interest?
Always dun?
Print all items
Payment period







Go to Defining the Dunning Charges

5.5 Defining the Dunning Charges

You now determine whether and in what amount dunning charges are levied.

Goto Dunning charges

Currency: EUR

From dunning


Go to Defining Minimum Amounts for the Interest Calculation

5.6 Defining the Minimum Amounts for Interest Calculation

Here you define the minimum amounts from which interest is calculated and dunning letters
are created.

Goto Minimum amounts

Currency: EUR


Minimum amount for


Goto Back

5.7 Defining Dunning Block Reasons

Independently of the dunning procedure, you want to define dunning block reasons to exclude
open items from the dunning procedure despite them being overdue. Provided you have not
yet specified a block reason XXXX, proceed as follows:
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning Basic
Settings for Dunning Define Dunning Block Reasons

Dialog box Select action

Doubleclick on Define block reasons for dunning notices
Edit New entries
Lock: X
Text: Block reason XXXX

5.8 Tasks: Dunning Program

5.8.1 Adding the Dunning Procedure in Customer Accounts
In the section Company Codes to be Considered by the Dunning Program, you entered the
company codes to be considered by the dunning program. In addition, an open customer
payment can only be selected by the dunning program if you have also specified the dunning
procedure to be used to dun the customer in the customer master record.
Change the master data of customer XXXX02D. Navigate as follows:
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts receivable Master records Change
Alternatively: Transaction FD02
Dialog box Change customer: Initial Screen
Customer: XXXX02D
Company code: XXXX <enter>
Goto Company code data
Tab page: Correspondence
- Dunning procedure: XXXX
- Save
5.8.2 Dunning in Dunning Level 1
On February 20, 2006, TEST Inc. checks its open incoming payments and determines that
customer XXXX02D has not paid his invoice from January 26, 2006. TEST Inc. therefore
wants to send a dunning notice to XXXX02D, and this dunning notice is to be created by the
dunning program.

Caution: You created XXXX02D as head office for branch XXXX03D. Since the dunning
program assumes that for head office-branch relationships, payments are always made by the
head office, you can only dun head offices. Therefore, checking customer XXXX03D for
outstanding payments would have no effect on dunning.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Periodic processing Dunning
Alternatively: Transaction F150.

Executed on: 20.02.2006


Tab page Parameters

Dunning date: 20.02.2006
Documents posted up to: 20.02.2006
Company code: XXXX
Customer: XXXX02D
Tab page Additional log
Customer: XXXX02D (Always try to restrict the additional log to one customer to avoid
program terminations due to logs being too long).
Tab page Status
Dunning notices Schedule dunning run
Dialog box Schedule selection and print
Start immediately: (Select)
- Click on
(Select Also schedule dunning printout, otherwise the update run is carried out with a
master data update and you cannot subsequently process or delete the dunning proposal.)

Continually update the display with <enter>.

Look at the dunning list as soon as the message Dunning selection is complete appears in the
field Status.

Goto Dunning list

Program: RFMAHN21 <enter>

No dunning notices found???

The number of days in arrears is negative (5- !!!). The customer invoice was issued on
January 26, 2006, and 25 days have elapsed to the date of the dunning run (February 20,
2006). You may remember: In the section Creating Terms of Payment (Unit 1), you defined
terms of payment XXXX, which you assigned to customer XXXX02D in the section
Creating Customer and Vendor Accounts (Unit 1). Return to Unit 1 and remind yourself of
this setting. Payment term 2 permitted net payment within 30 days (percentage rate 0).

Okay, now a realistic period. Take into account that in your dunning procedure XXXX for the
account in question, you defined minimum days in arrears of 7 days. Together with the terms
of payment XXXX, this means that you can only issue a dunning notice 37 days after the
baseline date for terms of payment. Dun the customer on March 5, 2006 (no payment received
in the meantime!).

Executed on: 05.03.2006


Tab page Parameters

Copy the remaining data from the last run:
Edit Copy
Dialog box Copy dunning parameters
Executed on: 20.02.2006
Tab page Parameters
Dunning date: 05.03.2006
Documents posted to: 05.03.2006
Tab page Status
Dunning notices Schedule dunning run
Dialog box Schedule selection and print
- Start immediately: (Select)
- Click on

Continually update the display with <enter>.

Look at the dunning list as soon as the message Dunning selection is complete appears in the
field Status.

Goto Dunning list

Program: RFMAHN21 <enter>

>> Can you understand why dunning level 1 is listed in the dunning list? If necessary, ask
your mentor.
The status of the dunning run is documented by entries in table MAHNV. Look at the entries
for your dunning run and make sure you understand the fields MAHNV-XMSEL, MAHNVXMUPD, and MAHNV-XMPRI (tip: F1 help).
The dunning data of the items to be dunned is written in table MHND. Look at the table
document number 1800000001.
What is the difference between MHND-SMAHSK and MHND-MAHNS (tip: F1 help)?

Have entries been changed in the master data of customer XXXX02D (transaction FD03,
Goto Company code data, tab page Correspondence)?
Caution: The master data is not changed when you complete the dunning run. The system
only updates the master data when the dunning printout has been successfully(!) completed.
Now print the dunning letter:
Tab page Status
Dunning notices Schedule sample dunning printout
Dialog box Output parameters
Output device: (Enter the name of your printer) <enter>
Dialog box Schedule printout
Start immediately: (Select)
>> What are the values in table fields MAHNV-XMSEL and MAHNV-XMPRI now, and which status do these
values document?




: Scheduled
: Running
: Finished

Check the correct flow using the dunning print log as soon as the message Dunning printout
is complete appears in the field Status:
Extras Dunning print log
>> Which entries have been changed now in the master data of customer XXXX02D (transaction FD03, Goto
Company code data, tab page Correspondence)? <<

5.8.3 Dunning in Dunning Level 2

This customer is just not keen to pay !!! On April 1, 2006, TEST Inc. checks its open
incoming payments and determines that customer XXXX02D has still not paid his invoice
from January 26, 2006! You want to send this customer a further dunning notice.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
Accounts payable Periodic processing Dunning
Alternatively: Transaction F150.

Executed on: 01.04.2006

Tab page Parameters

Dunning date: 01.04.2006

Documents posted to: 01.04.2006
Company code: XXXX
Customer: XXXX02D
Tab page Additional log
Customer: XXXX02D
Tab page Status
Dunning notices Schedule dunning run
Dialog box Schedule selection and print
Start immediately: (Select)
Click on
Continually update the display with <enter>.
Look at the dunning list as soon as the message Dunning selection is complete appears in the
field Status.

Goto Dunning list

Program: RFMAHN21 <enter>

Caution: Note that the dunning level is only increased by one with each dunning run. For
example, the days in arrears reached would correspond to level 3, but after dunning level 1,
you still dun at dunning level 2, or if the item has not been dunned yet, then dunning level 1.
You cannot change this manually in the proposal processing. You can only reduce the dunning
levels of the item there.
>> You can now surely understand why dunning level 2 is listed in the dunning list, even
though the customer is already 35 days in arrears. <<
This customer has been dunned once already (therefore dunning level 2). Now look at the
overview of the dunning notices in the dunning history:

List Exit
Goto Dunning history
Account type: D
Company code: XXXX
Customer: XXXX02D
Program Execute

You want to start the dunning printout, but you department manager tells you not to dun this
customer at this point in time. Set a dunning block for account XXXX02D for this dunning
run. The dunning block that you set only applies to this dunning run. You can only set a
permanent dunning block in the dunning data field in the customer master record (transaction
FD02, Goto Company code data, tab page Correspondence).

List Exit
Program Exit

Tab page Status

Dunning notices Change dunning notices
Date of execution: 01.04.2006
Account type (D/K): D
Company code: XXXX
Customer number: XXXX02D
Program Execute
Click on document number 1800000001
Click on
Dialog box Change dunning notice
Field Dunning header
Dunning block X
- Save
In the column Dunning block in the dunning history, the entry X should appear for customer
>> What are the values in table fields MAHNV-XMSEL, MAHNV-XMUPD, and MAHNVXMPRI now, and which status do these values document?
The dunning block for an account that is restricted to one dunning run is saved in table
MHNK. Look at the table entries MHNK-MAHNA, MHNK-MAHNS, and MHNK-MANSP
for this dunning run. Can you understand the table entries? If necessary, ask your mentor. <<
Caution: If, in addition to an overdue payment, the same account also contains an open credit
memo for at least the same amount, the dunning program sets receivables and payables
against each other and possibly does not issue a dunning notice.


Closing Operations

6.1 Defining the Financial Statement Version

At the end of the fiscal year, TEST Inc. has to create financial statements. You need a profit
and loss statement to be able to display the balances of all balance sheet accounts. You may
remember: All profit and loss statement accounts are subaccounts of the stockholders' equity
account that belongs to the liabilities accounts in the balance sheet. For accounting, this
means that all profit and loss accounts have to be closed via a profit and loss statement
account and the balance of this profit and loss statement account is then closed via the
stockholders' equity account 950000. For simplicity, TEST Inc. uses account 950000 as both
profit and loss statement account and stockholders' equity account.
6.2 Creating the Financial Statement Version
In order to display individual items in the financial statements in accordance with legal
requirements, TEST Inc. first has to define a version for the financial statements. The
financial statements represent a summary of the assets and liabilities in account form and
contain the assets as well as the stockholders' equity and outside capital (liabilities). You may
remember: This is a detailed list of the individual assets and liabilities.
Navigation: Transaction SPRO SAP Reference IMG Financial Accounting (New)
General Ledger Accounting (New) Master Data G/L Accounts Define Financial
Statement Versions
Alternatively: Transaction OB58.

Edit New entries

Financial statement version: XXXX
Name: Financial statements for TEST Inc.
Maintenance language: EN
Item keys auto.: (Do not select)
Chart of accounts: XXXX

6.3 Creating the Items

Once you have created the versions, you have to fill them with data. Navigate to the financial
statement version you have just created in change mode via
Goto Financial statement items
Alternatively: Transaction FSE2
Since TEST Inc. only uses a few accounts, your financial statement version will be quite
simple. In larger companies, assets and liabilities can be subdivided in up to 10 hierarchy
6.3.1 Create asset
- Double-click on the red field Assets.

Dialog box Item: Change texts

In the line Item, enter the number 1000.
In the line below, enter Assets.

Field Start of group

Start of group: ASSETS

Field End of group

End of group: Total ASSETS
Display total: (Select)

In the node Assets, create the items Fixed assets and Current assets.
- To do this, click on the blue field 1000.
- Edit Create items
- Go to the first line under 1000 Assets.
- In this line, enter 1100 in the left field, and Fixed assets in the right field.
- In the next line, enter 1200 and Current assets.
- <Enter>
Subdivide the item Current assets into two levels (Current assets becomes a node).
- To do this, click on the blue field 1200.
- Edit Create items
- Go to the first line under 1200 Current Assets.
- In this line, enter 1210 in the left field, and Receivables in the right field.
- In the next line, enter 1220 and Other assets.
- <Enter>
- Save
Assign the relevant accounts to the items you have created:
- To do this, click on the blue field 1100.
- Edit Assign accounts
- From account:
- To account:
- D: (Select)
- C: (Select)
- <Enter>

Click on the blue field 1210.

Assign the accounts 110000, 140000, 193000, and 400000 to this item (as for Fixed

Click on the blue field 1220 and assign accounts 154000 and 195000 to this item; select
the indicators C and D for account 154000, but for account 195000, select only (!) D.
This means that only the debit balance with the receivables from the tax authority is displayed
under this item. You may remember: In the section Create G/L Accounts in Unit 1, you
created one account for receivables and payables from/to the tax authority. As far as assets are
concerned, additional receivables are merely an additional debit. Therefore, only the debit
side of account 195000 has the receivables from the tax authority.


6.3.2 Creating Liabilities

As for assets, create the nodes Stockholders' Equity (2100) and Payables (2200) under
Liab+Equity (node 2000).
As for the node Current Assets, the node Payables should be subdivided into Payables from
Goods and Services (2210), account 160000, and Other Payables (2220), accounts 175000
and 195000. When you assign account 195000, select only the indicator C (you can certainly
imagine why ...). Under the node Stockholders' Equity, create the item Capital Stock (2110),
account 950000.
The net result (profit and loss) should also appear under the node Stockholders' Equity and
must therefore be reassigned.

Doubleclick on the item Net result: Loss.

Dialog box Item: Change texts

In the line Item, enter the number 2130.
In the line below, enter Net result: Loss.

Field End of group

End of group: Total net result: Loss
Display total: (Select)

Click on the item Net result: Loss.

Edit Select +/Click on the item 2110 Capital Stock
Edit Reassign

Dialog box Reassign Nodes

Same level: (Select)

Repeat the procedure for Net result: Profit, and assign item number 2120 to it.
Compare with the example structure at the end of the following section, Creating Profit and
Loss Statements.
6.4 Creating Profit and Loss Statements
All balance sheet accounts have to appear under the items Assets and Liabilities; these are
defaulted by the system. No accounts are assigned to the levels Net result: Profit, Net result:
Loss, and Profit and Loss Result in the financial statement version for TEST Inc. The item

Profit and Loss Statement, to which all profit and loss accounts are assigned, has to be created
on the same level as Assets and Liabilities.

Click on the red field Liabilities.

Edit Create items
In the dialog box Create Items, a vertical line appears to the left. This represents the
hierarchy level on which you have entered Liabilities. In this hierarchy level, go to the line
under Liabilities.
In this line, enter 3000 in the left field, and Profit and Loss Statement in the right field.

Doubleclick on the blue field 3000 and enter the group start and group end (profit and loss
statement) as for Assets and Liabilities above. In the field End of group, select Display
totals and enter the number 3000 on the right hand side at the top of this dialog box.

Assign the item 3100 Revenues, with the revenue accounts 273000, 276000, and 800000,
and the item 3200 Expenses with the expense accounts 210000, 223000, and 226000 to
the node Profit and Loss Statement.


Assign item number 4000 and the text Appropriation of Net Income to the item P+L result,
and item number 5000 and the text Accounts Not Assigned to the item Not Assigned.
Your financial statement version should then look as follows:


>> To see an example of an extensive financial statement version, look at the versions INT
and GKR using transaction FSE3. <<
6.5 Tasks: Closing Operations
6.5.1 Checking Data Consistency
There are several things (software errors, hardware problems, human error, and so on), which,
despite all precautionary measures, can lead to data inconsistencies. Since TEST Inc. wants to
create its financial statements on the basis of consistent data (otherwise there are other
problems: Audit!!!), you have to carry out consistency checks. Report SAPF190 carries out a
comparison of the total amounts from the documents, the total amounts from the indexes, and
the transaction figures.
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
General ledger Periodic processing Closing Check/count Reconciliation (New)
Alternatively: Transaction FAGLF03

Field General selections:

Company code: XXXX
Fiscal year: 2006
Fiscal month: 01 to 16

Field Reconciliation parameters

Documents-Transaction figures: (Select)
Indexes-Transaction figures: (Select)

Program Execute in background

Dialog box Background print parameters

Output Device: (Optional)

Dialog box Start times


You can check whether the job you started is (still) running via the job list (System Own
jobs). The output of report SAPF190 is written in a spool file. You can look at this in
transaction SP02 once the job has finished.
Caution: To ensure that you discover data inconsistencies as early as possible, you should
carry out the consistency check once every month. However, first run report SAPF190 for one
company code and one fiscal month. Otherwise the quantity of data (in customer systems)
could lead to a program termination.
>> As long as SAPF190 is running, you cannot make any changes (!) in the dataset specified
by the company code and fiscal month (no postings, clearings, batch jobs, and so on).
Otherwise, SAPF190 could list differences that do not actually exist. Can you think of any
reasons why this problem might occur? If necessary, ask your mentor.

Look at your spool file and identify the results for the reconciliations selected (documentstransaction figures and indexes-transaction figures).
If differences occur in your data, you can run a detailed analysis using report RFINDEX
(ZFINDEX in customer systems). In this case, consult your mentor. <<
6.5.2 Creating Financial Statements
Finally, create financial statements for TEST Inc. You can do this by running report
RFBILA00 (you can call this up via transaction SE38).
Navigation: SAP Easy Access SAP Menu Accounting Financial accounting
General ledger Information system General ledger reports (New) Fiscal Statement /
Cash Flow General Actual/actual comparisons Financial Statement
Alternatively: Transaction F.01

Chart of accounts: XXXX

Company code: XXXX

Tab page: Further selections

Financial statement version: XXXX
Language: EN
Reporting year: 2006
Reporting periods: 1 to 16
Comparison year: 2000
Comparison periods: 1 to 16
Classic list: (Select)
Tab page: Special evaluations
Financial statement type 1
Tab page: Output control
Company code summarization: 1
Business area summarization 2
- Comparison type: 1
- Scaling: 0/0
- Start page numbering: 1

Program Execute

>> The data for the financial statements is taken from table FAGLFLEXT. Why is no data
taken from other tables, such as KNC1 or LFC1? If necessary, ask your mentor.
Do the retained earnings agree with the profit and loss statement?
Does the assets total agree with the liabilities total?
Does the value in the field Appropriation of net income agree with the profit and loss
If not, contact your mentor! <<

7 Appendix
7.1 Document Display
When the New General Ledger is active, a financial accounting document has always two
views: The entry view and the General Ledger View.
Aside from the leading Ledger, you may also see the document in other, non-leading ledgers
within the general ledger view.
Entry view: View of how a document appears in the sub-ledger views / sub-ledgers
General Ledger View: View of how a document only appears in the general ledger!
The General Ledger View depends on the assignment of scenarios to ledgers, if document
splitting is activated and how many ledgers are assigned to company code and ledger group.
The clearing (clearing document numbers) for the documents specified in the column
Document number only refers to the line item with the customer/vendor account specified.
Document Display

Document type




















































Document number






G/L accounts





* The clearing information for document 1900000007 in task 2.3 takes into account the
clearing reset in task 2.23 and the new clearing in task 4.2. The clearing reset also replaced
the clearing information in document 1500000003 (task 2.20).
7.2 Overview of Transactions Used
An entry in the field Customizing means that the transaction is a Customizing transaction.

Data consistency check
Customer invoice
Post customer incoming payment with clearing
Vendor credit memo
Vendor invoice
Vendor manual clearing
Post vendor outgoing payment with clearing
Park vendor invoice
Call up payment program
Call up dunning program
Reverse document
Vendor invoice/credit memo (Enjoy)
Customer invoice/credit memo (Enjoy)
Accounting configuration
Vendor line item list
Customer line item list
Customizing for dunning program
Display and change document number ranges
Reset clearing
Post parked documents
Change parked documents
Customizing for payment program
Display check information
Create customer





Change customer
Customer balance display
Change house banks
Create vendor
Change vendor
Vendor balance display
Edit G/L account master record
G/L account balance display
Change financial statement version
Park/post customer invoice (Enjoy)
Change fiscal year variants
Change chart of accounts
Define tax accounts (account determination)
Change periods for posting periods
Change accounts for automatic postings
Change assignment company code -> chart of
Define accounts for automatic transfer posting of
tax payable
Change tolerance groups for customers
Change tolerance groups for employees
Change document types
Change terms of payment
Define payment difference reasons
Change variants for posting periods
Assignment of company code -> posting period
Change field status variant
Change assignment company code -> field status
Change customer account groups
Change vendor account groups
Define accounts for cash discount clearing (net
Define accounts for cash discount expense
Define reconciliation account for customer down
Define accounts for cash discount received
Change global company code data
Define alternative reconciliation account for down
Change G/L account groups
Change company code
Display table structure
Display table content
Program call
Table view maintenance (Customizing)
Batch input session overview
Overview of own spool requests





Edit Customizing
Enter G/L account document for group (Enjoy) in
New GL
Enter general posting for group in New GL
Closing cockpit in New GL
Foreign currency valuation open items and balances
in New GL
Regrouping Receivables/ Payables
G/L acc. balance carry-over

7.3 Overview of Tables Used

Document header data
Customer - cleared line items
Vendor - cleared line items
G/L account - cleared line items
Document - line items (only if leading ledger is
involved or no ledger group at all) Entry view
is saved here
Document line items (only if leading ledger is
not involved and a non-leading ledger is explicitly
involved) Entry view is saved here
Ledger and split information per line item
(General Ledger view is saved here )
Tax information
Customer - open line items
Vendor - open line items
G/L account - line items
G/L account master transaction figures
Customer master (general)
Customer master (company code)
Transaction figures - customer
Vendor master (general)
Vendor master (company code)
Transaction figures - vendor
Dunning run: Status management
Dunning run: Items
Dunning run: Accounts
Check data
Payment run: Paid items - header data
Payment run: Paid items:
G/L account master - chart of accounts
G/L account master - company code
Document header data for parked document
Vendor line items for parked document


G/L account line items for parked document

Company code data
Document types
Tolerances for business partners
Ledger group
Assignment of ledgers to ledger group
Ledger group Texts
General information for activated New GL


End of the FI exercise



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