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ECE 2 (4th sem)

Linear control system

Assignment 1
Q 1: Block Diagram Reduction.

A block diagram of a multiple-loop feedback control system is shown in Figure 1.
It is interesting to note that the feedback signal H1(s)Y(s) is a positive feedback
signal, and the loop G3(s)G4(s)H1(s) is called a positive feedback loop.
First, to eliminate the loop G3G4H1, we move H2 behind block G4 by using rule
4, and therefore obtain Figure 2 (a).

1. Multiple-loop feedback control system

Eliminating the loop G3G4H1 we obtain Figure 2 (b).

Then, eliminating the inner loop containing H2/G4, we obtain Figure 2 (c).
Finally, by reducing the loop containing H3, we obtain the closed-loop system
transfer function as shown in Figure 2 (d).

ECE 2 (4th sem)

Linear control system

Fig 2. Block diagram reduction of the system

Q 2. Reduce the system shown to a single transfer function.

Linear control system


ECE 2 (4th sem)

ECE 2 (4th sem)

Linear control system

Q 3. Draw signal flow graph for the following set of equations:


Step-by-step construction of the SFG

ECE 2 (4th sem)

Linear control system

Q 4. Consider the SFG of a closed loop control system as given in Figure below. By using the gain
formula, find the transfer function . Y(s)/R(s).

SFG of a feedback control system

1. There is only one forward path between R(s) and T(s), and the forward-path gain is P1 =
2. There is only one loop; the loop gain is L1 = -G(s) H(s).
3. There are no non-touching loops.
4. = 1 - L1 =1 + G(s) H(s) and 1 = 1.
5. Thus,

Q 5. For the system shown in Figure below, determine the gain between y1 and y5.

1. There are three forward paths
Path 1: y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
Path 2: y1 y2 y4 y5
Path 3: y1 y2 y5
2.There are four loops
Loop 1: y2 y3 y2

P1 = a12 a23 a34 a45

P2 = a12 a24 a45
P3 = a12 a25
L1 = a23 a32

Linear control system

Loop 2: y3 y4 y3
L2 = a34 a43
Loop 3: y2 y4 y3 y2
L3 = a24 a43 a32
Loop 4: y4 y4
L4 = a44
3.Non-touching loops: y2 y3 y2 and y4 y4
Thus the product of the gains of the two non-touching loops:
L1L4 = a23 a32 a44
= 1 (L1 + L2 + L3 + L4) + L1L4
= 1 (a23 a32 + a34 a43 + a24 a43 a32 + a44) + a23 a32 a44
All the loops are in touch with forward path P1, thus 1 =1.
All the loops are in touch with forward path P2, thus 2 =1.
Two loops (y3 y4 y3 and y4 y4) are not touching with forward path P3.
Thus, 3 = 1 - a34a43 a44.
5. Thus

ECE 2 (4th sem)

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Assignment 2
Q 1. State whether stable or unstable
a) (s-2)(s+1)(s-3)=s3-4s2+s+6=0
b) 2s4+s3+3s2+5s+10=0
c) s4+s3+2s2+2s+3=0
d) s5+4s4+8s3+8s2+7s+4=0
a.This equation has one negative coefficient. Thus, we know without applying Routh's
test that not all the roots of the equation are in the left-half s-plane. In fact, from the
factored form of the equation, we know that there are two roots in the right-half s-plane,
at s = 2 and s = 3. For the purpose of illustrating, the Routh's tabulation is made as

Since there are two sign changes in the first column of the tabulation, the equation has
two roots located in the right-half s-plane.
b. Since this equation has no missing terms and the coefficients are all of the same sign, it
satisfies the necessary conditions for not having roots in the right half or on the imaginary
axis of the s-plane. However, since these conditions are necessary but not sufficient, we
have to check the Routh's tabulation.

Since there are two changes in the first column of the tabulation, the equation has two
roots in the right half of the s-plane.
c. Since all the coefficients are nonzero and of the same sign, we need to apply the
Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Routh's tabulation is carried out as follows:

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Since the first element of the s2 row is zero, the element in the s1 row would all be
infinite. To overcome this difficulty, we replace the zero in the s2 row by a small positive
number and then proceed with the tabulation.

Since there are two sign changes in the first column of Routh's tabulation, the equation
has two roots in the right-half s-plane.
d. The Routh's tabulation is

A(s) = 4s2 + 4 = 0
The derivative of A(s) with respect to s is
dA(s)/ds = 8s = 0
From which the remaining portion of the Routh's tabulation is

Since there are no sign changes in the first column, the system is stable. Solving the
auxiliary equation A(s) = 0, we get the two roots at s = j and s = -j, which are also two of
the roots of the characteristic equation. Thus, the equation has two roots on the j axis,
and the system is marginally stable. These imaginary roots caused the tabulation to have
an entire row of zeros in the s 2 row.
Q 2. In eq s3+3408.3s2+1204x103s+1.5x107k=0 determine the crucial value of k for

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)


For the system to be stable, all the coefficients in the first column must have the same
sign. This lead to the following conditions:

Therefore, the condition of k for the system to be stable is

0 < k < 237.57
If we let k = 273.57, the characteristic equation will have two roots on the j-axis. To
find these roots, we substitute k = 273.57 in the auxiliary equation, as follows:
A(s) =3408.3s2+4.1036x109=0
which has roots at s = j1097.27 and s = -j1097.27. Thus if the system operate with k =
273.57, the system response will be an undamped sinusoid with a frequency of 1097.27
Q 3.
For the system shown in Fig, find the system type and the steady state error for the unit
step function. Assume input and output units are the same.

Nonunity feedback control sytem

Ans. The first step in solving the problem is to convert the system into an equivalent
unity feedback system. Using the equivalent forward transfer function along with

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Linear control system

Q 1.

Bode plots for the system

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Root locus plot

Rule 4 tells that the segments of real axis between 0 and 1, and between 2 and - lie
on the root locus. On-locus segments are shown by thick lines in the Figure.
From Fig, it is seen that out of the three loci, one is a real-root locus originating from s =
2 and terminating on . The other two loci originate from s = 0 and s = 1, and move
on the real axis towards each other as K increases. Their meeting point corresponds to a
double root. As K increases further, the root loci breakaway from the real axis to give
complex conjugate pair of roots.
Rule 5 is used to calculate the intersection points on the imaginary axis by Routh Table.
The characteristic equation can be written as
The routh table is given below

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

For all roots to lie on the left half of the s-plane, the following conditions must be
K > 0, and (6 K)/3 > 0
Therefore, the critical value of K, which corresponds to the roots on the imaginary axis, is
6. K = 6 makes all the coefficients on s1 row to be zero. The auxiliary equation is formed
from the coefficients of the s2 row as:
The roots of this equation lie on the j axis and are given by s= j2 which are also the
points where the two root loci intersect the imaginary axis and the intersection points
correspond to K = 6.
Rule 6 and Rule 7 are not necessary in this case since there are no open-loop complex
poles or zeros.
Rule 8 is used to determine the breakaway points. From the characteristic equation of the
Thus, by differentiating K and equate it to zero,

The solutions of this equation are:

s = 0.4226 and s = 1.5774
Thus, s = 0.4226 is the breakaway point and, since the other point s = 1.5774 is not
on the root locus, it is not a breakaway point.
If two loci breakaway from a breakaway point, their tangents will be 1800 apart. In
general, if r loci breakaway from a breakaway point, then their tangents will be 3600/r
apart, i.e., the tangents will equally divide 3600.
The complete root loci are shown in Fig above . For K > 6, the system has two closedloop poles in the right half s-plane.
A closed-loop pole with = 0.5 lies on a line passing through the origin and making an
angle cos-1 = 600 with the negative real axis. From Fig, the points of intersection are s
= 0.33 j0.58 which are the dominant closed-loop poles. From the magnitude criterion,
the corresponding K can be found.

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Q 3. Sketch the root locus of a unity feedback system with forward path transfer function
G(s) given as:

Linear control system

ECE 2 (4th Sem)

Assignment 4
Q 1. A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function

It is desired to obtain a phase margin at 40 without sacrificing K of the system.

Select a suitable compensator and calculate its transfer function to meet the desired
specifications, Sketch the asymptotic bode plot of compensated and un-compensated

Q 14. Design a suitable lead compensator for a system with unity feedback and
having open loop transfer function

to meet the specifications

(a) Damping ratio = 0.5.
(b) Undamped natural frequency = 2 rad/sec.

Q 3. How is it possible to make assessment of relative stability using Nyquist

criterion? Construct Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function

Find the range of K for stability.


Nyquist criterion can be used to make assessment of relative stability.

Using the characteristic equation the Nyquist plot is drawn. A feedback system is
sable if and only if, the i.e. contour in the G (s) plane does not encircle the (-1, 0)
point when the number of poles of G(s) in the right hand s plane is zero.

If G (a) has P poles in the right hand plane, then the number of anticlockwise
encirclements of the (-1, 0) point must be equal to P for a stable system,
where N = No of clockwise encirclements about (-1, 0) point in C (s) plane
P0 = No of poles G (s) in RHP 0

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