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Name: _luis alejandro martinez___________________________________ Code:

__1436547_________________ Date: __12-12-2016______

Task 1.
Read the following passage:

Hewlett-Packard Company
Management approach
Early in the company's history the two founders endorsed formal management procedures,
being one of the first corporations to use the "management by objective" approach. They also
created an informal workplace, encouraging the use of first names among employees, even for
themselves. Packard and Hewlett were also known for "management by walking around," visiting
as many departments as possible without appointments or scheduled meetings and talking
with line workers as often as with managers in order to understand how the company was
operating. Hewlett-Packard became one of the first businesses in the United States to endorse
the idea that employees, customers, and the community have as valid an interest in company
performance as do shareholders. As a result, it consistently ranked among the best places to
work for women and minorities. It also became one of the leading contributors to charitable
organizations, donating as much as 4.4 percent of its pretax profits.
Now answer the following two questions:
What does the author mean by management walking around?

The idea of the author with the sentence Management walking around is that the
management had a direct contact whit the employees; they walked around the different
departments and talked with the people to saw how the company was operating.

What role do employees, customers and and the community play in Hewlett-Packard
Company? The role of these people was create interest in the company and created a
relation between personal and company, and this is attractive to the shareholders.

Task 2.
Translate the following sentences into English:
a] Debe haber un nuevo auditor en la compaa Enron. It must be a new auditor in the Enron
b] Habr un nuevo enfoque metodolgico. There will be a new methodology approach
c] Podra hacerme el favor de abrir la puerta? Could you do me the favor to open the door?
d] Te gustara salir conmigo esta noche? Would do you like take a date with me?
e] Tiene que practicar ingls Diego? diego have to practice eglish?

Task 3.
Use the appropriate preposition according to the context:
1. __on___ Saturday they left __from___ Europe.

2. They took a trip ___in__ June

3. The store opened __on___ May 23rd 1988.
4. They moved to Boston __on___ July, 1986.
6. They took a trip to Japan __in___ 1969.
7. They have a special schedule for us __at___ noon and _in____ midnight.
8. Try to be there _on____ 2:00 oclock ( not later than 2:00 oclock)
9. The parcel will arrive __in___ an hour.
10. He went to work early ___in___ the morning.
11. The managers secretarys birthday is __on____ 23rd September.
12. They stayed __for___ three weeks
13. We saw them often __on____ the summer.
14. We have been studying English ___in___ the beginning of the semester.
15. Ill call you __at___ beginning __of___ the session.
16. You will receive your check ___in___ end ___of___ the month.
17. Lets have lunch sometime __in____ middle __on____ the week.
Task 4.
According to the context, give the -ing function for the following words:
-ing FORM


Present participle
Finit verb form








Task 5.
Choose the best possibility according to the context:
1. Occupations in__these____current participants have the most education are projected to
have the most rapid growth rate.
a] that

b] which

c] who

d] these

2. As society grows increasingly dependent on technology, computer skills are not just
a] and

b] but

c] for

d] not

3. At the turn of the century, scientists wondered whether the atoms of chemical elements
were__composing____of smaller particles.
a] been composed

b composing

c] to compose

d] composed

4. From about 1910-1930, most physicists believed__that___atomic energy would be of no

practical value.

a] in

b] that

c] for

d] which

5. Over 2,100 valley residents and visitors lost__their____lives in the Johnstown Flood.
a] their

b] theyre

c] there

d] themselves

6. The first zoological garden in the United States_was establishing____in Philadelphia in

a] was establishing

b] being established

c] establishing

d] was established

7. Robert Goddard is generally acknowledged__to be___the father of modern rocketry.

a] being

b] to be

c] who is

d] is

8. To early man, the distinction___between___animate and inanimate objects was not always
a] from

b] among

c] with

d] between

9. In order to win a plurality, a candidate must receive__a greater number of___votes than
anyone running against him or her.
a] a greater number of

b] of greater number

c] greater number of

d] of a greater number
10. Most foods have more than one nutrient, but_no single food____provides all the essential
a] single no food

b] no single food

c] food no single

d] no food single33

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