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DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - Fwd: Final email as your supervisor

Blome, Charles <>

Fwd: Final email as your supervisor

1 message
Blome, Charles <>
To: Pierre Glynn <>

Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 10:02 AM

Hi Pierre,
As you may know, I set a date of Feb. 29 as the last day of the Inorganic Section of the Energy Geochemistry
Laboratory (EGL) . I also made Augusta Warden supervisor and project chief of the EGL starting on March 1, 2016.
Augusta was unofficially running the organic side of the project for Brian Marshall for many years so it makes perfect
sense to give her official authority and also new opportunities as the new project chief. There is still lots to do to finalize
closure, such as reassigning employees with new duties, finding homes for all of the lab equipment, finalizing any HR
actions, and finish cleaning out the lab spaces so we can give them back to either GSA or reassign the space the
Crustal or Mineral Teams.
Shutting the Inorganic Section down and removing (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) as (b) (7)(C), (b) (6) was neither a quick nor pleasant
decision. But the reputation of the CERSC and the USGS is paramount and I look forward to the continuance of a
healthy and vibrant organic laboratory with both research and production capabilities. Thank you so much for all your
support and your help in this endeavor.
Chuck Blome
CERSC Director
303-236-1278 Office
303-717-0682 cell Email


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