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Singing Bowl


Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.


A Special Report by Lillian Too (condensed version)


Transforming & Enhancing Energy With Sound
In feng shui we believe that everything buildings, gardens, mountains and the rooms in
your house all have their own energy and sound but this can change instantly depending
on the chi that surrounds them at any given time. In this report well address the magic of
metallic sounds going deeper into the dimension of sound for space enhancement and
space protection.
We use sound to overcome obstacles and cleanse and remove heavy or negative energy
from our living or working space and even our gardens to lighten the energy especially
if a variety of people or events may have caused the space to become heavy and
unbalanced. And done correctly, the local spirits and spiritual landlords will also be appeased!
For centuries people have carried on the ancient practice of using various tools of sound to
soothe and change the energy of any living space temple bells, drums, gongs, singing bells
and singing bowls to name but a few. One of the methods I like best is the singing bowl.
Benefits of The Singing Bowl
In feng shui, use of the singing bowl has many benefits:
To transform and clear inauspicious energies
To enhance existing good energy of your living space
To activate the element energies of certain directions
and corners.
To soothe the vibrations of the living space and
create harmony.
In fact, after a space clearing has been done properly
with a singing bowl, most people feel happier in the
house because the humming tone of the bowl is quite
peaceful and relaxing.

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Singing Bowl Magic

Choosing & Caring For Your Singing Bowl

Singing bowls are usually round in shape and
each is individually hand made using seven
different metals. They come in various sizes, but
actually the size of the bowl is not so important.
Choosing the singing bowl you like is a matter of
personal preference just make sure that you try
out a few and select one that has affinity with
you. Certain bowls, properly made, will sing at
the correct pitch and are excellent for transforming
chi in any space. Just tapping the bowl gently with
your finger or rubbing it will create a beautiful sound.

Singing bowls come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The quality of the sound is determined by the thickness of the rim

of the bowl and the depth of the bowl. The shape of the bowl
itself plays an important part as far as feng shui is concerned as it
captures and traps all the bad energy and transforms it into good
sheng chi luck energy.
The seven metals used are tin, copper, zinc, iron, lead, silver and
gold, each representing a different planet. Gold represents the
sun and ultimate yang energy while silver is the moon and yin
energy. Copper represents Venus, iron represents Mars, tin
represents Jupiter, lead represents Saturn and zinc is Mercury.
The silver and gold represent the union of yin and yang within
the bowl.
The special harmony of sound created as you strike the singing
bowl symbolically cleanses all the space touched by the sound
bringing yin and yang into perfect balance. So, when you do this
there is no risk of excessive yin or yang energy in the home.
With this new balance of energy in your home or office, people
living there feel more balanced themselves, less frenetic and
more flexible everyone moves at a more even pace. So, using
sound to bring yin and yang into balance creates many benefits.
The singing of the bowl also helps to bring yang essence into
the heart of your living space or office and over time your
singing bowl will respond to your own intrinsic energy. Therefore
its important to always keep your singing bowl wrapped in soft
material like silk or velvet and of course to use it often to keep
it in tune with the inherent vibrations of the living space.

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

The 7 Metals
represents the
sun and ultimate
yang energy
the moon and
yin energy.
represents Venus.
represents Mars.
represents Jupiter,
represents Saturn
represents Mercury.

Singing Bowl Magic

How To Use A Singing Bowl

Getting To Know You
The first thing to do is get to know your singing bowl because every bowl has a slightly
different sound and soon you will notice how every space and environment causes the bowl
to resonate differently. In addition your own energy, which could change at any moment, will
cause the bowl to sound different at different times.
First place the singing bowl on its small cushion on
your left palm (upturned) and just hold it for a minute.
Placing the bowl on the small round cushion as you
carry it around improves and actually purifies the sound
of the bowl causing it to ring on for a longer period of
time. Feel the weight of the bowl in your hands and let
it sit comfortably there.
Now, take the wooden or metal mallet and gently
strike the rim with it. Everyone hears a different sound
maybe a humming or singing kind of sound, or a very
deep sound. Keep trying it youll love all the different
sounds as you experiment with the sound and vibrations.
It takes some time but with practice you will become
very proficient.

Place your singing bowl on a cushion to

improve and purify the sound.

When you purify a room or space on a regular basis, the sounds emitted each day will
become clearer and sharper as they reflect the energy of the surrounding space. As you
continue your practice you will become more aware of these subtle changes.
Other Methods Of Making Your Bowl Sing
Heres another way to make the bowl sing: rub the mallet around the rim of the bowl in a
clockwise direction and keep a firm tension on the mallet as the humming sound increases.
If it doesnt sing this way, then try striking the bowl first to wake it up and then rub the rim.
Remember the important thing is to maintain the tension of the mallet against the rim of the
bowl and to press firmly and evenly. With practice you will become very good at making your
bowl sing and youll be amazed at the beauty of the sounds that you can create.
Another thing you might like to try is to add a small amount of water to your singing bowl to
see if you like the different sounds that this creates. The tones will change as you add more
water so just experiment and decide what particular tone feels best to you and has affinity
with the space your are clearing.
Try rubbing the rim with the mallet and also striking the rim gently to see which produces the
sounds you like with water in the bowl.

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Singing Bowl Magic

As you continue to use your singing bowl youll become more familiar with it and start to
recognize the vibrations and tones and how they can change within seconds from being
unharmonious to a beautiful humming sound. The sound made by the bowl will balance the
surrounding chi and once this happens the bowl will sing and send out a nice humming
sound that is very soothing for everyone.

The Space Clearing Ritual

First Refresh the Energy
Begin by opening all the windows of your home (or as many as
possible) and turning on overhead fans if you have them. The
outside air flowing in helps to refresh the energy inside the rooms
of your home. Leave the windows open for about an hour and
of course its best to choose a nice sunny day so that fresh yang
energy invigorated by the sunshine can enter and move slowly
throughout your living space. If its raining outside, dont worry
because that works too the air is clear after being purified and
energized by the rain.
For a very thorough cleansing you may want to open the doors of
your storerooms, closets and kitchen cupboards to let the stale air
out and the good fresh clean air in.
When this is completed, symbolically cleanse all the surfaces using
a white cloth soaked in water that has been left out in the sun.
Wipe down the surfaces of your doors, windows and furniture and
even your floors.

Refresh with plenty of yang energy.

Now Use The Singing Bowl

Focus your mind and concentrate clearly on what you are doing. Before you begin and
throughout the process, I recommend that you visualize the negative energy in the room
being absorbed by the bowl and being transformed into positive energy. Normally I do the
singing bowl only after purifying my space with incense and smoke to appease the spirits...
you can certainly begin the singing bowl practice before doing your incense clearing
practice... its entirely up to you.
With the bowl on the cushion of your left hand strike the bowl 3 times as you enter the room.
This establishes the ringing sounds, which will progressively purify the existing vibrations of the
room. Listen carefully to the sound and follow its resonance. As the sound dies, strike the rim
again and keep doing this as you move around the room. Be sure to stay close to the walls of
each room so that any negative energy that may be stuck on the walls will be loosened and
then purified by the sounds from your singing bowl.

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Singing Bowl Magic

Move in a clockwise direction around each room. For space purification you are trying to
achieve a continuous clear sound or humming as you move clockwise around each room.

As you do this chant the following mantra:


Chanting this mantra means that each time you strike the singing bowl blessings emanate
from the singing bowl in many directions.
Try to start in a location in your home that will allow you to move in a clockwise direction,
room-to-room around your entire apartment or home, and try to maintain the clear or
humming sound throughout dont stop tapping the bowl as you finish each room but
continue tapping as you move from room to room. When you come to a window or a door,
circle around it three times with the bowl to reinforce the clearing process.
When you undertake space clearing and purification on a regular basis you will feel an
instant and amazing difference in the energy of your home or office. Your spirits will be
uplifted and the energy of the house will seem lighter everyone will have more of a
relaxed easy-going feeling once the heavy and unbalanced energy has been transformed.
The sounds you produce from the singing bowl are very fine and pure which also creates
fresh growth energy in your home or office. This wonderful ritual benefits you and all family
members so I highly recommend that you start today and make this a regular addition to
your feng shui practice.

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Singing Bowl Magic

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