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Adaptive criteria 351

Administered VMS 345
Advertising 402-416-430
Advertising agency 444
Advertising appeal 435
Advertising budget 432
Advertising clutter 432
Advertising investment 443
Advertising media 432-439
Advertising messages 432
Advertising objectives 431
Advertising strategy 432
Affordable method 415
Analyzing customer needs 349
Atmospheres 413
Attention 410
Audience engagement 442
Audiovisual materials 450
Awareness 409

Channel level 341

Choosing among major media types 440
Choosing media 412
Collecting feedback 414
Communication effects 443
Comparative advertising 432
Competitive-parity method 416
Competitors strategies and prices 304
Considerations in Setting Price 291
Consumer-Generated messages 438
Contact 340
Continuity 443
Continuous inventory replenishment systems
Contractual VMS 345
Control issues 351
Conventional distribution channels 343-344
Conviction 409
Copy 438
Corporate identity materials 450
Corporate VMS 344
Cost as a Function of Production Experience
Cost at different levels of production 296
Cost at Different Levels of Production 296
Cost-based pricing 292-295
Cost-plus pricing 297
Creating the Advertising message 434
Creative concept 435
Creative message 435
Cross-functional team work 361
Customer marketing channels 341
Customer perception of value 291
Customer-centered logistics thinking 356

ction 410

rand contact 406

Break-even pricing 298

Break-even volume 298
Breaking through the clutter 432
Breaking through the Clutter 434
Broadcasting 404
Building logistic partnership 361
Business marketing channels 341
Buyer-readiness stages 409-410
Buzz marketing 413-450

hannel conflict 342

Customer-value delivery network 349

eciding on Media Timing 443

Deciding on reach, frequency, and impact 440

Decline stage 420
Decoding 408
Demand chain 338
Demand curve 303
Designing a Message 410
Designing International Distribution Channels
Desire 410
Development 448
Direct marketing 402-418
Direct marketing channel 341
Disintermediation 347
Distribution center 358
Distribution channels 338-342

conomic conditions 305

Economic criteria 351

Editorial quality 442
Electronic data interchange (EDI) 360
Emotional appeals 411
Encoding 408
Evaluating Channel Members 354
Events 413
Exclusive dealing 356
Exclusive distribution 351-356
Exclusive territorial agreements 356
Execution style 436
Experience curve (learning curve) 296

antasy 437

Feedback 408-409
Financing 340
Fixed cost 295
Flow of ownership 341
Format 438
Franchise 345
Franchise organization 345
Franchisor 345
Frequency 440

oals of logistics system 357

Good-value pricing 293

Government 305
Green supply chain 357
Growth stage 420

igh-low pricing 293

Horizontal conflict 342

Horizontal marketing system 345
Hybrid marketing channel 346

dentifying Major Alternatives 350

Illustration 438
Inbound distribution 356
Indirect marketing channel 341

Information 340
Information flow 341
Informative advertising 431
Integrated logistics management 361
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
Integrating the Promotion Mix 420
Intensive distribution 351
Intensive distribution 351
Interest 410
Intermediaries 339-340
Intermodal transportation 360
International Advertising Decisions 444
Introduction stage 420
Inventory management 359
Investor relations 448

nowledge 409

earning curve 296

Liking 409
Lobbying 448
Logistics Information Management 360
Long run average cost 296
Low-cost producers 295

adison & Vine 435

Major logistics Functions 358

Major media 413

Major Public Relations Tools 450

Make-and-sell 338
Managing and Motivating Channel Members
Manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise
system 345
Manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise
system 345
Market share 432
Marketing channel 338-339
Marketing channel design 348
Marketing channel management 352
Marketing communications mix 402
Marketing logistic 356
Markup price 297
Markup pricing 297
Matching 340
Materials and parts
Mature stage 420
Media 408
Media impact 440
Media timing 442
Media types 441
Media Vehicles 442
Message 408
Message content 411
Message execution 436
Message format 412
Message strategy 436
Message structure 411
Monopolistic competition 302
Mood or image 437
Moral appeals 411
Multichannel distribution systems 346
Musical 437

arrowcasting 404

Negotiation 340
New marketing communications landscape
News 450
Noise 409
Nonpersonal communication channels 413
Nonprice positions 300
Number of Marketing Intermediaries 350

bjective-and-task method 416

Oligopolistic competition 302

Opinion leaders 413
Organizational Considerations 300
Other external factors 304
Outbound distribution 356
Overall marketing strategy, objectives and mix
Overhead (fixed cost) 295

artner relationship management (PRM)

Payment flow 341
Percentage-of-sales method 415
Personal communication channels 412
Personal selling 402-417
Personal selling 422
Personality symbol 437
Persuasive advertising 431

Physical distribution 340-356

Physical flow 341
Preference 409
Press relations or agency 448
Price 290
Price elasticity 304
Price sensitive 304
Pricing 339
Pricing different types of markets 302
Pricing power 293
Product life cycle 432
Product publicity 448
Profiles of Major Media Types 441
Promotion 340
Promotion flow 341
Promotion mix 402-416
Public affairs 448
Public policy and Distribution Decisions 355
Public relation tools 450
Public relations 402-417-448
Public service activities 450
Pull strategy 418
Pulsing 443
Purchase 409
Pure competition 302
Pure monopoly 303
Push strategy 418

ational appeals 411

Reach 440
Receiver 408-409
Reminder advertising 431-432
Resellers 305
Response 408-409
Responsibilities of channel members 351

Return on advertising investment 443

Reverse distribution 356
Risk taking 340
Role and Impact of Public Relations 448

ales and profit effects 443

Sales promotion 402-417

Scientific evidence 438
Selecting channel members 352
Selecting message source 414
Selecting Specific Media Vehicles 442
Selective distribution 351
Sender 408
Sense-and-response 338
Service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise
systems 345
Setting channel objectives 350
Setting the Total promotion budget 415
Shared projects 362
Shifting marketing communications model 404
Slice of life 436
Social concerns 305
Social networking processes 450
Socially responsible Marketing
communication 421
Special events 450
Speeches 450
Standardization 446
Storage warehouse 358
Supply chain 337-338
Supply chain management 356-357

arget costing 300

Target profit pricing 298

Technical expertise 437
Testimonial evidence or endorsement 438
The Market and Demand 302
Third-party logistics (3PL) provider
outsourced logistics or contract logistics 362
Tone 438
Total costs 295
Transportation 359
Tying agreements 356
Types of intermediaries 350

alue delivery network 338-339

Value-added pricing 293

Value-based pricing 291-292
Variable costs 296
Vehicles audience quality 442
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) 361
Vertical conflict 342
Vertical marketing system (VMS) 343-344
View of the Communication process 407

arehousing 358

Word-of-mouth influence 412

Words 438
Written materials 459

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