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ved *he assen* of the Governcr on the 29th
gust 1954 ; first p~blirhedin the Fort st. George
azette on the 8th September 1954.)

r Bh~vanisagarjn t b
e for its ad&&tr&ion

it is expedient to constitute a township for

enacted in the Fifth Year of Our Republic as
300 Brilnvcrzaisagc~
[I954 : T. N. Act XXV
(2) Where the limits of the area specified in the Schcdule arc altered by ndifica~ionunder sub-scction (11, the
notificsfio11 may .also contain sr ch prcvlsions regarding
the application .; crsser of sppllcatioi~ cif ally enactment anti t hc local authority which is to exel cise, or
c:ase to c x : cis::
~ jurisdiction, in relation to the ;\I-ea
included in or exs1ildt.d from the Bhavanisfigar township,
the appL~!.:2~nrn..n;
and adjustm.:nt of asscts artd liabilities
as b:tw:;ri tki. ti?r;al authorities concerncci and othcr
incidental or cdnsequcntial matters, as the State Governmcnt P : ~ V d a r n r,eci=ssary or propc~.
(3) T h r '[Tcm:i Natlu] VI11:lgc P:i ncii::yats Act, 1950
('[Tamil Nab] Act X of 19561, shall, with cffect o n and
from thc :tppc.lntcrl ci:r~c, c e w to :!pply to the Rhavc~

3 . 2[( 1) F or thc purpase oi' admi nistcring the
and municipsl li.ffaIrs of tklc Biiavauisagar tdwnship, thc State
ccmpasition Governm-nt shal:, by notificrition, constitutr: a committee
t o bs ca llcd thc Bhwanisagar Tuwnsl~ip Cornrnittce
trati'n of( herei,naf tr r r3krrc.d to as the Tow~xhip Committee)
Bhavdnisagar consist! ng of th2 folhwing membir s, nasueiy :township.


(a) Members of the Hcuse of the People and

Members cf the Legislative Assembly, chose11to represent
a constituency nhich consists of, or comprises, or which
relates to, the township or any portion thereof, 2nd
Members of the LagislativeCouncil who ordincrily ;eside
in the ;ownship ;ar3d

(6)such on-officials, not less than two in

number, and such officers of the State Government, as
they may appoint.
( I -A) Where a pcrson ceoscs to bc a hlembcr of
the Hcrse of the P;o:?le I r a Member cf the St::tr: Legislature, he shall c-ssc to be a mcrnber of ihc Township
Committee from th:: date on which hc cearcs to be such

1Thse worcls were su bsr jtuted for tho word

iMudras '' by t ne
Tamil Nadu Adaptat:on of Laws Order, 1963, as amended by the
Tami 1 NaduAdaptation ~f Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
2These sub-sections rvers substituted for st1 b-sectic,n(1) by section
7 (i) of the Met t ur To wnsllip, Courtat lam Tovmsilip and Bhav~nisagar Township.(Arnzn~imerit)Act, 1972 (Tamil NlSu Act 6 of 1973).

' _




9 %

2) The State Govarnment shall appoint(a) one of the members of

ominittee to be its Chairman ; and

the Township

(6) another perspn (not 5eiilg a member of the

Township Committee) to be its Executive Officer.

l[(2-A) Notwithstanding a nythil~g contained


sub-section (2), no member of the Township =-%mittee,

who is a Member of the House of the iJeeoplc'br a Member of the State Lzgislaturc shall be appointed by the
State Goverilment to be its Chairman.]

(3) Thc Township Committee sha'll be r? body cmporate, having perpetual succession and a cornmom seal,
and subject to any restrictions or qualifications imposed
by or under this or m y other enactment, shall be vested
with the capacity of suing and being sued in its corporate
name, of a cqriring, holding and transferring property,
movable or imrnova ble, of entering irl to contt-acts, and
of doing all things necessary, proyor cr expedient for
the purposes for which it is constituted.
4. ( 1) The State Governmen
ct that
any of the
amil Nadu] District. - Muni
amil Nadu Act V of 1920), or o
ctment for the time b; ing in force

Bhavanisagar: townshi
to su
to s u c h e x t e ~ at l l d sl~f?ik?~f
tions and restrictions as may bs sp
1This sub-section was inserted by section 7 (ii) of the
Tomship, Courtal lam Tawnship and Bhavanisaga
(Amendment) Act, 1972 (TamilNadu Act 6 of 1973.)
t ituted for the ward '' Madras "
Laws Order, 1963, as amended
f Laws (Second Amendment)

Metturby the
by the

d far th2 wc rds and lettcrs " natiecation

" by section 2 of the Mettur Township,
havanisagar Township (Amendment)


. P


~ a r t i c u l : ~arid
withcut prejudice to the
g ~ n c l - d i t y01 the fo!.c~cingprovision, su ~ $ 3 notification
may authorize-'Q

(nj thc Township Comrniti2i to i i \ y ;ill or any

of the taxss s nd fccr whit-h inay b;: lcvicd by virtue of

the provisio~lsa.t-qdicablc to tht: township lincler this

section ; and

( b ) the Executivl*Officer of the Township Committee

to exercise and perform in ~egardto the ftownship, the
powels and duties as~ignodto the cxccutiv2 authority of
a municipality undci- tllc provislo~~sappliccl as :ahresaid ,subject t o such i-e~;tricti~)ns,litnZti~tio~~s~li
nd conditions
atla to such conti-ol, if any, as may be specified in the
5. (1) All prop~rty, all rights of whatever kind
PrQpe*J'sused, enjoyed or pcssessed by, and all interests
and of whatevr;r
kind owned by or vested in or
ftht held irr trust by, or for the Kuduvay or Thoppampalayam
Kuduvay Pz.nchi?y;?t2s well as a]; li3 bilities legally subsisting against
and any of these panchzy~t
s, shall, in so far as such property,
rights, interests or lii2bilities relate to the whole cr zny part
panchayats. of the Bhavanisegi?~township, stand transferred. on and
from the appointed dzte to the Township Committee.
Transfer of

(2) All arrears of taxes or othcr paymclents by way

cornpeneation OF otherwise, dnc to either of the afor~said panehayats, immediately befcre the appointed date may, in
so far as such srrears or other payments relate to the
whole or any part of the Bhavanisagar township, be
recovered by the Township Committee.
of composition for a tax or due for expenses or

(3) All proceedings twken by or against either of

the aforesaid p~-nchaya.tsmay, in so h.rr s;: i h ~ yrelate

to any of the matters provided for in su b-seelions (1) and
(2), be continued by or against the Township Committee,



---- - -



- -.

of the Uettur ?'(-,mshjp,

$This section was omiticd by section 8

&~rtaltam T whip and 8havanisagar Tow~xship(hcndMOnt)
Ad, 1972 (Tarnil biadar c .ct of 6 of 1973,)

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