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The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition




M. Syarif, Bintoro W., and Reno F.



Asri basin is known as proven oil productive basin since Intan field discovery in 1987. The main
exploration and exploitation effort was made on relatively shallow Gita and upper Zelda formation for
more than 20 years. However only few of publications was made discussing early basin fill in the Asri
basin and it’s well known Banuwati lacustrine shale source rocks.

Seismic facies map of early basin fill facies study was done based on 2D seismic interpretation to identify
the general boundary of lateral distribution of the defined facies so called “A”, ”D”, “H”, “M” type facies
(in alphabetical order). They were calibrated by four well which was drilled penetrate Banuwati formation
trough basement in the flank and around Asri depocenter. Two of wells found very good source rock
quality with TOC content around 1.6 to 3.7 %weight correlate with type “A” and “H” facies. Others two
found the Banuwati formation with different kind of shale (“D” and “M” type facies).

The collaborated well log-seismic facies map suggests the sedimentation of Asri basin early fill relatively
was in alluvial-fluvial setting with north-south sediment transport direction. Locally, additional sediment
transports coming from west to east in the west flank and some alluvial fan and/or slump come from the
east flank side. FMI interpretation also suggests that the source of deposition is coming from these

As the result, Banuwati Coarse Clastic member divided into alluvial fan facies in the eastern part, braided
stream deposits facies in the central depocenter, fluvial and alluvial facies in the eastern part (distal part of
alluvial fan), and floodplain and abandonment facies on the western part of the basin.

The lacustrine source rocks was deposited in transgressed event, right after deposition of alluvial/fluvial
sedimentation formed relatively big lake environment covering all the Asri basin depocenter far away to
its flank.

INTRODUCTION petroleum system after Hariet-2 well penetrate oil

reservoir in Banuwati Coarse Clastic member
Asri basin in southeast Sumatra (SES) has below Banuwati Shale member named Banuwati-
approximately produces half billion barrels oil Hariet member petroleum system. (Figure 3).
from several fields including Intan and Widuri oil
fields (Figure 1). All of them are producing from Many publications are focused on Gita and upper
Gita and upper Zelda reservoir with depth ranging Zelda formation Gardner et al. (1999), Carter
from 3300ft to 3600ft depth (Figure 2). (2003), etc. However, deeper section like
Banuwati formation is also discussed in some
This Gita and upper Zelda formation reservoir are report. Zhu et al. 2005 proposed a tectonic and
known as reservoir in the Banuwati-Talang Akar sedimentary process in Sunda and Asri basin,
petroleum system of Asri basin (Sukanto et al., include Banuwati formation in the first sequence
1998). Sukanto et al. (1998) proposed another of the basin regional framework from the tectonic

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

and stratigraphic point of view. Most of their Coarse Clastic reservoir. This reservoir had fair to
analyses come from regional line therefore they good oil show while drilling and the average
rely on textbook model. Guritno (2005) works porosity is about 13.6% with permeability up to
mainly on tectonic evolution and proposed 31 mD. The DST test gives 24 barrel of oil and
segmented structural development in the early 16 barrel of water. The reservoir is suspected to be
basin development stage. damage since very heavy mud weight is used (up
to 15 ppg) and total lost circulation occurred while
Exploring the deeper section in Banuwati drilling.
formation is becoming a new strategy to add and
enhance reserve. Hariet-2 well, which was drilled On the top of the Banuwati Coarse Clastic
in 1995 until 12, 516’ MD (12, 435’ sub sea TVD) member, Hariet-2 penetrates the Banuwati Shale
until granitic basement, penetrates the early fill member with 310 feet of thickness. This anoxic
sediment, which called Banuwati Coarse Clastic black shale has very good TOC (5.12% wt%.) and
member (Figure 4). This Eocene-Oligocene coarse type 1 oil prone kerogen source rock. This
sandstone and conglomerate is deposited Banuwati Shale is interpreted as deep lake
unconformably right beneath granite basement. depositional environment.
On the top of Banuwati Coarse Clastic member
are laying black-organic rich Banuwati Shale, There are four wells in Asri basin already drilled,
which has 310 feet thick. This Banuwati Shale is which has penetrating the early fill Banuwati
known as source rock of Asri basin (Figure 4). Coarse Clastic member interval. They are Hariet-2
(1995), Darlene-1 (1996), Mega-1 (2003) and
In this paper, we want to focus the discussion Anastasia-1 (2004). All these wells are targeting
mainly on the early fill depositional system, which Banuwati Coarse Clastic member as reservoir.
is the first sequence in Asri basin, extracting from
seismic facies analysis. SEISMOFACIES

REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND Seismic reflection parameters consist of its

STRATIGRAPHY OF THE AREA configuration, continuity, amplitude, frequency,
internal velocity, and some external form
Asri Basin is one of the series tertiary basins associated with seismic facies unit (Mitchum et
located on the Sunda shield. A series of north- al., 1977). These parameters are the component of
south trending extensional faults creating some seismic facies analysis as description to the
half-graben depocenters, dividing the basinal area geologic interpretation of seismic reflection in
in to some sub-basin (Asri, Sunda and Hera basin) general.
within this area (Sukanto et al, 1998).
Since we will not predict any direct hydrocarbon
The syn-rift sediments consist of Zelda member indicator or related velocity anomaly, we use only
and Banuwati formation (Wight, 1987). The reflection configuration, continuity, amplitude,
Banuwati formation is divided into two members, and the external form for our facies analysis.
Banuwati Shale and Banuwati Coarse Clastic These factors will imply to the interpretation of
member. This Banuwati formation especially gross stratification patterns, depositional energy,
Banuwati Shale, is the only recognized source predicting lithology and depositional setting.
rock which provides about 1.2 billion barrels of
proven oil reserves in this area. We use 2D seismic data from different year
survey and processing flow due to illumination
There are two petroleum systems which has been effort. Therefore we consider possible different
recognized in Asri basin, Banuwati-TAF (!) perspective in the seismic image.
Petroleum system and Banuwati-Hariet/Banuwati
clastics (.) (Sukanto et al., 1998). The Banuwati- The seismic covered all Asri basin area by 0.5 Km
Hariet (.) petroleum system was not proven until grids in the west flank area near existing field and
the drilling of Hariet-2 well, which penetrated 310 1 to 2.5Km grid at the rest.
feet of Banuwati Shale, and 377 feet of Banuwati

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

Average interval velocity in the Banuwati Shale depositional energy regime with uniform rate of
and Banuwati Coarse Clastic member is 12000 sedimentation. They distributed mostly in
ft/sec and 9000ft/sec respectively with dominant southwest part of the Asri. The last example is
frequency 25-30Hz. Therefore, seismic resolution “D” type facies bounded by eroded basement at
for quarter wavelength of both Banuwati Shale bottom and erosional surface of overlying
and coarse clastic member is 75-120 ft. This is Banuwati Shale formation at the top. It has
means one seismic wiggle will represent 300 to chaotic reflection configuration, low to moderate
480 ft. amplitude, and low continuity (Figure 8). The
It is difficult to define depositional environment reflection configuration suggest slump or debris
vertically in detail due to poor seismic resolution. deposits. This facies is distributed in the east flank
However, we can extract more information and of the basin in the footwall of the bounding fault,
bound the interpretation using well-log data which creates this high-energy depositional
provided. regime.

Firstly we picked seismic facies from four key Banuwati Shale Member
wells that gave four different facies type, and later In Banuwati Shale interval, the “H” and “A” type
on the seismic facies is mentioned based on well- are the same both seismically and lithologically,
type facies. The wells are Anastasia-01, Darlene- therefore this interval is only divided into three
01, Hariet-02, and Mega-01 and the correlated seismic facies: “M”, “D”, and “H/A” type. The
seismic facies is simply called “A”, “D”, “H”, and “H/A” type is bounded by conformable surface at
“M” type facies. bottom and toplapping surface at the top with
some erosional features especially in the basin
Discussion will begin with Banuwati Coarse flank area. Reflection configuration is mostly
Clastic member followed by Banuwati Shale parallel with divergent indication from Hariet
member. location in basinward direction, high amplitude,
and high continuity (Figure 5 and 6). The
Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member reflection configuration suggest uniform rate of
Figure 5 is the “H” type facies. It is conformable sedimentation and small change laterally in the
with Banuwati Shale member at the top and basin center. This facies is spreadout covers most
onlapping surface into basement at bottom. of Asri basin with some erosional indication
Reflection configuration is mostly parallel- specifically at west flank of Asri. More erosional
subparallel (a) and divergent basinward direction features at bottom and conformable surface at the
(b), moderate to high amplitude, and moderate to top bound the “M” type facies. Subparallel
high continuity. The parallel reflection reflection configuration with moderate amplitude
configuration suggests high energy depositional and moderate continuity (Figure 7) characterized
with uniform rate of sedimentation and change this facies type. This facies is specifically found in
laterally basinward probably due to some more the southwest area. Erosional features at top and
axial influx from the north. The “A” type facies bottom bound “D” type facies. Its reflection
bounded by conformable surface at top and configuration is chaotic, low amplitude, and low
erosional surface at bottom on top of basement. Its continuity (Figure 8). The “D” type is spreadout
reflection configuration is sub parallel if flattened along the bounding fault of the eastern part of
but we like to interpret mostly as contorted Asri. This facies has similar character with the
configuration, moderate to high amplitude and “D” in the Banuwati Coarse Clastic member
moderate continuity (Figure 6). We interpret this suggest periodic sedimentation of slump and
facies in relatively high depositional energy debris deposits from the high relief in the eastern
regime. The “H” and A” facies is distributed part.
widely in Asri basin. Figure 7 shows “M” type
facies, which bounded by conformal surface at WELL DESCRIPTION
bottom and erosional surface at the top. Parallel
reflection configuration, moderate to high Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member
amplitude and moderate to high continuity. We This formation lies beneath the granitic basement
suggest that “M” facies is in relatively low as early fill sediment when the basin started to

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

form. From FMI, mudlog and log analysis of Darlene-1 is interpreted as alluvial fan facies, with
Hariet-2 well (Figure 4), which located in Western immature conglomeratic facies, mafic mineral
part of basin depocenter, the lithology consists of from basement source and the immature lithic
gravel conglomeratic on the lower zone. This fragments supports the interpretation as alluvial
lower zone comprised entirely a series of stacked, fan deposits (Figure 10)
thin (1-2 ft), erosive, probably channelized unit
with occasional matrix support conglomerate. Stratigraphically, this facies is equivalent with
From each individual unit (8-10 ft) shows a broad Banuwati Coarse Clastic, and interpreted as
fining upward sequence comprising an erosional alluvial fan deposited created by big normal fault
lower bounding surface, gravel/coarse sand lag, in the eastern boundary of this basin.
and unstratified gravelly sand or matrix-supported
conglomerate. The erosional also shows scours Anastasia-1 is located about 3 km NW of Darlene-
and load cast features indicating high-energy 1 shows different characters. The Banuwati
flows (Figure 9). This matrix supported Coarse Clastic interval consists of fining upward
conglomerate indicates possibility of this sandstone sequence and shale intercalation. Clean
lithology is being deposited in minor debris flow mature sandstone, with subarkose composition,
with contain high mud during floods event or medium to coarse grain, subangular to sub
within a confined channel system. Overall, this rounded moderate to well sorted and some organic
lower section is interpreted as stream-flow matter dispersed in laminae. The shale is
deposited in braided fluvial system or in braided laminated, with some microcrystalline siderite.
fan. The FMI interpretation also indicates NW and Wireline log shows some fining upward sequence
N source of deposition (Figure 9). and followed by coarsening upward sequence
below the Banuwati Shale interval. This interval is
In the upper part, Banuwati Coarse Clastic in interpreted as fluvial channel system with some
Hariet-2 well is consist of fine to medium grain to abandonment facies and interfluves in the upper
coarse grain sand with common scouring, part (Figure 10).
erosional bounding surfaces. Finer grain usually
common in the upper part of this section, with Mega-1, which drilled on the SW of the basin
very well sorted and shows regular planar bedding depocenter, penetrates 198 feet of Banuwati
in FMI images (Figure 9). These sand are likely to Clastic interval. The lithology consists of
develop as channel fills in braided stream or in intercalation of shale and sandstone with some
distal braided fan system with channel switching coals section. The sandstone is very argillaceous,
(Figure 10). The sediment is also suggesting NW silty and abundant of muddy matrix (Figure 10).
trend of sediment source.
Log analysis suggest that Mega-1 is mainly
In Darlene-1 well on eastern side of the area consists of coarsening upward sequence with thin
(Figure 3 & 10), the lithology is consisting of very (4ft) fining upward sequences. The depositional
coarse, immature grains (granite, basalt, quartz, environment is interpreted as a part floodplain
feldspar, kaolinite and mafic mineral). From deposits and to the upper part is considered as
mudlog data the typical of conglomerates is clear, abandonment and marsh and swamp deposits.
grey, green to dark green, white hard, friable, and
subrounded to angular. The matrix is fine to Banuwati Shale Member
medium sand. This conglomerate is very tight and After the deposition of Banuwati Coarse Clastic
has no porosity and permeability. member, Banuwati Shale is deposited on top of
this member. In Hariet-2 well, The Banuwati
From mud log analysis, the shale in Darlene-1 Shale has 310 feet thick with black, bedded
also can be divided into two parts; the reddish part organic rich, has TOC ranging from 3%-5% with
in the lower section and the gray and dark brown HI up to 400 (Sukanto et al., 1998). The kerogen
shale matrix in the upper section. This shale is 80% of amorphous algae, 5-20% vitrinite and
matrix is interpreted related to sub aerial 5% inertinite. The Pediastrum sp. Suggested
environment in the lower part and become sub freshwater environment and the recovery of M.
aqueous in the upper part. All the section in Howardii and Echritiporites sp. In core section

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

indicates Oligocene age. This Banuwati Shale is The fine clastic system is developing in this area
found almost in entire area (except in Darlene-1 when the accommodation space is bigger than the
well where the facies are conglomeratic facies, rate of sediment supply that related to basin form
Figure 12). accelerating of its subsidence rate. The
depositional environment is become less of coarse
Some coarsening upward sequences, high clastic, sediment-starved and become deeper
resistivity, and low density characterizes this relating to the underlying sediment.
black, organic rich shale. Palynology and well log
analysis suggested that this section is deposited This transgressive event creates deep lake in the
under sediment starved, anoxic deep lake central of the basin, and possible shore lakes,
environment, which progressively shallower floodplain and interdistributary bays in the
through time into shallow lake and possibly western area. Alluvial fan (sub-aqueous) possibly
fluvio-lacustrine when reach lower Zelda member. occurs in the eastern area adjacent to the normal
fault system (Figure 12).
Banuwati Coarse Clastic in Mega-1 well shows
different characteristics than in Hariet-2. The This oil prone finer grain clastic sediments
Banuwati Shales have less TOC contents and has provides the best and the only known type 1
gray to reddish brown shale, suggesting some oxic source rock for this basin, and also can be act as
condition. Paleosols possibly develop in the seal for the reservoir below.
succession. This shale is interpreted as part of
interdistributary bay or interfluves to shallow DISCUSSION
lacustrine environment and gradually to fluviatile
environment on the upper part. The seismic generated facies was generally
constructed independent. However, since well log
DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT data support the interpretation, we incorporate the
interpretation directly informs of the facies map.
Early fill sedimentation of Asri Basin can be
distinguished into two parts incorporating seismic The “M” and “D” facies in the Banuwati Coarse
facies analysis and well log analysis: early fill Clastic interval are more unique both from
coarse clastic depositional system and low energy seismic and the well-log interpretation. The “A”
fine clastic system. and “H” is more uniform in the seismic but gives
more interpretation in the well-log interpretation
In the early basin forming, the accommodation due to its vertical resolution. Since Hariet-2 gives
space still less than accommodation space, more fan type rather than channel system
therefore coarse clastic is developed around basin compared to Anastasia-1, The “H” type is mostly
area. FMI analysis suggests main source of represent the fan part of the whole system in this
depositional environment comes from north, with area. This is does not mean that braided channel
minor source come from local depositional high in system in figure 11 is whole comes from “A” type
western and eastern area (Figure 11). but mostly from the parallel-sub parallel,
moderate-high amplitude and moderate continuity
The depositional environments vary from braided type of the “H” and “A” type (Figure 5-6).
river system in the middle part of the basin, the
abandonment facies and floodplain in western part The Banuwati Shale seismic interval gives more
and some alluvial plain in between the braided uniform seismic feature due to uniform in
river system. In the Eastern area, the sub-aerial lithology. Both of seismic feature and correlative
alluvial fans also develop mainly from the early lithology is spread out cover all the basin area.
form of the big normal fault system. Some minor
fan (medial-distal) is also developing in the The basin filling succession of early basin fill is
western and northern area (Figure 11, purple function of variable mainly on tectonic/rift,
color), which is coming from local topographic climates, erosion/sedimentation, and some
highs at that time. volcanism (Cohen, 1990). In the Asri basin, the
forming of early fill sediments is start from

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

alluvial/fluvial setting. This sediment is possibly ACKNOWLEDGMENT

related to basin forming, or in pre-rift or still in
sag basin (Guritno, 2005). The depositional We thank Nusatriyo Guritno for his advice,
pattern of the facies clearly represents at least two support and discussion, CNOOC management,
distinct facies unit, which is early alluvial-fluvial BPMIGAS, and CNOOC Partners for data
stage and shallow-deep lacustrine stage. permission, CNOOC peer for their discussion, and
CNOOC drafting personnel for preparing some
The early alluvial-fluvial stage in this basin is figures.
affected mostly by sedimentation process. The
sedimentation is generally in high depositional REFERENCES
energy regime, which would create braided
system rather than meandering rivers system. Aldrich, Jeffrey B., Gary P.R., Susandhi R.,
However, some ponds or small shallow lake Martin A.S., 1995, Paleogene basin architecture of
possibly has been deposited in the basin center the Sunda and Asri basins and associated non-
since the well-log and seismic data is limited. marine sequence stratigraphy, Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Sequence
The shallow lacustrine stage is recognized in the Stratigraphy in SE Asia, IPA.
Anastasia-1. Hariet-2 has no shallow lacustrine Brown, Jr. L. F., and W. L. Fisher, 1977, Seismic
facies indication, means some erosional has stratigraphic interpretation of depositional
occurred along the west flank during this stage. systems: examples from Brazilian rift and pull-
This can be happening because of some tectonic apart basins, in Charles E. Payton, ed., Seismic
process in the western flank where the shallow stratigraphy-application to hydrocarbon
lake possibly eroded out by alluvial fan. exploration: AAPG Memoir 26, p. 213-248.

When the tectonic process of basin forming Butterworth, Peter J., Christopher D. Atkinson,
becomes more active, accommodation space is 1993, Syn-rift deposits of the northwest java
created bigger than relative sediment supply, and basin: Fluvial sandstone reservoirs and lacustrine
transgression event is occurred. The basin become source rocks, IPA Clastic Core Workshop.
deeper and Banuwati Shale member deposited
relatively spread out and more widely than Carter, David Charles, 2003, 3D seismic
Banuwati Coarse Clastic member. The facies can geomorphology: Insights into fluvial reservoir
be recognized as shallow lake in the margin of the deposition and performance, Widuri field, Java
basin depocenter and deep lake around middle of Sea, AAPG Bulletin, v.87, No 6, PP. 909-934.
basin depocenter.
Cohen, A. S., 1990, Tectono-stratigraphic model
CONCLUSION for sedimentation in Katz, B. J.ed., Lake
Tanganyika, Africa in Lacustrine Basin
There are four seismic facies related to Banuwati exploration; case studies and modern analogs,
Coarse Clastic member in Eocene-Oligocene age AAPG Memoar 50, 1990
in the Asri Basin. These seismic facies can be
correlated with geological depositional Gardner M., Jim M.B., Donna S.A., Jonathan S.,
environment, which is alluvial fan, fluvial-braided Nunuk F., Istanto, 1999, Sequence Stratigraphy
system, fan lobe, and floodplain/abandonment and Play Concepts: Gita Member of Talang Akar
facies. When the accommodation space is greater Formation, Asri and Sunda Basins, Technical
than sediment supply, which probably cause by Report.
activation of rift initiation or basin sag/subsidence
process, the Banuwati Shale member is deposited Guritno, N., 2005, Sedimentasi awal cekungan
as transgression facies in lacustrine system. Asri dan struktur yang berkembang pada sedimen
tersebut, Master Thesis, ITB.

Lambiase, J. J., 1990, A Model for tectonic

control of lacustrine stratigraphic sequences in

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

continental rift basin in Katz, B. J. ed. 1990,, Lake stratigraphy-application to hydrocarbon

Tanganyika, Africa in Lacustrine Basin exploration: AAPG Memoir 26, p. 165-184.
exploration; case studies and modern analogs,
AAPG Memoir 50. Sukanto, J., Nunuk F., J.B. Aldrich, G.P. Rinehart,
J. Mitchell, 1998, Petroleum Systems of the Asri
Mitchum, Jr. R. M., P. R. Vail, and J. B. Sangree, Basin, Java Sea, Indonesia, Proceedings 26th IPA
1977, Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of Annual Convention.
sea level, Part 6: Stratigraphic interpretation of
seismic reflection pattern in depositional Wight, A., Friestad, H., Anderson, I., Wicaksono,
sequences, in Charles E. Payton, ed., Seismic P. Remington, C.H., 1997, Exploration History of
stratigraphy application to hydrocarbon the Offshore Southeast Sumatra PSC, Java Sea,
exploration: AAPG Memoir 26, p. 117-133. Indonesia, in Petroleum Geology of Southeast
Asia, Fraser, Matthews, and Murphy (eds.), Geol.
Sangree, J. B., and J. M. Widmier, 1977, Seismic Soc. Sp. Pub. No. 126, 121-142.
stratigraphy and global changes of sea level, Part Zhu, X., Qi J., Zhong D., Yang Q., Zhang Q.,
9: seismic interpretation of clastic depositional 2005, Tectonic and Sedimentary Research on the
facies, in Charles E. Payton, ed., Seismic Sunda and Asri Basins, Technical Reaport.

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 1: Asri basin Location map

FIGURE 2: Stratigraphic column of Asri Basin

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 3: Seismic section W-E in Asri Basin, showing the depocenter. Banuwati Shale is shown in dark
green area, and Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member in light green area. Note that all the early basin fill
facies are pinch out to the basement high in the west, where in the east in changing facies and terminated
in the big normal fault.

FIGURE 4: Hariet-2 well type log

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 5: "H" type facies. Darkgreen, lightgreen and red horizon are Banuwati Shale member,
Banuwati Coarse Clastic and basement respectively. Banuwati Coarse Clastic reflection configuration
mostly parallel-subparallel (a) and divergent at basinward direction (b), moderate-high amplitude,
moderate-high continuity. Purple color in Figure 11 mostly represented by the parallel, high amplitude,
high continuity reflection configuration whereas the green is combination with the "A" type (Fig.6)
Banuwati Shale member reflection configuration mostly parallel, high amplitude, high continuity.

FIGURE 6: "A" type facies. Horizon is the same as previous figure. The Banuwati Coarse Clastic
member reflection configuration has subparallel-contorted, moderate-high amplitude, moderate
continuity. Banuwati Shale member is the same as in the "H" type (Figure 5).

FIGURE 7: "M" type facies. Horizon is the same as previous figures. The Banuwati Coarse Clastic
member shows more erosional at the top. The Banuwati Shale reflection configuration is chaotic, low
amplitude and low continuity.

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 8: "D" type facies. Horizon is the same as previous figures. The Banuwati Coarse Clastic
member bounded by erosional surfaces with chaotic, low amplitude, low continuity reflection
configuration. The Banuwati Shale member shows the same reflection configuration as the underlying

FIGURE 9: FMI (Formation Micro-Imager) of Hariet-2 Well, showing gravelly-conglomerate facies

with erosion surface on the lower part of Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member (right side). On the left side,
The FMI shows some minor erosion surface, thin planar laminae, and scattered mudclast, which found in
Upper part of Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member.

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 10: Schematic regional cross section from Mega-1, to Darlene-1 (relatively W-E), showing
different facies change in Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member, green is interpreted as floodplain and
abandonment facies, gray as main fluvial system (braided), yellow as an alluvial fan system.

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 11 Facies map interpretation of Banuwati Coarse Clastic Member, shows the possibly direction
of depositional source, the depositional environment and related position for the basin. This interpretation
based on seismic facies analysis, well data and well log analysis.

The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition

FIGURE 12: Facies map interpretation of Banuwati Shale Member, shows the possibly direction of
depositional source, the depositional environment and related position for the basin. This interpretation
based on seismic facies analysis, well data and well log analysis.


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