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Relative Frequency

RF=Freq/No. of Obs
Sum of Obs/No of Obs

Sample mean (x bar)


Sample S.D



5 number summary

Min, Q1, Q2, Q3, Max

(Subtract the values from each other
and find the variations. The left
whisker represents the spread of the
first quarter, the two individual boxes
represent the spread of the second
and third quarters and the right
whisker for the fourth quarter.
Asterick represents outlier)


Observations that lie below the lower
limit and above the upper limit are
potential outliers.

Population Mean
Population SD

Confidence Interval

Margin Error

Hypothesis Testing

R Squared




Of the 40 students in class, 13 are democrats, 18 are republicans and 9 are others
32.5% are democrats, 45% are republicans and 22.5% are others
The employees who worked in the first half of the summer earned more, on average than those in
The employees who worked in the first half of the summer earned more, on average than those in
The most frequent salary was $300 for both employees who worked in the first and second half.
Mean>Median - right skewed, Mean < Median - left skewed, Mean = Median - symmetrical
Mean is affected by larger observations - not a resistant measure. Trimmed mean should be used.
Median is a resistant measure.
The mean arterial blood pressure of the sample of 16 children of diabetic mothers is 86mm Hg.
Based on the sample data, the estimated mean price of all new mobile homes is $63000.
The difference between the heights of the tallest and shortest players in the Team is 16 inches.

Measures how far on average, the observations are from the mean. S.D is not resistant - affected b
On average, the heights of the players on the team vary from the mean height of 75 inches by abo

Resistant Measure
25% of the viewing time is less than 23 hours, 25% is between 23 and 30.5 hours, 25% is between
greater than 36.5 hours
The middle 50% of the TV viewing times are spread over a 13.5 hour interval.

There is less variation in the middle two quarters than in the first and four quarters and the fourth
of all.
The elite runners sampled have smaller skinfold thickness than the other people sampled. There is
thickness among the elite runners than the other people.

The weekly viewing time of 66 hours lies outside the overall pattern of the other 19 viewing times

The population mean weight of the players on the 2008 US women's Olympic soccer team is 62.5 k
The SD of the weights of the players on the 2008 US women's Olympic soccer team is 5kg. The we
on average 5kg from their mean weight of 62.5 kg.

Shorter confidence interval indicate good precision.

Decreasing the confidence level improves precision.
If CI does not contain zero, reject Ho
We can be 95% confident that the mean price of all new mobile homes is somewhere between $60

Decrease E by increasing sample size.

If 2250 people in the labor force are randomly selected, we can be 95% confident that the mean ag
force is within year of the the mean age of the people in the sample.

At 5% significance level, the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that this year's mean reta
increased from the 2005 mean of $78.
P value is less than the specified significance level of 0.05. thus we reject Ho. The test results are s
and provide strong evidence against the null hypothsis.

Age is quite useful for predicting price because 85% of the variation in the observed prices is expla
perfect positive correlation to perfect negative correlation (-1 to +1)

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