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Competing Ideologies in the 1920s

Part A: Below you will define the ideologies according to your textbook definitions. All definitions start with the
most general aspects of a term and then address specific details including an example you think fits each ideology.
An example may be a country, historical event or a person.


a government in which the supreme power is vested in the
people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a
system of representation usually involving periodically held
free elections

Specific Example


direct vs representative forms


Use of propaganda





centralized control by an autocratic authority; the political

concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an
absolute state authority for their entire life



a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts

nation and often race above the individual and that stands
for a centralized autocratic government headed by
a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social
regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Form of facismincludes the totalitarian principle of
government, predominance of especially Germanic groups
assumed to be racially superior, and supremacy of the fhrer
an economic system characterized by private or corporate
ownership of capital goods, by investments that are
determined by private decision, and by prices, production,
and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by
competition in a free market
a system of society or group living in which there is no
private property; a system or condition of society in which
the means of production are owned and controlled by the
a totalitarian system of government in which a
single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of
production; a final stage of Socialist society in Marxist
theory in which the state has withered away and economic
goods are distributed equitably

Many current European

countries such as

Ideological Quotations
Part B: The quotations listen below refer to the seven ideologies you have defined in part A. Be ready to defend
each choice and explain the meaning of each quotation.
1. Life is only preserved because other things perish through struggle. In this struggle, the stronger and more able
will win. The weaker will lose the stronger must dominate the weak the results of art, science, and technology
that we see before us today are almost the entire creation of the (superior race) it laid the foundation and built
the walls of every great achievement in human culture.. the will of the people can only be expressed though the
leader what is refused to a friendly method must be taken by the fist.
Ideology: __________________________________________________________________________________

2. [Our system] had ensured the right of the working people to social security, free medical care and free
education. All these amenities are provided at public expense.
Ideology: __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Our state never releases the human begin from cradle to grave. We start with the child of three years; as soon as
he begins to think he is already given a flag to carry. Thereafter follow school and military service. We do not leg go
of the human being and when that is all over, the labor front comes and take him once more and does not let him
go until he dies, whether he likes it or not.
Ideology: __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Everlasting peace is neither possible nor useful war along brings all human energy up to its highest
point the inequality of mankind is changeable and desirable.. the foundation is the idea of the state- its
character, its duty and its aims. The State guarantees the peoples security, both within the nation and abroad. It
represents the spirit of the nation. It is the state should educate its citizens. It makes them aware of their purpose in
life and unites them. It leads men from primitive tribal life to the highest expression of human power, which is
Ideology: __________________________________________________________________________________

5. It allows the rewards to be generous and not exact. There is an element in it that appeals the gambler as well and
looks amiably upon the success of the man who, by the luck or timing or his shrewd judgement of the market,
strikes it rich
Ideology: __________________________________________________________________________________

Ideologies and Symbols

Part C: A symbol is something which stands for something greater than what the sum of its parts equal. Thus, the
cross, the crescent moon, and the Menorah are all symbols for the religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism,
respectively. They indicate an entire belief system in their simple visual form. Examine the three ideological systems
below and read about their origin and purpose. Your task is to create a symbol for the remaining four terms and
then to explain why you chose these symbols.


Symbol Explanation
The Hammer and Sickle symbol was created by Soviets to
indicate the support of the working class (industrial
workers=hammer; farm workers=sickle, a tool for
harvesting grain) for the regime and its goals.


The so-called Twisted Cross Swastika was developed

from an early sun symbol found throughout the world.
It was to indicate the primal importance of Nazism and
the Aryan Race.


The Fasces were carried in ancient Roman paradesthe

12 rods bound together represent the strength of the 12
tribes, and the axe that restrained power and might of
Rome. Mussolini wanted to create a New Rome in
Italy during the early 1920s to early 1940s.





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