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,R;f'Vl!aJ,~~d a,~ r\.<f ii;'\["(-a

In ~,hc name of AI:~inbli the Be'ni~;tlcen'[, rhe M,erdfu~"

'I., 'IPrili~ be I~,O A.l:in,h. ~;y hn h nt h Ue'!.i\~:~~d I~,hilj ~erlflit b~ II'~' i!/J rlll:'O ~FI is .,\hJl:'!i'(;" :ai'rlid h~nh nCU p hi <Cl: (ji ~ h,!elToli: i,Ql ,iiirn:i croo'k~d.!lii~~.

;t (Bu.t ~,'~'ath made HJ :Hr;lli,g]1f. .. to giv~ ~~{~ r u ~ ng 'L ~ f st ern r~ u n i ~h~ meut rnl'm1i~, J r i m, til nd to bod ng u ~ l()' ,[ he be J Ii !!'l"C f~" l\" i 1 o (II 0 gO(Hl works I: 111~lc' news I~. ha ~ l he j, rs WII ~.I.

'be a f~ I r rew:ri'ro;'

.3. Wl[tt,rei n t hey ~ri n a b;d~

,t"o'Ii;fI! ~11'1'~""~i -

lVI. ~1Il~I.J

4". And to W',£t r~ ~' hese who by:: AU1aJh h~fh IchO\ien a 'so]1.

$" ,('A ~bin;l) wh~rej~l€ d~)e) ,h~ ve nO '~.n o;wlec1ge:~ Hot (h~.d) t h~~lr. fatb:efl" Dread rlJ,l~ 1 S l he W'lrd "th:~u CQlil1icth out I(ff i'be~~' mOl!Jlm'h$.. Thl~Y :~p~9 k nnu~:h l btu: a tile",

6,. Y,et i!i May be, j r: t.h@')i beiile"C' Imcrt in t hi s S'E,al~JtlmJen l, i.Mt. '[h!Oli (Muh~:m.m:adl) w~ll[ Ito rm~n:r: thy $oul w~'t h ,gllfief QI'Ve r Uu~'i r foo,[:s~~ ps..

1 = to r w~ ba,¥e p]~,~ed' all dl at is ~ R the earth as ~:n:!J ornam.eB'~: thCROf fhat W,r! may try ~~,em:' whie 11 ,~F '!bem, i:s b~st if~ eomdnct'.

O,!;_ . .in I I W" a , .~ .~, I! ,_. . 'l_.. " . ~ J e, ,t'l, nu ,~o'. '. '~' :5~ ~~lII_U,~ nUl~e: ,i1l~

'Ih.f.kit ~is, tlile:fre~'Q ,a banen m.(n:i.nd,

9" Or de emest thou tha t I~:lhe'

:P';;;m.nll" o( t~;;;, c •. ·~'u ILO,"" 8,'1Iiii of! I~ '11.,.:..

'1;,0 .... 11'" "" - _,~i1i"", .'I!'.~''''', _uU U]""

In&crilpti,@!fI, are a wandler,~ mon G Onr '1;lOofIDe:II1ll,t;5 ,',

_ I'll W'~11lm ~he Y(Uln g 'men led :for 'ref~F h), the C.av~' ,ind ~~d: QUI[' , --o~l'd!: Ghf~ U;S, mercy from Th, presen C~" and sluilfpe :[0 r us :rrnl~ t co ~JJ . net inJ o~lr

p,lig~~'~ ~

11" Tb~fl WI! ~C~I,L-d U,P th,~'i,r 'hearing J:in1IJ the Ca ve for' ri! n um~er ,~,r yea-ltg, :

~ '2. .A~d a rib:;F'W~trd W,It, ra lsed ~.hc;'m, up UllU. W e mi gill k l~cW wh~'Q:'h of [~\(!, 'I ~'N:} ,~F I: i L'S W{'bU hj best caJc~ I,at e the t: me that the ji had 'Ul.rn~d"



I!r !L ~


lfj~ £Ljj,t.;.dl~,A;~LJO ~1'f ®,{LJ""ttu.i~

iii 1.ljpll - - 'I!!I

1~~£J[l..¥"J¥.J'~I~JU ~~.~~iJ"~ ~ -I JJ'J; .. ··L~,,_ .t ~'. '#~./ljt:Jj.h,'

~ :/. V ~ "!Or ,... - - '.

t::I" Irr:,~, ~~, I~,~ _ L..£Jl r.... ,.w' ~(

~.J ~ ~.'W iii., ~,"'"' W"'!I

~~~~!U~ I~L.~'IJJI,JC:) IJL.~'(l

ll! f-(4!

® L.C( '-.~kJ'~~JJ); ~J./;,.

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Ir " - j.Ci~~~IJIJ;rJJI~i():4 -Irt-~ .u)J~)1 .,;;,tl.f£ <JJly"d;'J:JIOJIJ"J;t'v,>f:t if. J.,)fJICIJ.,'J;:'YI if. ,)Y,-;"Iy'li' Jly<o-/ 2-- £j{~G--::-J-f-d.- i~L ~J0~_Jf-L2,-JP,-;"Iy'£<Jj"c!Lf_vJ.,~-.A,L[,~;y.Ii{f,Jf:. I-Jjci'",!-:./uJt,;tJJ~ifJ,i)I~';G--)~/J.A_,j~J!iJ~?if. "i-JI?I",!""j""OJI,~..;,,)h'N/;IV::dYJt!..-,,//;I!JY - j"i-[~ {"'~:/_;;IJJ/ _(-pJI.d,.;J"~'_'J'7//r",-; /~ -&if.J -:'h:lJ:Jc-j"'/<JiJjLL-Y"'!-AlI/J/7IJ'L""w/~J:'

-"i-';";'-'-f-J''''--v.'i!l!0,)t'/ ,//';'WIJ~ ,;,GjlJ':'JJ/~

..d"''''-<J;';~JI0'''-YJ''J~;"V-''':':£' ;)Y'._rI d.-<!? irJiL/J";/' f. -e.1v./'~"'-~ ; I;JO_"i-<!'iy,t:;)/ (,;,~ilv-,~ L

-"i-~( d(;7"'--U;';l:.>1;d-jo);'LA ,;jq»JIo>I(u;-42--"\jJ~Lif.{/JI/<;---,,V(,;,V"";"; tlif4'( .4,/L--I?.i)J/ "i-~Vv'"'IG--1 "-<l/-I/,:/.:;.,/,<{,(;'*It' <o-));,...,.,--;,;;;,-tI ":C)L?'J~/:J/~ed.-<t?'J'-':)) 1 <;--<J/J )fI~I?/J/_,j ~.;-;:j '::"?'l:;)J:dr.c;(.,f<-f.;Ji/. J£)/0' ¥!£U/;,.f- ,;,ju; c:l JJ 2-)~~I-! U,!_PJ c!.J)/j v: U»)~,!./.L ~l+"Ic(."<;---I;"'!-:.v:I",i);J(<J!Jd'jc?~(v::acf.-0L

t,J. 'Wri!' nal nUl:' U]1!lo- 'lffij"e dilleilil star), wi t h ~ rll th, LOt!1 the' 'W(lr,e ,)l'OUifl i men who be',1 !e''ir'II!Hj ~ n t,hE~W' om ~ ~ n d Vir1!of i !i1lcrea.scd

1,4:; And 'We m~i~ :fiiI:rtil!~ Ullc'ir 'h~ar:ts when lh~y stood f~ir:t.b ~t~d said ~ Our Lord ffi~ ~he' Lord of 1:1u, hea 11I'~ns, and the earth,

'W Al 'k .'..:1" I~·'

, '~CrY unto, n 01' I~);!:J G1~St~le; ill m,

lOlr (.l1~n sho:~I~ d we utter ~'n e:El.or,m:i'[Y"

15. The~'e'i our p:~oph;', have ehosen (other) god~ 1~:Simd.ti:

H.ii:crm, t b,Q'Ugh. t:hJey 1'ir.~nG no c'~eaf 'H1:rr~,ft:! (voudbs~fed) '[0 them, :A:~,d I whoi d;oth ,~re:a ter 'Wloo,g;, ttuni'i he' who .ilii,¥el[i!jt~th a li~~; ~j~ml;" --- .ij'ljijJ!i' A il""iI!.,"Ji

ce~n~li!; t"'!Y ,a.~ '.

~ 16,. A nd when ye: 'W~d1.d:r-ilW

fj",,,.,, n'iJ if' 11,." """ iI"'fi ,0:11 'm A I' b. a i[ -W- I,,"~ "..:~, Ii iii. .~ '!if'

J,lIIJ'~ I!·I-~I 'L IJ,~uJ~ ~!lI .. UI ~ ~iI.; __ : _ . . ll,E !il~I1J ~,Wtlft;l,J.

WOU'h~11!l ~~.'cep[; AJI~_a:h,~ [1:h-~li seek fiefu,te ~n '~ile: Cijj,e ~ your LQt-cl w,i I.l ~!Pt,ei.l!d foil" _ you oJ His melle)" Md, 'wW~ pir'It;::paTle: fo:r j~olUJ a l~iUo'W ill, ~olUlr Irnli ""~'!, •

. r ,:J,' ~l~~

11'" ,And, :thou, W;,,~b)I~S'~ ,~a VIC} seCllll. d-rueJ ,SllI'Il W:b~[l ~ f rose move a,','W!3I]f :£rom, .tl:ru~;[ ,caVl~ to the ri'gluj !~~dJ whe'll it set go ~$! '[Qm. om. IOU: Jeft; ,aDd, ~Ilu,~, W,'eIie

r, , .. ,ii.. ,~ ,~ - ~, ,~,!I:,. .. ~ .. f "iIr-1I.., .... ~ - - '"""

m, me 'Oun.. 1Il1ll~,['i,~:O_. 111, WiL;m:1Ii, WaS

~Qt1ii!) of. the por.t!e~us of A~W~b,., LaT"". 'w'~~~ AUlah ,-uid~th. he

~ _ WII!V!!,Q __ !Il!!: .. _ ! e-u _~ ~ ,~""

indt-ed i:~, l'ed ~'riglit~ ~'Id tH~: wbom. H,~ Sen,d,e~~ a$;'l:f,~Y i flo,( milD I'~IOIU. 'wl! I, :miJO't ~ri,d '3, ,g~idli!fil

friend. '

- '}" • ,'II~" - iii; F'" .'-!p'. }.;"III

WI'.1i'I!;iiI!""-~:..JI' o •• ~~',- 'U~~j~

. - !II' 'I! !Ii _ .

... ....

_ ,!II ""7 _ _ ~l "'" 1~'l!IIo i, ~I ~111"'-


.... .

L" And Ib~,u WO~ ~d S~ have dee J'OOi ed ~:&em, wfl'k:in,§ l~hQlIgh th{~y ~e[!(!' lijJ,'$!e~,p", a:nd, 'We Cilll'iS:€Jd 'lh~;-m to tl~ rn ~iVJ:'~' to UThC :Il'i',ght and t he ~.eft,~n'id I!'~'ei if do,!!; ~iJre;' ..

cl·~ ~'ni 11i' .. , iil i' ~ ... iii 'i"I :lWoi! ~i"" j; ~,.,,," .. i;.,,;-;u;_ '", UI,I~~ !U _.~" ~.!!'~ Ir-''': '. iI IU~~ l.,~ !l;1:~,L:,I~-;-

~hQ),h:t, '~r: thou ha iii $It observed them ,c:Jo5ely tllb\oiU hads& ass ll~'~~llf t~f,Ii~, ~,w:a.Y' (ro:rOOl

-,1;;;,,' - ]'" fl~ .10.' ,. d 1I\i.<"j ~ -.' IL.

i[l,:loem .,~ . '_ -8~j,[:. !,im, ,ufH:J!Il;J:s]t, u~n

"iUe:d with a'we of tl~em~

~,g!. Amtd in ,I i'k~ maue~ 'We

;nw.abned them. t~::u Itfue,,' lIll.glDlt

'.' '11 A 'l'

1'. ~~ ~ ,Iii!·, '", [ .. ' ,~ ", . . _' -":. -.-:-

qUM: ij [lon, on e !:j,n.(jit .if:f,,, _ . :spes, .(iiI!:"" ,a,mo1:'n.S them !,~dd ~ ([OW

1~1I'1i.p 'iIt,",III""! '1<1'.-., tarri .... f '1 T,l.,~ ~ .... ;,...i • . V~MIJ~' ~ ~~. "-\r J.''''' Ii --_ ~U ~ , !I!~I!:2I3' ~g.!lfU Ii>

W·~. h . .illJ,ve Uiifriled a day ,Of' ;so:m.,~ part o,f ,3, da,y j (otber8) said :

You", 'lord best :bl~,'~~{~H hJ w'ffiuu '~.~ h;:l1l:I!!~ tareied, Now 'se:JilJd one of you \~h.h t h:~s your ,:!d~\I\~f eo in '-liifl (0 the d1:y 5' :and I d bU'rfQj SGe wh,~1 food ,i~i' Ill:twt ~t, dl.'~re ,and brln ~ )'~'i!j; $1 supp~y the,reo f~ l.~t 11 i m be C()'U,f1~,e!]I~S aad ~,e'l no man kn 0 'iW ,(!!f yo~,

20.. For "bcy;. I,' w..:y :sJll-l'!!.iI" '1,;. Illfr~ W k[l:oW of ~IOU" - '" - j U ~~ (I,t:JiI: rl~~~ ijJ r 'L U 111 )"01.1 back CO lrnf;'lrr reh~I('iI1. Illli.!'n }r.:

,~~~ fiEiVClr. tPr,os.p~ " .

2l. And m Ji,ike man ne r \'- · d ~M:'] n:scd I hem (t 0 lnc peo ple ~ll I' he ei t y) I~J1.3;t 111H;-Y In i!gh'l k n C}tW lh~u the :proJiIlliM!' r A.U:~h. is l[ rue, and tha't~ 3~ fo r l hie : ~ c U r

t h ere is nod kJ,:b t ,~ . n11l1l0CI11 ~ n,1!. . it i W hen {Ut¢ Pt',o p~~ o f ~, he C'I 'l "l) d~ pUled '01" therr -':'a~t; ~u'rt1l,{mg th emscl ves, fhey sU id :, Bu i Id {')- ;a:r- them ~ b uil j'ng,; t,hd:iII Lord kao WI~'t h be S l !.;[Fm cern j n.~ rhem, Th.m,. e ~- ho WOIl ~h~,F, point ~~~idl:' We verily s]:HJJ~ bUI td

. u ~l !Ii,CC of wc;lr .. Jtiip t· .. -cr t l..:rll.

.. 2,~. {S(':f.n~e)' w~LI say ; TIh;'Y

"" I.;'fC three, t.beir do.S the .rouuh" an d. h,«~J'J]'H~) sa ~ IF] e their ,d cg the: ~ix~~~, ,g.ues_;, ~t" random; I nd I' ome) - s-(LY: s.~v~'!' I and

l heir dog l he. ei.8hlUL S'Jt)' (0 :~, UI,~a,m:l1lud): ~~y Lerd i ' be t a ware of I~ he i,r n U [lube r ,- one krtuweth them save ;a IIItL, So contend n nt con :-:rTfi. ~ng th<l:,;fl~ e~,pl \l" uh ,.m u I'L ard conren,dillJ~ .. and t1,~~, Il)n'~ a~~· nf them til' pron (UI1IIi,;I"" i;',"Illcc:rniIliI,!; fllc'm.

~t/~C)I -l:- ~.J» ';/ rJ!,-, ~J ... ~ ,d:., J/1LI, ~u,:_.;/"

V:~:- ,v .. I' VJ '? - ~ ~ . - ,t ~ _ .1 ,11'._ ~

~.b(;/jJ I cJA d't_;;k_', -t:'f:' _,?2.. £()' J IJ 1It.r:: .. vr 4-J I)/J.k

... - y. . - _//,.' !iii' ~ ., .. ,./ - -;J! -.. ' .. ' -.~ .,

I~"'; "~IP,- .• ,,; ' .... ,k f'c::- t:~(_,}..irP' IL-w_<e... t" ~ ~ ~ .? _.; »»

~ " ,~/~, ,il' ~! ,Jj - ~ / '~--',~ " ~ ,;;/ .al' " (J.I /_~ / •

-o» C {p(f.~.J,",.J to!U'I~I.J 'Jjl;-~ L'",,.,J. / ~() ~ IJ IF .• _ -(I J I.e....

_ - I' -,~, '-I ' . . - ., ~- ,~' ~f - .r.;-' ~ '_ - ,

;;~JJ,,~~jJ.:!Ilh(t;)'· ... " / .....

;.' .. ' ..• 'c~'? i'~ ., _ .. ' .-. .. '.) ., I ..... lit . _. '. . •......••.. ,',. .' '.,/'

I . - itj' ".__ ~ -

idA~j.i.J_,;)'v£dH;i .. ~,.", ,/... '~J ~ ~ }V·

'-' .: , ."' ~.. ., ~c~ F"~ ~ e ~:) ••• ;r J'; ~ ',.'

'-~)JI tJ' J.-of': ,.w.:i ~,1~~,' -

-. • I~ " '-Ji~,'f.V - .a-I",l ~=~~~----~~~

LA;(}'£tlJ+L%~t' ~ Jf~~t.; {LcJ.:Y'Y)Jf tuG ;I,;; -J,rL,...ILv.

If~1 I'

,_J. i~!HJ say n 1 of .:ul~·th~ng ~ l.(l,'~ W :::,~'lJI d' ~,hal tomorrow,

24 Except mr AU~h ~'Ht And _ emember thy Lord when H\ ·HI f:r: t:Ui;.;U, and s .• ' ':: [I ~ tly h . Jljj ( M~' "ra ,g u id ... I h. me iIJ n ,~. ~ , ;~ Co' eB' er way ()f huth than 'hi;';.

,25.~ And - Ht ~.~ sai II I they tarried in their Ca~e three h ~lldtJe.d years l]'i.~1 add n in e ';'6,. Say : .A Bah i ~ best aware

.ow I nlg tnt)i' tar-rio .d. His i'ii the i'flNisibl,J: r the -~ea'llr,;:IU; and (h~ C2H'th. ~ l'O~' elcar nf ~iglu L .. i-II:.:' ,~md ~ een of fuC;'!lri'ng! They have 1'10 pr~nl.!{ friend beside H i rn. a ncl H e m~~ keth '(I. one' h."'- s h 3. f11O: 1.[1t Irs. govern = : nem,

27', ·.l\a~,d·C' th; vih;C'~1

haUl been r vC'de'd ~l nto thee of ~[I~~: 'CT il rt u rc of 't'~'i!lY Lord. Tble re is 'l11lo~n~:' w'h 0' CE-U'il; change ,H: i So words, and, thou willt find 11 I]) .retfu1': 'beside H ij m.

2: ji. Restrain th~eU along wiUlI, J10:S~ who ClfY untol their

Lord at mer n ,im " I. ·,tlljng. seek"ng H iis, countenance, anrl let not thine e ye S overloo c l be m, oe:S.iring. the' pomp of r. e I ~re \ r the, worlid.; and obe' UOl'[ him whose he, u rt Virt chit VC' rna d e h"d.I . ess of Our remembrance, -lhiO (lJ[~,o,wt:thl!Thl~ own IWI ·t and

- hose: ea se rw t h bee".. ,~ bi~ n _


i9":~,)': {It .1:$,. [~be tn~t:h f rom ~~~e Lo rd of you fa II}" -.r hen whosoev er w i ll, le l h ~:ID Itud ie V~, and whosoever 'Wlil~. !ct :hIm di :·b~, ieve. La'! 'W~ have pre,p'-,red rO.f d i ~d el i e v(:'rs I ~ U"~, It s. [lent encloseth them ] r I.h,c')! ~~ .. for S,hOWoi;tS~ tlley ~,iU he .sho"*~~red w~ ~J~ ",:U C'1t I ,i ke I: he 'fnif5"hetl, ~Icad w h icb bnJl:riilleU~ t ~l C faces, C aJ am! [0' us "It he d dn k and :~ I '\he resti ng· place !

.30. Lo ~ as r or those W~IO b!'o!l'Iieve ~w,d 10. ;~,o(ild \- .0 :k:s.-' o ~ '~ e ".u_l,er not 't he 'I'· ., ~:lrdl 01 ~,ln~; wh.ose W~ r k i ~ is,(ij,ud I l o be Iost,

J W" ,A~ f-or such, theirs \. u~; D~ 'G,i:l,llI"d~lil,S. of Ed CiU.. l~he],,~'II'~ rivers Ilo-w ben e al h [ lie m ~ '~ h e re g 111m dtl;:'j" wH,~ be gi vert a m1I0; lel ~ of go Id and will W~·J r . iI'r~c.-n rc -, ·e'S of nlne·~t silk and g()~d em .. bro,id ~'ry, rec In, ~n ~ U Pfl'll (!h roll) n e s t here in. B~ es t t he t('\~:~ rrl ~ ~~ n d fa ir ~. h . 'rC"S (i:n g - p IlalLc .'

" .. -

ell ..

1~ f ,"


,"" - "

12. o.~n Ior them a simrlrl ude ~ TWi("D m en, u n te (J;T[e (I; r '!W!!,[t 0 m We h ~,cl ~~, s,j I:nc'o. t \,"'()

I'" - -

: rdem ,,;f g;rtlpe','lll,d, WIF: h~ui

"~U;F', ounded b rh w: I h date~ ;rt~lnt~ and tH~d ]l ~I, betv "e(;l1 I JU."m [lillli.u!c'_

, '3 J J E ac~ 'n r the g~ rden s ga ve u, r l il and,- iwhhlo:,id naugbt thereof . .Andl Wr:: cau:s-cd ,3 :r~I"'Mt'"r 10 Il'uh for, [h 't'nt;i ein,

34. A fQd he h,ad [rujt. And :he sal ~ unto hl~ c n"I,'r. te, when he spake wnh hi!' :: ~ am more U1J;,m I hec iWi w e~ h h. "J nd -trong(,,'F In re ~ pect r men.

35, And he went i,nuu hiN g~~ rilJcn. wh ile 'he I~~~ us l!l!.·]"O'mTlJged hi m~C'~f. He '~CL~!,I: J lh~ll!k mot hi~'I' rill this wi~~ ever pt:c:~t;h.

36. 1 think nO,It, 'hat the Hour ~"u,l[ ever 0 "M~, and if indeed I, am. bra u,gn t bac k IIIlIln t () :my Lord 'm SUIil"chf :sh,~~:~ fi,'~I(;~. better IluUl II hi s as a resort,

37. And his conn ade, ',' d~ h C' cUs,P'U ted, Wi. h h i m, ,e-x .. cla i rned :: :D,8 . bel ie '" cs t ~ ho u in [rim W:h,o' created th~'~ ': J du t, 'I hen of ~ d rep (If seed). and ~ hm'l rlt:a s,11 ioned :t.bee a I u~ 11.1'

l'. BliJt He ik Allah, my LOire]. . nd J a,' ribe unto 111f];Y oro 110 partner,

J~. ] f anI.. I 'WRCIil thou CR'leTedst [, ~y garden, thou hadst s..' ~Id: 1. r~UI t ~, 11 ic h A II ~. h wi,~rl.eth r(~~iU come Ito pa s)! There ~:s no stren gl '1J save 'in. A.Uah,! Though thou ~f/Sl me us ess U~an thee lin Wi"=:Il't,n ,ad .·h~]drn;

~"O. '. ,~m i may be Ulal n.y '1 . rd w. il I 8J \1',~ m~' bette t h;,;n Ihy ~' rden, and '. ~ iU. send (m it i), bo'~ t. f f'· ~ t1liiI hea ven, ,;l~rud !Some' m,()1:rnii:n~, 1[, Wl'IL 'be ;1, smeuth 11~~'II-s.~dr t

41. 10 r some mo.r" i n,l the water Ulere.of wHI be lost ~n the I~~~ i nan ~~~ It it.. u '. aut '11, t ma k, e Sea rch for it"

~2, . '., n ofi 1;." c. fr.' i ~ ',- j" '1/-'.' bese t

. , n..., li!la,.. ., "", II. _ ' .... OJ! ,

fwith destruct ion), Then begau he tOI l'lrh]'s h is I~rua n ds f Olr it ~ I

I h~~ t :!11l: 'h ad ~pr;;n [, 'U,POfi. :i't ~ w: en (noVt.,,) ~[ was all ruined on 'Irs 'I c.;UL,~. an, !i t sav: W\luld ~h~t

, iI" ""

L.:.. ..... '" J I "',;, I I .':, .L'- ....

'~ -'_.' ,~W',.,...,... . .J,J',·'f.. ...iI..-.....,...,.

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I. - •• ", .~. I' ~ l~.

:1,,'.. ","' ~: :"'f":-:>' ""u"''''" ,.,. P!'I,,,,=JI! t!s:f

'~ ''''~'' .. ' _"I'~_" .1;

""' •. -. "D ('~- . ,,', " ~~ -',1-1 ".".

_ • I l~ .~1. _ J _~ ~. _ _ - . ~ .


~ h.roJd aSlciII'it';t:d no paJ rtner H~I my __ ord ~

4, II And he' bad no 'tlll'f,~~p 01 men [0 help hm~ as nS~lifiils~ A,~lj an i '1[10 r cc:n.l~d Hie' sa, chi m~L!J:r.

4.lL '~n H~i ' 'c;· is protec.E ion onl.: Irrom AHah the True, :I~'e' m:s be Sit for r'Iew~ rd, ~ 1'Il~ best for conseq u~nc-e.

o 1'~',. ; __ :(I"~:~. ~~lt!J.t.~ I ~ w·~ -~;lU"1 ~'-: liitfi!l

,;~tJ~,J:'" r~IJ:firA,djIL.lJ;

e ~ ".J • U;~jJIJ~ f"tJ(~ __ ~~;.~f;;~ ~.;U,~

A-·-. _- !I t' ... ~

e~ I~~')~l( rtf f}.J.J ~." ,:IfJ,


,~,5,. t\iIfl.( ce in for them IJ~{-= &u:miUtl;J;d~ 'oflIH! Ulfe ~rthe w(~r~d as, w,atSfI' wrllHda, W,e send d ~'W,rrlj f rO'tn the- sky'. ,iii nd rb e vc',ge!laI~'~o:n o{ U1C' earth ~\ln~.II~Ul with

it Blnd th~u]j 'bcctJ.Jll~i:h dOl '~:wi,g$ that the win ds ~'!CiA'~ ter . Allah i ~ All~e to d:~ aH t:hin~,~ u

,4ft W'~ah,h ~mJd chi ~d ren are an (In:!.:men'~: of l~fe of I[,he woddl.. B'L!!.t 'D:'I1e: good deeds ~h'ich 'Md'iJ!~e are bt;l~ ~n thy 1L'{Hxfs ~j,lht rGr re wQ,rd I ,arild betH"r i:n reSi"~~: o,f ,h·t'l p~.

. ,~1.. Ama,d, {h~thin~, ,Y~'U en the D;a,y ~/be~ll. We t~~niJJlt"l~ she hills i~1I].d :Y'~ see t he c'~l rth ,i! m,ergi il,~ ~ a,nd 'W~ ~~l ft~~,~,r them IDt)~Uu.':r ~Q as t~! le~ ve 'HO}[ otl~ of I bJ~n'i!. 'be'bwd.

4,8., t\:ftI,d 'l'l'lley ilR set before ~h.Y' l.ord JD r,8,nks (."l!!:liIJd U. is said 'Pf!iJ~O dmem),:~ N'joW ~I'er kly 'ha,~~ y'e 'oome~lli'~'~ 'U:~ as We ,c:r-.ted YO''U, ,a,t the air'st. 'Btu y,c: tbiDtU:ght UJ,~;t W'~ h,a,d ~c ~ n 0

"'U,y~I't ;for )'IOrU.

" t···.'

,", .~., ,.-,.,


so. And {:r,e:me:m_'ber JI W'!i1i~~

W'e s~id 'unt,o the ~'fIJ ~~IS,:: r.~'[~ pre ~~ rate' before Adim,~, ,;10,,(1 rh~;y fdl prosu ilII,'t~', an S,~Me lbh~. H e WlU o"f t'hl~' linn.1 Si(!i' he'! ed ~g~iIM;lt h is Lerd' s IC 0 1ft .. , liw.Hid. 'W:~U JC ;C~ oose :h i m r!,11TI d h:~~ seed foil' ¥1[i<Ur, prOU;'ct'~!I1I g, ,(,!,'rile:n.ds, ,L~ ~ leiIJd of M~~ Wh'l"lU

lh~'r .::!IiJC: ~LU enemy un I'" j~O III '! CaJ9,m,it~lil.I~ is ~h¢ 'i::xch~ugic: feu

,~vnll -doers l, -

.5 'I. 1 m ad~, l't.\.l" 1:Jrn, f1,'[~'~ to W.I:t, .. 'n C~5, 'tlh-c c re.'(ll 'i on of du~ ltH:~;L vens and the' ear th ~ '~ur tlh.,~ i r (l,~VfIi ,C r,e~,I[ LOon ':' nor. choose ] m,i s~ h~~ders: (n'r f M:~tll b e~ pelli' s,

52. And (be rnh1d~~i~ G'o. ~he l[)i!IJ'Y w:hen fi e _ wiJ ~> 'C~l ~ ~ these partners of'M'inc' whom ye pf~~~ded, Then ~ h~y 'y,,·i~~ cry un-

( ... ~.... I ~;

~ ~ I._/fil ~ II

il - -

tl[; ~hem", 'ou'-' the)-t win ill L ne r tbei r prayer'l ,l1 Dldl W c ',h:IIJ II se l a gulf' of doc ~ be l WC_·~~I. I hem,

53. An>! ["L C i .iJ1~y beheld the I.-ir·e and know tha:[ [.h~C"y afi~ ahOYI to :ftlU therein" :w.T1ul I he}' find nc wa.y ()~' l~~capc' '[~cnc·t.,

'~, An,e; ver ~1~1 \~I'e have d isp~ ~,)'\ed. fOil[ RlaukU'ld UQ this

,n ."~.'~.,~ ",~ii' "- .,'" '."., ,j;" ,-"-.-, '1·_

'iLl! -', ,~f11 au .nUIL~, UQIC,f. Qlll 81 ml! ~

r ude8;i' bu~_ m'~!1 i 6 mere t.~. an taJilJyil:h.iug eOl1ltenl[i OIUS,

.5.5 .. , A:I]]d n;: ,ug,h~ hinderelh ma,n kiLild from be! i,e'V'~o!: 'W~en 1~,h'e..I,~li,da,n ce come l'h uln:N) ! hem, ,and from ask i !~Ig f~'r gi\l'~ne5S ,olf t hei r Lo:rd" unless (i,t - be Ul~~ t dlcJ' 'lIN td~) r b~'[, ~be j udgcm~:i1IJt of Ute men of 0 ~d should eome up 0([11 [Item '!Q r (lhat) 'I:he), ,sholll~d. be' Cllllt!l.fill',p,m tcd, ~i:fh th~ -doo,m.

56. W~ $'~nd nm't 'Ull.,~ nt,,;s~~n=, g}e.I!i''S sa 1!'e' as bearers of' go Clod news: and W.a;fneJrli,. f-hoS/e WhiO d i:~b~lic~ ,01111 i!'~l!I,d 'W i ~:h r~ I SC:~:o~d ix-a. order ~QI refu [~ the 'l'nalh ther;~b,. ,An,d, the:,Y tnk,c Our 'ff''--'lel atiens i1~,d nun w~ ere~th. they ,Qre'IW~d :;.1lS ,~

j~'~~. -

;e",. A- i ·d· . - 'h -' ..:! - lob .' '"(I

'N. "f'L W Ill) 'Y'CiuJ.i, ,grCiili,~~,r

wt-©'nlg t'b:~,n he whQ ha t:h been

ii'\;;;,"""i'''II~A'i!'.( """f' Pii' .... "" I- ... ,'io,i\~'I'8!t·I""'''"''1!' .... r~ ~~_lVJLU ~y;. "loll I ~l~ 1I.rJ', "-I., __ J'13 IlW-i]i 'IJI~,

~ i s L· i'iI.rii',AI ''i!I~t 'Ii Ilm,~t~; ;il.,wa'ill' f: -ern ~II,_ _ lVli:Uj~' ';; _ iii _ _ _.... l~~ _" _ Fv _ .

them ,!lnd. rO~1'~Uet'h 'wb~'~ h~s lruagd~ !i~n.d .f@:rward (I'<t dl~ J'u;dI':~m~nQ? Lo l ,O(J!l their hearts We h3Jre, pl,~,t(ie<!ll oo'~'ed ~gs ~o- th~ t they ~~lHd,e'rst ~!ud n 0,1, and i~ ~ heir e~~,rs a dJe~fli1.:'S$C"

And fhuunh thou C~J,U them 10 ~ h,~ - gil i-d~~,ncc.. l'WiJ ~ hUi~ C~1 ~I[; I, he y

can never be 'it'd ~ r i I;;h t ,

58, Th:y. Lord ls the F(H·'~ giirvc:r. ~ IF!Jn 'of l\1, eiilcy , If H ~ 'I: cok them, b) 't ~15t II I-U),W) for wih;n ~hlty can'ili, ] ~'~ wt,udd hasten on t he d()Ol1l,l flll r :~ he m : 'but their s 'IS, flU appolnted term from, which ~ hl'Y '~~ i U ~[I d III 0


~rF!:/L, ~~U~I; ~.,i).tu~l:i~,JlI

- . ~.... !I !!': I~

'%~'~.l~rjl~ '~~u1)]f

1l1- • - ~ ~. ~ ~ -: •

~~J!:t~,J.t~~~4a.t~rJ l' .. 1'(" " @''';''' ~ ~,;J!J~ ~ J.. : sz:

, .

, ~')_.' - ~I .. ~! A')' ¥' .' ->-.; Ii

~ .', .. ' •. '-- -_.-' ~ .. /,>-

- . - '_, . :.' -

- .. ".:.' .... ~

G- - ,~ :!! ~~'" "~It1;;.. ~

1, !c,~- ', .. --- .~ I 'ViP~ -,:. - ~",;'- .. , . ~.--.~.~ III


60, An d 'when, MOS'0~~ .g,a 'd.

Ui!!lUDi his servant: I wH~ 'm130:~

Sh"~' up i!)in,l ~! I. reach 'h(" p~:Ul1 ,t whe',~ U\if; '~\'I,1} rivers meet, though 1 mrnaJr[c"h on for :L,g-es"

.~:I. A nd ~'hel'1i, tf1!:'}I' rea~hliid ~'hc p.o.lnl, wl!u.~re n~,e t~, -rnet, t hC:'f f Qfll;O~, t.tle~lr Ilda. 4n..di !U I[OO~, jl~; '~iI1r J..!1to Uu: wu ~1f,'o.. b~in ftr."EG.

62" An d ~ 'hen they h;!d

~JJin,.c f u rt her, he !".;lI.d ILl Il'ln ~~ i ':,\, :SetVa1U : n ill I. US our breakn.'Sl. V~TI~y ";'1;: ~ ::t,..,~ uund fat~gutt.:. ~n Lh~ ... ,mE" r ourrrev,

63. H\1! 5~U d : [),i u[ ,~ t ~;I[J u see, when ,c touk re hlg:,e on t be; reek, a ndl 1. f or.~:O( ~ he J1~h-j"'1 ~d nosee bu U S~'~'lalrn:

C3l,Y' ed ml' ~IeJ fO[fgCl to men-

(on i~-ilr 1[,{1Q.1 its way into. lh!e wah:r...;; hy :.1 11i11Jr·.,:eL

6; '. He sard ,: Th~~ ,j.::. I,h~u which W'e h;ij,ye been seeking, So . ~ h,cy n;l~ raced t[~~ i r steps ~l.gaMllll .. ,

,65, Thc.iL r:01:md [thC':' ene Qf OUI ,5iJ.iI:~~~~ U lnil.(} wb iJ,lM, We had gJ:v,c:n m~r~y. fro,m, ItJ8., and h~cd. taJIIJrhit tlii,fnl ,k filCWJOO,~ flf"lfi fI~ O~J r rn::klfl,C'c-.

iii' ",

, t -I M 'II

, . '''- '[ .... ~ ~

. .41'

,...;!. .... ? ;;"[,o(~. ',:~ N '~~" <- ~.t. oi"

,.... """,~,~",,:,,

• '~',"",''''' " , . [ ',-, ,,', ~,l.orJ[

~ - ,. ~ Ii ~! - ,;,..... • - r- ' [ ..

1~,6. .~1 0 se •. sa id u~mlto ~~ i I'll : rd. I y ~ r onow u~~" to' the ~ d that ~ ho u rna }.fS t teach me f,i,!h~. cOfid!Jc'l 'Of U,at wbich t~O'l:lll ~~ ast bCCUl l.i,yghl ~

6,1'. :He said =' . 0' ~ 1bolLl

~':'~lH Iitt '11W,t bear whilJ me,

6.8+ . _:otW ca:Mi~ 'i bou. bea r

wi. ~ it n1~,'t w'l\ ereef t hou eil1fl Sit not romp&ss .i1ailY kn!olwLed!.e.·

"C!i, H' '., ' . .lI'. }IJ. n ~I~ 'L., .,,' II' . :

!IJ:7, e' ,~ul. r-T!.u.3.ul W~ ~,iFI; ~

thou, ~hlll1t filll3.d :M,e pt'L'Liellil~: ,and I' s,n. :lrn :1]0''1 hi ~u,gl1t ga'nSij th~t.

'0." H~ said: Wt:H. if l'!l1Jo'ul

'1"111. k

,19 Wliw ro ro. as ... me nnt c: m-

eerning 3:ilJ~~-U till ~ If ),5e,lr mf'f;i, ~iQn of _ i t un~,o thee.

11 ~ n '~'Ih e nv:; in se l I Hl'I

I ~ U" wlN;n t h~ '! .", lCliC in .h e ship 'he rt'll1de. :l '11.0'1· therein, I MOlies;l, said: H~~t l.h(HJI made ~. hole I~.he re i " ~ 01 ,bo W'ft I he'

font thereo: '? II h,o~' ~lrily

Nut don ~ . d:tle1ldf 1iI'] l J;~ Jltig.

'1 -

'12.. He !Xl,j d: 011 d r liIi!l];1 [ctl~ I :~ec fll('1I ij ·I;;'('iIU ;·j"a nni~ bt: ~~ I wj~'n' me .~


15, (~1o's'C~)r ~i1~J; Be not wren h wi n~ me' [h~~ f I! o'rgnl't ,

,o:n.d be no't hard UpO;tl -I e rO·f my rault

7,4. .so tUlu,~ tw~jlru. j,n:nrum.eyedl

on min! when ttru~y met a ~aldl, he Jdcw k~wn- (Mo~es'i salid ~ What ~ I ,a,'st U,'(DU &Iaillll an jill Oeel1i1t ~OU I w1rn,o ha th S~lIl irn m1 1 inmfl1 VerUy thou I· aSI~. don,~ :tl .1:1 o·:lirliid thil'i.g~

]',5, He s~~~d:, Did ~ il!UH tel ~ ~ hc~' I ha~, thou cnu'ld s't 'nh lj: b~a r '( ili~ h me '~

7,jh. P~'~lll~ef:' said: ~r i ~I~:k l hee ,~~ Il~r I, t~i ::;;, (-o'~~,~~'~n il1'g il,Ug;~~ r. 'k(;C I) no~ C:t'1:_r,iJl,pi\Wi y 'wi'~ h 1111l(;"., ~~' h (i'UI h ~ ~~ reeel v-e.d an e;C,c U:S~ from me.

77. So Ihe,~" t\\ ... ,~~ilt jm . .jJ'nu,~y= ,(tt( ,~r.~ I bill when ~ he'" came Il:,n tn '~'~lte: r(.i,1 k of" r uz, cer"G ~~iTtiI - tewnsh D'P1' i b§,} a~ k ~d nit'S, 'r o~ t f~~f fo od ~ htu I 't Iwy refu sed I~ 0 make t1i(H~l ,gU~SI~ a, A ltd '~,ht':i' f ~,:rond Hn,eiie in a wal ~ U pon I he filii iliLll (llll' fall ing ,i uto ruin, ;. nd he :rr~ pa'i:rrlL'::d U. ( M ~ ~~~) !;~ i-~: I r l'h ou hfid~it 'w,i~hed. t I,l'~'ij 1;0 u:~(h,t h ave ~:i! ken p:~ yrneru f ('III" ij t.

7'8 _ '~ le sa id ,: Tl ~ is ii~ U:I.'C ~'l;~ r!'in,g bet wee ~-~ '~hc'e and 'mtt 1 I: ow ti ~i ~ nnu unee tin ~ 0 U~(;\e i he i'l1W rp',rff~'a ~ 1 ()'JiII 0 r t h~t '1'1l (~I ~ C 0 ILn:~ ~h fI o'£. ll!CtU' wit h pnt i,e,11,C{'I'_

19. A'S. r or 'l'1 ~~. sh i'p,. i'~

" /

~ ~ ~_J ~:!.J


b~h)n~rGd ~,o po;jJ'[ fj(:(I'i~t)e wo firi ng ,OIr3J :Lbe :f~IV',e r ~~: and I Wi'S~l ed to m~:r li'~ ~ for the rc was a k ~rn.g behind ~ hem, W]hIO 'Was taki n ~

e"~'Ci~''Y ~M p' hy foree. __

8'0, A.nd as f(]lf the l~adl' Ms p~~relibls: '\!\e!li"~ believers ~nd we -fe;~'f'ed ~I~n he 's']iJo~dd, epp~e-;~ ,,'~ he~, b!(' r~'ben ion ~]ld d'Jlsbel ~,er.

g'I, A IIlUl ~"f' in lende rJ ~ b~'l

t1~e:i'F l'fj'rd :$.bntcl~(l ehan ge '~'i In for Ull'em fo r O'I~,e be;uer ~'11J P'~ rity and 11 e~Uf~r b), ~illC'ifi~Y·

82. A~l dill,S, :WOF t.~le w,r~llmll' ~ I belonged tot Wo OIF p, bo~:s in rhe c~ II '1" ~],nd 'l;h.,ere'

'will:!'i !~e1fH;;afh Jl~. ,a, treasure

bel.Ofl! ~A n g 'to' '~ 1:1 C In j a nodi U~ei r fa t her lul~d been r ii8ht~Q1[a S'I oiIllilJd

thy Lord ~m,~1~d~d t ~HH [he 'i s~u]uld eorne t(~ ~hH::ir rLJ~~ st.r,~:ngth and shoutd ibr,in;g f:(Hln ~Thleir t rC.a:s.·IJ'E',e. a's ~], InCJiL y fw In thei f' lorn '; j!l. nd m di d ~i[ [1",),[ u,pon :I'llY 'D'Wn t: omma nd _ Such

I\..... 1.

[::1: tUIVC' lrt:'l:crprt:t;Et!l~n ol tnJI

wher,e.wi.f~i t h,t). III CO ~J klst ~~ ~U be.-",iii".

•- ~ I' - ••.. ~ .. J)YI

83,. They W d] as k ~,~'ee of Dh y,"]-Qarrh~j n. S!;I,Y.. ~ :s,l'~~\~] .,rooiu'~,io, Y';()'~ a relV'u!m'bf,· UC-,e' "of him.

g4,~ LOi! W e m,~d ~ ~!i TIn.

sbroll!g in t~e ,~~ n. - ana 8,3. Vi! : rim U'n~o ,e\~efythin a roaid.

S S. A no he' f ol! owed a road,


86" 7i:1'I1 wb,en ~ e reached the $.dtin,g-phllCC ~1[r t he :~~ n j , e rOtirUi~ it seui rig iJ~l a m,udd~ s.plring. a,rrud fOUlid a peQ~I.c' Ule..r:,eabou[: We sald: of) [)h~ rnQanu~p! EiUrt~ r 'pun,is~, 0,'

show 'Jlt~:B~ tj,nd'l'les.s., •

11. He said: As rlllr him 'who d,olb. wrong; w~ sh~I,~, pUD~lsh 'him, ,a,no . t'tThen tu:: 'ii!!l ~ II, be b r[HLI gJl;[~ b ee unrc.'. ~ PSI.

. Q1feW, '\At~o w i,l ~ plu.)n~ ,11 'Ill ~ m

wit h a~' f ul pu: rish ~ltle~~ ~

8: '. B:iJJl as fOif hlm who

'ooWieVcoftb a n:d do' 'h . 'ri~h. ~ ~,ood w~m b ~ hi S 'few '.1' _ ". andl we .shan 5,:pell: \UI,(IO him il

mdd c;O'm,1J1Ind,. .

8.9'~ Then 't:J,c ron o':ved a rosd .. '90'" Ti II i when I~fe rea~~,.~d; Ib~: 1ri,~~ml .. ph\CC or 'the S'IJ:f,l! he

found it 1ri~d,ii1l,g on ,8: peopl,e ',[Of. whom We had appo 'InCed no sbe:~ter Ul<eRfrom.

9 ~ . 'S~, emt was). And W,~ itn:~w' all eoneer frji'i D,g h,i 01.

92. I'Mn he foUowcd a road.

94.., Th~y sald : 0 D'h'~,!'~~ 'QiatOO;eY'11ll! l.-o I 0(;.8 ,il'nd . M a:gQg, are ~PQ,iJiDI the land. 'S'o' TiilfLay 'we ,pay tilee 1, i bute on ~n=

di'tIIOD lit J tho IlJ. s~,t a btArr~ e f ba.tween us and tbem"

95. lIe :i~tid: Tlt:u, WhCff:hl ni!ly' LOJd 'hafh "si ~~h~[l shed rue ~ S - b~u~:r (than , o~r tribute), Dirt rJ~l[ help me with strength (olfml.'!:~ITI )., I, "vi ~,I ~t bc'n Wt:'tTI you a nd t .. r-, n a bank.

~ .,. .. "".., "",,.~ 1;,<'" ",iI"

,-. II . "" - ~ ~- - ~_ , • "

'.'J Il.~.~"""'.,.<l'~

~.oIP-II'. of.

iI'1I.! G" , f '

:;il!lJl. ' '-I'if>!3: m,e pmcc,c:s: 0:' II ron

-t! II. wh~'H he lh=ui,1 e ~II ed ~p ([li!~ ,~,I'l) 'b~":'-"~'(:~iI" t [ll~ cl i ITs ~ be ~ B 1,('; w [ - 'l~U. when he had, :lllaJd~: 'II ~I, 'f,~~B:'," he :sa~:cl:

JElring' ;nne 1il_Ci I, c1i~ copper ~ 0 pour m ht"~e\Q :,

'91! And. (t'h:-ag and. M agog) wefie fi.ot ~tbruc l~' ~ l11'U10'lJ1Hl j nor eould '~'hey pim!'cc' 1 i l).

'98, 'Be: 5f!J uti ~ This ~ s a mercy f-;r,om, n],y ,0 I'd ,; 'bu l W]jt~Wl~ '[he 3in~mi:ie of my '[(:hId ,cOMGth to Pa:~"iit;, :H,c w ~U ,I·~ y .i.~ ],OW, Jor i~,h(i pro:.iSf" of .n~ Lord is, t J;' !JC:.

99, .And 0111 !t:iru;E~1. d .. ~ 'W,il!;

S'~H:tU h~~ SO~llle 10 r t!hem. ~urg'!L; a\~ai"ll;sfl lotbelli's,. ,!lnd ! he T-r i;J~~~ '~ will be b~owTIl. Thea '~~ e '$haU g;3lhC'1:' them t():g:t:'l,he'f; 111 OWl~ ga tiltering ~

1 OO~ On I:haim, d,ay W'f,' sha n p:i:e~~e[j.t.]he~] I~ 0 Ihc d:ksbe~1 ~c!~~:I;"S:-l 'pJa:i~ to vrne w,;

'110 'I " Those wh ese eyes We re h,ood-W,j III ked fro:u-m M,)' rerninde:r,~, ,a nd wh u IC~li1.! ~ d n 01 bl:~ r to' :~~ar.


~ Ii • lL

lO6.I• ,~,at ~ s t.he-l r re ~""iI rd :

h U. becae se they dis'hdic;: ed, and made a je~~, ' 'f QUIi' reve .... ]alio;tt" ~ nd '-ur messengers.

107. Lo! the se 'who be ~ I~ ve and do good work ~; lind r • ilI'\C the G alid~~ls of Parad I Sf f.o r. 'Wle.11 eeme,

'WitS:,' Wbemm l,It~J w,iJII., bjjdIE.: - if] :00 _i .. N il;Q _ Ji!l,IlM\'-vc·dl :from l:tJ,e:noC' •

. 109. . S~y; Though the ~c91

became ,~n k fo r d:l.e W,o I'd S o"r 'my' lordl vcrHy file sea Quid be used up before the Wo~d~ or my Lord w,c:r,e' e~h~i,u. ted;, ~veD !though 'W'e b',r!l.Hlghl UIliC'. ~!]k~ Ol;l~r,~'of 1,0, h.'~~p.

m !~I01 S~,y: 1 alzl only ::I, mer-

sal 1 i te yo til - M 'y Lord ius pi ret h ifll me: 'nlhQ.t YO'lUli God ~IS ,omly One God. Afild wh ee Vf hop !~~ r ar tJ1C meeting w,uU~ h,~s lord~ let him do, rig~~ teous work, ! 1f~d mik-~ 11 on e sh a, ~e w (i'r the '~·,onhip due ' rI,ll J his Lord,

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