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Useful phrases

1 How much is it?

Cunto cuesta?

2 Where is this hotel?

Donde esta este hotel?

3 How long does it take from here to the airport?

Cunto tiempo toma llegar de aqui al aeropuerto?

4 How long does it take from the airport to the hotel?

Cunto tiempo toma llegar del aeropuerto al hotel?

5 Could you give me a discount?

Me puede dar un descuento por favor?
Ms barato por favor?

6 Could you take me to this hotel? /restaurant/ shopping mall/airport

Me puede llevar a este hotel/ restaurante/ centro comercial/

7 Where are you going to?

A dnde vas? A dnde va?

8 Where can I eat breakfast? (in the hotel)

Dnde puedo ir a desayunar?

9 Could you pick me up at 3:00pm?

Me puede recoger a las tres?

10 Where am I?
Dnde estoy?

11 Could you speak more slowly please?

Puede hablar ms despacio por favor?
Directions: How do I get there from here?

If you get a bit lost or unsure of how to get somewhere, you need some
simple ways of finding how to find your way. Where is is the simplest way
of asking. The phrase is dnde est? (dohn des tah) and here are some

Where is the bus station Dnde est la estacin de autobuses?

Where is there a restaurant? Dnde hay un restaurante?

I need a taxi Necesito un taxi

The street ? La calle ?

A bank? Un banco?

Where is the bathroom? Dnde est el bao?

Im looking for a hotel Busco un hotel

I need Yo necesito ____________. Very useful, and you can supply the noun.

Yo necesito un hotel / un cuarto / un cuarto con bao

Where is the exchange? Dnde hay una casa de cambio?

Where is a bank? Dnde est el banco?

Money Dinero
Understanding their directions

Once you have asked a question, someone will answer you in Spanish. Here
are some simple directions that someone may give you, to turn right, to turn
left, or to go straight ahead. Listen for these key words:

Right A la derecha

Left A la izquierda

Straight ahead Derecho

At the corner En la esquina

In one, two, three, four blocks A una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro

At a restaurant What do you want to eat or drink?

Probably the most useful phrases you will need are in a restaurant. Ask for
anything by using quiero or quisiera I want or I would like. And
remember to say por favor and gracias!

A table Una mesa (oona may sah)

A table for two, three, four Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro

A menu Un men

Soup Sopa

Salad Ensalada

Hamburger Hamburguesa

With ketchup, mustard, tomato, lettuce Con salsa de tomate, mostaza,

tomate, lechuga
An appetizer Una entrada

Dessert Un postre

A drink Una bebida

Water Agua

Red wine, Vino tinto, white wine vino blanco

Beer Cerveza

Coffee Un caf

Calling a waiter or waitress Seor! o Seorita! / Disculpe

The check La cuenta

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