You are on page 1of 37


=== Run information ===

Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 56 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.EuclideanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_2class_data(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 56 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.607
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.625
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.571
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.607
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.625
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.571
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.625
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.607
4 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.554
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.589
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.643
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.5
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.625
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.571
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.571
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.536
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.518
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.5
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.625
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.607
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.554
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.571
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.607
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.607
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.571
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.571
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.571
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.571
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.536
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.607
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.554
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.536
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 70 58.3333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 50 41.6667 %
Kappa statistic 0.1667
Mean absolute error 0.4836
Root mean squared error 0.4866
Relative absolute error 96.7273 %
Root relative squared error 97.3278 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,950 0,783 0,548 0,950 0,695 0,245 0,696
0,671 BAIK
0,217 0,050 0,813 0,217 0,342 0,245 0,696
0,678 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,583 0,417 0,680 0,583 0,519 0,245 0,696
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
57 3 | a = BAIK
47 13 | b = BURUK

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_2class_data(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.607
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.518
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.625
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.518
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
13 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
14 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
15 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.536
16 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
17 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
18 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.5
19 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.554
20 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.518
21 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.554
22 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.625
23 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.589
24 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.625
25 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.643
26 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.536
27 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.643
28 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
29 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
30 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.554
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 20 66.6667 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 10 33.3333 %
Kappa statistic 0.3333
Mean absolute error 0.4697
Root mean squared error 0.4736
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
1,000 0,667 0,600 1,000 0,750 0,447 0,858
0,810 BAIK
0,333 0,000 1,000 0,333 0,500 0,447 0,858
0,856 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,667 0,333 0,800 0,667 0,625 0,447 0,858
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
15 0 | a = BAIK
10 5 | b = BURUK

=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 55 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.ManhattanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_2class_data(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 55 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.6
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.654
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.618
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.509
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.673
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.618
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.6
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.673
4 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.545
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.673
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.6
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.654
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.509
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.527
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.673
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.509
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.527
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.545
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.545
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.618
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.527
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.545
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.527
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.527
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.527
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.527
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.654
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.618
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.545
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.6
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.654
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.618
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.545
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.6
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.6
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.6
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.545
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.509
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.618
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.545
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.6
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.509
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.527
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.527
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.564
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 66 55 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 54 45 %
Kappa statistic 0.1
Mean absolute error 0.4836
Root mean squared error 0.4896
Relative absolute error 96.7284 %
Root relative squared error 97.9248 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,933 0,833 0,528 0,933 0,675 0,156 0,667
0,661 BAIK
0,167 0,067 0,714 0,167 0,270 0,156 0,667
0,649 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,550 0,450 0,621 0,550 0,472 0,156 0,667
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
56 4 | a = BAIK
50 10 | b = BURUK

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_2class_data(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.527
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.654
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.509
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.691
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.6
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.582
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.527
13 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
14 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
15 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
16 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.509
17 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
18 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.509
19 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.6
20 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.509
21 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.545
22 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
23 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.618
24 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.636
25 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.654
26 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.582
27 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.654
28 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.654
29 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.564
30 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.545
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 18 60 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 12 40 %
Kappa statistic 0.2
Mean absolute error 0.4649
Root mean squared error 0.473
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
1,000 0,800 0,556 1,000 0,714 0,333 0,833
0,795 BAIK
0,200 0,000 1,000 0,200 0,333 0,333 0,833
0,852 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,600 0,400 0,778 0,600 0,524 0,333 0,833
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
15 0 | a = BAIK
12 3 | b = BURUK

=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 30 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.EuclideanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_4class_data(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 30 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.533
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.4
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.533
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.367
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.466
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.766
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.699
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.433
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.6
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.566
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.666
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.466
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.733
2 1:WTP 4:TMP + 0.367
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.566
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.533
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.633
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.566
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.533
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.766
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
7 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.367
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.566
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.533
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.533
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.533
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.466
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.466
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.766
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.6
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.433
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.5
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.6
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.533
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.766
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.466
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.666
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.4
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.666
8 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.367
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.666
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.5
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.367
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.4
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.566
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.533
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.433
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.4
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.533
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.333
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.733
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.466
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.4
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.566
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.466
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.533
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.666
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.5
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.733
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.433
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.5
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.566
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.566
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.433
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.566
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.666
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.666
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.433
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.5
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.466
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.5
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.466
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.6
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 61 50.8333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 59 49.1667 %
Kappa statistic 0.0328
Mean absolute error 0.3135
Root mean squared error 0.4
Relative absolute error 93.6464 %
Root relative squared error 97.9665 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,983 0,967 0,504 0,983 0,667 0,053 0,652
0,670 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,489
0,211 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,673
0,262 TW
0,100 0,010 0,667 0,100 0,174 0,215 0,628
0,321 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,508 0,485 0,363 0,508 0,362 0,062 0,624
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
59 0 0 1 | a = WTP
20 0 0 0 | b = WDP
20 0 0 0 | c = TW
18 0 0 2 | d = TMP

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_4class_data(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.433
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.433
4 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.733
5 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.633
6 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.6
7 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.466
8 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.466
9 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.333
10 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.333
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.466
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.6
13 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.533
14 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.5
15 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.466
16 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.566
17 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.6
18 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.433
19 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
20 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.5
21 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.533
22 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
23 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.6
24 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
25 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.733
26 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
27 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.566
28 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.766
29 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.766
30 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.633
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Kappa statistic 0
Mean absolute error 0.3106
Root mean squared error 0.4005
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
1,000 1,000 0,500 1,000 0,667 0,000 0,691
0,693 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,408
0,157 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,792
0,695 TW
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,488
0,164 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,500 0,500 0,250 0,500 0,333 0,000 0,627
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
15 0 0 0 | a = WTP
5 0 0 0 | b = WDP
5 0 0 0 | c = TW
5 0 0 0 | d = TMP

=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 29 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.ManhattanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_4class_data(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 29 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.448
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.482
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.379
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.345
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.448
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.62
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.655
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.655
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.62
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.792
2 1:WTP 4:TMP + 0.345
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.62
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.482
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.62
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.586
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.655
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.792
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
7 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.345
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.517
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.586
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.655
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.517
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.792
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.414
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.31
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.655
8 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.345
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.689
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.586
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.62
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.448
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.482
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.345
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.62
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.345
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.448
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.586
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.586
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.517
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.482
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.517
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.586
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.517
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 61 50.8333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 59 49.1667 %
Kappa statistic 0.0328
Mean absolute error 0.3117
Root mean squared error 0.4022
Relative absolute error 93.1 %
Root relative squared error 98.5171 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,983 0,967 0,504 0,983 0,667 0,053 0,668
0,694 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,508
0,185 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,636
0,231 TW
0,100 0,010 0,667 0,100 0,174 0,215 0,601
0,314 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,508 0,485 0,363 0,508 0,362 0,062 0,624
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
59 0 0 1 | a = WTP
20 0 0 0 | b = WDP
20 0 0 0 | c = TW
18 0 0 2 | d = TMP

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_4class_data(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.414
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
4 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.758
5 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.655
6 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.689
7 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
8 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.482
9 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.345
10 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.31
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.517
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.62
13 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
14 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
15 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.448
16 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.62
17 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.655
18 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.448
19 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
20 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
21 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
22 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
23 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
24 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
25 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
26 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
27 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
28 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
29 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
30 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Kappa statistic 0
Mean absolute error 0.3064
Root mean squared error 0.402
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
1,000 1,000 0,500 1,000 0,667 0,000 0,653
0,609 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,480
0,177 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,876
0,494 TW
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,520
0,207 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,500 0,500 0,250 0,500 0,333 0,000 0,639
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
15 0 0 0 | a = WTP
5 0 0 0 | b = WDP
5 0 0 0 | c = TW
5 0 0 0 | d = TMP

=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 13 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.EuclideanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_2class_dataN1(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remov
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 13 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.922
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
6 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.615
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
2 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.692
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.769
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.769
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
2 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
4 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.846
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.922
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.615
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.769
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.769
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.769
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.615
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.769
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
5 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.615
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.769
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.846
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.615
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
4 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
5 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.615
6 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.769
1 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
4 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
6 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.692
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.615
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.846
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.615
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
5 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.615
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 71 59.1667 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 49 40.8333 %
Kappa statistic 0.1833
Mean absolute error 0.4629
Root mean squared error 0.4905
Relative absolute error 92.5747 %
Root relative squared error 98.103 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,750 0,567 0,570 0,750 0,647 0,193 0,635
0,600 BAIK
0,433 0,250 0,634 0,433 0,515 0,193 0,635
0,608 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,592 0,408 0,602 0,592 0,581 0,193 0,635
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
45 15 | a = BAIK
34 26 | b = BURUK

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_2class_dataN1(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
5 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
6 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.692
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.769
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.538
13 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
14 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
15 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.692
16 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
17 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
18 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.692
19 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.615
20 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.923
21 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.538
22 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.846
23 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
24 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.692
25 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.769
26 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.538
27 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
28 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
29 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.538
30 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.615
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 20 66.6667 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 10 33.3333 %
Kappa statistic 0.3333
Mean absolute error 0.4462
Root mean squared error 0.4738
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,800 0,467 0,632 0,800 0,706 0,346 0,676
0,637 BAIK
0,533 0,200 0,727 0,533 0,615 0,346 0,676
0,677 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,667 0,333 0,679 0,667 0,661 0,346 0,676
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
12 3 | a = BAIK
7 8 | b = BURUK
=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 17 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.ManhattanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_2class_dataN1(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remov
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 17 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.764
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
2 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.529
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.764
4 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.823
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.764
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
6 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.529
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.941
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.706
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.764
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
5 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.588
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.764
9 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.706
1 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.529
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.764
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.764
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.529
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
12 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
3 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.529
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
6 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
7 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
8 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
10 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
11 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 73 60.8333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 47 39.1667 %
Kappa statistic 0.2167
Mean absolute error 0.4706
Root mean squared error 0.4933
Relative absolute error 94.124 %
Root relative squared error 98.6611 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,867 0,650 0,571 0,867 0,689 0,253 0,628
0,590 BAIK
0,350 0,133 0,724 0,350 0,472 0,253 0,628
0,616 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,608 0,392 0,648 0,608 0,580 0,253 0,628
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
52 8 | a = BAIK
39 21 | b = BURUK

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_2class_dataN1(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
2 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
3 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
4 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
5 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
6 1:BAIK 2:BURUK + 0.529
7 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
8 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
9 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.588
10 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
11 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.647
12 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.529
13 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
14 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.764
15 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.529
16 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.588
17 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
18 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
19 2:BURUK 1:BAIK + 0.706
20 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.706
21 2:BURUK 2:BURUK 0.647
22 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.764
23 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.588
24 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
25 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.706
26 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
27 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
28 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.647
29 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
30 1:BAIK 1:BAIK 0.529
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 23 76.6667 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 7 23.3333 %
Kappa statistic 0.5333
Mean absolute error 0.4314
Root mean squared error 0.4511
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,933 0,400 0,700 0,933 0,800 0,566 0,753
0,680 BAIK
0,600 0,067 0,900 0,600 0,720 0,566 0,753
0,813 BURUK
Weighted Avg. 0,767 0,233 0,800 0,767 0,760 0,566 0,753
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
14 1 | a = BAIK
6 9 | b = BURUK

=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 29 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.EuclideanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_4class_dataN1(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remov
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 29 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.517
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.345
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.586
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.586
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.689
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.448
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
2 1:WTP 4:TMP + 0.379
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.517
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.62
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.517
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
7 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.379
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.586
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.448
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.792
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.62
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.448
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.62
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.517
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.586
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.448
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.414
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.655
8 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.345
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.689
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.482
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.345
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.517
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.448
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.414
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.345
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.448
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.551
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.448
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.689
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.448
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.517
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.551
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.414
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.689
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.551
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.448
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.482
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.482
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.482
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.482
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.62
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 61 50.8333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 59 49.1667 %
Kappa statistic 0.0328
Mean absolute error 0.3126
Root mean squared error 0.3992
Relative absolute error 93.3571 %
Root relative squared error 97.7653 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,983 0,967 0,504 0,983 0,667 0,053 0,667
0,670 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,494
0,231 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,683
0,296 TW
0,100 0,010 0,667 0,100 0,174 0,215 0,646
0,308 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,508 0,485 0,363 0,508 0,362 0,062 0,638
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
59 0 0 1 | a = WTP
20 0 0 0 | b = WDP
20 0 0 0 | c = TW
18 0 0 2 | d = TMP
=== Re-evaluation on test set ===
User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_4class_dataN1(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.448
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.414
4 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.724
5 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.62
6 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.586
7 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.482
8 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.482
9 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.345
10 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.31
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.448
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.586
13 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.551
14 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.517
15 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.482
16 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.586
17 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.586
18 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.414
19 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
20 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.482
21 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.517
22 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
23 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.62
24 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
25 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.724
26 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
27 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.586
28 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.792
29 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.758
30 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.655
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Kappa statistic 0
Mean absolute error 0.3087
Root mean squared error 0.3988
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
1,000 1,000 0,500 1,000 0,667 0,000 0,709
0,720 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,468
0,171 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,792
0,615 TW
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,504
0,171 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,500 0,500 0,250 0,500 0,333 0,000 0,648
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
15 0 0 0 | a = WTP
5 0 0 0 | b = WDP
5 0 0 0 | c = TW
5 0 0 0 | d = TMP

=== Run information ===
Scheme: weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk -K 25 -W 0 -A "weka.core.neighboursearch
.LinearNNSearch -A \"weka.core.ManhattanDistance -R first-last\""
Relation: LK2_4class_dataN1(latih)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remov
Instances: 120
Attributes: 30
Test mode: 10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
IB1 instance-based classifier
using 25 nearest neighbour(s) for classification

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds

=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.48
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.44
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.44
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.44
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.56
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.32
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.799
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.44
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.679
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.679
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.719
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.4
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.639
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.799
2 1:WTP 4:TMP + 0.32
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.48
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.599
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.48
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.639
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.639
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.639
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.52
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.759
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.759
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
7 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.4
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.52
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.48
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.599
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.48
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.52
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.639
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.56
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.48
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.639
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.799
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.44
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.32
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.48
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.639
8 4:TMP 4:TMP 0.4
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.719
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.52
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.599
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.44
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.4
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.56
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.639
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.52
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.36
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.679
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.32
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.759
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.44
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.36
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.639
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.56
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.599
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.639
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.52
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.759
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.48
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.48
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.599
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.599
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.56
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
4 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
5 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.599
6 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
7 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.44
8 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.56
9 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.56
10 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.52
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 61 50.8333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 59 49.1667 %
Kappa statistic 0.0328
Mean absolute error 0.3076
Root mean squared error 0.4014
Relative absolute error 91.8698 %
Root relative squared error 98.3115 %
Total Number of Instances 120
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
0,983 0,967 0,504 0,983 0,667 0,053 0,660
0,676 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,546
0,185 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,659
0,246 TW
0,100 0,010 0,667 0,100 0,174 0,215 0,628
0,354 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,508 0,485 0,363 0,508 0,362 0,062 0,636
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
59 0 0 1 | a = WTP
20 0 0 0 | b = WDP
20 0 0 0 | c = TW
18 0 0 2 | d = TMP

=== Re-evaluation on test set ===

User supplied test set
Relation: LK2_4class_dataN1(uji)
Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally
Attributes: 39
=== Predictions on user test set ===
inst# actual predicted error prediction
1 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
2 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.44
3 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
4 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.719
5 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.679
6 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.679
7 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.48
8 2:WDP 1:WTP + 0.44
9 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.28
10 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.28
11 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
12 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.56
13 3:TW 1:WTP + 0.52
14 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.56
15 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.4
16 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.639
17 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.679
18 4:TMP 1:WTP + 0.36
19 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.52
20 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
21 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
22 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
23 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.639
24 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
25 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.719
26 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
27 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.56
28 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.759
29 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.799
30 1:WTP 1:WTP 0.679
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 15 50 %
Kappa statistic 0
Mean absolute error 0.2974
Root mean squared error 0.3924
Total Number of Instances 30
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure MCC ROC A
rea PRC Area Class
1,000 1,000 0,500 1,000 0,667 0,000 0,742
0,713 WTP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,548
0,199 WDP
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,900
0,507 TW
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,552
0,241 TMP
Weighted Avg. 0,500 0,500 0,250 0,500 0,333 0,000 0,704
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
15 0 0 0 | a = WTP
5 0 0 0 | b = WDP
5 0 0 0 | c = TW
5 0 0 0 | d = TMP

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