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The New Indian Express

Saturday, April 24, 2010 multiverse 7

zeitgeist Ever gone round and round the city up to four times, with two unnecessary
trips to Neelankarai and one to Guduvancheri, for two rupees?

Your Saturday
The thin line between Gitanjali Kolanad
A Fine Line

bargaining and lunacy

is a Toronto-based dancer,
choreographer and writer.

A teeny, tiny
: Dont feel bad. rested for concealing dangerous weapons.
Aishwarya Subramanian S: Im not feeling bad. Im contem- S: HAHAHAHA!
plating that very thin line that divides
alleged Awesome Bargaining Skills from com-
K: Why you are laughing?
S: Sorry.
Big Bang in
A fairer,
plete lunacy. K: I once gave an old woman this look by

K: Im just saying you should have asked accident and she had a heart attack.
me before buying that laptop. I could have got S: I have seen you give that look to people.

but less
you a really nice one, pucca quality for the It looks like youve fallen asleep with your
absolute best price ever. mouth open.

S: 23 paisa. K: With this look, I can make an auto driv-

interesting K: Yes.
S: You could have got me a laptop for 23
Kuzhali Manickavel
er take me round and round the city twice
with one unnecessary drop at Guduvancheri.
he world did not, despite dire warn-
ings, turn inside out and disappear

paisa. Guess how much I will pay. Guess guess. into a black hole on March 30. That
K: Yes. S: No. was the day when scientists at the
S: Are you on drugs? is the author of Insects Are Just Like You and K: Two rupees. European Centre for Nuclear Re-
K: I seriously can. Company piece, full anti- Me Except Some of Them Have Wings. She S: I can go round and round the city four search cranked up the Large Hadron Collider

few years ago I returned virus with twelve English movie DVDs that blogs at http://thirdworldghettovampire. times with two unnecessary trips to Neelan- and sent two proton beams racing in opposite
from a summer holiday havent been released abroad yet. All pucca karai and one unnecessary drop at Gudu- directions at just under the speed of light
several shades darker than pucca. With free bag. vancheri for one rupee. around the colliders 27-kilometre-long under-
when I had left. I found my new S: No warranty? K: I bought a Blackberry for 50 paisa and ground tunnel. Record-shattering 7-TeV colli-
tan fascinating; it had traced the K: If you want a 10-year complete war- I get everything on it for free all the time sions resulted, 10 million the first week that
rather unusual outline of my new ranty on everything you have to pay two to know how you bring a laptop price down forever. the LHC was up and running at high power.
watch onto my wrist, and for a few paisa extra. from several thousands of rupees to 23 pai- S: I found a Blackberry on the road that has Each head-on collision of sub-atomic parti-
days I chose not to wear a watch S: If you can do all that, you are beyond sa. everything on it for free all the time forever. cles is a teeny tiny Big Bang, a look back to 13.7
so that people could see the tan powerful and influential. You are magic. You K: First I laugh in the dealers face when he K: My dental work picks up WiFi signals so billion years ago, to the origin of the universe.
lines. A couple of days after I had are Harry Potter. quotes his price. I go HAHAHAHA! like the every time I touch something, it becomes By analysing data from the LHC, physicists
returned, though, I was visiting a K: I just know the right dealers. And these villain in a Tamil movie just before he rapes internet-enabled. Like if I touch a toaster. Or will come closer to understanding the very
friend and her mother entered the dealers have godowns. someone. When I laugh, it says to the dealer a plastic spoon. Or a fish. geometry of spacetime. Theyll get to look at
room. She was horrified when she S: I know dealers who have godowns and That price is absurd and it also says You S: You can create internet-enabled fish. the building blocks, the elementary particles,
saw what my holiday had done, none of them sell laptops for 23 paisa. better rethink that price or I will END K: Did I just go too far and lose this game? quarks and leptons and bosons, that have zero
especially when a look at my wrist K: Thats where my Awesome Bargaining you!!! S: You were already losing at the 23 paisa dimensions and take up no space, but may
informed her of the extent of the Skills come in. Its my skills that kills. S: I will end you? What are you, some kind laptop. somehow be made up of something still small-
damage. That I was taking it so S: Do these skills involve crying? Do you of deadly punctuation mark? K: But I can really get you that though. Ab- er. Maybe theyll even produce the elusive
lightly (even flaunting my dark- threaten to blow your nose on them if they K: Then I unleash my I Will End You !!! Look solute best price, pucca quality. Really. Higgs boson, the so-called God particle which
ened skin!) made the whole situa- dont give you the laptop for 23 paisa? Of Extreme Fear on the dealer. is thought to give all other matter its mass, al-
tion even worse. K: Chee. S: Is that where your mouth hangs open and lowing gravity to hold things together.
Many people will talk about the S: You throw a tantrum. You jump up and it looks like youre going to sneeze? This wasnt supposed to happen. Respected
racist and/or casteist implications down and say Give me the laptop for 23 paisa! K: HAHAHAHA! physicists had speculated that these attempts
of the cosmetics industrys insis- Give me give me give me! S: Iyo. to get up close and personal with the Higgs
tence that fairness and beauty go K: I do have a technique, if K: This is the look that is so powerful boson were being sabotaged by scientists from
hand in hand. Others will point thats what you want to that if I wear sunglasses, I can be ar- the future. Theyd caused helium leaks and cuts
out that our cultural obsession know. to funding. Theyd even sent a bird back in time
with fairness pre-dates the indus- S: I do want to know. I want to drop a piece of baguette on a part of the
try for as long as we can remem- outside electrical apparatus, causing the gigan-
ber, fairness has been seen as a tic supercooled magnets to overheat.
desirable trait. If youre spectacu-
larly beautiful in every other way
(Bipasha Basu) or a mythical prin-
cess (Draupadi) dark skin is for-
giveable and trite comments about
Isnt science wonderful? I
dusky beauties can be made, but think so. I am conducting
otherwise being born on the wrong
side of wheatish (that euphe-
my own experiments, as I
mistic staple of every matrimo- do every year when the
nial advertisement) is not an at-
tractive trait.
weather gets warm
Isnt science wonderful? I think so. I am con-
Our cultural obsession ducting my own experiments, as I do every
year when the weather gets warm, into the
with fairness pre-dates thermodynamics of phase transitions, using
the industry for as a Scraped-surface Heat Exchanger. Scientists
dont know what to call what I create is it a
long as we can colloid, an emulsion, a foam? I have two SHEs
ice-cream makers and either one sufficie
remember, fairness ntly counteracts the entropy-inducing Second
has been seen as a Law of Thermodynamics to force composites
of fat particles and air bubbles suspended in
desirable trait. The a viscous solution of sugars, lipids and prote
obsession with ins, to solidify. Milk, sugar, and some kind of
flavouring simple ingredients made sub-
fairness is boring lime. Smaller ice crystals are better, and prop-
er development of air cell structure is impor-
And while the arguments that tant. The equilibrium is unstable at best, pass-
it is racist and casteist are well ing from solid to liquid again. Mango ice
documented (and in my opinion cream melting on the tongue Yummmm. On
entirely accurate), what no one a hot day, this particular exchange of energy
seems to point out is this that has to be one of the singular delights of ther-
the obsession with fairness is in- modynamic asymmetry. Ill be working on the
credibly boring. recipe all summer, trying to get it just right.
I was startled to discover a cou- Hardly anything compares to ice cream, but
ple of years ago that an anti-acne sometimes when Im reading, I come across a
cream that had been recommend- perfect crystalline sentence that induces a
ed to me had other effects as well. phase transition in me. Smashing the sen-
The packaging proudly claimed tence into smithereens and examining the
that in addition to preventing individual components, words, letters, doesnt
spots, this wonderful product help to isolate that elusive Higgs boson of po-
would lighten my skin as well. etry, that gives perfectly simple combinations
Since then Ive been reading the of words the power to move us. Here is one
backs of boxes of all sorts of from Sappho that has exerted this force since
cosmetic products anti ageing the 7th century BC:
creams, anti-acne creams, prod- illustration: The moon has set, and the Pleiads;/ it is the
ucts to tackle dryness, oiliness and tuhin chakraborty middle of the night and time passes,/time pass-
sunburn. A surprising number of es, and I lie alone.
them carry the promise that the Every time I read this, I melt.
product will also make you fairer
as a sort of delightful extra
something they take for granted

Bringing up little girls in America the Andhra way

you will appreciate. And this is in
addition to the slew of advertise-
ments on the television where
various celebrities (of varying
genders and professions) shill the

regular fairness creams. ecently, a friend gave a techie mum daughters to attend Bharatnatyam and clas- the sake of family, while only 45 per cent
I have nightmare visions of a this advice on raising her daughter: sical music classes while the boys are initi- women felt confident enough to make the same
world in which these products ac- She talks very loudly. Teach her to ated in to the religion of cricket by fathers. assertion. Could that be because desi girls are
tually were effective and everyone talk softly, and not to talk too much. Wonder how sons would react if asked to take taught to compromise early in life?
ended up exactly the same shade After all, she is a girl. Oh boy is she in trouble, the song and dance route to remain true to Is it this skewed version of a womans
of light peachy-pink. It is not an I thought. just as other women friends went their heritage? world to blame for passing on our gender
interesting world. Right now, on the offensive. How dare she put down little So unless desi parents shelve their mental biases to our daughters? Does it then really
though, we live in a place and time girls? They have the right to be raised on par blocks we will raise yet another generation matter whether you raise your daughters in
where things like skin colour and with their brothers. Did coming to the US do of girls who believe they are second class Andhra or America? In the end, no quota in
body shape are almost infinitely nothing to change her gender-bias? citizens in a mans world. Never mind the Indias political arena or the brazen take-on-
varied. People and their bodies | Like me, they were frustrated to note that American passport. Many American-Indian the-world philosophy in America will turn
are fascinating. And the industry, well into the 21st century, halfway across the daughters admit they feel pressure when their the tide. The war must be waged and won in
the celebrities who endorse it, and globe from patriarchal India, many desi parents hold them up to standards different our own minds and hearts.
everyone who buys into it, tells women remain fettered by our gender-biased from those of their American peers by virtue Senior techies who moved to America in the
their daughter not to go out in the upbringing. As we try to melt in to the West of their Indian lineage. For example; as in 80s with pre-teen kids tell me that as an In-
sun, or writes a matrimonial ad and smelt our cultural identity just enough India, curfew timings (among other things) dian upbringing on Indian soil they had fewer
with the word fair in it; these to remain Indian, even as the passports turn vary for boys and girls. gender issues to deal with. But try that today
entities not only have a pitifully American, the socio-cultural chasms are of- Simply put, how we raise our little girls af- with American born desi girls and the sce-
limited conception of beauty, but ten the more difficult ones to cross. Whats fects the choices they make as women. As nario changes. Techie mums believe this is
they are also contributing to mak- more, with mothers being the primary care- Silicon evidence, a woman techie mentioned a survey because, in America, girls are not viewed as
ing my world a less interesting givers, the responsibility of raising confident Tales conducted by business consulting firm Bain a secondary sex to be seen and not heard.
place. And thats terrible. children falls to her. and Company reported in a leading Indian Chromosome make up does not decide how
Indian parents, particularly mothers, in daily. Apparently, from the people polled, men far one goes in life. On that note, to desi moth-
the Valley admit it is challenging to walk the Farwa Imam Ali (87 per cent) and women (91 per cent) agreed ers in the Valley and back home, I say in the
The writer is a student of English treacherous tightrope between raising con- is a journalist based in the US. that either sex could be a primary breadwin- words of former U S Secretary of State, Mad-
literature. She blogs at http://bluelull- fident desi daughters, and upright ones at ner. But when it came to making career sacri- eleine K Albright: There is a special place in You can reach her that. Whatever that means in todays world. fices, nearly 77 per cent men felt sure their hell for women who do not help other women.
at Trying to stay Indian at heart, they motivate partner would compromise on their career for Let us raise those daughters strong.

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