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Journal Of WWII

Dear Journal,

My name is Jessica Albert and today I was pulled from my job. An hour ago,
our clinic received a call that there was a need for more nurses in the war. I'm
being sent to work side by side with the Army Nurse Corps. I'm....... scared. I've
heard about the number of women dying brutally in bombings and plane crashes.

Why me?, it's not my fault that Luny-Bin-Hitler decided to invaded Poland on
September 1, 1939, and in retaliation making Britain and France declare war on
Germany. It's not my fault that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
I know what happened, I heard it on the radio. The Japanese bombed our waters
and we went to War. What it all comes down to, is servicemen fell that Sunday
morning in Hawaii.

Dear Journal,

Well..... it's now June of 42 and today our Navy proclaimed victory at the
Battle of Midway, this marks a turning point in the Pacific War against Hitler and
his allies. It has brought a smile to my face, I've been elbow deep in blood and
guts since the last time I wrote my thoughts and finally.. finally, I have hope. All
I've seen so far from us is lose. Our great nation had been losing too many, I just
want it to end. It's sad when soldiers are brought in, they see us nurses as angels.
It creates a frog in my voice and all I want to do is crawl into bed and weep.

Dear Journal,

It's getting colder and we've been losing more men by the second. Sickness is
everywhere. Being that it's November it's understandable, but mournful
nonetheless. It's now, which means it's been almost a year since our involvement.

There's been a talk of an Operation Torch among the soldiers when any of us
nurses walk by the whispering of its stops. What I know it that we plan to invade
North Africa. Its to become the first US military offense of the war in the West.

Dear Journal,

Operation Torch was initiated and allied troops slowly cornered the German
forces in North Africa. Today, May of 43, they finally surrendered in Tunisia. An
easy tell because the men are in such good spirits and that there have been fewer
men coming in for care. The ones that recently came in said it was a joint British-
US victory. As costly and hard fought as it was, it was invaluable in mobilizing
US public opinion behind the war effort.

Dear Journal,

We've been on a winning streak. It's July 10 of 42 and the US and Allies have
invaded and taken the island of Sicily. Us nurses are being allowed a break and
we are invited to a winning celebration. It's all anyone can talk about.

Dear Journal,

1943 September 1, It's been hell. So many are being wounded and we've been
low in supplies. I've heard that some outposts are having trouble with infection
due to the fact that glove supplies are nil. I hope we get our shipment soon.

Dear Journal,

There has been something to cheer and fill everyone with hope. It's only been
two days since I had last written, and the most wonderful new has been
announced on the radio. Italy surrendered, however, Germany helped Mussolini
escape and set up a government in Northern Italy, but that won't hasn't dampened
anyone's mood.

Dear Journal,

Don't have much time to write, but it's been a year, so it's 1944. Today, June 6,
Codenamed Operation Overlord or known as D-day and the Normandy invasion
finally brought something to the allies. Our forces invaded France and pushed
back the Germans.

Dear Journal,

August 25, Paris has been liberated from German control. Another Ally

Dear Journal,

Christmas is around the corner and I can't help but feel sorrow for the families
that have lost a loved one in the war. I had a patient three days ago show me a
picture of his family, then ask me if he didn't make it till Christmas, then
somehow contact them and tell them merry Christmas and that he's watching over
them. Well anyway, it's now 1944 and it's December 16. The Germans have
launched a large attack at the Battle of the Bulge. I've been told not to bring it up,
why you might ask, that the soldiers have lost too many friends and will have an
episode if brought up. Even though the Germans lose to the Allies, it's sealing the
fate of the German army. Which is a plus, but a sad plus.

Dear Journal,

We've lost too many, it has all become a blur.

Dear Journal,

This must be brief, the wounded are piling up. It's now February 19, 1945, the
US Marines have invaded the island of Iwo Jima. After a fierce battle, they
captured the island. Which is why so many wounded are piling up. Many were
wounded and we almost didn't capture it.

Dear Journal,

I'm finally going home. Germany surrendered as of 1945 May 7. I'm frankly
shocked. I thought it would never end. I can't wait to get away from all this death.
As soon as I get home I'm finding another job all alltogether. I'm getting away
from the blood, gore and the cry of the wounded.

Dear Journal,

I thought my last log would be the last, but I was wrong. Yesterday while
reading the paper, I read something shocking. Adolf Hitler suicided. He knew
Germany was losing, so on 1945 April 30, he suicided. My war journal has
officially come to an end.


Jessica Albert

Letters During the Vietnam War

February 25, 1965

Dear Cale,

I write you from my college dorm room. Over the past week, there's been an
uproar at the campus about the war. Everyones been invited to protest the
American involvement in Indochina and Nixons latest military venture. On May
11th, at 3 p.m. some people will discuss the diplomatic, military, political, legal,
and economic aspects of the war. Specific activities this week will be canvassing
dorms/fraternities/chapel hill and stat, Washington witness, letter writing, a
graduate student "unit action", Rochester national petition, Bragg march and
veterans against the war to name a few. This was organized by the student
legislature, Tommy Bello, and the graduate students from the English

I do believe I will be joining the ten buses that have been chartered for students
and faculty to go to Washington on Tuesday to meet with the North Carolina
delegation and other Congressmen. This needs to come to an end. It's been a year
since the North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked and we retaliated. It's been a
year...why have you guys continued to bomb these people? We're questioning the
governments assertion that they are fighting a democratic war to liberate the
South Vietnamese people from Communist the aggression.

I miss and love you, but I think what you guys are doing is wrong.



November 21, 1967

Dear Cale,

What's messed up is that U.S. casualties had reached 15,058 killed and 109,527
wounded. The Vietnam War is costing the U.S. $25 billion per year, and
disillusionment was beginning to reach greater sections of us taxpaying public.
More casualties were reported and U.S. commanders are demanding more troops.
Under the draft system, as many as 40,000 young men are being called into
service each month.

Also the most brilliant thing happened this year, Marthin Luther King Jr. agrees
with us and went public with his opposition to the war on moral grounds,
condemning the wars diversion of federal funds from domestic programs as well
as the disproportionate number of African-American casualties in relation to the
total number of soldiers killed in the war. What we are doing is right.

I still miss and love you, but what's been happening is not right. I know you went
because of your father being a commander and all and having no say in the
matter, but you guys being there, is suspicious.



August 19, 1968

Dear Cale,

I hope you're getting this and you weren't killed in the launch of the Tet
Offensive by the North Vietnamese communist troops. I and the whole nation
can't believe the success against you and the South Vietnamese. Our efforts have
redoubled from the shock and discontent across the home front and it's sparked
the most intense anti-war protests to date. You guys are needlessly being

We've taken a Gallup poll that showed only 35 percent of the population approves
of Johnsons handling of the war and a full 50 percent disapproval. You wouldn't
believe the sight of the members of the organization of Vietnam Veterans Against
the War has been making. Many of whom are in wheelchairs and on crutches. The
sight them on television throwing away the medals they had won during the war
are etched into my memory. Them doing this won people over to our anti-war

God, I wish you were away from death and killing to be here with me. All of you
poor souls.



May 29, 1970

Dear Cale,

Can you believe Nixon?, He claimed that anti-war protesters constituted a

smallalbeit vocalminority that should not be allowed to drown out the silent
majority of Americans. His policies have divided this nation further.

Last year in December of 1969, our government instituted the first draft lottery
since World War II. What the hell, it's like they are trying to slaughter you guys.
To kill off the viral male population. Kids are hurting themselves and fleeing to
Canada to avoid conscription.

It's been years since I saw your face, do you still love me. I know I still love you.



May 11, 1970

Dear Cale,

I'm so livid, I'm shaking with tension. There have been incidents of official
violence from the government against our demonstrations. For example such as
those at Kent State this month. The National Guard troops shot into a group of
protesters demonstrating against the invasion of Cambodia. They killed four
students, f**king four students. Our demonstrations aren't hurting anybody, you
know what, though, I believe they're trying to scare us off. Nope, that's not going
to be working, if anything we will redouble out efforts.

I can't say right now if I have much love for in me, due to the killings of fellow
grad students, but with everything I can muster, I love you, so please come home
to me soon.



July 13, 1971

Dear Cale,

Hey, love, there has been a publication of the first Pentagon Papers. Our cause
is now officially backed up, the papers revealed previously confidential details
about the wars conduct. Having these papers come out is a blessing, it has
caused more and more Americans to question the accountability of the U.S.
government and military establishments. You'll be coming home soon. With so
many of us protesting,d z Nixon will have to pull you guys out of Vietnam.

I can't wait to see you again.



January 29, 1973

Dear Cale

You're coming home, What did I tell you. Those papers coming out and those
people joining our cause have made Nixon announce the effective end to U.S.
involvement in Southeast Asia.

See you soon.



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