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purpose of this form is to document your learning as it takes place. What you should see is that learning is a process. No one can ever learn everything about even one
topic, and so your goal should be to update this form on a daily basis. As you work:

Include the information you have learned, with the main ideas summarized in your own words. If you cant summarize it in your own words, you havent learned it.
Include the dates so that you can monitor your learning process.
As you learn more, you should always have more questions. We should see continuous questions and answers as you seek to deepen your knowledge.

My Driving Question or SMART Goal is:

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

This section will be the first section you will fill out. You will also do this section before you begin the As you continue to research and learn, you will
Here you will list, summarized in your own words, project. After you complete the things you know realize that there are some things you didnt even
every important idea that you know so far. After you and Mind Map #1, you will see that there are many know that you didnt know. This is where some of
finish, you will create Mind Map #1 with everything things you dont know yet. Anything you know that the most important learning takes place. If you come
you know from before you began the project. Later, you dont know should go here in the form of a across a new word or idea that is related to your
as you learn more, you should add to this list. Choose question. Once you finish this section, you will know topic, but you didnt even know that it existed
a specific color for all the things that you know you what you need to learn next. As you learn new before, you should write that here in the form of a
know. As you add information from the things you information, add it to the things you know section in question. This will add even more new information
know you dont know section, choose a different a different color. that you can learn about. As you learn the answers
color. As you add information from the things you to these questions, add them to the things you
didnt know you didnt know section choose a third learned list in a third different color.

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

Preparing - How to arrange flowers in correct way? - Why have we handle the flower on its
- Using fresh materials and plants - How should I prepare for arranging? stem.
- While arrange the flower, we should handle - What are materials should I use? - Why have we cut the flower when it
the flowers stem. -> to protect - What are some principles to arrange the doesnt fully mature?
- Best cut the flower when it is fully open flowers? - Why have we cut the flower in 45-
because it takes up water well and not wilt - How many arrangement styles? and what degree?
are they? - How can white container effect flower
- We should use sharp knife or flower sheers to
- How to design the arrangement? arrangement?
cut the flower.
- Cut stem longer than require for arrangement
- How to make it beautiful? - Which type of container should not be
- Before arrange the flowers, put them in cold - How can I make my flowers stay last used?
water and dark place. longer? - What is holder?
- Cut stem in 45-degree because it will be able - How should I choose a container? - What is pinpoint holder and how to use?
to absorb more water. - What is floral foam and how to use?
- We should cut the stem under the water to - How to use dry foam and wet foam?
prevent air from entering the stem. - What are elements of design?
- To protect the flowers, cut the flowers under - What are attributes of design?
lukewarm water in dark and cool place (it - What are principles of design?
allows flowers to absorb more water) and do
- What is 12-hue color wheel?
it again in the morning.
- What is primary, secondary, and
- Ornate container should not be used.
- What container can be start and call
intermediate color?
attention. - What are color harmonies?
- We can use container that made from clay, - What is Related Color Harmonies?
glass, pottery etc. - What is Contrasting Color Harmonies?
- Holder is one of the materials that give - What are groups of form?
freedom position and secure to the - What are attributes of design?
arrangement. - What is visual balance?
- What is focal point?
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- Pinpoint holder is used in line and line-

mass arrangement in low bowl or shallow
- Heavy metal pinpoint holder is easiest to
keep in place in the container.
- Oasis (floral foam) is used to keep the
- Wet foam is used for fresh plant materials
and should not be reused.
- Dry foam is used for dried /silk floral
- To use the floral foam,
1. Soak it in water
2. Cut a piece of foam fit container
3. Insert stem to the bottom of the
3 types of floral arrangement
- 1.) Line arrangement : Japanese style,
emphasis on beauty of individuals blooms,
bold, dramatic, and focus on contrasting.
- 2.) Line-mass arrangement : Japanese
style, plenty of open space, using more
plants materials than line arrangement,
contrast of texture, color, and line.
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- 3.) Mass arrangement : thick, look full,

emphasis on the whole colorful mass of
color and foliage.
- Design -> good composition
Relationship between feeling
security, naturalness, balance,
and simplicity.
Should be able to express ones
Elements of design : color, light,
space, line, form, pattern
Principles of design : balance,
dominance, contrast, rhythm,
scale, proportion.
Element of Design
12-Hue Color Wheel -> used to determine
which color will work well with each other.
Warm Color : red, orange, yellow (have
more weight)
Cool Color : Blue, Green, Violet (peaceful)
Stage of Color
Primary Color = Red, Blue, Yellow -> create
all other color
Secondary Color = Orange, Green, Violet -
> result from combining primary color
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- Intermediate = Blue-green, Blue-violet,

Red violet -> result from combining
primary and secondary colors.
- Color Harmonies ->Related Color
Harmonies, Contrasting Color Harmonies
- Related Color Harmonies->
monochromatic (a hue its tone), and
analogues (color near each other)
- Contrast Color Harmonies-> direct
complements (color lying on the opposite
side of color wheel), split complement
(combination of 2 hues on either side of
the wheel), and triad (3 hues spread
equally on color wheel)
Elements of Design
- Light-> change flowers appearance,
enhance from depth; white light is good.
- Space-> area between individual plant
- Line-> create visual path and establish the
structural framework.
- Form-> 3 dimensional aspect of design. If
closes, mass and impact (more heavier),
but if open, spread.
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- 3 Main Groups of Form which are linear

(line + line mass), rounded (line + line
mass) ,and filter (line + line mass; use
background filter and as space filter in
mass arrangement)
- Pattern-> designed formed by solids and
- Texture-> about the quality of plant
- Textural contrast &variety can add
- Size-> select flowers and leaves of
different size, and buds and smalls flowers
are used at the top and edges.
Attributes for Design
- Expression-> artistic & creative selection
of components, a mood, feeling, or idea.
**Should be able to communicate with
- Harmony-> principle that produce feeling
of unity throughout the composition. To
obtain, all components must have
something in common either in size,
shape, texture, idea.

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- Unity-> expresses congeniality,

cooperation, and spirit of working
Principles of Design
- Balance-> the arrangement doesnt fall
over and gives feeling rest, stability, and
2 types of Balance : symmetrical ( one side
of arrangement is nearly a mirror image of
another ,and everything is out in both side
of the central axis -> same kind, form,
color),and asymmetrical (the plants are
different in each side of central axis,
however, they should maintain visual
weight, sense of balance)
- Visual Balance-> it depends on placement
of flower and foliage. Some side and color
used higher from the axis will make the
design heavy. Using larger and darker
plant material just above the container
creates visual stability.

Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- Focal Points-> attract attention, usually

placed low in arrangement near center
and composed of some massive material
such as large flower, bright flower -> have
more weight and stability.
- Dominance-> using dominant color, size,
shape, texture, strong color with sharp
contrast in form, size, color. *should have
focal point
- Rhythm-> refers to movement. Swing or
motion create dominant visual. It may be
obtained repetition of shapes, lines, hue,
direction + size, weight, texture, color +
line movement of flowers.
- Contrast-> placing opposite side or unlike
elements together so as to emphasize or
accentuate their differences ,but not too
- Proportion-> important in the use of
color, texture, or form
- -> consider amount of plants
materials relation to container ->
- with regard to 1.) Line : proportion is
relative length
- 2.) Color : proportion is relative magnitude
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

- 3.) Shape : describe the number of round

forms in relation to spike forms.
- Scale-> Size relationship between
and or and container. Better
scale balance may be obtained if the
smaller flowers are grouped (thus giving
them more individually). Placing small and
large is good (create contrast)
How to arrange the flower?
1. Add larger, more dominant flowers
Tips: It is better to work with a single flower at a
time. We should work in a circle by placing flower
around outer edge of the container.
2. Layer flowers as we go -> using
different types of flowers
Tips: This circle of flowers should be inside the
first (try to create dome shape). One variety after
another, according to size and number of .
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

3. Use an odd layer in each layer-> of

each variety of e.g. 7 red roses in
outer circle, 5 white roses in the inner,
and 3 springs of babys breath inter
spread between them. (if you want
less uniform +non organic)
4. Pay attention to weight and height
Tips: Height of arrangement should be
times the height of container.
Rotate arrangement to check.
5. Add any leave, berries, or other
greenery last -> helps separate the
blooms + giving air room. Interesting!
Things you know you know / Things you know that you dont know Things you didnt know that you didnt know

Things you learned

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