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Chapter 10 Agriculture Study Guide (pg 346-360)


--For all the following, be able to define/explain and have examples when applicable.

Chapter 10 Agriculture KI #1 and #2 pg 346 355 Due ___________________

1) Guns, Germs, and Steel (Video) NOT IN BOOK
a. How did we progress from hunting and gathering societies to the agriculture of today?
b. How did having a stable source of food affect these ancient societies?
c. What role did geographic luck play in societal advancement?
2) Define Agriculture:
3) Define Crop:
4) What % of people in LDCs (Developing) that are farmers
5) What % of the Worlds farmers in LDCs (Developing)
6) Hunter/Gatherer Describe the type of lifestyle prior to the invention of agriculture
7) Agricultural Revolution
a. What was it?
b. When did it occur?
8) Name the 4 Crop Hearths
9) Describe the importance of the animal hearths of SW Asia
10) Compare and Contrast subsistence Agriculture vs Commercial Agriculture
a. Definition/Characteristics of each
b. % of people involved in the agricultural process for each
11) Describe the loss of farmland due to expanding suburbs
12) Define dietary energy consumption
13) Cereal Grain
a. Define cereal
b. Define Grain
c. Name and Describe the 3 leading cereal grains
14) Compare and contrast primary source of protein in Developed vs Developing
15) Define Food security
16) Define Undernourishment

Food for Thought after reading Ch. 10 Agriculture KI #1 and #2 pg. 346-355 - DUE
1. Describe the similarities and differences among commercial and subsistence agriculture.

Chapter 10 Agriculture KI #3 and #4 pg 356 387 Due ______________________

1) Read over Whittleseys 11 main agricultural regions, also check out the map on page 356-357
a. Check out the similarity between agriculture and climate on the map
2) Pastoral Nomadism (is a type of subsistence ag - FYI)
a. What is it?
b. Types of animals selected
c. Transhumance
d. Is pastoral nomadism increasing or decreasing? Why?
3) Shifting Cultivation 2 distinctive characteristics (is a type of subsistence ag FYI)
a. Define Slash-and-burn
b. Define and describe the process of Fallow land
c. Define Swidden
d. Name the types of crops grown in the worlds different regions
e. Shifting cultivation occupies how much of the worlds land area?
f. Name the % of people in the world that participate in shifting cultivation
g. Why is shifting cultivation declining?
Chapter 10 Agriculture Study Guide (pg 346-360)
4) Intensive subsistence agriculture
a. Definition
b. Regions of the world
c. Size of farm
d. Agricultural density high or low?
e. Wet Rice
i. Definition
ii. Double cropping
f. Wet Rice Not Dominant
i. Regions
ii. Crop
iii. Crop Rotation
g. Intertillage (not in book) - the clearing of rows in the field through the use of hoes, rakes, &
other manual equipment
5) Plantation
a. Definition
b. Devoloped or Developing?
c. Climate
d. Crops grown
6) Commercial Agriculture in Developed Countries (6 main Types) Know the definition/characteristics
of each as well as regions of the US or world.
a. Mixed Crop and livestock farming
b. Commercial Gardening and Fruit farming
i. Truck farming
c. Dairy Farming
i. Milkshed
d. Grain Farming
e. Mediterranean Ag
f. Livestock Ranching
i. Ranching
7) Agribusiness
8) Two issues that influence the choice of crops grown in developing countries
9) Drug crops
a. Not in the book But why grow people grow them?
10) Food prices 4 factors
11) Asian Carp and Chicagos Economy
12) Challenges for Farmers in Developed Countries What are they?
13) von Thnen's Model (Very Important Model)
14) 4 Strategies being employed to distribute food to everyone in the world
15) Desertification
16) Aquaculture/Aquafarming
17) Overfishing
18) Green Revolution
a. What is it?
b. 2 Main Practices
19) Genetically Modified (GM) crops and characteristics
a. Americans and processed foods
b. Africas concerns for GM foods
20) Sustainable Agriculture (Organic Farming)
a. What is it?
Chapter 10 Agriculture Study Guide (pg 346-360)
b. 3 principle practices that distinguish sustainable ag from conventional ag.
21) King Corn
a. Government involvement and farmers profits
b. The link between government subsidies, agriculture industry, food industry, and American diet.
c. How do our U.S. farm subsidies affect LDC farmers who live halfway around the world?

Food for Thought after reading Ch. 10 Agriculture KI #3 and #4 pg. 356-387 - DUE
2. Do you believe government subsidies for agriculture are positive or negative policies? Explain.

Ch10 (Unit 5) Agriculture FRQ

1. Shifting cultivation, a form of subsistence agriculture.
a. Define subsistence agriculture
b. Describe the practice of shifting cultivation
c. Explain one reason why shifting cultivation was sustainable in the past.
d. Explain two reasons why shifting cultivation is expected to diminish during the twenty-first

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