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Phonics Cards

These phonics cards were designed to be used for teaching and drill
purposes to support an existing phonics program with an established
scope and sequence. For example, you can use the cards in
conjunction with your schools reading series. The cards can be
utilized during both whole and small group instruction to support the
teaching of new phonics skills as well as review of previously taught

These cards were specifically aligned with the assessment and scope
and sequence found in the book School Success for Kids with
Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties (Walter E. Dunson).

To assemble your cards, simply print the pages single-sided to double-

sided on cardstock. It is recommended that you laminate the cards so
that they are durable. Key words for the correct pronunciation of the
phonics skill is provided for you on the back of each card.
Phonics Cards
a e

//- big
//- bike


2 1

// cat
// beg //- lake
//- Pete /aw/- call

Vowels Vowels
u b
o y
7 5

// bug
/b/ bat //- cube
/oo/- tulip

Consonants Vowels

6 4

/y/ yellow
//- cry // hot
//- candy //- ocean
//- gym

Consonants/Vowels Vowels
d g
c f
11 9

/g/ goat
/j/- gym
/d/ dog
g says /j/ when placed before e, i or y
g says /g/ when placed before a, o, or u

Consonants Consonants

10 8

/k/ cat
/s/- city
/f/ fun
c says /s/ when placed before e, i or y
c says /k/ when placed before a, o, or u

Consonants Consonants
j l
h k
15 13

/l/ love /j/ jam

Consonants Consonants

14 12

/k/ king /h/ hat

Consonants Consonants
n qu
m p
19 17

/kw/ queen /n/ net

Consonants Consonants

18 16

/m/ man
/p/ pin

Consonants Consonants
r t
que s
23 21

/t/ top /r/ rug

Consonants Consonants

22 20

/s/ soap
/z/- reason /k/- antique
s makes the /z/ sound when it appears
between 2 vowels

Consonants Consonants
w z
v x
27 25

/z/ zip /w/ watch

Consonants Consonants

26 24

/ks/ fox
/gz/- exam
/v/ van

x says /gz/ when placed before a vowel other

than y

Consonants Consonants
ai aw
a-e au
31 29

/aw/ paw // pail

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

30 28

/aw/ sauce // lace

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

ea ee
ay e-e
35 33

//- heat
//- feet //- head
//- great

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

34 32

//- eve // hay

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

eigh ey
ei ew
39 37

//- alley
//- sleigh
//- they

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

38 36

// weigh
//- few
//- ceiling
/oo/- grew

Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams
i-e oa
oe igh
42 43

//- bike
//- boat

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

41 40

//- hoe
//- night

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

o-e br
cl bl
52 44

br/- brush //- tote

Initial Blends Vowel Teams

51 53

/bl/- black /cl/- clap

Initial Blends Initial Blends

cr fr
gl fl
56 54

/fr/- friend /cr/- crab

Initial Blends Initial Blends

55 57

/fl/- flag /gl/- glad

Initial Blends Initial Blends

gr pr
sc pl
60 58

/pr/- prize /gr/- grab

Initial Blends Initial Blends

59 61

/sc/- scar
/pl/- plan

Initial Blends Initial Blends

scr sk
sl shr
64 62

/sk/- skunk /scr/- scrap

Initial Blends Initial Blends

63 65

/shr/- shrug /sl/- sleep

Initial Blends Initial Blends

sm sp
spl sn
68 66

/sp/- spin /sm/- smart

Initial Blends Initial Blends

67 69

/sn/- snap /spl/- splash

Initial Blends Initial Blends

spr st
str squ
72 70

/st/- star /spr/- spring

Initial Blends Initial Blends

71 73

/squ/- squash /str/- string

Initial Blends Initial Blends

thr -ct
-ft tr
76 74

/kt/- duct /thr/- three

Final Blends Initial Blends

75 77

/tr/- trash /ft/- left

Initial Blends Final Blends

-lk -nch
-nct -mpt
80 78

/nch/- lunch /lk/- milk

Final Blends Final Blends

79 81

/mpt/- tempt /nct/- extinct

Final Blends Final Blends

-nk -nd
-nt -ng
82 84

/nd/- sand /nk/- wink

Final Blends Final Blends

83 85

/ng/- rang /nt/- tent

Final Blends Final Blends

-sp -pt
-st -sk
86 88

/pt/- kept /sp/- wasp

Final Blends Final Blends

87 89

/sk/- tusk /st/- first

Final Blends Final Blends

ir ar
or er
90 92

/aw er/- car

/er/- bird
/er/- wizard

R-Controlled Vowels R-Controlled Vowels

91 93

/ er/- horn
/er/- fern
/er/- doctor

R-Controlled Vowels Final Blends

-dge ur
gn -ed
94 95

/er/- nurse /j/- ledge

R-Controlled Vowels Special Phonograms

96 97

/d/- rented
/d/- prayed /n/- gnaw
/t/- picked

Special Phonograms R-Controlled Vowels

kn rh
-mb -mn
101 98

/r/- rhino /n/- knock

Special Phonograms Special Phonograms

100 99

/m/- hymn /m/- lamb

Special Phonograms Special Phonograms

ch ph
ck sh
104 102

/ch/- chick
/f/- phone /k/- school

Consonant Digraph Consonant Digraph

105 103

/sh/- shoe /k/- duck

Consonant Digraph Consonant Digraph

wh -tch
th wr
108 107

/ch/- batch /hw/- when

Special Phonograms Consonant Digraph

109 106

/r/- wrench /th/- thumb

/th/- this

Special Phonograms Consonant Digraphs

-ble -ckle
-cle -dle
112 110

/kl/- chuckle /bl/- able

Consonant + le Consonant + le

113 111

/dl/- bundle /kl/- circle

Consonant + le Consonant + le
-fle -kle
-gle -ple
116 114

/kl/- crackle /fl/- rifle

Consonant + le Consonant + le

117 115

/pl/- staple /gl/- struggle

Consonant + le Consonant + le
-stle -ald
-tle -zle
121 118

/awld/- bald /sl/- whistle

Vowel+Consonant+Consonant Consonant + le

120 119

/zl/- puzzle /tl/- settle

Consonant + le Consonant + le
-alk -ild
-all -alt
125 122

/ld/- wild /awk/- chalk

Vowel+Consonant+Consonant Vowel Consonant+Consonant


/awlt/- halt /awl/- fall

Vowel Consonant+Consonant Vowel Consonant+Consonant

-ind -oll
-old -olt
128 126

/l/- toll /nd/- kind

Vowel Consonant+Consonant Vowel Consonant+Consonant

129 127

/lt/- colt /ld/- cold

Vowel Consonant+Consonant Vowel Consonant+Consonant

-ost -ade
-able -age
132 130

/d/- wade /st/- host

Final Stable Syllables Vowel Consonant+Consonant

133 131

/g/- page / bl/- sociable

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-al -ance
-ain -ancy
136 134

/ns/-entrance /l/- total

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

137 135

/n/- bargain
/ns/- buoyancy

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-ane -ery
-ant -ful
140 138

/r/- mystery /n/- pane

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

141 139

/fl/- wonderful /nt/- tolerant

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-fully -ilble
-hood -ing
144 142

/ bl/- horrible /fl/- joyfully

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

145 143

/ng/- running /hood/- motherhood

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-ite -less
-ive -ary
148 146

/ls/- motionless /t/- dynamite

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

149 147

/ r /- vocabulary /v/- hive

/r /- diary

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-ate -cian
-cial -ciate
152 150

/shn/- magician /t/- create

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

153 151

/shl/- crucial
/sh t/- appreciate

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-cient -ent
-el -ence
157 154

/nt/- radient /shnt/- sufficient

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

156 155

/ns/- intelligence
/l/- apparel

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-ment -ly
-ory -ness
158 159

/l/- friendly /mnt/- excitement

Final Stable Syllables

Final Stable Syllables

160 161

/ns/- happiness / r /- satisfactory

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

-sion -ous
-ture -tion
162 163

/shn/- tension
/s/- gracious
/zhn/- vision

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

164 165

/shn/- action /chr/- mature

Final Stable Syllables Final Stable Syllables

oo oy
ou ow
49 46

/oo/- boot
/ /- toy
/oo/- book

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

48 47

//- snow / oo/- loud

/ oo/- brown /oo/- soup

Vowel Teams Vowel Teams

ue Consonants
oi Vowel

//- cue
/oo/- true

Vowel Teams


/ /- oil

Vowel Teams
Initial R-Controlled
Blends Vowels
Final Special
Blends Phonograms
Consonant Vowel +
Digraphs Consonant +
Consonant Final Stable
+ le Syllables

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