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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Bible Code
3. R-Value
4. Probability Of The Matrix
5. The First Matrix
6. The Second Matrix
7. The Third Matrix
8. Conclusion
Bible Code Secrets of The Second
Coming of Jesus Christ
by Kevin McInturf
Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Bible Code
3. R-Value
4. Probability Of The Matrix
5. The First Matrix
6. The Second Matrix
7. The Third Matrix
8. Conclusion

1. Introduction
During the revolutionary war, George Washington needed to get valuable
information to and from his generals without this information falling into the
hands of the British. In order to do this, he would create a template where
he would write out his true message and then hide or
code the message within a common text letter. If the letter fell into the
wrong hands, it could not be decoded without a duplicate template.
Washingtons messages were never decoded and the rest is history. This
book is designed to show you a similar type of template found in the Bible. A
template which will reveal secret bible codes concerning the second coming
of Jesus Christ!

2. The Bible Code

Over the last few decades, statisticians have discovered a similar code in the
Old Testament Torah (the first five books of the Bible). The existence of this
code has been proven to be more than a chance occurrence. Hidden
messages within the Torah text can now be deciphered through the use of
computers. Over the last several months, I have been working on
a project for a friend concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ that
maybe hidden in the code. To forecast the probability of this event occurring
I used a software program called Code Finder to run matrices on the Bible
code. To give you some background on how this program works I have
included a very good article written by Roy A. Reinhold, a statistician, who
explains what the code is and how it is calculated.

What I am attempting to do with these articles, is to explain the current state

of affairs in building an accurate and reliable method for calculating the
probability of a Bible code matrix.. When we say probability of a matrix, we
are saying there is a 1 in 10 chance of the matrix occurring randomly, or 1 in
100, or 1 in a 1000, or 1 in a million chance. It gives the viewer a
mathematical gauge to determine how important the matrix is and whether
it is a chance occurrence or something we'd expect to be found.
Of the 10 Bible code programs available, only 4 of them make any
attempt to calculate statistics. They are:

1. Code Finder: Millennium Edition.

2. ABC Decoder PRO/Bible Codes 2000 (same program but with a different
name on the CD).
3. ABC Decoder.

The above programs also happen to be the top ranked programs, with
Code Finder: Millennium Edition and ABC Decoder PRO/Bible Codes
2000 being superior to all other code programs by a significant
margin. All four programs above calculate the "expected occurrences"
for the main term in the initial search, while Code Finder calculates
expected occurrences for all terms in the initial search and all terms in
subsequent searches.

What are expected occurrences? They are the number of occurrences we would
expect to find in a random text based on the distribution of letters in the text. As we
decrease the size of the text, the expected occurrences goes down. For example, if
our ELS (equidistant letter spacing) search range is 1-1000, and we are looking for
forward and reverse occurrences, we would expect to find 3.574 occurrences of the
name "Edison" (6 letters in Hebrew) when searching the Torah. If instead of
searching the Torah, we decrease the text size to only the book of Genesis, then we
would expect to find 1.214 occurrences of Edison using the same ELS range.
ABC Decoder PRO/Bible Codes 2000 and ABC Decoder all determine the
expected occurrences for only the key code or main term in the initial search.
The programs do not calculate the expected occurrences for other terms or
subsequent searches in the matrix. The program compares the expected
occurrences to the actual number found for the main term, and gives a
standard deviation and probability. However, this probability is not for
a matrix, it is merely the difference in actual occurrences in the text versus
expected occurrences. It is a good first step because Computronics has
accurately built the calculation for expected occurrences into their program,
but we want to know the probability of a specific matrix rather than just the
probability that a term would be found somewhere in the text.

Code Finder: Millennium Edition calculates the expected occurrences for each
term as you enter it for search, and also calculates the expected occurrences
for all terms in subsequent searches. If you use a custom ELS range for each
term, it recalculates the expected occurrences based on the new ELS range
for that term. When a matrix is displayed, you can right click on a marked
letter in the matrix and a cursor tool tip window opens showing the term in
Hebrew that contains the letter, in English, the ELS of that term, and the text
R-value. Then you can bring up a matrix report that shows all
terms in the matrix in Hebrew, in English, the ELS of the term, a text R-value,
a matrix
R-value, and the book-chapter-verse for the beginning and ending letter of
the term in the matrix.

3. R-Value
What needs to be explained to people is, what is a text R-value?, what is
a matrix
R-value?, and how is this useful in gauging the probability of the matrix?
Those questions will be answered later. As a reminder, the goal is to be able
to boil down a matrix to a single mathematical number for probability which
takes into account all
terms in the matrix. When we look at a matrix, we want to know what the
matrix is explaining or showing?, how many terms (words and phrases) are in
the matrix (more is better)?, and what is the probability of the matrix?

The R-values calculated in Code Finder: Millennium Edition are merely the
first step in our goal to arrive at a single measure of probability for an entire
matrix, that is both accurate and useful to readers and codes researchers.
On the road to the final goal, the text R-value and matrix R-value calculations
are useful. Kevin Acres of Code Finder has made progress by fully
implementing accurate R-values in the Code Finder program. How do we
determine the R-value (Rotenberg statistical value)? Once we have
calculated the expected occurrences for each term in the search, we apply
the following equation:
text R-value = log (1/Etext) (where E is the expected occurrences in the

The expected occurrences used for the text R-value is that figure calculated
for the entire search text (Torah, Tanakh, etc) based on the ELS range and
the letter distribution within the text searched. Keep in mind that our goal is
to calculate the probability of the finished matrix, not for the entire text
searched, however, the text R-value is useful as a first step.
When we fully develop a matrix with many terms, the text R-value becomes
of less importance, and what we want to know is the R-value of each term in
the matrix, which we call matrix R-value. The equation used to calculate
matrix R-value is the same as for the text R-value shown above,
except that we have to recalculate the expected occurrences for
each term using the matrix size instead of the search text. When a
matrix is developed in Code Finder, a boundary box of colored dots encloses
all the terms in the matrix within the entire displayed matrix based on the
settings of rows and
columns. The Code Finder program recalculates the expected occurrences
within that boundary box and calculates the matrix R-value for each term
using the following equation:
matrix R-value = log (1/Ematrix) (where E is the expected occurrences in
the matrix) The matrix R-values are always going to be larger (or more
positive) than the text R-
values unless the text size and matrix size are the same. You would almost
never run into a situation where the text size and matrix size are equal.
Normally, your search text
would be much larger than the finished matrix. When the equations above
are used, it is a logarithm on a base 10 scale, which is assumed unless
stated by a subscript number with the log term in the equation. The R-value
is useful, because it takes everything to a scale from +10 to 0, and 0 to -10,
which is easier for people to understand than very large or very small

R-value, Expected R-value, Expected

corresponds to: occurrences (E) corresponds to: occurrenc
es (E)
+6.000 0.000001 0.000 1
+3.000 0.001 -0.301 2
+2.000 0.010 -1.000 10
+1.301 0.050 -1.301 20
+1.000 0.100 -2.000 100
+0.301 0.500 -3.000 1,000
0.000 1.000 -6.000 1,000,000

4. Probability Of The Matrix

As I stated earlier, Code Finder calculates the matrix R-values for the Matrix
Report, which is displayed by a menu selection after you develop the matrix.
The Matrix Report lists every term displayed in the matrix and has a column
for text R-value and matrix R- value for each term. At this point, the matrix R-
value is far more important.

What can we do with the matrix R-values? One thing we can do is sum
the matrix R-values for those terms with positive matrix R-values to
arrive at an overall R- value for the matrix. Why would we sum only the
positive R-values? The answer is in the table above, where we see that with
negative matrix R-values, we have expected occurrences of greater than
1.000. This means that we almost certainly expect to find a term with an
expected occurrence of 1.000 within the matrix. Those negative matrix R-
value terms do not add anything to the probability of the matrix, and frankly
we could turn off the smaller terms with negative matrix R-values from
display in the matrix. Therefore, we add only the positive matrix R-values for
terms to get the overall R-value for the matrix. What does the overall R-value
for the matrix tell us?

We can reverse the equation above to arrive at the Eoverall, as follows:

Eoverall = 1 / antilog (overall R-value)

Once we have the Eoverall calculated, then we have a measure of the

probability of the matrix. If you have log tables or an inexpensive scientific
calculator, you can easily calculate log and antilog. For example, if we
summed the positive matrix R-values in a matrix and came up with +6.000,
then there is a 1 in 1 million probability for the occurrence of the matrix in a
random text.

Does this method give an accurate probability for the matrix? No, and the
reason why is that it only determines the probability that the terms would
appear anywhere in the matrix. It neglects clusters of terms in the matrix
and doesn't account for distance
between related terms or their close proximity. The actual accurate
probability of the matrix is going to be much less likely than we calculate
using R-values. In fact, that method of accurately taking into account
proximity or distance between terms, or the probability of clusters of terms,
has not yet been invented. Part 3 of this article will explain what needs to be
done to accurately calculate the probability of terms using distance, the
different proposed solutions, and current progress.

The following is shown solely to demonstrate the usefulness of R-values

and is not accurate, with the full Sid Roth life matrix statistical
calculation. Let's walk through this very rough (and not accurate enough) method
of calculating the probability of a matrix. We'll use my recent life matrix on Sid Roth.
The matrix has 8 very large clusters within the matrix, and 73 terms overall. We
cannot calculate the probability of the 8 clusters using only matrix R-values, but we
can calculate the probability that the terms would appear anywhere in the matrix.
First we sum all the positive R-value terms and we get overall R-value equal to
Eoverall = 1 / antilog (5.431) = 1 / 269773.94 = .0000037

Therefore, the probability of the Sid Roth life matrix just using matrix
R-values is 3.7 chances in a million, or 1 chance in 269,773.9. If fully
calculated by taking into account the 8 large clusters, the probability of the
matrix is even far less likely.
In the meantime, Code Finder users have a powerful first step in arriving at
the probability of the matrix handy in using the matrix R-values in the Matrix
Report. We actually had built in the reversal method in the Code Finder
program in the beta for the next version (1.21), but realized that the
probability is not accurate enough for the overall matrix, and it was removed
from the summary in the Matrix Report.

There is one additional point that needs to be made for Code Finder users.
Kevin Acres built in a slightly different calculation for determing the matrix R-
values of terms at an ELS of +1. Terms at an ELS of +1 are in the normal
surface scriptures of the text. In that case, Code Finder actually counts the
number of occurrences of the term in the surface text, and uses that
measure of actual occurrences rather than using expected occurrences.
Therefore, terms at an ELS of +1 are going to have a different matrix R-value
than would be expected in a random text. Many codes researchers avoid
using terms in the
surface scriptures, but for those who do, the matrix R-value should reflect
actual occurrences as calculated by the Code Finder program, rather than
expected occurrences in a random
text. In most cases, this gives a lower matrix R-value for terms at an ELS of

Another point specific to the Code Finder software program is on the display
of expected occurrences. When Code Finder calculates the expected
occurrence for a term that is less than one, it shows something like this in
the lower right corner of the screen: EXPECT 7.81559575622489E-8. Some
Code Finder users have their screen size set smaller so that they cannot read
the entire expected occurrence number and miss seeing the E-8 at the end.
Then they write to me and say that Code Finder doesn't calculate expected
occurrences accurately. They say that when they look in Search Parameters
for that same term, it shows an expected occurrence of about 0.0. They say,
"how can it give an expected occurrence of 7.81 on the main screen, and in
Search Parameters show an expected occurrence of about 0.0?" The error is
not in the software program, it is due to user error, where you don't see the
E-8 at the end of the expected occurrences number. Instead of showing a lot
of leading zeros in the decimal for expected occurrences, it is standard
practice to show the first significant digit as a whole number and multiply it
by E (~2.7182818) to a negative power. Therefore, when you see an
expected occurrence with an E-x at the end, you should know that the
expected occurrence is far less than 1.0, and probably less than 0.01.

Calculating the probability of clusters in a matrix, by taking into account

proximity or distance, is not an easy solution. Doron Witzum and Dr. Eliyahu
Rips applied distance between words in a word pair in their original published
Great Rabbis' experiment. However, that method is applied only to word
pairs, but is much tougher to apply to many terms in a cluster within a
matrix. Doron Witzum applied distance between related terms, by using slant
distance as a
means of calculating the probability of the word pair along with frequency (expected
Dr. Robert Haralick, a professor at the University of Washington, has
proposed a method for calculating the probability of a cluster by creating a
smaller boundary box within the larger matrix, that would encompass or
enclose all the terms in a cluster. This method would be fairly straightforward
in application to codes software programs, but may have some
shortcomings. For example, let's say we have two large terms in a matrix
that cross. However, one term is vertical and takes up 2/3 of the vertical
height of the matrix, while the other term is horizontal and takes up 2/3 of
the width of the larger matrix. Therefore, a boundary box encompassing
these two
terms would be quite large. At the same time, the slant distance between
them is "0.0" since they cross. It would seem to me that the most important
aspect of the two related terms is that they cross. The boundary box
enclosing them might not reflect the fact that related terms cross.

Another proposed method for calculating all the terms in the matrix would
measure slant distance from the main term or center term in the matrix. In
application, since all terms are related to the center term, then the center
term and each term in the matrix would be calculated
as word pairs. The apparent shortcoming of this proposed method is that a
cluster in the matrix is related to the center term, but the best aspect is the
close proximity of all the terms in the cluster, where the terms cross or are
closely parallel. You can see these relationships between terms in a cluster in
the Sid Roth life matrix on this website. In that matrix, there are 73 terms
and 8 large clusters.

Some of the clusters have many terms and are quite significant. The
significance of the cluster is the quantity of terms in that cluster, and that
terms cross or are closely parallel in a small area. However, the cluster while
greatly significant, may not be close to the center term of the overall matrix.
For this reason, calculating cluster probability using the main/center term of
the matrix is probably not an accurate method in order to reach an accurate
overall probability for the matrix.

You might guess then, that we could designate a pivot term for each cluster
and then calculate the probability for each of the other terms in the cluster
as a word pair from the pivot term. That might be a good method for
calculating the probability of clusters. It certainly is within the capabilities of
software programmers to incorporate it into commercial code software
programs. A shortcoming might be that if the software user designates the
pivot term for that cluster and identifies to the software all the other terms in
the cluster, then the results are very subjective. The software user may make
a poor choice of the cluster pivot term, giving less than optimal probability

Another pie-in-the-sky solution would be identify all the terms in a single cluster to
the software program, and then let the software calculate an optimal artificial point
that gives the least slant distance to all terms in the cluster. Then the software
would calculate the probability for each term based on the slant distance from the
optimal artificial point and take into account frequency (expected occurrence) and
arrive at an accurate solution for the probability of a cluster. At least this method
would account for the close proximity of terms in a cluster and avoid the extremes
that could arise if a boundary box method was used to enclose the terms in a matrix
In building a complete method to accurately calculate the probability of a
matrix with many terms, we must recognize that some terms will be
assigned to individual clusters, while others are in the matrix because of
their overall relation to the main/center term of the matrix. In those cases,
we could determine the worth to the matrix based solely on frequency and
not incorporate distance or proximity for them. If that were the case, then an
overall method for calculating the probability of a matrix to a single number
might look like this:

matrix probability = (probability from sum of positive matrix R-values)

x (overall probability calculated for all clusters after calculating the
probability for each cluster)

Of course, we would not want to double count, so if the probability of a term

is calculated by its being in a cluster, then we would not include the term
when summing positive R-values in the matrix. This proposed piecemeal
approach calculates the probability for each term in the matrix, but some
terms are calculated by frequency using R-value, while other terms are
calculated using the cluster method. One problem arises, where a single
term in the matrix may
be part of 2 or more clusters. How do we account for a term like that?

If the above method were possible and it accurately calculated the

probability, then it could be incorporated in commercial code programs. The
result would be to arrive at a single accurate measure of probability for a
matrix, that anyone could understand and relate to their
own worldview. Average people want to be able to look at a Bible code
matrix and see an overall theme, they want to examine the terms in the
matrix, and they want a single number for the probability of the matrix
stated as for example, 1 in 2000 chance of occurrence.

As a reminder for current users of commercial code software programs, an accurate

method for calculating the probability of a large matrix with many terms has not yet
been invented. When it has been determined, then commercial code software
programs will certainly build it into their program.

5. The First Matrix

After many months of work, I developed this matrix with the chance odds of
this being a random event of one in 26 billion. So needless to say this
information could be significant. The terms are like words in a crossword
puzzle and the odds calculated are what is the probability of this puzzle
occurring in the Bible or any other written text by random chance. These
odds rule out any chance occurrence being found randomly in any monkey
text or the Torah and must have been put in the there by design. If God
really did put the codes in the Torah, then we should
truly consider what they have to say. Here is a matrix from the book of

All the letters are in Hebrew script and the different colors represents one word at
an equal distant letter space. These words can read vertically, horizontally or
diagonally in either direction. The proximity of the word clusters is very important.
The more tightly woven clusters in a given matrix the more significant it
becomes. As one can tell, there are many clusters in this matrix.

Year 5812 -217 -2.369 -0.445 Leviticus Leviticus
14:14.12 13:58.34
change v. -533 -2.506 -0.581 Leviticus Leviticus
14:35.18 13:57.4
hope n. 6 -0.486 1.439 Leviticus Leviticus
13:55.69 13:56.6
revealmen 74 -1.374 0.550 Leviticus Leviticus
t n. 13:45.17 13:51.18
sifting n. -13 -0.793 1.132 Leviticus Leviticus
13:46.10 13:45.21
sifted adj. -112 -0.861 1.063 Leviticus Leviticus
14:23.39 14:16.19
judgement 224 -0.792 1.132 Leviticus Leviticus
n. 14:8.58 14:22.34
judgement -163 -0.691 1.233 Leviticus Leviticus
n. 14:12.14 13:59.60
redemptio -768 -1.910 0.014 Leviticus Leviticus
n n. 14:26.18 13:31.51
redemptio -171 -1.620 0.304 Leviticus Leviticus
n n. 14:24.22 14:12.59
salvation -171 -1.620 0.304 Leviticus Leviticus
n. 14:24.22 14:12.59
mercy n. -69 -1.616 0.308 Leviticus Leviticus
14:10.54 14:6.86
return n. -11 -1.218 0.706 Leviticus Leviticus
14:12.49 14:12.5
return n. 305 -2.875 -0.950 Leviticus Leviticus
14:9.16 14:23.38
kingdom n. 301 -2.502 -0.577 Leviticus Leviticus
14:11.12 14:31.50
kingdom n. -151 -2.287 -0.363 Leviticus Leviticus
14:28.81 14:18.18
kingdom n. -319 -2.418 -0.493 Leviticus Leviticus
14:25.22 14:4.49
heaven n. -1 -1.340 0.585 Leviticus Leviticus
13:54.40 13:54.37
heaven n. -246 -0.278 1.647 Leviticus Leviticus
13:59.9 13:42.20

The ELS reference is 77 characters between rows. There are 20 displayed

terms in the matrix.

The matrix starts at Leviticus 13:31.5 and ends at Leviticus 14:36.35. The matrix spans

3619 characters of the surface text.

The matrix has 47 rows, is 77 columns wide and contains a total of 3619 characters. There are

13 significant terms in the matrix.

The matrix odds are 1 chance in 26136599693.991 in favour of significance. The cumulative

'R' Factor for the displayed matrix is 10.417.

The Hebrew year 5812 translates to the year 2052 in our calendar. The larger the
R- factor is in the matrix the more important that term is. The terms hope, sifting,
judgement and heaven are significant here. Now, one may ask is it possible to be
so specific? In statistics, all predictions are made within a range call a confidence
interval. For instance, a model predicts with 95% confidence that it will rain next
Tuesday 1 day. So it is with this model in that it is giving a range of time (the year
2052) like a season with a probability of the event taking place. Let us now turn to
two more models.

6. The Second Matrix

Year 5812 513 -2.742 -0.855 Numbers Numbers

32:22.69 33:36.19
Year 5812 6 -0.811 1.075 Numbers Numbers
33:38.25 33:38.49
change v. -6 -0.558 1.328 Numbers Numbers
32:3.29 32:3.5
hope n. 61 -1.493 0.394 Numbers Numbers
33:14.40 33:25.19
global adj. -9 0.286 2.172 Numbers Numbers
32:15.1 32:14.15
revealment -85 -1.434 0.452 Numbers Numbers
n. 33:54.16 33:46.27
revelation 405 -0.585 1.301 Numbers Numbers
n. 32:19.55 33:28.7
quicken v. -137 -1.812 0.074 Numbers Numbers
32:33.69 32:23.41
sifting n. 156 -1.871 0.015 Numbers Numbers
32:42.33 33:15.25
sifted adj. -291 -1.275 0.611 Numbers Numbers
33:56.28 33:24.15
judgement 149 -0.615 1.271 Numbers Numbers
n. 33:14.10 33:38.38
redemptio -93 -1.356 0.531 Numbers Numbers
n n. 34:4.9 33:54.11
salvation -93 -1.356 0.531 Numbers Numbers
n. 34:4.9 33:54.11
mercy n. 34 -1.309 0.577 Numbers Numbers
32:20.26 32:22.64
return n. 94 -2.150 -0.263 Numbers Numbers
32:14.14 32:21.26
return n. -86 -2.325 -0.439 Numbers Numbers
33:33.12 33:21.7
kingdom n. -105 -2.045 -0.158 Numbers Numbers
32:30.16 32:22.53
kingdom n. -92 -2.072 -0.186 Numbers Numbers
33:17.6 33:6.25
kingdom n. -233 -2.282 -0.395 Numbers Numbers
32:39.15 32:21.15
heaven n. -166 -3.559 -1.673 Numbers Numbers
33:14.10 33:2.17

The ELS reference is 86 characters between rows. There are 20 displayed

terms in the matrix.

The matrix starts at Numbers 32:2.30 and ends at Numbers 34:4.29. The matrix spans

4208 characters of the surface text.

The matrix has 49 rows, is 80 columns wide and contains a total of 3920 characters. There are

13 significant terms in the matrix.

The matrix odds are 1 chance in 21545394123.188 in favour of significance. The

cumulative 'R' Factor for the displayed matrix is 10.333.

In this model, the terms global change, judgment and revelation are very
significant. This second matrix has a chance odds of this event being a
random occurrence as one in 21 billion.
So here we find not just one but two matrices covering this event which are
found in two different parts of the Torah.

7. The Third Matrix

This last model is from another part of Leviticus:

Year 5812 -362 -2.591 -0.661 Leviticus Leviticus

14:6.22 13:37.27
change v. -269 -2.209 -0.280 Leviticus Leviticus
13:58.23 13:38.31
hope n. 6 -0.486 1.444 Leviticus Leviticus
13:55.69 13:56.6
revealmen 74 -1.374 0.556 Leviticus Leviticus
t n. 13:45.17 13:51.18
quicken v. -402 -2.279 -0.349 Leviticus Leviticus
13:55.27 13:25.75
sifting n. -13 -0.793 1.137 Leviticus Leviticus
13:46.10 13:45.21
sifted adj. -112 -0.861 1.068 Leviticus Leviticus
14:23.39 14:16.19
judgement 224 -0.792 1.137 Leviticus Leviticus
n. 14:8.58 14:22.34
judgement -163 -0.691 1.239 Leviticus Leviticus
n. 14:12.14 13:59.60
redemptio 373 -1.958 -0.029 Leviticus Leviticus
n n. 13:45.17 14:11.18
salvation 373 -1.958 -0.029 Leviticus Leviticus
n. 13:45.17 14:11.18
mercy n. -69 -1.616 0.313 Leviticus Leviticus
14:10.54 14:6.86
return n. -299 -2.652 -0.722 Leviticus Leviticus
13:58.53 13:36.41
return n. 449 -3.042 -1.113 Leviticus Leviticus
13:47.4 14:10.49
kingdom n. -740 -2.891 -0.962 Leviticus Leviticus
14:14.40 13:21.45
kingdom n. 312 -2.602 -0.673 Leviticus Leviticus
13:31.34 13:55.7
kingdom n. 9 -0.869 1.060 Leviticus Leviticus
13:38.23 13:39.24
heaven n. -1 -1.340 0.590 Leviticus Leviticus
13:54.40 13:54.37
heaven n. -246 -0.278 1.652 Leviticus Leviticus
13:59.9 13:42.20

The ELS reference is 74 characters between rows. There are 20 displayed

terms in the matrix.

The matrix starts at Leviticus 13:21.34 and ends at Leviticus 14:24.34. The matrix spans

3552 characters of the surface text.

The matrix has 48 rows, is 74 columns wide and contains a total of 3552 characters. There are

10 significant terms in the matrix.

The matrix odds are 1 chance in 15682820292.574 in favour of significance. The cumulative

'R' Factor for the displayed matrix is 10.195.

8. Conclusion
In this last model, Kingdom of Heaven is significant. In conclusion, what one
may believe about the Bible is a matter of faith. However; the hidden code
within its pages has been proven to exist (for more information, Cracking the
Bible Code by Dr. Jeffery Satinover, is an excellent book to read). What
maybe found in the code is up to modern day scholars to explore. As to
whether what I have found will come to pass, only time will tell.

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