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Solving the Quantum Many-Body Problem with Artificial Neural Networks

Giuseppe Carleo∗
Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland

Matthias Troyer
Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Quantum Architectures and Computation Group,
Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA 98052, USA and
Station Q, Microsoft Research, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6105, USA

The challenge posed by the many-body problem in quantum physics originates from
arXiv:1606.02318v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 7 Jun 2016

the difficulty of describing the non-trivial correlations encoded in the exponential com-
plexity of the many-body wave function. Here we demonstrate that systematic machine
learning of the wave function can reduce this complexity to a tractable computational
form, for some notable cases of physical interest. We introduce a variational repre-
sentation of quantum states based on artificial neural networks with variable number
of hidden neurons. A reinforcement-learning scheme is then demonstrated, capable
of either finding the ground-state or describing the unitary time evolution of complex
interacting quantum systems. We show that this approach achieves very high accuracy
in the description of equilibrium and dynamical properties of prototypical interacting
spins models in both one and two dimensions, thus offering a new powerful tool to
solve the quantum many-body problem.

The wave function Ψ is the fundamental object in plored regimes exist, including many interesting open
quantum physics and possibly the hardest to grasp in problems. These encompass fundamental questions rang-
a classical world. Ψ is a monolithic mathematical quan- ing from the dynamical properties of high-dimensional
tity that contains all the information on a quantum state, systems [10, 11] to the exact ground-state properties of
be it a single particle or a complex molecule. In princi- strongly interacting fermions [12, 13]. At the heart of
ple, an exponential amount of information is needed to this lack of understanding lyes the difficulty in finding
fully encode a generic many-body quantum state. How- a general strategy to reduce the exponential complexity
ever, Nature often proves herself benevolent, and a wave of the full many-body wave function down to its most
function representing a physical many-body system can essential features [14].
be typically characterized by an amount of information
In a much broader context, the problem resides in the
much smaller than the maximum capacity of the cor-
realm of dimensional reduction and feature extraction.
responding Hilbert space. A limited amount of quan-
Among the most successful techniques to attack these
tum entanglement, as well as the typicality of a small
problems, artificial neural networks play a prominent role
number of physical states, are then the blocks on which
[15]. They can perform exceedingly well in a variety of
modern approaches build upon to solve the many-body
contexts ranging from image and speech recognition [16]
Schrödinger’s equation with a limited amount of classical
to game playing [17]. Very recently, applications of neural
network to the study of physical phenomena have been
introduced [18–20]. These have so-far focused on the clas-
Numerical approaches directly relying on the wave
sification of complex phases of matter, when exact sam-
function can either sample a finite number of physi-
pling of configurations from these phases is possible. The
cally relevant configurations or perform an efficient com-
challenging goal of solving a many-body problem with-
pression of the quantum state. Stochastic approaches,
out prior knowledge of exact samples is nonetheless still
like quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods, belong to
unexplored and the potential benefits of Artificial Intelli-
the first category and rely on probabilistic frameworks
gences in this task are at present substantially unknown.
typically demanding a positive-semidefinite wave func-
It appears therefore of fundamental and practical inter-
tion. [1–3]. Compression approaches instead rely on ef-
est to understand whether an artificial neural network
ficient representations of the wave function, and most
can modify and adapt itself to describe and analyze a
notably in terms of matrix product states (MPS) [4–6]
quantum system. This ability could then be used to solve
or more general tensor networks [7, 8]. Examples of sys-
the quantum many-body problem in those regimes so-far
tems where existing approaches fail are however numer-
inaccessible by existing exact numerical approaches.
ous, mostly due to the sign problem in QMC [9], and
to the inefficiency of current compression approaches in Here we introduce a representation of the wave func-
high-dimensional systems. As a result, despite the strik- tion in terms of artificial neural networks specified by
ing success of these methods, a large number of unex- a set of internal parameters W. We present a stochas-

mann machines (RBM) architectures, and apply them to

h1 h2 h3 …
Hidden Layer
describe spin 1/2 quantum systems. In this case, RBM
artificial networks are constituted by one visible layer of
N nodes, corresponding to the physical spin variables in a
chosen basis (say for example S = σ1z , . . . σN
) , and a sin-
gle hidden layer of M auxiliary spin variables (h1 . . . hM )
(see Fig. 1). This description corresponds to a varia-
tional expression for the quantum states which reads:
X P z P P z
z z z z ΨM (S; W) = e j aj σj + i bi hi + ij Wij hi σj ,
1 2 3 …
Visible Layer
N {hi }

where hi = {−1, 1} is a set of M hidden spin variables,

Figure 1. Artificial Neural network encoding a many- and the weights W = {ai , bj , Wij } fully specify the re-
body quantum state of N spins. Shown is a restricted sponse of the network to a given input state S. Since this
Boltzmann machine architecture which features a set of N architecture features no intra-layer interactions, the hid-
visible artificial neurons (yellow dots) and a set of M hid- den variables can be explicitly
den neurons (grey dots). For each value of the many-body P tracedz
out, and the wave
function reads Ψ(S; W) = e i ai σi × ΠM F (S), where
spin configuration S = (σ1z , σ2z , . . . σN
), the artificial neural h i i=1 i
Fi (S) = 2 cosh bi + j Wij σjz . The network weights
network computes the value of the wave function Ψ(S).
are, in general, to be taken complex-valued in order to
provide a complete description of both the amplitude and
tic framework for reinforcement learning of the param- the wave-function’s phase.
eters W allowing for the best possible representation of The mathematical foundations for the ability of NQS
both ground-state and time-dependent physical states of to describe intricate many-body wave functions are the
a given quantum Hamiltonian H. The parameters of numerously established representability theorems [24–
the neural network are then optimized (trained, in the 26], which guarantee the existence of network approxi-
language of neural networks) either by static variational mates of high-dimensional functions, provided a sufficient
Monte Carlo (VMC) sampling [21], or in time-dependent level of smoothness and regularity is met in the function
VMC [22, 23], when dynamical properties are of inter- to be approximated. Since in most physically relevant
est. We validate the accuracy of this approach study- situations the many-body wave function reasonably sat-
ing the Ising and Heisenberg models in both one and isfies these requirements, we can expect the NQS form
two-dimensions. The power of the neural-network quan- to be of broad applicability. One of the practical ad-
tum states (NQS) is demonstrated obtaining state-of-the- vantages of this representation is that its quality can, in
art accuracy in both ground-state and out-of-equilibrium principle, be systematically improved upon increasing the
dynamics. In the latter case, our approach effectively number of hidden variables. The number M (or equiva-
solves the phase-problem traditionally affecting stochas- lently the density α = M/N ) then plays a role analogous
tic Quantum Monte Carlo approaches, since their intro- to the bond dimension for the MPS. Notice however that
duction. the correlations induced by the hidden units are intrinsi-
Neural-Network Quantum States — Consider a quan- cally non local in space and are therefore well suited to
tum system with N discrete-valued degrees of freedom describe quantum systems in arbitrary dimension. An-
S = (S1 , S2 . . . SN ), which may be spins, bosonic occu- other convenient point of the NQS representation is that
pation numbers, or similar. The many-body wave func- it can be formulated in a symmetry-conserving fashion.
tion is a mapping of the N −dimensional set S to (expo- For example, lattice translation symmetry can be used
nentially many) complex numbers which fully specify the to reduce the number of variational parameters of the
amplitude and the phase of the quantum state. The point NQS ansatz, in the same spirit of shift-invariant RBM’s
of view we take here is to interpret the wave function as [27, 28]. Specifically, for integer hidden variable density
a computational black box which, given an input many- α = 1, 2, . . . , the weight matrix takes the form of feature
(f )
body configuration S, returns a phase and an amplitude filters Wj , for f ∈ [1, α]. These filters have a total of
according to Ψ(S). Our goal is to approximate this com- αN variational elements in lieu of the αN 2 elements of
putational black box with a neural network, trained to the asymmetric case (see Supp. Mat. for further details).
best represent Ψ(S). Different possible choices for the ar- Given a general expression for the quantum many-
tificial neural-network architectures have been proposed body state, we are now left with the task of solving the
to solve specific tasks, and the best architecture to de- many-body problem upon machine learning of the net-
scribe a many-body quantum system may vary from one work parameters W. In the most interesting applications
case to another. For the sake of concreteness, in the the exact many-body state is unknown, and it is typi-
following we specialize our discussion to restricted Boltz- cally found upon solution either of the static Schrödinger

Ising 1D Heisenberg 1D Heisenberg 2D

W (1)
W (1) W (2) W (3) W (4)

W (2)
W (5) W (6) W (7) W (8)

W (3)
W (9) W (10) W (11) W (12)

W (4)
W (13) W (14) W (15) W (16)

−0.15 0.00 0.15 −0.3 0.0 0.3

Figure 2. Neural Network representation of the many-body ground states of prototypical spin models in one
and two dimensions. In the left group of panels we show the feature maps for the one-dimensional TFI model at the critical
point h = 1, as well as for the AFH model. In both cases the hidden-unit density is α = 4 and the lattices comprise 80
(f )
sites. Each horizontal colormap shows the values that the f -th feature map Wj takes on the j-th lattice site (horizontal axis,
broadened along the vertical direction for clarity). In the right group of panels we show the feature maps for the two-dimensional
Heisenberg model on a square lattice, for α = 16. In this case the the horizontal (vertical) axis of the colormaps correspond
to the x(y) coordinates on a 10 × 10 square lattice. Each of the feature maps act as effective filters on the spin configurations,
capturing the most important quantum correlations.

equation H |Ψi = E |Ψi, either of the time-dependent nians are

one iH |Ψ( t)i = dt |Ψ(t)i, for a given Hamiltonian H. X X
In the absence of samples drawn according to the exact HTFI = −h σix − σiz σjz (1)
wave function, supervised learning of Ψ is therefore not a i hi,ji

viable option. Instead, in the following we derive a con-

sistent reinforcement learning approach, in which either
the ground-state wave function or the time-dependent σix σjx + σiy σjy + σiz σjz ,
HAFH = (2)
one are learned on the basis of feedback from variational hi,ji
respectively, where σ x , σ y , σ z are Pauli matrices.
Ground State — To demonstrate the accuracy of
In the following, we consider the case of both one and
the NQS in the description of complex many-body
two dimensional lattices with periodic boundary condi-
quantum states, we first focus on the goal of find-
tions (PBC). In Fig. 2 we show the optimal network
ing the best neural-network representation of the un-
structure of the ground states of the two spin models for
known ground state of a given Hamiltonian H. In
a hidden variables density α = 4 and with imposed trans-
this context, reinforcement learning is realized through
lational symmetries. We find that each filter f = [1, . . . α]
minimization of the expectation value of the energy
learns specific correlation features emerging in the ground
E(W) = hΨM |H|ΨM i/hΨM |ΨM i with respect to the
state wave function. For example, in the 2D case it can be
network weights W. In the stochastic setting, this is
seen (Fig. 2, rightmost panels) how the neural network
achieved with an iterative scheme. At each iteration k, a
2 learns patterns corresponding to anti-ferromagnetic cor-
Monte Carlo sampling of |ΨM (S; Wk )| is realized, for a
relations. The general behavior of the NQS is completely
given set of parameters Wk . At the same time, stochastic
analogous to what observed in convolutional neural net-
estimates of the energy gradient are obtained. These are
works, where different layers learn specific structures of
then used to propose a next set of weights Wk+1 with an
the input data.
improved gradient-descent optimization [29]. The over-
In Fig. 3 we show the accuracy of the NQS states,
all computational cost of this approach is comparable
quantified by the relative error on the ground-state en-
to that of standard ground-state Quantum Monte Carlo
ergy rel = (ENQS (α) − Eexact ) / |Eexact |, for several val-
simulations (see Supp. Material).
ues of α and model parameters. In the left panel, we
To validate our scheme, we consider the problem of compare the variational NQS energies with the exact re-
finding the ground state of two prototypical spin mod- sult obtained by fermionization of the TFI model, on
els, the transverse-field Ising (TFI) model and the anti- a one-dimensional chain with PBC. The most striking
ferromagnetic Heisenberg (AFH) model. Their Hamilto- result is that NQS achieve a controllable and arbitrary

10−2 10−3 10−2

h=1 EPS
10−4 10−4 PEPS
10−5 10−3

h = 1/2
10−6 10−5
10−7 h=2
10−8 10−6 10−4
1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4
α α α8 16 32

Figure 3. Finding the many-body ground-state energy with neural-network quantum states. Shown is the error of
the NQS ground-state energy relative to the exact value, for several test cases. Arbitrary precision on the ground-state energy
can be obtained upon increasing the hidden units density, α. (Left panel) Accuracy for the one-dimensional TFI model, at a
few values of the field strength h, and for a 80 spins chain with PBC. Points below 10−8 are not shown to easy readability.
(Central panel) Accuracy for the one-dimensional AFH model, for a 80 spins chain with PBC, compared to the Jastrow ansatz
(horizontal dashed line). (Right panel) Accuracy for the AFH model on a 10 × 10 square lattice with PBC, compared to the
precision obtained by EPS (upper dashed line) and PEPS (lower dashed line). For all cases considered here the NQS description
reaches MPS-grade accuracies in 1D, while it systematically improves the best known variational states for 2D finite lattice

accuracy which is compatible with a power-law behavior den unit density (α ∼ 4) we already obtain results at
in α. The hardest to learn ground-state is at the quan- the same level than the best known variational ansatz
tum critical point h = 1, where nonetheless a remarkable to-date for finite clusters (the EPS of Ref. [32] and the
accuracy of one part per million can be easily achieved PEPS states of Ref. [33]). Further increasing α then
with a relatively modest density of hidden units. The leads to a sizable improvement and consequently yields
same remarkable accuracy is obtained for the more com- the best variational results so-far-reported for this 2D
plex one-dimensional AFH model (central panel). In this model on finite lattices.
case we observe as well a systematic drop in the ground- Unitary Dynamics — NQS are not limited to ground-
state energy error, which for a small α = 4 attains the state problems but can be extended to the time-
same very high precision obtained for the TFI model at dependent Schrödinger equation. For this purpose we de-
the critical point. Our results are compared with the fine complex-valued and time-dependent network weights
accuracy obtained with the spin-Jastrow ansatz (dashed W(t) which at each time t are trained to best reproduce
line in the central panel), which we improve by several the quantum dynamics, in the sense of the Dirac-Frenkel
orders of magnitude. It is also interesting to compare time-dependent variational principle [34, 35]. In this con-
the value of α with the MPS bond dimension M , needed text, the variational residuals
to reach the same level of accuracy. For example, on
the AFH model with PBC, we find that with a standard R(t; Ẇ(t)) = dist(∂t Ψ(W(t)), −iHΨ) (3)
DMRG implementation [30] we need M ∼ 160 to reach
are the objective functions to be minimized as a func-
the accuracy we have at α = 4. This points towards a
tion of the time derivatives of the weights Ẇ(t) (see
more compact representation of the many-body state in
Supp. Mat.) In the stochastic framework, this is achieved
the NQS case, which features about 3 orders of magni-
by a time-dependent VMC method [22, 23], which sam-
tude less variational parameters than the corresponding 2
MPS ansatz. ples |ΨM (S; W(t))| at each time and provides the best
stochastic estimate of the Ẇ(t) that minimize R2 (t), with
We next study the AFH model on a two-dimensional a computational cost O(αN 2 ). Once the time derivatives
square lattice, comparing in the right panel of Fig. 3 determined, these can be conveniently used to obtain the
to QMC results [31]. As expected from entanglement full time evolution after time-integration.
considerations, the 2D case proves harder for the NQS. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the NQS in the
Nonetheless, we always find a systematic improvement dynamical context, we consider the unitary dynamics in-
of the variational energy upon increasing α, qualitatively duced by quantum quenches in the coupling constants of
similar to the 1D case. The increased difficulty of the our spin models. In the TFI model we induce a non-
problem is reflected in a slower convergence. We still ob- trivial quantum dynamics by means of an instantaneous
tain results at the level of existing state-of-the-art meth- change in the transverse field: the system is initially pre-
ods or better. In particular, with a relatively small hid- pared in the ground-state of the TFI model for some

1.0 0.20

0.8 0.17 Jz = (1 → 2)
h = (4 → 2)


|hσiz σi+1

0.14 Jz = (1 → 1/2)
h = (1/2 → 1)
0.2 0.10
0 1 2 0 1 2 3
t t

Figure 4. Describing the many-body unitary time evolution with neural-network quantum states. Shown are
results for the time evolution induced by a quantum quench in the microscopical parameters of the models we study (the
transverse field h, for the TFI model and the coupling constant Jz in the AFH model). (Left Panel) NQS results (solid lines)
are compared to exact results for the transverse spin polarization in the one-dimensional TFI model (dashed lines). (Right
Panel) In the AFH model, the time-dependent nearest-neighbors spin correlations are compared to exact numerical results
obtained with t-DMRG for an open one-dimensional chain representative of the thermodynamic limit (dashed lines).

transverse field, hi , and then let evolve under the action advances in machine learning, like deep network architec-
of the TFI Hamiltonian with a transverse field hf 6= hi . tures, might be further beneficial to increase the expres-
We compare our results with the analytical solution ob- sive power of the NQS. Furthermore, the extension of
tained from fermionization of the TFI model for a one- our approach to treat quantum systems other than inter-
dimensional chain with PBC. In the left panel of Fig. 4 acting spins is, in principle, straightforward. In this re-
the exact results for the time-dependent transverse spin spect, applications to answer the most challenging ques-
polarization are compared to NQS with α = 4. In the tions concerning interacting fermions in two-dimensions
AFH model, we study instead quantum quenches in the can already be anticipated. Finally, at variance with Ten-
longitudinal coupling Jz and monitor the time evolution sor Network States, the NQS feature intrinsically non-
of the nearest-neighbors correlations. Our results for the local correlations which can lead to substantially more
time evolution (and with α = 4 ) are compared with the compact representations of many-body quantum states.
numerically-exact MPS dynamics [36–38] for a system A formal analysis of the NQS entanglement properties
with open boundaries (see Fig. 4, right panel). might therefore bring about substantially new concepts
The high accuracy obtained also for the unitary dy- in quantum information theory.
namics further confirms that neural network-based ap-
proaches can be fruitfully used to solve the quantum
many-body problem not only for ground-state properties
but also to model the evolution induced by a complex set
of excited quantum states. It is all in all remarkable that We acknowledge discussions with F. Becca, J.F. Car-
a purely stochastic approach can solve with arbitrary de- rasquilla, M. Dolfi, J. Osorio, D. Patanᅵ, and S.
gree of accuracy a class of problems which have been Sorella. The time-dependent MPS results have been
traditionally inaccessible to QMC methods for the past obtained with the open-source ALPS implementation
50 years. The flexibility of the NQS representation in- [30, 39]. This work was supported by the European Re-
deed allows for an effective solution of the infamous phase search Council through ERC Advanced Grant SIMCOFE
problem plaguing the totality of existing exact stochastic by the Swiss National Science Foundation through NCCR
schemes based on Feynman’s path integrals. QSIT, and by Microsoft Research. This paper is based
Outlook — Variational quantum states based on ar- upon work supported in part by ODNI, IARPA via MIT
tificial neural networks can be used to efficiently capture Lincoln Laboratory Air Force Contract No. FA8721-05-
the complexity of entangled many-body systems both in C-0002. The views and conclusions contained herein are
one a two dimensions. Despite the simplicity of the re- those of the authors and should not be interpreted as nec-
stricted Boltzmann machines used here, very accurate re- essarily representing the official policies or endorsements,
sults for both ground-state and dynamical properties of either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S.
prototypical spin models can be readily obtained. Poten- Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to re-
tially many novel research lines can be envisaged in the produce and distribute reprints for Governmental pur-
near future. For example, the inclusion of the most recent pose not-withstanding any copyright annotation thereon.

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Appendix A: Stochastic Optimization For The can be efficiently accomplished by means of the Time-
Ground State Dependent Variational Monte Carlo (t-VMC) method of
Carleo et al.
In the first part of our Paper we have considered the In particular, the residuals
goal of finding the best representation of the ground
state of a given quantum Hamiltonian H. The ex- R(t; Ẇ(t)) = dist(∂t Ψ(W(t)), −iHΨ) (B1)
pectation value over our variational states E(W) = are a functional of the variational parameters derivatives,
hΨM |H|ΨM i/hΨM |ΨM i is a functional of the network Ẇ(t), and can be interpreted as the quantum distance
weights W. In order to obtain an optimal solution for between the exactly-evolved state and the variationally
which ∇E(W ? ) = 0, several optimization approaches can evolved one. Since in general we work with unnormal-
be used. Here, we have found convenient to adopt the ized quantum states, the correct Hilbert-space distance
Stochastic Reconfiguration (SR) method of Sorella et al. is given by the Fubini-Study metrics, given by
[29], which can be interpreted as an effective imaginary- s
time evolution in the variational subspace. Introducing 0 hΦ0 |Φi hΦ |Φ0 i
the variational derivatives with respect to the k-th net- distFS (Φ, Φ ) = arccos . (B2)
hΦ0 |Φ0 i hΦ |Φi
work parameter,
The explicit form of the residuals is then obtained con-
1 0
Ok (S) = ∂W ΨM (S), (A1) sidering Φ = Ψ+δ∂t Ψ(W(t)) and Φ = Ψ−iδHΨ(W(t)).
ΨM (S) k Taking the lowest order in the time-step δ and explicitly
as well as the so-called local energy minimizing distFS (Φ, Φ0 )2 , yields the equations of motion

hS|H|ΨM i Ẇ(t) = −iS −1 (t)F (t), (B3)

Eloc (S) = , (A2)
ΨM (S) where the correlation matrix and the forces are defined
analogously to the previous section. In this case the
the SR updates at the p−th iteration are of the form
diagonal regularization, in general, cannot be applied,
W(p + 1) = W(p) − γS −1 (p)F (p), (A3) and S −1 (t) strictly denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-
where we have introduced the (positive-definite) covari- The outlined procedure is globally stable as also al-
ance matrix ready proven for other wave functions in past works us-
ing the t-VMC approach. In Fig. 6 we show the typical
Skk0 (p) = hOk? Ok0 i − hOk? i hOk0 i , (A4) behavior of the time-evolved physical properties of in-
terest, which systematically approach the exact results
the forces when increasing α.
Fk (p) = hEloc Ok? i − hEloc ihOk? i, (A5)

and a scaling parameter γ(p). Since the covariance ma- Appendix C: Efficient Stochastic Sampling
trix can be non-invertible, S −1 denotes its Moore-Penrose
pseudo-inverse. Alternatively, an explicit regularization We complete the supplementary information giving an
can be applied, of the form Sk,k 0 = Sk,k 0 + λ(p)δk,k 0 Sk,k . explicit expression for the variational derivatives previ-
In our work we have preferred the latter regularization, ously introduced and of the overall computational cost
with a decaying parameter λ(p) = max(λ0 bp , λmin ) and of the stochastic sampling. We start rewriting the NQS
typically take λ0 = 100, b = 0.9 and λmin = 10−4 . in the form
Initially the network weights W are set to some small P
ai σiz
ΨM (S) = e i × ΠM
j=1 2 cosh θj (S), (C1)
random numbers and then optimized with the procedure
outlined above. In Fig. 5 we show the typical behav- with the effective angles
ior of the optimization algorithm, which systematically X
approaches the exact energy upon increasing the hidden θj (S) = bj + Wij σiz . (C2)
units density α. i

The derivatives then read

Appendix B: Time-Dependent Variational Monte ∂a ΨM (S) = σiz , (C3)
Carlo ΨM (S) i
∂b ΨM (S) = tanh [θj (S)] , (C4)
In the second part of our Paper we have considered the ΨM (S) j
problem of solving the many-body Schrödinger equation 1
∂W ΨM (S) = σiz tanh [θj (S)] . (C5)
with a variational ansatz of the NQS form. This task ΨM (S) ij

−0.2 −4.436×10−1
α=1 −0.00003
−0.3 α=2 −0.00004
E/N α=4 −0.00005
Exact −0.00006
101 102 103 250 500 750 1000
# iteration # iteration

Figure 5. Convergence properties of the stochastic optimization. Variational energy for the 1D Heisenberg model as a
function of the Stochastic Reconfiguration iterates, and for different values of the hidden units density α. The system has PBC
over a chain of N = 40 spins. The energy converges smoothly to the exact energy (dashed horizontal line) upon increasing α.
In the Left panel we show a complete view of the optimization procedure and on the Right panel a zoom in the neighborhood
of the exact energy.

0.8 0.30


0.4 0.15
Exact 0.05
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
t t

Figure 6. Convergence properties of the stochastic unitary evolution. Time-dependent expectation value of the
transverse polarization along the x direction in the TFI model, for a quantum quench from hi = 1/2 to the critical interaction
hf = 1. t-VMC results are shown for different values of the hidden units density α. The system has periodic boundary
conditions over a chain of N = 40 spins. (Left panel) The variational curves for the expectation value of the transverse
polarization converge smoothly to the exact solution (dashed line) upon increasing α. (Right panel) The relative residual error
r2 (t) = R2 (t)/D02 (t), where D02 (t) = distFS (Φ, Φ − iδH)2 is shown for different values of the hidden unit density, and it is
systematically reduced increasing α.

In our stochastic procedure, we generate a Markov ory look-up tables for the effective angles θj (S (k) ) and up-
chain of many-body configurations S (1) → S (2) → date them when a new configuration is accepted. These
. . . S (P ) sampling the square modulus of the wave func- are updated according to
tion |ΨM (S)| for a given set of variational parameters.
This task can be achieved through a simple Metropolis-
Hastings algorithm [40], in which at each step of the θj (S (k+1) ) = θj (S (k) ) − 2Wkj σsz , (C7)
Markov chain a random spin s is flipped and the new
configuration accepted according to the probability
when the spin s has been flipped. The overall cost of a
ΨM (S (k+1) ) 2
Monte Carlo sweep (i.e. of O(N ) single-spin flip moves)

(k) (k+1)
A(S → S ) = min 1,
is therefore O(N × M ) = O(αN 2 ). Notice that the com-
ΨM (S (k) )
putation of the variational derivatives comes at the same
In order to efficiently compute these acceptances, as well computational cost as well as the computation of the lo-
as the variational derivatives, it is useful to keep in mem- cal energies after a Monte Carlo sweep.

Appendix D: Iterative Solver variational parameters in the NQS.

Let us consider a symmetry group defined by a set of
The most time-consuming part of both the SR opti- linear transformations Ts , with s = 1, . . . S, such that the
mization and of the t-VMC method is the solution of the spin configurations transform according to Ts σ z = σ̃ z (s).
linear systems (A3 and B3) in the presence of a large We can enforce the NQS representation to be invariant
number of variational parameters Nvar . Explicitly form- under the action of T defining
ing the correlation matrix S, via stochastic sampling, 
has a dominant quadratic cost in the number of varia- X Xα S X

tional parameters, O(Nvar2

× NMC ), where NMC denotes Ψα (S; W) = exp  a(s) σ˜jz (s)+
the number of Monte Carlo sweeps. However, this cost {hi,s } f s j

can be significantly reduced by means of iterative solvers α S α X
(f )
which never form the covariance matrix explicitly. In par- + b(s) hf,s + hf,s Wj σ˜jz (s) , (E1)
ticular, we adopt the MINRES-QLP method of Choi and f s f s j
Saunders [41], which implements a modified conjugate-
gradient iteration based on Lanczos tridiagonalization. where the network weights have now a different dimen-
This method iteratively computes the pseudo-inverse S −1 sion with respect to the standard NQS. In particular, a(f )
within numerical precision. The backbone of iterative and b(f ) are vectors in the feature space with f = 1, . . . αs
(f )
solvers is, in general, the application of the matrix to and the connectivity matrix Wj contains αs × N el-
be inverted to a given (test) vector. This can be effi- ements. Notice that this expression corresponds effec-
ciently implemented due to the product structure of the tively to a standard NQS with M = S × αs hidden vari-
covariance matrix, and determines a dominant complex- ables. Tracing out explicitly the hidden variables, we
ity of O(Nvar × NMC ) operations for the sparse solver. obtain
For example, in the most challenging case when transla-
tional symmetry is absent, we have Nvar = αN 2 , and the a(f ) σ˜jz (s)
Ψα (S; W) = e f,s,j ×
dominant computational cost for solving (A3 and B3) is 

in line with the complexity of the previously described X (f )
× Πf Πs 2 cosh b(f ) + Wj σ˜jz (s) . (E2)
Monte Carlo sampling.

In the specific case of site translation invariance, we have

Appendix E: Implementing Symmetries that the symmetry group has an orbit of S = N elements.
(f )
For a given feature f , the matrix Wj can be seen as a
Very often, physical Hamiltonians exhibit intrinsic filter acting on the N translated copies of a given spin
symmetries which must be satisfied also by their ground- configuration. In other words, each feature has a pool
and dynamically-evolved quantum states. These symme- of N associated hidden variables that act with the same
tries can be conveniently used to reduce the number of filter on the symmetry-transformed images of the spins.

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