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Property Rules and Slavery

The Emancipation of Enslaved Persons

Hinds v. Brazealle

3 Miss. (2 How.) 837 (1838)

Pages 42-44 Integrating Spaces

Facts: Elisha Brazealle had a son with his slave. He took them both to Ohio and emancipated
them. He then returned with them to Mississippi and lived out his life. He put his son down in
his will to inherit all his property. He died and his son and the mother of the son took over his
property. Other heirs of his then took action claiming that the inheritance was illegal under
Mississippi law. Court found that he went to Ohio just to get away from laws in Miss. and that
enforcing that would be against policy. That a slave could only be free in Miss. under legislative
action and could not have any property.

Procedural History: Found for P. D appealed.

Issue: Did the transfer of deed to his son (slave) in another state where slaves could free, still
hold in a state where slaves could not hold property?

Holding: Affirmed

Reasoning: No, it was against the law of Miss. and enforcing the Ohio law would detriment the
policy and beliefs of Miss.


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