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President is responsible for over seeing all functions of the

Must meet with all chair members and board members After
Host a board meeting twice a term (One must be held before the
start of every term)
Must approve speakers for panelist event
Must approve all emails before they go out
Must approve flyers made by social media chair
Must approve excel sheet of all social media post
Must organize a team building exercise provided by Drexel
Program BOLD after elections

Vice President-
Responsible for completing all presidential duties in the event that
president cannot attend an event
Must meet with president every other week
Direct contact for all chair members
Responsible for sending out surveys after events and doodle polls
before each term for availability

Responsible for sending out all mass emails
Take attendance at all events during the term
Updated points excel sheet at the end of every event
Must keep and organized list of active and inactive members
Responsible for putting together term calendar week before
Will be direct contact for student who have questions about points
Must designate someone to take notes during event or meeting if
Secretary cannot attend
Responsible for sending out recap emails after meetings
Must create a budget in the beginning of every term
Budget sheet must be updated through out term
At the end of every term present to board how much money is left
Help board make decisions financially about events and
meetings (ex: is it in our budget to order food for this general
body meeting)
Must be apart of planning committee for Fall Panelist Event
Responsible for organizing all Promotional materials
-Must make sure that all material are stocked to fit demand
- Keeping excel sheet of all promotional Materials that have
been bought( name, Major Phone number, email, material
-Promotional materials include( stickers, Pens, T-shirts, Board
Responsible for creating one fundraising event each term( selling
T-shits, Blaze fundraisers, Bake sale, wahoos, insomnia cookies)
Bake sales Must create sign sheets for shifts and for baking

Events Coordinator
Responsible for completing Drexel training
Responsible for booking rooms for all events one week before
term begins
Responsible for creating calendar with deadline on tasks for
planning committee Fall panelist event.
- Examples: Meeting dates for committees, dates that food
order should be place, dates that flyer must go out for
First task as events coordinator, will be book Fall Panelist room
( Must be done 10 months in advance)
Responsible for organization Fall Panelist Event
Responsible for Organizing Spring Event

Networking Coordinator
Responsible for finding Fall Panelist speakers
Responsible for being the main contact for all outside speakers for
Required to sit on Fall Panelist Planning committee
Each term must provide at least 2 networking events that students
can attend
o - Responsible for creating sign up sheets for networking
-Responsible for sending sign up sheet to Secretary to
update Points System
Each term their must be one Networking event that all members
must attend
Responsible for contacting alumni before all events and extending
an invite
Recruitment chair-
Responsible for signing up for fall activities fair, and spring
activities fair
-Must create sign up sheet for this event (submit to secretary)
Responsible each term for making three-classroom presentations
- Must contact professors of any health major and coordinator a
time when
they can send a Dsofhl member to give a 2 min presentation
about dsofhl
- Recruitment chair not responsible for making all class room
presentations, must create sign up sheet for those who
want to present.
- Must create material to present,
-Update PowerPoint: Include Pictures from past
events, mission statement, get quotes from current
active members and include .

-Short script for presenter to read to class:

Paragraph must include Mission statement ,benefits
of dsofhl , philanthropy for year,
Responsible for organizing all promotional materials

Social Media chair

Responsible for taking picture at all events
A picture must be posted 24 hour after an event
Must post on all social media Accounts, LinkedIn, Twitter,
Facebook twice a week
Due to President before term begins, Excel Sheets that includes all
posts for the entire term (Date, What you will Post)
Include holidays fun facts, articles on professional development
( The Muse. Com), Healthcare articles
Must submit to Drexel Infonet the calendar at the beginning of
every term
Must create and Print flyer for all events and post them around
campus exactly one week before event
Must report to treasurer how much you have spent on printing
after every printing session
Reminders of events must be constant
Responsible for communicating with other student organizations

Community Service Chair

Responsible for signing dsofhl up for the Love run in January every
Every term must offer 2 options for community service
Must create sign up sheet and hand into sectary
Every term there must be One group volunteer event that more
than 10 people must attend
Must update community service hours on Dragon links
Must Research and find a Philanthropy at the beginning of each
year( When you receive the position)

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