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Influence of Steam Curing Cycle on Compressive strength of Concrete

Pratik Deogekar, Ashwini Jain, Sudhanshu Mishra, Prakash Nanthagopalan

Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India


Steam curing at atmospheric pressure is one of the techniques for obtaining high early strengths
in concrete especially in precast concrete production. This technique enables early removal of
shuttering and facilitates early vacating of the pre-stressing bed in precast industry providing a
major economic advantage as well. It also aids in faster and safer construction as sufficient
strength is attained in short period and maintained without any other form of curing. The strength
enhancement depends on steam curing cycle. The parameters involved in a steam curing cycle
include a delay period, a gradual increase to a temperature where it is to be maintained for a
specific curing period followed by gradual cooling. The object of this study is to optimise the
steam curing cycle for conventional concrete. For this purpose, a concrete mixture of M 40 grade
with water/cement ratio 0.4 was designed and subjected to 3 variable parameters (i.e.) delay
period (2 and 4 hours), curing period (6 and 8 hours) and temperature (50, 60 and 70C). The
compressive strength of these cubes was measured at 1, 7 and 28 days and compared with cubes
subjected to the conventional water curing method. A comparative study between steam curing
and conventional curing was carried out. Also, the effects of each of the parameters involved in
the steam curing were analysed. From the results, it is observed that the optimum cycle is having
a delay period of 4 hours, curing period of 8 hours at a temperature of 60 C. An attempt was
also made to understand the vital parameters which affect the compressive strength significantly
using Robust Design Engineering methodology.


In recent times, the increased usage of the high strength concrete elements coupled with demand
for high productivity of the projects has resulted in adequate curing time not being followed
which has affected the strength and durability of the concrete structures all over India. This
problem can be tackled to some extent through the application of steam curing to the concrete
mix. Steam curing is the process by which concrete is cured at high temperatures at atmospheric
pressure in steam. The hydration rate of cement increases with temperature and hence the gain of
strength can be speeded up. The process can be regarded as a special case of moist curing in
vapour saturated atmosphere which ensures a supply of water [1, 2]. Application of steam curing
to concrete specimens makes them develop sufficient compressive strength with the advantage
that they can mature properly without application of any further form of curing. At the same
time, with regards to the precast industry, moulds can be removed earlier and less curing storage
is required which gives an economic advantage. Also, the concrete can start to perform its
function soon after casting which significantly saves time.

The typical parameters of this steam curing process are curing time, maximum steam
temperature and duration at the maximum temperature [3]. The basic process consists of a delay
period of 2 to 5 hours, followed by heating at a rate of 22 to 44C per hour up to a maximum of
50 to 85 C, maintaining it at that temperature for a period of up to 10 hours followed by a
cooling period with the total cycle lasting not more than 18 hours [14]. The difference in thermal
expansion coefficients of the concrete ingredients can lead to micro-cracking and increased
porosity. However, delaying the steam curing cycle by a period equal to its initial setting time
greatly reduces such deleterious effects. It also facilitates the reaction of gypsum with Tri-
Calcium-Aluminate which gets reduced to a decrease in solubility of gypsum at higher
temperatures [15]. Although early application of steam curing is a common practice, many
researchers here indicated that this is quite detrimental and that some delay prior to steam
exposure is beneficial to concrete properties, such as strength and durability [4, 5]. Mironov [4]
concluded that delay period should be determined in such a way that the steam curing operation
should not cause expansion. According to Alexanderson [3], lower quality of concrete due to
shorter delay period is the result of increased porosity and cracks caused by the tensile stresses
formed by internal pressure in the pores. It was established that concrete should have a critical
tensile strength before start of steam curing operation. Erkdem [6] stated that if steam application
starts before the initial setting time of concrete, outer position (or the faces) of a concrete
specimen harden earlier while inner concrete is still plastic because the concrete temperature lags
behind that of the curing chamber during temperature rise. The inner plastic concrete can expand
and induce tensile stress in the exterior rigid shell. Hence, initial setting time was proposed as a
quantifiable criterion for the delay period before application of steam curing.

Oztekin [7] showed that for compressive strength development, duration of steam curing is also
an important parameter as well as temperature. The curing period and temperature is adjusted
according to the targeted 1-day strength level. A rise in curing temperature speeds up the
chemical reactions of hydration. It also reduces the length of the dormant period and hence the
overall structure of the hydrated cement paste gets established very early. However, rapid initial
hydration provides less time for diffusion of products which leads to formation of local areas of
lower strength. When the curing temperature of concrete changes, the composition of the hydrate
changes. Accordingly, this change influences the diffusion and penetration of the hydrate related
to the medium- or long-term strength of the concrete [12]. It is obvious that heat treatment
application at a lower temperature is more economical and energy saving [8]. Saul [9] evolved
the cumulative effect of curing period and curing temperature on steam curing by introducing the
term maturity and defining it as product of age and average temperature above freezing. It was
found that the samples of concrete from the same mixture will have equal strength if they have
equal maturity values, although their temperature histories may differ. The proposed model was
found to fail for relative humidity below 70% and corrections to take into account the effect of
humidity were proposed by others [10].Curing of concrete at high temperatures for prolonged
period increases the rate of hydration which results in higher strength. However, the expansion
coefficient of air bubbles being twice that of solid concrete induces tensile stress that has an
adverse effect on the initial compressive strength [5]. Further, a gradual cooling period was seen
to be necessary to prevent sudden contraction which can cause cracking. After performing the
steam curing cycle, delayed expansion in the concrete was attributed to the transformation of
metastable mono-sulphate to ettringite when steam curing was followed by normal temperature
moist curing at later ages [11]. Under such conditions, concrete may show abnormal expansion
and associated micro-cracking, which may lead to failure in the long term. Hence, it was
suggested that concrete specimens must be exposed to air after steam curing cycle.

1.1. Research Significance

From the literature review, it was observed that many studies were performed to understand the
effect of delay period, curing period and curing temperature individually, however, very few
studies were done to understand the combined effect of these parameters on the compressive
strength of concrete. Hence, in the present experimental investigation, the cumulative effect of
these parameters on the early (10-14 hrs) and later (28 days) compressive strength were
evaluated. M40 grade concrete with a water cement ration of 0.4 was used. The study aims to
provide a reference for achieving the desired compressive strength by performing an appropriate
steam curing cycle. The analysis of each of the parameters involved provides the flexibility to
optimise them to achieve varied requirements. Based on the results obtained, a suitable curing
cycle for M40 grade concrete was specified.


2.1. Materials

Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade conforming to IS 12269 [16] was used for the study. Fine
aggregates and coarse aggregates conforming to IS 383 [20] were used. The nominal maximum
size of coarse aggregate used was 12.5 mm. The physical properties of both coarse and fine
aggregates have been given in Table 1. The gradation of the fine and coarse aggregates are
shown in Fig. 1. Potable water was used for mixing of concrete.
Fig 1: Particle size distribution of Aggregates

Table 1 Physical property of aggregates

Property Fine Coarse

aggregate Aggregate
Fineness Modulus 2.61 2.84
Water Absorption 2.82% 0.74%
Specific gravity 2.81 3.05

The M40 grade Concrete mixture was proportioned based on ACI 211 and the proportions are
given in Table 2.

Table 2 Mixture proportions of concrete

Ingredients Quantity (kg/m3 )

Cement 566
Coarse aggregate 846
Fine Aggregate 638
Water 226

2.2. Experimental procedure

Initially, Penetration resistance tests were carried out as per IS 8142 [17] in concrete to
determine the setting time. The initial setting time was found to be 2 hours 30 minutes and final
setting time was 4 hours 30 minutes. The parameters varied in the steam curing cycle were as

2.2.1. Delay period:

Delay periods of 2 hours and 4 hours were chosen for investigation such that the effect of delay
period before and after initial setting time can be determined.

2.2.2. Curing temperature:

Based on the literature [14], the experimental investigations were carried out for temperatures of
50, 60 and 70C.

2.2.3. Curing period:

Based on the literature [14], it was decided to have a curing period (period during which the
temperature was sustained constant) of 6 hours and 8 hours, followed by a cooling period of 2
hours such that the total steam curing cycle was less than 18 hours.

These parameters were varied to perform 12 steam curing cycles which have been tabulated
below (Refer Table 3). A set of 3 cubes were tested at the immediately at the end of curing cycle.
The compressive strength obtained is referred to henceforth as the early compressive strength
and was obtained to understand the effect of steam curing on early (refers to 10 - 14 hours)
strength of concrete. After the steam curing cycle, they were exposed to air and tested at 7 and 28
days to estimate the effect of steam curing on ultimate compressive strength. These results were
compared with cubes subjected to water curing for compressive strength at corresponding time.


The slump of the concrete of all 12 combinations as per IS 1199 [18] was observed to be 25 mm.
The average compressive strength of 3 cubes tested (as per IS 516 [19]) after steam curing cycle ,
at 7 and 28 days for the 12 curing cycles have been tabulated in Table 3 along with
corresponding strength. The average compressive strength of concrete cubes at 12 hours, 7 and
28 days by normal water curing was found to be 10.42 MPa, 38.44 MPa and 51.09 MPa
respectively. The influence of three parameters (i.e.) delay period, curing temperature and curing
period on compressive strength is discussed in this section.
Table 3 Effect of steam curing cycle on Compressive strength at different age

Percentage of 28
day strength
Cycle Curing Delay Curing Early 7 day 28 day obtained as
Name temperature period period str.(MPa) str.(MPa) str.(MPa) early str.
APS 1 50C 2 hrs 6 hrs 16.01 35.25 43.27 37.00%
APS 2 50 C 4 hrs 6 hrs 19.15 37.67 45.95 41.68%
APS 3 50 C 2 hrs 8 hrs 20.75 41.52 53.29 38.94%
APS 4 50 C 4 hrs 8 hrs 23.67 43.13 48.98 48.33%
APS 5 60 C 2 hrs 6 hrs 21.64 41.46 49.77 43.48%
APS 6 60 C 4 hrs 6 hrs 21.72 42.64 56.12 38.70%
APS 7 60 C 2 hrs 8 hrs 22.95 42.92 54.65 41.99%
APS 8 60 C 4 hrs 8 hrs 28.77 46.37 58.05 49.56%
APS 9 70 C 2 hrs 6 hrs 22.71 40.03 50.39 45.07%
APS 10 70 C 4 hrs 6 hrs 23.15 41.91 49.44 46.82%
APS 11 70 C 2 hrs 8 hrs 22.57 40.16 46.91 48.11%
APS 12 70 C 4 hrs 8 hrs 25.67 41.56 48.16 53.30%

3.1. Influence of steam curing on compressive strength

From the results, it was observed that the steam curing cycles conducted during the experimental
investigations resulted in maximum increase of 176% at the early stage over the normal cured
concrete. The increase in early compressive strength for the steam cured concrete over the
normal cured concrete (measured after 12 hours) has been tabulated in table 4. With the progress
of time, the difference in compressive strength between steam cured concrete and normal cured
concrete was seen to reduce implying that a greater percentage of the 28 day compressive
strength was attained in case of steam curing after 0.5 days than in case of normal cured
concrete. The last column of Table 3 represents the percentage of 28 day strength the concrete
specimens obtain as early compressive strength when subjected to steam curing. For, normal
cured concrete the compressive strength attained after 12 hours was 20.39 % of the compressive
strength it achieves after 28 days. This is because the increase in strength obtained by steam
curing cycle over water curing decreases with the progress of time as indicated by last 3 columns
of Table 4. Researchers have attributed this trend to the presence of very fine cracks caused by
the expansion of air bubbles in the cement paste and the uneven distribution of hydrated products
which leads to areas of local weakness [5]. From Table 3, it is observed that the experiment APS
12 results in highest percentage (53.5%) of early strength gain over 28 day strength, however, the
early strength gain by APS 8 is maximum among the steam curing cycles performed. This could
be attributed to fact that APS 12 has relatively lower 28 day compressive strength increment.
Table 4:- Comparison between the compressive strength of concrete specimens subjected to
steam curing and normal curing at different ages
Percentage increase in Early compressive Difference between compressive
Cycle strength of steam cured concrete over 12 strength of steam cured concrete
Name hour strength of normal cured concrete and water cured concrete (MPa)
after 12 after 7 after 28
hours days days
APS 1 54% 5.59 -3.19* -7.82*
APS 2 84% 8.73 -0.77* -5.14*
APS 3 99% 10.33 3.08 2.20
APS 4 127% 13.25 4.69 -2.11*
APS 5 108% 11.22 3.02 -1.32*
APS 6 108% 11.30 4.20 5.03
APS 7 121% 12.53 4.48 3.56
APS 8 176% 18.35 7.93 6.96
APS 9 118% 12.29 1.59 -0.70*
APS 10 122% 12.73 3.47 -1.65*
APS 11 117% 12.15 1.72 -4.18*
APS 12 146% 15.25 3.12 -2.93*
* Negative sign signifies that the strength of steam cured concrete was relatively lower than
water cured concrete at corresponding age

3.2. Effect of curing temperature on compressive strength

In the experimental investigations, it was observed that initial strength was optimized at a
particular temperature for every curing period. For a curing period of 6 hours, the initial
compressive strength (after 0.5 days) was seen to increase up to 70C. On the other hand, for a
curing period of 8 hours, initial strength of concrete was seen to increase to an optimum value at
60C after which a drop in compressive strength was noticed on increasing the curing
temperature. The 28 day compressive strength results indicated that irrespective of the curing
period, the strength was observed to be maximum at 60C. This is in agreement with the report
[13] by researchers that the optimum maximum temperature of steam curing was near 60C with
higher temperatures of 70C and 80C showing a distinct reduction in strength after 28 days [22].
The variation of compressive strength with temperature for the same delay and curing period for
1, 7 and 28 days has been plotted below in Fig.2.
3.3. Effect of delay period in compressive strength

Experimental investigations indicate that higher delay period gives rise to a higher initial
strength of up to 25% (60 C, 8 hrs curing). With the progress of time, the difference between the
strength of concrete achieved through the two different delay periods was seen to decrease and
lie within 10% of each other. It was also observed that the advantage obtained by delaying the
cycle in terms of early compressive strength depends on the curing period and curing
temperature. At higher temperatures of 60C and 70C increase in early compressive strength
obtained by delaying the steam curing cycle for 4 hours against delaying it for 2 hours for a
curing period of 8 hours lies between 3 and 6 MPa.

2 hrs delay, 6 hrs steam curing 4 hrs delay, 6 hrs steam curing

2 hrs delay, 8 hrs steam curing 4 hrs delay, 8 hrs steam curing

Fig.2: Effect of Temperature on early and final compressive strength

6 hrs steam curing period 8 hrs steam curing period

Fig.3: Effect of delay period on early compressive strength

The corresponding increase for a 6 hours steam curing cycle was seen to be less than 0.5 MPa.
The observation could be attributed to the fact that a delay period is introduced to counter the
deleterious effects of rapid hydration and these effects become significantly more prominent
when the steam curing period was increased from 6 to 8 hours. With an increase in temperature,
the initial strength of concrete for the two delay periods converges to a common value. This may
attributed to the fact that a delay period allows for initial hydration and provides a barrier against
a sudden increase in hydration at higher temperatures and this effect is predominant at lower
temperatures where increase in rate of hydration is gradual than at higher temperatures. This
phenomenon has been shown above graphically in Fig.3.

3.4. Effect of curing period on initial compressive strength

Experimental investigations indicate that increasing the curing period up to an optimum limit
increased the initial compressive strength before the adverse effects set in. This optimum limit
was a function of the curing temperature. Up to a temperature of 60C, increasing the curing
period from 6 hours to 8 hours had a beneficial effect on the initial compressive strength.
However, at temperature of 70 C, increasing the curing period from 6 hours to 8 hours had a
detrimental effect (Refer table 4 also). This phenomenon has been represented graphically in Fig.
2 hrs delay period 4 hrs delay period

Fig. 4: Effect of curing period on early compressive strength

3.5 Identification of parameter affecting the early compressive strength significantly:

Robust Design Engineering methodology [21] was used as a tool to identify the parameter which
influences the compressive strength significantly relative to the other parameters considered in
the study. The percentage contribution of each of these parameters to change in the early
compressive strength by varying these parameters is obtained by following method. From Table
3, the average of the early compressive strength of the steam cured samples was determined to be
22.39 MPa.

By taking factor effect of every variable:

1) fa1 (50C) = (16.01+ 20.75+ 19.15+ 23.67)/4 =19.895 MPa

Where fa1 represent the factor effect of temperature corresponding to 50C and is calculated
as the average strength of cubes having steam curing temperature 50C by varying other 2

Similarly for 60C and 70C

fa2 (60C) = 23.77 MPa

fa3 (70C) =23.525 Mpa

2) fb1 (2 hrs. for delay period) =(16.01+ 20.75+ 21.64+ 22.95+ 2.71+ 22.57)/6 = 21.105 MPa

Where fb1 represent the factor effect of delay period corresponding to 2 hrs. and is calculated as
the average strength of cubes having delay period 2 hrs. by varying other 2 parameters.
Similarly, fb2 (4 hrs. delay period) = 23.6883 MPa

3) fc1 (6 hrs. steam curing period) =(16.01+ 19.15+ 21.64+ 21.72+ 22.71+ 23.15)/6 = 20.73

Where fc1 represent the factor effect of steam curing period corresponding to 6 hrs. and is
calculated as the average strength of cubes having steam curing period 6 hrs. by varying
other 2 parameters.

Similarly, fc2 (8 hrs. steam curing period) = 24.0633 MPa

By picking the highest factor effect value from each category gives best result at: (60C, 4hrs.
delay period, and 8 hrs. steam curing period).

Now by considering difference between the factor effect for each parameter value and the
average strength of 12 cycles:

Table 5: Strength deviation with the calculated average early compressive strength

Name Difference

a1 fa1 - 19.895-22.3967 -2.5017

a2 fa2 - 23.77-22.3967 1.3733

a3 fa3 - 23.525-22.3967 1.1283

b1 fb1 - 21.105-22.3967 -1.2917

b2 fb2 - 23.6883-22.3967 1.2916

c1 fc1 - 20.73-22.3967 -1.6667

c2 fc2 - 24.0633-22.3967 1.6667

By using ANOVA (analysis of variance) method:

A1 = a1 + a2 + a3 = 9.4175

B1 = b1 + b2 = 3.3367

C1 = c1 + c2 = 5.5554

Here A1 is representative of the deviation in early compressive strength obtained by changing the
parameter value of temperature by 10 C.
So, after all of these:

F ratio for temperature (% temperature effect):


Where F ratio is the weighted percentage of effect of temperature on compressive strength

Similarly for delay period: 22%

And for steam curing period: 36.62%

Based on the results obtained using the Robust Design Engineering Methodology, it is
understood that effect of temperature (41.38%) is significant when compared with delay period
(22 %) and curing period (36.62%).


The results obtained from experimental studies can be summarized as follows:-

1) All concrete specimens subjected to Steam curing developed higher compressive strength
than those subjected to water curing at the age of 0.5 days.

2) Taking into consideration both initial and final compressive strength an optimum
temperature of 60C was observed.

3) For temperatures up to 60C increasing the curing period has a beneficial effect on the
initial compressive strength without any deleterious effects with the age.

4) Delay period of the steam curing cycle has a significant effect on initial compressive
strength at lower temperatures.

5) By using Robust Design Engineering methodology it has been found that the effect of
temperature is more significant in comparison of steam curing period and delay period.

Hence for the concrete mix designed a steam curing cycle having 4 hours delay period, 8 hours
curing period at a temperature of 60C is deemed optimum for this given combinations of
materials and grade of concrete. Considering the results, it is evident that durability part is
essential which will be done in the near future. Further, influence of Pozzolana on the steam
curing will also be evaluated with some microstructural studies.
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Authors are thankful to Prof. Prakash R. Apte, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), Mumbai for
providing his inputs in terms of Robust Design Engineering Methodology.


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