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1. Czasy gramatyczne

a) Present Simple (czas teraniejszy)

- czynnoci stae, regularne, powtarzajce si (I go to school every day.)
- prawdy yciowe (The sun rises in the East.)
- przyzwyczajenia (I always watch TV.)
- wyraanie uczu (I like ice-cream.)
- rozkady jazdy, plany lekcji, repertuary kin (The bus arrives at 2 p.m..)

osoba + czasownik (V1) + reszta zdania
(I go to school every day.)

W zdaniu twierdzcym do 3 os. l. poj. dodajemy kocwk -s (-es) do czasownika

(She goes to school every day.)

operator does (3 os. l. poj.)
operator do (pozostae osoby)

Osoba + do / does not + czasownik (V1) + reszta zdania

(She does not go to school every day.)
(I do not go to school every day.)
do + not = dont
does + not = doesnt
W pytaniach i przeczeniach w 3 os. l. poj. znika kocwka -s (-es)
(?) :
Do / Does + osoba + czasownik (V1) + reszta zdania
(Does she go to school every day?)
(Do I go to school every day?)

Charakterystyczne zwroty uywane w czasie Present Simple:

Every day / week / month / year.. Often

Usually At night
Sometimes On Mondays
Always In the morning, in summer / winter..
Never From time to time

b) Present Continuous ( czas teraniejszy)

- czynnoci dziejce si w danym momencie (Im reading a book now.)
- czynnoci dziejce si zbyt czsto i irytujce (Hes always watching TV!
(instead of learning))
- sytuacje, ktre ulegaj zmianom (Computers are getting faster and faster.)
- czynnoci, ktre odbd si w niedalekiej przyszoci (umwione spotkania,
wizyty) ( Im visiting the dentist today.)

osoba + to be + czasownik ( z kocwk ing) + reszta zdania
(I am doing my homework.)
to be:
I am (Im) We are (Were)
You are (Youre) You are (Youre)
He, She, It is (He, She, Its) They are (Theyre)

osoba + to be+not + czasownik (z kocwk ing) + reszta zdania
(Shes not doing her homework.)

to be + osoba + czasownik (z kocwk ing) + reszta zdania
(Are you doing your homework?)

Po swkach zakoczonych na -body, -one uzywamy czasownika w 3 os. l.

Nobody is happy.
Someone is drinking my tea.

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czas Present Continuous:

Now Today
At the moment Tonight
At present This week /month / year / weekend

c) Past Simple (czas przeszy)

- przyzwyczajenia z przeszoci (He rode his bike to school.)
- czynnoci przesze niemajce zwizku z teraniejszoci
(Shakespeare wrote 36 plays.)
- przesze czynnoci (I went to the NY last year.)

osoba + czasownik (V2) + reszta zdania (see irregular verbs)
(I saw you yesterday.)

Do czasownikw regularnych dodajemy kocwk ed :

play played,
enjoy enjoyed,
watch watched ...

operator did (do wszystkich osb)

osoba + did + not + czasownik (V1 !) + reszta zdania

(I did not see you then.)
did + not = didnt

operator did (do wszystkich osb)

did + osoba + czasownik (V1 !) + reszta zdania

(Did you watch TV yesterday?)

W pytaniach i przeczeniach czasownik wraca do podstawowej formy!

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czasu Past Simple:

Last week / month / year / Summer ...
Ago (2 years ago, 2 days ago)
In 1992 ...

d) Past Continuous (czas przeszy)
- czynnoci, ktre dziay si w jakim czasie w przeszoci
(At 3 oclock yesterday I was walking back home.)
- opisy ta wydarze w opowiadaniach
(It was snowing and the wind was blowing.)

Past Continuous + Past Simple (dusza czynno przerwana krtsz)

(I was riding my bike when my phone rang.)

Past Continuous + Past Continuous (czynnoci dziejce si jednoczenie)

(It was snowing and the wind was blowing.)

Past Simple + Past Simple ( czynnoci dziejce sie po kolei)

(I cooked dinner and ate it.)

osoba + was/were + czasownik (z kocwk -ing) + reszta zdania
(I was doing my homework.)

I was We were
You were You were
He, She, It was They were

osoba + was/were+not + czasownik (z kocwk -ing) +reszta zdania
(She wasnt playing cards whole day.)
Was + not = wasnt
Were + not = werent
Was/Were + osoba + czasownik (z kocwk -ing) +reszta zdania
(Were you doing your homework yesterday?)

Past Continuous -> w trakcie wykonywania jakiej czynnoci

Past Simple -> Czynno wykonana

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czasu Past Continuous:

The moment that

e) Present Perfect (czas doteraniejszy)

- czynno rozpocza si w przeszoci i trwa nadal
(Ive had a dog since I was a child.)
- czynno, ktra si zakoczya przed chwil (Ive just eaten my breakfast.)
- czynno, ktra si zakoczya w przeszoci, ale my wpyw / skutek w
teraniejszoci (Ive lost my keys (and I cant enter the house.))
- jak wiele razy jaka czynno miaa miejsce
(Shes called you twice already this morning.) czynnoci zakoczone
- czynnoci, ktre robimy po raz pierwszy -> dowiadczenia yciowe
(Its the first time Ive driven a car.)(Ive been in NY.)

gone to pojecha gdzie i nadal tam by

been to pojecha gdzie i wrci
been in pojecha gdzie i by tam w danej chwili

osoba + have / has + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania (see Irregular verbs)
(I have seen this film three times.)

I have (Ive) We have (Weve)

You have (Youve) You have (Youve)
He, She, It has (Hes) They have (Theyve)

osoba + have / has+not + czasownik (V3 !) + reszta zdania
(I havent seen you for agens.)
has + not = hasnt
have + not = havent
Have / Has + osoba + czasownik (V3 !) + reszta zdania
(Have you seen this film before?)

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czasu Present Perfect:

Just Lately
For (a period of time) Recently
Since (point in time) Never
Yet Ever
Already So far

f) Present Perfect Continuous

- czynnosci, ktre nie s skoczone; nacisk na czynno, nie na skutek
(Ive been painting the fence all day.)
- gdy mwimy jak dugo cos si dziao
(Ive been shouting your name for the five minutes.)
- nacis na trwanie czynnoi (He has been feeling unwell for days.)

osoba + have / has + been + czasownik (z kocwk -ing) + reszta zdania
(I have been watching TV for two hours.)
(She has been watching TV for two hours.)

osoba + have / has+not + been + czasow. (z kocwk -ing) + reszta zdania
(I have not been watching TV for two hours.)
(She has not been watching TV for two hours.)

have + not = havent

has + not = hasnt

have / has + osoba + been + czasownik (z kocwk -ing) + reszta zdania
(Has she been watching TV for two hours?)

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czasu Present Perfect Continuous:

How long
So far

g) Past Perfect (czas zaprzeszy)

- gdy mwimy o czynnoci, ktra wydarzya si przed inna czynnoci w
przeszoci (When I woke up everyone had left.)
- czynno zakoczona, ktra ma widzialny rezultat/efekt w przeszoci
(She felt much safer after she had locked all the doors.)

osoba + had + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania
(I had done that before the deadline.)
(She had done that before the deadline.)

osoba + had + not + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania
(I had not done that before the deadline.)
(She had not done that before the deadline.)
had + not = hadnt

had + osoba + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania
(Had I done that before the deadline?)
(Had she done that before the deadline?)

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czasu Past Perfect:

By the time

h) Past Perfect Continuous

- czynno, ktra miaa miejsce / ktra dziaa si do danego czasu w
(She had been looking for this book, before she found it.)
- Past Perfect Continuous + Past Simple

osoba + had + been + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania
(I had been waiting for you for an hour before you came.)

osoba + had + not + been + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania
(He had not been drinking coffee before she came.)


had + osoba + been + czasownik (V3) + reszta zdania

(Had you been drinking coffee before she came?)

Zwroty charakterystyczne dla czasu Past Perfect Continuous:

Since - od + okrelony moment w przeszoci (np. od poniedziau - since Monday)

For- od + okres czasu (np. przez 2 lata - for two years)

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