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Collection Building

Collection Development of Western Language Materials: Taiwan's National Central Library

Priscilla C. Yu
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Priscilla C. Yu, (1990),"Collection Development of Western Language Materials: Taiwan's National Central Library",
Collection Building, Vol. 10 Iss 1/2 pp. 40 - 46
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Collection Development of
Western Language Materials:
Taiwan's National
Central Library
by Priscilla C. Yu

his study examines the collection build- selection and collection development plans. In
The sharing of
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ideasnamely, ing of Western language materials in times of economic constraints, countries (be they
collection a Third World national library. 1 Giv- developing or developed) realize the importance
development en the multitude of demands and needs of formulating their own acquisition policies, based
can have a of a developing country, national li- according to their needs.
positive impact
on the braries are confronted with basic problems, in- This article is a case study of the collection of
modernization of cluding convincing the government that the li- Western language materials of the National Cen-
library brary is an important national institution, contrib- tral Library (NCL) in Taiwan. Several key questions
development uting to the nation's development and worthy of will be addressed:
internationally financial support. In addition to resource constraints,
there is also the question of spending wisely for 1. What are the goals or mission of the library?
one's domestic collection as well as foreign publi- 2. Does the acquisition program reflect the needs and
cations, the latter being crucial if the Third World demands of its users?
country is embarked upon a determined program 3. Can a systematic acquisition or collection develop-
of modernization. With limited resources on the ment program (through purchase and/or exchange)
one hand and the need to procure information be formulated in accordance to the needs of the
from the developed world on the other, libraries in institution?
Third World countries could best meet their goals
through careful planning. When collecting West- We begin by first defining the functions of the
ern language materials, constructive planning could National Central Library. Next a brief history of the
be achieved through a collection development library's beginnings will be examined. Then, to
policy in which Western collections are systemati- enable the reader to gain some knowledge of the
cally and rationally built to assure collection growth importance of the library's Western collection, we
and maximum utility. shall examine its growth within the past decade
A carefully formulated and written collection and look at the library's acquisition policies. We
development policy can serve as a guide to plan- will then discuss the results of a recent survey
ning, budgeting, and selecting materials. The con- regarding English language books. Next, we will
cept of collection development involves decisions discuss the expanding role and plans being imple-
and planning, where user needs are assessed, mented for collection development and the pro-
current collections are evaluated, selection poli- jected budget increases. Finally, we will conclude
cies are determined, and resource sharing is and comment on the future role of collection
planned. Acquisition is the process of carrying out development in the NCL.

Priscilla C.Yu is Associate Professor of Library Administration, University of Illinois Library, University of Illinois at


DEFINITION and exchanging, the total collection in 1985
reached 787,455 volumes as seen in Table 1 ;
The NCL is the largest public and research however, the total collection included only 103,170
library in Taiwan. The library is administered by volumes of Western books, approximately 13 per-
the Ministry of Education and fulfills some of the cent of the entire holdings.
functions adopted by the UNESCO General Con- By 1987, the holdings of the Main National
ference as being appropriate to national libraries. 2 Central Library totaled 858,158 volumes. Within a
For example, the mission of the NCL is to acquire thirty-year span, the collection had grown 513
and conserve copies of all significant publications percent. With the opening of the new library
published in the country and to function as a building in April 1987, there was space for further
depository library. Other goals include producing expansion to build a strong representative collec-
a national bibliography; maintaining a current tion of literature from other countries; the stacks
and representative collection of foreign literature, have been designed to hold over two million
including books about the country; serving as a volumes. 5
national bibliographic information center; com- As early as 1977, an internal study was con-
piling union catalogues; and publishing the retro- ducted on the Western language collection at the
spective national bibliography. NCL. The study concluded there was a need to
expand the Western language collection in the
areas of Sinology, general reference books, and
works in library science, particularly library auto-
mation. In 1977, as seen in Table 2, the NCL had a
A glance at the past should lead us to under-
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total collection of 61,522 Western language books;

stand the NCL's unique development. The library the budget for Western language publications was
was first established on the China mainland in a mere NT$600,000 (US$15,789.47). 6 Neither
Nanking in 1933. Its early years were stormy and the Western language collection nor the budget
filled with uncertainty; several relocations did not for Western materials was sufficient for Taiwan's
contribute to collection growth. During World growing needs.
War II, the library moved to the wartime capital of
The ensuing years confirmed the need for a
Chungking, Szechwan, returning to Nanking fol-
stronger and expanded Western collection, to
lowing the conclusion of World War II. The war
meet Taiwan's rising level of educational and
years resulted in a loss of more than one million
economic development. In 1980, an acquisition
books, both Western and Chinese. The library was
policy for Chinese and foreign publications was
again relocated in 1948, this time to Taiwan. Only
formulated to ensure the strengthening and devel-
120,000 Chinese rare books were transferred to
opment of such major areas as government docu-
Taiwan. When the library first moved to Taiwan, it
ments, major reference works, including bibliog-
was a part of the Joint Commission for the Admin-
raphies and indexes, books on Sinology, and library
istration of the National Museums and Library in
science publications. 7 During 1985, in response
Taichung, Taiwan. It did not resume normal func-
to a request by the Taipei office of the Asia Foun-
tions until 1955, when the library was reestab-
lished in Taipei. 3 At that time the collection num-
bered 140,000.4 Through many years of purchasing
Table 2
Western Language Collection, 1977

Table 1
Holdings of the National Central Library, 1985 Categories Volumes Percentage

Number of General Western

Types of Materials Volumes books 41,420 67.32
General reference
Chinese books 281,649 books 11,400 18.53
Chinese rare books 144,467 Reference books in
Government documents 117,200 library science 4,929 8.01
Western language books 103,170 Chinese studies 2,927 4.76
Periodicals (6,529 titles) 66,781 Books on library
Japanese language books 64,250 science 846 1.38
Korean language books 9,938
Total 61,522 100.00
Total 787,455
Source: Posheng T'sai, Current Status, Problems and Future of
Source: Adapted from National Central Library, The Republic Western Publications Acquisition of the National Central Library
of China (1985): 3. (Taipei, 1977): 10.


dation, the National Central Library conducted a popular journals such as Time, U.S. News and
survey of Western book collections and needs in World Report, Fortune, and Far Eastern Economic
libraries in Taiwan, as a guide for future donations Review.10
to those libraries. Various degrees of needs were The NCL knew too that to have an effective
defined: do not need, do not necessarily need, acquisition program a general acquisition policy
need, and need very much. The survey found that statement would have to be drawn relating to the
the categories of English language books needed library's needs of foreign materials. In September
"very m u c h " were library and information sci- 1985, a preliminary Acquisition Policy Statement
ence, general reference works, philosophy, psy- for foreign publications was drafted:
chology, clinical psychology, general religions,
comparative religions, Christianity, mythology, sta- 1. To collect important scholarly overseas publications
tistics, education, sociology, economics, trade, which represent general writings in the humanities
finance, management, accounting, marketing, his- and social sciences, as well as works in the natural
tory, world history, world geography, travel, Eng- and applied sciences.
lish, fiction, music, architecture, photography, ap- 2. To collect bibliographies, indexes, and basic refer-
plied arts, and folk art. Finally, the survey pointed ence sources from every country.
to a pressing need for more English language 3. To collect from every country publications concern-
materials not only in academic, but also public ing Chinese studies.
and special libraries as well. 8 4. To collect major publications of professional asso-
ciations, international organizations, social organi-
zations, and specialized academic organizations.
THEORY A N D PRACTICE 5. To collect the basic reference sources concerning
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the cultural background, current legislative, and

The NCL has long realized it was important to administrative information of the countries in the
develop a program of rational planning for the world."
acquisition of Western and other foreign publica-
tions. It was also realized that with budget constraints, With the above as reference, the NCL began
some rational and systematic structure should be formulating a new and more detailed collection
established to set policies, plan budgets, and de- development policy statement in 1987. The new
cide on selection of Western materials. In 1984, a policies included goals and aims, scope of collec-
Collection Development Committee was estab- tions, formats of materials, and collection devel-
lished, with 11 committee members, appointed by opment categories. Included in the collection de-
the Director of the National Central Library. The velopment categories were policies for Chinese
chairperson of the committee was the Head of the publications, foreign publications, special collec-
Acquisition Department. Members of the commit- tions, government publications, exchange publi-
tee represented librarians who were subject spe- cations, gifts, duplicates, interlibrary cooperation,
cialists in the humanities and social sciences, special collections of the Han Dynasty, audiovisu-
computer science, library science, and reference al materials, machine-readable materials, maps,
areas. The functions of the committee were: to and atlases. The section on foreign language pub-
provide new publication information, to recom- lications stressed that first priority would be given
mend what was needed in the collection, and to to acquiring research books in Chinese study.
provide suggestions for reviewing the collection Next in priority were reference tools, literature,
development policy of NCL. 9 linguistics, philosophy, history, anthropology, fine
The Collection Development Committee was to arts, library and information science, computer
initiate requests for the purchase of Western lan- science, social science, natural science, applied
guage materials. Books were selected through science, and recreational reading. The degrees of
university press catalogues, publishers' catalogues, collection intensity ranged from one to five. Five,
Choice, Publishers Weekly, and other sources. indicated the NCL collected comprehensively;
The majority of books were procured abroad four, only research publications were collected;
through dealers in the United States, Great Britain, three, materials were to be collected for university
Singapore, West Germany, and Japan. Books were or graduate course studies; two, collections of
ordered from the United States through dealers major encyclopedias, dictionaries, and bibliog-
such as Baker and Taylor and Ballen; there were raphies in the field; and one, basic materials in the
also dealers in Taiwan that handled orders of subject were collected. Clearly, the NCL was
Western language books. As for English language progressing towards the writing of a comprehen-
periodicals, the NCL relied upon dealers from sive collection development policy, adapting and
abroad such as EBSCO and Faxon; there were also modifying concepts and techniques to suit the
several dealers in Taiwan that handled orders for needs of the library. 12


Let us turn to how collections were acquired at a majority of the exchange publications. As of July
the NCL. First, the national publication law re- 1987, the total holdings of government docu-
quired one copy of all books published in Taiwan ments were approximately 122,000 volumes, which
be made part of the library's collection, procured included both Chinese and foreign government
through legal deposit. Thus the majority of Chi- publications. Foreign publications included over
nese works were obtained through deposit and a 111,000 volumes of books and periodicals, or 91
few through purchases abroad. The channel by percent of the collection. The United States has
which Western language materials were acquired been a prime contributor to the division's foreign
was through purchase and gift and exchange. documents collection. The Library of Congress
Table 3 shows the breakdown of Western lan- has generously sent on exchange a large number
guage books acquired over a span of 12 years. of U.S. government documents. Publications that
The percentage acquired through purchase has were purchased included such items as UNESCO
been very limited owing to budgetary constraints, materials and U.N. publications.
a major problem for many years. Meanwhile, The Government Publications Division's draft
exchanges and gifts have been the primary means collection development policy stated that first it
through which foreign language materials have was to comprehensively collect all official Taiwan
been obtained. publications. Second, it was to collect from each
Under the Bureau of International Exchange of foreign country statistical publications and basic
the NCL, numerous foreign official and nonofficial official bulletins, annual reports (administrative),
publications were received. The bureau main- periodicals, catalogues, and organizational manu-
tained exchange relations with 1,062 units in 86 als. The division also had a collection develop-
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countries, two territories, and 22 international ment policy statement for international organiza-
organizations. 13 tions, such as the United Nations. The areas of
Table 4 delineates the percentage of exchange interest were the following: energy, agriculture,
publications received from foreign countries dur- social work, economics, politics, public adminis-
ing the period from 1955 to 1982. Among the 86 tration, public health, library science, computer
countries, the United States contributed the high- science, finance, population, education, environ-
est number of exchange publications to the NCL's mental protection, and transportation. Since most
collection71 percent of the total number of reader requests were in these areas, the division
volumes received. One of the future goals of the regularly published several English language sub-
bureau was to expand European and other exchanges. ject bibliographies in these fields for reference
The Government Publications Division received purposes.14

Table 3
Western Language Book Collection, 1973-1985

Gift Exchange Purchase Depository

Year Volumes Percent Volumes Percent Volumes Percent Volumes Percent Total

1973 56 1 3,215 82 349 9 312 8 3,941

1974 5,293 55.79 2,500 26.35 427 4.50 1,268 13.36 9,488
1975 153 2.15 4,115 57.79 2,699 37.91 153 2.15 7,120
1976 171 4.80 2,883 80.85 350 9.81 162 4.54 3,566
1977 229 4.23 3,014 55.74 726 13.43 1,438 26.60 5,407
1978 5,631 51.66 3,249 29.80 1,225 11.24 796 7.30 10,901
1979 1,179 20.64 2,375 41.57 1,471 25.75 688 12.04 5,713
1980 577 8.83 2,894 44.60 2,045 31.29 1,020 15.61 6,536
1981 2,805 29.72 2,539 26.90 3,551 37.62 544 5.76 9,439
1982 2,393 25.89 3,674 39.75 2,739 29.63 437 4.73 9,243
1983 1,215 9.27 8,721 66.52 2,581 19.69 593 4.52 13,110
1984* 1,511 23.77 3,740 58.84 882 13.88 223 3.51 6,356
1985 2,086 17.56 6,634 55.86 2,384 20.07 772 6.50 11,876

Total 23,299 22.68 49,553 48.25 21,429 20.87 8,415 8.19 102,696

*Through June 1984 only.

Source: Adapted from "General Conditions of the National Central Library" Journal of the National Central Library 16, No. 1
(1983): 110; and Collection Development Plans of the National Central Library on Moving to the New Library Building (Taipei:
National Central Library, 1984) in Chinese.


Table 4 Table 5
Exchange Publications Received National Central Library Budget: 1980-1988
from Foreign Countries by the
National Central Library, 1955-1982
Country Volumes Percentage Year (NT$) Additional Funds

United States 513,000 71.09 1980 3,200,000

Japan 75,916 10.52 1981 4,000,000
Others 39,833 5.52 1982 5,000,000
Korea 35,818 4.96 1983 5,000,000
Belgium 30,543 4.23 1984 5,000,000
German Federal 1985 5,000,000 NT$2,500,000 for Western
Republic 17,169 2.38 language periodicals
Australia 9,367 1.30 NT$1,470,000 for Western
language books
Total 721,646 100.00
1986 5,000,000 NT$10,000,000 (Of the total
Source: "Sino-American Book Exchange" National Central budget NT$ 15,000,000,
Library Newsletter 15, No. 2 (August 1983): 36. NT$6.5 million was to pur-
chase Western language
periodicals and NT$5 million
for Western language books.)
As the need for more foreign language materials 1987 5,000,000 NT$10,000,000 (Of the total
continues to expand, the NCL has been faced with budget NT$15,000,000,
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the problem of procuring sufficient funds to pur- NT$5.5 million was to pur-
chase Western books and periodicals. A major chase Western language
area which required additional funding was the periodicals and NT$5 million
reference unit. The collection was limited in for- for Western language books.)
eign titles and more funds were required to buy 1988 5,000,000 NT$15,000,000 (Of the total
basic reference tools. During 1983-84, the library budget NT$20,000,000,
conducted a survey of the types of materials read- NT$6.5 million was to pur-
ers requested and the types of questions they chase Western language
periodicals and NT$8 million
asked. It was found that materials used most were
for Western language books.)
general encyclopedias, almanacs, yearbooks, hand-
In addition, NT$2 million was
books, and dictionaries. Questions asked most allocated for Western language
were in the areas of the social sciences and the computer/information science
humanities, centering around subjects such as books.
history and geography, language and literature. 15
Subsequently, additional funding of NT$2,000,000 Source: Information provided by the Acquisition Depart-
ment, National Central Library, Taipei, February 1987;
was given to the Reference Department for the Collection Development Plans of the National Central
purpose of purchasing more Western reference Library on Moving to the New Building (Taipei: National
tools. 16 Central Library, 1984): 1.

The NCL's development, similar to many Third

World libraries, has been limited by financial
constraints. During the period from 1980 to 1984,
the regular budget ranged from NT$3,000,000 to guage periodicals, NT$8,000,000 for Western lan-
NT$5,000,000. The quantity of publications pro- guage books, plus NT$2,000,000 for Western
cured was insufficient to fulfill the readers' needs language computer information science materi-
even at the NT$5,000,000 level. However, begin- als. The regular budget remained constant at
ning in 1985, the library has received and been NT$5,000,000. There is no doubt that the govern-
promised increased support for additional funds to ment has been supportive to the library. With the
build its Western collection. The Ministry of Edu- promised extra funding, the library was expected
cation provided the NCL with supplementary funds to spend NT$16,606,000 (US$437,000) annually
to purchase Western materials (mainly English, buying new books, Chinese and foreign, increas-
with some German, French, and Spanish). Table 5 ing the total number to approximately one million
gives the NCL's total budget for the 1980 to 1988 by 1988. 1 7 As for the journal collection, the goal
period. was to increase the holdings by selectively choos-
As Table 5 shows, the total library budget for ing significant periodicals of every country, there-
1988 was NT$20,000,000. From this amount by bringing the total count to 7,000 titles by
NT$6,500,000 was allocated for Western Ian- 1988. 18


CONCLUSION graphic records exchange cooperative agreement
with OCLC. Not only w i l l the NCL gain access to
This study has examined the collection devel- world information through the network, but NCL
opment practices in a developing Third World publications will become accessible internation-
country, Taiwan. The NCL has produced written ally. 21 This is an important step for the NCL, for
acquisition guidelines for a number of years. A now it has joined the international arena of librar-
formal collection development policy statement ies, addressing national needs, cultures, and lan-
was in the process of being finalized. The units guages. Universal resource sharing is being realized.
servicing Western language materials were aware With the new library building and increased
of the benefits of a written collection development government support for education and economic
policy, especially in times of rising needs and development, the NCL is moving toward an excit-
budget constraints. It is hoped that the NCL will ing new era of library development. There are
continue to develop and improve its collection plans to establish a national library information
development policies to meet the educational and service center and a definite movement to im-
economic needs of Taiwan. The NCL, as Taiwan's prove library management and librarianship. There
leading library, has been the initiator of new ideas will be more emphasis on library science research
and developments. The NCL should continue to and frequent workshops and conferences to raise
build and maintain a rich collection not only of the efficiency of library services. Future plans
national literature, but also of foreign literature, include establishing a library science training cen-
since the library represents the country's focal ter and a library science materials room at NCL. 22
point for bibliographical and library services.
In sum, this study shows that a systematic acqui-
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The NCL moved to its new building in 1987, sition or collection development program (through
and plans to utilize the additional space to in- purchase and/or exchange), based upon a library's
crease its holdings to 1.5 million volumes by needs, can be of assistance to libraries in the
1991. 1 9 Specialized reference rooms will be es- developing world. With the inflationary costs of
tablished in various subject fields to meet the books and journals today, it is imperative that all
research needs of government officials and indi- countries take a closer look at their collection. It is
viduals. Currently, the new reference and reading known that libraries share universal problems and
quarters have expanded: on one side are Chinese thus may want to learn concepts and practices of
reference materials and on the other, Western collection development from other countries, to
language reference tools. Readers can browse be modified and applied according to their situa-
freely, as all reference materials are on open tion and needs. Taiwan's National Central Library
shelves. The Western section appears to be fairly is one example of the positive impact the sharing
comprehensive and updated, covering many top- of ideas, namely collection development, can
ics in the social sciences and humanities. In the have on the modernization of library development
collection were many encyclopedias, almanacs, internationally.
yearbooks, specialized dictionaries, directories,
and handbooks. It would seem that to have a
collection development policy for the Reference
Department would be extremely useful. It could
I wish to express my gratitude for the assistance and
be simply written, including the objectives of the
cooperation of Chen-Ku Wang, Director, and Nancy
reference collection, subject scope, size of the Ou-Lan Chou, Head, Acquisition Department, of the
collection, and types of materials included and National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan. Also, I wish to
excluded in the collection. Writing a collection extend my thanks to the research assistance of Ms. Tsui-
development policy develops a systematic plan Chan Lee of the Graduate School of Library and Infor-
for acquiring materials; it serves as a guide in mation Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
establishing priorities when needs are great and
resources limited. References
Collection development policies not only serve
1. The term Western language materials primarily
as planning documents and tools for communica-
includes those publications published in North
tion, but also for resource sharing with other
America and Western Europe. The Third World or
libraries. "Resource sharing is the bibliographic
developing countries refer to those societies in
access and delivery of one library's materials to Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
other libraries in an agreement or a consortium or 2. "The Role of National Libraries in National and
network." 2 0 Recently, bibliographic cooperation International Information Systems: A Policy State-
at an international level has been established in ment Approved by Directors of National Libraries
Taiwan. In May of 1985, the NCL signed a biblio- Meeting in Lausanne, 20-21 August 1976" Unesco


Bulletin for Libraries 3 1 , no. 1 (January-February 10. Interviews with Ms. Yu-Ling Cheng and Ms. Mei-
1977): 7-25. Fang Liu, NCL Acquisition Department, July 1987.
3. National Central Library, The Republic of China, 1 1 . Acquisition Policy (Taipei: National Central Li-
1985 (Taipei, 1985): 1. Interview with Director brary, September 1985). Mimeographed. In Chinese.
Chen-Ku Wang of the NCL, July 1987. 12. Drafts of the National Central Library's Collection
4 . Wang, Chen-Ku, "Library and Information Ser- Development Policies, 1987.
vices in Taiwan, Republic of China" in Areas of 13. "Survey of the National Central Library" Kuoli
Cooperation in Library Development in Asian and Chungyang Tushukuan Kuank'an (Bulletin of the
Pacific Regions. Papers presented at the 1983 Joint National Central Library), 16, no. 1 (April 1983):
Annual Program of the Asian/Pacific American 129-130. In Chinese.
Librarians Association and Chinese-American Li- 14. Interview with Ms. Shwu-yun Lei, Head of Gov-
brarians Association, June 2 8 - 2 9 , 1 9 8 3 , Los Ange- ernment Publications, National Central Library,
les. Ed. by Sally C. Tseng, et al. (Athens, O h i o : July 1987.
O h i o University Libraries, 1985): 4 4 - 4 9 . 15. "Analysis of Reference Questions" Journal of the
5. National Central Library: New Facilities Inaugura- National Central Library 17, no. 2 (1985): 6 9 - 1 0 5 .
tion Special Issue (Taipei: National Central Library, 16. Acquisition Department, July 1987.
1987): 27, 39. 17. " N e w Library Building Utilizes High Technology"
6. Posheng T'sai, Current Status, Problems and Future The Free China journal (October 6, 1986): 1.
of Western Publications Acquisition of the Nation- 18. Collection Development Plans of the National Cen-
al Central Library (Taipei, 1977): 2,10. In Chinese. tral Library on Moving to the New Building (Taipei:
In 1977, the rate of exchange was NT$38 = US$1. National Central Library, June 1984): 4. In Chinese.
7. Report on the Administrative Meeting of the Na- 19. National Central Library: New Facilities Inaugura-
tional Central Library: A Report on the Administra- tion Special Issue (Taipei, 1987?): 37.
Downloaded by Universiti Teknologi MARA At 06:50 18 January 2017 (PT)

tion of the Acquisitions Department (Taipei, Octo- 20. Paul H. Mosher and Marcia Pankake, " A Guide to
ber 6, 1980): 1. Coordinated and Cooperative Collection Develop-
8. "1986 Library Collection Survey Report of the ment" Library Resources and Technical Services
Republic of China" National Central Library News- 27, no. 4 (October/December 1983): 4 1 7 - 4 4 0 .
letter 18, no. 1 (May 1986): 1-26. 2 1 . " O C L C President Visits the N C L " National Central
9. Rules of the Collection Development Committee Library Newsletter 18, no. 1 (May 1986): 30.
(Taipei: National Central Library, October 1984). 22. New Facilities Inauguration: 38.
Mimeographed. In Chinese.


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