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Name of the company :

>Boster Biological Technology
2. Number of Entities Company have and its Location :
>2, one in the city of Wuhan, China, one in the suburbs of Wuhan, China
3. Total Number of Employees :
4. Objective of the Project & what is expected out of this project :
>Mitigate the risk of production disruption by force majeure. Ensure
continuity of production for a particular customer in case of disaster.
5. Scope and purpose of the project, Is the project initiated due to any
mandatory Compliance requirement :
>Yes the project is initiated because one of our customer needs a DRP for
its vendor.
6. Total number of departments and their names :
>6 departments.
1) Department of animal facility management,
2) Department of production management,
3) Department of finance
4) Department of marketing
5) Department of research and development
6) Department of administration
7. Key people in each department :
>One VP oversees department 1 and 2, CFO oversees department 3, one
VP oversees department 4, 5 and 6.
8. Which services / Departments would you like to cover in Disaster
Recovery :
>Primarily 1 and 2.
9. Is Organization Chart Available (Yes / No) :
10. Is Primary & Secondary Decision Makers during disaster identified :
11.Does your company have any ERP system in place (Yes / No) :
12.How do you receive your Orders from Customers is it a Manual Process :
>Yes the process is manual.
13.How the Orders are Fulfilled to customers :
>Shipping physical goods to customers. Shipment requires cryoprotection
14.Do you have a Continuous Production line (or) Just in Time Principle
followed :
15.Have you Identified Key Customers for your organization (Yes / No)
16.Is there any SLA (Service Level Agreement) Signed by your company with
Customers :
>This DRP will be used in one but none of the current customers has it.
17.Is there any Exclusion clause made in SLA with customers where SLA can
be compromised during the time of Disaster recovery :
18.Have you identified Fail over location for Business Continuity :
19.Is Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) & Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
Identified :
20.Is the Maximum Tolerable Time during Disaster defined with Customers :
21.There are instances where HR policy need to be tweaked to support
Disaster Recovery is the management supportive for these changes (Yes /
No) :
>Unsure. Need to clarify with examples
22.Do you have any Existing policy for departments in place through which
management governs the company (Kindly Name the policies you
currently have like HR Policy, etc..) :
>HR Policy, Quality Control Policy, Material and Equipment procurement
policy, production protocols and guidelines etc. Not sure what this is for so
I need more info to fill this up.
23.Does your Company need to follow any Compliance policy during disaster
recovery like HIPPA, Etc.. :
24.Is the Enterprise Media Policy in place to ensure there is no Panic spread
on Media during Disaster :
25.During the time of Disaster is there any Intellectual Property need to be
safe guarded and taken to the failover site to start production. If yes, Is
there any security Measures in place to ensure Intellectual Property is
protected (Yes / No). :
26.Is the Business Impact analysis available :
>Not currently. First need to define the exact nature of force majeure or
27.Is the Risk Assessment made for the organization and Risk identified :
28.If Risk is identified, Any plans are made to Mitigate / Observe / Transfer /
Insure the risk :
29. Is the Categorization of important Products are made by business which
has to be recovered first during disaster :
30.Is there a Policy in place to protect old customer data (Yes / No) :

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