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2) United States Patent Dopps (34) METHOD FOR ALTERNATIVELY RESISTING AND PERMITTING. MENSTRUAL FLOW (76) Inventor: Daniel A. Dopps, Wichita, KS (US) (4) Notice: Suibject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended ot adjusted under 3 USC. 154(b) by 228 days Appl. Nos 18/311, 030 Filed: Dee. §, 2011 (1) Inc. AGIF 2700 (2005.01) GIP SAS (2006.01) M6IF 19472 (2006.01) 4618 17/00 (2006.01) (2) US.C1. c AGIP 20009 (2013.01); AOTF S44 (201301); ABIE 13/47209 201301); A618 2017/0068 (2013.01) (58) Fleld of Classitication Search oc AGIF 13/87200; AGLF 1347227; AGIP 13/87263: AGLP 18475; A6IP 13/52; AIF 201315121, AGIF 2011513; AGIF 2013/15569: AGIF 2013/15414; AGIF 2015/1538; AGIT 2013/16; AGIP 201947281: AGIP 2013/51097; AGIE 201344729, AGIE 2002/7806; AGIF 2/0009; AGIF 5/44; AGIB 2017/0065; AGIB 2017100654; A61B 2017100641: A61B. 2017/0391 PC 604/329, 330, 346, 347, 355, 385.17, 600/385. 19; 128/898; 602167 See application file for compete search history. (66) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 911985, Jackson et 111987. Stvening ‘USO09S. Bl 39077 (10) Patent No.: (4s) Date of Patent: US 9,539,077 BI Jan. 10, 2017 S836208 A * 81994 Rosenblth al. 608329 S6SA7T A 1907 Meare ta SHE26H A + 61998 Osborn ea cn 60838817 GFoso%6 Be 32004 Gary etal, 6028796 B2 $2005. ‘Beluel st a Soiv.o67 Be, 32006 Holguin ea 8217219 B2* 7012. Shepard AGI 2008 24403 20090120178 AL 62003 ski (Continved) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS x zs774 42001 (Continued) Howie Matthews Kenneth H, Jack; Davis Primary Bvaminer (74) Attornes, Agent, or Firm & Jack, LLC on ABSTRACT A method for controlling menstrual flow including spine ‘erally contracting and expanding labia minora having left ‘nd right labium minuses, such anatomical structures mov- ing to a closed position upon each sphincteral contraction or ‘oan opened position upon each sphineteral expansion: adhering and disjoining the labia minora, each adhesion ‘securing the labia minora at te closed positon, the disjune- ‘ions freeing the labia minora for opening movement; and resisting and permitting menstral flow the resistance occur fing on sphineteral contraction and adhesion, and the pet ‘mission oecurting upon sphineteral expansion, each ade ing step disposing a hydrophobie and bio-compatble fdhesive selected from acrylic adhesives, polyisobutylene ‘adhesives, and silicone adhesives, and each disposition step ‘tiling an applicator selected from brushes, stabs, rab-on sticks, rllon applicators, pump sprayers, arosol sprayers, ‘squeeze tube applicators, bottle applicators, an finger applic {6 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

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