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Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering &

Government Propaganda

This is a collection of articles which cover the ways in which we are lied to and manipulated
through the mass media - and not just via the 'news' but by way of television 'programming'
advertising, music, films, computer games - pop culture.

This all works towards a dumbed-down population - an engineered society. But this can only work
if the "sheeple" are not educated as to how the plan works.

You will also see articles here about both the drawn-out demise of establishment media, along
with reports on the rise of independent media.

Facts You Need To know About Syria & Syrian President Bashar
Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends
Alternative Media
January 12 2017 | From: AustralianNationalReview / 21stCenturyWire

The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid orientation.

Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health and

Syrian women are not forced to wear the burqa. The Sharia (Islamic law) is

Related: Ron Paul on Aleppo Aftermath: We Need a New Syria Policy

Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate Islamic
extremist movements.
Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian
denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian political and social life.

In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to sustained

Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating his decision was made in
order to preserve human health,

Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no other Arab country.

Its media and universities openly debate the global power elites influence in things.
This means that they fully grasp the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White
House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite think-tanks and central

Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is
unique in the area.

Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only peaceful countries in the area,
having avoided major wars or internal conflicts.

Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or
religious discrimination.

Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the Israel government.

Following a massive oil find in Syrias Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967,
Netanyahu recently asked Obama to recognize its annexation of the territory. To
consolidate its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers to 100,000.

And The Most Two Important Points:

Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East without debts to the International
Monetary Fund (Pre-invasion Libya & Iran the only others)

Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the owner of its oil company,
with an oil reserve of 2,500 million barrels, the operation of which has avoided
privatization and is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

So now ask yourself, why are we truly attempting to overthrow yet another government?

What are we hoping to fix here?

If the recent invasions and illegal assassinations of Presidents like Qaddafi and Saddam have
taught us anything, it should be the understanding of the blowback effect of such lawless
actions by the West and the vacuum of chaos that always supersedes it.

Debt Conquer. Invent a reason to invade and destroy, then offer $Trillions in IMF funding
to rebuild conveniently paid back by control of your oil fields and the free access to
build gas pipelines to the west.

Related Articles:

Bolivian actress Carla Ortiz exposes what went wrong with Western media coverage of
Syrian conflict

Syria Story Is A Fools Paradise

Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace Council: The
US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil War, It's A
Proxy Invasion By The United States

Syria: Attack On Aid Convoy Kills Twenty, Destroys Aid, And Obliterates US War
Crimes In Support Of ISIS-Daesh Terror Group?

I Am A Syrian Living In Syria: It Was Never A Revolution Nor A Civil War: The
Terrorists Are Sent By Your Government

The Boy In The Ambulance: US State Dept-Funded Groups Behind Latest 'Iconic
Image' Designed To Demonize Russia And Encourage Further Bloodshed In Syria

Checkmate! U.S. Loses Syria & Turkey; Erdogan Will Visit Putin + John McCain Is
Directly Responsible For ISIS
Clinton Email Reveals: Google Sought Overthrow Of Syria's Assad

In Syria, If You Cant Find Moderates, Dress Up Some Extremists

Paris-Syria Timeline Of Terror

The End Of The New World Order As Russia Shifts Balance Of Power: Russia's Syrian
Operation To Smash Terrorists, End Tyranny Of Banking Elite

Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's

President Assad & War is Peace: US Needs External Enemy to Ensure Internal Unity

Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French

Media And Defends Alternative Media

Recently we reported on the targeting of a French delegation to Syria, led

by politician, Thierry Mariani, by the US backed FSA (Free Syrian Army)
Company 23.
Aleppo airport was shelled by this group of primarily US supported moderate rebels
led by a defected Syrian Arab Army colonel, Hassan Rajoob, just prior to the planned
take off of the plane ferrying the delegation back to Damascus.

Related: US, UK Paid White Helmets Help Al Qaeda Blocking Water To 5 Million
The delegation then met with Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad, on the 9th January 2017.
Following the meeting, President Assad met with and fielded questions from French media.

Related: US Backed Moderate Rebels Target French Delegation in Aleppo

We always have hopes that the next (French) administration, or government, or president will want to deal
with the reality, to disconnect themselves from the disconnected policy from our reality. That is our
hope..and they can work for the interests of the French people.

The question now, after six years, as a French citizen, do you feel safer? I dont think the answer is yes.
The immigration problem, has it made the situation in your country better? []

This is the question the next administration, government, president should deal with in order to deal with
our reality not what is in their imagination as has been happening for the last six years.
(Fillons) rhetoric regarding the terrorists, or lets say the priority to fight the terrorists and not meddling in
the affairs of other countries are welcome, but we have to be cautious, because what we have learned in
this region, during the last few years, is that many officials would say something and do the opposite.

I am not saying M Fillon would do this, I hope not, but we have to wait and see because there is no
contact. But so far, what he is saying, if it is implemented, that will be very good.

If I want to send (a message to French politicians) I would say the self evident thing, that we have to work
for the interests of the Syrian citizens, and for the last six years the situation is going in the opposite
direction. The French politics harmed the French interests.

For the French people, I would say the mainstream media has failed in most of the west, the narrative has
been debunked because of the reality and you have the alternative media, you have to look for the truth.

Truth was the main victim of the events in the Middle East, including Syria.

I would ask any citizen in France, please search for the reality, for the real information, through the
alternative media. When they search for this information, they can be more effective, in dealing with their
government, or at least not allowing some politicians to base their politics on lies.

Related: Who Are Syria's White Helmets?

US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of

January 11 2017 | From: Sputnik / JonRappoport

US ruling power is in deep trouble because there are growing signs that the
mass of citizens are no longer beholden to the supposed authority residing
in Washington.
Once the legitimacy of would-be authorities begins to collapse in the eyes of the people,
then profound political change is in the offing, as history shows us through countless
empires that came and went often ignominiously.

Related: Creeping Technocratic Dictatorship: Google Can Access Medical Records;

Microsoft Storing Data On Your DNA

"The so-called American Deep State comprising the military-intelligence apparatus and its operatives in the
political and media establishment has put its credibility on the line over allegations of Russian interference
in the US elections."

Those allegations are threadbare, indeed baseless, despite concerted, overweening attempts
by the Deep State to conjure up something of substance.

Related: US Intelligence 'Laid Itself Open to Ridicule' by Accusing Russia of Hacker


The latest high-level intelligence report from the CIA, NSA, FBI and other US spy agencies on
alleged Russian cyber hacking may have wowed President Barack Obama, various members
of Congress and the corporate-controlled news media. Not so for ordinary Americans. Among
rank-and-file citizens the reaction has been underwhelming to say the least.

And that should be a matter of anxiety for the ruling establishment. If the people can no
longer be commanded, then the whole foundation for power begins to erode like a

As a New York Times report put it:

"Whats the big deal? asks Trumps supporters on Russian hacking report.
Trump is quite a hit in Russia - here he is on sugar packaging in a Russian store

Related: How Trump May Have Just Caused Russia to Fall Back in Love with the USA

Among ordinary voters far removed from the Washington Beltway Bubble the consensus is one
of derision towards the once-revered US intelligence community.

"Sore losers, sour grapes, crybabies and absurd were just some of the disbelieving responses from
ordinary folks about claims that Russian agents directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin had tipped
the US November election in favor of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton."

I dont believe the [US] intel report, said one man in Louisiana. Why is everybody so afraid of Russia?
Im not against Putin.

Related: WikiLeaks: US Intel Report on Russia Hacking 'Has Poor Sourcing and No

Another man, a retired US air force officer, added:

"From the parts of the [US intel] report Ive seen it seems silly.

President-elect Trump, once again, seems more in tune with the real, pressing concerns of
common citizens.
He emerged from his so-called briefing by US intelligence chiefs last Friday and pointedly
refused to join the Washington blowhards accusing Russia of an act of war.

Trump in fact followed up with a comment that it was only a stupid person would not want to
have good relations with Russia.

This was not the response that the spooks wanted from Trump. The CIA and their surrogates in
the Obama administration, Congress and the media were building up the US intel report like a
witch-hunt against anyone who dares to dissent from the allegations of Russian cyber

Unlike warmongering Congress members such as John McCain and Lyndsey Graham, Trump
has not jumped on the bandwagon to demonize Russia.

"And the thing is that people beyond the thrall of the Deep State centered in Washington appear
with Trump.

At a time of immense social challenges from poverty, unemployment, financial indebtedness, deteriorating
infrastructure and public services, and so on, a US policy of hostility towards Russia seems like an alien
distraction. A contemptible waste of priority and resources, not to say a reckless drumbeat to war between
nuclear powers."

Shocker: 'Proof' of Russia's Trump Support Was Compiled During Obama's Election

The US intelligence agencies, aided by the Obama White House and mainstream media, tried
to muster gravitas to play its Russian card against Trump.

But Trump and the popular sentiment out there are not responding in the deferential
manner expected by the spooks.

In fact, despite sensationalist headlines in the mainstream media about Putin ordering an
influence campaign to help Trump win the election, the US intelligence agencies are now in
real danger of being exposed as ridiculous liars.

The collapse of the US establishment has been underway for sometime, but lately the
momentum has quickened with the election of Trump and the mainstream medias penchant
for fake narratives.

Last week the Washington disgraced itself by running a story about Russia hacking into the
US electric, a story which was quickly exposed as fake news.

On the latest US intel report, as well as Trump and ordinary Americans, many observers from
around the world were taken aback by the amateurish dearth of evidence and generally low
quality of analysis. Independent cyber security experts, including US-based ones, poured
scorn on the claims against Russia.

Related: US Readiness to Throw Rocks at Russia Marks Need for Policy U-Turn Ex-
Adviser to Trump

The US spy agencies claim that they have supporting evidence that Russia hacked Hillary
Clintons emails, but they say, unconvincingly, that they cant disclose the information in order
to protect sensitive sources and methods. Such a conjuring trick just makes the US spooks
and the subservient news media look even more ridiculous.
A major giveaway was the disproportionately huge focus that the US intelligence report
devoted to trying to discredit Russian news media outlets, RT and Sputnik.

The report claims that the news services are part of the Kremlins influence campaign and
then cites its own ropey rationale as evidence that Russia hacked the US election.

If thats the best that Americas national security guardians can come up with then we can be
sure their case against Russia is null and void.

There was a time in the American past when shadowy, unelected elites could control society
through monopolistic, servile media and servile politicians kowtowing to their supposed

There was also a naive belief among people that the secret services were defending the
nations best interests.

Not any more alas. People have got wise to the massive manipulation and criminality of such
shadowy powers who orchestrate wars and regime changes all around the world for the narrow
benefit of elite corporate power.

Ordinary Americans pay with their lives and livelihoods for the machinations of the
ruling cabal.

"The Deep State intel chiefs may have been fawned over by Obama, Congress and the media in their
outlandish claims of Russian subversion. But growing numbers of ordinary people in the US and around
the world can see through the lies and blatant agenda of hostility towards Russia an insane hostility that
only serves the elite interests of the Deep State."

The once feared, and revered, US Deep State is now facing a deep dilemma and maybe even
an existential crisis. For it knows deep down that its erstwhile credibility and authority are shot
to pieces.
Down through history, the American rulers got away with their charade of inciting wars and
conflicts through false flags and contrived catastrophes: the not-so-secret Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor, the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the US genocidal war on
Vietnam, the dubious 9/11 terror attacks and Iraqs non-existent weapons of mass destruction,
to mention just a few.

This same warmongering American ruling class want another arms race, Pentagon-pumping
Cold War with Russia. But this time they have played a card that is all too evidently blank. The
US spooks and their elitist establishment know that Trump, the American people, Russia and
the rest of world all know that they have nothing to offer.

No credibility, no morals and no authority, the US Deep State is in deep trouble.

A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from
above, so we need to understand it from several angles.
Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century.
They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive.

Related: Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

This is a highly complex piece of equipment. On one level, workers are required to make the
components to spec. Then they must put them all together. These tasks are formidable. On
another level, various departments of the company must coordinate their efforts. This is also
viewed as a technological job. Organizing is considered a technology.

When the locomotive is finished and delivered, and when it runs on its tracks and pulls a train,
a great and inspiring victory is won.

And thenthe engineers begin to think about the implications. Suppose the locomotive was
society itself? Suppose society was the finished product? Couldnt society be put together in a
coordinated fashion?

And couldnt the technology of organizing things be utilized for the job?
Related: "Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale

Why bother with endlessly arguing and lying politicians? Why should they be in charge? Isnt
that an obvious losing proposition? Of course it is.

But engineers could lay out and build a future society that would benefit all people. Hunger,
disease, and poverty could be wiped out. Eliminating them would be part of the
uncompromising blueprint.

This insight hit engineers and technicians like a ton of bricks. Of course! All societies
had been failures for the same reason: the wrong people were in charge.

Armed with this new understanding, engineers of every stripe began to see what was needed.
A revolution in thinking about societal organization. Science was the new king. And science
would rule.

Of course, for an engineered world to work, certain decisions would have to be made
about the role of the individual. Every individual. You couldnt have an air-tight plan if
every human were free to pursue his own objectives.

Too many variables. Too much confusion. Too much conflict. Well, that problem could
be solved. The individuals actions would be tailored to fit the coordinated operations of
the planned society.
Related: Technocracy: evolution told as a fairy tale

The individual would be inserted into a pre-ordained slot. He would be one of the components
of the locomotive. His life would be connected to other lives to produce an exemplary shape.

Yes, this could imply a few problems, but those problems could be worked out. They would
have to be worked out, because the overriding goal was the forming of a world organization.

What would you do if one bolt (an individual human) in one wheel of a locomotive was
the wrong size? You would go back and correct the error. You would re-make the bolt.

Among sincere technocrats, the overall vision superseded the glaring problems.

Butother people entered the game. High-echelon Globalists saw technocracy as a system
they could use to control the population. Control was their goal. Period. What happened to the
individual in the process was of no concern to them. The individual had freedom or he didnt
have freedom, and the Globalists overtly intended to wipe out that freedom.

Erasing hunger, poverty, illness? Nonsense.

For the Globalists, those realities would be exacerbated. Sick, weak, and debilitated
people were easier to rule and control and manage.

Essentially, a vastly misguided vision of a future technocratic utopia was hijacked. Something
bad was made much worse.

In a nutshell, this is the history of technocracy. A locomotive is a society? No.

That was the first fatally flawed idea. Everything that followed was increasingly

Unfortunately, many people in our world believe in Globalism, if you could call a partial vague
view a legitimate belief.

They dreamily float on all the propaganda cover stories - greatest good for the greatest
number of people; no more poverty; equality of sharing; reducing the carbon footprint;
a green economy; sustainable development; international cooperation; engineering
production and consumption of goods and services for the betterment of everyone; and
all of this delivered from a central platform of altruistic guides.

If you track down the specifics that sit under these pronouncements, you discover you discover
a warped system of planning that delivers misery and de facto slavery to the global population.
Related: Fabian Socialist Society

The collective utopia turns out to be a sham. Waking up is hard to do? Breaking up is
hard to do? They must be done.

A workable technological fix is a very nice achievement when the project is a machine. But
transferring that glow of victory to the whole of society is an illusion. Anything that calls itself
education would tackle the illusion as the first order of business.

Related Articles:

Minds Like Machines

Robert Steele: The Soft Coup Collapses

Military Coups, Regime Change: The CIA Has Interfered In Over 81 Foreign

As We Move Into 2017: The Cracks in the Empire are Here How will the U.S. Empire

The Op: Unelected Agents Now Infiltrating Critical Infrastructures

Obama Regime Moves To Federalize Elections

Editing Reality: Former Employees Admit Facebook Censors Conservative News

American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"
January 10 2017 | From: UNZ / ActivistPost / Various

With the sudden, bizarre rise of the Fake News accusations throughout
the entire Corporate Media megaphone and the equally bizarre and totally
unsubstantiated CIA allegations that the Russians had stolen the election
for Donald Trump, this topic is highly pertinent.

A year or two ago, I saw the much-touted science fiction film Interstellar, and although
the plot wasnt any good, one early scene was quite amusing. For various reasons, the
American government of the future claimed that our Moon Landings of the late 1960s
had been faked, a trick aimed at winning the Cold War by bankrupting Russia into
fruitless space efforts of its own.

Related: Trump Plans to Shrink, Reorganize CIA, Other Intel Agencies

This inversion of historical reality was accepted as true by nearly everyone, and those few
people who claimed that Neil Armstrong had indeed set foot on the Moon were universally
ridiculed as crazy conspiracy theorists. This seems a realistic portrayal of human nature to
Obviously, a large fraction of everything described by our government leaders or presented in
the pages of our most respectable newspapers - from the 9/11 attacks to the most insignificant
local case of petty urban corruption - could objectively be categorized as a conspiracy theory
but such words are never applied.

Instead, use of that highly loaded phrase is reserved for those theories, whether
plausible or fanciful, that do not possess the endorsement stamp of establishmentarian
Related: The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History

Put another way, there are good conspiracy theories and bad conspiracy theories, with the
former being the ones promoted by pundits on mainstream television shows and hence never
described as such.

Ive sometimes joked with people that if ownership and control of our television stations
and other major media outlets suddenly changed, the new information regime would
require only a few weeks of concerted effort to totally invert all of our most famous
conspiracy theories in the minds of the gullible American public.

The notion that nineteen Arabs armed with box-cutters hijacked several jetliners, easily evaded
our NORAD air defenses, and reduced several landmark buildings to rubble would soon be
universally ridiculed as the most preposterous conspiracy theory ever to have gone straight
from the comic books into the minds of the mentally ill, easily surpassing the absurd lone
gunman theory of the JFK assassination.

Even without such changes in media control, huge shifts in American public beliefs have
frequently occurred in the recent past, merely on the basis of implied association.

In the initial weeks and months following the 2001 attacks, every American media organ was
enlisted to denounce and vilify Osama Bin Laden, the purported Islamicist master-mind, as our
greatest national enemy, with his bearded visage endlessly appearing on television and in
print, soon becoming one of the most recognizable faces in the world.
But as the Bush Administration and its key media allies prepared a war against Iraq, the
images of the Burning Towers were instead regularly juxtaposed with mustachioed photos of
dictator Saddam Hussein, Bin Ladens arch-enemy.

As a consequence, by the time we attacked Iraq in 2003, polls revealed that some 70%
of the American public believed that Saddam was personally involved in the destruction
of our World Trade Center.

By that date I dont doubt that many millions of patriotic but low-information Americans would
have angrily denounced and vilified as a crazy conspiracy theorist anyone with the temerity to
suggest that Saddam had not been behind 9/11, despite almost no one in authority having ever
explicitly made such a fallacious claim.

These factors of media manipulation were very much in my mind a couple of years ago when I
stumbled across a short but fascinating book published by the University of Texas academic
press. The author of Conspiracy Theory in Americawas Prof. Lance deHaven-Smith, a former
president of the Florida Political Science Association.
Based on an important FOIA disclosure, the books headline revelation was that the CIA was
very likely responsible for the widespread introduction of conspiracy theory as a term of
political abuse, having orchestrated that development as a deliberate means of influencing
public opinion.

During the mid-1960s there had been increasing public skepticism about the Warren
Commission findings that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been solely responsible for
President Kennedys assassination, and growing suspicions that top-ranking American leaders
had also been involved.

So as a means of damage control, the CIA distributed a secret memo to all its field
offices requesting that they enlist their media assets in efforts to ridicule and attack
such critics as irrational supporters of conspiracy theories.

Soon afterward, there suddenly appeared statements in the media making those exact points,
with some of the wording, arguments, and patterns of usage closely matching those CIA

The result was a huge spike in the pejorative use of the phrase, which spread throughout the
American media, with the residual impact continueing right down to the present day. Thus,
there is considerable evidence in support of this particular conspiracy theory explaining the
widespread appearance of attacks on conspiracy theories in the public media.
But although the CIA appears to have effectively manipulated public opinion in order to
transform the phrase conspiracy theory into a powerful weapon of ideological combat, the
author also describes how the necessary philosophical ground had actually been prepared a
couple of decades earlier.

Around the time of the Second World War, an important shift in political theory caused a huge
decline in the respectability of any conspiratorial explanation of historical events.

For decades prior to that conflict, one of our most prominent scholars and public
intellectuals had been historian Charles Beard, whose influential writings had heavily
focused on the harmful role of various elite conspiracies in shaping American policy for
the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, with his examples ranging from the
earliest history of the United States down to the nations entry into WWI.

Obviously, researchers never claimed that all major historical events had hidden causes, but it
was widely accepted that some of them did, and attempting to investigate those possibilities
was deemed a perfectly acceptable academic enterprise.

However, Beard was a strong opponent of American entry into the Second World War, and he
was marginalized in the years that followed, even prior to his death in 1948. Many younger
public intellectuals of a similar bent also suffered the same fate, or were even purged from
respectability and denied any access to the mainstream media.

At the same time, the totally contrary perspectives of two European political philosophers, Karl
Popper and Leo Strauss, gradually gained ascendancy in American intellectual circles, and
their ideas became dominant in public life.

Popper, the more widely influential, presented broad, largely theoretical objections to the very
possibility of important conspiracies ever existing, suggesting that these would be implausibly
difficult to implement given the fallibility of human agents; what might appear a conspiracy
actually amounted to individual actors pursuing their narrow aims.

Even more importantly, he regarded conspiratorial beliefs as an extremely dangerous social

malady, a major contributing factor to the rise of Nazism and other deadly totalitarian

His own background as an individual of Jewish ancestry who had fled Austria in 1937 surely
contributed to the depth of his feelings on these philosophical matters.

Meanwhile, Strauss, a founding figure in modern neo-conservative thought, was equally harsh
in his attacks upon conspiracy analysis, but for polar-opposite reasons.

In his mind, elite conspiracies were absolutely necessary and beneficial, a crucial social
defense against anarchy or totalitarianism, but their effectiveness obviously depended upon
keeping them hidden from the prying eyes of the ignorant masses.

His main problem with conspiracy theories was not that they were always false, but they
might often be true, and therefore their spread was potentially disruptive to the smooth
functioning of society.

So as a matter of self-defense, elites needed to actively suppress or otherwise undercut

the unauthorized investigation of suspected conspiracies.

Even for most educated Americans, theorists such as Beard, Popper, and Strauss are probably
no more than vague names mentioned in textbooks, and that was certainly true in my own
case. But while the influence of Beard seems to have largely disappeared in elite circles, the
same is hardly true of his rivals.

Popper probably ranks as one of the founders of modern liberal thought, with an individual as
politically influential as left-liberal financier George Soros claiming to be his intellectual

Related: George Soros World is Falling Apart, Blames Everyone but Himself

Meanwhile, the neo-conservative thinkers who have totally dominated the Republican Party
and the Conservative Movement for the last couple of decades often proudly trace their ideas
back to Strauss.

So, through a mixture of Popperian and Straussian thinking, the traditional American
tendency to regard elite conspiracies as a real but harmful aspect of our society was
gradually stigmatized as either paranoid or politically dangerous, laying the conditions
for its exclusion from respectable discourse.

By 1964, this intellectual revolution had largely been completed, as indicated by the
overwhelmingly positive reaction to the famous article by political scientist Richard Hofstadter
critiquing the so-called paranoid style in American politics, which he denounced as the
underlying cause of widespread popular belief in implausible conspiracy theories.

To a considerable extent, he seemed to be attacking straw men, recounting and ridiculing the
most outlandish conspiratorial beliefs, while seeming to ignore the ones that had been proven
For example, he described how some of the more hysterical anti-Communists claimed that
tens of thousands of Red Chinese troops were hidden in Mexico, preparing an attack on San
Diego, while he failed to even acknowledge that for years Communist spies had indeed served
near the very top of the U.S. government.

Not even the most conspiratorially minded individual suggests that all alleged conspiracies are
true, merely that some of them might be.

Most of these shifts in public sentiment occurred before I was born or when I was a very young
child, and my own views were shaped by the rather conventional media narratives that I
absorbed. Hence, for nearly my entire life, I always automatically dismissed all of the so-called
conspiracy theories as ridiculous, never once even considering that any of them might
possibly be true.

To the extent that I ever thought about the matter, my reasoning was simple and based on
what seemed like good, solid common sense. Any conspiracy responsible for some important
public event must surely have many separate moving parts to it, whether actors or actions
taken, let us say numbering at least 100 or more.

Now given the imperfect nature of all attempts at concealment, it would surely be impossible
for all of these to be kept entirely hidden. So even if a conspiracy were initially 95%
successful in remaining undetected, five major clues would still be left in plain sight for
investigators to find.
And once the buzzing cloud of journalists noticed these, such blatant evidence of conspiracy
would certainly attract an additional swarm of energetic investigators, tracing those items back
to their origins, with more pieces gradually being uncovered until the entire cover-up likely

Even if not all the crucial facts were ever determined, at least the simple conclusion that there
had indeed been some sort of conspiracy would quickly become established.

However, there was a tacit assumption in my reasoning, one that I have since decided
was entirely false. Obviously, many potential conspiracies either involve powerful
governmental officials or situations in which their disclosure would represent a source
of considerable embarrassment to such individuals.

But I had always assumed that even if government failed in its investigatory role, the dedicated
bloodhounds of the Fourth Estate would invariably come through, tirelessly seeking truth,
ratings, and Pulitzers. However, once I gradually began realizing that the media was
merely Our American Pravda and perhaps had been so for decades, I suddenly recognized
the flaw in my logic.
If those five - or ten or twenty or fifty - initial clues were simply ignored by the media, whether
through laziness, incompetence, or much less venial sins, then there would be absolutely
nothing to prevent successful conspiracies from taking place and remaining undetected,
perhaps even the most blatant and careless ones.

In fact, I would extend this notion to a general principle. Substantial control of the media is
almost always an absolute prerequisite for any successful conspiracy, the greater the degree of
control the better.

So when weighing the plausibility of any conspiracy, the first matter to investigate is
who controls the local media and to what extent.

Let us consider a simple thought-experiment. For various reasons these days, the entire
American media is extraordinarily hostile to Russia, certainly much more so than it ever was
toward the Communist Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s.

Hence I would argue that the likelihood of any large-scale Russian conspiracy taking
place within the operative zone of those media organs is virtually nil.
Indeed, we are constantly bombarded with stories of alleged Russian conspiracies that
appear to be false positives, dire allegations seemingly having little factual basis or
actually being totally ridiculous.

Meanwhile, even the crudest sort of anti-Russian conspiracy might easily occur without
receiving any serious mainstream media notice or investigation.

This argument may be more than purely hypothetical. A crucial turning point in Americas
renewed Cold War against Russia was the passage of the 2012 Magnitsky Act by Congress,
punitively targeting various supposedly corrupt Russian officials for their alleged involvement in
the illegal persecution and death of an employee of Bill Browder, an American hedge-fund
manager with large Russian holdings.

However, theres actually quite a bit of evidence that it was Browder himself who was actually
the mastermind and beneficiary of the gigantic corruption scheme, while his employee was
planning to testify against him and was therefore fearful of his life for that reason.
Naturally, the American media has provided scarcely a single mention of these remarkable
revelations regarding what might amount to a gigantic Magnitsky Hoax of geopolitical

To some extent the creation of the Internet and the vast proliferation of alternative media
outlets, including my own small webzine, have somewhat altered this depressing picture.

So it is hardly surprising that a very substantial fraction of the discussion dominating these
Samizdat-like publications concerns exactly those subjects regularly condemned as crazy
conspiracy theories by our mainstream media organs.

Such unfiltered speculation must surely be a source of considerable irritation and worry to
government officials who have long relied upon the complicity of their tame media organs to
allow their serious misdeeds to pass unnoticed and unpunished.

Indeed, several years ago a senior Obama Administration official argued that the free
discussion of various conspiracy theories on the Internet was so potentially harmful
that government agents should be recruited to cognitively infiltrate and disrupt them,
essentially proposing a high-tech version of the highly controversial
Cointelpro operations undertaken by J. Edgar Hoovers FBI.
Until just a few years ago Id scarcely even heard of Charles Beard, once ranked among the
towering figures of 20th century American intellectual life. But the more Ive discovered the
number of serious crimes and disasters that have completely escaped substantial media
scrutiny, the more I wonder what other matters may still remain hidden.

So perhaps Beard was correct all along in recognizing the respectability of conspiracy
theories, and we should return to his traditional American way of thinking, notwithstanding
endless conspiratorial propaganda campaigns by the CIA and others to persuade us that we
should dismiss such notions without any serious consideration.

Related: Conspiracy Theorist Max Spiers Found Dead Days After Texting His Mother to
Investigate if Anything Happened to Him

150 Terabytes! Norway Busts Largest Dark Web, Child Porn

Networks In History - US, UK Media Ignore Story
January 9 2017 | From: TheNewNationalist / IllegalNews / Various

Its one of the largest child sex abuse cases in history. A year-long special
investigation called Operation Darkroom resulted in the seizure of 150
terabytes of data material in the form of photos, movies and chat
logs containing atrocities against children as young as infancy, Norwegian
police announced at a news conference in late November.

Among the 51 perpetrators said to be involved, 20 have been arrested. The list of the
accused includes highly educated individuals, including two former or current elected
politicians, one teacher, a lawyer and a police officer.

Related: Massive Evidence Emerges That Satanic Voodoo Doughnuts of Portland May
Be Heavily Involved in Child Sex Trafficking

Yet, English-language media both in Europe and stateside in the U.S. have ignored the story.

As Norwegian news publication Tadens Krav reports, the material shows penetration of
toddlers, children being tied, children who have sex with animals and children who have sex
with other children. One of the accused men had a pregnant girlfriend and planned with
another to commit offenses against the child when it was born, police said.

Some of the accused performed abuses directly online, including atrocities against their own
children. Police stressed that the case involves a network. The investigation is ongoing.
Related: Has John Key been Implicated in the #PizzaGate Child Sex Trafficking Ring?
So while the U.S. media busied itself with its campaign of denial, lies and cover ups involving
Pizzagate and fake news, this huge child sex abuse story broke in Norway. The story did
appear on Associated Press wire, but did anyone run it?

The infamous crime syndicate rags The Washington Post had the story briefly on Nov. 20 but
has since taken it offline, as did The New York Times. German state news group Deutsche
Welle and UK Independent provided a brief story, and Sputnik ran a more thorough article. Fox
News still has this up but would a thinking person even call this coverage?

It is a truly remarkable story with global implications. Take special note of the shocking file size
- 150 terabytes! Its too horrible to even contemplate. To put this into context, the Library of
Congress holds about 600 terabytes of Web data. Its online archive grows at a rate of about 5
terabytes per month.

Also note the horrifically sadistic nature of the material seized. And note that police are
investigating the reach as worldwide, which means it involves a massive scale of evil
filth. But nobody in the criminally compliant mainstream media thinks its newsworthy.

Adding insult to public-service journalism injury, the crime syndicate has shifted gears and
rolled out entertainment media to mock and lecture you. If you can stomach it, watch Stephen
Colbert (below) reading unnaturally off of a script about fake news, Pizzagate and Michael

He engages in the same straw-man arguments we covered in our critique of the The New York
Times skuldruggery. Colbert puts forth all the usual deceptions involving Hillary Clinton,
tunnels and basements before declaring Pizzagate was politically motivated and fake. When
you see this particular narrative, know that you are being gas-lighted and diverted.

Yeah, laugh it up, fellas. The New Nationalist (TNN) has said from the beginning that Pizzagate
is a poor term. We prefer pedogate. This goes far beyond just one perv hangout pizzeria. And,
of course, it transcends the political spectrum,which explains why there is no investigation.

The assertion that Pizzagate fake news is right-wing inspired is a scam. Perhaps its
because of the word nationalist in the name of our website that the media keeps citing us in
its narratives.
And just below our masthead, it very clearly states that TNN is third position, meaning beyond
the Hegalian left-right dialectic.

We are true humanists, who insist on protecting children from criminals.

Related Articles:

Hillary Clinton Connected To Norway Pedophile Ring

Homosexual George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress

Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway

5 Questions for Gareth Cheapest Pizza Morgan and his Opportunities Party #TOPNZ
Hollywood Paedophiles Exposed

California just decriminalized child prostitutes beginning Jan 1 legalization stirs


Epic! Hero Uber Driver Saves Little Girl from Sex Slavery Then Praises Trump

State Department & Jeffrey Epstein Tied to Child Trafficking Operation

Pope Francis proclaims zero tolerance to child molesters

Trafficking and Jeffrey Epstein w/ Conchita Sarnoff

Largest Pedophile Ring In History, 70,000 Members, Heads Of State, The Rats

Nicole Kidmans Father Dies Amid Pedophile, Child Murder Ring Allegations

Reddit Bans "Pizzagate" - "We Don't Want Witchhunts On Our Site" + #Pizzagate Was
Merely Code For Child Sex Trafficking

Pizzagate: How 4Chan Uncovered The Sick World Of Washingtons Occult Elite + The
Clinton Child Sex
Trafficking Network: A Comprehensive Guide

Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed In Australia - It Starts At The TOP, Just Like In
The USA And UK

Retired Head Of Los Angeles FBI Tells All: Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings

PizzaGate Is 100% Real, Why Is Media Lying?

PizzaGate is entirely real, which is perhaps why the massive mainstream media cover-
up attempt - to label PizzaGate as a "fake news onslaught" (whatever that is) without
reviewing ANY of the pertinent facts or Wikileaks emails - is so troubling for those of us
with a moral compass.

They're covering for a child trafficking and abuse ring operating in Washington, DC. That is not
okay. None of this is okay.

10 Reasons Operation Darkroom Was Covered Up!

What is Operation Darkroom? Why is the mainstream media, trying so hard to cover it up?
Savile and the 9th Circle

PedoGate (PizzaGate) Connection to Finders Cult Protected by CIA,

Chinese Pedophilia

Related: PedoGate PizzaGate Origins - CIA, Political and Financial Elites Featured in this
Pedophilia Special

False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support

The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation
January 9 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / ActivistPost / Various

As my readers know, I reported, factually, on the Boston Marathon alleged

bombing case. I interviewed carefully the pro bono attorney, John
Remington Graham, who intervened in behalf of the Russian aunt, a lawyer
in the Russian Federation, in behalf of the falsely convicted younger
Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, the older brother having been murdered by the
Graham conclusively proved that the FBIs own evidence proved beyond any doubt that
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was innocent, which means so was the older brother.

Related: False Flag Terrorism explained: A Star Wars Analogy

It is clear beyond reasonable doubt that there was no real bombing at the Boston Marathon
and that the alleged terrorist event, using crisis actors, was an orchestration designed to
convince dumbshit Americans that they really were under a Muslim threat. The entire foreign
policy of the United States in the 21st century is based on an orchestrated Muslim threat.
The orchestrated threat was also used for a practice exercise in closing down one of Americas
largest cities in order to manhunt with intent to kill a young man chosen as the villain for the
orchestrated event.
Related: Heres why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

American citizens were forced at gunpoint out of their homes while Homeland Security, a Nazi
reminiscent name from the Hitler era, disrupted the life of an entire city and its airport service in
behalf of this orchestrated event that murdered American civil liberty.

The entire exercise was based on a lie, an event that never happened, like Saddam Husseins
weapons of mass destruction, Assads use of chemical weapons, Russias invasion of Ukraine,
and so forth. Just another lie in behalf of the exceptional people.

A number of websites have disproved the false case against the Tsarnaev brothers. Attorney
John Remington Graham has brought the case to the justice authorities, but the US
Department of Justice (sic) has no interest whatsoever in justice.

Now comes forward an attorney, Mary Maxwell with a book. It is available online free. I read
the first eight chapters, which was sufficient to comfirm me in my independent conclusion that
there was no Boston Marathon bombing by terrorists.

I recommend to you Mary Maxwells account. However, I will say that I believe that she uses
irony excessively and that on occasions her irony gets in the way of the factual message.
Knowing this, stick with it, and read her account.

Irony is the style that she has chosen, and we must respect a person prepared to stand up to
the murderous American establishment and to challenge one of the founding myths of the
American Police State and Washingtons wars against the world.
Read her book Marathon Bombing - Indicting the Players here.

Any US citizen that believes the falsified case of the Boston Marathon bombing is a dangerous
and direct threat to American civil liberty and to the lives of millions of people on planet Earth.

If Americans do not wake up to the orchesrations to which they are subjected, they will forfeit
their freedom. The Russians and the Chinese are individually and together more powerful than
Washington, and they are not going to put up with the lies with which insouciant Americans are

If Americans cannot take back their country from self-serving oligarchs, Americans are

Related: 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)

15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

A false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many
mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so
commonplace in the last 3 years that its becoming more American than
apple pie.
According to, there have been 353 mass shootings in the USA for
2015 so far. However, as scary as that number is, the good news is that you dont have
to be afraid of them like you may think. A very large number of them - and all of them
with any mass media significance and attention are false flag staged terror events.

Related: False Flag Terror. A Historical Overview

Some have real victims, some do not, but either way, the most criminal of all institutions
the Government is the orchestrating force behind them.

They are scripted, pre-planned operations which are definitely not the result of random gun
violence. Just as Obama stated (by hiding the truth in plain sight), there is a pattern behind
these mass shootings. The Controllers are following a definite false flag formula.

Below is a list of the top 15 elements of this formula, which you can now use to detect a false
flag operation as it occurs:

False Flag Formula #1: Drill at the Same or Nearby Time and Place

The exercise or drill at the same time, at the same place has became the sine qua non or
indispensable element of the recent false flag operation. Sometimes there are slight variations
on this when the Government plans a drill nearby (a few miles away) rather than at the exact
place, or plans a drill earlier on in the day, so it can just coincidentally go live.
There was a twist in the case of the recent San Bernardino shooting: the Government planned
regular drills in the building where the shooting took place every month! (Think about it what
are the chances of a real mass shooting occurring in a building used for mass shooting drills?)

As Captain Eric H. May, a former US Army military intelligence officer, stated:

The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very
attack you want to carry out."

In the case of 9/11, there were no less than 46 drills occurring simultaneously during the event,
according to Webster Tarpley, author of Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.

In the case of the London 7/7 bombings, Peter Power admitted on radio that he was leading a
team who were training for that exact scenario when it unfolded!
There were active shooter drills in all of the false flag attacks of Sandy Hook, Boston
Marathon, Charleston, San Bernardino, the Norway attack, the 2nd Paris attack of 2015 and
many many more.

Whats the point of having a drill at the same time and place? Here are a few of its purposes:

1. Distract and remove key personnel who would otherwise be at the scene to contain
and investigate it;

2. Confuse other personnel who will treat the whole event in a different way if they
think it is a drill rather than a real event;

3. Slow down, reduce or eliminate an effective response, especially of police and other
law enforcement, given the removal and confusion of personnel;

4. Distract and confuse witnesses, the media and the public in general;

5. Provide a great cover and period of lower defenses and security to carry out an
attack, which would otherwise be difficult or impossible if defenses were at their usual
or optimal operating level.

False Flag Formula #2: Foreknowledge

Another way you can tell that a mass shooting is a false flag op is if you find proof
of foreknowledge of the event. As it so happens, all of the notorious and publicized mass
attacks of late have had evidence of foreknowledge. Going way back in time, there
was foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941 that got the US into World War 2.
There were many aspects of foreknowledge on 9/11, including the BBC reporting WTC7 falling
before it actually did, and mysterious calls to people like author Salman Rushdie and San
Francisco Mayor Willie Brown advising them not to fly to NYC on Sept. 11th. Sandy Hook had
blatant foreknowledge (with various webpages put up days before the event), as did
the Boston Marathon.

False Flag Formula #3: Eyewitnesses Have Conflicting Accounts

You can also spot a likely false flag operation when you see or hear of multiple conflicting
witness accounts. In the case of the Aurora Colorado Batman mass shooting,
eyewitnesses claimed they saw an entire team of shooters, rather than the single shooter
James Holmes of the official narrative.

With Sandy Hook, we saw multiple scenes of law enforcement chasing men into the
surrounding forest, yet the official narrative declares the only shooter was Adam Lanza. In San
Bernardino, too, witnesses stated they saw 3 white athletic men, not the 2 brown husband-and-
wife team we were told did the shooting.
Related: 1 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM For Staging 'Sandy Hook'

Conflicting eyewitness accounts can destroy the official narrative no matter what the detail is.
On 9/11, various fireman told us there were bombs in the building, contradicting the official
story that planes alone took down the Twin Towers. With Sandy Hook, Gene Rosens testimony
itself was full of holes and was contradicted by that of the school bus driver and the official

False Flag Formula #4: MSM Quickly Name and Demonize the Patsy

Have you ever wondered how quickly the MSM (Mainstream Media) discovers the name of the
patsy? They had somehow deduced that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 just hours
after the attacks.

Have you ever wondered why the Government is so good at telling us who supposedly
executed these attacks right after they happen, with almost no time to investigate, yet cant
seem to manage to actually stop these alleged terror attacks?
Related: President Putin Reveals Possession Of 9/11 Satellite Imagery Evidence
Indicating US Government Complicity In False Flag Attack

Without any evidence, the MSM endlessly repeated bin Laden like a crazy mantra after 9/11,
despite the fact bin Laden himself denied involvement in the attacks and that in the end he was
never formally charged by the FBI.

Have you ever wondered why many of the patsies, or sorry, deranged mass shooters,
are Muslim? That wouldnt have anything to do with the fact that the Zionist Government and
MSM are trying to paint all Muslims as crazy and scary, would it? Nothing like a good dose
of Islamophobia to take your freedom away

False Flag Formula #5: Patsy Has No Military Training, Yet Shoots
Extremely Fast and Accurately

Another element of the false flag formula is the skilled and lethal patsy.

According to the official narrative of false flag ops like Sandy Hook and Aurora, we are
supposed to believe that skinny and non-muscular youths, without any discernible military
training, were able to acquire expensive military gear (including armor, guns, ammunition and
more), wear that gear without getting bogged down in speed, and shoot incredibly fast and

In San Bernardino, we are supposed to believe that a young mother was strong and skilled
enough to participate in killing 14 and injuring 17 people while she was strapped up with body
armor and holding heavy weaponry!

In these cases and more, the official story would have you believe that its no big deal or just a
coincidence that the patsy can acquire all this high-end gear and use it so well.

False Flag Formula #6: Patsy Gets Killed, Drugged or Suicided

It is also part of the false flag formula to ensure that the patsy, who is earmarked before the
event to take the fall, cannot speak out to rationally defend themselves. This is achieved in a
number of ways. The simplest is to have the patsy kill himself or herself by committing

Related: Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschilds Federal Reserve

Another favorite way is to take the patsy out in a thrilling high speed chase, which has the
added benefit of drawing clueless people in through the MSM and gushingly promoting the
police state. Sometimes a patsy is killed in plain sight, just because its so important to
suppress his testimony (e.g. Lee Harvey Oswald in the JFK assassination).

A third way is to mind control and drug the patsy to such an extent that they become a zombie
vegetable unable to articulate anything, as was the case with James Holmes.

False Flag Formula #7: Shooter Leaves Manifesto

In this day and age, writing a manifesto is a strange and anachronistic thing to do. Yet, for
some strange reason, shooters manifestos seem to crop up an awful lot after mass shootings.

Conveniently for the Controllers, these manifestos provide a perfect explanation for the official
narrative, and help fill in the missing (non-existent) motive for the attack which probably
pushes those on the fence over into believing the Governments version of the event.

While the manifesto is not an element in every false flag operation, it is present in enough of
them to be regarded as part of the false flag formula.

False Flag Formula #8: Evidence Gets Conveniently Destroyed

Another element of the false flag formula is the deliberate destruction of evidence, so that
the Controllers can cover their tracks.
In 9/11, the scrap metal (in the smoldering ruins of the WTC towers) was immediately shipped
off to China right from the start; with Sandy Hook, the entire school was demolished; in San
Bernardino, the supposed landlord of the supposed shooters actually allowed MSM reporters
into the suspects house to poke around and touch all their stuff, in complete disregard for what
could be a possible crime scene!

Could it get any more blatant?

False Flag Formula #9: No Obvious Motive for the Mass Attack

Have you ever wondered why there is no obvious motive in any of these mass shootings?
Crimes are supposed to be solved on the merit of motive and opportunity, yet to hide the
reality of a false flag op, the MSM just lies about the motive part, and chalks it up to a
deranged shooter.
Other times we are offered the flimsiest of motives, such as people going on an all-out
rampage because they had a grievance with a co-worker. In San Bernardino, we were told the
young mother, with a 1-year-old child, was aggressive and psychotic enough to help kill 14 and
injure 17 people at the risk of never seeing her child again!

Meanwhile, the real purveyors of these operations profit immensely from the ensuing
fear, yet somehow the majority of people dont seem to see that motive...

False Flag Formula #10: Immediate Calls for Gun Control

Gun control is obviously one of the key agendas behind all of these false flag mass shootings,
since a disarmed population is far easier to exploit and manipulate than an armed one. It is an
obvious aspect of the false flag formula. Sometimes gun control is even pushed in the
immediate aftermath of the event when people are still in a highly emotional and suggestible

Take a look at the behavior of Andy Parker, who we were told was the father of a victim killed in
the Virginia mass shooting of 2015.
Within hours of hearing the news of the death of his child, Parker had already contacted
and talked with the Governor of Virginia, and then appeared on TV saying he would be
devoting his entire life to gun control.

In a similar fashion, Richard Martinez, the alleged father of a Santa Barbara mass hooting
victim, appeared on TV right after the death angrily pleading for more gun control. In both
cases, the political agenda of gun control angrily dominated their reactions, rather than grief or
other emotions.

False Flag Formula #11: Fake Victims = Crisis Actors

The above 10 points are a useful outline of the false flag formula as it pertains to mass
shootings with real victims, i.e. where real people die. However, ever since the surreal Sandy
Hook event, which still contains many unanswered questions, we have entered the twilight
zone of the false flag hoax.

This is a term used to describe the false flag mass attacks where no one dies where fake
bodies, fake blood and fake victims are used instead. In this way, the entire operation is more
tightly controlled and less messy. A hallmark of the false flag hoax is that the authorities never
produce a credible piece of evidence showing an actual dead body of a victim.
Is this the same girl crying at all three massacres - Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston?

The following 5 points relate to false flag hoaxes, and specifically to the people employed to
pull them off crisis actors. It is truly a testament to just how utterly fake our normal world
is (the Matrix) that false flag ops have now descended to the level where we have to
question whether the event even happened at all.

There are organizations of crisis actors in the US (such as the IIF), and there is clear
evidence crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon and many others.
Related: Charlie Hebdo: French False Flag Terror Event

Government officials have been caught using the word actor to describe various players in
these dramas; the MSM has even resorted to calling them actors too (it was one of the
buzzwords of the recent San Bernardino mass shooting).

False Flag Formula #12: Victims Get Killed Twice

The surreal quality of the false flag hoax reached point of absurdity when it was
discovered that one of the victims was reportedly killed twice!

We were told that Noah Pozner was one of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, yet
his picture was also among those killed in a Pakistan Taliban attack.

Apparently the recycling of fake victims is another part of the false flag formula.

False Flag Formula #13: Families of Victims Have Elite or Acting


Is it just a coincidence that the families of mass shooting victims have either elite or acting
backgrounds? At the Sandy Hook event, local CEO of the Newtown bank John
Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas and had a lot of unusual activity occurring
there the day of Sandy Hook) was connected to the New York Federal Reserve (and thus the
international banking elite).

Francine Wheeler was formerly the personal assistant of former chief Democratic National
Committee fundraiser Maureen White whose husband Steven Rattner is a Wall Street
investment banker and member of the Rockefeller CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)!

Related: Censorship Shock: Bans Investigative Book Nobody Died At

Sandy Hook Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

It was also noteworthy at Sandy Hook how acting showed up in the resumes of so many of the
key players there. Gene Rosen, David and Francine Wheeler (both professional actors) and
others all had a background in acting. Father of Virginia mass shooting victim Andy Parker is
an actor (and a politician too). This fact supports the idea that another element of the false flag
formula is to watch for people with elite connections and acting backgrounds.

False Flag Formula #14: Families of Victims Show Little to No Emotion,

and Even Snigger and Laugh

Luckily for truth seekers, the majority of crisis actors used in these false flag events are poor
actors who are utterly unconvincing in the roles they play. The majority display little or no
emotion after an alleged tragedy like losing a family member child to a random and violent
mass shooting.

It is true that humans do vary widely with emotional response and expression. However, with
many of the crisis actors, judging by their reactions, it simply strains credibility too much to
believe that they have just have been through a harrowing and traumatic ordeal.
Related: The Great Terrorism Hoaxes from Boston to Berlin #CrisisActors Exposed

Given the range of possible reactions to a tragedy like losing a loved one in a mass shooting,
what are the chances that many of the victims family members are so non-emotional, or so
understanding, or so quick to forgive?

Its shameful enough that the crisis actors playing these roles are perpetrating a monumental
deception on the public, tugging at the average persons heartstrings solely to trick them.

However, on top of that, these actors have the gall to actually laugh to smile, snigger and
giggle while pulling off their atrocious stunts. The only conclusion to draw from this is that
it must be pretty funny to get a paid gig like this fooling millions of people

False Flag Formula #15: Families of Victims Receive Millions in Federal


In the US, the land of the lawsuit, people are generally pretty fast to initiate a lawsuit if they feel
they have been wronged. It is highly strange, therefore, that none of the alleged parents of the
Sandy Hook event decided to sue the Government for negligence or to demand redress for
any other grievance.
Additionally, many of the alleged parents received a total of millions in unsolicited federal
payouts (check out the free houses they magically got on Christmas day 2009) thats right,

The Federal Government just gave it over to them without asking! Ask yourself: is is more likely
the Government would just do this out of the goodness of its heart, or that the money was
more like a bribe/blackmail/payout all rolled into one, awarded to actors playing a part in a role
and being sworn to silence?

Related: Sandy Hook Truth Bomb Patch Media's Blatant LIES About Jonathan Reich

Conclusion: Use the 15 Elements of the False Flag Formula to Be More


These are 15 elements I noticed forming the false flag formula. There may well be more.

Meanwhile, use the knowledge you have of the false flag formula to become more aware, wise
and hip to the deception, so that the next time it unfolds (as it surely will), you will be among
those that spot the fakery, rather than among those who are too scared, shell-shocked and
gullible to do anything other than buy the official narrative.
Related: Articles:

Turkish Nightclub a False Flag: Mistaken Prime Suspect? Turkish Nightclubs Security
Taken Over Prior to Attack

Saudi survivor: There were three killers at Reina nightclub on New Year

Convenient? Active Shooter Kills 5 in Fort Lauderdale, CNN Claims Voices in His Head
Told Him to Join ISIS

Florida Governor Reaches Out to Trump Multiple Times after Shooting Bypasses
Lame Duck Obama

Berlin False Flag Faked - Video Hoax

Analysis by Ole Dammegard of Norway Breivik Massacre as a False Flag Event

Ian R Crane - The False Flag Agenda

Trump Confirms "No Effect On The Outcome Of The Election"

Following Intelligence Briefing + Experts Reveal The Tricks
Mainstream Media Uses To Brainwash And Control The Masses
January 8 2017 | From: Zerohedge / NaturalNews / Various

President-elect Trump has issued a statement following his briefing with

various intelligence agencies over the Russian hacking
allegations, seemingly rejecting the Democrats' charges that it was the
Russians alone and that it had any effect on the outcome of the election.

Additionally, Trump promised to appoint a team to give him a plan to combat cyber
attacks within 90 days of taking office.

Related: Fake News, Mass Hysteria, And Induced Insanity

Not quite the "stunning" reaction that Nancy Pelosi had.

The mainstream media is very disappointed...

Related: Hacker Guccifer Calls US Allegations Against Russia 'Fake Cyber War'

Experts Reveal The Tricks Mainstream Media Uses To Brainwash

And Control The Masses

You may not know this, but intelligence agencies around the world have,
for decades, infiltrated target countries by having their agents and
operatives pose as journalists (no, Im not an intelligence operative).
That served two purposes: 1) it provided the operative with legitimate cover; and 2) it
allowed the operatives government to use the operatives media position to shape
public opinion in the host country.

Related: Ten basic forms of fake news used by major media

Brainwash them, in other words, with propaganda.

But in truth, that kind of propagandizing and brainwashing is also done by institutional media
pushing a specific political agenda. Think back to our recently concluded presidential election
cycle and what the mainstream media did in a failed effort to get its anointed candidate,
Hillary Clinton, elected.

They lied, made up narratives out of whole cloth, and tried to smear her opponent, now-
President-elect Donald J. Trump, in an effort to defeat him.

As reported by The Waking Times, experts denote a number of techniques that are used by
the establishment media to brainwash the public and create/control the daily narrative.

The Mainstream Media Are the Real Purveyors of Fake News

Edward Bernays is known as the father of modern propaganda. He was the first to use social
engineering techniques spread via the mass media of the day. In the early 20th century, he laid
the groundwork for what became cultural programming at the societal level by assisting in the
transformation of a mostly rural, agrarian-based American society into a homogenized culture
of devout statists and consumers.
The principles he developed and implemented have greatly influenced the growth of American
culture, how it grew and the direction it took.

Having picked up Bernays torch in the 21st century, several experts on modern brainwashing,
mind control and propaganda have recently given insight into their craft.

Think about what is ailing our countries today, in terms of societal problems. There is
corruption of so-called grassroots movements that are actually funded by Left-wing
billionaires such as George Soros and Bill Gates, and yet the movements are portrayed by the
establishment media very often as spontaneous and locally brewed, but all are attempting to
achieve a specific social and political result.

The efforts of these allegedly organic groups are amplified many times their size by the media,
which gives them both credence and a megaphone with which to shout their views. And what
do they shout?

America is racist, bigoted, homophobic, unfair, politically broken, etc. Never are the calls for
unity or praise for our country given any attention at all.

Related: Former CBS Reporter Exposes Media Lies, Internet Shills & Astroturfing
Much of this is done via a technique known as astroturfing. Seasoned veteran investigative
journalist Sharyl Attkisson explains;

Astroturf is a perversion of grassroots. Astroturf is when political, corporate or other special interests
disguise themselves and publish blogs, start Facebook and twitter accounts, publish ads, letters to the
editor, or simply post comments online, to try to fool you into thinking an independent or grassroots
movement is speaking.

Controlling Our Thoughts by Creating False Narratives

Another technique used is subliminal messaging. This is a cornerstone of mind control, and
when a person is unwittingly bombarded with cleverly concealed information, an emotion can
be trigged leaving a persons intellect and better judgment subjugated in favor of a mental
process like fear or sexual desire.

You may never consciously understand or realize why you begin to adopt certain behaviors,
products of lifestyles, but the attraction is nonetheless real and that manifests itself through
actual personal choices.

In a 2011 documentary called Programming the Nation, filmmaker, graphic artist and digital
media producer Jeff Warrick, a former advertising sales rep, provided examples of how
subliminal messaging and other subconscious methods are employed by ad executives and
other media to create cultural norms and social programs like consumerism, materialization of
womens bodies, health choices and the glorification of violence.

Could such techniques really be contributing to a variety of social, political and economic problems
currently present in our culture? Such as obesity, anorexia, and other eating disorders? The ongoing war
on terror?

And what about the ever-increasing amounts of debt, that has tightened its grip on a growing percentage of
the population? the documentary says.

Other techniques include fake news - yes, by the mainstream media - omission (not covering
an issue as though it wasnt real or important); slanting coverage through the use of biased
expert sources; and publishing falsified data and science as though it were legitimate.

Related Articles:

The Great "Fake News" Scare Of 1530

Ty Simpson: Taking Down David Brock and His Illicit Fake News Empire Citizens

CNN Runs Fake News Story About Russia Closing Anglo-American School in Moscow

Washington Post cant stop faking the news: U.S. electrical grid penetration story a
complete fabrication

FakeNews: Russia hacks Vermont infrastructure! - Old Ukrainian malware found


Majority Are Still Falling for Fake News

Julian Assange with Sean Hannity Russians Did Not Hack the US Election

EU Creating Fake News Watchdogs for Upcoming Elections

Fake News Mainstream media Has Half of Hillary's Supporters Believing Russia Stole

Two of the worlds most evil people Bill Gates and George Soros behind
Facebooks news censorship agenda

Julian Assange: Media Is Colluding with Democrat Party in America

Media blackout on death of NATO auditor was he assassinated to cover-up NATOs

black budget?

Donald Trump Endorses Rand Pauls Audit The Fed Bill

DNC Refused to Give FBI Access to Its Servers - Gave Access to a DNC Consultant
Tied to Anti-Russia Group

CIA Training Handbook: How to Fake Intelligence Plus Case Study on Faking Russians
Hacking US Election

A Case Study in the Creation of False News

The Fake News Saga: From Official Policy to Mainstream American Discourse,
Propaganda in the Making

New Twist on Fake News Russian Hacking Story

The Russian Hacking: How the Leaks From Clinton and the DNC Happened

Trump Fires All Obama Politically Appointed Ambassadors Effective Inauguration Day
What Is The Obama Regime Up To? + Seven Ways Obama Is
Trying To Sabotage The Trump Administration
January 5 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Breitbart / Various

Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated

charges by the CIA that the Russian government influenced the outcome of
the US presidential election with malicious cyber-enabled activities.

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a report related to the
declaration of 35 Russian officials persona non grata for malicious cyber activity and

Related: Its A Plot, The Russians Are Coming: Obama Illegally Sanctions Russia for
Nonexistent US Election Hacking

The report is a description of:

Tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and
infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and
private sector entities.

The report does not provide any evidence that the tools and infrastructure were used to
influence the outcome of the US presidential election.
The report is simply a description of what is said to be Russian capabilities .

Related: DHS/FBI Issues Joint Analysis Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE Russian Malicious
Cyber Activity
Moreover, the report begins with this disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: This report is provided as is
for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide
any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.

Related: GRIZZLY STEPPE Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

In other words, the report not only provides no evidence of the use of the Russian tools and
infrastructure in order to influence the US presidential election, the report will not even warrant
the correctness of its description of Russian capabilities.

Related: 18 Major Scandals in Obamas Scandal-Free Presidency

Thus the DHS report makes it completely clear that the Obama regime has no evidential basis
for its allegations on the basis of which it has imposed more sanctions on Russia.

What is going on here?

First there is the question of the legality of the sanctions even if there were evidence. I am not
certain, but I think that sanctions require the action of a body, such as the UN Security Council,
and cannot legally be imposed unilaterally by one country. Additionally, it is unclear why
Obama is calling the expulsion of Russian diplomats sanctions.

No other country has to do likewise. During the Cold War when diplomats were expelled for
spying, it was not called sanctions. Sanctions imply more than unilateral or bilateral
expulsions of diplomats.

Second, it is clear that Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times are fully aware that the
allegation is false. It is also clear that if the CIA actually believes the allegation, the intelligence
agency is totally incompetent and cannot be believed on any subject.

Third, President Trump can rescind the sanctions in 21 days, a third reason that the sanctions
are ridiculous.

So why are President Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times making charges that
they know are false and for which they have not produced a shred of evidence?

Related: Soros Launches Plan to Bring Down US and Israel

One obvious answer is that the neoconized Obama regime is desperate to ruin US-Russian
relations past the point that Trump can repair them. As the New York Times puts it;

Mr. Obamas actions clearly create a problem for Mr. Trump. The question the New York Times says, is
whether Trump stands with his democratic allies on Capitol Hill or his authoritarian friend in the Kremlin.

Can Trumps foreign policy be controlled by false allegations?

According to the New York Times, Trump has relented and agreed to being briefed by the CIA
about the Russian hacking now that Republicans such as Paul Ryan, John McCain, and
Lindsey Graham have lined up with Obama and the CIA in accepting charges for which no
evidence has been presented.

However, a briefing without evidence would seem simply to further discredit the CIA in
Trumps eyes.

As I have emphasized in my columns, facts no longer have a role in the United States and its
empire. Allegations alone suffice, whether in court cases, interrogation centers, foreign and
domestic policies, or classrooms.

The US even bases its military invasions on false allegations - weapons of mass
destruction. Indeed, the entirely of US foreign policy since the Clinton regime has been
based on nothing but false allegations.

The Russian government should have learned by now, but perhaps Moscow still thinks that
facts matter in Washingtons decisions.

Possibly we should consider that more is going on than meets the eye. Perhaps the
propaganda about the Russian cyber threat to democracy is being used to prepare American
and/or European populations for an incident.

The CIA has morphed into a deep state that uses disinformation and propaganda to align
decisions of Congress, the executive branch, and foreign governments with secret behind-the-
scenes agendas. Many books, such as Stephen Kinzers The Brothers and Douglas
Valentines CIA As Organized Crime have described some of these secret agendas.

Related: Trumans True Warning on the CIA

In order to deter Trump from restoring normal relations with Russia, an incident would have to
be severe and irreversible. Rather than accept defeat for their agenda of US world hegemony,
the neoconservatives are prepared to take high risks. The willingness to take risks is
demonstrated by the public effort of the CIA Director to discredit the president-elect.

As expected, Putins response to the latest provocation is low key as the sanctions appear to
be meaningless on the surface.

Related: Stephen Lendman Reports President Putins Response To Obamas New


However, in the event that something dangerous is below the surface, the Russian government
might want to consider putting its military forces on alert.

Related Articles:

Stephen Lendman Reports President Putins Response To Obamas New Sanctions

Obama Retaliates Against Russians Over Purported Cyberattack, But Is There a

Double Standard?
Russia sanctions childish, petulant & pointless revenge for Clinton loss UKs ex-
Syria envoy

Russia Responds To Obama On Expelled Diplomats: New Hostile Steps Will Receive
An Answer

Plane with Russian diplomats expelled from US lands in Moscow

Washingtons Intent is Economic Destabilization and Regime Change In Venezuela

Rescuing Boris - TIME Magazine, 1996

Russia to Obama: Put up or Shut Up

HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

Refugees Surge 86% Year on Year: Ahead of Trump Presidency Obama Rushes Muslim
Refugees into US

Benjamin Netanyahu SLAMS Obama and Kerry In Fiery Response

Seven Ways Obama Is Trying To Sabotage The Trump


President Barack Obamas final weeks in office seem dedicated to setting

foreign and domestic policy on fire to make life as difficult as possible on
his successor, Donald Trump.
Here are some of the biggest mousetraps Obama scattered across the White House
floor on his way out:

Related: Assange: Obama Is Obviously Trying To Delegitimize Trump - Wikileaks

founder says source of email hack is '1000% Not Russia'

1. Betraying Israel at the United Nations: Obamas refusal to block a United Nations
vote against Israel, his administrations shadowy machinations to bring that ugly motion to the
floor, and Secretary of State John Kerrys long-winded broadside against Israel will leave
President Trump with a massive political crisis in the Middle East, and quite possibly a security
crisis, if terror groups and their political wings are emboldened by the rebuke of Israel.

Obamas Israel maneuver also damages American credibility, teaching would-be allies that the
United States is not the best friend to have. Americas erstwhile battlefield allies in Syria can
teach the same lesson, assuming any of them are left alive to take the podium.

This comes at the very moment aspiring hegemons in China and Russia are
showing their allies how Beijing and Moscow will go to the mat for them.
Related: Obama Publishes $7.4 BILLION Worth Of Regulations In One Night

Obamas team thinks it was clever to saddle Trump with an international edict the U.S.
president cannot easily reverse. They might not have thought this all the way through,
because some of the options that are available to Trump could leave internationalists, and
Palestinian leaders, cursing Barack Obamas memory.

Note that even some commentators friendly to Obama, and sources within the Obama
Administration itself, have described the Israel vote as a deliberate act of sabotage aimed at
Trump, because Obama is alarmed by some of Trumps appointees.

2. A New Cold War With Russia: After eight years of relentlessly mocking anyone who said
Russia was a major geopolitical threat to the United States (most famously including his 2012
presidential opponent, Mitt Romney) Barack Obama suddenly realized: You know what?
Russia is a major threat!
He also awoke to the dangers of cyber-warfare, after an entire presidency of treating electronic
espionage as a purely political problem to be minimized and spun away, because taking it
seriously made him look bad. Who can forget how Obama left victims of the OPM hack twisting
in the wind for weeks, because the administration didnt want to admit how serious the attack

But then a top Democrat political operative fell for a crude phishing scam, and the Democratic
National Committee got hacked, so Obama well, he still didnt take cyber-espionage

He slapped the snooze bar again, because as one anonymous official put it, they
thought Hillary Clinton was a cinch to win the 2016 election, so they were willing to
kick the can down the road.

No, it was Hillary Clintons loss in the election, and the desperate push to damage President-
elect Trumps legitimacy, that made the president who politely ignored China hacking 25 million
American citizens private data get tough on information security.

Tucker Carlson Destroys Leftist on Russian Election Hacking Claims

Related Articles:

Hannity Has Sit-Down Interview with Julian Assange It Was Not Russia

Robert Parry: John V. Whitbeck on the Criminal Insanity of the US Establishment

Claiming Russians Hacked the Election When It as the Establishment That Lost Under
Its Own Byzantine Fraud-Friendly Rules

Intelligence Insider: Russian Hack Story Is A Giant Hoax

Robert Steele in Defence and Intelligence Norway: The Russians Did Not Hack the
US Election a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

Until now, states involved in cyber-espionage never got anything worse than a few
carefully-chosen words of sour disapproval from the expiring administration, but the
Russkies received a sprinkling of sanctions, and 35 diplomats were expelled.

Russia responded by unleashing an army of ducks and trolls from the depths of the Kremlin.
The New Cold War is only a few days old, and its already weirder than the old one was.

Presumably Obama thinks hes maneuvered Trump into a position that will make whatever
rapprochement he might have entertained with Moscow more difficult, or at least more
politically costly for the new President.

Related: Buoyant Putin and Sinking Western Mis-Leaders

The end result might be easier relations between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin,
and a lingering memory of how little Barack Obama cared about cybersecurity until it was
politically expedient for him to freak out.

3. Ban on Oil Drilling: An overt act of sabotage directed at the American economy itself,
leaving an especially heavy bootprint on Alaska. Smug administration flacks spent the past
couple of weeks assuring media talking heads that Obamas unprecedented abuse of an
obscure law was impossible for his successor to reverse.

Its like they stayed up all night, looking for executive actions that cant be undone by the new
President four weeks later.

(Amusingly, Obama dropped this bomb on our energy sector just a few weeks after publicly
advising Trump not to abuse executive orders.)

Its likely that legions of lawyers will battle throughout 2017, and perhaps beyond, to determine
if Obamas latest poke at Trump (as Politico put it) really is irreversible. What a lovely parting
gift from the departing President to the country that elected him twice: a pile of gigantic wealth-
destroying lawsuits!

4. National-Monument Land Grab: The other theoretically irreversible presidential edict

discovered by Obamas munchkins is the ability to designate national monuments. Another
1.65 million acres in Utah and Nevada was yanked off the market in the last week of
December, bring Obamas Antiquities Act acreage up to an unprecedented 553 million acres.

Related: Obama seizes Bundy Ranch area in massive last minute land grab

"This arrogant act by a lame duck president will not stand. I will work tirelessly with Congress and the
incoming Trump administration to honor the will of the people of Utah and undo this designation,
thundered Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

Sixty-five percent of his state is now under the wise and compassionate environmental
protection of the same government that turned the Colorado River into a toxic-waste dump.

5. Eliminating the National Immigration Registry: Just in case Trump got any ideas about
using it as the basis for the enhanced vetting he has promised for immigrants from terrorist-
infested regions, the Obama administration killed a long-dormant program called NSEERS that
once committed the unforgivable politically-incorrect sin of tracking military-age males from
violently unstable Muslim-majority countries.

Its highly debatable whether the NSEERS program was of any practical use. When it pulled
the plug, the Department of Homeland Security noted that the post-9/11 program called for
collecting data that is now routinely collected for most foreign visitors, along with more
sophisticated biometric information.

Almost everyone saw the elimination of these roles as a purely symbolic act - i.e. political
sabotage directed at the incoming President.

6. The Great Guantanamo Jailbreak: After paying little more than lip service to his promise
to close the Guantanamo Bay prison for much of his presidency, Obama went into overdrive in
his last years, transferring over 150 detainees. A shocking number of them ended up back on
the battlefield.

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote a Wall Street Journal op-
ed this week to sound the alarm about Obamas midnight push to empty out Guantanamo.
The White House has repeatedly released detainees to countries it knew lacked the intent and capability
to keep the detainees from returning to terrorism. The results have been deadly, Royce wrote, challenging
the wisdom of such Obama administration brainstorms as dropping al-Qaedas top bomb maker into
Bosnia, a country with limited security services but plenty of radical mosques and unemployed military-
age males.

Related: 2017: The Year Of Microchipping Americans. The Law Was Just Passed

Royces committee has been investigating allegations the administration tried to pay the bomb-
maker $100,000 to refrain from passing his deadly skills along to eager apprentices. Hunting
down the rest of the transferred prisoners who transferred themselves right back into the global
jihad will be a job for the Trump administration.

7. Depicting Trumps Election as a Disaster: Lets not forget Obamas acts of rhetorical
sabotage, such as describing Trumps presidential campaign as a crime against American
class and racial harmony, or his wife wailing that all hope was lost for Americas children.
Trump himself has taken note of the many inflammatory President Obama statements and

Its hard to remember a previous instance of the outgoing president attacking the legitimacy of
his successor this way, especially during the transition, before the new chief executive has
actually done anything.

And its probably not over yet. The time for big executive orders is growing short, but Obama is
always just one day away from calling a press conference and saying something else that will
make the transition more difficult.

Alex Jones To Announce Who Really Hacked the DNC

Of course he can still talk all he wants after January 20th, and hes given every indication he
wont follow the dignified path of his predecessors and allow the new president time to chart his
own course, but theres no substitute for the bully pulpit of the presidency.

The timber of Barack Obamas political voice will be very different on January 21st than it was
on January 19th. More likely than not, hell use it before he loses it.

Related: Obamas legacy of debt and disease: National debt doubles in just eight years
while 10.7 million more Americans now on food stamps to buy cancer-causing junk

The Top 10 Most Outrageous Science Hoaxes Of 2016

January 2 2017 | From: NaturalNews

Science hoaxes were running rampant throughout 2016, pushed by the

fakestream media (CNN, WashPost, NYT, etc.) alongside complicit
government organizations working in collusion with dishonest
corporations steeped in scientific fraud (Monsanto, Big Pharma, etc.).
2016 saw more science hoaxes than a typical year, with the media placing special
emphasis on the Zika virus terror campaign (rooted in total scientific hucksterism) and
more climate change propaganda (all based on fraudulently altered data).

Related: Seeding Doubt: How Self-Appointed Guardians Of Sound Science Tip The
Scales Toward Industry

In every case, those pushing the science frauds claimed to have a divine monopoly on
science while declaring all opposing views to be unscientific.

In this way, much of the science in todays corrupt society has really become nothing more
than a cult of scientism, complete with faith in the correctness of socially-reinforced beliefs
while exercising instant rejection of evidence that contradicts the fairy tale narratives of the
science elite.

Sadly, science in 2016 functioned more like a priesthood of dogmatists fervently

demanding the obedient worship of their unassailable assumptions. On every issue that
matters, data were thrown out the window and replaced with fraud.
Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer,
Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded
Science Fraud

To drive home the fraud, the scientifically illiterate lamestream media catapulted the
propaganda to new heights, even while remaining completely oblivious to the laughably false
science they were promoting.

Here, I offer a summary of the most outrageous science hoaxes of 2016, along with a few links
where you can explore more. By the way, the video on the Cicret bracelet invention that
claims to turn your arm into a mobile device touchscreen is also a complete fraudulent
hoax that has fooled millions of people, and I cover that in detail at the bottom of this article.

My primary message for 2017 is to stop believing in all the fake science being pushed by
media, governments, academia and corporate liars.

Science Hoax #1: Scientific Political Polling

Through the entire year, we were all subjected to an endless onslaught of so-called scientific
political polls that almost universally showed Hillary Clinton would win the election.

All the scientific polls were wrong, it turns out. (And yes, I called all this well before the
election, on the record.)

What we now know is that the word scientific was slapped onto these fraudulent polls to try to
give them an aura of credibility when, in reality, they were all fabricated or distorted to give
Hillary Clinton the appearance of certain victory.
But guess what? All the experts were wrong. But how is that possible if all these polls were
scientific as claimed? Are the pollsters now telling us that science is broken?

Or maybe, just maybe, they were making s##t up all along and there wasnt any real
science behind the scientific claim in the first place.

Science Hoax #2: The Zika Virus Terror Campaign

2016 saw the rolling out of an elaborate media-fronted Zika terror campaign designed to
scare the entire country into ridiculously believing that mosquito bites would cause millions of
women in America to give birth to babies with shrunken heads.

Yeah, I know, it sounds like something a Batman villain would threaten to unleash in Gotham
City. Pay me one million dollars or all your babies will be born with shrunken heads! Mwuah
hah hah!
Related: Whos Behind The Zika Virus Outbreak & Fearmongering?

But, alas, the American sheeple bought the medical science hoax hook, line and sinker. Belief
in the Zika virus microcephaly hoax was so deeply embedded in the psyche of the nation that
even when the Washington Post published a story admitting there was no link after all, the
vast majority of so-called scientists and doctors still believe the hoax!

So, for the record, Ill say it again in the hopes of educating all the scientifically illiterate
scientists who still dont understand actual facts: The original wave of shrunken heads in
Brazil was caused by a larvacide chemical that was dumped into the water supply, not by
the Zika virus alone.

The Zika apocalypse predicted by all the doctors, scientists and TV talking heads simply did
not materialize. And when evidence contradicts your theory, you have to start questioning your
theory. Otherwise, you arent a scientist. Youre just a petty fool.

Science Hoax #3: The Flint Michigan Lead Poisoning Cover-Up

In order to poison a million black children with brain-damaging lead, the U.S. EPA
masterminded a large-scale science fraud that deliberately altered heavy metals testing results
for the Flint, Michigan water supply.

Eventually, a few of the science scapegoats were charged with felony crimes for engaging in a
conspiracy to alter water quality test data, but no one from the EPA was ever charged or
prosecuted for their role in the scheme. (This also proves, by the way, that conspiracies are
quite real and very much alive in our society right now.)
The result of all this was the mass poisoning of mostly African-American children with a toxic
heavy metal thats well known to damage cognitive function and impede learning.What a great
way to raise more democrats!

Its all part of the new science of keeping the sheeple dumbed down so they will keep
voting for corrupt criminals like Hillary Clinton.

Instead of let them eat cake, the new progressive Jon Podesta version is, Let them drink

Science Hoax #4: The Banning of GMO Labeling Nationwide by

Scientifically Illiterate Republicans

In the name of science, Republican lawmakers passed the so-called DARK Act to outlaw
honest food labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Apparently, Republicans believe that knowledge is a dangerous thing in the hands of

consumers, therefore preventing people from knowing what theyre eating is the best solution.
Related: Monsanto Promoting Worldwide Infertility? + Academic GMO Shills Exposed:
Fraud & Collusion With Monsanto

This was all accomplished via an unholy alliance among biotech corporate giants (like
Monsanto) and right-leaning lawmakers, most of whom have never met a toxic chemical
they didnt absolutely love.

Notably, while Democrats are passing local laws that criminalize Big Gulp sodas, Republicans
are blocking labeling laws as a way to say, If you dont SEE the poison on the label, it doesnt
actually count!

Keeping consumers in the dark is now the official science policy of the federal government.

Hows that for transparency?

Science Hoax #5: Climate Change Data Fraud

Democrats have their own science fraud, of course, and theres no better example than global
warming / climate change.

An analysis of climate data reveals that 100% of U.S. warming has been faked by altering
temperature data.
Related: Climate Scare Declared Officially Over- Error In Model Calculations Discovered

To the great frustration of celebritards like Matt Damon, the data dont show any warming at all
unless you cook the numbers first.

This means climate change science is actually more like climate change alchemy, which
isnt science at all. Its more like Tarot cards mixed with voodoo blended with
AlGoratotalitaritopian idiocy.

Note to intelligent people: If the world were really warming, they wouldnt have to alter
the temperature data, would they?

Science Hoax #6: Abortion Organ Harvesting for Scientific Research

According to leftists, chopping up living human babies who have just been forcibly birthed in
order to harvest their organs and brains isnt unethical at all. Nope, its a tremendous
advancement for scientific research, you see.

Organ harvesting isnt just limited to places like Communist China and North Korea: The
practice is alive and well in America, too. But in the U.S., it takes on a genocidal
milestone because most abortions are carried out on black babies yep, the very same black
babies that were also intentionally poisoned by the EPA in Flint, Michigan (see above).
Hmmm there seems to be a pattern in all this, but I cant quite put my finger on it but it
definitely seems to have something to do with killing as many black babies as possible while
labeling it all science.

Its noteworthy to remember that Adolf Hitlers eugenics programs were also conducted
under the umbrella of science.

It seems not that much has changed in almost 80 years except that instead of Jews being
exterminated by the millions, its now black babies being exterminated by the millions while
democrats demand an open borders human blitzkrieg to replace them all with socialist-leaning
illegal aliens who are uninformed enough to vote for leftists.

Science Hoax #7: The California Vaccine Mandate

Another large-scale science hoax that also happens to place a disproportionate burden on
African-American babies is the California medical police state vaccine mandate pushed by
Californias own Mercury Joker Dr. Richard Pan.

After receiving bribes from vaccine makers, the medical child molesting California state
senator Richard Pan took part in a media-backed medical terrorism campaign against
Californias citizens, attempting to scare everyone into falsely believing that the best
way to protect the health of children is to inject them with mercury (instead of, I dont
know, maybe feeding them nutritious foods and vitamin D).
Related: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

The entire vaccine mandate was founded on blatantly fraudulent quack science
claims fronted by the child-murdering vaccine industry, which continues to absurdly insist that
vaccines pose zero risk to children (i.e. claiming they do not harm a single childever). The
claim is, of course, rooted in sheer delusion. But thats also what passes for legislation in

We can only hope Californias #Calexit effort succeeds soon, so we can build a wall around
California and stop the contagious epidemic of lunacy from spreading Eastward.

Science Hoax #8: Janet Yellens Libtardtopia Economics Science

No summary of science quackery would be complete without bringing in the subject of

economics. Yes, it qualifies as a science at least if you ask the economists. (If you ask non-
economists, it qualifies mostly as voodoo.)

Nevertheless, according to Janet Yellen and the decrepit wizards of collapse who are
currently steering the global debt Titanic directly into an array of large shards of icebergs, the
best way to keep a global economy in balance is to create endless new money until the
whole thing explodes, at which point the system collapses to equilibrium where everybody
starves roughly the same amount (i.e. Venezuela).

To demonstrate this brilliant hypothesis, Yellen and her crotchety academic cohorts have been
busy pumping trillions of fiat currency dollars into the pockets of their bankster pals while
raising interest rates to accelerate the debt avalanche apocalypse timetable.
Ideally, they hope to trigger the whole thing to come crashing down sometime during Trumps
first term. Then, theyll all express total shock and dismay while pleading to the press that we
should all Bring back Obama because he was a monetary genius! (Or perhaps a radical
Muslim sleeper cell working for the communists to subvert America, but thats another hilarious
satire article altogether.)

As a cherry on top, Obama also doubled the national debt in just eight years, all while
handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons, dissing Israel, subverting American culture, gutting
the U.S. military and secretly telling his Russian counterparts he would drastically reduce U.S.
nuclear capabilities.

Yes indeed, the dream team of Obama, Clinton and Yellen has pulled off what Americas
worst enemies could not: The near-complete financial paralysis of the U.S. economy all while
claiming Everything is awesome!

Thank God all the pensions across the country are fully funded, huh? Or that would be a real

Science Hoax #9: Transgenderism and the Lunatic Liberal Theory of

Spontaneous Genetic Transmutation

2016 also saw many gullible people being convinced to believe that a biological man can
instantly transform himself into a biological woman by declaring himself to be a woman.

At least one journalist even claimed that a transgendered man could become pregnant after
declaring himself to be a woman. Yes, science education in America has utterly collapsed at
this point, replaced with liberal P.C. insanity and delusional college lesson plans rooted in
feelings rather than physical reality.

Across most of todays gender-confused college-educated youth, belief in the laws of genetic
expression have been replaced by belief that a persons sex is a choice. Its no longer
permutations, phenotypes and genotypes its now metrosexual, generation snowflake,
pu##ified blathering idiocy with a diploma, safe space cry rooms and $100K in student debt.
Sorry to burst their bubble of stupid, but sex classification isnt a personal choice. A simple
genetic test shows you either have XY chromosomes, XX chromosomes, or the far more rare
extra-X-or-Y chromosome defect which typically leads to serious physical and mental defects
(including infertility).

Somebody please direct gender confused college snowflakes to the National Human Genome
Research Institutes fact sheet page on chromosomes.

According to todays college snowflakes, the National Human Genome Research Institute is a
purveyor of HATE because their fact sheet page says all these mean things about
chromosomal defects:

Inheriting too many or not enough copies of sex chromosomes can lead to serious problems. For
example, females who have extra copies of the X chromosome are usually taller than average and some
have mental retardation.

Males with more than one X chromosome have Klinefelter syndrome, which is a condition characterized by
tall stature and, often, impaired fertility. Another syndrome caused by imbalance in the number of sex
chromosomes is Turner syndrome. Women with Turner have one X chromosome only. They are very short,
usually do not undergo puberty and some may have kidney or heart problems.

Thus, there are only two sexes in the biology of all mammals: Male and female. And no, you
dont get to change them up just because you think its trendy to be a gender-confused
metrosexual snowflake.

This doesnt mean you cant be gay, by the way. Gay men still realize theyre men. They
just choose male partners instead of female partners. On the spectrum of personal
freedom, I say people should be able to partner with whomever they want.

Gay or straight, its all a personal choice as far as Im concerned, because its none of my
business and stop shoving your sexual preferences in my face, all you militant gay mafia
Just be gay and be done with it. The gay rights war is over, and you already won it.
Stop being bullies and thinking youre still oppressed victims.

Marry whomever you want, but just #STFU about it already. Obama already lit up the White
House with rainbows, for Gods sake.

But to say that yesterday you were a male, but today youre a female now thats just
technically bonkers. Youre not really a female. Youre a male impersonating a female and
thats it. Bruce Jenner, take note: You are not a woman, no matter how much you want to
impersonate one.

The greatest insult in all this was when some fashion magazine voted Bruce Jenner
Woman of the Year, instantly declaring that this guy who impersonates a woman is a
better woman than all the other women. Dudes with dongs out-women the women?

And thats celebrated by the women? Yeah, its insane. And all these same progressive
women also insist that pervs with dongs should be able to invade womens restrooms, too,
because thats embracing gender identity and inclusiveness blabbity blah blah.

Get a grip, people. Check your drawers and briefly fondle your hardware. If its junk, youre a
dude, and stop playing with it already. If it isnt, youre a woman. If you have both, go ask a
doctor to run a genetic test and find out if you have ovaries.

Science Hoax #10: Every Science Journalist Working for the Fakestream

This is more of a collection of hoaxes rather than a single hoax. It all centers around the
hilarious fact that most science journalists are scientifically illiterate morons who
only think they understand science.

I remember reading a science column in a major U.S. publication that claimed cell phones
could run on water. (Yeah, I know. I tried that by dropping my cell phone into a glass of water,
but it turned off all the power for some strange reason. Maybe I need special water?)
There has also been a wave of hilariously stupid media coverage for this bracelet computing
project called Cicret that ridiculously claims to turn your arm into a touchscreen.

The entire video promoting this Cicret bracelet is a complete fraud. Racking up almost 25
million views on Youtube, the video shown here is accomplished purely with special effects
overlays. The bracelet does not exist and cannot exist as depicted in the video for the
simple reason that light cannot bend around the curvature of your arm.

Incredibly, countless journalists across the mainstream media fell for this total hoax, stupidly
believing that a hi-res touchscreen rendition can be projected onto your skin from a bracelet
that barely sits just a few millimeters above your skin in the first place.

Question for brain dead science journalists: Do you really believe light rays from the Cicret
can bend around your wrist and then magically bounce off skin that isnt in a direct line of sight
with the bracelet projector?

Seriously, you have to be incredibly stupid (or scientifically illiterate) to think the Cicret bracelet,
as depicted in the videos, can actually function. But that sure didnt stop publications from all
across the world pushing the hype and convincing their readers that this cool tech was real.
Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace
Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil
War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States

And yes, the younger people are on social media these days, the more gullible they are, too.
So special effects viral videos can be very successful at raising millions of dollars in
Kickstarter funds for devices that cannot ever exist because they violate the laws of physics.

Its a whole new kind of financial scam thats legal because it only extracts money from people
who are too stupid enough to believe the viral videos. In summary, Kickstarter viral videos
are a tax on stupid progressives the same way that the lotto is a tax on stupid conservatives.

And now that Ive thoroughly offended everyone, lets wrap all this up

2016 Was a Bad Year For the Credibility of Real Science Lets Hope 2017
is Better

In summary, 2016 saw the pushing of numerous science hoaxes by the fakestream media,
governments, academic institutions and corporate propaganda whores like (Oh,
and we cant leave out the actual whores running SNOPES, who were exposed as prostitutes
and fetish bloggers.)

So how do we rescue science in 2017? Its simple: We start using science to tell the
truth instead of allowing governments and corporations to use science to lie.

A few fundamental scientific truths Id like to see finally embraced in 2017 would

Yes, there is extraterrestrial intelligence in the universe.

Yes, there is (or was) microbial life on Mars.

Yes, human consciousness is non-material and not located in the physical brain.

Yes, vaccines cause autism.

Yes, flu shots still contain mercury.

Yes, there are many anti-cancer foods that can help prevent cancer.

Yes, transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a choice.

Yes, glyphosate causes cancer.

Yes, DEET is toxic to human neurology.

Yes, genetically engineered crops seeds are a genuine threat to the environment and
the food supply.

Yes, water can retain non-physical properties that subtly alter its interactions with
living systems.

No, carbon dioxide is not the enemy of mankind.

No, chemotherapy does not cure cancer. It often makes it worse.

No, harvesting organs from living human babies is not ethical science.

No, science journals are not unbiased, objective arbiters of truth.

No, scientific political polls are not reliable. They are bunk.

No, the experts are not as smart as they think they are. Mostly, theyre idiots who
have attained high positions of persistent idiocy in academia or government, and their
job is to protect the idiocy for as long as possible, making sure no one overthrows
idiocy with intelligence.

Senate Quietly Passes The "Countering Disinformation And

Propaganda Act" & Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead Of
December 30 2016 | From: ZeroHedge/ Infowars / Various

While we wait to see if and when the Senate will pass (and president will
sign) Bill "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017",
which was passed by the House at the end of November with an
overwhelming majority and which seeks to crack down on websites
suspected of conducting Russian propaganda.
President Trump is going to have an awful lot of un-doing to do...

It calls for the US government to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert
influence carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the
security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has
been hidden or not acknowledged publicly, another, perhaps even more dangerous and
limiting to civil rights and freedom of speech bill passed on December 8.

Related: Gun Control FAIL: Mass Shootings Surge 240% During Obamas Presidency

Recall that as we reported in early June;

"A bill to implement the U.S. very own de facto Ministry of Truth has been quietly introduced in Congress.
As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight the Countering Foreign Propaganda and
Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify
avenues of accurate information.

Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a whole-government
approach without the bureaucratic restrictions to counter foreign disinformation and
manipulation, which they believe threaten the worlds security and stability.
Related: "Ministry of Truth" now active in America

Also called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S. 2692), when introduced
in March by Sen. Rob Portman, the legislation represents a dramatic return to Cold War-
era government propaganda battles.

"These countries spend vast sums of money on advanced broadcast and digital media capabilities,
targeted campaigns, funding of foreign political movements, and other efforts to influence key audiences
and populations, Portman explained, adding that while the U.S. spends a relatively small amount on its
Voice of America, the Kremlin provides enormous funding for its news organization, RT.
Surprisingly, Portman continued, there is currently no single U.S. governmental agency or
department charged with the national level development, integration and synchronization of whole-
of-government strategies to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation.

Long before the "fake news" meme became a daily topic of extensive conversation on wuch
mainstream fake news portals as CNN and WaPo, H.R. 5181 would rask the Secretary of State
with coordinating the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the
Broadcasting Board of Governors to establish a Center for Information Analysis and
Response, which will pinpoint sources of disinformation, analyze data, and - in true dystopic
manner - develop and disseminate fact-based narratives to counter effrontery propaganda.
Related: Epic Montage Video Illustrates How Badly the Media Failed in 2016
Fast forward to Thursday, December 8, when the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda
Act" passed in the Senate, quietly inserted inside the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) Conference Report.

Here is the full statement issued by the generously funded Senator Rob Portman (R- Ohio) on
the passage of a bill that further chips away at press liberties in the US, and which sets the
stage for future witch hunts and website shutdowns, purely as a result of an accusation that
any one media outlet or site is considered as a source of "disinformation and
propaganda" and is shut down by the government.

How North Korea and the Obama regime Both Use the Same Mind Control
Techniques Against Their Citizens

This eye-opening new video details how U.S. government propaganda under Obama
parallels the socially-reinforced mind control tactics used in North Korea, a radical left-
wing dictatorship rooted in the cult worship of its leader.
Related: Obama Signs Portman-Murphy Kill Alt-Media Bill into Law Under Xmas Cover

Barack Obama is simply a more polite rendition of the same social control tyranny used
by Kim Jong-Un. Angela Merkel, in many ways, invokes the same tactics of
disinformation and linguistic social control, deliberately lying to the people of Germany
in order to control them while the country is systematically destroyed to appease
globalist interests.

As I also state in the video, most Americans would be obedient Kim Jong-Un worshipers if they
had grown up in North Korea.

The vast majority of individuals in western society today falsely believe they are independent
thinkers, but thats only because theyve been indoctrinated under a system of mind control
thats very good at pretending to be based on freedom.

Watch the full video to see for yourself. (This video was recorded before the Nov. 8 Trump
election victory, which provides a least some glimmer of hope that the globalist agenda might
be slowed.)

Senate Passes Major Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill as Part of


Portman/Murphy Bill Promotes Coordinated Strategy to Defend America, Allies Against

Propaganda and Disinformation from Russia, China & Others

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that
their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act legislation designed to help American
allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations
has passed the Senate as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) Conference Report.
Related: How the Crackdown on Patriots Will Occur: Dissent Will Become Unthinkable

The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will
improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation by
establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and
synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government.

To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil
society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related
work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower local communities to defend
themselves from foreign manipulation.

The passage of this bill in the Senate today takes us one critical step closer to effectively
confronting the extensive, and destabilizing, foreign propaganda and disinformation operations
being waged against us. While the propaganda and disinformation threat has grown, the U.S.
government has been asleep at the wheel.

Today we are finally signaling that enough is enough; the United States will no longer sit on the sidelines.
We are going to confront this threat head-on, said Senator Portman.

With the help of this bipartisan bill, the disinformation and propaganda used against our allies and our
interests will fail.
Congress has taken a big step in fighting back against fake news and propaganda from countries
like Russia. When the president signs this bill into law, the United States will finally have a
dedicated set of tools and resources to confront our adversaries widespread efforts to spread
false narratives that undermine democratic institutions and compromise Americas foreign policy
goals, said Murphy.

Im proud of what Senator Portman and I accomplished here because its long past time for the U.S. to get
off the sidelines and confront these growing threats.

NOTE: The bipartisan Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act is organized around two
main priorities to help achieve the goal of combatting the constantly evolving threat of foreign
They are as follows:

The first priority is developing a whole-of-government strategy for countering foreign

propaganda and disinformation. The bill would increase the authority, resources, and
mandate of the Global Engagement Center to include state actors like Russia and China
in addition to violent extremists.

The Center will be led by the State Department, but with the active senior level
participation of the Department of Defense, USAID, the Broadcasting Board of
Governors, the Intelligence Community, and other relevant agencies. The Center will
develop, integrate, and synchronize whole-of-government initiatives to expose and counter
foreign disinformation operations and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support
U.S. allies and interests.

Second, the legislation seeks to leverage expertise from outside government to create more
adaptive and responsive U.S. strategy options. The legislation establishes a fund to help
train local journalists and provide grants and contracts to NGOs, civil society
organizations, think tanks, private sector companies, media organizations, and other
experts outside the U.S. government with experience in identifying and analyzing the
latest trends in foreign government disinformation techniques.

This fund will complement and support the Centers role by integrating capabilities and
expertise available outside the U.S. government into the strategy-making process. It will also
empower a decentralized network of private sector experts and integrate their expertise into
the strategy-making process.

In other words, the Act will:

i) Greenlight the government to crack down with impunity against any media property
it deems "propaganda", and

ii) Provide substantial amounts of money fund an army of "local journalist"

counterpropaganda, to make sure the government's own fake news drowns that of the
still free "fringes."

So while packaged politely in a veneer of "countering disinformation and propaganda", the bill,
once signed by Obama, will effectively give the government a full mandate to punish, shut
down or otherwise prosecute, any website it deems offensive and a source of "foreign
government propaganda from Russia, China or other nations."
And since there is no formal way of proving whether or not there is indeed a foreign
propaganda sponsor, all that will be sufficient to eliminate any "dissenting" website, will
be the government's word against that of the website. One can be confident that the US
government will almost certainly prevail in every single time.

Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead Of Night

America adopts Soviet style media controls.

By slipping through the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, President Obama has
signed the Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act into law, effectively
putting all speech under federal control.

Related: So Called Fake News Could be a Thing of the Past

Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against

Us + Study Pulled From Publication After Proving Truth Of
Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated Children
December 24 2016 | From: NaturalBlaze/ NaturalNews

The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a

laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some
vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at
No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent
more than three decades studying the human immune system and is at the pinnacle of
his profession.

Related: Nursing student expelled for questioning directives to use threats, lies to
coerce patients to vaccinate

You might say he is more foundation than fringe in his specialty; he wrote the textbooks. The
Mosaic of Autoimmunity, Autoantibodies, Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases,
Infection and Autoimmunity, Cancer and Autoimmunity the list is 25 titles long and some of
them are cornerstones of clinical practice.

Hardly surprising that Shoenfeld has been called the Godfather of Autoimmunology the
study of the immune system turned on itself in a wide array of diseases from type 1 diabetes to
ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis.
But something strange is happening in the world of immunology lately and a small evidence of
it is that the Godfather of Autoimmunology is pointing to vaccines - specifically, some of their
ingredients including the toxic metal aluminum as a significant contributor to the growing
global epidemic of autoimmune diseases.
Related: Trump: Vaccines Cause Autism And Will Be Investigated

The bigger evidence is a huge body of research thats poured in in the past 15 years, and
particularly in the past five years. Take for example, a recent article published in the
journal Pharmacological Research in which Shoenfeld and colleagues issue unprecedented
guidelines naming four categories of people who are most at risk for vaccine-induced

On one hand, vaccines prevent infections which can trigger autoimmunity, say the papers
authors, Alessandra Soriano, of the Department of Clinical Medicine and Rheumatology at the
Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome, Gideon Nesher, of the Hebrew University Medical
School in Jerusalem and Shoenfeld, founder and head of the Zabludowicz Center of
Autoimmune Diseases in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

He is also editor of three medical journals and author of more than 1,500 research papers
across the spectrum of medical journalism and founder of the International Congress on

On the other hand, many reports that describe post-vaccination autoimmunity strongly suggest
that vaccines can indeed trigger autoimmunity.

Defined autoimmune diseases that may occur following vaccinations include arthritis, lupus (systemic lupus
erythematosus, SLE) diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, dermatomyosiositis, Guillain-Barre
syndrome and demyelinating disorders. Almost all types of vaccines have been reported to be associated
with the onset of ASIA.
Related: Herd immunity is a myth: Why un-vaccinated children are not a threat to others

ASIA or Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (also known as

Shoenfelds syndrome) - first appeared in the Journal of Autoimmunology four years ago.

It is an umbrella term for a collection of similar symptoms, including Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome, that result after exposure to an adjuvant an environmental agent including
common vaccine ingredients that stimulate the immune system.

Since then an enormous body of research, using ASIA as a paradigm, has begun to unravel
the mystery of how environmental toxins, particularly the metal aluminum used in vaccines, can
trigger an immune system chain reaction in susceptible individuals and may lead to overt
autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune disease results when the bodys system meant to attack foreign invaders turns
instead to attack part of the body it belongs to (auto is Greek for self). If the immune system is
like a national defence system, antibodies are like drones programmed to recognize a certain
type of invader (a bacteria say) and to destroy them or mark them for destruction by other
special forces.
Autoantibodies are like drones that are misidentifying a component of the human body and
have launched a sustained attack on it. If they mistakenly target a component of the conductive
sheath around neurons, for example, nerve impulses stop conducting properly, muscles go into
spasm and coordination fails; multiple sclerosis results.

If autoantibodies erroneously focus on joint tissue; rheumatoid arthritis results. If they target the
islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, Type 1 diabetes, and so on

Throughout our lifetime the normal immune system walks a fine line between preserving normal immune
reactions and developing autoimmune diseases, says the paper.

The healthy immune system is tolerant to self-antigens. When self-tolerance is disturbed, dysregulation of
the immune system follows, resulting in emergence of an autoimmune disease. Vaccination is one of the
conditions that may disturb this homeostasis in susceptible individuals, resulting in autoimmune
phenomena and ASIA.

Who is susceptible is the subject of the paper entitled, Predicting post-vaccination

autoimmunity: Who might be at risk? It lists four categories of people:

1. Those who have had a previous autoimmune reaction to a vaccine

2. Anyone with a medical history of autoimmunity

3. Patients with a history of allergic reactions

4. Anyone at high risk of developing autoimmune disease including anyone with a

family history of autoimmunity, presence of autoantibodies which are detectable by
blood tests and other factors including low vitamin D and smoking.

Previous Reaction
Regarding those who have had a previous adverse reaction to vaccines, the paper cites five
relevant studies including the case of a death of a teenage girl six months following her
third Gardasil injection against HPV virus.

Related: Gardasil Fully Exposed: HPV Vaccine Being Tested on Infants Has Killed,
Permanently Injured Thousands

She had experienced a range of symptoms shortly after her first dose, including dizziness,
numbness and tingling in her hands, and memory lapses. After her second injection, she
developed intermittent arm weakness, frequent tiredness requiring daytime naps, worse
tingling, night sweats, chest pain and palpitations.

A full autopsy was unrevealing but blood and spleen tissue analysis revealed HPV-16 L1 gene
DNA fragments - matching the DNA found in vials of the Gardasil vaccine against cervical
cancer - thus implicating the vaccine as a causal factor.

The DNA fragments had also been found to be complexed with the aluminum adjuvant which,
according to the report, have been shown to persist for up to 8 to 10 years causing chronic
immune system stimulation.

Although data is limited, Shoenfeld and his colleagues concluded, it seems preferable that individuals
with prior autoimmune or autoimmune-like reactions to vaccinations, should not be immunized, at least not
with the same type of vaccine.

Established Autoimmune Condition

The second group which the paper cites for vaccine exemption is patients with established
autoimmune conditions. Vaccines dont work so well in them, say Shoenfeld and his
colleagues, and they are at risk for flares following vaccination.

Inoculations that contain live viruses including chickenpox, yellow fever and the measles,
mumps and rubella triple vaccine (MMR) are generally contraindicated for people with
autoimmune conditions because of the risk of uncontrolled viral replication. But inactivated
vaccines are not such a good idea either because they usually contain the added ingredient
aluminum, linked to autoimmunity.

The immunologists describe recent studies in which patients with autoimmune rheumatic
disease given the influenza vaccine (without aluminum) suffered more joint pain and fever than
controls and whose levels of autoantibodies (the drones that attack self) increased after
receiving the flu vaccine.
Related: How The CDC And Vaccine Court Create An Epidemic Of Autism

Whats more, they developed new types of autoantibodies that werent present before the
vaccines, and those persisted. As the presence of autoantibodies can be predictive of
developing autoimmune disease in patients without symptoms, even years ahead of disease
onset, this is troubling to those who understand immunology.

A number of studies claim vaccines are safe for the overwhelming majority of patients with
established autoimmune diseases, the study allows, but they only looked at rheumatoid
arthritis and lupus and not at severe and active cases so the potential benefit of vaccination
should be weighed against its potential risk, they cautioned.

Patients With a History of Allergy

Vaccine trials have usually excluded vulnerable individuals - only extremely healthy
individuals with no allergies are recruited. Its a selection bias, say Soriano and Shoenfeld,
and has likely resulted in serious adverse events being considerably underestimated in real
life where vaccines are mandated to all individuals regardless of their susceptibility.

The true incidence of allergic reactions to vaccines, normally estimated at between one in
50,000 to one in a million doses, is probably much higher and particularly where gelatin or egg
proteins are on the ingredients list, they say.

Theres a long list of vaccine ingredients that are potential allergens: besides the infectious
agents themselves, there are those from hens egg, horse serum, bakers yeast, numerous
antibiotics, formaldehyde and lactose, as well inadvertent ingredients such as latex.
Related: New Study Confirms That Mercury Is Linked to Autism

Peoples allergic histories have to be taken before vaccination say the researchers. But
some signs of reaction dont show up until after the shot.

The public health nurse or GP might tell patients that a long-lasting swelling around the
injection site after a vaccine is a normal reaction, for example. But that is not what the
immunologists say. [A]luminum sensitization manifests as nodules [hard lumps] at the injection
site that often regress after weeks or months, but may persist for years. In such cases, they
say, a patch test can be done to confirm sensitivity and to avoid vaccination.

According to a growing body of research, though, allergy may be only the beginning of many
dangerous aluminum-induced phenomena.

The Trouble With Aluminium

Aluminum has been added to vaccines since about 1926 when Alexander Glenny and
colleagues noticed it would produce better antibody responses in vaccines than the antigen
alone. Glenny figured the alum was inducing what he called a depot effect slowing the
release of the antigen and heightening the immune response.

For 60 years his theory was accepted dogma. And over the same time, the vaccine schedule
grew decade on decade, but few ever questioned the effects of injecting aluminum into the
body, which is strange considering its known toxicity.

A PubMed search on aluminum and toxicity turns up 4,258 entries. Its neurotoxicity is well
documented. It affects memory, cognition, psychomotor control; it damages the blood brain
barrier, activates brain inflammation, depresses mitochondrial function and plenty of research
suggests it is a key player in the formation of the amyloid plaques and tangles in the brains of
Alzheimers patients.
Related: The WHO's condescending tips for EU healthcare workers to convince
informed patients that vaccines are safe

Its been implicated in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and autism and demonstrated
to induce allergy.

When kidney dialysis patients were accidentally infused with aluminum, the dialysis-induced
encephalopathy (DAE) they developed neurological symptoms: speech abnormalities,
tremors, memory loss, impaired concentration and behavioural changes. Many of the patients
eventually went into comas and died. The lucky ones survived: when the source of toxicity,
aluminum, was removed from their dialysis they recovered rapidly.

With these new observations, researchers began investigating the adjuvant effects of
aluminum and in the past decade there has been a flurry of research. Far from being a
sandbag that holds the antigen for a while and then gets excreted, it turns out that aluminum
salts trigger a storm of defence action.

Vaccines: A Violation of Human Rights

The video below is a rational discussion about vaccines with Christina Hildebrand,
President of A Voice For Choice, Inc. where she explains why mandatory vaccines are a
violation of your human rights and how they are potentially dangerous to you or your
child's health.

Christina is passionate about ensuring people know what they are putting into their bodies - be
it food, air, water or medications. For the past 12 years, Christina has spent many thousands of
hours researching and sharing her knowledge within her local community.

However, with the growth of the Big Ag and Big pHARMa's influences on US politics, Christina
realized that she needed to take this to a different level and educate the masses on their right
to informed choice and transparency of what goes into their bodies.
Within hours of injection of the same aluminum oxyhydroxide in vaccines into mice, for
example, armies of specialized immune cells are on the move, calling in grid coordinates for
more specialist assault forces. Within a day, a whole host of immune system commandos are
in play - neutrophils, eosinophils, inflammatory monocytes, myeloid and dendritic cells,
activating lymphocytes and secreting proteins called cytokines.

The cytokines themselves cause collateral damage but they send out signals, directing cell-to-
cell communication and recruiting other cells into action. If the next phase of the attack is
launched: fibroblast growth factor, interferons, interleukins, platelet derived growth factor,
transforming growth factor and tumour necrosis factor might all be engaged.

Theres evidence that poorly understood and pesky inflammasomes, (currently a topic of
cutting- edge cancer causation research) such as the Nod-like receptor 3( NLRP) are
activated too, but its all still too early to say exactly what theyre doing.

Related: The most evil people in medicine today

New research emerging from University of British Columbia has found that aluminum adjuvant
injected into mice can alter the expression of genes associated with autoimmunity.

And in their recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, immunologists at the University of Colorado found that even host DNA is recruited
into the aluminum assault, that it rapidly coats injected alum, triggering effects that scientists
have barely scratched the surface of understanding.

The Significance of Macrophagic Myofasciitis

This mobility or translocation of aluminum in the body is perhaps the most disturbing of the
mounting evidence in current aluminum research. In 1998, French researcher Romain
Gherardi and his colleagues observed an emerging condition of unknown origin which
presented in patients post-vaccination with Chronic Fatigue like symptoms including swollen
lymph nodes, joint and muscle pain and exhaustion.

Tissue biopsies of the patients deltoid revealed lesions up to 1 cm in diameter and unique from
similar lesions of other diseases. They went to the lab for analysis and to Gherardis
astonishment, they mainly consisted of macrophages large white blood cells in the immune
system whose job is to swallow up foreign invaders in the body. Enclosed in the cellular fluid of
these phagocytes were agglomerates of nanocrystals of aluminum.

Related: Cannabis Oil Cured Girls Leukemia After HPV Vaccine Broke Down Her Body:
Hayley Willar

Gherardi and his colleagues began injecting mice with aluminum to see what happened.
Their research published in 2013 revealed that the metal particles were engulfed by
macrophages and formed MMF-like granulomas that dispersed to distant lymph nodes,
spleen, liver and eventually brain.

This strongly suggests that long-term adjuvant biopersistence within phagocytic cells is a prerequisite of
slow brain translocation and delayed neurotoxicity, writes Gherardi in his February 2015 review
relevant research in Frontiers in Neurology.

A more frightening animal study of aluminum is that of Spanish veterinary researcher Lluis
Lujans study of ovine ASIA.

After huge numbers of sheep in Spain died in 2008 in the wake of a compulsory multiple
vaccine campaign against bluetongue in Spain in 2008, Lujan set out to find out what killed
them and he began by inoculating them with aluminum.
His 2013 study found that only 0.5% of sheep inoculated with aluminum vaccines showed
immediate reactions of lethargy, transient blindness, stupor, prostration and seizures

Characterized by a severe meningoencephalitis, similar to postvaccine reactions seen in humans.

Most of them recovered, temporarily, but postmortem exams of the ones who didnt revealed
acute brain inflammation.

The delayed onset chronic phase of the disease affected far more of the sheep - 50-70% of
flocks and sometimes virtually 100% of animals within a given flock, usually including all of
those who had previously recovered.

The reaction was frequently triggered by exposure to cold and began with restlessness and
compulsive wool-biting, then progressed to acute redness of the skin, generalized weakness,
extreme weight loss and muscle tremors, and finally, entered the terminal phase where the
animals went down on their front quarters, became comatose and died.

Related: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecule injected into humans
via vaccines... spurs tumor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push

Post-mortem examinations revealed severe neuron necrosis and aluminum in the nerve

The immune systems reaction to aluminum represents a major health challenge, Gerhardi
declares in his recent review, and he adds that;

Attempts to seriously examine safety concerns raised by the bio-persistent character and brain
accumulation of alum particles have not been made A lot must be done to understand how, in certain
individuals, alum-containing vaccines may become insidiously unsafe.

Back to the problem of which certain individuals should avoid vaccination to avoid
autoimmune disease.
People Prone to Develop Autoimmunity

Soriano and Shoenfelds identify a final category: anyone at risk of developing autoimmune
disease. Since a number of them have been shown to have genetic factors that would include
anyone with a family history of autoimmune disease.

It also includes anyone who has tested positive for autoantibodies which can indicate disease
years before symptoms show up. Vaccinations, the doctors say, may trigger or worsen the

Smokers too, have an exceptionally high risk of developing an autoimmune disease, says the
report. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 18% of Americans smoke. That
means about 42 million Americans have an elevated risk of developing an autoimmune
disease and theyre stacking the odds with every vaccine.

Related: Vaccinations: An analysis of the health risks

And finally, factors that Shoenfeld and Soriano associate with high risk of developing
autoimmunity are high estrogen and low vitamin D - which means anyone taking birth control
or hormone replacement therapy and, according to one 2009 study of vitamin D status,
about three quarters of American teens and adults should be wary of vaccines.

Shoenfeld doesnt seem to mean to exclude all of these people from immunization, however.
The paper concludes that for the overwhelming majority of individuals, vaccines carry no risk
of systemic autoimmune disease and should be administered according to current

Which is in stark contrast to the body of the paper. The final word is cautionary about weighing
the potential benefit of vaccinationagainst its potential risk.
Its exemplary of a strange sort of schizophrenia in a wide range of recent immunology papers.
The doctors seem to be trying to reconcile a century of safe and effective vaccine dogma with
the last decades worth of terrifying research findings. Theres a lot of on the one hand and
on the other hand in them.

Related: Gary Null: Are we being lied to about 'vaccine efficacy'?

The new research seems about to gain the upper hand, however. A 2013 overview of ASIA by
six immunologists including Shoenfeld, for example, is a catalogue of vaccine side effects from
Gardasil deaths, narcolepsy epidemics, infertility, chronic fatigue, dead sheep and aluminum-
addled brains. It is rife with statements that would have been virtually unheard of inside
mainstream medicine a decade ago. Like this shocker:

Perhaps, in twenty years, physicians will be dueling with better characterized particles of autoimmunity,
and the vaccines may become fully safe as well as effective.

Nonetheless the recognition of ASIA has initiated the change to put more efforts in identifying the good, the
bad and the ugly of vaccines and in particular of adjuvants as triggers of autoimmunity.

Bad and ugly of vaccines? Whats wrong with the adjuvants? Thats not in the CDC

Or How About This One:

Despite the huge amount of money invested in studying vaccines, there are few observational
studies and virtually no randomized clinical trials documenting the effect on mortality of any of the
existing vaccines.

One recent paper found an increased hospitalization rate with the increase of the number of
vaccine doses and a mortality rate ratio for 5-8 vaccine doses to 1-4 doses of 1.5, indicating a
statistically significant increase of deaths associated with higher vaccine doses.

Since vaccines are given to millions of infants annually, it is imperative that health authorities have
scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines

That could be any anti-vaxxer jabbering onbut its not.

But Here is the Topper:

The US Supreme Court ruled that vaccines makers are immune from lawsuits charging that the design of
the vaccine is defective. Thus there is need for innovative clinical trial design and the vaccines themselves
should be redesigned.

Immunologists including the worlds leading authority on autoimmunity are saying it is

time to take vaccines back to the drawing board.

Autoimmune disease is the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and now
among the top 10 killers of young American women.

The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association estimates that 50 million

Americans suffer from one of 88 autoimmune diseases - from type 1 diabetes to systemic
lupus erythematosus - and some research puts the figure at one in five globally.

At least 40 more diseases are suspected to be immune-mediated. Most of them are

devastating - frequently crippling, expensive to treat and incurable. And they are increasing at
an astonishing pace.
Related: Mercury and autism: New research provides yet more damning evidence that
mercury exposure leads to ASD

At this stage, it looks like the more the research pours in, the harder it is going to get for pro-
vaccine immunologists to keep multiple personality disorder or complete nervous breakdown
- at bay. Ten years of cutting edge research into aluminums effects on the immune system has
revealed primarily how wrong they were.

And how little they know. If, after 90 years, doctors finally have begun to seriously examine the
mechanism and question the merits of injecting metal toxins into newborn babies, what have
they yet to discover? ASIA sounds awful. (Too bad for all the people whose kids suffered
through chronic fatigue when it was just a Freudian yearning to sleep with their mother.)

But what if, like Lujans sheep, the negligible minority that has been paying the price for the
good of humanity is actually only the tip of the iceberg? What if some people with no apparent
adverse immune reactions still have nanocrystals of aluminum silently depositing in their
brains? What if ASIA really includes Alzheimers? ALS, autism? ADD? And thats just the As.

Related: New Transmissible Vaccine Spreads Like Virus, No Consent Necessary

Even if immunologists keep wearing their rose coloured glasses, and vaccine ingredients are
only responsible for a tiny fraction of the exploding autoimmunity, the ugly in vaccines will still
get harder and harder to ignore.

When everyone on the planet is getting injected, 20 years is a long time for disabled people to
stack up while scientists duel with the characterized particles of autoimmunity.

In the fury over the Disneyland measles outbreak that is gripping the worlds vaccine
promoters, time is running out for doctors and researchers who see the bad and ugly side of
vaccines and their adjuvants to do something about it.

Theres slim chance of a vaccine redesign in the absence of a profit incentive and a strong
chance of universal vaccine mandates for one and all - previous anaphylactic shock reaction or
Study Pulled From Publication After Proving Truth Of Vaccinated
Versus Unvaccinated Children

The censorship of science is nothing new. In Canada, for instance, there

were serious concerns about the federal governments increasingly strict
regulations that prevented scientists from sharing their findings with the

Censorship, on the whole, is a persistently under-acknowledged problem in our society.

The election of Donald Trump certainly showcased the fact that the mainstream media
only portrays the narratives they want us to see.

In the latest instance of scientific censorship, an article from a scientific journal was
unpublished, but only after vaccine enthusiasts proclaimed that it needed to be
removed. The study, you see, examined the differences in health outcomes between
vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

The studys results indicated that:

Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed
with chickenpox and pertussis, but significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with
pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDDs (defined as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or a learning disability).

From the mothers reports, the researchers found that vaccinated children were more likely to
have allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). The team noted that even after
controlling for other factors, vaccination remained significantly associated with the presence of
an NDD.

VaxXed Stories: Social Engineering of Medical Professionals

Dr. Suzanne Humphries attends a meeting called "Confronting Vaccine Resistance:

Strategies For Success" at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, New York on
November 21, 2016.

This meetings speakers were Senator Richard Pan, Dr. Paul Offit and Dorit Rubenstein Reiss.
Afterwards she comes out to the VaxXed Bus to share what happened. Camera and editing by
Joshua Coleman.

Indeed, those that were vaccinated were three times more likely to be diagnosed with an NDD
such as autism. The combination of preterm birth and vaccination produced an even higher risk
of NDD, increasing the chances of it by more than six-fold.

In the abstract, the researchers wrote in their conclusion;

In this study based on mothers reports, the vaccinated had a higher rate of allergies and NDD than the
unvaccinated. Vaccination, but not preterm birth, remained significantly associated with NDD after
controlling for other factors.

However, preterm birth combined with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in
the odds of NDD. Further research involving larger, independent samples is needed to verify and
understand these unexpected findings in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on childrens health.

Baxter Dmitry from Investment Watch Blog notes that the study was unpublished from the
journal Frontiers In Public Health. Normally, one can still view the cached version in internet

But Baxter says this too was removed, noting that a cached version available on internet
archives has also been removed, suggesting there is a serious campaign to stop members of
the public from viewing the study.

Fortunately, a screenshot of the study was saved before the whole thing was scrubbed off the
internet for good.
Prior to being removed from the internet, the study was subjected to massive amounts of
scrutiny; apparently in this instance, the use of surveys which are widely used for data
gathering somehow invites bias.

Some of the colorful public comments included;

This study is of poor design, though not impossible results. Study relies of self-report of moms, inducing
bias, and, Another garbage vaccine study in Frontiers journal. Scientists, stop reviewing/publishing there.

This, of course, is not the first time that a study that showcased the potential ill effects of
vaccines has been pulled from the internet. In February, the journal Vaccine temporarily
removed, and eventually retracted, a study that linked the HPV vaccine to behavioral issues in

Publishing research that contains information that conflicts with the mainstream narrative
continues to prove to be a quick and easy way to find yourself blacklisted and censored by
conventional media. This just underscores the importance of independent research and
alternative media outlets.

Related: Big Pharma now wants to vaccinate babies while theyre still in the womb

10 More Signs That The Global Elites Ship Is Sinking + Viral

Image Shows Why The Global Elite Are Panicking - Former U.S.
VP To Media We Dont Need You Guys Anymore
December 23 2016 | From: WakingTimes / IUV / Various

Times are continuing to shift in a big way and humanitys rise over the
darkness that has plagued our planet for a very long time is gathering
momentum by the day.

Remember, the elites modus operandi is to crush any form of hope or belief that things
can or will get better.

Related: The Ongoing Historic Fall Of The Khazarian Empire

Truth prevails though and we are seeing the old world order crumble. 2017 is sure to be an
exciting year. Continue to dream big.

1. June 23rd, 2016: Britain votes to leave the European Union. While some are choosing to
see this as an extremist act whose focus was on securing the border from immigrants, there is
a much bigger picture to that event.

While it must be said that the immigration issue is in the minds of some who were pro-Brexit
(and thus needs to be humanely and compassionately addressed), the bigger issue was that
Britain reclaimed its sovereignty back from the imperialistic banking and political cabal.

Related: Criminally Negligent IMF Head Lagarde Unpunished, Heres Why

As it has been reported in The Telegraph, a mainstream media outlet in the UK, the CIA and
the U.S. State Department have been heavily involved in the creation of the European Union
from the very beginning.

As Professor Alan Sked said in the article: Voters in Britains referendum need to understand
that the European Union was about building a federal superstate from day one.

2. July 22nd, 2016: Wikileaks releases over 20,000 emails from the Democratic National
Convention and shows the deep collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the DNC itself.
These revelations ultimately helped force the resignations of the top 4 positions within the

3. October 8th, 2016: Shortly after Wikileaks began dumping the PodestaFiles, emails were
revealed that John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman, was receiving emails about
UFO/E.T. disclosure as well as free energy technology, whose emails came from former NASA
astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
These are highly significant in the fact that it is admitted by Mitchell that such technologies do
exist and that even the Vatican knows of them.

Once these technologies are known about on an even wider scale, the lies and corruption of
the oil industry will fall apart and humanity can then reclaim its freedom.

4. October 10th, 2016: Turkey defies the banking cabal and signs the Turkish Stream gas
pipeline deal with Russia. Because Russia is in opposition to the cabal, or NWO, as some
would prefer, this is a massive financial and geopolitical game-changer.

5. October 20th, 2016: The Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte visits China with 200
Filipino businessmen to mend ties with China. He also announces his separation from the U.S.
(which is a blow to the cabal) and seeks an alliance with not only China, but Russia too. The
BRICS Alliance continues to grow.

6. October 30th, 2016: Icelands Prime Minister steps down as the activist, anti-
establishment party, known as The Pirate Party, comes in second in national elections and
jumps its number of parliament seats from 3 to 10.
As more people around the world herald the call for true freedom, political parties reflecting
such ideals will continue to prevail. The Pirate Party is in over 40 countries around the world
currently, and the movement continues to grow.

7. November 4th, 2016: Wikileaks emails reveal the Podesta brothers were invited to a spirit
cooking dinner and involved eating sperm and menstrual blood. While some surely laughed
this off, keep in mind that former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson spent several years
investigating and exposing this information to the public, before being murdered.

We must also keep in mind that former BBC star Jimmy Savile was revealed to being involved
in a massive, elite-ridden pedophile ring.
Related: Report: Obama Threatened Putin With WAR Over Election Hacking Conspiracy

The pedophilia and ritualistic claims against many of the elites is well known around the world
and is a very serious issue. The fact that even a small bit of this came out in the Wikileaks
revelations is significant and a sign of the times. So much more is coming.

8. November 8th, 2016: It was revealed by Neil Keenan that several globalists/cabalists,
including Mark Carney of the Bank of England, Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve, the
Rothschilds, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak and others were involved in a deal to steal
1 million metric tons of Gold from the global collateral accounts.

As of this writing, the deal has been stopped and it very beneficial to humanity.

While this story might not make much sense to many readers, understand that the global
collateral accounts are the cabals biggest financial secret on this planet. It is the reason JFK
was killed and it also relates to 9/11.

9. November 13th, 2016: The European countries of Moldova and Bulgaria elect new
presidents, both of whom are pro-Russia. This is yet another major setback for the globalists
plans of creating a superstate out of Europe. Watch for even more countries to begin aligning
with Russia.

10. November 15th, 2016: More than 200 rallies around the U.S. take place to protest the
North Dakota pipeline that is being attempted to form.

The world is continuing to awaken and sees the lunacy of oil and gas for energy. Clean
solutions already exist.
What are some other stories that you believe are signs that the elites ship is sinking? Some
believe that the election of Donald Trump is a sign.

Further signs are the recent resignations of Cabal-placed heads of state, namely
the resignation of the Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Prime Minister of Italy and the
President of France - all three of which announced their intention to resign their positions
withinn the same 24 hour period.

Related: The Liberation of Aleppo: A Regional Turning Point. Setback for US-Led

Viral Image Shows Why The Global Elite Are Panicking - Former
U.S. VP To Media We Dont Need You Guys Anymore
There is a direct correlation between populism growing across the globe,
replacing the global elite one by one, and the fall of the mainstream
media. The media has not become irrelevant because the globalists are
falling, but rather the global elite are falling because the media has become
That is a very important distinction and a lesson learned in 2016 that must not ever be

Populism is described as a political doctrine that stems from a viewpoint of struggle between
the populace and a ruling faction. Nationalism on the other hand is defined as patriotic
feeling, principles, or efforts.

Globalism is the exact opposite of both. Globalists believe what is best for the international
community, should override what is best for individual countries, basically sacrificing the
welfare of a nations populace to benefit the international community as a whole.

One Globalist Leader Left Standing

With the passing of the Brexit referendum in the UK which caused David Cameron, the Prime
Minister, to resign, the election of Donald Trump in the U.S. as a repudiation of globalist leader
Barack Obama, the Italian referendum which caused the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
to resign, and the recent announcement by French President Francois Hollande that he will not
be seeking re-election, there is one global elite leader left standing

Angela Merkel, who has suffered some major losses herself in Germany.
Camerion, Obama, Merkel, Hollande, Renzi at G5 Summit

The image above, minus the X marks on their heads, has been going viral on social media,
with messages like Three pro-EU globalists down, one more pro-EU globalist to go, and four
down, Merkel to go, according to the Independent UK, in an article headlined Last world
leader standing: The photo that shows just how much the world has changed in 2016.

Each of these leaders have been seen as betrayers by the populists in their respective
countries, putting the good of others above the good of those they were elected to
represent, and each have been repudiated in elections and referendums in 2016 by the
very people they have betrayed with their globalist policies.

Jobs, manufacturing, the economy, all sacrificed by the five globalists above in pursuit of their
New World Order, and all but one will be gone in 2017, with Angela Merkel seeking a fourth
term, despite a historic loss in the Berlin state election in September, which many believe was
a backlash against her open immigration policies.

Globalist Cheerleaders (Mainstream Media) Become Irrelevant

The globalist supporting media in each of the unexpected losses had campaigned hard to
prevent populism from overcoming globalism or to rephrase, to prevent the people from
overcoming the elite and their agenda.
Before the Brexit vote, the media hyperventilated and claimed the whole world and markets
would be thrown in turmoil, in an attempt to influence the referendum results.

Headlines from before the referendum included Brexit would have huge economic impact and
spark turmoil in global markets from the Daily Mail and Brexit would create turmoil and
damage Irish trade, from the Irish Times. One of the most amusing headlines came from
the UK Mirror at the time, who declared Brexit could end Britains hopes of hosting another
World Cup or Olympics.

The same hyperbolic headlines proceeded Italys recent referendum, with promising chaos if
the No vote one and Renzi resigns.

The same type of howling preceded the U.S. elections with dire warnings of what would
happen if Donald Trump beat globalist Hillary Clinton, where CNN headlined on November 6

US election 2016: this is the global market turmoil that would be triggered by a Donald Trump victory, to
which not only didnt happen, but just the opposite occurred, as one day after the election, markets rallied
and stocks soared, with increases still being seen as CNBC reports today that Stocks have been on a
rip-roaring rally since the U.S. election.

One pattern here is that in every case, the mainstream media had attempted to influence the
outcome, always in favor of the globalists, but the more important pattern is that the populace
in each instance in their respective countries.. ignored them.

Ignored the consistent flow of skewed polls claiming the populist candidate or position had no
chance, ignored the constant negative stories being slammed out daily, in many case multiple
times a day, against the candidate or position the media didnt favor.

While polling over the decades has shown an increase of distrust toward the mainstream
media, until 2016, they were still able to influence primaries, elections, referendums and
votes. those days are gone, and that is why the global elite are panicking.

Former US VP to Media: "We Don't Need You Guys Anymore"

Former U.S. VP Dick Cheney recently sat down with Former Secretary of Defense Leon
Panetta and CNNs Barbara Starr at the Reagan Library, and said something horrifying to the
mainstream media and the globalists.

Love him or hate him... the truth is the truth. Starr asked Cheney about the language of
President-elect Trumps tweets and after answering her Cheney stated:

I think one of the reasons people get so concerned about the tweets is it is sort of a way around the
press. He doesnt have to rely upon, uh, rely upon - this is the modern era, modern technology. Hes
at the point where we dont need you guys anymore.

The laughter from the audience is clearly heard but nothing from CNNs Starr, because those
are the words the global elite and the MSM are all terrified of because they are the truth.

That comment comes at the 3:20 minute mark in the clip below:

Bottom Line

The mainstream media and their fake news, along with their fake polls, using skewed
demographics intended to create an illusion meant to influence the public, has failed, and with
it they took the last thing propping up globalism and touting it as the way forward, in an
attempt to create a New World Order.

The term leader of the free world has often been used to describe the United States and
more commonly the U.S. President of the United States, and having a populist U.S. President
is a tremendous blow to globalists across the world, so it is no coincidence that after an
election to where the populist candidate won, Clinton teamed up with Green Party candidate
Jill Stein to petition for recounts in the three states that Trump flipped, which if successful
would have handed the election to the globalist candidate Hillary Clinton.

It is also no coincidence that organized protests, funded by globalist George Soros, have been
seen across America after the election or that we are seeing dire warnings of bloody Friday,
with reports warning that ISIS could attack on inauguration day.

The panicked globalists will not give up...

Fear, Bloodshed And Human Sacrifices Before Winter Solstice

December 22 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen

The killing of an ambassador in Turkey on live television and the attack of

a Christmas market in Berlin occurred at a crucial time of year.

The Russian ambassador with his killer standing behind him, moments before the gunshot

On December 19th 2016, Donald Trump was officially confirmed as President of the
United States by the Electoral College. Media coverage of this event was however
eclipsed by attacks that ironically confirm why he was elected in the first place. And
these attacks will most likely greatly influence upcoming elections in Germany, France
and the Netherlands. A drastic change in political scenery is in the horizon, and it is
fueled by fear, bloodshed and rejection of globalism.

Related: Putin vows to destroy ISIL after ambassador killed

The assassination of a Russian ambassador on live television and the violent attack of a
Christmas market in Germany are events that are not only violent, but charged with intense
symbolism meant to shock the public mind.

Whether this was coincidental or not, these events occurred right on the brink of the winter
solstice a period that is historically prone to blood sacrifices as it is a minor Sabbath in the
occult calendar. Before Christmas, there was Saturnalia.

The origins of Christmas predate Christianity through the Pagan holiday called Saturnalia, which was a
week-long of lawlessness from December 17th through December 25th that honored Saturn and included
human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape. During these seven days, there were no
punishments for breaking any laws, according to Roman law.

- In5d, Esoteric Meaning of Christmas

It was traditional to offer gifts of imitation fruit (a symbol of fertility), dolls (symbolic of the custom of human
sacrifice), and candles (reminiscent of the bonfires traditionally associated with pagan solstice
celebrations). A mock king was chosen, usually from a group of slaves or criminals, and although he was
permitted to behave in an unrestrained manner for seven days of the festival, he was usually killed at the

The Saturnalia eventually degenerated into a week-long spree of debauchery and crime giving rise to the
modern use of the tern saturnalia, meaning a period of unrestrained license and revelry.

- Time and Date, Holidays and Traditions around the December solstice

On December 19th, the entire world witnessed a live murder, a carefully planned sacrifice.

The Russian Ambassador

Andrey Karlov, Russias ambassador to Turkey was shot dead on Monday evening as he
delivered a speech at a photo exposition. The killer, identified as Mert Altintas, was an off-duty
member of Ankaras police force.

The entire scene was extremely surreal because, beyond the violence, it was visually perfect.
It was a set piece made for mass media.
Related: Russian Officials: Highly Likely Ambassador Assassination a NATO False

Mert Altintas stood behind the ambassador, wearing a stylishly tailored black suit, which
sharply contrasted with the immaculate white background adorned with pictures of Russia.
Several gunshots then wring out and the ambassador falls on his back, suddenly lifeless. The
gunman then walks around the body, yelling Allahu Akbar and Dont forget Aleppo until
police finally manages to reach him and shoot him down.
As one reviews this surreal scene, one wonders: How was this even allowed to happen? How
come this 22-year-old, off-duty cop, who is part of the riot squad, was the only person standing
behind Karlov this entire time? Reports are now saying that the gunman refused security

The off-duty police officer who assassinated Russias ambassador to Turkey refused to go through an X-
ray security check before the shooting - but was let into the event anyway, according to a report.
The Hurriyet Daily News reported Tuesday that the assassin, Mevlt Mert Altintas, simply flashed his police
ID to enter Ankaras Contemporary Arts Center - where Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov was
scheduled to speak at a photo exhibition.

- Daily News, Assassin of Turkeys Russian ambassador refused security check before ambushing event
Related: Putin Assures Envoy Karlovs Murderers to Feel the Heat of Russian Response
Also, all signs point to the attack being ordered from above, Mert Altintas being the proverbial

It had been determined Tuesday if Altintas, 22, was part of a wider plan to take out the Russian
ambassador. But a senior Turkish official told the Associated Press Altintas likely did not act alone. The
official, speaking anonymously, called the killing fully professional, not a one-man action.

- Ibid.

Turkish authorities suspect that Altintas was under the influence of Fetullah Gulen, a Turkish
preacher who is currently based in the United States, in Pennsylvania. He is suspected of
being a CIA operative conducting operations meant to destabilize Erdogans government.

Although some draw comparisons between this event and the assassination that lead to WWI,
it is unlikely that the killing will cause significant change. It will most likely justify the Russian-
Turkish involvement in Syria.

Berlin Attack

The truck used to conduct the attack with Christmas decorations stuck on the windshield. Sadly symbolic

Related: Statement from President-Elect Donald J. Trump on the Attack in Berlin

Around the same time the assassination occurred in Turkey, a horrific attack took place in
Berlin killing 12 people and 48 others.
What authorities can say for certain is that a tractor-trailer with Polish license plates and laden with steel
rods jumped a sidewalk around 8 p.m. Monday and plowed into the market near the Kaiser Wilhelm
Memorial Church, a symbolic Berlin site whose spire, jagged from bomb damage, was intentionally left
unrepaired after World War II.

- NY Times, Berlin Christmas Market Was Target of Terrorist Attack, Angela Merkel Says

This event was also charged with symbolic meaning. It was not simply about killing people, it
was an attack on German culture, history and tradition. Christmas markets are a German
tradition originating from the Middle Ages where locals shop for various goods while getting into
the Christmas spirit.

The market that was attacked is situated near the Kaiser Wilheml Memorial church, a symbolic
piece of German history.

Related: The CIA Strikes Again?

The truck and the wreckage it caused at the foot of the Church. Although not all Germans are
religious, the building remains a piece of local history.
This bloody attack is therefore custom-built to anger the German population who have to
witness a beloved tradition being turned into a bloodbath by terrorists.

This anger might very well translate into votes against Merkel (and her open-door policy to
refugees) in the upcoming elections. It might also influence the French elections where Le Pen
is gaining traction.

At the time of writing this article, Berlin police detains a suspect who is said to be a refugee
from Pakistan. However, police also stated that they might have the wrong person and that the
true culprit might still be on the run. No matter who finally gets arrested, ultimate losers will be
citizens who will have to suffer through even more scrutiny, monitoring and surveillance for
more security.
The elites motto is Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out of Chaos) and Merkels policy brought to
Germany great deal of chaos. Now people will crave for order. And that order might come at a
terrible price.

In Conclusion

The two events described above were not only about killing people. They were about sending a
message. They were charged with symbolic meaning custom made for mass media and social

These events occurred at a sensitive time of the year, the winter solstice, a minor Sabbath,
historically celebrated with human sacrifice. Whether this date was intentionally selected or not,
the entire world was forced to witness a planned killing, a ritual sacrifice carried out
methodically as the killer screamed God is Great.

Top 10 Most Delusional Facts Of The Lunatic Left-Wing Fact-

December 22 2016 | From: NaturalNews

Since Facebook has announced its intention to erect a Ministry of

Truth echo chamber by labeling all news it doesnt like fake news, I
thought it appropriate to unveil the top 10 most delusional facts people
will be subjected to if they keep viewing Facebook, CNN, or any other news
propaganda being put out by what has become the mentally ill political left
As anyone with a functioning brain already knows, the unhinged left is utterly clueless
about the properties of facts or where they come from. To them, facts are whatever
their friends keep repeating, even if they have no basis whatsoever in evidence or

Related: The Western Presstitutes Are Firmly Based In Nazi Propaganda Techniques

In essence, facts are whatever they believe, while fake news is whatever you believe. (It
really is that simple in their feeble brains.)
So consider these top 10 most delusional facts well soon see rolled out as truth by the
newly-sprung news cartels operating inside Fakebook.

Fact #1: Eating Meat is Cruelty to Animals, But Harvesting the Organs of
Living, Partially-Born Human Babies Isnt Cruel at All

Somehow, the delusional left has decided that animals are conscious beings but not human
babies. Yeah, its insane, I know. Liberalism is best defined as a kind of mental illness where a
person can hold two utterly contradictory thoughts in their head at the same time while
simultaneously believing them both.

To demonstrate this particular brand of lunacy, a Beastie Boy recently announced a new line of
cruelty free sneakers with proceeds to benefit abortion providers. Yep, no animals were
harmed in the process of butchering these babies might as well be the sicko slogan of the
unhinged left.

Fact #2: If Not For the Burning of Fossil Fuels, Earths Climate Would
Never Change at All

At first, they called their hoax global warming, but when it turned out the Earth wasnt
warming at all - funny how that works when you use actual data instead of fraudulently altered
numbers - they had to roll out a more encompassing name: Climate Change.

According to Climate Change cultists - named thusly because no amount of evidence can alter
their faith in Climate Change - Earths climate never changed at all until humankind came
along and started burning fossil fuels.
But now - OMG! - every hurricane, flood, drought, forest fire and freezing arctic blast is
automatically attributed to climate change. Yep, especially among young leftists who have
been indoctrinated by the lies of government-run schools, they think their ancestors lived in a
time when Earth was eternal Spring, with no climate variation or natural disasters whatsoever.

Its only because you and I are using air conditioning and driving SUVs that the planet has
become angry, unleashing all sorts of climatic changes that otherwise would have never

This explanation, you may have noticed, closely resembles the superstitions of 5th-century
humans who largely believed that bad weather and solar eclipses were caused by angry gods
seeking to punish them. In over 1000 years, weve learned nothing, it seems, and
progressives have thrust us back to an era of incredible ignorance and superstition where
scientific evidence is abandoned for the sake of powerful cult-like beliefs.

Fact #3: People with XY Chromosomes Can Instantly Transform All Their
Genes Into XX Chromosomes by Declaring Themselves to be Women (the
Theory of Spontaneous Genetic Transmutation)

Ask any young liberal and theyll tell you there are at least 30 genders, maybe even more if you
count TransUnicorn. If you can stop laughing hilariously, ask them whether sex is determined
by genetic expression or by a choice. They will insist its a choice!
And just like that, the delusional leftists discard centuries of scientific knowledge in genetics,
sexual reproduction, phenotype expressions and physical reality. If you dare point out to them
that transgenderism is a mental illness, they will label you a purveyor of either hatred or fake

To them, a feeling is more REAL than actual science, you see. And if a young man sucks
down enough bisphenol-A to start feeling like a woman, then his womanhood is accepted as
a fact by the deranged lunatic left. Some of them even insist that such gender-fluid
biological males can get pregnant and have babies!

I have named this hilarious bit of leftish delusional idiocy the Theory of Spontaneous Genetic
Transmutation. This theory is quite literally accepted as fact by nearly every liberal under the
age of 30.

Fact #4: Media News Coverage During the Presidential Campaign Was
Completely Fair to Both Clinton and Trump, But the DNC Hacks Were One-
Sided, and Thus Totally Unfair

Yep, according to the delusional left, the almost universally glowing media coverage of Hillary
Clinton - alongside relentless media attacks waged against Trump - were fair and balanced.
But Trump won the election because the DNC hacks (which were actually leaks from a Bernie
Sanders supporter, not hacks at all) were totally unfair because they only leaked the emails of
the democrats, not republicans.
Kellyanne Conway: CIA Should Go and Testify and Stop Leaking to the Media

Hidden in that protest is an astonishing presumption that all the leaked DNC emails were
true! And they reveal a deeply shocking level of collusion inside the DNC to destroy Bernie
Sanders and steal the nomination for Hillary Clinton.

Fact #5: Hillary Clinton Should be President Because She Won the
Popular Vote, But When Bernie Sanders Kept Winning the Popular Vote
During the Primary, Clinton Somehow Got All the Delegates Hmmm

Hilariously, the Clinton campaign (and all delusional leftists in general) only believes in popular
votes when they win the popular vote.

When they dont win the popular vote, they believe in rigging the delegates to make sure their
candidate gets the delegate votes even if they lost the popular vote. This is exactly how Hillary
Clinton kept walking away with the vast majority of delegates even in states where Bernie
Sanders won the popular votes (sometimes in a landslide).

Beyond all that, the presidential election is not determined by popular votes, or else Donald
Trump would have campaigned heavily in places like New York City and Los Angeles.

The winner is determined by Electoral Votes, which is why Donald Trump campaigned in
the areas that deliver electoral victories. (Gosh, is he supposed to be a bad person for
following the rules and winning by those rules?)

Judge Jeanine: I'll tell you what hope is, Michelle

If the Clinton campaign didnt think the Electoral College was fair, why didnt they protest
it before the results revealed Hillary to be the loser? The answer, of course, is because nearly
every leftist in America was completely convinced that Hillary Clinton would win the election
(because thats what the media echo chamber told them).
Hilariously, this caused many of them to avoid going out to vote, thereby ensuring their ballot
box loss. CNNs false media narrative that Hillary was unbeatable, in other words, may have
actually handed Donald Trump the election victory. (Such is the price of extreme arrogance.)

Fact #6: Theres No Such Thing as a Hate Crime Against White People

According to the lunatic left, hate crimes can only be committed by white people against
people of color. The opposite cannot occur because white people deserve to be beaten,
raped, or shot by people of color, you see. (For the record, I am a person of color, which means
I am therefore incapable of committing any hate crime myself, you see.)

Thus, when a group of Black Lives Matter terrorists marches in the streets calling for the open
murder of white people - or dragging people out of their vehicles and beating them solely
because of their white skin color - they are not engage in hate crimes at all, according to the
delusional left.

Instead, they are said to be engaged in social justice. Because, you see, violence is always
called justice by the worst criminals in every collapsing society.

This is why the entire left-wing media censors all news about black people attacking white
people, but strongly emphasizes all news about white people attacking black people. Its all
part of controlling the narrative to paint the kind of one-sided propaganda that the delusional
left depends on for its very survival.

For the record, here at Natural News, we believe that there is no such thing as a thought
crime. Crimes of violence are crimes in and of themselves due to their actions. Attaching a
layer of hate to the motivation behind such a crime is a grave injustice.
Crimes should be prosecuted based on the actions of those who committed them, not on the
words uttered while carrying them out. Otherwise, we are admitting that words are crimes.

Fact #7: Guns Are Conscious, Self-Animating Objects That Leap Out Of
Their Holsters and Shoot People All On Their Own

According to delusional leftists who essentially believe in magic, guns are self-directed
objects that shoot people all on their own. Leftists truly believe that a gun in a room can leap
to its feet, target individuals and discharge bullets without needing to be actuated by the will of
a person.

This is where the delusional left comes up with meaningless phrases like gun violence,
placing the emphasis on the inanimate object rather than the person deploying it. There is no
such thing as gun violence any more than there is hammer violence when murderers use

When Somali tribes commit mass murder against each other using machetes, the left never
describes such events as machete violence and tries to blame machetes. Ever wonder why?
Because that would sound incredibly stupid.

But when it comes to guns, the left gladly invokes the phrase gun violence in order to blame
guns rather than people. Its a deliberately loaded phrase thats designed to blame guns rather
than the mostly left-wing criminals who use them to commit violence against society.

Similarly, when radical Islamic terrorists used an ice cream truck to mow down tourists in Paris,
the left-wing media reported the mass murder as being carried out by the truck! News reports
proclaimed, TRUCK runs over 85 people or Authorities are searching for TRUCK that
murdered 85

Somehow, it never occurs to idiotic leftists that a terrorist was driving the truck. And if trucks are
such murderous instruments of death, then why isnt the left calling for a nationwide truck

Fact #8: Only Progressives Can Identify Facts Everyone Else

Doesnt Know What Theyre Talking About

This fact is the best one of all. According to the delusional, fringe left, only people who
support left-wing policies can recognize or identify facts.

This twisted special sauce of circular logic is what leftists tell themselves when they proclaim
their version of facts to be absolute and authoritative, while anyone elses version of facts
are nothing but lies and falsehoods.

Related: Facebook's plan to tackle fake news raises questions over limitations

Thus, the lunatic left believes it gets facts straight from God in a sort of divining ritual from
which indisputable facts emerge much like a genie might appear after vigorously rubbing a
brass lamp.

This monopoly of facts is the sole domain of liberals, you see, and they know this because so
many of them agree with that supposition, thus proving it to be true by social consensus.
They surveyed each other, you see, and now they cite the survey which states that 100% of all
people everywhere participate in surveys. This, too, is a fact of the delusional left-wing

(Its kind of convenient for journalists at the Washington Post when they merely need to cite
each other as unnamed sources for whatever news they happen to be fabricating at the
moment, too.

Who needs actual intelligence sources when WashPost reporters can circle jerk each other for
made-up quotes that get worked into their front page fabrications?)

Fact #9: Intentions Count MoreThan Actions

Obama is a good President and a good person. How do we know that? Because he has good

Never mind the fact that he doubled the national debt to nearly $20 trillion. Never mind the fact
that his DOJ masterminded a gun-running operation to put illegal weapons into the hands of
Mexican drug cartels (Operation Fast and Furious).

Never mind the indisputable observation that he was a race baiter who created division, hatred
and distrust across Americas cultural fabric. And pay no attention to the astonishing job loss,
unemployment and plummeting wages caused by the Obamacare scheme he championed as
some sort of twisted, pathetic legacy.

Nope, youre not supposed to consider actual reality when it comes to judging people on the
left. They are all given a pass on their behavior as long as they have good intentions, you

This is why it doesnt matter to the left that Bill Clinton is an accused rapist, sexual molester
and repeated attacker of multiple women who have openly and publicly accused him of sexual

According to the delusional left, Bill Clinton gets a free pass on all that because hes a good
liberal. He has compassion, dont you know? He supports abortion, carbon taxes and banning
the Second Amendment. Thus, according to the left, it doesnt matter how many women he
raped, abused or molested.

Facts be damned. When it comes to protecting the champions of the political left, no amount of
legitimate evidence of criminal wrongdoing can overcome the lefts blind faith in their so-called
leaders, even if they be pedophiles ordering sicko sessions with minors like buying pizza off a

Fact #10: Bigger Government is Always the Answer

No matter what challenges society may face, the disconnected left believes bigger government
is always the answer.

Got a problem with people drinking too much soda? We need bigger government to function as
food police and criminalize large sodas offerings.

Are too many dementia patients forgetting where they are and wandering aimlessly across mall
parking lots? We need bigger government, the left insists, to microchip and track the location of
all those afflicted with mental disorders. (Its true, Congress just passed the law for
government to microchip citizens.)
Cant afford your rent? Mobile phone bills? Groceries? Dont worry, the government will create
a new program to take money from all those who earned it and redistribute the funds to loyal
democrat voters who consume it (while, of course, padding the pockets of the politically
connected elite along the way).

According to the delusional left, theres no problem too large that even larger government cant
solve! Their utopian economy, in fact, is a system where the free market is abolished and
replaced by a centrally planned economy which values equality above all else.

Our world already has a system like that, by the way. Its called Venezuela. And right now, all
the self-righteous Venezuelans who voted for equality are eating out of grocery store
dumpsters while having their cash criminalized and confiscated by the very same government
they stupidly put into power. (Will socialists never learn?)

The Greatest Fact of All is the Fact That Leftists Have Increasingly
Become Fact-Free Lunatics

So lets cut the crap. Almost everything the lunatic left insists is a fact turns out to be a fairy
tale or outright lie. Polar bears are going extinct! If you like your doctor, you can keep your
doctor! Raising taxes on corporations is good for creating jobs!

Hillary Clinton believes in honoring the outcome of all democratic elections except for the
ones she loses.
And if you lose an election in a democracy, the correct course of action, according to the left, is
to keep threatening electoral voters with murder until you get your way.

It turns out that, for the most part, leftists are fact-free lunatics. I could lay out a hundred
striking examples of the lunacy and contradictions of the delusional left, but you probably
already see many of them yourself.

The left has become so deranged and disconnected from reality that their cheap tactics of
race baiting and slandering their political opponents simply dont work anymore.

The political left in America, which was once a semi-respected organization that opposed
George Bushs corporate-run wars and fought to reduce air pollution has become a twisted
cabal of deranged fringe lunatics who have already crossed the threshold of mental illness.
Now, with the help of Fakebook - which has become the online equivalent of Darth Vader -
theyre going to try to steamroll society with a whole new set of fabricated facts that will
also fail miserably just like their recent election efforts.

Facts are stubborn things. More importantly, no one has a monopoly on them.

Those who try to censor whatever facts they dont agree with will only end up making the
things they dispute increasingly popular for the simple reason that human beings are curious
about the world around them, and they dont take kindly to having a homogenized, sanitized
worldview shoved down their throats by self-proclaimed fact checkers who genuinely belong
in a psychiatric ward.

But dont take my word for anything. After all, everything Ive written here is merely my opinion.
Open your eyes, explore the world for yourself, and make up your own mind.

That simple act, by the way, will make you a lifelong enemy of the left which demands you
remain blindly obedient to their facts even when your own direct experiences contradict

Remember: The ultimate goal of the radical left is to make you abandon trust in your own
senses, thoughts and logical conclusions. Only then can they dominate your existence with
their fabrications that any clear-headed person would instantly see right through.

Related: As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

Facebook To Become Left-Wing Propaganda Echo Chamber With

Orwellian Plan To Label Independent Journalism Fake +
Facebook Jumps On Fake News Fact-Checker Train, Will Roll
Out With PolitiFact
December 21 2016 | From: NaturalNews / WashingtonTimes

Facebook has announced a new plan today that will very quickly transform
the social media site into an echo chamber of left-wing media lies and
delusional propaganda (just like weve recently seen pushed by the
Washington Post).

The new effort will rely on left-wing fact checker organizations

like Politifact and Snopes to determine the truthiness of news stories,
reports Business Insider. Those stories deemed by left-wing fact checkers to be
inaccurate will be buried in Facebook users feeds as a form of organized totalitarian

Related: PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation

This Ministry of Truth news dictatorship plan will, of course, transform Facebook into nothing
more than a news bubble where left-wing propaganda is repeated as fact while independent
journalism is labeled fake.
This means all stories that are critical of vaccines, GMOs, Planned Parenthood or Hillary
Clinton will be censored out of existence. The political left, you see, doesnt seek to win any
debate at all their goal is to ban the debate so that you never read any views other than
theirs. (They cant win any legitimate debates or legitimate elections, so they cheat.)

In essence, Facebook has now announced its going to become the North Korea of social

Facebooks Fact Checkers Are Left-Wing Propagandsts Who Despise

Factual Journalism

We believe providing more context can help people decide for themselves what to trust and what to
share, the company said.

Weve started a program to work with third-party fact checking organizations that are signatories of
Poynters International Fact Checking Code of Principles. Well use the reports from our community, along
with other signals, to send stories to these organizations.

Facebook has announced it will introduce warning labels on stories they deem to be fake
news, with the help of partisan fact checking organisations such as Snopes and
PolitiFact, reports

Business Insider reports that these organisations will include the likes of Snopes, ABC,
Politifact, and, all of which have records of left-wing partisanship - particularly
throughout the 2016 election.

For example, PolitiFact infamously said it was mostly false when Donald Trump claimed in a
presidential debate that Hillary Clinton wanted open borders. PolitiFact made this ruling
despite Clinton being on the record at a paid speech saying My dream is a hemispheric
common market, with open trade and open borders.

Trump also said that Russia has 1,800 nuclear warheads and has expanded its arsenal while
the U.S. has not. PolitiFact admitted that Trumps claim was factual, but it rated the statement
as half true for supposedly missing the big picture.

In both of these cases, PolitiFact went beyond mere fact-checking and moved the goal posts in
ways that benefited Clintons candidacy.

This type of ideological fact checking went beyond parody during Octobers
presidential debates, with NBC taking Trumps statement that Clinton acid washed her
emails (a reference to the data deletion tool BleachBit) 100% literally and declaring
the statement false.

Its Time to Leave Facebook and Discover Alternatives Like Diaspora or

As Facebook turns into an echo chamber of mentally ill liberal whackos, informed people will
look elsewhere for uncensored, independent news. One of the best alternatives for Facebook
is Diaspora, a network of independent social media hubs run by independent, open source
organizations like Natural News.

Our Diaspora hub is found at, and its rapidly growing. There, youll
receive every story we post, unlike Facebook where 99% of our posts are deliberately buried
by Facebook itself. is also rapidly growing, promising uncensored free speech in a social media format.
You can find my articles posted in real time at these two accounts: /

Join all these sources so that you can stay informed. Understand that Facebook, Google,
Twitter, Yahoo and all the other internet gatekeepers are now engaged in an all out war
against independent news, hoping to censor it out of existence.

(Theyve lost the narrative, and they lost the election. Now theyre desperate to destroy
whatever voices they dont control but it will only cause them to lose their audience.)

A Mass Exodus Away From Fakebook

By censoring independent journalism, Facebook is going to lose tens of millions of

users who will simply go somewhere else. The left-wing propaganda swallowers who stay
behind at Facebook will simply become increasingly misinformed and mentally ill as they
follow the left-wing media down the rabbit hole of delusional Russian hacker conspiracy
theories and hatred against America, the Constitution and the entire male population in

It wont be long, probably, before Snopes officially confirms that having white skin makes you
a racist, or that all men are evil due to their genetics.

Politifact might throw down its own delusional facts that claim Donald Trump was hypnotized
by the Russians as a Manchurian candidate to commit genocide against women (or whatever)
whose body parts will be harvested for organ donations to gray aliens from planet

I cant wait for Snopes to confirm that people can transform XY chromosomes into XX
chromosomes by declaring themselves to be transgender. Before long, everything pushed by
the left - from climate change lunacy to transgender psychosis - will be rooted in sheer
delusion that stands in complete contradiction to scientific reality.

Yet it will all be pushed by Facebook as verified fact. To the utterly insane left, facts
are whatever they believe in, no matter how disconnected from reality they might be.

We have now entered the Orwellian nightmare we all knew was coming. The good news is that
you can simply change the channel and escape the nightmare by avoiding Facebook

Its time to #DumpFacebook for good.

Related: Over The Top! MSM Calls For Banning Alex Jones From The Airwaves

Facebook Jumps On Fake News Fact-Checker Train, Will Roll

Out With PolitiFact
Facebook announced Thursday that it is ready to roll out a process by
which alleged fake news is identified and flagged for users.
Concern for so-called fake news, which has permeated the media landscape since
Democrat Hillary Clintons Election Day loss to Republican Donald Trump, will now be
met by Facebook in a major way.

Related: Facebook to Restrict Content by Morphing Into Virtual TV Network

The social media giants newsroom announced that it will partner with third-party organizations
to identify hoaxes and unreliable stories.

We believe providing more context can help people decide for themselves what to trust and what to
share, the company said.

Weve started a program to work with third-party fact checking organizations that are signatories of
Poynters International Fact Checking Code of Principles. Well use the reports from our community, along
with other signals, to send stories to these organizations.

According to Facebook, if the fact checking organizations identify a story as fake, it will get
flagged as disputed and there will be a link to the corresponding article explaining why. Stories
that have been disputed may also appear lower in News Feed.

Still, CEO Mark Zuckerbergs company said its workforce and partners cannot become
arbiters of truth while essentially designating them as such. One of the organizations
Facebook plans on teaming up with is Snopes, which bills itself as an essential resource for
Others groups the social media platform will work with include ABC News,,
PolitiFact, and The Associated Press.

Conservative commentators were quick to put forth a who watches the watchmen counter-

Sometimes the experts are also partisans who have an agenda. That was certainly the case with regard to
Obamacare, wrote Hotairs John Sexton on Thursday.

Health care wonks like Ezra Klein and Jonathan Gruber knew a great deal about the program.

They were also prepared to help their Democratic allies in government lie to the public if necessary to see
it succeed. Its not that they didnt know the truth its just that they werent going to share all of it (except
occasionally to a friendly audience).

Now imagine applying these new rules retroactively to this story. Would any story which challenged
Obamas statement be flagged as fake news prior to 2013?

The Weekly Standards Mark Hemingway concurred.

Two university studies show PolitiFact rates the GOP as liars over Democrats at a rate of 3 to 1
and 2 to 1 respectively. [] I once asked the head of PolitiFact to explain a university study
suggesting they were biased, Mr. Hemingway said in a series of tweets.

He no joke told me that based on what people tell him at parties he thinks hes fair. I could go
on but the idea of PolitiFact censoring political speech at any major social media network is

Facebook, for all intents and purposes, dismissed such concerns as hyperbole over a work-in-
progress with good intentions.

Were excited about this progress, but we know theres more to be done, the company wrote. Were
going to keep working on this problem for as long as it takes to get it right.
The New Zealand Road Toll Statistics They Tried To Bury
December 20 2016 | From: BreakingViews

I checked the latest road toll statistics a few days ago. Interesting. For the
year from January 1, road deaths were up from 291 last year to 300.

For the 12 months to Tuesday, they were up from 315 to 328. For driver fatalities, the
figures were up from 138 to 151 (for the calendar year to date) and from 146 to 170 (over
12 months). These are not big increases, but they appear to be more than mere
statistical blips.

Related: The Rise And Rise Of Control-Freak Government

Even more interesting are some of the figures from a Ministry of Transport booklet
called Alcohol and Drugs 2016.
Most of the tables in the booklet pull together figures covering the years 2013-2015 without
breaking them down year by year. They reveal that alcohol and/or drugs contributed to 12 per
cent of fatal smashes.

This might come as a surprise. Given the official obsession with alcohol as a risk factor (all
those checkpoints, all those TV ads, all those earnest lectures from senior police officers every
holiday period), I imagine most people would have thought the ratio of deaths attributable to
booze must be much higher.
But what especially interested me was whether road deaths involving alcohol had decreased
since the legal blood-alcohol limit was lowered on December 1 2014.

This is information of some importance, since the objective of the law change was to reduce
the road toll. But you have to turn to page 8 before you find any figures relating to the year after
the new limits kicked in.

These reveal that the number of alcohol-affected drivers involved in fatal crashes actually
increased from 70 to 90 in the 12 months after the new law came into effect.

This was not what we were led to expect. It is the opposite of what the new limit was intended
to achieve, which was to deter people who had been drinking from getting behind the wheel.

Opponents of the law change argued that it would punish safe, law-abiding motorists
while hard-core drink-drivers would continue to flout the law with impunity. That
appears to be precisely what has happened.
Drink-drive fatalities last year were the highest since 2010. In the 20-24 age group, the number
of alcohol-affected male drivers involved in fatal crashes increased from 12 to 22 thats
nearly double. For men overall, the number was up from 56 to 82.

If the numbers had gone the other way, Im sure the ministry would have been shouting from
the rooftops. As it is, its hard to escape the impression the figures were buried.

We shouldnt be in the least bit surprised that the law change hasnt delivered the
promised improvement. Control-freak policy-makers and poll-driven politicians refuse to
accept that human behaviour cant conveniently be changed by legislative decree.
Related: 8 Ways Control Freak Government Is Sabotaging Freedom And Making Life
More Difficult For Us

Thats also apparent from the anti-smacking law (on average, one child continues to be killed
by domestic violence every five weeks while responsible parents risk prosecution for
disciplining out-of-control kids with a harmless slap) and from laughably ineffective dog-control
rules, which have entered a whole new realm of fantasy with the expectation that owners of
dangerous dogs will obtain special high-risk dog owner licences, submit their dogs to good
citizenship tests, have their properties inspected and demonstrate they understand their legal

Yeah, right. Cant you just see gang members meekly queuing at council offices to fill in
the forms and register their blood-flecked pitbulls for obedience training?

Now heres the key point. Any benefits arising from lower blood-alcohol limits and so far there
dont seem to be any should be weighed against the social downsides.

As we brace for the annual bout of Christmas finger-wagging, we should ask whether
New Zealanders enjoyment of life has been unnecessarily diminished just to satisfy the
bureaucratic urge to regulate and control.

Theres an economic cost too. Country pubs - the heart of some rural communities - are going
out of business and wineries can expect fewer summer visitors because people fret that a
harmless tasting will push them over the limit.

Any supposed benefit must also be weighed against the undoubted change in the public
attitude toward the police, who are increasingly resented as bullies and harassers - unwilling or
unable to attend burglaries, but never short of the numbers to run alcohol checkpoints at all
hours of the day, or to hamper law-abiding bar owners in their attempts to run a business, or to
make the staging of public events such as wine festivals so onerous that some participating
companies decide that it's just not worth the effort any more.

Comment: Anyone who still thinks the Police do not have quotas to meet for traffic and
other 'offences' is deluded. It has been established as fact and I and many others have
heard it admitted.

Poll: Americans Backing President-Elect Donald Trump Just
Weeks After Bitter Campaign + A "Soft Coup" Attempt: Furious
Trump Slams "Secret" CIA Report Russia Helped Him Win
December 19 2016 | From: Breitbart / AllNewsPipeline / Various

President-elect Donald J. Trump heads into his Jan. 20 inauguration riding

a wave of approval from Americans, according to a national Remington
Research Group poll conducted Dec. 11 and Dec. 12 with 1,945 voters.

America is five weeks removed from one of the most negative presidential campaigns
in history, said Titus Bond, Remingtons director of research.

Related: Top Pollster: Trump Could Create Long Term Majority And Change Politics as
We Know It

Donald Trump has been able to improve his image in a very short span and if that continues he will govern
with a mandate, he said. Forty-seven percent of Americans view the president-elect favorably with 41
percent viewing him unfavorably with 12 percent having no opinion.

The poll carries a 2.3 percent margin of error and was paid for and commissioned independent
of any campaign or committee.
Related: Republican Elector Slams Coup Detat Attempt to Overturn a Fair and Legal

Bond said the direct reason for Trumps approval rating improving is the success of the stock

The Dow Jones Industrial Index closed Nov. 7 at 18,259.60, the day before the presidential
election and the DJIA closed Dec. 9 at 19,756.85.

Trumps rebounding image could be attributed directly to the stock market, he said. Fifty-nine percent of
Americans believe stock market gains are attributed to the election of Donald Trump, with 30 percent
saying Trump is solely responsible for the gains. Just 30 percent of Americans believe the election of
Trump had nothing to do with the rise in the stock market.

The poll showed that people are siding with Trump against the press, he said.

Half of all Americans believe the media has been unfair in its coverage of Trump with 39 percent saying
the media has been fair, Bond said.
The mainstream media is viewed negatively by 57 percent of Americans with just 25 percent viewing
mainstream media outlets favorably, he said.

Americans have a mixed opinion of the team the president-elect is putting together for his
cabinet, Bond said.

Forty percent of poll participants said they approved of Trumps selections and 43 percent
disapproved, he said.
Related: Forbes List of Worlds Most Powerful People: 1. Putin, 2. Trump 48. Obama

Americans are also split when asked if Donald Trump will make America great again, Bond
said. Forty-three percent believe he will and 43 percent do not believe he will, while 46 percent
said they think the United States will be more safe under a Trump presidency and 43 percent
believe America will be less safe.

Remington Research Group is a polling firm that specializes in automated IVR technology.
Remington Research Group accurately predicted the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election
and its surveys have been featured in RealClearPolitics, Newsweek, U.S. News & World
Report, the Wall Street Journal, 538 and numerous local media throughout the United States.

Related: NYT Claims Trump a Threat to Democracy

A "Soft Coup" Attempt: Furious Trump Slams "Secret" CIA Report

Russia Helped Him Win

Recently the media propaganda wars escalated after the late Friday
release of an article by the Washington Post(which last week admitted to
using unverified, or fake, news in an attempt to smear other so-called "fake
news" sites) according to which a secret CIA assessment found that Russia
sought to tip last months U.S. presidential election in Donald Trumps
favor, a conclusion presented without any actual evidence, and which drew
an extraordinary, and angry rebuke from the president-elects camp.
These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass
destruction, Trumps transition team said, launching a broadside against the spy

Related: Washington Post goes full treason fabricates entire story falsely claiming
Trump won because of Russian hacks

"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. Its now time
to move on and Make America Great Again.

The Washington Post report comes after outgoing President Barack Obama ordered a review
of all cyberattacks that took place during the 2016 election cycle, amid growing calls from
Congress for more information on the extent of Russian interference in the campaign.

The newspaper cited officials briefed on the matter as saying that individuals with connections
to Moscow provided WikiLeaks with email hacked from the Democratic National Committee,
Democratic nominee Hillary Clintons campaign chief and others.

Without a shred of evidence provided, and despite Wikileaks' own on the record denial that the
source of the emails was Russian, the WaPo attack piece claims the email messages were
steadily leaked out via WikiLeaks in the months before the election, damaging Clintons White
House run.

Essentially, according to the WaPo, the Russians aim was to help Donald Trump win and not
just undermine the U.S. electoral process, hinting at a counter-Hillary intent on the side of

It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russias goal here was to favor one
candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected, the newspaper quoted a senior U.S. official
briefed on an intelligence presentation last week to key senators as saying. Thats the consensus view.
CIA agents told the lawmakers it was quite clear - although it was not reported exactly what
made it "clear" - that electing Trump was Russias goal, according to officials who spoke to the
Post, citing growing evidence from multiple sources.

And yet, key questions remain unanswered, and the CIAs report fell short of being a
formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies the newspaper said,
for two reasons.

As we reported in November "The "Fact" That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia

is Behind the Email Hacks Isnt ActuallyA "Fact", and then also because aside from so-
called "consensus", there is - once again - no evidence,otherwise the appropriate agencies
would have long since released it, and this is nothing more than another propaganda
attempt to build tension with Russia.

In fact, the WaPo admits as much in the following text, which effectively destroys the article's
entire argument:

"The CIA presentation to senators about Russias intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment
produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among
intelligence officials about the agencys assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered.
For example, intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the
Kremlin directing the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second
senior U.S. official said.

Those actors, according to the official, were one step removed from the Russian government, rather than
government employees. Moscow has in the past used middlemen to participate in sensitive intelligence
operations so it has plausible deniability.

Ill be the first one to come out and point at Russia if theres clear evidence, but there is no clear
evidence - even now, said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. Theres a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial
evidence, thats it.

And since even the WaPo is forced to admit that intelligence agents dont have the proof that
Russian officials directed the identified individuals to supply WikiLeaks with the hacked
Democratic emails, the best it can do is speculate based on circumstantial inferences,
especially since, as noted above, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has denied links with
Russias government, putting the burden of proof on the side of those who challenge the
Wikileaks narrative.

So far that proof has not been provided.

Related: Trumps Showdown with the Deep State

Nonetheless, at the White House, Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz said Obama called
for the cyberattacks review earlier this week to ensure the integrity of our elections.

This report will dig into this pattern of malicious cyberactivity timed to our elections, take stock of our
defensive capabilities and capture lessons learned to make sure that we brief members of Congress and
stakeholders as appropriate, Schultz said.

Taking the absurdity to a whole new level, Obama wants the report completed before his term
ends on January 20, by none other than a proven and confirmed liar: "The review will be
led by James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, officials said."

In other words, the report that the Kremlin stole the election should be prepared by the
time Trump is expected to be sworn in.
We are going to make public as much as we can, the spokesman added. This is a major priority for the

The move comes after Democrats in Congress pressed the White House to reveal details, to
Congress or to the public, of Russian hacking and disinformation in the election.

On Oct. 7, one month before the election, the Department of Homeland Security and the
Director of National Intelligence announced that:

The Russian Government directed the recent compromises of emails from U.S. persons and institutions,
including from U.S. political organizations. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the
U.S. election process, they said.

Trump dismissed those findings in an interview published Wednesday by Time magazine for its
Person of the Year award. Asked if the intelligence was politicized, Trump answered: I think

Related: 2016 Person Of The Year - Donald Trump

I dont believe they interfered, he said. It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some
guy in his home in New Jersey.

Worried that Trump will sweep the issue under the rug after his inauguration, seven Democrats
on the Senate Intelligence Committee called on Nov. 29 for the White House to declassify what
it knows about Russian interference. The seven have already been briefed on the classified
details, suggesting they believe there is more information the public should know.

On Tuesday this week, leading House Democrats called on Obama to give members of the
entire Congress a classified briefing on Russian interference, from hacking to the spreading of
fake news stories to mislead U.S. voters.

Republicans in Congress have also promised hearings into Russian activities once the new
administration comes in. Obamas homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said the
cyberinterference goes back to the 2008 presidential race, when both the Obama and John
McCain campaigns were hit by malicious computer intrusions.


An interesting aside to emerge from last night's hit piece and the Trump team response is that
there is now a full blown turf war between Trump and the CIA, as NBC's Chuck Todd observed
in a series of late Friday tweets:
To which Glenn Greenwald provided the best counterargument:
However, of the mini Tweetstorm, this was the most important aspect: the veiled suggestion
that in addition to Russia, both the FBI and the Obama presidency prevented Hillary from
becoming the next US president...

...which in light of these stunning new unproven and baseless allegations, she may very well
have renewed aspirations toward.

So while there is no "there" there following the WaPo's latest attempt to fan the rarging fires of
evidence-free propaganda, or as the WaPo itself would say "fake news", here is why the story
has dramatic implications. First, the only two quotes which matter:

"...There is no clear evidence - even now, said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the
House Intelligence Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. Theres a lot of
innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, thats it.

"...Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said. The review will be led
by [PROVEN LIAR] James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, officials said."

And then the summary:

1. Announce "consensus" (not unanimous) "conclusion" based in circumstantial

evidence now, before the Electoral College vote, then write a report with actual details
due by Jan 20.

2. Put a proven liar in charge of writing the report on Russian hacking.

3. Fail to mention that not one of the leaked DNC or Podesta emails has been shown to
be inauthentic. So the supposed Russian hacking simply revealed truth about Hillary,
DNC, and MSM collusion and corruption.

4. Fail to mention that if hacking was done by or for US government to stop Hillary,
blaming the Russians would be the most likely disinformation used by US agencies.

5. Expect every pro-Hillary lapdog journalist - which is virtually all of them - in America
will hyperventilate (Twitter is currently on fire) about this latest fact-free, anti-Trump
political stunt for the next nine days.

Or, as a reader put it, this is a soft coup attempt by leaders of Intel community and
Obama Admin to influence the Electoral College vote, similar to the 1960s novel "Seven
Days in May."

Related: Michigan Elector: Anti-Trump Celebrities Are Not Smarter Than the American

A CIA-Led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before

Our Eyes +
The Albuquerque Journal Asks The Relevant Question: Just Who
Is Undermining Election? Russians Or CIA?
December 19 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / AlbJournal

This article by Moon of Alabama is not conspiracy theory: The "Elite" Coup
of 2016 - Read it carefully. Check out the links.
Putin stands in brazen defiance of the New World Order globalist agenda - another thing that makes him a target

The article is a documented and accurate description of a coup that is underway. The
extraordinary lies that are being perpetrated by the media and by members of the US
government have as their obvious purpose the prevention of a Donald Trump

Related: Obama Must Declassify Evidence of Russian Hacking

There is no other reason for the extraordinary blatant lies for which there is not a shred of
evidence. Indeed, there is massive real evidence to the contrary. Yet the coup proceeds and
gathers steam.
President Eisenhower warned us more than a half century ago of the danger that the
military/security complex presents to US democracy. In the decades since Eisenhowers
warning, the military/security complex has become more powerful than the American people
and is demonstrating its power by overturning a presidential election.

Will the coup succeed?

In my opinion, former and present members of the US government and the media would
not dare to so obviously and openly participate in a coup against democracy and an
elected president unless they expect the coup to succeed.

It is an easy matter for the ruling interests to bribe electors to vote differently than their states.
The cost of the bribes is miniscule compared to the wealth and income streams that a trillion
dollar annual budget provides to the military/security complex.

The fake news of a Putin/Trump election-stealing plot generated by unsupported allegations of

present and former members of US intelligence, the lame-duck President Obama, and the
presstitute media provide the cover for electors to break with precedent in order to save
America from a Russian stooge.
Related: Larry Nichols: Globalists Readying Lawsuits to Shut Down Free Press

The CIA-controlled European media, the politicians in Washingtons European vassal states,
NATO officials, and the brainwashed European peoples will support the coup against Trump.

The only ones speaking against the coup are the voters who elected Trump - all of whom are
alleged to have been deceived by Russian fake news - the Russian government, and the 200
websites falsely described by the Washington Post and the secret organization PropOrNot as
Russian agents.

In other words, those objecting to the coup are the ones described by the coup leaders as
those who made the coup necessary.

I do not know that the coup will succeed, but looking at the commitment so many high
level people have made to the coup, I conclude that those bringing the coup expect it to

Therefore, we should take very seriously the expectation of success that those who control
levers of power are demonstrating.

Related Articles:

Obama Vows Retaliation Against "Russia Hacking", To Hold Press Conference On


New York Times To Vacate 8 Floors From Its Iconic Building In Manhattan

The Albuquerque Journal Asks The Relevant Question: Just Who

Is Undermining Election? Russians Or CIA?
Congress needs to dust off its Magic 8 Ball. At this point, how else are our
elected representatives going to get to the bottom of allegations that
Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, tried to influence the U.S. general
After all, the Central Intelligence Agency isnt being very open at least not with our
elected representatives.

Related: Senate Quietly Passes The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act"

Instead of briefing the House Intelligence Committee about the alleged Russian role in hacked
emails made public during the campaign which Democrats desperately seek to blame for
Hillary Clintons loss the agency is leaking conclusions without facts to the Washington
Post, New York Times and television networks.

The media, naturally, are quick to report the anonymous bits of blame Putin information to the

So to the extent Putin meddled, our own spies have at least matched his efforts to discredit our
electoral system.

To recap: Private emails from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign
were made public via WikiLeaks, allegedly through hacking, even though the FBI had
tried to warn the DNC back in September 2015 of problems with its security system.

The agency couldnt get past the partys technical help desk harking back to Hillarys
email security problems on her own private server.
Pizzagate Podesta

Related: Heres the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC - Its Not Enough

The media reported on the leaks daily and if a reporter had obtained the same
information from inside sources, there would be no controversy at all.

Todays uproar is over the source not the substance.

But the CIAs alleged conclusion that Russia intervened to help Trump win does not
square with comments made Nov. 17 by James Clapper, director of National Intelligence.
He said he lacked good insight about whether there was a connection between the
WikiLeaks releases and Russia.

Congressional Republican leaders are taking the allegations seriously. The Russians are not
our friends, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. House Speaker Paul Ryan called
any Russian intervention;

"Especially problematic because, under President Putin, Russia has been an aggressor that consistently
undermines American interests.

But Intelligence Committee member Peter King of New York flatly accused the U.S. intelligence
community of waging a disinformation campaign aimed at undermining Trumps credibility if
not changing the course of the Electoral College.

Not surprisingly, President Obama is seizing a newfound political opportunity and is

taking a new interest despite earlier claims of knowing all along of Russian shenanigans
but choosing not to go public with whatever evidence he had none of which he has
This is from a man who plays imaginary golf

He has ordered an investigation into whether Russia has attempted to influence U.S.
elections going back to 2008. He said the reported CIA findings should come as no surprise
to anyone, as suspicions that Russia was trying to influence the election were widely reported
before the general election. Clinton herself spoke frequently about the possibility.

President-elect Donald Trump rejected the idea that Russia helped him win as

Concerning the source of the leaked emails, on Sunday he told Chris Wallace of Fox

"Personally, it could be Russia. I dont really think it is. But who knows? They dont know and I dont

The source of the campaign leaks remains an interesting question, but one unlikely to be
answered credibly unless the CIA coughs up its findings to Congress. Cooperation also might
help answer the question of possible Russian motives if it was involved:

Was it to cast doubt on the U.S. election system? If so, it was highly successful with the
help of our own intelligence community and desperate Democrats who simply cant
accept that Trump won 306 Electoral College votes.

Though the CIA based its supposed findings of pro-Trump intervention on the fact that no
Republican emails were leaked before the election, the Republican National Committee says it
wasnt hacked.

And Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange stands firm in his claim the Russians were not the
source of the leaks. Cyber hacking has become one of the mainstays of life Yahoo most
recently was hacked of more than one billion user accounts.

And intervention into foreign elections is something many nations, including the United States,
do regularly. Obama recently tried to influence the Brexit vote.
And while nobody should feel good about foreign interests intervening in U.S. elections,
the reluctance of the U.S. intelligence community to share its information with official
sources charged with making decisions about national security, while leaking
information via media outlets, is very disturbing, raising the spectre of a political coup
by our nations intelligence forces.

Related: Only a Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy

Putin Lashes Out At Obama: "Show Some Proof Or Shut Up" +

Someone Has Officially Called The CIAs Bluff Over Russia
December 18 2016 | From: Zerohedge / TheAntiMedia

Putin has had enough of the relentless barrage of US accusations that he,
personally, "hacked the US presidential election."
The Russian president's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said on Friday that the US must
either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it. Peskov said it was
"indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its

Comment: If watching the 6pm news was not comical before it sure as hell is now. The
Western Cabal establishment is so desperate and pathetic, one must ask - just who
among us anymore is so stupid as to believe this utter propaganda - bullshit?

Related: Treason: Left-wing media attempting a soft coup in America by

hyperventilating over self-contrived Russian conspiracy fabrication

You need to either stop talking about it, or finally show some kind of proof. Otherwise it just looks
very indecent, Peskov told Reporters in Tokyo where Putin is meeting with Japan PM Abe,
responding to the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks.

Peskov also warned that Obama's threat to "retaliate" to the alleged Russian hack is "against
both American and international law", hinting at open-ended escalation should Obama take the
podium to officially launch cyberwar against Russia.
Previously, on Thursday, Peskov told the AP the report was "laughable nonsense", while
Russian foreign ministry spox Maria Zakharova accused "Western media" of being a "shill" and
a "mouthpiece of various power groups", and added that;

It's not the general public who's being manipulated," Zakharova said.

"The general public nowadays can distinguish the truth. It's the mass media that is manipulating

Meanwhile, on Friday Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister told state television network,
Russia 24, he was "dumbstruck" by the NBC report which alleges that Russian President
Vladimir Putin was personally involved in an election hack.

The report cited U.S. intelligence officials that now believe with a "high level of confidence" that
Putin became personally involved in a secret campaign to influence the outcome of the U.S.
presidential election.

"I think this is just silly, and the futility of the attempt to convince somebody of this is absolutely
obvious,"Lavrov added, according to the news outlet.

As a reminder, last night Obama vowed retaliatory action against Russia for its meddling in the
US presidential election last month. "I think there is no doubt that when any foreign
government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action and we will
at a time and place of our own choosing," Obama told National Public Radio.

US intelligence agencies in October pinned blame on Russia for election-related hacking. At

the time, the White House vowed a "proportional response" to the cyberactivity, though
declined to preview what that response might entail.
Meanwhile, both President-elect Donald Trump, the FBI, and the ODNI have dismissed the
CIA's intelligence community's assessment, for the the same reason Putin finally lashed out at
Obama: there is no proof.

That, however, has never stopped the US from escalating a geopolitical conflict to the point of
war, or beyond, so pay close attention to what Obama says this afternoon.

According to an NBC report, a team of analysts at Eurasia Group said in a note on Friday that
they believe the outgoing administration is likely to take action which could result in a
significant barrier for Trump's team once he takes office in January.

"It is unlikely that U.S. intelligence reports will change Trump's intention to initiate a rapprochement with
Moscow, but the congressional response following its own investigations could obstruct the new
administration's effort," Eurasia Group analysts added.

At the same time, Wikileaks offered its "validation" services, tweeting that "Obama should
submit any Putin documents to WikiLeaks to be authenticated to our standards if he wants
them to be seen as credible."
We doubt Obama would take the whistleblower organization on its offer, even if he did
have any Putin documents to authenticate.

Someone Has Officially Called The CIAs Bluff Over Russia

The scapegoating of Russia is now so widespread, Dirty Wars author and

investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill took to The Intercept to call the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on its bluff.

In the article, Obama Must Declassify Evidence Of Russian Hacking, Scahill and Jon
Schwartz called out U.S. intelligence agencies for their record of deceit, asserting that
the American people are not going to simply take their word for it.

Related: Insane: Obama Threatens Russia Over Election Hacking Conspiracy

"U.S. intelligence agencies have repeatedly demonstrated that they regularly both lie and get things
horribly wrong, the article argues.

But when it comes to the CIAs case against Russias alleged interference with the latest U.S.
presidential elections, its impossible to claim the hearsay is based on facts if evidence is not
made available to support the agencys claims.

Nevertheless, Scahill and Schwartz argue, its possible that Russia may have pulled some
strings. But even if the Kremlin had its reasons and acted on them, America is the
country with the long history of election meddling - not Russia.

Take Hillary Clintons comments on the Palestinian elections, for instance. A leaked audio
recording from 2006 revealed then-senator Clinton advocated doing something to determine
who was going to win in Palestines elections.

Comment: We are witnessing the final stage of the fall of the Khazarian / Zionist /
Illuminati Cabal - and they are throwing one hell of a tantrum on their way down in a
desperate attempt to escape the inevitablity of their demise.

And yet here she is, hoping to use the Russia did it talking point to give censorship a
boost. The CIA has its own history of meddling in foreign elections.

In order to give Barack Obamas administration that extra push to release any proof the CIA
has that the 2016 U.S. elections were rigged, the Intercepts duo encouraged feds or
whistleblowers to use the publications secure drop link, where a patriotic whistleblower within
the U.S. intelligence community may drop the leak that proves Russia is behind President-elect
Donald Trumps win. [W]e will verify its legitimacy and publish it, they added.
Related: Russian hack narrative revealed to be elaborate media hoax - leaks came from
Bernie Sanders insider

This response seems fitting. After all, assertions are not evidence, and major
publications like the Washington Posthave been basing their Russia-related reports
using nothing but assumptions.

Using an anonymous source, for instance, the WaPo reported that:

[U.S. intelligence] agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who
provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and

But Reuters has since reported that [the] overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced
a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald
Trump win the 2016 election. This means the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
endorsed [the CIAs] assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence.

Caitlin Johnstone put it best in an article for Newslogue:

"Believing something the CIA says is like trusting a meth addict with your car, and trusting the CIA
when theyre working with the Washington Post is like trusting a meth addict with your car and
leaving your kid in the back seat with the house keys and money for Taco Bell.

Unless proof is produced either by the CIA or a whistleblower, partisan voices crying wolf in
Washington and in the media will continue to run on empty, feeding their base with nothing but
fake news. But wasnt that what we were told to unite over so we could fight it effectively?
Heres your chance, Mr. President.
Why Now? Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, The
Internet Giveaway, And The Wild, Wild West Of Information
December 17 2016 | From: AmericanPolicy

The use of lies and deception, or as the new term coming into vogue; fake
news, has been a standard tool of the trade for over a century by the
government and their willing and/or unwilling stooges in the mainstream

A few examples include Newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph
Pulitzer, with the unspoken blessings of US President, William McKinley, spreading lies
to stir up the masses enough to start a war with Spain.

Related: The Oppression of the Internet is Global

This allowed McKinley to start an American empire by taking over the Philippines, Guam,
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico at the close of the 19th century. In the following decades, the media
has obediently followed along coving up such things as the fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin incident,
the governmental attack on the Branch Davidians, 9/11, and the Obamacare fiasco.

In spite of the lies and distortions presented by the government then spread by an
obedient media, there were still some journalists who were doing their job by reporting
the truth.
In 1983, fifty companies controlled 90% of the American media, today it is just six multinational
corporations. They are Viacom, Comcast, Time-Warner, Disney, CBS, and News Corp and
these companies are working very hard to make sure that the news you hear is the news they
and the government want you to hear.

From the anti-Muslim video that caused the killing of four Americans at Benghazi, lying about
the state of the economy before the 2008 meltdown, to the massive push to
promote Obamacare, the main stream media is relentless in pushing the government /
corporatist agenda to its audience.
This control is the dream of every tyrannical state in history and the US government has
almost achieved it.

Only, they have, like the American Army in the WWII Battle of Arnhem, pushed their power too
far and too fast causing the American people to no longer trust the main stream media.

In the spring of 2016, a major poll was conducted by the Media Insight Project, a partnership of
The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press
Institute; they found that just 6% of those polled have confidence in the main stream media for

The bias and outright lies have become so bad that even a 30 year insider like Sharyl
Attkisson commented on it:

There is unprecedented, I believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see
everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of special interests, political interests and
corporations. I think all of that comes into play.
ICANN is arguably the single most powerful institution in the world - Jeff Baron

In every format, the main stream media is losing patrons. From failing newspapers to falling
television ratings, the old model is dying because of the internet.

The Internet has become the primary source for information for a huge percentage of
Westerners today.

In fact, in the last 25 years the internet has transformed the world. It has completely
revamped the way people do business, communicate, purchase household goods, plan
vacations, find friends, look up information and just about every human activity

Since it first became available for average people, the internet has been a way to find
information the elites did not want exposed and they have been looking to shut down that
freedom of information for years.

Subsequently with the support of numerous multinational corporations like Microsoft,

Google, Dell, Yahoo, Amazon, and Facebook along with the blessing from globalist
mouth pieces like the Council on Foreign Relations, the LA Times, NBC, the
International Chamber of Commerce and Human Rights Watch, President Obama failed
to renew the contract with ICANN effectively giving the control over the internet to a
private company.
That company is ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and it is a
CA based nonprofit corporation. In 1998, the Commerce Department began contracting with
ICANN, to take over management of IANA (The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and the
internets domain name system.

The US Commerce Department has, for the most part, let ICANN govern itself, but it
maintained the authority to pull the nonprofits contract.

In essence ICANN records the numbers (easier for computers to use) using words
(easier for humans to use) through DNS.

Domain name system (DNS) is basically a directory for internet-connected devices that helps
translate domain names to numerical IP addresses. Without DNS it is difficult for people to
access websites as it requires remembering large numbers of IP address, a series of numbers
such as

So President Obama just ceded power over the allocation of domain names from
to your churchs website without the consent of Congress and over the objections of millions of
Those supporting the transfer are quick to report that there is nothing to fear from this transfer,
after all ICANN is a private company under a global multi-stakeholder group to oversee its
Board of Directors. What can possibly go wrong with the internet in the hands of a private
company? Plenty.

ICANN is first and foremost, a complete monopoly. It has exclusive rights to allow and
renew domain names and that is a power it has not always been used benevolently.

It also has complete control over how much to charge for a top level domain such as
.com, .net, .biz and several times in the past, it has abused those powers.

For instance it allowed a top level domain named .sucks to be purchased by the company Vox
Populi which charges $2,500 to protect a companys or individuals name from being purchased
and slandered with a .sucks after it, then failed to rein the company in when it was running an
extortion operation.

ICANN has also been accused numerous times of siding with those who have the most to pay
its fees and since it costs over a million dollars to have ICANN officially look into a complaint,
not many decisions are overturned.

Another troubling aspect of ICANN is that ICANN has made a fortune off of its rapidly
expanding list of Generic Top Level Domain Names (gTLDs). Names like .lawyer; .google;
.africa are going for at least $200,000 each and then annual fees.

The .web domain brought $135,000,000 into their coffers giving them not only a complete
monopoly on issuing domains but the means to create a very monopolistic self-supporting
group of elites.

Amazon, the giant online retailer, applied to register the gTLD .amazon. ICANN has written
limitations that govern the sale of a domain name but since the name .amazon does not fall,
into any of the categories that are forbidden there should have no problems with Amazons

Only there was, the South American countries of Brazil and Peru, through the interest group
Government Advisory Committee (GAC), declared this application to be illegal, based on the
fact that the Amazon River is a geographical area inhabited by some 30million people.

ICANN sided with the governments proving that the advantage of being a monopoly is
that you get to make up rules as you go along. Amazon is now in the process
of suing ICANN over the matter.

The exact same thing happened to the sports company called Patagonia when it filed for the
.patagonia domain. The governments of Argentina and Chile objected and ICANN decided
against selling the name to the company.

This trend shows that not only are rules made to be broken but governments are meant
to be appeased.
This pattern is more than disturbing considering that since 1998, nations that routinely censor
the internet of their citizens including Russia, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have pushed
extremely hard to place the functions of ICANN under the control of the U.N.s Russian
dominated International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and President Obama may very well
have just handed them their chance.

For, as stated above, ICANN holds a COMPLETE monopoly over the World Wide Web
root zone and complete monopolies in private hands are illegal in most of the world.
When operating under contract with the Commerce Department, ICANN becomes a legal
monopolist as it becomes an instrumentality of government.

As L. Gordon Crovitz points out in his article U.S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?,
once ICANN became independent, they lost that umbrella of US Government protection
leaving them open to legal challenges from every despotic government on earth looking to
force them under the control of the United Nations.

Hence President Obama, in another case of: if you want your doctor, you can keep your

Simply lied again when he pledged that ICANN would not replace U.S. control for a government-led or an
inter-governmental organization solution.

This fact is verified on 10/14/16 When Obama gave a speech in Pittsburg, PA in which he
glorified the days of the three major networks delivering the news that most people trusted.

Obama went on to say:

We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow some sort of
curating function that people agree to.

There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes
some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just dont have any
basis in anything thats actually happening in the world, Obama added.
That is hard to do, but I think its going to be necessary, its going to be possible. The answer is
obviously not censorship, but its creating places where people can say this is reliable and Im still
able to argue safely about facts and what we should do about it. he added.

There should be no longer any doubt as to why Obama went against Congress and the people
to give away the internet; we can no longer have the wild-wild-west-of-information flow out
there to inform the people of what is really going on in the world.

German Chancellor Merkel, speaking at a press conference with out-going President Obama
on 11-17-16, reinforced what ship we will soon see coming to the internet port; censorship. She
christened the surge of populist or right wing politics as a wave that engulfs us that emanates
from the United States.

Look at the European parliament. There are a lot of people who are looking for simplistic solutions and are
preaching simplistic solutions which are very unfriendly policies. We have them here in Europe; too, we
have them in Germany too.
Digitization is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in
society. Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences it had,
or industrialization, what consequences that had.

Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies and it took a while
until societies learned to find the right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this. We live in
a period of profound transformation.

Directing her ire against the Germans who are angered with her flooding Germany with Muslim
invaders and massive job loss, she lashed out against PEGIDA, the anti-mass migration and
counter-Islamisation movement, repeating their slogan:Wir Sind Das Volk - We Are The
People - the chancellor said:
The most important and noble task of politicians these days is to see that each and every person can find
his place. But those who purportedly belong to certain groups say we are the people, and not others.
In another of those frequent ironies so often dumped on the citizens, Merkel, a former (?) East German
communist, now says of PEGIDA:

At the time when we had [this saying] in the GDR [East Germany] when the people stood in the streets
and said we are the people it filled me with great joy, but the fact these people have hijacked it does not fill
me with joy.

How long will it be before other world leaders join Ms. Merkel and president Obama in
demanding web censorship?

Certainly foreign media is now calling for it as Germanys Zeit newspaper published a piece
calling for controls to prevent a German Donald Trump, while Britains Independent former
newspaper website published a list of fake news sites which they claimed may have swayed
votes towards Donald Trump.

Even the British news outlet The Guardian is in on the fake news bandwagon. That list is the
same list being circulated by Google and Facebook.

Consequently, now, the very instrument that has become the great equalizing force against
corporatism/globalisms control over the main stream media might now become just another
weapon in their arsenal of global censorship.

Unfortunately, it is only one of several ways the internet is being manipulated for
corporatist/governmental advantage. One only needs to look at the two most popular search
engines and the most popular social media site to see complete censorship in action.

What kind of drug does one have to take to believe Microsoft is a friend? - Dr. Roy
Google, Bing and Facebook have an unbroken record of suppressing sites, postings and
searches that dont follow their world view. Of the three, Bing is certainly the smallest but being
part of Microsoft, perhaps they try harder. Bing claims to be neutral and in fact, the subscriber
can set the search engine to their own preference of conservative; liberal; Christian; etc. so
how can they be biased?

Well the Bing headline on August 16, 2016 for the conservative bias setting in Bing featured
three negative Trump articles:

Donald Trump plots strategy on ISIS - and campaign revival (CNN)

Analysis: Making Sense of Donald Trumps Disjointed Foreign Policy Pitch (NBC

Early Voting Limits Donald Trumps Time to Turn Campaign Around (New York Times)

The first headline implies Trumps campaign had stalled and needs revival. The second
inferred Trumps foreign policy was chaotic and the third noted that the early vote will give
Hillary such a lead that discouraged Trump supporters wont vote.

Microsoft, donated $650,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign and both Bill and Melinda
Gates were considered as possible Vice Presidential running mates for her Presidential

This is the Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, whose obsession with globalism and censorship is
well known and on Sept. 20, 2016 at a conference in Vancouver, B.C. he openly stated that
opposition to globalism is a huge concern, and says the underlying issues of resistance to it
warrant a close examination.

This is the same Bill Gates that along with Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) spoke at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in early 2015 on the critical need for immigration and
more H-1B visas because of a shortage of high tech workers, and then laid off some 18,000
American high tech workers.

In 2010, China demanded that Google and Microsoft censor the results of their search engines
in China.
Google resisted but Microsoft was more than willing to go along. Bill Gates even criticized
Googles decision to uncensor their search engine in China by saying:

Youve got to decide: do you want to obey the laws of the countries youre in or not? If not, you may not
end up doing business there.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer then said If the Chinese government gives us proper legal notice, well take
that piece of information out of the Bing search engine.

Chinese President Xi Jinping also stopped in for dinner at Bill Gates house in September of
2015 before meeting with the heads of Microsoft, Google and Facebook amongst other
business leaders.

So great is the Bing Censorship of China that the Chinese Web anti-censorship monitoring
service has gone to great lengths to show that Bing censors content in China even more than
the Chinese State owned search engine Baidu does. But dont worry; Microsofts support of
the ICANN was completely in the name of a free internet.
Privacy is no longer a social norm. - Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook is just as bad. In addition to being an outspoken advocate of globalism and a liberal,
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the controlling force behind the most powerful social media
platform ever created. Facebook controls the global dialogue used by over a billion people with
an invisible touch that is unprecedented.

Almost two-thirds of American adults get news from social media, with 44% of them
getting their news from Facebook alone.

This means Facebooks algorithms dominate the information of almost half the American
public. As Gizmodos Michael Nuez puts it, with Facebook, we dont know what were not

And he controls that platform with an iron grip.

Facebook has conducted numerous studies to better understand how information

spreads in a social network. For instance, in 2010 Facebook conducted a secret
experiment on 61 million unknowing people by tampering with their news feeds to find
out how successfully it could manipulate the real-world voting habits of those people.

Later, Facebook released the findings and claimed that they increased voter turnout by more
than 340,000 people. Facebook regularly skews the news it posts; in 2012 it manipulated the
feeds on 700,000 people without their consent to make them feel sad and then published the
results in the respected (?) scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
The results showed fairly conclusively that Facebook had found the key to intentionally
influencing peoples emotions. That year they did the same type of experiment on 1.9 million
people to influence the US election. In 2014 Facebook used the rainbow flag as another
experiment to get people to be more accepting of same-sex marriage.

Facebook has made an empire of selling information about every person they can. It openly
manipulates the feeds and posts they allow on Facebook and the posts people are allowed to
place for other members of Facebook.

Facebook is now reluctantly being forced to manipulate their algorithm to crack down on
fake news being posted on Facebook.

Though this sounds like a noble goal, the potential for censorship is unmistakable,
especially when one looks at the list of websites they plan on censoring.

The sites Facebook and Google are going to censor as fake was created by a self-
proclaimed feminist assistant professor at Merrimack College who did not like the sites
her students citing in their research papers.

Sites like Breitbart; Realfarmacy; Lew Rockwell; Zerohedge; and World Net Daily.

Though all have posted articles that have proven to be false, Facebook has no problem with
posting articles from even less reliable news site like USA Today; MSNBC; CNN; BBC and the
New York Times. Google is now planning on using this same list to censor content. It does not
take a rocket scientist to see where this censorship is headed.

In fact, in one of the most blatant acts of fake news to ever hit the news media was
perpetrated by the New York Times in early 1957, when a former war correspondent, Herbert L.
Matthews, wrote numerous articles filled with the glories and praises of a young Cuban
revolutionary named Fidel Castro.

Article after article spewing from Matthews typewriter glowed with tales that eventually created
a Robin Hood persona for a murdering communist thug. It cannot be understated how
important the fake news was to propel Castro into power. Yet the New York Times stands as a
purveyor of honest journalism according to our Ministry of truth.

The New York Times; Unrepentant Communist Enabler

We know where you are. We know where youve been. We can more or less know what
youre thinking about. - Eric Schmidt

The last of the big three masters of manipulation is Google, and they are arguably the biggest
of the bunch. Google CEO Eric Schmidt is about as open with his liberal bias as one could ever
be. The Bilderberg attendee bankrolled a startup company called The Groundwork to provide
technical experts Hillary Clinton needed to run her campaign. Schmidt was instrumental in
getting Barack Obama elected both times as he was the main supplier of technical experts for
all three campaigns.

Technology is right up Schmidts alley as Google is the defacto gateway to information. Google
averages some 40,000 search queries every second equaling over 3.5 billion searches per
day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.

Google conducts over 64% of all internet searches in the US and over 90% in some countries.
Google has indexed some 45 billion web pages while Bing, its closest competitor has only 14

Of course the 45 billion web pages are only part of the Schmidt plan to
control everything on earth. Schmidt has stated that privacy is an excuse to hide

If you have something that you dont want anyone to know, maybe you shouldnt be doing it

In his plan to deprive you of your privacy, Schmidt has employed some of the worlds
top technocrats to find ever more powerful ways to pry into every corner of your life
since Googles business is, literally, mass surveillance, and they have become
amazingly good at it.

They are also a contractor to the US Government, including the NSA and several military
contractors as well. When Edward Snowden revealed to the world the unimaginable
world of government spying on US citizens, he also revealed that the NSA has direct
access to the information stored on Googles computers as they do to Facebook,
Twitter, Bing and every other company storing online information on you.

In a US News and World Report article published on 6/22/16, contributor Robert Epstein wrote
an extremely troubling article on just how powerful Google is. According to Epstein:

When Googles employees or algorithms decide to block our access to information about a news item,
political candidate or business, it causes opinions and votes to shift, reputations to be ruined and
businesses to crash and burn. Because online censorship is entirely unregulated at the moment, victims
have little or no recourse when they have been harmed.

Epstein then exposes blacklists that Google wields like Jack the Ripper did his knives with the
first being the autocomplete blacklist. This one is simple enough; it quietly guides the searcher
to where the company wants you to go.

From directing away from negative articles on Hillary Clinton to pointing to negative
articles on Donald Trump, there is little doubt that Google had a large impact on the
recent US election. In any search you make, the algorithm is your spiritual guide.

Google maps is a stalkers dream showing just about every house and area in the US and
huge sections of the world. They did not ask for permission to film your house, they just
did it.

Military installations and a few other places are excluded but chances are, your house is there.

Googles You Tube blacklist allows users to tag certain clips as inappropriate and Googles
censors may or may not remove them.
However, You Tube is notorious for removing politically and morally conservative videos
on a regular basis while never doing the same to liberal videos. They are also willing to
work with foreign governments to determine which videos will be allowed to be shown
in the country.

The Google account blacklist can cut peoples access to their own email account as well
as You Tube and other Google products without any notice or recourse.

The Google News blacklist is insidious in every way. They are the biggest news
aggregator on the planet, tracking tens of thousands of news sources daily and
converting them to numerous languages.

They have been accused on numerous occasions of excluding conservative news feeds as
well as certain writers and competing companies. This is an incredibly powerful and nearly
unnoticeable tool to promote political, moral and/or religious agenda.

Google Adwords blacklist is how Google gets the lions share of its money (some $56 billion
annually) by selling keywords to the highest bidders.
These keywords are how the website is found by searchers so if your site does not have
them, you are going to sink. On numerous occasions, Google has simply deleted those
keywords on sites effectively making them invisible and financially crushing them.

The search engine blacklist is a make or break situation for many web pages. Google, for
many unknown reasons will push web page down the list of rankings effectively ruining many
businesses in a very short time.

The power to blacklist a site is Googles most dreaded weapon however. Google claims this
power is to keep the internet free from malicious malware which, they claim is a public service.
The problems with this argument are many however. Googles crawlers often make mistakes,
blacklisting websites that do not contain malware.

Because of how extensively Google crawls the web, all the other main search engines use
their blacklist which means that once on the list, the site is effectively cut off from public

Google has used this power on numerous occasions on people they do not like.

Google even profits from this arrangement as they collect information from every user that
accesses Googles results and then sells it. Google has, for all intents and purposes, become
the internet police man and they use this power to further their globalist agenda on a regular
basis and it is now supporting the same list of fake news sites that the British Independent
and Facebook are touting.

Google, Microsoft and Facebook have all three censored users on the behest of world
governments and all three; have consistently censored users for no apparent reason. They,
along with Twitter (another social media monster) sided with Obama to give away Americas
right the control the internet.
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. -

Tragically, the US now finds every purveyor of media has been compromised and censored by
those with globalist views. Once ICANN loses its independence to the UN, the
corporatist/governmental takeover will be complete.

Controlling access to information is every tyrants dream and our government is no


The main stream media did a masterful job of concealing the 2008 economic meltdown from
the masses just like they have the corruption of Hillary Clinton; the imploding Deutsche Bank;
the growing threat of nuclear war with Russia; the threat of an EMP from North Korea and now
the escalating violence of the Clinton supporters after the election of Donald Trump.
It was only the access of the people to alternative news sites that alerted and continue to alert
those willing to listen to truth that news of these events get out at all.

Post-election America is now a powder keg awaiting a spark. The Green Party candidate for
President, Jill Stein, started a fund to recount the votes in three states in hopes of overturning
the election of Donald Trump and now Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has joined her in
what is only going to create a greater rift in our already shredded national tapestry.

Related: Michigan Recount Exposes Clinton Electoral Fraud: Half Of Detroit Votes Show
Signs Of Tampering

This is only a part of the drama as now; the Washington Post has publically called the Drudge
Report, Zero Hedge and former Congressman Ron Paul agents of Russian Propaganda. As if
on cue, the call has come from numerous governments on the spread of hate speech in the
US and the call to regulate it.

Which Mark Zukerberg is only too happy to oblige as he outlined a seven point plan to help
stop the spread of fake news on Facebook. So convincing is this fake news that it fools
most students a new study finds which of course means that our very Ministry of Truth will
need to decipher it for us. In fact, the media is now calling on the FBI to investigate the fake
news without a shred of evidence to support them.

With a growing population of closed minded bigots unwilling to even listen to opposing opinions
or facts, the US is slowly returning to the Dark Ages with only a few sources controlling access
to information.
Freedom loving people everywhere should all be asking themselves why this particular time
was chosen for Obama to open the door for the UN takeover of an already censored internet.

It is past time to look into a ham radio and other forms of communication that cannot be
controlled by the elites. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have an excellent source for
information called the Radio Free Redoubt.

Time is of the essence as the days of the open internet are coming to a rapid close.

Hell is truth seen too late. Thomas Hobbes Leviathan


1. Why the Media Lies So Much

2. Selling Empire: American Propaganda and War in the Philippines

3. 5 Times When The Mainstream Media Created Fake News And People Died As A

4. Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of Americas Heart And Soul Died.

5. The Great 9/11 Cover-up

6. ABC, NBC Ignore All Obamacare Failures in 2016, CBS Barely Covers

7. Six Corporations Control 90% of American Media

8. Hillarys Worst Crime Was Against the Filmmaker

9. The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed

10. The Great ObamaCare Failure Our Corrupt Media Cant Talk About

11. Animated Map: The Battle of Arnhem

12. Just 6% of the People

13. Former CBS Reporter: I Was Called a Troublemaker for Pursuing Benghazi

14. Obama Admin Wants To Surrender US Control Over Internet To Global Bureaucracy

15. Statements in Support of the IANA Stewardship Transition

16. What Does ICANN Do?

17. Critics fear censorship as Obama hands control of internet to multi-national body

18. Heres Why We Should Go through the IANA Transition

19. US to Hand Over Internets Naming System, But Is ICANN Ready for Transition?

20. S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?

21. Governing Cyberspace: ICANN, a Controversial Internet Standards Body

22. In Congressional Hearing, Stakeholders Highlight ICANNs Failures and Need for

23. ICANN reports .sucks to the FTC over predatory pricing

24. ICANN Transition is Premature

25. ICANNs Amazon Problem

26. Amazon files appeal on rejected .amazon domain

27. Governments kill off Patagonias dot-brand bid

28. US hands internet control over to ICANN

29. Stop Obamas Internet Giveaway

30. Lie of the Year: If you like your health care plan, you can keep it

31. Obama: We Have to Change Wild West Media Landscape

32. Obama Says He Wants To Change The Free Flow Of Information

33. Merkel With Obama: Internet Disruptive Force that Has to Be Contained, Managed,
and Steered by Government

34. Obama Merkel - Internet Censorship Will Control Middle Class Rebellion

35. Obama, Merkel Blame Social Media for Being Politically Disruptive

36. Microsoft is Still an Evil Company, Dont Believe the Reputation Laundering
37. Liberal Media Bias

38. How Bing Search Engine Plays Politics in Election 2016

39. Tim Cook and Bill Gates Might Have Been on Hillary Clintons Vice President List

40. Gates Foundation accused of dangerously skewing aid priorities by promoting

corporate globalization

41. Web censorship in China? Not a problem, says Bill Gates

42. Bill Gates: Voter opposition to globalization is a huge concern - and a wake-up call

43. Bill Gates says in order to keep talent in America the country must overhaul perverse
immigration laws

44. Soros & Fellow Billionaires for Open Borders Lobby GOP on Amnesty

45. Microsoft Lays Off Thousands While Demanding More H1-B Visas

46. Xi Jinping in Seattle to meet with CEOs of Apple, Microsoft and other tech giants

47. New research claims that Microsofts Bing censors heavily within China, even more so
than Baidu

48. Is Facebook Trying to Turn you Into a Globalist?

49. The end of Trump: How Facebook deepens millennials confirmation bias

50. Zuckerberg proves he is Facebooks editor by allowing Trumps hate speech.

51. Will Facebook Replace the News?

52. Facebook is a Media Company, Treat it as One

53. 61 million person experiment in social influence

54. Facebook Deliberately Experimented on Your Emotions

55. Facebook wants you to vote.

56. Did YOU change your Facebook picture to a rainbow?

57. Meet leftist prof who wrote hit list of fake news sites


59. The New York Times; Unrepentant Communist Enabler

60. 1957: Matthews NY Times interview Castro in Sierra

61. Still Fronting for Fidel at the New York Times

62. Facebook Censorship

63. How Facebook Censors your posts

64. Facebook to crack down on spread of misinformation

65. The Top Ten Things We Cant Believe Eric Schmidt Ever Said

66. Of Course Facebook Is Biased. Thats How Tech Works Today

67. Wikileaks: Googles Eric Schmidt Planning Hillarys Campaign Since 2014

68. The Groundwork

69. Google defends its search engine against bias it favors Clinton

70. Eric Schmidt Dismisses Movie Driven Fear of AI

71. Google Search Statistics

72. Search Engine Ratings

73. Googles power of censorship: who controls the controllers of the internet?

74. Google controls what we buy, the news we read and Obamas policies

75. The new mind control

76. The NSAs Bulk Collection Is Over, but Google and Facebook Are Still in the Data

77. The New Censorship

78. NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others

79. Youre a Criminal in a Mass Surveillance World How to Not Get Caught

80. Clinton to join recount that Trump calls scam

81. Washington Post: Drudge, Zero Hedge, & Ron Paul As Anti-Clinton Sophisticated
Russian Propaganda Tools

82. Liberals are suddenly experts in Russian Espionage

83. Washington Post Peddles Tarring of Ron Paul Institute as Russian Propaganda


85. How Facebook plans to crack down on fake news

86. The Fake epidemic of fake news

87. Most Students Cant Tell the Difference Between Fake and Real News, Study Finds

88. Elite Media Plot New Censorship Regime

89. If you question the establishment, you are guilty of Espionage, says Corporate Media

90. Radio Free Redoubt

Additional Reading:

Cortana: The spy in Windows 10

Google Is Burying Negative Search Suggestions For Hillary Clinton, New Study

Google to Bias Search Engine Based on Facts

Google will soon ban fake news sites from using its ad network

Google is Liberal and Biased

7,000 Sources or just a few favorites

Analyzing the Google bias

Why we should care about Facebook and Googles political bias

How Google Skewed Search Results

You Think Google Wight be Biased?

Ban on Fake News: What is Fake News?

ICANNs War on Whois Privacy

ICANN Can Be Fixed

ICANN faces first post-transmission test of U.N. power

Obama Admin Wants To Surrender US Control Over Internet To Global Bureaucracy

FCC Commissioner Hits Back at Internet Handover Proponents

Internet giveaway day? US govt relinquishes control of webs address book

S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet

Please Stop Sharing These Sites:

Fake news sites, deceptive memes, and the rise of post truth politics

Liberal News, Conservative News and Fake News

False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical News Sources

List of Fake News Websites

Two-thirds of the worlds internet users live under government censorship: report

Donuts Inc.s major play for new Web domain names raises eyebrows

Not Obamas to Give Away

Clintons Russian roulette

*BREAKING* Anti-Trump Globalist Zuckerberg Weaponizing Facebook to Influence

2016 Election

Facebook admits human role in news operation but denies left wing bias

Fake News threaten Democracy, Obama Says

Using fake news against opposing views

The Question That Fluoridation Promoters Cant Answer

December 17 2016 | From: FluorideAlert

During 2016, I asked this question to many fluoridation promoters and have
yet to receive an adequate scientific answer.

I asked it in several audiences in New Zealand and also to promoters at a council

hearing in Naples, Florida and most recently at a debate in Cortland, New York with
Johnny Johnson and Steve Slott. Neither Johnson nor Slott, otherwise very vocal on
promoting fluoridation, had an answer.

Related: Why Does NZ Still Fluoridate? TV Commercial FFNZ

The Question to Promoters of Fluoridation:

What primary scientific studies (not bogus reviews conducted by pro-fluoridation agencies) can
you cite that gives you the confidence to ignore or dismiss the evidence that fluoride damages the
brain as documented in over 300 animal and human studies (including 50 IQ studies).

If proponents cannot provide an adequate scientific answer to this question:

fluoridation should be halted immediately.

On Nov 22, 2016, Michael Connett, JD, asked this question to the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), on behalf of FAN, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers
Association, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral
Medicine and Toxicology, Moms Against Fluoridation, and several individual mothers, in a
petition calling on the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to the
drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

The EPA has 90 days to reply, and if they fail to provide a satisfactory reply then they
can be taken to Federal Court.

How you can take this further?

We are requesting that each one of you to ask this question of any promoter of fluoridation
and keep asking it throughout 2017 until you can get an answer. Send that answer to us.

Based on responses we have seen so far we anticipate that there will be no satisfactory
answers. In our view, there is no scientific evidence that could justify ignoring the large number
of scientific studies that fluoride damages the brain and thus no justification for continuing this
unethical and reckless practice of deliberately adding fluoridating chemicals to the drinking
This in essence will be our 2017 campaign. Very simple, very direct and very important. We
hope that you will support this in two ways: a) ask this showstopper question in as many
creative ways as you can and as many times as you can, and b) support FAN financially.

Five More Ways to Take Action:

1. Send a letter-to-the-editor to your local newspapers

2. Sign on to FANs petition to the EPA.

3. Send the press release to your media outlets

4. Share this Facebook and this Twitter post.

5. Make a donation to support this campaign (see below).

Fundraising Update

Our new totals are $70,150 from 235 donors. We will be updatinng our running totals on a
daily basis on our home page:

Related Articles:

Undeniable Evidence From Numerous Studies Proves That Fluoride Causes Cancer

New Zealand Government Plans To Drown Its Citizens In Toxic Fluorides

Auckland: No Consultation Needed For Stopping Or Starting Fluoridation + Decision Is

An Attack On Democracy

Fluoride: Poison On Tap Official Trailer

The Fluoride Deception

New Zealand Fluoridation Review Unscientific And Intellectually Dishonest Say

International Reviewers

Fluoride Free New Zealand: Dirty Science

Secret Fluoridation Review Totally One-Sided Admits Chair

Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

Climate Scare Declared Officially Over- Error In Model

Calculations Discovered
December 16 2016 | From: RickWells

Acclaimed climate realist and former adviser to British Prime Minister

Margaret Thatcher, Lord Christopher Monckton, has some major news of a
breakthrough discovery he has made in the area of climate
science. Comment: How long are the Cabal going to try to bury this latest
Hes interviewed at the Global-Warming; an Inconvenient Lie conference in Phoenix,
AZ by Millie Weaver, a reporter for Infowars.

Related: Inconvenient Truths About the Man-made Global Warming Scam

Moncton is proud to be able to announce that he and his;

Team of very distinguished professors and doctors of science have discovered a major,
significant, substantial error in the way in which the computer models calculate how much
warming they would predict should be happening.

He says, Take that error away and there is no longer any climate problem. You might get one or two
Celsius of warming with a doubling of CO2 concentration but you wont get much more than that.

He says, All the suggestions that were facing some tipping point and suddenly we might see five or six,
seven, eight, ten, twelve, thirteen Celsius of warming for a doubling of CO2, the kind of dramatic figures
that have been appearing in some scientific papers, we can now prove that all of those very high end
forecasts of how much warming we might get are based on an error in mathematics.

Correct for the error and we are back down to a maximum of two, perhaps two and a half Celsius of
warming for a doubling of CO2.

Monckton says, I have been looking for this error in the mathematics for ten years. I have known it
was there but I didnt know what the error was, I just knew theyd made a mistake."

He then goes on to explain in some mathematical detail how he knew it, describing himself as
a classical mathematician.
Related: With Ice Growing at Both Poles, Global Warming Theories Implode

He also has an announcement regarding a discovery by one of his esteemed colleagues,

Professor William Happer of Princeton, who discovered that the central estimate of global
warming has been exaggerated by forty percent.

When his result is combined with the discovery by Monckton declares, officially, that the
climate scare is over.

Infowars Reporter Millie Weaver interviews Lord Christopher Monckton who

reveals a breaking discovery which may prove the entire 'climate change'
scare is based on faulty mathematics.

At the "Global-Warming; an Inconvenient Lie" conference in Phoenix, AZ Lord Monckton covers

in depth the mathematical discovery his team has made and announces that these findings
have been submitted for proper peer review.

Related: Colleges Ban Free Speech Over Global Warming Skepticism

Michigan Recount Exposes Clinton Electoral Fraud: Half Of
Detroit Votes Show Signs Of Tampering
December 16 2016 | From: RussiaInsider

This is some next-level poetic justice: A Michigan recount backed by Jill

Stein and the Democrats, and intended to deligitimize Trump's astonishing
victory on November 8, has actually exposed widespread fraud in precincts
which voted heavily for Clinton.

Hillary even sucks at cheating. Via the Detroit News:

Related: Pro-Monsanto think tank helped funnel Republican money into the Hillary
Clinton campaign

Michigans largest county voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but
officials couldnt reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of
vote results late last month.
Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not
match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.

According to state law, precincts whose poll books dont match with ballots cant be recounted. If that
happens, original election results stand.

Its not good, conceded Daniel Baxter, elections director for the city of Detroit."

Understatement of the millenium?

Clinton's legendary "blue firewall"

Related: Wikileaks: Colbert Report Gave Clinton Foundation Control Over Production

Here's the best part: Officials blame the scanners used to tally votes for the huge
discrepancies. Hard to believe:

Once they started the Michigan recount in earnest, and knowing he would be exposed, the Detroit City
Clerk Daniel Baxter all of a sudden started claiming that the optical scanners which read the paper ballots
did not work the day of the election.

Baxter blamed the discrepancies on decade-old voting machines. That is his cover story. Nothing like this
was mentioned until he realized their voting fraud scheme would be detected.

Baxters claim is that, when trying to push the ballots through the readers, the ballots would be stuck and
theyd have to push them through again thus ACCIDENTALLY resulting in a double count.

He says the poll workers sometimes FORGET to adjust the machine count and instead let the
ballot count twice."

Sounds reasonable.

It gets worse, though. Vigilant citizens who observed the recount said that there were
numerous signs of vote tampering in Hillary-heavy precincts.
Related: Alleged FBI Insider Says Bill Clinton Will Die, Everyone Is Exposed including
Elite Pedophiles, Benghazi Server, False Flag Events, All Part of the Final Drama

Ken Crider, a 2014 Republican candidate for District 19 of the Michigan House of
Representatives, said he watched the recount effort in Cobo Hall in Detroit with his wife,
Penny. In a Facebook post Tuesday, he claimed to have witnessed some serious ballot
discrepancies. Crider wrote:

Penny Crider and I just got back from helping watch the recount at Cobo Hall in Detroit. On Nov. 8th
(Election Day) the election officials at 8:00 p.m. shut down the polls.

They then reconciled the differences from the machine count and the voter count on the computer. At this
point, a Metal tag/seal with a serial number is put on the box and the box was taken away.
Pennys precinct, Detroit Precinct #152 had an unbroken seal and everything looked proper. The tag on the
box said 306 and the book said 306 and the ticket said 306, so there should be 306 paper ballots on the
box, right.

Well when they pulled out the ballots the stack seemed short and when they finished separating the two
page ballot to count the Presidential page only guess how many ballots were in the box?

304 no, 299 nope, 200 nada, how about 100 wrong again. There were only exactly 50 paper ballots in a
locked sealed box that again was supposed to have 306. Hmm.

Oh I forgot to add, since there was a discrepancy in the two numbers, the original count stands.

One more thing my precinct (sorry I forgot the number), had 525 votes on the book, tag and ticket
and we counted 525 ballots the election official was praising the Lord Hallelujah we have a
countable precinct Jill Stein had three (3) votes."

In other words: In Democratic Detroit, each vote was counted 6 times!

Just imagine the landslide popular vote victory Trump would have enjoyed if the Democrats
played fair on Election Day.

Related Articles:

Report: Hillary Clinton Spent $1.2 Billion to Lose 2016 Election

A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit
WikiLeaks Docs

Hillary Clinton Just Proved She Learned Nothing from Losing the Election
Report: Drunk Hillary Demanding Recount to Lift Her Spirits

The truth about Gaddafi's Libya, NATO's bombing, and the Benghazi 'consulate' attack

Money, Power and Oil. Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillarys Emails

Report: Hillary Planning Yet Another Run For President in 2020

Former UK Ambassador Blasts "CIA's Blatant Lies", Shows "A

Little Simple Logic Destroys Their Claims" + Top Experts Dismiss
Reported Claim That Russia Influenced the US Election
December 15 2016 | From: BlacklistedNews / PaulCraigRoberts / InformationClearingHouse

I have watched incredulous as the CIAs blatant lie has grown and grown as
a media story blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever
to substantiate it.

Former Ambassador Craig Murray

I have watched incredulous as the CIAs blatant lie has grown and grown as a media
story blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it.
Related: CIA: Washington Post Report Linking Russian Government to Trump &
Election Hacking Is Outright Lie

A little simple logic demolishes the CIAs claims. The CIA claim they know the individuals
involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of
whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition.

We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a
foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the
individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject
to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals?

Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of We know who it was, it was the Russians
are beneath contempt.

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As
I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks there is a major
difference between the two.

Related: The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People

And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to
fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live
debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the
Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not
failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would
have happened.

The continued ability of the mainstream media to claim the leaks lost Clinton the
election because of Russia, while still never acknowledging the truths the leaks
reveal, is Kafkaesque.

I had a call from a Guardian journalist this afternoon. The astonishing result was that for
three hours, an article was accessible through the Guardian front page which actually
included the truth among the CIA hype:
The Kremlin has rejected the hacking accusations, while the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has
previously said the DNC leaks were not linked to Russia.

A second senior official cited by the Washington Post conceded that intelligence agencies did not have
specific proof that the Kremlin was directing the hackers, who were said to be one step removed from the
Russian government.
Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of Assange, called the
CIA claims bullshit, adding: They are absolutely making it up.

I know who leaked them, Murray said. Ive met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not
Russian and its an insider. Its a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.

If what the CIA are saying is true, and the CIAs statement refers to people who are known to be linked to
the Russian state, they would have arrested someone if it was someone inside the United States.

America has not been shy about arresting whistleblowers and its not been shy about extraditing hackers.
They plainly have no knowledge whatsoever."

But only three hours. While the article was not taken down, the home page links to it
vanished and it was replaced by a ludicrous one repeating the mad CIA allegations
against Russia and now claiming incredibly that the CIA believe the FBI is
deliberately blocking the information on Russian collusion.

Presumably this totally nutty theory, that Putin is somehow now controlling the FBI, is meant to
answer my obvious objection that, if the CIA know who it is, why havent they arrested
somebody. That bit of course would be the job of the FBI, who those desperate to annul the
election now wish us to believe are the KGB.

It is terrible that the prime conduit for this paranoid nonsense is a once great
newspaper, the Washington Post, which far from investigating executive power, now is a
sounding board for totally evidence free anonymous source briefing of utter bullshit from the

Related: Trumps Stock Market Rally Continues at Record Pace This Has Never
Occurred in 110 Years!

In the UK, one single article sums up the total abnegation of all journalistic
standards. The truly execrable Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian writes Few credible
sources doubt that Russia was behind the hacking of internal Democratic party emails, whose
release by Julian Assange was timed to cause maximum pain to Hillary Clinton and pleasure
for Trump.

Does he produce any evidence at all for this assertion?

No, none whatsoever. What does a journalist mean by a credible source?

Well, any journalist worth their salt in considering the credibility of a source will first
consider access. Do they credibly have access to the information they claim to have?

Now both Julian Assange and I have stated definitively the leak does not come from Russia.
Do we credibly have access? Yes, very obviously. Very, very few people can be said to
definitely have access to the source of the leak. The people saying it is not Russia are those
who do have access. After access, you consider truthfulness.

Do Julian Assange and I have a reputation for truthfulness? Well in 10 years not one of the
tens of thousands of documents WikiLeaks has released has had its authenticity successfully
challenged. As for me, I have a reputation for inconvenient truth telling.

Contrast this to the credible sources Freedland relies on. What access do they have to the
whistleblower? Zero. They have not the faintest idea who the whistleblower is. Otherwise they
would have arrested them. What reputation do they have for truthfulness? Its the Clinton
gang and the US government, for goodness sake.

Related: The Wisconsin Vote Recount Raised Trumps Vote Count (And the Michigan
vote recount found that in Detroit some Hillary votes were multiplied by 6.)

In fact, the sources any serious journalist would view as credible give the opposite
answer to the one Freedland wants.

But in what passes for Freedlands mind, credible is 100% synonymous with establishment.
When he says credible sources he means establishment sources. That is the truth of the
fake news meme. You are not to read anything unless it is officially approved by the elite and
their disgusting, crawling whores of stenographers like Freedland.

The worst thing about all this is that it is aimed at promoting further conflict with Russia. This
puts everyone in danger for the sake of more profits for the arms and security industries
including of course bigger budgets for the CIA. As thankfully the four year agony of Aleppo
comes swiftly to a close today, the Saudi and US armed and trained ISIS forces counter by
moving to retake Palmyra.
This game kills people, on a massive scale, and goes on and on.

Related: FBI Disputes CIAs Fuzzy And Ambiguous Claims That Russia Sought To
Influence Presidential Election

Top Experts Dismiss Reported Claim That Russia Influenced the

US Election

Presstitutes such as the New York Times and Reuters continue to hype an
alleged CIA finding that Russians hacked Hillarys emails and used them to
influence the election outcome.

As a number of experts have noted, there is no evidence whatsoever for the claim,
which is in the category of fake news.

Related: Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIAs Russia Beliefs Are No
Substitute for Evidence

Julian Assange at Wikileaks, which released the leaked, not hacked, documents, denies that
the Russians were involved.

William Binney, former top NSA official says that if Russia did it, NSA would have clear
evidence. Binney said that:

They have failed to prove anything, which suggests they dont have proof and just want to war-
monger the public into a second cold war with the Russians.
After all, theres lots and lots of money in that for the military-industrial-intelligence-governmental
complex of incestuous relationships.

How To Instantly Tell If Russia Hacked the Election

December 11, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "Moon Of Alabama" - Anonymous CIA
officials claim that Russia hacked the U.S. election by accessing emails from top Democratic
officials and then leaking them to Wikileaks.

But the Washington Post notes:

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) voiced doubts about the veracity of the intelligence,
according to officials present.

A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agencys
assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered.

For example, intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin
directing the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks .


Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said in a television interview that the Russian government
is not the source. [The former intelligence analyst, British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, and chancellor of
the University of Dundee (Craig Murray) who is close friends with Wikileaks Assange said
with 100% certainty that the Russians arent behind the leaks.]


Ill be the first one to come out and point at Russia if theres clear evidence, but there is no clear
evidence even now, said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. Theres a lot of innuendo, lots of
circumstantial evidence, thats it.

Indeed, some cybersecurity consultants claim that its impossible to ever know for sure who is
behind hacks of this nature.

But thats wrong

In reality, it would be childs play to determine whether or not the Russians really
hacked the Dem emails and shared them with Wikileaks.
Related: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself?

Specifically, Edward Snowden says the NSA could easily determine who hacked the
Democratic National Committees emails:

Evidence that could publicly attribute responsibility for the DNC hack certainly exists at #NSA
traditionally objects to sharing."
- Edward Snowden (@Snowden) July 25, 2016

But dont trust Snowden

The NSA executive who created the agencys mass surveillance program for digital
information, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, who managed six
thousand NSA employees, the 36-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a legend within the
agency and the NSAs best-ever analyst and code-breaker, who mapped out the Soviet
command-and-control structure before anyone else knew how, and so predicted Soviet
invasions before they happened (in the 1970s, he decrypted the Soviet Unions command
system, which provided the US and its allies with real-time surveillance of all Soviet troop
movements and Russian atomic weapons) confirmed to Washingtons Blog that the NSA
would definitely know who the hacker was.

Binney told Washingtons Blog in July:

Snowden is right and the MSM is clueless.


Do they have evidence that the Russians downloaded and later forwarded those emails to wikileaks?
Seems to me that they need to answer those questions to be sure that their assertion is correct.

You can tell from the network log who is going into a site. I used that on networks that I had.
see who came into my LAN, where they went, how long they stayed and what they did while in my network.

Further, if you needed to, you could trace back approaches through other servers etc. Trace Route and
Trace Watch are good examples of monitoring software that help do these things. Others of course exist
probably the best are in NSA/GCHQ and the other Five Eyes countries. But, these countries have no
monopoly on smart people that could do similar detection software."

In October, Binney told us:

If the idiots in the intelligence community expect us to believe them after all the crap they have told us (like
WMDs in Iraq and no we dont collect data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans) then
need to give clear proof of what they say. So far, they have failed to prove anything.
Which suggests they dont have proof and just want to war monger the US public into a second
cold war with the Russians.

After all, theres lots and lots of money in that for the military-industrial-intelligence-governmental complex
of incestuous relationships.


If you recall, a few years ago they pointed to a specific building in China that was where hacks on the US
were originating. So, lets see the same from the Russians. They dont have it. Thats why they dont show
it. They want to swindle us again and again and again. You can not trust these intelligence agencies
Related: Rogue Elements of the CIA Are Operating Against President-elect Trump

That same month, Binney told Newsweek:

U.S. officials know how many people [beyond the Russians] could have done this but they arent telling
us anything. All theyre doing is promoting another cold war.
Binney compared allegations about Russian hacks to previous U.S. fabrications of intelligence to justify
the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the bombing of North Vietnam in 1964.

This is a big mistake, another WMD or Tonkin Gulf affair thats being created until they have absolute
proof of Russian complicity in the DNC hacks, he charged during a Newsweek interview. He noted that
after the Kremlin denied complicity in the downing of a Korean Airlines flight in 1983, the U.S. exposed the
conversations where [Russian pilots] were ordered to shoot it down. Obama officials have the evidence
now of who hacked the DNC, he charged. So lets see it, guys.

Last month, Binney explained:

If it were the Russians, NSA would have a trace route to them and not equivocate on who did it.
like using Trace Route to map the path of all the packets on the network. In the program Treasuremap
NSA has hundreds of trace route programs embedded in switches in Europe and hundreds more around
the world. So, this set-up should have detected where the packets went and when they went there.

In other words, theres no need to speculate on whether the Russians were the hackers. The
NSA could easily determine who was behind the hacks.

Of course, in an era where challenging officials to provide evidence may get one labeled as a
Russian propagandist, the question is how many people will stand up for the all-American
value of questioning the proclamations of those in power:

Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Congressman Adam Schiff On Russian

Interference In U.S Election

Related: Anti-Trump False Flag: Rogue CIA, Globalist Left Attempt to Overthrow Trump

Fake News Hysteria Hinges On The Laughable Assumption That

Corporate-Run Media Has A Divine Monopoly On Facts + US Lawmakers
Move To Criminalize Fake News, Propaganda On The Web
December 14 2016 | From: NaturalNews / Sputnik/ Various

The insidious assumption behind the fake news accusations being flung
far and wide by the fakestream media (CNN, NPR, WashPost, NYT, MSNBC,
etc.) is that somehow the corporate media has a divine monopoly on

The Cabal Establishment is in Panic Mode as Alternative Media Blasts the

Controlled-Mainstream Media Out of the Water - the Corporate Media Lies
are Being Exposed Virally, Worldwide.

The assumption is ludicrously demonstrated when MSNBC rolls out convicted liar
Brian Williams to decry fake news.

Related: Fake News: Who is Really Making the War on Truth?

Youd be hard pressed to find any fake news propagandist who churned out more fake news
than Brian Williams and hes still working at MSNBC!
Back in early 2015, Breitbart News presented a list of at least 32 times that NBC News let
Williams present such fake news to the American people - lies and disputed stories - including
his false claims about being in a helicopter that was hit by an RPG, reports, one
of the new media giants accused of publishing fake news by the collapsing lamestream

As long as the government engages in intelligence activities that violate our rights secured by our
Constitution, any Intel Authorization bill should be opposed, Justin Amash told Sputnik News.

Williams also made up stories about Seal Team 6, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Pope, Hurricane Katrina,
quitting college, rescuing a puppy from a house fire, and more, Breitbart continues.

If the Media Establishment Only Tells the Truth, Why are so Many of Their
News Reports Obviously Faked?

If the corporate-run media really had some sort of divine monopoly on facts, then none of us
would be able to find examples of laughably fake news on their websites, would we? Yet even
the Washington Post has now been exposed for, if you can believe it, faking a news story
about fake news!

Any honest investigation can go right down the list: CNN, NYT, WashPost, HuffPost, LA Times,
USA Today, NPR, MSNBC, Fox News and so on every one of these news organizations
has run genuinely fake news while claiming it was fact.

Its not even difficult to find examples of these organizations deliberately fabricating fake news
in order to alter the outcome of the recent election.
Nearly all of them reported, for example, some variation of the absurd claim
that Donald Trump cant win the election.

These are also the same fake news organizations that obediently and enthusiastically repeated
Obamas fabricated claims about Obamacare. Remember If you like your doctor, you can
keep your doctor?

Or how about the claim that Obamacare will save American families $2500 a year, on
average? Not only were these glaring examples of fake news, they were known to be false
at the time they were published by the corporate-run media.

Another way the Media Fakes the News: Censorship of Important Stories
they Dont Want you to Learn

And then there are the stories the entire fakestream media censors because they dont want
anyone to learn about actual facts. As a particularly egregious example, it is an established fact
that CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted to falsifying scientific data at the
CDC to obscure the statistical link between vaccines and autism in African-Americans. That is
not only indisputable, its also an incredibly important piece of news for the health of all

Did the fakestream media cover that story? Not by a long shot: They censored it.

Every single fakestream media organization across the country obediently blackballed the
story. The censorship was obviously coordinated, deliberate and malicious.
Remember, censorship of important facts is another way the insidious corporate-run
media lies to its misinformed viewers.

Hilarious Videos of CNN Staging Fake Locations, Fake Missile Attacks and
Fake Seafaring

CNN has forever used fakery, theatrics and false reporting to influence public opinion rather
than report the news. Perhaps the most hilarious example of dishonest CNN fakery is the
Charles Jaco video from the first Gulf War.
In order to pretend to be covering the Gulf War from a live set in Saudi Arabia, CNN built a
Saudi stage in the USA and faked a SCUD missile attack on its news anchor Charles

Hilarious, as the video shows below, while Charles Jaco grabs a gas mask, his co-anchor
grabs a helmet (see the 7:00 mark in the video below). Its funnier than a really bad SNL skit!

Remember, this was all broadcast as CNN Live, where CNN literally pretended this was all
real and true.

Faking the news is a specialty of CNN, and there are countless examples of the network going
out of its way to stage fake sets, fake locations and even use actors following mass shootings
to make sure the proper narrative is delivered to the public.

For example, this video interview reveals a comprehensive collection of CNN news
fakery such as the bizarre moment when CNN anchors try to pretend they are not in
the same parking lot.

That incident, detailed in this UK Daily Mail article, involved a CNN anchor and guest
desperately trying to pretend they were broadcasting live from distant locations when, in
reality, they were in the exact same parking lot. (This is evidenced by the simple fact that the
exact same vehicles pass behind them, in the exact same sequence)

CNN frequently uses green screens to fake locations.

The hilarious video below shows CNN building an entire fake ship on a green screen set to
try to create the illusion that their reporter is on the scene in the Black Sea, covering US war
ships near Ukraine.

During the hilariously bad fake set report, the CNN journalist even points off in the
distance behind him to try to make the green screen illusion more convincing:

Youll discover another jaw-dropping compilation of fake, scripted news from the mainstream
media in this next video, covering media fakery involving the Gulf War, the defamation of
Ron Paul, 9/11 attacks, Bin Laden and more:

The entire Sandy Hook mass shooting narrative was deeply layered in all sorts of CNN fakery,
including the use of actors who were told to read lines to the cameras while sobbing
uncontrollably for maximum effect.

Related: Censorship Shock: Bans Investigative Book Nobody Died At

Sandy Hook Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

In one case, a cheerful white man is laughing it up in the background, then when
signaled to approach the microphone to speak on camera, starts hyperventilating and
crying while reading his obviously scripted lines. (The guy turns out to be a
professional actor.)
In the same video, shown below, another actor is caught on a hot mic asking, Do you want me
to read the card? right before sobbing on camera, playing the part of a grieving parent.

Yet another Sandy Hook theatrical fake news hoax was the use of David Wheeler, a
professional actor, as both a grieving parent and a SWAT team sniper.

As with all the other actors rolled out for CNNs cameras, this professional actor performed a
scripted role in order to evoke a powerful emotional response with the sole purpose
of repealing the Second Amendment (a necessary step before America can be overrun and
controlled by radical leftist communists).

The way he carries his sniper rifle (upside down, by the magazine) makes it laughably
obvious to anyone familiar with firearms that he has absolutely no clue how to carry a

The Corporate-Run Media has Done Nothing but Fake the News for

Search YouTube for terms like CNN green screen or crisis actors or Sandy Hook or faked
news and you can spend hour and after watching clear examples of outlandish news fakery by
the mainstream media. It doesnt take long for any intelligent, clear thinking individual to
realize the mainstream media has been faking the news for decades.

CNN, in fact, can be best described as a fake news theater organization pretending to be
engaged in legitimate journalism.

I even recorded a podcast on this very subject, discussing all the news fakery weve all been
subjected to over the years by the deliberate fabrications of the corporate-controlled

Come to think of it, you probably need to go back and revisit what you think is really true about
many historic events covered by the lying media: Oklahoma City, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the
assassination of JFK and even the nuking of Japan in World War II.

In every case, what was reported by the lying mainstream media was a scripted narrative,
not a serious investigation into what really happened.

Related Articles:

Whos Behind PropOrNots Blacklist of News Websites

Whos the Biggest Peddler of Fake News?

Denzel Washington Slams Mainstream Media For Peddling BS

Reddit Shadow Bans Infowars As Fake News War Accelerates

How the mainstream medias fake news undermines democracy and protects the
corrupt establishment

Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube: A Spirit of Cooperation

Trump Labels CNN Fake News

US Lawmakers Move To Criminalize Fake News, Propaganda On

The Web

The witch hunt for fake news and Russian propaganda has been kicked
up a notch, after the House passed a bill quietly tucked inside the
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, designed to crack down
on free speech and independent media.

Under "Title V - Matters relating to foreign countries, the bill seeks to "counter active
measures by Russia to exert covert influence carried out in coordination with, or at
the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and
the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.

It lists media manipulation as:

Establishment or funding of a front group

Covert broadcasting

Media manipulation

Disinformation and forgeries

Funding agents of influence

Incitement and offensive counterintelligence


Terrorist acts
It is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used
to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called fake news websites, a list which has been used to
arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream medias proclivity to
serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration, - Global Research reported.

The frightening attack on speech and independent media was opposed by only 30 members of
the House, including Tulsi Gabbard, Thomas Massie, and Justin Amash - who stated that he
fought against it.

As long as the government engages in intelligence activities that violate our rights secured by our
Constitution, any Intel Authorization bill should be opposed, Justin Amash told Sputnik News.

The bill must now pass through Senate, though a senior Rand Paul aide has told Sputnik News
that the Senator is currently holding the intelligence bill for several reasons - and that they are
looking at this specific issue very closely.
Curiously, the bill which was passed on November 30, was introduced on November 22, two
days before the Washington Post published its Nov. 24 article citing experts who claim
Russian propaganda helped Donald Trump get elected, Zero Hedge noted.

The experts the newspaper cited was a group called PropOrNot, although it have refused to
name the experts behind the operation. The organization has promoted a Ukrainian hacker
group on their Twitter feed.
PropOrNot also listed over 200 websites that they accuse of peddling Russian propaganda,
including extremely popular news websites on all sides of the political spectrum, including The
Drudge Report, Zero Hedge, TruthOut, Sputnik News, and even WikiLeaks.
Former presidential candidate Ron Pauls website is also mentioned in many of the articles on
so-called fake news, an issue that should be concerning to those who believe in free speech,
including his son, Senator Rand Paul.

The elder Paul has long been a vocal supporter of freedom of speech, as it is enshrined in the
Constitution of the United States, and he and his supporters have repeatedly been the target of
finger pointing and demonization.

In 2012, a risk-assessment report from a Missouri-based fusion center stated that support for
Ron Paul's presidential bid was a sign of membership in a domestic terrorist group."

Related: Washington Posts Piece on Fake News Promotes Fake List of Unreliable

For purposes of this definition it does not matter whether the sites listed here are being
knowingly directed and paid by Russian intelligence officers, or whether they even knew they
were echoing Russian propaganda at any particular point: If they meet these criteria, they are
at the very least acting as bona-fide useful idiots of the Russian intelligence services, and are
worthy of further scrutiny, the so-called experts cited by PropOrNot state.

Many of those listed on censorship hit lists are speaking out against the attempt to stop
independent media.

Information is dangerous and with this new reactionary shift of people making ban lists of so
called fake news, it shows us how afraid they are of knowledge and differences of opinion that
spur people to have an open mind, Luke Rudkowski, the owner of We Are Change, one of the sites
on the blacklist, previously told Sputnik News.

Information is very dangerous for the establishment status quo that tried to keep things the way
they are.

The bill, Zero Hedge notes, will soon proclaim much of the internet to be criminal Russian
propaganda if it is allowed to pass.

Related Articles:

Congress Admits CIA Moving To Ban Free Speech In America

If You Are For Peace You Are A Russian Agent

Fake News Viewed as Move to Ban Dissenting Voices

MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level

Why Labeling Websites As Russian Propaganda is Dangerous

Pike River: The Great Disgrace

December 13 2016 | From: Uncensored / Archvival

The recent open letter from the directors of solid energy regarding pike
river - the greatest disgrace & corrupt act of treason in new zealands
Solid Energy's penned an open letter defending its plan to permanently seal the Pike
River mine reiterating it won't change its stance. The company's directors maintain it's
not safe to re-enter the mine, and say anyone who disagrees is being reckless.

Related: 'The town bully just went down' - Pike River families say control of mine's
access road given to them
But families of the 29 men who died in the in the 2010 explosions are protesting near the site
and say Solid Energy is ignoring expert research that shows the mine can safely be re-
entered. The mine is expected to be permanently sealed by February.

According to Dr Jacob Cohens mind-blowing book Murder at Pike River Mine (on the Internet,
(the NZ intelligence agencies have been trying to censor censoring it) or it is available through
Mr Lawrie Drew at Greymouth (a father of one of the victims):

1. The 29 miners at Pike River Mine explosion in 2010 were all deliberately murdered,
to facilitate Pike River Coal Ltd to collect a $100 million insurance pay-out, turn the
publics attitude away from underground coal mining and reduce opposition to open-cut

This would allow BATHURST RESOURCES LIMITED (at the time registered on the Australian
Stock Exchange but now dually listed) which foreign bankers also secretly control with Pike
River Coal, to overtly come into New Zealand and buy up all of the countrys coal resources
and then open cut mine it which has by now almost been fully completed!
2. Interestingly, Dr Cohen mentions in great detail with references from Bathursts own
website, that just before the explosion in the mine, BANK OF AMERICA was aggressively
buying up shares in Bathurst Resources Limited. Guess who was working for Bank of America
before he became NZ Prime Minister.


CONTROL THE LOT AT THE TOP has ensured the New Zealand public have been totally
brainwashed about the true facts of this monstrous crime and cover-up.

4. And just to make sure the mine victims families, or the general public cant ever know the
full truth about the crime, or even get into the mine to inspect the crime scene, and cant sue
the Government, the companies or Pikes criminal directors, the spurious rat and High Court
Judge heading the corrupt, Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Oh, the quandry for the corporate 'it', such that is has intentionally failed

YEARS! And yes, this has all been totally censored by the incredibly vile, corrupt mainstream

5. This means, in simple mans terms, that the corrupt lawyers and judiciary involved all now
know, that when for example the Government Department supposedly that wanted to bring
CEO of Pike River Coal Peter Whittall to trial under Health and Safety laws (actually it was just
a pretence because they all knew that it would fail) all that Peter Whittalls legal counsel had to
say to the judge in the pre-trial hearing was:

Your Honour, as all the critical evidence has been been embargoed by the Royal Commission for 75
years, we cannot get disclosure and my client cannot defend himself against the allegations
the evidence is being kept secret and cannot be accessed.

Judge: Case dismissed.

6. This therefore means that the NZ Government, police, the judiciary etc. at least at the top -
ALL KNOW they are a pack of lying criminals, including the drafters of this latest Open Letter

7. All I can say is, because of the widespread indifference of the the general public in putting
up with this outrageous evil, we all deserve the judgment coming on us all. Because inevitably
it will come. If they will get away with this, what will be next?

8. Apparently, PM John Key was personally given a copy of Dr Jacob Cohens mind-blowing
book so he cant say he was not informed. Isnt it rather strange to see he is abruptly resigning
around the same time they want to seal up the mine.

9. Finally these devils want to seal up the entrance to the mine with a 30 metre thick plug of
concrete. 30 metres! Can you believe it? They sure do want to make sure nobody ever
investigates the crime scene dont they?

In the United States of America a similar coal mine explosion occurred at the Upper Big Branch
Mine not long before Pike River explosion when exactly 29 miners were also killed. Since then,
the miners families have received millions of dollars in pay-outs and the CEO of the company
concerned Don Blankenchip is now in jail.
Yet here in New Zealand, not even one director has even been charged or brought to trial. We
hear about the criminal activities of government agencies in the United States being bad, but
our government and corporate criminal cabal is a hundred times worse! 29 miners cruelly
killed, and yet nobody has even received a slap on the hand. What an utter disgrace.

Frankly, if we just sit back and put if with this rot and say nothing about the blatant lies being
perpetuated by the mainstream corporate media propaganda goons, nearly five million of us,
seriously, I fear for the freedoms and liberties of every single person in this country.

Isnt it about time things changed dramatically?


Pike River Murder Of 29 Miners & Blocking Of Re-Entry

September 25 2014 | From: Dr Jacob Cohen & 'Jack' (see download link below)

A censored book claims corruption at the very highest level of Government,

Poice, International Bankers, Corporations and Media Propoganda - naming
those who should be charged.
"Ive been watching the reports on TV and mainstream media over last couple of days,
and hadnt realised that your victims families had sought, successfully, under the
Official Information Act the experts reports that say the drift 2.3 km access tunnel is
now perfectly safe for re-entry, yet Solid Energy have been lying about this fact, and it is
plain what their delayed decision in October will be negative!"

"Clearly, there is something in the access tunnel that they know they dont want to be revealed
to either you or the public.

It all points to the fact the serious allegations in Dr Jacob Cohens book, MURDER AT PIKE
RIVER MINE are 100% correct, and that all the miners were plainly murdered.

Further, in even greater support of Dr Cohens penetrating allegations now, is the undeniable
fact that government intelligence agencies (it couldnt be anyone else) have REMOVED and
CENSORED the book almost entirely from the Internet. The only copy I could find this morning
was on this site below.

You can have a look at the few remaining references to it if you GOOGLE-search it and you
will find the books references are still there, but the book has been DELETED.

Perhaps, you and the families, could have copies of the book printed up and personally
delivered to all MPs.

While this would not guarantee mine re-entry and police examination of some of the crime
scene, at least it will mean that the entire government, (representing the entire nation) has
been properly informed of the real truth and the blatant cover-up, headed by big business in
collusion with the NZ Prime Minister John Key, brought out so vividly by Dr Cohen."

Download a PDF copy of Dr Cohen's book here.

The Fight to Save Us From Satan's Subliminal Rock Messages

December 12 2016 | From: AtlasObscura

In the 1980s, many politicians were convinced there were devious, secret
messages hidden inside popular records.

On April 27, 1982, members of the California Assemblys Consumer Protection and
Toxics Committee gathered in Sacramento to hear Robert Plant endorse Satan. This was
not a straightforward testimonial.

Note: The following story essentially attempts to de-bunk the idea that the music
industry is not satanic, and that negative influences are utilsed. Whether the author is
aware or not, both points are wrong, as the links included and insider experience will
attest. While it is an interesting enough read, the links take it apart on the way through...

Related: Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains) & Illuminati - The
Music Industry Exposed

For one thing, the Led Zeppelin frontman wasnt actually in attendance. Also, his pro-devil
paeans could only be heard when you played Stairway to Heaven backwards.

After circulating pamphlets with the backward masked declarations spelled out, thats
precisely what Assemblyman Phillip Wyman and panel witness William H. Yarroll II did. The
relevant portion of the eight-minute classic was first played forward for committee members
and then reversed.

Heres what Wyman claimed could be heard:

I sing because I live with Satan. The Lord turns me off. Theres no escaping it. Heres to my sweet Satan.

Yarroll, who identified himself as a neuroscientist, noted that a teenager need only listen
to Stairway to Heaven three times before these backward messages were stored as truth.
It wasnt just Plant reverse-singing Satans praises, either. According to Yarroll, bands ranging
from Styx to the Beatles also had secret backmasked messages hidden in their music -
messages that, in the words of legislative proposal A.B. 3741, had the power to manipulate
our behavior without our knowledge or consent and turn us into disciples of the Antichrist.

As the bills sponsor, Wyman wanted mandatory warning labels on all rock albums containing
these morally dubious backward messages.

Suppose young people have heard Stairway to Heaven two or three hundred times and there has been
implanted in their subconscious mind pro satanic messages or incantations? he told Terry Drinkwater the
following day on a CBS Evening News segment.

Indeed, this was the truly insidious part of backmasking. Even though you had to play records
in reverse to decipher the occultic messages, they could still subliminally imprint themselves
upon young teen minds when played in the standard direction.

During the same news segment, Yarroll described how the brain unscrambles a backward
masked message:

We have it stored in the unconscious as a truth image, he said, and as the creative unconscious side of
the brain does, it goes through scanning the unconscious brain to go about and bring those truth images to
the surface and make them reality for us.

After calling the issue exciting and interesting, committee chairman Sally Tanner (D-El Monte)
delayed an official vote until the music industry and band members could weigh in on the
matter. That day never came. But the national panic surrounding subliminal satanic messages
in rock music was about to reach fever pitch.

In the early 70s, backmasking - or the practice of recording vocals and instruments backwards
and then reinserting them into the forward mix of a song - was something a music savvy (and
possibly stoned) Beatles fan might bring up.

A decade later, it had become a cause clbre for conservative religious leaders, school
teachers, parents, and even politicians.

Whether it was the reversed voice of Freddie Mercury declaring its fun to smoke marijuana
on Another One Bites the Dust or Styx imploring Satan to move through our voices on
Snowblind, there seemed to be mounting evidence that rock music was literally becoming a
mouthpiece for the devil.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

Believers held record-smashing parties, appeared on popular TV talk shows, wrote books,
formed watchdog groups, and, perhaps most importantly, called their government
representatives to warn them.

By 1982, state and federal legislation was being introduced at a steady clip to combat rock and
rolls hidden satanic agenda. Two weeks after the California Assembly hearing in Sacramento,
California congressman Robert Dornan introduced H.R. 6363 to the House. Also known as the
Phonograph Record Backward Masking Labeling Act, the bill aimed to do the same thing as
Wymans A.B. 3741, only on a national level.

While it would ultimately be shuffled off to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation

and Tourism to die, other bills - including one in Arkansas a year later - were passed
unanimously by both house and senate members (then-Governor Bill Clinton ultimately vetoed
that one).

For its own part, the music industry responded with a bemused skepticism. Styxs
James Young called the whole idea of satanic backmasking a hoax perpetrated by
religious zealots, and refused to attend any meeting or hearing where the topic was

Then there was Bob Garcia of A&M Records, who declared;

It must be the devil putting these messages on the records because no one here knows how to do it.
Related: How Mnemonic Is Used To Program And Control Your Mind

A spokesman for Led Zeppelins record label, Swan Song Records, issued just one statement
in response to the Stairway to Heaven satanic allegations:

Our turntables only rotate in one direction.

Taken as a whole, these reactions only stoked the righteous (and possibly entrepreneurial)
fires of religious leaders like pastor Gary Greenwald, who started holding backmasking
seminars all over the country.

Soon, books like Backward Masking Unmasked, Dancing With Demons, and The Devils
Disciples: The Truth About Rock, were exposing the sinister nature of rock and roll music,
while watchdog organizations like Parents Against Subliminal Seduction (P.A.S.S.) tried to
block rock concerts at various venues.
The problem, as you may have already guessed, was that the whole thing was a bunch of
diabolical tihsllub.

Lets pause here to do something most satanic backmasking proponents never did during the
controversy: distinguish between real engineered backmasking and the majority of messages
people thought they were hearing during the 70s and 80s. The former is a technique that
dates back to the advent of recorded music.

The latter is the result of what psychologists call pareidolia (more on that in a bit), and is simply
the brains attempt to make sense of the gibberish that results from phonetic reversals.

Related: 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control

Recording things backwards really began when the field of sound recording began, says Alex
Case, president of the Audio Engineering Society. After Thomas Edisons invention of the
phonograph in 1877, there was rampant experimentation both with recorded speech and

Its clear that part of the sales pitch when they were selling wax cylinder recorders would be to
record someone speaking and then play it backwards for them, says Case. Fittingly, the
phrase mad dog (goddamn in reverse) seems to have been a crowd favorite.

Real backmasking - intentional backwards music or speech in musical compositions - began to

come into vogue during the 1940s with experimental composers like Pierre Schaeffer. Playing
records (and later, tapes) backwards was, according to Case, a way for musicians and
composers to fool around with timbre and produce new and distinct sounds.

By most accounts, thats precisely what attracted the Beatles to the practice. The band
famously used backward instrumentation, including a backward guitar solo, on their 1966
album Revolver.
Rain, the B-side of Paperback Writer, has what is believed to be the first backward masked
message in a pop song. Its coda is a backwards version of the songs first line: When the rain
comes, they run and hide their heads.

Yet while the Beatles may have popularized the practice, the satanic backmasking scare of the
1980s required more than just the willful misrepresentation of a decades-old musical trend. It
also needed some good old fashioned pseudoscience.

A drive-in movie theater in Fort Lee, New Jersey just happened to provide a perfect junk
science laboratory. Over the course of six weeks in 1957, unsuspecting filmgoers were the
subjects of a grand marketing experiment.

Using a special high-speed projector, researcher and social psychologist James Vicary
inserted the words drink Coke and eat popcorn into movies that summer.

Invisible to the human eye, each message lasted for 1/3,000th of a second and was repeated
in five-second intervals during films on alternating nights.

By the end of the six weeks, Vicary claimed 45,699 people had been subjected to his
subliminal inducements. He also claimed that popcorn and Coke sales went up 57.5 and 18.1
percent, respectively.

At a press conference held later that same year, Vicary described the results of this now
infamous study to help boost interest in his new Subliminal Projection Company, an attempt
to commercialize what he called a major breakthrough in subliminal advertising.

The public and press went bonkers, and not in a good way.

The first sentence of an influential op-ed responding to the press conference by journalist
Norman Cousins read: Welcome to 1984.

He, like many others, wondered what such a technology could mean not just for advertisers
who wanted to sell us stuff, but also for governments seeking to steer public sentiment.
Related: The New Mind Control: Subliminal Stimulation; Controlling People Without
Their Knowledge

For its own part, the FCC almost immediately threatened to suspend the broadcast license of
any company that dared use Vicarys machine.

In the years following the experiment, the CIA started looking into the operational potential of
subliminal perception (they found it exceedingly limited), and authors like Wilson Bryan Key
began cranking out books such as Subliminal Seduction, which claimed that sexual images
(and the actual word sex) were being hidden in hundreds of ads.

But when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation tried to replicate Vicarys claims by
subliminally flashing the message Call now during a popular Sunday night program, there
was no increase in phone calls.

The station later told viewers they had inserted a message and asked them to guess what it
might have been. Almost half of the roughly 500 viewers claimed to have been made hungry or
thirsty during the show, which aired during dinner time.
Vicarys study was clearly on the publics mind, which was problematic because it was
completely made up. From the beginning, Vicary refused to release key details about his

Not only was there never any independent evidence to support his claims about the
effectiveness of subliminal advertising, years later, Vicary admitted he had done only enough
research to file a patent for his machine, and actually had collected barely any data. Even
worse, his machine didnt seem to work half the time once people did try to test it.

Of course, none of that mattered by the late 70s and early 80s. Subliminal messaging was
being used in self-help tapes, in department store Muzak to ward off shoplifters, and, if you
believed Key, to sell the American public lots and lots of booze and cigarettes.

Related: Television Mind Control Exposed

Fast-forward 25 years, when two psychologists from the University of Lethbridge in Alberta,
Canada decided to figure out why so many of their neighbors to the south were hearing
devilish incantations in their rock music.
After being contacted by a skeptical local radio DJ who had attended one of pastor Gary
Greenwalds backmasking talks, John Vokey and his colleague Don Read agreed to come up
with a series of experiments that would directly address the idea of subliminal satanic

The psychologists decided to start their study by recording a few simple passages from Lewis
Carrolls Jabberwocky and the 23rd Psalm.

They wanted to find out whether the content of backward messages had any measureable
influence on a listener, consciously or otherwise.

They also wanted to see if the alleged backward messages people were hearing in rock music
were perhaps more about active construction on the listeners part and less about a devious
satanic plan to corrupt young people.

After each passage was recorded forward in a few languages, Vokey and Read re-recorded
them backward and played them for 65 test subjects.

They found that the participants could discern things like the sex of the speaker with 98.9
percent accuracy when the passages were played backwards. Subjects also displayed a
better-than-chance ability to detect the language of the backwards messages.

But when it came to deriving any kind of meaning from the passages, things didnt go as well.
Another series of tests asked subjects to categorize the content of the backwards messages
as a nursery rhyme, Christian, satanic, or pornographic.

The results were no greater than chance, and the meaning of the backwards messages didnt
appear to have been understood at any level, says Vokey.

In a final experiment, the two psychologists listened to the backwards passages themselves
and came up with some real sounding phrases hidden within them. They found the following:
Saw a girl with a weasel in her mouth, snatched her nips, and, to their delight, I saw
Satan. Listen below:

It wasnt as easy as it sounds, says Vokey. We had to drink a lot of beer to create those
messages. The two psychologists also invented control messages that didnt fit the
phonological patterns of the samples.

Just as Vokey predicted, when subjects were instructed to listen for the phrases, they were
unable to hear the control messages but were successful in detecting the phonologically
plausible ones at a rate of 84.6 percent. Mind you, this was only after the phrases had been
provided to them.
As Vokey and Read noted in their now famous article about the study, Subliminal Messages:
Between the Devil and the Media, this suggested you really could induce people to hear
messages that werent there so long as they were plausible-sounding interpretations.

How was this relevant to the satanic backmasking scare? Well, for one critical reason:
Believers were almost always providing the alleged backward masked phrases before having
others listen to them. Its what happened at the 1982 California Assembly hearing, and it was
the MO for religious leaders like Greenwald.

In what has become a staple of modern Intro to Psych perception lectures, professors will often
play these backmasked songs or similar garbled and distorted messages. When students
arent given any guidance, almost all of them struggle to make sense of the gibberish. Once
supplied with a phonetically plausible phrase, however, suddenly they cant hear anything but
that phrase.

This is what psychologists call pareidolia. For the same reason some of us see faces on Mars
and Jesus in toast, we also can be led to hear things that arent there.

Our brains are exceptional pattern recognition machines, particularly when comes to sound
and vision. Often, all it takes is a little priming to get things rolling.

As many have noted, one of the many delicious ironies of the 80s backmasking panic is that it
actually helped rekindle the practice in popular music.

As rock bands began to regularly get accused of hiding secret satanic messages in their
records, they figured: why not start putting real messages in them? Many of these were
sarcastic rebuttals to the backmasking controversy itself.

On ELOs fifth studio album, Face the Music, you can find this tongue-in-cheek message at the
start of the song Fire on High: The music is reversible, but time is not. Turn back, turn back,
turn back.

Pink Floyd had some fun on The Walls Empty Spaces, as well. When played backwards, you
can hear Roger Waters say: Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message.
Please send your answer to old pink, care of the funny farm.

Although the moral panic started to subside by the end of the 80s (less because of the
scientific discrediting of subliminal messages and more because records and cassettes gave
way to CDs), musicians continued to play around with backward masking throughout the 90s
and early aughts.

Today, perhaps because most of us stream the music we listen to, hiding backwards messages
in songs seems both quaint and pointless.

Yet while Satan abandoned his plans to corrupt Americas youth through rock and roll, a devil-
may-care attitude towards science is keeping the belief in subliminal messages alive and well.

Devil Music: A History Of The Occult In Rock & Roll

Related: Devil Music: A History Of The Occult In Rock & Roll

Earlier this fall, author and journalist Ahmet Altan and his brother were arrested in Turkey. The
charge? Sending out subliminal messages suggestive of a coup attempt during a TV

Both men will stand trial for trying to overthrow the government or prevent it from carrying out
its duties.

Backwards music may have fallen out of fashion, but backwards thinking is alive and well.

Related: How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain
Chemistry For The Worse
The Orwellian War On Skepticism: Battling Fake News &
Institutional Investors Now Dominate Media Company Ownership
December 9 2016 | From: GlobalResearch / Scoop

Under the cover of battling fake news, the mainstream U.S. news media
and officialdom are taking aim at journalistic skepticism when it is directed
at the pronouncements of the U.S. government and its allies.

One might have hoped that the alarm about fake news would remind major U.S. news
outlets, such as The Washington Post and The New York Times, about the value of
journalistic skepticism. However, instead, it seems to have done the opposite.

Related: Who is Behind Fake News? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images

The idea of questioning the claims by the Wests officialdom now brings calumny down upon
the heads of those who dare do it. Truth is being redefined as whatever the U.S. government,
NATO and other Western interests say is true.

Disagreement with the Wests group thinks, no matter how fact-based the dissent is,
becomes fake news.

So, we have the case of Washington Post columnist David Ignatius having a starry-eyed
interview with Richard Stengel, the State Departments Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy,
the principal arm of U.S. government propaganda.

Entitled The truth is losing, the column laments that the official narratives as deigned
by the State Department and The Washington Post are losing traction with Americans
and the worlds public.

Stengel, a former managing editor at Time magazine, seems to take aim at Russias RT
networks slogan, question more, as some sinister message seeking to inject cynicism toward
the Wests official narratives.

Theyre not trying to say that their version of events is the true one. Theyre saying: Everybodys lying!
Nobodys telling you the truth!, Stengel said.
They dont have a candidate, per se. But they want to undermine faith in democracy, faith in the West.

No Evidence

Typical of these recent mainstream tirades about this vague Russian menace, Ignatiuss
column doesnt provide any specifics regarding how RT and other Russian media outlets are
carrying out this assault on the purity of Western information.

Its enough to just toss around pejorative phrases supporting an Orwellian solution, which is to
stamp out or marginalize alternative and independent journalism, not just Russian.

The Washington Post building in downtown Washington, D.C.

Ignatius writes:

Stengel poses an urgent question for journalists, technologists and, more broadly, everyone living in free
societies or aspiring to do so. How do we protect the essential resource of democracy - the truth - from the
toxin of lies that surrounds it? Its like a virus or food poisoning. It needs to be controlled. But how?

Stengel argues that the U.S. government should sometimes protect citizens by exposing weaponized
information, false information that is polluting the ecosystem.

But ultimately, the defense of truth must be independent of a government that many people mistrust. There
are inherent dangers in having the government be the verifier of last resort, he argues.
By the way, Stengel is not the fount of truth-telling, as he and Ignatius like to pretend.

Early in the Ukraine crisis, Stengel delivered a rant against RT that was full of inaccuracies or
what you might call fake news.

Yet, what Stengel and various mainstream media outlets appear to be arguing for is the
creation of a Ministry of Truth managed by mainstream U.S. media outlets and
enforced by Google, Facebook and other technology platforms.

In other words, once these supposedly responsible outlets decide what the truth is, then
questioning that narrative will earn you virtual expulsion from the marketplace of ideas,
possibly eliminated via algorithms of major search engines or marked with a special app to
warn readers not to believe what you say, a sort of yellow Star of David for the Internet age.

And then theres the possibility of more direct (and old-fashioned) government enforcement by
launching FBI investigations into media outlets that wont toe the official line. (All of these
solutions have been advocated in recent weeks.)

On the other hand, if you do toe the official line that comes from Stengels public
diplomacy shop, you stand to get rewarded with government financial support. Stengel
disclosed in his interview with Ignatius that his office funds investigative journalism

How should citizens who want a fact-based world combat this assault on truth? Ignatius asks, adding:

Stengel has approved State Department programs that teach investigative reporting and empower

Buying Propaganda

After reading Ignatiuss column on Wednesday, I submitted a question to the State Department
asking for details on thisjournalism and truth-telling funding that is coming from the U.S.
governments top propaganda shop, but I have not received an answer.

Related: EU Demands Social Media Websites Censor Fake News Within 24 Hours

But we do know that the U.S. government has been investing tens of millions of dollars in
various media programs to undergird Washingtons desired narratives.

For instance, in May 2015, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) issued a
fact sheet summarizing its work financing friendly journalists around the world, including:
Journalism education, media business development, capacity building for supportive institutions, and
strengthening legal-regulatory environments for free media.

USAID estimated its budget for media strengthening programs in over 30 countries
annually, including aiding independent media organizations and bloggers in over a dozen

In Ukraine before the 2014 coup ousting elected President Viktor Yanukovych and installing a
fiercely anti-Russian and U.S.-backed regime, USAID offered training in mobile phone and
website security, skills that would have been quite helpful to the coup plotters.

USAID, working with currency speculator George Soross Open Society, also has funded
the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, which engages in investigative
journalism that usually goes after governments that have fallen into disfavor with the
United States and then are singled out for accusations of corruption.

The USAID-funded OCCRP collaborates with Bellingcat, an online investigative website

founded by blogger Eliot Higgins.

Higgins has spread misinformation on the Internet, including discredited claims implicating the
Syrian government in the sarin attack in 2013 and directing an Australian TV news crew to
what appeared to be the wrong location for a video of a BUK anti-aircraft battery as it
supposedly made its getaway to Russia after the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in

Despite his dubious record of accuracy, Higgins has gained mainstream acclaim, in part,
because his findings always match up with the propaganda theme that the U.S. government
and its Western allies are peddling. Higgins is now associated with the Atlantic Council, a pro-
NATO think tank which is partially funded by the U.S. State Department.

Beyond funding from the State Department and USAID, tens of millions of dollars more are
flowing through the U.S.-government-funded National Endowment for Democracy, which was
started in 1983 under the guiding hand of CIA Director William Casey.

NED became a slush fund to help finance what became known, inside the Reagan
administration, as perception management, the art of controlling the perceptions of domestic
and foreign populations.

The Emergence of StratCom

Last year, as the New Cold War heated up, NATO created the Strategic Communications
Command in Latvia to further wage information warfare against Russia and individuals who
were contesting the Wests narratives.

NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

As veteran war correspondent Don North reported in 2015 regarding this new StratCom, the
U.S. government has come to view the control and manipulation of information as a soft
power weapon, merging psychological operations, propaganda and public affairs under the
catch phrase strategic communications.

This attitude has led to treating psy-ops - manipulative techniques for influencing a target populations
state of mind and surreptitiously shaping peoples perceptions - as just a normal part of U.S. and NATOs
information policy.

Now, the European Parliament and the U.S. Congress are moving to up the ante, passing new
legislation to escalate information warfare.

On Wednesday, U.S. congressional negotiators approved $160 million to combat what they
deem foreign propaganda and the alleged Russian campaign to spread fake news. The
measure is part of the National Defense Authorization Act and gives the State Department the
power to identify propaganda and counter it.
This bipartisan stampede into an Orwellian future for the American people and the worlds
population follows a shoddily sourced Washington Post article that relied on a new anonymous
group that identified some 200 Internet sites, including some of the most prominent American
independent sources of news, as part of a Russian propaganda network.

Typical of this new McCarthyism, the report lacked evidence that any such network actually
exists but instead targeted cases where American journalists expressed skepticism about
claims from Western officialdom.

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for
evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques,
especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."

The term has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly
from 1950 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression against supposed communists, as
well as a campaign spreading fear of their influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet

Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of Republican U.S. Senator Joseph
McCarthy of Wisconsin, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses
of similar efforts.

The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as
demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries. was included on the list apparently because we have critically analyzed
some of the claims and allegations regarding the crises in Syria and Ukraine, rather than
simply accept the dominant Western group thinks.

Also on the black list were such quality journalism sites as Counterpunch, Truth-out, Truthdig,
Naked Capitalism and ZeroHedge along with many political sites ranging across the ideological

The Fake-News Express

Normally such an unfounded conspiracy theory would be ignored, but because The
Washington Post treated the incredible allegations as credible the smear has taken on a life
of its own, reprised by cable networks and republished by major newspapers.
Related: My interview with former CBS star reporter: fake news

But the unpleasant truth is that the mainstream U.S. news media is now engaged in its own
fake-news campaign about fake news. Its publishing bogus claims invented by a disreputable
and secretive outfit that just recently popped up on the Internet. If that isnt fake news, I dont
know what is.

Yet, despite the Posts clear violations of normal journalistic practices, surely, no one
there will pay a price, anymore than there was accountability for the Post reporting as
flat fact that Iraq was hiding WMD in 2002-2003.

Fred Hiatt, the editorial-page editor most responsible for that catastrophic group
think, is still in the same job today.

Two nights ago, MSNBCs Chris Matthews featured the spurious Washington Post article in a
segment that - like similar rehashes - didnt bother to get responses from the journalists being

I found that ironic since Matthews repeatedly scolds journalists for their failure to look
skeptically at U.S. government claims about Iraq possessing WMD as justification for
the disastrous Iraq War.

However, now Matthews joins in smearing journalists who have applied skepticism to
U.S. and Western propaganda claims about Syria and/or Ukraine.
MSNBCs Hardball host Chris Matthews

While the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament begin to take action to shut down or
isolate dissident sources of information all in the name of democracy - a potentially greater
danger is that mainstream U.S. news outlets are already teaming up with technology
companies, such as Google and Facebook, to impose their own determinations about truth
on the Internet.

Or, as Ignatius puts it in his column reflecting Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy Stengels

The best hope may be the global companies that have created the social-media platforms.They see this
information war as an existential threat, says Stengel.

The real challenge for global tech giants is to restore the currency of truth. Perhaps machine
learning [presumably a reference to algorithms] can identify falsehoods and expose every argument that
uses them.

Perhaps someday, a human-machine process will create what Stengel describes as a global ombudsman
for information.

Ministry of Truth

An organization of some 30 mainstream media companies already exists, including not only
The Washington Post and The New York Times but also the Atlantic Council-connected
Bellingcat, as the emerging arbiters or ombudsmen for truth, something Orwell described
less flatteringly as a Ministry of Truth.
Big Brother poster illustrating George Orwells novel about modern propaganda, 1984

The New York Times has even editorialized in support of Internet censorship, using the
hysteria over fake news to justify the marginalization or disappearance of dissident news

It now appears that this 1984-ish MiniTrue will especially target journalistic skepticism when
applied to U.S. government and mainstream media group thinks.

Yet, in my four decades-plus in professional journalism, I always understood that skepticism

was a universal journalistic principle, one that should be applied in all cases, whether a
Republican or a Democrat is in the White House or whether some foreign leader is popular or
Related: The Ultimate Fake News List: The mainstream media is the primary source of
the most harmful, most inaccurate news ever

As we have seen in recent years, failure to ask tough questions and to challenge
dubious claims from government officials and mainstream media outlets can get lots of
people killed, both U.S. soldiers and citizens of countries invaded or destabilized by

To show skepticism is not the threat to democracy that Undersecretary Stengel and columnist
Ignatius appear to think it is.

Whether you like or dislike RTs broadcasts - or more likely have never seen one - a journalist
really cant question its slogan: question more. Questioning is the essence of journalism and,
for that matter, democracy.

[In protest of the Posts smearing of independent journalists, RootsAction has undertaken a
petition drive, which can be found here.]

PETITION: Defend Independent Media From Fake News Attacks

Ask President-elect Donald Trump to take a stand against the establishment's desperate move to
label independent media as fake news.

This is a red level emergency.

Infowars, Breitbart, the Drudge Report and other independent sources are destroying the mainstream
media narrative like never before, and the establishment is getting desperate.

In an effort to try and censor the liberty movement and free speech, the mainstream media is now
attempting to label legitimate news sources like Infowars as "fake news" to push towards a government-led
shut down of

The Washington Post has even gone as far as to label sites like Infowars as "Russian propaganda
fake news" web sites, exemplifying the last attempt of a dying media conglomerate to force out any
and all dissenting voices.

Even more concerning, the United States House of Representatives quietly passed legislation
targeting 'Russian propaganda' websites.

But the calls for censorship do not end with the United States.

The European Union is demanding that Twitter, YouTube and Facebook censor illegal hate speech
within 24 hours and content that includes so-called fake news, a term so broad that it includes
perfectly legitimate news content.

Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have also announced that they will be ramping up efforts to
remove "extremist" content from their websites by using a shared database of offenders.

And perhaps most importantly, Twitter has recently gone on record stating the company will ban
President-Elect Donald J. Trump's Twitter account if he were to violate the company's "hate
speech" rules.

We are calling on and asking President-Elect Donald J. Trump to take a stand against the establishment
media's "fake news" attacks and to stop the impending censorship of independent media platforms like and others.

Click here to go to the petition page

Related: US House Bill 6393 Passed to Counter Russian Fake News & its Repeaters

Institutional Investors Now Dominate Media Company Ownership

Institutional investors now dominate the ownership and governance of New
Zealand media companies, according to the sixth annual update on local
media ownership from the Auckland University of Technology's Journalism,
Media and Democracy Research Centre.
"For the first time in six years, our media companies are exclusively owned by financial
institutions and it is in their interest to push structural changes through," the report's
author, Merja Myllylahti, says in a review of a sector in which two major mergers are
proposed: between news publishers NZME and the New Zealand assets of Australian
media firm Fairfax Media; and between Vodafone New Zealand and Sky Network

Related: Is the US Government Behind the Fake News Media Attacks on President-elect
Media owners have largely pulled out of the sector, she notes.

"Many of the directors have no declared media interests, but have directorships in financial firms and
corporate advisory businesses.The board structures of media corporates support further consolidation."

The report lists the most significant events in New Zealand media ownership this year as:

NZME separating from its Australian parent APN News & media, to become a standalone NZX-
listed company; Rupert Murdoch's News Corp selling all its NZME shares, inherited as a result
of the APN split; the proposed merger between NZME and Fairfax's New Zealand assets;
Vodafone proposing a merger with Sky Network Television; and TV3 owner MediaWorks
getting a new board and senior management.
NZME, publisher of the New Zealand Herald newspaper and website and the Newstalk
ZB radio network among other assets, is 85.6 percent-owned by financial institutions,
she said.

Myllylahti painted a grim outlook for traditional news publishers, saying merging was;

Not a solution for NZMEs and Fairfaxs troubled business models".

"The market challenges remain the same."

She noted a report by David Kaynes, an Australian-based analyst for multinational investment
bankers Citi, reported in Australian media yesterday, suggesting Fairfax's flagship titles in
Australia have no future if digital revenue continues to decline.

The only way for the merged company to stabilise its revenue in the short-term is to implement cost
savings and cut hundreds of jobs, and it is their intention to do so," said Myllylahti.
The report notes that media and telecommunications consolidation is accelerating in many

The relations and dependencies between news media corporations, social media companies, search
engines, chat providers, and news app companies became increasingly intertwined and complex" in 2016.

NZME and Fairfax are arguing they must merge to have a chance of competing with global
platforms like Facebook and Google, which are becoming go-to venues for news while
hoovering up digital advertising revenues, which are a far smaller than the total pool of
advertising spend once available to newspaper publishers.
That's in spite of new evidence that the total proportion of all ad spending committed to digital
channels is growing fast.

The Standard Media Index, a measure of New Zealand advertising spend, shows some 31.6
percent of total ad spending was on digital from January to September this year was 31.6
percent, compared with 26.2 percent in the same period last year and 11.6 percent for the
same period five years ago.

Related: Why I named my web site no-more-fake-news in 2001

In Connected World, Users Are Getting Reared As Slaughter

Animals + Facebook Employees Are Quitting Because Of Users
Being Censored
December 8 2016 | From: Arnoldit / TheAntiMedia

Yahoo, Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Instagram and Microsoft all have one
thing in common; for any service that they provide for free, they are
harnessing your private data to be sold to advertisers.
Related: This $5 Device Can Hack Your Locked Computer In One Minute

Mirror UK recently published an Op-Ed titled Who Is Spying on You? What Yahoo Hack
Taught Us About Facebook, Google, and WhatsApp in which the author says:

Think about this for a second. All those emails youve written and received with discussions about politics
and people that were assumed to be private and meant as inside jokes for you and your friends were being
filtered through CIA headquarters. Kind of makes you wonder what youve written in the past few years,
doesnt it?

The services be it free email or free instant messaging have been designed and developed in
such a way that the companies that own them end up with a humongous amount of information
about its users.

This data is sugarcoated and called as Big Data. It is then sold to advertisers and marketers
who in the garb of providing immersive and customized user experience follow every click of
yours online. This is akin to rearing animals for slaughtering them later.
The data is not just for sale to the corporates; law enforcement agencies can snoop on you
without any warrants. As pointed out in the article:

While hypocritical in many ways, these tech giants are smart enough to know who butters their bread and
that the perception of trust outweighs the reality of it.

But isnt it the government who ultimately ends up with the data if a company is intentionally spying on us
and building a huge record about each of us?

None of the tech giants accept this fact, but most are selling your data to the government,
including companies like Samsung that are into the hardware business.

Is there are a way that can help you evade this online snooping? Probably no if you consider
mainstream services and social media platforms. Till then, if you want to stay below the radar,
delete your accounts and data on all mainstream email service providers, instant messaging
apps, service providing websites and social media platform.

Related Articles:

How a Grad Student Found Spyware That Could Control Anybodys iPhone from
Anywhere in the World

Google is Quietly Recording Everything You Say - Heres How to Hear It, Delete It, and
Stop It

Twitter Threatens To Kill Trumps Account

Google will tell you how crowded your favorite bar is in real time
Facebook Employees Are Quitting Because Of Users Being
The war on fake news embarked upon by Facebook, Google, and Twitter
may be earning the media goliaths brownie points with establishment
politicos, but users - and even employees - arent feeling as enthusiastic.

In the midst of backlash over the stunning victory of President-elect Donald Trump,
which some people attribute to the preponderance of apocryphal headlines disseminated by
Internet search engines and social media platforms, the companies are tweaking their
algorithms in order to target specifically blacklisted sites, many of which happen to be
alternative media sites that question the political and media establishment.

Related: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Microsoft Removing extremist content in 2017

Many of the sites are also financially dependent on ad revenue earned by organic and referral
traffic directed by Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

Now, it appears Facebooks new algorithmic censorship practices are causing some of its
employees to quit. According to the New York Times, three current and former anonymous
employees claim the company has had a new tool developed specifically to restrict certain
kinds of posts from appearing in users news feeds in certain geographic areas.
This form of censorship has been deployed under the auspices of facilitating Facebooks entry
into the Chinese market. Previously, the company did this in Pakistan, Russia, and Turkey,
where the respective governments requested the ability for third parties to review and block
posted content. Facebook granted the requests and removed approximately 55,000 total
pieces of content.

Now Facebook wants access to 1.4 billion people in the worlds second-largest economy,
China, and they are willing to adhere to draconian censorship practices in order to do so. It
could be a complete coincidence that this new push happens to coincide with Facebooks
crackdown on alternative media, which has caused several employees to tender their

A Facebook spokeswoman responded to the report in a statement:

We have long said that we are interested in China, and are spending time understanding and learning
more about the country. However, we have not made any decision on our approach to China.

Our focus right now is on helping Chinese businesses and developers expand to new markets outside
China by using our ad platform.

The question now is whether there is a connection between two different but simultaneous
pushes for censorship by the largest social media platform in the world.

Is The Global-Warming Hustle Finally Falling Apart?

December 7 2016 | From: JonRappoport

(Al Gore stuffed $98 million into his lockbox while "saving the world")
When you see a problem defined as a threat to all humans, you can be sure Globalists
are using that fake or real problem to impose control on all humans. (The
Underground. Jon Rappoport)

Related: US-developed weapon system 'HAARP' may cause global warming - India

With the election of Donald Trump, climate change and global warming have come back into
the spotlight. In a different way.

The science is settled isnt good enough now.

Neither is the Globalist plan to cut energy production in every country in the world, in order
to rescue us from frying.

LA Times:

Donald Trump will be about the only head of state who does not believe in climate science or the
responsibility of his government to act, said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club

But all along, there have been dissenters from the manmade warming mantra; they just havent
been allowed inside government portals.
Freeman Dyson, physicist and mathematician, professor emeritus at Princetons Institute for
Advanced Study, Fellow of the Royal Society, winner of the Lorentz Medal, the Max Planck
Medal, the Fermi Award:

What has happened in the past 10 years is that the discrepancies [in climate change models] between
whats observed and whats predicted have become much stronger.

Its clear now the models are wrong, but it wasnt so clear 10 years ago Im 100 per cent Democrat
myself, and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on this [climate change] issue, and the Republicans
took the right side

- The Register, October 11, 2015

Dr. Ivar Giaever, Nobel-prize winner in Physics (1973), reported by Climate Depot, July 8,

Global warming is a non-problemI say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but youre wrong.
Dead wrong.

Green Guru James Lovelock, who once predicted imminent destruction of the planet via global

The computer models just werent reliable. In fact, Im not sure the whole thing isnt crazy, this climate

- The Guardian, September 30, 2016

And these are but a tiny fraction of the statements made by dissident scientists who reject
manmade global warming.

The science is only settled in government circles where leaders have climbed on board the
Globalist plan to undermine economies all over the world by grossly lowering energy
production, as a way to reduce warming.
One of the major warming hustlers is, of course, Al Gore.

Consider facts laid out in an uncritical Washington Post story (October 10, 2012, Al Gore has
thrived as a green-tech investor):

In 2001, Al was worth less than $2 million. By 2012, it was estimated hed locked up a nice
neat $100 million.

How did he do it? Well, he invested in 14 green companies, who inhaled - via loans,
grants and tax relief - somewhere in the neighborhood of $2.5 billion from the Federal
government to go greener.

Therefore, Gores investments paid off, because the Federal government was providing
massive cash backup to those companies. Its nice to have Federal friends in high places.
For example, Gores investment firm at one point held 4.2 million shares of an outfit called
Iberdrola Renovables, which was building 20 wind farms across the United States.

Iberdrola was blessed with $1.5 billion from the Federal government for the work which, by its
own admission, saved its corporate financial bacon. Every little bit helps.

Then there was a company called Johnson Controls. It made batteries, including those for
electric cars. Gores investment company, Generation Investment Management (GIM), doubled
its holdings in Johnson Controls in 2008, when shares cost as little $9 a share. GIM sold when
shares cost $21 to $26 - before the market for electric-car batteries fell on its head.

For a while, the going was good. To make it go good, Johnson Controls had been bolstered by
$299 million dropped at its doorstep by the administration of President Barack Obama.
On the side, Gore had been giving speeches on the end of life as we know it on planet Earth,
for as much as $175,000 a pop. (It isnt really on the side. Gore was constantly on the move
from conference to conference, spewing jet fumes in his wake.) Those lecture fees can add up.

So Gore, as of 2012, had $100 million.

The man has worked every angle to parlay fear of global-warming catastrophes into a
humdinger of a personal fortune. And he didnt achieve his new status in the free market. The
Federal government has been helping out with major, major bucks.

This wasnt an entrepreneur relying exclusively on his own smarts and hard work. Far from it.
- How many scientists and other PhDs have been just saying no to the theory of
manmade global warming?

A letter to The Wall Street Journal signed by 16 scientists just said no. Among the luminaries:
William Happer, professor of physics at Princeton University; Richard Lindzen, professor of
atmospheric sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; William Kininmonth, former
head of climate research at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

And then there was the Global Warming Petition Project, or the Oregon Petition, that
just said no. According to, the petition has the signatures of 31,487
American scientists, of which 9,029 stated they had Ph.D.s.

Global warming is one of the Rockefeller Globalists chief issues.

Manipulating it entails convincing populations that a massive intervention is necessary to stave

off the imminent collapse of all life on Earth. Therefore, sovereign nations must be eradicated.
Political power and decision-making must flow from above, from those who are wiser.

Al Gore is one of their front men. He jets here and he jets there, carrying their
messages. Hes their delivery kid.
And for his work, he is paid $100 million - a drop in the bucket.

A final note about the science of global warming -

A hypothesis is a provisional statement that remains to be confirmed through experiments.

Confirmation means making a correct prediction. Not just any prediction, but a useful one.

Take this hypothesis: The Earth has become warmer by X degrees over the past 1000 years.

Putting all the chatter aside, have scientists deployed this hypothesis to make accurate,
specific, and useful predictions about warming?

So far, the answer is no.

That eliminates, for the time being, the acceptance of the warming hypothesis. Many
predictions have been made, many alarm bells have been rung, many dire warnings
have been issued, many threats have been launchedbut no correct and useful

However, scientists will say their (rejected) hypothesis is also a statement of fact. That is, it is a
summary of a warming trend derived from thousands of measurements of temperatures, now
and in the past, on land, sea, and air.

Scientists will also claim their investigation reveals humans have directly and significantly
contributed to a recent warming trend.

At this point, we are leaving the method of hypothesizing and predicting, and moving to a
debate about the accuracy of all those temperature measurements and the causes of any
actual climate changes.
Among scientists, there is a great deal of disagreement about the accuracy of the
measurements. Any fair examination of studies and their critics will reveal that.

In this regard, the science is not settled. Far from it.

So: useless as a hypothesis, the assertion of manmade warming, as fact, is wide open to
debate. To say the least.

Yet... based on this non-proof, Globalists want all national governments on the planet to
commit to lowering energy production by a significant and destructive percentage in the
next 15 years - to save us from a horrible fate.

Their real agenda is clear:

The only solution to climate change is a global energy-management network. We (the Globalist leaders)
are in the best position to manage such a system. We will allocate mandated energy-use levels throughout
planet Earth, region by region, nation by nation, and eventually, citizen by citizen.

Yes, citizen by citizen.

This is the long-term goal. This is the Globalists Holy Grail. Slavery imposed through

Related: Media falsely spinning Trump climate comments

If You Question The Establishment You Are Guilty Of Espionage,
Says Corporate Media - Because Russia + The Fake News Furor
And The Threat Of Internet Censorship
December 4 2016 | From: ActivistPost / GlobalResearch

Mainstream, corporate media has launched a dangerous and slanderous

campaign to label any news outlet not spewing accepted governmental
narrative as professional Russian propagandists - and those unaware
theyd apparently been duped by Russia, useful idiots.

Ordinarily, the complete dearth of proof this claim has even a shred of truth would
cause a reflexive eye roll but in this case, the American exceptionalist machine
behind the supposed analysis calls for FBI and Department of Justice to investigate
possible violations of Espionage Act.

Related: Establishment Media Declares War On Their Competition As Fake News

Conflating legitimate journalism with espionage because it refutes a narrative acceptable to the
establishment is categorically ludicrous.

This irresponsible, criminal violation of ethics devoid of any journalistic integrity came from
the Washington Post, which reported two teams of independent researchers discovered The
Russians were behind fake news articles to help Donald Trump win the election and
undermine faith in American democracy.

It could be said you cant make this up - but apparently thats exactly what these so-
called expert researchers did.

The flood of fake news this election season got support from a sophisticated Russian propaganda
campaign that created and spread misleading articles online with the goal of punishing Democrat Hillary
Clinton, helping Republican Donald Trump and undermining faith in American democracy, say independent
researchers who tracked the operation, the Post declared in its lede.

Russias increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery - including thousands of botnets,

teams of paid human trolls, and networks of websites and social-media accounts - echoed
and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding
potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal
of global financiers.

Who would have thunk such a thing?

The effort also sought to heighten the appearance of international tensions and promote fear of
looming hostilities with nuclear-armed Russia.

Related: The Myth Of Aggressive Russia

However, as has been the highly-suspect tendency thus far in the corporate medias war on
ostensible disinformation, literally no evidence accompanied the Posts report - nor the
analyses provided by these two putatively independent research groups - making the article a
prime example of libel.
Related: House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting "Russian Propaganda" Websites

In fact, the credibility of this reporting is so wet tissue paper-flimsy, even the mainstream
outlet Fortune refuted the contents in an article appropriately titled, No, Russian Agents Are
Not Behind Every Piece of Fake News You See, because the case starts to come apart at
the seams the more you look at it.

Fortune notes one of the two research groups, the Foreign Policy Institute, is:

A conservative think tank funded and staffed by proponents of the Cold War between the U.S. and Russia,
which says it has been researching Russian propaganda since 2014.

PropOrNot, the other group publishing the exhaustive list of even award-winning sites, tweets
and retweets anti-Russian sentiments from a variety of sources, has only existed since August
of this year, according to Fortune. And an article announcing the launch of the group on its
website is dated last month.

None of the supposedly multiple people responsible for the fledgling PropOrNot website are
named, even by the Post.

Its executive director, whom the Post quoted on the condition of anonymity to avoid being
targeted by Russias legions of skilled hackers- a laughable excuse worthy of its own
tinfoil hat - claims;

The way that this propaganda apparatus supported Trump was equivalent to some massive amount of a
media buy. It was like Russia was running a super PAC for Trumps campaign... It worked.

Once again, the Russia did it narrative belies the underlying establishment frustration
and inability to come to terms with the loss of democratic election - a loss alternative,
independent media undoubtedly assisted, but not for the tiresome reasons corporate
outlets repeat ad infinitum.

Hillary Clinton did not lose the 2016 presidential election because some shady, Russian-
government crafted cabal of non-mainstream outlets plotted her downfall for the benefit of
Donald Trump. Indeed, most of the outlets listed - including The Free Thought Project -
castigated both Clinton and Trump when pertinent information became available.

No, Hillary Clinton lost because - even faced with as contentious a character as
megalomaniacal Trump - the American populace has grown too weary of Washington politics-
as-usual, foreign policy-as-usual, and corruption-as-usual.

Related: McCarthyism Is Breaking Out All Over - Paul Craig Roberts

Independent media did a phenomenal job reporting on revelations published by

WikiLeaks, and equally stellar slaying of U.S. government propaganda reported as
legitimate news by irresponsible corporate media presstitutes, who some time ago
abandoned journalism for establishment acceptance.

Pointing fingers will never make this any less true - and, in actuality, only deepens the
shameful dereliction of journalistic duty.

To wit, the Posts regurgitating this thinly veneered anti-Russian agenda as fact, when literally
no investigation was undertaken - no one contacted the outlets on this list to offer their side, for
example - is precisely the sort of fake news the establishment insists it needs to fight.
Fortune points out:

Theres also little data available on the PropOrNot report, which describes a network of 200 sites who it
says are routine peddlers of Russian propaganda, which have what it calls a combined audience of 15
million Americans. How is that audience measured?

We dont know. Stories promoted by this network were shared 213 million times, it says. How do we know
this? Thats unclear."

Once again, we have literally unverifiable information coughed up by unknown entities, who
employed unknown methods to produce a blacklist of media sites - which incidentally includes
a disparate mishmash from Ron Paul and Chris Hedges, to the Drudge Report and Lew
Rockwell - that the public should deem verboten because they said so. That, and because

As The Intercepts Glenn Greenwald tweeted:

Yes, the WashPost is saying: some people who we wont identify, using methodologies we
wont describe, created This Important Blacklist!

Again, though its difficult not to laugh at this altogether ironic travesty, the peril lies in these
unknown entities at PropOrNot suggesting these outlets and the journalists behind them have
violated the Espionage Act, the Foreign Agent Registration Act, and other related laws,
but determining that is up to the FBI and the DOJ.
Just two paragraphs prior, PropOrNot paradoxically claims it fiercely believe in the rights to
freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and have no interest in seeing anyone
punished for exercising them.

Although PropOrNot flatly claims its questionably researched and flagrantly unvetted list
shouldnt be considered McCarthyistic, well, it is.

So in other words, any and every one who is anything but a liberal drone is now a
Russian plant? Zero Hedge, which also landed a spot on the Everyone the Establishment
Dislikes Is a Russian Agent list, asked rhetorically. McCarthy would be proud.

Related: The Major Purveyor of Fake News is the CIA-Corporate Complex

The Fake News Furor And The Threat Of Internet Censorship

In the weeks since the November 8 election, US media reports on the

spread of so-called fake news during the presidential campaign have
increasingly repeated unsubstantiated pre-election claims that the Russian
government hacked into Democratic Party email servers to undermine the
campaign of Hillary Clinton.

There is more than a whiff of McCarthyism in this crusade against fake news on social
media and the Internet, with online publications critical of US wars of aggression and
other criminal activities being branded as Russian propaganda outlets.

Related: Fake News List Death Knell for MSM-Paul Craig Roberts

A case in point is an article published in the November 24 edition of the Washington

Post headlined Russian propaganda effort helped spread fake news during election, experts

The article includes assertions that Russian botnets, teams of paid human trolls, and
networks of web sites and social media accounts were used to promote sites across the
"As they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to
hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers.

Comment: Well they may not have been Russian bot-nets but they sure as hell were real
people who have woken up to the reality of that the psychopathic luciferial control-freak
establishment wanted...

According to the Post, the exposure of Russian involvement in the spread of fake election
news is based on the work of a team of independent researchers and another anonymous
group calling itself PropOrNot, which has expertise in computer science, national security and
public policy.

Oh for the love of Christ who do they think believes this hore shit anymore?


Although no one from the PropOrNot organization is mentioned by name, the Post quotes the
executive director of this group anonymously. The organization has gone so far as to publish a
list of 200 web sites - including WikiLeaks, the ultra-right Drudge Report and the left-liberal
Truthout - that are deemed routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.

It should be obvious that the Post report is itself an example of the state-sponsored
pseudo-news that is increasingly dispensed by the corporate-controlled media to
promote the geopolitical and military aims of American imperialism.

The New York Times has published similar articles, including one authored by David E. Sanger
and posted on the Times web site on November 25 under the headline US Officials Defend
Integrity of Vote, Despite Hacking Fears.

Sanger, the chief Washington correspondent of the Times, is a regular sounding board for the
military/intelligence establishment, to which he is closely plugged in. He writes that:
Intelligence officials are still investigating the impact of a broader Russian information warfare campaign,
in which fake news about Mrs. Clinton, and about United States-Russia relations, appeared intended to
influence voters.

He adds, Many of those false reports originated from RT News and Sputnik, two state-funded Russian

The readers of this and virtually all other articles on the topic of Russias role in fake news will
search in vain for a single piece of evidence to substantiate the claims made.

Instead, the views and opinions of experts, usually unnamed, are cited and treated as
indisputable fact - much in the manner of Joe McCarthy and similar witch-hunters.

The editors and writers who produce these articles seem not even to notice that their
publications have been caught in one colossal lie after another - from the claims of Iraqi
weapons of mass destruction used to justify the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in
2003 to the more recent flood of government propaganda in support of neo-colonial wars in
Libya and Syria and drone killings in a growing number of countries - all justified in the name of
human rights and the war on terror.

There are no institutions anywhere in the world more adept at producing fake news
than the American corporate-controlled media.

These same media outlets further discredited themselves by overtly slanting their news
coverage of the election campaign in favor of their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, and
predicting that she would secure a decisive victory.

Blindsided by the support for Trump among disaffected and angry lower-income people and
taken unawares by the electoral collapse of the Democrats, the corporate media are
responding to the growth of popular distrust by seeking to discredit alternative news sources.

Related: Dear Donald Trump: Blockade the lying mainstream media and recognize the
independent media as America's real free press

This is not to deny the spread of false information and propaganda masquerading as news on
the Internet.

Fabricated news stories and hoaxes have been circulating online since the World Wide Web
began in the 1990s, but there was a significant increase in fake political sites and content
during the US elections.

Stories that stretched the truth or were entirely made up typically started on mock news web
sites and were then amplified by social media sharing.

Related: Putin awaits my application for citizenship, says Russian agent Paul Craig

Other false reports originated on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and spread rapidly
with the like, share and comment features of social media.

An analysis published by Buzzfeed on November 16 showed that false political news

stories in the final three months of the election campaign, such as a report that the Pope
had endorsed Trump for president, generated more engagement on Facebook than the
combined top stories of nineteen major US news organizations.

The Buzzfeed study noted the hyperpartisan right-wing nature of the top fabricated news
items, as well as the spike in the number of visitors to these sites during the final election

Another key aspect of online fake news has been the growth of its scope internationally.
The Guardian reported in August, for example, that a group of teenagers and college students
from Veles, Macedonia set up dozens of political web site faades to both influence and cash
in on the Trump candidacy.

The Guardian report also pointed out that, although the pro-Trump sham news sites were more
popular, both offshore and domestic web sites became very popular and generated income for
their publishers whether they were peddling phony conservative or liberal misinformation.

That being said, the campaign in the corporate media against fake news on the Internet,
including calls for social media outlets such as Google and Facebook to vet the material that
appears on their sites, is a reactionary attack on freedom of the press.

It has already elicited positive responses from major Internet sites.

Both Google and Facebook have published statements acknowledging that they are
working on systems that will use third-party fact-checking of news content published
on their services.

In the case of Facebook, this initiative - reminiscent of Orwells Thought Police - will be
reinforced by barring accounts identified as fake news sources from using online
advertising tools.

Pressure to shut down or muzzle fake news sites and social media accounts are emanating
from the offices of corporate media organizations concerned about the loss of their influence
over the public. Any moves to censor Internet content must be opposed as an attack on
democratic rights.

The measures being prepared today against fake news web sites and social media
publishers will be perfected and used tomorrow against the working class and the socialist
media - the World Socialist Web Site - that articulates and fights for its independent interests.

Related: FAKE NEWS: Newsweek Admits They Didnt Proof Read Madam President
Issue; They Didnt Even Write It

Climate Intervention: A Government Cover-Up Of Epic Proportions

December 3 2016 | From: WND

I recently addressed how CIA Director John Brennan gave a historic

speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, confessing something few
thought they would ever hear: the federal governments explicit and
intentional climate intervention via operations like stratospheric aerosol
spraying or injections, or SAI.
What I didnt explain is that SAI is a ginormous federal geo-engineering cover up that is
now being exposed, and yet not a single mainstream media outlet has reported on it. Let
me explain.

Related: The Real Fake News exposed: '97% of scientists agree on climate change' is an
engineered hoax... here's what the media never told you

In April, the U.S. Senate directed the Department of Energy (DOE) to review the findings of
the National Academy [of Sciences, or NAS] report, Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight
to Cool Earth, and to study the potential impacts of albedo modification [or solar radiation
management], a potential method of geoengineering, which included smaller scale field

Science magazine explained:

Albedo modification would work by lacing the atmosphere with tiny particles or aerosols that would reflect
sunlight and mimic natural processes.

For example, in 1991 the volcano Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed 20 million tons of sulfur
dioxide into the stratosphere, which spans altitudes from 10 to 50 kilometers.

There, the sulfur dioxide produced aerosols that reflected enough sunlight to reduce global temperature by
an estimated 0.3C for 3 years.

Albedo modification might also work by using aerosols to seed cloud formation in a lower atmospheric
layer called the troposphere.

The U.S. Senate pushed the DOE to pursue albedo modification action a couple months
before CIA Director Brennan gave his blessing to stratospheric spraying as a government
operation that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.
Whats crazy about all that government endorsement is that the February 2015 NAS report, on
which the feds base their entire toxic rain operation;

Warned explicitly that albedo modification shouldnt be deployed now because the risks and
benefits were far too uncertain.

What are those risks? Here are just three grave consequences that we know about:

Drought: The team under Chien Wang, a co-author of the NAS study and a senior research
scientist at MITs Center for Global Change Science and the Department of Earth, concluded
that albedo modification would lead;

To dangerous changes in global weather: Precipitation would also decline worldwide, and some parts of
the world would be worse off. Europe, the Horn of Africa, and Pakistan may receive less rainfall than they
have historically.

Loss of blue sky: According to a report by the New Scientist, Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie
Institution for Science explained, Releasing sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere should
in theory reduce global temperatures by reflecting a small percentage of the incoming sunlight
away from the Earth.

Related: Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition

However, the extra particles would also scatter more of the remaining light into the
atmosphere. This would reduce by 20 per cent the amount of sunlight that takes a direct route
to the ground, and it would increase levels of softer, diffuse scattered light, making the sky
appear hazier.

Hazards to human health and other earth life: The gravest of all consequences of
atmospheric aerosol spraying is that, simply put, whats sprayed above us settles down upon
us and in us, as well as other life on earth.

The U.S. governments own National Center for Biotechnology Information, or NCBI,
released a report in January 2016, the goal of which was Assessing the direct occupational
and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric
aerosols. The NCBI concluded:

Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via
deployment of stratospheric aerosols.

Little is known about the toxicity of some likely candidate aerosols, and there is no consensus
regarding acceptable levels for public exposure to these materials.

There is also little infrastructure in place to evaluate potential public health impacts in the event that
stratospheric aerosols are deployed for solar radiation management.

No wonder the co-author of the study on Climate Intervention, Dr. James Fleming,
called geo-engineering like SAI: untested and untestable, and dangerous beyond belief.

Related: A new study suggests that carbon-hungry plants help keep atmospheric CO2
levels in check
Another colleague and co-author, Dr. Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, the Louis Block professor in
geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, and Swedens King Carl XVI Gustafn,
chairman in environmental science at Stockholms Universitet, took it one step further. He

The nearly two years worth of reading and animated discussions that went into this study have
convinced me more than ever that the idea of fixing the climate by hacking the Earths reflection
of sunlight is wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad.

(That is why Dr. Pierrehumbert prefers to call albedo modification by the name albedo hacking

Dr. Pierrehumber added: The report describes albedo modification frankly as involving large
and partly unknown risks. It states outright that albedo modification should not be deployed.'

So, why are the U.S. Senate and CIA director disregarding the dire and passionate warnings of
scientists like Dr. Pierrehumbert and Dr. Fleming by demanding that the Department of Energy
proceed with trials on geo-engineering? In the words of Dr. Pierrehumber, are they wildly,
utterly, howlingly barking mad? Answer: Yes!

Is it a mere coincidence that the very government agencies that are spraying our stratosphere
with toxic chemicals were the actual sponsors of the NAS report? The NAS itself confessed:

The study was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. intelligence community, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S.
Department of Energy (italics mine).

Isnt that like your right hand quoting your left hand so that your right hand can grab what its already
holding? Is the NAS report another government push and ploy to collaborate and cite scientific proof to
justify its clandestine climate agenda?

Why else would the CIA and U.S. Senate be proceeding in climate aerosol spraying when the very
scientists preparing the study warned, Stop! Dont do it! Its crazy and dangerous!

The most colossal and tragic of all government cover-ups is the fact that the feds have been
waging climate warfare for more than 30 years, lacing our clouds and stratosphere with
dangerous nano-particles, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum
and aluminum oxide aerosols.

The truth is, for decades, the feds have been covertly and overtly running sky criminal
operations behind (above!) our backs, leaving humans and the rest of the planet life as lab rats
of their toxic cocktail fallout. reported that a 1978 750-page congressional report was recently

discovered with a mountain of information going back decades that confirms the ongoing
extensive involvement of our government in climate modification/weather warfare.

This document also confirms the involvement of foreign governments around the globe, even
governments that would otherwise have been considered hostile to US interests.'

Why hasnt a single mainstream media outlet reported on the CIA and DOEs march forward
with SAI when the scientific community has explicitly and repeatedly warned against it?

Why are geo-engineering researchers being stonewalled by government and media?

And why in hell are watchdogs on both the left and right dodging the feds intentional and
hazardous climate intervention, when they seek to uncover government cover-ups and
conspiracies with the most scant of evidence?

Dane Wigington, the lead researcher for and a fierce fighter for
government geoengineering transparency, was absolutely right when he wrote: How big does
the climate engineering elephant in the room need to be before it can no longer be hidden in
plain site?
How much more historical proof do we need of the ongoing climate engineering/weather
warfare before the denial of the masses crumbles? When will populations around the globe
bring to justice all those responsible for the ongoing and rapidly worsening worldwide weather
warfare assault?

Is it a mere coincidence that, in October 2015, the feds put a universal gag order on agency
employees in The National Weather Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and the U.S. Dept. of Commerce?

Is it a mere coincidence that the Obama administration has spent more taxpayer monies for
legal prosecutions of government whistleblowers than all other U.S. presidents combined,
resulting in 31 times the jail sentences?

Its time to blow the lid off the governments climate cover-up!
That is why my wife, Gena, and I encourage citizens everywhere to do their own research on
geo-engineering and then write their government representatives to demand action. We also
encourage the support of the Legal Alliance of pro-bono lawyers now amassed as a united
front to fight the geo-engineering government cover-up in court.

To read or learn more immediately, I highly recommend the work and website of Dane
Wigington. is loaded with great research on the many facets of
climate intervention.

Whereabouts Of Julian Assange Remain A Mystery + Want To

Know Julian Assanges Endgame? He Told You A Decade Ago
December 1 2016 | From: Infowars / Wired / Various

Speculation is exploding about the fate of Wikileaks founder Julian

Assange, whos been out of public spotlight since Hillary Clinton lost the
U.S. presidential election.
Wikileaks has responded by asking people to stop requesting proof of life, and that
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa is to blame for controlling Assanges movement.
Want To Know Julian Assanges Endgame? He Told You A Decade
[Archical but relevant] Amid a seemingly incessant deluge of leaks and
hacks, Washington, DC staffers have learned to imagine how even the most
benign email would look a week later on the homepage of a secret-spilling
outfit like WikiLeaks or DCLeaks.
In many cases, theyve stopped emailing altogether, deleted accounts, and reconsidered
dumbphones. Julian Assange - or at least, a ten-years-younger and more
innocent Assange - would say hes already won.

After another week of Clinton-related emails roiling this election, the political world has been
left to scrub their inboxes, watch their private correspondences be picked over in public, and
psychoanalyze WikiLeaks inscrutable founder.

Once theyre done sterilizing their online lives, they might want to turn to an essay Assange
wrote ten years ago, laying out the endgame of his leaking strategy long before he became
one of the most controversial figures on the Internet.

In Conspiracy as Governance, which Assange posted to his blog in December 2006, the
leader of then-new WikiLeaks describes what he considered to be the most effective way to
attack a conspiracy - including, as he puts it, that particular form of conspiracy known as a
political party.

Consider what would happen if one of these parties gave up their mobile phones, fax and email
correspondence - let alone the computer systems which manage their [subscribers], donors, budgets,
polling, call centres and direct mail campaigns. They would immediately fall into an organisational stupor
and lose to the other.

And how to induce that organisational stupor? Foment the fear that any correspondence
could leak at any time.
The more secretive or unjust an organization is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership
and planning coterie.

This must result in minimization of efficient internal communications mechanisms (an increase in cognitive
secrecy tax) and consequent system-wide cognitive decline resulting in decreased ability to hold onto
power as the environment demands adaptation.

WikiLeaks would publish its first leak the same month as that blog post, a communication from
a Somalian Islamic cleric calling for political assassinations.

Three years later itd put out the Pentagon and State Department leaks provided by Chelsea
Manning, and six years after that, leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee and
Clinton advisor John Podesta would lead to the ousting of DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman
Schultz and shake Hillary Clintons campaign.

The last decade has shown just how prescient Assange was. Take, for example, the Russian
hackers who published private files from the World Anti-Doping Agency after Russias athletes
got banned from the Olympics for doping.

Now a group like WADA has to take everything they say to every person into account. They
have to think, this could leak, says Dave Aitel, a former NSA staffer and founder of the security
firm Immunity who focuses on cyberwar and information warfare. The idea is, If we can
prevent them from having secrets, they have to operate very differently.'

That move comes straight from Assange.

It was a crappy, annoying manifesto, Aitel says. And it was ahead of its time by many years.

- Dave Aitel, Former NSA analyst

A spokesperson for WikiLeaks says Assanges essay was a thought experiment that the
organization still believes to be true. Organizations have two choices:

1. reduce their levels of abuse or dishonesty or

2. pay a heavy secrecy tax in order to engage in inefficient but secretive processes,
the spokesperson writes. As organizations are usually in some form of competitive
equilibrium this means that, in the face of WikiLeaks, organizations that are honest will,
on average, grow, while those that are dishonest and unjust will decline.

The more secretive or unjust an organization is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership
and planning coterie."

- Julian Assange, writing in 2006

Of course, Assanges claim that a political party leaks in direct proportion to its dishonesty
looks almost laughable after the last several months.

WikiLeaks has published leaks exclusively damaging to Clinton and the Democratic Party,
while publishing nothing from Donald Trump or his campaign. (Trump has, of course, faced the
leaks of his 1995 tax returns and a damning video where he brags about sexual assault.

But mainstream newspapers published both, and neither came from the sort of internal
communications Assange wrote about. Trump himself also famously doesnt use email, as
good a security measure as anyone could hope for.)
In fact, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence have both said that recent WikiLeaks releases originated with Russian state-
sponsored hackers seeking to influence US electoral politics.

Comment: Horse shit. The Cabal were so hard up for a cover story that they had a
tantrum and tried to blame the Russians. Fucking pathetic. These people are inept,
worthless scum.

Assanges essay doesnt account for the possibility that a government might exploit or collude
with a leak platform like WikiLeaks. (WikiLeaks spokesperson denied that there has been any
official claim that any documents published by WikiLeaks have come from a state actor,
somehow ignoring last weeks DHS and ODNI announcement.)

The notion in Assanges essay that only corrupt conspiracies keep secrets is one that Clinton
herself has argued against - ironically, something we know because she said it in a speech
whose partial transcript WikiLeaks leaked last Friday.

Speaking to the National Multi-Housing Council in 2013, Clinton cited how President Lincoln
secretly promised jobs to lame duck Congressmen of the opposing political party if they agreed
to vote for the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery.

If everybodys watching all of the backroom discussions and the deals, you know, then people
get a little nervous, to say the least, she said. So, you need both a public and a private

But the other point Assange makes - the secrecy tax that organizations pay when they try to
avoid leaks - rings true. Any organization that has tried to encrypt all its communications,
delete them, or throttle, quarantine, and compartmentalize them in the name of secrecy knows
the toll that paranoia takes.

An authoritarian conspiracy that cannot think efficiently cannot act to preserve itself against the opponents
it induces...

When we look at a conspiracy as an organic whole, we can see a system of interacting organs, a body with
arteries and veins whose blood may be thickened and slowed till it falls, unable to sufficiently comprehend
and control the forces in its environment.
Let that be a warning to the Democratic Party and any other organization with secrets to keep.
If the leaks dont kill you, the fear of them just might.

The following articles are a cross-section of developments over recent weeks and
months, some of which may
provide clues as to what has led to this strange situation:

Why Did WikiLeaks Tweet a Picture of Gavin MacFadyen?

Ecuador Admits They Silenced Assange Because Clinton Leaks Were Interfering
With US Election

Wikileaks Warns It Is Launching "Phase Three" Of Its Election Coverage

Julian Assange Gets Sweet Revenge After Hillary Cuts His Internet

Wikileaks Appears To Have Just Released Its First Insurance File, Fully Open And

Assange: WikiLeaks Will Publish Docs on Elections, Oil, War & Google, Every Week for
Next 10 Weeks

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Proposed Killing Assange With Drone Strike

Assange ready to surrender to US

Renowned lawyer who represented Julian Assange died after being struck by train in
West Hampstead

WikiLeaks Founder Just Revealed Why Sanders Really Dropped Out

Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Proposed Drone Strike on Assange

Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to Security


Wikileaks Email Exposes Podesta Using Soviet Assassination Term Just Prior to
Justice Scalias Death

FBI Found "Tens Of Thousands Of Emails" Belonging To Huma Abedin On Weiner's


Hillary Just Got Politically Assassinated: Wikileaks Just Released Her Full Isis Donor
List With Names!

Shocking: Top 100 Bombshell WikiLeak Emails Revealed So Far

Google Is Funding A Ministry Of Truth With Corporate Media
Outlets Known For Deadly Deception + Heres Why Fake News
Sites Are Dangerous
December 1 2016 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject / JonRappoport

While establishment Democrats trumpet all sorts of excuses for Hillarys

loss, few are willing to admit that she represented the alliance of
bureaucratic corruption and corporate greed people are sick of.

The most insidious excuse being pushed by the establishment Left (consisting of party
leaders and much of the mainstream media) is the so-called fake news trope.

Related: The Western War On Truth

No one denies that publishing articles about made-up events, and presenting that as real
news, is a terrible thing, which unfortunately gets shared without people taking the
responsibility of verifying information.

But the censorship crusade being carried out by MSM is about more than actual fake

It is a vehicle for silencing alternative media and dissenting voices that represent a
threat to the narrative. The target is not just the alt-right but alternative news and views from
a range of political categories.

MSM outlets such as NYMag, LA Times and the Independent immediately picked up on a list of
False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical News Sources produced by a university
professor. Without providing reasoning or examples to back up the claim that this list should be
taken seriously, it was held up as a blacklist to be avoided.

That may have been only the first salvo, as far greater plans are in the works, represented by
something called the First Draft Coalition.
Related: NZ's Media Already Very Concentrated, Lacks Diversity

Funded by Google News Lab, this coalition of over thirty major news and technology
organisations aims to tackle issues of trust and truth in reporting information that emerges
online. Notable members include the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and BBC.

They have anointed themselves as a sort of Ministry of Truth, as Robert Parry describes in his
examination of the fake news subject:

It has also led to some very real harassment of the people caught up in the theory, including the owner of
the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in the District, James Alefantis.
Alefantis has received hundreds of death threats over the past couple of weeks, he told the New York
Times this week, after Pizzagate enthusiasts decided that his restaurant was the secret headquarters of a
child sex-trafficking ring run by Hillary Clinton and members of her inner circle."

However, these self-appointed deciders have their own dubious history with accuracy in

We recently reported on five campaigns of deception that mainstream media have happily
marched along with, resulting in the suffering of millions and the whitewashing of American
foreign policy. The New York Times and Washington Post were particularly irresponsible with
their reporting of falsities on nuclear weapons and WMD in Iraq.

They have long pushed the narrative for the foreign policy establishment, from ignoring the
Iran-Contra scandal to providing cover for U.S. machinations in Syria.
Related: The Major Purveyor of Fake News is the CIA-Corporate Complex

CNN silenced their own reporter who found evidence of human rights abuses being carried out
in Bahrain, a Middle East dictatorship that also happens to host the U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet.

But the irony of the First Draft Coalition goes even further. One of the founders of First Draft
Coalition a citizen journalism site called Bellingcat has published high-profile stories with
false information, and, according to Parry, has a close association with NATO through the
Atlantic Council.

Despite Bellingcats checkered record and its conflicts of interest through the Atlantic Council, major
Western news outlets, including the Times and Post, have embraced Bellingcat, apparently because its
articles always seem to mesh neatly with U.S. and European propaganda on Syria and Ukraine.
Two of Bellingcats (or its founder Eliot Higginss) biggest errors were misplacing the firing location of the
suspected Syrian rocket carrying sarin gas on Aug. 21, 2013, and directing an Australian news crew to the
wrong site for the so-called getaway Buk video after the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines
Flight 17.

But like many news outlets that support establishment group thinks, Bellingcat wins widespread praise
and official endorsements, such as from the international MH-17 investigation that was largely controlled by
Ukraines unsavory intelligence agency, the SBU and that accepted Bellingcats dubious MH-17 evidence
blaming the Russians.

Parry believes that if this Ministry of Truth called the First Draft Coalition existed during Iran-
Contra and the Iraq invasion, the voices of dissent that ultimately exposed government and
MSM lies would have been quashed.

U.S. intervention in Syria and the nurturing of the Salafist sect that went on to become ISIS -
as well as the McCarthyist aggression against Russia - all could not have happened without
the support of Washington think-tanks and MSM cheerleaders toeing the government line.
Related: Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New,
Hidden, and Very Shady Group

So it comes back around to the problem of who gets to decide what constitutes fake news?

How can establishment outlets - who have purveyed a fake narrative of U.S. foreign policy
that hides a truly subversive, hegemonic and war-making nature - be trusted to tell us
what is real?

There are undoubtedly great journalists among the members of the First Draft Coalition, who
brave dangerous parts of the world and the gauntlet of political retribution to bring us valuable
information. Its the overarching agenda of establishment media, acting as Praetorian Guard for
Washingtons political elite, that has become so obvious and so troubling.

While its undeniable that some false or dubious stories get pushed during the heat of a political campaign
and in wartime and journalists have a role in fact-checking as best they can there is potentially a
greater danger when media insiders arrogate to themselves the power to dismiss contrary evidence as
unacceptable, especially given their own history of publishing stories that turned out to be dubious if not
entirely false.
Its even more dangerous when these self-appointed arbiters of truth combine forces with powerful Internet
search engines and social media companies to essentially silence dissenting opinions and contrary facts
by making them very difficult for the public to locate.

Alternative media represent a choice for people who are fed up with the system, and it is the
peoples responsibility to research the news in order to achieve an accurate perspective on
It is not up to a self-proclaimed Ministry of Truth laden with the same corrupt baggage that
acted as proverbial bouy for Hillary Clinton during the campaign to dictate what is right and

Heres Why Fake News Sites Are Dangerous

Were not supposed to believe these fake news Individuals created their
news operations on their own.

Were not supposed to believe each individual had a vision of what the news is
supposed to be and followed that vision forward with great energy.

Related: 5 Times Corporate Media Got Caught Publishing Fake News Causing the Death
& Suffering of Millions

Here is your daily mantra: Narrow the range of thought, narrow the range of thought.

Exposing elites who run the world?

Exposing pedophile networks?

Documenting the lies and fabrications of major media?

Laying bare the manipulations of Globalists?

Revealing the crimes of both major political parties in America?

Uncovering the spread of pharmaceutical devastation?

Tracking the ruthless ops of major corporations?

Yes, many so-called fake news sites do all this and much more - but something else
is also going on.

Many of these sites were launched and are spearheaded by ONE man or woman.

No person outside the mainstream is supposed to be so emboldened by his/her own

point of view and passion.

All points of view belong to a group.

An individual works for what he believes is true? He keeps his own counsel? He forges ahead,
despite all opposition? He may even, when all is said and done, make a profit from his own

Were supposed to oppose these evils, and by the grace of governments and their shadow
operators, we will emerge from the darkness and find our salvation in a New Order of things.

And never - if you happen to disagree with what some independent news site is saying -
NEVER entertain the idea of starting YOUR OWN news operation and building it from the
ground up to reflect YOUR OWN vision.
Related: Washington Post claims Natural News is controlled by the Russian government

NEVER. That is individual power, which is the horrible fate that would await you. DOING
IT ON YOUR OWN? Avoid it like the plague.

America was originally built on chipping away at peoples individual creations and tearing them
down. Right? How else could America have succeeded?

It is only by taking away independence in all its forms that we could have arrived at the
cusp of this grand triumph now: One Collectivist World.

If we give all our attention to the six corporations that own big media and deliver their news to
us, we will arrive.

Hail, Caesar! Your followers salute you! Let the bands play. March to the tune. No individual
ever built anything, no individual can build anything, no individual ever will build anything.

Search for the media-teat of the State. Find it. And drink from it.
Related: The Fake News Witch Hunt: McCarthys Red Scare Redux

Ah. How rejuvenating.

In summary, independent news-site creators are fakes because theyre real.

Outside the mainstream, on their own, they launched and expanded their operations. Being
real outside the mainstream is fake, because the powers-that-be do not support that model.

Are we clear? I hope so.

You can be fake within the approved model: thats real. But if youre real outside the
approved model: thats fake.

Got it?
Dont you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?

- 1984, George Orwell.

Did Orwell even think to obtain permission from the New York Times before writing that

Is Psychiatry Bullshit? + Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry

Professors Taught Us In Medical School
November 26 2016 | From: Sott / GlobalResearch

Some Psychiatrists View The Chemical-Imbalance Theory As A Well-

Meaning Lie.
In the current issue of the journal Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Australian
dissident psychiatrist Niall McLaren titles his article, "Psychiatry as Bullshit" and makes
a case for just that.

Related: The Myth Of Mental Illness: Psychiatry Is A Fraud And It Is All About Control +
Opposition Defiant Disorder - Non-Conformity And Anti-Authoritarianism Now
Considered An Illness

The great controversies in psychiatry are no longer about its chemical-imbalance theory of
mental illness or its DSM diagnostic system, both of which have now been declared invalid
even by the pillars of the psychiatry establishment.

In 2011, Ronald Pies, editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, stated;

In truth, the 'chemical imbalance' notion was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously
propounded by well-informed psychiatrists."

And in 2013, Thomas Insel, then director of the National Institute of Mental Health, offered a
rebuke of the DSM, announcing that because the DSM diagnostic system lacks validity, the:
re-orienting its research away from DSM categories."
So, the great controversy today has now become just how psychiatry can be most fairly
characterized given its record of being proven wrong about virtually all of its assertions, most
notably its classifications of behaviors, theories of "mental illness" and treatment
effectiveness/adverse effects.

Among critics, one of the gentlest characterizations of psychiatry is a "false narrative," the
phrase used by investigative reporter Robert Whitaker (who won the 2010 Investigative
Reporters and Editors Book Award for Anatomy of an Epidemic) to describe the story told by
the psychiatrists' guild American Psychiatric Association.

In "Psychiatry as Bullshit," McLaren begins by considering several different categories

of "nonscience with scientific pretensions," such as "pseudoscience" and "scientific fraud."

"Pseudoscience" is commonly defined as a collection of beliefs and practices promulgated as

scientific but in reality mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. The NIMH
director ultimately rejected the DSM because of its lack of validity, which is crucial to the
scientific method.

In the DSM, psychiatric illnesses are created by an APA committee, 69 percent of whom
have financial ties to Big Pharma.

The criteria for DSM illness are not objective biological ones but non-scientific subjective ones
(which is why homosexuality was a DSM mental illness until the early 1970s).

Besides lack of scientific validity, the DSM lacks scientific reliability, as clinicians routinely
disagree on diagnoses because patients act differently in different circumstances and because
of the subjective nature of the criteria.
"Fraud" is a misrepresentation, a deception intended for personal gain, and implies an
intention to deceive others of the truth - or "lying." Drug companies, including those
that manufacture psychiatric drugs, have been convicted of fraud, as have high-profile
psychiatrists (as well as other doctors).

Human rights activist and attorney Jim Gottstein offers an argument as to why the APA is a
"fraudulent enterprise"; however, the APA has not been legally convicted of fraud.

To best characterize psychiatry, McLaren considers the category of "bullshit," invoking

philosopher Harry Frankfurt's 1986 journal article "On Bullshit" (which became a New York
Times bestselling book in 2005).

Defining Bullshit

What is the essence of bullshit? For Frankfurt, "This lack of connection to a concern with truth -
this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit."

Frankfurt devotes a good deal of On Bullshit to differentiating between a liar and a bullshitter.
Both the liar and the bullshitter misrepresent themselves, representing themselves as
attempting to be honest and truthful. But there is a difference between the liar and the

The liar knows the truth, and the liar's goal is to conceal it.

The goal of bullshitters is not necessarily to lie about the truth but to persuade their
audience of a specific impression so as to advance their agenda. So, bullshitters are
committed to neither truths nor untruths, uncommitted to neither facts nor fiction. It's
actually not in bullshitters' interest to know what is true and what is false, as that
knowledge can hinder their capacity to bullshit.

Frankfurt tells us that liar the hides that he or she is "attempting to lead us away from a correct
apprehension of reality." In contrast, the bullshitter hides that "the truth-values of his
statements are of no central interest to him."

Are Psychiatrists Bullshitters?

Recall establishment psychiatrist Pies' assertion:

In truth, the 'chemical imbalance' notion was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously
propounded by well-informed psychiatrists."

What Pies omits is the reality that the vast majority of psychiatrists have been
promulgating this theory. Were they liars or simply not well-informed? And if not well-
informed, were they purposely not well-informed?

If one wants to bullshit oneself and the general public that psychiatry is a genuinely scientific
medical specialty, there's a great incentive to be unconcerned with the truth or falseness of the
chemical imbalance theory of depression.

Bullshitters immediately recognize how powerful this chemical imbalance notion is in gaining
prestige for their profession and themselves as well as making their job both more lucrative
and easier, increasing patient volume by turning virtually all patient visits into quick prescribing

Prior to the chemical imbalance bullshit campaign, most Americans were reluctant to
take antidepressants - or to give them to their children.

Related: Big Pharma Caught Manipulating Antidepressant Drug Trials Putting Teenagers
in Grave Danger

But the idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance that can be corrected with
Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants sounded like
taking insulin for diabetes.

Correcting a chemical imbalance seemed like a reasonable thing to do, and so the use of SSRI
antidepressants skyrocketed.
In 2012, National Public Radio correspondent Alix Spiegel began her piece about the
disproven chemical imbalance theory with the following personal story about being prescribed
Prozac when she was a depressed teenager:

My parents took me to a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She did an evaluation and then told me
this story: "The problem with you," she explained, "is that you have a chemical imbalance. It's biological,
just like diabetes, but it's in your brain.

This chemical in your brain called serotonin is too, too low. There's not enough of it, and that's what's
causing the chemical imbalance. We need to give you medication to correct that." Then she handed my
mother a prescription for Prozac. "

Related: 7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away

When Spiegel discovered that the chemical imbalance theory was untrue, she sought to
discover why this truth had been covered up, and so she interviewed researchers who knew
the truth.

Alan Frazer, professor of pharmacology and psychiatry and chairman of the pharmacology
department at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, told Spiegel that by framing
depression as a deficiency - something that needed to be returned to normal - patients
felt more comfortable taking antidepressants.

Frazer stated;

If there was this biological reason for them being depressed, some deficiency that the drug was correcting,
then taking a drug was OK."
For Frazer, the story that depressed people have a chemical imbalance enabled many people
to come out of the closet about being depressed.

Frazer's rationale reminds us of Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky's book Manufacturing
Consent, the title deriving from presidential adviser and journalist Walter Lippmann's phrase
"the manufacture of consent" - a necessity for Lippmann, who believed that the general public
is incompetent in discerning what's truly best for them, and so their opinion must be molded by
a benevolent elite who does know what's best for them.

There are some psychiatrists who view the chemical imbalance theory as a well-meaning lie by
a benevolent elite to ensure resistant patients do what is best for them, but my experience is
that there are actually extremely few such "well-meaning liars." Most simply don't know the
truth because they have put little effort in discerning it.

I believe McLaren is correct in concluding that the vast majority of psychiatrists are bullshitters,
uncommitted to either facts or fiction. Most psychiatrists would certainly have been happy if the
chemical-imbalance theory was true but obviously have not needed it to be true in order to
promulgate it.

For truth seekers, the falseness of the chemical imbalance theory has been easily
available, but most psychiatrists have not been truth seekers.

It is not in the bullshitters' interest to know what is true and what is false, as that knowledge of
what is a fact and what is fiction hinders the capacity to use any and all powerful persuasion.
Simply put, a commitment to the truth hinders the capacity to bullshit.

About the Author

Bruce E. Levine is a practicing clinical psychologist. His latest book is Get Up, Stand Up:
Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite.

Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe?

Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors Taught Us In Medical School.

Myth # 1:

The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) tests all new psychiatric drugs

False. Actually the FDA only reviews studies that were designed, administered, secretly
performed and paid for by the multinational profit-driven drug companies.

The studies are frequently farmed out by the pharmaceutical companies by well-paid research
firms, in whose interest it is to find positive results for their corporate employers. Unsurprisingly,
such research policies virtually guarantee fraudulent results.

Myth # 2:

FDA approval means that a psychotropic drug is effective long-term

False. Actually, FDA approval doesnt even mean that psychiatric drugs have been
proven to be safe either short-term or long-term! The notion that FDA approval means that a
psych drug has been proven to be effective is also a false one, for most such drugs are never
tested prior to marketing for longer than a few months (and most psych patients take their
drugs for years).

The pharmaceutical industry pays many psychiatric researchers often academic

psychiatrists (with east access to compliant, chronic, already drugged-up patients) who have
financial or professional conflicts of interest some of them even sitting on FDA advisory
committees who attempt to fast track psych drugs through the approval process.

For each new drug application, the FDA only receives 1 or 2 of the best studies (out of many)
that purport to show short-term effectiveness. The negative studies are shelved and not
revealed to the FDA. In the case of the SSRI drugs, animal lab studies typically lasted only
hours, days or weeks and the human clinical studies only lasted, on average, 4- 6 weeks, far
too short to draw any valid conclusions about long-term effectiveness or safety!

Hence the FDA, prescribing physicians and patient-victims should not have been
surprised by the resulting epidemic of SSRI drug-induced adverse reactions that are
silently plaguing the people.

Indeed, many SSRI trials have shown that those drugs are barely more effective than placebo
(albeit statistically significant!) with unaffordable economic costs and serious health risks, some
of which are life-threatening and known to be capable of causing brain damage.

Myth # 3:

FDA approval means that a psychotropic drug is safe long-term

False. Actually, the SSRIs and the anti-psychotic drugs are usually tested in human trials for
only a couple of months before being granted marketing approval by the FDA. And the drug
companies are only required to report 1 or 2 studies (even if many other studies on the same
drug showed negative, even disastrous, results).

Drug companies obviously prefer that the black box and fine print warnings associated with
their drugs are ignored by both consumers and prescribers. One only has to note how small
the print is on the commercials.
Related: Key Factors To Overcoming Depression Without Drugs

In our fast-paced shop-until-you-drop consumer society, we super-busy prescribing

physicians and physician assistants have never been fully aware of the multitude of
dangerous, potentially fatal adverse psych drug effects that include addiction, mania,
psychosis, suicidality, worsening depression, worsening anxiety, insomnia, akathisia,
brain damage, dementia, homicidality, violence, etc, etc.

But when was the last time anybody heard the FDA or Big Pharma apologize for the damage
they did in the past?

And when was the last time there were significant punishments (other than writs slaps and
chump change multimillion dollar fines) or prison time for the CEOs of the guilty multibillion
dollar drug companies?

Myth # 4:

Mental illnesses are caused by brain chemistry imbalances

False. In actuality, brain chemical/neurotransmitter imbalances have never been proven to

exist (except for cases of neurotransmitter depletions caused by psych drugs) despite vigorous
examinations of lab animal or autopsied human brains and brain slices by neuroscientist s who
were employed by well-funded drug companies.

Knowing that there are over 100 known neurotransmitter systems in the human brain,
proposing a theoretical chemical imbalance is laughable and flies in the face of science.
Related: Low-Serotonin Depression Theory Challenged

Not only that, but if there was an imbalance between any two of the 100 potential systems
(impossible to prove), a drug that has never been tested on more than a handful of them
could never be expected to re-balance it!

Such simplistic theories have been perpetrated by Big Pharma upon a gullible public
and a gullible psychiatric industry because corporations that want to sell the public on
their unnecessary products know that they have to resort to 20 second sound bite-type
propaganda to convince patients and prescribing practitioners why they should be
taking or prescribing synthetic, brain-altering drugs that havent been adequately

Myth # 5:

Antidepressant drugs work like insulin for diabetics

False. This laughingly simplistic and very anti-scientific explanation for the use of
dangerous and addictive synthetic drugs is patently absurd and physicians and patients who
believe it should be ashamed of themselves for falling for it.

There is such a thing as an insulin deficiency (but only in type 1 diabetes) but there is no such
thing as a Prozac deficiency.

SSRIs (so-called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors an intentional mis-

representation because those drugs are NOT selective!) do not raise total brain

Rather, SSRIs actually deplete serotonin long-term while only goosing serotonin release at
the synapse level while at the same time interfere with the storage, reuse and re-cycling of
serotonin (by its serotonin reuptake inhibition function).
(Parenthetically, the distorted illogic of the insulin/diabetes comparison above could
legitimately be made in the case of the amino acid brain nutrient tryptophan, which is the
precursor molecule of the important natural neurotransmitter serotonin.

If a serotonin deficiency or imbalance could be proven, the only logical treatment approach
would be to supplement the diet with the serotonin precursor tryptophan rather than inflict upon
the brain a brain-altering synthetic chemical that actually depletes serotonin long-term!

Myth # 6:

SSRI discontinuation syndromes are different than withdrawal syndromes

False. The SSRI antidepressant drugs are indeed dependency-inducing/addictive and the
neurological and psychological symptoms that occur when these drugs are stopped or tapered
down are not relapses into a previous mental disorder - as has been commonly asserted
- but are actually new drug withdrawal symptoms that are different from those that prompted
the original diagnosis

The term discontinuation syndrome is part of a cunningly-designed conspiracy that

was plotted in secret by members of the psychopharmaceutical industryin order to
deceive physicians into thinking that these drugs are not addictive.
Related: Dr. Kelly Brogan's Takedown Of Big Pharma's SSRI Anti-Depressant Drug Lies
Hits Bestseller Lists

The deception has been shamelessly promoted to distract attention from the proven fact that
most psych drugs are dependency-inducing and are therefore likely to cause
discontinuation/withdrawal symptoms when they are stopped.

The drug industry knows that most people do not want to swallow dependency-inducing drugs
that are likely to cause painful, even lethal withdrawal symptoms when they cut down the dose
of the drug.

Myth # 7:

Ritalin is safe for children (or adults)

False. In actuality, methylphenidate (= Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, Metadate and Methylin; aka
kiddie cocaine), a dopamine reuptake inhibitor drug, works exactly like cocaine on
dopamine synapses, except that orally-dosed methylphenidate reaches the brain more slowly
than snortable or smoked cocaine does.
Related: Nutrition And Mental Health + ADHD Is A Fabricated Disease, Says Reputed

Therefore the oral form has less of an orgasmic high than cocaine.

Cocaine addicts actually prefer Ritalin if they can get it in a relatively pure powder form.

When snorted, the synthetic Ritalin (as opposed to the naturally-occurring, and therefore more
easily metabolically-degraded cocaine) has the same onset of action but, predictably, has a
longer lasting high and is thus preferred among addicted individuals.

The molecular structures of Ritalin and cocaine both have amphetamine base structures
with ring-shaped side chains which, when examined side by side, are remarkably
similar. The dopamine synaptic organelles in the brain (and heart, blood vessels, lungs and
guts) are unlikely to sense any difference between the two drugs.

Myth # 8:

Psychoactive drugs are totally safe for humans

False. See Myth # 3 above. Actually all five classes of psychotropic drugs have, with long-term
use, been found to be neurotoxic (ie, known to destroy or otherwise alter the physiology,
chemistry, anatomy and viability of vital energy-producing mitochondria in every brain cell and
nerve). They are therefore all capable of contributing to dementia when used long-term.
Related: The Shocking Truth About Antidepressant Drug Studies + Peter Breggin MD:
How Do Psychiatric Drugs Really Work?

Any synthetic chemical that is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier into the brain can
alter and disable the brain. Synthetic chemical drugs are NOT capable of healing brain
dysfunction, curing malnutrition or reversing brain damage.

Rather than curing anything, psychiatric drugs are only capable of masking symptoms while
the abnormal emotional, neurological or malnutritional processes that mimic mental illnesses
continue unabated.

Myth # 9:

Mental illnesses have no known cause

False. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM, published by the American Psychiatric
Association, is pejoratively called the psychiatric bible and billing book for psychiatrists.

Despite its name, it actually has no statistics in it, and, of the 374 psychiatric diagnoses
in the DSM-IV (there is now a 5th edition) there seem to be only two that emphasize
known root causes.

Those two diagnoses are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder. The DSM-
V has been roundly condemned as being just another book that laughingly pathologizes a few
more normal human emotions and behaviors.

In my decade of work as an independent holistic mental health care practitioner, I was virtually
always able to detect many of the multiple root causes and contributing factors that easily
explained the signs, symptoms and behaviors that had resulted in a perplexing number of false
diagnoses of mental illness of unknown origin.

Many of my patients had been made worse by being hastily diagnosed, hastily drugged,
bullied, demeaned, malnourished, incarcerated, electroshocked (often against their wills and/or
without fully informed consent).

My patients had been frequently rendered unemployable or even permanently disabled as a

result all because temporary, potentially reversible, and therefore emotional stressors had not
been recognized at the onset.

Because of the reliance on drugs, many of my patients had been made incurable by not having
been referred to compassionate practitioners who practiced high quality, non-drug-based,
potentially curable psychotherapy.

The root causes of my patients understandable emotional distress were typically

multiple, although sometimes a single trauma, such as a rape, violent assault or a
psychological trauma in the military would cause an otherwise normally-developing
individual to decompensate.

But the vast majority of my patients had experienced easily identifiable chronic sexual,
physical, psychological, emotional and/or spiritual traumas as root causes often
accompanied by hopelessness, sleep deprivation, serious emotional or physical neglect and
brain nutrient deficiencies as well.

The only way that I could obtain this critically important information was through the use of
thorough, compassionate (and, unfortunately, time-consuming) investigation into the patients
complete history, starting with prenatal, maternal, infant and childhood exposures to toxins
(including vaccines) and continuing into the vitally important adolescent medical history (all
periods when the patients brain was rapidly developing).
My clinical experience proved to me that if enough high quality time was spent with the patient
and if enough hard work was exerted looking for root causes, the patients predicament could
usually be clarified and the erroneous past labels (of mental illnesses of unknown origin)
could be thrown out.

Such efforts were often tremendously therapeutic for my patients, who up to that time had been
made to feel guilty, ashamed or hopeless by previous therapists.

In my experience, most mental ill health syndromes represented identifiable, albeit serious
emotional de-compensation due to temporarily overwhelming crisis situations linked to
traumatic, frightening, torturous, neglectful and soul-destroying life experiences.

My practice consisted mostly of patients who knew for certain that they were being
sickened by months or years of swallowing one or more brain-altering, addictive
prescription drugs that they couldnt get off of by themselves.

I discovered that many of them could have been cured early on in their lives if they only had
access and could afford compassionate psychoeducational psychotherapy, proper brain
nutrition and help with addressing issues of deprivation, parental neglect/abuse, poverty and
other destructive psychosocial situations.
Related: Officials Declare Eating Healthy A Mental Disorder

I came to the sobering realization that many of my patients could have been cured years
earlier if it hadnt been for the disabling effects of psychiatric drug regimens, isolation,
loneliness, punitive incarcerations, solitary confinement, discrimination, malnutrition, and/or

The neurotoxic and brain-disabling drugs, vaccines and frankenfoods that most of my patients
had been given early on had started them on the road to chronicity and disability.

Myth # 10:

Psychotropic drugs have nothing to do with the huge increase in disabled and
unemployable American psychiatric patients

False. See Myths # 2 and # 3 above. In actuality recent studies have shown that the major
cause of permanent disability in the mentally ill is the long-term, high dosage and/or use of
multiple neurotoxic psych drugs any combination of which, as noted above, has never been
adequately tested for safety even in animal labs.
Related: Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma
Wont Study It

Many commonly-prescribed drugs are fully capable of causing brain-damage long-term,

especially the anti-psychotics (aka, major tranquilizers) like Thorazine, Haldol, Prolixin,
Clozapine, Abilify, Clozapine, Fanapt, Geodon, Invega, Risperdal, Saphris, Seroquel and
Zyprexa, all of which can cause brain shrinkage that is commonly seen on the MRI scans of
anti-psychotic drug-treated, so-called schizophrenics commonly pointed out as proof that
schizophrenia is an anatomic brain disorder that causes the brain to shrink! (Incidentally,
patients who had been on antipsychotic drugs for whatever reason have been known to
experience withdrawal hallucinations and acute psychotic symptoms even if they had never
experienced such symptoms previously.)

Of course, highly addictive minor tranquilizers like the benzodiazepines (Valium, Ativan,
Klonopin, Librium, Tranxene, Xanax) can cause the same withdrawal syndromes. They are all
dangerous and very difficult to withdraw from (withdrawal results in difficult-to-treat rebound
insomnia, panic attacks, and seriously increased anxiety), and, when used long-term, they can
all cause memory loss/dementia, the loss of IQ points and the high likelihood of being mis-
diagnosed as Alzheimers disease (of unknown etiology).

Myth # 11:

So-called bipolar disorder can mysteriously emerge in patients who have been taking
stimulating antidepressants like the SSRIs

False. In actuality, crazy-making behaviors like mania, agitation and aggression are commonly
caused by the SSRIs. That list includes a syndrome called akathisia, a severe, sometimes
suicide-inducing internal restlessness like having restless legs syndrome over ones entire
body and brain.

Akathisia was once understood to only occur as a long-term adverse effect of antipsychotic
drugs (See Myth # 10). So it was a shock to many psychiatrists (after Prozac came to market
in 1987) to have to admit that SSRIs could also cause that deadly problem.
Related: Antidepressants Arent Needed Most Of The Time

It has long been my considered opinion that SSRIs should more accurately be called
agitation-inducing drugs rather than anti-depressant drugs.

The important point to make is that SSRI-induced psychosis, mania, agitation, aggression and
akathisia is NOT bipolar disorder nor is it schizophrenia!

Myth # 12:

Antidepressant drugs can prevent suicides

False. In actuality, there is no psychiatric drug that is FDA-approved for the treatment of
suicidality because these drugs, especially the so-called antidepressants, actually INCREASE
the incidence of suicidal thinking, suicide attempts and completed suicides.
Related: The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe Theyre Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates
Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

Drug companies have spent billions of dollars futilely trying to prove the effectiveness of
various psychiatric drugs in suicide prevention.

Even the most corrupted drug company trials have failed! Indeed what has been
discovered is that all the so-called antidepressants actually increase the incidence of

The FDA has required black box warning labels about drug-induced suicidality on all SSRI
marketing materials, but that was only accomplished after over-coming vigorous opposition
from the drug-makers and marketers of the offending drugs, who feared that such truth-telling
would hurt their profits (it hasnt).

What can and does avert suicidality, of course, are not drugs, but rather interventions by
caring, compassionate and thorough teams of care-givers that include family, faith communities
and friends as well as psychologists, counselors, social workers, relatives (especially wise
grandmas!), and, obviously, the limited involvement of drug prescribers.

Myth # 13:

Americas school shooters and other mass shooters are untreated schizophrenics
who should have been taking psych drugs

False. In actuality, 90% or more of the infamous homicidal and usually suicidal school
shooters have already been under the care of psychiatrists (or other psych drug prescribers)
and therefore have typically been taking (or withdrawing from) one or more psychiatric drugs.

SSRIs (such as Prozac) and psychostimulants (such as Ritalin) have been the most common
classes of drugs involved. Antipsychotics are too sedating, although an angry teen who is
withdrawing from antipsychotics could easily become a school shooter if given access to lethal
weapons. (See

The 10% of school shooters whose drug history is not known, have typically had their medical
files sealed by the authorities probably to protect authorities such as the drug companies
and/or the medical professionals who supplied the drugs from suffering liability or

Important Comment: It should be noted that in most cases such 'False Flag' shooter
events, that Mind-Controlled assets are used in order to carry out events pushing Cabal-
driven agenda's such as gun control. In virtually EVERY case the 'perpetrators' are on
multiple prescription drugs for mental health issues.

This is not a comfortable subject but it is one that you will need to confront sooner or
later, as the truth will become common knowledge at some point. Interspersed with the
rest of this section are details of the reality which hides behind the prescription drugs
and their side effects -

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

The powerful drug industry and psychiatry lobby, with the willing help of the media that profits
from being their handmaidens, repeatedly show us the photos of the shooters that look like

They have successfully gotten the viewing public to buy the notion that these
adolescent, white male school shooters were mentally ill rather than under the influence
of their crazy-making, brain-altering drugs or going through withdrawal.

Contrary to the claims of a recent 60 Minutes program segment about untreated

schizophrenics being responsible for half of the mass shootings in America, the four
mentioned in the segment were, in fact, almost certainly being already under the treatment with
psych drugs prior to the massacres by psychiatrists who obviously are being protected
from public identification and/or interrogation by the authorities as accomplices to the crimes or

Related: CIA MKULTRA: They Intended To Use Drugs For Everything

Because of this secrecy, the public is being kept in the dark about exactly what crazy-
making, homicidality-inducing psychotropic drugs could have been involved.

The names of the drugs and the multinational corporations that have falsely marketed them as
safe drugs are also being actively protected from scrutiny, and thus the chance of prevention of
future drug-related shootings or suicides is being squandered.

Such decisions by Americas ruling elites represent public health policy at its worst and
is a disservice to past and future shooting victims and their loved ones.
Related: Confession Of A Human Programmer: Illuminati Mind Control

The four most notorious mass shooters that were highlighted in the aforementioned 60 Minutes
segment included the Virginia Tech shooter, the Tucson shooter, the Aurora shooter and the
Sandy Hook shooter whose wild-eyed (drugged-up) photos have been carefully chosen for
their dramatic zombie-look effect, so that most frightened, paranoid Americans are convinced
that it was a crazy schizophrenic, rather than a victim of psychoactive, brain-altering, crazy-
making drugs that may have made him do it.

Parenthetically, it needs to be mentioned that many media outlets profit handsomely from the
drug and medical industries.

Therefore those media outlets have an incentive to protect the names of the drugs, the
names of the drug companies, the names of the prescribing MDs and the names of the
clinics and hospitals that could, in a truly just and democratic world, otherwise be
linked to the crimes.
Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term Conspiracy Theory Was
Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

Certainly if a methamphetamine-intoxicated person shot someone, the person who supplied

the intoxicating drug would be considered an accomplice to the crime, just like the bartender
who supplied the liquor to someone who later committed a violent crime would be held

A double standard obviously exists when it comes to powerful, respected and highly profitable

A thorough study of the scores of American school shooters, starting with the University of
Texas tower shooter in 1966 and (temporarily) stopping at Sandy Hook, reveals that the
overwhelming majority of them (if not all of them) were taking brain-altering, mesmerizing,
impulse-destroying, dont give a damn drugs that had been prescribed to them by well-
meaning but too-busy psychiatrists, family physicians or physician assistants who somehow
were unaware of or were misinformed about the homicidal and suicidal risks to their equally
unsuspecting patients (and therefore they had failed to warn the patient and/or the patients
loved ones about the potentially dire consequences).
Related: Censorship Shock: Bans Investigative Book Nobody Died At
Sandy Hook Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

Most practitioners who wrote the prescriptions for the mass shooters or for a patient who later
suicided while under the influence of the drug, will probably(and legitimately so) defend
themselves against the charge of being an accomplice to mass murder or suicide by saying
that they were ignorant about the dangers of these cavalierly prescribed psych drugs because
they had been deceived by the cunning drug companies that had convinced them of the benign
nature of the drugs.

Myth # 14:

If your patient hears voices it means hes a schizophrenic

False. Auditory hallucinations are known to occur in up to 10% of normal people; and up to
75% of normal people have had the experience of someone that isnt there calling their name.

Nighttime dreams, nightmares and flashbacks probably have similar origins to daytime
visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations, but even psychiatrists dont think that they
represent mental illnesses.

Indeed, hallucinations are listed in the pharmaceutical literature as a potential side effect or
withdrawal symptom of many drugs, especially psychiatric drugs.

These syndromes are called substance-induced psychotic disorders which are, by definition,
neither mental illnesses nor schizophrenia.

Rather, substance-induced or withdrawal-induced psychotic disorders are temporary

and directly caused by the intoxicating effects of malnutrition or brain-altering drugs
such as alcohol, medications, hallucinogenic drugs and other toxins.

Psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions, can be caused by substances

such as alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens, sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics, inhalants,
opioids, PCP, and the many of the amphetamine-like drugs (like Phen-Fen, [fenfluramine]),
cocaine, methamphetamine, Ecstasy, and agitation-inducing, psycho-stimulating drugs like the

Psychotic symptoms can also result from sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation and the
withdrawal from certain drugs like alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics and especially the
many dopamine-suppressing, dependency-inducing, sedating, and zombifying anti-psychotic

Examples of other medications that may induce hallucinations and delusions include
anesthetics, analgesics, anticholinergic agents, anticonvulsants, antihistamines,
antihypertensive and cardiovascular medications, some antimicrobial medications, anti-
parkinsonian drugs, some chemotherapeutic agents, corticosteroids, some gastrointestinal
medications, muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and Antabuse.

The very sobering information revealed above should cause any thinking person, patient,
thought-leader or politician to wonder:

How many otherwise normal or potentially curable people over the last half century of psych drug
propaganda have actually been mis-labeled as mentally ill (and then mis-treated) and sent down the
convoluted path of therapeutic misadventures heading toward oblivion?

In my mental health care practice, I personally treated hundreds of patients who had been
given a multitude of confusing and contradictory mental illness labels, many of which had been
one of the new diseases of the month for which there was a new psych drug of the month
that was being heavily marketed on TV.

Many of my patients had simply been victims of unpredictable drug-drug interactions

(far too often drug-drug-drug-drug interactions) or simply adverse reactions to psych
drugs which had been erroneously diagnosed as a new mental illness.

Extrapolating my 1,200 patient experience (in my little isolated section of the nation) to what
surely must be happening in America boggles my mind.

There has been a massive epidemic going on right under our noses that has affected
millions of suffering victims who could have been cured if not for the drugs.
The time to act on this knowledge is long overdue.

In The Wake Of Trumps Historic Victory The 4th Estate Is

Rightfully Burning To The Ground
November 26 2016 | From: TheGatewayPundit / Infowars

Thanks to Wikileaks we know at least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with

and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors.

The info-fascists in the political and corporate media classes have a new meme in their
war on information they dont like: the scourge of so called fake news.

Related: Proof Mainstream Media Publishes Fake News

Even President Obama (who will never pass up a microphone except to avoid quelling violent
anti Trump-nuts) is railing about the fake problem of fake news. But watch out. Youll notice
Obama and his media enablers conveniently add hyper-partisan sites to their list of declared
enemies of the people.

Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg just announced to his liberal masters that he will go after
fake news and cites as an example some outrageous story printed on an unheard of
clickbait site. But his real target, as it is for corporate media and liberal politicians, are
sites such as the one you are on now.

The fact is the media and its losers on the campaign trail are desperately trying to avoid self
reflection after being exposed as partisan hacks themselves throughout the campaign. Its a
reality confirmed on election night as newscasters and experts collectively acted as if their
puppies were being summarily executed in front of their eyes.
Related: After Election Loss Hillary Clinton Looks Like Death

But the only true death was that of their credibility. With no more electronic wall maps to
desperately poke on in hopes of finding more Hillary votes, they have nowhere to turn in the
aftermath except to invent another enemy besides Republicans, Trump and good ideas.

Youll notice the hyper partisan category only includes such conservative sites such as
Breitbart, the Blaze and The Gateway Pundit. There is no mention of Daily Kos, Media Matters,
or Buzzfeed. Nor is there any mention of CNBC, CNN or ABC which are staffed on air by hyper
partisans and former employees of the Clintons.

Thats mainly because the Conservative sites were wickedly effective in balancing the left wing
moonbattery which rotted seconds after being printed.

It is true that bias is seen in what is reported and stated. But most media bias comes in
the form of what is NOT reported and NOT stated.

The sites currently targeted told the truths the corporate mainstream media was unwilling to tell
because of their support of one ideology and one candidate.

And, more importantly, these sites relegated corporate media into nothing but a bunch of third
world government -speak mimics. And much like it was with the government ghouls so it was
with the liberal media hacks both open and closeted: Smarter Americans flushed them on
Election Day.
Related: Mainstream Media Corruption

It should be noted the Conservative sites being targeted in his fake news jihad make no
mystery of where they stand politically. Its why Americans seem to trust them MORE not less,
as they dont have to sit there and decipher the views of who is behind the information.

But Mainstream media pretends to be objective when its not. Its consumers know better and
feel lied to en masse.

The good (and accurate) news is that there is no hope for the info fascists. There is no
recovery. The liberal ayatollahs will never win as they attempt to stomp on free speech and
sites that show them as clothesless emperors.

And their #NeverTrump partners typing away in usual suspect NRO circles have been exposed
as well. Having been humiliated after joining forces with Libs to attack the outsider and get
Hillary Clinton elected , their operations are now the dumpster fires that they so arrogantly
called the Trump movement.

How Trump Destroyed Mainstream Media Forever

Related: How Trump Destroyed Mainstream Media Forever

Gallup shows only a third of Americans trust mainstream media. That was a month before the
Once the advertisers start to shed them the revolution will be complete.

The fourth estate is rightfully burning to the ground. This election was a huge victory for
non-traditional media.

It truly reminded the right people of our never ending - and never to be abridged -
freedom to discern.

Related: New York Times publisher vows to 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly

Obama Declares War On Infowars, Breitbart

With the intention to censor independent media, President Obama is now

spearheading the fervent assault on so-called fake news.

This war on fake news began after anti-Trump world leaders, heads of social media
platforms and the mainstream press realized they lost the presidential election because
they no longer had credibility and influence over the US population.

Related: Who is Behind Fake News? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images

Obama made clear his desire to limit news reports by populist media at a press conference in
Lima, Peru, on Sunday where he also defended the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

If, generally, weve got elections that arent focused on issues and are full of fake news and false
information and distractions, then the issue is not going to be whats happening from the outside; the issue
is going to be what are we doing for ourselves from the inside, he claimed. The good news is thats
something that we have control over.

These assertions come in conjunction with statements he made last week at a press
conference in Germany alongside Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Part of ways changed in politics is social media and how people are receiving information,

Related: Entrenched Western Media Propaganda Accepted As Truth

In a recent interview in the The New Yorker, Obama targeted some of what he likely considers
his enemies in the media by name.

People didnt see me coming. In southern Illinois, in those counties I won, I was at VFWs and fish fries
hearing peoples stories and talking to folks, so that they knew me, he said. They werent getting me
through Fox or Rush Limbaugh or Breitbart or Red State.

But as former congressman Dr. Ron Paul points out, the origin of fake news isnt independent
media sites like Infowars and Breitbart, but rather the establishment media which has hit all-
time lows in public trust and ratings.

These are the news sources that told us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,

They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% chance of winning the election.
They tell us in a never-ending loop that The economy is in great shape!

President-elect Donald Trumps campaign was famous for powerful, simple slogans, such as
Make America Great Again and Drain the Swamp, and was bolstered by a massive wave of
social media support fueled by stories originating from alternative media outlets which are now
being falsely smeared as fake news by the corporate press.

Related: Ron Paul Reveals Hit List of Alleged Fake News Journalists

Donald Trumps Media Summit Was A "Fucking Firing Squad" +

Trump Is "The End" Of Central Banking As We Know It: Fund
November 24 2016 | From: NewYorkPost / CNBC

Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump

Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.

It was like a fucking firing squad, one source said of the encounter. Trump started
with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said, I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar
and you should be ashamed, the source said.

The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be
discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style
dressing-down, the source added.

A second source confirmed the fireworks.

The meeting took place in a big boardroom and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news
anchors from all the networks, the other source said.

Trump kept saying, Were in a room of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong. He
addressed everyone in the room, calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by
name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars, the source said.

Trump didnt say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who
got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a
debate - which was Martha Raddatz, who was also in the room.

The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump
[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, How do you
propose we the media work with you? Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions.

David Muir asked, How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well.

Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks, she said during a gaggle in the lobby of
Trump Tower. Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.

The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the
substance of the conversations.

The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels.
Among the attendees were NBCs Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd; ABCs
James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz; CBS Norah
ODonnell, John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King; Fox News Bill Shine,
Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace and Suzanne Scott; MSNBCs Phil Griffin, and CNNs Jeff Zucker
and Erin Burnett.

Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times, plans to meet with Trump on Tuesday.

There was no immediate comment from the Trump Team.

Trump Is "The End" Of Central Banking As We Know It: Fund


The surprising election win for Donald Trump is raising questions across a
range of policy areas, with the future role of monetary stimulus and central
banking being one of them.
Trump's policies are "about spending money and then printing money, so it's the end of
central banking as we know it since the beginning of the (1980s)," Beat Wittmann,
partner and chairman at Porta Advisors, told CNBC on Monday.

The president-elect wants to provide the economy with a strong fiscal stimulus, promising to
invest $1 trillion on infrastructure and cutting taxes. But, according to several analysts, this
strategy is set to increase inflation as well as the U.S. budget deficit.

A Shock Boost
Janet Yellen

Related: Globalist's Desperation: Janet Yellen & Her Criminal Cohorts

This is a completely inappropriate time to engage in further fiscal stimulus," David Kelly, chief global
strategist at JP Morgan Asset Management, said in a note.

This is because the federal deficit is already rising, growing from 2.5 percent of gross domestic
product (GDP) in fiscal 2015 to 3.2 percent of GDP in 2016, and if Trump's fiscal plans are
implemented in full, national debt would go up to 105 percent of GDP by 2026, he added.

Also, given that the U.S. economy is considered as in full employment, "a shock boost to
aggregate demand through tax cuts would likely boost inflation and imports more than
domestic production," Kelly said.

If these inflationary pressures materialize, the Federal Reserve could be forced to tighten its
policy at a faster pace.

But apart from impacting monetary policy through his economic policies, the president-elect
could pave the way for changes inside the Federal Reserve.

I think she is very political," Trump said in September regarding Janet Yellen, the chair of the Fed.

"And to a certain extent, I think she should be ashamed of herself," he added.

Trump has often criticized the central bank regarding its independence.
Seven Vacancies
According to the Wall Street Journal, Trump could change the formation of the Fed over the
next 18 months, during which seven vacancies will be available in the bank's board of

He might also be willing to work with the GOP-controlled Congress to rewrite the laws
governing the Fed's structure and disclosures, possibly embracing proposals central bank
officials have seen as threats to their policy-making independence, the newspaper reported.

Related: Trump Releases A Video Outlining His Policy Plans For First 100 Days

The Fifth Estate Casts It's Shadow Like A Massive Mothership

November 22 2016 | From: CosmicConvergence

Before Long the Mainstream Media Will be History: BIG MOTHER is

watching Big Brother!
The biggest story on planet Earth has gone virtually unnoticed.
It is now common knowledge that whoever controls the media effectively controls the
world. Those who do control the entire planetary realm are only able to do so because
they have controlled the mainstream media for as long as it has been in existence.

Related: Alex Jones: The Media is a Joke, We Have Won

This ironclad control has enabled the World Shadow Government to exert power over the flow
of information throughout every sphere of life for centuries.

In fact, it is the Fourth Estate that holds the true power over the other three. Only by the power
of the press is the WSG able to keep the governments and corporations of the world in check.

A New Era Dawns

Since the advent of the Internet in 1995, the Fifth Estate has been growing by the day. It has
taken over 20 years for it to finally come into its own.

2016 will be long remembered as the year when the Fifth Estate became a force unto
itself, so much so that it profoundly affected the outcome of this years U.S. presidential

The campaign season of this election cycle has been the most dynamic and electrifying,
surprising and captivating in American history.

No one has ever seen anything like it. Because the nation still finds itself steeped in the depths
of the Great Recession, there are millions of young adults out of work. Many of them live at
home with mom and dad and with very few possessions except a smartphone or a tablet, a
laptop or a desktop.
It is in this environment that the citizen journalist has been born. They are by and large
unemployed, bored and angry that the American Dream has eluded them. Some of them
believe that the dream has become an American nightmare and want to know why.

As they seek answers to this inquiry, they are stumbling upon long-hidden truths that have
made them deeply distrust the mainstream media (MSM)with a vengeance.

"The MSM is comprised not only of all print, video and audio forms of media but also book publishing,
movie production, music production, TV programming, social networks among others."

So heres the current context: While the banksters bankrupted the USA in order to swell the
ranks of the jobless and unemployed, especially among the youth who they intended to fight
their unlawful and unprovoked wars of aggression around the world, something unexpected

The banksters unwittingly created an army of writers and bloggers, e-book authors and
essayists, Facebook posters and Twitter tweeters, YouTube video producers and
Instagram photojournalists.
Related: Whoever Controls The Media Controls The World

What else was there to post about this year but the exceedingly dramatic 2016 presidential
election, as well as the coming Second American Revolution. No matter what side of the fence
these folks are on, they are busier than if they had a 9 to 5 with the local corporation.

And theyre loving every minute of it because they are learning how the world really
works. And, why they really have no job or even a prospect of a job.

The Rise of the Citizen Journalist

The Internet is the place where many will find their future job. Not the one working for a
Fortune 500 corporation; rather, a real job that will assist with the transformation of post-
modern society.

As these young Internet practitioners expand their skill sets, deepen their knowledge base, and
broaden their experience, they have quickly acquired the right stuff to function as a one-
person, multi-media platform.

This single development has contributed significantly to the rapid establishment of the Fifth

As a matter of fact, the now defunct specialty of investigative journalism has seen a massive
rebound. These young journalists have no advertisers to appease and can therefore go after
whatever they choose to investigate. Bloggers and videographers are tearing up the terrain
with their incisive blogs and documentaries, respectively.
Related: Google, Corporate Press Launch Attack On Alternative Media

Upstart authors are now writing Pulitzer Prize level reports and series on topics ranging from
the Holocaust Industry to the rigged 2016 U.S. presidential election, from the US Government-
coordinated terrorist attacks on 9/11 to the CIA-conducted assassination of John F. Kennedy.

These citizen journalists all share one thing, and that is a passion for the truth.

They see a world in total disarray and are desperately trying to make some sense of it. In their
ardent search for the truth they unwittingly find themselves becoming world-class
journalists. And it is only their pursuit of the truth that has set them free from the ranks of the

Not only do many these folks now have control of their destiny, they are not bound to a
corporate agenda like their parents and grandparents were. Nor are they bound to the
conventions of traditional, university taught journalism that keeps their MSM peers in a tighly
controlled box. They are free to think for themselves and to follow the truth wherever it leads
Four Horsemen - an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid
on how the world really works.

Such a liberation of genuinely creative energy has created a supernova in the firmament
of worldwide media. So many young journalists have been born into their Internet-based
profession that there is now a crowded field of competition to be dealt with.

This has forced many into various specialty niches which has posed a real threat to the MSM
journalists who are now primarily generalists because of the severe budget cuts over several
years throughout that industry.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The MSM is soon to be overwhelmed by the Alt-Media. Little did the controllers of this
planetary realm know that one day - in the not-too-distant future - they will see a world
transformed by the vast number of truth-speakers and fact-writers who they helped create.

The readership and viewership of the Alt-Media will be filled with billions of souls who are
likewise truth-seekers who know that the MSM is positively not the place to find it.

Truly, this rapidly evolving saga is The Greatest Show on Earth at this very moment in time.
It is a global drama of such epic proportions that soon the entire planetary civilization will have
gone through an unparalleled metamorphosis.

For as We the People find our voices and put our pens to paper and take to our keypads
to speak truth to power, so, too, will the peoples of the world.
Related: Who REALLY Controls The Mainstream Media?

When the Alt-Media becomes an echo chamber of truth that replaces the MSM echo chamber
of falsehood, the world will have taken a great leap forward toward the restoration of both
personal and national sovereignty. It is only in this global context that the world community of
nations will experience a durable peace and genuine brotherhood.

Then, many things like political integrity and social equality, economic stability and financial
security, religious tolerance and racial respect, civil justice and environmental protection, will all
occur naturally and spontaneously.

These are only some of the ways that The Truth Shall Set You Free.


There is a very powerful and fast-growing movement afoot that identifies with the meme of the
Mothership. One of the various tag lines of this extraordinary phenomenon, that is quietly
manifesting under the radar, is this:
BIG MOTHER is watching Big Brother!

For the uninitiated, the emerging Fifth Estate is BIG MOTHER. The slowly dying Fourth Estate
is Big Brother. There is no question that the tide is gradually changing. And, that the traditional
control of information is being altered in profound and fundamental ways.

Hence, it is only a matter of time - a relatively short period of time - that a veritable sea change
will occur on planet Earth. That moment of highly anticipated change will transpire when the
Mothership appears to everyone in all its glory.

Think of it this way: Were a massive Mothership to slowly glide across the sky over New York
City and then Washington, DC and then Miami, Florida, on the very same day, would not
the whole order change in a day and a night?!

The Alt-Media is like a Mothership that is slowly approaching Earth as it disseminates

forbidden truth and lost information, deep wisdom and esoteric knowledge across the entire
planetary realm.

Then, one day, when nary a soul expects it, looming over the horizon, is this inconceivably
enormous Mothership casting a shadow the size of a solar eclipse. Imagine that out of that
Mothership comes darting a multitude of smaller starships, each one carrying a payload of
truth and banner of justice.

More than likely every reader of this post has already contributed to this Project Multi-Media

If you have a simple blog or a Facebook page, a website or a Twitter feed, a YouTube
channel or an Instagram account, you have already set loose your starship into the
skies of planet Earth via the World Wide Web.


Its time for every truth-seeker to get on board the Mothership. You have been baptized into
the Fifth Estate. Please do not take your responsibilities lightly, you just may be the one who
everyone is waiting for to post that vital piece that finally takes the whole God-
forsaken System down, once and for all!
Remember, from this point forward, it is BIG MOTHER who will be watching Big Brother.

Related: The Multi-Media Mothership Platform: Beta Version

Establishment Media Declares War On Their Competition As

Fake News
November 18 2016 | From: ActivistPost / Various

The establishment media is dying. This is not a biased view coming from
alternative media, it is a fact borne out by metrics and opinion polls
from within the establishment itself.
It was true before the recent election, and is guaranteed to accelerate after their
shameless defense of non-reality which refused to accept any discontent among the
American population with standard politics.

Related: Desperate: Establishment Media Says Everything Apart From Itself Is Fake

Now, with egg on their face after the botched election coverage, and a wobbling uncertainty
about how they can maintain multiple threads of a narrative so fundamentally disproven, they
appear to be resorting to their nuclear option: a full shut down of dissent.

Voices within independent media have been chronicling the signposts toward full-on
censorship as sites have encountered everything from excessive copyright infringement
accusations, to de-monetization, to the open admission by advertising giants that certain
images would not be tolerated.

However, until now these efforts have appeared random, haphazard, and rife with retractions
and restorations of targeted sites and content. A massive backlash of reader outrage
toward these restrictive measures has confirmed that most consumers dont like the
idea of being given boundaries to their intellectual freedom.
That said, there has been a notable increase of hoax websites beginning to populate the
information stream. We can attest that this has been an incredible annoyance as we are
bombarded daily with new outrageous claims and rabbit holes that readers expect us to sift

Most times, a cursory glance at the About page or any disclaimers quickly shows where this
information is coming from.

Other times, a bit of common sense and discernment about why a site that has just appeared
on the scene (check Alexa for this info) would have EXCLUSIVE BREAKING content under
the banner of an apparent local news channel or a name that is the twisted version of a
legitimate news outlet.

But even with those caveats, weve all been taken in at one time or another and have had to
retract or update articles as necessary, or apologize to our e-mail list for sending out a given
link. This does jam up the works, but it is the tax we all must pay if we believe in the free-
market of ideas and information.

Were not perfect, but at least we have never been deliberately misleading like CNN and
others often have been.
The government recently legalized using propaganda against US citizens. They wielded
all of their establishment media force to sell their lies. And now theyre frustrated that
people still prefer the truth as they see it naturally.

As The Verge highlighted in a recent article, "Two-thirds of the worlds internet users live under
government censorship." Although this is roundly decried by establishment media as evidence
of declining freedom, this is exactly the path we are heading toward at the behest of that
same media within those areas that have managed to thwart such a reality.

The voices of the corporate media are making a show of calling Facebook to task for
evidently not having stringent enough algorithms to discern legitimate news from
deliberate hoax. We are being told that this very likely led to the election of Trump, and
that this has become a major problem in need of a major solution.

The first shots are being fired as we speak. Yesterday we learned that Facebook and Google
would take swift action against fake news by de-monetizing or banning them outright.
"Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information
about the publisher, the publishers content, or the primary purpose of the web property, a Google
spokesperson said in a statement given to Reuters.

This policy includes fake news sites, the spokesperson confirmed. Google already prevents its AdSense
program from being used by sites that promote violent videos and imagery, pornography, and hate speech.
- Source

This is problematic on a number of levels, not least of which is the vague notion of what
constitutes violent imagery and hate speech. War, of course, is what should first come to mind
when thinking of violence. Police shootings and other clashes might qualify as well, but
routinely populate the most mainstream of sources. And one persons hate speech is another
persons dissent.

The second component is that of transparency, where we see claims about any effort
to conceal information about the publisher. Again, very vague, but as any journalist worth
their salt knows, it is anonymity which leads to the truth more often than not, especially when
threats against journalists and whistleblowers are demonstrably on the rise.

Today, the mainstream media named us as one of the top fake news sites to avoid. Its
quite an honor.

US News (linked above) has published a list of websites that it deems unworthy of support,
and is essentially urging to be de-monitized or banned based on the previous calls to action.

"Here are several fake news sites that have become popular on Facebook, and which should
be avoided if youre looking for the facts:"
- Source
Firstly, the grouping of satire, hoax, and propaganda is troubling, as the definitions of each
arent even remotely related to one another.

Satire is literature and has a tradition dating back thousands of years; it has been recognized
as an essential component of intellectual and political freedom. A deliberate hoax, we can all
agree, is lacking integrity, purposely deceptive, and can be legitimately harmful or dangerous.

Propaganda, though, is aligned with the State; and most commonly is directed and funded by
the State. That is a serious accusation and one that is entirely without merit for this website. It
is also an especially ironic and dubious accusation coming from an outlet called US News.

Yet were proud to be biased for peace, love, and liberty. Anyone against those principles is
serving fake news as far as were concerned.

Related: The Real Reason Why The UN Wants Control Over The Internet

All of this is to say that we are entering dangerous new territory, as the Internet itself is under a
new regime with the transfer to ICANN, an international body. If 2/3 of the globe is under digital
dictatorship, what else is the likely outcome from such international control over information?

However, it is also an exhilarating time to be a part of such mammoth upheaval, where

the entrenched apparatus of the State itself has declared information to be its enemy
and to acknowledge that it must do everything in its power to maintain its tenuous
monopoly on the truth.

The unfortunate reality for them is that the truth will always be more efficient and, therefore,
simpler to disseminate than the complexities of lies and true propaganda.

Related Articles:

The Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked George Soros Documents

Infowars Announces Fake News Analysis Center

15 Facts About The Imploding U.S. Economy That The Mainstream Media Doesnt Want
You To See
This Video Proves The Media is Lying About Trump

Lamestream Media Suddenly Cares About Free Speech!

Trump Campaign Manager Calls on Democrats to Tell Paid Protesters to Cut it Out

Fomenting A National Crisis And Color Revolution: Soros-Funded

Anti-Trump Protesters Riot In Cities Across United States
November 18 2016 | From: Sott / Various

Globalist investor in murder and mayhem George Soros is at it again,

funding his to organize post-election "sour grapes" protests
around the country in response to underdog Trump's surprising President-
elect victory.

Complicit crime partner mainstream media is having a field day deceitfully spinning
these top down, billionaire driven demonstrations as a spontaneous, grassroots
populist uprising against racist dictator Donald. From a press release

Related: Soros And Liberal Mega-Donors Plot For War With Donald Trump
"The gatherings - organized by and allies - will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump's
bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the
America we still believe is possible."

The Soros-affiliated machine further boasts:

"Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings
nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.

The Washington oligarchy's propaganda ministry wants the world to believe a groundswell of
concerned, mindful citizens have taken to the streets in a surge of moralistic patriotic fervor
determined to derail the spread of Trump's legitimacy as the so called leader of the "free
world," that is if you still believe living in a fascist totalitarian police state called Amerika
is still "the free world."

Thanks to the likes of the Clintons, Obama and the Bushes who've for decades conspired to
strip away all our constitutional rights and freedoms in the name of New World Order deep
state tyranny, "the free world" no longer exists on this planet.

But the self-righteous, follow-the-leader sheep of befuddled malcontents rioting in the

streets across America haven't a clue with propaganda lies now owning them.

Related: Trump Campaign Manager Calls on Democrats to Tell Paid Protesters to Cut
it Out

In every large city in America that voted heavily for Hillary, a Soros organized and financed
mercenary army has been unleashed engaging in violent destructive behavior.

We're all supposed to accept MSM reporting that tens of thousands of fellow Americans who in
good conscience just can't accept a Trump-led United States are joining forces in righteous
solidarity, defiantly marching now in large numbers crying foul that that a "xenophobic racist" is
soon to be our president.

They're violently hitting the streets in robotic, monkey see, monkey do support for a
former serial rapist president and his thug wife who intimidated and silenced all his
victims and who also lost Tuesday's election.

Related: Secret Recordings Fueled Mutinous FBI Investigation of Clintons Despite DOJ
Orders To "Stand Down"

And as far as their track record, the Clintons have been consistently supporting and
implementing the globalist agenda that exploits racial tensions promoting racial and religious
division and war against dark skinned people.

Though the Clintons have always paid lip service pretending to support minorities in
order to secure their votes, they have never done anything beneficial for people of color.

Take a look at how they raked in millions from their Haiti post-earthquake scam, leaving the
Western Hemisphere's poorest nation's people abandoned, still suffering and thoroughly ripped
off. If you want to get real with racism and sexual perversion, than look no further than the
But in a truth-starved, deep state world, the automatons now running violently in America's
streets have systematically been conditioned to be oblivious to the truth.

In Hillary and Bill's belated concession speech, each conspicuously wore purple in a symbolic
covert message giving the greenlight to the latest Soros' funded "color revolution" taking place
in America.

As Paul Craig Roberts incisively observes, the anti-Trump protesters are mere tools of the
oligarchy to "de-legitimize" the Trump presidency the same way Soros funded while
Hillary's US State Department NGO's were used to disfavor the democratically
elected Ukraine president three years ago that led to his overthrow in February 2014.

Soros-Hillary's blood-soaked hands in past color revolutions sponsored by the CIA destabilized
the Middle East and North Africa during 2011's Arab Spring Uprising that included Syria,
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya among others.
Related: Thanks to WikiLeaks, we now have direct email evidence of the collusion
between the MSM and Hillary Clinton

The subversive objective is regime change by inciting domestic tensions and upheaval
designed to destabilize wherever Empire encounters resistance to its brutal rape and pillaging.

Lingering effects from these abominable, highly illicit Soros-Clinton operations interfering with
the internal affairs of targeted sovereign nations around the world are still lethally raging as
wars in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Yemen, chaotic disaster in Venezuela, simmering violent
tensions periodically boiling over in Armenia's Nagorno-Karabakh, South Sudan and now the
Philippines as well among many more.

Any nation state that refuses to be chewed up and spit out by US Empire/World Bank/IMF
economic hit job becomes a CIA/NGO target for violent coups and insurrections, and now it's
USA's turn using the Trump presidency as its next victim.

As if the bloodshed and violence that George Soros' filthy money has caused around the globe
isn't enough, as of late he's been especially active in America trying to create race wars on US
Related: Trumps Opponents See Normal Americans as Deplorables - Paul Craig

Spending millions to send busloads of his mercenary army of agitators to foment riots
and violence in inner cities right after another white cop kills another unarmed black
man in Ferguson and Baltimore, Soros as a huge $25 million Clinton campaign donor
also deployed mentally handicapped individuals to disrupt and incite brawls at Trump
rallies this year blaming it on opponents Sanders and Trump.

The bloodsucking Soros thrives on stirring up trouble and hostilities around the globe, pitting
various people and groups against each other as part of his elitist strategy to divide and rule
over the world.

Since the late 1980's the double trouble kingpin has conspired insurgence and regime change
revolts in Eastern European nations like Poland and the Czech Republic and ran the
show dictating at will with his money and unbridled power what Secretary of State puppet
Hillary needed to do in Ukraine, Albania and elsewhere in order to continue receiving both his
financial support and "guidance."

This week the Soros and Clinton paid minions are out in full force deployed onto the streets of
Washington, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Oakland, Portland, Seattle and Austin, totaling over a couple dozen cities.

Related: Blocks Of Anti-Trump Protest Buses Caught On Tape

As a matter of fact, photographic evidence proving the protests are nothing more than
artificially staged "civil disturbances" inflicted on America by Soros, a fleet of chartered buses
showed up in Austin, Texas.

But of course the loyal Clinton presstitutes are creating the false narrative that an
authentic citizen uprising is organically growing out of moral indignation for Trump, and
they're milking it for all its worth with headlines like "Anti-Trump Protests Spread
Around Nation."

Ironically it was supposed to be all the disgruntled Trump diehards who would angrily rise up in
arms after the rigged election triggers a violent national citizen revolt from Trump supporters.
But instead it's the violent rabblerousing Hillary camp starting fires and spreading anarchy in
America's streets.

With purple Hillary and MSM's subtly hidden blessings, mainstream coverage of the ensuing
violence and property damage continuing to erupt for a third straight day in a row is predictably
being downplayed. Reuters reports:

"The protests were for the most part peaceful and orderly, although there were scattered acts of civil
disobedience and damage to property."

Reuters goes on to explain only "a handful of protesters" were arrested in Portland, Oregon.

That said, in stark contrast, this is what "peaceful" pro-Hillary demonstrations actually look
like. Enraged Trump haters went out seeking revenge against the Donald's supporters
celebrating early Wednesday morning at Times Square, promptly crashing Trump's
party with violent clashes. Pro-Hillary supporters resorted to widespread violence in at
least two dozen US cities.

Reports that American flags have been burned in multiple cities is actually right in
synch with Hillary and her globalists' masterplan to erase all sovereign borders in favor
of their one world government.

So will the globalists' trade agreements like TPP and TTIP that Hillary secretly supports
put the final nail in the coffin of America as a sovereign independent nation.

The so called peaceful demonstrators turned into violent rioters in a number of locations like
Oakland and Portland, setting fire to garbage and tires and breaking windows.
An unruly mob of 7,000 Oakland protesters quickly grew out of control, engaging in acts of
arson starting about 40 different fires, throwing rocks, bottles, M-80's and Molotov cocktails at
police injuring three officers who then fired tear gas to break up the crowd as thick plumes of
smoke filled the embattled city skies.

Related: PROOF The Trump protests utilizing paid professional protesters financed by
George Soros

An Oakland police patrol car was also torched. One entire Oakland block was seriously
vandalized. Protesters spray painted graffiti messages "kill Trump" and "fuck Trump" as they
set fires. At least 30 were arrested during the Oakland rampage.

The more vocal pro-Hillary outbursts began surfacing on America's college campuses. At the
University of Oregon and California universities like UCLA and UC Berkeley the anti-Trump
forces converged... a far cry from the 60's and early 70's when these same colleges were the
bastions of the antiwar peace movement.

Now the same schools are spawning violence in support of their nasty crime boss who
vowed to bomb Russia and Iran. Meanwhile, the object of their violent hatred is a
noninterventionist vowing to help Putin kill the very same terrorists that their favored
losing candidate helped create and continues supporting.

Sadly, times have vastly changed not for the better. Too many university students today
are media brainwash victims.

Related: Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Across America hundreds of protesters have been arrested. In Los Angeles

about 3,000 demonstrators gathered in two places, disrupting traffic commandeering the 101
freeway that passes through the downtown area. Another contingent of angry anti-Trump
protestors assembled outside of Los Angeles city hall.

A bloody head of Trump was burned in effigy. In all, 29 people were reported to be arrested in
LA. A confrontation between police and protesters in Orange County's Santa Ana witnessed a
brick thrown into a police cruiser, two other cars damaged and two businesses vandalized with
10 arrests.

4,000 protesters in Portland disrupted downtown traffic and forced train delays, shattered
windows, lit a fire in a dumpster and vandalized 19 vehicles at a car dealership. A group of
violent anarchists led the crowd inciting property destruction although a number of
demonstrators chanted "peaceful protest."

But likely the Soros paid agitators succeeded in turning the protest into a riot, resulting in at
least 26 arrests. Denver protesters walked onto Interstate 25 shutting down both sides of the
freeway for a half hour. 500 demonstrators assembled in Louisville.

In New York City over 30 were arrested gathering in two locations, one outside the Trump
Tower and another at Columbus Circle. Clinton loyalists Lady Gaga, Madonna and Cher joined
the Trump Tower protesters on Wednesday night where American flags were burned as well as
in Philadelphia and Washington. 15 arrests were made at the Trump Towers in New York for
disorderly conduct.

Speaking of has-been celebrities, in dire desperation the last week of her campaign,
Hillary paraded her A-list of star power onto the stage playing the pied piping idolatry
card as a last gasp cheap ploy to condescendingly buy votes from the younger

Beyonc, husband Jay Z, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, LeBron James and Bruce Springsteen all
payed homage to their favorite crime boss. Meanwhile, Cher, Lena Dunham, Samuel L.
Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, George Lopez, Al Sharpton, and
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg have all gone on public record stating that they
plan to move out of the country if the rigged election still fails to get their murdering crime boss
queen elected. Good riddance!

On Friday evening protests were organized in Miami and West Palm Beach as well. 1000
demonstrators each marched in Milwaukee and Minneapolis, slightly less in Columbus, Ohio.
Up to 2,000 marchers in Chicago gathered at Trump Tower while others attempted to obstruct
Related: Anti-Trump Protests: Proof Of Professional Activist Involvement

USA Today counted over 50 protests since Tuesday night and over a dozen more known
already planned. The supplying the centralized organizers of these nationwide
protests in reaction to a Trump presidency is intended to spread and grow over time into a
political movement throughout the country.

Soros is prepared to fuel the protests with deep pockets and paid professional
anarchists designed to incite widespread violence, vandalism and civil unrest
throughout the US.

The treasonous aging billionaire is seeking regime change right here in America in plain
sight, clearly a direct assault on our nation's democratic principles, against both the
democratically elected leader as well as against the will of the American people who
specifically voted for the outsider as a rejection of the very corrupt dirty power politics
game represented by Soros, Hillary and her Democratic Party.

Related: Break Up the Democratic Party: Its Time for the Clintons and Rubin to Go - and
Soros Too

The hypocritical hubris of these diehard Clinton supporters is projected on full display when
they resort to lawbreaking anarchy violence at the same time that misguided, flowery language
flows out of their mouths. In the words of one New York protester:

"There's a man who's the human embodiment of hate who's going to become our next president, so the
best thing we can do is try to connect with people who are representing love and connection...

Hmm, like the most dangerous, warmongering presidential candidate in US history who
promised the world that America would go to war against both Russia and Iran... or the vicious,
demonic mastermind who buys violence, death and destruction like they're commodities on a
monopoly board, or like the "loving" protesters spreading violence across America right now, all
in the name of love and connection.
Meanwhile, anti-Trump death threats showed up on Twitter calling for Trump and his Vice
President-elect Mike Pence to be assassinated. That's how some who object to Trump show
their love.

If it were angry Trump supporters on a wild rampage like this, mainstream media would
be calling protesters committing this exact same behavior as hateful, anti-American
racists bent on causing race wars in cities across America, forcing the government to
take measures to quell such out of control, Trump-inspired violent anarchy and hate.

In the same way that Soros and the media giants both engage in race baiting that foments
further violence and unrest in places like Ferguson and Baltimore as part of a sinister globalist
agenda, the same diabolical dynamic is currently underway with the media inciting American
citizens to hit the streets in protest and a meta-message to spread violence and bloodshed that
will invariably be blamed on Donald Trump, who is being demonized just like Putin and Assad.

The disturbing truth here is there's a hidden Soros-Clinton-MSM agenda purposely

adding fuel to the fire so that paid Soros-Hillary shills violently act out in efforts to lead
another color revolution coup staged as an "out of control crisis" and "national

Remember the operative word here is perception where MSM covertly creates and stages a
false narrative that a national emergency will warrant President Obama to opportunistically call
out the National Guard in order to stabilize the nation "bordering on civil war," thus handing him
the excuse to declare martial law prior to Trump's inauguration in January.

Or if that particular endgame scenario fails to materialize, as long as the civil unrest and
widespread violence continues to grow nationally, the ruling elite may engineer some other
form of false flag crisis like a cyberattack on the US banking infrastructure, then subversively
blame the Trump-Putin duo for the conspiracy.
Related: Soros, Liberal Billionaires Meet in DC to Plan War on Trump

Or if Trump does manage to outlast his January inauguration date and become president, you
can bet that the globalists will soon thereafter unleash a full blown financial crisis where their
house of cards global economy collapses like dominos into a worse depression than the one
that followed the 1929 stock market crash that they also initiated.

President Trump of course would be accused of causing that catastrophe as well.

That's why this election was rigged by preprogrammed voting machines to deliver the outcome
that has shocked so many. Once the elite deemed Hillary to be damaged goods and a liability
with all her nonstop scandals and criminality, suddenly a decision was made to fix the election
so a narrow margin of victory could be claimed by Donald Trump.

Comment: The narrative that Trump is controlled opposition is yet another desperate
attempt to derail positive developments in the battle against the Cabal.

When just before the election Hillary and Bill were both accused of being pedophiles by honest
members of the New York Police Department and the FBI after discovering evidence on
Anthony Weiner's laptop, directly connecting the Clintons to their billionaire buddy, registered
sex offender and fellow pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's international child sex slavery trafficking
ring, the elite conceded defeat and threw Hillary under the bus.
With this worldwide child sex ring threatening to expose not only the Clintons but the likes of
the Bushes, Prince Andrew, other members of European royalty, multiple high court judges in
both North America and Europe, prominent politicians in both US Congress as well as
European parliaments, high ranking military officers and world famous entertainers as part of a
Satanic worshipping cabal that rules the world,

But it's too late for that now as the cat's already been let out of the bag .

Courageous whistleblowers in both law enforcement and journalism are pushing for the ugly
truth to be fully exposed as the best opportunity to remove this criminal cabal from power once
and for all, seeking justice by placing the perpetrators on trial for their unlimited high crimes
that include treason, war atrocities, pedophilia, human genocide and crimes against humanity.

An international truth and reconciliation commission will need to be organized to facilitate those
from lower levels of this international cabal to come forth providing evidence and testimony to
hold those guilty at the top fully accountable. This tall order is what "draining the swamp" will
really be all about.
Getting rid of the subhuman scum that have controlled virtually all human affairs over the past
few centuries will pave the way for a new beginning where such advanced technologies as free
energy and a resource-based global infrastructure can be developed and built to sustain
a population of 11 billion people.

By purging the crime cabal leaders and their puppet masters, the ruling elite's plan to commit
human genocide by drastically reducing the world population from its current 7.4 billion to just
over a half billion people will be circumvented. Once we "drain the swamp" of these Satanic
mass murderers, a social, economic and spiritual transformation will then finally be freely in
place to promote humans into living in harmony and peace on this earth the way that God
originally intended.

Related Articles:
Clinton Foundation: Admits hiding Qatar's $1M 'donation'; Killary at the 'center of the

Podesta email bombshell: Clinton campaign was heavily funded by Monsanto

Huma Abedin Said To Suffer Emotional Breakdown

FBI Now 99% Certain at Least 5 Foreign Agencies Hacked Into Hillarys Server

What? Clinton Camp Says Media Bias Caused Loss

Martin Armstrong Exposes "The Real Clinton Conspiracy" Which Backfired


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton walk in to a bar

This is the email that hacked Hillary Clintons campaign chief

Memo to Hillary Supporters: Trump Won, Stop Whining and Grow Up

How Hillary Clinton Stole the Democratic Nomination from Bernie Sanders, Did Not
Legally Win the Popular Vote

Are Microwave Transmission Weapons Of Mass Destruction Being

Used To Trigger Catastrophic Earthquakes? + New Zealand
Earthquake: The Worlds Biggest Offshore Seismic Blasting Ship
The Amazon Warrior
November 17 2016 | From: GeoEngineeringWatch / TheContrail

Are unimaginably powerful microwave transmissions actively and

aggressively being used as weapons of mass destruction? If all available
evidence is examined, the logical conclusions are chilling.

Understanding the full potential of the power that can be projected from the ionosphere
heater installations (like HAARP) is difficult and complex.

Related: Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Ship Amazon Warrior Parked On Top Of
New Zealand Fault Line & 6.2 Aftershock Shakes New Zealand After Powerful 7.8
Earthquake Kills At Least 2

We all know and understand that microwave transmissions produced in our countertop ovens
can heat a cup of water (or frozen TV dinners) at blinding speed. Unfortunately, most don't
know and thus have never even considered (let alone investigated) what massively powerful
and interlinked microwave transmissions can do to the planet.
When immensely powerful microwave transmissions are bounced off the atmosphere
(facilitated by the atmospheric aerosol saturation) and directed back into the Earth's strata (in a
seismically sensitive location), the triggering of seismic activity becomes scientifically possible.

The constant jet aircraft spraying of reflective and electrically conductive particles into the
atmosphere (as part of the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering assault) is a verifiable
fact. Is New Zealand, yet again, the victim of microwave transmission super-weapons?

There is a long list of shocking facts surrounding a number of recent catastrophic earthquakes.
It is imperative to examine these facts without preconceptions or programmed denial.

Let's start with the month leading up to the extremely destructive 2010 earthquake in Haiti, MIT
satellite monitoring detected a radical increase in ULF (ultra low frequency/microwave) radio
transmissions over the quake epicenter.

Spacecraft Saw ULF Radio Emissions over Haiti before January Quake
A French satellite observed a dramatic increase in ultra low frequency radio waves over Haiti in the month
before the M7.0 earthquake earlier this year.

DEMETERs is an unusual mission. Its job is to monitor low frequency radio waves generated by

Today, a group of geoscientists release the data associated with the M 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in
January. They say that DEMETER saw a clear increase in ultralow frequency radio waves being emitted
from the Earths the crust in that region in the build up to the quake.

The anecdotal evidence of electromagnetic effects associated with earthquakes is legion. Various accounts
link earthquakes with mysterious light and heating effects."

After the Haiti quake, the US military moved in and occupied the country. In addition, the long
drawn-out Clinton Foundation reconstruction debacle began.

The following year a deadly earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. Many
circumstances surrounding this disaster were also troubling. Did US officials know the
earthquake was coming? Some excerpts from a report on the disaster are below.

"Was the Christchurch earthquake a terrible natural disaster, or was it a terrible MAN MADE
9 members of US Congress were in Christchurch for a summit meeting on Feb 21 & 22 but left
Christchurch 2.5 hours before the earthquake hit and relocated to Wellington even though the meeting was
not due to finish until the evening of Feb 22nd.

The US Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, was supposed to be visiting Christchurch and
speaking at the summit meeting on Feb 22, but on Feb 18 announced she was cancelling her visit 3.

The Deputy Administrator of FEMA (US Federal Emergency Management Agency), Timothy Manning, just
happened to be in Christchurch at the time with a US delegation.

All of the rest of the delegation left Christchurch shortly before the quake hit except for Mr Manning who
stayed behind, and then after the quake hit he assisted with directing the emergency response.

Exactly the same thing happened with FEMA delegates with the Haiti earthquake. In Haiti , the FEMA
delegates just happened to be there at the time conducting training exercises for responding to major

Recent releases from Wikileaks resulted in the headline below:

Hillary Clinton Emails Show Advanced Warning of Christchurch Earthquake.

In the days before the catastrophic Japanese Earthquake (that occurred on March 11, 2016),
world renowned research institution, MIT, yet again, noted extremely profound and anomalous
atmospheric heating directly over the quake epicenter. MIT published the following report:

"Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating
earthquake in Japan, say scientists.

They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased
dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.

At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the
epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up."
Though the science community is desperately trying to link pre-quake atmospheric heating to
some unknown phenomenon of an atmospheric coupling with the pressure buildup in the
strata, is this a rational conclusion?

The much more logical and straightforward conclusion is this, the atmospheric heating is being
intentionally created by the global network of ionosphere heaters as immense microwave
signals are bounced off of the atmosphere and back down into the planet.

Unfortunately, the science community is not allowed to even consider this possibility, let alone
talk about it. In the period preceding the decimating Japanese earthquake, US Japanese
relations were very strained.

The post-quake scenario of US/Japanese relations seemed to suddenly be unquestionable,

was there a connection? Was the catastrophic quake just a natural event? Or an engineered
warning to Japan?
On the 13th of November, 2016, another catastrophic earthquake struck near Christchurch,
New Zealand.

The list of troubling questions surrounding this earthquake is long and growing. Below are
some quotes from seismologist Anna Kaiser (who is investigating the latest New Zealand
earthquake activity):

"We don't know what we are dealing with right now but it may be it involves potentially more than one
fault we need to figure out what was going on before and after the 7.5 magnitude quake "

Kaiser went on to say this:

"We're working very hard this is looking quite complex. The epicenter was possibly just south of the
Hope fault, but it did look like "something else was going on.

The seismologist statements are only the beginning, there are many more concerning factors
surrounding the latest New Zealand Earthquake that should be considered.
In spite of the unfolding US election circumstances, in the days before the latest New Zealand
quake John Kerry first went to Christchurch, and then on to McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

The stated purpose of Kerry's visit was to examine the effects of global warming and the record
low sea ice, but this trip at this time was criticized by some.

"US Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to head back to New Zealand after checking out
summer in Antarctica.
He's been criticized for heading to such a remote place while the US election riveted the world

He tweeted a photograph of himself boarding C-17 cargo plane in Christchurch saying "headed to
Antarctica to see firsthand some of the drastic effects of climate change".

In Antarctica he was scheduled to meet with scientists and researchers at McMurdo Station, the largest
research station of the US Antarctic programme, as well as visit surrounding areas on Ross Island, and the
US Government's Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.

He is the first secretary of state and the most senior US government official to ever travel to Antarctica.

He is hosted by the US National Science Foundation, which manages the US Antarctic program me."
In fact Antarctica has just broken a new climate record, with record low winter sea ice. After
a peak of 18.5 million square kilometers in late August, sea ice began retreating about a month
ahead of schedule and has been setting daily low records through most of September.

Though Antarctic sea ice (and global sea ice) are at record shattering low levels, why else
might John Kerry go to McMurdo Station at this exact window of time? Could the ionosphere
heater (microwave transmission) facility that is constructed at McMurdo be a factor?
Noctilucent clouds in the skies above Antarctica are an ominous harbinger of the atmospheric damage that is
occurring there

"Many are under the belief that HAARP, now labeled IRI, no longer exists Operationally due to the Gakona,
AK spin. One must understand that these Frequency Generators are Globally Ubiquitous. There are so
many that are of dissimilar designs, and go by different acronyms, it is not seen as functionally one and the

In the case of McMurdos Radome and all of the Radar equipment there; Raytheon has had the contracts
beginning to end. The National Science Foundation and Raytheon Polar Services Company are housed in
the same building. For years the station has grown. It can house 1258 personnel and an average of 200
winter over."

Raytheon is one of the largest private "defense contractors" on the planet, this corporation
is also the holder of numerous climate engineering patents including some that relate directly
to ionosphere heaters. The power structure is likely microwaving the skies for a multitude of
reasons, none of those reasons are in the interest of the common good.

Shocking atmospheric flashing lights were filmed in the skies above New Zealand as the
massive Earthquake was occurring.

Kerry returned to Christchurch from Antarctica, and then promptly (and conveniently)
departed only hours before the catastrophic earthquake struck.
The statement below is from CBS news.
"Sec. John Kerry had left the country before it struck, and just landed in Singapore on his way to Oman
when news of the quake was reported.

Is it just a coincidence that US officials always seem to safely depart quake impact zones just
prior to the event?
Then there is this headline to consider:

"Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Blast Ship Amazon Warrior Parked on top of New Zealand
Fault Line

Is this just a coincidence?

Another point of interest, New Zealanders protested against US Oil exploration continued right
up to the day before the quake. Then there was the conflict in New Zealand over the visit of a
US warship, this story was covered the day before the quake hit.

The New Zealand Prime Minister's apparent apprehension about the US election results just
days prior to the quake are also of interest.

Finally, could known massive oil deposits just off the New Zealand coast also be a part of the

Microwave transmission signals/rings near Antarctica are clearly visible in the satellite
composite image shown below.
The regions of New Zealand near the epicenter have been constantly assaulted with aerosols
spraying and microwave transmissions.
The uniform ribbing of aerosolized cloud cover is a clear indication of microwave transmission

Though some "official" sources try to explain this type of cloud pattern as being a result of the
underlying land topography, this explanation is patently false.

The same patterns are now regularly seen over oceans as well as land as is shown in the
satellite photo below that was taken of New Zealand directly over the quake region.
The image below bears testimony to what the global power structure does to those that try to
get in the way of their agendas and operations.

This photo is of the bridge of the Greenpeace ship "The Rainbow Warrior". It was bombed and
sunk by the French Secret Service in order to prevent the ship and its crew from witnessing
ongoing illegal and unimaginably destructive nuclear detonations.
Over 2 decades ago I dove alone on the wreck of the Rainbow Warrior, as it laid on the
seafloor off the coast of New Zealand. I swam through the area shown above, around the ship,
and examined the gapping bomb blast hole in the hull of the once noble vessel. I hovered over
the wreck and contemplated the tyranny of those who rule the world.

We are all at a crossroads, and the horizon is darkening rapidly. The power structure
wields weapons of unimaginable destruction, they can only do so because of the order-
followers that carry out their insanity. As the saying goes, "we have seen the enemy, and they
are us".

It is up to us, the people, all of us, to refuse any further participation in the insanity. It is up to us
to fully investigate and fully face the whole truth. It is up to us to prioritize the fight for the
greater good because we owe that debt to our children, to the planet, and to the whole.

Make your voice heard, while you can, while it can still matter.

New Zealand Earthquake: The Worlds Biggest Offshore Seismic

Blasting Ship The Amazon Warrior

Dots: Super-supermoon, Climate change huckster American Politician,

Amazon Warrior, Oil Exploration and Mapping for drilling, Earthquake M7.5
and plates shifting generating many aftershocks the entire length of the
fault line through NZ.

The 11/13/16 quake, with a magnitude of 7.8, was much stronger than the magnitude-6.3
quake in 2011. But it also was much deeper - striking 23 kilometers (14 miles) below the
earth's surface. The 2011 quake had a depth of just 5 kilometers (3 miles). The shallower
a quake is, the more destruction it tends to cause.

The evil empire are after New Zealand's unobtainium. First shake up the locals, destroy
infrastructure, weaken the economy and then extort deals to rape the resources of the country.

If you were planning to do seismic blasting off the coast of a Country, the best time to do it
would be with the super full moon wouldnt it? So that people only discuss that as the possible

Kaikoura was clearly the target now destroyed, and that basin is full of the precious oil for the
foreign bankers and the only thing stopping them was the people of Kaikoura - now homeless
and to be relocated by NZ Navy ship. Kaikoura is also known for its whale populations, the
area should be protected from ALL sonic oil exploration and Naval activity!

The Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Ship - The US "Amazon Warrior" -

Parked On Top Of New Zealand Fault Line during the November 13, 2016

The Worlds biggest seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior was photographed off Rarangi
Beach in Cloudy Bay last night. Right on top of a major fault line. The ship was met with
protests when it arrived on the 13th! It was seen off the Coast of Kaikoura on Nov. 13th, but
its ETA from Panama was 10 am on Nov 14th in Wellington.
The Amazon Warrior came from Panama, was seen off of Kaikoura on the 13th and then went
to anchor off of Cloudy Bay at the top of the South Island, across the channel from Wellington.
If you are steaming to NZ from Panama, and your destination is Wellington, then there is no
need to go an extra 95 miles south before arriving at your charted destination; after a long sea
journey of 7,353 miles.

This fact alone shows that there was something very fishy going on in the state of

If their scheduled arrival was for 10am on the 14th in Wellington, then their trip to Kaikoura was
already calculated into their original ETA. The AW's estimated project-to-project transit speed is
17 knots or 19.5633 mph. Thus traveling the 7353 miles to NZ will take around 16 days, and
the last report in Vessel Finder was Oct 25, 2016 17:52 UTC which was probably the departure
time from Panama.

Roughly Oct 26 to Oct 13 is 19 days, so they left plenty of leeway to ensure they could make it
to Kaikoura before heading to Wellingtonhowever rather than 3 days leeway, it is only 2 days
because NZ is one day ahead of Panama.

On a ship like the Amazon Warrior... to travel 95 miles distance from Kaikoura to Wellington it
takes around 5 hours, so they have 1.75 days to engage in their seismic mayhem. The ship
only pulled into Cloudy Bay to avoid the protesters at Wellington. Yea, rather obvious isn't it. By
their deeds shall they shall be known.
Further information on the Amazon Warrior is available here and here.

The Amazon Warrior is owned by WesternGeco which is a geophysical services company. It is

headquartered in the Schlumberger House on the property of London Gatwick
Airport in Crawley, West Sussex, and also has an office in Denver CO. The company provides
reservoir imaging, monitoring, and development services.

The company, a business segment of Schlumberger, offers 3D and time-lapse seismic

surveys, electromagnetic surveys, and multicomponent surveys for delineating prospects and
reservoir management.

The giant defense contractor Raytheon, now holds all 12 HAARP patents. HAARP devises can
be made mobile on ships, such as the HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform.
A HAARP phased array antenna system was transmitting the 2.5Hz ULF frequency and it
triggered the 9.0 magnitude earthquake off of Japan and ensuing tsunami.

The earthquake inducing 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being broadcasted for two days prior to
March 11, 2011during which time the sky over Tokyo turned red as the ionosphere was
pulled down into the oxygen rich atmosphere. DARPA is also developing an airborne version of

Related: HAARP to blame for Japan Quake?

Any country that is in the way of an oil pipeline, has valuable and strategic resources, or
threatens to drop the $US dollar standard is in danger of being chemtrailed, HAARP zapped
and attacked with earthquakes and extreme weather events.

The earthquake frequency can be focused on an area during a solar flare event or full moon
and once the earthquake is triggered, a seismic research vessel like the Amazon
Warrior can take readings of the shockwaves moving through the earths crust and get an
excellent picture of oil deposits even at very deep levels.

Ray Tomes:

America and NZ tested a system of using bombs to cause seismic activity and make tsunamis as a
weapon in 1944 off the coat of NZ (yes, 72 years ago). "Preliminary modelling suggests that the
earthquake was caused by a rupture of a northeast-striking fault that projects to the surface offshore"

Related: What happened in New Zealand's magnitude 7.5 earthquake?

The Amazon Warrior is due to commence imminent seismic testing for oil on behalf of
Norwegian Oil giant Statoil. Seismic testing involves the dragging of a seismic airgun along the
seabed, emitting seismic blasts every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, from now until next May.
Statoil acquired their permit from American multinational oil corporation Chevron, and the
permit extends along the eastern seaboard and to depths that are unprecedented for New

Seismic blasting has been proven to be disruptive and harmful to sea life, including marine
mammals, and is opposed by coastal fishing interests and eco-tourism operators including
Ngi Tahus Whale Watch ventures.

Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is an American multinational energy corporation. One of

the successor companies of Standard Oil, it is headquartered in San Ramon, California, and
active in more than 180 countries.

Standard Oil Co. Inc. was an American oil producing, transporting, refining, and marketing
company. Established in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller as a corporation in Ohio, it was the
largest oil refiner in the world of its time.

Tesla quaked Manhattan around Houston St. with a small resonant device attached to a beam
in his workshop/lab, and smashed it with a hammer when it started to shake things to a
dangerous level, which stopped the quake instantly.

One of his basic working principles was resonance, mechanical and electromagnetic. It's how
the Tesla coil drives up huge voltage on a low current.

HAARP is an adaptation of Tesla technology used for nefarious purposes. The

microwave array broils the Upper Atmosphere to 100F with a focused and steerable
electromagnetic beam, that lifts areas of the ionosphere by heating those areas.
Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything - living and

Along with chemtrails and this heating of the atmosphere with HAARP dries up precipitation
thus producing drought. I learnt somewhere they
HAARP uses sunspot cycles, sunspots, solar flares, hurricanes, fault tension build ups etc... for
a EMF assisted corporate-political warfare. HAARP is boost assist and director of natural
energies. They can even reflect of the moon to generate massive explosions.

On the HAARP web site in 2001 discussed successful moon bounce experiments (done since
the 1960's by HAM radio operators) see: HAARP array may use Moon as a reflector to reach
distant targets on Earth to create Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation!. In order to
target the moon you need a steerable array and three arrays minimum are required.

Related: HAARP likely not Primary Ionospheric array in Alaska

HAARP is capable of creating weather like hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunamis and
earthquakes. It is also capable of altering peoples moods.
NASA tomographic image of the subducted Farallon Plate in the mantle beneath eastern North America

Earth tomography is used by the oil and gas industry to find deposits. Tomography refers to
imaging by sections or sectioning, through the use of any kind of penetrating wave or
mechanical method. ELF waves or extremely low frequency waves can trigger an earthquake
on faults that have built up tension.

Thus a ship like Amazon Warrior with even weak exploratory ELF waves can trigger fault lines
into concussive domino effect earthquakes of any magnitude depending on how much
tension is held in the tectonic ridges.

HAARP Weapon How to Make an Earthquake


It appears that the earthquake was accidentally triggered by the Amazon Warrior's exploratory
ELF waves...then they quickly pulled out of the area to avoid being held responsible, but didn't
go to Wellington due to the protest, and possible fear of reprisal from the New Zealand Navy.

However it is illegal to travel through New Zealand waters and conduct personal "business"
PRIOR to checking in officially at one's port of entry first.

I conclude that the 11/13 quakes were accidentally triggered by an oil exploratory vessel
working for Chevron. So Chevron should be made responsible for picking up the tab for
repairing the damage to the countrys infrastructure and the lives of the people by this
little chiropractic adjustment to the backbone of New Zealand.

The ship went about their business conducting their "research" in New Zealand
territorial waters PRIOR to officially checking in with customs.

Plus this sortie was premeditated due to the original ETA, and so their actions were criminal
and secretive... by going for the gold (oil) first before being invited into the country.

However reading the shenanigans of US officials in Christchurch before and after the 2011 appears that the 11/13/16 quake swarm was likely deliberate, and appears to be an
act of economic war.

Related Articles:

Earthquakes: Worldview of New Zealand, Macquarie Island, Guadalupe Island & Nova
Scotia / Nov. 13, 2016

New Zealand on NASA EOSDIS Worldview: A Collection of Various Screenshots / 2016

Goldman Sachs And the Sacking of New Zealand

Goldman Sachs appears to be undertaking economic warfare on areas to drive up the

prices of its commodities and stocks, and to lay claim to resources.
Canadian wildfires, pipeline attacks in Nigeria and the Gulf Oil Spill are likely sabotage
undertaken by Goldman Sachs to drive up prices for its own benefit.

In New Zealand now, the Christchurch and Kaikoura quakes and the Rena shipwreck
toxic spill event are acts of war against a sovereign nation for economic gain and to
intimidate and demoralize Kiwis into submission to the poisoning and sacking of their

On 5 October 2011 the Rena ran aground near Tauranga, New Zealand, resulting in an
oil spill. The spill has been described as New Zealand's worst maritime environmental disaster.
The ship was carrying 1,368 containers, eight of which contained hazardous materials, as well
as 1,700 tonnes of heavy fuel oil and 200 tonnes of marine diesel oil.

Related: Rena Oil Spill

The election of the ex-Goldman Sachs exec John Keys is key to the implementation of
the disaster capitalization and resource rape of New Zealand.

Related: Goldman Sachs Plans for the depopulation of the East Coast of New Zealand
for Oil & Gas Drilling by BP, Shell Oil & Todd Energy

Goldman Sachs Now Sees Chevron Better Off Than Exxon Mobil. Goldman Sachs is now
buying and selling enough natural gas to make it one of the key players on the market - even
reportedly overtaking oil major Exxon Mobil and Chevron.
According to a recent regulatory filing, Goldman Sachs bought and sold 1.2 trillion cubic feet of
physical gas in the U.S. in 2015, which equates to 25 percent of the countrys residential
consumption and more than double its 2013 volumes.

These figures turn Goldman Sachs and its J Aron commodities division into the seventh largest
gas marketer in North America.

Related: Goldman Sachs Is Now Bigger Than Exxon, Chevron in Nat Gas Trading

Goldman Sachs, Chevron, the owners of the Amazon Warrior and the American Military
Industrial Machine should be charged with war crimes, deliberate environmental sabotage and
held accountable to damages.

John Kerry is in Bed with Goldman Sachs as is Evidenced by their Joint

white Washing Projects

Secretary of State John Kerry and Lloyd C. Blankfein, chairman and CEO of The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS), in partnership with Harvard Kennedy School have announced
the first-ever cross-border exchange and leadership program to support emerging women
leaders across the private and non-profit sectors in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Senator John Kerry appears to be Goldman Sachs running man, or rather flying manbut
appears to be innocent of their crimes of international disaster capitalism.

John Kerry is the most Carbon Intensive Politician on the Planet - I guess we now know why
John Kerry was making a short notice / unexplained trip to NZ right in the middle of a fierce US
He went to Antarctica, which has a HAARP at the US base. Kerry is said to be on a climate
saving mission. Speaking Sunday in Wellington, New Zealand before flying to Oman via
Singaporeafter NZ he flew to Oman, and another Arab Gulf states and then Morocco before
winging to Peru and then back home.

John Kerrys current trip could be said to be responsible for 853.4 metric tons of CO2 as
many as 52 average Americans produce in a year. The average CO2 emission for aircraft at
53.3 pounds per air mile. [ ]

Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Ship - Amazon Warrior - Parked

On Top Of New Zealand Fault Line & 6.2 Aftershock Shakes New
Zealand After Powerful 7.8 Earthquake Kills At Least 2
November 15 2016 | From: MediaWhores / RT / Various

If you were planning to do seismic blasting off the coast of a Country, the
best time to do it would be with the full moon wouldnt it? So that people
only discuss that as the possible reason.
The Worlds biggest seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior was photographed off
Rarangi Beach in Cloudy Bay last night. Right on top of a major fault line.

Related: Smoking Gun For Christchurch Killer Quake: Hillary Clinton Emails Show
Advance Warning Of Christchurch Earthquake

Green MP Steffan Browning reported it on his Facebook page hours before the giant quakes.

The post has been shared over 400 times at time of this post:
The ship was met with protests when it arrived on the 13th:

Related: Oil protesters throw 'unwelcoming party' on Wellington Harbour

There are trillions of dollars worth of Oil and Gas around NZs shores:

Related: North oil may be worth trillions

It has now been well reported (in the real / social media) that the US State department had
advanced knowledge of the Christchurch Quakes with John Key saying they were man
made earthquakes.

Surely the oil company banker would know? Plus the usual dose of foreign spies with extra
passports on scene as there always is with most of these events.
Kaikoura was clearly the target now destroyed, and that basin is full of the precious oil for the
foreign bankers and the only thing stopping them was the people of Kaikoura - now homeless
and to be relocated by NZ Navy ship.

Related: Auckland Council backs away from oil exploration stance

And I guess we now know why John Kerry was making a short notice / unexplained trip
to NZ right in the middle of a fierce US elitecon...

Related: Evidence of global warming overwhelming - Kerry

US disaster relief FEMA was in Christchurch the week before the Christchurch earthquake
also. Strange how they seem to know when the quakes will strike isnt it.
Surely John Key, Simon Bridges and their fellow foreign banker mafia should now be
rounded up for questioning. People have died.

Or perhaps Kiwis should just be thankful they havent been carpet bombed, like the same
club has done to Iraq, Libya and Syria for their resources. And Afghanistan for its opium of
The USGS website showed that the entire "Ring of Fire" volcanic area was triggered, with over 30 local
aftershocks at the time of writing

The semi-retarded Government sponsored experts are all over the media today explaining
that there is no way such ships have the technology to trigger such a large quake.

As if they would have access to accurate info on the latest military technology.

Related: The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) Is Dead +


6.2 Aftershock Shakes New Zealand After Powerful 7.8 Earthquake

Kills At Least 2
A new earthquake measuring 6.2 has struck 39km west of Kaikoura, New
Zealand. This is one of the most powerful in a series of tremors that
followed a 7.8 magnitude quake which struck the town, located some
180km northeast of Christchurch, on Sunday.

Local residents Chris and Viv Young look at damage caused by an earthquake along State Highway One near the
town of Ward, south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island, November 14, 2016

The quake took place at around 12:30am GMT at a depth of 8.3 kilometers, and was
initially measured at 6.8, but was later downgraded to 6.2 by USGS.

Related: Christchurch: The Man-Made Earthquakes - What Really Happened, How And

Meanwhile GeoNet, the official source of geological hazard information for New Zealand,
measured the latest quake at 6.3 and said its depth was around 35 kilometers.
At least two people were killed following the initial quake which struck New Zealand just after
11:00am GMT on Sunday (12:02am Monday local time).

The ministry of civil defense immediately issued a warning saying that a destructive
tsunami with waves of up to five meters (16 feet) was possible. The ministry treated the
possibility of a tsunami as an event of life-threatening or national significance.

Tsunami warning sirens notified residents in coastal areas of New Zealand to leave for higher
ground. Police and emergency workers mobilized in the wake of the quake to help with
evacuations. Authorities eventually downgraded tsunami warnings around the country after
people fled and the waves arrived two hours later.

We've canceled the tsunami warning in place for Wellington to Banks Peninsula. Based on all
available data, the tsunami threat has now passed, Civil Defense said in their latest bulletin,
stressing that coastal areas could still experience unusual, strong currents and sea level

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key confirmed that at least two people were killed. Police
said one person died in Kaikoura and another died in Mt. Lyford, a nearby ski resort, AP
reported. Police also say that several people had suffered minor injuries in Kaikoura.

A local state of emergency was declared in Kaikoura and Hurunui. Roads in Canterbury and
Marlborough have been severely damaged. Trains and ferries between North and South
Islands were also affected by the quake. Authorities are now assessing the extent of the
damage from the quake.

After the initial 7.8 disaster, all trains on South Island were initially stopped but KiwiRail later
resumed services between Christchurch and Invercargill, local media reported.
Related: Tsunami alert lifted after New Zealand earthquake, aftershocks kill 2

Power and phone lines outages were also reported in addition to the structural damage to

It was the most significant shock I can remember in Wellington, PM Key told
reporters. There will be quite major costs around roads and infrastructure.

Related: New Zealand earthquake: thousands stranded and towns cut off

Paul Has Been Dead For 50 Years [?]

November 14 2016 | From: Inverse / Various

Fifty years later, the mystery of Paul's fake death still haunts us. Comment:
Now, this is a fascinating one. Here we have a detailed "Mockumentary"
with a staggering number of data points that actually make the whole
premise seem completely plausible - not to mention the television interview
with 'McCartney's' ex-wife alluding to a horrific truth hidden from the public
for a long time...
On November 9, 1966, Paul McCartney was prematurely killed, the victim of a bizarre
conspiracy theory. In many ways, the hoax was also the original crazy fan theory.

Fifty years later, we know Paul is definitely alive - and still making music! - but in all the strange
lore and mythology surrounding the Beatles, this theory is probably the most confounding.
Heres a brief guide to understanding why Paul was thought to be dead, why we know he isnt,
and why people still care.

The basics are as follows: Some fans thought that the Beatles actively put clues in their
albums designed to fuel a conspiracy theory that McCartney had died in 1966 and was
replaced by lookalike actor named William Campbell.

While the conspiracy theory puts Pauls death in 1966, the theory first surfaced on October 12,
1969, one month after the official (and legally-binding) break-up of the band.

Patient zero of the Paul Is Dead Theory was an American DJ named Russ Gibb of radio
station WKNR-FM. Gibb claimed he got an anonymous phone call saying that Paul McCartney
was dead, and actually had been dead for just under three years.

In a series of very lengthy 1970 interviews for Rolling Stone - later republished as the 1971
book Lennon Remembers - journalist Jann Wenner asked John Lennon what he thought about
the whole conspiracy theory, and John Lennon was unequivocal:

Thats bullshit. I dont know where that started. Its balmy the whole thing was made up. We wouldnt do
anything like that.
Maybe the fans didnt know the band as well as they thought they did, because they had plenty
of evidence. The first piece was the suggestion that the end of the song Strawberry Fields
Forever features John Lennon chanting I buried Paul.

The comprehensive Beatles biography - The Love You Make, written by former Apple Corp.
manager Peter Brown and Steven Gaines - puts it like this: As much as it might have been
Johns sentiments at the time, it was hardly true.

And yet, the search for retroactive pieces of evidence backing the theory didnt stop. When
fully formed, the theory looked like this: Paul was killed in a car crash on November 9, 1966.
This car crash is referenced in A Day in the Life and more vaguely in I Am the Walrus.

After this point, Beatles replaced Paul with Campbell, who had won a Paul McCartney
lookalike contest. This explains why the Beatles introduce Billy Shears in the first on track
of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. And if you play the song Revolution No. 9
from The White Album backwards someone says Turn Me on Dead Man.

Most famously, the cover of Abbey Road presents a funeral procession: John as a priest,
Ringo as a pallbearer, George as a gravedigger, and Paul, of course, as a corpse.

Various photographs were analyzed and retroactively filled with more bits of evidence: A White
Album photograph gives us a scar on Pauls lip that he wasnt supposed to have, and the Sgt.
Peppers photos have him looking more ghost-like than the other Beatles.
As Brown and Gaines explain in The Love You Make:

It seemed as if a Paul-is-dead mini-industry developed overnight. One of the more ghoulish entrepreneurs
published a magazine devoted to the subject.

In 1969, these kinds of fanzines certainly helped to propagate the notion that Paul was dead,
something which seems pretty impossible (at least long-term) with the way information travels
on Facebook. Brown specifically asked Paul to tell the press that he was alive, but Paul
declined, wanting to simply let it go and hang out in his farm in Scotland.

I finally called Paul on his private line at the farm and told him that work at Apple was being disrupted by
thousands of queries about his health, Brown writes.

It was in an interview with Life Magazine in which Paul McCartney cleared up once and for all
the idea that he was indeed and in fact alive.

The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, he said. However, if I was dead, Im sure Id be
the last to know

Call it a hoax or a fan theory - the notion that Paul was dead was obviously false - but it was
pervasive for one specific reason: At least one of the clues did seem straight-up weird. In
the White Album song Glass Onion, John Lennon sings:
Heres another clue for you all. The Walrus was Paul.

Now, despite containing a great oh yeah (which was sampled by Danger Mouse for the
mashup album The Grey Album) no one would claim Glass Onion as their favorite Beatles
song, mostly because its so self-referential and, basically, silly.

And yet, why does John say, Heres another clue if he wasnt at the very least trying to stir up
some kind of trouble? Obviously, Paul wasnt (and still isnt) dead, but Lennon denying that he
or any of the the other Beatles didnt know or understand where this came from in the first
place is the part that still seems strange.

Obviously, claiming that Paul was really alive make sense. But denying any involvement in the
prank to begin with? Seems fishy.

So, on this day, celebrate the fact that Paul McCartney is in fact alive. But, consider this:
Everyone knows John Lennon was a witty and surreal humorist. Would he have had the
foresight to plant a few Paul Is Dead clues on a few albums, and then, a few years later
phone a radio DJ with the news?

John was in a pretty earnest phase at that point, but, he did hate Paul McCartney in 1969. He
even referenced the theory in his anti-Paul song How Do You Sleep when he sang, Those
freaks were right when they said you were dead.

Still, even if Lennon didnt call the radio station (which really, he probably didnt), and we
accept it to be true that Gibb did receive a phone call, who made that phone call and why? In
the annuls of weird pop culture mysteries, that question, the identity of the person who started
the rumor, is bizarrely, still haunting.

Paul McCartney / Faul McCartney

This Video addresses the latest hoax revelation, supposedly, from Ringo Starr, that
James Paul McCartney really did die on 9/11/1966, and was replaced by William Shears

There may have been some truth to this story but did James Paul McCartney really die?

Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison

In this mockumentary spoof of "Paul-Is-Dead" theories, a mysterious voice on the tape

reveals a secret Beatles history, chronicling McCartney's fatal accident, the cover up,
and dozens of unknown clues, exposing "Paul McCartney" as an impostor!

Highway 61 Entertainment has produced this unauthorized documentary that includes newly
unearthed evidence.

The Anti-Trump Protesters Are Tools Of The Oligarchy + Media

Attempts To Discredit Donald Trump Before His Presidency Even
November 13 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TheSiriusReport / Various

Reform always provokes rage on the part of those who profit by the old
order. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Crisis of the Old Order
Who are the anti-Trump protesters besmirching the name of progressives by pretending
to be progressives and by refusing to accept the outcome of the presidential election?
They look like, and are acting worse than, the white trash that they are denouncing.

Related: Anti-Trump Protesters Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to

Protest Trump

I think I know who they are. They are thugs for hire and are paid by the Oligarchy to
delegitimize Trumps presidency in the way that Washington and the German Marshall Fund
paid students in Kiev to protest the democratically elected Ukrainian government in order to
prepare the way for a coup.

The organization,, which claims to be a progressive group, but might be a

front, along with other progressive groups, for the Oligarchy, is destroying the
reputation of all progressives by circulating a petition that directs the electors of the
Electoral Collage to annul the election by casting their votes for Hillary.

Remember how upset progressives were when Trump said he might not accept the election
result if there was evidence that the vote was rigged? Now progressives are doing what they
damned Trump for saying he might do under certain conditions.

The Western presstitutes used the protests in Kiev to delegitimize a democratically elected
government and to set it up for a coup. The protest pay was good enough that non-Ukrainians
came from nearby countries to participate in the protest in order to collect the money.
Related: Ron Paul: Trump Needs To Resist Neocons And Shadow Government Elites

At the time I posted the amounts paid daily to protesters. Reports came in to me from Eastern
and Western Europe from people who were not Ukrainian but were paid to protest as if they
were Ukrainians.

The same thing is going on with the Trump protests. CNN reports that for many Americans
across the country, Donald Trumps victory is an outcome they simply refuse to accept. Tens of
thousands filled the streets in at least 25 US cities overnight. This is the exact reporting that
the Oligarchy desired from its presstitutes and got.

I hope no one thinks that simultaneous protests in 25 cities were a spontaneous event.

How did 25 independent protests manage to come up with the same slogans and the
same signs on the same night following the election?

What is the point of the protests, and what interest is served by them? As the Romans
always asked, who benefits?

There is only one answer: The Oligarchy and only the Oligarchy benefits.
Trump is a threat to the Oligarchy, because he intends to stop the giveaway of American jobs
to foreigners. The jobs giveaway, sanctified by the neoliberal junk economists as free trade, is
one of the main reasons for the 21st century worsening of the US income distribution.

Money that was formerly paid in middle class wages and salaries to American
manufacturing employees and college graduates has been re-routed to the pockets of
the One Percent.

When US corporations move their production of goods and services sold to Americans offshore
to Asian countries, such as China and India, their wage bill falls. The money formerly paid in
middle class incomes goes instead into executive bonuses and dividends and capital gains to

The ladders of upward mobility that had made America the land of opportunity were dismantled
for the sole purpose of making a handful of people multi-billionaires.
Trump is a threat to the Oligarchy, because he intends peaceful relations with Russia. In order
to replace the profitable Soviet Threat, the Oligarchy and their neoconservative agents worked
overtime to recreate the Russian Threat by demonizing Russia.

Accustomed to many decades of excess profits from the profitable Cold War, the
military/security complex was angry when President Reagan brought the Cold War to an end.
Before these leaches on American taxpayers could get the Cold War going again, the Soviet
Union collapsed as a result of a right-wing coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

The military/security complex and their zionist neoconservative agents cooked up the war on
terror to keep the money flowing to the One Percent.

But as hard as the presstitute media worked to create fear of the Muslim threat, even
insouciant Americans knew that the Muslims did not have thousands of ICBMs carrying
powerful thermo-nuclear weapons capable of destroying the entirety of the United States in a
few minutes.

Neither did the Muslims have the Red Army capable of overrunning all of Europe in a
couple of days. Indeed, the Muslims havent needed an army. Refugees from
Washingtons wars enabled by Europeans are overrunning Europe.

The excuse for the annual trillion dollar ($1,000 billion ) military/security budget was missing.
So the Oligarchy created the New Hitler in Russia. Hillary was the Oligarchys principle agent
for heating up the new Cold War.
Related: Missing CEO Of Clinton Foundation, Eric Braverman Appears To Be In FBI
Custody. Missing Arms Dealer Mark Turi Who Was The Benghazi Fallguy Possibly Dead

Hillary is the tool, enriched by the Oligarchy, whose job as President was to protect and to
increase the trillion dollar budget of the military/security complex. With Hillary in the White
House, the looting of the American taxpayers in behalf of the wealth of the One Percent could
go forward unimpeded. But if Trump resolves the Russian threat, the Oligarchy takes an
income hit.

Hillarys job as President was also to privatize Social Security in order that her Wall
Street benefactors can rip off Americans the way that Americans have been ripped off
by the insurance companies under Obamacare.

Those Americans who do not pay attention think, mistakenly, that the FBI cleared Hillary of
violating National Security protocols with her email practices. The FBI said that Hillary did
violate National Security, but that it was a result of carelessness or ignorance. She got off from
indictment, because the FBI concluded that she did not intentionally violate National Security

The investigation of the Clinton Foundation continues.

In other words, in order to protect Hillary the FBI fell back on the ancient common law rule that
there can be no crime without intent. (See PCR and Lawrence Stratton, The Tyranny of Good

One would think that protesters, if they were legitimate, would be celebrating Trumps
victory. He, unlike Hillary, promises to reduce tensions with powerful Russia, and we
hope also with China. Unlike Hillary, Trump says he is concerned with the absence of
careers for those very people protesting in the streets of 25 cities against him.
Related: Trump Reveals Policy Goals: "Building That Wall", End "War On Coal", Repeal
Obamacare, Dismantle Dodd-Frank

In other words, the protests against the American people for electing Trump as their president
are pointless. The protests are happening for one reason only. The Oligarchy intends to
delegitimize the Trump Presidency. Once President Trump is delegitimized, it will be easier for
the Oligarchy to assassinate him. Unless the Oligarchy can appoint and control Trumps
government, Trump is a prime candidate for assassination.

The protests against Trump are suspicious for another reason. Unlike Hillary, Obama,
and George W. Bush, Donald Trump has not slaughtered and dislocated millions of
peoples in seven countries, sending millions of refugees from the Oligarchys wars to
overrun Europe.

Trump earned his fortune, and if by hook or crook, not by selling US government influence to
foreign agents as Bill and Hillary did.

So what are the protesters protesting?

There is no answer except that they are hired to protest. Just as the Maidan protesters
in Kiev were hired to protest by US and German financed NGOs.
The protests in Kiev were equally pointless, because presidential elections were only months
away. If Ukrainians really believed that their president was conspiring with Russia to keep
Ukraine from becoming a Western puppet state and wished to become a puppet state
regardless of the costs, the opportunity to vote the government out was at hand.

The only reason for the protests was to orchestrate a coup. The US did succeed in putting
their agent in control of the new Ukrainian government as Victoria Nuland and the US
ambassador in Kiev confirmed in their telephone conversation that is available on the Internet.

The Maidan protests were pointless except for making a coup possible. The protests were
without any doubt arranged by Washington through Assistant Secretary of State Victoria
Nuland, a neoconservative brought into the State Department by Hillary Clinton for the purpose
of creating conflict with Russia.

Trump is being protested in order to make him vulnerable in the event he proves to be
the threat to the Oligarchy that he is thought to be.

Trump won the presidency, but the Oligarchy is still in power, which makes any real reforms
difficult to achieve. Symbolic reforms can be the product of the contest between President
Trump and the oligarchs.
Related: A 'Deplorable' Speaks Out: "Sorry Snowflake, But It's Not Over"

Karl Marx learned from historical experience, and Lenin, Stalin, and Pol Pot learned from Karl
Marx, that change cannot occur if the displaced ruling class is left intact after a revolution
against them.

We have proof of this throughout South America. Every revolution by the indigenous people
has left unmolested the Spanish ruling class, and every revolution has been overthrown by
collusion between the ruling class and Washington.

Washington has conspired with traditional elites to remove the elected presidents of Honduras
on a number of occasions. Recently, Washington helped elites evict the female presidents of
Argentina and Brazil. The presidents of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia are in the crosshairs
and are unlikely to survive.

Washington is determined to get its hands on Julian Assange. To achieve this Washington
intends to overthrow the Ecuadoran government that, in defiance of Washington, gave Julian
Assange political asylum.
Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez had the power to exile or to exterminate the Spanish ruling class in Venezuela
when the ruling class participated in a CIA coup against Chavez. But before the CIA could kill
Chavez, the people and the military forced his release. Instead of punishing the criminals who
would have murdered him, Chavez let them go.

According to Marx, Lenin, and Stalin, this is the classic mistake of the revolutionary. To rely on
good will from the overthrown ruling class is the certain road to the defeat of the revolution.

Latin American has proved itself unable to learn this lesson: Revolutions cannot be

Trump is a dealmaker. The Oligarchy can permit him the sheen of success in exchange for no
real change. Trump is not perfect. He might fail on his own. But we should back him on the two
most important elements in his program: to reduce tensions between the major nuclear
powers, and to halt Washingtons policy of permitting globalism to destroy Americans
economic prospects.
Comment: While Paul Craig Roberts may have his doubts he should know one thing:
Trump knows what is really going on and he understands that he is up against the
Illuminati cabal - and he is very clear on what the stakes are.

If tensions between nuclear powers worsen, we wont be here to worry about other problems.
The combination of the economy hollowed out by globalism and immigration is an economic
nightmare. That Trump understands this is reason to support him.

Note: Some believe that Trump is a ruse conducted by the Oligarchy. However, as Hillary
is the bought-and-paid-for representative of the Oligarchy, such an elaborate ruse is

It is preferable for the Oligarchy to win on its own platform than to install a president on the
opposite platform and then change him around. Another sellout increases the anger of the
people. If Hillary had won, the Oligarchy would have had the voters mandate for their

Related: Insider: Elites Conspiring Against President-Elect Trump

Watch Donald Trump And President Obama Describe Their First Meeting

In a moment that most thought would never happen, Donald Trump and President Obama met
for the first time at The White House on Thursday. The two men described what was apparently
a productive meeting.
Media Attempts To Discredit Donald Trump Before His Presidency
Even Begins
After Donald Trump was elected president of the United States on
November 8th, we started to see a flood of both mainstream and alternative
media sources making all sorts of claims regarding Trump allegedly,
according to advisors or other such sources, eyeing certain people to
work for his administration.

These claims are false and are merely another attempt to discredit Trump and make it
seem like he is already acting in contradiction to things he said during his presidential
campaign. This has been confirmed to us through certain channels.

Related: The Silent Majority Fights Back

Admittedly that sounds equally as vague as what these media sources are claiming, but we
would urge to you to just wait and see what unfolds over the next few months, especially after
Trumps inauguration in January 2017.

We have seen mainstream media trying to portray Trump as a racist, a bigot and a sexist and
you will see more of this as they are trying to incite fear and anger in Trumps opponents.

You will also see some alternative media sources trying to convince people that Trump is just
another cabal stooge and that nothing is ever going to change because of this.

Nothing could be further from the truth and in our opinion, the only reason they are doing this is
because, quite simply, they want to keep their jobs. And the only way to do that is to make
people fear the almighty cabal, because that is the sort of rhetoric these sources have been
thriving on for years.

They do not like the fact that things are truly changing.
Related: The Clintons and Soros launch Americas Purple Revolution

Again, we would urge you to just sit back and wait until Trump officially takes office and we can
deal with the facts, instead of investing your time and energy in rumours about who supposedly
did what and why. The truth will become apparent for all to see in due course.

We have been saying for well over a year now that Donald Trump would become the next US
president, provided they didnt kill him. Now that he has been officially elected, we are fully
confident that Mr. Trump will do what is right. That doesnt mean that he is a saint and certainly
not a saviour, but he is the right man for the job.

However, it is not going to be an easy ride and it is going to take time before he can truly make
America great again, so dont expect miracles. It is likely to get worse before it gets better,
specifically in Western nations.

That said, we are certainly on the right path and people around the world are waking up more
and more to what is going on around them and next year we will start to see a lot of political
shifts with upcoming elections in European countries.

So let us try and stay grounded and look objectively at the reality that is unfolding. That
is the only way to discern fact from fiction. As the saying goes, cooler heads will

Related: Craigslist Ad Exposes Paid Anti-Trump Protesters Being Recruited for STAGED

Max Keiser: Trump's presidency will be an acid test for US constitution

Donald Trumps presidency will be a fantastic test to see whether the US constitution actually
works and a reasonably intelligent guy with good intentions can appear from the private
sector to take the role, said RT host and financial analyst Max Keiser.

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Soros MoveOn Organizes Anti-Trump Protests Around Country

Chelsea Clinton being groomed to run for Congress

Mainstream Media Blames Whitelash For Trumps Victory

"Protester" Propagates Discontent

Obama and Trump Smoke Peace Pipe

We Have Won the Revolution!

Trump called out bigotry of establishment

Commentary: The Unbearable Smugness Of The Press

November 12 2016 | From: CBSNews

The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.
[Comment: Whilst this article comes from the heart of the controlled
mainstream media, at least they are becoming aware of the errors of their

It shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly
or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trumps

Related: The Globalization Of Media: A Failing Strike Force

More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months
mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.

This is all symptomatic of modern journalisms great moral and intellectual failing: its
unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, theres be a winking we did it feeling in the
press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.

So much for that. The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it
turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who
turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people
who cover it.

Related: Obama Decries 'Wild West' [Independent] Media Landscape

Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters
covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.

And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their
appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or
that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as

Its a profound failure of empathy in the service of endless posturing. Theres been some
sympathy from the press, sure: the dispatches from heroin country that read like reports from
colonial administrators checking in on the natives.

But much of that starts from the assumption that Trump voters are backward, and that its our
duty to catalogue and ultimately reverse that backwardness. What can we do to get these
people to stop worshiping their false god and accept our gospel?
We diagnose them as racists in the way Dark Age clerics confused medical problems with
demonic possession. Journalists, at our worst, see ourselves as a priestly caste. We believe
we not only have access to the indisputable facts, but also a greater truth, a system of beliefs
divined from an advanced understanding of justice.

Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace
Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil
War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States

Youd think that Trumps victory the one we all discounted too far in advance would lead to
a certain newfound humility in the political press. But of course thats not how it works. To us,
speaking broadly, our diagnosis was still basically correct. The demons were just stronger than
we realized.

This is all a whitelash, you see. Trump voters are racist and sexist, so there must be more
racists and sexists than we realized. Tuesday nights outcome was not a logic-driven rejection
of a deeply flawed candidate named Clinton; no, it was a primal scream against fairness,
equality, and progress. Let the new tantrums commence!

[Comment: Boy oh boy, do these media whores have a rude awakening coming...]

Thats the fantasy, the idea that if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, theyll
eventually shut up and get in line. Its similar to how media Twitter works, a system where
people who dissent from the proper framing of a story are attacked by mobs of smugly
incredulous pundits.

Journalists exist primarily in a world where people can get shouted down and disappear, which
informs our attitudes toward all disagreement.
Related: Who Owns New Zealand's Media?

Journalists increasingly dont even believe in the possibility of reasoned disagreement, and as
such ascribe cynical motives to those who think about things a different way. We see this in the
ongoing veneration of facts, the ones peddled by explainer websites and data journalists who
believe themselves to be curiously post-ideological.

That the explainers and data journalists so frequently get things hilariously wrong never invites
the soul-searching youd think it would. Instead, it all just somehow leads us to more
smugness, more meanness, more certainty from the reporters and pundits. Faced with defeat,
we retreat further into our bubble, assumptions left unchecked. No, its the voters who are

As a direct result, we get it wrong with greater frequency. Out on the road, we forget to ask the
right questions. We cant even imagine the right question. We go into assignments too certain
that what we find will serve to justify our biases.

The publics estimation of the press declines even further -- fewer than one-in-three Americans
trust the press, per Gallup - which starts the cycle anew.
Related: Putin Begs Media To Wake Up + The Demonization Of Vladimir Putin

Theres a place for opinionated journalism; in fact, its vital. But our causal, profession-wide
smugness and protestations of superiority are making us unable to do it well.

Our theme now should be humility. We must become more impartial, not less so. We
have to abandon our easy culture of tantrums and recrimination. We have to stop
writing these know-it-all, 140-character sermons on social media and admit that, as a
class, journalists have a shamefully limited understanding of the country we cover.

Whats worse, we dont make much of an effort to really understand, and with too few
exceptions, treat the economic grievances of Middle America like theyre some sort of

Sometimes quite literally so, such as when reporters tweet out a photo of racist-looking Trump
supporters and jokingly suggest that they must be upset about free trade or low wages.

We have to fix this, and the broken reasoning behind it. Theres a fleeting fun to gang-ups and
groupthink. But its not worth what we are losing in the process.

Related: Mainstream Media Achieve Historic Milestone + Trust This: New Zealanders
Don't Trust MPs, Bloggers, The Media

New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth

Of Taxpayer Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton
Health Access Initiatives
November 6 2016 | From: NationalBusinessReview / WakeUpNZ

The New Zealand government will continue supporting the Clinton

Foundation's flagship project by donating a further $6 million despite a new
wave of recent controversy surrounding the charitable organisation.
Question: WHY is John Key sending our money to a knowingly corrupt operation? Does
this make him complicit in the ongoing fraudulent machinations of the Clinton related
criminal Cabal activities? Does he even have any choice at this juncture? And what the
hell will happen to John Key when this whole farce comes falling down given the
mathematical certainty of just that outcome?

Related: Clinton Charities Raked in Millions of Taxpayer Dollars

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) tells NBR it has "no intention to further review
our support for the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)."

CHAI began as an initiative under the Clinton Foundation but has since been separated out to
a non-profit organisation with a focus on reducing the cost of HIV/AIDS medicine in sub-
Saharan Africa.

CHAI accounts for almost two-thirds of the Clinton Foundation's annual income and expense
according to online disclosures and was, until recently, vice-chaired by Chelsea Clinton with
former US President Bill Clinton serving as a board member.

Following political pressure, CHAI released a list of all of its donors from the past six years,
along with how much they had donated in August.
Related: Wikileaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons To ISIS + Wikileaks Will Release More
Emails On The Clinton Foundation FBI Has Enough Evidence To Indict

It turns out, MFAT was on the list and near the top alongside the likes of the World Health
Organisation, Save the Children and the Rockefeller Foundation, which all donated between
&US1-5 million. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was one of CHAI's biggest donors,
along with the Australian government, which donated more than $US25 million to the

MFAT says it has donated to the CHAI since 2013 through New Zealand's Aid

The programme has been providing funding and technological assistance for the agriculture-
strengthening component of a project in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

MFAT had an original budget of $13.7 million to distribute to CHAI, of which $7.7 million has
been distributed to date, with a further $6 million remaining. It has a $1.7 billion budget over
three years, of which most will be delivered through international organisations such as CHAI,
an MFAT spokesman says.

MFAT's only support for CHAI has been through the funding of a project that aims to
significantly reduce child malnutrition and raise incomes in Rwanda and Ethiopia, he says.

In Hot Water

CHAI has recently found itself at the centre of controversy in the US. US presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton as been forced to defend the Clinton Foundation on her campaign trail, following
accusations by her Republican rival Donald Trump, along with other Republicans, that wealthy
donors may be expecting favourable treatment from the US Government.

Although Mrs Clinton denies this, the foundation last month revealed that it will no longer
receive donations from foreigners to corporations if Mrs Clinton won the race for the White
House. But the organisation made no mention of CHAI at the time.

After weeks of speculation, in early September a CHAI spokeswoman announced that the
initiative would take steps to sever ties with the Clinton family and if Mrs Clinton is elected
president and would spin CHAI into a "completely independent" charity.

Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc.

Cumulative Donations By Donor (January 2010 to June 2016)

Funding Ranges: Donor's Name:

(in $USD)

1. Above $25 Million Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Affairs Canada, Ikea
Foundation, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Australian
Government, ELMA Foundation, UK Department for International
Development, UNITAID

2. $10 Million to $25 Children's Investment Fund Foundation, Swedish International

Million Development Cooperation Agency

3. $5 Million to $10 Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation, Centers for Disease Control
Million and Prevention (CDC), Elton John AIDS Foundation, Embassy of
Ireland, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Sheik Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi, STOP AIDS NOW,
United Nations Children's Fund, World Health Organisation

Related: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Exposed

But CHAI does not plan on implementing restrictions on where it can raise money - meaning it
can still accept donations from New Zealand.
The controversy did not stop there. Just weeks after CHAI's decision, US Republican
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn released a 17-page report slamming CHAI's "self-serving"
philanthropy in sub-Saharan Africa.

The report, titled: The Clinton Foundation and the "India Success Story: Self-serving
philanthropy, watered down drugs and money in sub-Saharan Africa, alleges the Clinton
Foundation "likely facilitated the distribution of watered-down HIV/AIDS medications in sub-
Saharan Africa through it's Health Access Initiative [CHAI].

The report scrutinises the relationship the relationship between CHAI and Indian
pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy, which partnered with the initiative in 2003, working with
CHAI to combat HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Ranbaxy Laboratories, now owned by Sun
Pharma, is a multinational pharmaceutical company.

Related: Bill Gates And George Soros Fund Monsanto And A World Depopulation

One of CHAI's main roles is to bring together buyers of antiretroviral drugs used to fight
HIV/AIDS, such as governments, non-profits and multilateral aid organisations, with sellers
such as Ranbaxy.

The initiative has, by most accounts been successful in bringing down the price of the
lifesaving drugs and has been welcomed by the global community. But Ranbaxy has run into
problems with US regulators.

Ms Blackburn's report says a former employee of the company turned whistleblower, Dinesh
Thakur, confirmed the company's HIV/AIDs antiretrovirals were adulterated.

The US government took Ranbaxy to court in 2007 resulting in the company pleading guilty to
seven felonies and paying a half billion dollar fine in 2013.
Related: Hillary Clintons Relationship With The Rothschild / Rockefeller Establishment
Is Now On Full Display

Ms Blackburn also suggests the adulterated drugs may have "increased patient mortality rates"
in the region.

MFAT won't comment on the report but says its funding is focused on providing technical
assistance for agriculture-strengthening components of projects in Rwanda and Ethiopia, as
well as working with local farmers to aid in the development of factories to produce food.

Comment: Horse shit. This is a PR spin - once the money is released to the Clinton
Foundation, MFAT and the New Zealand government have NO IDEA as to what use they are
put. Then again, they very may well know all too well.

Related: Indian Doctors Sue Bill Gates For Harming Children With Deadly 'Humanitarian'
Vaccines + Dr. Robert Rowen Reveals The Raw Truth About Vaccines At The Vaccine
World Summit

$13.7 Million Dollars Of New Zealand Taxpayer Funds Pledged To

Shady Clinton Charity
It has been revealed that millions of New Zealand taxpayer dollars have
been donated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) to Hillary
Clintons charity, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), a non-profit
organisation created from the Clinton Foundation with the stated goal to
reduce HIV/AIDs in Africa.

An MFAT spokesman confirmed to the NBR that between January 2010 and June
2016, $7.7 million of taxpayer funds had already been donated and another $6 million
was to follow, keeping to a pledge to donate $13.7 million made by the government
organisation in 2013.

Related: Prime Minster John Key caught channeling millions of dollars of taxpayer's
money to 'ethically compromised' Clinton Foundation

ACT party member David Seymour commented:

In a world where New Zealanders can crowdsource to buy a beach, its not clear what role there is for the
government to collect taxes and contribute it to a global charity which is more than capable of reaching out
and raising its own money.

The big question is, why is our government sending millions of dollars overseas while at the
same time cutting funding for crucial services which desperately need the money here in New

To fully understand how Clinton charities operate and decide whether a single taxpayer dollar
should have been donated, we first need to look at some of the controversies.

Over the past 15 years, the Washington Post can reveal the charities have raised over $2
billion dollars, mainly from big corporates, foreign governments and political donors. Many
have called the contributions pay for play, where powerful donors exchange funds for future
political favours.

Speeches make up a large part of the revenue stream, with the Clintons earning hundreds of
thousands per speech from the likes of big Wall Street banks including Goldman Sachs
as revealed by WikiLeaks.
Related: The Clinton Chronicles

Hacked emails also released by WikiLeaks revealed that in 2012, Qatar pledged to donate US
$1 million to the Clinton Foundation raising a question of ethics after Hillary promised that while
she was serving as secretary of the state donations from foreign governments would no longer
be accepted due to the potential influence on foreign policy.

It was also been revealed the Clinton charities utilised the devastating Haiti earthquake to
implement disaster capitalism, funneling funds into Haiti under the pretense of aid but only for
the funds to flow away from the Haitians desperately in need and instead to companies who
had made previously large donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Then there is the $145 million pay for play contributions made to the Clinton Foundation by
shareholders of Canadian company Uranium One, a mining company with concessions in
Kazakhstan and the US.

Uranium One sought to sell these concessions to the Russians, but the deal had to be
approved by a government committee due to the implications to national security.
Related: Criminal Roots: A Shocking Expos On The Clinton Family And Their Rise To

In return for the contributions and the extra $500,000 Bill Clinton received in speaking fees
from a Russian investment bank, the 20% purchase of US uranium assets by the Russians
was approved, knowing this purchase would mean the production of more nuclear weapons
against Americas own interests.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative has also had its share of controversy.

US Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn recently released a 71 page report which slammed

CHAIs self-serving philanthropy in Africa, after the charity was found distributing watered
down HIV/AIDS medications to sick Africans.

According to the report, these cheaper drugs which were provided by Ranbaxy Laboratories:

Subjected patients to increased risks of morbidity and mortality.

Ranbaxy later was found guilty of selling badly made generic drugs and fined a record
US$500 million.
Related: Leaked DNC Emails Prove Once And For All That The Conspiracy Theorists
Were Right All Along + FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire

If Hillary is elected president, she has committed to changing how the Clinton Foundation
operates. Bill Clinton has said:

The Foundation will accept contributions only from U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and U.S.- based
independent foundations, whose names we will continue to make public on a quarterly basis. And we will
change the official name from the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation to the Clinton Foundation.
While I will continue to support the work of the Foundation, I will step down from the Board and will no
longer raise funds for it.

However, CHAI, which receives around 60% of the funds from the Clinton Foundation, has yet
to decide whether it will also refuse foreign government donations if she was to win, and when
asked for comment on CHAI the Clinton campaign spokesman declined.

Theres no doubt the Clinton charities have done some incredible work overseas through
CHAI, but the manner in which these charities are utilised as vehicles for personal benefit can
not be ignored.

With strong financial ties to Wall Street, big pharmaceuticals and other large corporate
sponsors, its clear the charities are being used as avenues to channel funds under the guise
of philanthropy.

What is of great concern here in New Zealand is the level of taxpayer funded donations made
to Hillarys charity without public knowledge, and how quiet the mainstream media has been
about it.
John Key and the National Party clearly have no issue using millions of taxpayer funds
as bribes, revealed by the corrupt Saudi sheep deal, so it should be of no surprise to
see the government fund a shady charity found to be acting only for self serving

We need to hold our government accountable for where taxpayer funds are being applied,
especially when gifted to charities operated by corrupt American political figureheads.

Our country currently can not afford to be sending millions of dollars overseas. Instead of
donating the remaining $6 million pledged to CHAI, we demand that MFAT reallocate the funds
within New Zealand to help assist those struggling under our poverty and homelessness crisis.
For an excellent review of the Clinton Foundation, please have a read through the
Washington Posts feature Inside the Clinton Donor Network.

We also highly recommend watching the in-depth documentary Clinton Cash, which
discusses the pay for play model and resulting corruption which can be viewed here.

Putins Compelling Exposure Of The Egregious Lawless

Behaviour Of The Western Dark Cabal In The Wake Of The True
Revolution Of The Masses
November 5 2016 | From: StankovUniversalLaw / Kremlin / Various

Speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club, October 27, 2016.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Related: Vladimir Putins Third Way: As Seen Through the Nooscope

Tarja, Heinz, Thabo, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to see you again. I want to start by thanking all of the participants
in the Valdai International Discussion Club, from Russia and abroad, for your constructive part
in this work, and I want to thank our distinguished guests for their readiness to take part in this
open discussion.

Our esteemed moderator just wished me a good departure into retirement, and I wish myself
the same when the time comes. This is the right approach and the thing to do. But I am not
retired yet and am for now the leader of this big country. As such, it is fitting to show restraint
and avoid displays of excessive aggressiveness. I do not think that this is my style in any case.

But I do think that we should be frank with each other, particularly here in this gathering. I think
we should hold candid, open discussions, otherwise our dialogue makes no sense and would
be insipid and without the slightest interest.

I think that this style of discussion is extremely needed today given the great changes taking
place in the world. The theme for our meeting this year, The Future in Progress: Shaping
the World of Tomorrow, is very topical.
Related: Can The American People Defeat The Oligarchy That Rules Them?

Last year, the Valdai forum participants discussed the problems with the current world order.
Unfortunately, little has changed for the better over these last months. Indeed, it would be more
honest to say that nothing has changed.

The tensions engendered by shifts in distribution of economic and political influence continue
to grow. Mutual distrust creates a burden that narrows our possibilities for finding effective
responses to the real threats and challenges facing the world today.

Essentially, the entire globalisation project is in crisis today and in Europe, as we know well, we
hear voices now saying that multiculturalism has failed.

I think this situation is in many respects the result of mistaken, hasty and to some extent over-
confident choices made by some countries elites a quarter-of-a-century ago. Back then,
in the late 1980s-early 1990s, there was a chance not just to accelerate the globalisation
process but also to give it a different quality and make it more harmonious and sustainable
in nature.

But some countries that saw themselves as victors in the Cold War, not just saw
themselves this way but said it openly, took the course of simply reshaping the global
political and economic order to fit their own interests.

In their euphoria, they essentially abandoned substantive and equal dialogue with other actors
in international life, chose not to improve or create universal institutions, and attempted
instead to bring the entire world under the spread of their own organisations, norms
and rules.
They chose the road of globalisation and security for their own beloved selves, for the select
few, and not for all. But far from everyone was ready to agree with this.

We may as well be frank here, as we know full well that many did not agree with what was
happening, but some were unable by then to respond, and others were not yet ready
to respond.

The result though is that the system of international relations is in a feverish state
and the global economy cannot extricate itself from systemic crisis. At the same time, rules
and principles, in the economy and in politics, are constantly being distorted and we often see
what only yesterday was taken as a truth and raised to dogma status reversed completely.

If the powers that be today find some standard or norm to their advantage, they force
everyone else to comply.

But if tomorrow these same standards get in their way, they are swift to throw them
in the bin, declare them obsolete, and set or try to set new rules.
Thus, we saw the decisions to launch airstrikes in the centre of Europe, against Belgrade,
and then came Iraq, and then Libya. The operations in Afghanistan also started without
the corresponding decision from the United Nations Security Council.

In their desire to shift the strategic balance in their favour these countries broke apart
the international legal framework that prohibited deployment of new missile defence systems.

They created and armed terrorist groups, whose cruel actions have sent millions
of civilians into flight, made millions of displaced persons and immigrants, and plunged
entire regions into chaos.

We see how free trade is being sacrificed and countries use sanctions as a means of political
pressure, bypass the World Trade Organisation and attempt to establish closed economic
alliances with strict rules and barriers, in which the main beneficiaries are their own
transnational corporations.
And we know this is happening. They see that they cannot resolve all of the problems within
the WTO framework and so think, why not throw the rules and the organisation itself aside
and build a new one instead. This illustrates what I just said.

At the same time, some of our partners demonstrate no desire to resolve the real international
problems in the world today.

In organisations such as NATO, for example, established during the Cold War
and clearly out of date today, despite all the talk about the need to adapt to the new
reality, no real adaptation takes place.

We see constant attempts to turn the OSCE, a crucial mechanism for ensuring common
European and also trans-Atlantic security, into an instrument in the service of someones
foreign policy interests. The result is that this very important organisation has been hollowed

But they continue to churn out threats, imaginary and mythical threats such as the Russian
military threat.
Related: Hillary Clintons Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell. Regime Change in
Russia Putin is an Obstacle

This is a profitable business that can be used to pump new money into defence budgets
at home, get allies to bend to a single superpowers interests, expand NATO and bring its
infrastructure, military units and arms closer to our borders.

Of course, it can be a pleasing and even profitable task to portray oneself as the defender
of civilisation against the new barbarians. The only thing is that Russia has no intention
of attacking anyone.

This is all quite absurd. I also read analytical materials, those written by you here today,
and by your colleagues in the USA and Europe.

It is unthinkable, foolish and completely unrealistic. Europe alone has 300 million
people. All of the NATO members together with the USA have a total population of 600
million, probably.

Putin Warns Americans: You're Being Distracted!

Of all the internal problems the Presidential candidates could solve - Clinton harps on
about "Russian aggression" and mainstream media goes into Russophobic overdrive.

But Russia has only 146 million. It is simply absurd to even conceive such thoughts. And yet
they use these ideas in pursuit of their political aims.

Another mythical and imaginary problem is what I can only call the hysteria the USA has
whipped up over supposed Russian meddling in the American presidential election.
The United States has plenty of genuinely urgent problems, it would seem, from the colossal
public debt to the increase in firearms violence and cases of arbitrary action by the police.

You would think that the election debates would concentrate on these and other
unresolved problems, but the elite has nothing with which to reassure society, it seems,
and therefore attempt to distract public attention by pointing instead to supposed
Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so forth.

I have to ask myself and ask you too: Does anyone seriously imagine that Russia can
somehow influence the American peoples choice? America is not some kind of banana
republic, after all, but is a great power. Do correct me if I am wrong.

Putin expressed hopes that a new US president will work with him to rectify the dangerous
deterioration in relations between the US and Russia. Obviously, this cannot happen if the new
president is Hillary.

Related: President Putin Asks US To Stop Provoking Russia

The question is, if things continue in this vein, what awaits the world? What kind of world will
we have tomorrow? Do we have answers to the questions of how to ensure stability, security
and sustainable economic growth? Do we know how we will make a more prosperous world?

Sad as it is to say, there is no consensus on these issues in the world today. Maybe you have
come to some common conclusions through your discussions, and I would, of course, be
interested to hear them.

But it is very clear that there is a lack of strategy and ideas for the future. This creates
a climate of uncertainty that has a direct impact on the public mood.

Sociological studies conducted around the world show that people in different countries
and on different continents tend to see the future as murky and bleak. This is sad. The future
does not entice them, but frightens them. At the same time, people see no real opportunities
or means for changing anything, influencing events and shaping policy.

Yes, formally speaking, modern countries have all the attributes of democracy: Elections,
freedom of speech, access to information, freedom of expression. But even in the most
advanced democracies the majority of citizens have no real influence on the political
process and no direct and real influence on power.

People sense an ever-growing gap between their interests and the elites vision
of the only correct course, a course the elite itself chooses.

The result is that referendums and elections increasingly often create surprises
for the authorities.

People do not at all vote as the official and respectable media outlets advised them to, nor
as the mainstream parties advised them to. Public movements that only recently were too far
left or too far right are taking centre stage and pushing the political heavyweights aside.

At first, these inconvenient results were hastily declared anomaly or chance. But when they
became more frequent, people started saying that society does not understand those
at the summit of power and has not yet matured sufficiently to be able to assess the authorities
labour for the public good.

Or they sink into hysteria and declare it the result of foreign, usually Russian,

Friends and colleagues, I would like to have such a propaganda machine here in Russia, but
regrettably, this is not the case. We have not even global mass media outlets of the likes
of CNN, BBC and others. We simply do not have this kind of capability yet.
As for the claim that the fringe and populists have defeated the sensible, sober
and responsible minority - we are not talking about populists or anything like that but
about ordinary people, ordinary citizens who are losing trust in the ruling class. That is
the problem.

By the way, with the political agenda already eviscerated as it is, and with elections ceasing
to be an instrument for change but consisting instead of nothing but scandals and digging up
dirt who gave someone a pinch, who sleeps with whom, if youll excuse me.

This just goes beyond all boundaries. And honestly, a look at various candidates platforms
gives the impression that they were made from the same mould the difference is slight, if
there is any.

It seems as if the elites do not see the deepening stratification in society and the erosion
of the middle class, while at the same time, they implant ideological ideas that, in my opinion,
are destructive to cultural and national identity.

And in certain cases, in some countries they subvert national interests and renounce
sovereignty in exchange for the favour of the suzerain.
This begs the question: who is actually the fringe? The expanding class
of the supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy, which is in fact often not elected
and not controlled by society, or the majority of citizens, who want simple and plain
things stability, free development of their countries, prospects for their lives
and the lives of their children, preserving their cultural identity, and, finally, basic
security for themselves and their loved ones.

People are clearly scared to see how terrorism is evolving from a distant threat to an everyday
one, how a terrorist attack could occur right near them, on the next street, if not on their own
street, while any makeshift item from a home-made explosive to an ordinary truck can be
used to carry out a mass killing.

Moreover, the terrorist attacks that have taken place in the past few years in Boston and other
US cities, Paris, Brussels, Nice and German cities, as well as, sadly, in our own country, show
that terrorists do not need units or organised structures they can act independently, on their
own, they just need the ideological motivation against their enemies, that is, against you
and us.
The terrorist threat is a clear example of how people fail to adequately evaluate the nature
and causes of the growing threats. We see this in the way events in Syria are developing. No
one has succeeded in stopping the bloodshed and launching a political settlement process.

One would think that we would have begun to put together a common front against
terrorism now, after such lengthy negotiations, enormous effort and difficult

But this has not happened and this common front has not emerged. My personal agreements
with the President of the United States have not produced results either.

There were people in Washington ready to do everything possible to prevent these

agreements from being implemented in practice.

This all demonstrates an unexplainable and I would say irrational desire on the part
of the Western countries to keep making the same mistakes or, as we say here in Russia, keep
stepping on the same rake.

We all see what is happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and a number of other countries.
I have to ask, where are the results of the fight against terrorism and extremism? Overall,
looking at the world as a whole, there are some results in particular regions and locations, but
there is no global result and the terrorist threat continues to grow.

We all remember the euphoria in some capitals over the Arab Spring. Where are these
fanfares today?

Russias calls for a joint fight against terrorism go ignored. Whats more, they continue
to arm, supply and train terrorist groups in the hope of using them to achieve their own
political aims.
Related: Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros radical vision of open-border world

This is a very dangerous game and I address the players once again: The extremists in this
case are more cunning, clever and stronger than you, and if you play these games with them,
you will always lose.

Colleagues, it is clear that the international community should concentrate on the real
problems facing humanity today, the resolution of which will make our world a safer and more
stable place and make the system of international relations fairer and more equal.

As I said, it is essential to transform globalisation from something for a select few into
something for all. It is my firm belief that we can overcome these threats and challenges only
by working together on the solid foundation of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Today it is the United Nations that continues to remain an agency that is unparalleled
in representativeness and universality, a unique venue for equitable dialogue. Its universal
rules are necessary for including as many countries as possible in economic and humanitarian
integration, guaranteeing their political responsibility and working to coordinate their actions
while also preserving their sovereignty and development models.

The NSA leaked the DNC emails because they hate Hillary - Judge

Related: Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt
We have no doubt that sovereignty is the central notion of the entire system of international
relations. Respect for it and its consolidation will help underwrite peace and stability both
at the national and international levels.

There are many countries that can rely on a history stretching back a thousand years, like
Russia, and we have come to appreciate our identity, freedom and independence.

But we do not seek global domination, expansion or confrontation with anyone.

In our mind, real leadership lies in seeing real problems rather than attempting to invent
mythical threats and use them to steamroll others.

This is exactly how Russia understands its role in global affairs today.

There are priorities without which a prosperous future for our shared planet is unthinkable
and they are absolutely obvious. I wont be saying anything new here.

First of all, there is equal and indivisible security for all states. Only after ending armed conflicts
and ensuring the peaceful development of all countries will we be able to talk about economic
progress and the resolution of social, humanitarian and other key problems.

It is important to fight terrorism and extremism in actuality. It has been said more than once that
this evil can only be overcome by a concerted effort of all states of the world. Russia continues
to offer this to all interested partners.

It is necessary to add to the international agenda the issue of restoring the Middle Eastern
countries lasting statehood, economy and social sphere.

The mammoth scale of destruction demands drawing up a long-term comprehensive

programme, a kind of Marshall Plan, to revive the war- and conflict-ridden area. Russia is
certainly willing to join actively in these team efforts.

We cannot achieve global stability unless we guarantee global economic progress. It is

essential to provide conditions for creative labour and economic growth at a pace that
would put an end to the division of the world into permanent winners and permanent

The rules of the game should give the developing economies at least a chance to catch up with
those we know as developed economies.

We should work to level out the pace of economic development, and brace up backward
countries and regions so as to make the fruit of economic growth and technological progress
accessible to all.

Particularly, this would help to put an end to poverty, one of the worst contemporary

It is also absolutely evident that economic cooperation should be mutually lucrative and rest
on universal principles to enable every country to become an equal partner in global economic

True, the regionalising trend in the world economy is likely to persist in the medium term.
However, regional trade agreements should complement and expand not replace the universal
norms and regulations.

Russia advocates the harmonisation of regional economic formats based on the principles
of transparency and respect for each others interests. That is how we arrange the work
of the Eurasian Economic Union and conduct negotiations with our partners, particularly
on coordination with the Silk Road Economic Belt project, which China is implementing.
We expect it to promote an extensive Eurasian partnership, which promises to evolve into one
of the formative centres of a vast Eurasian integration area. To implement this idea, 5+1 talks
have begun already for an agreement on trade and economic cooperation between all
participants in the process.

An important task of ours is to develop human potential. Only a world with ample opportunities
for all, with highly skilled workers, access to knowledge and a great variety of ways to realise
their potential can be considered truly free.

Only a world where people from different countries do not struggle to survive but lead
full lives can be stable.

A decent future is impossible without environment protection and addressing climate problems.
That is why the conservation of the natural world and its diversity and reducing the human
impact on the environment will be a priority for the coming decades.
Another priority is global healthcare. Of course, there are many problems, such as large-scale
epidemics, decreasing the mortality rate in some regions and the like. So there is enormous
room for advancement.

All people in the world, not only the elite, should have the right to healthy, long and full

This is a noble goal. In short, we should build the foundation for the future world today
by investing in all priority areas of human development.

And of course, it is necessary to continue a broad-based discussion of our common

future so that all sensible and promising initiatives are heard.

Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, I am confident that you, as members of the Valdai Club, will
actively take part in this work.
Your expertise enables you to understand all angles of the processes underway both in Russia
and in the world, forecast and evaluate long-term trends, and put forward new initiatives
and recommendations that will help us find the way to the more prosperous and sustainable
future that we all badly need.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Video Version of Full Speech:


Media comments on Putins Valdai Speech:

Putin takes part in Valdai clubs final session (LIVE UPDATES) - RT

Vladimir Putin Addresses 13th Annual Valdai Discussion Club (VIDEO) - Sputnik

Putin says Russia showing restraint in Syria but patience may run out - Reuters

Putin says Russia has no option but to clear Aleppo of militants - Reuters

Putin urges new Marshall Plan for Middle East to see recovery and growth - TASS

Putin says Russia does not plan to get militarily involved in Iraq, Libya - Reuters

Russia threat exaggerated by West to justify military spending Putin - SKY News

Putin: Russia is not going to attack anyone - TASS

Putin is sure Russia and Ukraine will find way to end crisis - TASS

Russias Putin says cyber attacks are unacceptable - Reuters

Putin urges US not to provoke Russia to actively protect national interests - TASS

Calling Trump Moscows favorite is nonsense created by media - Putin - RT

Putin says U.S. hysteria over Russia is election ploy - Reuters

Putin rejects claims of Russian interference in US election - AP

Russias Putin says Trump behaves extravagantly to get message across - Reuters

Russias Putin says Obama administration does not stick to any deals - Reuters

Counter-Coup: US Intelligence Joins With WikiLeaks To Put

Down The Criminal Cabal Seeking To Extend Control Over US
Government + Hillary Clinton Goes Full Tin Foil Hat
November 4 2016 | From: StevePieczenik / NaturalNews / Infowars / Various

We are watching history unfold before us with such sound and fury that we
are likely to never witness comparable events again in our lifetime.

As of today, I am now convinced that the deep state has turned on Hillary Clinton and
will unveil damning evidence in the next few days that will end the Clintons' reign of
terror over America and collapse her bid for the presidency.

Related: Mutiny At The FBI: Comey warned by his own agents to indict Clinton or watch
the FBI's reputation go down in flames

The mainstream media, of course, will never report this news for the simple reason that they
are the propaganda arm of the criminal Clinton cartel. As such, they will lie to the public to the
bitter end, even as the Clinton Titanic sinks with all of them on board (in deep, frigid waters, no
less, with no more lifeboats to be found).
The so-called "deep state" - the powerful insiders who really run the intelligence services and
inner layers of untouchable bureaucracy - has decided Hillary Clinton is too damaged to
defend any longer.

Even if she were to win by stealing the election, she would be so mired in criminal
investigations and political illegitimacy that she would rip the nation to shreds while fighting for
her own political survival.

It has now been decided, I believe, that Hillary Clinton will be taken out of power by releasing
criminally damaging emails which have long been held by the NSA and FBI.

[Note: Remember, this article represents just one line of observation in terms of how
this could play out - however the video below denotes actions that are already in play.]

Related: Unprecedented Crisis, Collapse of the Clinton Apparatus? Hacker

Whistleblowers, Trump, and the FBI Converge

This will likely happen before the coming weekend. Once that is accomplished, the next goal
will be to wait for President Trump to take office, then destroy the U.S. economy through a
controlled, global debt collapse so that Trump can be blamed for the near collapse of
western economies.

(Remember: The deep state isn't pro-Trump. They're still all about defending the
establishment. But Hillary is one bridge too far for even the statists to stomach...)

Instead of allowing Hillary Clinton to take power and destroy America from the top, in other
words, deep state power brokers have reverted to "Plan B" which is to let Trump take the White
House, then destroy America through the controlled demolition of its currency and economy.

This is simpler than it sounds. Bringing down the debt pyramid of a nation carrying nearly $20
trillion in national debt isn't exactly rocket science. All they have to do is stand back and stop
manipulating the markets and stop printing new money for a few months while raising interest
rates. Monetary gravity will do the rest...
In the mean time, Hillary Clinton and a long list of her co-conspirators are going to find
themselves charged with obstruction of justice, lying under oath, destruction of evidence,
conspiracy, corruption and other serious charges that will lead to serious prison time for many.

The criminal racket of the Clintons is about to implode. The participants will be charged under
the RICO Act for "racketeering" activities, for which ample evidence already exists.

A New Video from Steve Pieczenik Describes Some of This

In this video, intelligence insider Steve Pieczenik lays out how high-level intelligence insiders
are now working in concert to "reverse the Clinton coup" that's attempting to take over America
and destroy it from within.

Even if you don't believe Pieczenik - and I fully realize he's controversial in his own way - this
short video is a very important "must watch" explanation to know what people in the
intelligence community are doing... "we've initiated a counter-coup..."

Steve Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and
James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and
psychological warfare.

He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and
George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.

As we constantly emphasize, 95% of those working for the US Government are good people
trapped in a bad system. A tipping point appears to have been reached in which these good people
are now saying to the corrupt political class: ENOUGH!

The Clintons are Going to Go "Full Murder" In a Last Ditch, Desperate Effort
to Save Themselves

Beware of what may yet unfold in the coming days. Like a cornered wild animal, the Clintons
are extremely dangerous when they realize they have nothing to lose by going "full murder" in
an attempt to save themselves.

I will not be surprised the least bit if bodies of people in high places start piling up over the next
week. Watch for news reports of mysterious car crashes, swimming pool accidents or "natural"
deaths involving people like James Comey, who'd better have armed security personnel
around him at all times.

Related: Hillary Admits In Leaked Email That Clinton Donors Are Funding ISIS

Look for desperate measures such as the Clintons attempting to blackmail Obama, Comey or
anyone who they think might serve as leverage to save their own skins. We might also see
desperate false flag attacks unfold in the next few days, although that's increasingly unlikely
since it seems the Clintons are now on their own (they would need the assistance of Obama to
pull off another Sandy Hook, you see).

A Deal has Already Been Struck With Obama

Most likely, deep state operatives have already struck a deal with Obama to avoid
prosecuting him for his own serious crimes as long as he stays out of the way as Hillary
Clinton's head is served up on a platter.

This likely explains why Obama is now publicly saying he trusts Comey (and refuses to go to
bat for Hillary). There's no love lost between Obama and the Clintons (remember 2008?).
As all this is going down, the propaganda ministry of the Clinton regime - CNN, NYT,
Washington Post, etc. - is going to explode into an all-out "bat-s##t crazy" conspiracy theory
phase where they blame the Russians, extraterrestrials, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster for
everything that's imploding around the Clintons.

Related: The Failure of Democracy, How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

Mainstream media news reports are going to increasingly sound like sociopathic babble from
crazy people grasping at whatever outlandish theories they can invoke. Maybe crop circles
were created by the Russians as a secret code to Wikileaks and Donald Trump, eh?

Meanwhile, conspiratorial operatives like George Stephanopoulos fully realize they are
probably going to jail for collusion and sedition, so they have nothing left to lose by
desperately trying to put Hillary in the White House via any means at their disposal, including
totally faking negative news against Donald Trump (which is, of course, the entire news
mission of CNN at this point, a disgraced propaganda network run by anti-American traitors).

If the Vote is Stolen for Hillary Clinton, All Hell Breaks Loose

Should the globalist Soros operators manage to steal the vote, bribe the electoral voters or rig
the black box voting machines sufficiently to place Hillary Clinton in the White House, all Hell
breaks loose across America:

The FBI goes into full indictment mode to push criminal charges for the Clinton
criminal regime.

Donald Trump launches a massive legal challenge to the election outcome,

dispatching an army of lawyers to level a vast assortment of charges involving
coordinated voter fraud, the rigging of voting machines, the attempted bribery of
Electoral voters and so on.

The U.S. military revs up its plans for an armed military coup to depose Clinton and
restore democracy. This one should be especially entertaining to watch unfold if it gets
activated... (and yes, YOU will beg for a short-term military dictatorship as long as they
promise to depose Clinton and restore open, fair and free elections).
Armed U.S. citizens prepare for a massive march on Washington to take back their
democracy and restore a lawful society where the political elite don't get away with
corruption, fraud and murder. Expect this march to be joined by police officers and
federal law enforcement officials of all kinds.

Related: NSA Whistleblower: US Intelligence Worker Likely Behind DNC Leaks, Not

The NSA likely goes into "full dump" mode to unleash every scrap of damning criminal
evidence against Hillary Clinton. This will likely be joined by CIA assets who already
have the goods on the Clintons and their "Lolita Express" pedo joy rides.

Wikileaks, Anonymous and every former NSA analyst goes into "destroy the Clintons"
mode and begins to hack and expose every last shred of email evidence ever
possessed by the Clintons and anyone close to them.

Anonymous alone has enough technical clout to accomplish this with little or no
outside help. (I expect Kim Dotcom to be aiding this entire effort as well, as he rightly
holds extreme hatred toward Hillary Clinton... as do we all, come to think of it.)

The establishment Republicans in the U.S. Congress will, as usual, meekly surrender
to the democrats, pulls down their britches and bend over to prepare to take it in the
rear because that's what they do best when the going gets tough.

Totally useless politicrats like John McCain can't get their pants around their ankles
quickly enough when democrats start accusing them of something. These useless
heaps of human baggage will be tossed out of Washington as the revolution unfolds,
replaced with individuals who actually honor the U.S. Constitution (like Rep. Louie

I Root for All Groups Working to Save America and Expose the Criminal
Bring out the marshmallows and weiners, folks: This is going to be the most bizarre campfire
front row seat to U.S. history that anyone has witnessed in over 200 years.

Try not to trip and "face plant" into the flames as all this unfolds. It might be a smart idea to
have some preparedness supplies at the ready, since no one really knows just how nasty this
is all going to get. (And thank God Hillary doesn't have her fingers on the nuclear launch
codes, or she'd probably launch them just to change the narrative...)

Related: This Viral Video Has Hillary Running Scared

As for me, I'm with anybody who's trying to save America, restore democracy and throw
the establishment criminals in prison.

Like almost everybody else, I've had enough of the lies, the corruption, the media deceptions
and the incessant blood sucking parasites in Washington D.C. who are too arrogant and stupid
to realize just how much they're universally despised.

The revolution is ON. Anonymous, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the FBI and the NSA have all
been activated. There's no stopping them now, and all the details of all the crimes of the
Clintons are about to spill onto the stage of history, dirty deeds and all.
Be warned, you are probably not psychologically prepared for the truth about what the Clintons
really are. You will probably vomit.

Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert

Inside the Invisible Government

The Path to Total Dictatorship: America's Shadow Government and Its Silent Coup

Clinton Emails Linked To Political Pedophile Sex Ring FBI Insider

FDNY Fireworks Detail for Hillary Clinton Prompts Questions

'Clinton is in serious trouble': Internet pirate Kim Dotcom warns 'there's unpublished
material yet to come'

Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros radical vision of open-border world

Hillary Clintons Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell. Regime Change in Russia Putin

is an Obstacle

The World Purposely Destabilised

Hillarys Girlfriend Caught In Yahoo Attack

Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run

Wikileaks Releases Clinton Foundation Bombshell: If This Story Gets Out, We Are

Hillary Clinton is an alcoholic

Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents

650,000 Emails Found On Anthony Weiner's Laptop; DOJ Blocked Foundation Probe

Clinton operative 'Dirty' Donna Brazile let Hillary Clinton CHEAT at the debates

John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into
Huma Abedin Emails

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Feds Leak Details of New Clinton Investigation / Weinergate - Could this be the end of
Hillary's campaign?

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case

Clintons Are Under Multiple FBI Investigations as Agents Are Stymied

Trey Gowdy Just Joined Trump And Gave The Best Media Attack

Guilty as Sin Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary & the
Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation

Hillary Clinton Goes Full Tin Foil Hat

Clinton resorts to pushing outlandish accusations in attempt to divert

attention from herself

With her campaign going up in flames, Clinton resorts to red-baiting and finger pointing,
obvious projection that ironically exposes her own corruption.

Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering & Government Propaganda

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering &

Government Propaganda

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

The Globalization Of Media: A Failing Strike Force

November 3 2016 | From: JonRappoport

I begin this piece with three quotes from my work-in-progress, The


There is a media metaphysics. Its basic principle states that nothing exists until it
becomes information. Now we have a new twist: information only becomes real when it
reaches a mind already attuned to it. In other words, the tree falling in the forest makes
a sound only if a user/consumer who wants a tree to fall receives video and audio of the

Related: Mainstream Media Achieve Historic Milestone + Trust This: New Zealanders
Don't Trust MPs, Bloggers, The Media
Information can be dressed up a thousand different ways. But it tends to have an elastic
quality. By that I mean you eventually get to see the person who dressed it up. Thats a
problem for chronic liars who inhabit the press. They expose themselves, even though they
dont want to. It takes a surprisingly small push to expose the whole operation. This is
happening now, right in front of our eyes.
The basis of big media is theater. News is theater. Its directors and producers think theyre
doing a first-rate job. But theyre sadly mistaken. Gaps and obfuscations are growing larger.
The outright non-sequiturs and gibberish are becoming more apparent. The audience is wising
up to the farce. Who are these fools who direct the news?

Theyre simply people who want to sell their souls and have found an elite buyer. But that
transaction doesnt contain any guarantees about shelf life. Mainstream news is decaying, and
the expiration date is approaching. Like civilizations, the petty princes of information rise and
Globalized media. Its nice plan. Lets examine it.

Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace
Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil
War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States
The new technocratic media is based on profiling users. There is no impactful news unless
each member of the audience is surveilled and analyzed on the basis of what he already likes
and wants.
Shocking? Its to be expected. How else would technocrats parlay the untold hours theyve
spent sizing up their consumers/users?
Several years ago, I wrote:

Tech blather has already begun, since Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, bought the Washington Post at a fire
sale. Jeff Genius will invent new ways to transmit the news to people on the go and make the Post a
smashing success. Mobile devices. Multiple platforms.

Digital taking over from print. Ads customized to fit readers interests (profiling). News stories customized to
fit readers interests (more profiling).

In other words, non-news. If you thought media were irrelevant and deceptive before, you
havent seen anything. The new news will create millions of virtual bubbles in which profiled
users can float contentedly, under the cozy cottage roofs of their favorite little separate
The tech giant Apple has waded into this territory with an app that will deliver news to users.

Apple News, part of the upcoming iOS 9 operating system, aims to be the primary news source for users
of the iPhone and iPad Apple says its news app follows over a million topics and pulls relevant stories
based on your specific interests

Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab said the app will be important because through the
awesome power of default, Apple distribution puts it in an entirely other league. This [news] app will be on
hundreds of millions of devices within 24 hours of its debut.
Translation: Profiling their users down to their toenails, Apple will present them with
virtual bubbles of news they want to see and read.
Not just one overall presentation for all; no, different news outlets for Apples audiences.

Related: I Used to Be a Human Being

This introduces a whole new layer of mind control.
Youre an Obama fan? Here are stories confirming your belief in the Prophet.
You want neo-con on the rocks with a conservative Republican twist? Heres some war
footage thatll warm your heart.
Do you believe government gridlock is our biggest concern? Congress cant get anything
done? Weve got headlines for that from here to the moon.
Tuned into celeb gossip? Heres your world in three minutes.
The idea: convince users, one day at a time, that what they already believe is important
IS the news of the day.
Its Decentralized Centralization. One media giant carving its global audience up into little
pieces and delivering them a whole host of different algorithmically appropriate lies and fluff
and no-context psyops.
Related: Obama Decries 'Wild West' [Independent] Media Landscape
And for fringe users? Youre doubtful about GMOs? Well, look at what Whole Foods is
planning for their healthier produce section. Cheer up. Nothing about Maui voters declaring a
temporary ban on devastatingly toxic Monsanto/Dow experiments or the dangers of Roundup.

Youre anti-vaccine? Sorry, you dont count. Youre not a recognized demographic. But heres
a piece about a little unvaccinated boy who was involved in car crash on the I5.
Does this sound like science fiction? It isnt. Its the mainstream look of the near-future. Search
engines are already personalizing your inquiries. US ABC national news is climbing in the
ratings because its giving viewers lighter stories, and spending less time on thorny issues
like the Middle East.
Related: Who Owns New Zealand's Media?
The mainstream news business is desperately looking for audience; and treating every user
as a profiled social-construct-bundle of superficial preferences is their answer.
Mr. X, weve studied the little virtual bubble you live in, and now we can sell you your own
special brand of truth.
Hello, audience. Were going to pitch you on becoming full-fledged obsessed consumers, as if
there is no other worthy goal in life - and then were going to profile you from top to bottom, to
find out exactly what kind of obsessed consumer you are, so we can hit you and trigger you
with information that uniquely stimulates your adrenal glands
The one-two punch.

Trey Gowdy Joins Trump and Gives a Great Mainstream Media Attack

Any actual event occurring in the world will be pre-digested by robot media editors and
profilers, and then split up into variously programmed bits of information for different
Who cares what really happened? In the new world, there is no what really happened. Thats
a gross misnomer. A faulty idea. A metaphysical error.

No, there is only a multi-forked media tongue that simultaneously spits out a dozen or a
hundred variations of the same eventbecause different viewers want and expect different
Related: Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media
In 1984, Orwells Big Brother was issuing a single voice into the homes of the population. That
was old-school. That was primitive technology. That was achieving unity by hammering unity
into peoples skulls. This, now, is the frontier of unity through diversity.

We want to make all of you into androids, through basic PR and propaganda and a pathetic excuse for
education. However, we recognize youll become different varieties of androids, and well serve that
outcome with technological sophistication. Trust us. We care about what you prefer.

User A: Wow, did you see the coverage of the border war in Chula Vista?

User B: War? They had a fantastic exhibit of drones down there. At least a hundred
different types. And then I watched an old WW2 movie about aerial combat.

User C: Chula Vista? They had a great food show. This woman made a lemon pie. I
could practically taste it.

User D: That wasnt a border war. It was a drill. And then afterwards, these cops gave
a demonstration of all their gear. Vests, shields, communication devices, flash-bangs,
auto rifles with silencers, batons. I watch drills all over the country. Love them.

User E: Chula Vista? The only thing I saw on the news was sunny and mild this
week. I watch all the weather channels. I love them.

BUT when a Big One comes along, like the 2016 national election in the US, the separate
tunes come together and ring as one. Then the overriding need to extend Globalisms goals (in
the person of Hillary Clinton) blot out every other priority.
Related: Alternative Media Is Winning: 60% Of Americans [ Read: The West ] Distrust
Mainstream Media

Then the major media twist whatever they need to twist. Then its the same bubble for
One problem, though. Major media have been lanced thousands of times by alt news sites,
and by Wikileaks and Project Veritas. This attack has exposed the truth and the Clinton crimes.
And alt news reflects the growing interest of the public in whats actually happening on many
The technocratic plan for the news is failing.
It was a nice plan, but Its turning out to be a dud.
Alt media are forcing public awareness of one giant scandal after another: Hillary/Obama
support for ISIS; pro-vaccine liars; the collapse of Obamacare; the GMO hustle; pesticide
damage... on and on and on.
Related: Mainstream Media Manipulation / Controlling The Narrative + Mosaic Of Facts:
Inside The Information War
The result? Major media are being backed into a corner, where they must defend lies
and build monolithic lies for EVERYONE all the time. The idea of creating separate news
for each profiled user is collapsing.
Major media are playing defense against the rest of the world.
Its quite a party. And it has no expiration date.
A final note: Trump, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, Drudge, and many alt news sites created a
perfect storm in 2016, raining down on major media.

It was and is unprecedented.

The mainstream press has been exposed down to its roots, as never before. The lying,
the collusion, the arrogant sense of entitlement, the desperation, the corruption - its all
there to see, for anyone who has eyes and a few working brain cells.

Expect more to come, regardless of the outcome of the election. The train has really left
the station

Dear Mainstream Media

You f**king suck! Youve almost succeeded in destroying the 4th estate and you should
be ashamed of yourselves.
This is why 94% of the American people dont trust you. When are you going to get that
through your thick skulls?
You lie, you smear, you ingratiate yourselves with wanton abandon.
Dear mainstream media: Youve betrayed your profession, sacrificed its once sacred principles,
and stabbed the American people in the back.

Related: Six Giant Corporations Control the Media, and Americans Consume 10 Hours
of Programming a Day

The Real Reason Why The UN Wants Control Over The Internet
November 2 2016 | From: DeWeeseReport

By its very nature, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization exclusively run by

As such, it is an apolitical body that is happy to serve whatever form of governance

exists as long as funding is received and salaries are paid. To a Technocrat, a world run
by science and technology is better than any other form of governance.

Related: The UN Releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet Censorship

That Technocrats have played a supporting role in world history is unquestioned. Scientists,
engineers and technicians played a huge role in the Communist dictatorship in the former
Soviet Union (For instance, see Science and the Soviet Social Order).
Related: Vampire Technocrats Fly To Jekyll Island To Stop Trump

Technocrats likewise played a central role in support of Adolph Hitler and National Socialism
(See Scientists, Engineers and National Socialism). In both cases, the Technocrat goal was not
necessarily Communism or Nazism, but rather the methodical exercise of science according to
its Scientific Method.

In other words, the process was more important than the outcome and in both cases, the
outcome was not questioned or resisted, but simply accepted.

Reality Check: Obama Administration Has Handed Over The Internet to a

Private Corporation

The reason that ICANN formerly served the interests of the United States was simply that it
answered to our governments judicial, legislative and executive branches. In other words, the
U.S. held the umbrella over ICANN and that was enough to keep it working for our national
interests and not for someone elses interests.
Obama changed that when he cut ICANN loose on September 30, 2016 by letting the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) contract expire without being renewed. After expiration, we
forever lost the right to renew the contract again.
So, ICANN is now a free-agent looking for shelter in the same way that a boll weevil looks for
a cotton plant: it needs a host organization in order to practice its craft, and, I dare say, it
doesnt care one whit who that host is.

What does ICANN do?

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window
It is no secret that the United Nations is making a play to become host to ICANN. In particular,
the UNs International Telecommunications Union (ITU), run by the Peoples Republic of China,
is expected to play the central role in this effort.

However, whether it is the ITU or some other UN agency is immaterial because it will still
be the UN in the end.
But, why the UN? Because it is the fountainhead of the plans and operations to establish
Technocracy as the sole global economic system while destroying capitalism and free
enterprise. Technocracy is the issue here. Others know it as Sustainable Development or
Green Economy, but the correct historical term is Technocracy.
In February 2015, the head of climate change at the UN, Christiana Figures, stated,

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within
a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least
150 years, since the industrial revolution. [emphasis added]

What is unclear about this? Sustainable Development, or Technocracy, is a resource-driven

economic model regulated by energy rather than by supply and demand plus monetary
currencies. In 1938, the original Technocrats defined Technocracy as

The science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and
distribute goods and services to the entire population.

To achieve its Utopia goals, the UN must have ICANNs steering wheel and throttle. But while
everyone is stressing over Internet censorship of web sites and the suppression of free
speech, the real prize is completely overlooked: The Internet of Things (IoT).
In terms of follow the money, IoT is expected to generate upwards of $3 trillion by 2025 and is
growing at a rate of at least 30 percent per year. In other words, it is a huge market and money
is flying everywhere. If the UN can figure out a way to tax this market, and they will, it will
provide a windfall of income and perhaps enough to make it self-perpetuating. Currently, the
UN is financed by contributions from member states.
But, what is the IoT and who cares? IoT are the connections between inanimate objects and
the humans that depend upon them. The digital Smart Meter on your home communicates
energy usage via WiFi to the utility company; but it also communicates with the major
appliances in your home and can even control them remotely without your consent or
The smart phone that you carry communicates with cell towers and localized signal receptors
to create a map of your every movement. Smart home technology lets your stereo send sound
to remote wireless speakers and to light bulbs equipped with sensors.

The security camera that you installed to watch your home while you were on vacation can
communicate with other cameras, microphones, the police department, etc. Examples go on
and on.
ICANN issues the so-called IP addresses that are assigned to all these devices on a global
basis. The original addressing scheme, IPV4, was based on four blocks of up to three digits
each, punctuated with a period (e.g., This scheme allows for a discrete address
for up to 16.8 million devices.

A few years ago, IPV4 ran out of numbers, forcing Internet service providers, corporations and
other organizations to improvise internal numbering systems, known as proxy servers, to
issue safe addresses to devices within their own domain. These systems are not only fragile,
but they are bloated beyond reason and generally easy to hack.
To fix this, ICANN devised a new IP numbering system called IPV6, which adds two more
blocks of numbers (e.g.,

This scheme provides for 3.41038 addresses, or 340 trillion, 282 billion, 366 million, 920
thousand, 938 - followed by 24 zeroes. There is probably a way to say this number, but I
cannot imagine what it would be. Its somewhere beyond a trillion trillion unique numbers for
every human being on earth!
Thus, IPV6 provides a way to assign a unique and directly addressable number to every
electronic device on earth for centuries to come.
As IPV6 rolls out to the world, the modified mission for ICANN will be to inventory and
categorize the device attached to each IP address. For instance, all the air conditioners in the
world would be directly addressable from a single list. Likewise for all computers, all
automobiles, all cameras, all phones, all refrigerators, all articles of clothing, etc.
Whoever has control over and access to this data will literally be able to control the entire
world, down to the last minutiae and that is the United Nations exact mission: inventory,
monitor and control.
But, this concept was set in history long before the technology existed. The original bible of
Technocracy, the Technocracy Study Course (1934), laid out the hard requirements necessary
for its implementation:

1. Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy.

2. By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced

3. Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption

4. Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where
produced and where used

5. Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and
description of the individual.

- Scott, Howard et al, Technocracy Study Course, p. 232

As I thoroughly documented in my book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global

Transformation, the United Nations is indeed the engine of modern Technocracy and as such, it
is acting in a perfectly predictable manner.
Related: Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

It seeks to establish a global Scientific Dictatorship where it controls all resources, all
production and limits all consumption to its own liking. These Technocrats will dutifully apply
their pseudo-scientific methodology to every problem in the world, and simply issue
instructions to the net to make it so.
Yes, free speech will decrease and censorship will increase, but that pales in
comparison to the real prize of the IoT that the United Nations desperately wants and
needs in order to accomplish its own twisted goals.
Congress never understood this when they passively let Obama fail to renew our contract with
ICANN. However, Obama and his globalist handlers understood it perfectly well, which makes
the deception and treachery of it even worse.

Thanks to this scurrilous bunch, the world has just been sold into digital slavery, from which
there may be no return.
Related: Warning: Dont Share This Article, Facebook Might Ban You!

Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans:

Heres Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432
November 1 2016 | From: CollectiveEvolution

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla
What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be
perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. Albert Einstein

Related: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

Tesla said it. Einstein agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everythingincluding
our own bodiesis made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, it
seems logical to wonder, can sound frequencies affect us?

It would appear that this is the case. Frequencies affect frequencies, much like mixing
ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavour of a meal. The way frequencies
affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments, such as the
science of Cymatics and water memory.

Cymatics illustrate that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as
water, air, or sand, they directly alter the vibration of matter. Below are pictures demonstrating
how particles adjust to different frequencies. (Click here to watch a video demonstrating the
patterns of sound frequencies)

Water memory also illustrates how our own intentions may even alter the material world. This
has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple
intentions through sound, emotions, and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water
We all hold a certain vibrational frequency, and our bodies are estimated to be about 70%
water. Given the above experiments, it stands to reason that musical frequencies could also
alter our own vibrational state.

Every expression through sound, emotion, or thought holds a specific frequency which
influences everything around it - much like a single drop of water can create a larger ripple
effect in a large body of water.

Music Frequency

With this concept in mind, let us bring our attention to the frequency of the music we listen
to. Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards
Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953.

However, when looking at the vibratory nature of the universe, its possible that this pitch is
disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on
human behaviour and consciousness.
Some theories (although unproven) even suggest that the Nazi regime had been in favor of
adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific research to determine which range of
frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Whether or not the conspiracy is factual, interesting studies have pointed towards the benefits
of tuning music to A=432 Hz instead.

Mathematics of The Universe

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that
432 Hz vibrates with the universes golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time,
space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our
sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in
ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great
Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites.

From my own observations, some of the harmonic overtone partials of A=432hz 12T5 appear to line up to
natural patterns and also the resonance of solitons. Solitons need a specific range to form into the realm of
density and span from the micro to the macro cosmos. Solitons are not only found in water mechanics, but
also in the ion-acoustic breath between electrons and protons.

Brian T. Collins
Color Spectrum Resonance
Another interesting factor to consider is that the A=432 Hz tuning correlates with the color
spectrum and chakra system, while the A=440 Hz does not.

The Solar Spectrum & The Cosmic Keyboard

All of the frequencies in the spectrum are related in octaves, from gamma rays to subharmonics. These
colors and notes are also related to our Chakras and other important energy centers. I

f we are to understand that Chakras are connected to the Seven Rays of the Solar Spectrum, then the
notes and frequencies we use for the same should be the same.

A432 Hz is the tuning of the Cosmic Keyboard or Cosmic Pitchfork, as opposed to the A440 Hz modern
standard. It places C# at 136.10 Hz Om, which is the main note of the Sitar in classical Indian music and
the pitch of the chants of the Tibetan monks, who tell us, It comes from nature.'

Dameon Keller

Exploring The Difference

Lets explore the experiential difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. Music lovers and
musicians have noticed that music tuned in A=432 Hz is not only more beautiful and
harmonious to the ears, but it also induces a more inward experience that is felt inside the
body at the spine and heart.

Music tuned in A=440 Hz was felt as a more outward and mental experience, and was felt at
the side of the head which projected outwards.

Audiophiles have also stated that A=432hz music seems to be non-local and can fill an entire
room, whereas A=440hz can be perceived as directional or linear in sound propagation.

The ancients tuned their instruments at an A of 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz and for a good reason. There
are plenty of music examples on the internet that you can listen to, in order to establish the difference for
yourself. Attuning the instrument to 432 Hz results in a more relaxing sound, while 440 Hz slightly tenses
up to body.

This is because 440 Hz is out of tune with both macrocosmos and microcosmos. 432 Hz on the contrary is
in tune. To give an example of how this is manifested microcosmically: our breath (0,3 Hz) and our pulse
(1,2 Hz) relate to the frequency of the lower octave of an A of 432 Hz (108 Hz) as 1:360 and 1:90.
The overall sound difference was noticeable, the 432 version sounding warmer, clearer and instantly
sounded more listenable but the 440 version felt tighter, with more aggressive energy.

Anonymous guitarist

The video below was created by someone with no opinion on whether A=432 Hz or
A=440 Hz is better. Therefore, the way both versions of the melody is played is
unbiased. It is up to us to tune in and feel which one feels more harmonious to us!

Heres another example:

David Helpling Sticks and Stones in 440 hz

David Helpling Sticks and Stones in 432 hz

Personal Thoughts

I personally have enjoyed many bands, artists, and styles of music even though they were
tuning in A=440 hz, however, after comparing a few songs in both A=432 hz and A=440 hz I
can say I definitely feel and hear the difference.

I wouldnt say that my experience of 440hz music has turned me into an aggressive person,
but I can understand how an entire population being exposed to music that is more mind
directed as opposed to heart directed - not to mention all of the materialistic and ego-driven
lyrics in most popular music - is a perfect combination to maintain a more discordant frequency
and state of consciousness within humanity.

This is, of course, simply my own opinion.

Music based on C=128hz (C note in concert A=432hz) will support humanity on its way towards spiritual
freedom. The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128 hz. Rudolph Steiner

I cannot state with complete certainty that every idea suggested in this article is 100%
accurate, nor am I an expert on the subject. I simply gathered interesting information from
others who researched this issue more deeply.

For this reason, if we are looking for scientific validation for these claims, I suggest that we
each do our own research on the matter with an open yet discerning mind. Perhaps more
research on this topic will be done in the near future to help explain the phenomenon.

I believe we all possess intuition and the ability to observe without judgment, which can be
more useful than resorting to ridicule when exposed to information that has not yet been
accepted by the scientific community.

It is therefore up to us to tone down the urge to jump to conclusions and instead EXPERIENCE
the difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. To do so, we need to listen with our entire
body and a neutral awareness as opposed to with our mental ideas, judgments, and
If you are interested in changing your musics pitch to A=432 hz, click here to learn how to do
Many Scientific Truths Are, In Fact, False + A Scientist Explains
Why "Everything Is Fucked"
October 31 2016 | From: QZ / Inverse / Various

In 2005, John Ioannidis, a professor of medicine at Stanford

University, published a paper, Why most published research findings are
false, mathematically showing that a huge number of published papers
must be incorrect.

He also looked at a number of well-regarded medical research findings, and found that,
of 34 that had been retested, 41% had been contradicted or found to be significantly

Related: The Rise Of Scientific Fundamentalism

Since then, researchers in several scientific areas have consistently

struggled to reproduce major results of prominent studies. By some estimates, at least 51% -
and as much as 89% - of published papers are based on studies and experiments showing
results that cannot be reproduced.

Related: Crisis In Science Research: Over 70% Of Researchers Fail To Reproduce

Another Scientist's Experiments
Researchers have recreated prominent studies from several scientific fields and come up with
wildly different results.

And psychology has become something of a poster child for the reproducibility crisis since
Brian Nosek, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, coordinated a Reproducibility
Initiative project to repeat 100 psychological experiments, and could only successfully replicate
Related: Some Of The Biggest Lies Of Science
Now, an attempt to replicate another key psychological concept (ego depletion: the idea that
willpower is finite and can be worn down with overuse) has come up short.

Martin Hagger, psychology professor at Curtin University in Australia, led researchers from 24
labs in trying to recreate a key effect, but found nothing. Their findings are due to be published
in Perspectives on Psychological Science in the coming weeks.

Why Are They Getting it Wrong?

No one is accusing the psychologists behind the initial experiments of intentionally

manipulating their results. But some of them may have been tripped up by one or more of the
various aspects of academic science that inadvertently encourage bias.
For example, theres massive academic pressure to publish in journals, and these journals
tend to publish exciting studies that show strong results.

"Journals favor novelty, originality, and verification of hypotheses over robustness, stringency of method,
reproducibility, and falsifiability, Hagger tells Quartz.

Therefore researchers have been driven to finding significant effects, finding things that are novel, testing
them on relatively small samples.

This has created a publication bias, where studies that show strong, positive results get
published, while similar studies that come up with no significant effects sit at the bottom of
researchers drawers.
Related: The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science
Meanwhile, in cases where researchers have access to large amounts of data, theres a
dangerous tendency to hunt for significant correlations. Researchers can thus convince
themselves that theyve spotted a meaningful connection, when in fact such connections are
totally random.

A Sign of Strength

The idea that papers are publishing false results might sound alarming but the recent crisis
doesnt mean that the entire scientific method is totally wrong. In fact, sciences focus on its
own errors is a sign that researchers are on exactly the right path.
Ivan Oransky, producer of the blog Retraction Watch, which tracks retractions printed in
journals, tells Quartz that ultimately, the alarm will lead to increased rigor.

"Theres going to be some short-term and maybe mid-term pain as all of this shakes out, but thats how you
move forward, he says. Its like therapy - if you never get angry in therapy, youre probably not pushing
hard enough. If you never find mistakes, or failures to reproduce in your field, youre probably not asking
the right questions.

For psychologists, who have seen so many results crumble in such a short space of time, the
replication crisis could be disheartening. But it also presents a chance to be at the forefront of
developing new policies.
Related: Official Science: The Grand Illusion
Ioannidis tells Quartz that he views the most recent psychology reproducibility failures as a

"It shows how much effort and attention has gone towards improving the accuracy of the knowledge
produced, he says.

Psychology is a discipline that has always been very strong methodologically and was at the forefront at
describing various biases and better methods. Now they are again taking the lead in improving their
replication record.

For example, theres already widespread discussion within psychology about pre-registering
trials (which would prevent researchers from shifting their methods so as to capture more eye-
catching results), making data and scientific methods more open, making sample sizes larger
and more representative, and promoting collaboration.
Dorothy Bishop, a professor of developmental neuropsychology at Oxford University, tells
Quartz that several funding bodies and journals seem to be receptive to these ideas and that,
once one or two adopt such policies, she expects them to spread rapidly.

Doing Science on Science

Each scientific field must adopt its own methods of ensuring accuracy. But ultimately, this self-
reflection is a key part of the scientific process.
Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer,
Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded
Science Fraud
As Bishop notes, Science has proved itself to be an incredibly powerful method. And yet
theres always room for further advancement.

"Theres never an end point, says Bishop. Were always groping towards the next thing. Sometimes
science does disappear down the wrong path for a bit before it corrects itself.

For Nosek, who led the re-testing of 100 psychology papers, the current focus on
reproducibility is simply part of the scientific process.

"Science isnt about truth and falsity, its about reducing uncertainty, he says.

Really this whole project is science on science: Researchers doing what science is supposed to do, which
is be skeptical of our own process, procedure, methods, and look for ways to improve.

A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"

But that doesn't mean we should give up.
Between the duping of the American public from Big Sugar, shocking moral fact-
checks on some of historys most groundbreaking experiments,
and failure after failure of science research weve accepted as truth, science is teetering
on the verge of being, well, fucked.

Related: Junk Science Week: Science Is On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown

Actually, it might be too late.
Those fears drove University of Oregon psychologist Sanjay Srivastava, Ph.D., to design the
fictitious course Everything Is Fucked. The imagined ten-week seminar, written up as a
syllabus on his blog, is Srivastavas version of a reality check for young scientists:

Do you seriously think youre going to cure the worlds diseases and elevate humanity through
technology? You wont - because everything is fucked.
This may seem a little harsh. After all, arent CRISPR, the discovery of Martian water, and the
newly not-endangered panda and whale proof that science is alive and well?
But thats the problem with science, Srivastava argues: Were so intent on focusing on the
results that we dont see the path toward finding these results, and thats fucked up. Would
CRISPR have become 2015s biological buzzword if academic journal editors hadnt decided
gene editing papers were worth publishing?

What else did we find out (or not find out) about Mars that wasnt deemed publishable? Can we
even trust the data showing the pandas and whales are thriving? We dont know, and not only
is it fucked up, it raises questions about the foundations of modern science altogether.
The everything in Everything Is Fucked, Srivastava explains, refers to scientific methods,
the ways researchers acquire funding, the universities that support research, and our channels
for publishing and disseminating scientific knowledge.
He defines something as fucked if:

"It presents hard conceptual challenges to which implementable, real-world solutions for working scientists
are either not available or routinely ignored in practice.

For Srivastava, the way we discover and share scientific knowledge is so riddled with these
problems that theres no way we can fully trust what we believe to be true.
Take week eights theme, Scientific publishing is fucked. In the science community, a
published paper in an academic journal is professional currency; everyones striving to collect
them, and anyone who doesnt have one is professionally broke. Academic journals - big-
name, respected publications like Nature, Science, and the New England Journal of Medicine -
are academias banks.
Related: Academic Oligarchy: Majority Of Science Publishing Is Controlled By Just Six

In Srivastavas view, this is troublesome, because it means theyre in control. The problem is,
theres this incentive to find things that meet the publishable standards, he says, referring to
science that shows positive results, like a drug that promises a cure.

If journals only pay attention to the success stories, it means theyre ignoring all of the
research that doesnt produce sexy results. In turn, the temptation to falsify results and fudge
graphs only grows stronger.
Scientists behind the unsexy studies are screwed: If they dont get published, they dont get
tenure at research institutions or grants to continue their work, and their scientific pursuits
inevitably come to a standstill.

Related: Scientific American Writer Exposes The Tribal Cultist Arrogance And Dogmatic
Lunacy Of Science 'Skeptics'

But does their work deserve to come to an end? Most of those studies are not wrong or
useless, because negative results are often just as useful for advancing scientific discovery
as positive ones.

But they arent treated that way because they dont make for good publishing.

"Thats really where it starts: Publication decisions becoming hinged, not on whether its a good question,
but on whether the answer comes out, one way or another, Srivastava says.

The cycle continues, and fucked-ness persists.

He has other, finer bones to pick. In week six, he discusses the issue of replicability, which is
the idea that an experiment needs to be repeatable. If its not, the data it produces is,
statistically, a one-off, and therefore pretty much useless.

And yet, there are an alarming number of scientific studies out there that are not replicable,
cited by everyone from Big Pharma to the federal government.

Related: A Totalitarian Society Has Totalitarian Science

He claims that the scientific profession as a whole is fucked in week ten because the pressure
on scientists to publish more papers, faster, leads to smaller sample sizes, which in turn lead to
weaker, less statistically sound results.

The scientists that design better, more thorough experiments may be doing better science, but
because they arent publishing as many studies, theyre ultimately viewed as less

"Where do truth and publishability depart? Srivastava ponders. When it comes time to hire people, were
still going to hire someone with more papers.

If it sounds like a massive clusterfuck, then Srivastava has made his point. Does that mean the
pursuit of science in 2016 is a completely futile endeavor?
No, Srivastava surprisingly argues. Look to week seven - Interlude - for a scientific salvation,
right about the time when his fictional students consider switching to a liberal arts degree,
which can be distilled to this: Sure, everything is fucked, but its up to the next generation of
scientists to make science less so.

Theres hope, and the replicability crisis might ironically offer that by being a cautionary tale for
the arrogance of science.

The rest of us should be at least calmed by the fact that sexy results are garnering more
upturned eyebrows and head scratching than ever before.
Related: Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money,
Education, Search Engines, Social Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale
Clinton Disaster Continues - FBI Reopens Investigation Into
Clinton Emails + Busted: Early Votes Are Already Being Switched
- Even More Corruption Exposed On Video
October 30 2016 | From: Infowars / Zerohedge / Various

FBI looking into "new developments" after previously recommending no

charges against Democrat candidate.

The FBI on Friday announced it is reopening its investigation into Hillary Clintons
private email server, another shocking October surprise for the Democrat candidate
days from the presidential election.

Related: Recent Poll Shows More Americans Want Clinton Indicted than Want Her to Be

In a letter to committees and lawmakers relevant to the matter, FBI Director James Comey
cited recent developments for the bureaus decision to look into new emails which may
contain classified information and how they may relate to its previous investigation.

"In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clintons personal email server. Due to recent
developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony, Comey wrote in the letter

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be
pertinent to the investigation.

I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed
that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review
these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their
importance to our investigation.
Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be signifcant, and I cannot predict
how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees
about our efforts in light of my previous testimony, Comey stated.

Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who led an Oversight Committee effort to pursue
perjury charges against Hillary, tweeted about the FBIs announcement.
Back in July, Comey announced the FBIs investigation into Clintons use of a private email
server during her tenure as secretary of state would not result in a recommendation to the
Justice Department to pursue charges.

"Although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to
Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case, the FBI director stated in a speech at the
A Clinton campaign spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment, reported
the Washington Post on Friday.

Related: Most Americans want Hillary indicted for email scandal Poll

Democrat vice presidential pick Tim Kaine said hes got to read a little more when asked
about the FBI investigation during an early voting site visit in Tallahassee, Florida, Friday.
Likewise, Hillary ignored questions shouted at her from reporters when she disembarked from
her campaign plane for a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, according to the Associated Press.
She did not address the FBI announcement during her speech.
Reports state the campaign was unaware of the news until they touched down in Iowa as her
plane did not have wi-fi:
However, one Wall Street Journal writer claims the plane does indeed have wi-fi:

Related: Watergate's Bob Woodward: "Clinton Foundation Is Corrupt, It's A Scandal"

So it just happens to go out today? asks the American Mirrors Kyle Olson.
The campaign later released a statement saying FBI Director Comey should provide the
American public more information than is contained in the letter he sent to eight Republican
committee chairmen.
Already we have seen characterizations that the FBI is reopening an investigation but
Comeys words do not match that characterization, the campaign claimed.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Republican presidential

candidate Donald Trump jumped on the bureaus decision to reopen its case:

The FBI has just sent a letter to Congress informing them that they have discovered new emails pertaining
to the former Secretary of State Hillary Clintons investigation. And they are reopening their case into her
criminal and illegal conduct that threatens the security of the United States of America.

Hillary Clintons corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal
scheme into the Oval Office.

I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Dept. of Justice are now willing to have the courage
to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American
people fully understood and it is everybodys hope that it is about to be corrected.

CNBC reports, Stocks turned negative after the report of the new probe, adding that Many analysts have
said that markets were pricing in a Clinton victory in November.

Related: Statement On Attempted Coverup Of Clinton's Emails At The State Department

Robert Creamer's Illegal $20,000 Foreign Wire Transfer Caught On
Project Veritas has just released Part IV of it's multi-part series exposing
numerous scandals surrounding the DNC and the Clinton campaign,
including efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies and, at least what seems
to be, illegal coordination between the DNC, Hillary For America and
various Super PACs.

Disgraced Democratic operative Robert Creamer participated in daily calls with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and
worked directly with President Barack Obama to organize issue campaigns.

Part IV focuses on a $20,000 foreign donation made by an undercover Project

Veritas journalist to Americans United for Change (AUFC). Ironically, shortly after the
$20k donation wire was released, the contributor's "niece" was offered an internship
with Creamer's firm, Democracy Partners.

Related: "Dont Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Personally
Implicated + The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen
In the new video, Creamer says:

Every morning I am on a call at 10:30 that goes over the message being driven by the campaign
headquarters I am in this campaign mainly to deal with what earned media with television, radio, with
earned media and social media, not with paid media, not with advertising.

He also mentions a conference call discussing a woman potentially coming forward to accuse
Trump of inappropriate behavior.

Creamer, a seasoned Chicago activist who is married to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), whose
Republican opponent, Joan McCarthy Lasonde has called for her to resign over her husbands
activities, also talks about his work with Barack Obama, whom he says he has known since the
1980s, when Obama was a community organizer in Chicago: Hes a pro, Ive known the
President since he was a community organizer in Chicago.

Related: Wall Street Journal Lashes Out The Press Is Burying Hillary Clintons Sins

Elsewhere, Creamer adds: I do a lot of work with the White House on their issues, helping to
run issue campaigns that they have been involved in. I mean, for immigration reform for the
the health care bill, for trying to make America more like Britain when it comes to gun violence

In the effort to prove the credibility of the undercover donor featured in the videos and to keep the
investigation going, Project Veritas Action made the decision to donate twenty thousand dollars to
Robert Creamers effort. Project Veritas Action had determined that the benefit of this investigation
outweighed the cost. And it did.
First thing, like I said, thank you for the proposal. And Id like to get the $20,000 across to you.
The second call Im going to make here is to my money guy and hes going to get in touch with you
and auto wire the funds to you, said the PVA journalist.

Creamer told the PVA journalist to send the money to Americans United for Change. Shortly after the
money was released, the donors niece - another Project Veritas Action journalist - was offered
an internship with Creamer.

In an effort to see how far Creamer would go with the promise of more money, another Project Veritas
journalist posing as the donors money liaison requested a meeting with Creamer. During that meeting,
Creamer spoke about connections he had with Obama and Clinton.

AUFC President, Brad Woodhouse, subsequently returned the money, after Project Veritas
started to release their undercover videos, citing "concerns that it might have been an
illegal foreign donation."

Oddly, Woodhouse was not terribly concerned about the "legality" of the donation when he
chose to accept it a month prior.

In an unexpected twist, AUFC president Brad Woodhouse, the recipient of the $20,000, heard that Project
Veritas Action was releasing undercover videos exposing AUFCs activities. He told a journalist that AUFC
was going to return the twenty thousand dollars.

He said it was because they were concerned that it might have been an illegal foreign donation.
Project Veritas Action was pleased but wondered why that hadnt been a problem for the month that
they had the money.

Related: Statement on Hillary Clintons Deliberate Incitement of Violence at Trump


While the latest video focuses on the "$20,000 illegal foreign contribution" from an
undercover Project Veritas journalist, the following comments from Robert Creamer were
also rather intriguing in light of recent White House efforts to vehemently deny any connections
between he and President Obama.

"Oh Barack Obama's was the best campaign in the history of American politics, I mean the second one, I
mean the first was good too. I was a consultant to both, the second one, was everything hit on every
level and every aspect.
He's a pro. I've known the President since he was a community organizer in Chicago.

I was just at and event with him in Chicago actually, on Friday last. He is just as good as ever.
lot of work with the White House on their issues. Helping to run issued campaigns that they have been
involved in. I mean, for immigration reform for the...the health care bill...trying to make America more like
Britain when it comes to gun violence issues."

Video 1 revealed DNC efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies. Video 2 provided the democrat
playbook on how to commit "mass voter fraud". Video 3 directly linking Donna Brazile and
Hillary Clinton to efforts to disrupt Trump events.

See the first 3 videos and more in this earlier article:

Related: "Dont Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Personally
Implicated + The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen

Clinton Insider: Rigging Only Way Hillary Can Win

Shes going to lose and she knows it, he said.

Nichols explained that the establishment is already doing what it can to prevent an open and
transparent election.

The DNC filed a lawsuit to try to force the removal of poll watchers at the polls, he said. Why would they
do that if they know theres no cheating going on? Why would they fight the voter ID if they dont plan to
have massive voter fraud?

The mainstream media and the Clinton campaign are also doing everything they can up until
Election Day to make everybody believe that the election is already over in Hillarys favor,
Nichols said.

Folks, do not believe it, he said. The polling is a part of this game plan to destroy your confidence in your
ability to win.
I believe Donald Trump is winning, Nichols added. Youre winning. Youve just got to stay the course.

Nichols warned that voters must take extra steps to ensure their vote isnt being altered.

Youve got to make people at the precinct prove that your vote was recorded properly, he said.
cant show you proof, then demand a paper ballot.

The damning videos provided by Project Veritas exposing high-level Democrat operatives
discussing how they steal elections illustrate that worries about voter fraud arent unfounded,
with even the New York Times acknowledging a recent survey showing that most voters fear
their ballot wont count because they believe the political process is so dominated by
corporate interests.

Related: Maryland Trump Supporter: They Switched My Vote to Hillary

Hillary's #1 Aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable Ties to Terrorists &

9/11 Funders

Related: The Failure of Democracy, How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

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Leak Exposes Who Ordered Hillary To Leave behindThe 4 Men In Benghazi
Hillarys Massive meltdown"If that f - - - ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!

The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words

Are Magic Spells
October 30 2016 | From: Omnithought

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht

oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

Spelling: We Spell Words to Pronounce a [Prison] Sentence or Term

The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create
a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term.

The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In
our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have
meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words.

They can be used to make a point. We use a con verse to converse in order to keep us off
course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It
is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or Gods spell.

Cursive (W)Riting
Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order,
like the Knights Templar.

A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to
the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more
or less a soldier or trained assassin.

To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our
souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a
prison ward.

And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is
someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one
else, like a bloodletter.

Languid Language
We languish in our languid language. Languid means weak and lacking spirit or void of
animation, lifeless and languish which means to lose strength or animation; be or become
dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless.

How are we imprisoned by our language? Think about a book. The word book as a verb
means to arrest or detain - book em, Danno.

In fact, the Latin word for book is liber, which is where we get our word library and also the
word liberty. You can book a reservation which means youre paying for the ownership of
something in advance. You can book or place a bet on a game or race with your bookie.
Yes, there is a bet being placed on a race - and it is the human race and the game is the game
of life. It is the main bet or the alpha bet. In a group of monkeys, the alpha monkey is the
primary monkey or the one in control.
Theres a song called Spirits in the Material World from an album named Ghost in the Machine.
The lyrics proclaim, Our so-called leaders speak. With words they try to jail ya.
They subjugate the meek. Where do the answers lie when we live from day to day? We are
spirits in a material world. The song was performed by a group appropriately named, The
Police. The song - and an entire album by Sting, the lead singer, entitled The Soul Cages -
refers to how we are spirits imprisoned in an earthly body.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset
can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Words Mean Things
Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the
subconscious mind can recognize. Factor in its homophones such as there, theyre, and
their and it can get quite confusing to keep track.

What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones.

Think about know and no. Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked
phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say I know this to be
true are you partiallly negating its reality?

Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you
still should be able to read it without problem.

This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many
anagrams. So it shouldnt be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now
consider the following word relationships: live, evil; god, dog; love, evol.

Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all
spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by
forming your mouth into the shape of the O. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used
to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create
Also consider the minds ability to combine words and sounds. When someone sneezes you
feel customarily obligated to say Bless you. But if you sound out the syllables does your
subconscious mind also make the connection to the phrase Be less, you.

So the very act of blessing someone can also be subconsciously telling them to be less. This is
spell casting.
How are we being programmed through our language to go to the sun or hell? Hello?!!!! Helios
was the Greek name for the sun. The sun in English as well as other languages such as Latin,
is called Sol. We are all said to be souls or to have a soul (Sol). We have a solar plexus and
our feet have soles.
Sole is sun in Italian. You are called a person (pertaining to the sun). When a male child is
born, he is called a son (sun). The word for sun is sonne in German.

Hu was one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult which could explain why we
are human. Colors and hues originate from the light of the sun. Politicians
encourage soldiers or sol diers to go to war for God and country. Of course, when they die
they will go to another dimension (die men sun).
Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word
can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means
associated with.

In Greek mythology, Helios, which means sun, was the God of the Sun. Is it just a
coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol?
If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say good
morning when the sun rises - because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we
are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male
offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?
Words are defined in a dictionary - dick-shun-nary. Two of the three syllables are negative
sounds and theother is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a

The, from the greek theos, is the root of the-ology, the study of god and saurus means
lizard. A thesaurus literally means lizard god. How many names for government entities start
with a negative prefix. The word nation is nay-shun. The UN, Un-ited nations, NATO, NASI
party, NASA, Norad, Unesco, NASCAR, NATAS, and Im sure you can come up with others.

How to Ruin a Language with Rune Magic

Do some of the letters or building blocks of our language contain within them a blueprint for the
control and possession of our spirits? English has Germanic origins and it is likely that the
english letters have their roots in the Germanic runes which were used for magic and casting

From Wikipedia on rune magic: In 1990, Stephan Grundy, a.k.a. Kveldulf Gundarsson,
described runic magic as the active principle as opposed to passive interpretations based on
runic divination.
He held that runic magic is more active than the allegedly shamanic practice of seid practiced
by the Seikona. Runic magic, he states, uses the runes to affect the world outside based on
the archetypes they represent.
Most of Gundarssons runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is
engraved with any or all of the individual runes or staves, so as to practically work with their

The individual runes are reddened with either blood, dyes, or paints. The act of possessing the
stave in its final form serves the purpose of affecting the world of form with the rune might of
that particular stave. After use, the staves are discarded or destroyed.
Gundarsson holds that each rune has a certain sound to it, to be chanted or sung; the sound
has in common the phonetic value by which it is represented. This act of singing or chanting is
supposed to have more or less the same effect of using the staves in their physical form.
Many of the letters of the English alphabet come directly from the Germanic Runes which were
used for magic and spell casting and for causing ruin. Look at how many English letters you
can identify from the Elder Futhark rune set.

Grammar or Grimoire? Goetia & Cymantics

The word grammar comes from grammars which were old Latin books on syntax and diction.
The ancient magic books of Europe which contained instructions to summon demons were
known as the Grimoires, French word for grammar.

A grimoire or spellbook is a derivative of the french word grammaire. The pronunciation and
sound of words affects the matter around us. The science of cymatics is the study of sound
vibration on matter and it has been demonstrated with sand on plates that vibration caan cause
geometric patterns.

The ancient Goetia spellbooks were used for conjuring up demons and each demon had its
own sigil and name.

IT & The Creature from the Subconscious ID

Stephen King captured the hearts of America with the release of his blockbuster smash hit
book, It. The video features the menacing face of a clown while the book reveals the clowns
head as a skull with stars in the eye sockets.
The video jacket reads:

Your every fear all in the deadly enemy. It can be anything, a fanged monster that wont stay on the
movie screen, something ominous lurking in the basement or around the next corner. No matter what your
biggest fear is, no one knows IT better than Stephen King

The force takes the shape of a clown, but it isnt clowning around. Instead, it terrorizes youngsters with
their innermost fears, bringing them to untimely doom until a group of wily neighborhood kids fight back.
Thirty years later it resurfaces: meaner, angrier. And the friends who vividly remember the terrors of their
youth reunite to make a desperate final stand against it.

In an interview, King admits he was possessed during the writing of the book.

Let ItBe & Make ItSo

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology, invented a model of the psyche which contained
three parts to the self: the ego (conscious mind), the superego (superconscious mind) and
what he termed the id or the subconscious mind. This was the realm of our fears: scary
monsters and demons.
This id was considered a sort of third person subsistent to the conscious and superconscious
mind. Of course, we use the word it as a sort of third person as well in our use of speech.
And, of course, subconsciously we have been programmed to accept the abbreviated ID as
our identity.

We unknowingly give power to this creature and help create it every day with our thought and
speech. We watch the horor movie It by Stephen King and associate all our deep dark
subconscious fears with IT.

Likewise with the word thing (everything. anything, and nothing or no thing) and the use of
ambiguous words such as they (THEY live), them (If you cant beat em join them).

We chant the chorus to the song Let It Be over and over again. And its no coincidence that IT
is the acronym that has been curently assigned to the Information Technology field, or
computers, for IT very well may be an artificial intelligence or computer.
For a detailed analysis and many more examples of IT please reference my page on this

Extra! Extra! Click here to read all about IT.

We really need to learn to speak with a more conscious language in mind, ever aware of how
we think our thoughts in our minds and how we word our sentences!!

S- Lang
Consider the English letter S. First of all, it looks like a snake or serpent - one that has risen
up and is ready to strike or if viewed from overhead it looks like one that is perhaps crawling
along. In two-dimensional space, it looks like a sideways wave and in 3-D space it looks like
a spiral, both paths that energy follows.
The letter s is used in English to denote possession, which is Satans specialty, by placing it
at the end of a word with an apostrophe. Plurality or the concept of multiplication or creation, is
achieved by appending an s or es to a word.

These two facts, coupled with the sheer number of words in our language means the S sound
is one of the most, if not single most, frequently uttered sounds in our speech.

Although the vowels are used frequently, they have more than one sound associated with
them, a long and short sound.

There are probably more esses used in our speech than any other sound. Virtually every
sentence we speak contains one or more of these hissing sounds. It would not be accurate to
say we sound like hissing snakes when we speak, but our incessant hissing probably reminds
us of it at some level subconsciously.
Not only does the letter S physically represent the snake or serpent, phonetically it even
sounds like a snake!! It sounds exactly like the hissing sound a snake makes sssssssss
when it shakes its tail. The word hiss even ends in a double-s.

And, of course, the words snake and serpent are both s-words as well as Satan, who the Bible
says took the form of a snake. He was said to have told mankind a secret - that man would not
die if he ate of the fruit.
Of course, when you want to tell someone a secret you say, pssssssst, come here or if
you want to keep a secret you say Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!. The dollar sign, $, is the standard
symbol for English currency.

Money is said to be the root of all evil. Not only does the S look like a snake (Satan), and
sound like a snake, which is known for shedding its skin, but nearly all words that begin with
the letter s have a negative connotation associated with them. That is why they can be
considered s-words, or swords, because they can kill and injure like a sword.

These s-words are a seal or stamp associated with Satan, Satans Slang or s-lang. The
word lang is defined in the dictionary as an abbreviation for the word language.
Satan, the snake or serpent also known as Set, slithers about striving to snatch, steal,
or strip us of our souls or spirits and is obsessed with possessing or seizing them.

He, or she,
is subtle, sly, sneaky, slick, slippery, scaly, secretive, scary, spins, spirals or screws into
your soul and possesses you and seizes your spirit.

Speech is his peach and when we speak, Satan is at his peak as far as deception is
concerned. The words possesses, obsesses, seizes contain a multiple s-sound and are
words pertaining to control.
The word ess, which is defined as the pronunciation for the letter s, becomes the
word esse when a silent e is added. The word esse means to be which is where we get the
word essence and the word essay which is sort of a written speech and comes from the Old
French esai which means to put to a test which is what Satan did to Jesus in the wilder-ness.

The suffix -ness also means a state of being, like loneliness or business. Its interesting that
the Loch Ness in Scotland is said to contain a serpent creature named Nessie which nests

Yes, Satan certainly is a Busy Ness when it comes to the business world and show business.
And he specializes in monkey business. One should keep this in mind before wishing for good-
A partial list of s-words: sun, shine, soul, spirit, Satan, Samael, Set, sin, serpent, snake,
salamander, hisses, siren, spell, steal, scales, shed, skin, slither, slimy, slip, slide, shake, strike,
scare, sly, sneak, stealth, secret, subtle, slash, slice, slay, slit, shoot, strip, smack, smite,
sword, spook, possesses, obsesses, spin, screw, smell, say, speak, salacious, spiral,
pssssssst, sssssssshhhh
Shit! I, mean, Sheesh! It is not easy to think of positive s-words and double ss words are
even worse. The swastika resembles two esses and the word swastika has two of them in
The Nazis had the SS and the ss logo which looked like lightening bolts.
The far reaching extent in which the spell our language has cast on us can be seen in the
every day usage of cliche. Our languages are saturated with what we like to call killer words
and phrases because thats what they do. Englishmen use the word bloody all the time
bloody well right, they do!!! Some women are considered drop dead gorgeous and when
they are dressed to kill, they are to die for. She was a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe.

If looks could kill they would because she will take your breath away.

Wouldnt you just kill for a date with her? Sometimes she really gets under my
skin and burns me up, but if anyone tries to hurt her, they would have to goover my dead
body because I will punch their lights out if they get near her. Im serious as a heart attack.
Im dead serious.

She can be as mean as a snake at times, but she really knew how to kill em with kindness.
I was dead set for her. I could have just died right there. I mean, I felt like I had just died and
gone to heaven.
Eat your heart out. She was a live wire, but at least I would go out in a blaze of glory.

I dont want to beat a dead horse, but she really took me for a ride. Of course, I wore my
heart on my sleeve the whole time, but I was scared to death I might lose her because you
really have to keep your eyes peeled to find a good one. Not to be a killjoy, but Im dead to
the world around most women, dead as a doorknob.
Ok, that was overkill and painful to read, but it did make a point. Think about the terms we use
when we wish good luck to others. Break a leg, kid or Knock em dead! Or if someone
borrows something from us we say, Go ahead, knock yourself out. Even time is not immune
to our sadistic waystime to kill, just killing time.
Why do Christians conclude their prayers by invoking the name of an Egyptian deity, Amen,
who had the body of a man and a rams head when Satan is depicted as a horned god having
a goats head?

Why does the American dollar bill (known as a buck) have an Egyptian pyramid on its reverse
side accompanied by the Latin phrase Anuuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum which can be
translated Announcing the Birth of a New World Order?
Why does the American military wear a chevron as an insignia patch when the word derives
from the French word chevre, which means goat, and On, the Egyptian City of the Sun?

If the word God traces back to the Indo-European root ghut- or the German gott, why does
the changing of the vowel from a short sound to a long sound render the word goat?
Why does Christmas, the birthday of the Son of God, coincide with the birthday of the Sun of
God at the winter solstice, the three days when the sun is at its lowest point on the Southern
Cross, appears to stand still for three days, and then rises or is born again?

Is this why Easter is celebrated during the Spring Equinox when the East Star, the Sun, has
risen? Why is Santa an anagram for Satan? What exactly does Old Nick really mean? And
what is a jingle bell?
Why do we have company and product names like Chevron, Capri Sun, Shiner Bock, Star
Bucks, and Sears and Roebuck? What is a Sun Kist or a Star Kist? Why are sports contests
called ball games and why do we idolize rock stars such as Kid Rock?
The genre of Horror films possesses other creature features with It in the title. There was It
Lives!, It Lives Again, It Came From the Sea, It Came From Outer Space, and Its Alive!
which is the expression Doctor Frankenstein made famous when he brought his monster to

From the time we were young, we have been told over and over again that IT is a scary
creature that this association has become deeply embedded within the recesses of our mind.
On the Adamms Family, Cousin Itt was a monster. Itt communicated via a high speed gibberish
that only members of the Addams family seemed to understand.

Cousin Itts voice was provided by sound-effects engineer Tony Magro, who created Itts
garbled responses by mouthing gibberish into a tape recorder, with a ppffft and a thhhhhttt
added for good measure, and then accelerating the tapes recording speed.
The eyes have it. What do the eyes have? What or who is it? The eyes are the windows to the
soul. In Saturday Night Live, Dana Carvey played the Church Lady who asked, Could IT be

That IT refers to Satan can seen in the phrase when It rains, It pours. Satan, the goat God, is
also known as Pan, the Piper. The word gote, a variant spelling of goat, means a channel or
pipe for water and comes from the Old English word geotan which means to pour! So when It
reigns, It pours.
When children play hide and seek, someone always has to be it. All the other children run
and hide from whoevers it. It then goes roaming around trying to find and capture
whoevers not it. When someone is found they are tagged as the new it - Tag, youre it!!
The Beatles Paul McCartney said the idea for the song Let it Be came to him in a dream. He
chants the line over and over and we all sing along almost willing it into existence.

Every time the song is played on the radio, thousands and thousands are sending forth thought
and sound vibrations into the air. We use the word it in our language over and over all the
time. Could it be possible to manifest a creature from the id, or from the subconscious? Think
of these songs: Breads Make it with you,
The Scorpions Make it Real:

Make it real, not fantasy

Did you ever have a secret yearning?
Dont you know it could come true?
Nows the time to set wheels turning
To open up your life for you
As you know theres always good and evil
Make your choice, Dont be blind
Open up your mind and dont be trivial
Theres a whole new world to find
Make it real, not fantasy
The Michael Jackson song Who is it?
(Who is it?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it?)
Is it my brother?
(Who is it?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it?)
I cant take this stuff no more
In this song, Michael explains who IT is:
Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere
Im gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
Its you whos haunting me
Youre warning me
To be the stranger
In your life
Am I amusing you
Or just confusing you?
Am I the beast
You visualized?
And if you wanna to see
Ill be grotesque
Before your eyes
Let them all materialize
Is that scary for you, baby
Am I scary for you, oh
Is it scary for you, baby
Is it scary for you?

How about songs like Mariah Careys Make It Happen or Breads Make It with You? Star Treks
Captain Picard says Make it so. Nike inundates us with the Just Do It slogan and the
swoosh logo.
People do things just for the hell of it. Believe it. Keep it real. To hell with it!!! Keep it up. Let it
ride. Pass it on. Get with it.
Are you with it? Go for it. Hop to it. Bring it on. Get it together. Play it again, Sam. Theres
something to it. Check it out. Figure it out. I love it!! When someone dies, I guess that was it.
Live it up. Let it go. Do you get it? i get it! Hows it going? Its going good! Hows it hanging?
Dont let it end. Who can it be now? Its a wonderful life (the i deal life). Lets make it last.
Youve got it made. Give it a try. Grin and bear it. It just so happens. Leave it alone. Give it a
rest. How sweet it is. Its what you make it. I can see it in your eyes. Get it together. What is it?
Get over it. The devil made me do it. Whatever it takes. Now you see it, now you dont. Cut it
out. Whoomp, there it is.
Im not going to stand for it. Take it away boys. It looks so real. Say it aint so. Give it up. It
could happen to you. It cant be true (it always lies). I can feel it in my bones. Its a mystery.
Give it everything youve got.

Its all in your head. I cant get it out of my head. Its in the way that you use it. Get it, got it?
Good. Could it be? Dont even try it. Sit on it.

The Energizer bunny took the world by storm in one of the best advertising campaigns in

The slogan which was for batteries that create energy was It keeps going and going and
became a household phrase for many years. Alka Seltzer encourages us to Try it, youll
like it! Compaq asks the question, Has it changed your life yet? And American Express
admonishes us to Dont Leave Home without It.
The company Sobe had this ad on their web site encouraging us to get it up and to
keep it up.

The Lexicon of Love

we all fall inlove sometimes

blinded by love
from make up to break up
love is the drug
i got a crush on you
i just died in your arms tonight
crazy for you
dying to be with you
hurts so bad
i gave her my heart
addicted to love
take my breath away
im lost without your love
breaking up is hard to do
you put a spell on me, under her spell, spellbound
love hurts, love bites, love stinks, lovestruck baby
love is a battlefield
drunk in love
stole/captured my heart/soul
dazed and confused
cupid shoots an arrow through the heart
poison arrow
why do fools fall in love
how can you men a broken heart
heartbreak hotel
unbreak my heart
heart skips a beat
heart attack
killer looks
over the moon
alls fair in love and war
50% marriages end in divorce

To read more articles on similar and related topics, visit

"Dont Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna

Brazile Personally Implicated + The Presstitutes Have Set Up The
Election To Be Stolen
October 28 2016 | From: Zerohedge / PaulCraigRoberts / Various

Last week, Jame O'keefe and Project Veritas Action potentially altered the
course of the U.S. election, or at a minimum raised serious doubts about
the practices of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, after releasing two
undercover videos that revealed efforts of democrat operatives to incite
violence at republican rallies and commit "mass voter fraud."
While democrats have vehemently denied the authenticity of the videos, two democratic
operatives, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, have both been forced to resign over the

Related: Rigged: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to
Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters

Many democrats made the rounds on various mainstream media outlets over the weekend in
an attempt to debunk the Project Veritas videos. Unfortunately for them, O'Keefe fired back
with warnings that part 3 of his multi-part series was forthcoming and would implicate Hillary
Clinton directly.
Now, we have the 3rd installment of O'Keefe's videos which does seemingly reveal direct
coordination between Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval to
organize a smear campaign over Trump's failure to release his tax returns.

Per Project Veritas:

"Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of
Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clintons campaign, the DNC
and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change.

And, its all disguised as a duck. In this video, several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch
Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations.

In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who
wanted ducks on the ground, says Creamer in one of several exchanges. So, by God, we would
get ducks on the ground.

It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between
Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: Dont repeat that to

Within the video both Clinton and Brazile are directly implicated by Creamer during the
following exchange:

"The duck has to be an Americans United for Change entity. This had to do only with some problem
between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a
trademark issue. That's why. It's really silly.
We originally launched this duck because Hillary Clinton wants the duck.

In any case, so she really wanted this duck figure out there doing this stuff, so that was fine.
these ducks out there and got a lot of coverage. And Trump taxes. And then ABC/Disney went crazy
because they thought our original slogan was 'Donald ducks his taxes, releasing his tax returns."

They said it was a trademark issue. It's not, but anyway, Donna Brazile had a connection with them
and she didn't want to get sued. So we switched the ownership of the duck to Americans United
for Change and now our signs say 'Trump ducks releasing his tax returns.' And we haven't had anymore

As Project Veritas points out, this direct coordination between Clinton, Brazile and
Americans United For Change is a violation of federal election laws:

"The ducks on the ground are likely 'public communications' for purposes of the law.
activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United For Change funds but controlled by
Clinton/her campaign."

Here is the full video just released:

As a reminder, below are parts 1 & 2 of the Project Veritas series in case you missed them.
Video 1 revealed DNC efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies:

Video 2 provided the democrat playbook on how to committ "mass voter fraud":
The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen

Over the course of its history, the New York Times has reported on many
American elections that have been rigged or stolen or are suspected of
having been being rigged or stolen. For example, as a supporter of the
black civil rights movement, the NY Times has many stories in its archives
of elections rigged by disenfranchisement of black voters.

But this was when the NY Times was an independent voice before it became a whore for
the Oligarchs who rule America. When the NY Times reported that black Americans
could have no confidence in the integrity of American elections, the NY Times did not
denounce itself for delegitimizing American democracy.

Related: What Is At Stake In The Election - Paul Craig Roberts

The NY Times forgot all of this when it published Max Fishers article yesterday. Fisher fished
up scholars among the Hillary advocates, and they obligingly told him that Trumps
questioning of the integrity of American elections were the tactics of a would-be dictator who is
at work delegitimizing democracy so that he can take over.
What Fisher and his scholars overlook is that the US government is already delegitimized in
the eyes of the American population, as well as foreign populations.

If the US government was not already delegitimized, Donald Trump would not have been
successful in what, despite Trumps damnation by the presstitutes, was an easy sweep-aside
of the Establishments candidates for the Republican presidential nomination.
Aerial photos show how downtown Detroit has been turned into a tiny urban island, surrounded by abandoned
housing blocks
The US government is delegitimized, not only in the eyes of Americans, but also in the eyes of
most of the world. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their careers, their hopes,
because corrupt bought-and-paid-for-Washington enabled Globalism to send the futures of the
American people to China and India.

Millions of Americans lost their homes, because the corrupt Federal Reserve came down on
the side of five banks too big to fail at the expense of the American people.

Millions of Americans along with much of the world know that the US government has
been slaughtering millions of peoples in seven countries based on lies, wasting not only
countries and the lives of millions of peoples, but trillions of American dollars that
Americans needed for their welfare.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Assad did not use chemical

Gaddafi was innocent of all the absurd charges that Washington used to destroy Libya, a
country that had the most progressive social system on earth.

Russia did not invade Ukraine.

The Taliban had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

Yet countries are in ruins because of Washingtons war crimes justified by transparent
If the NY Times does not know this, the organization is too stupid to justify its existence. Of
course the Times knows it. But the NY Times is no longer a newspaper. It is a cog in the
Ministry of Propaganda that works to create a Matrix in which brainwashed Americans accept
the dictates of the Oligarchs.
The purpose of the Times article is to discredit in advance criticism of an election that the
ruling Oligarchs intend to steal. If the Times believed that Hillary would have a clear election
victory, there would be no point to Fishers article.
We see voluminous signs of the intended theft of the election.

For example, Hillarys lead in the polls is based on the pollsters skewing the affiliation of those
polled to Democrats. The percentage of Democrats in the samples is far higher than their
percentage of registered voters.

Related: This Is How WaPo's Latest Poll Gave Hillary A 12 Point Advantage Over Trump
It the past it was difficult to steal elections unless they were very close. Exit polls were a check
on vote count, and the disenfranchisement of blacks could be risky if it attracted the attention
of the US Department of Justice.

The new method, which is unfolding before our eyes, steals the election in advance with the
Oligarchs candidate far ahead in the polls (now by 12 points according to the latest fiction) and
by making anyone who questions the faked results into a fascist dictator.
Obviously, if Hillary was really ahead by 12 points - a landslide - there would be no need for
Fishers article or for the constant drumbeat against Trump.

Judging from the hysteria, as reflected in Fishers NY Times article, for example, the Oligarchs
are aware that objections to their rule have elevated Trump.

In order to hold on to power, the American Oligarchs must smash Trump and put their bought-
and-paid-for-candidate, Hillary - whom the Oligarchs have provided along with Bill a personal
fortune of $120 million and endowed the Clinton Foundation with $1,600 million - into the Oval
Pollsters by nature of their business are unreliable.

If truthful results offend the establishment political organizations, the pollsters are out of work.
Polls have to serve the Oligarchs or the polling firms go down. Trump is an outsider toward
whom the ruling Oligarchy is totally opposed, which is why Americans support him.

Therefore, polling firms are adverse to betting their future on poll results favorable to Trump,
especially when the whores who constitute the American print and TV media, such as the NY
Times, are all out to put Hillary in the White House.
As Hillarys public statements have made clear, Hillary is antagonistic toward Russia and the
Russian government, calling the president of Russia the new Hitler. She promises conflict
with Russia, which would certainly be nuclear and end life on earth.
Trump says in the face of contrary ruling neoconservative opinion that he sees no point in
conflict with Russia and no point in NATOs continued existence a quarter century after the
purpose of NATO collapsed with the Soviet Union.

Trump might not be successful in appointing a government that serves his instincts, but at least
he gives us hope of avoiding military conflict with Russia and China. With Hillary there is no
hope whatsoever.

My opinion is that the world would not survive Hillarys first term. I have known the
neoconservatives since the 1970s. They are crazed fanatics, and they hate Russia.
Hillary is their agent.
It is unclear that the Russian government understands, or takes seriously, the neoconservative
ideology of US world hegemony. Putins hesitant, indecisive behavior in Syria has done more
to set himself and Russia up for demonization than to defeat ISIS.

Related: By Cooperating With Washington On Syria Russia Walked Into A Trap

The Western world is corrupt and evil. The list of its victims is almost endless. What disconnect
makes some Russians desire association with the Western world?

How the Media and Democrats Rig the Perception of Trump

Democratic heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies

The Orchestrated Trump-Putin Connection

Leaked emails prove that the Trump-Putin connection was orhestrated as campaign talk
to deflect attention from damaging content of Clintons released emails.

Slaughter Donald for Putin bromance: #Podesta15 emails reveal ISIS strategy
diversion for Clinton

Integrity Of US Elections Among Lowest Of All Countries

According to Shyla Nelson, the co-founder of Election Justice USA, US elections are
manipulated in many ways, including voter suppression, unauthorized registration purges,
district gerrymandering, gross exit poll variances, the privatization of voting machinery, and the
lack of transparency in ballot processing our elections will continue to rank among the lowest
in the world in integrity.
US elections are so corrupt that the US has threatened Russian diplomats with arrest if they
attempt to monitor the US November presidential election.

US Gives Another Reason to Believe Its Democracy Is Deeply Flawed

Bill Clintons Rape Victims (the ones we know about)

Juanita isn't the only one: Bill Clinton's long history of sexual violence against women
dates back some 30 years
But we must not tolerate Trumps lewd comments.
Bill and Hillary are lawless because they have never been held accountable. As the justice
system has given Hillary a pass, will voters hold her accountable in November, or will the
American public also give her a pass?

Hillary Has Never Been Held Accountable For Anything

What is worse, Hillary laughing about her success in getting a child rapist off or Trumps lewd
comments about women? Why is it that the TV women cant come up with the right answer?
How can democracy function when a propaganda ministry takes the place of the media?

'I never trusted a polygraph again': Hillary Clinton LAUGHS in 30-year-old interview as
she recalls how she helped a suspected child rapist walk free after the prosecution lost
crucial evidence

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell, Rape Victim Says

A Comparison of Trumps and Hillarys Crowds

Trumps crowds are hundreds of times larger than Hillarys, so how is it that she is
in the lead? We are being told lies in order to cover up the coming election theft.
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Rally Crowds

Poll of Likely Voters Finds 53% Want Hillary Indicted

If 53% of voters want Hillary indicted, how can she be leading in the presidential race?
Which of the polls is wrong?

Most Americans want Hillary indicted for email scandal poll

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Trump's Speech to the New World Order

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SHOCKING Report Documents Massive Election Theft by the Democrats

Former Ohio Governor Triggered By Questions About Voter Fraud

Putin Just Exposed US Election Rigging By Trolling The State Dept. In The Most
Hilarious Way

'Rigged' Debates? Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillary's Podium

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"

Trump: Democrats Are Rigging The Polls

Media Rigging Polls To Suppress Voter Turnout!

Proof Media Is Working For Hillary To Steal The Election

New Wikileaks Confirm Media Rigging Polls For Hillary

Clinton Campaign Admits Making False Claims Against Trump

How To Stop Election Fraud

Destroying Election Integrity By Executive Order

Calibration error changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county

North Carolina voters report voting machines switching their votes to GOP candidate

Voting Machine in Chicago Switches Republican Votes into Democratic Votes

After Obama Attacked Trup, Trump Pulled Out His Secret Weapon & Shot Back

Texas County Switches to Paper Ballots after Electronic Voting Glitches

Top Clinton Ally Caught Accepting $20k Foreign Donation

More Reports of Votes Flipping From Trump to Clinton in Texas

Video: Hillary Supporters Beg For Election Fraud

Trump Warns Of Vote Flipping On Machines

ABC Poll Oversamples Dems by 9%, Claims Hillary Leading

Ignoring The Law To Rig Elections

Donald Trump Has Won The 2016 Presidential Election

Donald Trump Lays Out Historic Plan For First 100 Days In Office:
End Corruption, Stop The Crooks In Washington And Unleash
Economic Abundance For America
October 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews / Various

For anybody who is still dopey enough to swallow the Cabal's

embarassingly desperate Hillary Clinton propaganda that is being heaved
about by the pathetic Western mainstream meda, this is going to be one
hell of a wake up call...

Donald J. Trump just delivered an historic speech that lays out his plan for the first 100
days in office. [These statements have the establishment Cabal in a mad panic].

Related: Donald Trump Exposes Globalist Control & Criminal Clintons Live In Florida
Speech + All-Out Effort To Destroy Trump Proves He's Not Part Of The Establishment

Highlights are listed here. Actual quotes from Donald Trump:

"The system is totally rigged and broken."

"The dishonest mainstream media is a major part of this corruption. They lie and fabricate stories
to make a candidate that is not their preferred choice look as bad and as dangerous as possible....
They're trying desperately to suppress my vote and the voice of the American people...

They're trying to poison the mind of the American voter."

"If they can fight somebody like me, who has unlimited resources, just imagine what they can do
to YOU...'

"The rigging of the system is designed for one reason: to keep the corrupt establishment and the
special interests in power at your expense."

"We will never solve our problems by relying on the same politicians who created these problems
in the first place. Hillary Clinton is running against all the American people..."

"[This 100-day plan is] a contract between Donald J. Trump and the American voter... to bring
honestly, accountability change to Washington D.C."

"We will drain the swamp in Washington D.C. and replace it with a new government of, by and for
the People."

"This is my pledge to you. If we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by
and for the people. We will make America great again."

This Video Could Win The Election For Trump

A. Six Groundbreaking Political Reforms that Will End Corruption in


1. A constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.

2. A hiring freeze on all federal employees, exempting military, public safety and public health.

3. A requirement that for every new federal regulations, two existing regulations must be
eliminated. "Regulations are killing our country and our jobs..."

4. A five year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they
leave government. service.

5. A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

6. A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

Former FBI Assistant Director Endorses Trump Our Constitution is At

James Kallstrom, former Assistant Director of the FBI offered a passionate endorsement of
Trump on Stuart Varneys show this week. Hes deeply concerned about the direction our
country is going in.
Heres a partial transcript:

Ex-FBI Assistant Director Makes First-Ever Political Endorsement for Trump With
Emotional Plea to America

"Im endorsing Donald Trump. Ive know him 40 years. Ive never endorsed a candidate. Hes a good
human being. Hes a generous person.
Hes got a big heart. Hes done hundreds and hundreds of things for people without fanfare. Hes a good
guy. Hes a patriot of this country.

And regardless of what he says, his acts show that he is not that person. Hes been in this Hollywood
crowd that talks like that, a lot of people talk like that.

He doesnt do these things. Hes a good guy. Ive known his family from the time they were kids. Look at
his children. Could you find a better family than he brought up in this country?

He is not a fan of Hillary Clinton.

He's absolutely right. This election really is that serious.

B. Seven Actions to Protection American Workers

1. Totally renegotiate NAFTA, "one of the first deals out country has ever made."

2. Announce withdrawal from the TPP, "a potential disaster for our country."

3. Direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator. "What they
have done to us by playing [with] currency is very sad... I blame our politicians for letting this
take place."

4. Direct the Secretary of Commerce to identity all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact
American workers, and to use "every tool" under American law to end those abuses.

5. Lift restrictions on production of $50 trillion worth of job-producing American energy

reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal. "And we will put our miners back to

6. Lift Obama / Clinton roadblocks that allow this vital energy infrastructure projects to go
forward. "We're going to allow the Keystone pipeline ... to move forward."

7. Will cancel billions in payments to UN climate change programs and use the money to fix
America's water and environmental infrastructure.

Jon Voight Just Destroyed Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Robert
Jon Voight has a message that every American needs to hear, and it is all about how important
this election is. And trust me, folks, he didnt hold ANYTHING back!
In his Plea to save America, Voight tackles all the biggest issues facing America including:
Dangerous Refugees, Obamas failed Presidency, No Jobs , Robert De Niro being a
Hillary shill, Freedom of religion under attack, George Soros selling Jews to Nazis, and
Hillary Making the Supreme Court Socialist

And that list is just the half of it folks. Trust me when I say, you just gotta see this one for

See what I mean? Pretty great rant if you ask me.

Plus, its good to see at least 1 major A-list actor supporting Donald Trump this election (sorry
Scott Baio). I guess Hillarys money doesnt buy off everyone.

So thank you, Jon Voight, for believing in America enough to put yourself and your career at
risk to make a difference. We hope more Americans can be inspired by the great work you do.

Related: 'May God protect the real truth and may Donald Trump win this presidency':
Jon Voight issues 'plea to save America' and lashes out at Robert De Niro AGAIN

C. Five actions to restore security and constitutional rule of law in


1. Cancel every unconstitutional executive order and action issued by Obama.

2. Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia.

3. Cancel all federal funding for sanctuary cities.

4. Remove two million criminal illegal immigrants from the country, and cancel visas to foreign
countries that won't take them back.

5. Suspend immigration from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safetly occur.

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Rally Crowds

D. Substantial tax policy changes that will create jobs, simplify tax forms
and reduce taxes on the middle class by up to 35%

1. Reduce taxes for the middle class. "The largest tax reductions are for the middle class...
they have been forgotten. The middle class family with two children will get ... a 35% tax cut."

2. The number of tax brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3. Tax forms will be greatly simplified.

3. The business rate will be lowered from 35% to 15% and the trillions of dollars in corporate
money overseas will be brought back at a 10% rate. (This will allow businesses to invest in
American operations that will create millions of new jobs.)

4. End the offshoring act, establish tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their
workers and relocating to foreign countries.

Side comment: We are going to work on fixing the VA hospital problem. "We have illegal
immigrants that are treated far better than our veterans."
Donald Trump Roasts Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump just beat Hillary Clinton right where it hurts tonight. This video needs to be seen
by everyone. Seriously. This video will go down in history. Donald Trump walked out on stage
and said something that will change the election forever!

E. Donald Trump's Proposed Acts for Serious Reform

1. Infrastructure Reinvestment Act would restore investment in our domestic infrastructure

(bridges, roads, water systems).

2. School Choice and Education Opportunity Act will give parents the right to send their child
to the schools of their choice. "We're going to end Common Core and bring education
supervision to local communities... Our current system is not working." We will expand
vocational and technical education, and make 2- and 4-year colleges more affordable.

3. Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act: Fully repeal Obamacare and replace it with health
savings accounts. The ability to purchase health insurance across state lines (to create
competition), and let states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will include cutting the red tape
at the FDA. We want to speed the approval of lifesaving medications.

4. Affordable Childcare and Elder Care Act would allow caregivers to deduct care costs from
their taxes. Creates tax free dependent care savings accounts.

5. End Illegal Immigration Act: Fully funds the construction of a wall on our southern border,
with the understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the
full cost. Establishes 2-4 year mandatory prison sentences for those illegally re-entering the
USA if they have multiple prior deportations or felony convictions.

6. Restoring Community Safety Act: Creates a task force on violent crime, increases funding
for programs to train and assist local police. "Put violent offenders behind bars or out of our

7. Restoring National Security Act: Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester
and expanding military investment. "Peace through strength... we need a strong military." It
also provides our veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or visit a private
doctor of their choice.

Additional comment: "We are going to protect our vital infrastructure from cyber attack."

8. Clean up Corruption in Washington Act: Enact new ethics reforms to reduce corrupting
influence of special interests and donors.

Stay informed at and

Watch the Full Speech Here: Donald Trump Delivers Historic Speech in
Gettysburg, PA 10/22/16

Related: Trump could be First in History to Win all 50 States according to Linguistic

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Statement on Hillary Clintons Deliberate Incitement of Violence at Trump Rallies

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At Trump Rally In PA, WOMEN FOR TRUMP Signs Are Everywhere!

Man Behind Brexit Issues Warning For America

Why The Nobel Peace Prize Is A Complete Joke

October 27 2016 | From: TrueActivist

Numerous war criminals, such as Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger, have
won the Nobel Peace Prize over the years, which seems fitting as Alfred
Nobel himself was known as the merchant of death.

2016 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, and 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner,
US President Barack Obama have both been responsible for tens of thousands of civilian deaths

Since its founding in 1901, the Nobel Peace Prize has ostensibly been the most
prestigious international award recognizing those who have done the most or the best
work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies
and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

However, the Norwegian committee, which chooses the peace prize winner annually, uses no
formal definition of peace and has been criticized for the politicizing the award numerous

Peace certainly was not a fort of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish arms dealer who created the
prizes which bear his name.

Nobel invented dynamite in 1867 and was the owner of Bofors AB, a steel producer that Nobel
transformed into a major manufacturer of cannons and other weapons.

Today, what remains of Bofors is owned by Saab AB and United Defense Industries. His
reputation during his lifetime was so notorious that newspapers labeled him the merchant of
death due to the massive wealth he received;

"Finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before.

Perhaps, it is no surprise then that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to several war
criminals over the course of its 115-year history.

Past winners of the Nobel Peace Prize include Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of State
as well as Shimon Peres, a founding father of Israel who was largely responsible for their
covert nuclear program.

Kissingers award was especially controversial as two members of the Nobel committee
resigned in protest. Kissinger received the award in 1973 alongside Le Duc Tho, of North
Vietnam, for the peace agreement ending the Vietnam War.

Le Duc Tho refused to accept the award alongside Kissinger, claiming that the peace
agreement was a sham. Kissinger, that same year, had organized a bloody coup in Chile,
which overthrew the democratically elected president Salvador Allende and replaced him with
brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet, who went on to rule for 17 years.

This years winner of the Nobel peace prize, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, is the
head of one of Colombias wealthiest families and, as president, has overseen the genocide of
Colombias largest indigenous group, the Wayu. This genocide has resulted in the death of
14,000 children in only 5 years.

Yet, the peace prize winner whose actions have most flagrantly belittled all that the prize
purports to stand for is current US president Barack Obama. In 2009, Obama was awarded the
prize for Obamas promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and for Obamas outreach to the
Muslim world.

Even Obama expressed that he felt undeserving of the award and used his acceptance
speech to promote the decidedly Orwellian idea of a just war.

Obamas outreach to the Muslim world has since materialized in the form relentless bombing
campaigns in 7 Muslim countries, which have caused tens of thousands of civilian casualties,
as well as the rise of terror groups such as ISIS and Al-Nusra, which have benefited
handsomely from US arms deals.
In addition, Obamas promotion of nuclear nonproliferation resulted in Obamas plan
announced this January to modernize the US nuclear arsenal at a cost of $1 trillion over the
next 30 years as well as the likelihood of nuclear war with Russia higher than ever.

Obama has also overseen the countrys largest arms deal with Saudi Arabia, funder of
ISIS and murderer of Yemeni civilians, with over $115 billion arms sold over his 8 years
as president.

It seems that Obama, perhaps more than any other questionable recipient of the award,
fully displays the schizophrenic nature of the Nobel Peace Prize the public promotion
of peace alongside a dark, sinister history of promoting and profiting from war.

Why Children Hate School + Digital Media And Kids: How Much Is
Too Much?
October 25 2016 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / TheConversation

Children come out of the womb with an inborn desire to better understand
themselves and the world they live in - they desire to explore new
perspectives, to discover different realities and make sense of existence.
But why is it that later on, once they become school students , most children begin to
lose interest in learning?

Why do children feel bored in classroom, are uninterested in reading books, and in general
hate school? These are some questions that I am going to answer here, with the aim to shed
some light on the negative aspects of our current education system and provide suggestions
on how it can be improved for the benefit of the new generations and hence the future
of humanity.

Suppressing Children Through Schooling

When I was a school student, I was feeling very unhappy. I wanted to spend my time outside
in nature and play with other children, but I was forced to stay for hours upon hours every
day in a small classroom where play was out of question.

I wanted to express myself through art and sports, but I was made to sit down learning maths,
history, and other things that I couldnt care less about learning at that age. I wanted to
communicate my thoughts and emotions with my peers, but I was told not to talk or move
unless I was given permission first.

What I loved doing, I was not allowed to do, and what I hated doing, I was forced to do.
No wonder I was so unhappy.
In most places around the world, school is a very traumatic experience for the majority of
children. Children from a very young age are sent to school, whether they like it or not.
There they usually have to be confined in a room for 6 to 8 hours every weekday (except
on holidays) for about 12 years of their life, to obey to rules, to follow orders and to
learn things they are not interested in.

What children truly want is to have fun, to play, to communicate and form social connections, to
explore the great outdoors, to ponder and create - and barely any of those things they are
allowed to do in school.

School, as you can understand, is suppressing children in all sorts of ways, which is turning
their life into an ongoing hellish experience. So how can children not hate school? Its only
natural that they do.

Education as Indoctrination

Although school is supposed to be the place where children learn to think and
become wiser individuals, in reality school is preventing them from developing their
critical thinking.
At school, an authority figure (i.e. teacher) is hired to have students unquestionably accept and
repeat in a parrot-like fashion what they are being taught by him/her. Those students who do
so are rewarded with good grades, while those who choose to think for themselves are being
punished with bad grades or by being expelled from school.
I remember once, when I was a high school student, I took the courage to openly disagree with
the opinions of my religion teacher. She was teaching a class on worlds religions, but being
Christian herself, she provided us students with biased information.

She would do her best to talk in a negative way about all other religions in order to prove the
superiority of Christianity.
And it's not just a dig at Christianity. All religions do the same thing.

When I presented her with some solid arguments against the Christian dogma, she soon
afterwards started to treat me as a bad student, by giving me lower grades and talking to me in
a disrespectful manner.

All I tried to do was to raise questions and use critical thinking, but to her that meant
questioning God, which she thought is an inappropriate thing to do.
At school, students are not taught how to think, but what to think, and the difference
between the two is tremendous.

Instead of learning how to utilize logic and come to their own conclusions through critical
thinking, school is stunting their intelligence by filling their minds with information that they
have to accept on belief alone.

Not surprisingly, once students graduate from school, they are so indoctrinated that
they cannot make intelligent choices in life and deal with the challenges they encounter
along their lifes journey.

Rethinking Our Education System

If we dont want our children to be mindless automatons, we need to start thinking
differently about our education system.

We need to start searching for ways to help children grow into conscious, healthy beings,
instead of repressing their emotions and killing their intelligence - which is what schooling is
currently doing. In order for this to happen, however, we first need to realize what the true
meaning of education is.

Education is not passing exams in order to get a certificate and find a well-paying job
is cultivating the mind and spirit in order to find health, happiness and peace.

Education is not the imposition of opinions and ideologies of the elder on the youth
mastering the art of thinking critically and acquiring the ability to process emerging information

Education is not memorizing knowledge - it is developing understanding and learning how

knowledge into practice.

Up until now, the role of school has been to force students to fit into the mould of what we
consider normal living.

To be normal in our sick society means to do work that we hate doing, to

doubt ourselves and be afraid to think for ourselves, to blindly believe in dogmas,
to bend down in submission to authority and follow orders - in short, to live a life
of ignorance and pain.

Its about time we realize that schools function should not be to adjust children into an
unhealthy society, but to help create a healthy society instead, starting from
the children themselves, who will form the future of our civilization.
The purpose of schooling should be to provide children with the tools that will enable them
to develop to their full potential on multiple levels- emotional, intellectual and spiritual. School
should give children the freedom to express themselves, evolve their talents and assist them in
the creative process of acquiring essential practical knowledge and skills.

Most importantly, school should be the place where the needs of children are being
understood, accepted, and taken care of, so that children can grow their wings of
consciousness that will allow them to chase their dreams.

Then, children will no longer hate school, but, on the contrary, love it and embrace the
learning experience it offers.
Digital Media And Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

Any time a new technology is introduced, it disrupts values, routines and

behaviors. This goes back well before the printing press replaced oral
histories or the telephone replaced face-to-face conversations, but is
evident today in our regular habits of checking our smartphones for

Kids are growing up with the expectation of auto-playing streaming videos and having
access to our phones when we need them to be quiet.

Human anxieties about these changes can take years to resolve, as we slowly figure out how
to control the technology to meet our values and needs, rather than being controlled by it.

With the rapid pace at which new digital products and services are being developed, parents
report feeling particularly overwhelmed. They fear missing out on what benefits tech might hold
for their families, yet dont fully trust that electronic devices and apps are designed or marketed
with their childs best interests in mind.
We doctors used to urge parents to discourage media use under age two, and to limit kids use
to two hours a day, at most. But we have now arrived at a more nuanced understanding of the
various ways in which children use digital tools.

Through review of the updated science, interviews and focus groups with parents from diverse
backgrounds, and our own clinical experience, we are now recommending that parents use
media as a teaching tool a way to connect and create instead of just to consume.
As a developmental behavioral pediatrician, parent of two young boys and lead author of the
new American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement Media and Young Minds, I hope to
help parents shape tech use in their homes based on their human ideals and values.

Main Principles to Keep in Mind

This new policy statement represents the best medical research and academic scholarship
about electronic media and health and development of children from birth through age five.
Along with the associated family media-use planning website, it focuses on how parents can
use electronic media together with their young children to encourage family connection,
learning and digital literacy skills, in several ways:

1. We emphasize teaching children that media use means more than just
entertainment. It can also involve connecting with others: Videochatting, for example, is fine at
any age, although infants need their parents help to understand it. Another great use is for
creating and learning together letting the child take photos and record videos or songs, as
well as looking up craft ideas. We hope parents will feel comfortable seeing digital media as a
tool to meet their parenting needs, and not the thing-in-itself that controls us or our
children through the attention economy or gamification.

2. As far as entertainment, we recommend trusted content producers such as Sesame

Workshop and PBS Kids, who design apps with the childs and parents needs in
mind. There is also Common Sense Media, a great site for finding information on digital
products and answering any tech-related parenting question you can imagine.

3. We recommend having unplugged spaces and times of day so that both parent and
child can play, be bored, or talk without distraction or feeling a need to to multitask.

4. We ask parents to test apps and watch videos with their children to determine if they
are good fits for their childs temperament, rather than letting the child make all of these
choices. Parents are the best people to decide whether a particular app or video is
appropriate for the childs current stage of development and knowledge.

5. Parents should not feel pressure to introduce their children to technology early in
life for the sake of seeking a competitive advantage. Kids will catch up when they are older
or in school. But, if parents want to introduce media early, the youngest age we recommend is
18 months. At that age, its important to note, parents must play or view along with the child for
there to be any educational benefit, such as learning new words. Otherwise, that expensive
tablet may just be a portable TV or cause-and-effect toy.

Time Limits and Rules Remain Important

We still recommend time limits (one hour of entertainment media per day which does not
include videochatting, taking pictures, using with parents as a learning tool and the like) and
rules, for several reasons.

First, pediatricians are trained to be child advocates, making us naturally protective. In our day-
to-day experiences with families in clinics, we see children having difficulties with sleep,
obesity, school, relationships or behavior that appear to be intertwined with problematic media
We hear parents asking for concrete guidance from us about the role digital devices might play
in their families lives. They want to know what to let their child watch and how much of it.

They ask about how to make sure their child can be tech-savvy without ending up in a position
where the child prefers and will choose digital play to the exclusion of other important activities.
Parents also tell us that they dont want their child to be spoon-fed information by online media.
In addition, theyre concerned about apps determining their childs play ideas. And they want
help finding alternative activities to really encourage the creativity, persistence, and cognitive
and social-emotional skills kids need to flourish in school.
Overall, the research still shows that excessive media use is associated with poorer sleep,
higher obesity risk and developmental outcomes such as poor executive function (the boss of
our brain that helps us focus, control impulses and plan), so we want parents to
prioritize unplugged, social and unstructured play as much as possible.
Parents have always been interpreters of the world for young children. If kids are to grow up
with a healthy concept of what digital tools are and how to use them effectively, creatively and
kindly, we need to teach them.
This means both guiding them directly and modeling with our own behavior from the very start.
The longer-term goal is to raise kids who see us, their parents, as guides when they encounter
weird stuff online or have negative interactions on social media.
We want to raise kids who dont react to negative emotions by spewing out their feelings -
sometimes at others expense - online, nor binge on videos or games.

We want to raise kids with good sleep habits, healthy bodies, a variety of interests and curiosity
about the world, who feel good about their learning and their relationships, both on and offline.

We hope our new guidance can help us all - parents, medical professionals and children alike -
achieve that.

Obama Decries 'Wild West' [Independent] Media Landscape

October 16 2016 | From: Yahoo

President Barack Obama on Thursday decried America's "wild, wild west"

media environment for allowing conspiracy theorists a broad platform and
destroying a common basis for debate.
Comment: Oh my, the establishment are having a wee cry now. They are not in carte-
blanche control of the news media anymore.

Recalling past days when three television channels delivered fact-based news that most
people trusted, Obama said democracy require citizens to be able to sift through lies and

"We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow some sort of curating function
that people agree to," Obama said at an innovation conference in Pittsburgh.
"There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some
basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don't have any basis in anything
that's actually happening in the world," Obama added.

His remarks came amid an election campaign that has seen Republican candidate Donald
Trump repeat ideas and take on key staff from right-wing media outlets.
They also come at the end of an eight-year presidency in which Obama has been plagued by
false scandals over his place of birth that have forced him to play media-critic-in-chief.
For much of that time, Republicans and Democrats -- which their own media sources -- could
rarely agree on even the most basic facts to build a debate.

"That is hard to do, but I think it's going to be necessary, it's going to be possible," he added.
"The answer is obviously not censorship, but it's creating places where people can say 'this is reliable' and
I'm still able to argue safely about facts and what we should do about it."

Anyone can read between the lines here. They are desperate for something they are not going
to get...
Propaganda Techniques Of Empire + Politically Correct Language
Control And The Rise Of The Third Reich
October 6 2016 | From: EurasiaReview / NaturalNews

Washingtons quest for perpetual world power is underwritten by

systematic and perpetual propaganda wars.
Every major and minor war has been preceded, accompanied and followed by
unremitting government propaganda designed to secure public approval, exploit
victims, slander critics, dehumanize targeted adversaries and justify its allies

In this paper we will discuss the most common recent techniques used to support ongoing
imperial wars.

Role Reversal

A common technique, practiced by the imperial publicists, is to accuse the victims of the same
crimes, which had been committed against them.

The well documented, deliberate and sustained US-EU aerial bombardment of Syrian
government soldiers, engaged in operations against ISIS-terrorist, resulted in the deaths and
maiming of almost 200 Syrian troops and allowed ISIS-mercenaries to overrun their camp.

In an attempt to deflect the Pentagons role in providing air cover for the very terrorists it claims
to oppose, the propaganda organs cranked out lurid, but unsubstantiated, stories of an aerial
attack on a UN humanitarian aid convoy, first blamed on the Syrian government and then on
the Russians.
The evidence that the attack was most likely a ground-based rocket attack by ISIS terrorists
did not deter the propaganda mills. This technique would turn US and European attention away
from the documented criminal attack by the imperial bombers and present the victimized
Syrian troops and pilots as international human rights criminals.

Hysterical Rants

Faced with world opprobrium for its wanton violation of an international ceasefire agreement in
Syria, the imperial public spokespeople frequently resort to irrational outbursts at international
meetings in order to intimidate wavering allies into silence and shut down any chance for
reasonable debate resolving concrete issues among adversaries.
The current US Ranter-in-Chief in the United Nations, is Ambassador Samantha Power, who
launched a vitriolic diatribe against the Russians in order to sabotage a proposed General
Assembly debate on the US deliberate violation (its criminal attack on Syrian troops) of the
recent Syrian ceasefire. Instead of a reasonable debate among serious diplomats, the rant
served to derail the proceedings.

Identity Politics to Neutralize Anti-Imperialist Movements

Empire is commonly identified with the race, gender, religion and ethnicity of its practioners.
Imperial propagandists have frequently resorted to disarming and weakening anti-imperialist
movements by co-opting and corrupting black, ethnic minority and women leaders and

The use of such symbolic tokens is based on the assumption that these are representatives
reflecting the true interests of so-called marginalized minorities and can therefore presume to
speak for the oppressed peoples of the world.

The promotion of such compliant and respectable minority members to the elite is then
propagandized as a revolutionary, world liberating historical event witness the election of
US President Barack Obama.
The rise of Obama to the presidency in 2008 illustrates how the imperial propagandists have
used identity politics to undermine class and anti-imperialist struggles.
Under Obamas historical black presidency, the US pursued seven wars against people of
color in South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Over a million men and women of sub-Saharan black origin, whether Libyan citizens or
contract workers for neighboring countries, were killed, dispossessed and driven into exile by
US allies after the US-EU destroyed the Libyan state in the name of humanitarian

Hundreds of thousands of Arabs have been bombed in Yemen, Syria and Iraq under
President Obama, the so-called historic black president.

Obamas predator drones have killed hundreds of Afghan and Pakistani villagers. Such is the
power of identity politics that ignominious Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Meanwhile, in the United States under Obama, racial inequalities between black and white
workers (wages, unemployment, access to housing, health and educational services) have
widened. Police violence against blacks intensified with total impunity for killer cops.

Over two million immigrant Latino workers have been expelled breaking up hundreds of
thousands of families and accompanied by a marked increase of repression compared to
earlier administrations.

Millions of black and white workers home mortgages were foreclosed while all of the corrupt
banks were bailed out at a greater rate than had occurred under white presidents.
This blatant, cynical manipulation of identity politics facilitated the continuation and deepening
of imperial wars, class exploitation and racial exclusion. Symbolic representation undermined
class struggles for genuine changes.

Related: Globalists are pitting blacks against whites in America to incite a bloody race
war... here's how we can all win together by refusing to be manipulated into hatred and

Past Suffering to Justify Contemporary Exploitation

Imperial propagandists repeatedly evoke the victims and abuses of the past in order to justify
their own aggressive imperial interventions and support for the land grabs and ethnic
cleansing committed by their colonial allies like Israel, among others.

The victims and crimes of the past are presented as a perpetual presence to justify
ongoing brutalities against contemporary subject people.
The case of US-Israeli colonization of Palestine clearly illustrates how rabid criminality, pillage,
ethnic cleansing and self-enrichment can be justified and glorified through the language of past

Propagandists in the US and Israel have created the cult of the Holocaust, worshiping a near
century-old Nazi crime against Jews (as well as captive Slavs, Gypsies and other minorities) in
Europe, to justify the bloody conquest and theft of Arab lands and sovereignty and engage in
systematic military assaults against Lebanon and Syria.

Millions of Muslim and Christian Palestinians have been driven into perpetual exile. Elite,
wealthy, well-organized and influential zionist Jews, with primary fealty to Israel, have
successfully sabotaged every contemporary struggle for peace in the Middle East and have
created real barriers for social democracy in the US through their promotion of militarism and
empire building.

Those claiming to represent victims of the past have become among the most oppressive of
contemporary elites. Using the language of defense, they promote aggressive forms of
expansion and pillage.

They claim their monopoly on historic suffering has given them a special dispensation from
the rules of civilized conduct: their cult of the Holocaust allows them to inflict immense pain on
others while silencing any criticism with the accusation of anti-Semitism and relentlessly
punishing critics.

Their key role in imperial propaganda warfare is based on their claims of an exclusive
franchise on suffering and immunity from the norms of justice.

Entertainment Spectacles on Military Platforms

Entertainment spectacles glorify militarism. Imperial propagandists link the public to unpopular
wars promoted by otherwise discredited leaders. Sports events present soldiers dressed up as
war heroes with deafening, emotional displays of flag worship to celebrate the ongoing
overseas wars of aggression.

These mind-numbing extravaganzas with crude elements of religiosity demand choreographed

expressions of national allegiance from the spectators as a cover for continued war crimes
abroad and the destruction of citizens economic rights at home.

Much admired, multi-millionaire musicians and entertainers of all races and orientations,
present war to the masses with a humanitarian facade. The entertainers smiling faces serve
genocide just as powerfully as the Presidents benign and friendly face accompanies his
embrace of militarism.

The propagandist message for the spectator is that your favorite team or singer is there just
for you because our noble wars and valiant warriors have made you free and now they want
you to be entertained.
The old style of blatant bellicose appeals to the public is obsolete: the new propaganda
conflates entertainment with militarism, allowing the ruling elite to secure tacit support for its
wars without disturbing the spectators experience.

Do the Imperial Techniques of Propaganda Work?

How effective are the modern imperial propaganda techniques? The results seem to be mixed.
In recent months, elite black athletes have begun protesting white racism by challenging the
requirement for choreographed displays of flag worship. . . opening public controversy into the
larger issues of police brutality and sustained marginalization.

Identity politics, which led to the election of Obama, may be giving way to issues of class
struggle, racial justice, anti-militarism and the impact of continued imperial wars. Hysterical
rants may still secure international attention, but repeated performances begin to lose their
impact and subject the ranter to ridicule.
The cult of victimology has become less a rationale for the multi-billion dollar US-tribute to
Israel, than the overwhelming political and economic influence and thuggery of billionaire
Zionist fundraisers who demand US politicians support for the state of Israel.
Brandishing identify politics may have worked the first few times, but inevitably black, Latino,
immigrant and all exploited workers, all underpaid and overworked women and mothers reject
the empty symbolic gestures and demand substantive socio-economic changes and here
they find common links with the majority of exploited white workers.
In other words, the existing propaganda techniques are losing their edge the corporate media
news is seen as a sham. Who follows the actor-soldiers and flag-worshipers once the game
has begun?
The propagandists of empire are desperate for a new line to grab public attention and
obedience. Could the recent domestic terror bombings in New York and New Jersey provoke
mass hysteria and more militarization? Could they serve as cover for more wars abroad . . .?
A recent survey, published in Military Times, reported that the vast majority of active US
soldiers oppose more imperial wars. They are calling for defense at home and social justice.
Soldiers and veterans have even formed groups to support the protesting black athletes who
have refused to participate in flag worship while unarmed black men are being killed by police
in the streets.

Despite the multi-billion dollar electoral propaganda, over sixty percent of the electorate reject
both major party candidates. The reality principle has finally started to undermine State

Politically Correct Language Control And The Rise Of The Third


Stunning new documentary reveals why we must stop the rise of safe
spaces, social justice warriors and progressive fanaticism.
In a stunning new documentary released just today, I reveal how politically correct
speech control (thought control) gave rise to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

The film reveals how the phenomenon of progressive fanaticism -- safe spaces, social justice
warriors, microaggressions, generation snowflake crybullies -- mirrors the Brownshirts of Nazi
Germany and escalates demands for obedience into physical violence against innocents.

We're already seeing a similar phenomenon today with numerous Black Lives Matter terrorist
shootings of police officers, beatings of innocent people merely because they are white, and
calls for extreme acts of violence against police officers and Caucasians.

The aggressive, violent behavior of "progressive fanatics" is now mirroring the rise of the Third
Reich that eventually led to genocide and the mass murder of millions.
FYI, "Nazi" means "National Socialism." The Third Reich is often incorrectly described as a "far
right" regime. It was actually an extreme rendition of corporate-government fascism, a powerful
centralized socialist government, and the kind of strict demands for cultural obedience that we
frequency see from the extreme left.

Some of the big issues that characterized the Nazi government were gun control, forced
euthanasia, an expansion of entitlement handouts and the invocation of "science" as the
justification behind genocide. We see all these same theme today from the political left.

California SB 277, for example, a genocidal medical experiment conducted on children by the
state government, was pushed by a radical leftist child killer named Sen. Richard Pan (who
would have been right at home in the Third Reich).

America's social justice warriors are intolerant, racist bigots who are a real
threat to a peaceful society

Just as in Nazi Germany, today's "social justice warriors" are intolerant, racist, bigoted
instigators of violence, and they seek political power at the expense of innocents.

While disavowing the legitimacy of law in a peaceful society, today's P.C. fanatics - including
lunatic leftist university students - demand the mass disarmament of private citizens by a
totalitarian government, following in lockstep with the early days of Nazi Germany when gun
confiscation preceded genocide.

With students in the United States now being vilified for saying that "all lives matter," we have
entered a realm of extreme leftist lunacy that cannot be ended with reason or any appeal to
logic. The violent rhetoric and destructive actions of the political left have now gone beyond the
point of no return, leading America to the exact outcome desired by globalist instigators like
George Soros: civil war.

Soros and other seek to tear America apart from within. Seething with hatred for humanity,
destructive people of high influence -- like Adolf Hitler, George Soros and Barack Obama - use
their positions to enslave people rather than setting them free.

They create conflict rather than preventing it... and they use words as weapons to keep
people down rather than as tools to empower individuals.

America has now entered a very dangerous chapter of its history, and conformity to P.C.
language is a surrender to the fanaticism of the radical left. Now is the time for all Americans
to reject P.C. language control, reject the leftist thought police and assert your right to
exercise cognitive diversity with a vast array of ideas and dissenting speech.

At this critical moment in history, we must defend speech freedom or lose it forever,
because the Nazi-like P.C. language police on the left demand that you either surrender to
them or DIE.

Sound familiar? History has been here before, and it didn't end without massive bloodshed.
Eventually, the USA, Russia and other allies had to use kinetic weapons to destroy the Nazi
regime and end its "politically correct" genocide against humanity.

Let us hope it doesn't come to that again.

Can Russia Learn From Brazils Fate? Cabal Meddling In South
October 1 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / NewEasternOutlook / Various

William Engdahl recently explained how Washington used the corrupt

Brazilian elite, which answers to Washington, to remove the duly elected
President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, for representing the Brazilian people
rather than the interests of Washington [see follow up article below].

Unable to see through the propaganda of unproven charges, Brazilians acquiesced in

the removal of their protector, thereby providing the world another example of the
impotence of democracy.

Everyone should read Engdahls article. He reports that part of the attack on Rousseff
stemmed from Brazils economic problems deliberately created by US credit rating agencies as
part of Washingtons attack to down grade Brazilian debt, which set off an attack on the
Brazilian currency.
Brazils financial openness made Brazil an easy target to attack. One might hope that Vladimir
Putin would take note of the cost of economic openness. Putin is a careful and thoughtful
leader of Russia, but he is not an economist. He has confidence in neoliberal Elvira Nabiulina,
Washingtons choice to head the Russian central bank.


Note: The rest of Paul Craig Robert's article has not been republished here. Whilst he is a very
smart man on many matters the rest of this article demonstrates his fundmental lack of
understanding of the central banking system. His belief that Russia needs to rely upon it's
central bank, while it is still under the unfluence of the Rothschild cabal - is woefully

He is right in the idea that any country would be better to rely on itself for financing itself - doing
that by using a privately-owned foreign central bank is insane - and how we have come to be in
this mess in the first place. Mr. Roberts is not playing the game with all of the pieces on this
matter but you can read his full article here.
Washington Tries To Break BRICS Rape Of Brazil Begins

Washingtons regime change machinery has for the time being succeeded
in removing an important link in the alliance of large emerging nations by
railroading through a Senate impeachment of the duly elected President,
Dilma Rousseff.

On August 31 her Vice President Michel Temer was sworn in as President. In his first
speech as president, the cynical Temer called for a government of national salvation,
asking for the trust of the Brazilian people. He indicated plans to reform, and has also
signaled his intention to overhaul the pension system and labor laws, and cut public
spending, all themes beloved of Wall Street banks, of the International Monetary Fund
and their Washington Consensus.

Related: Brazilian Senate approves Rousseffs impeachment

Now after less than three weeks at the job, Temer has unveiled plans for wholesale
privatization of Brazils crown jewels, starting with oil. The planned Wall Street rape of
Brazil is about to begin.
Its important to keep in mind that elected President Rousseff was not convicted or even
formally charged with any concrete act of corruption, even though the pro-oligarchy
mainstream Brazil media, led by OGlobo Group of the billionaire Roberto Irineu
Marinho, ran a media defamation campaign creating the basis to railroad Rousseff into
formal impeachment before the Senate.

The shift took place after the opposition PMDB party of Temer on March 29 broke their coalition
with Rousseffs Workers Party, as accusations of Petrobras-linked corruption were made
against Rousseff and former president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva.
On August 31, 61 Senators voted to remove her while 20 voted against removal. The formal
charge was manipulation of the state budget before the 2014 elections to hide the size of the

She vehemently denies the charge.

Indeed, the Senate issued its own expert report that concluded there was:

"No indication of direct or indirect action by Dilma in any illegal budgetary maneuvers. According to the
Associated Press, Independent auditors hired by Brazils Senate said in a report released Monday that
suspended President Dilma Rousseff didnt engage in the creative accounting she was charged with at her
impeachment trial.

Under an honest system that would have ended the impeachment then and there. Not in
In effect, she was impeached for the dramatic decline in the Brazilian economy, a decline
deliberately pushed along as US credit rating agencies downgraded Brazilian debt, and
international and mainstream Brazilian media kept the Petrobras corruption allegations in the

Importantly, the Senate did not ban her from office for 8 years as Washington had hoped, and
she has promised an electoral return. The Washington-steered Temer has until end of 2018 to
deliver Brazil to Temers foreign masters before his term legally ends.

Related: There Has Been A Coup In Brazil

Notably, Temer himself was accused of corruption in the Petrobras state oil company
investigations. He reportedly asked the then-head of the transportation unit of Petrleo
Brasileiro SA in 2012 to arrange illegal campaign contributions to Temers party which was
running a Washington-backed campaign to oust Rousseffs Workers Party.

Then this June, only days into his serving as acting president, two of Temers own chosen
ministers, including the Minister of Transparency, were forced to resign in response to
allegations that they sought to subvert the probe into massive graft at Petrobras.
One of the two, Temers extremely close ally Romero Juc, was caught on tape plotting Dilmas
impeachment as a way to shut down the ongoing Petrobras corruption investigation, as well as
indicating that Brazils military, the media, and the courts were all participants in the
impeachment plotting.
In brief, the removal of Dilma Rousseff and her Workers Party after 13 years in Brazils
leadership was a new form of Color Revolution from Washington, one we might call a judicial
coup by corrupt judges and congressmen.

Of the 594 members of the Congress, as the Toronto Globe and Mail reported, 318 are under
investigation or face charges while their target, President Rousseff, herself faces no
allegation of financial impropriety.

And the cabal moves in - Michel Temer

Related: Brazil: Rousseff ousted, VP assembles right-wing government

The day after the first Lower House impeachment vote in April, a leading member of Temers
PSDP party, Senator Aloysio Nunes, went to Washington, in a mission organized by former Bill
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albrights lobbying firm, Albright Stonebridge Group.

Nunes, as president of the Brazilian Senates Foreign Relations Committee, has repeatedly
advocated that Brazil once again move closer to an alliance with the US and UK.
Madeline Albright, a Director of the leading US think-tank, Council on Foreign Relations, is also
chair of the prime US Government Color Revolution NGO, the National Democratic Institute
(NDI). Nothing fishy here, or? Nunes reportedly went to Washington to rally backing for Temer
and the unfolding judicial coup against Rousseff.
A key player from the side of Washington, Rousseffs de facto political executioner, was, once
again, Vice President Joe Biden, the Dick Cheney dirty operator-in-chief in the Obama

Bidens fateful Brazil trip

In May, 2013, US Vice President Joe Biden made a fateful visit to Brazil to meet with President
Rousseff. In January 2011 Rousseff had succeeded her Workers Party mentor, Luis Inacio
Lula da Silva, or Lula, who constitutionally was limited to two consecutive terms.
Related: New Political Earthquake in Brazil: Is It Now Time for Media Outlets to Call This
a Coup?

Biden went to Brazil to discuss oil with the new President. Relations between Lula and
Washington had chilled as Lula backed Iran against US sanctions and came economically
closer to China.
In late 2007 Petrobras had discovered what was estimated to be a mammoth new basin of
high-quality oil on the Brazilian Continental Shelf offshore in the Santos Basin.

In total the Brazil Continental Shelf could contain over 100 billion barrels of oil, transforming the
country into a major world oil and gas power, something Exxon and Chevron, the US oil giants
wanted to control.
Related: Brazils Democracy to Suffer Grievous Blow as Unelectable, Corrupt Neoliberal
is Installed

In 2009, according to leaked US diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks, the US Consulate in

Rio wrote that Exxon and Chevron were trying in vain to alter a law advanced by Rousseffs
mentor and predecessor in her Brazilian Workers Party , President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.

That 2009 law made the state-owned Petrobras chief operator of all offshore
oil blocs. Washington and the US oil giants were not at all pleased at losing control over
potentially the largest new world oil discovery in decades.
Related: Another one bites the dust: Brazil's anti-corruption minister quits over leaked
Lula had not only pushed ExxonMobil and Chevron out of the controlling position in favor of the
state-owned Petrobras, but he also opened Brazilian oil exploration to the Chinese, since 2009
a core member of the BRICS developing nations with Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa.
In December, 2010 in one of his last acts as President, Lula oversaw signing of a deal between
the Brazilian-Spanish energy company Repsol and Chinas state-owned Sinopec. Sinopec
formed a joint venture, Repsol Sinopec Brasil, investing more than $7.1 billion towards Repsol

Already in 2005 Lula had approved formation of Sinopec International Petroleum Service of
Brazil Ltd as part of a new strategic alliance between China and Brazil.
In 2012 in a joint exploration drilling, Repsol Sinopec Brasil, Norways Statoil and Petrobras
made a major new discovery in Po de Acar, the third in block BM-C-33, which includes the
Seat and Gvea, the latter one of the worlds 10 largest discoveries in 2011. USA and British oil
majors were nowhere to be seen.
Bidens task was to sound out Lulas successor, Rousseff, about reversing that exclusion of US
major oil companies in favor of the Chinese. Biden also met with leading energy companies in
Brazil including Petrobras.
Related: BRICS Should Prepare for 'Braxit': A Brazilian Exit
While little was publicly said, Rousseff refused to reverse the 2009 oil law in a way that would
be suitable to Biden, Washington and US oil majors. Days after Bidens visit came the
Snowden NSA revelations that the US had also spied on Rousseff and top officials of

She was livid and denounced the Obama Administration that September before the UN
General Assembly for violating international law. She cancelled a planned Washington visit in
protest. After that, US-Brazil relations took a dive.
After his May 2013 talks with Rousseff, Biden clearly gave her the kiss of death.
Before Bidens May 2013 visit Dilma Rousseff had 70% of popularity rating. Less than two
weeks after Biden left Brazil, nationwide protests by a very well-organized group called
Movimento Passe Livre, over a nominal 10 cent bus fare increase, brought the country virtually
to a halt and turned very violent.

The protests bore the hallmark of typical Color Revolution or Twitter social media
destabilizations that seem to follow Biden wherever he makes a presence. Within weeks
Rousseffs popularity plummeted to 30%.
Washington had clearly sent a signal that Rousseff had to change course or face
serious problems.
Related: Rousseff's impeachment may be about stopping a massive corruption

The Washington regime change machine, including its entire array of financial warfare
operations ranging from a leaked PwC audit of Petrobras to Wall Street credit rating agency
Standard & Poors downgrade of Brazil public debt to junk in September 2015, went into full
action to remove Rousseff, a key backer of the BRICS New Development Bank and of an
independent national development strategy for Brazil.

Selling the Crown Jewels

The man who has now manipulated himself into the Presidency, the corrupt Michel Temer,
worked as an informer for Washington the entire time.

In documents released by Wikileaks, it was revealed that Temer was an informant to US

intelligence since at least 2006, via telegrams to the US embassy in Brazil classified by
the Embassy as sensitive and for official use only.
Washingtons man in Brazil, Temer, has lost no time appeasing his patrons in Wall Street. Even
as acting President this May, Temer named Henrique Meirelles as Minister of Finance and
Social Security.

Meirelles, a Harvard-educated former President of the Brazilian central bank, was President of
BankBoston in the USA until 1999, and was with that bank in 1985 when it was found guilty of
failing to report $1.2 billion in illegal cash transfers with Swiss banks.

Meirelles is now overseeing the planned selloff of Brazils crown jewels to international
investors, a move that is intended to gravely undercut the power of the state in the economy.

Another of Temers key economic advisers is Paulo Leme, former IMF economist and now
Goldman Sachs Managing Director of Emerging Markets Research. Wall Street is in the middle
of the Temer-led economic rape of Brazil.
On September 13, Temers government unveiled a massive privatization program with the
cynically misleading comment,

"It is clear the public sector cannot move forward alone on these projects. We are counting on the
private sector.

He omitted to say the private sector he meant were his patrons.

Temer unveiled plans that would complete the countrys largest privatization in decades.
Conveniently, the process us to be completed by end of 2018, just before Temers term must

The influential US-Brazil Business Council detailed the privatization list on its website.
The US-Brazil Business Council was founded forty years ago by Citigroup, Monsanto,
Coca-Cola, Dow Chemicals and other US multinationals.
Related: Rousseff on RT, first interview since impeachment: 'Brazilian oligarchy is
behind coup'
Tenders for the first round of concessions will be issued before the end of this year. They will
include privatization of four airports and two port terminals, all auctioned in the first quarter of

Other concessions include five highways, one rail line, bidding on small oil blocks and a later
round for large, mainly offshore, oil development blocks. As well the government will sell
selected assets currently controlled by its Minerals Research Department plus six electric
power distributors and three water treatment facilities.
The heart of his planned privatization are, not surprisingly, Joe Bidens coveted state oil and
gas companies along with chunks of the state Eletrobrs power company. Temer plans to get
as much as $24 billion from the selloff. Fully $11 billion of the total are to come from sale of key
oil and gas state holdings.
Related: Defiant Rousseff says Brazil's democracy on trial with her

Of course, when state assets such as huge oil and gas resources are sold off to foreign
interests in what will clearly be a distress sale, it is a one-off deal.

State oil and gas or electric power projects generate a continuing revenue stream many times
any one-off privatization gains. Brazils economy is the ultimate loser in such privatization. Wall
Street banks and multinationals are of course, as planned, the winner.
On September 19-21, according to the US-Brazil Business Council website, the Brazilian
governments key ministers for infrastructure including Minister Moreira Franco; Minister
Fernando Bezerra Coelho Filho, Minister of Mines and Energy; and Minister Mauricio Quintella
Lessa, Minister of Transport, Ports and Civil Aviation, will be in New York City to meet with Wall
Street infrastructure investors.
This is Washingtons way, the way of the Wall Street Gods of Money, as I title one of my
books. First, destroy any national leadership intent on genuine national development
such as Dilma Rousseff.
Replace them with a vassal regime willing to do anything for money, including selling
the crown jewels of their own nation as people like Anatoli Chubais did in Russia in the
1990s under Boris Yeltsins shock therapy.

As reward for his behavior, Chubais today sits on the advisory board of JP MorganChase.
What will Temer and associates get for their efforts remains to be seen. Washington for now
has broken one of the BRICS that ultimately threaten her global hegemony. It is not likely to
bring any lasting success if recent history is any guide.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics
from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively
for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook.

Related: The price of oil just wiped out Venezuelas economy was it orchestrated?

Presidential Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked + Lots More

September 29 2016 | From: Lifezette

Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass
from Lester Holt.
While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton
offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against
Donald Trump.

Related: Infowars Predicted Lester Holt Would Help Hillary Before the Debate Began

Clintons nose began to grow from the very start, as she asserted that the nation needs to
finally guarantee equal pay for equal work for women in her opening statement. The notion
that women on average do not receive the same pay as men - the 77 cents to a dollar myth -
has been proven false repeatedly.

The fact is that it is already illegal to pay men and women different wages for the same work if
they have the same experience. The 77 cents myth is derived from looking merely at average
income accrued over a lifetime, and ignores the fact that men on average tend to work longer
hours, often work in higher paying industries, and spend more active years in the work force.

Related: Rigged: CNN Poll Claiming Hillary Won the Debate Sampled 41% Democrats
Compared to 26% Republicans

"When confronted by Trump about her former strong support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Clinton
claimed that she hoped it would be good deal.

The truth of course is that she called it the gold standard of trade deals.

Clinton also advocated raising taxes on the wealthy based on the premise that they do not
currently pay enough. I think its time to suggest that the wealthy pay their fair share, she
said. The truth is that America has the most progressive tax system in the developed world -
the top 10 percent contribute over half of all income tax revenue.
Bizarrely, Clinton claimed that "slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn't worked." Her comment
implied that slashing taxes on the wealthy is why the economy is in such poor shape
currently. This is an odd thing to say, considering Obama has been in office for the better part
of eight years and has done anything but slash taxes for anyone.
When Trump said he wished to lower the corporate tax rate, Hillary said: "We've looked at your
tax proposals. I don't see changes in the corporate tax rates you're referring to that would
cause the repatriation."

Clinton and her team couldn't have been looking very hard, as Trump's plan to lower to
corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 15 is written quite clearly on the economic plan posted on
his website.

Taking time to remind the country that Clinton's success is due in large part to her surname,
she asserted that "my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s." Clinton, like all Democrats,
loves to take credit for the financial stability of her husband's presidency. Of course, it was the
Republican-controlled Congress led by Newt Gingrich that blocked Clinton's desired spending
measures and balanced the budget.

Only Hillary: With Hillary Clinton campaigning for the White House, its hard to determine the
truth from the lies - especially with the biased media. But we know the truth - it is only Hillary
who has a questionable and incriminating track record.
Clinton also claimed that in being party to the Iran deal she helped "put the lid on Iran's nuclear
program." But many said the deal guarantees no such thing. Indeed, it rests entirely on Iran's
acting in good faith and upholding their end of the bargain.
When Trump defended the use of stop-and-frisk policies in New York City, Clinton attacked
them as unconstitutional and asserted "it was uneffective it did not do what it needed to do."

This is simply false.

"Data from the few cities that report police stops show their effectiveness," Dennis C. Smith,
professor of public policy at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New
York University, wrote in The New York Times in 2012 .
"My trend analysis with SUNY Albany professor Robert Purtell found that the increased use of
stops correlated significantly with accelerating drops in most of the major crimes. A Harvard
study of policing in Los Angeles under William Bratton, when crime dropped significantly,
reported a surge in stops by the L.A.P.D. [with per capita stop rate higher than
N.Y.P.D.]," Smith continued.
Related: Who does the world vote for U.S. president? + Cast YOUR vote here

Perhaps Clinton's most egregious lies were two concerned with emails. "I made a mistake
using a private email," Clinton said.

Of course, Clinton didn't use a "private email." She used multiple private email servers. The
word mistake implies Clinton didn't know she was doing anything wrong, a claim belied
entirely by the fact that so many of her aides and associates pleaded the Fifth or were
granted immunity by the FBI - not to mention the fact that many of them engaged in the
destruction of evidence and that she herself made false exculpatory statements.
Finally, in visiting her favorite Trump-Putin conspiracy theory, Clinton claimed that "Donald
publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans."

The truth, as is obvious from the context of his words, is that Trump was calling on the
Russians to release Clinton's missing emails in the event that they already had them.
Clinton may have proven her ability to hold her own against Trump one-on-one Monday
night, but she also proved her complete disregard for the truth and willingness to lie to
the American people.

Related Statements:

Limbaugh: Clinton a witch with a capital B

Rudy Giuliani Statement On Donald J. Trumps Debate Victory

Congressman Lou Barletta Statement On Donald J. Trumps Debate Victory

Congressman Frank Guinta Statement On Donald J. Trumps Debate Victory

Donald J. Trump for President Celebrates Massive $18 Million Haul After Debate Win

Another Thunderous Dump of Related Articles on The Clintons:

And these reports are increasingly taking less and less time to accumulate as more and
more people wake up to their crimes...

Lester Holt: android, wisdom figure, computer brain

Special Report: This Video Could Bring Hillary Down

FBI calls Clinton email probe different as key witness ditches House hearing

How a smartphone camera changed the discussion on Clinton's health

The Madness of Queen Hillary: Mental as Well as Physical Breakdown

"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In

Stunning Takedown

BOOM! Navy Veteran Just DESTROYED HILLARY CLINTON at Forum: I Would Have
Been Prosecuted and Imprisoned (VIDEO)

Clinton receives millions from Dow Chemical; backs away from effort to ban toxic
chemical that harms women

Hillary Clinton may swap White House for prison

Heres the Proof that Hillary Clinton is a Mass Murderer

The absurdity of Hillary Clinton blaming Putin for vast 'far-right conspiracy' in the U.S.

Democratic Pundits Downplay Serious Ethical Issues Raised by the Clinton


If this doesn't disqualify Killary for president, what will?

Poll: Record High Number Of Voters Cant Stand Hillary




FBI Releases Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Files

Clinton's story is unravelling, FBI reveals Hillary's inability to recall briefings due to
"blood clot" and health problems

A Brain-damaged US President with Finger on the Nuclear Button?

Heres All 40 Times Hillary Clinton Told the FBI She Couldnt Remember Something

Hillary Threatens Russia With War - Neocon Media Doesn't Even Notice

WIKILEAKS: Hillary Clinton Sent THOUSANDS of Classified Cables Marked (C) for

Dr. Drew threatened by CNN to retract his medical analysis of Hillary... 'scary and
creepy' phone calls... then his show was pulled

Hillary Clintons Illness Revealed

The Hillary Files: How special interests that violate health, human rights and the
environment have pre-purchased the Clinton presidency

Clinton Foundation is False Philanthropy In-depth Analysis

Over 70% Of US Doctors Surveyed Say Hillary's Health Concerns Are "Serious,
Possibly Disqualifying"

Hillary the CHEAT! Clinton caught wearing covert earpiece during last night's debate
with Trump... brazen dishonesty on display yet again

John McCains Daughter Meghan Just Set Fire to Hillarys Campaign. Shes Vicious!

Trump: Hillary Running Global Criminal Enterprise And Spreading Terrorism



Clinton Medical Episode at 9/11 Memorial, Rushed to Hospital

Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Dr. Milton Wolf: Hillarys Doctor Claimed Hillary Got a Perfect Score on TEST THAT

How the Clinton Foundation, UN, NGOs Ripped off Haiti & Other HAARP Victims

Clinton Foundation Distributed Watered-Down HIV/AIDS Drugs to Patients in Africa

Nigel Farage: Hillary Clinton a Truly Horrible Candidate Quite Frankly the Worst Ive
Ever Seen

Haitian President EXPOSES the Clinton Foundation: "Hillary Clinton tried to bribe me!

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN

Peace Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people:
The War In Syria Is Not A Civil War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The
United States
September 28 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / RedFlagNews

The latest from the Gallup Poll is that only 32% of Amerians trust the print
and TV media to tell the truth. Republicans, 18 to 49 year old Americans,
and independents trust the media even less, with trust rates of 14%, 26%,
and 30%.

The only group that can produce a majority that still trusts the media are Democrats
with a 51% trust rate in print and TV reporting. The next highest trust rate is Americans
over 50 years of age with a trust rate of 38 percent.

Related: YouTube Has Quietly Begun Censoring Journalists Who Criticize

The conclusion is that old people who are Democrats are the only remaining group that barely
trusts the media. This mistaken trust is due to their enculturation. For older Democrats belief in
government takes the place of Republican belief in evangelical Christianity.

Older Democrats are firm believers that it was government under the leadership of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt that saved America from the Great Depression. As the print and TV
media in the 21st century are firmly aligned with the government, the trust in government spills
over into trust of the media that is serving the government.

As the generation of Democrats enculturated with this mythology die off, Democratic trust rates
will plummet toward Republican levels.
It is not difficult to see why trust in the media has collapsed. The corrupt Clinton regime, which
we might be on the verge of repeating, allowed a somewhat diverse and independent media to
be 90% acquired by six mega-corporations. The result was the disappearance of
independence in reporting and opinion.
The constraints that corporate ownership and drive for profits put on journalistic freedom and
resources reduced reporting to regurgitations of government and corporate press releases,
always the cheapest and uncontroversial way to report.
With journalistic families driven out of journalism by estate taxes, the few remaining
newspapers become acquisitions like a trophy wife or a collector Ferrari.

Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of, handed over $250 million in cash for the
Washington Post. Jeff might be a whiz in e-commerce, but when it comes to journalism he
could just as well be named Jeff Bozo.
On September 12, Washington Post reporter Cindy Boren dropped the Washington Post below
the level of the supermarket tabloid, National Enquirer. One must wonder where her editor

Drunk perhaps? The Washington Post actually reported that a Nigerian MD, Bennet
Omalu, whose credentials and tenacity are well known, has concluded that Hillary Clintons
obvious medical problems could be due to her being poisoned by a Putin-Trump conspiracy.

Related: The man who discovered CTE thinks Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned
One could possibly conclude that Cindy Boren and her Washington Post editor were having fun
with Omalu, except that the article repeated the unfounded allegation that circumstantial
evidence according to a UK inquiry associates Putin with the poisoning death of Litvinenko.
In other words, first Litvinenko, now Hillary.

If circumstantial evidence is to be the Washington Posts guide, then clearly that evidence
suggests that the neoconservatives, well-ensconced in high government positions and
desperate for a New Pearl Harbor in order to launch their wars of hegemony in the Middle
East, are responsible for 9/11.
Yet the Washington Post has a full-time reporter whose job is to disparage conspiracy theories
while the Washington Post itself launches the conspiracy theory of the century: Putin And
Trump Conspiracy Poisons US Democratic Candidate for President.

Related: Washington Post Grasps at Crazy Conspiracy Theory in Support of Hillary

If intelligence, or perhaps simply sufficient time in Americans lives to investigate the news,
were not in such short supply, possibly Americans would reflect on what the benefit is of being
driven by Washington into conflict with Russia and China.

UN Peace Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American

People. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil War, It's A Proxy Invasion
By The United States.
US Peace Council Representatives CONFRONT a hostile American press
after visiting Syria, and learning that the American people are being lied to,
grossly lied to.

A long video, but worth watching if you care to know the truth about what is going on in
Syria and how Obama has been lying to us... again.
Tribalism: New Mini-Documentary Reveals How Globalist
Manipulators Hijack The Animalistic Control Centers Of Your
September 28 2016 | From: NaturalNews

My new mini-documentary unveils exactly how globalist manipulators

hijack the animalist control centers of your brain.

If you're ever wondered how globalists manage to convince the masses that Islamic
terrorism doesn't exist, that half the population is gay or transgender, that national
security is hatred and bigotry or that government dictatorships are rooted in love and
compassion, you must see this video.

This video joins the series of mini-documentaries I've recently released on the subject of mass

Be sure to watch the other videos in the series:

The War on Reality: How globalists occupy your mind to control everything

The Government is a PARASITE on society

Faith Money and the Coming Collapse

Crash Predictor Ann Pettifor: 'We're No Longer Citizens, We're
September 24 2016 | From: RadioNewZealand

One of the few analysts to correctly predict the 2008 global financial crash
says we need to start worrying about the economic attempts to turn
citizens into consumers.

UK economist Ann Pettifor was also one of the leaders of the Jubilee 2000 debt
campaign that successfully pushed to cancel $100 billion worth of debt owed by some
of the world's poorest nations.

Ms Pettifor, the director of left-wing economic think tank Policy Research in Macroeconomics,
has been in New Zealand to deliver public lectures on the current state of the financial world.

Speaking to Nine to Noon today, she said many of the current issues facing the world came
from attempts by economists and the finance sector to 'marketise' society and to "turn us all
into customers for everything".
"We're no longer citizens, we're no longer workers, we're customers, all along the line. And all of our
relationships must, they argue, be marketised.
They're also turning us into 'rentiers', so when we rent out our house as part of Airbnb, or we rent out our
car as part of Uber, we are learning that with the ownership of an asset, it becomes possible, almost
effortlessly, to earn rent."

She said the global economy was increasingly about earning rent from money, property and
any other assets people owned.

"We are using up everything we have to earn a bit more money, and that is partly because the way the
system is geared, and those who do have assets are able to earn rent on those assets, whether it's interest
rates or whatever, and those without assets are poor, and those people are cross, they are very cross."

Ms Pettifor said people were feeling increasingly desperate due to low wages and salaries.

"I'm not against people using Airbnb, and I understand why they are doing it, and the reason they are doing
it is because they are getting poorer, because they cannot live on their existing income, because we don't
pay wages or salaries that allow people to live a decent life. So they have to supplement that, with all of
these additional marginal activities.
That's what's wrong with the way we have allowed the markets to take control of our economies and for the
invisible hand to decide who gets what, is those who are left behind - and the left-behinders voted for
Brexit, the left-behinders are voting for Trump, and they're voting for Le Pen, the fascist in France - we
need to worry about that."

Related: Why working class Americans are supporting Donald Trump

Syria: Attack on Aid Convoy Kills Twenty, Destroys Aid, And

Obliterates US War Crimes In Support Of ISIS-Daesh Terror
September 23 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

The President does not have power under the Constitution to

unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve
stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. Candidate Barack
Obama, December, 2007
As the US heaps blame and accusations on Russia and Syria for the alleged air strike on
the aid convoy on Monday 19th September, as ever there are more questions than
answers and whatever US spokespersons state, absolutely no certainties.

Related: Voices from Syria: This Country is being Violated by Terrorists who Destroy
History, and People

The only undeniable fact is that another tragedy killed at least twenty Syrian Arab Red
Crescent volunteers and the organisations local Director Omar Barakat, father of nine. At least
eighteen of the thirty one-truck convoy were destroyed with the warehouse where humanitarian
aid was stored.
The Russian Defence Ministry has categorically denied any attack and claims the convoy
caught fire:

"We have studied video footage from the scene from so-called activists in detail and did not find any
evidence that the convoy had been struck by ordnance, commented Igor Konashenkov, a Ministry
There are no craters and the exterior of the vehicles do not have the kind of damage consistent with blasts
caused by bombs dropped from the air.

Related: Russian defense ministry confirms US drone was present in area of attack on
UN convoy

His observations are hard to challenge, anyone who has studied the assaults of
the "international community" on far away countries over the last decades knows what a
bombed truck looks like, what fragments remains of it.
Photographs of the affected lorries show burned out vehicles, metal skeleton intact.
Related: After Bombing Syrian Army, US Accuses Russia of Bombing Aleppo Aid

Konashenkov said that damage visible in footage was instead the result of cargo igniting
oddly occurring at the same time as militants (formerly Nusra Front) had started a big
offensive in nearby Aleppo, backed by tanks, artillery and other heavy equipment.
He added:

"Only representatives of the White Helmets organization close to the Nusra Front who, as always, found
themselves at the right time in the right place by chance with their video cameras can answer who did this
and why.

Indeed the White Helmets boasted in a video of being on the scene within moments.
The White Helmets who have had the gall to entitle themselves the Syrian Civil Defence
Force are seemingly neither Syrian, nor Civil, nor Defence. Vanessa Beeley who has
meticulously charted their antics points out:

"This is an alleged non-governmental organization that so far has received funding from at least
three major NATO governments, including $23 million from the US Government and $29 million
(19.7 million) from the UK Government, $4.5 million (4 million) from the Dutch Government.

In addition, it receives material assistance and training funded and run by a variety of other EU Nations.
Related: Ceasefire in ruins: Putin - the US can not separate "healthy" opposition in Syria
from terrorists

She informs of such concerns regarding the organization that:

"A request has been put into the EU Secretary General to provide all correspondence relating to the
funding and training of the White Helmets. By law this information must be made transparent and available
to the public.

Beeley points out: There has been a concerted campaign by a range of investigative
journalists to expose the true roots of the White Helmets. The most damning statement,
however (comes from) their funders and backers in the US State Department who attempted to
explain the US deportation of the prominent White Helmet leader, Raed Saleh, from Dulles
airport on the 18th April 2016.
Of the incident, Mark Toner, State Department spokesman stated:

"And any individual again, Im broadening my language here for specific reasons, but any individual in
any group suspected of ties or relations with extremist groups or that we had believed to be a security
threat to the United States, we would act accordingly. But that does not, by extension, mean we condemn
or would cut off ties to the group for which that individual works for.

Figure that one, Dear Reader.

The Ron Paul Institute has pointed out:

"We have demonstrated that the White Helmets are an integral part of the propaganda vanguard
that ensures obscurantism of fact and propagation of Human Rights fiction that elicits the well-
intentioned and self righteous response from a very cleverly duped public.

A priority for these NGOs is to keep pushing the No Fly Zone scenario which has already been seen to
have disastrous implications for innocent civilians in Libya, for example.

What better chance to push the No Fly Zone scenario than arriving within moments of the
convoy tragedy, filming it and creating a propaganda scenario before any meaningful forensic
investigation could even be started, since the trucks were still burning. And of course, the
White Helmets, aka Syrian Defence Force, were filming rather than attempting to put out the
fire and rescue those in the burning trucks.
The Russian Defence Ministry subsequently caused outrage by claiming that Drone
footage: shows bombed Syrian aid convoy included truck full of militant fighters carrying
mortar guns.
However: The footage emerged as the United Nations rowed back from describing the attack
on the aid convoy as air strikes, saying it did not have conclusive evidence about what had

It must be asked, why on earth, after long and protracted negotiations over the convoy
would Syria and or their Russian ally risk the wrath of US and coalition further
decimation of the country by laying themselves open to accusations of bombing and aid
The tragedy has emphatically achieved one thing, however. Wiped from the headlines is
another atrocity the US bombing which killed over sixty Syrian soldiers and wounded over a
hundred others just two days earlier, on Saturday 17th September, causing Russian Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to comment:

We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is
defending Islamic State. Now there can be no doubts about that, according to the RIA Novosti news

Again Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Who will guard the guards?

UN Security Council Holds High-Level Meeting On Syria

The United Nations Security Council is held a high-level meeting on Syria in

New York on Wednesday, September 21, on the sidelines of the UN General
The meeting, chaired by New Zealands Prime Minister John Key, started with a briefing on
Colombia, followed by a discussion of the situation in the Middle East, with special focus on
Syria, after the US-Russia brokered ceasefire collapsed due to US bombing of Syrian
government forces, and the subsequent attack on the Aleppo aid convoy.

Why Washington Had To Wreck The Syrian Ceasefire

Finian Cunningham explains that the CIA and Pentagon had to wreck the
Syrian ceasefire in order to prevent the world discovering that there are no
moderate Syrian rebels.

All of the so-called rebels are part of a US organized group of jihadists tasked with
bringing chaos to Syria.
Cunningham makes clear that the US has no print and TV media, just a collection of whores
who lie for their living. For the article visit: StrategicCulture

Related: Lavrov Makes History: 'Ceasefires' were bogus, nixes future 'unilateral
Paul Craig Roberts "Russia Didn't Attack The UN Aid Convoy, It's A False

Related: Russian Defense Ministry: Aid convoy in Aleppo followed by terrorists truck
with mortar

How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your

Brain Chemistry For The Worse
September 18 2016 | From: SitsShow

Television has been used as a medium for dispensing news, entertainment

and information for over 90 years at this point.

The effects of this nearly pandemic device are little acknowledge by mainstream society,
but within a growing population of inquisitive individuals the mind altering attributes of
this seemingly benign device are well understood.

Related: The New Mind Control: Subliminal Stimulation; Controlling People Without
Their Knowledge
They call it tell-a-vision for a reason, because our minds at a certain level of consciousness,
are unable to distinguish between the images on screen and reality itself. Additionally the
unconscious mind becomes stimulated via focused attention on the items presented,
generating a wealth of internal insights, ideas, and concepts.
If these are left unprocessed, if we do not analyze the internal generated products as a result
of watching TV, they settle into our being, altering our perception and distorting our values. And
so, TV, like all things can be a powerful tool for expanding consciousness or it can create
chaos and strife if the powers of our discernment are never used.

Related Divine Feminine in Distress - She is waiting for your Divine Masculine! | All
human beings are divided into four general classes by Manly P. Hall

The ALL Seeing Attributes of the Unconscious Mind

In the below linked article on A.I. Robots, we discuss mirror neuron's and how they suggest a
biological component to empathy; the basis of morality. This part of the brain receives
information as if observed events are happening to us directly, in other words we are hard
wired for empathy.
The unconscious mind is hardwired to receive all information from within and without, storing it
as memories that alter our conscious mind's processes.

In other words there is an aspect of us that is literally all seeing, which provides us a wealth of
data that can be consciously analyzed and distilled, eventually allowing us to gain knowledge
of all things in our experience; if we but do the inner work of philosophy, contemplation and

Related 'Killer robots' with AI must be banned, urge Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky
and thousands of others in open letter

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Enter the AI drone or soldier debate. The military industrial complex has long desired a highly obedient yet
adaptable soldier, able to execute commands without question and anticipate needs so as to change
tactics of battle real time.

Human beings are programable, but human nature allows us to change, providing an unending source of
risk and error for military activities.

For example, in the Civil War, 50% of soldiers froze when aiming at a living target, and in some cases
instinctually missed. This was despite standard training and practice shooting. What was the problem? -

"Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a psychologist and professor of military science, looked at this evidence and
concluded that there is within most men an intense resistance to killing their fellow man. A resistance so
strong that, in many circumstances, soldiers on the battlefield will die before they can overcome it.
In some ways this isnt all that surprising. Very few people would seek out an opportunity to kill others. At
the same time, you may find it hard to believe that it is sometimes impossible for soldiers to kill others even
when their own lives are at risk." - The Psychology of Killing and the Origins of War

Empathy is 'hardwired' into living organisms, with increasing levels of actualization in higher order life.
Modern science has acknowledged this in discovering the so called mirror neurons, which fires when an
action is taken by an organism or when it is observed.

This is why when we watch another getting hurt we react as if we have been hurt. This subconscious and
unavoidable process is the foundation for empathy processing, which concordantly is the basis for

The brain is profoundly affected by what we experience, even if it comes from TV. As the below
article discusses, the brainwave patterns of movie goers actually synchronizes from the
hypnotic effects of watching images and sound on film.

Related TV Side Effects | 12 Little-Known Ways That Television Stifles Spiritual

Awakening [and the Mind]

Related What you Believe may be a False Memory (Subliminal Mind Control) | Study
shows how easily false memories can be planted to frame individuals for crimes

Does this mean all video, film and movies are bad?
How The Frankfurt School Changed American / Western Culture
September 5 2016 | From: GarretGalland

How many times have you heard someone lament how much the world has
changed from the good old days? You know, the simpler pre-PC period
when the world operated according to fairly predictable principles.

But then we woke one day in a world with every bastion of what some might call
normalcy under attack. Institutions that 100 years ago appeared unassailable - marriage,
for example - are increasingly seen as antiquated. Even the idea of a national character
is viewed as wrong-minded and, in the successful societies of the West, as exclusionary
and even racist.

How did all this come about? Or, more colloquially, what was the number of the bus that hit us?
This article shines the light on the Frankfurt School, an insidious movement that set down roots
in the early 1900s.
As youll read, it is at the feet of the Frankfurt School that we can lay much of the blame for
setting the modern world culturally adrift. After reading, please pass this edition along. People
need to understand the agenda behind much of what is now accepted as the new normal.

How the Frankfurt School Changed American [Western] Culture

The 1950s were a simple, romantic, and golden time in America. California beaches, suburbia,
and style. Atlas Shrugged was published, NASA was formed, and Elvis rocked the nation.
Every year from 19501959 saw over 4 million babies born. The nation stood atop the world in
every field.
It was an era of great economic prosperity in The Land of the Free. So, what happened to the
American traits of confidence, pride, and accountability?
The roots of Western cultural decay are very deep, having first sprouted a century ago. It
began with a loose clan of ideologues inside Europes communist movement. Today, it is
known as the Frankfurt School, and its ideals have perverted American society.

When Outcomes Fail, Just Change the Theory

Before WWI, Marxist theory held that if war broke out in Europe, the working classes would rise
up against the bourgeoisie and create a communist revolution.
Well, as is the case with much of Marxist theory, things didnt go too well. When war broke out
in 1914, instead of starting a revolution, the proletariat put on their uniforms and went off to
After the war ended, Marxist theorists were left to ask, What went wrong?
Two very prominent Marxists thinkers of the day were Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukcs.
Each man, on his own, concluded that the working class of Europe had been blinded by the
success of Western democracy and capitalism. They reasoned that until both had been
destroyed, a communist revolution was not possible.
Gramsci and Lukcs were both active in the Communist party, but their lives took very different
paths.Gramsci was jailed by Mussolini in Italy where he died in 1937 due to poor health.
In 1918, Lukcs became minister of culture in Bolshevik Hungary. During this time,
Lukcs realized that if the family unit and sexual morals were eroded, society could be
broken down.
Lukcs implemented a policy he titled cultural terrorism, which focused on these two
objectives. A major part of the policy was to target childrens minds through lectures that
encouraged them to deride and reject Christian ethics.
In these lectures, graphic sexual matter was presented to children, and they were taught about
loose sexual conduct. Here again, a Marxist theory had failed to take hold in the real world.
The people were outraged at Lukcs program, and he fled Hungary when Romania invaded in

The Birth of Cultural Marxism

All was quiet on the Marxist front until 1923 when the cultural terrorist turned up for a Marxist
study week in Frankfurt, Germany. There, Lukcs met a young, wealthy Marxist named Felix
Weil. Until Lukcs showed up, classical Marxist theory was based solely on the economic
changes needed to overthrow class conflict. Weil was enthused by Lukcs cultural angle on
Weils interest led him to fund a new Marxist think tank - the Institute for Social Research. It
would later come to be known as simply The Frankfurt School.
Freud (above) was the uncle of Edward Bernays who was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public
relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations". Bernays' public relations
efforts helped to popularize Freud's theories in the United States. Coincidence?

In 1930, the school changed course under new director Max Horkheimer. The team began
mixing the ideas of Sigmund Freud with those of Marx, and cultural Marxism was born.
In classical Marxism, the workers of the world were oppressed by the ruling classes. The new
theory was that everyone in society was psychologically oppressed by the institutions of
Western culture. The school concluded that this new focus would need new vanguards to spur
the change. The workers were not able to rise up on their own.
As fate would have it, the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933. It was a bad
time and place to be a Jewish Marxist, as most of the schools faculty was. So, the school
moved to New York City, the bastion of Western culture at the time.

Coming to America
In 1934, the school was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas
on American culture.

It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western
culture: the printed word.
The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Critical
Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western
culture - family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was
that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.
The schedule of damaged created by Marx. Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window
Next was a book Theodor Adorno co-authored, The Authoritarian Personality. It redefined
traditional American views on gender roles and sexual mores as prejudice. Adorno compared
them to the traditions that led to the rise of fascism in Europe.
Is it just a coincidence that the go-to slur for the politically correct today is fascist?
The school pushed its shift away from economics and toward Freud by publishing works on
psychological repression. Their works split society into two main groups: the oppressors and
the victims. They argued that history and reality were shaped by those groups who controlled
traditional institutions. At the time, that was code for males of European descent.
From there, they argued that the social roles of men and women were due to gender
differences defined by the oppressors. In other words, gender did not exist in reality but was
merely a social construct.

A Coalition of Victims

Adorno and Horkheimer returned to Germany when WWII ended. Herbert Marcuse, another
member of the school, stayed in America. In 1955, he published Eros and Civilization.
In the book, Marcuse argued that Western culture was inherently repressive because it gave
up happiness for social progress. The book called for polymorphous perversity, a concept
crafted by Freud. It posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms.
Eros and Civilization would become very influential in shaping the
sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimers question from the 1930s:
Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist
revolution? Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities -
blacks, women, and homosexuals.
The social movements of the 1960s - black power, feminism, gay rights,
sexual liberation - gave Marcuse a unique vehicle to release cultural Marxist
ideas into the mainstream.

Railing against all things establishment, The Frankfurt Schools ideals

caught on like wildfire across American universities.

Marcuse then published Repressive Tolerance in 1965 as the various social

movements in America were in full swing. In it, he argued that tolerance of all
values and ideas meant the repression of correct ideas.

It was here that Marcuse coined the term liberating tolerance. It called for
tolerance of any ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the

It was here that Marcuse coined the term liberating tolerance. It called for tolerance of any
ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the right.

One of the overarching themes of the Frankfurt School was total intolerance for any
viewpoint but its own. That is also a basic trait of todays political-correctness believers.
To quote Max Horkheimer, Logic is not independent of content.

Recalling the Words of Winston (Not That One)

The Frankfurt Schools work has had a deep impact on American culture. It has recast the
homogenous America of the 1950s into todays divided, animosity-filled nation.
In turn, this has contributed to the undeniable breakdown of the family unit, as well as identity
politics, radical feminism, and racial polarization in America.
Its hard to decide if todays Western culture is more like Orwells 1984 or Huxleys Brave New
Never one to buck a populist trend, the political establishment in America has fully
embraced the ideas of the Frankfurt School and has pushed them on American society
through public miseducation. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the beacons of
progressivism, are both disciples of Saul Alinsky, a devoted cultural Marxist.

And so we now live in a hyper-sensitive society in which social memes and feelings have
overtaken biological and objective reality as the main determinants of right and wrong.
Political correctness is a war on logic and reason.
To quote Winston, the protagonist in Orwells dystopia, Freedom is the freedom to say that
2+2=4. Today, America, and the West, are not free.

Here Come the Clowns

Canadian lawmakers vote to make the national anthem gender neutral. Because after all, folks,
budget deficits are too much work, and well, its 2016.
Segregation is back! At this school, white children are taught about their privilege while black
children are coddled and brought to dedicated spaces to voice their feelings. Thank God for
their diversity director.
Even 22 years after the end of apartheid, there is still racist architecture in Cape Town.
Ever wish you were a child again? Well, now it is possible. Just attend adult playschool in
NYC! Prices range from $333$999 per class. A bargain!

Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term Conspiracy

Theory Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of
Official Government Stories
September 2 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of
Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500
architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots,
physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have
raised doubts about 9/11?

If so, you reflect the profile of a mind-controlled CIA stooge.

The term conspiracy theory was invented and put into public discourse by the CIA in 1964 in
order to discredit the many skeptics who challenged the Warren Commissions conclusion that
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald,
who himself was assassinated while in police custody before he could be questioned.

The CIA used its friends in the media to launch a campaign to make suspicion of the Warren
Commission report a target of ridicule and hostility. This campaign was one of the most
successful propaganda initiatives of all time.
So writes political science professor Lance deHaven-Smith, who in his peer-reviewed
book, Conspiracy Theory in America, published by the University of Texas Press, tells
the story of how the CIA succeeded in creating in the public mind reflexive, automatic,
stigmatization of those who challenge government explanations.

This is an extremely important and readable book, one of those rare books with the power to
break you out of The Matrix.
Professor deHaven-Smith is able to write this book because the original CIA Dispatch #1035-
960, which sets out the CIA plot, was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Apparently, the bureaucracy did not regard a document this old as being of any importance.

The document is marked Destroy when no longer needed, but somehow wasnt. CIA
Dispatch #1035-960 is reproduced in the book.

The success that the CIA has had in stigmatizing skepticism of government explanations has
made it difficult to investigate State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) such as 9/11.

With the public mind programmed to ridicule conspiracy kooks, even in the case of suspicious
events such as 9/11 the government can destroy evidence, ignore prescribed procedures,
delay an investigation, and then form a political committee to put its imprimatur on the official

Professor deHaven-Smith notes that in such events as Kennedys assassination and

9/11 official police and prosecutorial investigations are never employed. The event is
handed off to a political commission.
Professor deHaven-Smiths book supports what I have told my readers: the government
controls the story from the beginning by having the official explanation ready the moment a
SCAD occurs. This makes any other explanation a conspiracy theory. This is the way
Professor deHaven-Smith puts it:

A SCAD approach to memes assumes further that the CIA and other possibly participating agencies are
formulating memes well in advance of operations, and therefore SCAD memes appear and are popularized
very quickly before any competing concepts are on the scene.

The CIAs success in controlling public perception of what our Founding Fathers would have
regarded as suspicious events involving the government enables those in power positions
within government to orchestrate events that serve hidden agendas.

The events of September 11 created the new paradigm of endless war in behalf of a
Washington-dominated world. The CIAs success in controlling public perceptions has made it
impossible to investigate elite political crimes. Consequently, it is now possible for treason to
be official US government policy.
Professor deHaven-Smiths book will tell you the story of the assassination of President
Kennedy by elements of the US military, CIA, and Secret Service. Just as the Warren
Commission covered up the State Crime Against Democracy, Professor deHaven-Smith shows
why we should doubt the official 9/11 story. And anything else that the government tells us.
Read this book. It is short. It is affordable. It is reality preparation. It will innoculate you against
being a dumbshit, insouciant, brainwashed American. I am surprised that the CIA has not
purchased the entire print run and burned the books.

Perhaps the CIA feels secure from its success in brainwashing the public and does not believe
that American democracy and accountable government can be restored.

The Term Conspiracy Theory Was Invented By The CIA In Order

To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories
The Term Conspiracy Theory Was Invented by the CIA In Order To
Prevent Disbelief of Official Government Stories
Ron Unz reports on the cold shoulder given to an extensively researched book that
concludes that World War II hero General George Patton was murdered by the CIA
because he became a powerful critic of Washington.

The book was ignored because the US media and public have been programmed to regard the
US government as a truth-teller and those who expose government crimes as conspiracy
In 2013 Professor Lance Dehaven-Smith in a peer-reviewed book published by the University
of Texas Press showed that the term conspiracy theory was developed by the CIA as a
means of undercutting critics of the Warren Commissions report that President Kennedy was
killed by Oswald. The use of this term was heavily promoted in the media by the CIA.

See: Conspiracy Theory in America (Discovering America)

It is ironic that the American left is a major enforcer of the CIAs strategy to shut up skeptics by
branding them conspiracy theorists.

5 Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To

August 31 2016 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

Every single day we are bombarded with thousands of advertisements,

whether we realize it or not.
Being accustomed to their constant presence, we dont consciously pay attention to
them and cant realize the tremendous negative impact they have on us and the world.

Below are five quite damaging lies that advertisements want you to believe and which you
should be aware of so as to avoid falling into their trap.

1. You are incomplete. Advertisements do their best to convince you that you are not enough
as you are. Once they achieve to make you feel bad about yourself, they provide you with
a solution to make you feel well again: that of buying the products they sell.
2. Everything you need is on sale. Advertisements want to persuade you to think that
anything you desire can be bought. Do you want to feel confident? Then buy this shiny car! Do
you feel youre not attractive to the opposite sex? Then get yourselves some hip shoes! Are
you stressed? Then consume these magic pills!

3. Material possessions are all that matters in life. Another damaging lie promoted through
advertising is that acquiring material things is the key to living well. You neednt search
anywhere else for happiness and fulfillment, such as in pursuing your passions or building
healthy relationships with people - theres always a product that can substitute for all those

4. Success is measured by the stuff you own. Advertisements try to fool you into
believing that if you have less and worse stuff than those around you, then you are a person to
be looked down upon, and that the only way to prove your importance is to get more and better
stuff than others.
Thus advertisements are urging you to constantly compare yourself to others and compete
with them.

5. Consuming without end is normal. Lastly yet perhaps most importantly, advertisements
are trying to convince you that your purpose in life is to consume, and that only by doing so will
you fit in society. As a result, they can immensely complicate your life by stressing you to
constantly hunt for the next best thing, regardless of how wasteful that behavior is and
the negative consequences it has on the planet.

As you can understand, the sole purpose of advertisements is to sell you stuff so that
companies and corporations can make an economic gain, and the tactics they use to achieve
that are hideous and deceptive.
The quicker you realize this fact and stop buying into their lies, the more youll be able to live
free, without feeling the constant pressure to mindlessly waste your time, energy, and the
earths finite resources to satisfy your artificial needs.

Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

August 26 2016 | From: TrueActivist / Politico

Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up: Even if
you have to wait over 50 years, eventually the truth will out. [While they
have not admitted to everything - the red links below fill in the gaps.]
Suspicions that the CIA covered up JFKs murder have finally been confirmed,
according to an explosive Politico report (further below) out this week.

Related: JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying

Fifty-two years after the Presidents death, declassified documents show that the CIA were in
communication with alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before JFKs murder in 1963, and
they were monitoring his mail since 1959.
Not only that but John McCone, who was Chief of the CIA at the time, allegedly hid evidence
from the Warren commission, set up by Lyndon Johnson to investigate JFKs
assassination. The spymaster and other senior CIA officials are accused of withholding
incendiary information from the commission and therefore perverting the course of justice.

The CIA has admitted this.

The Politico report is based on evidence given by CIA historian David Robarge. He has
claimed the cover-up was intended to keep the commission focused on:

"What the agency believed at the time was the best truth - that Lee Harvey Oswald, for as yet
undetermined motives, had acted alone in killing John Kennedy.

McCone directed the CIA to provide only passive, reactive and selective assistance to the
Warren commission, meaning the investigation was severely compromised and did not follow
up any other leads which may have been crucial in the search for truth.

Robarge also believes that John McCone, who died in 1991, withheld vital information relating
to various CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro. The historian points out that these plots may
well be linked to JFKs assassination - theres a strong chance his murder was a revenge
attack for CIA operations in Cuba - but McCones unwillingness to explore other potentialities
outside of prime suspect Lee Harvey Oswald could have resulted in a grave miscarriage of
JFK was Americas youngest ever and most charismatic President, and his death shocked the
nation. Alternative murder theories are popular across the States:

A 2013 poll found that only 30% of Americans believe Oswald shot JFK, and that he
acted alone. 61% believed that others were involved in a conspiracy (see the embedded
video to find out why).
David Robarge first published these exclusive claims in a secret internal CIA magazine in
2013. His claims have now been declassified and can be publicly accessed here on the
George Washington Universitys National Security Archive.

Robarge has also written a biography of John McCone, but his book continues to be classified.
What else might the historian have uncovered? Heres hoping that the full truth of what
happened in Dealy Plaza on that fateful day will very soon be common knowledge.

Yes, The CIA Director Was Part Of The JFK Assassination Cover-

John McCone was long suspected of withholding information from the

Warren Commission. Now even the CIA says he did.

John McCone came to the CIA as an outsider. An industrialist and an engineer by

training, he replaced veteran spymaster Allen Dulles as director of central intelligence in
November 1961, after John F. Kennedy had forced out Dulles following the CIAs
bungled operation to oust Fidel Castro by invading Cubas Bay of Pigs.

McCone had one overriding mission: restore order at the besieged CIA. Kennedy hoped his
management skills might prevent a future debacle, even if the Californian - mostly a stranger to
the clubby, blue-blooded world of the men like Dulles who had always run the spy agency -
faced a steep learning curve.

After JFKs assassination in Dallas in November 1963, President Lyndon Johnson kept
McCone in place at the CIA, and the CIA director became an important witness before the
Warren Commission, the panel Johnson created to investigate Kennedys murder.

McCone pledged full cooperation with the commission, which was led by Chief Justice Earl
Warren, and testified that the CIA had no evidence to suggest that Lee Harvey Oswald, the
assassin, was part of any conspiracy, foreign or domestic.

In its final report, the commission came to agree with

McCones depiction of Oswald, a former Marine and self-
proclaimed Marxist, as a delusional lone wolf. But did
McCone come close to perjury all those decades ago?

Did the onetime Washington outsider in fact hide agency

secrets that might still rewrite the history of the

Even the CIA is now willing to raise these questions.

Half a century after JFKs death, in a once-secret report

written in 2013 by the CIAs top in-house historian and
quietly declassified last fall, the spy agency acknowledges
what others were convinced of long ago:

That McCone and other senior CIA officials were

complicit in keeping incendiary information from
the Warren Commission.
According to the report by CIA historian David Robarge,
McCone, who died in 1991, was at the heart of a:

"Benign cover-up at the spy agency, intended to

keep the commission focused on
believed at the time was the best truth - that Lee
Harvey Oswald, for as yet undetermined motives,
had acted alone in killing John Kennedy.

The most important information that McCone withheld from the commission in its 1964
investigation, the report found, was the existence, for years, of CIA plots to assassinate Castro,
some of which put the CIA in cahoots with the Mafia. Without this information, the commission
never even knew to ask the question of whether Oswald had accomplices in Cuba or
elsewhere who wanted Kennedy dead in retaliation for the Castro plots.
While raising no question about the essential findings of the Warren Commission, including
that Oswald was the gunman in Dallas, the 2013 report is important because it comes close to
an official CIA acknowledgement - half a century after the fact - of impropriety in the agencys
dealings with the commission.

The coverup by McCone and others may have been benign, in the reports words, but it was
a cover-up nonetheless, denying information to the commission that might have prompted a
more aggressive investigation of Oswalds potential Cuba ties.
Initially stamped SECRET/NOFORN, meaning it was not to be shared outside the agency or
with foreign governments, Robarges report was originally published as an article in the CIAs
classified internal magazine, Studies in Intelligence, in September 2013, to mark the 50th
anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

The article, drawn from a still-classified 2005 biography of McCone written by Robarge, was
declassified quietly last fall and is now available on the website of The George Washington
Universitys National Security Archive.
In a statement to POLITICO, the CIA said it decided to declassify the report to highlight
misconceptions about the CIAs connection to JFKs assassination, including the still-popular
conspiracy theory that the spy agency was somehow behind the assassination. (Articles in the
CIA magazine are routinely declassified without fanfare after internal review.)
Robarges article says that McCone, quickly convinced after the assassination that Oswald had
acted alone and that there was no foreign conspiracy involving Cuba or the Soviet Union,
directed the agency to provide only passive, reactive and selective assistance to the Warren

This portrait of McCone suggests that he was much more hands-on in the CIAs dealings with
the commission - and in the agencys post-assassination scrutiny of Oswalds past - than had
previously been known. The report quotes another senior CIA official, who heard McCone say
that he intended to handle the whole (commission) business myself, directly.
The report offers no conclusion about McCones motivations, including why he would go to
lengths to cover-up CIA activities that mostly predated his time at the agency. But it suggests
that the Johnson White House might have directed McCone to hide the information.

McCone;shared the administrations interest in avoiding disclosures about covert actions that would
circumstantially implicate [the] CIA in conspiracy theories and possibly lead to calls for a tough US
response against the perpetrators of the assassination, the article reads.

If the commission did not know to ask about covert operations about Cuba, he was not going to give them
any suggestions about where to look.

In an interview, David Slawson, who was the Warren Commissions chief staff investigator in
searching for evidence of a foreign conspiracy, said he was not surprised to learn that McCone
had personally withheld so much information from the investigation in 1964, especially about
the Castro plots.

"I always assumed McCone must have known, because I always believed that loyalty and discipline in the
CIA made any large-scale operation without the consent of the director impossible, says Slawson, now 84
and a retired University of Southern California law professor.

He says he regrets that it had taken so long for the spy agency to acknowledge that McCone and others
had seriously misled the commission. After half a century, Slawson says, The world loses interest,
because the assassination becomes just a matter of history to more and more people.

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

The report identifies other tantalizing information that McCone did not reveal to the
commission, including evidence that the CIA might somehow have been in communication with
Oswald before 1963 and that the spy agency had secretly monitored Oswalds mail after he
attempted to defect to the Soviet Union in 1959.

The CIA mail-opening program, which was later determined to have been blatantly illegal, had
the code name HTLINGUAL.
"It would be surprising if the DCI [director of central intelligence] were not told about the program
Kennedy assassination, the report reads.

If not, his subordinates deceived him. If he did know about HTLINGUAL reporting on Oswald, he was not
being forthright with the commission - presumably to protect an operation that was highly compartmented
and, if disclosed, sure to arouse much controversy.

John McCone

In the 1970s, when congressional investigations exposed the Castro plots, members of the
Warren Commission and its staff expressed outrage that they had been denied the information
in 1964. Had they known about the plots, they said, the commission would have been much
more aggressive in trying to determine whether JFKs murder was an act of retaliation by
Castro or his supporters.

Weeks before the assassination, Oswald traveled to Mexico City and met there with spies for
the Cuban and Soviet governments - a trip that CIA and FBI officials have long acknowledged
was never adequately investigated. (Even so, Warren Commission staffers remain convinced
today that Oswald was the lone gunman in Dallas, a view shared by ballistics experts who
have studied the evidence.)
In congressional testimony in 1978, after public disclosures about the Castro plots, McCone
claimed that he could not have shared information about the plots with the Warren Commission
in 1964 because he was ignorant of the plots at the time. Other CIA officials;

"Withheld the information from me, he said. I have never been satisfied as to why they withheld the

But the 2013 report concluded that McCones testimony was neither frank nor accurate, since it was later
determined with certainty that he had been informed about the CIA-Mafia plots nine months before his
appearance before the Warren Commission.

Robarge suggests the CIA is responsible for some of the harsh criticism commonly leveled at
the Warren Commission for large gaps in its investigation of the presidents murder, including
its failure to identify Oswalds motive in the assassination and to pursue evidence that might
have tied Oswald to accomplices outside the United States.
Dealey Plaza

For decades, opinion polls have shown that most Americans reject the commissions findings
and believe Oswald did not act alone. Four of the seven commissioners were members of
Congress, and they spent the rest of their political careers badgered by accusations that they
had been part of a coverup.

"The decision of McCone and Agency leaders in 1964 not to disclose information about CIAs anti-Castro
schemes might have done more to undermine the credibility of the commission than anything else that
happened while it was conducting its investigation, the report reads.

In that sense - and in that sense alone - McCone may be regarded as a co-conspirator in the JFK as
sassination cover-up.

If there was, indeed, a CIA cover-up, a member of the Warren Commission was apparently in
on it: Allen Dulles, McCones predecessor, who ran the CIA when the spy agency hatched the
plots to kill Castro.

"McCone does not appear to have any explicit, special understanding with Allen Dulles, the 2013 report
says. Still, McCone could rest assured that his predecessor would keep a dutiful watch over Agency
equities and work to keep the commission from pursuing provocative lines of investigation, such as lethal
anti-Castro covert actions.

(Johnson appointed Dulles to the commission at the recommendation of then-Attorney General

Robert Kennedy.)
In fact it is doubtful that Castro had anything to do with the assassination of JFK other than being used as false
flag cover. See the red related links for more detail
The 2013 report also draws attention to the contacts between McCone and Robert Kennedy in
the days after the assassination. In the wake of the Bay of Pigs disaster in 1961, the attorney
general was asked by his brother, the president, to direct the administrations secret war
against Castro, and Robert Kennedys friends and family acknowledged years later that he
never stopped fearing that Castro was behind his brothers death.

"McCone had frequent contact with Robert Kennedy during the painful days after the assassination, the
report says. Their communication appears to have been verbal, informal and, evidently in McCones
estimation, highly personal; no memoranda or transcripts exist or are known to have been made.

Because Robert Kennedy had overseen the Agencys anti-Castro covert actions - including some of the
assassination plans - his dealings with McCone about his brothers murder had a special gravity,

Did Castro kill the president because the president had tried to kill Castro? Had the administrations
obsession with Cuba inadvertently inspired a politicized sociopath to murder John Kennedy?

The declassification of the bulk of the 2013 McCone report might suggest a new openness by
the CIA in trying to resolve the lingering mysteries about the Kennedy assassination.

At the same time, there are 15 places in the public version of the report where the CIA has
deleted sensitive information - sometimes individual names, sometimes whole sentences. It is
an acknowledgement, it seems, that there are still secrets about the Kennedy assassination
hidden in the agencys files.

Related: The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFKs Death Just Took Place

Hollywood Sci-Fi Filmmakers Tapped To Dramatize Fictional

Climate Change To Scare Everybody Into Voting For Climate
August 26 2016 | From: NaturalNews

I'm almost rolling with laughter watching all this unfold: Because
democrats refuse to face the real threats facing America - Islamic terrorism,
debt spending, illegal immigration and job-crushing federal mandates like
Obamacare - they have to invent their own fake emergencies to try to win
the votes of people who don't have any clue about the real world.

So-called "climate change" - previously known as "global warming" but renamed after
the data revealed no warming trend at all - is entirely rooted in false mythologies, official
narratives and creative storytelling.

Related: Engineer: Decarbonization Will Result in Mass Starvation, Poverty, Civil Strife

That's precisely why democrats had to hire James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Sigourney Weaver to present a climate change scary in a new short film. These are the very
same people whose films depict time-traveling Terminator robots, interplanetary aliens with
green acid blood, and poltergeists that could be captured with vacuum cleaners (the original
"Ghostbusters" movie... the one that didn't suck).

If you believe in time-traveling robots from the future, you might also believe in the climate
change narrative, too.

That narrative is based entirely on ridiculous, absurd, make-believe notions such as:

The hilariously ignorant idea that polar bears can't swim (or even that their numbers
are plummeting). In truth, polar bears are champion swimmers, and their population numbers
are on the rise.

The scientifically illiterate notion that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet. In reality,
it's the No. 1 nutrient source of all forests, food crops, herbal plants and green zones
across the planet. CO2 reforests deserts and amplifies food production.

It's also impossible for humans alone to raise CO2 levels much at all for the simple reason
that plants are starving for it and keep consuming it as fast as we can make it. (This is
Botany Science 101.)
The laughably anti-science narrative that says oceans are going to rise so quickly,
they'll drown out coastal cities and devastate human civilization. In reality, even during
warming periods of Earth's history, oceans barely creep up at the pace of only about 1-2mm
per year. That's about 1-2 DECADES for a single inch of ocean level rise. (Yep, not exactly the
tidal wave apocalypse depicted in climate change scare films, is it?)

There is no man made climate change

You have hopefully realized by now that everything the democrats invoke in their political
campaigning is based on lies.Man made climate change is a cult science myth rooted in a
convenient political narrative, not scientific facts.

That's why their climate change scare film had to be made: to stir up the imagination of
climate change and make it seem visually real even though it is scientifically false. It sort of
reminds me of the original "Reefer Madness" film which was also created as a propaganda
political film to scare people away from medical marijuana.

That film was also based on quack science hysteria, just like the climate change films being
made today.

Yep, you heard me right: There is no legitimate scientific evidence whatsoever to support
their climate change narrative. The data that have been presented to the public are all
"corrected" (i.e. fraudulent altered) to artificially insert new "data points" that fit the political
narrative we're all being spoon fed by the corrupt democrats.

Remember: The climate changing pushing politicians are all exactly the same people who lie
to us all about vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, government debt and antidepressant drugs.
Why on Earth would anyone believe they are magically and selectively telling the truth
only about climate change when we all know they are constantly lying about everything

The pro climate change position is truly just climate superstition masquerading as science. It
should be obvious at this point, but everything the democratic establishment insists is
TRUE is almost certainly FALSE.

Read this excellent article entitled Climate Superstition Is Weaponizing The Ignorant.

It states, "Climate alarmists are no different from 16th century Europeans who burned
15,000 witches for 'cooking the weather.' They observe ordinary events, and convince
themselves that it is unprecedented and somebody's fault."

From this 2014 Natural News article:

"Planetary temperatures have remained largely stable throughout the past several decades, according to
new data released by the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) satellite.

Mean temperatures gauged across multiple measurement platforms including GISS, HadCRUt4, NCDC,
UAH and RSS definitively show that the planet has not been warming for nearly 18 years, taking the wind
out of the sails of the global warming fallacy.

And from another Natural News article:

"The US government's Global Historical Climate Network reversed the results of temperature recordings to
suggest that the temperature was rising through 60 years of research. These recordings were amplified by
two official surface records.

The Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the National Climate Data Center amplified surface records to
estimate temperatures across entire regions of the Earth where temperatures aren't even recorded. By
falsifying records and then amplifying the data, these large data centers misrepresented temperatures
records across an entire region of the earth.

And finally, from Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions:
"Now, in what might be the largest scientific fraud ever uncovered, NASA and the NOAA have been caught
red-handed altering historical temperature data to produce a "climate change narrative" that defies reality.

We now know that historical temperature data for the continental United States were deliberately
altered by NASA and NOAA scientists in a politically-motivated attempt to rewrite history and claim
global warming is causing U.S. temperatures to trend upward.

The data actually show that we are in a cooling trend, not a warming trend (see charts below).

This story is starting to break worldwide right now across the media, with The Telegraph now reporting,
"NOAA's US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been 'adjusting' its record by replacing real
temperatures with data 'fabricated' by computer models."

Because the actual historical temperature record doesn't fit the frenzied, doomsday narrative of global
warming being fronted today on the political stage, the data were simply altered using "computer models"
and then published as fact.

Related: Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering

Here's the actual scientific temperature data BEFORE the data were altered:

And here's the "official narrative" version of the data AFTER they were altered for political
And here is the EPA's own chart depicting heat waves throughout U.S. history. Notice that the
heat waves were far, far worse in the 1930's than they are today?
How to counter the climate change narrative with actual logic and real data
From (go there to see all the graphs and charts that accompany this

1) There is no 97% consensus of scientists. In a 2013 survey of the professional members

of the American Meteorological Society, only 52% believed that global warming was primarily
man-made much less dangerous. No group in the survey came anywhere close to reaching

2) Heatwaves are not getting worse. According to the EPA, the worst heatwaves in the US
(by far) occurred during the 1930's - when the Midwest commonly saw temperatures over 110
degrees, and as high as 120 degrees.

3) Droughts are not getting worse. According to NOAA, the US has been getting steadily
wetter over the past century. In the 1930's, drought covered 80% of the US, as poignantly
described by John Steinbeck in "The Grapes of Wrath."

4) Scientists say that California has had much more severe droughts in the past,
lasting as long as 200 years. The past 100 years was the wettest century on record in

5) Hurricanes are not getting worse. The US is experiencing a record quiet period for

6) According to the Danish Meteorological Institute, the Arctic Ocean is full of thick
ice. There is more ice on the Russian side than there has been in years, and a group of global
warming sailors are currently blocked by impenetrable ice in the Northeast Passage.
7) Polar Bear populations are not decreasing. (They are steadily rising, year after year.)

8) Sea level has been rising for 20,000 years, since the end of the last ice age. Most of
that time much faster than now. It has nothing to do with humans.

9) According to NOAA, sea level is only rising 1.7 to 1.8 mm/year. At that rate, it will take
thousands of years for Manhattan to drown.

10) According to NOAA, sea level at Manhattan has been rising at about the same rate
(2.8 mm/year) since the 1850's. There is no indication that humans are affecting the rate of
sea level rise.

11) Glaciers have been melting for a very long time. In 1879, John Muir (founder of the
Sierra Club) found that Alaska's largest glacier had retreated 48 miles since 1794. Twenty
thousand years ago, Chicago was buried under a mile of glacial ice.

12) Forest fires are not getting worse over the long term. According to USDA, the US had
five times as much burn acreage in the 1930's as we do now. The New York Times confirmed

13) Climate models have failed, and greatly over-predict warming.

14) Our most accurate systems for measuring global temperature, satellites, show that
this year is no warmer than 1998.

15) NASA shows that global surface temperatures have fallen 0.54 degrees C over the
last four months. The largest drop on record in such a short time.

Sites to visit where you can get educated about climate change:

In fact, the biggest threat to our climate is Geoengineering.

Western Propaganda - So Simple But So Effective
August 25 2016 | From: JournalNeo

When some time ago Noam Chomsky and I met at MIT, in order to write a
book On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare and to
produce a film with the same title together, the topic we mainly aimed at
discussing was that of the countless genocides the West has committed all
over the world since the end of the WWII. The second topic was impunity.

But no matter what atrocities we re-visited, our conversation kept slipping towards one
crucial theme: the propaganda that has been manufactured in media centers like New
York, Paris, London and other North American and European cities; the propaganda
created in order to twist both the past and the present.

Related: Trump: The Media is Rigged

Without such brainwashing and the almost total indoctrination of the Western general public
and the elites in all of the client states, no imperialist and neo-colonialist policies would have
become truly successful.
We spoke about US commercial advertising and its influence on German Nazi propaganda,
and about Nazi propaganda influencing by return both the US and European propaganda-

Noam kept asking me about my childhood in socialist Czechoslovakia, and I explained to him,
honestly, how indoctrinated I was as a teenager: not by the Communist dogmas, but by the
BBC, the Voice of America and the Radio Free Europe all of them relentlessly spreading the
Western political and market gospel to all corners of the socialist world.
Both Noam and I have created dozens of essays on the topic, as well as several books. My
latest one, basically written about all the corners of the world where the Empire is spreading
destruction and followed by indoctrination, has more than 800 pages, and is called Exposing
Lies of the Empire.
And I always feel that even this massive book just touches the tip of the iceberg, that it is only
a beginning!
Western propaganda is actually a perfect apparatus! It is effective and it is almost fully
bulletproof. It works! European empires have been refining it for many long centuries, and
the European offspring the United States has elevated it to almost total perfection.
One precondition for its success is, of course, that the Western political and economic regime
owns almost all the major media channels and distribution outlets of the world. Diversity can
never be tolerated. It could smash the idiocy! Once this prerequisite is completed, things get
relatively relaxed and cozy for the demagogues in Washington, London and Paris.
Here is just an example of how easy it is to smear a world leader who resists the imperialist
designs of the Empire:

Imagine that one sunny morning, some 10 major newspapers and television stations
declare that various anonymous but highly reliable sources in Moscow have informed
them that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is a vampire!
This news would fly all over the world. Many readers and viewers would at first roll around on
the floor laughing, but some would not. And even several of those who found the information
thoroughly bizarre and unbelievable would at some point realize that seeds of doubt were
beginning to grow inside their brains: OK, it is absurd, of course, but what if? What if? How
awful that would be!
But how can one really prove that he or she is not a vampire? Or how can one prove that he or
she has not been visited by some evil extra-terrestrial flying saucers on several occasions?

At some point, the Russian President would feel that he had enough of the charade. Hed go to
the best university clinic in Moscow, and ask for a certificate that clearly stated that he is not a
vampire. Several leading academics and doctors would get involved and produce a complex
and thorough scientific conclusion, resolutely stating that President Putin is not a vampire.

Shocked by and reacting to the vulgarity demonstrated by the Western propaganda tsars, most
of the Russian media outlets would offer some commonsense and logic:

"Cant we all see clearly that he cannot be a vampire? All his teeth are of approximately equal length, he
socialized during the day, he does not sleep in a coffin, he eats garlic and he is not scared of crosses; be
they Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic ones!

Others would argue that there are actually no real vampires inhabiting our Planet.

This is when the Western mass media would go into overdrive. Sarcastically it would
declare that the Russian academia, Russian doctors and Russian media cannot be
trusted they are all under the heel of the state, and on top of it they have been
infiltrated by nations secret services and former KGB agents.

"And doesnt Vlad sound somehow similar to Bran, which is the castle in Romania, which in turn used to
be the home base of the commander-in-chief of all militant vampires - Count Dracula?

There would still be some rational resistance: No, Vlad does not really sound like Bran, and
anyway, nobody in Russia calls Mr. Putin Vlad only the Western media does. But such
voices of reason would never reach the general public all over the world! And on it goes.
In the end, a few billions of human brains would register and subconsciously store the vampire
theory, and they would never again look at the President of Russia, or at his country, with the
same eyes!

Of course the Russian leadership is not the only one that the West is targeting. There is a
relentless flow of shocking rumors and derogatory remarks made by the mainstream media
against the President of China, of Byelorussia, against the leadership of Iran, South Africa,
Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Syria, and North Korea as well as against all the left-wing governments of
Latin America.
After being repeated hundreds of times, the rumors, at least for many people, get
confused with facts, and get accepted as facts.

When still leading Cuba, Fidel Castro was constantly dying or disappearing. The North
Korean government has been relentlessly portrayed as a desperate gang of bloodthirsty sexual
maniacs, executing and raping all that moves.

The ANC and especially President Zuma have done nothing to close that staggering social
divide in South Africa. In South America, the pro-Western media outlets invented and then
perfected a new lucrative industry: manufacturing corruption scandals and implicating in them
virtually all of the popular socialist leaders.
Nihilism, darkest news, and scenarios have been force-fed to the public, in order to eradicate
all zeal and optimism that comes when one is building a great independent and egalitarian

"I never forget that day, an Eritrean cameraman exclaimed, during my visit to his country. I had just
finished an assignment inside the Presidential Palace. Then I met my friends and we were having coffee in
front of the main gate. Suddenly the Western networks began broadcasting that there is a coup in

Social media went bananas. It was the Breaking News story everywhere. And here we were, right there,
on a lazy sunny afternoon, in front of the Palace I had just seen the President. All was quiet!

They just invented it, in order to get people out onto the streets! They were trying to manufacture a coup
via their media outlets.

It is mainly fear, implanted into the brains of its subjects and slaves; fear that allows the Empire
to control almost the entire Planet. Often it is subconscious fear, but it is fear nevertheless.
Fear can be that of the Empire as a whole, or of its might and brutality, or even of the
alternatives, portrayed in the most unsavory and frightening colors by the propaganda.

In order to rule unopposed, one has to be feared! And one has to smear the alternatives. The
task to spread fear, slander diversity and dissent, was given to the official media, academia
and artists.
Of course the biggest threat to the Empire has been the two sisters who were born under the
same star, from the same mother called Humanism. Their names are Communism and
Socialism. And I am not only talking about the Western Marxist concept. There are many great
concepts that put life and the well-being of the people first, all over the world!
In fact, a few decades ago, it was becoming crystal clear that Western colonialism, imperialism
and capitalism were finished. Their time was up! Socialism was the natural and logical way
forward for most of humanity.
Realted: 25 Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, PSYOPS, Debunking Techniques
But then the West and its Empire fought back. They employed extreme violence and brutality,
as well as cunning divide and rule tactics. Tens of millions died, and progress was stopped,
although hopefully, only for a limited period of time. And not everywhere!
One of many reasons why Russia is perceived as a great threat is because it inherited the
humanist and internationalist foreign policy of the Soviet Union. But, also because it itself is
actually becoming socialist again (although it is moving in that direction by taking extremely
short steps). Russia is recovering irreversibly from those dark days of the free marketer and
Wests lackey, Boris Yeltsin.

Russia is also hated because it is setting the wrong example; proving to the world that one
can develop and prosper without taking orders from the West, without serving its governments
and corporations. Or more precisely: it can do it exactly because it broke itself free!

The demonization of Russia is relentless. Every little negative detail is multiplied and magnified
by the mainstream media and film industry. The worlds public is being nourished by bizarre
stereotypes and fabrications. And so one of the most compassionate, deep, artistic and
passionate nations on Earth, Russia, is depicted as being cold, robotic, heartless and
inherently evil.
Massive NATO military forces are now dispatched along Russias western border, and they
include German troops. Periodically there are maneuvers and exercises, not far from the

It is clearly a provocation, and it all brings back the horrific memories of the years right before
World War II, the war in which the Russian nation lost between 25 and 30 million lives. A few
hundred kilometers south, an old ally, in fact a Slavic sister, Ukraine, is being forced to confront
Russia by its Western handlers, something that is being done against the will of the great
majority of the Ukrainian people.

The US is heavily involved in the destabilizing of Central Asia, including a group of nations that
used to form part of the Soviet Union. But thanks to Machiavellian Western propaganda, it is
actually Russia that is being portrayed as the aggressor and a danger to world peace!
And it is China, which is being depicted as some kind of a ruthless and unpredictable monster
that is now ready to swallow the world! In fact China is an extremely predictable country, and
any unbiased student of world history would clearly see how peacefully it has been behaving,
for centuries!
But to prove that China is not a Communist country, anymore, and at the same time that it is
one of the greatest threats to world peace and stability (read: to Western control of the World),
is one of the most important tasks given to the Western media, academia and propaganda
tsars by the Empire.
And they are succeeding! Indoctrination tactics are working flawlessly. The Western pubic is by
now thoroughly brainwashed (at worst) or confused (at best) when it comes to China.

In recent years I engaged hundreds of French, Italian, Spanish, German, British and Czech
people in discussions about China, just to receive (with extremely few exceptions) a barrage of
standardized, patronizing, mass-produced opinions.

It often felt like talking to the people who were forced to live for decades under the Taliban or
under the spiritual guidance of some fundamentalist evangelical Protestant sect.
In fact, China is both Communist (Communism or Socialism, but with Chinese characteristics)
as it is breathtakingly successful! Analyzing this marvelous country, together with my China-
based colleagues and comrades, I am coming to the conclusion that Beijing often uses
capitalist means in order to achieve socialist goals (to borrow a quote from Jeff J Brown,
which is actually the sub-title of his latest book).

And an enormous, independent, successful Communist or Socialist country that is absolutely

the worst nightmare for the Empire! It is something that has to be stopped, derailed, destroyed,
isolated and demonized by all means! Chinas Communist success
You would never hear about that on CNN, BBC or Fox TV! Just as you would never hear that
Indonesia, India, Rwanda and any of the other Empires allies and client nations, are in fact the
most brutal fascist failed states, and that the genocides in Papua, Kashmir and the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are the bloodiest extermination campaigns anywhere in
the world.

I have worked in all these countries, intensively, I can testify. As this is being written, the people
of Kashmir are being murdered and tortured. Right at this moment! I am wondering how many
of my readers are aware of it?
Perhaps Im obsessed with exposing lies of the Empire. A second volume will soon follow my
820-page long book. I cannot stop travelling, investigating and amassing the evidence.
Because I am shocked; because I am outraged and because there are so few, so desperately
few people that are actually working in the most desperate parts of the world!
Virtually all stereotypes about the world that have been domesticated in the West are
wrong, terribly wrong.
The story of the Russian Revolution is told in the most twisted way, and so is the story of the
Ukrainian famine and of the gulags. Not everything is wrong, of course, but the facts and
numbers are twisted. I will soon resume my work in the Russian Far East, to write on this
The story of China is grotesquely wrong, from the Great March to the present day!
The story of Cambodias Commie slaughter under the Khmer Rouge is a thoroughly idiotic
manipulation! The slaughter was there, but more people died from the US carpet-bombing, and
then from being displaced from their farms by US mines and cluster bombies, than from Pol
Pots atrocities.

The great majority of Khmer Rouge men and women had nothing to do with Communism. They
were just settling scores with the capital, which they saw as responsible for selling the country
to the US, and for the bombing of the countryside. In the jungle, I recently met Pol Pots
personal guard.

He told me frankly that he was simply pissed off (the bombing killed his relatives), and had no
clue what Communism was:

Pol Pot came and said Communism! Lets fight the traitors! And we did. How could someone call us a
Communist country if we did not even know what Communism was?

What we hardly ever hear is the most important story of mankind: the story of Western colonial
plunders, of imposed slavery, genocides that lasted for centuries, of British-triggered famines
that killed tens of millions in the Sub-Continent, of virtually the entire Europe and Christianity
systematically committing global holocaust.
We are not told that it actually happened, and that it is still going on and on and on! In order to
shelter the Western public from the horrendous truth about the past and the present of their
countries and culture, new and newer stories about those evil others are being invented and
Perhaps, soon, we will be really told that Mr. Putin is a vampire, or that Kim Jong Un is eating
Korean virgins for breakfast. We may not be far from such a new wave of propaganda zeal. It
all makes sense: the more evil the Empire becomes; the more it has to smear its adversaries.
The mass media and Hollywood are asked to perform. And they do! Reality and fiction are now
being systematically mixed, and everything gets blurred and finally the great confusion and
intellectual chaos are managing to overwhelm both reason and logic.

The Empire is killing millions and destroying countries and continents. But California is falling
off a cliff, and clouds of huge insects are invading the entire North America. While millions of
alien terrorists are now engulfing the tolerant and democratic Europe! So what is more

Plus there are those sinister monsters like Count Vlad and Comrade Kim, waiting with their
daggers behind a corner! Therefore, The Empire and its people have to protect themselves.
They have to be tough, even tougher than before! And to put their interests first! America
(North America) first! Germany first! France first!
Primitive? Does it all sound primitive? Yes, certainly. But it works! At least for the Europeans
and North Americans it does. And the rulers dont give a damn what works or doesnt for the
rest of the Planet.

The Boy In The Ambulance: US State Dept-Funded Groups Behind

Latest 'Iconic Image' Designed To Demonize Russia And
Encourage Further Bloodshed In Syria
August 21 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Washingtons media presstitutes are using the image of the child to bring
pressure on Russia to stop the Syrian army from retaking Alleppo.

Washington wants its so-called moderate rebels to retain Alleppo so that Washington
can split Syria in two, thereby keeping a permanent pressure against President Assad.
[See CNN propaganda here]

Related: The Aleppo Poster Child

As for the little boy in the propaganda picture, he does not seem to be badly injured. Let us not
forget the tens of thousands of children that Washingtons wars and bombings of 7 Muslim
countries have killed without any tears shed by CNN anchors, and let us not forget the 500,000
Iraqi children that the United Nations concluded died as a result of US sanctions against Iraq,
childrens deaths that Clintons Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said were worth it.
Related: Exposed - Iraq War Was A Lie: The Invasion Of Iraq Took Place Under False

Let us not forget that Washingtons determination to overthrow the Syrian government has
brought many deaths to Syrians of all age groups. Washington alone is responsible for the

The evil Obama regime has stated over and over that Assad must go and is prepared to
destroy the country and much of the population in order to get rid of him.

According to the Obama regime, Assad must go because he is a dictator.

Washington tells this lie despite the fact that Assad was elected and re-elected and has far
higher support among Syrians that Obama has among Americans.

Moreover, whatever Washington accuses Assad of doing to Syrians is nothing compared to the
death and destruction that Washington brought to Syria.

Perhaps the tragedy of Aleppo could have been avoided if the Russian government had not
prematurely declared mission accomplished in Syria and withdrawn only to have to rush back
after the Russian government was again deceived by Washington.

Message From Iraqi Children To America And The World

Related: Message From Iraqi Children To America And The World + Israeli IDF Colonel
Leading ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Iraq

All The Worlds A Cult

August 19 2016 | From: ZenGardner

Its funny how people get all self righteous about not being religious or
belonging to some group and condemn anyone who they think is or has
Naturally most people attempt to be careful about what they align themselves with, but
do we really see what all of society is made up of and what weve each unwittingly
participated in to varying degrees?

Religions dont have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some
Cult-ure is called just that for a reason. Its pretty blatant nomenclature. Merriam-Webster
defines culture as the following:

Simple Definition of culture

The beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

A particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

A way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

That just about includes every societal behavior or activity. So-called cults, the word derived
from the Latin colere meaning to cultivate, are mere start-ups of new and old ideas of group
conformity for some objective.

In the 60s these were everywhere as groups and individuals attempted to harvest the spiritual
awakening and longings of an entire generation looking for alternatives to the mad military
industrial complex-bound world around them.

Some were labeled cults by the orthodox minded, but these included a wide range of groups,
organizations, alternative learning centers, spiritual fellowships, institutes, break away
churches or other so-called new religious movements as they preferred to be called.
And the followers were enthusiastic, the word enthusiastic derived from spirit, or god within
us. Just about any alternative was deemed good, or at least an effort to break free from the
system, so there was a lot of experimentation going on.

Some of those groups still exist today. Many have been absorbed by the New Age amoeba and
yet others grew into powerful organizations. Mind control experimentation was rife at this time
as well as the deliberate introduction of mind altering drugs and manipulated music in an effort
to scramble society, diffuse dissent, and make it malleable for further indoctrination.
Little did we know. But now we do.

Cults and More Cults

When you finally become awakened and grow detached from this massive matrix ensnaring
the world you begin to realize its all cults.Theyve simply externalized the idea so we dont
recognize the cults were already in. Cult of the personality for example, where sycophantic
adoration towards an individual takes place.

There are the obvious cases as in showbiz and the media and charismatic religious or social
leaders, but this is much more prevalent than people would like to realize. It could be anyone in
our lives were overly enamored with to the point we relinquish our rational thought.
And even worse, our autonomy and individualism, to the charismatic or domineering authority
of another, resulting in great devotion to whatever the object and their eventual unquestioned
control and spiritual and even physical abuse.
These are all forms of disempowerment or containment, the symptoms to look out for. Ive
written about religion and belief systems quite a bit in this regard, but few realize how social
and spiritual pressures are brought to bear via many seemingly innocuous relationships,
especially with groups and even loose associations.
Think about school and all the pressures we felt to conform and survive in that packaging
facility. Thats a cult, a carefully structured one with a very clear purpose entrainment and
How about clubs, fraternities and sororities, or the whole sports scene, never mind the military.

The even more obvious examples are business organizations and work relationships. Then
there are the guys at the bar, or the ladies coffee cliques. Speaking of cliques, remember
those from your school days? They still exist not only in school environments but in adult social
Then you get to the source the oc-cult cultivators. They are the ones that set the imprint.
They are all avid adherents to cult control of the very worst and most insidious sort. They may
seem to act autonomously or as having authority, but they arent and they dont. Theyre under
heavier control than any of us could imagine.

Its a blood agreement and theyve sold their souls to move up the pyramid of control, both in
this world and other realms. This is a big subject covered extensively in many books as well as
other articles by myself and other researchers.

Cultivating Culture The Open Hidden Hand

The media, corporations and government have a field day playing on this weakness for group
think and the need for acceptance, to the extent theyve created a society thats complete
mush, with the intent that big corp and the nanny state can be the lead dogs in everyones life.

When you think about how many people are glued to the boob-toob today its easy to
understand why the masses behave as they do, dress as they do, and eat and drug
themselves as they do.
Its learned. And there is a lot of direct as well as implied pressure to fit in, or else youll be
mocked, marginalized and excluded, to the extent that any seemingly anti-social behavior is
now considered suspicious and to be reported, the fear of terrorism coursing through their
programmed neurons like molten nano metal.
Most of us are aware of these traps and devices, but the vast majority have no idea. Theyre
swayed like sickened seaweed in an artificially rippled pond of liquified sewage.

Detachment The Only Way to Live Fully Free

This may sound like some vague concept but it really isnt. If youre not invested in their sticky
entrapping webbery you can live outside of it. Sure, we all have to interact with this engineered
madness but we dont have to give it our energy and obeisance. But it will take some sacrifices
and dealing with our own shadow work seeing how weve succumbed to this in our past.
Each of us have to deal with our own entanglements. Besides religious and belief systems,
there are financial interactions with the beast, social obligations we think we have to submit to
or endure, or employment entrapments wed rather have nothing to do with.
Do what you can, but get free, in mind, body and spirit, even if youre still in it. Some costs will
not be comfortable. Old stuck in the mud friends who only bring you down and sap your
energy, living or working circumstances that make you curse your situation and absently long
for freedom, or how you portray yourself on a daily basis.
This is perhaps the most important. Are we being who we truly are? Do we respond honestly,
or has the cult-ure of our micro environment, usually hinged on the macro, force us to
compromise our convictions and water down what we know to be true, honest and loving?

Do you like yourself when youre forced into artificial social situations and to compromise for
the sake of momentary convenience? We all face these situations.
These are questions we all ask ourselves, consciously and definitely subconsciously. They
need answers. And appropriate action, or inaction, needs to be taken.
The hour is late. It always is when it comes to snapping out of the matrix of deceit. Otherwise it
will kill you spiritually and physically.
Something to think about. Time to bust out of the cult of everything. Its not the real
world, its fabricated, and often with our permission and subservient compliance.
Stop empowering it. Break out and change the world by being your authentic self. Wisely and
lovingly, and with centered conviction. This is the stand we each need to make.
The rest will follow.

9 Indisputable Truths About Conspiracy Theorists

August 18 2016 | From: ZenGardner

The day the masses wake up and understand what the term conspiracy
theory really means and recognise the truth about conspiracy theorists,
who they are, what they stand for, the world ruling elites hold on humanity
will be over.
Their deceptive cover would have been blown wide open and indeed there will be

Related: The Telegraph: Perhaps The World's Conspiracy Theorists Have Been Right All

So, in light of the above, here are 9 indisputable truths about conspiracy theorists.

Conspiracy Theorists
1. have to put up with much ignorance, and as a knee-jerk reaction, baseless accusation of
conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theory carries with it the deriding insinuation that there are
no conspiracies (no conspiracy facts, just theory). Who could be so brainwashed,
unquestioningly ignorant, or nave enough to believe that no country has ever conspired?

2. Are conspiracy factualists. Using evidence they expose the truth about whats really going
on in the world. They expose the deceitful criminal perpetrator networks and authorities.
Therefore, the term conspiracy theorist is a misnomer.
Related: 10 "Conspiracy Theories" That Came True

3. Give credible accounts of events, diligently challenging the official versions filled with lies,
inconsistencies, fake bogeymen enemies and false paradigms manufactured for power,
profit and political gains. Many official versions of these false flag events have big enough
holes in their stories to drive double-decker buses in and out of.
Further, they expose financial, health, environmental, educational and war agendas, the secret
occult societies, paedophilia, organ harvesting and black ops projects the ruling elite
enslavers dont want you know about.
Then there are the eugenics, trans-humanism and depopulation agendas these blatantly
obvious conspiracy facts are there for all to see.

4. As a consequence of 3, are perceived by the ruling elite and their associates as a threat. In
order to get away with their crimes and deception they know that conspiracy theorists have to
be ignored, invalidated, or ridiculed by the masses:
Related: 10 More Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

The term conspiracy theory was originally a 1960s CIA invention. Over the years the ruling
elites owned and controlled intelligence agencies such as the CIA and their mainstream media
propaganda machine have used this term to expand its effect of negatively stigmatizing
conspiracy theorists so that the masses will never realize that these people were right all

5. therefore are truther messengers running the risk of getting shot. They are targeted
individuals. Targeted by the likes of the UKs ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, calling
them non-violent domestic extremists as one of the many attempts to silence such
people who have seen right through the phoney baloney.

6. Are not coincidence theorists. How can anyone dismiss the overwhelming number
of coincidences pointed out by conspiracy theorists to be indicators of crimes and cover-ups
tied in with false flag events? Is it really a mere coincidence that its always the elite few; the
banksters, the puppet senior politicians, the owner/controllers of mega-corporations that
benefit from these events?

Related: Conspiracy Theories: Scavenging For Truth

7. Are the freethinking minority able to think for themselves against the backdrop: a world full
of sheep-like people going into agreement with the general consensus of the masses while
blindly accepting authority viewpoints blurted out in the ruling elites bought-off, owned and
controlled mainstream media
Rockefeller, Ford Foundations Behind World Social Forum (WSF):
The Corporate Funding Of Social Activism
August 14 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

This year the World Social Forum is being held in Montreal, regrouping
committed social activists, anti-war collectives and prominent

Most of the participants are unaware that the WSF is funded by corporate foundations
including Ford, Rockefeller, Tides, et al. Much of this funding is channelled to the WSF
organizers under the helm of the WSF International Council.

This is an issue which has been raised on numerous occasions with progressive organizations
and WSF activists: you cannot effectively confront neoliberalism and the New World Order
elites and expect them to finance your activities.

The World Social Forum operating under the banner of Another World is Possible was
founded in 2001 at its inaugural venue of Porto Alegre. Brazil.
From the outset in 2001, the WSF has been upheld as an international umbrella representing
grassroots peoples organizations, committed to reversing the tide of globalization. Its stated
intent is to challenge corporate capitalism and its dominant neoliberal economic agenda.
The World Social Forum at its inaugural meeting defined itself as a counter-offensive to the
World Economic Forum (WEF) of business leaders and politicians which meets annually in
Davos, Switzerland. The 2001 Porto Alegre WSF was held simultaneously with that of the WEF
in Davos.
While there have been many important accomplishments of the WSF, largely as a result of the
commitment of grassroots activists, the core leadership of WSF rather than effectively
confronting the New World Order elites has (often unwittingly) have served their corporate
interests. In this process, co-optation has been achieved through the corporate funding of the
Among the two major accomplishments are the participation of the WSF in the February 2003
Worldwide protest against the US led war on Iraq. The WSF has also supported progressive
movements and governments, particularly in Latin America.
In contrast, at the Tunis 2013 WSF, the final declaration paid lip service to to the US sponsored
Syrian opposition. Similarly the Al Qaeda affiliated Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which
allegedly led the Arab Spring against the government of Muammar Gaddafi was tacitly upheld
as a revolutionary force. Several workshops on Libya applauded Western military

A session entitled Libyas transition to democracy focused on whether Libya was better off
without Muammar Gaddafi.

Funding Dissent

From the outset in 2001, the World Social Forum was funded by governments and corporate
foundations, including the Ford Foundation which has ties to US intelligence.
The anti-globalization movement is opposed to Wall Street and the Texas oil giants controlled
by Rockefeller, et al. Yet the foundations and charities of Ford, Rockefeller et al will generously
fund progressive anti-capitalist networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Wall Street
and Big Oil), etc. with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities.
The mechanisms of manufacturing dissent require a manipulative environment, a process of
arm-twisting and subtle co-optation of a small number of key individuals within progressive
organizations, including anti-war coalitions, environmentalists and the anti-globalization
movement. Many leaders of these organizations have in a sense betrayed their grassroots.
The corporations are funding dissent with a view to controlling dissent.
The Ford Foundation (which has links to the CIA) provided funding under its Strengthening
Global Civil Society program during the first three years of the WSF.
When the WSF was held in Mumbai in 2004, the Indian WSF host committee declined support
from the Ford Foundation. This in itself did not modify the WSFs relationship to the donors.
While the Ford Foundation formally withdrew, other foundations positioned themselves.
The WSF (among several sources of funding is supported by a consortium of corporate
foundations under the advisory umbrella of Engaged Donors for Global Equity (EDGE).
This organization, which previously went under the name of The Funders Network on Trade
and Globalization (FTNG), has played a central role in the funding of successive WSF
venues. From the outset in 2001, it had an observer status on the WSF International Council.

In 2013, the Rockefeller Brothers representative Tom Kruse co-chaired EDGEs program
committee. At the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Kruse was responsible for Global Governance
under the Democratic Practice program. Rockefeller Brothers grants to NGOs are approved
under the Strengthening Democracy in Global Governance program, which is broadly similar
to that put forth by the US State Department.

A representative of the Open Society Initiative for Europe currently sits on EDGEs Board of
directors. The Wallace Global Fund is also on its Board of Directors. The Wallace Global Fund
is specialized in providing support to mainstream NGOs and alternative media, including
Amnesty International, Democracy Now (which supports Hillary Clintons candidacy for
president of the US).
Several members of the EDGE BoD, however, are from non-corporative and family foundations
with a social mandate. (see below).

In one of its key documents (2012), entitled Funders Network Alliance In Support of Grassroots
Organizing and Movement-Building (link no longer available)EDGE acknowledged its support
of social movements which challenge neoliberal market fundamentalism. including the World
Social Forum, established in 2001:
From the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas (1994) to the Battle in Seattle (1999) to the creation of the World
Social Forum in Porto Alegre (2001), the TINA years of Reagan and Thatcher (There Is No Alternative)
have been replaced with the growing conviction that another world is possible.

Counter-summits, global campaigns and social forums have been crucial spaces to articulate local
struggles, share experiences and analyses, develop expertise, and build concrete forms of international
solidarity among progressive movements for social, economic and ecological justice.

But at the same time, there is an obvious contradiction: another world is not possible when the
campaign against neoliberalism is financed by an alliance of corporate donors firmly committed
to neoliberalism and the US-NATO military agenda.
The following is the EDGE Montreal WSF Communique. The donors not only fund the
activities, they also influence the structure of the WSF venue, which was determined in Puerto
Alegre in 2001, namely the decentralized and dispersed mosaic of do it yourself workshops.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

With regard to the Montreal WSF, the Consortium of Donors (EDGE) intent is:

to develop an intersectional space for funders and various movement partners organizers thought
leaders and practitioners to build alignment by cultivating a shared understanding of the visions, values,
principles and pathways of a just transition. (See

Just Transition implies that social activism has to conform to a shared vision with the
corporate foundations, i.e. nothing which in a meaningful way might upset the elite structures
of global capitalism.
From the standpoint of the corporate donors investing in the WSF constitutes a profitable (tax
deductible) undertaking. It ensures that activism remains within the confines of constructive
dialogue and critique rather than confrontation. Any deviation immediately results in the
curtailment of donor funding:
Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as making the World safe for capitalism,
reducing social tensions by helping to comfort the afflicted, provide safety valves for the angry, and
improve the functioning of government (McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor to Presidents John F.
Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (1961-1966), President of the Ford Foundation, (1966-1979))

The limits of social dissent are thereby determined by the governance structure of the WSF,
which was tacitly agreed upon with the funding agencies at the outset in 2001.

No Leaders

The WSF has no leaders. All the events are self-organized. The structure of debate and
activism is part of an an open space (See y Francine Mestrum, The World Social Forum and
its governance: a multi-headed monster, CADTM, 27 April 2013, at
This compartmentalized structure is an obstacle to the development of a meaningful and
articulate mass movement.
How best to control grassroots dissent against global capitalism?

Make sure that their leaders can be easily co-opted and that the rank and file will not develop
forms of international solidarity among progressive movements (to use EDGEs own words),
which in any meaningful way might undermine the interests of corporate capital.
The mosaic of separate WSF workshops, the relative absence of plenary sessions, the
creation of divisions within and between social movements, not to mention the absence of a
cohesive and unified platform against the Wall Street corporate elites, against the fake US
sponsored global war on terrorism, which has been used to justify and US-NATOs
humanitarian R2P interventions (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, etc).
The corporate agenda is to manufacture dissent.The limits of dissent are established by the
foundations and governments which ultimately finance this multimillion dollar venue.

The financing is twofold:

1. Core financing of the WSF Secretariat and the Costs of the WSF venue.

2. Many of the constituent NGOs which participate in the venue are recipients of donor
and / or government support.

3. The WSF venue in Montreal also receives funding from the Government of Canada
as well as from the Quebec provincial government.

What ultimately prevails is a ritual of dissent which does not threaten the New World Order.
Those who attend the WSF from the grassroots are often misled by their leaders. Activists who
do not share the WSF consensus will ultimately be excluded:

By providing the funding and the policy framework to many concerned and dedicated people working
within the non-profit sector, the ruling class is able to co-opt leadership from grassroots communities,

and is able to make the funding, accounting, and evaluation components of the work so time consuming
and onerous that social justice work is virtually impossible under these conditions

- Paul Kivel, You Call this Democracy, Who Benefits, Who Pays and Who Really Decides, 2004, p. 122

Another World is Possible is nonetheless an important concept, which characterizes the

struggle of the peoples movements against global capitalism as well as the commitment of
thousands of committed activists who are currently participated in the Montreal 2016 WSF.
Activism is being manipulated: Another World is Possible cannot, however, be achieved
under the auspices of the WSF which from the outset was funded by global capitalism and
organized in close liaison with its corporate and government donors.
The important question for activists in Montreal:
Is it possible to build an Alternative to global capitalism, which challenges the
hegemony of the Rockefellers et al and then asks the Rockefellers et al to foot the bill?
We call upon participants of the Montreal World Social Forum (WSF) to raise and debate these
issues: the campaign against neoliberalism is financed by corporate foundations (and
governments) which are firmly committed not only to the tenets of neoliberalism but also to the
US-NATO led military agenda.
Why would they fund organizations which are actively campaigning against war and
globalization? The answer is obvious.

13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting

August 8 2016 | From: ZenGardner

People who dont trust government, those who think on their own and tend
to question what they hear, by now are all becoming experts at identifying
false flag staged events. With so many recent staged psyop events in the
news lately many of us are getting a lot of practice at this.
But have you considered that the script has become more complex than you think?
Have you considered that you (we) are being fooled in some way as we speak? Have
you taken into account that the events happening today are all happening in a post-Jade
Helm revelation AI era? Todays events are happening in a very sophisticated world of
unimaginably deep levels of political corruption actively at work and deeply focused on
removing all of our rights and freedoms and cementing their new global order.

Related: The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?

This complex and deep reality alone is something many people refuse to face; and without
facing this youll never be able to peel and dig deeper into the deep states structure, mind and
mechanisms that are behind these chaotic staged psyop false flag events.

Notice Im using the terms false flag and staged events interchangeably because at times
its difficult to determine which one is actually happening. So its fair to say that false flags are
types of staged events. Were all familiar with the different types of events; mass shooting
attacks by crazed supposed lone gunmen who are the selected patsies for the event.

We also see shootings where the government conveniently retroactively tells us the shootings
are courtesy ISIS, ISIS inspired or ISIS related. In recent events we also saw a focus on
the paid-for engineered race war where the selected shooters are looking to shoot ONLY police
or only white police (Dallas sniper, Baton Rouge shooting).
Conveniently these shootings work great for fanning the flames of race and class tension and
division while conveniently boosting the police state and public sympathy for police.

Whatever the type of event, notice we rarely if ever get to see any evidence whatsoever of the
actual accused patsy shooter at the scene of the crime. For example, consider that its been
weeks and still no one has any actual evidence of Omar Mateen physically entering the Pulse
night club in Orlando and physically firing and killing people.

Where are these videos? Yet the majority of people have him at the scene because thats how
the story goes, and apparently its almost too stressful to believe something no one else is
saying. The same could be said of the accused truck driver terrorist in Nice, France or the
actual sniper (supposed) lone gunman shooter in Dallas, Texas. You get the picture.
This anomaly only scratches the surface on what this article is about. The fact is we are all now
getting used to these events, for better or for worse, and there are many elements being
shown to us that most of us are not paying attention to.
The events themselves are huge to us only because the mainstream media puts them in our
faces 24/7. They are important because the government and their mass media says they are.
They (the government and their media) say this because the events are always part of a
greater agenda.

The agenda and the event itself are inseparable in a world today where the masses are
conditioned into reacting to a presented problem whose solution is later sold to them. This
process of problem, reaction, solution is undeniable and obvious to all today.
The mechanisms of the script are openly available for all to see; but, as mentioned earlier,
have you considered how deep this staged event mechanism goes? Hopefully the following
13 elements were about to point out will bring more awareness to these additional possibilities,
agendas and factors which are quietly hidden in these events but as you will see are actually
hidden in plain view.

1: The Breaking News trigger phrase

The first thing I want to point out is the whole breaking news psyop phrase. Any professional
hypnotist will tell you trigger words and phrases are important when it comes to putting
someone under your spell, so it shouldnt surprise us that mainstream media would resort to
using key trigger words on the general public.
They would definitely do this because it works. And this is precisely what they do, and
breaking news is probably as clever and effective a trigger word as there is in America today.
It stops you in whatever you are doing and forces you to pay attention to new information that
may change your life.

Im sure that if you monitored someones vital signs and visceral response under controlled
conditions you will find a direct response to trigger phrases like breaking news when used in
the right context. Lets be aware of this trigger phrase which always sets the initial tone with
typical staged false flag events.

2: Mainstream media voice tone, speech pattern and neuro-linguistic


Subliminal informational submission is accomplished with classic mainstream media authority

speech patterns and key use of neuro-linguistic terms (as discussed above) that many of us
dont pay attention to. Go watch any segment of mainstream media news and see how they all
talk in a certain form.

There is a certain official pattern of speech that subliminally tells the audience this is official
and true certified informational. Heres a Wikihow page discussing this very topic and notice
how news reporters go through a training process to sound official and convincing.
This speech pattern, the use of key words and overall mannerism all contributes to the early
hypnotic phase when the initial story is being officially constructed and delivered to the public.

Look for it the next time you are watching mainstream media news. Notice how the pattern of
the speech is similar with all news anchors and presenters in all the mainstream media related

3: Body count used to psychologically manipulate eventual reaction

Moving on to the events themselves, notice how the Illuminati CIA controlled media especially
lately is using the body count to attach political urgency to each shooting. They are implying
that if only 1, 2 or 3 people die then its a boring maybe not so important shooting, but if 50 die
then we need to get all worked up and act more urgently with political interest and legislation to
match the body count somehow.

Dont fall for the body count psyop. They are also using the body count psyop to engage you
emotionally in their misery and fear as if to imply that a higher body count means this could
have been you, which, again, somehow implies that a lower body count is maybe not so likely
to have involved you and thus less worthy of your emotional attention.

4: Overly-detailed eyewitness accounts containing compelling

Hollywood-style human interest elements

We are now seeing staged interviews with poor-acting crisis actors giving us Hollywood-style
details of what they experienced during the shooting event. Crisis actor Patience Carter, one of
many actors who inexplicably packed out the Pulse night club bathrooms instead of actually
leaving the club during the Orlando shooting, dramatically tells of how she was lying on the
floor when the gun fight broke one of the water pipes and she thought she was going to

This segment of the story is inserted only to draw your human interest and compel you to
empathize with her.
We have also seen the famous Gene Rosen interview
during Sandy Hook when he tells of 6 children who came to
his house speechless, telling him our teacher is dead and
how he followed up by giving them cookies and crying with

Again this segment which was proven a lie with countless

inconsistencies, was inserted to add Hollywood-style
compelling human interest elements to the story. In the
case of Rosen, he ended up getting his own song written
after him!

And how about the testimony given by the sobbing 15-

year-old Kuwaiti girl, Nayirah, following the Iraq invasion of
Kuwait in 1990 when she testified:

"They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to

Notice it wasnt just the floor it had to be the cold floor. All of this is staged propaganda just to
compel human emotion, a tactic that worked nicely in this case as it triggered the invasion of
Iraq. Lets not fall for this element of the psyop now being used regularly, and lets be on the
lookout for it.

5: Control of the information at the ground level usually assigned to a key

With every event we are seeing someone at the ground level, usually a head police officer,
now claiming that any information not confirmed by them should be assumed to be false until
they (and only they) say its true. We saw just this in the recent Baton Rouge shooting and the
Dallas, Texas sniper shooting.

Classically this brings to mind the one and only Lieutenant Paul Vance during Sandy Hook who
declared himself the information czar and bearer of truth and reality for the Sandy Hook show.

Again, lets not fall for the delusion that somehow police has a handle on what is real and
verified truth surrounding any event as if anyone trusts police. Since the beginning of the
modern-day concept of police, police always get their information from the people who were
there not the other way around. The police themselves have never been assigned the
controllers of information for any crime scene.

So why are we suddenly deferring the details of the event to the police? But its not just police,
at the Orlando nightclub shooting we saw a team of doctors led by doctor Michael Cheatham
controlling the information on behalf of hundreds of people who would have been at the

We didnt hear from any maintenance person, nurse assistant, nursing student, radiology tech
or anyone else at the hospital in Orlando. Notice only Cheatham (and to a lesser extent his
short list of fellow doctors who briefly spoke to the media) was assigned to deliver the carefully
controlled information.

Lets realize that information is now entirely controlled and the controllers are now appointing
key players at the ground level to control that information. With this control comes the threat of
jail for anyone interfering with the official narrative. So in the next event be on the lookout for
the ground-level information gatekeeper.
6: Great fluctuations and changes of the narrative in the early phases of
the story

Were all familiar with this next element. We listen to the initial version of the official account
only to see the body count or number of shooters change dramatically. This goes on until the
authorities finally agree on the official version of what happened.

The important thing to take notice of is that often well see the death count go from a higher
number to a lower number, a clear medical impossibility. Think to yourself, how can a body
count go from higher to lower all the time? Shouldnt it be the other way around?

And its not just the body count, the number of shooters (if there are any real shooters at all)
always seems to be a problem for the controllers, and in the end the smaller number usually
works best once the assassins (if there are truly any) are cleared to leave the scene as weve
seen so many times.

7: Conflicting components potentially deliberately put out to authenticate

the reality of the event

This next element is one of the most important and I urge truth seekers to pay close attention.
We all saw the mysterious man running through the woods at Sandy Hook wearing
camouflage. Yet to this day no one really knows what was his role at Sandy Hook which we
now have reason to believe was not an operational school according to research done by
Wolfgang Halbig.

So why was this man briefly shown to us on TV in an era where information is so tightly
controlled? Did they WANT you to see the man running through the woods just to give the story
authenticity? These are the questions we should be asking.
Why were 2 gas masks purposely left on the floor outside the theater at the Aurora Colorado
shooting a few years back? Why was even the mainstream media so quick to point out that
Omar Mateen had been tracked by FBI and they knew about him? Do you really think that the
mainstream media wants you to see that the FBI is incompetent? I discussed this issue in the
context of the Orlando shooting before.
Regarding the Orlando night club event, ask yourself, why did CNN and the rest of the
mainstream media allow the segment to leak out about someone holding the door shut at the
Orlando shooting so that no one can get out?

This segment should have shocked everyone. And why would the mass media then interview a
man named Luis Burbano who admits on camera that he was the one holding the door? This
without question is one of the deep mysteries of the Orlando shooting event which everyone
by now has forgotten. See image below.
The point is that I firmly believe that elements are now being inserted that have several distinct
effects. They serve the purpose of authenticating the story. Even the alternative media quickly
concluded that the event was real only it was a real false flag narrative as in we believe the
event happened, but it was done by paid government mercenaries or operatives.

This narrative may be entirely false but the additional segments that give it reality make it more
believable. This again serves the purpose of making the event real in one way or another to
everyone but in different ways (divide and conquer) so that those calling the entire event fake
thus stand alone isolated in their views. Perhaps this is the point, again think in terms of divide
and conquer.

8: Obviously fake elements deliberately inserted to subliminally mock

truth seeking community

Heres another element few are paying attention to. At this point I dont think theres any doubt
that the controllers know that a large segment of humanity has caught on to their staged
events. So ask yourself, how would they use this information against us?

How about creating an event with possible real components and then float out the obviously
fake crisis actors to essentially mock truth seekers. Again, this is a topic Ive hit on following the
landmark Orlando shooting event that needs to be reiterated.

Crisis actor victims were magically transported one block down the road only to stage a walk
BACK TOWARD the Pulse night club in front of the CNN cameras.

Why? We should all be asking this very important question. As I said in my previous articles
did they WANT us to see these obvious crisis actors? The goal is no less than to cause
confusion and to potentially mock those who are looking for the truth.
How about the crisis actor eyewitness posing for the camera at the Dallas, Texas sniper
shooting practically wearing the exact same American flag t-shirt as Christopher Hansen, the
key crisis actor story teller of the Orlando event? Coincidence? You decide.
We must now become aware of all of these elements to stay on top of the next false flag psyop

9: Staged cell phone footage to authenticate the story delivered by

specific individuals

After doing some research Im very skeptical of the cell phone footage released during the
Dallas sniper shooting. Listen to the narrator of the video posted below and notice how he
carefully narrates to point out where the shooter is.

Listen to him saying things like you see him moving around? and this guy is evil sorry, this
guy needs to be killed even though there is no way that he could know this information from
the distance he is located.

According to the person who made the video below the narrator even claims to have footage of
the actual shooting. Conveniently that footage is missing and the channel he claims to have
the video MK7Wolf conveniently is vanished from YouTube.

Can it be because this video never existed? Calling for the shooters death again just seems to
add to the authenticity of the story and stirs up emotion. Watch the video for
yourself beginning at around 12:40 and see what you think. Either way (multiple shooter false
flag or staged event) the video as a whole proves that the official story is a lie.

We saw similar conveniently timed sketchy cell phone footage taken of the chase at San
Bernardino. Authenticating segments of the chase was critical to the official story and the
character who filmed the video, I believe, was staged there to capture blurry indistinguishable
footage that nonetheless lent authenticity to the story. We saw similar seemingly staged cell
phone footage segments at the Paris concert shooting as well.
So in the next psyop event dont fall so quickly for the ONE cell phone footage segment.
Remind yourself that everyone has a cell phone with a camera and we should be seeing
massive amounts of cell phone footage of these events from many different angles not just
10 Retroactive construction of the final story often takes days or weeks
(or longer)

Does everyone know what stage we are in when it comes to the Orlando shooting event? Right
now we are in what I will call for the sake of this article the extended retroactive story
construction period. This is the period of weeks and months following a staged event when the
controllers can roll out other events and stories to capture your attention and get your attention
away from the story.
During this period they can construct all the evidence they need but, unlike the early moments
following the event, they can actually take their time and construct this evidence with more
precision and care.

For example, during this period they can construct additional surveillance camera video
footage, they can pull out new images that show the attacker entering the building, they can
pull out new documents that support the official story, set up their fake death certificates and
much more.

Recall following 9/11, much later on the government released controlled images of the never
before seen plane wreckage at the Pentagon (see below) which of course on the day of the
event there was not a sign anywhere of any plane having crashed there to paraphrase Fox
news own reporter on the scene.

Realize that you (we) are all being played and that with every day that goes by something else
is being done to fool you. We know they cant possibly have all their evidence ready at first and
that is why they need time to synthesize their evidence.

This is what is currently happening for all the staged events weve witnessed in the recent past
(June-July 2016) or so, and Im not even going to get into the long distance story construction
(think: I shot Bin Laden) and the eventual Hollywood movie they will release to reinforce the
story much later down the road.

11: Long and detailed narration of the aftermath by the mass media

Following every breaking news 24/7 psyop event notice how for the next week or two well get
daily if not hourly fine tuning of the story with lots of behind-the-scenes segments being added
like for example mother of shooter apologizes, didnt see this coming or girlfriend of shooter
says he hated white people or gays or whatever it may be.

These aftermath segments are all designed to pad the official narrative and make you digest
the reality of the context of the event. As time goes on, of course, well always get details of
the gun purchase, how the shooter obtained training and much more. Obviously were all
familiar with the usual manifesto as well.

12: Early reaction to the event, televised ceremonies create backdrop for
multi-million dollar funding campaigns and call for new legislation

Ive already discussed this element in previous articles but its worth mentioning again here.
The long emotional and morality based ceremonies talking about god and the lord, love,
forgiveness at a time like this, are all part of the period setting up the big money train and
legislation that is to follow.

The ceremonies thus act as a calm before the storm and charges up the participants into an
emotional state where they are prepared to take action. Who can forget Sandy Hook crisis
actor and fake FBI agent David Wheeler (along with his wife) touring the country telling his
compelling story, desperately calling for gun control.

13: Subsequent psyop staged false flag events are used as opportunities
to rekindle the reality of past events
Finally, we are now seeing how staged false flag events are being used as golden
opportunities to rekindle the memory of other staged events just in case you have forgotten.

Look for this tactic which they are using every time now. This is a reminder that the gun control
agenda is a process. Its not about one event, they are in a mission filled with many events that
need reinforcement. The events are playing out differently. Some may have elements of reality
and others not.

They are potentially mixing realities and challenging you to guess which one it is. Confusion
and chaos, as I pointed out in a recent article, are the goal and now the norm.
Plain and simple, as I continue to warn, were all being played in one way or another. The
deception is so deep I can only present, as I see it, the various segments of these ongoing
deceptions. No one said this information war and defending freedom would be easy and for
anyone still in the old model of real event versus false flag real event you are falling behind
in the information war.

As I said earlier, the tactics are now much more sophisticated and the game has changed. The
goal is to confuse you into submission and we have to look at all elements of these events in
the context of our new reality.
If you agree please share this message.

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

Propaganda War Raging

August 7 2016 | From: KiwiWatch

A war has already commenced and it is dangerous as any war in history

with the U.S. and western subservient countries on one side with Russia &
China on the other. The pitch for our minds is in full motion and nothing will
stop this media onslaught aimed at ensuring populations meekly if not
blindly follow our leaders to an eventual real shooting war.
Joe Biden wasnt calling in to just say Hi to John Key for the sake of it. He was here to
enforce the TPPA deal from foundering as it appears to struggle for traction in the U.S.
itself plus negotiate to send (nuclear armed) warships to our waters that encircles New
Zealand as a U.S. ally and regrettably therefore potential target.

All the years of New Zealand standing up and being counted against nuclear weapons is now
put on the line by John Key. Of course U.S. warships will come, who is he kidding that he is
considering the situation, the invitation has been sent!

The beat-up by the U.S. in the South China Sea is very dangerous as the aim is to force China
to back down over the reclaimed atolls pitching the U.S. against China aiming to enforce U.S.
domination in Asia and the Pacific.

China views the South China Sea as its backyard and sphere of influence, is nuclear armed
and on high alert. Its one of New Zealands largest trading partners without which we become
massively poorer. This is a nuclear armed confrontation for power.
Meanwhile, the anti Russian media frenzy about banning all Russian Olympic athletes from Rio
is disgusting hypocrisy. Stirred as always from the U.S. that has politicised the Olympic
movement like none other, it is out of control. Has any reporter in New Zealand investigated
the report contents? I suggest not, this is pure U.S. media driven propaganda.
Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren the author of the so called damning report issued by
WADA, himself says in an interview to RT (and available for anyone to view if they care to
listen to McLaren speak himself) that he only had 57 days to write the report. The implication
is that a comprehensive report actually requires a longer time frame.

More importantly McLaren says he did not go to Russia to interview anyone and spoke to no
Russian officials or athletes at all. Excuse me, but surely if you are going to make a whole
range of accusations that are going to impact hundreds of athletes you would actually go and
see for your self just what is going on before judgement?
Apparently not, so how can this be a credible report? Its massively damaging to Russia but
that is the objective of this whole exercise. Demonize and damage Russia however you can.
The McLaren report was commissioned in response to accusations made by Grigory
Rodchenkov, the former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory to the New York Times.
Rodchenkov alleged that he switched the athletes samples as he dumped tainted urine into a
nearby toilet, washed out the bottles, dried and filled them with clean samples.

McLaren calls Rodchenkov a credible and truthful person, even though he is facing criminal
proceedings in Russia on charges by Russias Investigative Committee. Of course, he
absconded to the U.S. and is continuing the same line of practice in Los Angeles that he was
responsible for in Russia.

Someone facing criminal charges in Russia is not an unbiased witness but the blanket ban of
all Russian athletes is the outcome based on a report delivered to satisfy the expectations of
American and Canadian interests intending to politicise the Olympic movement.
I agree absolutely that doping in sport must be eliminated if at all possible and I have no doubt
that there are plenty of Russian drug cheats but this is different, the media frenzy over Russian
State Sponsored doping is a charge that is far higher yet McLaren hasnt talked to any
Its easy to poke accusations at anyone, make them out to be the worst possible beings and
that is what has been achieved in everyones mind whatever the truth is about Russian sport.
Hypocritically the United States and Canada are far from immune from drug cheating and no
doubt some of their athletes will reappear as cheats again.

Americans Carl Lewis, Marion Jones, Flo Jo, Tyler Hamilton, Tyson Gay and Canadian Ben
Johnson were all drug cheats with Jones, Johnson, Gay and Hamilton all losing their Olympic
medals but that is only scratching the surface. The propaganda has worked.

Leaked DNC Emails Prove Once And For All That The Conspiracy
Theorists Were Right All Along + FBI Source: Clinton Foundation
Can Bring Down Entire Government
July 28 2016 | From: NaturalNews / Infowars / Breitbart

To anyone who has ever been called a "conspiracy theorist," the world
owes you a massive apology. As the leaked DNC emails now exhaustively
prove, Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually did conspire to destroy Bernie
It was a genuine conspiracy involving a multitude of people who acted in coordinated
secrecy to deceive the public, destroy a candidate and coronate their chosen evil
globalist (Hillary Clinton) as President.

Related: The Clinton Presidential Campaign just went Kaboom!

The only thing that makes this conspiracy any different than all the other true conspiracies
happening right now is that they got caught.

And now, the entire leftist media -- which is also part of the very same conspiracy to thrust
Clinton into office -- is trying to distract you from all this by invoking their own hilarious
conspiracy theory: The Russians did it!

Yep, suddenly now the same leftist media skeptics who ridiculed anyone even hinting that the
DNC was running a conspiracy to destroy Sanders is floating its own tin foil hat theories in
a desperate bid to hope you won't read any of the emails that actually leaked. Those emails, it
turns out, expose the DNC and Hillary Clinton as a cabal of corrupt political mafia
bosses who deeply hate voters, democracy and a free press.
The DNC even rewarded top donors with political appointments to the boards of federal
organizations. If you give them enough money, they'll make sure Hillary lands you a spot in
your favorite federal bureaucracy (the United States Postal Service is apparently in need of
several BORED members... ha ha).

Check out some of these email findings for yourself:

All the dirt (so far) from the 19,000 leaked emails: TheGatewayPundit

DNC staffers revealed as total bigots who tried to destroy Bernie Sanders by attacking
his religion: GovtSlaves

Obedient MSNBC morons report "cheers" when the audience is BOOING Debbie
Wasserman Schultz off the stage: (see the text along bottom of the video): ZeroHedge

It Was the Russians!

But you're not supposed to pay any attention to all the admissions of crime and corruption
found in these emails. Never mind the fact that all these DNC members need to be arrested,
indicted and put behind bars for 20 years to life. They're all corrupt criminals who despise
democracy and use the power of their positions to rig elections and place sleazebag politicians
into public office. The voters be damned!

No, you're supposed to think to yourself, "It was the Russians!" And right on cue, the leftist
media is now floating the ludicrous idea that Putin loves Trump and wants Trump to win the
presidency. Why is this idea so ludicrous?

Because Hillary Clinton is the sellout who approve the selling of America's uranium
reserves to Russian mining companies, sacrificing a strategic national resource so she and
her husband Bill could collect a few more million dollars in "speaking fees." (Source: CLINTON
CASH book and documentary.)

In other words, the Russians get everything they want when democrats are in power,
because democrats are corrupt criminals who are willing to sell anything to the Russians (as
long as the donation fee is high enough to the Clinton Foundation). Thus, the idea that Putin
wouldn't want Clinton in the White House is absurd.

But this is all best said by none other than Patrick Buchanan in this editorial which I
offer here as a partial reprint:
Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: "All my life I have ever made but
one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.' And God granted it."

The tale of the thieved emails at the Democratic National Committee is just too good to be true.

For a year, 74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders has been saying that, under DNC Chair Debbie
Wasserman Schultz, the party has been undercutting his campaign and hauling water for Hillary Clinton.

From the 19,200 emails dumped the weekend before Clinton's coronation, it appears the old boy is not
barking mad. The deck was stacked; the referees were in the tank; the game was rigged.

For four decades, some of us have wondered what Jim McCord, security man at CREEP, and his four
Cubans were looking for in DNC Chair Larry O'Brien's office at the Watergate. Now it makes sense.

Among the lovely schemes the DNC leaders worked up to gut Sanders in Christian communities of West
Virginia and Kentucky, was to tell these good folks that Sanders doesn't even believe that there is a God.
He's not even an agnostic; he's an atheist.

The idea was broached by DNC chief financial officer Brad Marshall in an email to DNC chief executive
officer Amy Dacey:

"Does [Bernie] believe in a God. He has skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an
atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a
big difference between a Jew and atheist."

Dacey emailed back, "Amen."

In 1960, John F. Kennedy went before the Houston ministers to assert the right of a Catholic to be
president of the United States. Is the "Marshall Plan," to quietly spread word Bernie Sanders is a godless
atheist, now acceptable politics in the party of Barack Obama?

If Marshall and Dacey are still around at week's end, we will know.

The WikiLeaks dump came Friday night. By Sunday, Clinton's crowd had unleashed the mechanical rabbit,
and the press hounds were dutifully chasing it. The new party line: The Russians did it!

Clinton campaign chief Robert Mook told ABC, "experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke in to
the DNC, took all these emails, and now they are leaking them out through the Web sites. some experts
are now telling us that this was done by the Russians for the purpose of helping Donald Trump."

Monday, Clinton chairman John Podesta said there is a "kind of bromance going on" between Trump and
Vladimir Putin. Campaign flack Brian Fallon told CNN, "There is a consensus among experts that it is
indeed Russia that is behind this hack of the DNC."

Purpose: Change the subject. Redirect the media away from the DNC conspiracy to sabotage Sanders'

Assange: "A Lot More Material" Will Be Released"

FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire


The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email servers,
source reveals.

The Clinton Foundation is a massive spider web of connections and money laundering
implicating hundreds of high-level people, according to an anonymous insider who
revealed why the FBI stopped short of indicting Hillary Clinton.

Related: IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation

Before FBI Director James Comey announced the FBI wouldnt recommend pressing charges
against Clinton, an insider with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case
hosted an little-publicized AMA session on 4Chan, and the statements he made on July 2
corroborate with later developments of the scandal.

There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down, he revealed.

People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is.

Whether she will be [indicted] or not depends on how much info others involved gets out, and there are a
lot of people involved.

Since then, both the FBI and the DOJ declined to press charges against Clinton, and other
sources revealed the Clinton Foundation is now under scrutiny.

The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive
spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people,

Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece albeit a big piece of this massive
Those implicated extends to the Justice Dept.

The DOJ is most likely looking to save itself, he continued.

Find everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and imagine
they are all implicated.

This would explain why Bill Clinton forced himself on Attorney General Loretta Lynchs plane at
the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport last week; Clinton insider Larry Nichols said
blackmail was likely involved.

Bill Clinton met with Lynch, and he was there to assure her that when Hillary gets to be president shell be
able to keep her job, said Nichols on the Alex Jones Show Friday.

I would imagine he gave Lynch a slip of paper that had on it a couple of things about the career
prosecutors that are working the case. What was on that? The things they have on them. The drugs,
women, men, whatever.

The source indicated the Clinton Foundation is likely a nexus of blackmail material
keeping everyone in D.C. in line behind the Clintons even those with tremendous

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email server, he said.

We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation.
Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.

The server was in Benghazi? Was that one of the reasons why the embassy was attacked, to
destroy evidence on the Clinton Foundation?
Additionally, the source said the investigation took so long because FBI Director James
Comey didnt want to face the Clinton Machine and the rest of Washington D.C.

This case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and then we would be
one agency competing against the entire government and a hoard of other interests,

It is a very tense and uncomfortable position.

Interestingly, the insider spoke more about Clintons relationship with President Obama, which
seems frosty at times despite Obama currently campaigning for his former Secretary of State.

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email server, he said. We received the server
from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation.
Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.

Obama and Hillary do hate each other, he said. Hillary hates black people and Obama dislikes

On Thursday, Breitbart reported the FBI is is still investigating Hillary Clinton in connection with
possible corruption related to the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton Cash Movie Surpasses 500,000 Views In 48 Hours

News showed the motion picture adaptation of Clinton Cash three times in
three-hour windows. In those total nine hours of Saturday and
Sunday viewing, there were 290,000 video views.
Pirated versions of the film have already begun sprouting up online, with one YouTube
upload alone currently showing more than 215,800 views.

In total, more than 500,000 people have pressed play on this film. But, of course, that half
million views number does not take into account the massive amount of people who held watch
parties or watched Clinton Cash with their family and friends during the weekend.

Indeed, several comments have been posted on and various social media
platforms from people saying they and their friends and family were watching the Clinton
Cash movie together in groups.

Its hard to know just how many millions of Americans may have tuned in to watch Clinton
Cash during its two-day global release.

As Breitbart News reported, the film was pushed heavily on social media by more than 283,000
dyed-in-the-wool Bernie Sanders supporters, who helped catapult Clinton Cash to the top of
Facebooks trending topics list on Sunday.

Related: 21 New Clinton Cash Revelations That Have Imperiled Hillary Clintons

Related: 11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate

Due to overwhelming response and request, Breitbart News has decided to make Clinton Cash
available for free forever.
Clinton Cash was directed by M.A. Taylor and was written and produced by Danny Fleurette
and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.
The film exposes the alarming pattern of record-high speaking fees to Bill
Clinton and donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign contributors, which coincided with
favors for those closest to the Clintons and their foundation donors while Hillary Clinton served
as secretary of state.

Related: Historic Civil Law Suit against Alleged War Criminal George W. Bush in
California: Chilcot Report Submitted to the Ninth Circuit Court

A Generation Of Poisoning With Gender-Bender Chemicals Has

Created A New Class Of Youth Who Fail To Recognize Gender At
July 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews

The success of the globalists in perverting the minds of Western youth is

evident in a new study by the Innovation Group, which found that most
people between the ages of 13 and 20 what the mainstream media and
social engineers have dubbed "Generation Z" no longer believe in
strictly-defined gender identities like "male" and "female."
These gender "binaries," which are really just the pronouns humanity has been using
since the beginning of time to differentiate between individuals with external
reproductive equipment versus internal reproductive equipment, are now "old-
fashioned" to the youth of today, which the study found are more comfortable than
previous generations using gender-neutral (and grammatically incorrect) pronouns like
"they" and "them" to describe a single, genderless individual.

A majority of Gen-Z respondents, 52 percent, indicated that they aren't completely

heterosexual, while 35 percent an 11 percent increase compared to "Millennials" admit that
they fall somewhere along the spectrum of bisexuality. This spectrum identification for sexuality
is further reflected in the more than 38 percent of Gen-Zers who claim they don't believe
gender defines a person.

As far as the types of clothes and accessories they buy, 1320 year-olds are much more fluid
when it comes to sticking to a gender norm. Only 44 percent of Gen-Zers buy clothes
exclusively designed for their own gender, while an astounding 70 percent say they support the
idea that bathrooms become "genderless," welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to use

Gen-Z is likewise more accepting of others who don't identify by any specific gender pronoun,
or who identify by "non-traditional" gender pronouns like "ze;" 74 percent of Gen-Zers fall into
this category compared to just 62 percent of older Millennials between the ages of 2134. But
the one thing on which both Gen-Zers and Millennials agree? More people than ever are
experimenting with their gender identity.

A 16-year-old pansexual (genderless) student from Nebraska by the name of

"Madeleine" told VICE that "it" (for lack of a better pronoun) learned more about gender and
identity from its peers than from older people, and that "agender," or no gender at all, is a
young people's phenomenon.

"I also notice that people my age are more open to gender and sexuality being fluid and
subject to change," Madeleine told VICE. "For a while, I identified as asexual, but as time went
on and I changed, I realized that maybe I wasn't that way anymore."

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals are Eliminating Sex, Gender

This lack of clarity about biological identity is a product of two things: relentless media
propaganda and chemical poisoning with gender-bending chemicals found in plastics,
herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our food, and environmental pollution. Chemicals like
bisphenol-A (BPA), glyphosate, soy and other hormone-disruptors are altering human genes
and producing next-generation "robot" humans with no gender, and thus no identity.

It's sad, really, because it could have been prevented through reforms that protect the people
rather than the chemical and drug industries that produce these toxins. Food, water, air:
It's all tainted with endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that, more often than not, mimic the
effects of estrogen, meaning they deplete testosterone and create hormone imbalances that
not only confuse children, but also affect their growth and development.

Young girls are becoming more "masculine," while young boys are becoming more "feminine"
an alchemy of the two sexes both physically and mentally that's changing the landscape of
culture and civilization.

We've identified many sources of EDCs through our ongoing work at the Natural News
Forensics Food Lab, which I encourage you to check out in order to learn more.

Who Owns New Zealand's Media?

July 16 2016 | From: JMAD New Zealand Media Ownership Report / Throng / MadisonLevy /

The JMAD 2015 New Zealand Media Ownership Report observes that New
Zealand media companies are now owned by a small number of private
funds and investment banks. In the case of MediaWorks, financial
ownership has intensified its profit imperatives, and led to the demolition of
its news and currents affairs programmes.

In this context, it is encouraging that independent news organisations such as the

National Business Review (NBR), BusinessDesk and Scoop, have continued to operate
in the market.

Related: Fraudcast News: You Will Believe What the Media Tells You To

In 2015, New Zealand media companies were implementing digital first strategies, and
integrating newsrooms across the print and online platforms. Unfortunately, this didnt put
journalists first, and newsroom layoffs continued.

The revenue structures of media companies continued to encounter difficulties, and new forms
of partnership and collaboration emerged.

For example, Fairfax partnered with Sky TV, The Huffington Post and The New York Times;
and APN with News Corp and The Washington Post in content delivery.
Additionally, NZME, TVNZ, MediaWorks and Fairfax joined forces in advertising against
companies such as Facebook and Google.

In 2015, Rupert Murdoch returned to the New Zealand media market by acquiring a 15 per
cent stake in APN, publisher of The New Zealand Herald. In contrast, mining billionaire Gina
Rinehart sold all of her Fairfax shares. Consequently, the investment bank Morgan Stanley
became the companys largest shareholder.

Yet again MediaWorks became owned by one financial institution. In 2013 it went into
receivership under its private equity owner Ironbridge Capital. In 2015, American hedge fund
Oaktree Capital emerged as the biggest MediaWorks owner.

Key events concerning New Zealand media ownership

Billionaire Gina Rinehart exits Fairfax Media

Rupert Murdoch becomes the second largest owner in APN

MediaWorks becomes owned by Oaktree Capital

Scoop crowdfunds to become a not-for-profit outlet

Three funds hold 20 per cent of Sky TVs shares

Read the New Zealand Media Ownership 2015 report

New Zealand Media Ownership and Market Structure

From 2010 to 2015, the market structure of New Zealand media has not changed significantly.
However, television broadcasting has become increasingly competitive with the arrival of on-
demand and video streaming services.

During the past five years, the newspaper publishing, radioand televisionmarkets have been
dominatedby the same major players: APN/NZME, Fairfax Media, MediaWorks, Sky TV, TVNZ,
Radio New Zealand (RNZ), and Maori TV.

Additionally, independent news organisations such as Scoop, Allied Press, the National
Business Review and BusinessDesk, maintained operations in an increasingly competitive
media environment.

New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME) is owned by APN News and Media, an
Australian media corporation headquartered in Sydney. APN is a publicly listed company
owned by its shareholders, which operates both in Australia and New Zealand.

Similarly, Fairfax Media is headquartered in Sydney, and is publicly listed and owned by its
shareholders. Sky TV (NZ) operates in New Zealand, and is also a public company owned by
shareholders. Bauer Media, a privately owned, global media conglomerate, is headquartered in

It entered the New Zealand publishing market in 2013 by purchasing APNs magazine staples
such as The Listener, New Zealand Womans Weekly, Simply You and Simply You Living.
MediaWorks is privately owned, ow by American hedge fund Oaktree Capital. New Zealand
has three Crown owned companies: Television New Zealand (TVNZ), Radio New Zealand
(RNZ) and Maori Television. TVNZ is owned by the state, and it is commercially funded with no
public service obligation.

Approximately 95 percent of its operations are funded by advertising, and its primary mandate
is to pay dividends to the New Zealand government. RNZ is the only public service broadcaster
in New Zealand. Its aim is:

To provide reliable, independent and freely accessible news and information, and to give expression to
New Zealands national identity and diversity

- Treasury, 2014

Treasury states that RNZ is an independent Crown entity with public funding, and has a
mandate to operate in the broad public interest in accordance with the RNZ Charter.

Maori Television, also funded by the government, is specifically required to revitalise the Maori
language. According to Maori TV, its general objective is to be:

An independent Maori television service that is relevant, effective and widely accessible

- Maori TV, 2014

Company Ownership Focus Most Important NZ Assets

APN/NZME Shareholders Commercial The Radio Network, The New Zealand Herald,,
Fairfax Shareholders Commercial The Dominion Post, The Press,
TV3, FOUR, EdgeTV, TV3plus1, TV4plus1, 3NOW On Demand,
MediaWorks Private Commercial, The Edge, More FM, RadioLIVE, The Breeze...
SkyTV Shareholders Commercial SkyTV, MySky, Prime, Igloo, Neon
TV ONE, TV2, TV One plus 1, TV2+1, TVNZ Ondemand,
TVNZ Crown Commercial
Radio New Public Radio New Zealand National, Radio New Zealand Concert,
Zealand Service
Maori TV Crown Maori Television Channel, Te Reo Channel
Metro, The Listener, North & South, The New Zealand Women's
Bauer NZ Private Commercial
NBR Private Commercial The National Business Review,
Scoop Private Independent
BusinessDesk Private Independent BusinessDesk
Coliseum Sports
Private Commercial Coliseum Sports Media

New Zealand Media: Concentration of Ownership

The week commencing 9th May 2016 is likely to be remembered by journalists in New Zealand
for a very long time. In another twist in the complex, uncertain and volatile media landscape
the two Australian media titans, Fairfax Media and APN announced they were engaged in
discussions with a view to merging their New Zealand media assets.

These assets are Fairfax NZ and NZME, a merger of which would result in New Zealand being
left with one newspaper group holding an effective monopoly over the newspapers in the
large cities, with the Otago Daily Times as the lone independent newspaper.
Loss of advertisng revenue as a result of both digital convergence and multi-platform media
configurations is adversely impacting the traditional mass media operating model across the
developed world.

However, these commercial realities and the frequent media ownership concentration
that results have very serious potential implications for the quality of journalism.

Media ownership in New Zealand has been gradually concentrating over the past years, first
moving to corporate ownership and then more latterly to financial ownership.

Nonetheless, given the relatively light media regulation by government, if this move to merger
is successful the public will inevitably have less choice and the role of the fourth estate will be
at risk of being weakened, at the very time when the worlds of politics and business
appear to becoming less and less tranparent.
Related: Media Merger Will Change the News

Over the Last Few Weeks [November 2015] Throng has Presented Adhoc Analysis of
Ratings on the Free-to-Air Channels.

Related: Corporate Media Really Is Dying: Check Out these New Statistics

This has shown a staggering 12 point decline in viewing audiences across the combined TV2 and TV3

So where has that audience gone?

Has it migrated to other Freeview channels such as Maori Television, ChoiceTV and the
timeshifted channels (TVOne+1,TV2+1 and TV3+1)?

Should advertisers be devoting more analysis to the audience and reach of these other channels?

Or has the audience shifted to the, as Throng would have you believe, anachronistic Sky?
This is highly important not just to stimulate discussion in television media in New Zealand but also highly
important to the advertising community that essentially funds these channels. A one point movement in
audience share in the $614million spent on television advertising in 2014 means $6.14m impact on
profitability and the ability to acquire content in subsequent years.

Viewers have to go somewhere

Audience share, by its very nature, sums to 100%. So a double digit shift in audience share has to go
somewhere. At this time the data for other channels (and the plus ones) havent been presented and this
author doesnt have access to the audience data that the administrators enjoy.

However it would be ironic to think that the audience has migrated to watching more hours of television on
the platform that the administrators go to great lengths to harangue and ridicule.

Although the demographic is incorrect publically available data shows that over the 2010-2014 Sky TV and
Prime have enjoyed a 4% lift in audience share. Something that must increase the bitterness of Throng. It
still begs the question where has 8 percentage points or $50 million worth of advertising share gone?

Read more at: Throng

Related: Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media

Print Newspapers and Online News Outlets

In 2015, NZME and Fairfax maintained their duopoly in New Zealands print newspaper
market. The three leading newspapers, including The New Zealand Herald(NZME), The
Dominion Post (Fairfax), and The Press (Fairfax), saw declines in their circulation numbers.
Related: German Journalist Reveals That The CIA Has Compromised The Western

In June 2015, the circulation of The New Zealand Herald was 139,209, down 4.7 per cent from
the previous year; the circulation of The Dominion Post was 64,851(-9.6%) and the circulation
of The Press61,573(-7.8%).

However, The Dominion Post has increased its readership. According to Roy Morgan
readership results, in 2015 The Dominion Posts Monday to Saturday readership increased 3.8
per cent from the previous year to 274,000 readers, a gain of 10,000 readers per average

The readership of The New Zealand Herald was 589,000, down 3.3 per cent from 2014, but the
paper remained the countrys most-read daily newspaper. The leading Sunday papers lost
readers: the Sunday Star Times had 415,000 readers, down 1.4 per cent. However, the Herald
on Sunday lost 11 percent of its readers having readership of 290,000 in the 12 months to June

In April 2015, The New Zealand Heralds editor-in-chief Tim Murphy announced that he was
stepping down.

In a media statement Jane Hastings, chief executive of NZME said: Tim has guided The New
Zealand Herald through some of the most dynamic years in the papers history including
changing format from broadsheet to compact in 2012"

Murphy was appointed as editor-in-chief in 2001 at the age of 37, and he was the youngest
person to edit the paper.
In 2015, New Zealands online news - in terms of unique audience - was dominated by Fairfax.
Its online site became the most popular New Zealand based website as it overtook
Trade Me as the one most visited.

In April 2015, Fairfax appointed the former editor Jeremy Rees as an editor for
its national community titles in New Zealand.
Sinead Boucher, Fairfax Medias executive editor, said that his role wasto develop our strategy
around communities - in print as well as in digital as well lead innovation as Fairfax sought to
grow this very important and strong part of business".

In May 2015, had aunique audience of over 1.8 million. Boucher commented that in
New Zealand:

The digital world is now defined by Google for search, Facebook for social, and Stuff for content,
that usage is the ultimate engagement metric.

In 2014 had a unique audience of 1.2 million, and according to NZME, in 2015
The New Zealand Herald had a monthly digital audience of 1,383,000, and a total brand
audience of 1,821,000".

In order to attract an even greater audience, and in preparation for digital subscriptions, The
New Zealand Herald launched a new data-journalism website entitled Insights in November
2015. The paper noted that thelaunch was a further demonstration of its commitment to in-
depth journalism and new forms of storytelling".

NZME group revenue director Laura Maxwell said in a press release, that the site
was generating interest from advertising agencies which opens up opportunities for revenue
generation. In her view, by using data visualising tools, the new site creates new immersive
and creative opportunities for advertisers to align with these engaged audiences".

Another Local Paywall Goes Up, The New Zealand Herald Yet to Follow

In 2015, New Zealand media companies were driving newsroom and other changes to
increase their digital and advertising income. Their need to find new revenue sources is clear,
and APN illustrates the point. As mentioned earlier,its 2015 half-year profit shrank 67 per cent
from the previous year. In this context,it is not surprising that NZME is contemplating paywalls.

In August, the company said thatit would introduce digital registrations for the
website by the end of year.

This move precedes introduction of digital subscriptions, or a paywall. Earlier in 2015 the
company stated its intention to monetise online news with memberships, digital subscriptions,
and pay as you click articles.

In May APN announced paywalls for its regional newspapers in Australia, and in August 2015
the Toowoomba Chronicle introduced charges for its online news.
In New Zealand, the National Business Review has digital subscriptions, and local newspapers
Whakatane Beacon and The Ashburton Guardian have also introduced paywalls.

In October another local newspaper, independently owned The Gisborne Herald, announced
that it would launch charges for its online content. The paper stated that some important
content on the site will be outside the paywall. Most critically, in a civil defence emergency all
news will be freely accessible.

The papers digital services costabout two-thirds the price of a newspaper subscription - $1 for
one day of viewing through to $200 for a 12-month subscription. Fairfax introduced a paywall
for the Australian Financial Review in 2011, and for its general newspapers The Age and The
Sydney Morning Herald in 2013.

Its paywall revenue has gradually increased from AUD$4.8 million in 2013 to AUD$32.7 million
in 2015. At the same time its income from digital classified advertising has increased from
AUD$109 million to AUD$161.5 million.

In 2015, New Zealands independent media outlets included the National Business Review, a
privately owned financial news outlet; privately owned newspaper publisher Allied Press;
Scoop, which became a trust owned not-for-profit media outlet, and BusinessDesk, a privately
owned independent news provider focusing on business and financial news.

In September 2015, Scoop, the 16-year old online news publisher, became a non-profit media
outlet committed to public interest journalism. The publishing company was embedded in an
independent charitable trust entitled Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism.
Related: Recharging With Alastair Thompson, Publisher Of Scoop Media

The trust owns the publishing arm of Scoop, called The New Scoop Publishing Company.
Before this change, the companys shareholders included Margaret Thompson (Mother of
Scoops editor and publisher Alastair Thompson), Imarda chief executive Selwyn Pellett, who
held 20 per cent of the shares, and journalists Gordon Campbell, Russell Brown and Pattrick

However, in December 2014, Margaret Thompson took full control in the company. According
to the National Business Review, the ownership changes meant that several shareholders are
short of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Related: Alternative Media Is Winning: 60% Of Americans [ Read: The West ] Distrust
Mainstream Media


The 2013 JMAD New Zealand media ownership report found that the blogosphere was thriving
in New Zealand.

As was then stated, the mainstream media was becoming increasingly commercially
focused,and therefore there was a gap in public interest reporting, which bloggers are now
trying to fill.
However, the 2014 JMAD report observed after the revelations in Nicky Hagers book Dirty
Politics, that blogs are not necessarily a counterweight to commercial media outlets. The
report stated that there is increasing evidence of unethical alliances among bloggers,
politicians, PR companies and legacy media.

In 2015, bloggers kept breaking news stories ahead of the mainstream media. In April, Martyn
Bradburys The Daily Blog broke a story in which an anonymous waitress revealed that Prime
Minister John Key kept pulling her hair against her wishes whenvisiting an Auckland caf.

After The Daily Blog published an anonymous blog written by the waitress, The New Zealand
Herald named her in its story against her wishes. However, Shayne Currie, editor of The New
Zealand Herald, said that after the papers gossip columnist Rachel Glucina interviewed the
waitress and the caf owners, no one was in any doubt that the article, quotes and
photograph would be appearing in the Herald".

After the scandal broke, Prime Minister apologised to the waitress for any offence
caused. The story was covered extensively in New Zealand media and abroad by news
outlets such as the BBC, the Washington Post, CNN, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian,
The Japan Time sand The Hindu.
Related: Its Official, Alternative Media Win Over Mainstream Media

There is no publicly available, reliable data about blog readership numbers and rankings.
When asked, Nielsen New Zealand failed to provide any information concerning blog
readership and traffic, and therefore this report cannot discuss the visitor numbers of unique
visits to these sites.

Some ofthe most well-known blogs in New Zealand include Cameron Slaters Whale Oil blog,
Martyn Bradburys The Daily Blog, Russell Browns Hard News, David Farrars Kiwiblog,The
Standard and The Dim-Post. Other well-known blogs include Chris Trotters Bowalley Road
and Politik, which was established by Front Page Ltd.

The company produces television news and current affairs programmes as well as television
material for commercial clients. It is headed by the former TVNZ political editor Richard

New Zealand Media Ownership: Events and Patterns

The ownership structures of leading New Zealand media corporations have changed
substantially in the past five years.

None of the commercial media companies are New Zealand owned, and APN is the only one
with a media corporation as a substantial shareholder.

In all four commercially operated media companies ownership has concentrated in

hands of financial institutions: private equity firms, investment banks, banks and
managed funds.

In 2015, APNs ownership changed substantially when long-term shareholder, the Irish
Independent News and Media (INM), sold its shares along with telecom billionaire Denis
OBrien (he had substantial holdings in both INM and APN). In March, INM and OBriens
investment company Baycliffe Limited sold all their APN shares.

Before the sale, INM owned 18.6 per cent of APNs shares, and Baycliffe 12.2 per cent.
Following the sale, Rupert Murdochs News Corp purchased a 14.99 per cent of APN to
become thesecond largest shareholder.
APNs Chairman Peter Cosgrove described this ownership change as a defining moment for
APN that also reflects a new era. News Corp noted that its interest was due to APNs high
quality portfolio of Australian and New Zealand radio and outdoor media assets and small
regional print interests.

Following the transaction, in June 2015, APNs chief executive officer Michael Miller resigned
from APN to become executive chairman of News Corp Australasia. He was followed by Ciaran
Davis, who was previously chief executive officer of the Australian Radio Network (ARN)
owned by APN.

In June 2013 MediaWorks was put into receivership, and consequently sold to a new holding
company MediaWorks Holdings Limited; a syndicate of banks, hedge funds and private equity

In April 2015, MediaWorks announced that American privately owned hedge fund Oaktree
Capital owned 77.8 per cent of the companys shares after purchasing them from Royal Bank
of Scotland and Westpac.

Mark Weldon, MediaWorks chief executive officer commented that Oaktree is an experienced,
long-terminvestor into media businesses, referring to the companys involvement in Australian
Nine Entertainment.
According to media reports, Oaktree Capital has increased its stake in MediaWorks to 100 per
cent, but this hasnt been officially confirmed.

In October, John Drinnan wrote that in June, Oaktree took full ownership of MediaWorks,
which has suffered low morale and ratings mishaps at its TV operations. He also noted that
after Weldon joined MediaWorks in 2014 as a chief executive officer, he had a rollercoaster
ride with disappointing results from TV amid a strategic shift that downgraded news and current
affairs and made more use of reality formats.

Related: The Dumbing Down Of Mainstream Media & The Agendas Driving It

Earlier in April, Nick Grant commented that MediaWorks CEO makes ruthless decisions on a
financial basis. Most other people will take into account various personalities and issues and
stakeholders, but Mr Weldon only has one stakeholder money.


During the past five years, New Zealand media has undergone some substantial ownership
changes. The following table lists some of the major developments in the New Zealand media
market from 2011 to 2015.

In general, it can be observed that the financial ownership of APN, Fairfax Media and Sky TV
has increased, and their future is determined by management funds and investment banks
which are the largest shareholders in these companies.

In 2015, 20 per cent of Sky TVs shares were owned by three financial institutions; 32 per cent
of APNs shares were in hands of four funds; 44.7 per cent of Fairfaxs shares were owned by
five financial institutions, and MediaWorks was owned by one hedge fund.

At the time of writing, it is clear that the New Zealand media sector has some major structural
changes ahead. APN has indicated that it may still float NZME as a separate company on the
New Zealand stock market. At the time of writing MediaWorkss future seemed uncertain, and
the companys management has indicated that it was seeking to sell the company, or to list it
onthe local stock market.
During 2015 it became evident that media corporations need to pursue new partnerships and
alliances while they are trying to recapture audiences, and revenues. In this context it is not
surprising that old enemies have started to find new ways to co-operate.

Competition in the New Zealand broadcasting market has become fiercer, and new entrants to
the market have emerged. In 2015, American companies Netflix and Yahoo TV introduced their
video streaming services in New Zealand to compete with existing broadcasters and services.

This report also notes examples of technological innovation among New Zealand media

The National Business Review launched radio service; RNZ experimented with podcasts and
video content; NZME introduced a new data-journalism site, and Scoop used crowd funding to
help its transformation to a non-profit news organisation. Additionally some interesting new
content providers, such as The Spinoff, emerged.

Related: These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

Comment: The consolidation of New Zealand media is no different in real terms than
that which has been happening overseas. Such centralisation is not just about fiscal
considerations, but power. We see consolidation happening in all industries and
countries. It is far easier for those at the top to continue running the show, shaping the
narrative and indeed in the case of the media - controlling the news and flow of
information - when there are less strings to pull.

Related Articles:

14 Tactics Used By The Mainstream Media To Manufacture Consent For The Oligarchy

CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda Program

Former CBS Reporter Exposes Media Lies, Internet Shills & Astroturfing

Mainstream Media Manipulation / Controlling The Narrative + Mosaic Of Facts: Inside

The Information War

The CIA And The Media: 50 Facts The World Needs To Know
Year Company Development
2011 NZPA Closed after 130 years in operation
Yellow Pages
Launch of hyperlocal site Yellow Local
New Zealand
Launch of Hyperlocal site Localist

Fairfax The company sold its 34% stake in auction site TradeMe in an initial public offering (IPO)

2012 TVNZ TVNZ7 Channel closed after government stopped its funding

APN Increased its stake in group buying site GrabOne to 100%

SkyTV Todd Communications sold its entire stake of 11%

Bauer Media Took over ACP and its magazines such as Metro and N orth & South

Fairfax Sold the remainder of its TradeMe shares

NBR Barry Coleman sold the newspaper to Todd Scott

2013 APN Sold South Island newspapers Christchurch Star and Oamaru Mail to Mainland Media

APN Sold its New Zealand magazines including The Listener to Bauer Group

TVNZ Closed its youth channel TVNZ U

SkyTV Rupert Mursoch's News Limited sold its entire 44% stake in SkyTV

MediaWorks Entered into receivership, sold to a new holding company owned by financial institutions

2014 APN INM's ownership shrinks to 18.6%

APN Rebrands as NZME and prepares for stock market float on NZX

Fairfax Joint venture StreamCo with Nine Entertainment

INM and Baycliffe sell their APN shares - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp buys 14.99% of the
2015 APN
shares, becominf the second largest shareholder

Fairfax Billionarire Gina Rinehart sells all her shares in Fairfax

MediaWorks Hedge fund Oaktree Capital becomes the largest shareholder

Scoop Becomes a trust-owned non-profit media outlet, raises money via crowdfunding

More: Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering & Government Propaganda

Putin Begs Media To Wake Up + The Demonization Of Vladimir

July 13 2016 | From: Infowars / Counterpunch / Sott / Various

"How do you not understand the world is being pulled in an irreversible

The growing tension between East and West is especially worrisome in light of the
general publics departure from political awareness and its inability to survive outside of
the government system.
Related: Russian President Putin signs law banning GMO production

The Demonization Of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is probably the most popular Russian leader there has ever
been, polling up around a phenomenal 80% as recently as November 2015
in a study carried out by a team of American researchers.
This makes him inarguably the most popular world leader today, though you would
think the opposite given the way hes routinely depicted and demonized in the West.

Paradoxically, the main reason for Putins popularity in Russia is the same reason hes so
reviled in the US and Western Europe.

It comes down to the simple but salient fact that when it comes to leadership and political nous
Vladimir Putin is playing chess while his counterparts in London, Washington, and Paris are
playing chequers.
This is not to ascribe to the Russian leader the moral virtues of Nelson Mandela or the
humanitarian instincts of Mahatma Gandhi. But neither is he the caricature regularly and
vehemently described in the UK and US media.

Putin is not a villain straight from a Bond movie, sitting in a spooky castle somewhere in
deepest Russia planning and plotting world domination. For that kind of Masters of the
Universe malarkey you need to take yourself to the White House in Washington, or maybe CIA
headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
No, the Russian President is a man who knows his enemy better than they know themselves,
and who understands and has imbibed the truth of former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchevs
statement that:

If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf.

What those Western ideologues and members of the liberal commentariat whove been lining
up to attack him in their newspaper columns fail to appreciate, not to mention the army of the
authors whove been churning out books painting Putin as a latter day Genghis Khan, is the
deep scars left on the Russian psyche by the countrys exposure to freedom and democracy
Western-style upon the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s.
Canadian journalist and author Naomi Klein lays it out in forensic detail in her peerless
work, The Shock Doctrine (Penguin, 2007). The impact of free market shock therapy on Russia
under Boris Yeltsins presidency, Klein describes thus:

In the absence of major famine, plague or battle, never have so many lost so much in so short a time.

By 1998 more than 80 percent of Russian farms had gone bankrupt, and roughly seventy thousand state
factories had closed, creating an epidemic of unemployment. In 1989, before shock therapy, 2 million
people in the Russian Federation were living in poverty, on less than $4 a day.

By the time the shock therapists had administered their bitter medicine in the mid-nineties, 74 million
Russians were living below the poverty line, according to the World Bank.

Klein also reveals that by 1994 the Russian suicide rate had doubled and violent crime
increased fourfold.
Given the devastation wrought on the Russian economy and society by Western free market
gurus and their Russian disciples during that awful period, the countrys recovery to the point
where it is now able to contest and resist Washington-led unipolarity where before it existed
unchecked, has to count as a staggering achievement.
Putin rose to power in Russia on the back of his role in violently suppressing the Chechen
uprising, which began amid the chaos of the Soviet Unions dissolution. It was a brutal and
bloody conflict in which atrocities were undoubtedly committed, as they are in every conflict,
until the uprising was finally crushed and Moscows writ restored.
The former KGB officer was thrust into the spotlight as a key member of Boris Yeltsins team
thereafter, viewed as a safe pair of hands, which propelled him onto the political stage and his
first stint as president in 2000, when he was elected for the first time.

Some maintain that during his time with the KGB that Putin made it as far as New

Since then Putin has worked to restore the Russian economy along with its sense of national
pride and prestige on the world stage. The loss of that prestige as a result of the demise of the
Soviet era had a cataclysmic effect on social cohesion in a country that had long prided itself
on its achievements, especially its role in defeating the Nazis in the Second World War.
The new Russian president is credited with returning the country to its former status as a
respected power that cant and wont be bullied by the West. The attempt to use Georgia as a
cats paw in 2008 was swiftly dealt with, and so has the attempt to do likewise with Ukraine in

All this baloney about Putin having expansionist aims is an attempt to throw a smokescreen
over the Wests own expansionist agenda in Eastern Europe with the goal of throwing a cordon
sanitaire around Russia in pursuit of a cold war agenda.
Russias current game changing role in the Middle East, along with Chinas ferocious economic
growth and growing influence, is proof that the days of unipolarity and uncontested Western
hegemony are drawing to a close. This more than any other factor lies at the root of the
irrational Russophobia being peddled so passionately in the West.
The most populous country in Europe is not and never will be a Western colony or semi colony.
For those Western ideologues that cannot conceive of any relationship with Russia other than
as a deadly or defeated foe, accepting this reality is a non-negotiable condition of achieving a
semblance of stability and peace in the world.
While Vladimir Putin and his government are not beyond criticism in fact, far from it their
misdeeds pale in comparison to the record of Western governments in destroying one country
after the other in the Middle East, presiding over a global economy that has sown nothing but
misery and despair for millions at home and abroad, leading in the last analysis to the
normalization of crisis and chaos.
Their deeds, as the man said, would shame all the devils in hell.

Related: Hysterical demonization campaign of Putin and Russia - The Pentagon's

empire of whining

German Green Party Politician Speaks Out Against Demonization

Of Putin

The former green state minister Ludger Volmer strongly criticizes his
party's Russia policy and warns against a one-sided image of Putin. The
former Minister of State in the Foreign Office, Ludger Volmer (Green), has
sharply attacked his party's Russia policy.
The 64-year-old, who served under the aegis of Joschka Fischer and retired from the
Bundestag in 2005, now castigates the Greens in an open letter for demonizing the
Russian President Vladimir Putin and "meekly reciting NATO slogans."

This just increases the danger of escalation. This is "disgraceful for a peace party" that it is
"stuck in silence."

Although it is correct to consider Putin critically according to Volmer, yet Putin's image in
Germany is "one-sided."

And: "The vast majority of Russians want him." In addition, one does not have to "love the
Russian national character, but when it comes to any other questionable ideology, you try to
deal constructively with them, political Islamism for instance - in some instances too much so."

The former member notes: "Putin may be no role model for a libertarian democracy. But he is
not a warmonger."

At the same time some aspects of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine get downplayed,
such as the participation of fascists in it, while the annexation of the Crimea is not so
clear a violation of international law, as the Greens insist.

Comment:On several occasions, Putin has managed to successfully outmanoeuvre the psychopathic
western powers both in the Ukraine and in Syria, and by doing so has preserved countless numbers of
lives. His actions here have been a display of courage, discipline and determination.

A feat like this must have also required a great deal of strength and strategic insight. Unsurprisingly, his
abilities and success as a leader are reflected in his approval ratings and popularity (which significantly
outweigh those of any 'leader' in the West), throughout both Russia and the rest of the world

Aside from political skill, Putin's numerous acts of generosity toward his people demonstrate humility and
kindness, both of which are qualities that are now exceedingly rare among politicians in this day and age.

In the face of constant lies spread by the West and blatant acts of aggression, Putin appears to exercise a
significant degree of self-control by maintaining respectful communication, utilising an approach which is
calm and collected.
Incorrect threat assessment?

Related: Vladimir Putin Is The Only Leader The West Has

Above all, there is "no serious reason to assume that Russia wants incorporate Poland or the Baltic
states. An incorrect threat assessment is as dangerous as a real threat,"

Volmer therefore asks: "Why are you, except for some individual voices, being silent about the
NATO / EU escalation on the eastern borders?"

The letter follows on the heels of statements by Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
(SPD), who had accused the West of "sabre rattling" and had gotten criticized for it. And
representatives of the Left party had attacked the Greens with arguments comparable to

On Wednesday of last week word came from the Greens that it was working up a response to
the letter, which was received on the Monday. The foreign policy Group spokesman Omid
Nouripour told the Frankfurter Rundschau: "It's never good style to publicly criticize the work of
your own successor, without first dealing with them or seeking contact with them. We are fine
with the line on de-escalation, but we are not with Ludger Volmer on relativizing the breach of
international law by the Kremlin."

Related: NATO focuses on "containment" of non-existing "threat from East" - Russian


Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israels Crimes Against

Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel & 1930's Germany & Ten
Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A Rogue
July 12 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / GushShalom / GlobalResearch / Various

Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israels Crimes Against


General Golan, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, on Holocaust Memorial Day,

If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the
awful processes which happened in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago,
and finding traces of them here in our midst, today, in 2016.

Related: The Jewish Colonization of Palestine

Related: Roger Waters on Why More Artists Dont Speak Out Against Israel: Theyre

Israeli Uri Avnery, a former member of the Israeli parliament, who as a boy lived in Germany
during the rise of the Nazis, has come to the support of General Golan.
General Golan, who was slated to be the next Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, and Uri Avnery,
one of the bravest men on the planet, are being demonized as self-hating Jews.

No one is permitted to mention any truth about Israels genocide against the
Palestinians or the support for this genocide by the two American political parties and
presstitute media, not even former President Jimmy Carter.

When Carter mentioned the apartheid that characterizes present-day Israel in his book, the
Jewish members of the Carter Center resigned.

Uri Averny: I Was There

"Please Don't write about Ya'ir Golan!" a friend begged me, Anything a
leftist like you writes will only harm him!"
Uri Avnery

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal

So I abstained for some weeks. But I can't keep quiet any longer.
General Ya'ir Golan, the deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, made a speech on Holocaust
Memorial Day. Wearing his uniform, he read a prepared, well-considered text that triggered an
uproar which has not yet died down.
Dozens of articles have been published in its wake, some condemning him, some lauding him.
Seems that nobody could stay indifferent.
The main sentence was: "If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the
Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the awful processes which happened in Europe in general,
and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago, and finding traces of them here in our
midst, today, in 2016."
All hell broke loose. What! Traces of Nazism in Israel? A resemblance between what the Nazis
did to us with what we are doing to the Palestinians?
Related: Shymaa's story from GAZA - "We Are the Ones"
90 years ago was 1926, one of the last years of the German republic. 80 years ago was 1936,
three years after the Nazis came to power. 70 years ago was 1946, on the morrow of Hitler's
suicide and the end of the Nazi Reich.
I feel compelled to write about the general's speech after all, because I was there.
As a child I was an eye-witness to the last years of the Weimar Republic (so called because its
constitution was shaped in Weimar, the town of Goethe and Schiller). As a politically alert boy I
witnessed the Nazi Machtergreifung ("taking power") and the first half a year of Nazi rule.
I know what Golan was speaking about. Though we belong to two different generations, we
share the same background. Both our families come from small towns in Western Germany.
His father and I must have had a lot in common.
There is a strict moral commandment in Israel: nothing can be compared to the
Holocaust. The Holocaust is unique. It happened to us, the Jews, because we are
unique. (Religious Jews would add: "Because God has chosen us".)
I have broken this commandment. Just before Golan was born, I published (in Hebrew) a book
called "The Swastika", in which I recounted my childhood memories and tried to draw
conclusions from them. It was on the eve of the Eichmann trial, and I was shocked by the lack
of knowledge about the Nazi era among young Israelis then.
My book did not deal with the Holocaust, which took place when I was already living in
Palestine, but with a question which troubled me throughout the years, and even today: how
could it happen that Germany, perhaps the most cultured nation on earth at the time, the
homeland of Goethe, Beethoven and Kant, could democratically elect a raving psychopath like
Adolf Hitler as its leader?
The last chapter of the book was entitled "It Can Happen Here!" The title was drawn from a
book by the American novelist Sinclair Lewis, called ironically "It Can't Happen Here", in which
he described a Nazi take-over of the United States.
In this chapter I discussed the possibility of a Jewish Nazi-like party coming to power in Israel.
My conclusion was that a Nazi party can come to power in any country on earth, if the
conditions are right. Yes, in Israel, too.
The book was largely ignored by the Israeli public, which at the time was overwhelmed by the
storm of emotions evoked by the terrible disclosures of the Eichmann trial.
Now comes General Golan, an esteemed professional soldier, and says the same thing.
And not as an improvised remark, but on an official occasion, wearing his general's uniform,
reading from a prepared, well thought-out text. The storm broke out, and has not passed yet.
Israelis have a self-protective habit: when confronted with inconvenient truths, they evade its
essence and deal with a secondary, unimportant aspect. Of all the dozens and dozens of
reactions in the written press, on TV and on political platforms, almost none confronted the
general's painful contention.
No, the furious debate that broke out concerns the questions: Is a high-ranking army officer
allowed to voice an opinion about matters that concern the civilian establishment? And do so in
army uniform? On an official occasion?

Should an army officer keep quiet about his political convictions? Or voice them only in closed
sessions - "in relevant forums", as a furious Binyamin Netanyahu phrased it?
General Golan enjoys a very high degree of respect in the army. As Deputy Chief of Staff he
was until now almost certainly a candidate for Chief of Staff, when the incumbent leaves the
office after the customary four years.
The fulfillment of this dream shared by every General Staff officer is now very remote. In
practice, Golan has sacrificed his further advancement in order to utter his warning and giving
it the widest possible resonance.
One can only respect such courage. I have never met General Golan, I believe, and I don't
know his political views. But I admire his act.
(Somehow I recall an article published by the British magazine Punch before World War I,
when a group of junior army officers issued a statement opposing the government's policy in
Ireland. The magazine said that while disapproving the opinion expressed by the mutinous
officers, it took pride in the fact that such youthful officers were ready to sacrifice their careers
for their convictions.)

The NAZI march to power started in 1929, when a terrible world-wide economic crisis hit
Germany. A tiny, ridiculous far-right party suddenly became a political force to be reckoned
with. From there it took them four years to become the largest party in the country and to take
over power (though it still needed a coalition).
I was there when it happened, a boy in a family in which politics became the main topic at the
dinner table. I saw how the republic broke down, gradually, slowly, step by step. I saw our
family friends hoisting the swastika flag. I saw my high-school teacher raising his arm when
entering the class and saying "Heil Hitler" for the first time (and then reassuring me in private
that nothing had changed.)
I was the only Jew in the entire gymnasium (high school.) When the hundreds of boys all
taller than I raised their arms to sing the Nazi anthem, and I did not, they threatened to break
my bones if it happened again.

A few days later we left Germany for good.

General Golan was accused of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Nothing of the sort. A
careful reading of his text shows that he compared developments in Israel to the events that
led to the disintegration of the Weimar Republic. And that is a valid comparison.
Things happening in Israel, especially since the last election, bear a frightening similarity to
those events. True, the process is quite different. German fascism arose from the humiliation of
surrender in World War I, the occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium from 1923-25, the
terrible economic crisis of 1929, the misery of millions of unemployed.

Israel is victorious in its frequent military actions, we live comfortable lives. The dangers
threatening us are of a quite different nature. They stem from our victories, not from our
Indeed, the differences between Israel today and Germany then are far greater than the
similarities. But those similarities do exist, and the general was right to point them out.
The discrimination against the Palestinians in practically all spheres of life can be compared to
the treatment of the Jews in the first phase of Nazi Germany. (The oppression of the
Palestinians in the occupied territories resembles more the treatment of the Czechs in the
"protectorate" after the Munich betrayal.)
The rain of racist bills in the Knesset, those already adopted and those in the works, strongly
resembles the laws adopted by the Reichstag in the early days of the Nazi regime. Some
rabbis call for a boycott of Arab shops. Like then. The call "Death to the Arabs" ("Judah
verrecke"?) is regularly heard at soccer matches.

A member of parliament has called for the separation between Jewish and Arab newborns in

A Chief Rabbi has declared that Goyim (non-Jews) were created by God to serve the

Our Ministers of Education and Culture are busy subduing the schools, theater and arts to the
extreme rightist line, something known in German as Gleichschaltung. The Supreme Court, the
pride of Israel, is being relentlessly attacked by the Minister of Justice. The Gaza Strip is a
huge ghetto.
Of course, no one in their right mind would even remotely compare Netanyahu to the
Fuehrer, but there are political parties here which do emit a strong fascist smell.

The political riffraff peopling the present Netanyahu government could easily have
found their place in the first Nazi government.
One of the main slogans of our present government is to replace the "old elite", considered too
liberal, with a new one. One of the main Nazi slogans was to replace "das System".
By the way, when the Nazis came to power, almost all high-ranking officers of the German
army were staunch anti-Nazis. They were even considering a putsch against Hitler.

Their political leader was summarily executed a year later, when Hitler liquidated his
opponents in his own party. We are told that General Golan is now protected by a
personal bodyguard, something that has never happened to a general in the annals of
The general did not mention the occupation and the settlements, which are under army rule.
But he did mention the episode which occurred shortly before he gave this speech, and which
is still shaking Israel now: in occupied Hebron, under army rule, a soldier saw a seriously
wounded Palestinian lying helplessly on the ground, approached him and killed him with a shot
to the head.

The victim had tried to attack some soldiers with a knife, but did not constitute a threat to
anyone any more. This was a clear contravention of army standing orders, and the soldier has
been hauled before a court martial.
A cry went up around the country: the soldier is a hero! He should be decorated! Netanyahu
called his father to assure him of his support. Avigdor Lieberman entered the crowded
courtroom in order to express his solidarity with the soldier. A few days later Netanyahu
appointed Lieberman as Minister of Defense, the second most important office in Israel.
Before that, General Golan received robust support both from the Minister of Defense, Moshe
Ya'alon, and the Chief of Staff, Gadi Eisenkot. Probably this was the immediate reason for the
kicking out of Ya'alon and the appointment of Lieberman in his place. It resembled a putsch.
It seems that Golan is not only a courageous officer, but a prophet, too. The inclusion of
Lieberman's party in the government coalition confirms

Golan's blackest fears. This is another fatal blow to the Israeli democracy. Am I condemned to
witness the same process for the second time in my life?
It is this incident that aroused the general to speak out and warn the country. I can only salute
Related: ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Top Ten Indications

Related: The West has a terrorist "catch and release" program, admits proxy army is
geopolitical strategy

Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A

Rogue State
All of the following facts are verifiable in the public domain:

1. Netanyahu heads the only undeclared nuclear weapons entity on the planet yet still
ludicrously alleges that non nuclear Iran is trying to exterminate the state of Israel with its 100s
of warheads in its Dimona secret arsenal, (all of which are outside the inspection of the IAEA),
in an abortive effort to damage the agreed Iran peace deal, painstakingly negotiated by the UN
Security Council members and the EU. His convoluted political machinations, in Washington
and Europe, have resulted in ignominious failure as Iran rejoins the international community.
2. His government also refuses to be a party to both the Chemical and Biological
Weapons Conventions (CWC / BWC) to which all EU members and most other UN states are
3. His rightwing, extremist government supports the continued illegal occupation and
settlement of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights in violation
of international law, in addition to continuing a blockade of essential materials to 1.8 million in
Gaza that has received global condemnation.
4. He exerts a wholly undemocratic influence over the Republican AIPAC dominated US
congress in Washington thereby disproportionately skewing American foreign policy in favour
of Israel

5. His family background includes a documented association with terrorist organisations

notably the Irgun Zvai Leumi paramilitaries
6. His government is in continued breach of the human rights provisions of the EU Association
Agreement that affords Israel free trade access to the European single market

7. He allows the socalled pricetag terrorists to continue to persecute Arab residents in the
Occupied Territories by the burning and destruction of olive groves and businesses in a
program of uncontrolled intimidation and violence
8. He continually threatens to restrict access to Jerusalems Al Aqsa mosque as did his failed
predecessor, Ariel Sharon, apparently in a bid to provoke violence and dissent
9. He is the leader of a party whose published charter requires the ethnic cleansing of all
indigenous Palestinians in order to establish a Greater Israel in all of former Palestine
10. Likuds official agenda to establish the socalled facts on the ground is a blatant attempt to
abort the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. This illegal program has recently
been condemned by China as well as by the EU, Russia and the US and is now expected to
lead to economic, political and sporting sanctions.

Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial, Perpetuating The

Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension + Why The "Chemtrail
Conspiracy" Is Real
July 12 2016 | From: GeoengineeringWatch / GreenMedInfo

How expansive and deep is the cancer of payed denial and deception which
has long since permeated so much of the science community on countless
fronts? How many so called "experts" have long since sold any shred of
honor and honesty they may have once possessed in exchange for a
paycheck and a pension?
The blatant criminal denial of the climate engineering atrocities so visible in skies
around the globe is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on populations of the
Related: Aerosol Spraying Conspiracy Theory Confirmed by Obama CIA Director at CFR

AThe majority of the masses have unfortunately so far been all too willing to accept a constant
parade of lies from the power structure and their paid minions on an endless list of issues.
Denial is epidemic in our society, the herd mentality has so far ruled the day.

Populations have been successfully programmed to never investigate or question the "experts"
or the "official narrative" no matter how obvious and glaring the lies become. We have been
taught to criticize and marginalize any that dare to question.
This is the Orwellian world we live in, it is a paradigm that is leading the human race and all life
toward a mathematically certain near term extinction. A complete course correction begins with
publicly exposing those that are perpetuating lethal deceptions.

The six minute video below covers the cowardice and deceit that is rampant in the
meteorological community.

Shining a light on the insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all if we are to have
any chance of turning the tide in time. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc,
for producing this video.

Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real

While any discussion of the "chemtrail" phenomenon today is immediately
labeled conspiracy theory, a new study provides evidence that a global
covert program is underway, made possible through political, commercial,
and government interests working in collusion to release extremely toxic
material into the atmosphere ostensibly to "combat global warming."

Admittedly, when the topic of "chemtrails" comes up, I get a bit uneasy. Like
connecting vaccines with autism, certain topics have been so loaded with
misinformation for so long that writing about them automatically invokes the specter of
controversy, and not open discussion, as would be expected if discovering the truth
were a priority.

Related: Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

One highly marginalized but vocal sector of the population believes chemtrails are being
sprayed on us like Raid on cockroaches by our invisible overlords to facilitate a depopulation

On the other extreme are academics unashamedly publishing papers suggesting we should
play God by using various geoengineering techniques with avowedly planet wide impacts
to "combat global warming."
Rarely, however, do we see anyone convincingly tying together the first-hand observational
data with objective data, to prove that there is something in these persistent contrails other
than frozen water vapor.

Thankfully, a groundbreaking study was recently published that did exactly this, bringing us
closer to the truth than we have ever been before. The implications are simply profound and I
believe may foment greatly expanded awareness and activism on the topic.

New Research Proves Coal Fly Ash Is The Source Material for "Chemtrails"
The new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health titled, "Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the
Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health," offers a convincing explanation for what is
behind the so-called "chemtrail" phenomenon, revealing that the source material used to
create artificial weather visible throughout the world is the extremely toxic waste material from
the electric industry known as coal fly ash.
If you are not already aware, "chemtrail" is a colloquial term used to describe the persistent
contrails, presumably laden with "chemicals," observed issuing from aircraft that result in the
formation of artificial cloud patterns and weather.
Their existence has been almost universally written off as "conspiracy theory" by the media
and government despite global evidence as clear as day that the weather is being
manipulated with aerosols, presumably for geoengineering purposes intended to offset global
The new study, authored by San Diego resident J. Marvin Herndon, was initiated after he
witnessed his region being sprayed daily by an, as of then, unidentified aerosol:

"In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the
cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing
frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there.

The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice
condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their
aerial graffiti.

In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming
cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or
dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue
sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish.

Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails
obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white
haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day.

The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the
troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing
humanity and Earth's biota to the fine-grained substance.

The author's concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed
composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the
research reported here."
The Long History of Covert Geoengineering Programs

For those who have not witnessed the "chemtrail" phenomenon directly, it would be easy to
write off this author's testimony as dubious or merely anecdotal. But the author rightly points
out that there is already extensive evidence in the historical record of covert geoengineering
programs, and which he summarizes thusly:

"Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower
altitudes in the troposphere.

The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the
world's military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been
described by science historian, James R. Fleming.

Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (19611988),
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's effort to engineer "the rivers of the sky"; the U.S. Army's Operation
Ranch Hand (19611971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project
Popeye (19671971), used to "make mud, not war" over the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that
the weather is in the words of the military, "a force multiplier"

The fact is that we don't need to speculate about whether these covert programs are still
happening, because the evidence is "hidden out in plain sight" for millions to see on a daily
basis. [Note: I highly suggest you watch "Artificial Clouds," to get a primer on the difference
between naturally occurring contrails and "chemtrails."]
The real questions here are: What is being sprayed? Who is behind the program? Why is there
no public discussion of the program and its implications to human and environmental health?

Hydro Tasmania asked to explain cloud seeding in catchment day before flooding

Coal Fly Ash "Is More Toxic Than Radioactive Waste"

While it is clear that weather modification programs focused on enhanced precipitation are
being conducted across the country using silver iodide, as recently exposed by our contributor
Dave Dahl's documentary "Artificial Clouds," and that the result is global changes in weather
patterns, exemplified by the temperature changes observed after the post-9/11 airplane
grounding, the global geoengineering program appears to be a far greater threat to planetary
What Herndon's research uncovered is that, "[T]oxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely
aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and
climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public
He arrived at this conclusion through the following methods:

"Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from
aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published
laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash

The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental
leachate are essentially identical.

At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2)
the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash
are likewise essentially identical."

Coal fly ash is a fine particle residue generated by coal combustion and is an extremely
toxic material for the primary 3 reasons:

1) Because of its nanoparticle range sizing not only can it enter more easily into
human tissue through skin, oral, or pulmonary contact, but it may also have greater
toxicity due to its ability to mimic hormones and/or pass through cell membranes and
altering nuclear programs to adversely alter cell phenotype.
2) It contains a wide range of heavy metals, including inorganic forms of aluminum
and arsenic which are highly toxic to biological systems. It's mercury content can range
as high as 1 part per million.1
3) It contains low-dose radioisotopes which can have profound, severe chronic
adverse health effects several orders of magnitude higher than present toxicological
risk assessments account for. Herndon states, "Coal fly ash has been described as
being more radioactive than nuclear waste."
As Herndon states:

"The consequences [of coal fly ash exposure] on public health are profound, including exposure to a
variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile
aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction."

Disturbingly, the EPA recently ruled that coal fly ash is not to be considered a "hazardous
waste," despite overwhelming evidence that contains dozens of compounds that individually
present a serious enough environmental and human health risk to be classified and regulated
as hazardous to health.
When you consider that the EPA requires coal firing electrical plants to sequester the coal fly
ash due to its known toxicity as a pollutant, the hypocrisy here is astounding.

Of course, this ruling would protect those orchestrating the behind-the-scenes geoengineering
agenda of using the electrical power industry's toxic byproduct: millions of tons of coal fly ash,
as a "beneficial" substance used to "combat global warming," even though the end result is the
same: releasing a highly toxic material directly into the troposphere.

Profit Motive and Not Evidence Drives The Geoengineering Agenda

We already have examples of how this works.

The private sector, like the aluminum industry, colludes with the government to take a highly
toxic waste product like fluoride, and then lobby to have it legally mandated to be put into
the environment and our bodies via fluoridation programs.

Suddenly the industry responsible for concentrating and unleashing a substance that is not
legal to dump into the environment due to safety concerns gets paid to have it dumped directly
into our water supply which ends up in our environment and bodies.

It's like Fluoride, all over again

A highly toxic substance is simply re-purposed and rebranded as "therapeutic" when

the profit motive is compelling enough to trump ethical and legal boundaries.
As of 2005, U.S. coal-fired plants reported producing 71.1 million tons of fly ash, of which 29.1
million tons was reported reused for industrial applications.3 Were it not for this "recycling" the
industry would be left with a billion dollar problem, not unlike the nuclear industry's problem
with nuclear waste.

Therein alone lies a plausible motive for its use as a "geoengineering" ingredient, turning a
liability into a profit center.
Herndon offers additional insight into why he thinks coal fly ash was chosen as the preferred
geoengineering ingredient:

"While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future,
evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational
geoengineering program.

But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the
planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on
Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash.

To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal
mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into
the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to

Another very important point made by Herndon is that this interventionist approach to "combat
global warming" appears to have been poorly thought out, perhaps resulting in exactly the
opposite of the stated intention:
"There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth
and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification
and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources.

As reported by NASA, "Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in
clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as
more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread

These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large
enough for a raindrop.

Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud
of the same size".

In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly
ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting
to prevent rainfall.

That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse
ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal
fly ash.

The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food

Herndon leaves us with closing remarks difficult to ignore, including a call to action that I hope
our readers take to heart:
"More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world's attention to the unintended consequences
of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture.

Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this
environmental onslaught.

Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life
on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose
complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science.

The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose
resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth's biota. Are we to remain silent?

Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of
emplacing coal fly ash in Earth's perpetually moving atmosphere?"

Related Articles:

30th Anniversary Of Hansens First Great Global Warming Fail

Matt Ridley: The many attempts to stifle free speech on climate change

High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

Lets just re-engineer the climate

Engineer: Decarbonization Will Result in Mass Starvation, Poverty, Civil Strife

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School
July 11 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man

only dates back to about 8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind
to approximately 6,000 years ago. It is more than obvious that there a
massive push to occlude our true history and origins.

While you may not agree with some of the questions, please try to view them with an
open mind. As youll see, the history we have been taught has been manipulated and
obscured from us.
Related: Top 10 Unexplained Ancient Artifacts

Ask yourself (or others) the following questions and feel free to comment at the end of the

A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929. The map was
drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, who had privileged access to the Imperial Library of

Contained within the notes found on the map, Reis stated that he compiled and copied the
data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the 4 BC or earlier.
Our history books tell us that Antarctica was discovered by Captain James Cook while crossing
the Antarctic Circle on January 17, 1773 with the ships HMS Resolution and Adventure.

1. How did Reis know of Antarctica several hundred years before Captain
James Cook discovered it?
The last time Antarctica was not frozen was at least 4,000 BC, so

2. Where did the Imperial Library of Constantinople get THEIR information

and who is responsible for the initial drawing of that map?

The Imperial Library of Constantinople, in the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, was the last of the great
libraries of the ancient world

A tiny figurine made of baked-clay was brought up in amongst the debris churned out by a
huge drill bit during the drilling of a well in Nampa Idaho in 1889. The object is a one inch long
figure with one leg broken off at the knee.
3. Is it possible that mankind has been here many times LONG Before our
recorded past?

4. How many millennia would it take for an object like this to be buried 300
feet into the ground?
5. If man evolved from ape, then why are there still apes?

According to Darwinism, man evolved from ape.

6. There are pyramids on every continent of the world. Who built them and
why were they built?

In Ecuador, one large Jade cup and 12 smaller Jade cups were found. Each of the smaller
cups are a little bit different in size, but if you were to fill each one and pour them into the larger
one, the contents would exactly fill the larger cup. The large cup has a perfect inlaid star
constellation, showingOrion and other stars.

Klaus Dona stated, inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly
nothing. Professional geologists are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal
particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides.

7. If scientists say that it is impossible to have a very magnetic inside of a

jade cup with a non-magnetic outside of the same cup, then who created
these vessels and where are they from?
8. Long before our state-sponsored recorded history will admit that
civilized man was on Earth, what culture made this coin?

In Illoinois a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin [illustrated above] from a depth
of 114 feet just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the
deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.

9. Why do all history classes exclude this information?

More than 350 artifacts were found in Ecuador in an old tunnel system. One artifact in
particular shows the same pyramid with an all-seeing eye at the top of it

Under a black light, the eye takes on an interesting hue while on the bottom of this artifact (see
picture below), you can see a star map of Orions Belt along with writing that is older than any
known writing on this planet.

According to the research of Klaus Dona, the same writing has been found all over the world,
proving that there was a pre-existing GLOBAL civilization that is much older than any Sanskrit
We are seeing a continuing theme involving Orions Belt. The pyramids on the Giza Plateau
also reflect the exact same alignment as the 3 Kings of Orions Belt.
10. What visitors came to this planet from Orions Belt?

Its obvious that Orions Belt plays a large significance in the origins of mankind. Who are these
visitors from Orions Belt and what is their agenda?
11. What is the significance of the Orions Belt constellation?
12. What is the true meaning of this pyramid and why is this symbol still
being used?
Professor Kurt Schildmann, former President of the German Linguistic Association, called this
writing pre-Sanskit (older than 6,000 years old) and was able to translate the writing as
follows: The son of the creator comes.
In the pre-religious Anunnaki creation myth, Anu had 2 sons, Enki and Enlil. Enki, also known
as Ea (as inEArth) in Sumerian texts, was loving and kind to the genetically modified humans
who mined gold for the Anunnaki.

13. Does The son of the creator comes refer to Enki?

The Old and New Testament of the Christian bible clearly shows one vengeful god who kills
millions of people while an apparently different god who is all loving.

14. Does the bible reflect the story of Enlil (Old Testament, malevolent
towards humans) and Enki (New Testament, all-loving toward
humans)? Who is us and our?

In the Old Testament, Genesis 1:26, it states, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness.

15. Ancient Ornate Vase

In 1851 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, a 4-1/2 inch high zinc and silver alloy vase was
dynamited out of solid rock 15 feet below the surface. On the sides were figures of flowers in
bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The rock out of which it came is estimated to be
100,000 years old.

16. According to academia, what civilization was capable of this type of art
100,000 years ago?
Over 200 metallic spheres have been found in South Africa and are estimated to be 4,500
million years old. There are two types of spheres: one of solid bluish metal with white flecks,
and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy center (Jimison, 1982).

17. Our recorded history tells us that civilized man has only been here
anywhere between 6-8,000 years, so who made these spheres millions of
years beforehand?

With the exception of stone and precious metals, virtually everything we own right now would
eventually turn to dirt throughout the millennia, including all of our TVs, cellphones, cars,
planes and everything made of plastic. If by chance, some major catastrophe were to hit our
planet, within 100,000 years, just about every hint of civilization would be buried under years of

18. Is it possible that there are malevolent rulers who have kept us in
economic subservience for literally hundreds of thousands of years, if not
millions of years?
All religions seem to share similar stories.

19. Is it possible that this template has been used since the earliest
incarnations came to this planet, perhaps billions of years ago?
20. When will we finally learn to live without being economic slaves to the
same system of domination and control?
Three bonus questions for YOU to answer:

Why has our true history been hidden from us? What is the purpose of suppressing such
information? How many times have civilizations come and gone from this planet?
Hint: See this section: Suppressed / Hidden History

Why Did The Dallas Shootings Really Happen?

July 10 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

Is the Dallas police shooting a false flag affair in behalf of gun control? Is it
the result of a war veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder? Is
the shooting the beginning of retribution for thousands of wanton police
murders of US citizens in the 21st century? Or is there some other

We will never know. The perpetrator is dead. The authorities will tell us whatever suits
the purposes of authority.
Related: Dallas Shootings: White Supremacists Succeeded in Provoking Black

Related: If the Shooting of Dallas Police Surprises You, You Havent Been Paying

Related: Culprits Behind Dallas Police Massacre Revealed

We could say that the police have brought this on themselves by their undisciplined and violent
behavior toward the public. On the other hand, we can hold the police chiefs, the police unions,
the mayors and city councils, the governors, prosecutors, and the Justice (sic) Department
responsible for failure to hold accountable those cops who murder and commit gratuitous
violence against the public.

When police execute someone, the excuse is always something like this: He reached under
his shirt to his waistband. I thought he had a gun. I didnt want to leave my children fatherless
and my wife a widow. The murdered victims wife and children, if any, are of no consequence.

Conservatives, especially those taught to be fearful of crime, have scant objection to police
murders. Their view is always: The police wouldnt have shot him without cause. The same
bias in favor of the police is why conservative jurors always convict.

The liberals tend to interpret the shootings as racism, so they want to combat racism.

The real problem is that public authorities do not protect the public from gratuitous
violence. Therefore, hatred and disrespect for the police are growing. Routine murders
by policeseveral each day, almost all of which go unpunishedare generating the kind
of anger that causes people to snap and to reply to violence with violence.

If the criminal justice system applied also to the police, the police would think twice before they
wantonly murder.

Being a police officer is not supposed to be risk free. A police officer should be concerned
about the public, not merely his own family. We cannot accept gratuitous police violence on the
grounds that the officers behavior is dictated by his concerns for his own family. If an officer
cannot accept the risks of being a police officer, he should find a different occupation.

Police violence is out of control because mayors, prosecutors, and governors are failing the
public by refusing to put a halt to it. According to conservatives, punishment deters crime, but
they do not apply this to the police.
Police violence is also out of control because of the revolution in police training which teaches
police to protect themselves and to subdue the suspect regardless of cost. A number of former
police officers have written to me that the reason they gave up the occupation is that today
police are being trained to be killers like soldiers.

If a former police officer or someone knowledgeable about this training would describe it and its
history, where it originated and why, I will post it on the website.

Who is Really Responsible for the Shooting?

Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization that has been given legitimacy
by the media and the Obama administration.

Related: Black Power Group Claims Responsibility for Killing Police in Dallas

Exposed: The Invasion Of Iraq Took Place Under False Pretences

July 9 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

More Obscuration From The British Establishment: Sir John Chilcot, a

member of the British establishment and also a member of the Butler
Inquiry, the responsibility of which was to determine if the so-called
intelligence used as the excuse for the US/UK invasion of Saddam
Husseins Iraq was fixed to justify the invasion, has, after seven years of
delay, finally issued its report.
Remember, there was a leaked memo from the head of British intelligence that the
intelligence justifying the Iraqi Invasion was fixed or orchestrated to produce the
justification for the invasion, a war crime under the Nuremberg standard established by
the United States.
Related: Invasion of Iraq, The Secret Downing Street Memo: Intelligence and Facts
were being Fixed
Chilcots job was to make this fact go away or assume less importance and to protect the
Butler Inquirys orchestrated verdict that, despite the word of the head of British intelligence,
the intelligence was not fixed.

In other words, Sir Johns assigned task under the guise of an impartial inquiry was to
absolve former UK PM and war criminal Tony Blair not of all responsibility but of all
responsibility deserving of prosecution.
Sir Johns report is akin to FBI director Comeys report on Hillary: They did it but they didnt do
it enough to be prosecuted.

Related: Crimes Against Peace: The Chilcot Inquiry, Tony Blair and Iraq

Related: The Truth About Chilcot: The Inquiry, Whos Who?

In the context of democratic politics, if such existed in England, Tony Blair would be in the
crosshairs of the ruling UK party, the Tories or Conservatives. Yet, as both parties represent the
same private interest groups, the Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, who has
announced his resignation effective next October, rushed to the opposition partys defense and
gave in Parliament what former British Ambassador Craig Murray calls a;

"Dishonest, apologia for the invasion that bore no relationship to the Chilcot report.

The UK media, for the most part, also came out in defense of Tony Blair, the war criminal and
liar, providing, according to Amb. Murray;

"Uunlimited airtime to Blair and his defender Alastair Campbell and almost no airtime to those who
campaigned against the war.

Here is the judgement of a British Ambassador, Craig Murray:

Blair is still a creature of absolute self-serving slime.

You could make the same judgment on almost every member of the Bill Clinton, George W.
Bush, and Obama regimes.

And Hillarys regime would be even worse. My prediction is that life on earth would not survive
Hillarys first term.

Related Articles:

Is the Coup Against Corbyn a Plot to Spare Tony Blair from War Crimes Probe?

ICC Wont Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Heres Why
Tariq Ali on Chilcot Iraq Report: Tony Blair is a War Criminal for Pushing Us into Illegal

Behind the Headlines: Britain's Secret Wars: Interview with T.J. Coles

Chilcot, Israel and the Lobby

From Winston Churchill to Tony Blair: How British Leaders Destroyed Iraq for over a

The Sugar Conspiracy - Professor John Yudkin: The Man Who

Tried To Warn Us About Sugar
July 9 2016 | From: TheGuardian / TheTelegraph

In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar and not fat was
the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his
reputation ruined. How did the worlds top nutrition scientists get it so
wrong for so long?
Robert Lustig is a paediatric endocrinologist at the University of California who
specialises in the treatment of childhood obesity. A 90-minute talk he gave in 2009, titled
Sugar: The Bitter Truth, has now been viewed more than six million times on YouTube.
In it, Lustig argues forcefully that fructose, a form of sugar ubiquitous in modern diets,
is a poison culpable for Americas obesity epidemic.

A year or so before the video was posted, Lustig gave a similar talk to a conference of
biochemists in Adelaide, Australia. Afterwards, a scientist in the audience approached him.
Surely, the man said, youve read Yudkin. Lustig shook his head. John Yudkin, said the
scientist, was a British professor of nutrition who had sounded the alarm on sugar back in
1972, in a book called Pure, White, and Deadly.

"If only a small fraction of what we know about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any
other material used as a food additive, wrote Yudkin, that material would promptly be banned.

The book did well, but Yudkin paid a high price for it. Prominent nutritionists combined with the
food industry to destroy his reputation, and his career never recovered. He died, in 1995, a
disappointed, largely forgotten man.
Perhaps the Australian scientist intended a friendly warning. Lustig was certainly putting his
academic reputation at risk when he embarked on a high-profile campaign against sugar. But,
unlike Yudkin, Lustig is backed by a prevailing wind. We read almost every week of new
research into the deleterious effects of sugar on our bodies.

In the US, the latest edition of the governments official dietary guidelines includes a cap on
sugar consumption. In the UK, the chancellor George Osborne has announced a new tax on
sugary drinks.

Sugar has become dietary enemy number one.

This represents a dramatic shift in priority. For at least the last three decades, the dietary arch-
villain has been saturated fat. When Yudkin was conducting his research into the effects of
sugar, in the 1960s, a new nutritional orthodoxy was in the process of asserting itself. Its
central tenet was that a healthy diet is a low-fat diet.

Yudkin led a diminishing band of dissenters who believed that sugar, not fat, was the more
likely cause of maladies such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. But by the time he wrote
his book, the commanding heights of the field had been seized by proponents of the fat
hypothesis. Yudkin found himself fighting a rearguard action, and he was defeated.
Not just defeated, in fact, but buried. When Lustig returned to California, he searched for Pure,
White and Deadly in bookstores and online, to no avail. Eventually, he tracked down a copy
after submitting a request to his university library. On reading Yudkins introduction, he felt a
shock of recognition.

"Holy crap, Lustig thought. This guy got there 35 years before me.

You can continue reading this article here - but be warned that it does go off on the tangent
that saturated fats are also bad for you which is also mainstrame propaganda that has
been proven wrong:

9 Lies About Fat That Destroyed The World's Health

Your Body Is Electrical And Runs On Electrons NOT Sugar, Protein Or Fat!

Even though the medical establishment are still trtying to quash this new development:

Low-Carbohydrate, High Fat Diet Advice Questioned

Indeed the following article is on the same topic, and while it is correct about sugar, as the
preceeding article is, it too contains red herrings about saturated fats:

John Yudkin: the man who tried to warn us about sugar

As The War On Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be The Big
July 8 2016 | From: EllenBrown

The war on cannabis that began in the 1930s seems to be coming to an

end. Research shows that this natural plant, rather than posing a deadly
danger to health, has a wide range of therapeutic benefits.

But skeptics question the sudden push for legalization, which is largely funded by
wealthy investors linked to Big Ag and Big Pharma.

Related: Mexico - Nieto Proposes Marijuana Legalization

Related: Canada - Marijuana Legalization Process to Begin in Canada Next Spring

In April, Pennsylvania became the 24th state to legalize medical cannabis, a form of the plant
popularly known as marijuana. That makes nearly half of US states.

A major barrier to broader legalization has been the federal law under which all cannabis
even the very useful form known as industrial hemp is classed as a Schedule I controlled
substance that cannot legally be grown in the US.

But that classification could change soon. In a letter sent to federal lawmakers in April, the US
Drug Enforcement Administration said it plans to release a decision on rescheduling marijuana
in the first half of 2016.
The presidential candidates are generally in favor of relaxing the law. In November 2015,
Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a bill that would repeal all federal penalties for possessing
and growing the plant, allowing states to establish their own marijuana laws.

Hillary Clinton would not go that far but would drop cannabis from a Schedule I drug (a deadly
dangerous drug with no medical use and high potential for abuse) to Schedule II (a deadly
dangerous drug with medical use and high potential for abuse).

Republican candidate Donald Trump says we are losing badly in the war on drugs, and that to
win that war all drugs need to be legalized.

Related: Cannabis Saved This Man From One of the Worst Man-Made Disasters in US

But it is Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein who has been called weeds biggest
fan. Speaking from the perspective of a physician and public health advocate, Stein notes that
hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from chronic pain and cancers are benefiting from
the availability of medical marijuana under state laws.

State economies are benefiting as well. She cites Colorado, where retail marijuana stores first
opened in January 2014. Since then, Colorados crime rates and traffic fatalities have dropped;
and tax revenue, economic output from retail marijuana sales, and jobs have increased.

Among other arguments for changing federal law is that the marijuana business currently lacks
access to banking facilities. Most banks, fearful of FDIC sanctions, wont work with the $6.7
billion marijuana industry, leaving 70% of cannabis companies without bank accounts.

"Theres a lot of money left over to address safety issues that come up or really take on projects that these
local communities do not necessarily have the funds to deal with, said Mike Elliott, executive director of the
Marijuana Industry Group. For some communities, this tax revenue has made a huge difference.

Related: Legal Cannabis is Literally Transforming Cities - Funding Roads, Schools, Charities and

That means billions of dollars are sitting around in cash, encouraging tax evasion and inviting
theft, to which an estimated 10% of profits are lost. But that problem too could be remedied
soon. On June 16, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved an amendment to
prevent the Treasury Department from punishing banks that open accounts for state-legal
marijuana businesses.
Boosting trade in the new marijuana market is not a good reason for decriminalizing it, of
course, if it actually poses a grave danger to health. But there have been no recorded deaths
from cannabis overdose in the US.

Not that the herb cant have problematic effects, but the hazards pale compared to alcohol
(30,000 deaths annually) and to patented pharmaceuticals, which are now the leading cause of
death from drug overdose. Prescription drugs taken as directed are estimated to kill 100,000
Americans per year.

Behind the War on Weed: Taking Down the Worlds Largest Agricultural

The greatest threat to health posed by marijuana seems to come from its criminalization.
Today over 50 percent of inmates in federal prison are there for drug offenses, and marijuana
tops the list. Cannabis cannot legally be grown in the US even as hemp, a form with very low
psychoactivity. Why not? The answer seems to have more to do with economic competition
and racism than with health.

Cannabis is actually one of the oldest domesticated crops, having been grown for industrial
and medicinal purposes for millennia. Until 1883, hemp was also one of the largest agricultural
crops (some say the largest).

It was the material from which most fabric, soap, fuel, paper and fiber were made. Before
1937, it was also a component of at least 2,000 medicines.

In early America, it was considered a farmers patriotic duty to grow hemp. Cannabis was legal
tender in most of the Americas from 1631 until the early 1800s. Americans could even pay their
taxes with it. Benjamin Franklins paper mill used cannabis.

Hemp crops produce nearly four times as much raw fiber as equivalent tree plantations; and
hemp paper is finer, stronger and lasts longer than wood-based paper. Hemp was also an
essential resource for any country with a shipping industry, since it was the material from which
sails and rope were made.
Today hemp is legally grown for industrial use in hundreds of countries outside the US. A 1938
article in Popular Mechanics claimed it was a billion-dollar crop (the equivalent of about $16
billion today), useful in 25,000 products ranging from dynamite to cellophane. New uses
continue to be found.

Claims include eliminating smog from fuels, creating a cleaner energy source that can replace
nuclear power, removing radioactive water from the soil, eliminating deforestation, and
providing a very nutritious food source for humans and animals.

To powerful competitors, the plants myriad uses seem to have been the problem.

Cannabis competed with the lumber industry, the oil industry, the cotton industry, the
petrochemical industry and the pharmaceutical industry. In the 1930s, the plant in all its forms
came under attack.

Its demonization accompanied the demonization of Mexican immigrants, who were then
flooding over the border and were widely perceived to be a threat. Pot smoking was part of
their indigenous culture.

Harry Anslinger, called the father of the war on weed, was the first commissioner of the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics, a predecessor to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

He fully embraced racism as a tool for demonizing marijuana.

He made such comments as:

"Marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any
others, and Reefer makes darkies think theyre as good as white men.

In 1937, sensational racist claims like these caused recreational marijuana to be banned; and
industrial hemp was banned with it.

Classification as a Schedule I controlled substance came in the 1970s, with President Richard
Nixons War on Drugs. The Shafer Commission, tasked with giving a final
report, recommended against the classification; but Nixon ignored the commission.

According to an April 2016 article in Harpers Magazine, the War on Drugs had political
motives. Top Nixon aide John Ehrlichman is quoted as saying in a 1994 interview:

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and
black people. . . .

We knew we couldnt make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to
associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could
disrupt those communities.

We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on
the evening news.

Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

Competitor or Attractive New Market for the Pharmaceutical Industry?

The documented medical use of cannabis goes back two thousand years, but the Schedule I
ban has seriously hampered medical research. Despite that obstacle, cannabis has now been
shown to have significant therapeutic value for a wide range of medical conditions, including
cancer, Alzheimers disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, lung disease, anxiety,
muscle spasms, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis pain.
New research has also revealed the mechanism for these wide-ranging effects. It seems the
active pharmacological components of the plant mimic chemicals produced naturally by the
body called endocannabinoids.

These chemicals are responsible for keeping critical biological functions in balance, including
sleep, appetite, the immune system, and pain. When stress throws those functions off, the
endocannabinoids move in to restore balance.
Inflammation is a common trigger of the disease process in a broad range of degenerative

Stress triggers inflammation, and cannabis relieves both inflammation and stress.

THC, the primary psychoactive component of the plant, has been found to have twenty times
the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin and twice that of hydrocortisone.
CBD, the most-studied non-psychoactive component, also comes with an impressive list of
therapeutic uses, including against cancer and as a super-antibiotic.

CBD has been shown to kill superbugs that are resistant to currently available drugs. This is a
major medical breakthrough, since for some serious diseases antibiotics have reached the end
of their usefulness.
Behind the Push for Legalization

The pharmaceutical industry has both much to gain and much to lose from legalization of the
cannabis plant in its various natural forms. Patented pharmaceuticals have succeeded
in monopolizing the drug market globally.

What that industry does not want is to be competing with a natural plant that anyone
can grow in his backyard, which actually works better than very expensive
pharmaceuticals without side effects.
Letitia Pepper, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, is a case in point. A vocal advocate for the
decriminalization of marijuana for personal use, she says she has saved her insurance
company $600,000 in the last nine years, using medical marijuana in place of a wide variety of
prescription drugs to treat her otherwise crippling disease.

That is $600,000 the pharmaceutical industry has not made, on just one patient.

There are 400,000 MS sufferers in the US, and 20 million people who have been diagnosed
with cancer sometime in their lives.

Cancer chemotherapy is the biggest of big business, which would be directly threatened
by a cheap natural plant-based alternative.
The threat to big industry profits could explain why cannabis has been kept off the market for
so long. More suspicious to Pepper and other observers is the sudden push to legalize it.

They question whether Big Pharma would allow the competition, unless it had an ace up its

Although the movement for marijuana legalization is a decades-old grassroots effort, the big
money behind the recent push has come from a few very wealthy individuals with links
to Monsanto, the worlds largest seed company and producer of genetically modified
In May of this year, Bayer AG, the giant German chemical and pharmaceutical company,
made a bid to buy Monsanto.

Both companies are said to be working on a cannabis-based extract.

Natural health writer Mike Adams warns:

"With the cannabis industry predicted to generate over $13 billion by 2020, becoming one of the largest
agricultural markets in the nation, there should be little doubt that companies like Monsanto are simply
waiting for Uncle Sam to remove the herb from its current Schedule I classification before getting into the
. . . Other major American commodities, like corn and soybeans, are on average between 88 and 91
percent genetically modified.

Therefore, once the cannabis industry goes national, and that is most certainly primed to happen, there will
be no stopping the inevitability of cannabis becoming a prostituted product of mad science and shady
corporate monopoly tactics."

With the health benefits of cannabis now well established, the battlefield has shifted from its
decriminalization to who can grow it, sell it, and prescribe it. Under existing California law,
patients like Pepper are able to grow and use the plant essentially for free.

New bills purporting to legalize marijuana for recreational use impose regulations that
opponents say would squeeze home growers and small farmers out of the market,
would heighten criminal sanctions for violations, and could wind up replacing the
natural cannabis plant with patented, genetically modified (GMO) plants that must be
purchased year after year.

These new bills and the Monsanto/Bayer connection will be the subject of a follow-up article.
Stay tuned.

Transgender Mania Is A Symptom Of Cultural Collapse

June 10 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen

There is a deliberate and concerted effort to put everything transgender

at the forefront of mass media. Academic and social critic Camille Paglia
explains how this is symptomatic of a wider cultural problem.
Last year I identified the transgender and gender fluidity issue as an artificially
created propaganda wave made to bring about important change in society.

In my article entitled The Agenda Behind Bruce Jenners Transformation, I explained how
Bruce Jenners widely publicized sex change was part of wider Agenda aiming to blur the
boundaries of genders and to celebrate deviation from nature as a great achievement.
Furthermore, it was to prepare the field for upcoming policy changes around the world.
Months later, mass media propaganda turned into laws and policies. From the war of the
bathrooms to the allowing of parents helping their young children undergoing sex change,
modern society is shifting drastically towards a new definition of gender a term that was
considered binary since the dawn of time (in the human race).
In a context where public figures who dare addressing these issues get promptly shamed and
labelled transphobic, open debate on the subject is nearly impossible. Luckily, there are a few
illuminated minds who dare going against the grain and placing the entire transgender agenda
into perspective.

Camille Paglia, an author and academic who never shied away from controversy, breaks down
the implications of todays transgender agenda. Although herself a lesbian and a feminist,
Paglia has always criticized the artificial and unreasonable constructs made in the name of
equality and political correctness.

Comment: While this woman does come across as somewhat bigoted; most probably
unbeknownst to her even - she is identifying some of the key points in the illuminati
NWO plan in terms of merging of sexes / sexuality and also in relation to
transhumanism. It is all very dark, and although we might cringe at some of her
postulations - she does touch on some relevant points; albeit clear that she does not
really see the larger globalist totalitarian picture.

Here are some quotes from the above video.

Sex reassignment surgery, even today with all of its advances, cannot in fact change anyones sex.
Ultimately, every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, remains coded for your biological

I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the multiplicity of gender.

In this day and age, stating these kinds of facts is considered wrong and hurtful. If mass
media can turn something as clear and defined as a persons gender into a big, vague, tornado
of confusion, it can redefine anything else to fit its needs and people will fall for it.
United States Government Intentionally Destroyed 9/11 Evidence
June 9 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / WashingtonsBlog

If the story that the US government told us about 9/11 were true, why did
the government destroy the evidence, lie to the 9/11 Commission, and
prevent a real investigation?

The clear and indisputable answer is that if the evidence had not been destroyed and a
real investigation had occurred, the conclusion would have been that 9/11 was an inside
job designed to give the neoconservatives their new Pearl Harbor necessary to launch
their wars in the Middle East.

Related: Is the War on Terror a Falsity?

The extraordinary gullibility of the American people is responsible for 15 years of warfare,
destroyed countries, and millions of dead, maimed, orphaned, and displaced people, and for
the rise of a police state in the United States. The ignorance and gullibility of the American
people are responsible for these massive crimes against humanity and for Americans loss of
their constitutionall protections.

Presumption of a Cover-Up
Judges and lawyers know that if someone intentionally destroys evidence hes probably
trying to hide his crime. American law has long recognized that destruction of evidence raises
a presumption of guilt for the person who destroyed the evidence.
So what does it mean when the US government intentionally destroyed massive amounts of
evidence related to 9/11?

Related: CIA Veteran Announces Live on RT That All Terrorist Attacks in US Are False

Judge and Prosecutor Destroy Evidence

For example, it was revealed last week that the judge overseeing the trial of surviving 9/11
suspects conspired with the prosecution to destroy evidence relevant to a key suspects
defense. And see this.
(The Defense Department has also farmed out most of the work of
both prosecuting and defending the surviving 9/11 suspects to the same private company. And
the heads of the military tribunal prosecuting the 9/11 suspects said that the trials must be
rigged so that there are no acquittals.)

Destruction of Videotapes

The CIA videotaped the interrogation of 9/11 suspects, falsely told the 9/11 Commission that
there were no videotapes or other records of the interrogations, and then illegally destroyed all
of the tapes and transcripts of the interrogations.
Related: Obama Administration Caught Conspiring to Destroy Key 9/11 Evidence in Trial
at Gitmo
9/11 Commission co-chairs Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton wrote:

Those who knew about those videotapes - and did not tell us about them - obstructed our investigation.


Daniel Marcus, a law professor at American University who served as general counsel for the Sept. 11
commission and was involved in the discussions about interviews with Al Qaeda leaders, said he had
heard nothing about any tapes being destroyed."
If tapes were destroyed, he said, its a big deal, its a very big deal, because it could amount to
obstruction of justice to withhold evidence being sought in criminal or fact-finding investigations."

Related: How the CIA Writes History

Destruction of Air Traffic Control Tapes

The tape of interviews of air traffic controllers on-duty on 9/11 was intentionally destroyed by
crushing the cassette by hand, cutting the tape into little pieces, and then dropping the pieces
in different trash cans around the building as shown by this NY Times article (summary version
is free; full version is pay-per-view) and by this article from the Chicago Sun-Times.
Black Boxes

The FBI long ago found and analyzed the black box recorders from the airplanes which hit
the Twin Towers, but has consistently denied that they were ever found.

Pentagon Fibs

The 9/11 Commissioners concluded that officials from the Pentagon lied to the Commission,
and considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements.

Soviet-Style Minders

The chairs of both the 9/11 Commission and the Official Congressional Inquiry into
9/11 said that Soviet-style government minders obstructed the investigation into 9/11 by
intimidating witnesses (and see this).
In other words, the minders obstructed witnesses from openly and candidly talking about what
they knew.

Undermining Investigation

President Bush and Vice-President Cheney took the rare step of personally requesting that
congress limit all 9/11 investigation solely to intelligence failures.
The administration also opposed the creation of a 9/11 commission. Once it was forced (by
pressure from widows of 9-11 victims) to allow a commission to be formed, the administration
appointed as executive director an administration insider, whose area of expertise is the
creation and maintenance of public myths thought to be true, even if not actually true, who
was involved in pre-9/11 intelligence briefings, and who was one of the key architects of the
pre-emptive war doctrine.

This executive director, who controlled what the Commission did and did not analyze, then
limited the scope of the Commissions inquiry so that the overwhelming majority of questions
about 9/11 remained unasked (see this and this).
The administration then starved the commission of funds. The government spent $175
million over $300 million in todays dollars investigating the Challenger space shuttle
disaster. It spent $152 million on the the Columbia disaster investigation. It spent $30
million investigating the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But the government only authorized $15
million for the 9/11 Commission.
The government also failed to provide crucial documents to the 9/11 investigators. And
see this.
The government refused to share much information with the Commission, refused to force
high-level officials to testify under oath, and allowed Bush and Cheney to be questioned jointly.
Moreover, as reported by ACLU, FireDogLake, RawStory and many others, declassified
documents shows that Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11
Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The 9-11 Commission took this warning to heart, and refused to examine virtually any evidence
which contradicted the administrations official version of events. As stated by the State
Departments Coordinator for Counterterrorism who was the point man for the U.S.
governments international counterterrorism policy in the first term of the Bush administration
there were things the [9/11] commissions wanted to know about and things they didnt want
to know about.

Saudi Role

Investigation into Saudi government aid to 9/11 conspirators was also obstructed.
For example, Philip Shenon the 20-year New York Times reporter who wrote a book on the
9/11 Commission reports:

The [911] commissioner said the renewed public debate could force a spotlight on a mostly unknown
chapter of the history of the 9/11 commission: behind closed doors, members of the panels staff
fiercely protested the way the material about the Saudis was presented in the final report, saying it
underplayed or ignored evidence that Saudi officials especially at lower levels of the government
were part of an al-Qaida support network that had been tasked to assist the hijackers after they
arrived in the US.

In fact, there were repeated showdowns, especially over the Saudis, between the staff and the
commissions hard-charging executive director, University of Virginia historian Philip Zelikow, who
joined the Bush administration as a senior adviser to the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, after
leaving the commission.

The staff included experienced investigators from the FBI, the Department of Justice and the CIA, as well
as the congressional staffer who was the principal author of the 28 pages.
Zelikow fired a staffer, who had repeatedly protested over limitations on the Saudi investigation,
after she obtained a copy of the 28 pages outside of official channels.

Other staffers described an angry scene late one night, near the end of the investigation, when two
investigators who focused on the Saudi allegations were forced to rush back to the commissions
offices after midnight after learning to their astonishment that some of the most compelling
evidence about a Saudi tie to 9/11 was being edited out of the report or was being pushed to tiny,
barely readable footnotes and endnotes.

The staff protests were mostly overruled.


But Kean, Hamilton and Zelikow clearly do not speak for a number of the other commissioners
who have repeatedly suggested they are uncomfortable with the perception that the commission
exonerated Saudi Arabia and who have joined in calling for public release of the 28 pages

Indeed, an FBI informant hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000. Specifically,
investigators for the Congressional Joint Inquiry discovered that an FBI informant had hosted
and even rented a room to two hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview
the informant, the FBI refused outright, and then hid him in an unknown location, and
that a high-level FBI official stated these blocking maneuvers were undertaken under
orders from the White House.

As the New York Times notes:

Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence.

The accusation stems from the Federal Bureau of Investigations refusal to allow investigators for a
Congressional inquiry and the independent Sept. 11 commission to interview an informant, Abdussattar
Shaikh, who had been the landlord in San Diego of two Sept. 11 hijackers."

Letting Terrorists Go Free

A former FBI translator who Senators Leahy and Grassley, among others, have claimed is
credible, and who the administration has gagged for years without any logical basis - has
stated that this administration knowingly and intentionally let many directly or indirectly
involved in that terrorist act [September 11th] go free untouched and uninvestigated?

Destruction of Physical Evidence

The former head of fire science and engineering for the agency responsible for finding out why
the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7 collapsed on 9/11 (the U.S. National Institute of
Standards and Technology) who is one of the worlds leading fire science researchers and
safety engineers, with a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering wrote that evidence necessary to
determine the cause of the collapse of the World Trade Centers was being destroyed. And
see this.

Note the demolition charges going off...

In addition, the official investigators themselves were largely denied access to the site and the
evidence contained there, or even access to such basic information as the blueprints for the
World Trade Center.
The government has also refused to release the computer models showing how the trade
centers fell, making it impossible for anyone to double-check its assumptions.
Whether you believe the Twin Towers and World Trade Center building 7 were brought down
with explosives or by airplanes and fires, destroying evidence prevented engineers and
scientists from figuring out what went wrong to prevent skyscrapers from collapsing in the

9/11 Commissioners Disgusted and Call For a New Investigation

The 9/11 Commissioners publicly expressed anger at cover ups and obstructions of
justice by the government into a real 9/11 investigation:

9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says I dont believe for a minute we got
everything right, that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep
asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continueThe 9/11
Commission chair said the Commission was set up to fail

The Commissions co-chairs said that the CIA (and likely the White House) obstructed
our investigation
9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that There are ample reasons to suspect that
there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didnt have
access . . . .

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said We were extremely frustrated with the false
statements we were getting

9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: It is a

national scandal; This investigation is now compromised; and One of these days we
will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this
White House wants to cover it up. When asked in 2009 if he thought there should be
another 9/11 commission, Cleland responded: There should be about fifteen 9/11

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staffs
inquiry said At some level of the government, at some point in timethere was an
agreement not to tell the truth about what happened. He also said I was shocked at
how different the truth was from the way it was described. The tapes told a radically
different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not
spin. This is not true.

The Co-Chair of the congressional investigation into 9/11 Bob Graham and 9/11
Commissioner and former Senator Bob Kerrey are calling for either a PERMANENT 9/11
commission or a new 9/11 investigation to get to the bottom of it

9/11 Commissioner John Lehman says that a new investigation should be vigorously

Planting False Evidence

Planting false evidence is another act which creates presumption of guilt.

The type of torture used by the U.S. on alleged surviving 9/11 co-conspirators is of a special
type. Senator Levin revealed that the the U.S. used Communist torture
techniques specifically aimed at creating FALSE confessions. (and
see this, this, this and this).
According to NBC News:

Much of the 9/11 Commission Report was based upon the testimony of people who
were tortured

At least four of the people whose interrogation figured in the 9/11 Commission Report
have claimed that they told interrogators information as a way to stop being tortured

One of the Commissions main sources of information was tortured until he agreed to
sign a confession that he was NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO READ

The 9/11 Commission itself doubted the accuracy of the torture confessions, and yet
kept their doubts to themselves

Pulitzer-prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh who broke the Iraq torture and Vietnam
massacre stories writes:

Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists
identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found.

A former high-level intelligence official told me, Whatever trail was left was left deliberately - for the F.B.I.
to chase.

Scientific American Writer Exposes The Tribal Cultist Arrogance

And Dogmatic Lunacy Of Science 'Skeptics'
May 29 2016 | From: NaturalNews
Today I'm tipping my hat to John Horgan, a blogger who writes for
Scientific American, for his extraordinary article entitled Dear "Skeptics,"
Bash Homeopathy and Bigfoot Less, Mammograms and War More.
In his article, Horgan rightly points out that today's so-called "science skeptics" are
little more than dogmatic tribal cultists (my words, not Horgan's) who celebrate
"skeptical" thinking concerning their selected philosophical targets while vehemently
denying anyone's right to question their own beliefs on things like breast cancer
screening, vaccine safety, global warming and genetically engineered foods.

As Horgan eloquently explains in his piece, real skeptics are skeptical of everything, not just
selected topics that are targeted by the madness of status quo science crowds (i.e. the "cult of

Real Skepticism Means Questioning Everything... Especially the Status


A real skeptic, in other words, would bring critical thinking to all of our science narratives and
cultural beliefs, including those that cover the origin of the universe (cosmology), the origin of
the human species, the nature of consciousness, the long history of indigenous botanical
medicine, the cancer industry and mammography, homeopathy, antidepressant drugs, water
filters, the existence of God and everything else imaginable.

But far too many of today's infamous "skeptics" (such as Richard Dawkins) are really
just cultists who labor under the false banner of "science."

And they're offensive to real critical thinkers, it turns out.

"I dont hang out with people who self-identify as capital-S Skeptics. Or Atheists. Or Rationalists,"
Horgan. "When people like this get together, they become tribal.

They pat each other on the back and tell each other how smart they are compared to those outside the
tribe. But belonging to a tribe often makes you dumber."

I've seen this myself, on both ends of the medicine spectrum. I've seen insanely stupid
pharmacology experts swear that statin drugs are such miraculous chemicals that they should
be dripped into the public water supply. But I've also seen "raw foodies" at festivals swearing
that their "water vortexer machines" could levitate water in defiance of the laws of gravity.

In both cases, my critical thinking alarms go haywire, and I shake my head in disbelief that so
many people are so gullible, regardless of their level of academic education or technical
mastery of certain subjects.

A highly trained doctor with an IQ of 200 can be just as functionally stupid as a high
school dropout, I've observed. In fact, when it comes to medicine and health, many so-
called "experts" are so ignorant of reality that they almost seem cognitively retarded.

My Experience as a Food Research Scientist Has Taught Me to Distrust

Everything by Default

As a food scientist and lab science director of CWC Labs where I conduct food analysis via
ICP-MS, LC/MS-TOF and other instruments, I've become even more skeptical of the
mainstream natural products industry over the last few years.

Take note of the massive scam of commercial almond milk sold in grocery stores. Such
products contain almost no almonds at all. Instead, they're thickened with carageenan and
made to look milky white by the addition of an inorganic mineral compound called calcium
carbonate - ground up rocks!

This calcium carbonate, when consumed in large quantities, can cause extreme bone pain,
kidney calcification and may even contribute to the calcification of arteries. Yet it's added to a
so-called "natural" health product that people are drinking in huge quantities while thinking
they're being smart about their health. Truth be told, you'd be far better off drinking raw,
unpasteurized cow's milk than commercial almond milk.

I've also seen so much pollution in "natural" products - including toxic heavy metals and
alarming quantities of pesticides and herbicides in supposedly "clean" products - that I've
reached the point where my own food manufacturing operation now rejects 80% of the raw
material lots we test. (See my upcoming book Food Forensics for detailed ICP-MS analysis
revealing the heavy metals concentrations in over 800 foods, supplements and spices.)

Similarly, I find myself rejecting 80% of the total B.S. science nonsense reported by the
scientifically illiterate mainstream media... (and sometimes even the "science" media).

I've literally seen seemingly credible reports in the mainstream media that claim the most
ludicrous science nonsense, including claims that cars can be "powered" by air and that cell
phones can be "powered" by water. The air powered cars stories always neglect to mention
that the air must be pressurized by some other energy source; usually coal-generated
electricity that's used to power the compressors in the first place.

I've also seen the Associated Press falsely report that all mercury has been removed from all
vaccines in America (blatantly false), and I've seen the obedient Monsanto-puppet media (i.e., a propaganda rag steeped in utterly false journalism) report ridiculous claims
such as asserting that glyphosate disintegrates quickly in the food supply.
In truth, this cancer-causing weed killer survives food processing and human digestion,
showing up in both urine and breast milk, fully intact in its original molecular form.

So why is there no skepticism among "skeptics" about the food chain persistence of
pesticides? The false diagnosis hoax of mammography? The lunatic quack medicine diagnosis
of "psychiatric disorders" that are treated with mind-bending psychiatric drugs? Or even the
scientifically proven fact that some children are seriously harmed by certain vaccines, most
notably HPV vaccines?

As Horgan writes in Scientific American:

"The Science Delusion is common among Capital-S Skeptics. You dont apply your skepticism equally.
You are extremely critical of belief in God, ghosts, heaven, ESP, astrology, homeopathy and Bigfoot. You
also attack disbelief in global warming, vaccines and genetically modified food...

Meanwhile, you neglect what I call hard targets. These are dubious and even harmful claims promoted by
major scientists and institutions. In the rest of this talk, Ill give you examples of hard targets from physics,
medicine and biology. Ill wrap up with a rant about war, the hardest target of all."

Real Scientists Reject the Cult of Scientism

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer,
Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded
Science Fraud

What Horgan is doing is, dare we say, exercising REAL scientific skepticism. He's refusing to
sign up for the "cult of scientism" that all the other closed-minded skeptics obediently follow as
their dogmatic mental prison.
Horgan understands that legitimate science is a process, not a belief system. "Science" isn't
belief in vaccines, GMOs, chemotherapy and global warming. Those are conclusions, not

Real science is a process of discovery; and that process must be subjected to questioning and
criticism, or it isn't science at all.

Let me repeat that for emphasis: Real science is a PROCESS, not a set of conclusions. Any
"scientific" belief system which rejects critical questioning isn't based in real science at all. It's
just dogma.

This explains why the entire vaccine industry - as it is fraudulently promoted today -
isn't scientific at all.

Vaccine propaganda is founded in a dogmatic belief system that demands absolute obedience
to political vaccine narratives while rejecting even the slightest questions or criticisms about
vaccine ingredients, vaccine safety, vaccine adverse events or vaccine efficacy.

For example, merely asking the question of why flu shots still contain over 50,000 ppb mercury
-- that's over 25,000 times the EPA limit of mercury in drinking water -- earns you widespread
ridicule and condemnation. And yet the mercury is still being injected into children. Yet the
entire vaccine propaganda establishment rejects even the hint of discussion of mercury in
vaccines, pretending it doesn't exist.

By the way, how do I know for sure that flu shots still contain over 50,000 ppb mercury?
Because I tested flu shots myself via ICP-MS. How accuracy is my testing via ICP-MS? My lab
was recently awarded a certificate of excellence for producing extremely accurate results in a
blind water contamination proficiency test involving 323 laboratories.
The vaccine establishment, as Natural News readers well know, is practicing delusional
thinking masquerading as science. It's just as delusional as so-called "psychic surgeons"
who claim to pull diseased liver parts out of a patient's body (which later turn out to be chicken
livers, go figure...).

Any real skeptic, upon observing the quackery, propaganda and blatant deception of the
vaccine industry, would have to conclude that the way vaccines are formulated, approved and
promoted today makes a mockery of science.

More "Science" B.S. is Readily Found in the Fields of Physics and

Medicine, Too

Speaking on the subject of computing and AI systems, Horgan explains;

"The Singularity is an apocalyptic cult, with science substituted for God. When high-status scientists
promote flaky ideas like the Singularity and multiverse, they hurt science. They undermine its credibility on
issues like global warming."
Of course, Horgan may not yet understand that belief in man-made global warming as the
primary cause for rising CO2 levels is also based on a politicized science cult. But that's not
even the point. I don't expect other scientists to arrive at the same conclusions I've reached.

What I do expect, however, is that scientists should honor the process of critical scientific
thinking. If they honor the process, they will eventually reach the correct conclusions on
subjects such as man-made global warming, vaccine safety problems, the total con job of
statin drugs and so on.

On medicine, Horgan nails it. He gets the fact that today's medical screening system is largely
a fraud:

"Over the past half-century, physicians and hospitals have introduced increasingly sophisticated, expensive
tests. They assure us that early detection of disease will lead to better health.

But tests often do more harm than good. For every woman whose life is extended because a mammogram
detected a tumor, up to 33 receive unnecessary treatment, including biopsies, surgery, radiation and
chemotherapy. For men diagnosed with prostate cancer after a PSA test, the ratio is 47 to one. Similar data
are emerging on colonoscopies and other tests."

He's also right on the mark when it comes to psychiatric drugs and their fraudulent marketing:

"Over the last few decades, American psychiatry has morphed into a marketing branch of Big Pharma. I
started critiquing medications for mental illness more than 20 years ago, pointing out that antidepressants
like Prozac are scarcely more effective than placebos.
In retrospect, my criticism was too mild. Psychiatric drugs help some people in the short term, but over
time, in the aggregate, they make people sicker.

He also exposes the total fraud of so-called "gene discoveries" that ridiculously claim genes have been
discovered for things like gay-ness or intelligence:

Another hard target that needs your attention is behavioral genetics, which seeks the genes that make us
tick. I call it gene-whiz science, because the media and the public love it.

Over the past several decades, geneticists have announced the discovery of "genes for" virtually every trait
or disorder. Weve had the God gene, gay gene, alcoholism gene, warrior gene, liberal gene, intelligence
gene, schizophrenia gene, and on and on.

None of these linkages of single genes to complex traits or disorders has been confirmed. None!"

Much of What You'reTold Today Under the Banner of "Science" is Complete


Horgan has come to the same conclusion that I've reached through a different path: Much of
what we are taught today under the banner of "science" is complete bunk. Some of it is sheer
hucksterism, and a lot of it qualifies as criminal fraud.

Check out my recent video compilation:

The 12 Biggest SCIENCE LIES You've Been Told by Corporations,

Government and the Corrupt Media

At the top of that list of science frauds is, of course, vaccines. As I've exhaustively documented
here on Natural News, many popular vaccines (flu shots, measles, mumps) simply don't work
at all. Shockingly, outright admissions of a complete lack of scientific testing of the efficacy of
such vaccines is admitted on their insert sheets.
The Flulaval vaccine insert sheet, for example, admits there are "No controlled trials
demonstrating a decrease in influenza" among people being injected with the vaccine.

Similarly, many vaccines are approved by the FDA's only after the regulatory agency reviewed
so-called "scientific" studies authored by the vaccine manufacturers themselves -- studies that
involved blood samples which were deliberately adulterated by vaccine manufacturers to
product fraudulent results.

Yet despite these extraordinary admissions of lack of efficacy, vaccine research fraud and the
known toxicity of vaccine ingredients (which still include formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum and
MSG), the systematic rejection of such evidence by vaccine promoting "science skeptics"
borders on the fringe of mental illness.

These are not scientists at all... they are con artists and criminals - like Poul Thorsen, a
fugitive from justice who was once a CDC researcher - pretending to be scientists.

As a real scientist, I've dared to ask 21 questions we're never allowed to ask about vaccines.
Such questions are based on reason and rationality. They include commonsense questions
such as, "If measles vaccines confer measles immunity, then why do already-vaccinated
children have anything to fear from a measles outbreak?"
The government tells us that lead in water is bad, but mercury in vaccines is good...

It is notable that the entire vaccine establishment not only refuses to answer such questions;
they consider the mere act of questioning vaccine dogma to be blasphemy. The demand for
absolute obedience to the false narratives surrounding vaccines has reached such a fever
pitch that anyone can now see it's no longer based in science at all.

It is a kind of religious fervor put on by deranged zealots who claim an intellectual monopoly
over all things related to vaccines. This phenomenon is, in a very real way, a "scientific
dictatorship" - an apt oxymoron to describe today's juxtaposition of conformist demands and
so-called "scientific evidence."
Hint: If you aren't allowed to ask questions about the evidence, it isn't evidence at all. It's
dogma, plain and simple. Vaccine proponents, as they operate today, are faith-based
dogmatists who don't need any legitimate evidence because they BELIEVE in vaccines. Their
belief is so strong that it outweighs all evidence contrary to their current beliefs. And in case
you didn't notice, what I've just described here is a cult, not a science.

Vaccine "Science" is a Massive Con Job

The other huge con job found in vaccines is described thusly: Vaccines only "work" on those
who don't need them. In other words, when vaccines do work, they do so by initiating an
immune response to a weakened virus that's introduced into the body.

This response requires an active and complex immune system that's functioning well... the
same kind of immune system, in other words, that could ward off an infection of a live virus
encountered in the wild.

Meanwhile, people who have suppressed immune systems and are therefore extremely
vulnerable to infections in the wild also happen to have extremely poor (and sometimes
completely nullified) responses to vaccines. They don't build antibodies, in other words, so the
vaccines don't work for them (they are non-efficacious).
In order to make vaccines "work" better on those with weakened immune systems, vaccine
manufacturers add adjuvant chemicals that are irritants which cause excessive inflammation in
the hope of eliciting a stronger immune response. While this may help some people, it also
carries a very real risk of causing inflammatory damage to the neurology of some children who
receive these vaccines.

The results, as borne out by the vaccine adverse events databases and Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program, is a growing number of children who are maimed, neurological
damaged, put into comas or even killed by vaccines.
The entire "skeptics" cult of modern medicine denies any of this is happening, and that's one
reason why the skeptics are increasingly seen as high-functioning idiots who are possibly
vaccine damaged themselves.

Zealotous hate-bloggers like Doctor David Gorski - a psychopathic, mentally ill vaccine
promoter who also carries out cancer surgery on African-American victims in Detroit - now
characterize the skeptics cult, a cabal of mentally deranged lunatics and gay sex fetish seekers
like James Randi who was caught on tape soliciting sex from a young man.

Richard Dawkins, for his part, is also an anti-consciousness cultist who believes in the irrational
dualism that no other humans on this planet are conscious beings other than himself.
Everybody else, he claims, is an unconscious biological robot suffering under the illusion of self

Meet Three Real Scientists We Need to Empower to Ask More Questions of

the Scientific Establishment

What kind of people do we really need to see more of in the realm of scientific skepticism?
People like Rupert Sheldrake, author of Science Set Free. Sheldrake's work is transformative,
as it challenges the underlying non-scientific assumptions of modern science.

We also need more people like Gilbert Welch, author of Less Medicine, More Health. This book
challenges the seven false assumptions of modern medicine.

Another extraordinary scientist who deserves our support is Dr. David Lewis, author of Science
for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to
Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect
Corporate Profits.

Dr. Lewis was maliciously attacked, discredited and ultimately thrown out of the government-
funded scientific establishment for the simple reason that he questioned the safety of toxic
biosludge -- recycled human and industrial waste that's sold as "organic fertilizer" to be
spread on home gardens, childrens' playgrounds and city parks.
(I am currently investigating biosludge in my laboratory and will
have some truly shocking, mind-blowing results to share with
everyone this summer... you won't believe what's in this crap...)
Check out Dr. Lewis's recent post entitled
dismantled scientific integrity at EPA

The other thing we need, quite frankly, is

scientists like myself who are conducting cutting edge, truly
independent science, without any financial ties to
governments, corporations or academia

My science lab, which has now passed our ISO 17025

accreditation audit, is free to pursue precisely the kind of
scientific analysis of food and medicine that is blackballed or
censored in the government-funded scientific community.

Other scientists would lose their jobs if they pursued the

kind of science I'm pursuing on a daily basis

Notably, this makes me a rare practitioner of real,

independent science and a protector of the very kind of
independent skepticism and scientific analysis that should be
embraced by any system of knowledge that's based on
legitimate science.

Yet the science I'm conducting is widely considered

the scientific establishment, precisely because I'm willing to
analyze vaccines for heavy metals and organic chemicals, for

Such research is simply not allowed by the cult of scientism (the vaccine zealots) because they
depend on widespread ignorance of vaccine composition to continue parlaying their fraudulent
lies about vaccine safety.

I Honor Scientists Who Pursue a Rigorous Process of Critical Thinking...

and I Despise Obedient Status Quo Cultists

John Horgan might not yet be aware of the full story on vaccines, so he might disagree with me
on such conclusions. But that's not the point. I honor Horgan's commitment to asking big
questions. In fact, I honor those who vehemently disagree with me as long as they are
following a process of authentic inquiry and open-minded skepticism.

What I despise is science cultists, dogmatic science propagandists and the worship of the
"high priests" of science such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who can only be described as a
"sciency" sleight-of-mind huckster who has more in common with stage illusionist David
Copperfield than, say, Richard Feynman.
Tyson, like Dawkins, is a cultist. He has zero intellectual integrity and has sold out to the tribal
dogmatists who spin tall tales of irrational mysticism that currently pass for "accepted science."

For my part, I don't claim to have all the answers - no human mind can possibly dare to claim a
full understanding of the mysteries of nature (or the mind of God, for that matter). But as a real
scientist, I'm willing to skeptically explore the evidence on just about anything.

I don't reject entire fields of scientific inquiry merely because they are taboo. It doesn't mean
I'm a sucker for silly claims, just that I'm intelligent and humble enough to realize that nature is
far more mysterious than any human mind can possibly grasp. And we have much more
to learn... many more scientific discoveries to make in the years ahead.
For example, psychic phenomena are often called "paranormal." But what if they are so
commonplace that they're actually normal? Why can't we study things like pets somehow
anticipating the random arrivals of their owners many minutes in advance? Or mothers having
a seemingly intuitive emotional connection to their children even when separated by distance?
Why can't we study dream premonition?

Consciousness after biological death? Or even the possibility that the brain is a "quantum
antenna" that can receive information transmitted from other conscious sources, transmitted by
a quantum entanglement mechanism that Einstein described as "spooky action at a distance?"

If we are true scientists, we must at least BE CURIOUS about the nature of the universe and
the apparent consciousness we seem to experience inside that universe. The minute we lose
curiosity and decide we have all the answers, we cease being scientists at all.
At that point, we just become mentally incapacitated dogmatic fools... like Dawkins and Randi,
two people whom history will judge as being not just unwise hucksters, but even for slowing
the progress of human knowledge into realms of understanding that are viciously attacked
by "skeptics" today.

I often wonder just how many people have died needlessly due to the malicious "skepticism"
of info-terrorist David Gorski or the Quackwatch propagandist Stephen Barrett.

How many cases of cancer could have been prevented or reversed by natural and
complementary medicine? How many studies might have been conducted in the pursuit of
natural cures if not for the vicious, aggressive assaults on scientific curiosity being waged by
"cult of scientism" intellectual bigots?

We'll never know the answer to that question, but at least a few people like John Horgan are
willing to start asking some legitimate questions about the false assumptions of "skeptics."
Have no doubt that Horgan himself will be maliciously slandered, attacked, defamed, censored
and lied about for daring to ask such questions.

The one thing today's bullshit scientific establishment cannot tolerate is actual skepticism. It
threatens the cultist beliefs of the faithful "scientism" worshippers, you see...

UN Climate Deal: The Joke Is On Us

May 12 2016 | From: 21stCenturyWire
On Friday April 22nd, the historical climate deal better known as Paris
Agreement was signed by 174 member states of UN, with moderate
fanfare. The atmosphere around the event was, of course, forcibly euphoric
if tad awkward with new designated climate groupie, Leonardo di
Caprio, chanting the spent we must act now! mantra, and UN luminaries
jumping around in somewhat masturbatory orgy of self-congratulating.
However, all this serves to hide the fact that, from the stand point of catastrophic global
warming fan club, the deal is a failure. Namely, the main drive behind the
21st Conference of the Parties (meaning: sovereign member states of UN participating
in UNFCC) in Paris, which ended on 12.12.2015, producing a 31 page draft agreement,
was to impose a binding treaty and not merely an agreement; something that apparently
did not materialize.
The proceedings of COP21 and presentation of historical climate deal came to pass in a
surreal atmosphere of feigned urgency and strange mixture of ecstatic delight which, however,
was confined to a tiny circle of participants, environmentalist activists and their mainstream
media entourage.
This strange display of few chosen men and women rejoicing at imaginary solution to
imaginary crisis was largely overlooked by populous which is, at least semi-consciously,
becoming resistant to climate alarmism, if for nothing else, then because every lie has its
expiration date and global warming scare is approaching 27th anniversary of its grand entry
into mass media channels.
Be that as it may, Paris agreement is a compilation of shoulds while it was obviously meant to
be a legally binding codification of shalls: while sovereign state is an endangered species in
this world, it is obviously not yet extinct to such an extent that majority of world leaders would
ratify the treaty that would de jure install the apparatus of global governance on pretext of
combating ecological crisis.
The Paris Treaty is, in this authors opinion, falling short of this aim miserably as it could have
been anticipated even in the September of last year, when UN presented its latest Agenda, the
so called Agenda 2030.
Namely, doctrine of sustainable development, and not empirical research of esoteric climate
science, is a main purpose, and consequently: the main drive, behind the climate scare road
This doctrine, under various names, is being steadily pushed as an official ideology of Euro-
Atlantic Bloc from early Seventies of the previous century, and it doesnt really require global
warming to make it work upon the minds of gullible.

If theres any solid constant in protean enemy image upon which the system of sustainable
development must be built, then it would be overpopulation, the inherently genocidal idea
pervading all flavors of this doctrine.
Sustainable development is, simply put, a system of world encompassing control
conceived to automatically self-differentiate and develop its functions on the basis
of fear.

All it really requires is one absolute outside threat which cannot be removed but only infinitely
mitigated by unified action of mankind.
This enemy image is, of course, just an image, because such threat doesnt exist and every
basis chosen by sustainability programmers has a definite expiration date. On closer analysis,
the Agenda 2030 document already indicated that global warming scare is reaching this

It was not very prominent among other 17 sustainability goals and now it is slowly giving way
to another cosmic Osama bin Laden, invoked to make us survey and control ourselves through
fear: global or to be more precise: European-based terrorism.
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) in reducing greenhouse gases, which
serve as a basis of reaching the goal of keeping the global average temperature whatever
the hell that is under 2 C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the
temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would
significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. (PA, 2.1. (a)), are far cry from
what global warming dupes would like to see implemented.

"The fact that solar warming is heating up all the planets strongly suggests that global warming on our
planet is not being caused by human activity at all. "

Related: The Global Warming Scam, Paris Climate Agreement And NWO Global Rule

While we can detect some sporadic attempts to link climate catastrophe with demographical
shifts from Middle East towards Europe, it is all too obvious, even to the dupes, that those
shifts, while obviously man-made, have nothing to do with climate.
Moreover, while until now each and every draught, warm winter or forest fire was pointed out
as an unmistakable sign of coming end times, the warm European winter of 2015/2016.
apparently flew under the radar of alarmists.

This is also one of the clear signs that climate scare is finally spent, admittedly not by efforts of
critics, nor by crumbling of pseudo-scientific edifice of advocates, but simply by quite banal
passage of time.

However, here we are presented with difficulty. The publicly visible world leaders, grouped
roughly around UN and Davos summits, are acting as if everything is still business as usual.
The situation is surreal: while majority of people are ridiculing them that is, those that pay
them any attention at all individuals like Christina Figuerres or Bill Gates are still chanting
their same old mantras.

This is quite worrisome. Namely, someone could infer that they are simply delusional, finalizing
their detachment from reality, and leave it at that. However, this is only half-true.
The whole truth, as it seems, is that their detachment from reality is the result not of mere
mental blindness, but of power inflicted darkening of the minds. This is unmistakable sign of
complete detachment of power from the people, i.e. masses of humanity or self-conscious
groups in their midst.
The global elites are not deluded by their stupidity, but by their confident belief that they cannot
be challenged. And, judging by signs of the times, they are quite right. So, when they continue
to push global warming scare despite the fact that most people are becoming conscious of it
being a sham, this could very well mean that they dont feel any need to deceive anyone
Moreover, sustainable development is a true reason for existence of global warming scare and
it is a doctrine that can gradually discard it for the sake of some better and more convincing
principle, if need be. After all, this is why the Paris treaty exists in the first place:
This Agreement, in enhancing the implementation of the Convention, including its objective,
aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, in the context of
sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty () (PA, 2.2)

The main novelty of Agenda 2030 is the first of its 17. sustainable development goals: 1. End
poverty in all its forms everywhere (A2030, pg. 12), which is to be accomplished until 2030.
So we are expected to believe that the main constituent of human condition namely, material
misery will be decommissioned from existence in 14 years period.
Those who believe that UN luminaries really buy into this crap are sporting minds of ten to
twelve years old children; anyone, with just a modicum of common sense, must conjecture that
something else is afoot here.
However, for our purpose, it is sufficient to point out that intersection of climate change,
sustainable development and final solution of poverty is a basis for Paris Treaty.

And in this intersection, there exists hierarchy where sustainable systematization of world
resources human, environmental and economical is at the top, encompassing the other two.
Both lower aims are expendable, because theyre merely pretexts for accomplishing
sustainable development world-wide.

The very fact that globalist spokespersons are seriously spinning yarns no one in his right mind
can believe in, goes to show that the power of lower strata of society and thats
approximately everybody under the level of mainstream media pundits and professional
politicians eligible for employment in global institutions is at the all times low. And the
members of higher strata are, explicitly or implicitly, aware of it.
So theres no reason to gloat about idiocy of our rulers, because it is not really an idiocy but
just a normal conduct stemming from the fact that they are not paying us any attention anyway.
Admittedly, the stories are getting thinner and narratives crumble as they are being written.
But is it because we are so smart?
Or is it because we are so detached from any kind of control over our livelihoods that those
that have a firm grip on it, via control of media, politics and finance, really dont bother to
deceive us anymore?
To learn more about Agenda 2030, listen to this interview with Branko Mali on the
Sunday Wire radio show with host Patrick Henningsen

Network News Monkeys

May 2 2016 | From: VeteransToday

This is a pretty strongly and directly worded exposure of the MSM and their
pretty talking heads of course, we see all of that over here, as well,
although I personally do not watch it anymore live.

The credo of the Talking heads of the Network News Cartel requires them to hear no
truth, speak no truth and see no truth if they want to keep their jobs and climb their
occupational food chain.
Remember the old cartoon with the three wise monkeys sitting in a row gesturing with their
hands to hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil?
This was the Social Credo that most Baby-Boomers were raised with. It was the idea avoid
evil thoughts and talk, and do not listen to it from others. The intent was good, keeping kids
from being corrupted by bad morals.
But this no evil credo quickly expanded to an over generalized No Talk and Dont Question
Authority rules in many families and the overall purpose intended was actually to prevent
conflict and the questioning parental authority no matter what.
Although these No Talk, Dont Question Authority rules served their purpose for many
parents and minimized arguing within families, it also prevented healthy communication
patterns as well and in many cases instilled dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors in their
These No talk and Dont Question Authority rules created seriously dysfunctional
communication styles that have persisted in many Baby-Boomers and would later doom them
to unhappy or failed marriages and lots of conflict with their children.

The Establishment has promoted these dysfunctional communication rules and used them to manipulate
and con numerous young Americans to needlessly enlist or allow themselves to be drafted to fight in illegal,
unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual foreign wars on behalf of the Worlds
largest Organized crime syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

It was the Khazarian Mafia that gained control over the United States Government and most of
its institutions when it hijacked Americas Monetary Creation and Distribution System in 1913
and began charging American interest to use what should have been their own free money in
the first place.
Whole successful careers for Psychologists and Marriage & Family Therapists have been
made from trying to counteract these dysfunctional rules and to teach effective communication
skills to Baby-Boomers and their children who have often been influenced by these rules.
The continuing hegemony of these two dysfunctional communication rules against
truthful and open communication has served the criminal governments as a strong
roadblock to later independent thinking and questioning of Establishment story-lines
disseminated through the Network News.
And we now know for certain that all the Network News stories disseminated are usually big
lies, false-narrative and government propaganda.

We now know for certain that the Establishment has taken advantage of this No Talk, Dont
Question Authority Credo to keep the American Public bamboozled with big lies, false-
narratives and propaganda and to keep them willing to be served up as cannon fodder for
other peoples aggressive wars of acquisition.
Yes, these two dysfunctional communication rules became a strong respect and dont
ever question government authority norm which was instilled in baby-Boomers during
This norm has persisted and allowed American to be conned into numerous post WW2 illegal
unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, un-winnnable, wars of aggression for the Banksters
and their crony corporations.
The governments still tells monstrous lies which can easily be shown to be false if one
does some in depth Internet research using reputable alternative News experts, and
then connects the dots.
The big lies, false-narrative and propaganda repeatedly and unendingly dispensed by the
Network News Talking Heads is why so many still believe these monstrous lies:

Lies such as Oswald shot JFK; While located in a cave in Afghanistan using his cell phone
Osama bin Laden was able to direct 19 Islamic terrorists with box cutters to successfully attack
the Twin trade Towers in NYC and the Pentagon 9-11-01; or Saddam Hussein had weapons of
mass destruction including nukes; or Iraqi soldiers took the babies out their incubators and
threw them on the floor of the hospital to die; or Iran is building nukes and will have them
deployed anytime now; or Seal team Six assassinated Osama bin Laden; or Assad is torturing
and murdering his own people and the Syrian war is a civil war only; or Russia invaded the
Ukraine and took over Crimea; or real limbs were blown off victims at the Boston Bombing by
the Tsarnaevs; or Adam Lanza single-handedly murdered 20 children and six adults at Sandy
Hook School.
The American public bought into all these monstrous lies, each of which has been proved to be
completely false by numerous teams off credible researchers.

The reason they did so is because they view the USG and their Network news talking head
representatives as benevolent parent figures that would never lie to them.

Yes, the American public has suffered from a serious inability to understand how their USG
Officials can such be two-faced liars, deceivers and bamboozlers and actually work to
represent the interests of the Khazarian Mafia and NOT the interests of We The People.
This Dont Question Authority Credo has been imprinted in the psyches of most baby-Boomers
and their children. It takes many breeches to undo this and there have been a number over the
years which has arisen.
People are just starting to wake up to the fact that their governments are filled with two-faced
liars and deceivers that are there to get rich, gain power and represent the wealthy powerful
special interest that put them there.

The Establishment been able to pull this feat off to con and bamboozle the people with
all this BS and lies, and transforming them into into Sheeple, consolidating all mass
media into six Major Mass Media Corporations run by six Media Moguls who work for
the KM and are part of an illegal News Monopoly and Network News Cartel.
This is where the Network news talking heads play such an important part. They are actually
little more than well paid Judas Goats leading Americans to slaughter.
This removal of any normally expected corrections by the American People will eventually lead
to complete economic collapse and asset stripping of everything we ever worked for and even
worse for any children and grandchildren unless reversed quite soon.
Network News Spokespersons (aka Talking Heads) are selected who are attractive, easy to
listen to and have convincing deliveries.
Almost every word out of their mouth is a big lie, a false narrative or blatant USG propaganda.
Of course they are allowed to do harmless little local stories in a moderately factual way as
long as they do not imply truth in national events that the Establishment is trying to keep
hidden forever.
The Network News reporters, correspondents and Talking Heads get direct access to
official government sources in exchange for soft-peddling the stories and/or reporting
the KM story-line.
Whenever the Network News goes after a politician or official it is only because a policy to do
so has been set at a very high level in the USG by a top policy-maker who is usually hiding in
the background pulling the strings.
Sometimes as with the Pentagon, the Network News is paid to do a fluff story. Occasionally it
can be due to conflict between different KM or other competing faction trying to acquire more
power or institute a correction.
The six major networks are controlled by six major media moguls who are part of an illegal
mass media monopoly, best viewed as a News Cartel. These six moguls answer to one Intel
related international investment group which is responsible to communicating the main
Establishment talking points and themes for that particular day.
All differences and conflicts which seem spontaneously emerging are actually pre-scripted and
approved, and conform to policy set by only a few Top Policy-makers. This like the Wizard of
Oz hiding behind the curtain pulling the levers of the USG and Network News machinery.
So once we examine what the Network News Talking Heads are really dispensing we must
conclude they are actually News Monkeys and their Operational Credo is see no truth, hear no
truth, speak no truth.

Its like they are living in a cocoon of lies and deceit, insulated from the real world around them.
If they ever did see and hear the truth and started speaking about it they would be breaking
script, they would be fired, and they would be blacklisted, never to work in media again
Talking heads are selected for crowd appeal.
They are usually attractive individuals with a nice delivery. Obviously to be able to keep their
jobs they must insulate themselves from real truth about what is happening in the World or else
their careers are ruined.
This results in many of them becoming two-faced knowing liars and deceivers like most elected
and appointed officials. Doubt this, just try to give one an important story about government or
police corruption and watch them hem and haw and avoid dealing with it.
If these constantly lying Talking Heads do their jobs as required and keep insulated and play
the game they can earn great rewards and will typically be projected up the Establishment
Everyday more and more good people abandon the Network news and use the Internet
to find out what is really going on.

As these increasing numbers of alternative news consumers become more and more
sophisticated and informed about National and World affairs, a day of reckoning between the
Establishment and the people approaches.
This knowledge of what really happened is spreading like wildfire and will eventually result in
the exposure of all this big lies, false-narratives and propaganda dispensed by these Network

If either the 9-1-01 attack on America, the phony Boston Black Powder Puffer-Bombing, or the
Sandy Hoax House of Cards collapses it will then be possible to prosecute these six Major
Network News Moguls for being after the fact accessories to these horrendous crimes and
part of the Worlds largest Organized Crime syndicate, which they actually are.
They visit numerous alternative news websites and pick and choose truth nuggets that
resonate and connect the dots themselves in their own head.
As these increasing numbers of alternative news consumers become more and more
sophisticated and informed about National and World affairs, a day of reckoning between the
Establishment and the American People approaches.

Its a fact that the Establishment has used the Network news to mind-kontrol the Western
people and keep them from knowing the sinister evil that the governments and their special
interest major corporations and banks have been doing to We The People for at least 50 years.
Actually they have gained control necessary to do this because they assassinated JFK, MLK
and RFK in a major ongoing coup detat. Once the American masses learn this as a group will
probably be about the time they have lost everything. But once they do there will be hell to pay
for these establishment two-faced liars and deceivers at every level.
In law its a thin line between being an accessory after the crime and ignorance or not
As soon as it is proved someone that aided in a RICO crime of the USG knowing did so they
become an accessory after the fact if they keep supporting any associated USG cover-up. That
day is rapidly approaching when most Americans will know that the attack on America on 9-11-
01 was a stand-down Gladio-style False-flag attack and that nobody died at Sandy Hook.
This Sandy Hook cover-up involves the whole State Government of Connecticut and all the
way up to Eric Holder while he was US Attorney General. The Connecticut State Police are
involved, as are numerous well paid crisis actors pretending to be survivors and actual families
when they are not.
Just how bad has it gotten because of over 50 years of Talking Head Controlled major Mass
Media mind-kontrol via News Control of the American People?
It has gotten so bad that anyone who tells the truth has up until now and still is for the most
part labelled as a conspiracy theorists, a conspiracy nut or a crackpot or possible domestic
As George Orwell once stated, In a time of universal deceit-telling the truth is a revolutionary
Obviously this applies to contemporary America as never before.
The factual knowledge of what is really happening in our corrupt USG at every level is now
beginning to spread like wildfire across America. If the spread of truth is not stopped it will
eventually result in the exposure of all this big lies, false-narratives and propaganda dispensed
by these Network Talking Heads on behalf of the USG, the Establishment and the KM who
pulls all the strings of these two remarkably evil entities.
If either the 9-1-01 attack on America, the phony Boston Black Powder Puffer-Bombing, or the
Sandy Hoax House of Cards collapses it will then be possible to prosecute these six Major
Network News Moguls for being after the fact accessories to these horrendous crimes and
part of the Worlds largest Organized Crime syndicate, which they actually are.
There is no statute of limitations for murder or for fraud. 3,000+ another 130,000 were
murdered by the 9-11-01 KM perps from their attack on America on 9-11-01. They had the
Tsarnaev brother and his friend murdered over the fake Boston marathon Bombing and at least
one witness was murdered over Sandy hoax.
Over 100 witnesses of the JFK assassination were murdered and the Dixie mob, the CIA, the
Enterprise (Pentagon) and the FBI to protect the Clintons, Iran-Contra and the Mena, Arkansas
Cocaine trafficking operations. All because GHWB was the Clintons case officer and used
them to run cover for all these RICO KM syndicate operations.
Their success in providing cover has been well rewarded ever since but may be quite limited
soon due to new and quite powerful forces inside the Pentagon that want to clean house and
are making sure all their recent sins are exposed to the public.

Obviously the current regime was placed in power to complete the KMs Globalist NWO
Agenda and help maintain the current cover-up of all these recent false-flags including the KM
attack on America of 9-11-01. So far the attainment of these intended goals have been
thwarted substantially.
These murders and fraud of the associated cover-ups of the six Major Mass Media Moguls
makes them liable for serious felony prosecutions and criminal and civil RICO, along with the
actual KM and Intel perps and the Cutouts responsible for all these Gladio-style inside-job
False-flag operations and their cover-up.

Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering & Government Propaganda

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering &

Government Propaganda

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Silencing Free Speech

April 26 2016 | From: NZCPR

In this politically correct world, our right to free speech is increasingly

being eroded by the apparent rights of others who disagree with our views.
State broadcaster Television New Zealand came under attack last month, when they
were accused of including
a racist question in their new KiwiMeter survey.

KiwiMeter, a 10-minute on-line questionnaire, which examines what being a New Zealander
means to different people, places participants in one of six groups according to their views
patriot, globalist, egalitarian, loyalist, traditionalist, or sceptic.

TVNZs Head of News and Current Affairs, John Gillespie, explained that KiwiMeter is a
scientific study designed to provide a data-driven picture of New Zealands national identity in
order to help the broadcaster stay connected to the issues their audience most cares about. It
was put together by the same team that developed their Vote Compass election survey, and
was preceded by a local pilot study of 11,000 of those 300,000 participants.
Over 220,000 New Zealanders have completed KiwiMeter, and with the flag question
accurately predicting the results of the final referendum, the data will indeed give TVNZ a real
understanding of the views of our population.

But it didnt take long for the critics to emerge. Within days of the survey being launched, the
Labour Partys MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Kelvin Davis, claimed that KiwiMeter was inciting racial

There are three questions that touch on Maori culture, where respondents are asked to
agree or disagree with a statement:

Maori culture is something that all New Zealanders can take pride in, no matter their

A history of discrimination has created conditions that make it difficult for Maori to be

Maori should not receive any special treatment

Mr Davis claimed the question that included the statement, Maori should not receive any
special treatment, was out and out racism. He demanded it be removed from the survey,
stating, It just evokes images of Don Brash 2004: implying that Maori have special treatment,
Id like to know what special treatment theyre talking about.

Well, lets try to answer that question for Mr Davis and lets begin with his Te Tai Tokerau
electorate seat.
The Maori seats were created as a temporary measure in 1867 when gender, age, and private
land title were the criteria used to determine voting eligibility. Since much of the land held by
Maori was in common ownership, rather than private title, the Maori seats were introduced to
ensure all Maori men had the right to vote a privilege not enjoyed by those non-Maori men,
who held land jointly or not at all.

In 1879, when all men gained the vote, the Maori seats should have been abolished, but as a
result of strong advocacy and weak politicians they were retained.

It was the same in 1996, when MMP was introduced. The Royal Commission on the Electoral
System had recommended that the Maori seats be abolished if MMP was adopted to prevent
an over-representation of Maori in Parliament. But Jim Bolgers National Party retained the
seats to appease Maori leaders, and as a result, the predicted over-representation of Maori in
Parliament has now occurred, with twenty-three percent of current MPs claiming Maori

These reserved seats, of which Kelvin Daviss electorate seat is one, are a fine example of
Maori privilege. Mr Davis is in Parliament because of Maori special treatment.

As a result of the Parliamentary leverage created by the race-based Maori seats, there
are a plethora of race-based legislative initiatives that give Maori special rights. These

Maori-only schools

Special Maori content in the education curriculum

Maori-only education scholarships

Maori-only housing projects

Maori-only health initiatives

Maori-only welfare initiatives

Maori-only prisoner programmes

Maori-only positions on government agencies

Maori-only consultation rights under the Resource Management Act

Maori-only co-management of parks, rivers, lakes, and the coastline

Maori-only ownership rights to the foreshore and seabed

A special Maori Authority tax rate of 17.5 percent

A special Maori-only exemption to allow blood relatives to qualify for charitable status

Maori language funding

Maori radio and TV

Maori-only seats on local councils

Maori-only appointments onto local government committees

Maori-only local government Statutory Boards

Maori-only local government advisory committees

Maori seats in Parliament

The list of statutory Maori privilege is increasing all the time, as the governments current plans
to confer race-based rights to control fresh water demonstrates only too clearly.

As justification for Maori privilege, Mr Davis and others point to so-called Maori disadvantage.
But they should remember that the statistics on these matters are no longer clear-cut.

Back in the seventies, when widespread intermarriage was resulting in a sharp decline in the
number of people who could be categorised as Maori, the Labour Government changed the
rules. Through the 1974 Maori Affairs Amendment Act, the racial classification of Maori based
on someone having 50 percent or more of Maori blood was changed to one based on self-
identification and ethnic affiliation in other words, having a Maori descendent.
This guaranteed that the number of people being classified as Maori would continue to grow,
since anyone with even a smidgeon of Maori blood could, for official purposes, be counted as

In 2000, Simon Chapple, a senior researcher with the Department of Labour, used 1996
census data to examine the impact of these new definitions. He found that instead of the
273,693 New Zealanders who indicated they were Maori-only being recognised as Maori for
statistical purposes, the new policy of adding everyone who included Maori as one of their
ethnic groups into the final count, boosted the official tally to 580,374.

In other words, that change in methodology effectively doubled the official number of Maori.
Simon Chapple recommended to the Government that the Maori ethnic group should be
restricted to those who identify as Maori-only in the Census, with everyone else allocated to
their other major ethnic group. But his suggestion was ignored. As a result, so-called Maori
disadvantage is overstated.

In addition, a fact that Mr Davis and others like to conveniently forget, is that while people who
claim Maori ancestry might appear to be over represented in our worst social statistics, the
causes are well documented and include long-term welfare dependency, solo parenthood, child
abuse, and educational failure. Skin-colour does not predetermine ones future.
TVNZ denied the accusations of racism being made against it. The Canadian firm Vox Pop
Labs, which helped to design KiwiMeter along with input from Auckland and Victoria
University political scientists refuted the racist allegations as categorically false.

But Mr Davis, no doubt with his own self-interest in mind, remained adamant: I think its
offensive, I think its racist, and I think it should be pulled.

While Labour leader Andrew Little also condemned the question, the Prime Minister defended
it, saying it was a legitimate question to ask. There was nothing wrong with asking a question,
to get a sense of what peoples views are. People ask questions all the time about potentially
controversial things, we live in an open society and people are free to ask a question.

John Key is right. In this country at least at the present time our rights to free speech are
protected by law and guaranteed under Clause 14 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart
information and opinions of any kind and in any form.

However, the right to say whatever we like is tempered by the Human Rights Act, which makes
it an offence to express opinions that could be deemed to be threatening, abusive, or insulting
on the grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins.
While the Human Rights Commission indicated they were looking into complaints of racism
against TVNZ, their website explains, that our right to the freedom of expression means that
people can make highly controversial or unpopular remarks, and while they may be regarded
as offensive, unless they are likely to cause or exacerbate serious ethnic tension or unrest, no
action will be taken:

"Only where there is the potential for significant detriment to society can the right to freedom of expression
be limited.

The right to offend is at the heart of robust debate about controversial matters. As British
comedian Rowan Atkinson explained;

"The freedom to criticise or ridicule ideas even if they are sincerely held beliefs is a fundamental
freedom of society. In my view the right to offend is far more important than any right not to be offended.

The right to ridicule is far more important to society than any right not to be ridiculed because one in my
view represents openness and the other represents oppression.

David Round, a law lecturer at Canterbury University and this weeks NZCPR Guest
Commentator with a speech he delivered at the Universitys commemoration of the 800th
anniversary of the Magna Carta is no stranger to free speech and controversy.
He remains undaunted, upsetting many sensitivities when he used his address to denounce
the deplorable shortsightedness and stupidity on the part of our political and intellectual class,
who claim the Treaty of Waitangi is a Maori Magna Carta:

Now ~ in our own day, and in our own country, there is a mythologizing and a flagrant misinterpretation, as
notable and as bizarre as any seventeenth century deification of Magna Carta, of a certain document.

That document is of course the Treaty of Waitangi, sometimes referred to as the Maori Magna Carta.

This brief general memorandum of understanding recorded ~ not just in the English translation but in the
Maori original ~ an agreement that the Queen should be sovereign over New Zealand and that Maori
should be her subjects, with the rights and privileges of British subjects ~ a position of equality before the

By some mysterious alchemy the document has come to be widely understood to mean the exact opposite
~ to establish some as yet undefined Maori sovereignty or at the least a partnership between the Crown
and Maori, or between part-Maori New Zealanders and those not of Maori descent.

This process is at least as remarkable as anything that happened in the seventeenth century. It is complete
nonsense to describe the current misinterpretation of the Treaty as anything remotely like Magna Carta.

Davids full speech can be read here.

Feigning offence is a tactic commonly used by those who want to close down a debate. By
using this strategy and playing the race card, Kelvin Davis was able to divert attention away
from the real issue of Maori privilege onto the question of whether or not KiwiMeter and
TVNZ is racist.

Maori sovereignty activists are increasingly targeting the media in an attempt to prevent them
from publishing anything that doesnt suit their separatist agenda.
It is going on right now, with some of the newspapers around the country that are currently
running the NZCPRs public information advertisement calling for submissions on Nationals
plan for the race-based control of fresh water, being targeted and accused of racism
including by the taxpayer funded Maori TV.

By using bully-boy tactics, they no doubt hope to intimidate newspapers and discourage them
from running such ads in the future.

And with the Human Rights Commission maintaining a register of media that publish material
they deem to be unfavourable to Maori, it is clear that our fundamental right to the freedom of
speech is under serious threat.

If, as a society, we value free speech, we must not allow ourselves to be intimidated into
silence. For silence is interpreted as approval. In the present debate over fresh water, the
government will think that those who are not speaking out condone tribal control when that is
the very thing that most will oppose.

Speaking up is vital in a democracy. Your single voice is critical. Together many voices can
move a nation.

If you havent put in a submission opposing all race-based proposals for fresh water reform,
this is our last reminder. People power is the only way to stop this a simple email stating your
position and sent to is all that is needed. And why not send
your thoughts on to all National MPs (their addresses are here), as they are the only ones who
can stop this.

What Happened To Prince?

April 25 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen / Various

Princes death was unexpected, shrouded in mystery and full of strange

facts. In short, it was a typical Hollywood death. What happened and why?
Prince was the exact opposite of most pop stars of today: He was immensely talented,
completely original, fully involved in artistic creation and extremely outspoken
especially against the music industry. More than being in a class of his own, he was in a
world of his own, floating in a giant purple bubble while masterfully playing his guitar.

Related: Strange Details Behind Prince Blood Sacrifice to Baal! That Killed Him

Prince was not merely a singer he was songwriter, a multi-instrumentalist, a record producer,
and an actor. He was keenly aware of the workings on the music industry and often fought
bitter battles to preserve the integrity of his work, his image, and his legacy.

While his enigmatic and eccentric persona never ceased to amaze his fans, the discovery of
his lifeless body inside an elevator left the world with one final enigma: What happened?
Before we look at this death, lets look at his career.


Prince spent his entire career battling record label tyranny which lead to some memorable
outbursts. In 1993, when a deal with Warner Brothers went south and left him without control of
his work and without the advances he was promised, he orchestrated a rebellion that only
Prince could think of. In a perplexing (and often ridiculed) move, Prince replaced name with an
unpronounceable symbol. People then had to refer to him as The artist formerly known as

The Love Symbol on the cover his 1993 album. Although Prince never fully explained the
meaning of this symbol (other that it came to him during meditation), one can easily discern
an amalgamation of the male and female symbols crossed by a trumpet-like instrument. It
might be a visual representation of the his androgynous musical persona.

Although this move was widely misunderstood by the public (and media), Prince clearly
explained the rationale behind it.

"The first step I have taken toward the ultimate goal of emancipation from the chains that bind me to
Warner Bros. was to change my name from Prince to the Love Symbol.

Prince is the name that my mother gave me at birth. Warner Bros. took the name, trademarked it, and used
it as the main marketing tool to promote all of the music that I wrote. The company owns the name Prince
and all related music marketed under Prince. I became merely a pawn used to produce more money for
Warner Bros

I was born Prince and did not want to adopt another conventional name. The only acceptable replacement
for my name, and my identity, was the Love Symbol, a symbol with no pronunciation, that is a
representation of me and what my music is about. This symbol is present in my work over the years; it is a
concept that has evolved from my frustration; it is who I am. It is my name."

Michael Heatley, Where Were You When the Music Played? 120 Unforgettable Moments in Music

During his legal battle with Warner Brothers, Prince appeared in public with the word SLAVE
scribbled on his cheek.

Prince, with the word Slave written across his face at New Yorks Rockefeller Plaza on July 9, 1996.

Prince also enjoyed speaking about unpopular issues such as chemtrails, religion and morality.
Heres a 2009 interview where he speaks his mind.

Several years later, Prince was still going at it. In 2015, he compared artists to indentured
servants with little control over how their music is used. In a rare interaction with media, Prince
"Record contracts are just like Im gonna say the word slavery. I would tell any young artist dont

Strange Circumstances Around His Death

As it is the case for most unexpected celebrity deaths, there is a lot information,
misinformation, rumors, gossip and conflicting reports floating around. Heres a quick
sum up of his last days. At the time of writing this article, the cause of his death is

Related: Was Prince Murdered By Illuminati Record Execs?

"On April 7, 2016, Prince postponed two performances from his Piano & A Microphone Tour, at the Fox
Theatre in Atlanta; the venue released a statement saying he was battling the flu.

He rescheduled the show for April 14, even though he still was not feeling well. While flying back to
Minneapolis early the next morning, his private jet made an emergency landing at Quad City International
Airport in Moline, Illinois, so that he could seek medical treatment.

Representatives stated that he suffered from bad dehydration and had been fighting influenza for several
weeks. Prince was seen in public the following evening, when he shopped at the Electric Fetus in
Minneapolis on Record Store Day, and made a brief appearance at a dance party at his Paisley Park
recording studio complex in Chanhassen, Minnesota, stating that he was feeling fine.

He attended a performance by singer Lizz Wright at the Dakota Jazz Club on April 19, 2016.

On April 21, 2016, Prince was found unresponsive in an elevator at Paisley Park, which also served as his
Minnesota home.

A 9-1-1 call was placed at 9:43 a.m; he did not recover with CPR by emergency responders and was
pronounced dead at 10:07 a.m. He was 57 years old."

Although reportedly combating the flu, Prince was active and healthy enough to attend
concerts and perform a couple of shows. Things took a mysterious turn on April 15th, when his
private jet made an emergency landing in Moline, Illinois even if he was at about 40 minutes
from his final destination.

According to some sources, Prince was treated for an overdose.

"Multiple sources in Moline tell us, Prince was rushed to a hospital and doctors gave him a save shot
typically administered to counteract the effects of an opiate.

Our sources further say doctors advised Prince to stay in the hospital for 24 hours. His people demanded a
private room, and when they were told that wasnt possible Prince and co. decided to bail. The singer
was released 3 hours after arriving and flew home.

Were told when Prince left he was not doing well.

We know authorities in Minnesota are trying to get the hospital records from Moline to help determine
cause of death.
We have made more than a dozen attempts to reach Princes reps for comment, but they went radio

TMZ, Treated For a Drug Overdose Days Before Death

Strangely enough, every time theres a strange celebrity death, the word overdose is
thrown around almost immediately.

The next day, Prince appeared at a concert and somewhat prophetically said:

"Wait a few days before you waste any prayers.

The same day, a popular gossip website cryptically announced that a famous African-American
celebrity had AIDS.

" just received word that a VERY popular African-American celebrity who has recently
been in the news now has what is being described as AIDS. Obviously since we are not able to 100%
confirm the story were going to leave it as a Blind Item. We want to make it clear we are NOT talking
about Magic Johnson.

This report REALLY hurt our heart.

According to a person EXTREMELY CLOSE to the situation, the celebrity, who is known for having a very
EXTREME sexual past reportedly contracted the illness sometime in the 1990s. He kept the illness quiet
but began taking his medication RELIGIOUSLY up until about two years ago. Heres what were told by a
VERY trusted entertainment insider:

[The celebrity] believed that he was cured, and he had some crazy [religious]people who told him that God
cured him. So he stopped taking his medication and the sickness came back. Now doctors say hes dying,
and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Were told that the celebrity is expected to get sicker and sicker, and eventually pass. It can happen as
soon as the summer."

-, Insider Claims That A VERY POPULAR African-American Celebrity . . . Is Stricken

With AIDS . . . Not HIV

A few days later, Prince was found inside an elevator in his studio.

Strange fact: One of Princes most famous songs is Lets Go Crazy. Not unlike much of his
writing, the lyrics of this song can be traced back to his Christian beliefs, where he uses the
word the de-elevator to refer to the devil. He sings:

"And if de-elevator tries to bring you down

Go crazy punch a higher floor"

And later:

"And when we do (When we do)

Whats it all for (Whats it all for)
You better live now
Before the grim reaper come knocking on your door

Tell me, are we gonna let de-elevator bring us down?

Oh, no lets go!"

In a morbidly symbolic setting, Princes body was found inside an elevator. Did the de-
elevator finally bring him down?
A great deal of facts need to be checked and questions need to be answered. One thing is for
sure: When things are shady, truth often remains in the shade.

Related: Did the Chemtrail Flu Kill Prince and Merle Haggard?

Mainstream Media Achieve Historic Milestone + Trust This: New

Zealanders Don't Trust MPs, Bloggers, The Media
April 24 2016 | From: Geopolitics / AP / RadioNewZealand

The mainstream media has achieved a new historic milestone lately: Only
6% Americans trust them, which means 94% are now asking relevant
questions that are pushing them away from the lies and deceptions that
mainstream media are all about.
Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled
in part by Americans skepticism about what they read on social media.

Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news
industry about equal to Congress and well below the publics view of other institutions. In this
presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than
Republicans or independents.

But trust today also goes beyond the traditional journalistic principles of accuracy, balance and

Faced with ever-increasing sources of information, Americans also are more likely to rely on
news that is up-to-date, concise and cites expert sources or documents, according to a study
by the Media Insight Project, a partnership of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public
Affairs Research and the American Press Institute.

They want to be able to navigate the news app or website easily and quickly, without having to
wade through intrusive or annoying ads.

The skill set that journalists have to master is bigger, said Tom Rosenstiel, executive director
of the American Press Institute. Thats because the expectations of news consumers have
The poll shows that accuracy clearly is the most important component of trust.

Nearly 90 percent of Americans say its extremely or very important that the media get their
facts correct, according to the study. About 4 in 10 say they can remember a specific incident
that eroded their confidence in the media, most often one that dealt with accuracy or a
perception that it was one-sided.

The news media have been hit by a series of blunders on high-profile stories ranging from the
Supreme Courts 2012 ruling on President Barack Obamas health care law to the Boston
Marathon bombing that have helped feed negative perceptions of the media.

Download the survey results and analysis from here.

The establishment is definitely feeling the crunch as of late. But, they are still in control of the
system, and they are still rigging it.

A New York City elections official has been suspended without pay after a bureaucratic error allegedly
resulted in the removal of over 100,000 Brooklyn voters names from the city rolls during the states
presidential primary, according to a report.
Sources told the Daily News that Borough Office Chief Clerk Diane Haslett-Rudianoshe skipped one of the
steps meant to stop the system from purging eligible voters.

The voting books need to be purged from time to time to eliminate people who pass away, move to new
locations or become ineligible for other reasons. This eventually resulted in voters being improperly

She was suspended without pay, effective immediately, pending an internal investigation into the
administration of the voter rolls in the Borough of Brooklyn, the citys Board of Elections (BOE) reportedly
said in a statement.

- RT

This disenfranchisement of 100,000 voters was claimed to have tip the balance towards
Clintons favor.

So, not only that both parties are owned and controlled by the same puppet masters, the
process of selecting party candidates itself is also a game of survival of the fittest.

And as the masses are fully entertained by this periodic game of musical chairs, the Western
economy is left burning without the mainstream media telling like it is.

Theyre not only in utter denial, but they are wary more of their own irrelevance as the
internet-based alternative media is now virtually certified as the new mainstream media.

Humanity has definitely achieved something significant right here. And we can still achieve
more if we continue to work together in spite of our cultural differences.

Trust This: New Zealanders Don't Trust MPs, Bloggers, The Media
New Zealanders are trusting politicians less and less, according to a new survey. Just 8
percent of people questioned said they trusted MPs, while government ministers edged
up towards 9 percent.

The survey, carried out by Colmar Brunton for Victoria University's Institute for Governance
and Policy Studies, asked 1000 people across the country about their confidence in
government ministers, academics, judges, churches and the media, among others.

Medical practitioners scored highest with 56 percent trusting them "lots" or "completely",
followed by police (53 percent). Judges and courts had a 34 percent rating.

But there was little faith in politicians, nor in media, with print and broadcast media at 9
percent, and last on the list, bloggers, trusted by 5 percent in the survey.

Not only do people have little trust in their elected officials, they're trusting them less.

The survey showed trust in MPs and government ministers fell over the last three years more
than any other group, with 58 percent saying they trust them less.

ACT party leader David Seymour said the survey was concerning, though not surprising.
"It was already starting from a low base, so that is very disappointing."

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters said once politicians get into parliament, they forgot
the people who elected them.
Many MPs are living evidence that New Zealanders can take a joke. You've seen their behaviour - their
egregious, self-serving behaviour [and] the fact they get outside their electorate and forget their people."

Green Party co-leader James Shaw said politicians tended to come across as a "self-
interested political class" who had "nothing better to do than throw insults at each

In order to fix that image, the processes in Parliament needed to change.

The way that we examine bills breaks the process down in such a way that MPs, they show up, they make
a five-minute speech and they go away again. That is clearly not a real debate.

There are some things that the Speaker can do to lift standards of behaviour [and] I think we should have a
code of ethics for politicians and political operators that is way more rigorous than the one we currently

Institute for Governance and Policy Studies director, Professor Michael Macaulay, said the
rankings offered a snapshot of the current political climate, which was "typified by low voter
turn out and a public largely disengaged with politics."

The survey revealed numbers but did not go into the reasons for people's lack of confidence,
and he wanted it to be used as a basis for further research.

Related: Politicians, media least trusted - study

Half Of All Published 'Scientific' Literature Is Completely
Fabricated Or False
April 18 2016 | From: NaturalNews

For years, alternative news sources such as Natural News have been
warning the public about industry-generated scientific research which
incorporates falsified data to produce desired results.

These charges have now been corroborated by Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the
world's best known medical journal, The Lancet. Dr. Horton has publicly stated that as
much as half of the scientific literature being published is unreliable and often
completely false.

From a commentary by Dr. Horton published in The Lancet:

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be
untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant
conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance,
science has taken a turn towards darkness."

Those are very strong words, particularly since they came directly from the horse's mouth. For
someone in Dr. Horton's position to make such statements is indeed compelling evidence that
(in his words): "Something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human

"Peer-Reviewed" Studies no Longer Reliable

According to Dr. Horton, scientists often "sculpt data" to fit a theory or "retrofit hypotheses" to fit
the data even "peer-reviewed" studies published in journals such as The Lancet are no
longer reliable.


"It's common for many to dismiss a lot of great work by experts and researchers at various institutions
around the globe which isn't "peer-reviewed" and doesn't appear in a "credible" medical journal, but as we
can see, "peer-reviewed" doesn't really mean much anymore. "Credible" medical journals continue to lose
their tenability in the eyes of experts and employees of the journals themselves, like Dr. Horton."

Biased Industry-Sponsored Research

Dr. Horton is not the only one among his peers who has been compelled to speak out. Dr.
Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, has written
extensively about corrupt methodology and the influence of industry on scientific research:

"Clinical trials are also biased through designs for research that are chosen to yield favorable results for
sponsors. ... In short, it is often possible to make clinical trials come out pretty much any way you want,
which is why it's so important that investigators be truly disinterested in the outcome of their work."

There are a number of dirty tricks that are routinely used by industry-sponsored researchers.
For instance, by not publishing the results of unfavorable studies, the makers of useless or
dangerous drugs often manage to market their products to an unsuspecting public.
In the case of one antidepressant drug paroxetine which resulted in a record $3 billion
lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline, a dangerous and ineffective medication was prescribed to
millions of children before it was revealed to cause an elevated suicide risk.

When legal proceedings uncovered the truth, it was found that GlaxoSmithKline had hidden not
only the fact that their product was only slightly more effective than a placebo, but also that it
caused suicidal behavior.

Is There a Solution?

It is now clear that publication of spurious or falsified research has become endemic within the
research publication community.

Dr. Horton offers some suggestions for restoring integrity to scientific research methodology:

"Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivised to be right. ... Instead of changing incentives, perhaps
one could remove incentives altogether. Or insist on replicability statements in grant applications and
research papers. Or emphasise collaboration, not competition. Or insist on preregistration of protocols. Or
reward better pre and post publication peer review. Or improve research training and mentorship."

The bad news, according to Dr. Horton, is that even though "science is beginning to take some
of its worst failings very seriously... nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the

Finger In Every Pie: How CIA Produces Our News And

April 14 2016 | From: 21stCenturyWire / Sputnik

In so many respects, our media is not our own. In the past, 21WIRE has
detailed various aspects of Operation Mockingbird and other CIA-related
media pursuits, as well as many other bogus news stories which appear on
a regular basis.

Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison in Homeland

Previously, we showed how the Hollywood hit ZeroDarkThirty was a completely

fabricated piece of fiction which was passed on to the public as a true story. Also, the
popular TV series, Homeland, is one of the most obvious propaganda productions in
recent years, designed to reinforce many flawed assumptions and false believes about
the world outside of the United States.

Related: The CIA And The Media: 50 Facts The World Needs To Know
Related: How The CIA Made Google

Did you know that the CIA has actually produced a number of high-profile history TV programs
that appear on US and world media channels?

Yes, its true

Finger in Every Pie: How CIA Became Involved in Entertainment Business

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a finger in every pie including the
entertainment business: it turns out that the CIA has played a role in producing at least
22 entertainment projects; investigative journalist Adam Johnson argues that by doing
this the US intelligence agency puts American media workers at risk.

Related: Maybe Shes Born With It? CIA Funds DNA-Collecting Skincare Line

It seems that the US Central Intelligence Agency follows the theory that says that there are no
little or insignificant things. The intelligence agency has long been keeping an eye on the
Western entertainment industry and has even had a role in producing popular fiction movies
and documentaries.
In his article for media watchdog investigative journalist Adam Johnson argues that
this type of collaboration may cast a shadow over the image of US media workers and even
put them at risk.

"For years, artists from across the entertainment industry - actors, authors, directors, producers,
screenwriters, and others - have been in touch with the CIA to gain a better understanding of
intelligence mission," the CIA public website reads.

According to the website, the CIA's goal in engaging with the industry is to ensure "an accurate
portrayal of the men and women of the CIA, and the skill, innovation, daring, and commitment
to public service that defines them."
Related: German Journalist Reveals That The CIA Has Compromised The Western Media

Johnson cites the recent article by Jason Leopold of VICE News who shed some light on how
deep the CIA's Office of Public Affairs (OPA) has been involved in US popular entertainment

"Vice's Jason Leopold has uncovered documents showing the CIA had a role in producing up
entertainment 'projects,' including History Channel documentary Air America: The CIA's Secret Airline,
Bravo's Top Chef: Covert Cuisine, the USA Network series Covert Affairs and the BBC documentary The
Secret War on Terror-along with two fictional feature films about the CIA that both came out
2012," Johnson narrates.

He points out that the CIA has a long history of "helping" to produce films and documentaries.

"The Agency, for example, secretly bought the rights to Animal Farm after Orwell's death in 1950 and
produced an animated adaptation centered on demonizing the Soviet Union rather than capturing Orwell's
broader critiques of power," the investigative journalist underscores.
And, yes, the CIA and other intelligence agencies are also recruiting prominent media figures.

In September 2015 the conservative group Judicial Watch released a 2012 CIA inspector
general's audit covering the CIA's OPA cooperation with the entertainment industry.

The report specifically criticizes the CIA's OPA for excessive engaging with the media figures,
in particular for inviting entertainment industry workers to secret briefings and other events.

"There was an instance in which the CIA allowed an entertainment industry representative to
event in which information classified at the SECRET level was discussed," the document reads.

Johnson emphasizes that it is no secret that Hollywood players took part in various covert
operations. He refers to the fact that legendary film producer Arnon Milchan worked for years
for Israeli intelligence dealing arms and obtaining sensitive technical information for defense
Sydeny Pollack in 'Eyes Wide Shut'

Remarkably, in his interview with BBC in 2013 Milchan admitted that Academy Award-winning
director Sydney Pollack had also been involved in covert intelligence operations.

"In such revelations, an important point is often overlooked: The CIA assisting or posing as filmmakers,
journalists and other creative roles-a practice the Agency reserves the right to partake in to this day-puts
actual filmmakers, journalists and other creators at risk overseas," Johnson emphasizes.

According to the investigative journalist, it is dangerous to "blur" the lines between covert
intelligence and legitimate media activities, because it puts the media workers at risk of being
considered CIA associates.

"The spectacle of Hollywood teaming up with US intelligence agencies to make propaganda

given the dodgy historical context - no doubt stokes the fears of countries already hostile to
within their borders," he explains.

"Every time this type of behavior is normalized, or shrugged off, or made sexy, real journalists and real
filmmakers overseas are put further at risk," Johnson concludes.

Related: The American Media Is A CIA Front - Paul Craig Roberts

I reported honestly the facts of the US coup that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government in 2014 (see
my columns in February and March 2014). However, the US print and TV media, led by the New York
Times, lied through their teeth.

Indeed, the mainstream US media functioned as agent and propagandist for the Washington
neoconservatives who destroyed Ukrainian democracy and imposed massive suffering and death on

There is no crime that the American presstitutes will not commit and no lie that they will not tell.

Yesterday (April 11, 2016) Robert Parry held the sordid presstitutes accountable:

Several weeks before Ukraines 2014 coup, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Nuland had already picked
Arseniy Yatsenyuk to be the future leader, but now Yats is no longer the guy, writes Robert Parry

Related: George Soros Anti-Kremlin Info Laundering Backfires on Clinton, Cameron

Why You Should Never Watch RT - Ever

April 10 2016 | From: RussiaInsider

Plurality of views must be prevented in order to stop the war against war.

As RT UK launched [and over time since], attacks on the channel in the British media
stepped up

The latest is a piece by Mr. Cyril Waugh-Monger, a very important newspaper columnist for the
NeoCon Daily, a patron of the Senator Joe McCarthy Appreciation Society and author of 'Why
the Iraq War was a Brilliant Idea' and 'The Humanitarian Case for Bombing Syria.'

Dear socially inferior person reading this article. My name is Cyril Waugh-Monger (I'm called
'Mr Terribly Pompous Neo-Con' by my friends) and Im here to tell you why on no account
should you watch RT and why you should be making complaints to Ofcom about this dreadful
channel so that in the interests of 'free speech' and 'democracy' we can get it off air.

1. RT Doesnt Peddle Russophobia

Outrageously, RT doesnt compare Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. It doesnt join in with the
demonization of Russia and its leader.

How can we have a channel which is watched by people in Britain, which doesnt do that? We
neocons say that demonization of Russia and its leader is compulsory. How dare RT not do as
we say!

2. RT is Sometimes Rude to Bankers

Theres a man on RT called Max Keiser and he is often very rude to bankers. Why, he has
even called for them to face the death penalty. Such disrespect to our financial elites is
shocking and should not be allowed in a free society.
Former CEO of HSX Holdings/Hollywood Stock Exchange and host of RT''s 'Keiser Report' Max Keiser

3. Its Coverage of the MH17 Crash

Shockingly, RT commentators didnt rush to blame Vladimir Putin for the air disaster within
seconds of the news breaking. Some even said that we should wait for the forensic evidence
before any statements apportioning guilt were made.
Others said that we couldnt rule out that the plane was downed by an another aircraft. This
failure to come and say loud and clear Putin personally shot down the plane with a missile he
made and fired with his own hands within minutes of the crash is clear evidence of RTs bias
and why it must be taken off the air.

4. RTs Pundits Include People Who Arent Neocons and


This is truly scandalous: RT gives airtime to people who dont support the Wests policy of
endless war and who opposed airstrikes on Syria last year. Why, its even broadcast interviews
with the convener of the Stop the War coalition and has a regular weekly show fronted by
George Galloway!
British politician, broadcaster, and writer George Galloway often speaks out against western foreign policy

This is unconscionable. Only people who support Western foreign policy should be allowed to
express their views on international affairs on television, not 'cranks' and 'fanatics' who oppose
attacking a sovereign state in the Middle East on deceitful grounds every couple of years.

Why, if RT had been around in 2003, it would no doubt have given airtime to anti-war
conspiracy theorists who would have told viewers that Iraq had no WMDs and claimed,
fantastically that Bush and Blair were making it all up.

5. RT Provides Airtime to Genuine Socialists and Genuine Conservatives

This is really terrible: RT interviews people who oppose neo-liberalism and globalization, from
both the left and the right. Its given the microphone to socialists, communists, greens, and
'extremists' on the right, like Ron Paul.
These people should not be allowed to express their views on television; they are 'cranks' and
should be totally marginalized. Only those who support the hegemonic consensus should be
allowed on TV. It's very important that in order to protect free speech and democracy,
alternative opinions are not heard.

6. RT Pundits Have Extremist Links

I monitor the people who appear on RT very, very closely and I can tell you that there was once
a case of an RT interviewee who had a link on his website to another website which had a link
to another website which had a link to another website which denied the Holocaust and said
that little green men from Mars were ruling the US.

After considerable research I also found that another RT pundit once attended a conference
where a fellow invitee had once sat at a restaurant table, a few days after another person who
had actually praised Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao, and Josef Stalin in a magazine article
published in North Korea in 1962.

7. RT is Anti-Semitic

Ok, Ive got no evidence of this, but Ill bung it in anyway as it sounds good.

8. RT has Broadcast Documentaries on the Wars in Yugoslavia Which Dont

Blame the Serbs for Everything

This is totally unacceptable.

9. RT Has Had Experts on its Programs Who Have Made Some Very Strong
Criticisms of Israel

This too is totally unacceptable.

10. RT Pundits Have Often Ridiculed Leading American Policy Makers

For instance, when the US Secretary of State John Kerry said that you just don't in the 21st
century invade another country on completely trumped up pretext, some people on RT had
the audacity to say What about Iraq?
This lack of respect towards a leading American politician is appalling, and in a free society
ought not be allowed. The correct procedure whenever a leading US political figure speaks is
to tug ones forelock.

11. RTs Coverage of the Conflict in Syria

In 2011-13, we had so-called experts on Syria telling us on RT that some of the freedom-
fighting pro-democracy rebels were actually fanatical terrorists who were guilty of committing
This was obviously a clear lie. Islamist terrorists like ISIS have only been active in Syria since
2014 and of course its all the fault of President Assad and Russia.

12. RT Interviews Lots of People Whose Views I Do Not Share

It ought not to be allowed! Arent we supposed to live in a democracy?

13. The Most Important Reason: RT is a Threat

More and more people are watching it which is why me and my little group of neocons and
liberal interventionists are so worried and stepping up our attacks on the station and
denigrating those people who appear on it.

The next big war is going to be much harder for us to sell to the plebs, because we are no
longer in control of the narrative as we were in 2003, before the Iraq war. Oh, what happy days
those were!

Dont watch RT because we really dont want you to 'question more.' We want you to
question less. It's much easier for us that way.

CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda

April 4 2016 | From: HumansAreFree
The CIA are expanding an existing program that influences mainstream
media outlets to promote fake propaganda stories, by having agents troll
internet forums, social media, and website comment sections in an effort
to disrupt alternative media sites.

In an expansion of Operation Mockingbird, the agency are now creating fake user
accounts on various internet forums and social media channels, arguing politics with
real users in an attempt to stifle and subvert genuine communications between users.

According to RT news, agents have up to 10 fake shill accounts used to troll and create the
illusion of having a genuine network of friends.

"They will defend current administration decisions with relentless irrational stubbornness that one can only
be paid to do.

Abby Martin, from RTs Breaking the Set, reported on an up to date Operation Mockingbird
with the sole purpose of misleading the public on-line.

In the congressional hearing from 1976 (below) listen to how many agents are in the media to
write false stories.

According to the Congress report published in 1976:

By the year 1953 Operation Mockingbird dictated information in over 25 newspapers and wire

These organizations were run by people with well-known right-wing views such as William
Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life Magazine), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times),
Alfred Friendly (managing editor of the Washington Post), Jerry OLeary (Washington Star), Hal
Hendrix (Miami News), Barry Bingham, Sr., (Louisville Courier-Journal), James Copley (Copley
News Services) and Joseph Harrison (Christian Science Monitor).

Even Rolling Stone claimed that journalist Joseph Alsop was under the control of Operation
Mockingbird in 1977.

His articles appeared in over 300 different newspapers. Other journalists alleged by Rolling
Stone Magazine to have been willing to promote the views of the CIA included Stewart Alsop
(New York Herald Tribune), Ben Bradlee (Newsweek), James Reston (New York Times),
Charles Douglas Jackson (Time Magazine), Walter Pincus (Washington Post), William C.
Baggs (The Miami News), Herb Gold (The Miami News) and Charles Bartlett (Chattanooga

According to Nina Burleigh (A Very Private Woman), these journalists sometimes wrote articles
that were commissioned by Frank Wisner, creator of the program.

The CIA also provided them with classified information to help them with their work.

Related:Federal Government Hires Internet TROLLS to Monitor and "Correct" Online


Devil Music: A History Of The Occult In Rock & Roll

April 1 2015 | From: Medium

From The Beatles and the Stones to Led Zep, Alice Cooper and Black
Sabbath, how the dark arts cast a spell on popular music.
On June 1, 1967 the most famous musicians in the world released a new long-playing
record whose jacket depicted a gallery of unconventional personalities and one
individual whose unconventionality was infamous.

The Beatles Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band was a widely anticipated album that
confirmed the bands status as the defining tastemakers of their time. It was the soundtrack to
the blissful Summer of Love, it firmly established the primacy of psychedelic rock music, and
it was hailed as a musical breakthrough that offered a mass audience a representation of the
marijuana and LSD sensation in sound.

Today Sgt. Pepper is remembered as the classic album of the classic rock era, notable for its
pioneering recording techniques and enduring Beatle songs (With a Little Help From My
Friends, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, A Day in the Life), although the groups earlier
and later music has aged more successfully.

Even the albums cover is considered a landmark in the field of record packaging from the
years when music was actually presented on physical discs in physical sleeves and millions of
fans studied the jacket photo and the puzzling assembly of figures it depicted.
Related: Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison

Photographed by Michael Cooper, the Sgt. Pepper cover shot had taken place on March 30,
1967. The Beatles, innovating with every step, decided on a layout that broke with their habit of
simply posing the quartet alone in a single portrait. Designer Peter Blake, a rising star in
Londons Pop Art world, later recalled conferring with the Beatles and art gallery owner Robert
Fraser on a different approach to the design:

I think that that was the thing I would claim actually changed the direction of it: making a life-sized collage
incorporating real people, photographs, and artwork.

I kind of directed it and asked the Beatles and Robert (and maybe other people, but I think it was mainly
the six of us) to make a list of characters they would like to see in a kind of magical ideal film, and what
came out of this exercise was six different sets of people.

The result was a group shot of almost seventy people, with the four costumed Beatles as the
only live bodies in the picture. Among the selections picked by the Beatles, Blake and Fraser
were admired contemporaries Bob Dylan and writer Terry Southern; movie stars Fred Astaire,
Laurel and Hardy, Tony Curtis, Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe; and a number of artistic
and literary outlaws Edgar Allan Poe, William S. Burroughs, Aubrey Beardsley, Dylan Thomas,
and Oscar Wilde. And in the top left corner of the collection, between the Indian yogi Sri
Yukteswar Giri and the nineteen-thirties sex symbol Mae West, glared the shaven-headed
visage of a man once known as the Wickedest Man in the World.
His name was Aleister Crowley.

Most accounts name Paul McCartney as the Beatle who

picked Crowley, although the foursomes more
controversial choices of Adolf Hitler, the Marquis de Sade,
and Mahatma Gandhi were dropped from the collage.

What McCartney knew of Crowley was probably superficial;

his subsequent life and work makes no reference to
Crowley whatsoever, but in 1967 the Beatle was highly
attuned to the prevailing vogues of young Britain and
America and the burgeoning counterculture.

At the same time, Peter Blakes specialty was in found

pictures from decades past: the Pop sensibility of exhibiting
rediscovered advertising and newspaper illustrations with a
distancing layer of irony.

Together the musician and the designer were sensitive to

the revival of Victoriana that characterized British graphics
and style in the later sixties (seen, for example, in the
uniforms of the Sgt. Pepper bandsmen and the circus
poster that inspired the lyrics to the albums Being For the
Benefit of Mr. Kite), and Aleister Crowley, born in 1875,
was part of that revival.

The Crowley photo used by Blake had been photographed

by Hector Murchison in 1913 and, thanks to its promotion
by the Beatles, became the most recognizable image of
The original Aleister Crowley shot used for the cover of
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club

Like three of the other cover subjects, the decadent artist Aubrey Beardsley, the proto-
surrealist author Lewis Carroll, and the scandalous writer Oscar Wilde, Crowleys reputation
was gradually being rehabilitated for a more tolerant time. He was no longer an affront to
Britannic majesty but a martyr to moral hypocrisy.

Born into a brewing fortune and raised in a fanatically religious household, Edward Alexander
Crowley was, in some ways at least, a typical product of his class. He was wealthy enough to
avoid regular employment from youth onwards; studied at Cambridge and travelled broadly
(sometimes on perilous climbing expeditions in Britain, Europe, and Asia); wrote and self-
published prose and poetry; adventured sexually with women and men; and freely partook of
alcohol, stimulants, and opiates.

Had this been all there was he might have been remembered as just another fin-de-sicle
libertine, but Crowley had another pursuit that was not merely the vice of a privileged dandy
but an all-consuming passion. Such was his irreverence and appetite for transgression,
obvious even as a child, that his mother labeled him as the Great Beast, taken from the
apocalyptic Book of Revelation.
For the remainder of his life Crowley adopted and sought to live up to the designation,
preaching and practicing his abiding tenet: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of law.

Aleister Crowleys earthly exploits were a story of substantial literary gifts and metaphysical
scholarship in service to an arrogant and abrasive personality. He could both impress with his
brilliant mind and intimidate with his vicious head-games.

I took an immediate dislike to him, recounted the novelist Somerset Maugham of his meeting Crowley in
Paris in the early 1900s, but he interested and amused me. He was a great talker and he talked
uncommonly well

He was a liar and unbecomingly boastful, but the odd thing was that he had actually done some of the
things he boasted of. Crowley told fantastic stories of his experiences, but it was hard to say whether he
was telling the truth or merely pulling your leg.

Maugham would go on to base the villainous title character of Oliver Haddo in his The
Tyranny And Free Speech
March 30 2016 | From: BreakingViews

Do you support free speech? How about free speech for climate change
skeptics? For homophobes? For racists? For sexists? For white males?
For even Donald Trump?

Those who defend free speech, as did the American Founding Fathers, understand it is
not about defending speech you agree with, but defending speech you disagree with.
Without free speech, there is no liberty.

The State Department diversity officer, John Robinson, has just warned the staff that they may
be penalized for engaging in microaggressions, which include jokes or other comments that
someone who hears them may find offensive.

In a recent letter, he referred to a definition of microaggressions as:

"Everyday verbal, nonverbal and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether intentional or
unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative messages to target persons.

In other words, whatever you hear may be considered a microaggression if you choose to be

Such vague and infinitely elastic laws and regulations are the bread and butter of all totalitarian

Lavrentiy Beria (Joseph Stalins head of the NKVD, a predecessor of the KGB) was quoted as
saying to Stalin:

"You name the person and I will find the crime.

The crime of microaggression has already been used to stifle and prosecute speech by those
who have contrary views in several left-leaning universities, and now it is coming to the federal

The climate change lobbyists have been increasingly aggressive in their attacks on free

They seek to silence their critics, who have committed the sin of noting their many
failed predictions.

George Mason University meteorologist Jagadish Shukla was the lead signatory of the letter
sent to the president and attorney general asking them to use RICO (Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations Act) laws to prosecute;

"Corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks
of climate change.

Mr. Shukla paid himself and his wife $1.5 million from government climate grants for part-time
Other prominent global warming fear-mongers, who are on the government teat, have also
called for war crimes trials and even the execution of some critics.

Even Attorney General Loretta Lynch said last week she has looked at the possibility of
pursuing civil actions against so-called climate change deniers.

The message: Dont look to the Obama administration to protect free speech. Which do
you find more offensive, a person advocating socialism or a person telling jokes about
one-eyed people?

Socialism is an ideology that has resulted in governments killing more than 200 million of their
own citizens in the last century. It is based on coercion rather than liberty. It demands
involuntary servitude. Socialist Bernie Sanders promises free stuff to his supporters to be
paid for by the involuntary servitude of others - to which there will be no end.

Having spent considerable time in socialist countries and seen the human wreckage that
results, I am offended by the ignorance or venality of those who engage in the microaggression
of advocating socialism. Several decades ago, I lost an eye, and in the years since I have been
told hundreds of one-eyed jokes, even by people who do not know me.

Rather than being offended, I have chosen to enjoy them. Offensive speech is totally
subjective, and making it a crime is incompatible with a free society.

The Guardian, a left-wing British newspaper, published an article last year by a woman author

"Why do women lie more than men?

It reported on a new poll that suggests that women are twice as likely to lie as men.

The article goes on to say: It may be irritating to be told, yet again, that women are more morally slippery
than men (just as in Genesis).

The article goes on to cite several reasons why this may be true - including differences between
masculine and feminine brains.

All of this may or may not be nonsense, but in cases of women complaining about men
engaging in offensive speech, it is most often assumed, without evidence, that the woman is
telling the truth and the man is lying. In fact, men are frequently not allowed to know who their
accuser is or what she claimed was said.

One of the most basic protections of liberty is the right of the accuser to know the specific
charges against him or her and by whom. As a result, many innocent men are not given a fair
hearing by the human resource departments in organizations and even sometimes by the

The late well-regarded feminist, Joan Kennedy Taylor, argued in her book What to Do When
You Dont Want to Call the Cops: Or a Non-Adversarial Approach to Sexual Harassment (Cato
Institute) that it is important to understand that men and women perceive things quite
differently, and that non-legal strategies which she describes can be far more effective and less
damaging than legal remedies.

Law professor Catherine Ross has just written an important book, Lessons in Censorship (to
be discussed at a Cato book forum on March 16), in which she argues that the failure of
schools to respect civil liberties betrays their educational function and threatens democracy.
The popularity of the verbally crude Donald Trump might, in part, be a reaction to the
political correctness of the political class and timid leaders of organizations who have
failed to defend freedom of speech.

The Food Industrial Complex

March 30 2016 | From: Priceonomics

In 2011, during a debate over the nutritional guidelines for school lunches,
Congress decided that pizza counts as a vegetable. And not for the first
The American government first proposed that an unhealthy food - if it contains trace
amounts of a healthy ingredient - could count as a vegetable in 1981. Looking for ways
to cut the school lunch budget, the Reagan Administration suggested that cafeterias
include ingredients in condiments like pickle relish and ketchup toward nutritional

This was not good politics. Democrats and the press had a field day saying that Reagan had
just classified ketchup as a vegetable.

"This is one of the most ridiculous regulations I ever heard of, Democratic Senator John Heinz, owner of
Heinz, told the press, and I suppose I need not add that I know something about ketchup and relish."
The Reagan Administration dropped the proposal, but it soon became law anyway. When the
Obama Administration directed the Department of Agriculture to revise school lunch policies in
2011, experts took aim at the rule that allowed the tiny amount of tomato paste in pizza sauce
to count toward the vegetable requirements of each meal.

Any changes made by the Department of Agriculture could jeopardize huge contracts for
companies that supply food for school childrens lunches, so the food industry responded with
a $5.6 million lobbying campaign.

According to Margo Wootan, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, two
multibillion dollar companies spent the most: Schwan and ConAgra, which each had large
contracts for pizzas and fries used in school lunches.

Before the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) could make any recommendations,
Congress ensured that the push for healthier lunches did not hurt the manufacturers of
unhealthy foods. Congress passed an agriculture appropriations bill that would deny the USDA
funding to enforce any policies that prevented the potatoes in french fries or the tomato paste
in pizza from counting as nutritional elements.
The press again enjoyed declaring that Congress had classified pizza as a vegetable.

Cynics shrugged at yet another example of the government prioritizing the bottom line of
businesses that manufacture sugary and salty processed foods over public health.

Yet the one-sided nature of the food industrys lobbying is puzzling. Where were the broccoli,
spinach, and carrot lobbies?

Why didnt a member of Congress take to the floor with a set of talking points provided by the
leafy green vegetable lobby? Why cant American farmers, who enjoy huge government
subsidies, stand up to the processed food lobby?

Part of the answer lies in the economics of the food industry: the profit margins and scale of
processed food makers gives them a heft that growers of healthy foods cant match.
Jay Dyer Exposes The Dark Secrets Of Hollywood
March 27 2016 | From: OmniThought

In the video at the end of this article, The Kev Baker Show interviews Jay
Dyer about the dirty and dark secrets of Hollywood.

In this interview, Jay Dyer reveals why Hollywood is a tool used by the Controllers
(Elites) to brainwash people and control their minds to a large degree.

Related: Hollywood whistle-blower exposes child sacrifices & selling souls

He also exposes how many popular Hollywood celebrities are working with the New World
Order (NWO).

Hollywood is one of the Controllers favorite tools to use for manipulating and controlling our
minds. When you split the word hollywood into two words, it becomes holly wood. The
word holly is defined as any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex.

The wood of the holly tree was used by the Druids to make magic wands. The Druids
believed that the holly had magical powers, which was why they used its wood to make magic
wands. Today, certain magicians (I am not talking about fake magicians) still create magic
wands from the wood of holly trees. Hence, the name Hollywood. To this day, the Druids still
exist and they still practice real magic.

Do you know now why the most popular entertainment industry in the USA is called Hollywood.
It has to do with magic and mind control. The Controllers are using Hollywood to create movies
to cast magic spells on people who are not aware of the power of sacred symbols, sound,
mnemonics, and words.

For more detailed information on magic spells, read these two empowering articles titled How
Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind and How Words Can Be Used as Magic

If you do not know who Jay Dyler is, he is a writer and researcher of certain topics related to
occult knowledge. Here is an excerpt from about his background:

"Im a writer and researcher from the Southern US with a B.A. in philosophy, while my graduate work
focused on the interplay of literary theory, espionage and philosophy.

My work is here at JaysAnalysis, and is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found
in our globalist pseudo-culture, illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret
societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion."

Here is an excerpt from about the video interview below:

"Jay Dyer is on KBS and we get into the esoteric and dark side of Hollywood. We get into the intelligence
connections to the film industry, and how the two are closely intertwined.

That launches us into a fast paced conversation that takes a look at the pentagon connection to movies,
the secret societies around the industry, the cults, scientology, predictive programming, sex, Kubrick, Sci-

I am aware of most of the information that Jay reveals in the video interview below. If you are
new to this type of information, it may be hard for you to accept most of the information as fact.
As always, use your intuition and feelings to help you discern the information in the following

Clinton Email Reveals: Google Sought Overthrow Of Syria's

Assad + Robert Kennedy Jr. Just Dropped A Truth Bomb: 'Pipeline
War' Is At The Roots Of Syrian Crisis
March 23 2016 | From: WashingtonExaminer / Infowars

Google in 2012 sought to help insurgents overthrow Syrian President

Bashar Assad, according to State Department emails receiving fresh
scrutiny this week.
Messages between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's team and one of the
company's executives detailed the plan for Google to get involved in the region.

Related: Google Is Not What It Seems

A story largely ignored by the corporate media reveals the tech company Google offered
to help Secretary of State Clinton overthrow Bashar al-Assad by developing an app to
track defections from the Syrian government.

Jared Cohen, the head of what was then the company's "Google Ideas" division, wrote in a
July 2012 email to several top Clinton officials.

Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool... that will publicly track and map the
defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from."

"Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing
and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving
confidence to the opposition," Cohen said, adding that the plan was for Google to surreptitiously give the
tool to Middle Eastern media.

"Given how hard it is to get information into Syria right now, we are partnering with Al-Jazeera who will take
primary ownership over the tool we have built, track the data, verify it, and broadcast it back into Syria,"
You can read the email for yourself here.

Related: WikiLeaks publishes searchable archive of Clinton emails

The message was addressed to deputy secretary of state Bill Burns; Alec Ross, a senior
Clinton advisor; and Clinton's deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan. Sullivan subsequently
forwarded Cohen's proposal to Clinton, describing it as "a pretty cool idea."

Cohen worked as a member of the secretary of state's policy planning staff from 2006 to 2010,
when he was hired to lead Google Ideas, but was tied to using social media to incite uprisings
even before he left the department.

He once reportedly asked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to hold off of conducting system
maintenance that officials believed could have impeded a brief 2009 uprising in Iran, and Julian
Assange, who founded the secret-leaking website WikiLeaks, has for years referred to Cohen
as Google's "director of regime change."

In her book No Higher Honor Condoleezza Rice spoke fondly of Cohen, describing him as
a young gun and said his work in social media;
Would pay off handsomely when Twitter and Facebook became accelerants of democratic change in
the Middle East.

Social media played a predominant role in the so-called Arab Spring, the concerted effort by
the State Department, the Endowment for Democracy, USAID, the International Republican
Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House to violently overthrow
governments in the Middle East and North Africa.

In addition to Google, Facebook and Twitter were also involved in the effort to undermine
governments in the region.

In total, according to a report in Indonesias Jakarta Post, 180,000 people died as a result of
the US-orchestrated Arab Spring, primarily in Libya, Syria and Yemen.

The exchange on Syria was highlighted by Wikileaks on Saturday. Earlier in the week, the site
posted more than 30,000 emails that Clinton sent or received during her tenure leading the
State Department.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Just Dropped A Truth Bomb: 'Pipeline War' Is

At The Roots Of Syrian Crisis
Related: Miserable failure: Western media are lying about Syria

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he

cannot believe it exists. The mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has
been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could
espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
Radio Sputnik discusses the origins of the Syrian crisis with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., attorney
and nephew of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Kennedy writes that the US decided to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power
after he refused to back a Qatari gas pipeline project. Sputnik also touched upon US foreign
policy, the refugee crisis and why Donald Trump would be a better president than Ted Cruz and
Marco Rubio.

Read more at: Sputnik

Helicopter Money: Get Ready To Be Showered

March 20 2016 | From: KiwiWatch

Day after day we are insulted by wannabe broadcasters like (in New
Zealand) Paul Henry and Mike Hosking, who continue to interview bank
economists or central bank analysts attempting to discover why the
global economy is slowing down, what central bankers are doing about it
and why our own economy is showing signs of this distress.

Only Luddites would interview the people who are the very cause of the problem hoping
to get a glimpse of the solution.

Massive government and private debt that has spiraled hugely since the unresolved 2008
Global Financial Crisis is the major cause of the problem. 2008 wasnt an event with an
ending. Its continuing and just got a whole lot worse in the interim due to massive central bank
money printing, zero interest rates (ZIRP), Quantative Easing (QE), now negative interest rates
(NIRP) and now a war on cash.

Central bankers are out of time, clueless as to what to do. Everything they try is an experiment,
the consequences are unknown. Why bother interviewing the fools causing the problem?
Instead why not interview people who can come up with a non bank solution?
Spiraling debt comes from the manner in which banks create money by the Fractional Reserve
system that has empowered banks to become the almighty and powerful entities, too large to
fail. That is the cause of the problem along with the now massive deflationary force of an aging
baby boomer generation keeping their wallets in the hip pocket, spending less.

Back in the 1970s a local (N.Z.) politician called Bruce Beetham promoted a political party
called Social Credit whose basis was that the government should be the sole creator of credit
in a nation disempowering bankers out of this role.

He was maligned as a funny money man. In hind sight this solution would have solved the
problem of bankers becoming the all powerful and kept our country from being beggars in the
global credit markets controlled by banks.
But maybe, just maybe there are politicians who themselves are going to be attacked and
maligned by the powerful bank lobby as nutters are thinking about ways governments are
going to monetize the debt they cant repay. Whatever result the lunacy of central bank thinking
is past the use by date.

The New Mind Control: Subliminal Stimulation; Controlling

People Without Their Knowledge
March 16 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections
and manipulate everything we say, think and do.
Over the past century, more than a few great writers have expressed concern about
humanitys future. In The Iron Heel (1908), the American writer Jack London pictured a
world in which a handful of wealthy corporate titans the oligarchs kept the masses
at bay with a brutal combination of rewards and punishments. Much of humanity lived in
virtual slavery, while the fortunate ones were bought off with decent wages that allowed
them to live comfortably but without any real control over their lives.

Related: Stop Censorship: Time For Us All To Finally Break Google, Facebook and

In We (1924), the brilliant Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, anticipating the excesses of the
emerging Soviet Union, envisioned a world in which people were kept in check through
pervasive monitoring.

The walls of their homes were made of clear glass, so everything they did could be observed.
They were allowed to lower their shades an hour a day to have sex, but both the rendezvous
time and the lover had to be registered first with the state.

In Brave New World (1932), the British author Aldous Huxley pictured a near-perfect society in
which unhappiness and aggression had been engineered out of humanity through a
combination of genetic engineering and psychological conditioning.
UK Minister Holds Top-Level Defence Talks In Wellington
+ MP Gareth Hughes Calls New Zealand Prime Minister John Key
On Poor Leadership
February 19 2016 | From: NationalBusinessReview

A British Foreign Office Minister is visiting New Zealand in the first top-
level meeting since Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond was here a year

Hugo Swire, Minister of State for Asia-Pacific, will hold talks with Foreign Minister
Murray McCully, Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee and Climate Change and State
Services Minister Paula Bennett.

He will also address business leaders at a Trans-Tasman Circle function and discuss the UKs
expertise in infrastructure, innovation and Smart Cities in a roundtable with the regional metro

While in Wellington, Mr Swire will lay a wreath at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park and
visit the site of the proposed UK memorial there.

At Weta Workshops, he will inspect design and engineering plans for the UK memorial and
also visit the Great War Exhibition, designed by Sir Peter Jackson.
Mr Swire will attend the opening night on Friday of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in
Wellington before visiting Christchurch to meet Mayor Lianne Dalziel to hear about the rebuild
on the eve of the five-year anniversary of the February 22, 2011, earthquake.

Gareth Hughes On The NZ Prime Minister's Poor Leadership

Shame on the politicians (esp. PM Key) who weren't in Parliament to hear this epic

Everyone should hear Gareth's wise words.

The Control-Matrix Is Crashing Because The Truth-Seekers Are

February 17 2016 | From: ZenGardner

The way the masses view the world is a farce. Every single mainstream
perspective is either purposely deceptive, or completely misses the point.
Even the people in places of influence who were meant to trust have either
sold out, or are just plain ignorant to the facts.
Theres no need to have a heavy heart though; the matrix of control is crashing
because the truth-seekers are dealing heavy blows to the false narratives that have for
too long shaped the collective mindset of humanity.

Of course the internet can be celebrated for being the primary mechanism which has amplified
the sharing of information across location, race, culture and belief systems. In retrospect,
the powers-that-will-no-longer-be would be kicking themselves for not trying harder to institute
their insidious plan for humanity prior to the birth and growth of the world-wide-web.

Make no mistake though; they have been very successful on many fronts. For example,
try to imagine a world where:

Most journalists dont report the real news;

The majority of doctors dont truly understand the causes of poor health and how to
legitimately resolve it;

A high proportion of politicians dont know how the money supply works and what the
agenda is of those who control it;

Many so-called expert scientists believe in a discredited philosophy which resembles

a dogmatic religion;

The majority of teachers dont realize theyre teaching a system of indoctrination that
nowhere near gets close to the information and critical thinking that should be afforded
our kids; and

The masses are not only ill-informed, divided and feverishly fighting against each
other over small and irrelevant topics, but theyre also sleepwalking through one of the
most majestic and reverent realities that could have ever been conceptualized.

Well, welcome to our world.

Example One: TVNZ 'News' at 6pm has degenerated to half an hour of agenda-spun cherry-picked utter bullshit,
followed by half an hour of Bread-and Circus distractionary sports in order to further placate the fluoridated,
chemtrailed masses. This is the first of two examples of the laughable unbridled investigative journalism that
spoon-feeds the sheeple here in New Zealand today. But don't worry - because after that there are hours and
hours of cheap and nasty, brain-numbing 'talent', cooking and home renovation embarrassments too.

As we begin what we call the 21st Century, every system that should be designed to
facilitate the health and vitality of the people has been hacked with lies, deception, dysfunction
and disharmony. Its easy to think that this is an embarrassment for our species because its
beneath our intelligence and ethical capacity, yet theres no need to lose faith in the inevitable
betterment of humanity, including the way in which we organize and economize our societies.

Why? Because all of this dysfunction has been an effective driver of the collective awakening
that is rising in the hearts and minds of humanity.

The inspiring fact is that more and more people are slowly waking up and realizing we all have
the opportunity to come to our own, informed opinion on the truth, pertaining to both the
spiritual and systemic realities. So many more people now understand the mainstream news is
not to be taken seriously as its not where we can find information which is aligned with the
deeper truths.
Example Two: TV3 'Newshub' at 6pm has degenerated to half an hour of agenda-spun cherry-picked utter bullshit,
followed by half an hour of Bread-and Circus distractionary sports in order to further placate the fluoridated,
chemtrailed masses. For desert, another half hour of 'infotainment' twaddle follows.

Theyre also acknowledging that we have the choice on what we decide to personally stand
and fight for, as well as the legacy we leave for our children and our future generations.

Beware though; once we exit the matrix of control were faced with some serious challenges.
We have a lot of inner work to do, such as designing a philosophy that ensures were at peace,
as well as exercising patience in the quest to take back our liberties and design a legitimate
and honorable future for humanity.

Thats why weve got to feel for those who have been long aware of the many
dysfunctions of our world, especially those who have not learned peace and patience.
Slowly theyve watched:

The military-industrial-media-politico-banking complex increase their power and continue their

pillage across the world;

Pharmaceutical monopolies amplifying the drugging of society, as well as keeping many of

us sick so that they maximize their profits;

Movements rise up only to be vilified and disassembled, such as the Occupy Movement;

Science turned into a corporate institution, as well as further hijacked by an inaccurate and
small-minded philosophy of reality;

Wars purposely created with millions of people dying for the whims of the shadow empire;

Radical extremists massaged into proxy armies to do dirty work for the collapsing power

Air, medicine, food and water becoming purposely more toxic;

Governmental policy increasingly being determined by corporate/elite interests;

Police being militarized all around the globe;

The education model struggling to become less of an indoctrination system; and

The agenda of global governance becoming closer to fruition.

Some people have known about much of this for decades, so we should commend them
for continuing to fight the good fight.

They might have witnessed some disheartening developments, yet as much as all this sounds
dire, theyve also seen millions of people disengage from the propaganda narratives and align
themselves with the systemic and spiritual pathways that will be the next stage of our

The point is that even though we need to be patient and persevere, we should recognize and
celebrate the achievements that have been made so far.

As I discussed in a previous article called Whilst the Old System Crashes a New One is
Being Built, there are:

Economists who want to transform the Keynesian model to legitimate alternatives;

Teachers who understand the massive holes in the indoctrination system called public

Scientists who want to evolve the way energy is created and shared;

Health practitioners who see the limits of mechanistic and pharmacological medicine and the
need for the reintroduction of natural and plant-based therapies;

Journalists who demand that the media monopolies need to be disassembled;

Environmentalists who want to transition the way food is grown and distributed;

Community leaders who aim to reintegrate them to better support its members;

Politicians who understand the democratic system has been hijacked by big money;

Activists who campaign for revolutions in our value systems; and

Futurists who want to change the systemic template for our societal health and well-being.

There are many beautiful souls who are leading the charge by attempting to redesign our
society back into alignment with the natural laws of our universe. We should be one of them,
regardless of which way we personally decide to contribute.

To do that, we all need to be super clear within ourselves what we believe and what we want to
change. There are many ways to do it too, so finding our passions and strengths is critical to
playing our own small part in the shift.

It is simply no longer acceptable to keep our heads in the sand; either were a minion of the
system or were not.

Of course its difficult to completely disconnect from the way resources flow through the control
channels, yet that neednt stop us from talking about it, sharing information online and
somehow contributing, no matter how small, to local and global movements which aim to
transition humanity into the new paradigm of abundance.

After all, the truth is what it is, and it is exposing itself to the world by powerfully flowing through
all of us.

Ultimately, we neednt wait for the zombie apocalypse because its already arrived. Most people
are good people, yet the masses have been brainwashed into thinking in ways that are
absolutely nowhere near aligned to the truth.

They might be sleepwalking through a time where the tipping point for the conscious society
builds, but that doesnt mean theyre not salvageable.
Thats why we all have a responsibility to help facilitate waking up the collective so that
together were more empowered and informed to really bring about a future of justice and
honor that we can all be proud of.

To do so, let me give you some advice. Dont get frustrated, dont be rude, dont belittle, dont
condemn. We all had to wake up at one stage so its hypocritical if we are.

Instead, be calm, be cool, be real, be articulate.

Know the information that you advocate like the back of your hand. If we want to be successful
in helping others to face the delusions then we need to ensure their defense mechanisms
arent raised so theyre more likely to be open and receptive to embrace the truth.
And one more thing; hang in there guys and be patient, weve still got a long, arduous way to
go but we know all the effort will be worth every second.

Central Banks Are Trojan Horses, Looting Their Host Nations

February 17 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

A Nobel prize winning economist, former chief economist and senior vice
president of the World Bank, and chairman of the Presidents council of
economic advisers (Joseph Stiglitz) says that the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank loan money to third world countries as a way to force
them to open up their markets and resources for looting by the West.
Do central banks do something similar?

Related: Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional - How We Have Fallen Victim To
"Economic Hit Men"

Economics professor Richard Werner who created the concept of quantitative easing has
documented that central banks intentionally impoverish their host countries to justify economic
and legal changes which allow looting by foreign interests.

He focuses mainly on the Bank of Japan, which induced a huge bubble and then deflated it
crushing Japans economy in the process as a way to promote and justify structural

The Bank of Japan has used a heavy hand on Japanese economy for many decades, but
Japan is stuck in a horrible slump.
But Werner says the same thing about the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB
has used loans and liquidity as a weapon to loot European nations.

Indeed, Greece (more), Italy, Ireland (and here) and other European countries have all lost
their national sovereignty to the ECB and the other members of the Troika.

ECB head Mario Draghi said in 2012:

"The EU should have the power to police and interfere in member states national budgets


I am certain, if we want to restore confidence in the eurozone, countries will have to transfer part of
their sovereignty to the European level.


Several governments have not yet understood that they lost their national sovereignty long ago
Because they ran up huge debts in the past, they are now dependent on the goodwill of the financial

And yet Europe has been stuck in a depression worse than the Great Depression, largely due
to the ECBs actions.

What about Americas central bank the Federal Reserve? Initially contrary to what many
Americans believe the Federal Reserve had admitted that it is not really federal (more).

But even if its not part of the government hasnt the Fed acted in Americas interest? Lets
have a look
The Fed:

Bailed out foreign banks more than Main Street or the American people. The foreign
banks bailed out by the Fed include Gaddafis Libyan bank, the Arab Banking Corp. of Bahrain,
and the Banks of Bavaria and Korea

Offered to bail out Mexico, if it would agree to join the North American Free Trade Agreement

Threw money at several billionaires and tens of multi-millionaires, including billionaire

businessman H. Wayne Huizenga, billionaire Michael Dell of Dell computer, billionaire hedge
fund manager John Paulson, billionaire private equity honcho J. Christopher Flowers, and the
wife of Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack

Bailed out wealthy corporations, including hedge funds, McDonalds and Harley-Davidson

Artificially front-loaded an enormous [stock] market rally. Professor G. William

Domhoff demonstrated that the richest 10% own 81% of all stocks and mutual funds (the top
1% own 35%). The great majority of Americans the bottom 90% own less than 20% of all
stocks and mutual funds. So the Feds effort overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest Americans
and wealthy foreigninvestors

Is largely responsible for creating the worst inequality in world history

Turned its cheek and allowed massive fraud (which is destroying the economy). Fed chair
Greenspan took the position that fraud could never happen. Fed chair Bernanke also falsely
stated that the big banks receiving Tarp money were healthy when they were not

Acted as cheerleader in chief for unregulated use of derivatives at least as far back as 1999
(see thisand this), and is now backstopping derivatives loss

And for subprime loans

Allowed the giant banks to grow into mega-banks, even though most independent
economists and financial experts say that the economy will not recover until the giant banks
are broken up. For example, Citigroups former chief executive says that when Citigroup was
formed in 1998 out of the merger of banking and insurance giants, Greenspan told him, I have
nothing against size. It doesnt bother me at all

Argued that economists had conquered the business cycle, and that modern, technologically
advanced financial markets are best left to police themselves

Preached that a new bubble be blown every time the last one bursts

Had a hand in Watergate and arming Saddam Hussein, according to an economist with the
U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee for eleven years, assisting with
oversight of the Federal Reserve, and subsequently Professor of Public Affairs at the University
of Texas at Austin. See this and this

Intentionally discouraged banks from lending to Main Street, which has increased
unemployment and stalled out the economy

Moreover, the Feds main program for dealing with the financial crisis quantitative easing
benefits the rich and hurts the little guy, as confirmed by former high-level Fed officials,
the architect of Japans quantitative easing program and several academic economists.
Indeed, a high-level Federal Reserve official says quantitative easing is the greatest backdoor
Wall Street bailout of all time. And see this.

Some economists called the bank bailouts which the Fed helped engineer the greatest
redistribution of wealth in history.

Tim Geithner as head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was complicit in Lehmans
accounting fraud, (and see this), and pushed to pay AIGs CDS counterparties at full value, and
then to keep the deal secret. And as Robert Reich notes,

Geithner was very much in the center of the action regarding the secret bail out of Bear
Stearns without Congressional approval. William Black points out:
"Mr. Geithner as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since October 2003, was one of
those senior regulators who failed to take any effective regulatory action to prevent the crisis, but instead
covered up its depth

Timothy Getiner

Indeed, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office calls the Fed corrupt and riddled
with conflicts of interest. Nobel prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz says the World Bank
would view any country which had a banking structure like the Fed as being corrupt and
untrustworthy. The former vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas said said he
worried that the failure of the government to provide more information about its rescue
spending could signal corruption.

"Nontransparency in government programs is always associated with corruption in other countries, so I

dont see why it wouldnt be here, he said.

But arent the Fed and other central banks crucial to stabilize the economy?

Not necessarily the Fed caused the Great Depression and the current economic crisis,
and many economists including several Nobel prize winning economists say that we should
end the Fed in its current form.

They also say that the Fed does not help stabilize the economy. For example:
"Thomas Sargent, the New York University professor who was announced Monday as a winner of the
Nobel in economics cites Walter Bagehot, who said that what he called a natural competitive
banking system without a central bank would be better. nothing can be more surely established
by a larger experience than that a Government which interferes with any trade injures that trade.
The best thing undeniably that a Government can do with the Money Market is to let it take care of

Earlier U.S. central banks caused mischief, as well. For example, Austrian economist Murray
Rothbard wrote:

"The panics of 1837 and 1839 were the consequence of a massive inflationary boom fueled by the
Whig-run Second Bank of the United States.

Indeed, the Revolutionary War was largely due to the actions of the worlds first central bank,
the Bank of England.

Specifically, when Benjamin Franklin went to London in 1764, this is what he observed:

When he arrived, he was surprised to find rampant unemployment and poverty among the British working
classes Franklin was then asked how the American colonies managed to collect enough money to
support their poor houses. He reportedly replied:

We have no poor houses in the Colonies; and if we had some, there would be nobody to put in them,
since there is, in the Colonies, not a single unemployed person, neither beggars nor tramps.

In 1764, the Bank of England used its influence on Parliament to get a Currency Act passed that made it
illegal for any of the colonies to print their own money. The colonists were forced to pay all future taxes to
Britain in silver or gold. Anyone lacking in those precious metals had to borrow them at interest from the

Only a year later, Franklin said, the streets of the colonies were filled with unemployed beggars, just as
they were in England. The money supply had suddenly been reduced by half, leaving insufficient funds to
pay for the goods and services these workers could have provided.

He maintained that it was the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the
Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and . . . the Revolutionary War. This, he
said, was the real reason for the Revolution: the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and
other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created
unemployment and dissatisfaction.

(For more on the Currency Act, see this.)

And things are getting worse rather than better. As Professor Werner tells Washingtons

"Central banks have legally become more and more powerful in the past 30 years across the globe, yet
they have become de facto less and less accountable. In fact, as I warned in my book New Paradigm in
Macroeconomics in 2005, after each of the recurring banking crises, central banks are usually handed
even more powers.

This also happened after the 2008 crisis. [Background here and here.] So it is clear we have a regulatory
moral hazard problem: central banks seem to benefit from crises. No wonder the rise of central banks to
ever larger legal powers has been accompanied not by fewer and smaller business cycles and crises, but
more crises and of larger amplitude."

Georgetown University historian Professor Carroll Quigley argued that the aim of the powers-
that-be is:

"Nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate
the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

This system is to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in
concert by secret agreements, central banks that were themselves private corporations.

Given the facts set forth above, this may be yet another conspiracy theory confirmed as
conspiracy fact.
In Syria, If You Cant Find Moderates, Dress Up Some Extremists
February 16 2016 | From: LandDestroyer

The BBCs latest production is as absurd as it is transparent and abhorrent.

Upon reading the increasingly desperate headlines pumped out by the Western media
as Western-backed terrorist forces begin to fold under an effective joint Syrian-Russian
offensive to take the country back, readers will notice that though the term moderate
rebels or moderate opposition is used often, the Western media is seemingly
incapable of naming a single faction or leader among them.

Related: Journalist Eva Bartlett: Im Back From Syria. The Media Is Lying To You!

The reason for this is because there are no moderates and there never were. Since 2007, the
US has conspired to arm and fund extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda to overthrow the
government of Syria and destabilize Iranian influence across the entire Middle East.

Exposed in Seymour Hershs 2007 article, The Redirection Is the Administrations new policy
benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?, it stated explicitly that:

The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of
these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam
and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."

The catastrophe the Western media constantly cites in its increasingly hysterical headlines is
the predictable manifestation of not Syrian and Russian security operations ongoing in Syria
today, but of the conspiracy described by Hersh in 2007 that has indisputably been put into
play, starting in 2011 under the guise of the so-called Arab Spring.

If Major Yaser Abdulrahim looks like hes never wore his FSA uniform out into the field, thats because he hasnt.
He is not a member of the FSA at all, and is instead a commander of the Fatah Halab, an umbrella group for Al
Qaeda affiliates armed and funded by both the US and Saudi Arabia.

When the West does attempt to give names and faces to these so-called moderates, it is a
simple matter to trace them directly back to Al Qaeda.

The BBCs Rebel Commander Plays Dress-Up

In a recent video report published by the BBC titled, Syria conflict: Rebels feel abandoned by
Britain and US, BBCs Quentin Sommerville claims he secretly contacted US-backed rebels
from Turkey.

The alleged remote interview was covered in both locations by professional camera crews,
despite Sommerville claiming the situation was so bad, the rebels could not be reached. The
senior rebel commander inside Aleppo interviewed by the BBC was none other than Yaser
Faylaq Al-Shams flag is clearly seen in the video of the BBCs fake FSA commander when out in the field. Yaser
Abdulrahim is seen out among other terrorists, missing his crisp, brand new FSA uniform and devoid of any FSA

Despite appearing in a brand new, crisp Free Syrian Army uniform never worn once into the
field, and sitting beside an equally pristine Free Syrian Army French colonial flag, Yaser
Abdulrahim has absolutely no affiliations with the otherwise nonexistent Free Syrian Army.

Despite appearing in a brand new, crisp Free Syrian Army uniform never worn once into the
field, and sitting beside an equally pristine Free Syrian Army French colonial flag, Yaser
Abdulrahim has absolutely no affiliations with the otherwise nonexistent Free Syrian Army.

Syria: Before and after US / NATO 'intervention'

Instead, he is a commander of Faylaq Al-Sham, composed of Al Qaeda terrorists and Muslim

Brotherhood extremists.
Faylaq Al-Sham and its commander Yaser Abdulrahim, according to Sommerville himself, are
part of the larger Fatah Halab umbrella group which also includes Al Qaeda affiliates Ahrar
ash-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam the latter of which literally placed civilians in metal cages on
rooftops to use as human shields against Syrian-Russian airstrikes.

Human Right Watch, in their report titled, Syria: Armed Groups Use Caged Hostages to Deter
Attacks, would reveal that:

In the course of fighting between armed groups and government forces in the nearby `Adra al-`Omalia in
December 2013, Jabhat al-Nusra and Jaysh al-Islam abducted hundreds of civilians, mostly Alawites,
according to the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria.

The hostages, many of them women and children, are being held in unidentified locations in Eastern
Ghouta. The concern is that they are among those in these cages."

The Human Right Watch report is also very alarming, considering it implicates Jaysh al-Islam,
a member of Yaser Abdulrahims Fatah Halab, as collaborating and fighting alongside US State
Department listed terrorist group, Jabhat al-Nusra.

The US State Departments official statement listing al-Nusra as a foreign terrorist organization,
titled, Terrorist Designations of the al-Nusrah Front as an Alias for al-Qaida in Iraq, states:

Since November 2011, al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks ranging from more than 40
suicide attacks to small arms and improvised explosive device operations in major city centers including
Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr.

During these attacks numerous innocent Syrians have been killed. Through these attacks, al-Nusrah has
sought to portray itself as part of the legitimate Syrian opposition while it is, in fact, an attempt by AQI to
hijack the struggles of the Syrian people for its own malign purposes."

It appears, ironically enough, that through the deception of the Western media, al Nusra has
been amply assisted in fully hijacking the struggles of the Syrian people for its own malign

BBCs US-backed rebel commander heads a faction that includes the terrorist Jaysh al-Islam faction who caged
civilians and used them as human shields outside of Damascus. The US insists that Syria and Russia must
negotiate with such organizations and that such organizations should play a role in Syrias future.

The BBCs abhorrent dressing-up of literal members of Al Qaeda and their affiliates in their
recent interview fits into a larger pattern of deceit aimed at salvaging the conspiracy described
by Hersh in 2007, but upended when in late last year, the Russian Federation upon the
invitation of the Syrian government, intervened in the conflict.

With Aleppo teetering at the edge of liberation from what are clearly terrorist forces the BBCs
propaganda and propaganda like it being propagated by the West represents a cynical attempt
to perpetuate not end the suffering of the Syrian people.

What is worse still, is that the BBC claims their Fatah Halab-Al Qaeda umbrella group
commander dressed as a member of the Free Syrian Army, is US-backed.
This is either an attempt by the BBC to further deceive their audiences as to who the man they
interviewed really was, or an inadvertent admission that the United States is in fact funding the
very terrorist groups and their associates, populating their own US State Department list of
foreign terrorist organizations.

Whatever the case, the fact that even a carefully staged production like the one published by
the BBC is easily exposed as a deliberate attempt to cover up the terroristic identity of whats
left of the Wests rebels, adds further imperative to the Syrian government and their Russian,
Lebanese, Iraqi, and Iranian allies to end the war and fully restore order to the entirety of
Syrias territory.

To negotiate with rebels who are clearly terrorists dressed in literal costumes, is an absurdity
the West would never accept foisted upon them thus, no other nation on Earth should accept
the West foisting such terms upon them.

Radio Station George FM Warns Staff About Max Key

February 12 2016 | From: NZHerald

Radio DJs at George FM have been warned they will be taken off air if they
say anything negative about the station's newest host, Max Key [son of
Prime Minister John Key].
Key's new role at the station was unveiled last week, hosting a one-hour show on
Tuesday nights. He will unveil his debut single Forget You on his first show next week.

Comment: Obviously Max Key becoming a night time host for a show on George FM has
stirred up some controversy. I know I sent them an email saying what a stupid decision
it was and that I would never listen again to heir station as long as he was on it. It seems
their management (Media Works owned by Rupert Murdoch) have instructed all their
staff to stay mum about this on air and on social media. What are you scared of
George? The truth?

An unverified email reportedly sent to all George FM staff warned staff that "all social media
relating to the new night George FM Night time residents must be positive.
"We will not tolerate any negativity relating to any of our new roster," the message continued. "Anyone who
cannot adhere to this requirement will be taken off air instantly."

Mediaworks didn't respond to requests for comment about the statement.

When contacted by the Herald last week, Max Key said he "wasn't doing media" and didn't
want to comment.
George FM founder Thane Kirby

But George FM DJ Aroha Harawira spoke out in support of Key, saying he should be judged on
his musical ability and not his father's politics.

"I haven't met Max Key yet myself, I've never seen him DJ, but I heard him on George FM last night and I
thought he played a pretty sweet set," Harawira wrote on her blog site.

"I value my friends' opinions and I'll give the guy a chance. I think you should too ... Say what you want
about John Key, but leave his kids out of it."

Max Key's first show on George FM is on February 16, where he'll unveil his new
single, Forget You, rumoured to be about his recent split from Amelia Finlayson.

In an interview on the station, Key said he'd been working on his material on his own, and he
was "super excited" to release it. Co-host Jay Bulletproof said he had heard the song, and it
was an "absolute banger".

"I'm proud to say I'm releasing my first single Forget You. Previewing on my first show on George fm
nights, Tuesday the 16th at 10pm ... I can't wait to drop this," he wrote on Instagram.
Conspiracy: This Is Why Brazil Is Ground Zero For The Latest Bio-
Engineered Pandemic
February 11 2016 | From: TheMilleniumReport

Every Major Disease Outbreak Has Been Manufactured in the Biological

Weapons Laboratories of the Western Powers.
The U.S. and U.K. possess the most advanced scientific knowledge and applied
technology for producing bio-weaponry, which they routinely utilize to create bio-
weapons of mass destruction.

Related: Zika: Sex and Bloodsucking Vampire Bugs: the Movie

Decades ago the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America (in
collaboration with their British counterparts) committed itself to the deliberate path of exerting
full-spectrum dominance over the entire planetary realm.

The essentially Anglo-American Military-Industrial Complex undertook various and sundry

endeavors simultaneously in order to fulfill this critical mission to attain and maintain world

Related: SERCO: A Corporate Octopus With Tentacles Wrapped Around The Globe

Not only did the MIC achieve nuclear superiority within the world community of nations, the
U.S. Armed Services also created a global network of military bases unrivaled in world history.
One of the key pillars of attaining full spectrum dominance is the capacity to execute bio-
weaponry programs surreptitiously, quickly and efficiently anywhere on Planet Earth.

Toward that end the many bio-weapons laboratories which now dot the landscape of the USA
have worked assiduously to fabricate the perfect biological weapons for the right applications
and perfect situations.

Its important to understand that the USA and UK form the very backbone of a supranational
entity known as the Anglo-American Axis[1]. This large group of countries, which is dedicated
to maintaining the Anglo-American Empire - by every means possible - has been locked in a
century-long war against the BRICS nations.

As a matter of fact, the First and Second World Wars were both waged in an effort to establish
the USA as the military arm of the New World Order.
NATO is merely an extension of the Anglo-American military juggernaut.

Related: The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order

Whats the Larger Point Here?

Although it has not been declared, a full-blown World War III has been and is being waged
under the radar between the AAA and the BRICS.
The entire Middle East is obviously just one major military theater of this ongoing global
conflict. So are Africa and South America. Only on those two continents the preferred
weapons of mass destruction are of a biological nature.

History of Genocide via Bio-Weapons

You see, the white man learned long ago that the people of the African continent are deathly
afraid of contagious diseases and infectious epidemics. The populations of many of the South
American countries suffer from the very same phobia.

They dont understand illness and disease the way that the educated and industrialized nations
of the Northern Hemisphere do. There is much superstition which still surrounds any kind of
disease outbreak, especially throughout the rural areas. The resulting taboos run very deep
throughout society.
With this hidden knowledge it is now quite easy to understand why so many disease outbreaks
first occur in either Africa or South America. Whether it is Ebola in West Africa or the West Nile
Virus in East Africa, HIV/AIDS in West Central Africa or Malaria anywhere in Africa, Chagas
disease in South America or Dengue fever throughout the whole Southern Hemisphere, so
many pandemics find their origins south of the border.

No one denies that the southern climes and predominant biota cultivate an extremely
conducive environment for mosquito-borne diseases and the like. This scientific fact is quite
well established.

The point here is that because these scary diseases are well known among the local
populations, they can be furtively spread by those who wish to do them harm by their silent
enemies to the north.

The deliberate vector of disseminations are many to include stealth vaccinations, GMO
mosquitoes, tainted prescriptions, contaminated water supplies, infected farm animals, toxic
produce, corrupted restaurant food, chemtrail aerosols, etc.
This is a subtle but very important point. These diseases are known to be common in these
regions of the world; therefore, no one suspects that they have been meticulously weaponized
to make them much more deadly.

They have also been precisely bio-engineered to target specific gene pools and bloodlines.

In this fashion the Indigenous Peoples can be gradually killed off so that they no longer
pose an obstacle to giving up their lands to the covetous Anglo-American corporate

This very same tactic was of course used against the Native American Indians by the U.S.
Federal Government that was determined to wipe out the tribes across America in order to
steal their lands. That strategy really worked like a charm for them. And they have never
forgotten it.
After all, how could the Indian warriors, who contracted smallpox from the blankets provided to
them by the friendly white brothers, ever fight on the harsh battlefields?

As for the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, how are they expected to respond to a terrible disease
that shrinks the human head and arrests brain development. Yes, that is what the Zika virus
does, unless the public is being misled about the true source of this medical crisis.
Fast Forward to the 2016 Olympics in Brazil

Whenever bio-weapons of mass destruction are used with such great effect there are always
several goals on the agenda of the perpetrators. The Zika virus outbreak is no exception.

Because of where the exact ground zero of this explosive epidemic is located in Brazil, it is
certain that this public health disaster was quite purposefully manufactured there to disrupt the
2016 Summer Olympics.
Brazil has already been under continuous assault by the AAA, as it represents the South
American cornerstone of the BRICS economic union. The Brazilian economy is also the largest
in South and Central America, therefore, it provides a much-needed financial engine to keep
the BRICS momentum going throughout the world.

The AAA knew that if they took down Brazil economically, as they have been doing relentlessly
on the political front, the BRICS union would be weakened considerably. The new world
reserve currency would then likely stay with the still dominant petrodollar during this crucial
period where it is also under serious assault.

Both Russia and China have already undermined the petrodollar in profound and irreparable
ways. So have Iran and India and other quieter BRICS-aligned nations
The important point about Brazil is that a substantial amount of public money and resources
have been allocated to this formidable and demanding enterprise known as the Summer
Olympics. The private sector, as always, has also dedicated much investment to making the
Olympics a commercial success.

With the Zika virus and ensuing epidemic raging in the back yard of Rio de Janeiro, what else
could be expected but the second prong of the AAA strategy to sabotage the 2016 Summer

See headlines below:

Exclusive: U.S. athletes should consider skipping Rio if fear Zika - Officials

Zika concerns could see Kenya withdraw from Rio 2016 Olympics

U.S. Athletes Told to Skip Rio Olympics if Concerned About Zika

Olympic fears over Zika: Athletes facing decision on whether they are willing to risk travelling
to Rio for 2016 Games

Researchers Weigh Risks of Zika Spreading at Rio Olympics

Zika Virus Spurs Concerns Over Summer Olympic Games In Rio

Olympics in Brazil could spark spread of Zika virus abroad, Canadian dosc warn

Olympic organizers deny Games under threat due to Zika virus

Do you get it now?

What better way to further destroy the fragile Brazilian economy and sap the spirit of the


The Anglo-American corporatocracy has enjoyed the status of global hegemon since the
advent of the Industrial Revolution. Because of the rapacious nature of the predatory
capitalism that it systematically employs, it only knows how to take from those who have what
they want. This is the way it has always been since the incorporation of the East India
Company in London in 1600.

The Huge difference between now and when India was pillaged, China was plundered and
Africa was raped is that the BRICS are now well aware of the true enemy and its unrelenting

Russia and China, India and Brazil, Iran and South Africa are under constant attack by the
AAA. However, they now have a very secret weapon that is being trained on the City of London
and Washington, D.C.

More accurately, the BRICS have a number of secret weapons which will be employed with
great consequence and awesome effect on the primary nations of the AAA. Part II of this
series will further discuss those secret weapons. In the meantime, the reader is encouraged to
contemplate the overwhelming repercussions of just one of those weapons known as: Free

Editors Note

It has been rightly pointed out by many that the looming Zika virus pandemic may be to a
great extent based on fraudulent data and false information. Inasmuch as it is being reported
by those agencies like WHO which are completely controlled by the AAA, why should the MSM
ever be believed?

Because of all the fake false flags and fictitious disease outbreaks occurring over many
decades such as the recent Ebola scare, its clear that these trumpeted pandemics have a
huge component of purposefully deceptive reporting.
However, it is virtually impossible to ferret out the truth about a manufactured and bogus
pandemic. To what degree is there a real mosquito-borne Zika virus causing the profiled
symptoms is extremely difficult to say. Especially given the typical demographics of these
types of mosquito-borne public health disasters, its even more challenging to arrive at the
truth. After all, they ALL occur in virtually the same geographic areas.

With that said, we leave it up to the reader to decide how much of this
fastidiously ZIKA health scare is real disease and how much is phony baloney.

Authors Note

We almost forgot to mention what the original source of the Zika virus was, as well as who
originally deposited it in 1947 - the Rockefeller Foundation.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

You can see for yourself here: Zika virus 'owned' by Rockefeller Foundation


The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA


[1] Anglo-American Axis (AAA)

The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking
countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European
member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium,
Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the
Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan
and the Philippines.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and
Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World
Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls
the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other
institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.

(Source: Vladimir Putins Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New
World Order)

Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media

February 10 2016 | From: Sott

There is a growing trend of skepticism on the internet right now as people

start to call out mainstream media for its honesty (or rather, lack thereof).

It's an important move for people in general, as there are good reasons to question the
talking heads that are gifted with such a reach and influence, via a brand whose survival
is based upon getting and keeping your attention.

To give someone, or some brand, the authority to tell you what is true, is one of the
greatest mistakes a human being can make. Here's why.

Yes, of course, I know I'm about to tell you how to think in this article, being written on a brand
you recognize, that survives on getting and keeping your attention. But at least I'm honest
about that. I'm not going to attempt to prove that I know everything about every newsroom on
the planet. I can only tell you about some of the common things that I have seen, in the
newsrooms I have been in.

I worked in television news for 10 years from 2004 to 2015, working for primarily the finance
channel of Canada, Business News Network, and since 2011, the now-deceased Sun News
Network, which was an attempt at a conservative slanted broadcast in the Canadian market. It
was called the 'Fox News North' by many critics, and rightfully so, to some degree.
Through this career, and especially at Sun News Network, I was privy to many off-camera
conversations which really helped me see through the illusory idea that, just because you're on
TV, you know what you're talking about. In fact, I grew terrified to keep producing it for that

Here's the first thing that many people don't truly understand about the news media. It is
biased to those that fund it.

There were many times when we were forced to cut an advertisement or cut a story or remove
something from the website because an advertiser didn't want to be associated with it and, as
a result, our financial livelihoods were threatened.

TV is literally at the mercy of those that fund it because it's a business. TV, as it is, has no other
way to survive except for advertising revenue, which depends on getting and keeping your
attention. In effect, news media is a marketing tool for advertisers, and its content is sometimes
designed to match the next best product coming out of these advertisers.

The second thing that many people don't really respect is that TV and mainstream news are
almost always tied to political or religious agendas. Whether Liberal or Conservative,
Republican or Democrat, there are news media outlets designed to serve the flavor of the
person watching. This essentially means that the same story will be told two distinctly different
ways, to match the audience watching.

This means that the concept of non-media-bias is irrelevant in 2016. The moral idea of non-
bias reporting has been thrown out, necessarily, because TV survives off money and that
money often comes from large companies who are funding certain political sides, who require
their side to win.

News isn't about news anymore, it's a marketing tool for politicians and larger
corporations looking to buy votes through fear and buy customers with stupidity.

I can't count the number of times I saw story after story being put out about how bad things are
in the world, only to see the supporting political party start to speak about how they are going
to solve these issues.

It's like walking up to someone and throwing coffee on them, staining their shirt, knowing full
well that your buddy next to you has a shirt to sell to them. It's easy to win an election when
you've already primed the people to believe in what you're saying, without ever saying it.

The third thing that plagues the news media is sensationalism, and headlines that polarize
audiences. It's important to 'tell it like it is and report the facts,' but often these facts are not fact
checked enough and headlines get published that are later apologized for.

One of my favorite games is to re-read the news to tell what actually happened, without the
extra, juicy details. As an example, this headline - 'Councillors reject salary freeze for
themselves' - could really be read as 'Councillors reject salary freeze.'

Once you start taking out all of the descriptors and judgments, you realise that the world is a lot
simpler to look at.
The Big Squeeze vs. Khazarian Mafia
January 22 2016 | From: Geopolitics

The result of the well-coordinated operation to cut-off the Khazarian Mafia

from the rest of the global economy is now undeniable.

The fiat FED dollar denominated economy is effectively shut down as indicated in the
free-falling Baltic Dry Index.

Related: International Shipping Shuts Down; Baltic Dry Index Freefalling

We have warned that bank deposits are already being skimmed by the retreating parasites,
and its prudent that necessary preparations should have been made already.

Iran cannot be intimidated anymore. It has repelled Israel and Saudi Arabias big brother, i.e.
the United States.

If your child is being held back and being denied even the possibility of entering a gifted
program based on the fact that they have attention issues, then there is problem.

Related: Captured US Navy Boats Were Carrying Top ISIS Leader, USS Truman

Again, we are featuring another summary of the information thats already been in this site and
some new information detailing the personalities involved that should facilitate the
understanding of whats been going on for at least the last eight years.
Big Squeeze Now On Khazarian Mafia

This article builds on past articles on this subject. For those who havent read those, reading
this article is likely a waste of time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads.

This is a long article and is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold
print and pass over the rest, and then finish with the conclusion. Many thanks to my sources,
some still living but most passed. None have been associated with Veterans Today in any way.
I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate to be
discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out. ]

Numerous nations around the World have now ganged up on the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

It is cornered and it is losing power by the day. Expect increased surveillance and harassment
by local police who take orders from Homeland Security (DHS) and receive their ridiculous
conjured up Domestic Terror Watch Lists.

How much real power does the Khazarian Mafia have left and for how long can it hold out? Is
the Khazarian Mafia still powerful enough to start another major war in the Mideast, or even a
nuclear WW3 to serve as a covering event for their impending loss of World hegemony?
There are recent reports from China that the Chinese Government has ordered that its
international cargo shipping in both the Pacific and the Atlantic be restricted.

One source with connections to mainland Chinese sources has verified this claim that China
has given an ultimatum that there will be a big reduction in their cargo ships unloading any
products until the USG begins to honor the Secret Reset Agreement they entered into in 2013
during G-20 meetings.

Related: The Unfolding Global Reset that Only Few Understand

The Baltic Dry Shipping Index is way down, less than half of what it was at its peak. Crude oil
has dropped to $30 a barrel or less, and in Canada shale oil is even as low at $10 a barrel.
American retail sales were low during Christmas and many retail chains plan to close stores at
multiple locations, including the notorious Walmart.

Related: International Shipping Shuts Down; Baltic Dry Index Freefalling

And oil derivatives of the big Wall Street Banks are under extreme stress due to these oil
prices which has now placed several of the largest in jeopardy. The US Petro Dollar is now
under stress as never before and the massive continued issuing and printing after the bailouts
(repetitive Quantitative Easings, #7 and counting), the secret US Treasury Exchange
Stabilization Fund (ESF) direct foreign bank bailouts of trillions, and the secret direct USG
Plunge Protection Team stock purchases in mass no longer seem to mitigate this slide.

Several foreign nations have asked for their Gold back that has been stored at the Federal
Reserve, but only a portion has been shipped because the vaults are now apparently empty.

Chinese and Russian purchases of massive quantities of Gold and Silver are fact, not theory,
giving them a huge advantage as the Federal Reserve Systems Ponzi scheme approaches

Comex paper Gold which is supposed to be backed 100% by real Gold is not. This is just
another part of the Federal Reserve Systems massive Ponzi scheme which has probably
already hit the iceberg and is taking on water.

The Khazarian Mafias top leadership is being squeezed and now seems cornered. They claim
to each other to work directly for Lucifer who they describe as their new rising god (they call
this Lucifer Rising). Others in this small circle describe Lucifer as a renegade Third Force who
will cut these folks loose in a NY Minute as soon as they serve no useful purpose anymore.
And that is what now seems to be happening. Looks like their god is going to let them down.
Oh well, should they have expected less from pure evil?

When you dance with the devil, you are going to get burned. Thats the function of Doofus
Cutouts that are propelled to the top and given power, status and riches beyond imagination.
They are there to serve as disposables when its all said and done and they are no longer
needed. They will never see it coming when they are abandoned and cut-loose.

If there is going to be new monetary system set up for the World and thats the way it looks,
and it likely will not include the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins.

As best we can determine before Chinese cargo shipping decreased, China was demanding
that their Renminbi be included in a basket of currencies.

And we know that the Renminbi will be backed by Gold and this basket of currencies will
replace the current exclusiveness of the US Petro Dollar which functions as the Worlds
Reserve Currency.

This same source has claimed that the Japanese Government has just agreed to be part of the
Chinese created Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). If these reports are accurate then
this means that Khazarian Mafia is being squeezed economically.
For the G-20 nations and especially the USA to honor this Secret Reset Agreement made in
2013, the Khazarian Mafia must be removed from its position controlling the Worlds Central

It also apparently requires the acceptance of the Chinese Renminbi based on Gold and Silver
as a part of an international basket of currencies and the removal of the US Petro Dollar as the
Worlds Reserve Currency.

Looks like the Khazarian Mafia is now being squeezed from many directions. And it is rapidly
losing control which makes it desperate and dangerous.

When the Worlds largest Organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia feels cornered one
would expect that it would become desperate to re-establish control and take even more
drastic actions that it has in the past, unless too much force is arrayed against them from more
than one enemy.

And now for the first time numerous enemies have arisen against the Khazarian Mafia. And
two of them are quite powerful.

The first and most powerful enemy appears to be the Russian Federation.
Putin and the Russian Federation have now completely checkmated the Khazarian Mafia both
in the Ukraine and in Syria and is now annihilating ISIS by deployment of its superior air power.

The second most powerful appears to be the American People, a very well-armed sleeping
giant that is now rapidly awaking.

This new exigent power of the American Masses is due to the Alternative Media of the Internet.
The Internet has provided incredible speed and the fact that so many Americans are finally
figuring out everything out of our elected Politicians mouths via the CMMM is their
propaganda, big lies and false-narratives.

And the recent dire economy, and massive unemployment since 2008 brought about by all
these traitorous Free Trade Agreements and two illegal, unConstitutional Wall Street Bailouts
have created a spontaneously emerging populism in the American Masses.

This massive populism is not only unprecedented but it is now accompanied by a rising anger
towards the DC doofus career politicians and this new populism is increasingly powerful.

The Khazarian Mafia has deployed false-flag attacks all around the World and in America using
Cutouts. Some were mass-shootings in gun-free zones hyped in the Controlled Major Mass
Media (CMMM), and others were major bombings like at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City
on April 19, 1995 or the World Trade Center in NYC on 9-11-01.

The purpose is always to justify more power to central government in order to help the
Khazarian Mafia protect itself and its Evil Agenda.

But now that the Khazarian Mafia is being squeezed from all sides, will we see increased
harassment of investigative journalists, known truth tellers and dissidents who run counter to
the Khazarian Mafias propaganda, big lies and false-narratives they dispense through their

Might we start seeing mysterious and increasingly frequent disappearances like what occurred
in the South American Death Squads? After all these Death Squads were all trained by the US
Military and the CIA inside the USA, and these schools for torture and murder are still active.

And recently Chicago was caught running a black site for DHS to disappear Targeted
Individuals. Other cities have these too. And the Pentagon and the CIA still run the Black
Prison sites in East European nations and also have black prison ships which are still active.
Check this for more information.

We should expect the DHS to put out increasingly negative smear reports to the local Police
Departments creating increased fear of known truth tellers, dissidents, patriots and gun
owners? This will include folks who have been illegally placed on Domestic terror Watch lists
with instructions to begin increased surveillance and harassment against them?

We now know for certain that the Khazarian Mafias actions in the past in America have
included the Bombing of the Murrah Building, first attempted bombing of the NYC Twin towers
by the FBI setting up and supplying the Blind Sheikh. This was actually an acoustics test to
establish needs for the devices the Khazarian Mafia used in Twin Towers attack on 9-11-01.
And the FBI (with help of the CIA and crooked US Customs agents) placed a stolen barrel of
cyanide stolen from Louis Champons Natural Cherry Flavoring Company in Boca Raton
Florida through a tunnel under the street by Wackemout World Security.

This was done to see what the effects on folks near the blast in the basement parking ramp
would be. Actually the blast destroyed the toxicity of the cyanide.

Naturally the FBI tried to secretly and wrongly frame Louis Champon for this and only failed
through the incredible detective work of James Rothstein (NYCPD Gold Shield, police Intel and
key part of the infamous NY State Crime Commission Secret 15 man Intel Task Force - now
long retired for arresting Frank Sturgis aka Frank Fiorini in NYC for trying to terminate Marita
Lorenz right before her secret appearance at the HSCA and turning over of photos with Ruby,
Sturgiss, Oswald at the motel the night before the JFK Assassination and more).

Detective Rothstein, a German Catholic, is the only member of this secret 15 man task force
who has survived (most were terminated with extreme prejudice by the CIA) to suppress what
they found out. Detective Rothstein is one of the greatest American Heroes in Law
Enforcement we have ever had anywhere in America.

His investigations led to more prosecutions of CIA pedophiles, their pedophile murders, and
the CIA drug dealers than any other LE person in the history of America and his record still
None of this ever was allowed into the CMMM of course. Rothsteins astoundingly frank book is
expected to be published this year and it will be very interesting. His long term efforts to bring
St. Johns Abbey to justice for the pedophile sheep-dipped, rat-lined ex-Nazi priests that have
been kept there and protected from prosecution are well known, and he is still at it.

Too bad the local police are crooked, and the FBI continues to look the other way and do their
usual assigned job, cover up for the Process.

So this Worlds largest organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia is truly capable of
untold evil against the American people as well as the whole World as long as it is allowed to
exist and occupy and parasitize the USG for its own purposes.

Every large urban police dept. and the alphabets, especially the FBI has an Intel plant
embedded there to run cover-ups for the Process Satanic Cult and the CIA drug trafficking,
both protected by being deputized as agents of National Security.

Inside America the Khazarian Mafia has controlled the Alphabets including the FBI, its main
cover up agency and entrapment/setup agency and the BATF, as well as the CIA; and they
have always done a lot of the Khazarian Mafias illegal dirty work.
And of course after the Khazarian Mafia attacked America on 9-11-01 to create a New Pearl
Harbor event, they were now in a position to establish Homeland Security (DHS) the
foundation of the long planned American Police State.

This plan to establish DHS was already written and ready to push through Congress awaiting a
major catalytic event such as the major terrorist attack of 9-11-01 which was run by the
Khazarian Mafia and its stateside assets deep inside the Administration and the Pentagon.

The attack on America of 9-11-01 was designed to consolidate all American Law Enforcement
under one central command directly controlled by the Khazarian Mafia, a known foreign based
power, and justify becoming a nation based on preemptive wars of aggression.

The secret agenda of DHS is to transform America into a total surveillance society, a Police
State rivaling East Germany under the Stasi. That is why Marcus Wolfe (former head of the
Stasi) was hired as a consultant to set up DHS two years before he mysteriously died.

The ultimate end game here is for the Khazarian Mafia to use DHS to transform America into
GAZA II, the Worlds largest open-air prison camp and to make Americans the New
Palestinians. This is all part of the Greater Israel Plan which is no longer theory but
established fact.

And the Greater Israel Plan is the cover story used by the Khazarian Mafias top leadership
(aka the Select Few) to use its Cutouts and main action agent the American-Israeli Israeli-
first Dual Citizen Traitors and the Likudists in Israel to do their dirty work.

The American Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) has been losing its credibility for years,
and its popularity is at an all-time low.

Since the CMMM is the main mouthpiece and propaganda/mind-kontrol agent for the
Khazarian Mafia, its demise poses a big loss of power for the Khazarian Mafia. And we now
know for certain its demise is being engendered by the increasing popularity of the Alternative
News of the Internet.

The Khazarian Mafia is now cornered and you can bet that Homeland Security (DHS) is busy
at work creating smear reports at their fusion centers to send to local police with the
instructions to increase the harassment of suspected domestic terrorists.

Expect greatly increased surveillance and spying on all Americans even the Khazarian Mafias
underling yes men and women and major doofuses who have been appointed to high positions
of power and to provide a twisted sort of inside humor to the very top controllers that run the
Khazarian Mafia System.

Spying and Intel collection has become remarkably advanced and will continue to increase in
frequency, scope and intrusiveness.
Much of it is used for banal entertainment by bored no longer give a damn NSA and NRO
employees who dig watching and listening to bedroom type scenes. The NSA and NRO are
collecting far more raw data than they can adequately process effectively, and it has become
mostly a money-making means to asset strip more and more money from We The People and
make a big show of power by the Khazarian Mafia.

Some deep black and top secret technologies include; use of ones own AC house wiring,
smart TVs, personal especially laptop and handheld computers, cell phones, wired phones,
remote phones, smart TVs and smart appliances; remote outdoor to indoor thermometers and
weather meters and stations for homeowners; some TV remote controls with voice activation;
really spooky new methods like driving by and shooting a special micro-transceiver nail in the
siding that is matched for color and texture; wall penetrating drive-by radar systems (also used
along major highways in unmarked white step vans and 18-wheelers; vehicle, aircraft, and
satellite based special infrared sensors); high powered close-by receivers for picking up brain
waves and decoding thought and emotional states;
embedded transceiver chips in all cell phones ad auto GPS and blue-tooth communication
and seek help systems which can be remotely activated and easily traced and used a GPS
tracking and used for microphones; orbital super HD electronic day and night vision cameras
than can sense an ant on the ground and many license plates; deep black variable and
synthetic aperture ground penetrating radar, advance gamma ray and neutron particle sensors
and other even more secret means involved ground, truck, tower and satellite antennas
designed to pick up brainwave transmissions which have been altered by ingested nano-
particles in the atmospherically sprayed aerosol chem-trails and gasoline which include nano-
particles of aluminum and barium and other magnetic and electrical compounds which can be
flashed, ided and used to alter brainwave transmissions for external monitoring (referred to as
the prime freak).

There are other even more advance psi-power means that are so far down the rabbit-hole they
would be too discrediting to discuss in this article. But they do exist and can be effective in
many situations.

More on those in another article perhaps.

But even worse DHS uses the special deniable contractor squads and retired miltel, FBI and
CIA to gang-stalk, do personal surveillance, walk-bys, and moving in next door or as close as
possible to key targeted individuals who are deemed as first line threat to their system of lies.
Paranoid yet? Haha

And as if that wasnt enough, these special squads have specialists that deploy advanced
psychotronic warfare against USG, Intel, military and corporate whistle-blowers on behalf of
the Khazarian Mafia kingpins that is designed to cause chronic health problems, lethal medical
disorders and suppression of thinking and acting.

Mark Novitsky

Some of these devices are cell tower activated, some by doppler weather radar, some closely
custom placed transmitters triangulated in from close-by spy cell and corporate proprietaries.
For those that claim this is all pure fantasy and bs I can strongly reply you are wrong, dead
wrong. How can I say that?

Well I have personally swept Mark Novitskys residence with sensors used by the German
Health Department and found it way over the allowable European accepted limits with some
equipment red-lined. Some sources inside the home were disabled or removed, and we found
strong external sources.

As we started tracing and triangulating their location of external transmissions, they were
suddenly turned off preventing location. Novitsky is as important in what he knows and has
attempted to disclose as Snowden. 60 Minutes was going to do a big story on him but backed
out at the last minute because they said it had become too complicated.
Other top Federal and Intel whistle-blowers have told Novitsky what he knows about is above
their pay grade. Most avoid him like the plague. All his local Senators and Congresspersons
were notified by Novitsky (evidence in writing I have seen) and all deny it and did nothing,
except for Governor Mark Dayton who was a Senator at the time.

Dayton has a good reputation with his staff and when terrorism struck in DC he immediately
placed the safety of his staff first. He did what he could for Novitsky and We The People but
was stepped on hard.

Now Dayton is the Governor of Minnesota and appears to be doing his best to get the the
states decaying infrastructure repaired. Novitsky has been placed on the top secret DHS No
Work under any Circumstances List by the FBI, which follows him around and tells any
employer where he applies that he is a Domestic Terrorist, please do not hire him, he is on our
Domestic Terror Watch List and under surveillance - you wouldnt want to be put on our Watch
List now, would you?

The one good job Novitsky had in a non-Intel related area after leaving the Teletech Holdings
related company he worked for was ruined when the FBI showed up and delivered a National
Security Letter (NSL) which his employer was allowed to read but not keep, and which
threatened a $10,000 fine and up to 10 years in a federal prison if he ever disclosed anything
about this NSL letter or why he was going to have to separate Novitsky.

And Mark has had strange but very real recent medical problems and his first doctors were
either dirty, Khazarian Mafia worker bees, Sayanims or just plain uncaring and medically lousy.

The lab was either dirty or had folks inside that tampered with his blood work. Finally, he was
able to find a top physician who is 100% ethical with a top academic reputation and will not
kowtow to illegal government manipulations.
And who are DHSs listed domestic terrorists? Gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, Veterans,
libertarians, Christians, Islamics, Patriots, anti-war activists, dissidents and alternative media
reporters and journalists and many many more individuals and groups that can be placed on
the list by any supervisory agent after even one complaint of any kind and these watch lists
have no oversight or appeal process. Once you are on these Watch Lists you are doomed to
be on forever.

Even Senator Ted Kennedy was put on the No Fly List by mistake and despite expensive
legal efforts and big political muscle he could never get off of it. Why you wonder?

Because these Terror Watch lists are creations of the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins. They are
visible indicators of their unbridled twisted, sick, evil power produced by their infiltration and
hijacking of America through their private pernicious usury debt-note private Fiat counterfeit
Ponzi-type central banking system.

We may see increased harassment and abuse of phony domestic terror

watch lists.
We may see increased harassment by local police, alphabets as ordered by DHS, according to
their whacked out watch lists that include almost everyone but the real domestic terrorists
who are the Khazarian Mafia leaders and the top officials of DHS, whose job is to terrorize
Americans into subservience and compliance and take away all our Constitutional Rights.

On the other hand, we may see such a rapid loss of functional day to day power by the
Khazarian Mafia and their police state mechanism, DHS, that we do not see a big increase in
surveillance and harassment. Maybe we will even see less now that the Khazarian Mafia is
cornered and being pressed from all sides by the World and by We The People.

The confidential domestic terror Watch Lists lists were personally prepared under the
watchful direction of Janet Napolitano while she was head of DHS.

These were leaked and published on the Internet by DHS insiders who thought she and DHS
was a joke but wanted to keep their pay and benefits, so we know for certain they exist and
what is on them. Even though she resigned her position at DHS, she is being sued by
subordinate men for sexual harassment and for moving their office into the mens lavatory,
among other things.

A couple of nights ago while driving at night in the early evening, I was pulled over and
needlessly rousted by a local police Officer, who claimed I crossed over the line three times on
a stretch of road with no other traffic close by.
This fine very young lady police officer tailed me for a couple miles and then pulled me over. I
dont drink, use drugs, speed or drive carelessly, nor did I did not cross over any lines.

After the usual license and insurance check, the Officer let me go with no ticket. But she asked
me a question about something irrelevant that could she have only known about from
information gained by a local stingray tap or from the local DHS Fusion Center. Not very
professional. She was rousting me, and it was a message that I received and am now
responding to.

A Deal with the Devil at Langley?

In this same Department some years back, the prior Police Chief was provided a free trip to
Langley for a special meeting. During that meeting, he was asked by the CIA to sign a secret
Jurisdictional Agreement on behalf of his Department in which he agreed to submit jurisdiction
on any case to the Feds that they requested.
Major amounts of military grade equipment was to be provided in exchange, including two
armored cars, grenade launchers, full-auto real assault rifles and machine guns, body armor,
bullet proof barriers and lots of military grade ammo.

The Chief was an honorable man with integrity and refused to sign the agreement. Did he
develop a strange neurological condition soon after that and have to resign?

Did the CIA keep secretly working with a couple corrupt officers to distribute illegal drugs to
high school kids from DEA controlled deliveries, a local smaller feeder airport through a
seafood import proprietary, with a local drug task force (with special license plates to identify
each other) either looking the other way or involved. Betcha this hasnt stopped.
The department got a new Chief and now has the equipment offered. You can be sure that this
secret transaction has already been successfully made in almost every large Urban Police
Department. So far, a significant number of Sheriffs offices have refused. The County Sheriff is
the supreme law enforcement officer in any county and has authority even over the Feds.

Be clear about this, these deals with the Devil at Langley to get jurisdiction over your local
police are all driven by the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins who are Neo-Bolsheviks who plan to use
DHS and our local Police to terrorize us, tyrannize us, completely asset strip us and then
mass-murder us.
Supposedly all these 1033 Program military equipment transfers for the big stuff have been
stopped. Dont believe it, that is mere propaganda, and the only big stuff going back is for
updated electronic warfare systems, new advanced weaponry or for repair and major

For now until the Khazarian Mafias back is broken, expect increased surveillance and
harassment by local police if you are in one of the categories on their watch lists (which is
about half of the American people).

This is the kind of surveillance and increased harassment Gun owners, Ron Paul supporters,
Veterans, libertarians, Christians, Islamics, Patriots, anti-war activists, dissidents and
alternative media reporters and journalists can expect more of as the Khazarian Mafias power
is choked off by the whole World that is now ganging up on it.
DHS is here to militarize the American Police and turn America into a Neo-Bolshevik Stasi-style
Police State and transform it into GAZA II with all Americans the New Palestinians. Once that is
accomplished the Khazarian Mafia plans to treat Americans the same way Bolsheviks treated
innocent Russian civilians.

It raped, tortured and mass murdered 100 million of them. The Khazarian Mafia is Neo-
Bolshevik and its top Policy-Makers are from the same age old bloodlines. They have recorded
their intentions in stone at the Georgia Guidestones so we know this for certain.

But heres the deal. America is not Russia in 1917 and is the most armed up populace in the
World. Despite all the recent efforts of the Khazarian Mafia to force our so-called elected
politicians to disarm Americans, it will never happen. Americans have been buying guns at an
increasing rate ever since the Khazarian Mafia deployed all these mass-shootings in gun free
zones and major efforts to grab our guns began in earnest.

Of course, most County Sheriffs in America are populist oriented and part of their local
communities and elected because of the respect they have gained and maintained. But even
large urban police are starting to wake up.
They have a dangerous enough job already thanks to the CIA drug trafficking into urban cities
for black ops money and theirs and the BATFs continuing gun sales to gangs, especially MS
13 and the Las Zetas who were trained by the US Military inside the USA.

Most American urban police officers have no intention of going door to door to fulfill some crazy
unConstitutional Presidential PDD or even a new Congressional law passed. They do not want
to turn honest law-abiding American Gun-owners, hunters and Veterans into a Solzenitzen-
type spontaneously erupting vigilante counter-force that shoots with bigger bore, more
accurate, longer reaching rifles than they can.

Most police officers want to go home to their families at the end of the day, and they know that
the anger of the average American is now growing against the out of control militarized swat
teams that attack the wrong homes and often kill and maim innocent women and young

Smart Officers and chiefs want to establish good community relations and be seen as the
community as helpers and public servants, not their oppressors working for the ADL and DHS.
By the way, most large urban police departments are trained by the ADL to view the average
civilian as real or potential domestic terrorists, especially gun owners.

Now because of the recent public concern for increased mass-shootings and terrorism, many
police are changing their minds on gun control and actually favor conceal-carry by law abiding
citizens who have met the standards and have proper training.
Too many Chiefs of big urban departments are given free junkets to Israel for such training,
and while there are served some very special Koolaide in their drinks and given some
sophisticated psychotronic mind-kontrol indoctrination training.

Take the recent case when a dumb swat team broke in the wrong home with no proper warrant
and threw a stun grenade into a babys crib, burning and blowing off part of the young childs
face. Or the many cases where the wrong homes are stormed by out of control savage swat
looking for a few $10 rocks, and innocent life is criminally taken in an instant.

Or all the illegal, unConstitutional seizures of cash and autos from innocent non-drug dealers,
taken and placed into police and Federal coffers often into the private pockets of corrupt
supervisors and chiefs and judges.

Related: Censorship Shock: Bans Investigative Book Nobody Died At

Sandy Hook

And many Americans are starting to catch on to the fact that some of these mass-shootings in
gun-free zones are real with real dead victims, while others like Sandy Hook are faked.

But that all are engineered, staged false-flag attacks on the Second Amendment. This has kept
folks confused up until now, but thanks to the efforts of hundreds of tireless researchers the
truth is now being published all over the Internet and is now readily available for all.


One thing is certain, the Khazarian Mafia is now cornered and its hegemony is rapidly being
eroded. Its false-flag efforts to disarm Americans and any other efforts to do so will fail.

The Khazarian Mafia is now doomed by the whole World which is building massive financial
firewalls against it and ganging-up on it. The Khazarian Mafia is being deconstructed bit by bit
and you can expect they will have a hard landing and because they are such two-faced
psychopaths, they will keep lying and murdering until the end.

Undoubtedly the Big Squeeze is now on the Khazarian Mafia, they are cornered and
increasingly desperate and their private Fiat pernicious usury debt-based counterfeit money
system has become a Ponzi scheme nearing collapse.

And the BRICS System is just one of many new financial firewalls being built up against the
Khazarian Mafias financial hegemony which is now destined to fail.

There are certain factions in the Pentagon and American Intel which have so far been strong
enough to place strong limits on what the Khazarian Mafia can do to retaliate, and they have
been blocked from starting a nuclear WW3 with Russia as intended.

Efforts by Senator John McCain and other Traitors like the retired General commanding ISIS
have also failed.

And all their recent efforts to attack Russia through Crimea and to destroy Syria and Iran have
also failed because of the new military power and technological supremacy of the Russian
Federation under the dynamic leadership of President Putin.
If these reports are true that China is severely restricting their container shipping companies
until the Khazarian Mafia honors the Secret Reset Agreement, this is indeed a very interesting
development. And if true it suggests that all the hype in the CMMM that Chinas economy is
worse than ours is likely exaggerated.

A better guess is that China has prepared for this for quite a while and is no longer so
dependent on American sales, perhaps already having established some lucrative new
markets with Russia, South America, Malaysia and other trading partners. Is this part of a
major economic trap for the Khazarian Mafia and its US Petro Dollar? In time we shall find out,
and it make not take too long.

How Mnemonic Is Used To Program And Control Your Mind

January 20 2016 | From: Omnithought

The adjective definition of the word mnemonic is assisting or intended to

assist the memory. As for the noun definition, mnemonic means
something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula.
The word mnemonic originated from the Greek word mnemonikos, meaning of or
pertaining to memory. Based on these definitions, mnemonic is something that affects
the memory.

Mnemonic is used in many different media, such as video games, TV commercials, cell phone
apps, computers, and movies. The techniques used in mnemonic can be used for good or evil
purposes. Unfortunately, most mnemonics of today are used to program our minds in negative
ways and control how we think to a large degree. One of the most popular media used for
mnemonic is television (TV).

Have you ever wondered why TV shows are sometimes called TV programs?

They are called TV programs because they are using them to program your mind with
mnemonics and subliminal messages.

They did not call them TV programs for no reason. It is right in your face and hidden in plain

Do you need more evidence that TV shows are being used to program your mind? TV is the
acronym for the word television. Phonetically, the word television sounds like tell-a-vision.
They are using TV programs to tell you a vision, so they can brainwash you to think the way
that they want you to think.
Mnemonics are effective for manipulating your mind because they utilize sacred geometry,
sigil, sound, and light to create magic effects to control your thought patterns. Because of their
effectiveness, many corporations are replacing conventional subliminal messages with
mnemonics in their advertising campaigns.

One of the most effective ways to prevent mnemonics from affecting your mind is to
become aware of how they are being used to program your mind. The video at the end of this
article will show you how to do this. In addition, learn to strengthen your awareness and free
your mind.

Below is a summary of a great video from YouTube about mnemonic titled Mnemonic Mind
Control Who Owns Your Thoughts?

Presentation by Bonnie and John Mitchell for the 3rd Free Your Mind
Conference 2015

This presentation by John and Bonnie Mitchell looks at the technology now being used against
all people who watch television, mainstream movies, play video games, use cell phones and
computers. This is the culmination of the illuminatis mind control and behavioral research
programs; the easiest way to hypnotize and program a human beings subconscious mind.

It combines electromagnetic pulsing, manipulation of sound and light frequencies, hypnotic

trance induction, brainwave entrainment, and digital dark sigil magick. This tool is being used
to keep the majority of people in a constant trance state, rewrite memories, control behavior,
and insert demonic energy. Ultimately, it aids in the manifestation of the dark, fear-based reality
the illuminati desire.

Quotes from the film Mnemonic Mind Control Who Owns Your Thoughts?

The subconscious mind is the data storage center of the brain. It recognizes simple shapes and colors
and takes in any information the conscious mind cannot figure out.
The subconscious is not just a storage center, however; it is in control of our five senses and it makes
important decisions even before the conscious mind becomes aware of them. The subconscious mind is
what determines our view of reality and how we manifest it.

Sigils are everywhere; our subconscious mind recognizes the meanings of the sigils, having seen them
over and over again. Sigils that have been around a long time have more power, especially if they are seen
by millions of people every day.

This is why advertisers and others who want to program your mind with their wishes use sigils on
television, in the movies, on cell phones, on the Internet, in video games, on billboards, in magazines

The neural pathways of the brain are constantly reforming themselves, based on the information that
comes in; the pathways are set according to what your daily habits are. When you change your habits or
just change your mind, you begin to form new pathways; you can actually train your brain this way.

However, if you are allowing someone else to train your brain, you are giving them the ability to reform and
reshape the neural pathways of your brain for you. You begin to accept new perceptions as your own, not
realizing it was an outside source that programmed your thoughts.

Official Science: The Grand Illusion

January 16 2016 | From: JonRappoport

Since 1987, one of my goals as a reporter has been to educate the public
about false science.
Between then and now, I have found that, with remarkably few exceptions, mainstream
reporters are studiously indifferent to false science.

They shy away from it. They pretend it couldnt be. They refuse to consider facts. They and
their editors parrot the experts.

Government science exists because it is a fine weapon to use, in order to force an agenda of control over
the population. We arent talking about knowledge here. Knowledge is irrelevant. What counts is: How can
we fabricate something that looks like the truth?

I keep pointing this out: were dealing with reality builders. In this case, they make their roads and fences
out of data, and they massage and invent the data out of thin air to suit their purposes. After all, they also
invent money out of thin air.

- The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Official science has a stranglehold on major media. It has the force of a State religion. When
you stop and think about it, official science is, in a significant sense, a holy church. Therefore, it
is no surprise that the churchs spokespeople would wield power over major information

These prelates invent, guard, and dispense what is known. That was precisely the role of the
Roman Church in times past. And those professionals within the modern Church of Science
are severely punished when they leave the fold and accuse their former masters of lies and
crimes. They are blackballed, discredited, and stripped of their licenses. At the very least.
Totalitarian science lets you know youre living in a totalitarian society.

The government, the press, the mega-corporations, the prestigious foundations, the academic
institutions, the humanitarian organizations say:

This is the disease. This is its name. This is what causes it. This is the drug that treats it. This is the
vaccine that prevents it.

This is how accurate diagnosis is done. These are the tests. These are the possible results and what they

Here are the genes. This is what they do. This is how they can be changed and substituted and
manipulated. These are the outcomes.

These are the data and the statistics. They are correct. There can be no argument about them.

This is life. These are the components of life. All change and improvement result from our management of
the components.

This is the path. It is governed by truth which our science reveals. Walk the path. We will inform you when
you stray. We will report new improvements.

This is the end. You can go no farther. You must give up the ghost. We will remember you.

We are now witnessing the acceleration of Official Science. Of course, that term is an internal
contradiction. But the State shrugs and moves forward.

The notion that the State can put its seal on favored science, enforce it, and punish its
competitors, is anathema to a free society.
For example: declaring that psychiatrists can appear in court as expert
witnesses, when none of the so-called mental disorders listed in the psychiatric literature are
diagnosed by laboratory tests.

For example: stating that vaccination is mandatory, in order to protect the vaccinated (who are
supposed to be immune) from the unvaccinated. An absurdity on its face.

For example: announcing that the science of climate change is settled, when there are, in
fact, huge numbers of researchers who disagree. And then, drafting legislation and issuing
executive orders based on the decidedly unsettled science.

For example: officially approving the release and sale of medical drugs (safe and
effective) which go on to kill, at a conservative estimate, 100,000 Americans every year. And
then refusing to investigate or punish the purveyors of these drug approvals (the FDA).
For example: permitting the widespread use of genetically modified food crops, based on no
long-term studies of their impact on human health. And then, arbitrarily announcing that the
herbicide, Roundup, for which many of these crops are specifically designed, is non-toxic.

For example: declaring and promoting the existence of various epidemics, when the viruses
purportedly causing them are not proven to exist and/or not proven to cause human illness
(Ebola, SARS, West Nile, Swine Flu, etc.)
A few of you reading this have been with me since 1988, when I published my first book, AIDS
INC., Scandal of the Century. Among other conclusions, I pointed out that HIV had never been
shown to cause human illness; the front-line drug given to AIDS patients, AZT, was
overwhelmingly toxic; and what was being called AIDS was actually a diverse number immune-
suppressing conditions.

Others of you have found my work more recently. I always return to the subject of false
science, because it is the most powerful long-term instrument for repression, political control,
and destruction of human life.

As Ive stated on many occasions, medical science is ideal for mounting and launching covert
ops aimed at populations - because it appears to be politically neutral, without any allegiance
to State interests.

Unfortunately, medical science, on many fronts, has been hijacked and taken over. The profit
motive is one objective, but beyond that, there is a more embracing goal:

Totalitarian control.

On the issue of vaccines, Ive written much about their dangers and ineffectiveness. But also
consider this: the push for mandatory vaccination goes a long way toward creating a herd
effect - which is really a social construction.

In other words, parents are propagandized to think of themselves a kind of synthetic artificial
Here we are. We are the fathers and mothers. We must all protect our children against the outliers, the
rebels, the defectors, the crazy ones who refuse to vaccinate their own children. We are all in this together.
They are the threat. The enemy. We are good. We know the truth. They are evil.

This community of the willing are dedicated to what the government tells them. They are crusaders
imbued with group-think. They run around promoting safety and protection. This group consciousness is
entirely an artifact, propelled by official science.

The crusaders are, in effect, agents of the State.

They are created by the State. Androids.

They live in an absurd Twilight Zone where fear of germs (the tiny invisible terrorists) demands
coercive action against the individuals who see through the whole illusion.

This is what official science can achieve. This is how it can enlist obedient foot soldiers and
spies who dont have the faintest idea about how theyre being used.

This is a variant on Orwells 1984. The citizens are owned by the all-embracing State, but they
arent even aware of it.

Thats quite a trick.

One of my favorite examples of double-think or reverse-think is the antibody test. It is given to

diagnosis diseases. Antibodies are immune-system scouts sent out to identify germ-intruders,
which can then be wiped out by other immune-system troops.

Prior to 1985, the prevailing view of a positive test was: the patient is doing well; his body
detected the germ and dispensed with it. After 1985, the view was suddenly: this is bad news;
the patient is sick or he is on the verge of getting sick; he has the germ in his body; it does

Within the medical community, no one (with very few exceptions) raised hell over this massive
switch. It was accepted. It was actually good for business. Now, many more people could be
labeled needs treatment, whereas before, they would have been labeled healthy.

While I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., in 1987-8, I wrote the FDA asking about a
possible AIDS vaccine. I was told the following: every person given such a vaccine would, of
course, produce antibodies against HIV. That is the whole purpose of a vaccine: to produce

However, I was informed, patients receiving this vaccine would be given a letter to carry with
them, in case they were ever tested for HIV and came up positive. The letter would explain that
the antibodies causing the positive test were the result of the vaccine, not the result of natural
action inside the patients body.

In other words, the very same antibodies were either protective against AIDS (good) or
indicative of deadly disease (bad).

This was the contradictory and ridiculous and extraordinary pronouncement of official science.

It carries over into every disease for which an antibody test is administered. If a vaccine
against disease X is given, it delivers immunity, because it produces antibodies. But if a
diagnostic test for disease X reveals the presence of the same antibodies, this is taken a sign
of illness.

Extrapolated to a more general level, the Word is: synthetic medical treatment is good;
the action of the body to heal itself is incompetent.

This is a type of superstition that would astonish even the most primitive societies.

It no longer astonishes me. I see it everywhere in official science. From the medical
establishments point of view, being alive is a medical condition.

We are now living in a society where an incurable itch to meddle everywhere and at all times is
the standard. A new definition of Reality emerges: that which needs to be monitored and
Six Huge Stories The Mainstream Media Dont Want You To Know
January 13 2016 | From: TrueActivist

You might have heard about a few of them, but not as much as you should.
Here's our pick of the last 12 month's top news stories, all pretty much
ignored by the corporate press.

Whistleblowers, Ecocide, top secret trade deals, and shady ties between the Islamic
State and the Wests closest allieshere are a few hot topics the mainstream
media barely covered in 2015.

1. Any Tragedy Thats Not Western-Centric

The outpouring of fury, despair and grief by the corporate press over the November 13 Paris
attacks highlighted the bias of the mainstream media towards western victims of terrorism.
There were two suicide bombings in Lebanon the day before the events in Paris, killing 37 and
wounding 180, but they were not mentioned much in the sensationalist coverage
of Frances tragedy, nor were they mentioned in the minutes silences and vigils conducted
across the Western world in the aftermath.
From the horrors of the Congos bloody civil war to Erdogans persecution of Turkish
Kurds, from Boko Harams ongoing reign of terror in Nigeria, Chad, and Cameroon to
the plight of Sudanese refugees, the mainstream media seems to pick and choose which
human lives deserve our empathy and which arent quite so important.

2. Indonesia Burning

As we previously reported, the Indonesian wildfires that caused devastation to the countrys
people and wildlife last year were largely ignored by the mainstream media until several
months after the devastating event began. The fires were started by loggers to clear the way
for controversial palm oil plantations and caused health problems for over one million people.
The World Bank estimates that the fires destroyed 2.6 million hectares (6.4m acres) of
rainforest between June and October, costing $16.1bn and causing untold loss of life to the
endangered animals who depend on the forests for their survival. Terrified orang-utans fleeing
the disaster were abused in a sickening way by some Indonesian villagers.
Ecocide on this scale should have been one of the biggest stories of 2015, but with the
exception of Guardian columnist and environmental activist George Monbiot (who attacked his
industry for censorship of the event), the tragedy was largely ignored to
protect corporate interests.

3. Frances Slip Into Martial Law

The terrorist attacks in Paris were used as justification by the French, British and German
governments to join military strikes in Syria. They were also used as justification by the French
government to severely restrict freedoms at home. As we reported, immediately after the
terrible events of November 13, the French government began closing down alternative news

The President also declared that anyones house could be searched without a warrant,
websites could be blocked without warning, and citizens could be put under house arrest
without a trial. Activists hoping to march in Paris at last months Climate Conference were
disappointed to learn that Frances state of emergency also included a ban on protests.

Some French politicians are pushing to install GPS trackers in rental cars, re-write the
Constitution to allow for martial law, block free wifi and Tor, and combine state databases,
which would give the state access to citizens personal medical records.

Amnesty International, along with many French bloggers, expressed concern that the
Government had imposed martial law in response to the terrorist attack. They have a point:
Isnt a restriction of freedoms at home exactly what extremists would want? John Dalhuisen,
Amnesty Internationals Director of Europe and Central Asia, said in November: It is a paradox
to suspend human rights in order to defend them.

Many bloggers agreed and said they were scared about the situation in France. One wrote:

Im currently living in Paris, the city where some fanatics killed people because they were listening to
music, watching a football match, or simply enjoy beers in a bar. I was living in the neighbourhood of where
those tragic event happened. Now Im scared.

Im not scared of terrorists.

Im scared of my own country.
Im scared because different is now starting to mean dangerous.

The anonymous man goes on:

It seems that being an ecologist is enough to get house arrest. Before its 20th November reform, this
sentence was reserved to people whose activity is dangerous, now its serious reason to believe that his
behaviour constitutes a threat. Were almost at the thought crime.

Frances emergency measures were reported by the mainstream media, but there was little
analysis or debate about whether they are justified: the myth we have to trade in our freedoms
to get security has become a normal part of everyday life.
4. The Truth About ISIS

In 2015, True Activist reported on a growing body of evidence that strongly suggests the
Islamic State:

Would not exist at all if it werent for the Pentagons terrible handling of the illegal
2003 Iraq invasion

Is funded and armed by Western allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Continues to grow due to oil sales to Turkey

May have ties to the British government and Israel

Could be part of a bigger geo-political plan by the USA and Britain to destabilise the
region, using the corporatepress to lie to the public in order to gain popular support for
more endless oil wars.

The mainstream media continues to peddle the tired old narrative that the Western coalition
are in Syria specifically to fight the I.S. If this were true, it would be logical for these countries
to support Russia in its war against the terrorist organization.

Yet coverage of Vladimir Putin in the corporate press continues to be entirely negative, despite
the fact Russia single-handedly took out 40% of the Islamic States infrastructure in just one
week. The revelations above have been completely censored by the corporate press, which is
becoming less credible by the day.

5. The British Parliament Voted Against Democracy

Last month, an English politician stood up in the Houses of Parliament and gave a speech
calling for electoral reform. His request, backed by thousands of citizens, was blocked.
The UK has an archaic system of voting which is unfit for purpose and entirely undemocratic:
after unpopular Prime Minister David Cameron won the 2015 election with just 36% of the
vote, millions of British people felt cheated.

A petition was launched to demand proportional representation rather than the co-called first
past the post system, which benefits the major political parties but never the alternatives. In
short, Britain is not the fair, democratic nation it pretends to be. News that Jonathan Reynolds
request (video here) for a fairer system was rejected should have been a big story in the UK,
but the British media barely covered it.

6. The Reality Of Top-Secret Free Trade Deals

The TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Partnership Agreement) TISA, (Trade in Services Agreement)

and TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement) are highly controversial and top secret deals
that will affect the lives of every citizen of the planet, yet we apparently have no right to decide
whether we want them- or even to know the exact details of the draft legislation.
TTIP, in particular, is of huge concern. As we have reported, the deal threatens to allow
corporations to sue governments who dont do as they are told, kill online privacy,
make fracking standard procedure across 28 countries, privatise European health systems,
force GMO food on unwilling citizens, strip us of our civil liberties, and ensure that corporations
have control over the European parliament.

Julian Assange called TTIP The most important thing happening in Europe right now, which is
why Wikileaks is raising a 100,000 euro reward for any information relating to the deal. The
site says of TTIP:

It remains secret almost in its entirety, closely guarded by the negotiators, and only big corporations are
given special access to its terms. The TTIP covers half of global GDP and is one of the largest agreements
of its kind in history.

The TTIP aims to create a global economic bloc outside of the WTO framework, as part of a geopolitical
economic strategy against the BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Considering the impact all three of these trade deals will have on democracy, human rights,
food safety and the environment, public awareness should be widespread. Worryingly, a huge
number of people know next to nothing about TTIP, TISA and TPP.
Far from questioning the secrecy of such important agreements or inciting a crucial public
debate about whether these deals are ethical and democratic, mainstream coverage
has glossed over the negatives and generally provided a biased view of the benefits of this
corporate take-over of the world.

Political Correctness Is Really Just Herd Psychology Pushed By

Insecure People Who Desperately Seek Social Conformity
January 2 2016| From: NaturalNews

Thanks to the hilarious emergence of an entire new vocabulary of P.C.

victimization and whining - based on brain-warping concepts like
"microaggressions" and "safe spaces" - the very nature of P.C. is now
being scrutinized by more and more people.
Thanks to the hilarious emergence of an entire new vocabulary of P.C. victimization and
whining - based on brain-warping concepts like "microaggressions" and "safe spaces" -
the very nature of P.C. is now being scrutinized by more and more people.

Related: Propaganda & Fear-Mongering Works

Today I encountered a brilliant essay that answers those questions. Not surprisingly, I found it
on, a libertarian website that ranks among my favorite sites for informed education
on economics and finance.

So here's the full essay by Jeff Deist. It's from the Nov-Dec 2015 issue of The Austrian:

PC Is About Control, Not Etiquette

I'd like to speak today about what political correctness is, at least in its modern version, what it
is not, and what we might do to fight against it.

To begin, we need to understand that political correctness is not about being nice. It's not
simply a social issue, or a subset of the culture wars.

It's not about politeness, or inclusiveness, or good manners. It's not about being respectful
toward your fellow humans, and it's not about being sensitive or caring or avoiding hurt feelings
and unpleasant slurs.
But you've heard this argument, I'm sure. PC is about simple respect and inclusiveness, they
tell us. As though we need progressives, the cultural enforcers, to help us understand that we
shouldn't call someone retarded, or use the "N" word, make hurtful comments about
someone's appearance, or tolerate bullies.

If PC truly was about kindness and respect, it wouldn't need to be imposed on us. After all, we
already have a mechanism for the social cohesion PC is said to represent: it's called manners.
And we already have specific individuals charged with insuring that good manners are instilled
and upheld: they're called parents.

Political Correctness Defined

But what exactly is PC? Let me take a stab at defining it: Political correctness is the conscious,
designed manipulation of language intended to change the way people speak, write, think, feel,
and act, in furtherance of an agenda.

PC is best understood as propaganda, which is how I suggest we approach it. But unlike
propaganda, which historically has been used by governments to win favor for a particular
campaign or effort, PC is all-encompassing. It seeks nothing less than to mold us into modern
versions of Marx's un-alienated society man, freed of all his bourgeois pretensions and
humdrum social conventions.
"Political correctness is tyranny with manners."

- Charlton Heston.

Like all propaganda, PC fundamentally is a lie. It is about refusing to deal with the underlying
nature of reality, in fact attempting to alter that reality by legislative and social fiat. A is no
longer A.

To quote Hans-Hermann Hoppe:

"[T]he masters stipulate that aggression, invasion, murder and war are actually self-defense, whereas
self-defense is aggression, invasion, murder and war. Freedom is coercion, and coercion is freedom.

Taxes are voluntary payments, and voluntarily paid prices are exploitative taxes. In a PC world,
metaphysics is diverted and rerouted. Truth becomes malleable, to serve a bigger purpose determined by
our superiors."

But where did all this come from? Surely PC, in all its various forms, is nothing new under the
sun. I think we can safely assume that feudal chiefs, kings, emperors, and politicians have ever
and always attempted to control the language, thoughts, and thus the actions of their subjects.
Thought police have always existed.

To understand the origins of political correctness, we might look to the aforementioned Marx,
and later the Frankfurt school. We might consider the work of Leo Strauss for its impact on the
war-hungry think tank world. We might study the deceptive sloganeering of Saul Alinsky. We
might mention the French philosopher Foucault, who used the term "political correctness" in
the 1960s as a criticism of unscientific dogma.
But if you really want to understand the black art of PC propaganda, let me suggest reading
one of its foremost practitioners, Edward Bernays.

Bernays was a remarkable man, someone who literally wrote the book on propaganda and its
softer guise of public relations. He is little discussed in the West today, despite being the
godfather of modern spin.

He was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, and like Mises was born in Austria in the late
nineteenth century. Unlike Mises, however, he fortuitously came to New York City as an infant
and then proceeded to live an astonishing 103 years.

One of his first jobs was as a press agent for President Woodrow Wilson's Committee on
Public Information, an agency designed to gin up popular support for US entry into WW1
(German Americans and Irish Americans especially were opposed). It was Bernays who coined
the infamous phrase "Make the World Safe for Democracy" used by the committee.

After the war, he asked himself whether one could "apply a similar technique to the problems of
peace." And by "problems," Bernays meant selling stuff. He directed very successful
campaigns promoting Ivory Soap, for bacon and eggs as a healthy breakfast, and ballet. He
directed several very successful advertising campaigns, most notably for Lucky Strike in its
efforts to make smoking socially acceptable for women.

The Role of "Herd Psychology"

Bernays was quite open and even proud of engaging in the "manufacturing of consent," a term
used by British surgeon and psychologist Wilfred Trotter in his seminal Instincts of the Herd in
Peace and War published in 1919.

Bernays took the concept of herd psychology to heart. The herd instinct entails the deep
seated psychological need to win approval of one's social group. The herd overwhelms any
other influence; as social humans, our need to fit in is paramount.

But however ingrained, in Bernays's view the herd instinct cannot be trusted. The herd is
irrational and dangerous, and must be steered by wiser men in a thousand imperceptible ways
- and this is key. They must not know they are being steered.

The techniques Bernays employed are still very much being used to shape political
correctness today.
First, he understood how all-powerful the herd mind and herd instinct really is. We are not the
special snowflakes we imagine, according to Bernays. Instead we are timorous and malleable
creatures who desperately want to fit in and win acceptance of the group.

Second, he understood the critical importance of using third party authorities to promote
causes or products. Celebrities, athletes, models, politicians, and wealthy elites are the people
from whom the herd takes its cues, whether they're endorsing transgender awareness or
selling luxury cars. So when George Clooney or Kim Kardashian endorses Hillary Clinton, it
resonates with the herd.

Third, he understood the role that emotions play in our tastes and preferences. It's not a
particular candidate or cigarette or a watch or a handbag we really want, it's the emotional
component of the ad that affects us, however subconsciously.

What We Can Do About It

So the question we might ask ourselves is this: how do we fight back against PC? What can
we do, as individuals with finite amounts of time and resources, with serious obligations to our
families, loved ones, and careers, to reverse the growing tide of darkness?

First, we must understand that we're in a fight. PC represents a war for our very hearts, minds,
and souls. The other side understands this, and so should you. The fight is taking place on
multiple fronts: the state-linguistic complex operates not only within government, but also
academia, media, the business world, churches and synagogues, nonprofits, and NGOs. So
understand the forces aligned against you.
"It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights.
It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a
phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?"

- Stephen Fry

Understand that the PC enforcers are not asking you, they're not debating you, and they don't
care about your vote. They don't care whether they can win at the ballot box, or whether they
use extralegal means. There are millions of progressives in the US who absolutely would
criminalize speech that does not comport with their sense of social justice.

One poll suggests 51 percent of Democrats and 1/3 of all Americans would do just that.

The other side is fighting deliberately and tactically. So realize you're in a fight, and fight back.
Culturally, this really is a matter of life and death.

We Still Have Freedom to Act

As bad as PC contamination may be at this point, we are not like Mises, fleeing a few days
ahead of the Nazis. We have tremendous resources at our disposal in a digital age. We can
still communicate globally and create communities of outspoken, anti-PC voices. We can still
read and share anti-state books and articles. We can still read real history and the great un-PC
literary classics. We can still homeschool our kids. We can still hold events like this one today.

This is not to say that bucking PC can't hurt you: the possible loss of one's job, reputation,
friends, and even family is very serious. But defeatism is never called for, and it makes us
unworthy of our ancestors.

Use humor to ridicule PC. PC is absurd, and most people sense it.

And its practitioners suffer from a comical lack of self-awareness and irony. Use every tool at
your disposal to mock, ridicule, and expose PC for what it is.

Never forget that society can change very rapidly in the wake of certain precipitating events.
We certainly all hope that no great calamity strikes America [Read: anywhere, and again I
wish these writers would have more of a focus on the world as a whole and that it is
NOT all about bloody America], in the form of an economic collapse, a currency collapse, an
inability to provide entitlements and welfare, energy shortages, food and water shortages,
natural disasters, or civil unrest. But we can't discount the possibility of these things happening.

It's time for us, we the people; to circle our wolves and our wagons too indeed

And if they do, I suggest that PC language and PC thinking will be the first ornament of the
state to go. Only rich, modern, societies can afford the luxury of a mindset that does not
comport with reality, and that mindset will be swiftly swept aside as the "rich" part of America

Men and women might start to rediscover that they need and complement each other if the
welfare state breaks down. Endless hours spent on social media might give way to rebuilding
social connections that really matter when the chips are down.

More traditional family structures might suddenly seem less oppressive in the face of great
economic uncertainty. Schools and universities might rediscover the value of teaching practical
skills, instead of whitewashed history and grievance studies. One's sexual preferences might
not loom as large in the scheme of things, certainly not as a source of rights. The rule of law
might become something more than an abstraction to be discarded in order to further social
justice and deny privilege.

Play the Long Game

I'm afraid it might not be popular to say so, but we have to be prepared for a long and hard
campaign. Let's leave the empty promises of quick fixes to the politicians. Progressives play
the long game masterfully. They've taken 100 years to ransack our institutions inch by inch. I'm
not suggesting incrementalism to reclaim those foregone institutions, which are by all account
too far gone - but to create our own.
PC enforcers seek to divide and atomize us, by class, race, sex, and sexuality. So let's take
them up on it. Let's bypass the institutions controlled by them in favor of our own. Who says we
can't create our own schools, our own churches, our own media, our own literature, and our
own civic and social organizations? Starting from scratch certainly is less daunting than fighting
PC on its own turf.


PC is a virus that puts us - liberty loving people - on our heels. When we allow progressives to
frame the debate and control the narrative, we lose power over our lives. If we don't address
what the state and its agents are doing to control us, we might honestly wonder how much
longer organizations like the Mises Institute are going to be free to hold events like this one

Is it really that unimaginable that you might wake up one day and find sites with anti-state and
anti-egalitarian content blocked -- sites like and
Or that social media outlets like Facebook might simply eliminate opinions not deemed
acceptable in the new America?

In fact, head Facebook creep Mark Zuckerberg recently was overheard at a UN summit telling
Angela Merkel that he would get to work on suppressing Facebook comments by Germans
who have the audacity to object to the government's handling of migrants.

Here's the Facebook statement:

"We are committed to working closely with the German government on this important issue. We think the
best solutions to dealing with people who make racist and xenophobic comments can be found when
service providers, government, and civil society all work together to address this common challenge."

Chilling, isn't it? And coming soon to a server near you, unless we all get busy.

Related: Propaganda And The Rhetoric Of The Ruataniwha Dam

Alternative Media Is Winning: 60% Of Americans [ Read: The West

] Distrust Mainstream Media
December 28 2015 | From: Geopolitics
A continuing trend of distrust against mainstream media shows the
effectiveness of the efforts of independent alternative media.

In 2009, only 45% fairly trusted the mainstream media, while 2 out of 10 have no
confidence whatsoever. That trend continues today

Related: Its Official, Alternative Media Win Over Mainstream Media

60% distrust rating is a critical mass achieved by the Americans. But its one thing to know that
your government is lying. Its another when one begin t contemplate what to do about it.

As Edmund Burke once said, Evil prevails when Good Men do nothing.

WASHINGTON, D.C. Less than half of Americans (45%) say they have a great deal or fair
amount of confidence in the media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly on par with
last years record-low 43%. About 2 in 10 Americans (18%) have no confidence in the media at
all which is also among the worst grades Gallup has recorded.
The findings are from the same Gallup survey, conducted Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2009, that found
more Americans following political news very closely than in any other recent year without a
presidential election. Despite the relatively high level of interest in political news in particular,
many Americans appear to be consuming their news skeptically. Ten percent say they have a
great deal of confidence in the medias reporting and 35% have a fair amount, but 37% do not
have very much confidence and 18% have none at all.

Gallup: Many Americans Remain Distrusting of News Media

In 2015, those negative figures aggravated as only 4 out of 10 Americans fairly trust the
mainstream media

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Four in 10 Americans say they have a great deal or a fair amount of
trust and confidence in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly. This ties
the historical lows on this measure set in 2014 and 2012. Prior to 2004, slight majorities of
Americans said they trusted the mass media, such as newspapers, TV and radio.
Americans confidence in the media has slowly eroded from a high of 55% in 1998 and 1999.
Since 2007, the majority of Americans have had little or no trust in the mass media. Trust has
typically dipped in election years, including 2004, 2008, 2012 and last year. However, 2015 is
not a major election year.

This decline follows the same trajectory as Americans confidence in many institutions and their
declining trust in the federal governments ability to handle domestic and international
problems over the same time period.

Trust in the Mass Media Has Fallen More Sharply Among Those Younger Than 50

Trust in the media continues to be significantly lower among Americans aged 18 to 49 than
among those 50 and older, continuing a pattern evident since 2012. Prior to 2012, these
groups trust levels were more similar, with a few exceptions between 2005 and 2008.
Gallup polls is of course conservative in favor of the establishment. The level of distrust could
be higher than that. But the figures above showing consistency of descending trust trend is
enough for us to say that the establishment media is in a decline.

Also, the data are only showing American viewers.only The European population, however, is
more politically aware, judging from there periodic street protests on global issues like the UK
planned enhanced engagement in Syria.

The declining trajectory of media trust will be further enhanced once the mainstream audience
become more aware of the following facts:

Cable News Network (CNN)

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Politics: Jokingly known as Clinton News Network in the 90s, CNNs worldview can best
be deciphered from studying the speeches of Hillary Clinton. The station oscillates between
currently fashionable neoliberal causes.

Money Matters

Owned by Time Warner, a publicly-traded company. In the second quarter of 2015, the media
conglomerates revenues were $7.3 billion, of which $2.8 billion came from Turner, CNNs
parent company. Turner is comprised of CNN, HLN, TBS, TNT, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network
and truTV. In addition, the company manages several sports websites. Revenue for that
operating division comes from content, subscriptions, advertising and delivery.


CNN, the brainchild of Ted Turner, made its debut on June 1, 1980, from its headquarters
in Atlanta, Georgia. Competing with ABC, CBS and NBC, CNN became the first channel
to provide news 24/7. Despite its humble beginnings, the network earned its reputation in the
early 1990s during its live coverage of the Persian Gulf War.

CNN was also the first channel to report the 9/11 attacks. While CNN strives for political
impartiality, Pew research has revealed that its audience leans slightly to the left. The channel
is currently available in 100 million households across the US. CNN has also expanded abroad
with channels broadcasting in Turkish, Japanese and Spanish.

With news operations in Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi and London, CNN International reaches over
290 million households further afield. Its coverage is carried by more than 1,000 affiliates

Read more at: Geopolitics

Mainstream Media Manipulation / Controlling The Narrative

+ Mosaic Of Facts: Inside The Information War
December 26 2015 | From: RTD
Can you tell truth from lies in mass media?

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to
make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."

- Malcolm X

The following is a excerpt from the documentary: Mosaic Of Facts: Inside The
Information War

The full documentary is below this trailer:

Mosaic Of Facts: Inside The Information War

RTDs Miguel Francis-Santiago delves deep to try to understand the intricacies of information
war. He meets media experts and puts together the Mosaic of Facts, showing how public
opinion is manipulated, not just over the Ukrainian Crisis but throughout the world.
Propaganda And The Rhetoric Of The Ruataniwha Dam
December 14 2015 | From: ChrisPerley

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder

respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. - George

I was taught propaganda at school. Our English master, Mr Brown, liked words. He had
an inspirational way of making us pause in admiration at the bon mot.

He once stopped boys in the quad by calling some poor litterer a Philistine mixed up with other
adjectives, verbs and the occasional noun.
The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to
make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."

- Malcolm X

When I read things coming out of the Hawkes Bay Regional Council advocating the wonders
of the Ruataniwha Dam the latest by Andrew Newman (18th August) I think of Mr Brown.
We were taught how you can if you wish construct a rhetorical argument to deliver a twisted
message. We all do it to some extent because we are emotional beings, but knowing the
techniques allowed us to better critique any bias.
The most basic propaganda is to use words that are loaded in either a positive or a pejorative
way; adverbs and adjectives particularly. Words and phrases like major boost, deepen its
economic resilience, improve water quality, strengthen the social fabric, a better Tukituki,
and for the benefit of the region and the nation.

Patriotic that last. I wanted to put my hand on my breast and swear allegiance. Who could
possibly be against?

The satirist John Stewart from The Daily Show warned in his last broadcast a few weeks ago to
watch out for such bovine excrement; he used the appallingly named US Patriot Act as an
A more sophisticated propaganda technique is called the Sin of Omission. This is more
powerful that the Sin of Commission a bare-faced lie because with an Omission there is
often a partially-redeeming document or half-truth to fall back on. For instance, it is true that in
70 years the dam if constructed will be transferred into the hands of the Regional Council,
after all the investors walk away.

Well, half true. Yes, the asset will be transferred, but by that stage the dam may well be filled
with shingle, and we the public our childrens children will be charged with
decommissioning the dam, at much greater cost than construction by some estimates.

Its called privatising the gain and socialising the cost and it is the oldest game in the
The Proposed Ruataniwha Dam: Before and after the destruction

Another statement with a tiny shred of truth is resilience in a world where the climate is drying
and warming. Drought relief was never a feature of this scheme, but it is continually trotted out
to create some warm fuzzy feeling. Facts: there are 25 to 28 thousand hectares proposed in
the scheme with about 160 farms.

The plains areas to be irrigated already has some access to ground water. Hawkes Bay has
1.42 million hectares, mostly hill country, and it is the southern hill country that is most exposed
to drought, not the plains. We have continually pointed out that their drought argument is a
nonsense, yet they continue to use it because it resonates.
Then there is the Argument from Authority; a report perhaps with number estimates based on a
number of assumptions that are neither discussed nor open to critique. Speculative figures of
lets say $200 million in GDP, 2000 jobs in servicing and processing, a rate of return of X.
Anyone who has had anything to do with models knows their severe limitations, particularly
when there is apparently no understanding of primary sector trends, and whether the scheme
will involve a structural shift away from such trends, or simply accelerate them.

I am talking here about the trends of reducing commodity prices, more farm amalgamations to
achieve cost reductions, more absentee owners, processing centralised to a few large plants
outside the region, less people employed per farm, the increase in migrant labourers who
repatriate much of their earnings, and all the loss of local supporting population, spend and
servicing that multiplies from the primary sector base.


The underlying process whereby customers systematically eliminate everything you perceive as being
different or special about your firm or your offerings; reducing you and your competition to the lowest
common denominator, typically, though not always, price.

None of these structural problems are addressed in any of the HBRIC reports. Large
corporate-designed dams will not shift those trends, they will only make them worse. But the
expert reports generate numbers, so let us publish them to applause and fanfare.

What we wont hear is any discussion about the effect of high capitalisation and risk related to
farm investment encouraging family farms to realise their free capital gains by selling. The
buyers will follow the trend of being large absentee owners who will not spend either their
profits or much of their operational expenditure locally. Something like three times the regional
money spend and employment is generated by local firms compared with syndicated firms
coming in from outside.

Ruataniwha Dam thinking locks us into the lower left quadrant, and the dominant buyer takes the cost savings in a
lower price and so we cut costs again and again

All we need do is look to the US agribusiness trends in the mid-west to see it. It is well
documented in both fiction and non-fiction, and involves a local social, environmental and
economic decline, with the gains made elsewhere.

It is effectively a new type of colonisation, where the locals end up as the colonised, by the new
Philistines. And with it, more commoditisation and homogenisation of our land, our people and
our economy.

It actually creates far less resilience, the opposite of Andrew Newmans claims.

Perhaps the most incredible and bare-faced conjecture is that there will be a better river and a
stronger social fabric.
This represents either nave blind hope that technology will protect us from pollution, or wilful
disinformation by those whose short-term interests and egos are far more important than
creating a better Hawkes Bay in the long-term.

Darth Vader And The New World Order - Interesting Parallels

December 10 2015 | From: PrisonPlanet

The Star Wars story has had, without a question, the greatest impact on
popular culture of any movie in world history. We will now explore why it
has resonated so strongly with so many people across generations.

At last, the mainstream media is picking up on something weve been talking about for
years. The plot lines of George Lucas six Star Wars films mirror, in many respects, the
activities of western governments.

George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars saga, has said over and over again that he simply
plays on subconscious archetypal symbols that evoke primeval fears and passions. Lucas has
also stated on many occasions that he draws from historical examples of imperial leaders lust
for war and total power.

Lucas has said that that is why his films have such a powerful effect of people. Deep down,
everyone knows that the greatest threat to life and liberty isnt the average criminal on the
street, but the monolithic, all-powerful state.

The human desire to resist tyranny is one of the strongest drives we have and Lucas plays
upon that instinct masterfully.
While premiering his film, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, at the Cannes Film Festival
George Lucas was asked if his new film was a social commentary on George Bush and the
Iraq invasion (which even our own government admits is part of Americas new kindly, helpful
and loving imperialism).

How can they not ask this when Darth Vader says to his former teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi, if
youre not with me, then youre my enemy. Remember that Lord Bush, after the 9/11 attacks
said, either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Lucas responded to the reporters by saying that the original Star Wars was developed in the
early post-Veitnam War era shortly after Richard Nixon left office amidst a byzantine scandal.

He continued by saying;

The issue was, how does a democracy turn itself into a dictatorship

When I wrote it, Iraq (the U.S.- led war) didnt exist.. but the parallels of what we did in Vietnam and Iraq
are un believable

I didnt think it was going to get this close.

Speaking about present day America he said, I hope this doesnt come true in our country.

Government-Sponsored Terrorism

When I first saw Episode I, I instantly understood the plot. Being a student of history, it made
total sense. But, I was amazed, time and time again, when talking to educated adults who were
also Star Wars fans that they didnt get it. Theyd say, it doesnt make any sense.

This phenomenon got even worse when Episode II came out. People were totally confused.
They didnt understand a plot that children could grasp.

For those who are still confused, heres a plot synopsis in a nutshell:

In Episode I, Senator Palpatine is an obscure politician from the peaceful world of Naboo.
Palpatine influences Naboo not to pay its Trade Federation taxes. The corrupt mercantile Trade
Federation cartel then blockades the Naboo system and begins a ground invasion of its capitol,
taking its orders from the sinister leader Darth Sidious, Lord of the Sith, who is one and the
same with Senator Palpatine.
By manipulating the outcome of the Naboo police action, Palpatine (who then plays the part of
resisting an operation that he has launched) is able to springboard into the Chancellery of the
Galactic Senate.

Episode II begins with a widening conflict that threatens to destroy the hundred thousand-year-
old Republic. The newly- elected Chancellor (Palpatine) is able to use the expanding crisis as a
pretext to pass police state legislation and to launch a mammoth military buildup.
As in Episode I, Darth Sidious is in control of the separatists led by the charismatic Count
Dooku, who is his secret apprentice, Darth Tyrannus. Darth Sidious uses his agent (Count
Dooku) to create a crisis that threatens to destroy the Republic, thus threatening the Republics
very existence and manipulating the Senate into giving him the powers of a dictator.

This is the classic use of problem-reaction-solution. Create a crisis, get the reaction of fear
from the population, and offer the solution of a police state that you control.

Real-world examples of this through history are:

Adolph Hitler, two months after being elected Chancellor, firebombed the German Parliament
(Reichstag) building, blamed it on his political enemies and declared martial law in the Reich.

Most historians now believe that the US government bombed its own ship in Havana harbor
as a pretext to launch the Spanish-American war in 1898.

The LBJ Presidential library in 2003 released taped conversations between President
Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in which they discussed how the Gulf of
Tonkin attack never really took place and how to use it to officially kick of the Vietnam War
which resulted in the deaths of over 58,000 US troops and over a million Vietnamese.

In early 2001, the Baltimore Sun and ABC News reported on a newly-declassified operation
code-named Northwoods, where the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed hijacking jets by remote
control and crashing them, bombing DC, committing sniper attacks in Miami and DC, having
the CIA attack the Guantanamo Bay Marine Corps base with mortars, and how to blame all of
this terrorism on Cuba and the Soviet Union, giving the Pentagon the pretext to start World
War III.

The plan was green-lighted all the way up to President Kennedy who vetoed the plan. The
bottom line is that the US government planned to terrorize its own cities as a pretext for war.
In Episode III, the surviving Jedi realize, when its too late, that the Clone Wars have been
systematically engineered by the Lord of the Sith to destroy the Republic and the Jedi.

In the end, the Emperor dispatches his dark apprentice, Darth Vader, to exterminate the Jedi
and the leaders of the separatist movement (that the Chancellor controlled), leaving the
enemies of the Sith dead and the Sith in control of the Central Government. The despotic
Galactic Empire is born.

George Bush: Problem-Reaction-Solution

We look at the real world and the military-industrial-complex that controls George Bush, and it
is clear that the government is using the problem-reaction-solution system to bring in their own
Using the threat of terrorism, the Executive Branch has declared authoritarian powers unto
itself. At the same time, they tell the people that they wont be safe until every rogue nation
(nations that are sovereign) are under World Government control.

It is a fact that bin Laden has been a CIA agent since at least 1981. The highest levels of the
CIA have publicly said that they do not want to catch him.

Think about who really has the motive for the September 11th attacks. None of the Arab
nations have taken responsibility, although theyve been falsely accused of carrying out the
attacks. Who in their right mind would attack the heart of an unmatched military juggernaut with
seven times superiority of any military on earth?

Who stands to gain? Who gets trillions of dollars in Iraqi and Afghan oil? What group gets to
sell hundreds of billions in weapons systems?
Who gets to be our hero and silence all political opposition? What group is now turning
America into a high-tech police state? In the Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
documents, Dick Cheney told us in 2000 that the neo-cons and their backers gain.

PNAC documents written by Dick Cheney and other top neo-cons call for a helpful Pearl
Harbor-like attack to mobilize the American people in a war for empire. One of the Pentagons
chief strategists, Tomas Barnett, openly calls America an empire and has a laundry list of
nations that need to be invaded immediately.

The bin Laden family has been in business with Bushes for over thirty years. Bush Senior and
the bin Ladens vacation together. The Bushes and the bin Ladens are on the board of the
armament dealing consortium, the Carlyle group whose profits have quadrupled since 9/11.

The press has been forced to admit that the hijackers had their houses, cars and credit cards
paid for by the Federal government. They were trained on US military bases. When US
Embassies tried to block their entry into the US, the CIA ordered them to allow entry.
There are over 600 pieces of evidence that show that bin Laden is George Bushs Count
Dooku, which are covered in detail in my three films on 9/11, the newest being Martial Law
9/11: Rise of the Police State.

Hollywood Movies: Art Imitates Life

Ive noticed with fantasy people have trouble understanding the concept of would-be tyrants
creating crises so they can offer the solution. We see popular Hollywood films peppered with
this idea. For example:

In the blockbuster, The Incredibles, the evil genius, Syndrome, wants to be worshipped as a
super hero, so he stages a robotic attack on a US city which he plans to then foil and become
the peoples savior.
In the film, Final Fantasy, a General who wants to be given dictatorial powers opens the gates
so the enemy can attack New York and then discredit his peacenik opponents.

There are countless examples of this, and Ive noticed that when I talk to adults who have seen
these films they dont understand the plots. But, when I talk to children they completely grasp

From a sociological/psychological perspective, why is there this blind spot in adults? Is it being
engineered into us? Are we in denial? If so many intelligent people cant grasp a childrens plot
line, no wonder they cant really understand whats behind 9/11.

Missing the Big Picture has seen scores of mainline publications from CBS News to Japan
Today drawing parallels between Americas predatory militarism and the grasping empire of the
Star Wars universe.

What theyve missed is the central point that Lucas makes time and time again. Criminal
elements within the government that seek to overthrow freedom and replace it with slavery get
their power through carrying out terrorist attacks and manufacturing enemies that they fund
and control.
In some cases, as with the separatists in Star Wars, they dont even know who they are
controlled by, just as an Arab suicide bomber might not know that the funds and training that he
received came from a western intelligence agency.

He doesnt know that his attack will be used to crack down on entire populations and stop any
real peace process, because the weapon dealers have no interest in peace. Chaos is the ether
in which they swim.

The dominant press also misses the boat on how much Star Wars itself has been influenced by
the Third Reich. The uniforms worn by imperial officers are almost identical to the German
military staff. Political officers in the empire wear the black uniforms that even more closely
resemble the dreaded garb of the German political police, the SS.
Star Wars also acts as a type of cultural feedback loop. Star Wars villains are modeled after
the Nazis (Darth Vaders helmet is simply a slightly more pronounced German artillery solders
head piece), and, in turn, modern governments are themselves influenced by the visigothic-
style of Star Wars.

The press reported in the early 1980s that while Ronald Reagan was campaigning for
President in 1979 he was camping at Bohemian Grove in Northern California with business
leaders. They came up with the idea to give the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) the catchy
name Star Wars.

Out of SDI grew the US Space Command. Today all US military forces are under the control of
the ultra-secretive US Space Command.

In the 1980s military and law enforcement planners wanted to come up with intimidating
uniforms for SWAT teams and militarized riot police. They came up with a design which has
now been adopted thanks to federal grants in almost every major city. The uniform, which they
admit is meant to strike fear into the public, is extremely similar to the suit worn by the Dark
Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.

A Seattle Riot Cop

Of course, long before Darth Vader existed in our minds, every culture had a dark totem
representing evil and domination that manifested itself as a tall, pitch-black hooded or
helmeted sorcerer. Similar to the ringwraiths of J.R. Tolkeins Lord of the Rings trilogy.

We should all be concerned that our government is choosing to clothe our police in these
macabre get-ups. Throughout history, secret police, torturers, inquisitors, executioners,
terrorists, bank robbers and every other form of scum has worn the black mask. Of course, in
the Klu Klux Klan, the black mask is only worn by the Supreme Grand Dragon.

The New World Order

In Episode III, the Emperor talks about a New Order. How many Presidents and leaders have
we heard spout off about a New Order or a New World Order? George Bush Senior, Adolph
Hitler, and countless others have all called for a New World Order.

Related: 150+ New World Order Globalist Agenda Quotes

A New World Order is a worldwide dictatorship. At least that is what the encyclopedia said up
until the 1960s. Now resource books, especially those for children tell you that it is a loving,
wonderful thing that will keep us all safe from terror.

Secret Societies

In the Star Wars universe, the Sith are members of a self-centered secret society that has
been passing down its knowledge for thousands of years. The religion revels in death and
destruction. War is its sacrament, death stars and war ships its cathedrals. This is one of the
central threads that runs throughout the entirety of Star Wars lore.

For over a decade, I have been studying civilization and time and time again in my research I
run into the occult, secret societies and, at the top of it all, the Order of Death, known by the
public as the order of Skull and Bones.
The only widely known manifestation of the Order of Death is one of its chapters based at Yale
University, the Order of Skull and Bones, Chapter 322, of which both George W. Bush and his
father are members.

Three Presidents have been members of Chapter 322 alone. Eight CIA directors were
members. George W. Bushs administration has 11 members currently at the highest levels.
And 322 is only one chapter.

In July of 2000, I infiltrated what can be called the mother ship of the Order of Death, the
Bohemian Grove. This is the same place where Reagan decided to call SDI Star Wars. Major
California papers have reported on the rumors that world leaders meet there and perform
bizarre black magic rituals to the Caananite deity that represented death, Moloch.
While I was inside, I was able to secretly film the bizarre annual ritual, the Cremation of Care,
which takes place at the Bohemian Grove every year. The footage I took aired nationally on the
Trio Network.

Now, we have come full circle. Why is all of this important? Because, since infiltrating, I have
become aware of and have obtained publicly available annals of Bohemian Grove and its
correspondence with Skull and Bones. Many of these documents are posted on
in the Bohemian Grove section.

What we learned shocked me to my very core. Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove are
nothing but US extensions of a germanic death cult that has been operating for thousands of
years. This same group, that calls itself the Order of Death, is mentioned as the Tooley and
Thule society and respected, mainstream works on the rise of the Third Reich detail how
Adolph Hitler was a member of his group, and how they supported his rise to power and his
subsequent actions in World War II.
Then I learned that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the President, had gotten into deep
trouble during World War II for trading with the enemy, and that he was on the Board of
Directors of the company owned by Fritz Thyssen who was also a member of the Order of
Death and the chief financier of Hitler in Germany.

In my new film, Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State I detail these facts with documents
from the National Archives, the London Guardian, the New Hampshire Gazette, and Skull and
Bones and Bohemian Groves own annals.

Ive really got to hand it to George Lucas. He really did his homework. It took me a decade of
intense research to discover the fact that our world is dominated by members of a secret
society that give themselves names like Lord Death, Lord Longtooth, Lord Dragon, and
Long Devil.

Lucas was able to expose, if you think hes doing it for good, or desensitise, if you think hes
doing it for bad, the entire public to the reality of what is going on, projected onto the backdrop
of fantasy.
Take away the light sabers and levitation and youre left with what our world leaders really
believe in, what their religion really is, what makes them tick. The global controllers, of whom
Bush is just a puppet, are using the same tactics to control populations employed by the Dark
Lords of the Sith.

I know this is hard to believe, but if you just research their own publications they brag about it.
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in his own autobiography, 'Men and Powers, A Political
Retrospective' bragged that they had their own secret society meeting places in German where
they did rituals, but his favorite place was Bohemian Grove.

I probably shouldnt be surprised by George Lucas insight, his understanding of this greatest
of secrets. By telling his Star Wars story and interlacing it with the truth, he touched all of our
subconscious minds where we deep down know the truth about the world but dont have the
courage to consciously admit it.
In doing so, Lucas has made over 10 billion dollars with his films and merchandise. By telling
the truth even in a screened way, he has tapped into our collective unconscious and told us a
story that we know is true.

In closing, its important to see George Lucas first feature film, THX-1138, based on a student
film he produced in college. THX, which has become Lucas signet, appearing in all of his films
and most of his products, tells the story of man totally dehumanized in a forced-drugged,
shaved-head police state and how one man stands up and breaks free of that system.

Thats the heart of why the public loves Lucas. Not just that he tells the truth in a way that gets
past the censors, but that he reminds us that the individual can stand up against organized evil
and win.


The following video explains the theory and reasoning that Jar Jar Binks was actually originally
written to be the high Sith Lord.

This sounds ridiculous but the video makes many valid observations, particularly that -
because of the enormous aversion by the Star Wars audience worldwide to the character Jar
Jar - that the Sith Lord part was written out and hence Count Dooku was invented.

Whether this theory is true or not does not matter, the point it illustrates is that this is exactly
how the cabal operate; when one of their puppets is not performing, they whip up another one
and chuck them in.
Channel 4 News Cancels Prince Charles Interview Due To
'Draconian' Demands
December 8 2015 | From: TheGuardian

Broadcaster refused terms of contract insisted upon by Clarence House.

Prince Charles delivers a speech as part of the United Nations conference on climate change

Channel 4 News has turned down an interview with the Prince of Wales after refusing to
sign a draconian contract with a string of demands including the pre-vetting of all
questions and right to control editing.

Channel 4 News has turned down an interview with the Prince of Wales after refusing to sign a
draconian contract with a string of demands including the pre-vetting of all questions and right
to control editing.

The extremely tight level of control and censorship has not stopped some outlets from
broadcasting interviews: Sky News ran an interview late last month covering topics including
global warming. A spokesman for Sky News refused to comment on the broadcasters decision
to agree to the terms laid down by Clarence House.
This hapless fumbling clown is actually still believing / hoping we are all ignorant fluoridated serfs as he whores
himself about, trotting out more of the party line bollocks. Even if his drought theory were correct - he and his
cronies are the ones responsible for it in the first place.The clock is ticking you muppet...

However, Channel 4 News felt that it could not conduct an interview under such terms, which
included a 15-page contract full of limitations and restrictions. It cancelled an interview
with Prince Charles that was due to be conducted by Jon Snow on Sunday at the British
ambassadors residence in Paris, on the eve of the Paris climate change talks.

The decision to pull out of the interview would have ultimately been made by Ben de Pear, the
editor of Channel 4s flagship news programme.

Channel 4 News said it would be happy to carry out an interview but not with such a restrictive

"We do not sign pre-interview agreements, and interviewees appear on Channel 4 News on that
basis, said a spokesperson.

We would still be delighted to interview Prince Charles.

It is not clear if other media outlets, such as ITV News and BBC News, have agreed to run
interviews with Prince Charles.

The contractual stipulations surrounding Prince Charles were first made public by the
Independent, which cited clauses in the contract such as: if the interviewer goes off script,
Clarence House staff present have the right to intervene and halt filming.

A spokeswoman for Clarence House said the Prince of Wales received hundreds of requests
for interviews and no media outlet was obligated to sign the standard contract.
"The issuing of broadcast contracts is standard practice across the royal households, said the

The Prince of Wales receives hundreds of requests for interviews from media organisations around the
world. No media organisation is under any obligation to approach the Prince of Wales for an interview or
enter into a contract negotiation.

She added that the restrictions were to ensure factual accuracy.

All broadcasters that do [an interview], are keen to ensure that they do not breach any of the relevant
broadcast rules and go to great lengths to protect their independence in this regard, she said.

The contracts are put in place to ensure factual accuracy and protect the broadcaster as well as the
interview subject.

Former CBS Reporter Exposes Media Lies, Internet Shills &

December 7 2015 | From: TedX

In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson

shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political,
corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort
media messages.

Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. She is currently

writing a book entitled Stonewalled (Harper Collins), which addresses the unseen
influences of corporations and special interests on the information and images the
public receives every day in the news and elsewhere.

For twenty years (through March 2014), Attkisson was a correspondent for CBS News. In
2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting
on The Business of Congress, which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by
Republican freshmen.

She also received Emmy nominations in 2013 for Benghazi: Dying for Security and Green
Energy Going Red. Additionally, Attkisson received a 2013 Daytime Emmy Award as part of the
CBS Sunday Morning teams entry for Outstanding Morning Program for her report:
Washington Lobbying: K-Street Behind Closed Doors. In September 2012, Attkisson also
received an Emmy for Oustanding Investigative Journalism for the Gunwalker: Fast and
Furious story.

She received the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting
for the same story. Attkisson received an Investigative Emmy Award in 2009 for her exclusive
investigations into TARP and the bank bailout. She received an Investigative Emmy Award in
2002 for her series of exclusive reports about mismanagement at the Red Cross.

Key Influence Of Belief

November 26 2015 | From: Eucadia

Your existing beliefs are so powerful, they colour everything - especially

everything you will read on this website and related sites.

You filter everything you read on Ucadia and related sites by your pre-existing beliefs
An example of how belief affects everything we do is how you naturally approach any new or
controversial content you discover. If the new information is consistent with your pre-existing
beliefs, then the information is more likely to be accepted as true - if it clashes in any way, then
the information you have read is more likely to be rejected.

So strongly do we rely upon our "belief system" to filter information, sometimes we may simply
judge an entire body of information as true or false, simply on a single sample, or
recommendation from a trusted source.

Such assumptions are far from logical. Taking a single sentence or paragraph from a body of
information may cause it to be analyzed completely out of context - resulting in a false
conclusion, yet many of us make up our minds on such small samples of data on a wide range
of subjects each and every day.

The answer "in theory" as to how our trust in our belief system works is to be found in the
claimed original definitions for belief being from the early medieval English word bileafe, a
translation of the Old English word geleafa , just one of the many translations in old European
languages of the ancient Germanic celtic word- zlaubjan (hold dear, cherish, trust in). In other
words, belief appears just another way of saying "to trust something".

But is this etymology of the word belief wholly accurate? Belief appears to be more than simply
trust, but more akin to faith. In fact this is precisely the second seven hundred year old ancient
definition attributed to belief as "absolute trust in God; the virtue of faith" (with the word faith
replacing the Latin word for trust fides.
In other words, belief in its original form is better defined as a kind of "blind faith" as oppossed
to any process involving conscious decision making. If anything, the use of belief filters true to
these alleged original definitions demand a man or woman not engage in any kind of critical
analysis but dismiss any information immediately out of hand if it does not come from a trusted
"official" source.

Belief therefore has more to do with a kind of religious orthodoxy and dogma than any natural
mechanism for making sense of the daily overload of information. So what is the true origin of
this word?

Belief and the Roman College of Abbreviators

It has been known by linguists and language architects for millenia that by shortening
(abbreviating) old words and then combining them that new words represented compressed
sentences may be created.

This is precisely what the Roman Cult College of Abbreviators under the command of Thomas
Aquinas (1225-1274) did in establishing a legal framework of control through the creation of
thousands of new words through medieval Latin that later were transported into other
manufactured languages such as Anglaise and later English, French, German, Portuguese,
Spanish etc.

One of those key words was the creation of the word "be-li-ef" through the abbreviation of three
Latin words:

be = bestia : animal, beast.

li = ligo : to bind, tie.

ef = efficio : to do, produce, effect, make / bring about, cause / prove.

In other words, the true personality and meaning of Belief is "to cause the binding of animals".

To truly understand the implication of this meaning, the reader needs to understand that the
Roman Cult considered all men and women, not members of the Cult to be nothing more than
animals and therefore the property of the Roman Catholic Cult, like any other goods and

The clearest example of this is evidenced in the Papal Bull Unum Sanctum by Pope Boniface
VIII in 1302 which stated:

"Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every
human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff".

As this original law has never been repealed, it stands today that the Roman Catholic Church
still considers all men and women not bona fide members of the Roman Cult as "creatures"
and animals - hence the importance of promoting "belief".

Many may reject this true original definition of "belief"

Many who read this page will refuse to believe this true and original definition of belief - an
excellent example of the power of the "blind faith" of belief in action. For some, the argument
will be through the lack of "hard evidence" and citations -a parallel system also created by the
Roman Cult to "end the proof of truth through argument" and force all evidence of truth in
discussion to be based on referred sources.

As the Vatican has remained the greatest source of ancient forgeries for over 1,000 years, this
citation system has been a priceless tool in reinforcing belief and stopping even the most
educated of minds from considering a logical and well formed argument as being its own

Brainwashing 101
November 20 2015 | From: TheRealStrategy

In todays society, we have to ask ourselves... Are my thoughts my own?

Do we REALLY think for ourselves or make our own decisions?
Even things as simple as what toothpaste to use, what to have for lunch or what to wear
might be decided for you.

If you watch TV (yes, even if the sound is muted) you are being hypnotized and influenced
without even knowing it. When you watch movies, talk shows, the news, commercials, listen to
music, or read ANYTHING you are being hypnotized, influencedand YES..mind-
controlled. There are even patents on the frequencies used by Televisions. It is KNOWN that
they induce hypnosis within minutes of exposure.

How do I know so much about mind-control?

I know about mind- control because I am an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Master

Practitioner and a Master Hypnotist. In other words, I have been highly trained in mind-control
by none-other than Richard Bandler, the genius co-creator of NLP. He could make you do or
say anything.

He is that good. He also said:

You can use NLP to do really good things, or you can be an Asshole.

My choice was always to do good things with NLP, but unfortunately many highly trained NLP
specialists use their skills for what I consider to be unethical, inexcusable, and unadulterated
Mind control is all about bypassing the critical thinking part of your brain with distraction, or
hypnosis. Once this is accomplished, your subconscious mind is wide open to accept whatever
outlandish suggestion they want to put in there. Your brain is wired to accept these things, no
questions asked.

This is especially true with children. Young children are ALWAYS in a state of hypnosis, so pay
attention to what they are watching, reading and to who might be influencing them.

How NLP is used in Advertising

Every single commercial is specially designed by a horde of brain-washing specialists whose

only concern is to convince you to buy their product, and they will use any means possible to
do this. If they need to sell pharmaceuticals that will kill you (which would be just about ANY
OF THEM), they will do so without a fleck of conscience whatsoever.

They only care about two things: Selling their product and getting money from you. The music
and lyrics used in commercials are chosen to influence the right demographics.
Sixties music is played to influence baby-boomers, while current music is played to control the
younger population. Everything is controlled from tempo, beat and lyrics. The pictures and
videos flash on the screen at just the right rate to put you into an automatic state of hypnosis.

The more distracted you are, the better it works. Suggestions are thrown into your
subconscious mind so fast you dont even have a clue its happening. Even if you are watching
a movie or television show on which the TV is playing quietly in the background, you can be
influenced by whatever they are saying.
Subliminal advertising (flashing words and statements on the screen so briefly they arent
detected by the conscious mind) is illegal in other countries, such as Australia and
England, but in the United States there is no law on the books against it. It is however
controlled by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission).

They will revoke a companys broadcast license if it can be proven, but by its very nature, it can
often be difficult to detect and prove. I have found subliminal advertisements myself while
rewinding television shows on my DVR player. They are still there, they will try to influence you,
and you wont even know it.

Subliminal programming is designed to be perceived on a subconscious level only. Regardless of whether

it is effective, the use of subliminal perception is inconsistent with a stations obligation to serve the public
interest because the broadcast is intended to be deceptive. (Federal Communications Commission
Record, 2001)

- From FCC Manual for Broadcasters

Television Shows, Cartoons And Movies

Everything I have said about advertising also applies to television shows, cartoons and

Do we care if our children are being influenced daily by subliminal messages in the cartoons
and childrens programs they are watching? Im sure your answer to this question is a
resounding YES! Perhaps the only way we can protect our children is to pass a law against
subliminal programming.

Even if there are no subliminal messages in a show or movie, there are still plenty of other
techniques used to sway you to their viewpoint. The hypnosis we are under when watching
these things makes us extremely susceptible to their suggestions.

Because children are more susceptible to hypnosis, family films are notorious for brainwashing
when you least expect it. Take for instance the movie WALL-E.
The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral
November 12 2015 | From: TheMindUnleashed

The purpose of this article is to shed light on some topics that have
garnered considerable attention over the years and to identify the
underlying thread, that surprisingly connects them all.

With the facts that will be presented, we can move forward with hope and optimism that
there are indeed great things happening in our world and that there are those out there
continuing to ensure the truth is known. Great times for us are at hand.

On November 22nd, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, one of the most beloved and famous US
presidents was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Though there are many theories as to who
killed him, to get closer to the truth we must ask why he was killed. In any murder investigation,
the victims enemies are often looked at first. In this respect, it was well known that Kennedy
strongly opposed the military-industrial complex, which included The Federal Reserve and the

In a speech on April 27th, 1961 before the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New
York City, Mr. Kennedy openly stated opposition to secret societies, to secret oaths and to
secret proceedings. He stated further opposition to a ruthless conspiracya highly efficient
machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political

Creating considerable dissent with the status quo and more specifically with The Federal
Reserve and C.I.A., Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 into law on June 4th, 1963, which
gave the president the right to issue gold-backed currency, and completely without permission
from The Federal Reserve. But where was Kennedy going to receive such large amounts of
gold to back a new Treasury note?

A Little History

In the 1930's, royal Asian families had seen that some of their gold and silver holdings in
Southeast Asia were being plundered by the Japanese and needed to do something about it.
In 1938, the Chinese Kuomintang government sent 7 warships loaded with gold and silver to
the US Federal Reserve for safekeeping.

In return, the Chinese were given 60 year gold bondsa subject we will return to further down.
A few years later in 1944, the infamous Bretton Woods Conference took place in which the US,
France and Britain were given a 50 year mandate to modernize and transform the world for the
better. Backing this new global financial system that had just been set up was a now estimated
2 million metric tons of gold, held by this group of royal Asian families, which is also known as
the Dragon Family.

By August 17th, 1945, President Soekarno of Indonesia had been elected M1 or Monetary
Controller of this large cache of assets, granted under United Nations Resolution MISA 81704,
Operation Heavy Freedom.

These assets are better known as the Global Collateral Accounts and were originally intended
to be used for the modernization of the world through several humanitarian projects. The
Dragon Family are the legitimate Depositors of these accounts.
By 1955, it was shown that the International Monetary Fund, which was also created at Bretton
Woods, was not living up to its word and was instead serving only the interest of the banking
and political elite. It was at this time that a growing alliance began to see that these funds were
being used to fuel the Cold War tension and decided to strongly oppose the shady banking

By 1963, this alliance pooled their financial resources together to create the Green Hilton
Memorial Agreement, which was signed by John F. Kennedy and President Skoearno and was
finished on November 14, 1963.

This agreement was to utilize the Global Collateral Accounts for global development and
humanitarian projects (along with a new US Treasury Note, a new supernational/international
note backed by gold and would bring an end to The Federal Reserve system and the CIA).
Just 8 days later, JFK was assassinated.
The above pictures show The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement and signatures of President Soekarno and
President John F. Kennedy along with several others with listed amounts of gold-backed certificates.

A short time following Kennedys passing, President Soekarno was driven from power by way
of a coup. By 1968, the Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller and other influential families created a
fake heir to the rights of the Global Collateral Accounts. Up until the writing of this article in
November of 2015, these accounts have been illegally and fraudulently used by the central
banking system.

The 9/11 Connection

In 1998, 60 years after the Federal Reserve Board and the Chinese swapped gold for gold
bonds, the Chinese requested their gold back. After refusal from the Fed, the Chinese
Kuomintang government followed with a lawsuit. The International Court of Justice ruled
that the Fed needed to return the gold, which was later agreed upon by the Fed. The first
payment was scheduled to be delivered September 12th, 2001.

Interestingly, on September 10th, 2001, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

announced that 2.3 trillion dollars went missing from the Pentagon defense budget. Even more
conspicuous, Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, the company that was handling the paper work for
the gold to be delivered back to the Chinese, was inside One World Trade Center on floors
101-105. All 658 of their employees were murdered on that day as the towers fell and the gold
was not returned to the Chinese.

The Monaco Accords, The Trillion Dollar Lawsuit and the BRICS

In August of 2011, representatives from 57 nations (none were invited from the West) came
together off the coast of Monaco to create an alliance designed to legally take down the central
banking cabal and create a new global financial system using the Global Collateral
Accounts for many development and humanitarian projects.

Neil Keenan (right) with Count Albert of the Dragon Family

Reports from Neil Keenan, who helped arrange this historic meeting and has been entrusted
with protecting and restoring the legal rights back to the Dragon Family and settling the Global
Collateral Accounts for the benefit of humanity, has stated that this Monaco meeting alliance
has now swelled to 182 countries and is being spearheaded by the BRICS nations (Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Neil also filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York on November 23, 2011 to the tune
of over a trillion dollars against the United Nations, the Office of International Treasury Control,
Silvio Berlusconi, Ban Ki-Moon, the World Economic Forum and several others.

For those that want proof of this lawsuit, here is a screenshot of the filed case. This comes from, which
is used to look up filed cases. Take a look at the plaintiff and defendants.

Since that time, Neil has withdrawn the suit (Obamas economic advisors brother became the
judge and he previously had never been a judge before) to refile in an even more effective
jurisdiction and plans to do this in the very near future. This new lawsuit will be bigger and will
expose the EU, the Federal Reserve and all the parties mentioned above, plus much more.

Neil Keenan has also filed liens and a Cease and Desist order against all twelve central banks
in the U.S. and a Cease and Desist order on behalf of the Dragon Family against names like
Queen Elizabeth II, Hilary Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush, David
Rockefeller and several other well known names.
Above is the official Cease and Desist order. To download this pdf file, click here

Is Our World to Be Set Free?

Is this massive alliance about to make its move on the banking and political cabal? Is Neil
Keenan and his team about to finish what JFK, President Sukarno and many others were
trying to accomplish? Will the 9/11 connection to the Global Collateral Accounts finally come to
light? To these questions, Neil Keenan has a statement for the world:

JFK, Soekarno, 9-11 and everything surrounding it all boils down to one and the same groups or
organizations etc., that being what is known as the Cabal or NWO. Look no further than Rothschilds,
Rockefellers, and on a lesser scale Bushs, Netanyahus etc. We must always remember that according
to these people we the goyim are the enemy and furthermore we must understand not only are they
Khazars (read Khazars and their empire) but Satanists and clearly want us all dead.

They want the world, this planet and everything they touch. They taint everything they make, put together,
manufacture, and one way or another are taking precious seconds and minutes away from our lives.
go so far as to poison baby food (Johnson and Johnsons most recently caught, simply stated we are sorry
and will take the toxins out of the baby food) but when caught they simply walk away leaving a path of utter
destruction for many families.

It is time we defend our families, our planet, our friends and those who will soon be life long friends.
time to bring our planet together as one, to fight these evil criminals disguising themselves as politicians.
is time to fight them as they fight us and stop talking about it.

The road to the collateral accounts was initially filled with litter. From OITC (Ray Dam), OPPT (Heather
Tucci), Swiss Indo (Sino), Karen Hudes (who never did understand the collateral accounts and had never
heard of the Dragon Family when she requested my help), Red Dragon Family, World Economic Forum
(Davos and Giancarlo Bruno), the UN, and many others I have never mentioned all decided at one time or
another they owned or managed the accounts when in fact not a one ever had any of the DEPOSITORS
permissions to represent said accounts.

We took them all down and we laid them to rest but similar to a film script they often return to life and take
a second shot at things after taking a deep breath but they are all just fiction.

We are on the road to the accounts. The litter has been tossed into the garbage where it belongs and
upon completing this road the accounts will be open. The big question, even one from the Dragon Family
is will I be able to move the notes and the answer is YES! We will be able to complete this impossible
task and release the funds as initially planned for humanitarian purposes. I need a little more time to get to
where we must be but we will be there and when so, the Cabal is finished... FRODO LIVES... ha ha


BBC Journalist Comes Clean, Says Trust Nothing You Read Or

November 12 2015 | From: TheCanary

A BBC journalist, John Darvall, has lambasted his own career at the BBC.
The insensitive way the tragic death of his daughter, Polly, has been handled by several
outlets led him to lay bare his thoughts about the BBC and the British media industry as
a whole, in a heartfelt blog post.

Related: BBC: UK Public Funding Worldwide Propaganda

The BBC itself misreported specific information about his family, furthering their grief.

This poor piece of journalism made Tuesday probably the worst day of this whole episode so far."

This provoked wider criticism of traditional media from Darvall.

This week TV and newspapers have proven to me why they are not the future of news."

Darvall then hailed the internet as the bastion of real media.

The internet allows us to come to our own conclusions by checking our own facts. We really cant trust the
traditional outlets to do it right or properly."

He specified social media as the future of of news.

If they cant even get their facts right, be trusted with clear information and then report it accurately is it
any wonder that we are all turning to Facebook, Twitter and other internet sources for our news and

He said this of his own career:

I am ashamed to be a journalist."

And left us with a piece of advice:

Trust nothing you read or watch."

Can we trust the BBC?

The BBC is the envy of much of the world: a media free from vested interest; free to serve the
public for the greater good. We observe the likes of Fox News in the USA and are thankful. A
properly informed public is the foundation of any meaningful democracy, and a publicly owned
media outlet can circumvent the position of the powerful as the gatekeepers of information.

This is the concept of the BBC, but the reality is far from it. A major content analysis from
Cardiff University reveals the BBC is in fact pro-business and conservative leaning in its
coverage, contrary to George Osbornes claims that the BBC has an anti-business slant.

The study found that on BBC News at Six, business representatives outnumbered trade union
spokespersons by a ratio of more than 5-to-1 in 2007, and of 19-to-1 in 2012. Research into
the BBC coverage of the 2008 financial crisis revealed similar pro-business sentiment. Opinion
was almost completely dominated by investment bankers, stockbrokers and other city voices.

Not only does the corporation give disproportionate voice to big business, but it gives Tories
more airtime than Labour. When Gordon Brown was in power in 2007, his coverage exceeded
that of David Cameron by a ratio of 2-to-1. This is to be expected: the current Prime Minister
will get more airtime. But, in 2012 Camerons coverage exceeded that of Ed Miliband by double
that ratio (4-to-1).

One might say Labours reluctance to put Miliband front and centre is the reason for this.
However, the study found much the same disparity when comparing cabinet members and
ministers to their counterparts in the shadow cabinet.

Under a Conservative government in 2012, coverage of Tory ministers exceeded that of their
Labour counterparts, again by more than 4-to-1. Meanwhile, under the 2007 Labour
government, Labour ministers exceeded that of their Conservative counterparts, again by only
2-to-1. Factoring in who is presently in power, the Tories still get double the airtime Labour do.
A root cause of this is the way members of the BBC Trust are selected. The BBC Trust is the
body that governs and regulates the corporation. Currently, the monarch appoints BBC Trust
members on the advice of government ministers. This has led to a public service run by people
with strong business and political affiliation.

Rona Fairhead was made Chairwoman of the BBC Trust on the recommendation of former
Conservative culture secretary Sajid Javid. She serves on the board of directors of several
large corporations, including PepsiCo and HSBC. She is also the business ambassador for the
UK Trade and Investment governing body.

The Vice-Chairwoman, Diane Coyle, sits on the advisory panel for EDF and is managing
director of Enlightenment Economics, an economic consultancy for large corporate clients,
such as Vodaphone.

The presenter for the BBCs flagship political programme Daily Politics is Andrew
Neil, chairman of the conservative news outlet The Spectator and publisher of London global
business magazine, The Business.
The business editor is Kamal Ahmed of the right-wing Sunday Telegraph, who was rebuked by
the Guardians Nick Davies for banging the war drums over the invasion of Iraq.

We might avoid such disproportionate coverage were the regulatory body not spearheaded by
tycoons. While they may not actively seek to advance a particular agenda, they are
predisposed to the ideology behind their affiliations.

The BBC is worth fighting for. The concept is incredible, but it needs huge reform. The
government should not simply dictate who sits on the regulatory body. The BBC Trust should
be representative of the public it is supposed to serve, not the vested interest it is supposed to

When Darvall tells us to trust nothing we read in the media, his advice penetrates even the
BBC, which is often considered the global standard of honest journalism.

Corporate Media Really Is Dying: Check Out these New Statistics

October 31 2015 | From: RingOfFireRadio

Recently, the BBC slashed another 1,000 jobs. Viewership on US news

networks like Fox, CNN and MSNBC has dropped 19 percent since 2009.
Newspapers have cut more than a third of their workforce in the last 25
The former Corporate Media audience isnt abadoning the news. Just the opposite, they
are moving to social media news.

The majority of Twitter users (63 percent) and Facebook users (63 percent) now get their news
from social media. Facebook now drives more traffic to news sites than Google. With nearly
1.5 billion users globally, Facebook clearly is in the position to become the largest news source
in the world, along with Twitter and YouTube.

For more on this story, click Ryan Holmes article on LinkedIn. Facebook vs. Twitter vs.
Snapchat: Who Will Win the News Wars?

Watch Mike Papantonios commentary on the death of corporate media:

Cultural Imperialism And Perception Management: How

Hollywood Hides 'US Government' War Crimes
September 17 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

There is an unspoken, yet very clear, bond between Hollywood and the US
government that overtly supports US foreign policy.
The movie industry in Hollywood has been active in hiding US war crimes and sanitizing
the US military campaigns in NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan, Anglo-American occupied
Iraq, and elsewhere in the world.

Moreover, the dominance of Hollywood as a tool of cultural imperialism in Europe and the rest
of the world make Hollywood films an excellent tool for getting Washingtons ideas out
internationally and sedating global audiences with misleading narratives

Hollywood as a Tool of Cultural Imperialism and Perception Management

Aside from news media outlets, it should come as no surprise that most the ideas and notions
that the general public in the US and elsewhere have about wars come from movies, television
sets, radio programs, video games, and the entertainment industry.

Movies and the entertainment industry are ideal for identifying roles for audiences. In many
instances movies and the entertainment industry surpass media outlets in shaping the
perceptions of audiences about wars and conflicts.
The CIA And The Media: 50 Facts The World Needs To Know
September 18 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligence Agency
has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting
considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads
on a regular basis.

CIA publicists and journalists alike will assert they have few, if any, relationships, yet
the seldom acknowledged history of their intimate collaboration indicates a far different
storyindeed, one that media historians are reluctant to examine.

Related: CIA Admits to Congress the Agency Uses Mainstream Media to Distribute
Disinformation: 1975 Video

When seriously practiced, the journalistic profession involves gathering information concerning
individuals, locales, events, and issues. In theory such information informs people about their
world, thereby strengthening democracy.

This is exactly the reason why news organizations and individual journalists are tapped as
assets by intelligence agencies and, as the experiences of German journalist Udo Ulfkotte
(entry 47 below) suggest, this practice is at least as widespread today as it was at the height of
the Cold War.

Consider the coverups of election fraud in 2000 and 2004, the events of September 11,
2001, the invasions Afghanistan and Iraq, the destabilization of Syria, and the creation
of ISIS. These are among the most significant events in recent world history, and yet
they are also those much of the American public is wholly ignorant of.

In an era where information and communication technologies are ubiquitous, prompting many
to harbor the illusion of being well-informed, one must ask why this condition persists.

Further, why do prominent US journalists routinely fail to question other deep events that
shape Americas tragic history over the past half century, such as the political assassinations of
the 1960s, or the central role played by the CIA major role in international drug trafficking?

Popular and academic commentators have suggested various reasons for the almost universal
failure of mainstream journalism in these areas, including newsroom sociology, advertising
pressure, monopoly ownership, news organizations heavy reliance on official sources, and
journalists simple quest for career advancement.

There is also, no doubt, the influence of professional public relations maneuvers. Yet such a
broad conspiracy of silence suggests another province of deception examined far too
infrequently - specifically the CIA and similar intelligence agencies continued involvement in
the news media to mold thought and opinion in ways scarcely imagined by the lay public.
The following historical and contemporary factsby no means exhaustiveprovides a glimpse
of how the power such entities possess to influence if not determine popular memory and what
respectable institutions deem to be the historical record.

1. The CIAs Operation MOCKINGBIRD is a long-recognised keystone among researchers

pointing to the Agencys clear interest in and relationship to major US news media.
MOCKINGBIRD grew out of the CIAs forerunner, the Office for Strategic Services (OSS, 1942-
47), which during World War Two had established a network of journalists and psychological
warfare experts operating primarily in the European theatre.

2. Many of the relationships forged under OSS auspices were carried over into the
postwar era through a State Department-run organization called the Office of Policy
Coordination (OPC) overseen by OSS staffer Frank Wisner.

3. The OPC became the fastest-growing unit within the nascent CIA, historian Lisa
Pease observes, rising in personnel from 302 in 1949 to 2,812 in 1952, along with 3,142
overseas contract personnel. In the same period, the budget rose from $4.7 million to $82
million. Lisa Pease, The Media and the Assassination, in James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease,
The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, Port Townsend, WA,
2003, 300.

4. Like many career CIA officers, eventual CIA Director/Director of Central

Intelligence (DCI) Richard Helms was recruited out of the press corps by his own supervisor
at the United Press Internationals Berlin Bureau to join in the OSSs fledgling black
propaganda program.
Helms & Nixon

[Y]oure a natural, Helms boss remarked. Richard Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder: A Life in
the Central Intelligence Agency, New York: Random House, 2003, 30-31.

5. Wisner tapped Marshall Plan funds to pay for his divisions early exploits, money his
branch referred to as candy. We couldnt spend it all, CIA agent Gilbert Greenway recalls.
'I remember once meeting with Wisner and the comptroller. My God, I said, how can we spend that?
There were no limits, and nobody had to account for it. It was amazing.

Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters,
New York: The New Press, 2000, 105.

6. When the OPC was merged with the Office of Special Operations in 1948 to create the
CIA, OPCs media assets were likewise absorbed.

7. Wisner maintained the top secret Propaganda Assets Inventory, better known as
Wisners Wurlitzer - a virtual rolodex of over 800 news and information entities prepared to
play whatever tune Wisner chose.

Frank Wisner

The network included journalists, columnists, book publishers, editors, entire organizations
such as Radio Free Europe, and stringers across multiple news organizations. Pease, The
Media and the Assassination, 300.

8. A few years after Wisners operation was up-and-running he owned respected

members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS, and other communication vehicles, plus
stringers, four to six hundred in all, according to a CIA analyst.
Each one was a separate operation, investigative journalist Deborah Davis notes;

'Requiring a code name, a field supervisor, and a field office, at an annual cost of tens or hundreds of
thousands of dollars - there has never been an accurate accounting.

Deborah Davis, Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington Post, Second
Edition, Bethesda MD: National Press Inc, 1987, 139.
9. Psychological operations in the form of journalism were perceived as necessary to
influence and direct mass opinion, as well as elite perspectives.

'[T]he President of the United States, the Secretary of State, Congressmen and even the Director of the
CIA himself will read, believe, and be impressed by a report from Cy Sulzberger, Arnaud de Borchgrave, or
Stewart Alsop when they dont even bother to read a CIA report on the same subject, noted CIA agent
Miles Copeland. Cited in Pease, The Media and the Assassination, 301.

10. By the mid-to-late 1950s, Darrell Garwood points out, the Agency sought to limit
criticism directed against covert activity and bypass congressional oversight or potential
judicial interference by:

'Infiltrat[ing] the groves of academia, the missionary corps, the editorial boards of influential journal and
book publishers, and any other quarters where public attitudes could be effectively influenced.

- Darrell Garwood, Under Cover: Thirty-Five Years of CIA Deception, New York: Grove Press, 1985, 250.

11. The CIA frequently intercedes in editorial decision-making. For example, when the
Agency proceeded to wage an overthrow of the Arbenz regime in Guatemala in 1954, Allen
and John Foster Dulles, President Eisenhowers Secretary of State and CIA Director
respectively, called upon New York Times publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger to reassign
reporter Sydney Gruson from Guatemala to Mexico City.


Sulzberger thus placed Gruson in Mexico City with the rationale that some repercussions from
the revolution might be felt in Mexico. Pease, The Media and the Assassination, 302.
12. Since the early 1950s the CIA has secretly bankrolled numerous foreign press
services, periodicals and newspapers - both English and foreign language - which provided
excellent cover for CIA operatives, Carl Bernstein reported in 1977.

'One such publication was the Rome Daily American, forty percent of which was owned by the CIA until
the 1970s.

- Carl Bernstein, The CIA and the Media, Rolling Stone, October 20, 1977.

13. The CIA exercised informal liaisons with news media executives, in contrast to its
relationships with salaried reporters and stringers, who were much more subject to
direction from the Agency according to Bernstein.

"A few executives - Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times among them - signed secrecy
agreements. But such formal understandings were rare: relationships between Agency officials and media
executives were usually social - The P and Q Street axis in Georgetown, said one source. You dont tell
William Paley to sign a piece of paper saying he wont fink.

Director of CBS William Paleys personal friendship with CIA Director Dulles is now known to have been
one of the most influential and significant in the communications industry, author Debora Davis explains.

He provided cover for CIA agents, supplied out-takes of news film, permitted the debriefing of reporters,
and in many ways set the standard for the cooperation between the CIA and major broadcast companies
which lasted until the mid-1970s.

- Deborah Davis, Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington Post, Second Edition,
Bethesda MD: National Press Inc, 1987, 175.

14. The Agencys relationship with the Times was by far its most valuable among
newspapers, according to CIA officials, Bernstein points out in his key 1977 article:

"From 1950 to 1966, about ten CIA employees were provided Times cover under arrangements approved
by the newspapers late publisher, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. The cover arrangements were part of a general
Times policy - set by Sulzberger - to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible.

In addition, Sulzberger was a close friend of CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Allen Dulles

At that level of contact it was the mighty talking to the mighty, said a highlevel CIA official who was
present at some of the discussions. There was an agreement in principle that, yes indeed, we would help
each other. The question of cover came up on several occasions. It was agreed that the actual
arrangements would be handled by subordinates. The mighty didnt want to know the specifics; they
wanted plausible deniability.

- Bernstein, The CIA and the Media.

15. CBSs Paley worked reciprocally with the CIA, allowing the Agency to utilize
network resources and personnel.

It was a form of assistance that a number of wealthy persons are now generally known to have rendered
the CIA through their private interests, veteran broadcast journalist Daniel Schorr wrote in 1977.

It suggested to me, however, that a relationship of confidence and trust had existed between him and the
agency. Schorr points to clues indicating that CBS had been infiltrated.

For example, A news editor remembered the CIA officer who used to come to the radio control room in
New York in the early morning, and, with the permission of persons unknown, listened to CBS
correspondents around the world recording their spots for the World News Roundup and discussing
events with the editor on duty."

Sam Jaffe claimed that when he applied in 1955 for a job with CBS, a CIA officer told him that
he would be hired - which he subsequently was. He was told that he would be sent to Moscow
- which he subsequently was; he was assigned in 1960 to cover the trial of U-2 pilot Francis
Gary Powers. [Richard] Salant told me - Schorr continues;

That when he first became president of CBS News in 1961, a CIA case officer called saying he wanted to
continue the long standing relationship known to Paley and [CBS president Frank] Stanton, but Salant was
told by Stanton there was no obligation that he knew of

- (276). Schorr, Daniel. Clearing the Air, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977, 277, 276.

16. National Enquirer publisher Gene Pope Jr. worked briefly on the CIAs Italy desk in
the early 1950s and maintained close ties with the Agency thereafter.

Pope refrained from publishing dozens of stories with:

Details of CIA kidnappings and murders, enough stuff for a years worth of headlines in order to
chits, IOUs, Popes son writes.

He figured hed never know when he might need them, and those IOUs would come in handy when he got
to 20 million circulation. When that happened, hed have the voice to be almost his own branch of
government and would need the cover.

- Paul David Pope, The Deeds of My Fathers: How My Grandfather and Father Built New York and Created
the Tabloid World of Today, New York: Phillip Turner/Rowman & Littlefield, 2010, 309, 310.

17. One explosive story Popes National Enquirers refrained from publishing in the
late 1970s centered on excerpts from a long-sought after diary of President Kennedys lover,
Mary Pinchot Meyer, who was murdered on October 12, 1964.

The reporters who wrote the story were even able to place James Jesus Angleton, the CIAs head of
counterintelligence operations, at the scene.
Another potential story drew on documents proving that [Howard] Hughes and the CIA had been
connected for years and that the CIA was giving Hughes money to secretly fund, with campaign donations,
twenty-seven congressmen and senators who sat on sub-committees critical to the agency. There are also
fifty-three international companies named and sourced as CIA fronts .. and even a list of reporters for
mainstream media organizations who were playing ball with the agency.

- Pope, The Deeds of My Fathers, 309.

18. Angleton, who oversaw the Agency counterintelligence branch for 25 years,

Ran a completely independent group entirely separate cadre of journalistoperatives who performed
sensitive and frequently dangerous assignments; little is known about this group for the simple reason that
Angleton deliberately kept only the vaguest of files.

- Bernstein, The CIA and the Media.

19. The CIA conducted a formal training program during the 1950s for the sole
purpose of instructing its agents to function as newsmen.
Intelligence officers were taught to make noises like reporters, explained a high CIA official, and were
then placed in major news organizations with help from management.

These were the guys who went through the ranks and were told Youre going to he a journalist, the CIA
official said. The Agencys preference, however, was to engage journalists who were already established
in the industry.

- Bernstein, The CIA and the Media.

20. Newspaper columnists and broadcast journalists with household names have been
known to maintain close ties with the Agency.

There are perhaps a dozen well known columnists and broadcast commentators whose relationships with
the CIA go far beyond those normally maintained between reporters and their sources, Bernstein

They are referred to at the Agency as known assets and can be counted on to perform a variety of
undercover tasks; they are considered receptive to the Agencys point of view on various subjects.

- Bernstein, The CIA and the Media.

21. Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, and Washington Post publisher Phillip Graham were
close associates, and the Post developed into one of the most influential news organs
in the United States due to its ties with the CIA. The Post managers

Individual relations with intelligence had in fact been the reason the Post Company had grown as fast as it
did after the war, Davis (172) observes.

[T]heir secrets were its corporate secrets, beginning with MOCKINGBIRD. Phillip Grahams commitment
to intelligence had given his friends Frank Wisner an interest in helping to make the Washington Post the
dominant news vehicle in Washington, which they had done by assisting with its two most crucial
acquisitions, the Times-Herald and WTOP radio and television stations.

- Davis, Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington Post, 172.

22. In the wake of World War One the Woodrow Wilson administration placed journalist
and author Walter Lippmann in charge of recruiting agents for the Inquiry, a first-of-its-
kind ultra-secret civilian intelligence organization whose role involved ascertaining information
to prepare Wilson for the peace negotiations, as well as identify foreign natural resources for
Wall Street speculators and oil companies.
The activities of this organization served as a prototype for the function eventually performed
by the CIA, namelyplanning, collecting, digesting, and editing the raw data, notes
historian Servando Gonzalez.

This roughly corresponds to the CIAs intelligence cycle: planning and direction, collection,
processing, production and analysis, and dissemination.

Most Inquiry members would later become members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Lippmann would go on to become the Washington Posts best known columnists. Servando
Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the
American People, Oakland, CA: Spooks Books, 2010, 50.

23. The two most prominent US newsweeklies, Time and Newsweek, kept close ties
with the CIA.

Agency files contain written agreements with former foreign correspondents and stringers for both the
weekly newsmagazines, according to Carl Bernstein.

Allen Dulles often interceded with his good friend, the late Henry Luce, founder of Time and Life
magazines, who readily allowed certain members of his staff to work for the Agency and agreed to provide
jobs and credentials for other CIA operatives who lacked journalistic experience.

- Bernstein, The CIA and the Media.

24. In his autobiography former CIA officer E. Howard Hunt quotes Bernsteins The
CIA and the Media article at length.
I know nothing to contradict this report, Hunt declares, suggesting the investigative journalist of Watergate
fame didnt go far enough.

Bernstein further identified some of the countrys top media executives as being valuable assets to the
agency But the list of organizations that cooperated with the agency was a veritable Whos Who of the
media industry, including ABC, NBC, the Associated Press, UPI, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-
Howard, Newsweek magazine, and others.

- E. Howard Hunt, American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate, and Beyond, Hoboken NJ: John
Wiley & Sons, 2007, 150.

25. When the first major expos of the CIA emerged in 1964 with the publication of The
Invisible Government by journalists David Wise and Thomas B. Ross, the CIA considered
purchasing the entire printing to keep the book from the public, yet in the end judged against it.

To an extent that is only beginning to be perceived, this shadow government is shaping the lives of
190,000,000 Americans authors Wise and Ross write in the books preamble.

Major decisions involving peace and war are taking place out of public view. An informed citizen might
come to suspect that the foreign policy of the United States often works publicly in one direction and
secretly through the Invisible Government in just the opposite direction.

- Lisa Pease, When the CIAs Empire Struck Back,, February 6, 2014.

26. Agency infiltration of the news media shaped public perception of deep events and
undergirded the official explanations of such events.
For example, the Warren Commissions report on President John F. Kennedys assassination
was met with almost unanimous approval by US media outlets.

I have never seen an official report greeted with such universal praise as that accorded the Warren
Commissions findings when they were made public on September 24, 1964, recalls investigative reporter
Fred Cook.

All the major television networks devoted special programs and analyses to the report; the next day the
newspapers ran long columns detailing its findings, accompanied by special news analyses and editorials.
The verdict was unanimous. The report answered all questions, left no room for doubt. Lee Harvey
Oswald, alone and unaided, had assassinated the president of the United States.

- Fred J. Cook, Maverick: Fifty Years of Investigative Reporting, G.P. Putnams Sons, 1984, 276.

27. In late 1966 the New York Times began an inquiry on the numerous questions
surrounding President Kennedys assassination that were not satisfactorily dealt with
by the Warren Commission.

It was never completed, author Jerry Policoff observes, nor would the New York Times ever again
question the findings of the Warren Commission.

When the story was being developed the lead reporter at the Times Houston bureau said that he and
others came up with a lot of unanswered questions that the Times didnt bother to pursue. Id be off on a
good lead and then somebodyd call me off and send me out to California on another story or something.
We never really detached anyone for this. We werent really serious.

- Jerry Policoff, The Media and the Murder of John Kennedy, in Peter Dale Scott, Paul L. Hoch and
Russell Stetler, eds., The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond, New York: Vintage, 1976, 265.

28. When New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison embarked on an investigation of
the JFK assassination in 1966 centering on Lee Harvey Oswalds presence in New Orleans
in the months leading up to November, 22, 1963;
Is Subliminal Advertising Legit?
September 6 2015 | From: Uproxx

I remember when my older sister did a class project on subliminal

advertising in the sixth grade. I was only 8 years old, and the idea that
someone was trying to plant messages deep in my brain without my
knowledge made my head spin.

She showed me images pulled from ads and informed me, very matter-of-factly, that Joe
Camel was meant to look like a penis (to what end, who knows).

I was far too intrigued to even bother being outraged. We asked Jeff Warrick, director
of Programming the Nation, to offer his thoughts on the matter for the latest episode of The
Truth Is A Crime Against The State - Paul Craig Roberts
August 16 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

The entire Western edifice rests on lies. There is no other

foundation. Just lies. This makes truth an enemy. Enemies have to
be suppressed, and thus truth has to be suppressed.
Truth comes from foreign news sources, such as RT, and from Internet sites, such as
this one. Thus, Washington and its vassals are busy at work closing down independent

Washington and its vassals have redefined propaganda. Truth is propaganda if it is told by
countries, such as Russia and China, that have independent foreign policies.

Propaganda is truth if told by Washington and its puppets, such as the EU Observer.

The EU Observer, little doubt following Washingtons orders, has denounced RT and Sputnik
News for broadcasting fabrications and hate speech from their bureaus in European Union

Often I appear on both RT and Sputnik. In my opinion both are too restrained in their reporting,
fearful, of course, of being shut down, than full truth requires. I have never heard a word of
hate speech or propaganda on either. Washingtons propaganda, perhaps, but not the Russian
In other words, the way Washington has the news world rigged, not even independent news
sites can speak completely clearly.

The Western presstitutes have succeeded in creating a false reality for insouciant Americans
and also for much of the European Union population.

A sizable percentage of these insouciant peoples believe that Russia invaded Ukranine and
that Russia is threatening to invade the Baltic States and Poland. This belief exists despite all
intelligence of all Western governments reporting that there is no sign of any Russian forces
that would be required for invasion.

The Russian invasion, like Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda
connections, like Assad of Syrias use of chemical weapons against his own people, like
Iranian nukes, never existed but nevertheless became the reality in the Western media. The
insouciant Western peoples believe in non-existent occurrencies.

In other words, just to state the obvious noncontroversial fact, the Western news media is a
propaganda ministry from which no truth emerges.
Thus, the Western World is ruled by propaganda. Truth is excluded. Fox news, CNN, the NY
Times, Washington Post, and all the rest of the most accomplished liars in world history, repeat
constantly the same lies. For Washington, of course, and the military/security complex.

War is the only possible outcome of propaganda in behalf of war. When the irresponsible
Western media brings Armageddon to you, you can thank the New York Times and the rest of
the presstitutes for the destruction of yourself and all your hopes for yourself and your children.

Stephen Lendman, who comprises a good chunk of the remaining moral conscience of the
West, explains the situation:

EU Bashes Russian Propaganda

Western major media march to the same drummer dutifully regurgitating managed
news misinformation garbage, willfully burying hard truths on issues mattering most.

Alternative sources beholden to truth and full disclosure operate by different standards
engendering ire among Western nations wanting their high crimes suppressed bashing
sources revealing them.

The EU Observer (EUO) claims independent credentials while supporting policies responsible
news sources denounce.
Independently reporting hard truths isnt its long suit. Its editor, Lisbeth Kirk, is the wife of
former Danish European Parliament member Jens-Peter Bonde. Human Rights Watchs
European and Central Asian advocacy director Veronika Szente Goldston calls its journalists
the most in-your-face in Brussels.

EUO irresponsibly bashed Russias Sputnik News and RT International two reputable
sources for news, information and analysis polar opposite Western media propaganda.

It shamelessly called their reporting valued by growing millions;

Broadcasting fabrications and hate speech from their bureaus in EU cities.

It touted plans by EU officials to counter what they called:

use and misuse of communications toolsplay(ing) an important role in the dramatic political, economic
and security-related developments (in) Eastern (European countries) over the past 18 months.

It drafted a nine-page action plan intended to convey positive messages. Itll increase
funding to blast out Europes view of things more effectively.

It wants EU policies promoted in former Russian republics the old-fashioned way by

repeating Big Lies often enough until most people believe them.

A new EU foreign service cell called East StratComTeam operating by September will run
things functioning as a European ministry of propaganda.

It will:
Develop dedicated communication material on priority issuesput at the disposal of the EUs political
leadership, press services, EU delegations and EU member states.

Material circulated in Russia and other EU countries aims to let news consumers easily
understand that political and economic reforms promoted by the EU can, over time, have a
positive impact on their daily lives even though precisely the opposite is true.

It wants so-called benefits Europeans enjoy explained to people continent-wide. Will millions of
unemployed, underemployed and impoverished people buy whats plainly untrue from their
own experience?

Sputnik News, RT, US independent sources like the Progressive Radio Network and numerous
others steadily gain audience strength at the expense of scoundrel media people abandon for
good reason.

Growing numbers want truth and full disclosure on things affecting their lives and welfare.
Politicians in Western countries want ordinary people treated like mushrooms well-watered
and in the dark.

RTs editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said:

The European Union is diligently trying to stifle the alternative voice of RT, at a time when in Europe there
are hundreds of newspapers, television channels and radio stations, which set out only one point of view
on what is happening in the world.

The BBC is Fox News with an English accent. US so-called public radio and broadcasting are
no different telling listeners and viewers everything except what they most need to know.

Simonyan explained:
Britain (has) an entire army brigade of 1,500 menwhose tasks include the fight against Russia on social
networks. NATO has a task force aimed at countering Russian influence throughout the world.

Only recently, Deutsche Welle launched a 24-hour television channel in English to counter RT. At the
same time, nearly all the major Western media, including the BBC, DW and Euronews have long
disseminated their information in the Russian language, while Radio Liberty, funded directly by the US
government, broadcasts in Russian.

(I)f after all this, the EU still complains that they are losing the information war against Russia, perhaps
its time to realize that Growing numbers of people are fed up with being lied to.

People want reliable sources of news, information and analysis unavailable through
mainstream Western sources using propagandists masquerading as journalists.

The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And The Death Of Free

July 6 2015 | From: Rutherford

How do you change the way people think? You start by changing the words
they use.

In totalitarian regimes - a.k.a. police states - where conformity and compliance are
enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and
cannot be used. In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and
disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and
thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind.
If you dont want a man unhappy politically, dont give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him
one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient,
top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it.

Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state
capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so
damned full of facts they feel stuffed, but absolutely brilliant with information.

Then theyll feel theyre thinking, theyll get a sense of motion without moving. And theyll be happy,
because facts of that sort dont change.

- Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Even when the motives behind this rigidly calibrated reorientation of societal language appear
well-intentioned - discouraging racism, condemning violence, denouncing discrimination and
hatred - inevitably, the end result is the same: intolerance, indoctrination and infantilism.

Its political correctness disguised as tolerance, civility and love, but what it really amounts to is
the chilling of free speech and the demonizing of viewpoints that run counter to the cultural

As a society, weve become fearfully polite, careful to avoid offense, and largely unwilling to be
labeled intolerant, hateful, closed-minded or any of the other toxic labels that carry a badge of
shame today.

The result is a world where no one says what they really think anymore, at least if it runs
counter to the prevailing views. Intolerance is the new scarlet letter of our day, a badge to be
worn in shame and humiliation, deserving of societys fear, loathing and utter banishment from

For those haters who dare to voice a different opinion, retribution is swift: they will be
shamed, shouted down, silenced, censored, fired, cast out and generally relegated to the dust
heap of ignorant, mean-spirited bullies who are guilty of various word crimes.

We have entered a new age where, as commentator Mark Steyn notes;

We have to tiptoe around on ever thinner eggshells and the forces of tolerance are intolerant of
anything less than full-blown celebratory approval.
In such a climate of intolerance, there can be no freedom speech, expression or thought.

Yet what the forces of political correctness fail to realize is that they owe a debt to the so-called
haters who have kept the First Amendment robust. From swastika-wearing Neo-
Nazis marching through Skokie, Illinois, and underaged cross burners to God hates fags
protesters assembled near military funerals, those who have inadvertently done the most to
preserve the right to freedom of speech for all have espoused views that were downright
unpopular, if not hateful.

Until recently, the U.S. Supreme Court has reiterated that the First Amendment prevents the
government from proscribing speech, or even expressive conduct, because it disapproves of
the ideas expressed.

However, that long-vaunted, Court-enforced tolerance for intolerant speech has now given
way to a paradigm in which the government can discriminate freely against First Amendment
activity that takes place within a government forum. Justifying such discrimination as
government speech, the Court ruled that the Texas Dept. of Motor Vehicles could refuse to
issue specialty license plate designs featuring a Confederate battle flag. Why? Because it was
deemed offensive.

The Courts ruling came on the heels of a shooting in which a 21-year-old white gunman killed
nine African-Americans during a Wednesday night Bible study at a church in Charleston, N.C.
The two events, coupled with the fact that gunman Dylann Roof was reportedly pictured on
several social media sites with a Confederate flag, have resulted in an emotionally charged
stampede to sanitize the nations public places of anything that smacks of racism, starting with
the Confederate flag and ballooning into a list that includes the removal of various Civil War

These tactics are nothing new. This nation, birthed from puritanical roots, has always struggled
to balance its love of liberty with its moralistic need to censor books, music, art, language,
symbols etc. As author Ray Bradbury notes, There is more than one way to burn a book. And
the world is full of people running about with lit matches.

Indeed, thanks to the rise of political correctness, the population of book burners, censors, and
judges has greatly expanded over the years so that they run the gamut from left-leaning to
right-leaning and everything in between.

By eliminating words, phrases and symbols from public discourse, the powers-that-be are
sowing hate, distrust and paranoia. In this way, by bottling up dissent, they are creating a
pressure cooker of stifled misery that will eventually blow.

For instance, the word Christmas is now taboo in the public schools, as is the word gun.
Even childish drawings of soldiers result in detention or suspension under rigid zero tolerance

On college campuses, trigger warnings are being used to alert students to any material they
might read, see or hear that might upset them, while free speech zones restrict anyone wishing
to communicate a particular viewpoint to a specially designated area on campus. Things have
gotten so bad that comedians such as Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld refuse to perform stand-
up routines to college crowds anymore.

Clearly, the world is undergoing a nervous breakdown, and the news media is helping to push
us to the brink of insanity by bombarding us with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles
that change every few days.

In this way, its difficult to think or debate, let alone stay focused on one thing - namely, holding
the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law - and the powers-that-be understand

As I document in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, regularly
scheduled trivia and/or distractions keep the citizenry tuned into the various breaking news
headlines and entertainment spectacles and tuned out to the governments steady
encroachments on our freedoms. These sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions are how
you control a population, either inadvertently or intentionally, advancing a political agenda
agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

Professor Jacques Ellul studied this phenomenon of overwhelming news, short memories and
the use of propaganda to advance hidden agendas. One thought drives away another; old
facts are chased by new ones, wrote Ellul.
Under these conditions there can be no thought. And, in fact, modern man does not think about current
problems; he feels them. He reacts, but he does not understand them any more than he takes
responsibility for them.

He is even less capable of spotting any inconsistency between successive facts; mans capacity to forget is
unlimited. This is one of the most important and useful points for the propagandists, who can always be
sure that a particular propaganda theme, statement, or event will be forgotten within a few weeks.

Already, the outrage over the Charleston shooting and racism are fading from the news
headlines, yet the determination to censor the Confederate symbol remains. Before long, we
will censor it from our thoughts, sanitize it from our history books, and eradicate it from our
monuments without even recalling why. The question, of course, is whats next on the list to be

It was for the sake of preserving individuality and independence that James Madison, the
author of the Bill of Rights, fought for a First Amendment that protected the minority against
the majority, ensuring that even in the face of overwhelming pressure, a minority of one - even
one who espouses distasteful viewpoints - would still have the right to speak freely, pray freely,
assemble freely, challenge the government freely, and broadcast his views in the press freely.

This freedom for those in the unpopular minority constitutes the ultimate tolerance in a free
society. Conversely, when we fail to abide by Madisons dictates about greater tolerance for all
viewpoints, no matter how distasteful, the end result is always the same: an indoctrinated,
infantilized citizenry that marches in lockstep with the governmental regime.

Some of this past centurys greatest dystopian literature shows what happens when the
populace is transformed into mindless automatons. In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, reading
is banned and books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised
entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified, distracted
and controlled.
In Aldous Huxleys Brave New World, serious literature, scientific thinking and experimentation
are banned as subversive, while critical thinking is discouraged through the use of
conditioning, social taboos and inferior education. Likewise, expressions of individuality,
independence and morality are viewed as vulgar and abnormal.

And in George Orwells 1984, Big Brother does away with all undesirable and unnecessary
words and meanings, even going so far as to routinely rewrite history and punish
thoughtcrimes. In this dystopian vision of the future, the Thought Police serve as the eyes
and ears of Big Brother, while the Ministry of Peace deals with war and defense, the Ministry of
Plenty deals with economic affairs (rationing and starvation), the Ministry of Love deals with
law and order (torture and brainwashing), and the Ministry of Truth deals with news,
entertainment, education and art (propaganda).


All three - Bradbury, Huxley and Orwell - had an uncanny knack for realizing the future, yet it is
Orwell who best understood the power of language to manipulate the masses. Orwells Big
Brother relied on Newspeak to eliminate undesirable words, strip such words as remained of
unorthodox meanings and make independent, non-government-approved thought altogether
unnecessary. To give a single example, as psychologist Erich Fromm illustrates in his afterword
to 1984:

The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as "This dog is free
from lice" or "This field is free from weeds." It could not be used in its old sense of "politically free" or
"intellectually free," since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed as concepts...."

Where we stand now is at the juncture of OldSpeak (where words have meanings, and ideas
can be dangerous) and Newspeak (where only that which is safe and accepted by the
majority is permitted). The power elite has made their intentions clear:

They will pursue and prosecute any and all words, thoughts and expressions that
challenge their authority.

This is the final link in the police state chain.

Having been reduced to a cowering citizenry - mute in the face of elected officials who refuse
to represent us, helpless in the face of police brutality, powerless in the face of militarized
tactics and technology that treat us like enemy combatants on a battlefield, and naked in the
face of government surveillance that sees and hears all - we have nowhere left to go.

Our backs are to the walls. From this point on, we have only two options: go down fighting, or
capitulate and betray our loved ones, our friends and our selves by insisting that, as a
brainwashed Winston Smith does at the end of Orwells 1984, yes, 2+2 does equal 5.
Network: Howard Beale, The Last Sane Man In The World:
Television As A Form Of Knowledge In The New Age
June 10 2015 | From: JonRappoport

The best film ever made about televisions war on the population is Paddy
Chayefskys scorching masterpiece, Network (1976). Yet it stages only a
few minutes of on-air television.

The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say
that, in this case, word defeats image.

"The media have substituted themselves for the older world The new media are not bridges between
man and nature - they are nature

The new media are not ways of relating us to the old world; they are the real world and they reshape what
remains of the old world at will In television, images are projected at you. You are the screen. The
images wrap around you. You are the vanishing point

The whole tendency of modern communication is towards participation in a process, rather than
apprehension of concepts. (Marshall McLuhan)

Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these,
from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio
audience and millions of people in their homes:

"So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Televisions a god-damned amusement
park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers,
jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. Were in the boredom-killing

We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all
ages, colors, creeds. Were all you know. Youre beginning to believe the illusions were spinning

Youre beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You
the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You
even think like the tube.

This is mass madness. You maniacs. In Gods name, you people are the real thing. We are the

Beale, coming apart at the seams, is a mad prophet. And because he shines with brilliance and
poetry, he can affect minds. Therefore, the television network can make use of him. It can turn
him into a cartoon for the masses.

It is Beales language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous
weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience
slathers him with absurd adoration.

Televisions enemy is the word. Its currency is image.

Image from a scene in "Network"

Beale breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He
brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the
medium that employs him.

The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.

Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the
viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.

Knowledge, once established, is external to, and independent of, the viewer. Whereas the
impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched
moving images on a screen.

Images plus, of course, in the case of the news, the narrative voice.

A basic premise of New Age thinking is: everything is (connected to) everything. This fits quite
well with the experience of watching film or video flow.

Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell
phones sitting in an outdoor caf. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men
in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other. Then at night, rockets exploding
in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on
another street and people running, chased by police.

A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor,
but most of the viewing audience isnt aware of that. Theyre watching the interconnected
images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image.

Viewers thus believe they know something. Television has imparted that sensation to them.
Thats what news is all about: delivering a sensation of knowing to the audience.

There is no convenient place where the ordinary viewing audience can stop the flow of images
or the story being told. They are inside it. They dont have the leverage of a crystalized idea or
the power of reasoning to get out.

They are inside the story. Knowledge thus becomes story.

The viewer is transfixed by the sensation that he is inside watching story.

This fixation produces a short circuit in his reasoning mind (if he has one). No time to
stop, no time to think; just watch the flow.

When you take this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method
through which knowledge is gained.

"Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.

Really? How did they show that?

Well, I dont exactly remember. But watch it. Youll see.

And thats another feature of the modern acquisition of knowledge: amnesia about details.

The viewer cant recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he cant describe them,
because he was in the flow. He was inside, busy building up his impression of knowing

Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual references. And lines of
reasoning? To the extent they exist, theyre wrapped around and inside the image-flow and the
Ideas arent as interesting as images. Thats the premise.

To grasp the diminishment of language, consider the current use of the word text. Suddenly
its become a verb; it means a process of sending words. It also refers to paragraphs or pages
of writing, as opposed to pictures. Text makes writing seem like nothing more than one
functional (and machine-like) method of delivering information.

And since bone-dry information (e.g., genetic sequences) these days is practically considered
a synonym for life, when a writer infuses his words with passion, they automatically become a
rant. Rant was formerly applied to describe what a person did when he was totally unhinged
to the point of making no coherent sense.

Image, not the word, is the now preferred means of acquiring what passes for knowledge.

McLuhan: Media are means of extending and enlarging our organic sense lives into our environment My
main theme is the extension of the nervous system in the electric age.

All our electronic devices operate as extensions of our senses. In the process, image predominates, and
through feedback, the majority of those pictures are produced by media. As if knowledge were being

Retired propaganda master, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), once told me in an interview:

If you wanted to try a real revolution, you would produce thousands of videos consisting of written words
on screens, with someone speaking those words.

You would try to reinstate language as a medium. Poetry, formal arguments and debates, great speeches,
dramatic readings. You would go up against image and try to relegate it to its proper place

These days, we are witness to an international treaty, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
being negotiated in secret, with the precise words of the treaty withheld from both legislators
and the public. The TPP will create an overriding form of global governance for the US and 11
other nations.

The degree of outrage, so far, is on the order of a bonfire in a park.

If this were happening in the American colonies of the 18th century, where several hundred
thousand copies of Tom Paines pamphlet, Common Sense, were distributed among a total
population of only 2.5 million people, the earth would shake.

The word meant something then; thousands of pages of words, held in secret, determining the
shape of the future, would have instigated a revolution.

Today, that secrecy of words causes minor flames, because generations of Americans have
been suckled on images.

Howard Beale: we know that democracy is a dying giant, a sick, sick dying, decaying political concept,
writhing in its final pain

What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every
individual in it.

Its the individual thats finished. Its the single, solitary human being thats finished. Its every
single one of you out there thats finished. Because this is no longer a nation of independent

Its a nation of some two hundred odd million transistorized, deodorized, whiter-than-white, steel-
belted bodies, totally unnecessary as human beings and as replaceable as piston rods

Paddy Chayefskys words. He made his pen a sword, because he was writing a movie about
television, against television. He was going up against image as the primary form of
knowledge. He was the man for the job.

When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out.
People watch TV through TV eyes. They observe their blessings the way crowds suck in the
tautologies of a tinpot dictator.

Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-
feeding, self-demanding loop. Willing devotees of the image want images, food stamps of the
programmed society.

Are We All Terrorists Now? Russell Brand The Trews

June 10 2015 | From: TheTrews

Russell Brand takes a look at the new powers brought in by David Cameron
to supposedly aid in counter terrorism, but instead, turns us all into
suspects. [Some people consider Brand to be a hypocrite and / or
controlled opposition; but whatever the case the points he makes here are
100% valid].

This video also looks at how the mainstream media is completely ignoring the new
legislation being put into place in all western countries that further erodes our rights on
an invcrementalist path towards government / corporate tyranny.

Basically the upshot is that the governments of the west are now saying: "You are a terrorist as
soo as you don't do what you are told."

BBC: UK Public Funding Worldwide Propaganda

May 23 2015 | From: PressTV

The UK public funds the BBC and yet the BBC is provably failing to deliver
independent, impartial news reporting that truly serves the public interest.

The BBC was founded by Royal Charter; the structure of the charter is such that the
Queen is at the top of the pyramid and the trustees of the BBC Trust (completely
appointed by the Queen) are responsible for maintaining the purposes of the BBC.

In this program, we point to the growing numbers of license fee payers who refuse to pay the
BBC due to scandals like the Jimmy Savile affair or the BBC simply breaching all of its major
obligations to the paying public, especially independence and impartiality.

Our conclusion is that the license fee payers have valid reasons to refuse to pay the license
fee and we also lay the foundation for the second part of this program with the charge that
worse than breaching its own charter, the BBC is protecting the terrorists responsible for the
destruction of WTC 7 on 9/11 by withholding critical information that is of vitalpublic interest.
Its Official, Alternative Media Win Over Mainstream Media
May 22 2015 | From: GeoPolitics / Sputnik

Its been a while since the alternative media began fighting for this. Finally,
its here, its official. Mainstream media is history. Nobody wants to listen
and watch it anymore, except for the deeply brainwashed segment of our
society which is depleting by the day.
People are fed up with mainstream media coverage of events in Iraq and Iran,
CODEPINK activist organization national coordinator Alli McCracken, told Sputnik on

McCrackens comments come following the release of an ICM Research poll conducted
exclusively for Sputnik, revealing that a total of 60 percent of European and US citizens
surveyed wanted to receive information on global events from alternative news sources.

I think people are really fed up with mainstream media, especially after over a decade of being fed lies
about Iraq, now more lies are being told about Iran.

Western mainstream media coverage of the developments in Iraq gave rise to doubt from the
beginning of the US military invasion in 2003. High-profile television channels were faulted
for copycat reproduction of primary government talking points, including allegations of Iraq
possessing weapons of mass destruction and the use of state-sponsored foreign agents
for local information.

US news outlets have come under fire for their coverage of Iran. In 2013, experts at the Center
for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland released a report
suggesting that influential US and UK newspapers created inaccurate impressions of Irans
nuclear activity by using very vague and inconsistent terminology and avoiding reputable
local information sources.

Turning to the results of the poll published earlier in the day, McCracken expressed hope that
the percentage of those in favor of access to alternative media would grow.

ICM Research surveyed over 5,000 people in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the
United States and Greece between March 20 and April 9, 2015. The poll revealed that more
than half of US citizens responding to the questionnaire, 57 percent, are interested or very
interested in accessing alternative news coverage on global events.
Two Major Psy Ops Documents You Must Read
May 18 2015 | From: TruthStreamMedia

These psychological operations are being used on you.The Amerikan and

global populace have no conception of the level of advanced, high-tech
psychological operations they are under. The field of psy ops, which used
to be a tool of governments and military strategists against rival nations
has now been turned upon the masses by the emerging global government.

For the last century, thousands of think tanks have perfected the use of propaganda
through fields like advertising, neurological research, psychology, etc. The father of
modern advertising and Defense Department brain Edward Bernays, opened his
classic Propaganda in 1928 with the following:

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

One of the ironies of propaganda to work is that its population must be educated. Ellul argues that the
university education forms the next generation of propagandist to manipulate its society.
In other words, the more highly educated you are, the more integrated you are in
this propaganda and its dissemination.

Remember Ellul is not talking about the obvious Nazi or Communist propaganda
during the Second World War which was for a short-term campaign using a vertical
process (top down approach easily countered by a competing top down

No, Ellul is talking about the horizontal process similar to how viruses infect
adjoining people around them.

Imagine an intellectual virus which spreads itself similar to a biological virus,

through contact and multiply this with mass media technology as a delivery
system.We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas
suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human
beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. Our
invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key
position in the social structure.

Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of
our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we
are dominated by the relatively small number of persons - a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty
million - who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new
ways to bind and guide the world.

It is crucial to consider that the US is not a democracy, but as it was socially engineered from a
republic to a so-called democracy, the normal state of a democracy is shown to be an
oligarchy. Bernays is explaining that very fact a nation of enforced egalitarian democracy
ends up being an oligarchy run by billionaire manipulators and con artists.

Those that rule end up being the best as swaying mass man by appealing constantly to his
baser desires. In this system, the only telos is to constantly drive any and all of society
towards those base desire to increase material consumption and production. The system itself
has no end, other than the propagation of the parasitical system.

Modern psy ops has only refined this technique. Retired Major Ed Rouse writes of modern
psychological operations:

Another part of the answer to this question lies in the attitude of people towards psychological operations.
To some, it produces images of government controlled communications/mass media, telling the people
only what the government wants them to hear.

To others, it raises the horrid specter of Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers Propaganda Minister, practicing the
technique of the big lie which has incorrectly become synonymous with propaganda. Still to others, the
mere mention of psychological operations or warfare invokes visions of mind control through some
mysterious means of brainwashing.

It should be clear that modern psychological operations, or PSYOP, is none of those things. On the
contrary PSYOP is not unlike the public advertising that we are all exposed to wherever we go, every day,
through all kinds of mass media. However the negative connotation that some people attach to the word
psychological prevents many people from recognizing the simple truth.
Everyone knows that if you do not have a good product to sell, people will not continue buying it, no matter
how much you advertise. The same applies to the points of view advertised through the use of
psychological operations. Thus we have no reason to fear PSYOP, but we do have ample reason to
respect it for what it can do.

There is no reason to fear Psy Ops, we are told, because it is a humane weapon. Infowar has
ever been the major focus of warfare, back to Sun Tzu, who wrote that warfares goal was to
change the enemys mind, not destroy his army. If the target could be changed in his thought
pattern, what use in expending tremendous effort and resources on fighting a physical battle?

But that was an older time, when nations and tribes battled one another for regional dominance
and natural resources.

While this still goes on today, the top players are different: Major power blocs are battling for
control of the new world order. The dominant power bloc in our world today is the Anglo
banking empire, and their method of control is largely through mass media, which, as weve
seen from the quotes above, is the same as mass advertising.

This is why the news has a uniform presentation globally. The governing structure above the
government level is that of international corporations, themselves governed by the major
banking houses. Thus, the government / corporate news is always the same, all the way
down to the local affiliate broadcasting the same laughable tabloid and warm fuzzy pieces
about local kitten shelters and pharmaceutical salvation.

This was recently illustrated in a masterful way by Conans late night show, where pieces of
local news stations were clipped together, from supposedly different stations, reading from the
exact same script, nationwide. These scripts are written and sent out to the news agencies by
the Pentagon and corporate central think tanks to engineer the populace into mindless

You dont need us to tell you gas prices are back on the rise!

Noted propaganda analyst Jacques Ellul posited that democratic societies even use a more
sophisticated form of propaganda than authoritarian ones. A reviewer of Elluls
famous Propaganda: The Formation of Mens Attitudes elucidates this point:
Ellul argues that authoritarian governments never really need propaganda as much as democratic
societies do and when the authoritarian governments of the past (communist and fascist) used
propaganda, it was an obvious type.

One could insinuate that it would be amateurish level and much easier to spot. Nonetheless many people
in the past fell prey to this propaganda as much as people today fall prey to advertising campaigns.

A democratic society uses a more sophisticated form of propaganda, one which is long-term in process
and result; again one could insinuate that this would be of a professional level and much more difficult to

One of the ironies of propaganda to work is that its population must be educated.
Ellul argues that the university education forms the next generation of propagandist
to manipulate its society.

In other words, the more highly educated you are, the more integrated you are in
this propaganda and its dissemination.

Remember Ellul is not talking about the obvious Nazi or Communist propaganda
during the Second World War which was for a short-term campaign using a vertical
process (top down approach easily countered by a competing top down

No, Ellul is talking about the horizontal process similar to how viruses infect
adjoining people around them.

Imagine an intellectual virus which spreads itself similar to a biological virus,

through contact and multiply this with mass media technology as a delivery
One of the ironies of propaganda to work is that its population must be educated. Ellul argues that the
university education forms the next generation of propagandist to manipulate its society. In other words, the
more highly educated you are, the more integrated you are in this propaganda and its dissemination.

Remember Ellul is not talking about the obvious Nazi or Communist propaganda during the Second World
War which was for a short-term campaign using a vertical process (top down approach easily countered by
a competing top down approach). No, Ellul is talking about the horizontal process similar to how viruses
infect adjoining people around them.

Imagine an intellectual virus which spreads itself similar to a biological virus, through contact and multiply
this with mass media technology as a delivery system.

So the more educated you become, the less aware you are that you are a victim of propaganda and the
more you are ready to spread your ideology to others who will in turn reinforce you and be reinforced by
you in a horizontal process.

Leaders arent telling you what to think (directly), you are being told by your peers what to think and you
pass along this information to others to inform them what to think.

Then when this ideology has reached a substantial portion of the population, you demand the leaders to
comply and they reluctantly do so (which was their intention 30 to 40 years previously, but they wont tell
you this). This is the essence of what Ellul says in his Propaganda book.

As you watch the snooze, er, news, notice the psychological tricks that are being foisted upon
you. Why is the focus something mundane and irrelevant, like a celebritys nipple or a litter of
kittens being born?

Why are the newscasters talking to you like youre a 5th grader? Why is the netwscast about
depression followed by an ad for the pharmaceutical pill that will magickally make you happy?

Why is the een sexting piece followed by an ad for the latest smartphone and sex app? All of
this is a scientific tactic of psychological manipulation. This is why the Pentagon places Psy
Ops soldiers at local news stations.
The Infowar is the war on the publics mind:

Mind Control Through Emotional Domination: How We're All

Being Manipulated By The "Crisis Of The NOW"
May 14 2015 | From: NaturalNews

What you're about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological

mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve
near-absolute control over the population.

I'm calling the concept the "crisis of the NOW," and understanding this is a lot like
taking the RED pill. The "crisis of the now" involves an incessant, strategic
bombardment of the population with a never-ending stream of contrived crises that
demand immediate attention in the present.

This psychological bombardment is waged primarily via the mainstream media which assaults
the viewer by the hour with images of violence, war, emotions and conflict.

Because the human nervous system is hard wired to focus on immediate threats accompanied
by depictions of violence, mainstream media viewers have their attention and mental resources
funneled into the never-ending "crisis of the NOW" from which they can never have the mental
breathing room to apply logic, reason or historical context.

To protect the propaganda from scrutiny, no person is ever allowed the luxury of reflection.
Logic and reason are condemned.
Critical thinking is derided. Historical context is obliterated by the repeated intrusion of the now,
and whatever happened just a few short years or months ago is actively rejected (or memory
holed) if it does not reinforce whatever present-day delusion is being pushed as "fact."

Similarly, the future is entirely off limits and never allowed to be explored in the mainstream
media because doing so would require reason and forward thinking... two things which are
never tolerated because they would reveal the inevitable failures of today's insane policies,
such as running the country on debt and hoping it will somehow not matter down the road.

Mentally corralled like cattle

With the past erased from the minds of the masses, and the future off limits, the crisis of the
now become the only psychological reality in which the public is allowed to operate.

To remember the past gets you labeled a "relic," and to project current events into the future
makes you a "conspiracy theorist." Only the crisis of the now is allowed to be entertained: riots
in the streets, the aftermath of a staged school shooting, a contrived social shaming of
a pizza joint in Indiana, or even an overhyped measles crisis that just happened to take
place at America's epicenter of illusions and theater: Disneyland.

The media demands that you focus on the NOW but forget the past. No historical context is
allowed to be recognized (or even taught to Americans) because it might interfere with
the crisis of the now.

For example, in any discussion of vaccines, you are never allowed to remember that the entire
medical establishment was once dominated by "Big Tobacco science," and that even the
Journal of the American Medical Association used to run full-page ads touting the amazing
health benefits of smoking cigarettes.

Remember the ad, "More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette?" This was achieved
by the tobacco industry infiltrating all the science journals, giving money to universities, and
engaging in "scientist-for-hire" activities to push their poisons under the "scientific" claim that
smoking cigarettes posed no health risks whatsoever.

The exact same tactic is used today by the biotech industry to push toxic GMOs and
deadly herbicides chemicals like glyphosate.
Another example of history you're never allowed to remember: The
gunpoint rounding up of U.S. citizens

As another example of the memory holing of real history, in today's discussions of the JADE
HELM military exercise, the mainstream media focuses entirely on attacking the journalists and
analysts covering the story while refusing to mention the fact that tens of thousands of
Americans have already been rounded up at gunpoint and thrown into internment camps.

Who were the victims of this government exercise in rounding up innocent Americans?
Japanese-American citizens during World War II. All their Constitutional rights were violated
and they were imprisoned for years based entirely on their race and country of origin.

The following photo, just one of many published at, captures some of the
American citizens who were rounded up at gunpoint and imprisoned solely based on their race:

What this proves is that when the United States government wants to, it will round up and
imprison a selected group of Americans at gunpoint, denying them all due process, even if they
are completely innocent and have done nothing wrong.

You, the modern-day news viewer, are not allowed to remember this history because it might
provide you with the necessary context to understand the concern over JADE HELM, a military
operation being illegally conducted on U.S. soil, in open violation of established U.S. law.

Not allowed to apply logic to any crisis

Logic is the enemy of the propagandists. Because of that, no serious discussion or debate
is ever allowed on any subject that the propagandists seek to control: vaccines, GMOs, martial
law, national debt, the AIDS industry, gay marriage and so on.

"[I]n order to sustain gigantic false realities, there are honest debates that must never happen,"
Rappoport in Matrixology 101: debates that never happen.

"They would reveal too much. They would shine a spotlight on vast contradictions. They would expose
official storytellers to withering criticism."

To further explain his point, Rappoport reveals that AIDS is diagnosed in people today through
the detection of HIV antibodies.
If a person carries antibodies, they are assumed to be carrying HIV and assumed to be sick
and diseased. But if an AIDS vaccine were developed, like all vaccines it would cause the body
to produce antibodies to HIV, thus causing an HIV-vaccinated person to be diagnosed as
having AIDS, too.

So how can HIV antibodies mean you're "sick" in the first instance, but simultaneously those
same antibodies mean you're "well" if they appeared after a vaccine?

"Millions and millions of antibody tests have been given to people around the world," writes Rappoport.

"The antibody test is just one of a number of enormous issues in modern medicine that, if opened to real
debate, would cause a seismic shift in societyassuming there were enough listeners who could track the
lines of reasoning."

But reason is the enemy of the propagandists, and almost nobody knows how to think with
clarity anymore because such skills are rarely taught in schools or universities.

That's why the crisis of the now is always presented in a way that shuts down logic and reason,
engendering an emotional response to whatever events are being thrown at you, most of
which are pure, fabricated theater:

The green screen ISIS beheading videos, CNN's green screen faked location shots from the
Middle East, the wildly faked narrative of polar bears being "stranded" on floating pieces of ice
(polar bears are great swinners), staged White House photos from the "war room" as America's
former CIA buddies are hunted down and executed by special ops teams, and so on.

Every crisis is structured to evoke an emotional state of mind that shuts down all reason and
critical thinking. Once this is achieved, the minds of the masses are hammered with whatever
political programming messages are desired at the moment: Christians are evil, only the
government can end poverty, all police are bad, carbon dioxide is going to destroy the planet,
illegal immigrants should be granted the right to vote, and so on.

Creating crisis where none exists

Sometimes the crisis of the day must be so wildly exaggerated and overhyped that the
exercise strains the bounds of believability... such as the CDC-directed measles panic waged
by the mainstream media over a mild infection that killed no one and was never even
considered a crisis until just the last few years when the vaccine industry shifted into
"totalitarian science" mode.

The point of the exercise was to instill extreme fear in the population, followed by the
introduction of a vaccine mandate law which we now know is called SB 277 (California).

Once again, the crisis of the NOW shut down all reasonable thinking and even encouraged the
public to abandon their own core human rights principles such as the idea that people have the
right to decide what medical interventions they wish to endure, and that no government can
force an injection on a parent or their child without informed consent.

Through fear and crisis, the media even persuaded pro-choice women to become anti-choice
on the issue of vaccines. No government has any right to interfere with a woman's body, it
seems, unless that government is pushing a vaccine.

Thanks to the crisis of the NOW, every argument in favor of medical choice was steamrolled
into oblivion: ethical arguments, scientific arguments, human rights arguments, legal
arguments and the entire realm of reason.

But the classic crisis of the NOW which caused Americans to abandon all reason and
surrender to police state totalitarianism was, of course, 9/11.

9/11 as the ultimate crisis of the NOW

The 9/11 attack was seized upon by the media and the government to wage what can only be
called a psychological warfare assault upon the American people as preparation for the
passage of the original Patriot Act. That's the Bush-era law that legalized government
surveillance of the American people, turning America into the totalitarian police state it remains

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent media campaign of instilling extreme
hatred among the citizenry, Americans were ready to wholly support almost any law that
claimed to "stop terror," even if it meant surrendering key liberties in the process.

Key to achieving all this was the elimination of selected facts from the memory of the American
public. To this day, for example, almost no American remembers that three buildings, not two,
were destroyed in New York City on 9/11, and the third building was not struck by any airplane
at all.

All questions about this third building - WTC 7 - have since been banished from any public
discussion. No one is allowed to ask how a concrete-and-steel building could suddenly
collapse, in perfect symmetry, with the kind of precision that can only be achieved with carefully
engineered and pre-planned demolitions.

The laws of physics are never allowed to be applied to the events of 9/11, because if they
were, logic and reason would bring too many people to the inescapable conclusion that WTC 7
was brought down by controlled demolition, not by airplanes. Thus, the easiest way for the
propagandists to avoid this entire discussion is to delete the third building from the national

Illusionist Uri Geller once made the Statue of Liberty seem to disappear from the New York
skyline, but the media propagandists have deleted an entire high-rise building from America's
collective memory.

Explore the real science and physics behind the events of 9/11 at Architects & Engineers for
9/11 Truth.

The next "crisis of the now" is being planned right now

To achieve almost any desired political outcome, all the global controllers have to do is wait for
the right crisis (or stage it themselves), then roll out a pre-planned wave of mental assaults
structured around a crisis of the now.

If they want to outlaw local police departments and roll out a national, federally-controlled
Gestapo police force, for example, all they have to do is wait for police brutality to target an
African-American male - brutality against white victims doesn't count - then wait for the
inevitable riots to unfold. In the midst of the riots, Al "the informant" Sharpton can easily be
directed to call for a federal takeover of all police.

If they want to force every American to be vaccinated or medicated against their will, all they
have to do is rush in a wave of illegal immigrants carrying infectious diseases, then wait for an
outbreak to happen.

As the outbreak spreads, they can blame unvaccinated Americans and use the crisis to push
mandatory vaccine compliance. All logic and reason, of course, are not allowed to enter the
discussion, or else the public would come to realize that if vaccines really work, then the
vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

See: National media wages psychological terror campaign against Americans to set stage for
government destruction of medical choice.

If they want to completely disarm the American public and outlaw private gun ownership, it's a
simple matter to set in motion a series of events that result in a mass shooting somewhere. In
the aftermath of the shooting, lawmakers can seize on the emotional intensity of the crisis of
the now to demonize all firearms owners and call for national disarmament.
This very nearly happened following the Sandy Hook shooting in late 2013, after which Obama
and Eric Holder aggressively tried to crush the Second Amendment in America.

Before Sandy Hook, Eric "the crime lord" Holder also arranged for illegal weapons to be
smuggled into Mexico, with the hope that those guns would make their way back across the
border and be used to commit acts of violence in the United States.

This operation, named "Fast and Furious," has since been exhaustively exposed. As usual, no
one in government went to jail for their conspiracy to carry out these crimes.

If they want to renew the Patriot Act or pass a "Patriot Act 2.0," the process is stupidly simple:
just get the FBI to stage a dirty bomb terror event in a major U.S. city, then halt it at the very
last minute. (Or not, if they really want a stronger emotional response.)

In the aftermath of such an attack, passage of almost any unconstitutional anti-terrorism law
becomes virtually automatic. And yes, the FBI is very skilled at staging terror attacks because it
does so on a regular basis in order to prove how incredibly good the agency is at stopping

See: New York Times openly admits domestic terror plots masterminded by the FBI and FBI
'entrapment' tactics questioned in web of phony terror plots and paid informants.

Whatever the desired political outcome or agenda, there is a crisis that can help it be
achieved, and that crisis will be so emotionally impactful that it will trap viewers in the NOW
and utterly shut down the logic parts of their brain that can contemplate the past and the future.

In effect, your conscious focus is being time-shifted into the urgency of the present so
that you forget the past and don't calculate the future.

Only with those parts of your brain shut down can the controllers steer you in their
desired direction.

Why The Hobbit movie makes absolutely no sense but is a sensational film
to watch

A perfect example of being trapped in the NOW is found in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
Armies motion picture released in 2014. This film is little more than a series of sensational
video game-style battle scenes involving hobbits, dwarves, elves, dragons, witches and
wraiths, all tied together with no logical story whatsoever.
The script is a random jumble of high-impact scenes of violence, tension, fear, conflict, magic
and celebration. The film has all the elements of Lord of the Rings - yep, there's Gandalf and
there's Agent Smith dressed like an Elven King - but it utterly lacks a soul that gives those
elements meaning.

As such, it's a perfect metaphor for the world we live in today, where the masses are
repeatedly subjected to sequences of real-world violence, conflict and fear behind which no
logic or reason can be detected.

The Hobbit is a very popular film. People love to watch it because it captures their
attention in the now.

To the masses who watch the film, it does not matter that there's no story that makes any
sense at all. The only thing that matters is that there's a lot of movement and violence
unfolding before their eyes, and the mesmerizing effect of it all captures the soul even more
effectively than the One Ring itself.

The Hobbit was written with what I call "Kindergarten logic." It's the kind of movie logic that
seems awesome to a kindergartener, which is of course the same mental level to which all the
government's propaganda campaigns are also targeted.

Mandatory vaccine laws don't have to make sense to adults, you see: they only have to make
sense to the mind of a kindergartener who hasn't yet learned how to think rationally.

When the emotional layer of a crisis is so strong that mature thinking and logic become
irrelevant, the propagandists have won.

Propaganda is the art of overwhelming logic

As I've detailed here, every staged media propaganda event witnessed today lacks all logic
and reason. Regarding the Disneyland measles scare, for example, if vaccines really work,
then vaccinated children have nothing at all to fear from unvaccinated children.

That's the logic of the real science, but the media ran with the utterly illogical and irrational
explanation that unvaccinated children spread the measles to vaccinated children - a
phenomenon which should be impossible if vaccines create immunity as we are told.

The logic of the vaccine industry makes no sense, but as journalist Jon Rappoport rightly
explains, propaganda is the art of overcoming logic. It is also, as I've explained here, the art of
trapping people in the crisis of the now. The higher the emotional intensity of the crisis, the
more all reason is disconnected from the mind.

This is precisely why vaccine marketing has now deliberately abandoned all facts and science.
Instead, vaccines are now being intentionally promoted using emotional (and graphic) false
stories, nearly all of which are fabricated by Big Pharma's public relations companies or their
employees, many of whom pose as "concerned moms" on social media. (They're actually paid
PR operatives.)

To allow the public the luxury of reason is to lose control of their conclusions, you see. From
the point of view of the controllers, allowing people to think for themselves runs too high a risk
that people might not make decisions that violate their own self interests.

Yet the most important principle of exerting power over the people is to make sure that
corporations and governments can convince people to make decisions that violate their
own self interests.

Psychological "deletion" of the real threats to your life, liberty and


By trapping people in the crisis of the now, all critical thinking is nullified and replaced with raw
emotional states that are very easy to manipulate and control through strategic media

At the same time, the real threats to your life, liberty and happiness are psychologically
"deleted" from your mind.

For example, if I told you that ISIS terrorists wielding swords were killing 44 Americans a day
with gruesome beheadings, you would totally believe that because you've been programmed to
do so by the media. You'd get angry about it and call for more "national security" forces to
protect us from those scary ISIS people.

But when you learn the truth that 44 people really are being killed each day from something
else - prescription drug overdoses, according to the CDC - you have no reaction at all.

Prescription drug overdoses are quiet and non-violent. They aren't scary and they haven't been
portrayed by the media in a manner that promotes extreme fear. So the 44 deaths a day from
prescription drug overdoses is psychologically deleted from the minds of Americans, most of
whom have no idea of how many people are being killed every year by prescription drugs.

(The total number of deaths from FDA-approved prescription drugs is over 100,000
Americans each year. The mainstream media utterly ignores this epidemic, even though
it's the numerical equivalent to a jumbo jet falling out of the sky and killing everyone on
board every single day.)

You are also not ever reminded that as many as one-third of all traffic accidents and fatalities
are caused by medicated drivers. While the media wants you to emotionally freak out over
drunk drivers, they don't want you to even realize that the epidemic of medicated drivers is far

The entire issue has been deleted from national consciousness for the simple reason that
awareness of it might harm the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. (If the media were largely
funded by beer companies, you'd stop seeing stories about drunk driving, too.)

Similarly, you are never told that Tylenol causes permanent liver damage in tens of thousands
of Americans each year, and that over 16,000 Americans die each year from intestinal bleeding
caused by a common class of painkillers called NSAIDs.

"Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500
NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone," writes Dr. Singh Gurkirpal is his
study, "Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy", The American Journal
of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S.

Nor are you told that chemotherapy causes cancer, which is why the chemotherapy
industry has grown into a $100 billion medical monopoly, and you're never reminded that
prescription drug prices in America are the highest in the world only because the FDA and FTC
protect a pharmaceutical monopoly racket that exploits sickness for profit.

Unless an emotional reaction is constructed for something, it doesn't exist

in the minds of the masses

All this leads to a fascinating realization about mind control in the world today: Until something
is associated with a strong emotional response, it doesn't exist in the consciousness of the

Everything that's "real" is first constructed out of pure emotion, then pushed into the minds of
the masses via the crisis of the NOW. Only then does it count as real, and from that point
forward it can be leveraged to pass new laws that further erode the rights and liberties of
Americans, and thus everyone else shortly afterwards.

This is why the No. 1 tool of mind control from the mainstream media is emotional
manipulation of the viewers. Emotional coverage can be authentic in cases where the crisis is
real and attention is justified, but emotional manipulation is usually contrived in order to evoke
a response for the sole purpose of manipulation.

All this gets back to the work of America's original propagandist Edward Bernays.
(See History is a Weapon to learn more about Bernays.)

He understood decades ago that you don't sell cigarettes by touting their benefits; you sell
them by anchoring them to powerful emotional states reflecting positive self image. Similarly in
2015, you sell vaccines not by discussing anything resembling real science, but by catapulting
emotional stories involving poor, innocent children who were stricken by the chicken pox - the
horrors! - even if such stories are entirely fabricated.
The truth behind the propaganda is irrelevant. What matters is its emotional impact. And
because emotions override reason, those of us who attempt to cite the real science on issues
like vaccines are fighting a losing battle.

As the CDC has long proven, the real science doesn't matter. What matters is the narrative
painted by the vaccine industry to evoke a charged emotional response as a form of mind

The answer to all this, of course, is to highlight vaccine-damaged children and show those
who have been brainwashed by the vaccine industry that they are grieving for the wrong side.

The real human cost is found in all the children damaged by vaccines - children who will never
lead "normal" lives again because their neurology has been permanently compromised by the
toxic preservatives and chemical adjuvants found in vaccines.

See: Hundreds of children brain damaged by the swine flu vaccine to receive $90 million in
financial compensation from UK government.

On both fronts - emotions or logic - the vaccine industry as operated today is a fraud. It only
turned to emotional marketing because it couldn't survive any real scrutiny of its flawed

Meanwhile, in the realm of real science, autism rates have skyrocketed 296% over the last
few years as the vaccine push has grown more aggressive. See the rising rate depicted in
the red line of the bar chart below, as shown in the newly published study:

"Trends in the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss,
Intellectual Disability, and Vision Impairment, Metropolitan Atlanta, 1991 -- 2010."
See more discussion of the rise of autism at Age of Autism.

Solutions and defenses

The defense against all this is to practice the ability of stepping back from the emotional
tapestry being woven by the propagandists and evaluate the real logic behind the

This is not easy to accomplish, but it can be achieved if you're determined to see things more
clearly. Sometimes, the mere passage of time can diminish the emotional impact and achieve
greater clarity.

This is precisely why the mainstream media repeatedly pounds the fear imagery into your head
every few hours as we saw after the 9/11 attacks. You couldn't turn on a TV anywhere in
America without the video of airplanes striking the twin towers being blasted into your psyche,
and this went on for weeks!

Not all emotionally-charged warnings are fake, of course. Many truly emotional crises do exist
and do warrant action on our part. The key is to be able to discern the difference between
real vs. fake threats.

There's a shortcut to achieving this, and it's simpler than you think:

Assume that any agenda being pushed by the mainstream media is false.

This "default" stance is usually correct (but not always). The logical way to approach this is to
assume they're lying to you, then demand they prove they aren't.

A very powerful question to use for this purpose is one of my favorite questions of all
time: "How do you know?"

If the mainstream media asserts that unvaccinated children are causing vaccinated children to
be stricken with measles, simply ask the question, "How do you know?" To answer this
question, they would have to demonstrate the mechanism by which their original assertion
could take place. And on the issue of vaccines, that effort would quickly crumble for the simple
reason that it was false to begin with.

Even when it comes to the alternative media / independent media, this question can be
extremely valuable. When someone claims their nutritional supplement "protects your DNA" or
"detoxes your system" or whatever they claim, that same useful question can be brought to
bear: "How do you know?" Do you have any laboratory evidence? Any scientific studies to cite?
Any historical or indigenous knowledge to cite?

When you're buying "raw vegan protein" from a protein manufacturer, and the bottle touts the
claim that this protein is "sprouted" and "raw," you'd be smart to ask that manufacturer, "How
do you know?" (I can tell you as a matter of firsthand knowledge as the science director of our
laboratory that many of these claims for low-integrity products are simply invented and have no
basis in fact whatsoever.)

Overall, the best defense against emotional manipulation is to get really good at asking lots
of questions. Be persistent.

This is why I applaud all the Texans who recently went to Bastrop to confront the military over
JADE HELM. These citizens asked a long list of amazing questions, nearly all of which were
completely stonewalled by the military spokesperson. But even that exercise proved the point
that we are being lied to.

We may not know the real story yet, but we know the "official story" is an elaborate fabrication.
And that knowledge, all by itself, is quite valuable.

Do you know anyone who can still think critically?

Share this article with any friends you might have who still maintain the ability to think
critically. It is people like you who will be required to save this world from the onslaught of bad
medicine, bad politics, bad fiscal policies and runaway corruption.

The day that we must either stand up and fight for her freedoms or be overrun by
corporate fascism is fast approaching.

You can count on the fact that at least 90% of the population will be emotionally mind
controlled as all this plays out, but the good news is that revolutions never require more than a
small percentage of the populace taking action to protect their collective futures against
Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains) &
Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed
May 13 2015 | From: JohnTodd / Farhank

John Todd, former member of the Illuminati and music industry insider
speaks out, plus a truly excellent documentary on what really goes on
within the music industry.

Related: The Record Industry Pushed Gangster Rap As a Favor to Friends in the Prison

I made an interesting discovery which may back up my video Demons Behind The Music

In the video John Todd mentions the album Destroyer by KISS. If you look on the cover of the
album you can see the KISS members standing on rocks (or coals) above what looks like a
lake of fire with smoke in the background, and it has a dark sky.

The Bible says in Revelation 9:2 -

"And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great
furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."

In verses 7 and 8 it goes on to say that the faces of the locusts that came out of the pit had
faces of men and hair as the hair of women. If you look at the KISS album cover Destroyer
they have faces of men and long hair like women.

The king of these locusts from the pit is called Apollyon.

Now if you check the name Apollyon in the dictionary guess what it means? It means the
DESTROYER which is the title of KISS's album. Coincidence? You decide.

Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains)

Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed

Seasoned Investigative Journalist Exposes Inside Strategies To
Censor News
April 29 2015 | From: Mercola

You can choose to ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of
ignoring reality. Most of us rely heavily on the media for information, not
realizing that 90 percent of it is controlled by a mere six media giants.

Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy Award winning investigative journalist whose

television career spans more than three decades is one of my personal heroes. She was
the reporter who, in 2009, blew the lid off the swine flu media hype, showing the hysteria
was completely unfounded and manufactured.

She recently left CBS to pursue other avenues of investigative journalism, and has authored a
highly praised book, Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction,
Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington, which exposes what goes on behind
the scenes in the media that gives you the information you come to think of as real and true.

"I left CBS about a year ago when it seemed I had met with so many dead ends in trying to continue the
original investigative reporting that I've done for so many years there," Sharyl says.

"My producer and I just kept hitting brick walls in the last two years or so in trying to get this reporting on
television. We certainly weren't alone. Reporters are complaining about this across the board at many print
organizations and broadcast outlets...

The watchdog reporting that the government values so much is simply not desired for a variety of reasons
as much as it once was at the national level. I think also this is a problem in local news...

There was no point [in staying]. I was never in a position to turn up better stories; I have more information,
more sources, more whistleblowers, and more I felt might produce terrific stories than ever before after 20
years in CBS News, and yet, utterly lacked the ability to get any of it on television.

I could've stayed and done weather stories and stories of the day but that's just not where my interest

What Led to the Downfall of Watchdog Reporting?

Unfortunately, the trend of diluting the depth and scope of investigative journalism can even be
seen in high-quality programs like CBS' 60 Minutes, which has been a favorite show of mine
since its inception over four decades ago.

As noted by Sharyl, the reasons for the decline of investigative journalism are complicated. But
a big part of it is due to commercial concerns; basically, commercial and corporate influences
came into play, and media outlets grew to accept commercialization as part of the news
"I call it soft censorship," Sharyl says. "When you know you have a sponsor and you know it's important to
the corporation, are you really going to offend the sponsor by going after stories that they don't like?

But I do think it's more overt than that sometimes. The sponsors explicitly complain and argue at the
corporate level that certain stories and topics shouldn't be done.

We know this is true based on one anecdote I put in the book, but there are other anecdotes and
experiences that reporters have had, where they've been told that this is the case.

Additionally, there are political factors. There were managers at CBS in those last two years that inserted
their ideology into the reporting of producers and reporters, who by and large were very fair. That can
change the whole tone of the reporting."

One of the examples in Sharyl's book that really hit home for me was when Hillary Clinton ran
against Obama for president, and while on the campaign trail told reporters she had dodged
sniper fire on a trip as First Lady, 12 years prior, when she visited Bosnia.

It seems like a silly thing to lie about, but lie she did. Sharyl and other journalists had been on
that trip, and they all knew no one had dodged sniper fire, least of all the First Lady.
Fortunately, Sharyl had archived videos of the event to prove it.

"It couldn't be farther from the truth, the idea that we had been shot up by sniper fire," Sharyl says.

"There are a couple of choices just being untruthful for her own benefit, or was she delusional, which is a
little frightening. But I think the public got past that because they accepted her as the Secretary of State."

Another point Sharyl makes very effectively in her book is that there's this collaboration within
the media, such that if one agency picks up a story, they all run the same story. You can watch
the nightly news on every channel, and the story will be presented in virtually the same way,
sometimes more or less verbatim.

"Too often, I think they don't want to cover a major controversy unless others have already covered it, like
the New York Times or the Washington Post; then it's safe.

They don't want to cover certain stories for ideological reasons. They don't want to cover certain stories
against corporate partners that might harm corporate relationships."

Intimidation and Harassment of Journalists

True investigative journalists, such as Sharyl, have also become targets of intimidation and
harassment. For example, at one point her computer and phone lines were hacked to find out
what she was working on.

"I assume there are a handful of journalists who do that sort of critical reporting on the government, and on
this administration in particular, that they wanted to watch.

They never dreamed I would luck upon the resources to have the computer examined by experts that could
find the software they deposited in my computer.

This software was proprietary to a government agency, either the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),
National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or Federal Bureau of Investigation

They had my keystroke data... They could look at all my files. They used Skype audio I didn't know this
was possible but they could turn it on invisibly, without you knowing it, to listen into conversations. They
could also remove files using Skype... We were able to confirm these highly sophisticated long-term,
remote intrusions."

Another interesting book for anyone interested or concerned about matters such as these is
Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About
It by Marc Goodman. The book discusses in great detail how this type of hacking can occur,
and more importantly, what simple measures we can do to protect ourselves. It's a reality. And
if they're doing it to top-notch investigative reporters, certainly everyone is a candidate.

On Astroturfing...

"Astroturf" is the effort on the part of special interests, whether corporate or political, to
surreptitiously sway public opinion and make it appear as though it's a grassroots effort for or
against a particular agenda, when in reality such a groundswell of public opinion might not
exist. Sharyl explains:

"They turn to things like social media Facebook and Twitter using pseudonyms and multiple accounts
to spread things around. They use their partners who blog for them, write things, and pick up on one
another's work until sometimes it's been picked up in the mainstream media as if it's a fact.

It's all intended to make you feel as though if you hold a certain opinion that they don't want you to have,
you're the outlier. Everybody else agrees with 'X' except you, and that may not be the truth. This is a huge
business... There are actually PR firms that specialize in these sorts of tactics.

Astroturfing is now more important, I am told by lobbyists and PR firms, to many clients than the direct
lobbying of Congress because it's so effective to reach out to the public. They may have someone write a
letter to the editor and you don't know that person is being paid by a special interest to advance a certain

They may start as a nonprofit without saying out front that they're behind the nonprofit. The nonprofit may
then look like a charity that's advancing a certain opinion, which is actually acting on behalf of the corporate
interest or the special interest. Again, it's very widespread..."

Hallmark signs of astroturfing include using key language - words such as crank, crack, nutty,
pseudo, conspiracy, and other language that's effective with the public to try to make you
dismiss an argument they don't like. Another hallmark of an Astroturf campaign is attacking
those who are questioning authority, such as reporters who are exposing the truth,
whistleblowers who dare to step forward, and people asking tough questions.
It's important to be aware of these kinds of concerted efforts to distort the truth, and to
understand how they're done, because these "faux concern" campaigns can have a profound
influence on your perception of reality.

Astroturfing in Action

A perfect example of astroturfing just occurred when a GMO front group attacked Dr. Oz after
he reported on the now scientifically established hazards of glyphosate, and the media
swallowed and regurgitated the propaganda without any critical thought whatsoever. Slate
magazine publicized the attack with the headline Letter from Prominent Doctors Implies
Columbia Should Fire Dr. Oz for Being a Quack.

The letter accuses Dr. Oz of repeatedly showing disdain for science and for evidence-based
medicine, as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food

The letter was signed by Dr. Henry I. Miller and nine other distinguished physicians. What the
media has failed to address is that Dr. Henry Miller is hardly a concerned physician. Hes
actually a now well-known shill for the GMO industry.

In his capacity as its front man, he was caught misrepresenting himself during the Anti-Prop.37
campaign in 2012, pretending to be a Stanford professor opposing GMO labeling, when in fact
he is not a professor at Stanford. The TV ad had to be pulled off the air because of this

Aside from that, he has a long and sordid history1 of defending toxic chemicals such as DDT,
in addition to defending Big Tobacco. Some of the other nine physicians are also less than
distinguished. As noted by US Right to Know:

One was stripped of his medical license in New York and sent to federal prison camp for Medicaid fraud.
Yet Dr. Gilbert Ross plays up his M.D. credentials in his role as acting president of the American Council
for Science and Health (ACSH). Ross was joined on the Columbia letter by ACSH board member Dr. Jack

So what is ACSH? Though some reporters treat it as an independent science source, the group has been
heavily funded by oil, chemical, and tobacco companies, and has a long history of making inaccurate
statements about science that directly benefit those industries for example claiming that secondhand
smoke isnt linked to heart attacks, fracking doesnt pollute water...

These facts are relevant in stories about scientific integrity. The scientific accuracy and motivations of the
accusers matter when they are publicly challenging the scientific accuracy and motivations of somebody
they are trying to get fired. We urge reporters and editors to take a closer look at the sources selling them
story ideas, and to act as better watchdogs for the public interest.

Dr. Henry Miller and American Council for Science and Health Are False
Fronts for the GMO Industry

Indeed, Henry Miller and ACSH are false fronts for the GMO industry, plain and simple. They
are part of a PR hack strategy of astroturfing, and the mainstream media are too inept to look
behind the curtain to see whats really there.

The fact of the matter is that this attack on Dr. Oz is orchestrated not by concerned physicians
or scientists but rather by industry shills whose job it is to attack anyone who embraces a more
natural approach to health and/or raise damning questions that might hurt the industrys

Why Conventional Media So Rarely Tells You the Truth About Health

One industry that wields a great deal of power within the media today is the pharmaceutical
industry. It's rare to sit through an evening of television without viewing several drug ads. They
also advertise heavily in print and online media.

The advertising dollars they spend not only generates sales, it also gives them the power to
influence what's being reported in the news. Here's just one example:
"There's a story in my book about former executive producer of mine who got a phone call from the sales
division, which was very inappropriate.

He said the sales person from CBS was kind of screaming at him because we'd been doing a lot of stories
looking at side effects and problems with the very popular and billion-dollar-selling cholesterol-lowering
drugs, statins.

The advertisers didn't like that. Therefore, someone from the CBS corporate apparently didn't like that, and
called down and said something like, 'If you keep doing these stories, it's going to be really, really bad for

I think that happens more often than we know explicitly. But this time, it was followed by what I see as all of
the media backing down on pharmaceutical-related stories.

We were doing very aggressive coverage of problems within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) not
just me, but all the networks and a lot of print publications about vaccines side effects, and about other
medical issues. That all has virtually stopped.

You can almost point to a time period when it seems someone made a phone call and said, 'That's it fellas.
There are advertisers.'

And you won't see these stories now even when there's a multi-billion-dollar criminal settlement against
drug companies for mismarketing drugs that are commonly used. That's a huge story that should be
leading the news in my opinion.

But most people probably never heard of it because those are things that offend the sensibilities of
advertisers, who now control to some degree the editorial content of networks, publications, and print
publications that are advertising.

And, as you know, they have several lobbyists for every member of Congress on Capitol Hill so they can
make sure certain hearings don't happen. As recently as last year, they were able to stop a planned
vaccine-related hearing. The control is almost total in my view. That's just one example of a corporate

What Are Some 'Big' Stories Not Being Reported Right Now?

According to Sharyl, if journalists would simply cover the news with facts and fairness, topics
like vaccine side effects would receive far greater coverage. The reason it doesn't is because
that topic has been deemed "untouchable." Other emerging health issues that you don't hear
about in the news include the emergence of enterovirus EV-D68. It's a polio-like virus, but it's
not polio.

Thousands of people were stricken with it last year, and the virus appears to be linked to cases
of paralysis. At least a dozen children also died from it, yet you didn't hear about this on the
news because it was not, unlike the measles vaccine, something the government was
interested in promoting.

"Too often reporters wait for the government to tell them what's a story and what's not a story. They won't
do the digging on their own, which I think is a very bad trend.

But I tried to find out about this [enterovirus] and asked the CDC some questions, to which they replied
they didn't gather certain data.

I searched the web and found that the CDC had published a paper with the data that I've asked for! So it
was completely false what they told me..."
Sharyl's book exposes many of the inside strategies that go on to suppress this type of
information. Since leaving CBS News and finishing her book, she's been writing freelance,
publishing a number of stories she would have had a hard time telling before, such as the story
of how a government experiment on premature babies misled parents with an unethical
consent form to enroll their premature babies in the program.

This study was conducted at prestigious research institutions by the government across the
country. After some of the babies died, the study was stopped. Even the government's own
ethics body concluded that the consent form was unethical because it didn't actually inform the
parents that their babies were being entered into a study.

They were just told that this treatment would be good for their baby. In reality, the babies were
randomly placed into high-oxygen or low-oxygen groups - not what was best for them

The parents were unaware that their child was being given treatment based on the flip of a
coin. The parents also didn't know that their child was placed in an oxygen machine that had
been disabled to give false readings.

"That story was published in Daily Signal,3 which is a heritage foundation news organization that started
last year. They've done some excellent reporting and haven't tampered with my stories," Sharyl says.

What the Media Isn't Telling You about 'ObamaCare'

Another story Sharyl believes has been underreported is that of "The US
government is still hiding public documents that have been under the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) for a long time," she claims.

And the media simply reports whatever the government says, even though the government has
been caught providing false information, including providing false statements under oath to
Congress. There are still details of this health care program that we don't know anything about,
and why is that?

"For millions of Americans, I think, this law is turning out to be disastrous and too expensive," she says.
"There's now a new class of uninsured people who had insurance, but who've been bumped off or have
gone off because they can't afford it now. The insurance isn't covering what people need.

Certainly, there are people who have benefitted, people who couldn't get insurance before. There's no
doubt about that. That's going to be reported on, but what's not reported is that many people are suffering
severe consequences..."

In her book she also exposes the debacle of how was developed, so if you're
interested in learning more about that, please pick up a copy of Stonewalled.

Sharyl has donated proceeds from Stonewalled to the University of Florida to put on a
Freedom of Information forum for students and professionals, in which they brainstormed to
come up with ideas for making the government more responsive to public information request;
how to fix the freedom of information process, "which is entirely pointless and useless now," as
Sharyl says.

So, when you buy her book, part of the proceeds are going towards ongoing efforts to help
influence a more open and honest government, which is clearly something that needs work.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
April 12 2015 | From: BusinessInsider

This infographic created by Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes
from the same six sources. [This is relevant to the rest of the world given
their international holdings and influence.]

Thats consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983. Comment: And while it is US-
specific, it portrays global trends in virtually every industry as the cabal roll out their
centralist agenda, which would be vital if they were to be able to implement their New
World Order - which is failing now in real time.

Note: This infographic is from last year and is missing some key transactions. GE does not
own NBC (or Comcast or any media) anymore. So that 6th company is now Comcast. And
Time Warner doesnt own AOL, so Huffington Post isnt affiliated with them.

But the fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates the illusion of choice, Frugal
Dad says. While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit arent owned by any of the corporations,
Time Warner owns news sites read by millions of Americans every year.
Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering & Government Propaganda

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering &

Government Propaganda

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Mind Control Through Emotional Domination: How We're All
Being Manipulated By The "Crisis Of The NOW"
May 14 2015 | From: NaturalNews

What you're about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological

mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve
near-absolute control over the population.

I'm calling the concept the "crisis of the NOW," and understanding this is a lot like
taking the RED pill. The "crisis of the now" involves an incessant, strategic
bombardment of the population with a never-ending stream of contrived crises that
demand immediate attention in the present.

This psychological bombardment is waged primarily via the mainstream media which assaults
the viewer by the hour with images of violence, war, emotions and conflict.

Because the human nervous system is hard wired to focus on immediate threats accompanied
by depictions of violence, mainstream media viewers have their attention and mental resources
funneled into the never-ending "crisis of the NOW" from which they can never have the mental
breathing room to apply logic, reason or historical context.

To protect the propaganda from scrutiny, no person is ever allowed the luxury of reflection.
Logic and reason are condemned.

Critical thinking is derided. Historical context is obliterated by the repeated intrusion of the now,
and whatever happened just a few short years or months ago is actively rejected (or memory
holed) if it does not reinforce whatever present-day delusion is being pushed as "fact."

Similarly, the future is entirely off limits and never allowed to be explored in the mainstream
media because doing so would require reason and forward thinking... two things which are
never tolerated because they would reveal the inevitable failures of today's insane policies,
such as running the country on debt and hoping it will somehow not matter down the road.

Mentally corralled like cattle

With the past erased from the minds of the masses, and the future off limits, the crisis of the
now become the only psychological reality in which the public is allowed to operate.

To remember the past gets you labeled a "relic," and to project current events into the future
makes you a "conspiracy theorist." Only the crisis of the now is allowed to be entertained: riots
in the streets, the aftermath of a staged school shooting, a contrived social shaming of
a pizza joint in Indiana, or even an overhyped measles crisis that just happened to take
place at America's epicenter of illusions and theater: Disneyland.

The media demands that you focus on the NOW but forget the past. No historical context is
allowed to be recognized (or even taught to Americans) because it might interfere with
the crisis of the now.

For example, in any discussion of vaccines, you are never allowed to remember that the entire
medical establishment was once dominated by "Big Tobacco science," and that even the
Journal of the American Medical Association used to run full-page ads touting the amazing
health benefits of smoking cigarettes.

Remember the ad, "More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette?" This was achieved
by the tobacco industry infiltrating all the science journals, giving money to universities, and
engaging in "scientist-for-hire" activities to push their poisons under the "scientific" claim that
smoking cigarettes posed no health risks whatsoever.

The exact same tactic is used today by the biotech industry to push toxic GMOs and
deadly herbicides chemicals like glyphosate.
Another example of history you're never allowed to remember: The gunpoint
rounding up of U.S. citizens
As another example of the memory holing of real history, in today's discussions of the JADE
HELM military exercise, the mainstream media focuses entirely on attacking the journalists and
analysts covering the story while refusing to mention the fact that tens of thousands of
Americans have already been rounded up at gunpoint and thrown into internment camps.

Who were the victims of this government exercise in rounding up innocent Americans?
Japanese-American citizens during World War II. All their Constitutional rights were violated
and they were imprisoned for years based entirely on their race and country of origin.

The following photo, just one of many published at, captures some of the
American citizens who were rounded up at gunpoint and imprisoned solely based on their race:

What this proves is that when the United States government wants to, it will round up and
imprison a selected group of Americans at gunpoint, denying them all due process, even if they
are completely innocent and have done nothing wrong.

You, the modern-day news viewer, are not allowed to remember this history because it might
provide you with the necessary context to understand the concern over JADE HELM, a military
operation being illegally conducted on U.S. soil, in open violation of established U.S. law.

Not allowed to apply logic to any crisis

Logic is the enemy of the propagandists. Because of that, no serious discussion or debate
is ever allowed on any subject that the propagandists seek to control: vaccines, GMOs, martial
law, national debt, the AIDS industry, gay marriage and so on.

"[I]n order to sustain gigantic false realities, there are honest debates that must never happen,"
Rappoport in Matrixology 101: debates that never happen.

"They would reveal too much. They would shine a spotlight on vast contradictions. They would expose
official storytellers to withering criticism."

To further explain his point, Rappoport reveals that AIDS is diagnosed in people today through
the detection of HIV antibodies.

If a person carries antibodies, they are assumed to be carrying HIV and assumed to be sick
and diseased. But if an AIDS vaccine were developed, like all vaccines it would cause the body
to produce antibodies to HIV, thus causing an HIV-vaccinated person to be diagnosed as
having AIDS, too.

So how can HIV antibodies mean you're "sick" in the first instance, but simultaneously those
same antibodies mean you're "well" if they appeared after a vaccine?

"Millions and millions of antibody tests have been given to people around the world," writes Rappoport.

"The antibody test is just one of a number of enormous issues in modern medicine that, if opened to real
debate, would cause a seismic shift in societyassuming there were enough listeners who could track the
lines of reasoning."

But reason is the enemy of the propagandists, and almost nobody knows how to think with
clarity anymore because such skills are rarely taught in schools or universities.

That's why the crisis of the now is always presented in a way that shuts down logic and reason,
engendering an emotional response to whatever events are being thrown at you, most of
which are pure, fabricated theater:

The green screen ISIS beheading videos, CNN's green screen faked location shots from the
Middle East, the wildly faked narrative of polar bears being "stranded" on floating pieces of ice
(polar bears are great swinners), staged White House photos from the "war room" as America's
former CIA buddies are hunted down and executed by special ops teams, and so on.

Every crisis is structured to evoke an emotional state of mind that shuts down all reason and
critical thinking. Once this is achieved, the minds of the masses are hammered with whatever
political programming messages are desired at the moment: Christians are evil, only the
government can end poverty, all police are bad, carbon dioxide is going to destroy the planet,
illegal immigrants should be granted the right to vote, and so on.
Creating crisis where none exists
Sometimes the crisis of the day must be so wildly exaggerated and overhyped that the
exercise strains the bounds of believability... such as the CDC-directed measles panic waged
by the mainstream media over a mild infection that killed no one and was never even
considered a crisis until just the last few years when the vaccine industry shifted into
"totalitarian science" mode.

The point of the exercise was to instill extreme fear in the population, followed by the
introduction of a vaccine mandate law which we now know is called SB 277 (California).

Once again, the crisis of the NOW shut down all reasonable thinking and even encouraged the
public to abandon their own core human rights principles such as the idea that people have the
right to decide what medical interventions they wish to endure, and that no government can
force an injection on a parent or their child without informed consent.

Through fear and crisis, the media even persuaded pro-choice women to become anti-choice
on the issue of vaccines. No government has any right to interfere with a woman's body, it
seems, unless that government is pushing a vaccine.

Thanks to the crisis of the NOW, every argument in favor of medical choice was steamrolled
into oblivion: ethical arguments, scientific arguments, human rights arguments, legal
arguments and the entire realm of reason.

But the classic crisis of the NOW which caused Americans to abandon all reason and
surrender to police state totalitarianism was, of course, 9/11.

9/11 as the ultimate crisis of the NOW

The 9/11 attack was seized upon by the media and the government to wage what can only be
called a psychological warfare assault upon the American people as preparation for the
passage of the original Patriot Act. That's the Bush-era law that legalized government
surveillance of the American people, turning America into the totalitarian police state it remains
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent media campaign of instilling extreme
hatred among the citizenry, Americans were ready to wholly support almost any law that
claimed to "stop terror," even if it meant surrendering key liberties in the process.

Key to achieving all this was the elimination of selected facts from the memory of the American
public. To this day, for example, almost no American remembers that three buildings, not two,
were destroyed in New York City on 9/11, and the third building was not struck by any airplane
at all.

All questions about this third building - WTC 7 - have since been banished from any public
discussion. No one is allowed to ask how a concrete-and-steel building could suddenly
collapse, in perfect symmetry, with the kind of precision that can only be achieved with carefully
engineered and pre-planned demolitions.

The laws of physics are never allowed to be applied to the events of 9/11, because if they
were, logic and reason would bring too many people to the inescapable conclusion that WTC 7
was brought down by controlled demolition, not by airplanes. Thus, the easiest way for the
propagandists to avoid this entire discussion is to delete the third building from the national

Illusionist Uri Geller once made the Statue of Liberty seem to disappear from the New York
skyline, but the media propagandists have deleted an entire high-rise building from America's
collective memory.

Explore the real science and physics behind the events of 9/11 at Architects & Engineers for
9/11 Truth.

The next "crisis of the now" is being planned right now

To achieve almost any desired political outcome, all the global controllers have to do is wait for
the right crisis (or stage it themselves), then roll out a pre-planned wave of mental assaults
structured around a crisis of the now.

If they want to outlaw local police departments and roll out a national, federally-controlled
Gestapo police force, for example, all they have to do is wait for police brutality to target an
African-American male - brutality against white victims doesn't count - then wait for the
inevitable riots to unfold. In the midst of the riots, Al "the informant" Sharpton can easily be
directed to call for a federal takeover of all police.

If they want to force every American to be vaccinated or medicated against their will, all they
have to do is rush in a wave of illegal immigrants carrying infectious diseases, then wait for an
outbreak to happen.

As the outbreak spreads, they can blame unvaccinated Americans and use the crisis to push
mandatory vaccine compliance. All logic and reason, of course, are not allowed to enter the
discussion, or else the public would come to realize that if vaccines really work, then the
vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.

See: National media wages psychological terror campaign against Americans to set stage for
government destruction of medical choice.

If they want to completely disarm the American public and outlaw private gun ownership, it's a
simple matter to set in motion a series of events that result in a mass shooting somewhere. In
the aftermath of the shooting, lawmakers can seize on the emotional intensity of the crisis of
the now to demonize all firearms owners and call for national disarmament.
This very nearly happened following the Sandy Hook shooting in late 2013, after which Obama
and Eric Holder aggressively tried to crush the Second Amendment in America.

Before Sandy Hook, Eric "the crime lord" Holder also arranged for illegal weapons to be
smuggled into Mexico, with the hope that those guns would make their way back across the
border and be used to commit acts of violence in the United States.

This operation, named "Fast and Furious," has since been exhaustively exposed. As usual, no
one in government went to jail for their conspiracy to carry out these crimes.

If they want to renew the Patriot Act or pass a "Patriot Act 2.0," the process is stupidly simple:
just get the FBI to stage a dirty bomb terror event in a major U.S. city, then halt it at the very
last minute. (Or not, if they really want a stronger emotional response.)

In the aftermath of such an attack, passage of almost any unconstitutional anti-terrorism law
becomes virtually automatic. And yes, the FBI is very skilled at staging terror attacks because it
does so on a regular basis in order to prove how incredibly good the agency is at stopping

See: New York Times openly admits domestic terror plots masterminded by the FBI and FBI
'entrapment' tactics questioned in web of phony terror plots and paid informants.

Whatever the desired political outcome or agenda, there is a crisis that can help it be
achieved, and that crisis will be so emotionally impactful that it will trap viewers in the NOW
and utterly shut down the logic parts of their brain that can contemplate the past and the future.

In effect, your conscious focus is being time-shifted into the urgency of the present so
that you forget the past and don't calculate the future.

Only with those parts of your brain shut down can the controllers steer you in their
desired direction.

Why The Hobbit movie makes absolutely no sense but is a sensational film to
A perfect example of being trapped in the NOW is found in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
Armies motion picture released in 2014. This film is little more than a series of sensational
video game-style battle scenes involving hobbits, dwarves, elves, dragons, witches and
wraiths, all tied together with no logical story whatsoever.
The script is a random jumble of high-impact scenes of violence, tension, fear, conflict, magic
and celebration. The film has all the elements of Lord of the Rings - yep, there's Gandalf and
there's Agent Smith dressed like an Elven King - but it utterly lacks a soul that gives those
elements meaning.

As such, it's a perfect metaphor for the world we live in today, where the masses are
repeatedly subjected to sequences of real-world violence, conflict and fear behind which no
logic or reason can be detected.

The Hobbit is a very popular film. People love to watch it because it captures their
attention in the now.

To the masses who watch the film, it does not matter that there's no story that makes any
sense at all. The only thing that matters is that there's a lot of movement and violence
unfolding before their eyes, and the mesmerizing effect of it all captures the soul even more
effectively than the One Ring itself.

The Hobbit was written with what I call "Kindergarten logic." It's the kind of movie logic that
seems awesome to a kindergartener, which is of course the same mental level to which all the
government's propaganda campaigns are also targeted.

Mandatory vaccine laws don't have to make sense to adults, you see: they only have to make
sense to the mind of a kindergartener who hasn't yet learned how to think rationally.

When the emotional layer of a crisis is so strong that mature thinking and logic become
irrelevant, the propagandists have won.

Propaganda is the art of overwhelming logic

As I've detailed here, every staged media propaganda event witnessed today lacks all logic
and reason. Regarding the Disneyland measles scare, for example, if vaccines really work,
then vaccinated children have nothing at all to fear from unvaccinated children.

That's the logic of the real science, but the media ran with the utterly illogical and irrational
explanation that unvaccinated children spread the measles to vaccinated children - a
phenomenon which should be impossible if vaccines create immunity as we are told.
The logic of the vaccine industry makes no sense, but as journalist Jon Rappoport rightly
explains, propaganda is the art of overcoming logic. It is also, as I've explained here, the art of
trapping people in the crisis of the now. The higher the emotional intensity of the crisis, the
more all reason is disconnected from the mind.

This is precisely why vaccine marketing has now deliberately abandoned all facts and science.
Instead, vaccines are now being intentionally promoted using emotional (and graphic) false
stories, nearly all of which are fabricated by Big Pharma's public relations companies or their
employees, many of whom pose as "concerned moms" on social media. (They're actually paid
PR operatives.)

To allow the public the luxury of reason is to lose control of their conclusions, you see. From
the point of view of the controllers, allowing people to think for themselves runs too high a risk
that people might not make decisions that violate their own self interests.

Yet the most important principle of exerting power over the people is to make sure that
corporations and governments can convince people to make decisions that violate their
own self interests.

Psychological "deletion" of the real threats to your life, liberty and happiness
By trapping people in the crisis of the now, all critical thinking is nullified and replaced with raw
emotional states that are very easy to manipulate and control through strategic media

At the same time, the real threats to your life, liberty and happiness are psychologically
"deleted" from your mind.

For example, if I told you that ISIS terrorists wielding swords were killing 44 Americans a day
with gruesome beheadings, you would totally believe that because you've been programmed to
do so by the media. You'd get angry about it and call for more "national security" forces to
protect us from those scary ISIS people.

But when you learn the truth that 44 people really are being killed each day from something
else - prescription drug overdoses, according to the CDC - you have no reaction at all.

Prescription drug overdoses are quiet and non-violent. They aren't scary and they haven't been
portrayed by the media in a manner that promotes extreme fear. So the 44 deaths a day from
prescription drug overdoses is psychologically deleted from the minds of Americans, most of
whom have no idea of how many people are being killed every year by prescription drugs.

(The total number of deaths from FDA-approved prescription drugs is over 100,000
Americans each year. The mainstream media utterly ignores this epidemic, even though
it's the numerical equivalent to a jumbo jet falling out of the sky and killing everyone on
board every single day.)

You are also not ever reminded that as many as one-third of all traffic accidents and fatalities
are caused by medicated drivers. While the media wants you to emotionally freak out over
drunk drivers, they don't want you to even realize that the epidemic of medicated drivers is far

The entire issue has been deleted from national consciousness for the simple reason that
awareness of it might harm the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. (If the media were largely
funded by beer companies, you'd stop seeing stories about drunk driving, too.)

Similarly, you are never told that Tylenol causes permanent liver damage in tens of thousands
of Americans each year, and that over 16,000 Americans die each year from intestinal bleeding
caused by a common class of painkillers called NSAIDs.

"Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500
NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone," writes Dr. Singh Gurkirpal is his
study, "Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy", The American Journal
of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S.

Nor are you told that chemotherapy causes cancer, which is why the chemotherapy
industry has grown into a $100 billion medical monopoly, and you're never reminded that
prescription drug prices in America are the highest in the world only because the FDA and FTC
protect a pharmaceutical monopoly racket that exploits sickness for profit.

Unless an emotional reaction is constructed for something, it doesn't exist in the

minds of the masses
All this leads to a fascinating realization about mind control in the world today: Until something
is associated with a strong emotional response, it doesn't exist in the consciousness of the

Everything that's "real" is first constructed out of pure emotion, then pushed into the minds of
the masses via the crisis of the NOW. Only then does it count as real, and from that point
forward it can be leveraged to pass new laws that further erode the rights and liberties of
Americans, and thus everyone else shortly afterwards.

This is why the No. 1 tool of mind control from the mainstream media is emotional
manipulation of the viewers. Emotional coverage can be authentic in cases where the crisis is
real and attention is justified, but emotional manipulation is usually contrived in order to evoke
a response for the sole purpose of manipulation.

All this gets back to the work of America's original propagandist Edward Bernays.
(See History is a Weapon to learn more about Bernays.)

He understood decades ago that you don't sell cigarettes by touting their benefits; you sell
them by anchoring them to powerful emotional states reflecting positive self image. Similarly in
2015, you sell vaccines not by discussing anything resembling real science, but by catapulting
emotional stories involving poor, innocent children who were stricken by the chicken pox - the
horrors! - even if such stories are entirely fabricated.
The truth behind the propaganda is irrelevant. What matters is its emotional impact. And
because emotions override reason, those of us who attempt to cite the real science on issues
like vaccines are fighting a losing battle.

As the CDC has long proven, the real science doesn't matter. What matters is the narrative
painted by the vaccine industry to evoke a charged emotional response as a form of mind

The answer to all this, of course, is to highlight vaccine-damaged children and show those
who have been brainwashed by the vaccine industry that they are grieving for the wrong side.

The real human cost is found in all the children damaged by vaccines - children who will never
lead "normal" lives again because their neurology has been permanently compromised by the
toxic preservatives and chemical adjuvants found in vaccines.

See: Hundreds of children brain damaged by the swine flu vaccine to receive $90 million in
financial compensation from UK government.

On both fronts - emotions or logic - the vaccine industry as operated today is a fraud. It only
turned to emotional marketing because it couldn't survive any real scrutiny of its flawed

Meanwhile, in the realm of real science, autism rates have skyrocketed 296% over the last
few years as the vaccine push has grown more aggressive. See the rising rate depicted in
the red line of the bar chart below, as shown in the newly published study:

"Trends in the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss,
Intellectual Disability, and Vision Impairment, Metropolitan Atlanta, 1991 -- 2010."
See more discussion of the rise of autism at Age of Autism.

Solutions and defenses

The defense against all this is to practice the ability of stepping back from the emotional
tapestry being woven by the propagandists and evaluate the real logic behind the

This is not easy to accomplish, but it can be achieved if you're determined to see things more
clearly. Sometimes, the mere passage of time can diminish the emotional impact and achieve
greater clarity.

This is precisely why the mainstream media repeatedly pounds the fear imagery into your head
every few hours as we saw after the 9/11 attacks. You couldn't turn on a TV anywhere in
America without the video of airplanes striking the twin towers being blasted into your psyche,
and this went on for weeks!

Not all emotionally-charged warnings are fake, of course. Many truly emotional crises do exist
and do warrant action on our part. The key is to be able to discern the difference between
real vs. fake threats.

There's a shortcut to achieving this, and it's simpler than you think:

Assume that any agenda being pushed by the mainstream media is false.

This "default" stance is usually correct (but not always). The logical way to approach this is to
assume they're lying to you, then demand they prove they aren't.

A very powerful question to use for this purpose is one of my favorite questions of all
time: "How do you know?"

If the mainstream media asserts that unvaccinated children are causing vaccinated children to
be stricken with measles, simply ask the question, "How do you know?" To answer this
question, they would have to demonstrate the mechanism by which their original assertion
could take place. And on the issue of vaccines, that effort would quickly crumble for the simple
reason that it was false to begin with.

Even when it comes to the alternative media / independent media, this question can be
extremely valuable. When someone claims their nutritional supplement "protects your DNA" or
"detoxes your system" or whatever they claim, that same useful question can be brought to
bear: "How do you know?" Do you have any laboratory evidence? Any scientific studies to cite?
Any historical or indigenous knowledge to cite?

When you're buying "raw vegan protein" from a protein manufacturer, and the bottle touts the
claim that this protein is "sprouted" and "raw," you'd be smart to ask that manufacturer, "How
do you know?" (I can tell you as a matter of firsthand knowledge as the science director of our
laboratory that many of these claims for low-integrity products are simply invented and have no
basis in fact whatsoever.)

Overall, the best defense against emotional manipulation is to get really good at asking lots
of questions. Be persistent.

This is why I applaud all the Texans who recently went to Bastrop to confront the military over
JADE HELM. These citizens asked a long list of amazing questions, nearly all of which were
completely stonewalled by the military spokesperson. But even that exercise proved the point
that we are being lied to.

We may not know the real story yet, but we know the "official story" is an elaborate fabrication.
And that knowledge, all by itself, is quite valuable.

Do you know anyone who can still think critically?

Share this article with any friends you might have who still maintain the ability to think
critically. It is people like you who will be required to save this world from the onslaught of bad
medicine, bad politics, bad fiscal policies and runaway corruption.

The day that we must either stand up and fight for her freedoms or be overrun by
corporate fascism is fast approaching.

You can count on the fact that at least 90% of the population will be emotionally mind
controlled as all this plays out, but the good news is that revolutions never require more than a
small percentage of the populace taking action to protect their collective futures against
Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains) &
Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed
May 13 2015 | From: JohnTodd / Farhank

John Todd, former member of the Illuminati and music industry insider
speaks out, plus a truly excellent documentary on what really goes on
within the music industry.

Related: The Record Industry Pushed Gangster Rap As a Favor to Friends in the Prison

Related: How The Illuminati uses media to Control Your Mind

I made an interesting discovery which may back up my video Demons Behind The Music

In the video John Todd mentions the album Destroyer by KISS. If you look on the cover of the
album you can see the KISS members standing on rocks (or coals) above what looks like a
lake of fire with smoke in the background, and it has a dark sky.
The Bible says in Revelation 9:2 -

"And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great
furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."

In verses 7 and 8 it goes on to say that the faces of the locusts that came out of the pit had
faces of men and hair as the hair of women. If you look at the KISS album cover Destroyer
they have faces of men and long hair like women.

The king of these locusts from the pit is called Apollyon.

Now if you check the name Apollyon in the dictionary guess what it means? It means the
DESTROYER which is the title of KISS's album. Coincidence? You decide.

Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains)

Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed

Seasoned Investigative Journalist Exposes Inside Strategies To
Censor News
April 29 2015 | From: Mercola

You can choose to ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of
ignoring reality. Most of us rely heavily on the media for information, not
realizing that 90 percent of it is controlled by a mere six media giants.

Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy Award winning investigative journalist whose

television career spans more than three decades is one of my personal heroes. She was
the reporter who, in 2009, blew the lid off the swine flu media hype, showing the hysteria
was completely unfounded and manufactured.

She recently left CBS to pursue other avenues of investigative journalism, and has authored a
highly praised book, Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction,
Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington, which exposes what goes on behind
the scenes in the media that gives you the information you come to think of as real and true.

"I left CBS about a year ago when it seemed I had met with so many dead ends in trying to continue the
original investigative reporting that I've done for so many years there," Sharyl says.
"My producer and I just kept hitting brick walls in the last two years or so in trying to get this reporting on
television. We certainly weren't alone. Reporters are complaining about this across the board at many print
organizations and broadcast outlets...

The watchdog reporting that the government values so much is simply not desired for a variety of reasons
as much as it once was at the national level. I think also this is a problem in local news...

There was no point [in staying]. I was never in a position to turn up better stories; I have more information,
more sources, more whistleblowers, and more I felt might produce terrific stories than ever before after 20
years in CBS News, and yet, utterly lacked the ability to get any of it on television.

I could've stayed and done weather stories and stories of the day but that's just not where my interest

What Led to the Downfall of Watchdog Reporting?

Unfortunately, the trend of diluting the depth and scope of investigative journalism can even be
seen in high-quality programs like CBS' 60 Minutes, which has been a favorite show of mine
since its inception over four decades ago.

As noted by Sharyl, the reasons for the decline of investigative journalism are complicated. But
a big part of it is due to commercial concerns; basically, commercial and corporate influences
came into play, and media outlets grew to accept commercialization as part of the news

"I call it soft censorship," Sharyl says. "When you know you have a sponsor and you know it's important to
the corporation, are you really going to offend the sponsor by going after stories that they don't like?
But I do think it's more overt than that sometimes. The sponsors explicitly complain and argue at the
corporate level that certain stories and topics shouldn't be done.
We know this is true based on one anecdote I put in the book, but there are other anecdotes and
experiences that reporters have had, where they've been told that this is the case.

Additionally, there are political factors. There were managers at CBS in those last two years that inserted
their ideology into the reporting of producers and reporters, who by and large were very fair. That can
change the whole tone of the reporting."

One of the examples in Sharyl's book that really hit home for me was when Hillary Clinton ran
against Obama for president, and while on the campaign trail told reporters she had dodged
sniper fire on a trip as First Lady, 12 years prior, when she visited Bosnia.

It seems like a silly thing to lie about, but lie she did. Sharyl and other journalists had been on
that trip, and they all knew no one had dodged sniper fire, least of all the First Lady.
Fortunately, Sharyl had archived videos of the event to prove it.

"It couldn't be farther from the truth, the idea that we had been shot up by sniper fire," Sharyl says.

"There are a couple of choices just being untruthful for her own benefit, or was she delusional, which is a
little frightening. But I think the public got past that because they accepted her as the Secretary of State."

Another point Sharyl makes very effectively in her book is that there's this collaboration within
the media, such that if one agency picks up a story, they all run the same story. You can watch
the nightly news on every channel, and the story will be presented in virtually the same way,
sometimes more or less verbatim.

"Too often, I think they don't want to cover a major controversy unless others have already covered it, like
the New York Times or the Washington Post; then it's safe.
They don't want to cover certain stories for ideological reasons. They don't want to cover certain stories
against corporate partners that might harm corporate relationships."

Intimidation and Harassment of Journalists

True investigative journalists, such as Sharyl, have also become targets of intimidation and
harassment. For example, at one point her computer and phone lines were hacked to find out
what she was working on.

"I assume there are a handful of journalists who do that sort of critical reporting on the government, and on
this administration in particular, that they wanted to watch.
They never dreamed I would luck upon the resources to have the computer examined by experts that could
find the software they deposited in my computer.

This software was proprietary to a government agency, either the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),
National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or Federal Bureau of Investigation

They had my keystroke data... They could look at all my files. They used Skype audio I didn't know this
was possible but they could turn it on invisibly, without you knowing it, to listen into conversations. They
could also remove files using Skype... We were able to confirm these highly sophisticated long-term,
remote intrusions."

Another interesting book for anyone interested or concerned about matters such as these is
Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About
It by Marc Goodman. The book discusses in great detail how this type of hacking can occur,
and more importantly, what simple measures we can do to protect ourselves. It's a reality. And
if they're doing it to top-notch investigative reporters, certainly everyone is a candidate.

On Astroturfing...

"Astroturf" is the effort on the part of special interests, whether corporate or political, to
surreptitiously sway public opinion and make it appear as though it's a grassroots effort for or
against a particular agenda, when in reality such a groundswell of public opinion might not
exist. Sharyl explains:

"They turn to things like social media Facebook and Twitter using pseudonyms and multiple accounts
to spread things around. They use their partners who blog for them, write things, and pick up on one
another's work until sometimes it's been picked up in the mainstream media as if it's a fact.
It's all intended to make you feel as though if you hold a certain opinion that they don't want you to have,
you're the outlier. Everybody else agrees with 'X' except you, and that may not be the truth. This is a huge
business... There are actually PR firms that specialize in these sorts of tactics.

Astroturfing is now more important, I am told by lobbyists and PR firms, to many clients than the direct
lobbying of Congress because it's so effective to reach out to the public. They may have someone write a
letter to the editor and you don't know that person is being paid by a special interest to advance a certain

They may start as a nonprofit without saying out front that they're behind the nonprofit. The nonprofit may
then look like a charity that's advancing a certain opinion, which is actually acting on behalf of the corporate
interest or the special interest. Again, it's very widespread..."

Hallmark signs of astroturfing include using key language - words such as crank, crack, nutty,
pseudo, conspiracy, and other language that's effective with the public to try to make you
dismiss an argument they don't like. Another hallmark of an Astroturf campaign is attacking
those who are questioning authority, such as reporters who are exposing the truth,
whistleblowers who dare to step forward, and people asking tough questions.
It's important to be aware of these kinds of concerted efforts to distort the truth, and to
understand how they're done, because these "faux concern" campaigns can have a profound
influence on your perception of reality.

Astroturfing in Action

A perfect example of astroturfing just occurred when a GMO front group attacked Dr. Oz after
he reported on the now scientifically established hazards of glyphosate, and the media
swallowed and regurgitated the propaganda without any critical thought whatsoever. Slate
magazine publicized the attack with the headline Letter from Prominent Doctors Implies
Columbia Should Fire Dr. Oz for Being a Quack.

The letter accuses Dr. Oz of repeatedly showing disdain for science and for evidence-based
medicine, as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food

The letter was signed by Dr. Henry I. Miller and nine other distinguished physicians. What the
media has failed to address is that Dr. Henry Miller is hardly a concerned physician. Hes
actually a now well-known shill for the GMO industry.

In his capacity as its front man, he was caught misrepresenting himself during the Anti-Prop.37
campaign in 2012, pretending to be a Stanford professor opposing GMO labeling, when in fact
he is not a professor at Stanford. The TV ad had to be pulled off the air because of this

Aside from that, he has a long and sordid history1 of defending toxic chemicals such as DDT,
in addition to defending Big Tobacco. Some of the other nine physicians are also less than
distinguished. As noted by US Right to Know:

One was stripped of his medical license in New York and sent to federal prison camp for Medicaid fraud.
Yet Dr. Gilbert Ross plays up his M.D. credentials in his role as acting president of the American Council
for Science and Health (ACSH). Ross was joined on the Columbia letter by ACSH board member Dr. Jack
So what is ACSH? Though some reporters treat it as an independent science source, the group has been
heavily funded by oil, chemical, and tobacco companies, and has a long history of making inaccurate
statements about science that directly benefit those industries for example claiming that secondhand
smoke isnt linked to heart attacks, fracking doesnt pollute water...

These facts are relevant in stories about scientific integrity. The scientific accuracy and motivations of the
accusers matter when they are publicly challenging the scientific accuracy and motivations of somebody
they are trying to get fired. We urge reporters and editors to take a closer look at the sources selling them
story ideas, and to act as better watchdogs for the public interest.

Dr. Henry Miller and American Council for Science and Health Are False
Fronts for the GMO Industry

Indeed, Henry Miller and ACSH are false fronts for the GMO industry, plain and simple. They
are part of a PR hack strategy of astroturfing, and the mainstream media are too inept to look
behind the curtain to see whats really there.

The fact of the matter is that this attack on Dr. Oz is orchestrated not by concerned physicians
or scientists but rather by industry shills whose job it is to attack anyone who embraces a more
natural approach to health and/or raise damning questions that might hurt the industrys

Why Conventional Media So Rarely Tells You the Truth About Health

One industry that wields a great deal of power within the media today is the pharmaceutical
industry. It's rare to sit through an evening of television without viewing several drug ads. They
also advertise heavily in print and online media.

The advertising dollars they spend not only generates sales, it also gives them the power to
influence what's being reported in the news. Here's just one example:

"There's a story in my book about former executive producer of mine who got a phone call from the sales
division, which was very inappropriate.
He said the sales person from CBS was kind of screaming at him because we'd been doing a lot of stories
looking at side effects and problems with the very popular and billion-dollar-selling cholesterol-lowering
drugs, statins.
The advertisers didn't like that. Therefore, someone from the CBS corporate apparently didn't like that, and
called down and said something like, 'If you keep doing these stories, it's going to be really, really bad for

I think that happens more often than we know explicitly. But this time, it was followed by what I see as all of
the media backing down on pharmaceutical-related stories.

We were doing very aggressive coverage of problems within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) not
just me, but all the networks and a lot of print publications about vaccines side effects, and about other
medical issues. That all has virtually stopped.

You can almost point to a time period when it seems someone made a phone call and said, 'That's it fellas.
There are advertisers.'

And you won't see these stories now even when there's a multi-billion-dollar criminal settlement against
drug companies for mismarketing drugs that are commonly used. That's a huge story that should be
leading the news in my opinion.

But most people probably never heard of it because those are things that offend the sensibilities of
advertisers, who now control to some degree the editorial content of networks, publications, and print
publications that are advertising.

And, as you know, they have several lobbyists for every member of Congress on Capitol Hill so they can
make sure certain hearings don't happen. As recently as last year, they were able to stop a planned
vaccine-related hearing. The control is almost total in my view. That's just one example of a corporate

What Are Some 'Big' Stories Not Being Reported Right Now?
According to Sharyl, if journalists would simply cover the news with facts and fairness, topics
like vaccine side effects would receive far greater coverage. The reason it doesn't is because
that topic has been deemed "untouchable." Other emerging health issues that you don't hear
about in the news include the emergence of enterovirus EV-D68. It's a polio-like virus, but it's
not polio.

Thousands of people were stricken with it last year, and the virus appears to be linked to cases
of paralysis. At least a dozen children also died from it, yet you didn't hear about this on the
news because it was not, unlike the measles vaccine, something the government was
interested in promoting.

"Too often reporters wait for the government to tell them what's a story and what's not a story. They won't
do the digging on their own, which I think is a very bad trend.

But I tried to find out about this [enterovirus] and asked the CDC some questions, to which they replied
they didn't gather certain data.

I searched the web and found that the CDC had published a paper with the data that I've asked for! So it
was completely false what they told me..."

Sharyl's book exposes many of the inside strategies that go on to suppress this type of
information. Since leaving CBS News and finishing her book, she's been writing freelance,
publishing a number of stories she would have had a hard time telling before, such as the story
of how a government experiment on premature babies misled parents with an unethical
consent form to enroll their premature babies in the program.
This study was conducted at prestigious research institutions by the government across the
country. After some of the babies died, the study was stopped. Even the government's own
ethics body concluded that the consent form was unethical because it didn't actually inform the
parents that their babies were being entered into a study.

They were just told that this treatment would be good for their baby. In reality, the babies were
randomly placed into high-oxygen or low-oxygen groups - not what was best for them

The parents were unaware that their child was being given treatment based on the flip of a
coin. The parents also didn't know that their child was placed in an oxygen machine that had
been disabled to give false readings.

"That story was published in Daily Signal,3 which is a heritage foundation news organization that started
last year. They've done some excellent reporting and haven't tampered with my stories," Sharyl says.

What the Media Isn't Telling You about 'ObamaCare'

Another story Sharyl believes has been underreported is that of "The US
government is still hiding public documents that have been under the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) for a long time," she claims.

And the media simply reports whatever the government says, even though the government has
been caught providing false information, including providing false statements under oath to
Congress. There are still details of this health care program that we don't know anything about,
and why is that?

"For millions of Americans, I think, this law is turning out to be disastrous and too expensive," she says.
"There's now a new class of uninsured people who had insurance, but who've been bumped off or have
gone off because they can't afford it now. The insurance isn't covering what people need.
Certainly, there are people who have benefitted, people who couldn't get insurance before. There's no
doubt about that. That's going to be reported on, but what's not reported is that many people are suffering
severe consequences..."

In her book she also exposes the debacle of how was developed, so if you're
interested in learning more about that, please pick up a copy of Stonewalled.

Sharyl has donated proceeds from Stonewalled to the University of Florida to put on a
Freedom of Information forum for students and professionals, in which they brainstormed to
come up with ideas for making the government more responsive to public information request;
how to fix the freedom of information process, "which is entirely pointless and useless now," as
Sharyl says.
So, when you buy her book, part of the proceeds are going towards ongoing efforts to help
influence a more open and honest government, which is clearly something that needs work.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

April 12 2015 | From: BusinessInsider

This infographic created by Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes
from the same six sources. [This is relevant to the rest of the world given
their international holdings and influence.]
Thats consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983. Comment: And while it is US-
specific, it portrays global trends in virtually every industry as the cabal roll out their
centralist agenda, which would be vital if they were to be able to implement their New
World Order - which is failing now in real time.

Note: This infographic is from last year and is missing some key transactions. GE does not
own NBC (or Comcast or any media) anymore. So that 6th company is now Comcast. And
Time Warner doesnt own AOL, so Huffington Post isnt affiliated with them.
But the fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates the illusion of choice, Frugal
Dad says. While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit arent owned by any of the corporations,
Time Warner owns news sites read by millions of Americans every year.
Propaganda & Fear-Mongering Works
January 22 2015 | From: ZeroHedge

When I see the results of polls like the one below, I realize there is no
chance the majority will do anything to reverse the course of our nation in
terminal decline.

Will it take a complete collapse and bloody reset before we have a chance at putting the
world back on a rational course?

How can anyone actually think terrorism should be Obama and Congress top priority? Are
Americans really that stupid? WTF do they want Obama and Congress to do? Double the DHS
budget? Increase electronic surveillance on our communications? Give local police more
military hardware? Ban guns? Repeal the 4th Amendment?

Do the ignorant masses know their actual chances of being killed by a terrorist? To say the
chances are astronomically miniscule is an understatement. See for yourself:

You are 35,079 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

You are 33,842 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

You are 23,528 times more likely to die from obesity than from a terrorist attack

You are 5,882 times more likely to die from medical error than terrorism.

You are 4,706 times more likely to drink yourself to death than die from terrorism.

You are 1,904 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack.

You are 2,059 times more likely to kill yourself than die at the hand of a terrorist.

You are 452 times more likely to die from risky sexual behavior than terrorism.

You are 353 times more likely to fall to your death doing something idiotic than die in
a terrorist attack.

You are 271 times more likely to die from a workplace accident than terrorism.

You are more than 9 times more likely to be killed by a law enforcement officer than by
a terrorist.

You are 110 times more likely to die from contaminated food than terrorism.
See here for more statistics.

What policies do Americans want Obama and Congress to prioritize in 2015? According to the
Pew Research Centers policy priorities survey, 76 percent of people in the United States
believe tackling terrorism should be the nations top priority this year.

It is the first time in four years terrorism has made the top of Pews list and its appearance for
2015 can be attributed to economic improvement as well as persistant terrorist threats.

Despite considerable improvement, the economy is still an area of concern for Americans and
75 percent of them want President Obama to give it attention. Job creation is closely linked to
economic improvement so it comes as little surprise that it rounds off the top three with 67
percent of respondents expecting it to be prioritized.

The fact Americans think terrorism is our top priority proves that Edward Bernays was
an evil genius.

The combination of mass media and propaganda can convince the willfully ignorant and
dumbed down populace of anything. Facts are unnecessary when fear and feelings are far
more powerful. We are truly doomed.
The Dumbing Down Of Mainstream Media & The Agendas Driving
January 21 2015 | From: Jack

The mainstream media is deliberately broken news. I watched TV3 6 oclock

News last night and the second item on it was a grass fire on about 2
acres in Canterbury! This is the second leading news feature they can
come up with on Prime Time national news! The whole news on both
radio, TV and newspapers had now been deliberately reduced down to
trivialities like this, while the true, more important events taking place
around the world are by and large totally censored by these lying mongrels.

The reason for is that the bankers that now own the worlds media companies, and the
higher executives in these multinationals that control the media, and therefore set the
policies of the presenters and programs, have a vested financial and political interest in
keeping the masses continuously dumbed down and mind-controlled like this so that
ordinary people dont ever wake up and truly understand how the world is being taken
over by this handful of corrupt oligarchical misfits at the top in the City of London

For nearly a thousand years the filthy white monkey in the Vatican and his un-Holy See and
band of deviants, cardinal thieves and black Jesuits ingeniously controlled most of the worlds
tangible riches and land, censored the Bible from ordinary people, enforced a list of Forbidden
Books, to keep the working classes and peasants totally ignorant and subservient under their
wicked control, torturing and burning everyone at the stake who disagreed with them or
wouldnt comply.

But Henry 8th changed all that in the early 16th century when he broke with Rome, which has
now grown into a particularly nasty Fascist gang of apostate Protestants, headed by the Queen
and the Kings Jews bankers in the city of London Corporation taking over the assets and
wealth world, repeating the same sins as the Vatican, but on a much greater scale and with
much ingenuity and cunning, using the United Nations as the vehicle to usurp and wrest
political control from nation states.

British control of the media (and global intelligence agencies that are allied to it) goes back
hundreds of years, but really accelerated from the beginning of WW1. Unfortunately, though,
they are having teething problems getting the Russian bear to jump into line, and may I say,
good job, and great to see someones got the guts to put their foot down!

The employees in these organisations already know they would lose their jobs if they publish
anything that they know is out of line. You will note, Newstalk ZB and Radio Live, the two prime
talkback shows in New Zealand, have degenerated into talkback formats now where they pre-
advise the subject they want callers to talk about which is always trivialities, and limit the
timespan of all calls so anyone who really does have something serious or important to say is
suppressed by time restraints.

Most people have difficulty in understanding that Queen Elizabeth II is in actual fact a modern
NAZI, no different than Hitler and his FASCIST Third Reich. Google: Gold State Coach
photos and you will see that on the rear of the coach are two statues of the sons of Neptune,
carrying the old Roman FASCES (a bundle of rods bound with the helve of an axe) which was
the symbol of the Emperors dictatorial power to decapitate and rule in ancient Fascist Rome.

The Nazi Fascist Third Reich based its form of National Socialism on the FASCES and so to
now the United States of America, where the two fasces on the Queens Gold State Coach
have been replicated and mounted on the rear wall behind the Speakers Rostrum in the US
House of Representatives in the US Capitol!

This specially includes university professors, doctors and the very wealthy or leading
businessmen, who most of the time know very little other than what they have been
indoctrinated with through convention. And the truth is, if the world keeps on its current,
conventional course , without some major new ideas or change in navigation in the near future
we are all doomed!

So one must conclude, that any profound change will only come in the future from the non-
conformists. Not the university-educated mainstream or orthodox view. All those people out
there who would be protesters, or those who have alternate views other than the mainstream,
even if we dont necessarily all agree with them. They are the ones who will save us. But
certainly not the unethical band of sewer rats we currently have running the show now!

If you write to politicians or the media, dont threaten them or defame them. But do use the
truth, be forceful, with strong language and send copies of your letter personally to a few of
them, so they cant individually screw it up so no body else knows they are in fact deliberately
prostituting themselves to mammon.

Many years ago, when I was secretary of a national childcare organisation involved with
submissions on new childcare regulations in NZ - we were sending letters to the appropriate
Government Minister without any success, other than thank you for your letter or a short letter
not even addressing the issue raised.

Later we found out that the minister was so incompetent and unethical, the letters were all read
by his secretary who more often than not simply screwed them up and threw them into the
wastepaper basket, or replied to them himself.

But after we discovered this, I thought well, lets send our letters to the Minister as we always
had done, but also to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and all leaders of the
Opposition. My, my, what a DRAMATIC change in response from these parasites!

I received a personal telephone call immediately from the Minister, inviting me to fly to
Wellington, all expenses paid, with other executives to quietly discuss the matters personally
with him. I could write a book about how inept and unethical most politicians really are.

I remember a leading bureaucrat once told me;

'We run the show, not these common pick-pockets and political bed-bugs who often jump from one party
to the other, who are usually only in power for a short time and preoccupied with the next election, while we
are not.

Ask a politician a question and you will get a politicians answer, and invariably it will be a lie aimed at
helping them win the next election.
Mind you, we shouldnt be surprised. This charade has been going on for hundreds of years!
Sad, I know, but there you are!

To All Mainstream Media Journalists: If You Dont Use It You Lose

October 20 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

'There are no public interest or free speech exemptions. Criminalisation of

disclosure would apply to journalists working for commercial media
organisations or wherever the leak was considered harmful to the
economic interests of any TPP country'.

Here a nice little snippet from the newly leaked Snowden papers. You think what
happened to Nicky Hager (Now a Gobal Fund raiser you cant give money too) was bad?
Think again. Were talking a total shut down of investigative journalism here.

This from No Right Turn:

TPPA Would Criminalise Journalism

Wikileaks leaked the latest version of the TPPA intellectual property chapter last night. Theres
some nasty surprises from the US, including its efforts to revive the defunct Anti-Counterfeiting
Trade Agreement by the backdoor and its efforts to ensure poor countries fighting, say, ebola
cant violate patents to save lives and prevent an epidemic (because in American eyes, the
profits of big pharmaceutical companies come before human lives). But theres another nasty
sting: the TPPA would criminalise investigative journalism:
The draft text provides that TPP countries will introduce criminal penalties for unauthorised access to,
misappropriation or disclosure of trade secrets, defined as information that has commercial value because
it is secret, by any person using a computer system.
TPP countries may criminalise all such disclosures or, if they wish, limit criminal penalties to cases that
involve commercial advantage or financial gain; are directed by or benefit a foreign economic entity; or
are detrimental to a [TPP] partys economic interests, international relations, or national defence or
national security.

There are no public interest or free speech exemptions. Criminalisation of disclosure would apply to
journalists working for commercial media organisations or wherever the leak was considered harmful to
the economic interests of any TPP country.

Unmentioned: It also criminalises leaks which are detrimental to a partys international

relations or international security. So, the US is trying to US the TPPA as a backdoor to silence
WikiLeaks, the Snowden files, and the entire enterprise of journalistic criticism of power.

The TPPA was bad enough when it was merely a secret deal being negotiated against our
interests. But now its actively anti-democratic as well. Which I think shows us the danger of
allowing our governments to negotiate such deals in secret: because we may find out at the
end of it that theyve signed away our democracy.

German Journalist Reveals That The CIA Has Compromised The

Western Media
October 1 2014 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

German journalist reveals in bestseller that Western Media is paid by the

CIA to print propaganda instead of the news.
The media is a key tool in the battle for hearts and minds. But a new bestseller by a
German author reveals some details on journalism that would be considered too
outlandish, even in a spy novel. RT's Peter Oliver reports.
There is nothing new about this except the extent. Always there have been media, reporters,
and columnists who published false information in order to help the CIA advance undeclared
agendas. The difference is that today the CIAs influence is pervasive. Objective reporting is a
thing of the past.

Bought Journalism: How Politicians, Intelligence and High Finance Control

Mass Media

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, German journalist speaks out.

Every Television Newscast Is Staged Reality

August 19 2014 | From: JonRappoport

Focus on the network evening news. This is where the staging is done well.

First, we have the image itself, the colors in foreground and background, the blend of
restful and charged hues. The anchor and his/her smooth style.

Then we have the shifting of venue from the studio to reporters in the field, demonstrating the
reach of coverage: the planet. As if this equals authenticity.

Actually, those reporters in the field rarely dig up information on location. A correspondent
standing on a rooftop in Cairo could just as well be positioned in a bathroom in a Las Vegas
McDonalds. His report would be identical.

The managing editor, usually the elite news anchor, chooses the stories to cover and has the
final word on their sequence.

The anchor goes on the air:

Our top story tonight, more signs of gridlock today on Capitol Hill, as legislators walked out of a session on
federal budget negotiations

The viewer fills in the context for the story: Oh yes, the government. Gridlock is bad. Just like
traffic on the I-5. A bad thing. We want the government to get something done, but theyre not.
These people are always arguing with each other. They dont agree. Theyre in conflict. Yes,
conflict, just like on the cop shows.

The anchor:

The Chinese government reports the new flu epidemic has spread to three provinces. Forty-two people
have already died, and nearly a thousand are hospitalized

The viewer again supplies context, such as it is: Flu. Dangerous. Epidemic. Could it arrive
here? Get my flu shot. Do the Chinese doctors know what theyre doing? Crowded cities.
Maybe more cases all of a sudden. Ten thousand, a hundred thousand.

The anchor:

A new university study states that gun owners often stock up on weapons and ammunition, and this trend
has jumped quickly since the Newtown, Connecticut, school-shooting tragedy

The viewer: People with guns. Why do they need a dozen weapons? People in small towns. I
dont need a gun. The police have guns. Could I kill somebody if he broke into the house?

The anchor:

Doctors at Yale University have made a discovery that could lead to new treatments in the battle against

Viewer: That would be good. More research. Laboratory. Germs. The brain.

If, at the end of the newscast, the viewer bothered to review the stories and his own reactions
to them, he would realize hed learned almost nothing. But reflection is not the game.

In fact, the flow of the news stories has washed over him and created very little except a sense
of (false) continuity.

It would never occur to him to wonder: are the squabbling political legislators really two
branches of the same Party? Does government have the Constitutional right to incur this much
debt? Where is all that money coming from? Taxes? Other sources? Who invents money?

Is the flu dangerous for most people? If not, why not? Do governments overstate case
numbers? How do they actually test patients for the flu? Are the tests accurate? Are they just
trying to convince us to get vaccines?

What happens when the government has overwhelming force and citizens have no guns?

When the researchers keep saying may and could, does that mean theyve actually
discovered something useful about Autism, or are they just hyping their own work and trying to
get funding for their next project?

These are only a few of the many questions the typical viewer never considers.

Therefore, every story on the news broadcast achieves the goal of keeping the context small
and narrownight after night, year after year. The overall effect of this staging is small viewer,
small viewers mind, small viewers understanding.

Billions of dollars are spent by the networks to build a reality the size of a room in a cheap

Next we come to words over pictures. More and more, news broadcasts are using the
rudimentary film technique of a voice narrating what the viewer is seeing on the screen.

People are shouting and running and falling in a street. The anchor or a field reporter says:

The country is in turmoil. Parliament has suspended sessions for the third day in a row, as the government
decides what to do about uprisings aimed at forcing democratic elections

Well, the voice must be right, because were seeing the pictures. If the voice said the riots were
due to garbage-pickup cancellations, the viewer would believe that, too.
How about this: two-day-old footage of runners approaching the finish line of the Boston
Marathon. A puff of smoke rises at the right of the screen. A runner falls down in the street. The
anchor is saying: The FBI has announced a bomb made in a pressure cooker caused the
injuries and deaths.

Must be a pressure cooker. Ban pressure cookers. We saw the pictures and heard the voice

We see Building #7 of the WTC collapse. Must have been the result of a fire. The anchor tells
us so. Words over pictures.

We see footage of Lee Harvey Oswald inside the Dallas police station. The anchor tells hes
about to be transferred, under heavy guard, to another location. Oswald must be guilty,
because were seeing him in a police station, and the anchor just said under heavy guard.

Staged news.

It mirrors what the human mind, in an infantile state, is always doing: looking at the world and
seeking a brief summary to explain what that world is, at any given moment.

Since the dawn of time, untold billions of people have been urging a television anchor to
explain the pictures.

The news gives them that precise thing, that precise solution, every night.

Well, Mr. Jones, the doctor says, as he pins X-rays to a screen in his office. See this? Right here? Well
need to start chemo immediately, and then we may have to remove most of your brain, and as a followup,
take out one eye.

Sure, why not? The patient saw the pictures and the anchor explained them.

After watching and listening to a month or two of news, planted with key words, the population
is ready to see the President or one of his minions step up to a microphone and say,
Quantitative easingsequester

Reaction? Oh, yes, thats right, Ive heard those words before, it (whatever it is) must be

A month later, those two terms disappear, as if theyd never existed.

Eventually, people get the idea and do it for themselves. They see things, they invent one-
liners to explain them.

Theyre their own anchors. They short-cut and undermine their own experience with vapid
summaries of what it all means.

At some point in time, the television audience begins to experience an itch. If reality is the
news, then maybe I could become a visible piece of reality. Maybe I could get on the news.
What would I have to do? How can I stand out? What outlandish thing could I cook up?

Anyones face could appear on the screen and flicker there and be driven into the minds of
millions of people.

If not fortune, then at least fame.

An honest television news anchor, if one existed, would say:

The battle over the government shutdown and its funding continue as a piece of planned chaos. Events
like this are shaped well in advance by men who manipulate the One Political Party With Two Heads, and
you, the viewer, are reacting predictably.

Youre choosing sides. Youre angry. And Im sitting here on most nights adding fuel to the fire. The fix is in,
and Im going along with it. Here in the studio, Im staging the news about staged reality.

The news is a movie of a movie.

And then, of course, when the news cuts to commercial, the fake products takes over:

Well, every night theyre showing the same brand names, so those brands must be better than the
unnamed alternatives.
Which devolves into: I like this commercial better than that commercial. This is a great commercial. Lets
have a contest and vote on the best commercial.

Which devolves into: reality is an advertisement for itself.

Hello. Im staged reality and Im doing ads to promote me.

For intelligent viewers, there is another sober mainstream choice, a safety valve: PBS. That
newscast tends to show more pictures from foreign lands.

Yes, I watch PBS because they understand the planet is interconnected. It isnt just about America. Thats
Sure its good, if you want the same no-context or false-context reporting on events in other
countries. Instead of the two minutes NBC might give you about momentous happenings in
Iraq, PBS will give you three minutes, plus congenial experts commenting abstractly,
employing longer words.

PBS experts seem kinder and gentler. Theyre nice and theyre more relaxed. I like that.

Yes, the PBS experts are taking Valium, and theyre not drinking as much coffee as the NBC

Brian Williams (NBC), the current champion of network anchors, seems to have downed one
cup of coffee and half a Valium. Hes balanced. Hes neutral, he reveals a bit of an edge now
and then, but we know he really cares, he just cant show it because that would imply bias. And
somehow (lighting, makeup), hes forever young. Hes riding his bike down a country road
tossing rolled-up newspapers on porches. Its still morning in America

Diane Sawyer (ABC) is for the weepers. If shes not shedding a tear, shes ready to. Its there,
in reserve. Her next gig should be on General Hospital.

Scott Pelley (CBS) is always ready to put on Dan Rathers old tan bush jacket with the many
pockets. And go out in the field, where its really happening. Hes the field surgeon wholl do
operations without an anesthetic if he has to. CBS producers keep beating him about the head
and telling him he has to appear more human. They dont have a drug for that yet.

This is the main cast of actors.

They deliver the long con every night on the tube, between commercials.


The Press Takes A Holiday - Every Day

August 18 2014 | From: JonRappoport

Not only are they part of the problem; not only are they creating problems;
not only are they sold out; the reporters themselves, who should be able to
work up astonishment at mind-boggling facts, have lost that capacity.

Ive published the essence of this article before. I continue to reprint it, now and then,
because it illustrates a basic fact about the mainstream press:

Not only are they part of the problem; not only are they creating problems; not only are they
sold out; the reporters themselves, who should be able to work up astonishment at mind-
boggling facts, have lost that capacity.

Theyve lost the very urge that got them into the journalism trade in the first place. Theyve
offloaded the ability to be shocked and outraged. Theyve forgotten how to be surprised.

If, for example, you told them you had hard evidence that a small group of men, unelected and
unappointed, was directing the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, they would
yawn. If you showed them the evidence, they would yawn again.

There is a natural elasticity of spirit in human beings. It allows them to be shocked, surprised,
delighted, horrified, outraged. Most mainstream reporters have lost that spirit.

Many humans have lost it. Wilhem Reich, the breakaway student of Freud who went on to
research fundamental energies of living things, called this loss the emotional plague.

In a minute, Im going to print a stunning 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two
members of the Trilateral Commission.

I discovered the conversation in the late 1980s, and ever since then, Ive been looking at it
from various angles, finding new implications. Here, I want to point out that the conversation
was public knowledge at the time.

Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it.
Understood its meaning.

But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No
one in the press protested loudly.

The conversation revealed that the entire basis of the Constitution had been torpedoed, that
the people who were running US national policy were agents of an elite shadow group. No
question about it.

And yet: official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congress
undertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements. Carter
was himself an agent of that shadow group, a willing pawn, and despite his proclaimed
religious values, was nothing more than a rank con artist, a hustler.

To boil down the 1978 conversation between the reporter and two Trilateral
Commission members, and the follow-on response:

The US has been taken over.

Yeah, so?

By the way, the infamous Trilateral Commission still exists. Many people think the TC, created
in 1973 by David Rockefeller, is a relic of an older time.

Think again.

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of
the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his

For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;
Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;
Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.
Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al
Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create a new international
economic order.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the
co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

David Rockefeller Zbigniew Brzezinski

Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC with his godfather, David Rockefeller:

[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of mans organized life has ceased to be the principal creative
force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in
advance of the political concepts of the nation state.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder
of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to
build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I
stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

Okay. Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. Its through-
the-looking-glassa conversation between reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral
Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It
concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carters administration, was formulating
US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. Its as if
theyre saying:

"What were revealing is already out in the open, its too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked
up, weve already won

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made
up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating
the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to
formalize this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not
take part. Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these
[Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail
to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic
and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess its the press job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesnt President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US]
economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and
six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasnt become an issue.

Source: Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, ed. by Holly
Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commissionthe

Commission had been been created in 1973 as an informal discussion group by David
Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

When Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the
inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national
security adviser, Weve lost. And Ill quit. Lostbecause both men were powerful members of
the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of
White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as
Jordan feared. But he didnt quit. He became Carters chief of staff. Mainstream reporters have
no interest in this story. It means nothing to them. It barely registers on their radar when they
learn about it.

Yes, they understand their editors would never let them touch it with a ten-foot pole. But
making excuses is really beside the point.

Turning the profession of mainstream journalism into a land of walking zombie reporters
speaks for itself. Occasionally, a zombie rebels, but otherwise the scene remains gray and

A whole nations political and economic policy taken over? Yawn.

14 Tactics Used By The Mainstream Media To Manufacture
Consent For The Oligarchy
July 12 2014 | From: WakingTimes
The mainstream media is aging and collapsing under the weight of its own
hubris and arrogance.

Now entirely formulaic in presentation and predictable in substance, the major outlets
of news, which are monopolized under only a small handful of corporations, serve the
purpose of misleading the public on important issues and manufacturing consent for
government and the oligarchs.

A recent example: July 11 2014 - ABC airs Gaza bombing devastation images - says it's in Israel

The public is still largely numb to this reality, and in a wicked catch-22 for modern man, many
people are still addicted to the very media that serves as the primary weapon of social control
against them.

The tide is turning, however, and to help break the spell we bring you this comprehensive list of
14 tactics used against the public by the mainstream media to coerce consensus, divide,
conquer, ridicule and stifle truthful or meaningful conversation about the state of our world

1. Lying by Omission What is not on the nightly news?

This is the most important question to ask when consuming mainstream media.

The average hour long broadcast consists of 48 minutes or less of actual news programming,
minus, of course, the chit-chatting, the expensive motion graphics and the bumpers, highlights
and story recaps. With a formula like this, full of pomp and grandstanding, the impression given
is that if does not make it on the nightly news, the it is not of significance.

The most obvious way in which the mainstream media manufactures consent for policy makers
and advertisers is by omitting from the news reel those stories and perspectives which may
compromise the broadcasters agenda, whatever that may be.

2. Controlling the Debate Who is arguing, and for what cause?

News programs are businesses just like anything else, and as such news executives keep a
go-to list of contacts to fulfill any necessary role in a program or segment. If the government
needs credibility, they roll out an ex-president and remind you that he has gravitas.

If the military industrial complex needs a voice, then they roll out a familiar think-tanker to
interject in a debate with a common-sense perspective in favor of national security. If
something is too complicated for public consumption, then they open the rolodex to the
experts page and shuffle some know-it-all in front of the camera.

The media is laden with groomed pundits, so-called opinion leaders, and commentators, and
each one has a definite reputation, each one resonates with a specific target audience, and
each one fills a predictable role in a conversation. Program guests are very well vettehing else,
and those at the forefront are the best at playing the role.

3. Selecting the Right Anchors, Casters and Presenters

Our lives have been pegged to the dollar, and as such, a good job is valued above many
genuine virtues. People like to keep their jobs, as do news anchors and news casters, and
since news is, again, a business, the voices and faces on news programs are hired to perform
a role, a job description, a task.

They are not employed to pursue morally driven journalism for the benefit of society. If they
perform as they are required, they advance and gain more exposure. If they rock the boat,
there are a thousand other hungry job-seekers chomping at the bit to replace them and do
exactly they are hired to do. News anchoring is a job like anything else, and those at the
forefront are the best at playing the role.

4. Scripting and Synchronizing News

One of the creepier and more blatant efforts to homogenize thought and manufacture consent
is to script the news at high level, then distribute these scripts to many different locales and
anchors to read verbatim, while they feign authenticity.

This is partially a result of the business decision to save money by employing as few actual
news gatherers as possible, but is also a key part of the strategy to achieve conformity
amongst people of different backgrounds and interests. The government has also been known
to interject itself into the chain of command for selecting which news scripts are to be
disseminated to the public.

This is the most fundamental characteristic of propaganda, and is rather embarrassing to

witness once you realize just how disingenuous your local news presenters are and just how
easily duped most people are.

6. Politicizing Everything

Language is the greatest weapon of social control, and with mainstream media, powerfully
debilitating language is pushed into every corner of our consciousness. Conservative vs.
Liberal. Democrat vs. Republican. Right-winger vs. Left-winger. Good vs. Bad. Left vs. Right.
Right vs. Wrong. White vs. Black.

And so on. Ad nauseam.

The truth is that ideas and opinions are as vastly different as grains of sand on a beach, yet the
media intentionally frames every issue in terms of a phoney left-right paradigm that has been
constructed to pigeon hole complex ideas and interests into a cheapened thought prison.

No unorthodox idea or point of view can reach critical mass because everything is
automatically framed in a with us or against us mindset, turning people against each other for
no reason other than to appeal to our desire to be on the winning team.

The mainstream media is the chief party responsible for creating the constructs of left and
right, which have been tightly integrated into our social consciousness as a means of
achieving divisiveness and disagreement among the populace.

This is the chief tactic of divide and conquer, and when people are compelled on any issue to
pick a team and fight the rivalry to its bitter end, many opportunities for true progress are lost
and the populace is easily goaded into a position favorable to the elite.

8. Using the Language of Separation and Labels

Sometime in the 1990s, the mainstream media stopped referring to people as people or even
as citizens and began calling everyone consumers. Once again, language is important to
shaping reality, and as consumers our role in the affairs of business and state are reduced to
hapless bystanders whose job it is to choose and reject, not interject and affect.

Weve all heard the label conspiracy theorist, which is the most popular label used when an
idea or story is unfavorable to the mainstream media and the interests that back them up. You
are a conspiracy theorist if you ask questions, assimilate facts in a logical manner, or pursue
justice outside of the main flow of public discourse on a popular issue.

This type of language is also part of the process of politicizing everything, and by also labeling
people in accordance with their country of origin, religion, skin color, economic class, or
whatever else, more wedges of division are driven into the populace, deflating our inherent
power in numbers.

9. Asking the Wrong Questions

Press access to important people in our society is tightly regulated, and the powers that be
dont like to be confronted with unexpected and hard questions. For this, the mainstream media
dutifully uses its access to people in high places to ask softball, trivial, nonsensical, ignorant
questions about irrelevant and superfluous issues.

Independent media is winning the long race against corporate/fascist propagandized media
because people are naturally inclined to resonate with common sense and truth, which is not at
all what corporate mainline media is involved with. White house correspondents shouldnt
waste our time and insult our intelligence by asking a war time president about his pet dog or a
recent golfing trip. But they do, all the time.

11. Closing the Book Too Soon

Moving an important or complicated issue from the front page as quickly as possible is a
common strategy to remove touchy subjects from the public conversation.

Sadly, our national attention span is at an all time low, mostly because weve been trained to
move from issue to issue with lightening speed, never soaking up any one thing for too long.
With such a short term memory, it is easy to protect a politician, forget a genocide, ignore the
long-term effects of a bank bailout, and so on, just by moving onto to something new.

Once the media has signaled that a story has been resolved or adequately discussed, then any
after thought, individual investigation, or further inquiry is labeled as extremist and ignored.

12. Triviality and Distraction

With all of the important decisions being made daily by powerful people, decisions that
genuinely affect quality of life for many people, the news outlets are steadfastly devoted to
engaging in gossip, entertainment, murders and acts of violence, car accidents, disasters and
other pablum.

The body politic is kept confused by celebrity happenings, endless sports contests and other
such pageantry, and the media uses these many forms of distractions to fill time and brain
space so that important issues are seen as a drag or as a downer, and never given proper

This is so ubiquitous in our society nowadays that there really is no escape.

13. Outright Lying

When all else fails, just lie, make it up as you go along, sell your air time to the highest bidder,
and never look back. In the internet age, people are pretty keen on fact checking, rebutting,
arguing, and gathering stats, and there are enough facts available to prove any side to any
story. In fact, this has become an art form for major media, and the ability to gather facts in
accordance with an agenda is a profitable skill for the mainstream media.

Lying has always worked, and the bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed.

14. Bonus Eye Candy and Mind Melting

This one is a bonus and part of the new era of network news. Rather than employ virtuous
gumshoes and hardcore reporters of truth, mainstream media instead invests in graphic artists
to make each frame of the broadcast an over-designed motion collage of brain-melting info

Staying focused on what the anchor or guest is actually saying is impossible. By design, the
news is presented in a mad shotgun blast of competing signals, and your attention is split in
ten directions with tickers, bubbles, stock footage, gyrating lights and special effects.

The point here is to exhaust the mind with over-stimulation so that the brain cannot function
methodically and cannot process an issue beyond the shallow surface. This is also known as
hypnotism, or mind-control.


News is a commodity just like everything else these days, and although many still believe the
point of news is to inform, it is important to accept the hard truth that the purpose of the news is
really just to sell something, be it a product, an idea, a candidate, a public image, a war, or

For this, the mainstream media is focused on first deciding which issues are to be discussed in
the public forum, then by using a bagful of tricks to shape peoples perceptions of an issue, the
media divides us and pits us against each other while leading us into consent for an underlying
and hidden agenda.

Weird Al Yankovic 'Royals' Parody Music Video: Illuminati 'Foil'

July 30 2014 | From: Youtube
What starts out as a typical Weird Al Yankovic parody music video - this time of Lorde's
'Royals', quickly starts to jump into some interesting 'Conspiracy Theory' material - with a
particularly excellent ending!

Fraudcast News: You Will Believe What the Media Tells You To
July 26 2014 | From: TruthStreamMedia

Did you know that when Obama signed the 2013 NDAA, it effectively made
government propaganda LEGAL for the first time since 1948 when the
Smith-Mundt Act was passed (not that they weren't doing it anyway, but...ya
know...the gloves are officially off).
"The people will believe what the media tells them they believe."
George Orwell

"All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news."

Willy Munzenberg (Stalin's propaganda chief)

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major
William Colby, former CIA director

"The media is a Counter-Intelligence organisation. The media backs every war. The role
of the media and embedded historians is to surround the truth with a bodyguard of lies.
Greg Hallett
"The media tries to put a sad face on these things, painting them up as great human
tragedies; but we all know the function of the media has never been to eliminate the
evils of the world, no! Their job is to persuade us to accept those evils and get used to
living with them. The powers that be want us to be passive observers."
Burning Man, "Waking Life"

"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister

"Newscasters who want to keep their careers afloat learn the fine art of evasion. We
should never accuse them of doing a poor and sloppy job of reporting. If anything, with
great skill they skirt around the most important points of a story. With much finesse they
say a lot about very little, serving up heaps of junk news filled with so many empty
calories and so few nutrients. Thus do they avoid offending those who wield politico-
economic power. It is enough to take your breath away."
Dr. Michael Parenti

"No one outside America any longer believes the US media or the US government... You
can't believe a word the American media says. If they say anything correct, it's just an
Paul Craig Roberts

"Newspeak was the official language ... The purpose of Newspeak was not only to
provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits ... but to make all
other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been
adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought should be literally
George Orwell

Guilt By Insinuation: How American Propaganda Works

July 22 2014 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Why hasnt Washington joined Russian President Putin in calling for an

objective, non-politicized international investigation by experts of the case
of the Malaysian jetliner?

The Russian government continues to release facts, including satellite photos showing
the presence of Ukrainian Buk anti-aircraft missiles in locations from which the airliner
could have been brought down by the missile system and documentation that a
Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet rapidly approached the Malaysian airliner prior to its

The head of the Operations Directorate of Russian military headquarters said at a

Moscow press conference today (July 21) that the presence of the Ukrainian military jet
is confirmed by the Rostov monitoring center.
The Russian Defense Ministry pointed out that at the moment of destruction of MH-17 an
American satellite was flying over the area. The Russian government urges Washington to
make available the photos and data captured by the satellite.

Turning to Washington Putin stated: In the meantime, no one [not even the exceptional
nation] has the right to use this tragedy to achieve their narrowly selfish political goals.

Turning to Washington Putin stated: In the meantime, no one [not even the exceptional nation] has the
right to use this tragedy to achieve their narrowly selfish political goals.

Putin reminded Washington: We repeatedly called upon all conflicting sides to stop the bloodshed
immediately and to sit down at the negotiating table. I can say with confidence that if military operations
were not resumed [by Kiev] on June 28 in eastern Ukraine, this tragedy wouldnt have happened.

What is the American response?

Lies and insinuations.

Yesterday (July 20) the US Secretary of State, John Kerry confirmed that pro-Russian
separatists were involved in the downing of the Malaysian airliner and said that it was pretty
clear that Russia was involved. Here are Kerrys words: Its pretty clear that this is a system
that was transferred from Russia into the hands of separatists. We know with confidence, with
confidence, that the Ukrainians did not have such a system anywhere near the vicinity at that
point and time, so it obviously points a very clear finger at the separatists.

Kerrys statement is just another of the endless lies told by US secretaries of state in the 21st
century. Who can forget Colin Powells package of lies delivered to the UN about Saddam
Husseins weapons of mass destruction or Kerrys lie repeated endlessly that Assad used
chemical weapons against his own people or the endless lies about Iranian nukes?

Read the full story at: PaulCraigRoberts

Also see:

RT: 10 more questions Russian military pose to Ukraine, US over MH17 crash

Infowars: Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17
Blood On Your Hands: Former New York Times Editor Blows The
Whistle On How Obama Really Handles The Media
July 13 2014 | From: IJReview
In January of 2014, former New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson
described the Obama administration as the most secretive White House
shes ever dealt with.

Then, during a speech Wednesday at the Chautauqua Institution, Abramson revealed to the
audience even more insider information on how Obama officials handle the media, according
to Newsbusters.

I have heard Obama officials say more than once, You will have blood on your hands if you publish this

Its a question of balancing competing interests, the governments claims versus the
publics right to know. When someone says, Youll have blood on your hands, you
pause and take it very seriously,

Next, Abramson explained how her views shifted after 9/11. Because President Bushs former
Press Secretary Ari Fleischer requested that the NY Times and other major media outlets not
publish sources or methods the intelligence community was using after the attacks took
place. Her publication followed the order for a few years.

However, they eventually went against it by running a story about warrantless wiretapping of
suspected terrorist contacts.

Abramson then pointed out a big difference between President Bush and President Obama.
She said Bush never launched any investigations after they leaked the story, but that Obama
has launched eight criminal investigations into whistleblowers actions.

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