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Final Mission Journal Entry #5

Project Details
Date: February 4 , 2017
Club: Gallimore Elementary Robotics Club
Team: Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
Team Members: Jacob Rider, Noah Short, Keshav Nair, Jack Elwell
Mission Team Roles: Keshav and Jack are the programmers. Noah and Jacob are the platform
builders. Everyone helps with videotaping, map control, and other
related activities.
Attempt #: First attempt at optimizing the code.

Defined Goal
Goal: The goal is to optimize the code sequence. We see repeating patterns in
the code diagram, so our next step is to optimize the flow such that it
works with less code.

Which part of the mission: We have a working program and in this part of the mission, we are
trying to make the program more efficient.

What steps will we take: We will take the following steps:
1. Redraw the flow chart to reflect the loop design.
2. Do walkthrough of the chart to make sure no steps were missed.
3. Update the program to match the flow chart.
4. Retest program to make sure it accomplishes the mission with
modified program.
What will each member do: Keshav was in charge of making changes to the flow chart and Jack
worked on updating the program.

What were the results: We realized that it is possible to accomplish the missions with less steps,
but at the same time, it also uncovered more challenges.
Assess and analyze mistakes: First mistake was that we thought by making the program work in less
steps would make it less complicated, but it turned out to be more
difficult and puzzling. The second mistake was that, when we made the
program to work in a loop, we did not take into consideration how to
stop the loop.

What did we learn: We learned that just by making the program work in less steps did not
make it simpler. It was easier to code and identify issues, but it was
much more complicated and confusing at times. We ran into more
hurdles than we expected. Figuring out how to stop the loop was one of
the major challenges.
What are our next steps: Our next step is to come up with a solution to stop the loop after the
mission is completed. In addition to that, we are also seeing
inconsistencies with Dashs position and sensing each time we test. This
is another challenge we have to solve in the next trial.

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