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Relations Mol and Massa

Before discussing the mole relationship with the masses, you have to remember first
about the relative atomic mass (Ar) and Relative Molecular Mass (Mr). Remember? Then we
check your memory to do the problems below.
Calculate Mr H 2 SO 4 (Ar H = 1, S = 32, and O = 16)! Known relative atomic mass (Ar)
some elements as follows.
Ca = 40
O = 16
Determine the relative molecular mass (Mr) compounds Ca (OH) 2!
Already remember? Then we go straight to the next matter is the molar mass. Massa
molar mass stated owned by one mole of a substance, which is equal to Ar or Mr.
For elements:
1 mol elements = Ar grams, it can be formulated:
Massa 1 mole of a substance = Ar substance expressed in grams or
The molar mass of the substance is a substance Ar = big g / mol
To compound:
1 mole of the compound = Mr grams, it can be formulated:
Massa 1mol substance = Mr substance expressed in grams or
The molar mass of the substance of Mr. substance = g / mol
So the difference between the molar mass and the relative molecular mass is in the
unit. The molar mass has the unit g / mol, while the relative molecular mass has no units. The
relationship between the mass mole is: The quantity (in mol) = Mass compound or element
(gram) / molar mass compounds or elements (g / mol) Mol relationship with Volume.
a. Gas at standard conditions
Measurement of the quantity of gas depends on the temperature and gas pressure. If
the gas is measured in the standard state, then the volume is called the molar volume. Molar
volume is the volume of 1 mol of gas measured at standard conditions. The standard state
which is the state at a temperature of 0 C (or 273 K) and pressure of 1 atmosphere (or 76
cmHg or 760 mmHg) or abbreviated as STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure).
The amount of gas molar volume can be determined by the ideal gas equation: PV = nRT
P = pressure = 1 atm
n = mol = 1 mol gas
T = temperature in Kelvin = 273 K
R = the gas constant = 0.082 liters atm / mol K Then:
PV = nRT
V = 1 x 0.082 x 273
V = 22.389
V = 22.4 liters
Thus, the standard volume = V STP = 22.4 liter / mole.
Can be formulated: V = nx V m
n = number of moles
V m = V STP = molar volume
The numbers that precede the chemical formulas of substances in the equation is
called coefficient of reaction.
In the example above can be explained that the coefficient of hydrogen is 2, the oxygen
coefficient is 1, and the coefficient of water is 2. Writing the equation can be done in two
steps as follows:
Writing down the chemical formula of reactants and products, complete with a
description of his form.

Equalization, which gives the coefficient corresponding to the number of atoms of

each element same in both formulas.

Some things to consider in the equation, namely:

1. coefficient The numbers are in the left formula reactants and reaction products is
called coefficient. Each coefficient in the equation represents the number of units of
each substance in the reaction

2. Steps equalizes Chemical Reaction Equalization reaction equation can be

done with the following steps:

Set the coefficient of one of the substances, which usually has the most
complex formula
equal to one, while other substances are given coefficients while the form of letters.
Balance the first element directly related to substance by the coefficient of one.

Balance the other elements.

The reaction of methane (CH 4) gas with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Step 1: Writing down the chemical formula reactants and reaction products as follows:
CH 4 (g) + O 2 (g) CO 2 (g) + H 2 O (g)
Step 2 equalization:

Set the coefficient of CH 4 = 1, while the other letters. The easiest way to determine
the coefficient of reaction is by letting the coefficient of each a, b, c, d, and so on.

CH 4 (g) + aO 2 (g) BCO 2 (g) + cH 2 O (g)

Balance the atoms C and H. Note the number of the C atoms to the left = 1; means the
number of carbon atoms on the right = b = 1. Note the number of H atoms on the left
= 4; means the number of H atoms on the right = 2c, meaning 2c = 4, or c = 2

Balance the atoms O, the number of O atoms on the left = 2a. On the right hand side =
2 + 2 = 4, meaning 2a = 4 or a = 2.

Thus obtained the following equation:

CH 4 (g) + 2O 2 (g) CO 2 (g) + 2H 2 O (g)
When chemists associated with atoms and molecules, they require the appropriate unit
that can be used to the size of atoms and molecules are very small. This unit is called the
mole. In the SI system, a mole is the quantity used to indicate that a substance has a number
of atoms, molecules, or ions, which is equal to the number of atoms which is owned by 12
grams of carbon-12 isotope. The number of atoms which is owned by 12 grams of carbon-12
isotope is determined through an experiment and this number is known as Avogadro's number
(N A). The value of the currently accepted as Avogadro's number is as follows:N A =
6.0221367 x 10 23 (usually rounded up to 6.022 x 10 23) This means that for every 1 mole of
any substance, whether the atoms, molecules, or ions, will have a 6,022 x 10 atoms,
molecules, or ions.
Previously, we already know that one mole of isotope C-12 has a mass of 12 grams
and 6,022 x 10 23 atoms C-12. Massa owned by one mole of a substance is called the molar
mass (relative molecular mass or Mr compound; the relative atomic mass or Ar to the
elements). Can be observed that the molar mass (Ar) isotope C-12 together with the relative
atomic mass unit amu. Thus, the relative atomic mass of an element (in units sma) represent
the mass of one mole of the element in question (in grams).
For example, the relative atomic mass of the element Na is 22.99 amu. This means
that the mass of one mole of Na element was 22.99 grams. In the Na element contained 22.99
grams of 6.022 x 10 23 atoms Na. If we have as much as 114.95 grams of Na element, it
would be equivalent to 114.95 grams / 22.99 (g / mol) or 5 moles Na elements. Thus, the
number of atoms which is owned by 114.95 grams of Na element (equivalent to 5 moles Na
element) is 5 x 6.022 x 10 23 atoms Na.
By knowing the molar mass and Avogadro's number, we can calculate the mass of a
single atom in grams. For example, we all know that the molar mass of the C-12 was 12.00
grams and contained 6.022 x 10 23 atoms C-12 in a mole of that element. Thus, the mass of
the atom C-12 is as follows: 12.00 g atom C-12 / 6.022 x 10 23 atoms C-12 = 1.993 x 10 -
grams.It is known also that the mass of the atom C-12 is 12 amu. Thus, the relationship
between amu and the gram can be obtained through the following ways:
12 sma = 1.993 x 10 -23 grams
1 amu = 1.661 x 10 -24 grams
1 gram = 6.022 x 10 23 sma
The relationship between mass, molar mass (Ar or Mr), and the number of particles of
matter, can be demonstrated through several following equation:
mol = mass of the element / elements Ar
mol = mass of compound / Mr compound
mol = number of particles / Avogadro's number
By knowing the relative atomic mass (Ar) constituent elements of a compound, we
can determine the relative molecular mass (Mr) of the compound. Compound molar mass (in
grams) is equal to its relative molecular mass (in amu). For example, the relative molecular
mass of 18.016 amu water. Thus, the molar mass of water is 18.016 grams. This means that
the mass of one mole of water molecule is equal to 18.016 grams and contained 6.022 x
10 23 molecules of water. If we have 54.048 grams of water, it would be equivalent to 54.048
grams / 18.016 (g / mol) or 3 moles of water molecules. The number of molecules of the 3
moles of water molecules is 3 x 6.022 x 10 23 molecules of water.

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