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In Defence of

Trotskyism No. 21
1 waged, 50p unwaged/low waged, 1.50

Trump Triumphs: The global rise

of the far right and fascism
Brexit plus, plus, plus

The forces of reaction face the revolt of the masses

trade union bureaucracy and their allies in the
Where We Stand Labour party leadership as the most funda-
WE STAND WITH KARL MARX: The mental obstacle to the struggle for power of
emancipation of the working classes must be the working class, outside of the state forces
conquered by the working classes themselves. and their direct agencies themselves, we must
The struggle for the emancipation of the fight and defeat and replace them with a revo-
working class means not a struggle for class lutionary leadership by mobilising the base
privileges and monopolies but for equal rights against the pro-capitalist bureaucratic mis-
and duties and the abolition of all class leaders to open the way forward for the strug-
rule (The International Workingmens Asso- gle for workers power.
ciation 1864, General Rules). We are fully in support of all mass mobilisa-
The capitalist state consists, in the last analy- tions against the onslaught of this reactionary
sis, of ruling-class laws within a judicial sys- Con-Lib Dem coalition. However, whilst par-
tem and detention centres overseen by the ticipating in this struggle we will oppose all
armed bodies of police/army who are under policies which subordinate the working class
the direction and are controlled in acts of to the political agenda of the petty-bourgeois
defence of capitalist property rights against reformist leaders of the Labour party and
the interests of the majority of civil society. trade unions
The working class must overthrow the capi- We oppose all immigration controls. Interna-
talist state and replace it with a workers state tional finance capital roams the planet in
based on democratic soviets/workers coun- search of profit and imperialist governments
cils to suppress the inevitable counter- disrupts the lives of workers and cause the
revolution of private capitalist profit against collapse of whole nations with their direct
planned production for the satisfaction of intervention in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghani-
socialised human need. stan and their proxy wars in Somalia and the
We recognise the necessity for revolutionaries Democratic Republic of the Congo, etc.
to carry out serious ideological and political Workers have the right to sell their labour
struggle as direct participants in the trade internationally wherever they get the best
unions (always) and in the mass reformist price. Only union membership and pay rates
social democratic bourgeois workers parties can counter employers who seek to exploit
despite their pro-capitalist leaderships when immigrant workers as cheap labour to under-
conditions are favourable. Because we see the mine the gains of past struggles.

In Defence of Trotskyism is Socialist Fight is a member of the Liaison Committee for the
produced by Socialist Fight. Fourth International with:
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Immediate reaction to the
election and the Trump ad-
The election of Donald Trump on 8 No-
vember following the British Brexit vote
on 23 June reflects a long delayed politi-
cal reaction in the form of right wing
The post-election period is politically
dominated by two things in the USA; the nounced was Jeff Sessions as attorney gen-
huge number of demonstrations nation- eral. He has been identified by observers
wide (and internationally also) and the ap- as one of the most right-wing and anti-
pointment of the Trump administration, immigration members of the Senate and
which includes many outright racist bigots his appointment can only be seen as a de-
and extreme rightists. liberate provocation to the demonstrators.
These demonstrations are under slogans In 1986, in a rare move, his nomination by
like, not our President and include burn- Ronald Reagan to be a federal judge was
ing of the American flag. Burning the flag rejected by Congress after several attor-
was illegal until 1969. The conviction that neys testified that he had made racist com-
Trump will be an illegitimate President is ments. The Guardian reports Justice De-
based on the fact that Hillary got a million partment official Gerald Hebert as claim-
votes more than him and the very divisive, ing he describes the very moderate and
racist, misogynist, homophobic, ablest and conservative National Association for the
chauvinist character of his campaign for Advancement of Colored People
the presidency. The last President who (NAACP) and the American Civil Liber-
faced such a rejection of his election was ties Union as communist inspired and
Abraham Lincoln on 8 November 1960 un-American.
which quickly led to the secession of seven A prosecutor, Thomas H Figures, told
states and the Civil War. congress Sessions had thought the Ku
By 11 November cities which saw major Klux Klan was OK until I found out they
demonstrations included New York city smoked pot. Sessions said he had been
(several thousand people marched from joking and that the comment was so ludi-
Union Square to Trump Tower), Chicago, crous he could not think anyone would
(several thousand people marched to that take him seriously. Figures, an African-
citys Trump Tower) in Boston several American, also testified that Sessions had
thousand also, in Philadelphia, San Fran- called him boy. Sessions denied the
cisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle, Port- claim.
land, Washington DC, St Paul, Minnesota; If you have nostalgia for the days when
Richmond, Virginia; Kansas City; Omaha, blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet,
Nebraska; and Austin, Texas. immigrants were invisible and women
The first appointment Trump an-

stayed in the kitchen, Senator Jefferson
Beauregard Sessions is your man, Demo-
cratic representative Luis Gutirrez said in
a statement. He is due to succeed Loretta
Lynch, the first African American woman
to serve as attorney general.
Proposed CIA director is Mike Pompeo
who shares hawkish views with Trump on
surveillance and espionage. In 2012, he
published a political article pleading: Stop
harassing the Koch brothers! Then as a
member of the Energy and Commerce
Committees and the Energy and Power
Subcommittee of the US Congress Pom-
peo defended oil billionaires Charles and
David Koch, whose company is based in
Kansas and whose employees gave
$75,000 to Pompeo, according to the Cen-
ter for Responsive Politics.
Then, Pompeo, the man who is to lead Joseph Stalin and Georgi Dimitrov, Moscow,
1936. Wiki: He was a theorist of capitalism
the CIA, was the chief congressman for who expanded Lenins ideas by arguing that
the Koch brothers, the oil tycoons who fascism was the dictatorship of the most reac-
sponsored the coup dtat in Brazil togeth- tionary elements of financial capitalism. In
er with the conspirators of the MBL (Free fact it was Stalins definition against Lenins
advocating class collaboration and abandon-
Brazil Movement). This means that alt- ing the class struggle with fatal consequences
hough the Koch brothers did not directly for the French and Spanish revolutions.
support Trump in the election, they will
have their agent defending their interna- spreading is that Sariah law is spreading in
tional interests in the CIA, and in particu- the US. This post will give him a public
lar on Brazil. arena for pushing his anti-Muslim and anti
The proposed National Security Adviser, -immigrant agenda in the country.
one of his top advisers on foreign policy, Rumoured nominees for secretary of
is the retired general Michael Flynn, 57, a state include the disgraced general David
confidant who supports closer ties with Petraeus. Former UN ambassador John
Russia. Flynn held a job as head of the Bolton and former New York mayor Rudy
Defense Intelligence Agency but was Giuliani are two more possibilities. Bolton
forced out in 2014, reportedly because of and Giuliani rank among the most hawk-
his extremely hawkish views and chaotic ish members of the party, and in Septem-
management. He is also known as some- ber the latter said anything is legal in
one who acts on his own fabricated facts, war. Boltons support for the invasion of
which are dubbed Flynn facts in the US. Iraq, however, and Giulianis history with
One of the convenient facts he is foreign wealth could prove a problem in
confirmation hearings. the French Presidential election of 2002.
Treasury secretary is speculated to be In those states that embraced capitalism
Steve Mnuchin, a 17-year veteran of Gold- following the fall of the Berlin Wall and
man Sachs and Trumps campaign adviser the USSR from 1989-91 outright fascist
for finance. Environmental Protection movements have emerged in the Baltic
Agency is tipped to be Myron Ebell, a states, in Poland, in Hungary and they had
lobbyist who leads a group claiming to their biggest victory so far in the Maidan
dispel myths of global warming. De- coup in the Ukraine in February 2014.
fense secretary may be Stephen Hadley, a The Kiev government and its armed forc-
former national security adviser to George es are now fascist infested. Far right lead-
W Bush or Tom Cotton, a hawkish Ar- ers like Geert Wilders of the Party for
kansas senator and veteran who earned Freedom in Holland and the populist
notoriety and derision for a threatening Beppe Grillo, leader of the Five Star
letter to the leaders of Iran. [1] Movement in Italy, allied to Ukip, who is
The appearance of an outright racist, Jeff careful to avoid explicit fascist positions,
Sessions, as attorney general, of Mike are all growing forces. Advocacy of fas-
Pompeo as CIA Director, who is a de- cism is illegal in Italy but The Social Move-
fender of the barely legal Koch brothers, ment Tricolour Flame is clearly fascist. Ma-
of Michael Flynn as National Security Ad- rine Le Pen of the Front National in
viser, who wants to use Russia against France may win the Presidency in France
Europe, of Steve Mnuchin as Treasury in 2017.
secretary who is a Goldman Sachs man, Together with the advance of these far
and Myron Ebell, a climate denier as head right populist parties openly fascist for-
of the Environmental Protection Agency mations are politically and numerically
tells us a tale of a determined reactionary advancing in the USA and Europe, most
agenda, despite all the mandatory diplo- as factions within far-right groupings. The
matic one nation noises after his election. Tea Party in the US, UKIP in Britain, the
All these nominations must be confirmed Lega Nord in Italy and Jobbik in Hungary
by Congress; there may be some rejections are advancing strongly. PEDIGA in Ger-
from the Republican controlled houses, many expect big advances in next years
but very few. We now know the character elections. Others like the Golden Dawn in
of the Trump administration; he will not Greece and Svoboda in Ukraine are more
move back to the centre in any significant explicitly fascist parties. Golden Dawn
way. have expressed admiration for the Nazi
era and Nazi statesmen and for the collab-
Brexit plus, plus, plus orator Ioannis Metaxas of the 4th of Au-
This reflects and enhances a new stage in gust Regime (19361941). Svoboda openly
the political crisis which has gathered pace display the black and red flags of the Nazi
in Europe and the USA since the econom- -collaborating Ukrainian Insurgent Army
ic collapse of 2008. The far-right Front and sport the portrait of its founder, Ste-
National in France has threatened since pan Bandera, the only Nazi wartime col-
Jean-Marie Le Pen reached the run-off in laborator to be honoured as a national

hero (by the Ukrainian government in
Donald Trump is a far-right racist, Is-
lamophobic, sexist, misogynist homopho-
bic, bigot but he is not a fascist. But be-
hind him the fascist Ku Klux Klan and
other fascist and far right groups are
greatly strengthened, as they are in Britain
after Brexit. They are already growing and
are bound to advance strongly in the next
years. The essence of a fascist formation;
what distinguishes it from all other far most chauvinistic and most imperialist
right formations, is its determination to elements of finance capital.
destroy all organisations of the working This is wrong because it facilitates the
class, its trade unions, left and right, its Popular Front theory at the Congress,
political parties, mass reformist bourgeois which he expounded on behalf of Stalin,
workers parties, no matter how rightist whereby the working class were to cease
led, smaller Stalinist and reformist their class struggles against the
groups, centrist groups [2] and genuine democratic capitalists to form a cross-
revolutionary formations. Mussolini, Hit- class alliance to defeat fascism, thereby
ler and Franco spared none of these. Not abandoning all aspiration for revolution
even the most right-wing class collaborat- to appease their capitalist allies. Note that
ing labour [3] traitors are of any use to a it is not said to be a product of capitalism
fascist regime. Such was Trotskys correct as a whole in crisis and collapse but only
understanding of fascism elaborated in of a particular section, finance capital,
his writings and pamphlets in the late and only of the most reactionary, most
1920s to middle 1930s. chauvinistic and most imperialist ele-
Serious Marxist and Trotskyists reject ments of finance capital. It should be
the 1935 Seventh Comintern Congress mentioned that this targeting of finance
definition of Fascism by Georgi Dimi- capital in isolation from the whole class
trov. This Anti-Fascist Popular Front and system was also a strong feature of
definition denies that all civil rights in a Nazi propaganda, only of course the
bourgeois democracy depend, not on most reactionary, most chauvinistic and
civilisation or democratic values but on most imperialist agents of USA finance
the organised strength of the working capital were said to be the Jews.
class and its ability to fight. He defined But of the 13.75 million votes that the
fascism thus: Nazis got in July 1932 most were neither
Fascism in power was correctly de- strongly anti-semitic not anti-communist
scribed by the 13th Plenum of the Exec- but were from peasants and professionals
utive Committee of the Communist who were suffering terribly under the
International (1933) as the open terror- depression, and only Hitler appeared as a
ist dictatorship of the most reactionary, strong leader who promised them eco-
nomic relief. By November their vote Barak Obama. His quote, Brexit, plus,
had fallen to 11.73 million whilst the plus, plus makes it clear that he identi-
working-class vote remained almost stat- fied both moments as having the same
ic at about 13.25 million, with the Socialpolitical basis, empire chauvinism, anti-
Democrats (SPD) bleeding 0.75 million immigrant, racist, economic nationalist,
votes to the Communists. There was no protectionist, opposition to international
powerful revolutionary leadership to trade deals and advocacy of the erecting
revive the working class to fight and de- of tariff walls etc. The poisonous oppo-
feat the Nazis, the SPD were a pillar of sition to rival imperialists in times of
the capitalist establishment but the KDP global recession that led to WWI and
identified them as the main enemy and WWII is apparent. The US Smoot-
they collaborated with the Nazis against Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 deepened an
them. already serious global recession and, with
Even after Hitler came to power in Janu- other similar actions to force the burden
ary the KPD continued to proclaim of the crisis on rival powers, caused the
after the Nazis us and launched no rise of Hitler and WWII.
fight at all. The so-called revolutionary We further note that Trumps isola-
leadership of the best organised working tionism (Americanisation not Globali-
class in the whole world, the KPD, went sation) is welcomed by some foolish
to the concentration camps, were execut- leftists on the basis that Clinton was the
ed or fled to exile in the USSR with no more ferocious war monger who was far
organised resistance whatsoever on more likely to start WWIII. A little histo-
Stalins and KPD leader Ernst Thl- ry lesson is necessary here for these
manns orders. The street fighting Antifa comrades. Before WWI and WWII, the
fought heroically but were left leaderlessUSA was isolationist. It eschewed for-
and easily defeated. Many subsequently eign wars and turned inward. Its vast size
went over to the Nazis, such was their made it difficult to invade and conquer
low political level of understanding and its abstention from WWI until inter-
caused by abject reliance on Stalin and vening in the Western Front near the
Ernst Thlmann to do their thinking for end, in December 1917, enabled it to
them, substituting physical force alone extend credits to its British and French
for political understanding and past rivals and emerge as the worlds banker
KPD collaboration with the Nazis. No and relatively unscathed whilst Europe
one expected the SPD leaders to mount had destroyed great quantities of its eco-
any resistance whatsoever, though their nomic, military and human assets. There
street fighters, the Iron Front, too is some debate on whether or not
fought heroically but leaderless. Trump was elected by the choice of
The international ramifica- To be one of only two possible candi-
tions of Trumps election dates to be elected he was selected by a
We note that Trump was a very enthusi- long process between several imperialist
astic supporter of Brexit, in contrast to candidates and pre-chosen by an imperi-
alist democracy that is not democratic.
This selection is the result of conditions
imposed by the great capitalists who
conduct a well-controlled plebiscite to
legitimize one of its political representa-
tives who will take care of torturing the
workers and oppressed peoples of the
world to extract the maximum profit
possible. Trump does not represent a
popular protest vote against the estab-
lishment; he was elevated to power with-
in a very narrow range of choices estab-
lished by the establishment itself after a
funnel among more than a dozen candi-
dates from the two wings of the imperi-
alist party. What really elected him was
the undemocratic system of two parties
where the Electoral College decides an
election. Trump was chosen to be the
CEO of the world. Since when do work-
ers choose who rules the world?
And even within that narrow margin, servative ideas to become reactionary.
Trump won because the Democrats lost Capitalist appetites for overexploiting are
more votes rather than the Republicans whetted and they seek to extinguish
won these presidential elections. Obama rights previously won when the relation-
got 69.5 million in 2008; 66 million in ship of forces was more advantageous to
2012; And now, Hillary has only reached workers.
61 million votes. Democrats have had The workers last victory with a social
8.5 million fewer votes in the last 8 years. revolution that expropriated the bour-
McCain got almost 60 million in 2008; geoisie occurred more than 40 years ago,
Romney 61 million in 2012; And now, when Vietnam defeated US imperialism
Trump has 60 million. Despite all Dem- itself. Despite his anti-people program
ocrat wear and tear in the last eight years and all that he threatens against the pop-
and the fact that Republicans were al- ulation Trump got many votes. This cor-
ready in control of Congress, they got responds to a setback in the conscious-
fewer votes than Hillary in the popular ness of the masses as well. However, it is
vote. necessary to emphasize that this process
The dominant ideas are the ideas of the is not homogeneous, it is unequal and
ruling classes. Dominant ideas supported contradictory, right-wing thinking grows
by accumulated victories of the ruling and even without revolutionary direction
classes bring about qualitative changes the sympathies for left socialism grow, as
that impact consciousness, allowing con- Bernie Sanders candidacy demonstrated.
They are complementary contradictions Italy and Greece in 1944 to 1946, all
and radicalizations, the unity of oppo- suppressed by Stalin on behalf of imperi-
sites, an elementary law of the dialectic. alism or in alliance with it in the case of
There is a disbelief in the failing system the latter two. The collapse of the USSR
of American democracy, and a greater in 1991 removed the problems of the
crisis even of the system which explains USSR as a degenerated workers state
how the richest 1% can advance their and as some form of an ideological alter-
privileges against the oppressed. The native to capitalism, albeit understood by
aversion to politics allows fascism to most workers as greatly flawed. It fund-
increase its potential, because then the ed and ideologically encouraged national
policy is controlled by the ruling classes revolts against US imperialism in South
and their agents. The forces of the right Asia, Africa and Central America as
and fascism are not options chosen by pawns in a game with imperialism to
the proletariat, but tools of capitalism ensure its own survival. Cubas interven-
itself and the crisis of bourgeois democ- tion in Angola in 1975 on behalf of the
racy to expand the exploitation of work- Africa Peoples Movement for the Liber-
ers. ation of Angola (MPLA) against United
The USA emerged as a superpower in States-backed interventions by South
1918, after it finally resolved its dilemma Africa and Zaire supported by Maos
about whether to intervene in WWI on China was apparently without USSR
the side of Britain and France or on the permission at the beginning at least.
side of Germany. Not principles but These leaderships quickly capitulated
Germanys foolish actions in attacking and sought their place in imperialist
American shipping, particularly the Lusi- heaven in various peace processes after
tania, decided that issue eventually. The 1991.
Russian Revolution complicated things But one former British colony, the
but the Stalinist counter-revolution there United States, became the main imperial-
after 1924 effectively removed the threat ist power on the planet. This obeyed the
of domestic revolution from the USA, same laws of dialectics which also saw
Britain and everywhere else as the na- the transformation of the former work-
tional communist parties rejected revolu- ers states of China and Russia into capi-
tion on instruction from Stalin and were talist powers in the 21st century. These
reduced to the role of border guards for laws are contained in the theory of per-
the corrupt bureaucracy in the USSR. manent revolution and the theory of
The unfinished war resumed in 1939 and combined and uneven development de-
the USA now emerged as the global heg- veloped by Leon Trotsky. The difference
emonic imperialist power after the dev- is that for the United States this pro-
astation wrought on Britain, Continental found modification was possible during
Europe, the USSR, China and Japan by its history in a period when the imperial-
1946. ist powers were still forming and the
However, revolutions did threaten in world market was still developing in the
Poland, in Czechoslovakia, Northern late 19th century. By a bourgeois revolu-
tionary break the US ceased to be a British to sponsor both sides in the conflict and
colony. It converted itself from an agricul- lend money to finance the reconstruction
tural-owning oligarchs economy to an of the devastated countries. For both rea-
independent industrialized country which sons they could present themselves as
would become a great power in 1918, at protectors of the oppressed against
the end of WWI. Both in the USA and in communism, Nazism, terrorism and all
China and Russia the civil wars and revo- the enemies of democratic imperialism,
lutionary break ensured a leap in the his- which evolved to obtain the perfect justifi-
torical evolution of these nations. China cation to intervene and monitor the world
and Russia had undergone deformed pro- as planetary policeman from the end of
letarian dictatorships which solved tasks World War II.
of their bourgeois revolutions. This exceptional position occupied by
Unlike other smaller workers states that the USA became obvious after World War
reverted to semi-colonies status after capi- I, and Trotsky allowed as a possibility If
talist restoration (except Cuba and North we conclude that capitalist development is
Korea) China and Russia today benefited heading for a vigorous rise in Europe and
from another important law of dialectics: around the world, this forecast would
the transformation of quantity into quali- have several and therefore no insignificant
ty. This means that both countries, after practical consequences for our destiny.
the period of initial setbacks in their econ- And today it is clear that if a rapid devel-
omies after capitalist restoration (mainly in opment of capitalism were possible, this
Russia until the crisis of 1998), could start could be fatal for us, and given certain
from a superior structural foundation to conditions, it would be. It is for this rea-
occupy an unheard space in the world son that the issue of forecasting is of great
market because of state intervention in importance. It can be achieved by using
their economies during the economic re- the materialistic method of analysis cor-
cession of the imperialist powers caused rectly. minority capitalist world could now
by the crisis of 2008. generate a new ascent organic, and if
This structural foundation consists in found before a new balance as a basis for
the fact that China has the largest work the further development of economic
force on the planet, and Russia is a huge forces [4]
producer and exporter of oil, gas and In fact, the so-called glorious 30 years
weapons. These advantages were inherited (1945-1975) where Pax Americana was
from the USSR and Stalinist/Maoist Chi- established, were dialectically those that
na. In addition, but no less important, also enabled the greatest number of social
both nations have nuclear independence. revolutions in history, though still under
In the first two world wars, while the non-Marxist leaderships. One third of
great powers of European and Japanese humanity became workers states. In the
imperialism destroyed each other, the US other two-thirds of humanity there were
managed to confine the military conflagra- also major resistance struggles, such as
tion to the territory of its continental ri- against the Vietnam War and for civil
vals and benefited doubly when they came rights against racism in the USA. But,
combined with the
witch hunting of
McCarthyism to
crush communism,
there were also
material elements
that provoked an
accommodation in
the consciousness
of the masses. The
reconstruction of
what was destroyed during World War II all the political and ideological backlash in
with US loans created a colossal economic recent decades, the laws of dialectics, of
and technological rise. Theoretically, a unity of contradictions, spectacularly al-
rise of capitalism in Europe would create a lowed an incomplete, contradictory evolu-
colossal technology for the bourgeoisie tion in consciousness of the masses; the
and modify the psychology of the prole- ideals of socialism resurged even in a frag-
tariat. (Idem). In the United States this ile form in the USA, being catalysed ini-
economic and technological development, tially, and in a deformed way, by Bernie
from the parasitic draining of the re- Sanders in the Democrats, one of the
sources of the entire planet, also provoked wings of the imperialist party itself. At the
an accommodation in the psychology of same time, Trump capitalizes on the dis-
the masses. The economic crisis of the content of the labouring masses with the
1970s brought an end to the glorious 30 regime led by the postmodern Democrats,
years and the cycle of social revolutions, deludes the masses with promises of em-
the last being Vietnams victory over the ployment and blaming the oppressed im-
USA itself in 1975. Imperialism quickly migrant people who are trying to survive
adapted to the new times and went on the the aftermath of the capitalist crisis by
offensive all down the line with Reagan selling their labour power in the big cities
and Thatcher. of imperialism.
During capitalist recessions, too, the Careful conservation of resources and
struggles of the workers suffer more de- assets during WWI and WWII whilst its
feats and they retreat into accepting the rivals, including rival allies, exhausted
capitalist status quo. Under reformist and themselves was the game and it is Trumps
theocratic leadership revolutions in Iran game now. Brexit has sharpened the dif-
and Nicaragua in 1979 remained within ference between the USA and Europe
the capitalist framework. This retroces- today. Trump wants to promote Anglo-
sion, combined with the neo-liberal ideo- American imperialism against Franco-
logical offensive, created a qualitative leap German imperialism make America
in the capitalist restoration processes in great again. By supporting Putin against
the socialist world of the workers states the EU, by recognising the Russian annex-
between 1989 and 1991. However, despite ation of Crimea he hopes to begin a war
between the EU China and $1.15
and Russia. Mer- trillion for Japan
kel and Putin are as of May
unlikely to coop- 2016. [5]
erate. By attack- In the period of
ing China in im- the ascent of the
posing 45% tar- economy there
iffs he hopes to are many fa-
split it from Rus- vourable factors,
The Polish community demonstrate in Harlow,
sia. By breaking now in its decline
Essex, against the racist, Brexit-inspired murder
with NATO he of Arkadiusz (Arek) Jwik on 27 August, 2016. everything con-
hopes to get spires against it.
WWIII going without the USA and then Now, the dollar is under threat of losing
to intervene on whichever side he judges its status as the trading currency interna-
most advantageous, thereby halting and tionally. If China and Russia carry out
reversing the historic decline of the the de-dollarization of trade relations
USA. among themselves and with partners,
It is a very dangerous game. If Trump the dollar will plummet as will US Treas-
proceeds with his promised infrastruc- ury bonds; the debt of the United States
ture spending like Herbert Hoovers will increase immensely and the insol-
New Deal of 19311933 it will be neces- vency of the largest planetary debtor will
sary to fund this by expanding its for- become evident. The large ballast of the
eign debt by the sale of government economic power of the United States
bonds. The USA was a very wealthy has been its military power. If Trump
creditor nation after WWI and WWII abandons that power and smashes
but now it is a massive debtor nation; its NATO, it will not be long before a 21st
Federal debt and trade deficit are getting century fall of the Roman empire,
worse; it stands at $19.8 trillion now as barbarian invasions and all exert irre-
Wikipedia relates: sistable force on the US Empire itself.
On November 7, 2016, debt held by Trump says of China: We cant con-
the public was $14.3 trillion or about tinue to allow China to rape our country,
76% of the previous 12 months of and thats what theyre doing But I
GDP. Intragovernmental holdings tell the voters now, under a Donald
stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a com- Trump presidency I can promise the
bined total gross national debt of $19.8 American people that we will forever be
trillion or about 106% of the previous the rapists, not the rapees [6]. If he
12 months of GDP. $6.2 trillion or imposes a massive tariff wall against
approximately 45% of the debt held by Chinese goods, the 45% he threatens,
the public was owned by foreign inves- China will not want, nor indeed be able,
tors, the largest of which were China to purchase those bonds. Who will? Ja-
and Japan at about $1.25 trillion for pan cannot make up that shortfall, Saudi

Arabia is now alarmed with Trumps di- mass media, the industrial military com-
rection, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad are plex, drug trafficking, many sectors now
delighted because Russia is and will not be linked to the Democrats will be affected
willing to assist the USA when they no by Trump. Injured opponents will see him
longer purchase Middle East oil. Together as much an enemy as Putin. During the
with the promised wall on the Mexican campaign, Hillary and almost the entire
border and a 35% tariff on Mexican imperialist media accused him of playing
goods, this would cause huge economic the game of Russia during the election.
dislocation. Decaying imperialism cannot afford to
Printing dollars in these circumstances follow the idiosyncrasies and adventures
would cause hyperinflation because the of a bankrupt millionaire, even though he
prime danger of isolation is the rejection has managed to become president. A plan
of the dollar, particularly the petrodollar, B in the face of Trumps course is today,
as the worlds trading currency by re- immediately after the elections, a minority
buffed trading partners. The US may now variant, but that will tend to gain strength
be self-sufficient in oil due to fracking and if economically and politically Trump
Canadian tar sands but economic advisors deepens the decadence of the American
will be rushing to get Trump to under- empire.
stand the perilous nature of interfering
with this global finance system which un- Trump and the current cold
derpins the modern parasitic American war against Russia and China
economy. During the campaign, the Democrats and
However, this is all mere speculation the mainstream media tried to demonise
because it is entirely unclear how much of Trump, identifying him with Putin. In
this programme will get off the ground. fact, the Russian President did back the
He is unleashing forces he may not be Republican candidate. Trump announced
able to control by the promises he has a thawing of relations with Russia, which
made and hopes he has engendered. This some activists of left prematurely cele-
economic programme would cause the brated as the end of the cold war. Shortly
collapse of the US economy in very rapid after the election, Tump and Putin agreed
order, and with it the its military spend- to normalise relations between the two
ing, its five fleets, its ten supercarriers, its countries and to seek a constructive co-
1000 odd foreign bases and ability to po- operation. Trump might even be able to
lice the world. at some point agree with Putin on the
With Trump, Republicans have reached division of Syria and pacifying the parti-
a historic level of control over the two tion of Ukraine (Donbass).
houses of Congress, the Judiciary and the But we do not believe that the clear in-
Executive. However, today it does not tentions of these diplomatic movements
appear that the heterogeneous imperialist at the top will resolve the dispute between
bourgeoisie, and not even the Republi- imperialism and the Eurasian block.
cans, will spend all its gunpowder in one Trump wants to adopt a more isolationist
shot. As Trumps political spin is very position following growing breakdown of
large, financial capital, corporations, the the world market. The future Govern-
ment of Trump will countries of inter-
tend to take increas- national trade de-
ingly fascist forms. dollarization would
Meanwhile, the mean a very serious
fight between the economic attack
different internal against the US. As
fractions of Ameri- Folha do Trabalha-
can imperialism dor, the newspaper
the oil barons, Wall Throughout Sanders parliamentary life he was a of our Brazilian
Street, the Military staunch supporter of imperialist wars, supported the section, said last
Gulf War, sanctions against Iraq already in the early
Industrial Complex, 1990s, then supported the bombing of Serbia, and so June:
manufacturing, me- at that time his office was occupied by anti-war pro- The US profits
dia, corporations, testers, supported military operations in Haiti and from the dollarisa-
multinationals, drug Somalia, supports Israel against Hezbollah and tion of the world
trafficking, etc. con- Hamas, voted for war credits against Afghanistan
and Iraq, defends US intervention in Syria now. economy because
tinues without a reso- they print paper and
lution. The elections were part of that buy what they want with it. The US impe-
fight but this dispute will not be settled by rialist economy will be hampered by the
peaceful election. de-dollarisation of economic relations
In the intra-imperialist fight the differ- advocated by China and Russia. The
ent fractions can resort to economic sabo- printed paper would lose value. Dollars
tage organized by the Federal Reserve or would not be accepted any more. Those
Wall Street, or by false flag attacks, orga- who hold dollars would want to get rid of
nized by the CIA and the Pentagon them, as they would be if devaluing,
against the international politics of anoth- which would flood the market. All Ameri-
er fraction. can Government bonds would not be
This lack of resolution on which frac- worth anything either. There was no way
tion of US imperialism would be the to finance their purchases.
hegemon postpones war and favours the
Eurasian nucleus by giving it a historic Foreign trade in dollars would evapo-
time to prepare itself and acquire better rate. The financial market would ex-
conditions to fight WWIII. plode. The American, Japanese and Eu-
Therefore, we believe that the tactics of ropean economies would stagnate. And,
the White House under the guidance of therefore, also the ability of the US gov-
Trump tends to be the tactic of trying to ernment to fund its war machine. It
divide opponents (European Union, Ja- would dismantle the artificial guarantee
pan, China, Russia) whilst deciding inter- (ballast) imposed by US military superi-
nally which will be the dominant imperial- ority in 1971. In the condition of super
ist fraction. Imperialism, which Michael Hudson
Any attempt at world war today by the speaks of, the US despised the Bretton
US would face them with new problems. Woods agreement, established with
For example, the threat made by several England at the end of World War II [7]

So what is the nature of the large litany of incidents. The Institute
of Race Relations compiled a list of
Brexit and Trump forces? well over 100 incidents in the month
There are many who assert that the vic-
after the referendum vote just by mon-
tory of Brexit represents a working class itoring media. But even these are un-
rejection of neo liberalism. And that
doubtedly only a small fraction of what
Trumps victory showed a working class
is actually going on. Many victims of
in despair at the lack of an alternative to
abuse and even violent racial crime do
neo-liberalism. In Brexit the northern
not report such incidents because of
English and Welsh votes for Brexit were
justified distrust of the police and the
clearly working class votes, almost exact-
legal system. [8] [9]
ly those who had previously voted La-
bour but voted UKIP in the May Gen- Police murders of black people and the
eral election, allowing the Tories to win. rise of the Tea party in the USA before
Milibands Austerity Lite fell on deaf Trump will be quickly followed by bur-
ears, they wanted something done now geoning of far-right movements. If Ber-
after eight long years of falling living nie Sanders were the candidate for the
standards and collapsing welfare and Democrats, he would have trounced
NHS and the growth of obscene social Trump. Enough to record that in all the
inequality. If no one was attacking capi- states where Sanders trounced Clinton in
talism itself and the ruling class, the only the Primaries Trump trounced Clinton
hope was getting rid of the immigrants on the 8th November. These were the
so there would be more jobs for them- same states that Reagan took from the
selves. As we said in Socialist Fight No. Democrats far more convincingly in
23, the journal of our British group: 1980, in what many thought was the end
of the world then. Reagan took 44 states
Polish and East European workers in a huge landslide against Carter. What
have been the targets: leaflets have followed was the beginning of the all-out
been pushed through doors threaten- assault for the hegemony of the neo-
ing Polish vermin with violence. liberal agenda in a joint attack by Reagan
Polish cultural centres have been at- and Thatcher, following her victory in
tacked and daubed with racist graffiti, 1979. The smashing of the air traffic
and there have been a rash of violent controllers (PATCO) by Reagan, the
attacks, including the disgusting mur- victory of Thatcher in the Malvinas war
der of a Polish man, Arkadiusz Jwik, in 1982, the defeat of the miners strike
over the August Bank holiday week- in 1985 and the fall of the Berlin war and
end, in Harlow, Essex. This was fol- the collapse of the USSR saw the victory
lowed up by another violent assault a of that neo-liberal agenda.
week or so later in the same town. It has become the global economic wis-
Black and Asian people have been dom since then, enforced by Tory and
abused and threatened by pro-Brexit Labour, Republican and Democrat and
racists and told to go home. These their counterparts in every country apart
incidents are just a small sample of a from Iraq up to 2003, Libya up to 2011,
China, Cuba, North Korea and a very wiped out Trump. The Sanders phenom-
few others, all past or present war targets enon saw huge numbers of American
of the USA. Syria and Iran impose their workers identify themselves as socialists
own version of neoliberalism but do not for the first time since Eugene Debs
allow the USA and EU transnationals stood for President five times from 1900
free access to their markets, hence they to 1920, getting a million votes in 1912.
too are targets. The election of Trump Most of the rustbelt states of the mid-
puts a large question mark against the west, also known as the manufacturing
survival of the ideology of Milton Fried- belt, whose economy is based mainly on
man and the Chicago Boys, those Chile- heavy industry, voted Obama in 2008
an economists of the 1970s and 80s who and 2012. The majority are not irretrieva-
learned their trade at the Department of bly racists any more that Northern Eng-
Economics of the University of Chicago lish and Welsh workers in Britain are
under Friedman and Arnold Harberger today. Nor were most Hitler voters
or at its affiliate in the economics depart-strongly anti-Semitic or anti-communist
ment at the Pontifical Catholic University in 1932, as we pointed out above. But in
of Chile following the Chile coup on 9 Britain and the US a section are now un-
September 1973. Nobel laureate Amartya der the political influence of far-right
Sen pointed out these policies or privatis- forces and fascists are clamouring for the
ing state assets and allowing the market allegiance of the most lumpen elements
free rein were deliberately intended to of the class. Clearly strong revolutionary
serve the interests of American corpora- leadership is needed to tackle this crisis.
tions at the expense of Latin American For the British working class the task
populations.[10] Though that ideology now is democratising the Labour Repre-
will now be increasingly challenged from sentation Committee, ending the bans
left and right it will live on as long as cap-
and proscriptions of left groups which is
italism exists because it is a fundamental possible now following the election of
feature of that mode of production itself. some new more leftist leader at the AGM
on 29 October. For Momentum the Feb-
The rallying of the vanguard ruary launch conference is vital and there
of the working class are good reasons to hope this will go
Today also there is a clear rallying of the well. Of course, the twin tasks and rea-
vanguard of the class to defend and mo- sons for fighting within the LRC is to
bilise the class because they are clearly democratise the Labour Party itself, its
aware of this growing danger. We have annual conference and its local General
two Corbyn surges in 2015 and 2016 and Committees in the individual constituen-
now 650,000 members in Labour the cies and regions and the mobilise the
clear majority of whom defied the entire working class against the cuts in local
capitalist establishment and their allies councils and the privatisation of the Na-
within the Labour party to vote Corbyn tional Health Service. We are acutely
twice. If Bernie Sanders had got the conscious that Corbyn is a sincerely a
Democrats nomination, he would have reformist Labourite, but he is still a capi-
talist politician, wed-
ded to the defence of
the working class un-
der capitalism and
therefore to defending
capitalism against the
working class in revo-
lutionary times. But he
is the leftist leader of a
bourgeois workers
party who must be
defended against the Trotsky had a worked-out position on an
right wing capitalist Independent Labor party in the USA.
establishment in socie-
ty as a whole and within the Labour par- Faced with this trajectory whose preco-
ty itself. The elaboration of this requires cious exhaustion was amplified after its
a substantial document in which we will defeat in the primaries, the demand is
tackle these questions in detail. for a Labor Party independent of imperi-
Sanders is a fraud, a Democratic politi- alism and the bosses
cian who never broke to the left of the In some ways, its better he didnt win
Democrats as Debs did by reading Marx the nomination and win the election be-
in prison. Sanders is an imperialist capi- cause now the demand for an independ-
talist politician, who represents an impe- ent Labor party becomes the main issue
rialist party, the US Democrats. of the day for US revolutionary social-
Throughout Sanders parliamentary life ists. Illusions in Democratic Party politi-
he was a staunch supporter of imperialist cians are substantially diminished so now
wars, supported the Gulf War, sanctions we clearly need a mass workers party, an
against Iraq in the early 1990s, then sup- independent Labor party representing
ported the bombing of Serbia, and so at the trade unions. The potential is clearly
that time his office was occupied by anti- there. The Sanders phenomenon high-
war protesters. lighted the potential of the USA working
He supported military operations in class. But they desperately need their
Haiti and Somalia, supports Israel own leadership and political party. And
against Hezbollah and Hamas, voted for to that object the entire socialist left in
war credits against Afghanistan and Iraq, the US must orient themselves. They all
defends US intervention in Syria now. must demand of all the trade union lead-
Sanders capitulated to Hillary Clinton in ers that they begin forming a US Labor
the primaries and immediately after the party now.
election of Trump declared his willing- Corbyn is a capitalist and imperialist
ness to work with the Republicans to politician like Sanders, but Corbyn is
help working families. Therefore, Sand- also an anti-war political pacifist in the
ers cannot be politically supported. tradition of the British Labour Party of
Kier Hardy, its founder, 1906-08, and and Max Shachtman in which he spelled
George Lansbury, 1932-35. All Labours out how to approach this question, who
leaderships and governments were capital- to place demands on and how to operate
ist and imperialist. The party itself is a liv- the united front and transitional method
ing contradiction, based on the grassroots he had developed in his years as a Marxist
workers organizations in the trade unions revolutionary. [11] It is noteworthy that
but distorted by the bureaucratic moulds during these discussions Max Shachtman
that dominate the unions, the party and its continually fails to grasp the essence of
parliamentarians, who are only the repre- the transitional programme and method
sentatives of that bureaucracy in parlia- advocated here, always posing ultra-left
ment, the opposite side of its coin. If bu- objections against engaging with the work-
reaucratic unions are workers organisa- ers with the demand for an independent
tions, the Labour Party is a workers or- Labor party, independent of imperialism
ganisation with a capitalist/imperialist and the bosses, when he felt, what was
leadership, but with a really needed was a revolu-
base of organization and tionary party. Trotsky pa-
voting of the working tiently explained the meth-
class. The reason we call od in detail and clearly
for a vote to Corbyn and both James Cannon and
not to Sanders lies in the Vincent Dunne under-
nature of the British La- stood what was needed
bour Party as a bourgeois but Shachtman did not.
workers party, while the Within a few months of
US Democrats are abso- the end of the discussion
lutely a bourgeois party. in June, in August, Shacht-
Trotsky had a worked- man published a joint arti-
out position on an inde- cle with James Burnham
pendent Labor party in questioning the value of
the USA. This means the Marxist method of
putting demands on the Dialectical Material-
trade union leaders to break with the ism, [12] which was the beginning of the
Democrats, while revolutionaries struggle factional conflict in the SWP. Obviously,
within the movement to build a revolu- this was the very reason he found the dia-
tionary party against the reformist leaders lectical relationship between advocating an
who would want a British-type Labour independent Labor party and building a
Party. But the big advantage would be to revolutionary party thereby so difficult to
get the ear of militant workers alienated understand. The political differences with
from the Democrats. him developed leading to the split in early
Between April and June 1938 Trotsky 1940.
held three discussions On the Labor Party Trotsky, in explaining the dialectical con-
Question in the United States in Mexico City tradictions in the April discussion and
with James P. Cannon, Vincent R. Dunne how both workers and, doubly so, their
leader, find themselves caught up in this, But Shachtman just does not understand:
says: How do you reconcile this with the
Now we have a movement of tremen- original statement that we cannot advo-
dous importance the CIO; some cate the organization of a reformist labor
3,000,000 or more are organized in a party? I would like to get clear in my
new, more militant organization. This mind what concretely does our comrade
organization which began with strikes, do when his trade union is affiliated to
big strikes, and involved the AFL partial- the LNPL and he is sent as a delegate to
ly in these strikes for a raise in wages, the labor party. There the question
this organization at the first step of its comes up of what to do in the elections
activity runs into the biggest crisis in the and it is proposed: Let us support
U.S. The perspective for economic LaGuardia. [24] Concretely, how does
strikes is, for the next period, excluded, the matter present itself to our com-
given the situation of the growing unem- rades?
ployed ranks, etc. We can look for the Trotsky explains, in what is the crucial
possibility that it will put all its weight in passage in the whole series of discussions:
the political balance. Here we are in a trade union meeting to
The whole objective situation imposed discuss the affiliation to the LNPL. I will
it upon the workers as upon the leaders say in the trade union: First, the unifica-
upon the leaders in a double sense. On tion of the unions on a political plan is a
one hand, they exploit this tendency for progressive step. There is a danger that it
their own authority and on the other will fall into the hands of our enemies. I
they try to break it and not permit it to therefore propose two measures: 1) That
go ahead of its leaders. The LNPL has we have only workers and farmers as our
this double function. I believe that our representatives; that we do not depend
policy need not be theoretically revised on so-called parliamentary friends; 2)
but it needs to be concretized. In what That our representatives follow our pro-
sense? Are we in favor of the creation of a gram, this program. We then map out
reformist labor party? No. Are we in favor of a concrete plans concerning unemploy-
policy which can give to the trade unions the ment, military budget, etc. Then I say, if
possibility to put its weight upon the balance of you propose me as a candidate, you
the forces? Yes. Yes, we propagandize know my program. If you send me as
this program in the trade unions, pro- your representative, I will fight for this
pose it as the basic program for the labor program in the LNPL, in the labor party.
party. For us, it is a transitional program; but When the LNPL makes a decision to
for them, it is the program. Now its a ques- vote for LaGuardia, I either resign with
tion of workers control of production, protest, or protest and remain: I cant
but you can realize this program only vote for La Guardia. I have my man-
through a workers and farmers govern- date. We get large new possibilities for
ment. We must make this slogan popu- propaganda... The dissolution of our
lar. (our emphasis). organization is absolutely excluded. We

make absolutely clear that we have our of the trade unions as against the indi-
organization, our press, etc., etc. It is a vidual liberals, petty bourgeois, etc.
question of the relationship of forces. Otherwise it can become a labor party
Comrade Dunne says we cannot yet by social composition, a capitalist party
advocate in the unions support for the in policy.
SWP. Why? Because we are too weak. Cannon develops:
And we cant say to the workers: Wait
It seems to me that in Minneapolis its
till we become more authoritative, more
too much an organizational struggle, a
powerful. We must intervene in the
struggle for the control of the organiza-
movement as it is...
tion between the Stalinists and us. We
And later Trotsky again puts forward this have to develop in Minneapolis a pro-
dialectical approach: grammatic fight against the Stalinists in
I will not say that the labor party is a the FLP, as we yesterday utilized the
revolutionary party, but that we will do vote about the Ludlow Amendment.
everything to make it possible. At every But Shachtman is still lost:
meeting I will say: I am a representative
Now with the imminence of the out-
of the SWP. I consider it the only revo-
break of war, the Labor party can be-
lutionary party. But I am not a sectari-
come a trap. And I still cant under-
an. You are trying now to create a big
stand how the Labor party can be dif-
workers party. I will help you but I
ferent from a reformist, purely parlia-
propose that you consider a program
mentary party.
for this party. I make such and such
propositions. I begin with this. Under During the 31 May discussion Trotsky
these conditions it would be a big step explains the three different ways trade
forward. Why not say openly what is? unions were formed:
Without any camouflage, without any In such countries as Germany, Austria,
diplomacy. and especially in Russia where trade
James Cannon understands: unions were unknown, they were initiat-
ed, constructed, and guided by a politi-
Up until now the question has always
cal party, the social-democracy.
been put abstractly. The question of the
program has never been outlined as you Another type of development is that
have outlined it. The Lovestoneites disclosed in the Latin countries, in
have always been for a labor party; but France, and especially in Spain. Here
they have no program, its combina- the party movement and the trade un-
tions from the top. It seems to me that ion movement are almost independent
if we have a program and always point of one another and under different ban-
to it ners, even to a certain degree antagonis-
Trotsky agrees: tic to one another. The party is a parlia-
mentary machine. The trade unions are
First there is the program, and then
to a certain degree in France more in
the statutes that assure the domination
Spain under the leadership of anar-

chists. The point is this is to demonstrate how
and when to intervene in these bourgeois
The third type is provided by Great
workers organisations and, in the USA,
Britain, the United States, and more or
when to put forward the demand for a
less by the dominions. England is the
Labor party, only in the late 1930s, when
classic country of trade unions. They
US imperialism was in obvious crisis and
began to build trade unions at the end
decline and the CIO, the new and far
of the eighteenth century, before the
more genuine trade union formations,
French Revolution,
were caught up in the crisis de-
and during the so-
scribed above. The last discus-
called industrial rev-
sion in July was on the actual
olution. (In the
economic crisis in the USA and
United States, dur-
its likely duration and conse-
ing the rise of the
quences. We now know that its
manufacturing sys-
consequence was war in Sep-
tem.) In England the
tember 1939, which the USA
working class didnt
entered on 8 December1941
have its independent
following the Japanese attack
party. The trade un-
on Pearl Harbour on the 7th,
ions were the organ-
two years and three months
izations of the work-
after WWII had begun. Trump
ing class, in reality
has similar ambitions for the
the organization of
USA today in WWIII.
the labor aristocrats,
Of course, central to this tactic is the
the higher strata. In England there was
forging of the leadership of a revolution-
an aristocratic proletariat, at least in its
ary party. Never forget that central aim.
upper strata, because the British bour-
geoisie, enjoying almost monopoly con- What prospects for an inde-
trol of the world market, could give a
small part of the wealth to the working
pendent Labor party in the
class and so absorb part of the national USA today?
income. The trade unions were ade- Firstly the fightback begins on social mat-
quate to abstract that from the bour- ters, the ongoing racism in the USA, the
geoisie. Only after a hundred years did police murders and cover up leading to
the trade unions begin to build up a the confirmation that indeed to American
political party. This is absolutely contra- Society black lives did not matter as
ry to Germany or Austria. There the much as white lives. And this under the
party awakened the working class and nations first black President. In fact the
built up the trade unions. In England failure of Obamas two terms to address
the trade unions, after centuries of ex- any of this and to halt, left alone reverse
istence and struggle, were forced to the declining living standards and appal-
build up a political party. ling unemployment, felt most acutely in
the black inner city ghettos, sparked the
Black Lives Matter movement. It began in
with the use of the hashtag
#BlackLivesMatter on social media, after
the acquittal of George Zimmerman in
the shooting death of African-American
teen Trayvon Martin. Black Lives Matter
became nationally recognized for its
street demonstrations following the 2014
deaths of two African Americans: Mi-
chael Brown, resulting in protests and Striking Chinese workers in August 2014. The
unrest in Ferguson, and Eric Garner in ACTFU, so favoured by Andy Stern, frequent-
New York City. [13] ly acts with management to break strikes.
The Native American movement at Stand-
the American Constitution in the street
ing Rock too is a stirring of the poorest
protests held immediately Trump was de-
and most oppressed in the USA. And its
clared elected. It is impossible to respect
getting support from the whole worlds
Trump and this irreverence returning is a
oppressed, adding to the 2014 solidarity
heartening leftism reviving like in the Vi-
between Black Lives Matter and the Pales-
etnam anti-war protest days. Nobody
tinians under murderous assault in Opera-
asked Obama how many kids he killed
tion Protective Edge in Gaza. And these
today; they may well ask Trump at the first
two now show solidarity with the Native
opportunity. And someone even burned
Americans battle at Standing Rock over
an American flag!
the Dakota pipeline.
These movements must and do find their
Faced with this picture, our young section
expressions within the trade unions. What
in the USA, the Socialist Workers League
is the state of the US Labor movement
(SWL) argues that:
today? Back in 2007 we reviewed a book
More than ever it is necessary to unify by SEIU leader Andy Stern called Getting
our class, whites, blacks, Indians, Asians, America back on track: a country that works.
Latinos and immigrants against the po- Andy Stern and Teamsters boss Jimmy
lice state... for black self-defense, as the Hoffa led a 40% split in the AFL-CIO in
Black Panthers defended in their fight 2005, forming a new TU federation called
against the police state that cybernetically Change to Win. In the book, he speaks of
arises for us smash. [As part of the strug- workers self-managing their work lives
gle for] building a revolutionary party on and predicts that one in four workers will
the basis of the multiracial proletariat be contingent employees [!] or self-
throughout North America. [14] employed by 2010. Individuals want more
Its also great to see young Americans los- flexibility in their jobs (p38). We would
ing their respect for the god-like figure of suggest that the contingent employees
the President, representing the holy writ of would give a great deal to have far less

flexibility and more security. He is Andy Stern launched a new book
speaking of what is now called the gig called Raising the Floor: How a Universal
economy and he was obviously a prime Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and
mover is assisting its development. Rebuild the American Dream. It has received
He spoke of his admiration for Lech considerable publicity in national radio
Walesa and his brave trade unionists and TV shows. He starred at the Demo-
who had demonstrated the need for cratic National Convention in a discus-
free, democratic unions, in contrast to sion with one Josh Zepps for a Facebook
the government-dominated unions of the Live chat about the new direction of
communist dictatorships by winning the American politics. He is much admired in
cold war and destroying all obstacles to these circles, being praised as one who
market capitalism (p38). broke the mould of a traditional union
Strangely in the preceding chapter he leader and was willing to experiment,
recounts his visit to China and the lavish take risks, and anticipate future trends.
reception given to his delegation by the In other words, he was a gross class col-
All-China Federation of Trade Unions laborating bureaucrat who sold his mem-
(ACFTU). He says: The ACFTUs will- bers down the river at every opportunity.
ingness to transform itself to effectively His theme now is that automation is now
counter the impact of globalisation has about to create a tsunami of job losses
far-reaching implications for the workers and there is little that can be done about
everywhere (p28). This is because they it. As one reviewer, psychologist Michael
have resorted to traditional American Bader, says:
tactics of blacklisting foreign-owned If you buy Sterns analysis of the mag-
enterprises that defied Chinese labour nitude of the catastrophe coming our
laws. Clearly the ACFTU cannot be one way in the form of skyrocketing unem-
of those dreadful government- ployment and underemployment driven
dominated unions of the communist dic- by automation, artificial intelligence,
tatorships, as it is entirely in favour of robotics, and other new technologies,
market capitalism. then you have to question whether tra-
So much that it had to ask Wal-Mart to ditional progressive solutions
put up a token show of resistance when stronger unions, a redistributive tax and
it initially requested the right to organise regulatory system, a more activist gov-
its workers. This entirely bogus organisa- ernment, and a broader and more effec-
tion of 150 million members makes sure tive social safety netare sufficient to
that these stores and factories are not meet the challenge. If the answer is no,
organised the state itself is guarding then radical ideas like the UBI start to
Wal-Mart against the workers. Wal-Mart break through our cynicism. In that
will not tolerate unions in its US stores case, we owe Andy Stern a debt of grat-
and only concedes recognition in coun- itude. [15]
tries where the movement is strong
The UBI referred to is a universal basic
enough to impose its will.
income. The review on the Amazon site
In June 2016 now former SEIU leader
enlightens us:
The idea of a universal basic income
for all Americans is controversial but
American attitudes are shifting. Stern has
been a game changer throughout his
career, and his next goal is to create a
movement that will force the political
establishment to take action against
something that many on both the right
and the left believe is inevitable. Sterns
plan is bold, idealistic, and challenging--
and its time has come. [16]
The basic income policy was the main
social policy of the government of the
Workers Party in Brazil under the name
of the Bolsa Famlia Program. The Brazili-
an Workers Party (PT) is proud to have
temporarily removed 36 million people
from extreme poverty with this program.
The concept of Minimum Income goes
back to capital grants provided at the
time of maturity introduced in 1795 in
that it cannot even be considered a reform
the Agrarian Justice affects pamphlet by
in capitalism because it impacts only im-
Thomas Paine, [17] the famous theorist
mediately and palliatively on the conse-
who participated in the US and French
quences of social inequality and not on the
Revolutions. In the pamphlet, he discusses
cause of this inequality, which grows and
the origins of property and the idea of
reproduces cyclically at the same speed as
egalitarianism, progressive elements of the
capital accumulates.
infantile phase of bourgeois liberalism.
Marxists do not oppose elementary as-
But in the twentieth century, questions
sistance to the most precarious sectors of
about ownership and equality were left
the working class, including defending it
aside by neoliberal theorists. Today it is a
against right-wing politicians who seek to
policy suggested by international organiza-
reduce it or extinguish it where it is al-
tions such as the UN and the IMF, which
ready applied, but both reformists and
was reformulated by Milton Friedman
revolutionaries are not content with the
under the name of negative income tax
neoliberal formula. The former advocate
as reported by Abba Lerner in his
the extension of immediate assistance to
work The Economics of Control. Such a policy
all workers and with a value greater than
is also applied as a product of the pressure
that stipulated by the UN, paid for by pro-
of the impoverished masses and their
gressive taxation of large fortunes and
struggles, but it is so miserable and limited
profits and stop there but revolutionaries
link this demand to the revolutionary ex- Trotsky above, in particular the slogan of
propriation of capital itself in their transi- job sharing with no loss of pay and short-
tional programme. But we must be made er hours is one of the transitional de-
clear that this reformist policy is directed mands to be fought for in the unions,
primarily at containing the social revolt, together with a workers government and
to disorganize the struggle against the an immediate demand for an independent
bosses and their government, by stimulat- Labor party as the only way forward.
ing class collaboration with the supposed-
ly benevolent and sympathetic state. Tak- Xenophobia, blackmail in the
ing advantage of the quiescence and dis- service of the imperialist su-
organization of the proletariat promoted per exploitation
by the PT, at the first opportunity, impe- The US government estimates that there
rialism and its agents in Brazil expelled are about 11.3 million illegal immigrants
the PT from the government, carried out in the United States. Behind the pro-
a coup dtat under the guidance of the immigrant rhetorc, Obama was the US
corporations (the brothers Koch and president that deported the most immi-
George Soros) and Secretary of State Hil- grants in the last 30 years.
lary Clinton who unleashed a witch hunt
A review by Univision Noticias of the
against the PT, other left-wing parties and
numbers of deportations registered over
all the elementary rights of the working
class, holding even more tightly to the the past 30 years shows that President
Barack Obama is the leader who de-
Bolsa Famlia Program.
ported most people from the country in
The United States has practiced this
recent decades, more than Reagan,
policy of minimum income since 1975 to
George Bush senior, Clinton, or George
achieve the quiescence of the most pre-
W Bush. According to data published
carious sectors of the proletariat, which
by the Department of Homeland Secu-
did not prevent the erosion of the income
rity (DHS), between the fiscal years
of all workers by 25% before 2008 and
then an aggravation of this growing mis- 2009 and 2015, the number of depor-
tees was 2,571,860. [18]
ery after the crisis. This new idea of the
corrupt and mafia-linked US trade union The graph bellow is a striking confirma-
bureaucracy is a miserable mistake. If you tion of the historic rise in the rate of de-
concluded that is just a load of old non- portations under Obama:
sense you were absolutely right, but some Barack Obama has called himself the
workers may accept it and we might then champion in chief of immigration law
have to reassess how to relate to that situ- reform. Latino activists, angry at his
ation. Trade union leaders and ex-leaders administrations removal of illegal immi-
peddled such nonsense at the Democratic grants, have responded by calling him
Convention. The fact that so many trade the deporter in chief. What do the data
unions backed Clinton was one of the tell us?
reasons why Trump won. We strongly
America is expelling illegal immigrants
suggest that the programme outlined by
at nine times the rate of 20 years ago;
nearly 2m so far under Barack Obama, ness imperialism seeks to use mass psy-
easily outpacing any previous president, chology to poison workers with phobias
the Economist wrote in February 2014. such as xenophobia and Islamophobia to
Border patrol agents no longer just play them off against each other.
patrol the border; they scour the country Trump renewed his xenophobic black-
for illegals to eject. The deportation ma- mail and shortly after the election de-
chine costs more than all other areas of clared that he will deport up to three mil-
federal criminal law-enforcement com- lion illegal immigrants who have commit-
bined. ted crimes in the United States. The illegal
Critics may declare President Obama soft status is already a crime in itself for the
on immigration, but as this Reuters graph- empire, the non-payment of taxes (by the
ic shows, according to Immigration and workers) is another serious crime for the
Customs Enforcement (ICE) data the imperial state. But you cannot even pay
Department of Homeland Security de- taxes to the state when you are made ille-
ported 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014, gal by the state. Finally, the struggle for
down from 438,421 the year before. Each survival itself forces immigrants to do
year of the Obama administration has what they can clandestinely. In the end,
seen more deportations than any preced- most of the population, and not just the
ing president; the pre-Obama high of 11 million, are criminalised for something.
358,886 removals in FY2008 came during This is followed by the encouragement of
President George W. Bushs last full fiscal the glorification of their native class
year in office. [19] brothers and the state criminalisation of
Yet despite carrying out the largest num- the organizing of resistance by the masses.
ber of deportations in history, Obama has This is the leaven of fascist reaction and
expelled less than 25 percent of illegal the growth of terrorism by the increasing-
immigrants. The remaining 75 percent of ly police and militarized state.
the 11 million illegal immigrants are super Trump threatens to build a wall dividing
overexploited and put pressure for the the US from Mexico. We know that the
reduction of salaries on the rest of the US main purpose of these threats is to terror-
proletariat. Neoliberalism was the great ise and tame immigrants; it is more profit-
champion of globalization. But it does not able to criminalise so as to increase class
matter to the US that the undocumented exploitation than to get rid of this catego-
are not to be legalised. It is necessary to ry of empire slaves. Under threat of de-
keep them in the condition of illegal la- portation many will do any kind of work
bour, of precarious proletarians living on for any payment. And that is the main
the edge. Although all the bourgeois con- purpose of xenophobia; to set one part of
stitutions have in them the right to come the working class in competition against
and go, the only social class whose inter- another. After associating with your class
ests truly defend the right to migrate, to enemy, it will be the traitors turn to be
stay and to return anywhere is the work- stripped as well. This is the system. More
ing class, for them nobody is illegal. In the than ever our motto is proletarians of
struggle to control their class conscious- the whole world, unite!
The deportation policy is blackmail that with a xenophobic discourse are used to
immediately impacts on immigrant work- frighten the proletarian refugees. Trump
ers by forcing them to accept increasingly wants to reindustrialize the US by taking
difficult conditions of exploitation, but advantage of the devaluation of the work
then it also affects the white, black, docu- force, to vie with China for the competi-
mented native working class who are tion for the lowest value of production.
compelled to compete with immigrants in This is also what his slogan of Making
the increasingly precarious labour market America Great Again consists of. After
and submit to the brutal downgrading of years of exponential growth of misery in
their wages as well. Therefore, native the US with the 2008 crisis, Trump will
workers must overcome the intoxication try to put the US back into world compe-
of xenophobic ideology as a condition for tition for the lowest cost of production.
defending their This is a process
own wage condi- which has been
tions. Thats the growing for several
only way out. years now. Known
Xenophobia also as reshoring it
has the goal of links up with the
dividing workers movement of large
into whites, manufacturing firms
blacks and Lati- from well unionised
nos. The imme- northern plants in
diate demands to Palestinian workers from Hebron at Tarqumiya states like Detroit to
oppose this ma- early 2015, Credit, Emil Salman southern states like
noeuvre are the Kentucky with no or
defence of equal democratic, labour and very weak trade unions. The Economist
union rights for all workers and equal pay reported in January 2013:
for equal work. In addition in the US in- The number of firms known to have
dustrial protectionism will mainly affect reshored manufacturing to America is
Mexico, causing Mexican deindustrialisa- well under 100. Doubtless many more
tion and the return of manufacturing sec- are doing so quietly. Examples range
tors to the US. In this perspective, the from the tiny, such as ET Water Sys-
unity of the working classes of Mexico tems, to the enormous, such as General
and the United States is sharply posed. Electric, which last year moved manu-
Many undocumented migrants may be facturing of washing machines, fridges
expelled but they will still be a minority; and heaters back from China to a facto-
most will be subjected to super- ry in Kentucky which not long ago had
exploitation and remain as slaves or semi- been expected to close. Google has at-
slaves in the United States. The same is tracted a great deal of attention for de-
happening in Europe; redistributing hu- ciding to make its Nexus Q, a new me-
man labour power for super-exploitation dia streamer, in San Jose.

Trump aims to speed up this movement neo-fascist attitude towards Palestinians
enormously. This new empire policy, targeted them also. Haaretz reported in
resuming investment in production with- March 2015:
out abandoning speculation, will cause a The number of Palestinians from the
new depression in wages around the West Bank working in Israel both legal-
world. The unity of the proletariat, native ly and illegally doubled in the past four
and foreign, black, white, Latin, Oriental years to about 92,000 in 2014, in many
or Muslim against the bosses in a Labor cases displacing overseas guest workers,
Party against imperialism is the best tactic the Bank of Israel said yesterday.
to preserve the conditions of life, hous-
But Palestinians working in Israel get
ing and wages of the proletariat of the
paid less than their Israeli counterparts
richest nation on the planet.
even those working for the same employ-
Islamophobia and Zionism ers and few are getting pension and
There is more identity between Trump other benefits, the central bank noted.
and Zionism than it seems. Israels Zion- Palestinians entering Israel with a permit
ist imperialist ideology today is that pay significant fees to Palestinian and
which is most openly racist and resem- Israeli labour contractors. [22]
bles Nazism in the 21st century in the As for Islamophobia, it embraces a
form of an oppressive and expansionist double character, as well as being black-
state. Trump announces the construction mail to depress wages internally; it also
of a wall between the US and Mexico, has the external function of deepening
but that does not mean that the US will the criminal and historical association
prevent any passage of Latinos to work between US and Israel, which will tend to
for the empire. So too how the various be strengthened at a higher level by
walls between Israel and Palestine do not Trump after the cooling of relations be-
prevent the passage of immense waves of tween Washington and Tel Aviv in the
Palestinian wage earners to work in Israe- Obama era.
li cities. There are between 1 and 3 mil- Trump was very well received at AI-
lion illegal Latino migrants who travel PAC, the main Zionist organization in
from one side of the border to another the US, and not by chance, the Republi-
regularly to work as temporary, under- can victory was celebrated in Tel Aviv
paid and invisible farmworkers in the even as it continued to be repudiated
United States, [20] which Woody Guthrie inside the USA and internationally by
sang about so movingly in his bal- mass demonstrations. Trump was sup-
lad Deportee in 1948. [21] ported by sectors of the most reactionary
Israeli policy of replacing Palestinian fractions of the imperialist ruling class,
labour with guest foreign workers, many evangelists and racists, Christian funda-
from the Indian subcontinent, failed af- mentalists, gusanos (worms, as Fidel
ter Operation Protective Edge in July and Castro dubbed the right wing Cuban ex-
August 2014. Many left the country then iles from 1959 concentrated in Miami,
and they have not been replaced because Florida) and the Israelis. Israel hopes
of the appalling growth of far right and Trump will live up to his campaign
ister Netanyahu that the Israeli people
want a just and lasting peace with their
neighbours, but that peace will only
come when the Palestinians renounce
hatred and violence and accept Israel as
a Jewish State. Trump also vowed
extraordinary strategic, technological,
military and intelligence cooperation
between the two countries if hes elect-
ed. [23]
The Mail Online also reported on 26
October that Donald Trumps adviser
on Israel David Friedman said that Jew-
ish settlements in the occupied West
Bank were not illegal and he believed
the candidate agreed with him. Trump
promise to break agreements between was also tremendously sceptical
Obama and Iran and from now on the about the prospects for a two-state so-
new president will take a more lenient lution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
and permissive stance on Israels war- The United States has intensified criti-
mongering against the enemies of Zion- cism of Israeli settlement building in
ism in the region. the West Bank in recent months, warn-
According an Associated Press report ing it is eating away at hopes for a two-
carried by the Mail Online on 26 Sep- state solution. [24] No wonder there
tember when Donald Trump and Israeli were celebrations in Tel Aviv!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
met for 90 minutes they discussed Trump may lose US Latin
military assistance, security and region- American domains to China
al stability. Mr. Trump acknowledged After the crisis of 2008 the US lost
that Jerusalem has been the eternal cap- dominance in the world market to Chi-
ital of the Jewish People for over 3,000 na, Russia and its allies. Since the so-
years, and that the United States, under called Arab Spring it has embarked
a Trump administration, will finally ac- on a counter attack by every means. A
cept the long-standing Congressional series of coups dtats were unleashed
mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the in Honduras, Paraguay, Libya, Ukraine,
undivided capital of the State of Israel, Thailand, Brazil. In some countries,
the Trump campaign said. Trump rec- such as Syria, South Africa and Turkey,
ognized that Israel and its citizens have the coups did not triumph. Unlike in
suffered far too long on the front lines the past, the US has resorted less to
of Islamic terrorism, they added in the military interventions and has orientat-
statement. He agreed with Prime Min- ed more towards parliamentary or judi-

cial coup dtats, it relies more on institu- we must not dismiss reactionary politi-
tional political coups. This counterattack cians, defenders of the return of military
was most intense in the Latin American dictatorship and torture, like Bolso-
semi-colonies under Clinton as Secretary naro [27] in Brazil, who is as boastful as
of State. Trump. In a country
The end of the where the right does
cheap financ- not have a leader, it
ing of the debt can embody the fas-
snowball and the cist positions that are
reception of emerging as a solu-
speculative capi- tion to the country.
tal by the semi- The task for Brazils
colonial econo- workers is to take
mies comes with advantage of all the
the changes in contradictions of
the US Fed. In class enemies and the
this sense, it is Nicaragua Canal (2014) (blue line). Stars indi- resistance of the
possible that the cate Brito and Camilo Locks. The red line is the masses to the dictator-
puppet govern- border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. ship that gradually
Construction has not yet started.
ments of Presi- establishes itself in the
dent Macri of Argentina and Temer, the country to build the Anti Imperialist Unit-
post-coup leader in Brazil may have a fate ed Front. For that it must create Popular
like that of De la Ra who was President Committees against the coup government
of Argentina from 1999 to 2001 when he in defence of their rights. In this struggle
was forced to resign on 20 December over we must make a rigorous balance of the
the banking panic and riots that fol- tragedy of the PT, overcoming its coward-
lowed. [25] In 2001 the Argentine govern- ly bourgeois orientation and build new
ment lost its previous empathy from im- organizations of masses free from the in-
perialism when the fraction of Wall Street fluence of the pernicious policy of class
capitalists represented by Bill Clinton was conciliation. In Argentina, the revolution-
replaced by the fraction closest to the Mil- aries must invest their efforts in providing
itary Industrial Complex and the four oil a Marxist and revolutionary programme to
sisters [26]within US imperialism, itself al- the workers in struggle against the Macri
lied with Bush. government, to overcome the mistakes of
Be that as it may, nowhere in the world the Peronist, national and popular trade
should we underestimate the rise of the union bureaucracy.
extreme right and fascism. With the ad- Finally, there is the question of the coun-
vance of the right and the blows of impe- tries that still maintain national-populist
rialism in several countries, if Trump, once governments like Venezuela, Ecuador and
considered so ridiculous that even sectors Bolivia. It is necessary to combat the coup
of the right could not imagine his victory, agents in every way, to demand the arming

of all the people, to nationalize and expro- exploit their labour; and to organize their
priate all the means of production of the political independence from the Sandinis-
coupists. We must do so without sowing tas. Historically the Sandinistas have been
any political illusions in these Bolivarian completely opposed to the transformation
governments that rely more on the bour- of the anti-imperialist struggle into the
geois institutions of the State, the Army struggle for the socialist revolution and
and the Judiciary than on the working they are now a junior partner in the Chi-
population. nese capitalist exploitation of the Nicara-
With this policy, as opposed to advanc- guan workers.
ing towards socialism, self-defence of the Just like the Zionist lobby, the Cuban
masses, and the establishment of organiza- gusano lobby played an active role in
tions of workers and peasants power, securing the presidency for Trump. This
these governments strengthen the capital- indicates that the inclination of US imperi-
ist state. These political processes find alism to surround Cuba and stifle the
themselves at a deadly crossroads; the rev- workers state is reinforced. After Trumps
olutionaries stand for the united front to victory, Havana took two unprecedented
gain political influence over the masses precautionary measures: they congratulat-
and to build the workers and revolution- ed Trump and immediately announced a
ary party. These are the lessons of Pino- major military exercise of the Cuban Army
chets coup against Allende in Chile in and the Committees for the Defense of
1973.[28] the Revolution.
In the case of Nicaragua where the San- It is now necessary to unify all the strug-
dinista Front pushes for a pro-China poli- gles of workers and oppressed peoples
cy, Daniel Ortega overwhelmingly won against Trump and his ultra-reactionary
the last elections with more than 72% of project at the heart of the imperialist mon-
the vote. The Sandinista Front pushed for ster and everywhere else on the planet. We
a historic economic agreement between will do this through an Anti-Imperialist
Nicaragua and China through the con- United Front with all the political forces
struction by the company Asian HKND that coalesce in practice in the fight
Group of an interoceanic canal larger than against the empire, its multinationals and
the Panama Canal to boost international its agents, without feeding any illusions in
Atlantic-Pacific trade. This is a gigantic the bourgeoisies that momentarily clash
geostrategic project demonstrating Chi- with the US and the EU and without
nese advancement in Latin America while abandoning the struggle for the interna-
Trump announces the abandonment of tional socialist revolution.
the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement. In this task, the Liaison Committee for
In Nicaragua, it is for workers to strive the Fourth International makes the best of
with all their might to convert the country its militant efforts and invites the other
into a bastion of anti-imperialist struggle revolutionary Marxist organizations to
in Central America, but without submit- build together the World Party of Socialist
ting to plans of the Chinese capitalists to Revolution.

Mexicans demonstrate on 1 September -racist-police.html
[15] Kate McFarland, US: Continuing Publicity for
against Trump and unpopular President Andy Stern and Raising the Floor, August 11,
Enrique Pena Niet for inviting him. 2016,
[16] Amazon, Raising the Floor: How a Universal
Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild
the American Dream Hardcover 30 Jun 2016 by
Andy Stern, Review Author, Lee Krav-
[17] Wikipedia, Agrarian Justice, https://
[18] Univision Noticias, Obama es el presidente
que ms ha deportado en los ltimos 30
Notes [19] Mike Corones, Tracking Obamas deportation numbers,
[1] Extracted from The Guardian, 18 November, Donald February 25, 2015,
Trumps cabinet nominations: what we know so far, http:// dive/2015/02/25/tracking-obamas-deportation-numbers/ [20] Extension, Migrant Farm Workers: Our Nations Invisible
[2] In Marxist terms centrists are those Maoists, self- Population,
proclaimed Trotskyist and some other groups who contin- migrant-farm-workers:-our-nations-invisible-population,
ue opportunistically to use some aspects of the revolution- [21] Woody Guthrie, Deportee (Plane Crash At Los Ga-
ary programme whilst capitulating politically to a highly tos),
idealised memory of Mao, to liberal capitalism in general, [22] Haaretz, Moti Bassok Mar 04, 2015, Number of Palestini-
the left trade union bureaucracy and/or the political La- ans Working in Israel Doubled Over Four Years, Central Bank
bour bureaucracy Says, Palestinians have been displacing foreign workers because they
[3] In spelling style we have, for instance, used Labour in are more reliable and stay at their jobs longer, the central bank
the UK and Labor in the USA and retained US spelling in said.
quotes and UK spelling in the article as a whole. business/.premium-1.645266
[4] [23] The Mail online, 26 September 2016, Bibi meets The
economicos/sobrelacuestiondelastendencias.htm Donald in NYC and tells him a thing or two about building a wall
[5] Wikipedia, National debt of the United States, https:// while Trump promises Netanyahu he will recognize Jerusalem as Israels capital if he is elected,
[6] Rapee is a slang American ghetto term for a girl who [24] Afp Mail Online 26-10-16, Israeli settlements in West
had been tied down and gang raped. Its use by a statesman Bank not illegal: Trump adviser,
of any order is truly appalling. [25] Earlier in 2001 also the Slovak republic awarded De la
[7] Folha do Trabalhador, June 27, 2016, newspaper of the Ra the Order of the White Double Cross 1st Class in
Communist Workers Front, Brazil. 2001, an award beyond irony in the circumstances. http://
[8] Institute of Race Relations, Post-Brexit racism, http:// [26] Wiki, Big Oil, The supermajors are considered to be BP
[9] Socialist Fight No. 23, Autumn 2016, p. 8. plc, Chevron Corporation, ExxonMobil Corpora-
[10] Wikipedia, Chicago Boys, tion, Royal Dutch Shell plc, Total SA and Eni,
wiki/Chicago_Boys with ConocoPhillips Company also sometimes described as
[11] Leon Trotsky, On the Labor Party Question in the United forming part of the group.
States, (AprilJune 1938), Transcription/HTML Markup: Big_Oil
Chris Harman and David Walters, Proofread: Einde OCal- [27] James Armour Young, 27-4-16, Meet Brazils Donald
laghan (September 2015), Source: The Encyclopedia of Trump: Hes Deliberately Outrageous and He Wants to Be Presi-
Trotskyism On-Line, dent,
trotsky/1938/04/lp.htm [28] See Socialist Fight, Wang Hongwen, Historic Compromis-
[12] James Burnham, A Little Wool Pulling, New Interna- es, Ralph Miliband, Allende 1973 and Jeremy Corbynhttp://
tional, Vol.4 No.8, August 1938, pp.246-247. and Yao Wenyuan, The Chile Coup of
[13] Wikipedia, Black Lives Matter, https:// 1973 and the Communist Partys Historic Compromise,http://
[14] http://


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